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Evaluacin con el asesor

Segundo semestre de implementacin CAS

Estudiante: Mara Jos Alvarado
Nombre del asesor: Romaine Bayle
Fecha: _12 de Julio_,

Tercer encuentro
Fecha: 13 DE Julio DE 2016

Objetivo Cas


He adquirido una mayor

conciencia de mis propias
cualidades y reas de

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He orientado mi proyecto
hacia nuevos desafos

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He logrado proponer y
planificar las actividades
que hacen parte de mi

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He logrado trabajar en
colaboracin con otras

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He mostrado perseverancia
y compromiso personal en
mis actividades

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Mi proyecto y las
actividades que he
desarrollado inciden en
temas de importancia global

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He considerado las
implicaciones ticas de mis

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Por qu consideras que sta es tu puntuacin?

This semester I realized that I have a good
management and good oral group to express ideas
and activities. Similarly, I had to be very patient
and discovered that I have to assess everything
that despite the adversities that came my way so I
realized I'm very persistent.
Having many students in my proposal had to guide
the project so as not to get bored so it was a great
challenge having to adapt the proposal so that it
would please everyone. However, I could continue
demanding me more to achieve bigger challenges.

They think I've managed to develop this

objective in full and that I planned activities
from previous days and all were carried out as
planned although sometimes suffered minor
changes, just as all the materials needed for
each activity were acquired advance to avoid
The goal was achieved because worked
corporately so I could be enriched with the
teachings of my partner so that teamwork was
developed and an affinity between them so
generated that all activities were carried out
in the best as possible.
Because the group was part of my project was
very large, I had to be very patient and not get
discouraged when the activity did not develop
in the manner expected. There were days when
the population was very difficult to control but
eventually getting students to do case and
conduct activities. This gave me great
satisfaction as planned activities
conscientiously and with the greatest possible
attitude and desire.
I think this goal was achieved completely as
learning a new language is an issue of global
importance as it allows people to approach
other contexts outside their home country and
in the same way, meet other international
contexts. When making the proposal
corporately also it allowed adding a value to my
proposal because the values are essential when
learning a new language.
I have been very aware of both positive and
negative consequences that lead my actions. So
I tried to put the best approach to planning
and development thereof.

Evaluacin con el asesor

Segundo semestre de implementacin CAS

He logrado desarrollar
nuevas habilidades

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This is a goal that has been successfully

achieved as this project has enriched me as a
person on a large scale developing skills such as
persistence, commitment, empathy, tolerance
and patience as teamwork.

Conclusiones y acuerdos
surgidos en el encuentro

Analiza y evala tu programa CAS y reflexiona acerca del crecimiento personal.

Lograste alcanzar tus objetivos?
I consider that the students have knowledge of a new language including vocabulary,
grammar and pronunciation although not excellent. For example, learned colors,
types of sentences, personal pronouns...

Cmo integraste las tres reas de CAS en tu experiencia?

For the area of creativity, we tried to plan the most dynamic activities possible so
that non students get bored. For the area of action had to carry out the activities for
The things that I learned in CAS can be applied to my daily life and I learned to be
myself and go to the place where the population was to implement those activities
more toloreante and to reinforce other values which makes living try to improve
and the service area was achieved to the extent that all activities were performed for
every day as a person. In addition, the skills that the program allowed me to develop,
a vulnerable population They have more complex needs than others.
also allow me to afront the world with new skills that maybe other people did not
have the opportunity to develop as learning to manage time, how to act against
obstacles or express themselves in front of a large group of people.
Cmo puedes aplicar lo aprendido en CAS en tu vida cotidiana?

Qu aprendiste de ti mismo y de los dems? Qu aprendizajes te ha dejado haberte relacionado

y colaborado con otras personas?
I learned that I am a very patient person but as one of things that allowed to reach
this, was the CAS program. I also realized that empathy and tolerance is important to
relate to others because without them, a relationship of any kind will not work.
Finally, I learned that there are more shy people than another, more active or more
reflexion has
very contributed
important because
it allowed
me tothe
but been
that allows
lessons.from the program, and also allowed me to realize that has enriched me
as a person and that has strengthened my values and has given me new qualities to
face the world.

Qu papel ha jugado la reflexin dentro de tu experiencia?

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