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Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture

Sub. Code:

B.Tech (NA&OE) / 3rd Year

Vibration of Floating Structures

Date: 24.09.2013
Time: 2.00 - 4.00
Max. Marks: 50

1. Single DOF system vibration (8 marks)

(a) A platform weighing 700N is supported by four identical columns. Experimentally, 175000 N force applied
axially on one column produces a displacement of 2.54 mm. Damping ratio is 5%. Determine the following :
(i) Undamped natural frequency, (ii) damping coefficient, (iii) logarithmic decrement, (iv) the number of
cycles required for the amplitude to reduce from 2.54 mm to 0.254 mm.
1+1+1+1 = 4 marks
(b) An automobile 150N is mounted on four identical springs. Due to its weight, it sags by 0.23 m. Each shock
absorber has a damping coefficient of 0.4N for a velocity of 3 cm per second. The car is placed on a platform
which moves vertically at resonant speed, having an amplitude of 1 cm. Find the amplitude of vibration of
the car at the steady state. The centre of gravity is assumed to be at the centre of the wheel base.
2. Transient Vibration (7 marks)

What is the response of a spring-mass system to a saw-tooth

excitation as shown in Fig.1? Derive the response x(t).
Draw the dynamic loading factor (DLF) qualitatively as a
function of the rise time.
How does damping affect the DLF characteristics?
Explain the zero, dynamic and quasi-static behavior physically.
3. Multi-DOF system vibration (15 marks)
3+2+1+1 = 7
(a) Fig. 2 shows a massless rigid bar of length 2L
pivoted at the middle point constrained to move in
the vertical direction only.
Determine the expression of
(i) the natural frequencies of the system,
(ii) the mode shapes of the system.
3+4 = 7 marks

(c) Determine the system of governing differential equation of forced vibration of the 2-DOF system shown in
Fig. 3. Establish the mass matrix, the damping matrix, and the stiffness matrix; commenting on the coupling.
Find the steady state amplitude of the masses.
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8 marks

4. Continuous systems vibration (10 marks)

(a) For the torsional vibration of a rod whose both ends are free, determine the natural frequencies. Clearly
mention the boundary conditions. Assume the usual meaning of the symbols, m, L, G, E, Ip, , x, t. 3 marks
(b) Verify the boundary conditions and find the fundamental natural frequency of the lateral vibration of a fixed ( x)

ax 2
( L x) 2
24 EI

fixed beam by the Energy Method, using the deflection curve

, where a is a constant, E
is the Young's modulus of elasticity, I is the moment of inertia, L the length of the beam, and A the crosssectional area of the beam.
P( x, t ) Po sin sin t
(c) Find the forced vibration produced in an SS beam by a distributed load
. Use the
mode-summation method and consider the first two modes. Assume the usual meaning of the symbols, m, L,
E, I, x, t.
3 marks
5. Added Mass (5 marks)
Define and formulate the following in terms of the 2-D added mass coefficient in heave a332D : A37, A73,
A57, A75, A77.
6. Ship vibration (5 marks)
(a) What is the excitation frequency of propeller-induced vibration (PIV)? Which part of the hull is the most
susceptible to it?
(b) Tall deckhouses in merchant vessels are subjected to what kind of harmonically excited vibration? What is
Strouhal number?
(c) Which modes of motion/vibration are excited by head/following sea, beam sea, and quartering seas?
(d) Define whipping and springing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructions to the Examinee
1) Bring pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, set squares, compass, protractor, dividers.
2) Draw top and left margins on each page of 1 cm thickness. Put page numbers on the top right hand corner (North East).
3) Separate all answers by horizontal lines. Write horizontally, and not sloping upwards /downwards.
4) You are not permitted draw with the pen. Do not do free hand drawing.
5) All equations must have its units written at the right end in brackets.
6) Write legibly. Unacceptably poor handwriting will cause you to lose marks.
7) All answers must be self-explanatory : you should not need to return to the teacher and re-explain your answers in person!
8) Utilize the paper efficiently : do not leave blanks on left and right. Highlight the final answers in boxes.
9) Do not scratch on the script : strike out omitted parts neatly with a diagonal ruled pencil line.
10) All equations need to be numbered. All figured need to be numbered. All graphs/diagrams must be neatly labeled.
11) Rough work may be done in the rough column on the right hand side of each page. Make it not more than 2 inches wide.
12) Have a nomenclature on Page zero of your answer script, with symbols, quantities, and units.

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