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Chakra Healing: 3 Easy Vitality Techniques
Hi Friends,
Im Carol Tuttle and today I am excited to share with you 3 Easy Chakra Healing Techniques to
Vitalize Your Chakras, but first and to give you some helpful context, allow me to tell you my
Early in my career as a mother, I started to experience severe depression. With 5 children under
the age of 8, I didnt have time to be depressed! I went the route of traditional therapy to find
solutions to my very disabling condition, only to find long-term solutions that involved prescription
I decided that I did not want to settle for this solution. There had to be other ways to heal
my depression. So I went looking And I was not prepared for what I was about to find.
It was 1989 and back then, energy healing was such a foreign concept in our part of the world!
But somehow, something led me to it. In spite of it being so foreign, strange and unheard of, I
was open to it. Not just because my children deserved a healthy mother, but because I was drawn
to it.
Since then, I havent looked back. Ravenous for more information, I started studying a variety of
modalities from Reiki and Rapid Eye Therapy, EFT and Energy Medicine.. and even receive Master
Certifications in some of them. In 1994 I realized that I have not only healed my depression, but
had now gathered so much knowledge to share with the world! It was then that I decided to
become an Energy Therapist.
Since then, Ive successfully taught tens of thousands of others to use energy healing tools to heal
their lives. What has even more value to me is the opportunity to use these tools in my role as
a mother to help my children grow in wonderful, holistic health and well-being through the
years. They are all adults now and energy healing continues to bless their lives.
Understanding Your Energy System

In the field of holistic health, energy medicine and

energy psychology are growing rapidly. But in order to heal with energy effectively, we must first
understand the nature of our energy system and how to support yourself in maintaining vital
life-force energy, otherwise known as chi in Chinese.
What do I mean by that? Everyone has an invisible energy system that flows energy on pathways
or meridians. These same meridians have multiple pressure points that have been a means of
working with the energy to keep it flowing. Acupressure, acupuncture, and reflexology are the
more common modalities we have in the Western world.

When your energy is leaking, weak, or frozen you feel depleted, heavy and even stuck! When you
are energy-depleted and challenged, it is more difficult to manage your emotions, think positive
thoughts, stay healthy and attract harmony to your life.
I assisted a woman who was bedridden due to a severe case of chronic fatigue. I spent eight
weeks working with her bodys energy system to restore it to good health, and teaching her how
to take care of her own energy health. Today, she is out of bed and fully active! Her parents call it
a miracle!
I, on the other hand, think otherwise.
Because anyone can attain amazing holistic health.
For those of you who doubt that, let me share something with you: Our energy responds very
quickly when we know what to do to correct it. After all, its just energy.
Everyone has an invisible energy system called chakras. The word chakra means energy disc,
vortex, or wheel. There are seven energy stations positioned from the base of your spine to the
top of your head. These wheels of energy compose the 7 primary chakra energys that each play a
big role in every aspect of your life and well-being.
In energy health, if you are losing or leaking energy at the base chakra located at the bottom of
your spine, you may feel depression, anxiety and exhaustion. If any of your chakras are frozen or
weak, different areas of your life will be more challenging depending on which chakra is weak.
3 Easy Ways to Vitalize Your Chakras for Better Energy Health
Right now, Im going to share with you three very simple things you can do to vitalize and
energize your chakras to achieve the level of holistic energy health youve always wanted.
1. Patch your base chakra energy leaks
When there is a leak, you have to patch it. Many people are energy-depleted because they are not
able to hold enough life force energy or chi. In this energy condition, you are flushing energy
down and away from you, much like a toilet flushes water down. In order to maintain good energy
health, you want energy spiraling up into your base chakra. Heres one way you can do it in
4 easy steps:
Close your eyes and imagine you can see the energy leaking out of your tailbone.
Imagine a patch large enough to cover the leak.
Place the patch over the leak.
Imagine you can go beneath the energy and reverse the flow to spiral it up into your body
through your tailbone.
2. Open up your crown chakra

Why is this important? Life force energy is

also fed to us through ourcrown chakra. The crown chakra is located on the top of your head.
We maintain a higher life force energy when our crown chakra is open and active.
When the crown chakra is closed or weak, we feel a lack of vitality and direction in our lives. As a
result we look to others rather than our own spiritual compass for guidance.
Heres a simple, but very effective way to open up your crown chakra to receive energy in

Place the finger tips of each of your hands on the top of you forehead where your hairline
starts. Your fingertips should be touching.
Now pull your fingertips away from each other as though you were opening up your crown.
Move your fingers 2 inches above the starting point and repeat the same movement.
Do this over the entire crown of your head until you reach the nape of your neck. Take 3
deep breaths to anchor in this opening.

3. Activate your third chakra

Disruption of the flow of your life force energy occurs when a chakra is frozen or weak. It is
common for individuals to have a frozen or weak third chakra. The third chakra represents
your will, power, confidence and sense of self. This results in a lack of confidence and will to
move forward enthusiastically with towards your goals. The third chakra energy wheel is located 2
inches above the navel in the solar plexus area. These simple steps will help you activate your
third chakra effectively:
Rub your palms together swiftly creating static electricity.
Place the palm of your right hand on your solar plexus, rotating your palm in a clockwise
direction while repeating: I am powerful, I am the will of creating what I want.
Repeat these steps 2 or 3 more times.
Your chakra energy is one of your most powerful and important energy systems.
I highly recommend you study this system in more detail to change the results of your life.
Whether you are a veteran student of energy medicine or brand new to this information, the
chakras energy system is one of the most important to understand how to work with.
If youve got any questions for me that youd like answered, just leave a comment on this post.
Healing, Balancing Chakra Meditation Techniques
Balancing your chakras involves getting into your bodys energy field; sensing it where it is
strong and where it is weak; and directing your mental and emotional energy to clear blockages
and bring the system back into harmony. Energetic blockages result in your chakras being out of
balance; some may be overactive, some underactive. Either way, you experience physical, mental,
emotional and even spiritual problems. You can use chakra meditation techniques to clear and
balance the energy flow in your personal energy field.
In the world of quantum physics, there is no such thing as solid matter. Everything can be broken
down into energy; so learning to direct life-force energy through your body is

really a matter of clearing out negative energies from your aura, which is all of the different
energies that make up the physical you.
Energy healing is all about harmony and balance. Think about when you hear a song you really
like, a song that resonates with you. It literally resonates, or vibrates, in a way that is in
harmony with your energy field. Similarly, a song that grates on your nerves has an energetic
resonance that goes against your energy. You instinctively want more of what resonates with you
and less of what doesnt! When you clear your chakras, you allow the negative energies that dont
resonate with you, to clear out of your energy field.
To create balance and harmony and to do any type of energy healing, you need mental quiet so
you can sense the energy and the areas in which its blocked. Your mind must be free of chatter,
free from the constraints of the intellect and logic, and open to receiving the information you need
for healing.
The Energy Body
Your energy body is the collection of various energies that make up your physical body; but more
than that, it is also the energy of your thoughts and emotions.
Just like eating healthy foods positively influences your physical body, a diet of
positive thoughts nurtures your energy body. Persistent negative thoughts like anger,
sadness and fear all negatively impact the body/mind/spirit at the energetic level by acting as
roadblocks to the free flow of energy. This manifests as physical changes in the body (illness
disease, dysfunction). Its been documented that thoughts actually create physical changes in
DNA! Energy blockages also manifest as mental and emotional disorders like depression and
anxiety; and a sense of spiritual disconnect and a feeling that existence is meaningless.

Use the power of thoughts and emotions to clear blockages

If youve ever walked into a room and felt a certain vibe even without receiving physical clues
such as peoples speech or body language, then you know how powerfully energy can influence
you. And if other peoples energy can influence you, what do you think your own thoughts and
emotions do within you? They are extremely powerful!
Chakra Meditation
Meditation is the perfect opportunity to change the tone of your thoughts toward the positive and
to clear and balance your chakras. Heres how:
First, get into the meditative state. You need to have a quiet, calm mind with focused thoughts
before you can begin focusing on your chakras. Begin by bringing your attention to your
breathing. Really get into the whole experience of breathing (something you normally take for
granted). Feel the inhale; pause; exhale delight in this simple yet incredibly complex physical
and spiritual act. Anytime your thoughts wander, bring your attention back to the simple rhythm
of your breath. Dont allow yourself to get frustrated if you have trouble focusing your mind. Be
persistent. Gently redirect your attention. Your mind will eventually relax and comply!
Once you are relaxed use your imagination (an immensely powerful manifesting, healing and
creative tool) to visualize your root chakra, at the base of your spine. Image it as a red, spinning
wheel of energy. Now, really get into that chakra intuitively. Let go of logic and reality. Get into

that bright red wheel of energy. You must let go of any preconceived notions about what youre
supposed to see. Allow what you see to guide you.
Notice the direction that the energy is spinning in that chakra. If the energy is spinning
counterclockwise, the energy is moving away from the chakra (giving). If it is spinning clockwise,
the energy is coming into the chakra (receiving).

Allow the energy to flow through your chakras

To balance the chakras and clear blockages, begin by allowing the energy to flow in. Use your
imagination to create a clockwise spin to the energy vortex. Focus on the color, too, making sure
you visualize a bright, vibrant red. Then focus on creating a counterclockwise spin to the vortex.
Relax into the visualization and feel the energy shift.
Repeat this with each chakra, from root to crown. Go slowly. Take your time clearing each chakra;
spend more time on those where you feel resistance or where its difficult to spin the chakra.
You can use your hand to help you hold your attention on a particular chakra simply place it on
the physical location of each chakra as a physical reminder to be here, now.
You may feel a very strong release when you clear a chakra. It may feel like heat, or a tingling,
or a lightness. Anything positive that you feel, is a good sign! Even if you feel nothing, the power
of thoughts/intentions is at work!
Once your meditation has taken you through each chakra, imagine them spinning in harmony,
each wheel as bright and vibrant as the next.
During your meditation, avoid frustration! Being frustrated by an inability to see your
chakras or feel them only adds to the negativity that is blocking your life force energy.
It doesnt matter if you have any proof that your meditation is working. Just roll with it, relax
into the world of your imagination, where there are no limits nothing can exist in your
imagination that you dont place there yourself! If you imagine energy flowing freely through your
chakras if that is your intention then that is what will happen!
Open the Chakras With Meditation for Healing
In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is
like a laser beam it is very powerful and healing can happen. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
How the Mind Influences Healing

Perfect health is more than just the optimal functioning of the bodys systems. Since the mind,
body, emotions and spirit are aspects of the same, you can use meditation for healing to awaken
all of your inner healing capacities and enable them to work together to create perfect health.
You may have heard that at the root of all illness and disease is the mind; that negative thoughts
and emotions interfere with the free flow of life energy. This is true, even when an external forces
such as bacteria or viruses are attacking the body. There is a constant interaction between the
human body and external forces, but your mindset plays a huge role in whether you will succumb
to illness or not; and if you do, how fast and how thoroughly you will recover.
Your immune system isnt just a physical function, it is mental, as well. So the mind must be
managed in order to give your body the best possible chances when it comes to dealing with
pathogens, and in repairing itself and restoring health and harmony.
Always keep in mind, no matter how terrible you feel physically, a positive state of mind will
positively impact the body. Of course this works in reverse too, which is why it is so easy to sink
into an emotional funk if you are feeling physically unwell. But if you can master the mind, you
can improve the condition of your body!
Meditation will help master the mind as well as unblock stagnant energy in the chakras, allowing
the life force energy to flow freely. Stress is an important contributor to disease, and in some
cases a direct cause. Relieving persistent anxiety, worry, fear, anger and hopelessness will help set
the wheels of healing in motion.
The Power of Thoughts and Emotions

Lets talk about the power of thoughts and emotions. You can think of your thoughts and emotions
as either healing, or as pollution. Your emotions and thoughts affect the people around you as well
as your own health. You may think youre the only one who is feeling your sadness but you are
radiating that energy and you affect everything around you. Its important to be aware of your
negative thought patterns and habits and the effects they have.
You may not be aware of how YOU impact the world, but you are certainly aware of how your
state of mind is affected when you hear negativity spoken by people around you; and in turn, how
your reaction to their words affects your health. You decide, consciously or not, whether a
persons negativity will affect your state of mind. But its not just words its the persons vibe
that you feel.
Take two approaches to use meditation for healing, in this order:
1. Awareness. Any undesirable condition you are experiencing means there is negative energy
somewhere in your energy field. You can do a self-assessment by focusing your awareness on
each chakra. Dont rush through this self-assessment, thinking you know exactly whats wrong
with you. Your physical symptoms are manifestations of the effects of certain types of energy in
the body, and they can be totally unrelated to what you think causes them. For example, not all
weight problems are due to overeating, lack of exercise and other lifestyle factors. If you have
become accustomed to being stressed all the time, or even a little depressed, you might not
notice it anymore because youre become desensitized but the effects on your body remain!

Focus on positive emotions

Take some time to feel the energy spinning in the chakra and the vibrancy of that chakras color. If
it intuitively feels sluggish, or the energy doesnt feel like its spinning but moving erratically; and
if the color seems dim or muted, that chakra is blocked. You can also refer to a chakra chart to
refresh in your mind which chakras are associated with which aspect of your health, and take note
of any noticeable physical symptoms. Then, add your mental, emotional and spiritual state to the
mix. Blockages in the chakras affect you on so many levels, so take your time identifying where
you are struggling.
2. Healing. You are essentially getting to the root of the problem; instead of focusing on healing
the physical symptoms, you are focused on healing from within by getting rid of the cause. Then,
your syymptoms will subside on their own!
First, empty your mind of all negative energy thoughts, emotions, ideas and fill it with
positive thoughts, emotions and ideas. Visualization helps tremendously. Visualize yourself
in perfect health and that includes emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well as
physically! Just visualize yourself as calm, happy, centered, open, connected amplify any
feeling that feels joyful and avoid giving energy to the negative feelings.
Next, visualize each chakra, one by one. Visualize energy moving easily through the chakra
as it spins freely. Visualize this energy entering each cell in your body imagine it as love
and light, powerful and energizing and imagine that energy intensifying each cells innate
creative intelligence and self-healing capacity.
As you imagine the chakras opening, imagine a total release of negative energy in your
body. As you imagine each cell being filled with light and love, where do the dark energies
go? Well, they leave your energy field so imagine your whole body filling with light. No
more negativity!
After doing this, you will feel calm and joyful. Your mind will be clear and your emotions positive.
Most of us have layers and layers of accumulated energies of past emotional hurts, so it may take
time to peel these layers away one by one and clear the chakras affected by those hurts. Keep at
it you will see positive results!
Patient, Heal Thyself! How to Use Intuitive Healing

Have you ever wondered if intuitive healing can help you or if you can learn to use it yourself?
Intuitive healing is a type of energy or spiritual healing that uses non-invasive methods to locate
and correct energy imbalances in the body. It is not yet well-accepted in the Western medical
community; however, energy healing has been used with great results for thousands of years.
Heres a look at intuitive healing and how it helps you heal yourself.
What Is Intuitive Healing Used For?

Emotional problems such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and panic attacks are commonly
treated by opening the chakras to restore free flow of energy to the bodys physical and emotional
Physical ailments can be healed as well. Chronic pain, asthma, joint stiffness and many other
physical symptoms are representative of energy blockages. If the energy blockages are removed
and harmonious balance is restored, the symptoms can spontaneously disappear. Western
medicine is still very slow to accept the efficacy of energy healing methods, although it is
acknowledged that the power of the mind plays a significant role in the healing process.
Locating Energy Blockages and Imbalances
The healer uses his or her senses to locate energy imbalances (which manifest as undesirable
physical symptoms). This can be done in a completely hands-off manner by observing the
patients aura. An energy blockage alters the color of the patients aura at the point of the
blockage, which occurs in the bodys energy centers or chakras.
Since each chakra corresponds to a certain aspect of a persons life, the healer can also locate the
blockage by observing the quality of the patients life in various areas such as relationships, selfesteem, wealth, etc.
Another method is to use the hands to scan the body for blockages again, not by touching the
patient but by sensing energy flow or lack of it.
The Healing Process
Once an energy blockage is located, the healer engages the patient in the healing process. The
healer acts like a facilitator, guiding and supporting the patient through self-healing using
mental, emotional, spiritual and physical methods such as visualization and focused
The healer instructs the patient to visualize the energy blockage and use any number of
techniques to break the blockage down (these techniques may vary from practitioner to
practitioner). Techniques such as visualizing healing light, visualizing the blockage breaking into
tiny pieces and dissipating, or visualizing the blockage melting away as positive energy is directed
at them, are just three examples of techniques used.

Use the power of the mind to self-heal

In this non-invasive way, the body is encouraged to use its own healing resources to restore
balance and harmony in the system.
Some people add other healing methods such as herbal remedies to further support the body in
its healing process.
How to Improve Your Intuitive Healing Abilities
Yes, you do have intuitive healing abilities. Everyone does! Its just that most people havent
learned to direct the power of their mind. Heres how to get started:
1. Change your attitude. A lot of your attitude or outlook on life flies below the radar,
outside your awareness. Its due to persistent negative beliefs. These are the same beliefs that
caused the energy blockages in the first place! Notice any areas of struggle in your life: these
clearly point to self-limiting beliefs you hold about yourself: for example, Im not good enough to
be successful or Nobody can love someone like me. You dont even know these beliefs exist, yet
they manifest in your life circumstances and in your health problems!
2. Know your body. Not many of us are all that attuned to our bodies. Be aware of the physical
feelings you have, every day not just the big aches and pains, but the more subtle things like
persistent but less annoying things you may have just gotten used to: dry skin, bloating, gas,
fatigue, low libido, etc. These are signs from your body that somethings not right! The body does
a great job of self-repair, when given a chance, but any persistent problem means the system is
out of balance. Learn to sense your energy (chi or prana) by doing a systematic body scan
(feet to top of head) where you visualize your chakras each chakra corresponds to a different
color and hold your attention on each one until you sense its color and vitality. If a color seems
weaker than the others, theres a blockage.
3. Listen to your intuition. Your inner guidance is always available to teach you and point you in
the right direction. Its guidance sometimes goes counter to the intellect. You can open the doors
to intuition by meditation or prayer. Your answers come in the form of hunches, visual images,
sounds, gut feelings, memories or a knowing. These feelings can be strong or subtle. You may
receive answers in your dreams. These can be tough to interpret because the symbols used by the
mind are sometimes bizarre. Keep a dream journal and write down and interpret every dream you
can remember especially the recurring ones, which are essential to understand! The more you
learn to listen to your intuition, the easier you will come to notice it and trust it.

Meditation and visualization are two healing techniques

4. Direct your energy. Focus your mental and emotional energy on healing. Visualize the body
as completely healthy (not being healed or healing which is the process, not the end result).
Also avoid giving thought to the existing condition because what you think about, comes
about. Visualize the end result you want perfect health in every aspect of the
word! Use the visualization techniques described above to specifically direct the healing energy.
5. Allow. Allow the healing to work. Dont second-guess, dont doubt. Set your intention to heal,
use visualization and emotional power of thoughts, and kick back and let your body do its thing!
Why Intuitive Healing Works
Intuitive healing works because of the mind-body connection. Interestingly, there is really no such
connection because that would imply that the mind and body are separate. Theyre not! They are
aspects of the same thing, just as you cannot separate a side of a piece of paper from the
material its made of.
Even if you dont consider yourself a healer, you are one! You have the power to self-heal, if you
master your mind and apply your thought/emotional energy to healing.
How to Apply Chakra Therapy Using Sound and Color
Sound has a physiological effect on us. The chakras can be positively affected by different sound
frequencies and vibrations. Using sound in chakra therapy can help you to release negative
emotions just by using energy since everything is energy, your chakras will come into tune with
the sound you use, just like an instrument is tuned to a specific frequency of a tuning fork. The
idea here is that an even, balanced sound resonates within the body and the chakras, allowing
them to become balanced as well.

One popular therapy is the use of singing bowls. Each singing bowl is able to carry three different
vibrational resonances that are in harmony with each other, much like a three-note chord played
on a musical instrument like a piano or guitar. These vibrational notes each correspond to one of
the chakras in your body. Think of the musical notes you can play on an instrument. Each of those
notes matches itself with one of the seven main chakras. Played through musical instruments,
song, sound machines, singing bowls or any other apparatus that can create smooth, continuous
sound, these notes can harmonize and balance the entire system.
What are singing bowls and how do they work?
Singing bowls are, in fact, bells that have been made in the shape of a bowl. They are typically
placed on cushions on the floor and played using a wooden mallet called a striker. The rims and
sides of the singing bowls are rubbed with the striker in order to make a continuous humming
sound. Striking the sides of the bowls creates a gong-like sound. The continuous sounds allow a
continuous, even frequency to resonate within the body, bringing the related chakra into harmonic
balance. The gong-like sounds help to keep sharp focus and concentration. The different vibrations
and frequencies created by the singing bowls resonates with each of our chakras, healing them
and correcting imbalances that have occurred. This is a very soothing yet energizing physical
experience, as the sounds created by these bowls can be felt all throughout the body.

The vibrations and sounds from the singing bowls are able to
find the imbalances within your chakras and repair them. Think about how your body keeps in
time when you listen to music. Your heart begins to beat in time with the base; you breathe in and

out in time with the melody. Your whole body seems to be rhythmically in tune with the music you
are listening to. Sound serves the same purpose in chakra therapy, simply bringing the body, mind
and emotions into harmony with the spirit.
Singing bowls can be expensive, so if you decide you would really like one, choose the one that
resonates most with you your favorite tone. Resonance is important if something resonates
with you it means it is a vibrational match for you. It makes you happy! Dont worry about
choosing one that is geared toward a specific chakra because the blockage may be temporary so
choose a bowl that makes you happy, because this one frequency can be a sort of master
frequency that helps balance YOU. Of course, if you can afford them all, go for it. Creating music
with singing bowls is an incredibly rewarding, joyful practice!
The Chakra Notes
The root chakra corresponds with the note C
The sacral chakra corresponds to the note D
The solar plexus chakra corresponds to the note E
The heart chakra corresponds to the note F
The throat chakra corresponds to the note G
The third-eye chakra corresponds with the note A
The crown chakra are connected to the note B

You can either use a singing bowl or any other instrument to

have a continuous vibration at a specific frequency; or, another method is to hum the notes, either
during meditation or simply anytime you remember to do it a great time is when youre taking a
walk, cleaning the house, folding laundry, etc. You dont have to be a great singer or musician to
do this! The classic, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do sequence is easily learned in the song Do Re
Mi from The Sound of Music is all you need to learn its fun, memorable, uplifting and a great
way to learn the sounds of each note.
Essentially, when you sing or chant each note, you want to hold that note until you physically feel
a resonance in your throat; if youre highly attuned to your body, you may feel the resonance in
other parts of your body as well, but if you dont, its still there, doing its job. Allow the note to
resonate in your throat, holding it for the duration of your breath, and repeat for several minutes.
Visualize the sound frequencies vibrating in the chakra, clearing out any blockages much like
ultrasound therapy breaks up crystals in the gallbladder or urinary tract. Its really the same
concept, except that the blockages you are dealing with in the chakras are not of a physical
Use the colors of the chakras in your home, and in your wardrobe. Wear the colors that intuitively
feel are healing to you. When you meditate, visualize the color associated with each chakra
vibrant, spinning happily in perfect harmony in fact, create a symphony of color and sound
within you, allowing the frequencies to mesh and harmonize.
Most importantly, your intentions drive the healing process! Set your intention that you ARE
healthy, happy, energized, etc. Its very, very important to focus your intention on being healthy in
the present tense. Avoid giving energy to I need to clear this chakra or any thoughts about the
current situation. You know what the current situation is, and if you give it more emotional and
mental energy, you will only feed the monster and perpetuate the situation.

Set your intentions on what you want, and when you want it (perfect emotional,
physical, mental and spiritual health NOW).
Chakra Meditation: Healing the Body and the Mind
Feeling Exhausted or Damaged by the World Around You?

The modern world in which we all live can be a

baffling, stressful and exhausting place. Many of us spend most of our time working in jobs which
are either physically or mentally demanding, or simply monotonous and unrewarding. We are
instructed to ease our discomforts and worries with material possessions, to use retail therapy to
stop us looking at our lives and the way we live them, and noticing that we are missing
something. It comes as little surprise that more and more people nowadays are starting to
recognize that life was never meant to be this way. For centuries and millennia before our
generation, people lived with a closer connection to the earth around them, and relied on their
friends and families for support.
The community was a real concept back then, not merely an abstract idea used in advertising and
political broadcasts people really understood each others lives and helped each other, possibly
because they had a greater understanding of their own lives and needs, and selfishness was out of
the question. Not only this, but generations ago, we had a greater understanding of our bodies.
Whilst the modern age has introduced hundreds of effective and powerful medicines, and modern
medical science continues to grow and develop in remarkable leaps and bounds, it has changed
the way we see our bodies. If we recognize that we are unwell, we now focus on curing the
symptoms of the illness, or the virus or bacteria or problem which has arisen.
If we recognize that we are suffering mentally or spiritually, modern doctors are likely to prescribe
a range of medicines which change the way we think, and encourage us to ignore our sadness, or
frustration, or desperation. These methods may be effective in one sense, but they fail to see the
body as more than simply the sum of its parts. They fail to recognize the importance and the
existence of the spirit, or the way in which the body produces, uses and transmits energies in
order to keep us healthy and motivated. Most importantly of all, modern living and modern
healing ignores the source of problems and illnesses, leaving them more than likely to return in
some form or another.
Looking East for Answers

This wasnt always the case, and more and more people are awaking to this
truth. In the eastern world, the body, the mind and spirit have always been seen as fundamentally
entwined realities, and problems and illnesses, or difficulties such as depression and frustration,
were and continue to be seen as the result of blocked or leaking energies. The wisdom of ancient
cultures from countries such as India and China has survived the millennia through writings and
practices, and is now more available to the general public all over the world, thanks to the advent
of the internet. In India particularly, thousands of years of careful examination of the human body
and spirit resulted in a deep knowledge of the passage of energies through the physical form,
something which has not only formed the basis for much of subcontinental Asian culture, but is
also being embraced with open arms by the western world today.
This cant come as much of a surprise to anyone we are tired of living the way that we do. So
many people are turning to the wisdoms of India, whether through yoga classes, healing sessions,
chanting, and other eastern countries to fill the void that western society and culture has left in
their hearts. This void has begun to damage us, also. We see an ever increasing list of physical
and mental complaints in the western world which have come about as a result of our detached
and spiritless lifestyles, and we are longing for a more holistic cure.
What is this cure? For many of us, it comes about from a greater understanding of how our bodies
work, and how we are able to effectively and enjoyably heal ourselves by seeing our physical
forms in their entirety. Not only this, but we must look to our minds and spirits as not being
something separate or detached from our physical bodies, but as being important components
which are part and parcel of ourselves. Should our mind or spirit become sick or slow, we should
no longer express surprise at how this causes our bodies to also become unwell. In an interesting
way, we have always known this to be the case. We often associate stress or heartbreak with
physical symptoms (be they ulcers, high blood pressure or any of the others), but many of us are
hesitant to take this logic further. With knowledge of how our energy really works, and how it
flows and cycles through our bodies, we can begin to unlock the secrets of how to cure our ills and
live stronger, healthier and more confident, happy, empowered lives.
The Energy of the Body

Our bodies have hundreds of energy centers within them,

tempering, controlling, pushing, transmitting and receiving energy from the inside to the outside,
and vice versa. However, we have seven key energy centers within us large ones, governing
particular parts of our physical form and various emotional and spiritual attributes alongside them
known as the chakras. These chakras (translating as wheels or vortexes in Sanskrit) are
powerful, pulsing centers of energy which run in a straight line through the center of our body.
Beginning at our tail bone, and ending at the top of our head, these chakras are both connected to
the earth below us, and the heavens above, and ground us and inspire us in equal measures.
Each chakra is responsible for not only providing our bodies with the energy it requires in order to
function happily and healthily, but also to ensure that our emotional lives are running in a positive
direction, that our connection with the divine is felt and understood, that our true voices and
inspiration can be found and utilized, and that our path in life can be followed freely and
creatively. The root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras, when open
and spinning as they should, allow us to live happy, confident and liberated lives. They allow us to
work, nurture, express ourselves and love one another, as well as feeling loved, special and
As such, it is vitally important not just for our physical health, but for our all-round, holistic
health, to ensure that our chakras are well looked after and kept open and unblocked. Should an
individual chakra become blocked, or depleted of energy, you will begin to notice various
symptoms of this blockage manifest themselves in your life. Depending on which chakra is
effected, this could be anything from physical health problems, to a lack in confidence or faith in
your choices, decisions and path, a loss of passion or sensuality, or a sensation of loneliness or a
loss in faith.
Chakra Balancing Meditation

So how do we ensure that our chakras remain open and working

properly? There are many methods, and these can range from crystal therapy, light therapy and
performing affirmations, to massages, yoga and many things in between. Many of the methods for
opening chakras simply involve changing your daily routine a little, spending more time outside or
in the company of friends and family, or simply making efforts to alter your perception of certain
situations. It doesnt need to be a big struggle to open your chakras, and many methods will
ensure that youll begin to notice positive effects very quickly indeed.
One practice which is guaranteed to have a positive effect, and has thousands of years of history
behind it, is meditation. Meditation has been performed in much of the eastern world for
millennia, by all manner of people and for all kinds of reasons. It is an effective way to relax, it is
good for the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health and well-being, or it could be used as
part of religious practices and faith. Whatever state of health or well-being you may be in, we can
all benefit from regular meditation even as little as twenty minutes per day as a way of
retreating from the busy, hectic world we live in, and stilling our minds and hearts for a while to
allow our true selves to come forward.
Meditation can be undertaken in several different ways. If you are new to meditation, it would be
well worth your time to investigate a few different methods, and to experiment with each one until
you find one which suits you and your body and mind. However, there are some basic beginners
techniques which everyone can benefit from. Try finding a comfortable quiet spot in your home,
somewhere that you will not be distracted, and somewhere which can be used primarily for
meditation and little else. Begin by sitting cross-legged, and breathing deeply in through your
nose and out through your mouth. Hold your breath for a second or two longer than you normally
would as you inhale, and keep your lungs empty for a couple of seconds longer than usual as you
As you do this, close your eyes and concentrate on emptying your mind of any thoughts or
stresses or worries it can often help to visualize yourself floating on an expansive ocean, where
you are alone and at peace. As you become more and more comfortable, and more and more
relaxed, begin to concentrate on your breath. Focus on feeling your inhalation moving outwards
from your lungs, follow the healing, pure oxygen as it travels around your body. By focusing on
each breath, and on each part of your physical body, you can begin to open and focus on
individual chakras.
Visualizations for Healing

When we are sitting cross-legged, our

chakras are in perfect alignment, lined up between the earth below and the skies above. Whilst
you are meditating, you can focus on whichever chakra you feel needs the most work and
nurturing attention, and thus bring all of your bodys energies into harmony with one another. It
can help to do a chakra test (which you can find on this site), where you enter your symptoms
and get a breakdown of which chakra is possibly blocked or depleted of energy. Follow your breath
to this particular part of the body, and visualize the chakra itself, turning slowly and glowing with
colorful energy. It may help to visualize the chakra as blocked, or damaged, as then we can adapt
our visualizations and concentration towards healing and opening it. Use the energy you take from
the air as part of your deep breathing, and push the sense of relaxation and rejuvenation towards
the blocked chakra.
Find out if your chakras are blocked
Take Carols Free Chakra Test to find out!
Imagine you can see it begin to glow a little brighter, turn a little faster. If you have been sensing
that your chakras are depleted of energy, or you in yourself feel exhausted by the world and
frustrated by your lack of willpower, focus on pushing energy from all around you, or from other
parts of your body towards that chakra. You can achieve this by visualizing a stream of energy
leaving your body, and by reversing the flow of the stream so you begin to pull or force positive
energy from your surroundings and your thoughts back into the body, and rising up through your
torso from your root to your crown.
The more you visualize, the stronger the effect will be, so when you bring your meditation to a
close, you can hopefully begin to notice small but significant differences in how your body feels.
Indeed, visualizations are a powerful tool when it comes to chakra healing and chakra
meditation they are what unites the physical body with the mind and spirit, and remind us that
we are more than simply the sum of our parts.
Whatever you attempt when it comes to chakra healing, remember to persevere and not submit
to frustration or feelings of powerlessness. Our chakras and our bodies in general are in a delicate
balance, and simply by thinking positive thoughts whilst we meditate, or repeating empowering
and positive affirmations to ourselves as a part of regular chakra meditation, we can bring about
profound changes in the health of our chakras. Our will is our greatest tool in this life, and if we
can will ourselves to believe we are strong, healthy, confident and special, our bodies will respond
in ways we perhaps never imagined possible.
Expanding the Heart Chakra Through Heart Chakra Meditation
For your general well-being, its important that the seven main chakras be balanced and
harmonious. However, you can take your chakra meditation to a new level of effectiveness
through heart chakrameditation. The heart chakra is the sum of our emotional and feeling self. It
also serves as the midpoint of our chakra system and is like a bridge between the three lower
chakras that govern our physical existence and the upper three chakras that govern our spiritual
existence. For true balance you can expand your heart chakra to include not just the six other
chakras of our physical body, but also to encompass our spiritual body in its entirety.
Expansion of the heart chakra means that love and compassion will be the guiding forces for both
our physical and spiritual selves. It removes the want or tendency to be completely self-centered.
An expanded heart chakra does not recognize the limitation of me and not me or mine and
theirs. Someone with a properly balanced heart chakra will be able to move past the limitations
faced in reality and become open to and aware of higher existence and oneness.

Heart Chakra Expansion Meditation

You may not be able to get all the way through this meditation on the first few go rounds. Do not
become frustrated with this. Simply go as far as you can and practice getting to this point until
you feel you are able to move on further if your heart chakra has even a small blockage, you will
come up against that wall of resistance that is blocked energy. Be persistent and chip away at
that wall with frequent heart chakra meditation. This is a more efficient task than trying to just
get through the whole thing and risk doing it in a way that does not help you.
The Setting:
The best pose for this meditation is a sitting pose with your spine upright and unsupported. Sitting
in an open room or open space is recommended. You are using this meditation to expand your
aura. Being in a cramped space will hinder your progress.
You can listen to music, but be sure it is at a volume that is just above your range of hearing. You
want it to be soft and in the background. It should be used to help you concentrate, not detract
from your focus.
Close your eyes.
Take several deep, cleansing breaths and focus on your breathing until your heart rate, breathing
and mental chatter slow down.
The Meditation:
Use your imagination to expand your heart chakra. Physically you are only breathing into your
lungs for this mediation. However, use your mind to imagine that each breath you draw in is
expanding your heart chakra, allowing it to be less constricted and closed off.

Breathe deeply into your heart chakra and

focus on quieting the busy mind. This is a deep breathing meditation practice that will help you
clear your mind and also release any stresses or bad thoughts from the day or previous
experiences. In order to expand the heart chakra you must be clear and open. Deep breathing
meditation helps you to do that.
Feel yourself connecting with your heart chakra as you breathe in and out. When you have
completely connected with your heart chakra breathe into your solar plexus and throat chakras.
These are the two closest chakras to your heart chakra. Concentrate on the feeling and sensation
of your breaths expansion, but be mindful to keep your heart chakra at the center of this
expansion. Every breath rejuvenates this area of the body between your throat and solar plexus.
Feel the energy of the heart chakra expanding outward, healing the adjoining chakras.
Next, start expanding your breath even further into your sacral and third-eye chakras. Focus on
the sensation of the spiritual strength that resides in you between these two chakras. As you did
for the throat and solar plexus chakras, concentrate on the expansion of your breath and heart
chakra energy into the sacral and third-eye chakras.
Finally, take a deep breath in and envision it traveling all the way to your root chakra and
yourcrown chakra. Feel the calm and tranquility that comes from encompassing all of your main
chakras in healing energy and light. Feel that healing energy as it flows from your heart chakra.
Now imagine the colors of each chakra becoming more vibrant. Imagine them pulsing with
renewed energy and life. Imagine the wheels of energy spinning fast and free.
Once all of your chakras are in balance with each other, continue the breath expansion past your
physical body. Breathe downward into the ground below you. Send breath into the air just above
your crown chakra as well. Focus on the same energizing and balancing experience here as in the
other breathing expansions radiating the heart chakra energy in both directions.

Then expand on that. Focus on allowing your

breath to reach even higher and lower. Moving towards the sky and the center of the earth at the
same time. Feel yourself connected to ground and the earth while also connecting to the air and

Visualize all that surrounds you and all that resides in you connecting and becoming one through
the love and compassion that flows from the heart chakra. When you can feel a connection to all
things and feel that you encompass all that there is, you have expanded your heart chakra.
When you have finished this exercise take care to gently bring yourself back into the present. Do
not, however, leave behind the revelations and connections you have just made through your
meditation. Open your eyes and look around with love. Feel the connection your heart chakra
provides in the here and the now.
Be Heard, Using Throat Chakra Meditation
Your throat chakra is the conveyor of truth and clarity, your center of self-expression, your
communication center the gateway between the inner world of yourself and the outer world.
Throat chakra energy affects you physically in the throat, neck, and lower half of the face; it also
controls your arms and hands since their movements are associated with communication and the
throat chakra relates to all self-expression (not just words you speak). When your throat chakra is
blocked, self-expression, honesty, integrity and self-esteem suffer. Use can use throat chakra
meditation to open this chakra and be heard.
What Happens When Your Throat Chakra Is Blocked?

Do you ever have conversations where you cant seem to pronounce words correctly or convey
your thoughts well so that others can understand what you are trying to say?
Maybe you chalk this up to stress, fatigue or overwhelm. An inability to communicate may also
stem from the fear you may experience at being unsure of how your thoughts will be received by
another. Many people with communication issues also fear too much silence, possibly because
they fear being perceived as antisocial, overly shy or just plain stupid. To compensate, they talk
constantly, but do not talk about anything with real meaning or substance.
Negative thoughts and emotions cause the energy centers to go into disorder. Think about selfexpression as an outflow of energy. Whether you are speaking, writing, communicating through
body language, creating art, building something, inventing, dancing or the many other ways to
express yourself you are putting out energy from your core, from your soul. You are showing the
world, this is who I am.
But when you are having trouble communicating, it can be directly related to an imbalance in your
throat chakra. Your heart chakra, third eye and crown chakra are trying to send communications
and energy through your throat chakra communications from the heart, mind and the soul; but
if the throat chakra is blocked, that pure, loving, wonderful energy is blocked and so cannot come
out clearly, honestly or with full expression because the throat chakra is not operating at full
capacity. Negative feelings and emotions put your chakras off their game. Mostly, these are
related to low self-esteem!
An imbalanced throat chakra can also lead to physical ailments such as ear infections, bronchitis,
thyroid imbalances, laryngitis and more. Remember the mind/body connection everything you
feel or think has an effect on the physical body.

Meditations to Heal your Throat Chakra

To open the throat and prepare your chakra for healing before a throat chakra meditation session,
try the following:
Get creative: SING (in the shower, in the car, wherever); cook a new recipe, plant a
vegetable garden, etc. The enjoyment you get out of the creative process helps open your
throat chakra. Dont be concerned with the end result. Simply take joy in the creative
The color turquoise (or light blue) represents and is connected to the throat chakra so
adding blue, turquoise or other variations of blue-toned colors to your wardrobe and inside
your home will help you. These will visually stimulate your chakra to relax. Color therapy is
effective because just like music, colors have a specific vibration, and the vibration of the
color blue is matched to the throat chakra.
Herbal teas and fresh fruit help sooth the walls of your throat and can reduce any physical
inflammations that have occurred. Avoid dairy products which produce phlegm and have
you constantly clearing your throat.

Adding all of these things to your daily life are a

sort of meditation in and of themselves. They allow you to change your physical habits and
atmosphere in order to support your chakras, specifically the throat chakra. Meditation is all about
connecting; with your thoughts, your higher self, etc. These practices can aid you in reconnecting
all of your chakras outside of and during your meditation sessions.
Okay now youre ready to meditate! There are several variations to try:
Breathing meditation: sit comfortably and focus on the breath going in and out. Be aware
of how it moves through your nose to the back of the throat and down into your lungs.
Exhale through your mouth and focus on the air leaving. Repeat this step until you feel
light and calm with an open rib cage, chest and throat. Concentrate on your throat and the
sensation as the air passes back and forth through it. Imagine your throat relaxing and
expanding to allow for more air to pass back and forth.

Mantra/chanting meditation: Focus on your breathing once again, but this time chant the
throat chakra mantra as you breathe in and out. On the inhale, say SO. Hold it for a few
seconds, then breathe back out. HAM. Concentrate on the variations in the vibrations and
frequencies while you hum this chant in and out. Set your focus on how the vibrations feel
as they resonate in your throat. Allow these chants and vibrations to open the throat so
that energy may pass back and forth once more.
Healing your throat chakra is all about rebuilding your self-confidence and stimulating your
creative drive.
More than just energy going out through self-expression, the throat chakra also allows
you to be open and receptive to others thoughts and ideas. When practicing your deep
breath meditation, appreciate and be joyful for the throat you have that allows oxygen to move
into your body and aids in the dispelling of carbon dioxide from your body.
Be grateful for the ability you have to create sounds with your throat and physically convey
(through body language) what is going on in your heart, mind and soul.
The practices you do during your meditation sessions can be creative expressions in their own
way. Take time to appreciate that, and you will find it easier and easier to keep your throat chakra
open and your self-expressive energy flowing freely.
Whats Your Upper Limit?
When we think about our goals, we often think of them in terms of an upper limit of what is
possible for us to achieve. I can run a 4:00 marathon but no way am I fast enough for a 3:30. I
can probably shoot 4 weddings this season but Im just not well known enough to shoot 20. I
can lose weight but those last 5 pounds are impossible!
These limits are due to blocked chakras and theyre blocked because of persistent self-limiting
beliefs. To heal those chakras, you can do traditional chakra-specific exercises, and you can also
work on raising your limits.
Try this exercise, for fun. Imagine a control panel, like the kind that sound engineers use. There
are several levers on this panel. Mentally label them: health, wealth, love, purpose/career, fun,
self-expression and confidence. You can add as many levers as you want to this mental control
panel, but this is a good start.

Now, starting with the health lever, imagine

where it currently sits. Is it at the very bottom (extremely poor health)? At the top? Somewhere
in the middle? Mentally raise that lever to the highest place you feel you can raise it (this is your
upper limit). Hold the lever there in fact, flip the safety lock to keep it there. Move on to the
next lever, wealth. Take note mentally of where the lever currently sits. Then, raise it as far as you
believe is possible for you (until you feel very strong resistance). Lock it in place. Continue moving
through the levers, noting where they are now and where you believe you can raise them to right
Once youve raised all of your levers as high as you can right now, visualize yourself becoming
empowered. After all, youve just raised those levers. You are now at a much higher level than you
were moments ago just by imagining the possibility! Relish what youve just done. Keep thinking
about the fact that even if you felt resistance, you were still able to raise the lever.
Repeat this exercise daily, each day lifting the lever as high as you possibly can. Some days it
might feel very difficult and other days youll reach the top without much effort. Get used to
LIFTING yourself emotionally like this.
Imagine yourself going big, and then going bigger still. Shatter your limits!
As you practice, youll see that it becomes easier and easier to maintain a higher level and that
you are also able to reach higher. This boosts your confidence, probably much more than you can
imagine a silly exercise can do. Its actually a very powerful exercise. Your chakras will thank you,
as you lift the weight of limitations from their corresponding life circumstances!
How to Influence Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Your solar plexus chakra is the seat of your self-confidence and personal power. If youre having
any trouble asking for what youre worth at work, or standing up for yourself, or confidently
following your passions and goals, then your solar plexus chakra is weak or blocked.
You can heal and balance this life-enhancing chakra with some simple physical exercises. These
exercises work along the lines of fake it til you make it.
Its been scientifically proven that if you smile at yourself in the mirror for 2 minutes, your brain
picks up on the positive emotion of the smile, and your mood improves and when your mood
improves, you feel stronger and more confident! You get the same result with adopting the
following power poses that will trigger a physiological response and increase your confidence.
You can do these poses anywhere, whenever you need a confidence or self-esteem boost. They
only take a few minutes, and the results are lasting!

1. Start by smiling at yourself in the mirror. You

dont have to start off with a genuine smile, if you dont feel like it. A Mona Lisa smile, or a fake
social smile, is okay to start with (sure, force it!) the key is to HOLD the smile, until it becomes
genuine. Look into those beautiful eyes of yours, and let your smile express the love you feel!
Keep holding it until your smile is big and sunny, and keep holding it for two minutes or more. You
cant help but feel better and if you burst out laughing, even better! Laughter is a great release
of tension and helps you feel more confident right away.
2. Next, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width; arms up and outstretched to the
sky; chin up; chest out; stomach in, still smiling. Raise your eyes so that you are boldly looking at
the whole world, eye to eye! Now lengthen your abdomen imagine your chest lifting away from
your belly button, stretching the area that is normally compressed your solar plexus. When
youre feeling insecure, you instinctively protect your solar plexus in a modified fetal position (aka
slouching!). This exercise helps you stop hiding and start putting yourself out there. Your firm and
balanced stance, outstretched arms and exposed underbelly confidently say to the world, Here
I am! Lets play!
3. While youre holding your power pose, imagine the sun warming the solar plexus area, filling
every cell with warmth and solar power. Consciously invite the sun into your solar plexus. Smile
into this area of personal power!
4. Say to yourself, I love myself several times. Love yourself as is, unconditionally, even if you
suspend self-judgment for just a few minutes.
If you do this every day or anytime you are feeling unworthy or scared, youll prime yourself for
a better response or better performance. A great time to do this is before interviews, dates,
exams, presentations or when youre faced with doing something new that scares you.
Ignite Your Passion Now!

Is your life missing a little zip and zing? You can ignite your passion by treating life like a big, fun,
messy and exhilarating experiment.
Your chakras benefit immensely when you stop treating life like a chore to be gotten through
hey, dont argue if you live for the weekend and cant wait til your next vacation, youre
treating most of your week like a chore!
Here are some ways to infuse passion into your life so you can enjoy all of it. Yes, all. Even
Mondays through Fridays!
1. Unplug. Your mind needs downtime to spark and nurture creativity. Its practically impossible to
do that when youre always connected electronically! Put the phone away and go for a walk or a
bike ride. Turn off the TV when youre cleaning the house. Dont multitask be fully present. No
music when youre in the car. Im not talking ALL the time, but sometimes you really do need
silence. You do need to be alone with your thoughts and have a chance to let your imagination fly!
2. Make yourself useful in your own unique way. Helping others in a way that only you can, fuels
your passions. What unique talents do you have that you can use in a volunteer situation? We
tend to take our talents for granted (if its easy for me, isnt it easy for everybody???) and forget
that what is so natural for us, is next to impossible for someone else. USE your talents, and fuel
your passion! If you have no idea what to do or how to help, think back to what people appreciate
you for. What do they thank you for, or ask for your help with? Obviously they see something so
roll with it. Let your solar plexus chakra blossom when you accept that other people appreciate
your talents YOUR talents!

3. Scare yourself a little, every

day. Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Boring definitely not passionate. Passionate people
thrive on the unknown. They love change, they love challenges, they love uncertainty and they
love being a little afraid because they know that figuring things out is part of the joy of being
ALIVE! Are you afraid to show your art? Are you afraid to connect with someone? Are you afraid
something might go wrong? The thing is, passion thrives only when you feel alive, and you feel
most alive when youre doing something new. Right? Go do it.
4. Surround yourself with passionate people who are high on life. Most people seem to hate their
jobs and whats worse, they have no idea what truly makes them feel alive or if they know, they
dont have the guts to pursue it. If youre being dragged down by complainers, you need to widen
your circle of friends and spend more time with the passionate ones. Surround yourself with
people who dream big, and achieve big. Its so much better to live a passionate life doing what
you love than it is to live a life of drudgery, so avoid those who make you feel like life is a big pain
in the butt!
5. Respond, dont react. Passionate people respond to lifes challenges in a way that honors the
big adventure of it all. They dont get knocked down by failures they bounce right back, with
exuberant energy, excited about their new prospects. Got fired? Ouch. And then a few days later
great! Nows the time to shift gears and go in a completely different direction! Got dumped! Ouch!

Faster than the average person, the passionate person will be on a new track living life according
to them and effortlessly attracting like-minded singles. Its not a fantasy, this is real. You are in
charge of your responses to life. Make them passionate!
6. Challenge the norm and ask questions. Just because something has always been done a
certain way, doesnt mean its the best way. Or that its even relevant today. If you dont enjoy
what youre doing, question why youre doing it and either change it, or move in a better direction
for YOU.
7. Keep learning. Life is fascinating and why become a one-trick pony? The world is yours to
explore! You might find a new passion, or find inspiration to fuel a current passion.
Accept Compliments, to Improve Self-Esteem!
One very common hallmark of low self-esteem is the inability to accept compliments. No matter
how accomplished, you may have trouble receiving compliments from people who admire you.
Unfortunately, many of us have been brought up believing that its better to come across as
humble by diminishing our talents and achievements, but this can backfire. Of course Im not
suggesting anyone become arrogant or self-important, but learning to accept compliments helps
you to accept yourself and become more confident AND it makes the compliment-giver feel
good, too!
When youve received a compliment, have you ever said something like, Oh, that was nothing!
It wasnt even my best effort! or any reply that begins with a but?
Heres why that doesnt help:
It makes the person giving you the compliment, a bad feeling. You have just rejected the
gift they gave you the gift of appreciation!
It diminishes your achievement
It emphasizes that you dont feel worthy of being appreciated, noticed or even that you
feel unworthy of the accomplishment

If other people compliment you, its because they

see the value in what youre good at or what youve accomplished. Honestly, even if a compliment
is fake theres no reason for you not to accept it. You can absorb the words as real, even if the
sentiment isnt!
Heres how to get used to accepting compliments: simply smile, and say Thank you! Thats all
you have to do.

Later, when you have time to reflect, try to see yourself through the eyes of the person giving you
the compliment. Again, even if you know the compliment was false, you can pretend that it was
genuine (no need to get caught up in someone elses drama or agenda!).
See yourself through the eyes of your admirer. Did they express appreciation for something you
did? Yay! That means, they see the value in a skill or talent you have, that they themselves may
not possess.
Did they express appreciation for your actions making them feel better? Yay! Youve just
performed a really important service! Ultimately, everything we do that helps others feel better in
some way (solving a problem through your efforts or wisdom, emotional support, etc.) is an act of
service, and a compliment expresses thanks for that service. Be glad your efforts are NOT for
Did they compliment your looks or outfit? Yay! They see beauty, and you can let yourself see it
too. Really! You can suspend judgment of your looks and see yourself through anothers eyes
right? Practice doing this, and youll gradually become more comfortable in your own skin!
It can take time to get used to receiving compliments but think about the pleasure the
compliment-giver gets when their compliment is received like a precious gift! Dont deprive
someone of that pleasure. You know how good it feels to give compliments so do your best to stop
the self-deprecating comebacks, and simply smile and say thank you. This will raise your selfesteem for hours afterward!
Healing Mantras and Their Effects on the Chakras
It is said that without health, we have nothing. Life becomes less pleasurable, we can not
experience it to its fullest and we often become depressed or angry. If this mindset continues to
prevail, health will deteriorate even further. If you can create an emotional upswing in your mind,
you will create physical improvement. Thats where healing mantras come in.

Healing goes beyond the physical body. The

mind and the body cannot be separated, so in order for the body to heal, the mind must heal as
well. Which one gets healed first? When in doubt, heal the mind first and the body will follow. Yes,
the state of the body influences the state of the mind, but you always want to go to the source of
disease the mind to ensure complete healing.
Youve heard that laughter is the best medicine. Thats so true! When youre laughing, you are in
a positive, happy frame of mind. When youre crying or angry, you are in a negative frame of
mind. Therefore if you are happy, you are healing.
Happiness is, like any other emotion, a vibration of energy. That is why your state of mind can be
influenced by sound such as the healing mantras. Think of the healing mantras as tuning forks
that create a harmonious resonance in the body and mind soothing, energizing and moodaltering.
One way to heal the mind and the body is to use a very powerful ancient healing mantra. This
mantra is more commonly known as Ra Ma Da Sa. This mantra has within it the sounds of the

chakras and helps to bring balance into the energy body; this allows for free flow of energy in the
body and at the same time, restore the high, positive vibration of mental and emotional energy.
Low energies of fear, anger, frustration, pain and suffering can cause blockages and imbalances in
the chakras. The sounds in this mantra will help rebalance the system and allow the bodys innate
healing mechanism to do its job.
How to Use Healing Mantras
The mantra is chanted in this order: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
Chant each syllable out loud, slowly and allow yourself to feel the resonance of each sound in your
body. Let each syllable be one full, deep exhale, to give your body plenty of time to come into
harmony with each sound.
The sounds of the mantra and their meanings:
RA refers to the sun and to fire. This is an energizing frequency (much needed when illness
or disease leave you feeling exhausted physically, emotionally and mentally! The Sun is a
source of warmth, life and energy (which is also why the color yellow is an energizing
MA refers to the moon and to water. The moon is associated with being open and
receptive. This sound will help you open up to the possibility of being healed. This sound
(this energy) is cooling and soothing.

DA represents the Earths energy. Its a grounding energy that will

help you feel calm and centered. It also stimulates you to action to take care of yourself
rather than sit and mope and become depressed about your situation.
SA refers to infinity, the air and the true nature of the Universe. When you repeat Sa, you
broadcast the sound out to the Universe. If you repeat Sa a second time, you draw the
healing energy of the Universe into yourself. This sound is repeated twice as a way to
transform one thing into another in this case, illness into health.
SAY is another way of saying God, meaning that you (the person repeating the mantra) is
divine in nature. There is no separation between the creator and the created; it is one
SO represents your sense of identity. Using this sound, you are declaring, I am becoming
HUNG is a two-part sound. Hu means the life of God, that is both the creator and the
created (meaning God is in everything). The ng part of the sound is said to stimulate the
pineal gland, which is believed to be the seat of the divine within the body. Together, Hung
means I am That or I am Thou meaning you have the same creative, healing and
divine powers as the consciousness that created you (and at the same time, IS you).
These sacred sounds will work for anyone. There are no restrictions as to when you can chant the
mantra. It works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and crosses all cultural
and language barriers (you dont really need to know the meaning of the sounds the vibration
alone is enough to promote healing).
The mantra actually influences your mind at the subconscious level, much like spoken affirmations
do after youve practiced them for a while. Once the mantra permeates the subconscious mind,
the conscious mind is automatically influenced (just like the negative influence that

subconsciously-held limiting beliefs have on your conscious thought). Like a positive affirmation,
you stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the opposite of the stress-prone sympathetic
nervous system).

You can use this chant on a consistent basis to keep yourself in

good health. After a couple of initial sessions that will stimulate your bodys healing capacities,
you can use it every day, once a week, or whenever you intuitively feel the need (whenever you
notice that your emotions tend to be more negative than usual, for example).
Keep in mind that disease and illness are symptoms of energetic imbalance, and that thoughts
and emotions are energy! When you experience physical symptoms, its just a sign that your body
is trying to restore balance in an unbalanced energy field.
For best results, use the mantra frequently to maintain a healthy, positive frame of mind and
prevent illness and disease from taking root in your body. Combine the mantras with other chakra
clearing techniques and youll enjoy better health, well-being and more happiness.
Using Chakra Chants to Open Your Energy Flow
Opening and balancing the chakras can be accomplished in a number of ways. One way is to use
sound. You can use chakra chants during meditation as a way to use harmonic resonance in a
healing manner.
Before we get into specific chants that can be used to balance each chakra, its important to note
that the essential element to healing is the mind. Your intention, plus the frequency of the
chant, will result in healing. However, if you are skeptical about the possibility of balancing the
chakras using chants, your intention is less pure and the technique will be much less effective. So
remember, as you do chakra chants, that it is your intention that is the most powerful chakraclearing energy!
How do you set your intention for healing? Do it with a declaration, always in the present tense: I
am healthy or I am healed. You want that healing energy circulating in you right now, so the
choice of words and their tense is very important. Visualize yourself in perfect health and feel how
great it is to be healthy. Really ramp up those positive emotions!

How Sound is Used for Healing

Everything is in a constant state of motion; everything has its own unique frequency that results
from the movement of energy.
Imagine the body as an orchestra. When you listen to a symphony orchestra, you know that when
all of the instruments are tuned to the same key, the resulting music can be nothing short of
miraculous. This is very much like how the body hums when it is in perfect health. Each organ,
every bodily system and every cell has its own sound, just like each instrument in the orchestra
has its own sound. Together, they sound harmonious as the individual tones mesh together.
But if just one instrument goes out of tune, or if the musician doesnt play in time with the others,
there is discord that is immediately noticeable. In the body, this would be a small symptom that
something is amiss. It could be something as subtle as a feeling of fatigue, or perhaps a day of
the blues. If youre very attuned to your emotions and body, youll notice that something is off
and youll take care of it immediately. But if youre busy, like most of us are, you might dismiss
these signs until the situation escalates.
If one musical instrument goes out of tune or the musician misses a cue, it creates discord. If
other musicians start to focus on the off instrument and disrupt their own playing, different
sections of the orchestra start to sound bad. In the body, this would be disease. This is when
things to really wrong.
The question isnt so much that the instruments are out of tune or even out of sync its that
the musicians playing them (your thoughts and emotions!) are out of tune. Instruments (the cells)
can be tuned (healed). Its all up to the musicians the thoughts and emotions using the right
kinds of energy to bring the physical orchestra back into harmony.
Bringing the orchestra back into harmonic resonance is the key to health; and it starts with your
intention, plus the use of specific sounds of each chakra.

Bija Mantras
Bija mantras are chanted mantras that clear and balance the chakras. The word bija means seed
in Sanskrit. This seed contains the most essential energy vibration of a chakra. In this way, it
acts as a tuning fork and each of the chakras will come into resonance with the mantra with the
correct frequency that matches that chakra.

Bija Mantras can be chanted as a series to balance the entire chakra system, or individually if you
need to support one or two chakras in particular. You can chant them out loud, or mentally. For an
extra powerful boost of healing energy, visualize the color of each chakra as you chant the
corresponding mantra.
To chant a bijt martra, begin at the root chakra and chant the sound LAM. The sound is somewhat
short and emphatic (dont linger on the m).
Next, move up to the sacral chakra by chanting VAM.
Then, stimulate the solar plexus chakra by chanting RAM
The heart chakra is opened using YAM (pronounced more like yum)
Clear the throat chakra using HAM (pronounced hum)
Move up to the third eye chakra with a chant of OM
Finally, the crown chakra can be opened with an extended OM, or complete silence. If you use
silence, the OM used in the third eye chakra can be extended and held, so you feel its resonance
in the body. At this stage, it is helpful to visualize loving, healing light and energy moving through
the chakras, from root to crown and out into the universe.

If you chant the mantras in a series, you can

substitute the OM/silence of the crown chakra with SO HUM which means I am that its a
declaration that you ARE these sounds, this energy, that is whole and perfect. Again, you can
visualize yourself in perfect health as you chant SO HUM.
If you do this chakra chant every day for just a few minutes, youll come out of it feeling balanced
and happy. Chant in the car; while doing dishes or cooking; while doing chores around the house;
while doing specific yoga poses that correspond to each chakra; while out walking; while doing
anything that doesnt require concentration (folding laundry, for example); while waiting in line;
whenever you can!
An added bonus is that these mantras are very soothing, so theyre great to use anytime you are
stressed. Chanting these mantras in rush-hour traffic will do wonders for your mood!
Think of your body as a marvelous orchestra as you chant and imagine that orchestra coming
into perfect tune with the frequency of each bija mantra.
How to Heal your Chakras for a Well Balanced System
The challenges we face take on many forms. We may suffer from professional failures, loss of
loved ones, anxiety, body image issues, chronic body pain or illness and much more. Any of these
situations can damage the chakras and unbalance the system. Your abilities to overcome, to heal
and to move on reside within your mindset. If you set your mindset to the tune of I can do this,
then you can Here you will find various tools that can help you do just that.
Chakra Healing Techniques to Restore Balance

Reiki Healing: This non-invasive healing practice works with your higher self in order to restore
health and well being to the body, mind and spirit. Reiki practitioners channel spirit energy in the
person receiving this healing by placing their hands just above or directly on the affected area
the practitioner feels his/her way around a persons energy, and zones in on blockages. You can
send spirit energy into the entire body and it will concentrate in the areas it is needed most. It is a
guided healing practice; the soul, when calmly focused properly, can effortlessly guide positive
healing energy wherever it needs to go.
Color Therapy: Color in itself is a balancing life force. Many think of color as a simply an ability of
sight, but each color has a specific frequency or wavelength, just like any other form of energy.
You can use colors that correspond to each chakra to bring them back into balance. How it works:
everything is energy. Its not a coincidence that we perceive some colors to be energizing and
some soothing. It has everything to do with their energetic signature. If one of your chakras is
weak, use that color in your environment or in your clothing as a way to support that chakra.
Sound Therapy: Sound, of course, is vibration that we can feel (we are not consciously aware
that everything is vibration, but we are certainly attuned pun intended to the vibration of
sound. Experiment with music, bells, gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and traditional instruments to
seek out sounds that intuitively feel soothing and healing.

Yoga: Practicing yoga goes hand in hand with reiki healing. We

use yoga to learn to balance the physical body while reiki is used to balanced the spiritual body.
An open, balanced body means less opportunity for the spiritual body and the chakras to become
unbalanced. Regular yoga practice can help heal many afflictions such as anxiety, certain cases of
depression, arthritis, asthma and even some heart conditions. Yoga can also help focus the mind
and is used for many who have suffered alcohol or other substance addictions.
Breathing Meditation: Breathing is one of the quickest, easiest yet most powerful ways to calm
your system and realign the chakras after stressful events or anxiety have knocked them out of
whack. Take deep, even breaths in through your nose and release them out through your mouth.
Place your focus on the influx of air as you inhale and the relaxation of your entire body as you
exhale. Your heart rate will slow down and become more even paced, which will allow the rest of
your body and even mental functions to slow down. Breathe deep for tranquility; inner peace will
bring healing at a moments notice.

Visualization: If you are looking to change or reposition your mindset in order to induce chakra
healing, visualization is a key technique. Say you have gone through a rough breakup. You feel
the aches of a broken heart or even the guilt at breaking the heart of another. You feel out of
place, not yourself. This will affect your heart chakra, but may also negatively impact other
chakras such as the sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra and throat chakra. Use visualization to help
balance you out.

Positive Affirmations: These can be

favorite quotes, mantras or even sayings you came up with on your own. The point is they are
meant to be strong enough to resonate within you and elicit powerful positive emotions.
Affirmations are also used to keep you mindful of all that you are and all you can and will
accomplish. A positive affirmation does not leave room for doubt, or thoughts of I cant, or Im
not good enough. You can say your affirmations in your mind during meditation or healing
sessions, or you can say them aloud to yourself or even aloud to another person if it helps you to
get the point across to yourself. Use them with feeling, in the present tense, and focused on your
desired outcome.
Balancing Through Crystals or Gemstones: Healing crystals possess specific colors and
vibrations that correspond to each of the seven chakras. They are used to open the chakras and
allow free flow of healing, loving, light energy. There are many other chakras in and around the
body in addition to the seven main chakras. Crystals and gemstones are able to connect with
these chakras as well providing more balance and healing energy. Clear quartz crystals in their
regular form or with color added are good to use for healing all of the chakras. You can use other
gemstones of varying colors, but remember those will only heal the chakras they correspond in
color and energy to.
No one is spared from difficult life experiences, but that does not mean that we have to be forever
affected or defined by them. Daily practice and guided discipline will provide a continuous cycle of
healing and balancing, for your body and mind alike.
If you are in doubt which therapy is best for you, first take the Chakra Test to determine which of
your chakras need some tender loving care and then apply the healing techniques which feel most
natural and effective to you. Many can be used in conjunction with each other for greater
The Spontaneous Kundalini Experience
When you are born, you are full of Life Force energy. This energy is called Kundalini. As you grow
and take on the limiting beliefs and other conditioning, these beliefs actually become set in your
DNA. Your Kundalini energy becomes dormant, and is centered at the base of your spine coiled
like a snake, waiting to be released. The spontaneous Kundalini experience is an event where
those beliefs are released. All the stored patterns and past traumas are released and you awaken
to your true nature as a spiritual being in a physical body. Holding on to the past is much more
than a mental or emotional thing. Its physical as well, since you cant separate the mind from the
emotions or the body.

The Kundalini energy is part of the subtle body, like the chakras. All of your mental and emotional
patterns have caused blockages in the chakras and prevent you from experiencing the free flow of
Life Force energy.
How Mind Energy Can Become Harmful

This has been proven to alter the human body at the DNA level. The old saying, Laughter is the
best medicine goes deep. Very deep a positive mindset heals, and a negative mindset harms.
Most of us dont like to think that we are negative thinkers, yet when we think in terms of
limitations, whenever we blame, criticize, judge, when our self-talk is unkind or we go against our
intuitive guidance we create negative thought habits that inevitably have negative physical
consequences. This mental/emotional energy primarily centered in the left brain hemisphere
has certain patterns that can be observed using instruments.he conscious mind operates on words
and associated emotions. Its our self-talk, our desire to label, classify and analyze everything and
our associations of emotions/words that gets us into stuck patterns of negative energy (unless
youre one of those rare people whose thought and emotions are nearly always positive).
When you think about your mind and how it influences your energy and your body, you can see
how important a positive mindset is in keeping your chakras clear and your energy flowing. If your
chakras are generally clear, your Kundalini energy may be somewhat awakened, but not
Kundalini Energy

Imagine the most powerful energy suddenly revitalizing every cell

in your body. Its as if the body is saying, Enough! to being controlled by the mind and its
limitations and negativity (remember, those stuck patterns of self-defeating beliefs, self-imposed
limitations, trauma, etc.). Imagine the healing that happens and the incredible surge of personal
power that accompanies or IS a Kundalini experience. Imagine the sudden clearing of the
chakras and the completely free, unblocked freedom that energy how has in your body
Some research suggests that the Kundalini experience can actually be measured if the body were
hooked up to instruments that measure energy flow.
What a Spontaneous Kundalini Experience is Like
First, all spiritual teachers agree that it is dangerous to try to awaken your Kundalini energy
without guidance. However, Kundalini can be awakened spontaneously due to trauma, near-death

experiences, use of mind-altering drugs or due to events that are usually extremely intense. Other
methods are more controlled and slower Hatha Yoga, chanting mantras and a Shaktipat
Awakening performed by a guru. These are the ideal ways to awaken your Kundalini, just because
you can avoid many of the extremely intense and unwanted effects of a spontaneous experience.
If you are interested in awakening your Kundalini, its best to avoid doing it on your
own or trying to force it (you certainly dont want to experiment with drugs to make it
Kundalini awakening can happen spontaneously some people practice and prepare for many
years and never have one, and some have one the very first time they try or have one without
even knowing what the heck just happened!

Its not called Kundalini Syndrome for

nothing! Many people report feeling out of control as their minds negative energy is suddenly
released. There may not be a smooth transition as Kundalini energy surges up the spine through
the chakras (this is why its important to work with a Master!) If one isnt prepared, it can be
extremely difficult and unsettling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually (in some cases
leading to complete breakdowns!). Once the Kundalini is awakened, theres no stopping it.
Its an intense purification process that is not always blissful and peaceful! You may
experience any of these symptoms (and you cant anticipate which): intense heat, illness (which is
the bodys way of purifying itself of stored negative energy), deep yearning to know God, feelings
of oneness, intense inner battles, insomnia, pressure on the crown chakra, orgasm (Kundalini
energy is highly sexual), bliss, trance-like state, profound mystical experiences, pain, hot flashes,
lucid dreaming, physical numbness, heart palpitations, spontaneous muscle spasms, unbridled joy,
periods of extreme energy and lethargy, roller-coaster emotions and more. Its not something you
want to experience alone because it can be terrifying!
Whatever is inside you at the time of a Kundalini awakening is magnified. Kundalini
simply intensifies everything: you may have some negative traits that youve been working on
but if theyre not released before you have a Kundalini awakening, they will be magnified.
Kundalini doesnt judge. Think of it as fertilizer (an extraordinarily powerful one) that feeds
whatever its presented with negative or positive. Thats why you want to be as prepared as
possible so that you are left with good traits and positive energies.
Kundalini awakening is realization of ones true nature (as a divine being in a physical experience).
Its not something that words can really describe, though, since there are no words, no left-brain
classifications and labels, in the realm of spirit energy. A kundalini awakening can be considered
an upgrade of the brain and the nervous system, allowing you to have the most amazing
experiences here in this physical realm.
4 Easy Ways to Clear Your Chakras At Work!
When youre busy it can be hard to take the time to deeply care for yourself and nurture your
chakras. But you can do it in small bits of time, whenever and wherever you need to. Even at

work! Here are some handy ways to clear your chakras so you can keep on top of your energetic
1. Practice gratitude. Youd be surprised at how much of a persons daily self-talk (or out loud talk)
at work centers on the negative. Complaints about things going wrong, problems to be solved,
worries, personality issues, setbacks, overwhelm, overwork, frustrations, fears and this does
nothing good for your chakras! While its not easy to monitor your self-talk all the time, you can
create a powerful energetic shift by training yourself to express gratitude. For example, you might
catch yourself complaining about something, and if you remember to find something to be grateful
for in the situation, you can neutralize the negative effect of the energy. It could go something
like, Im so stressed out! I expected my assistant to write this material for me and she flaked out
but Im thankful that I can write quickly and avert the deadline crisis. You can go deeper and
deeper into gratitude, and this is especially effective the more upset you are. If someone causes
you to miss a deadline which can be serious make yourself dig into the hidden benefits of the
situation: things that are within you that would normally remain dormant, like your ability to think
on your feet, communicate with the client, focus and get it done.
2. Allow yourself breaks! If youre too problem-oriented, youll tend to dive in and spend the whole
day working and getting more and more stressed out. So take a break! Sometimes, walking away
from a challenge is all it takes to reboot and give you a fresh perspective and, a chance to
remind yourself that life isnt all work and no play. When you take a break, take a break. No
thinking about work and try to avoid thinking of other problems too! Be present, and enjoy the
present. Going for a walk and appreciating whats around you is a powerful and simple thing you
can do every day to clear your chakras! Taking a mindfulness break AWAY from your workspace
can be a matter of minutes, so dont let yourself stress about not getting it all done!
3. Do your best. If you know that you can do better, dont hold back. Do it. This will help clear
your solar plexus (confidence), heart (compassion) and throat (self-expression) chakras. Holding
back means you either feel you cant do better, or its not worth it, or why bother, or nobody will
notice anyway all deeply blocking energies! When you do your best you also help keep your root
chakra clear because you know youre taking care of your most fundamental needs through your
efforts (safety, security, food and shelter).
4. Say no. Honor and respect your time and energy (and open your solar plexus) by saying no.
Your boss will appreciate that you are committed to quality, even at the expense of more.
These 4 tips can help you keep your chakras clear even in the most fast-paced job.
How To Heal Your Root Chakra aka Muladhara
What is the Root Chakra?
As the name implies, the root chakra, or the first chakra, is your foundation. Also known as the
base chakra, the root chakra is the first of sevenenergy centers within our bodies, and is located
at the base of the spine.
The Sanskrit name for the root chakra is Muladhara, which means foundation. A solid
foundation or root system is essential for anything: buildings, plants, goals, learning and mastery
it grounds you, and so having an open root chakra will allow the rest of your life to unfold and
blossom as it should. This chakra gives you vitality, courage, confidence, willpower and a sense of
adventure or a pioneering spirit.
This is the chakra that drives your most basic primal needs: food, shelter and connection to
others. It drives your need to create a safe, comfortable home environment; be financially secure;
and have loving relationships. An open root chakra gives you the ability to plan for the future
instead of simply reacting impulsively to circumstances this is especially relevant when talking
about financial issues.
Your Muladhara emanates a deep scarlet color which connects you to the earth. The energy of the
root chakra is channeled through the adrenal gland above the kidneys, which enables you to
respond quickly and activates your instinctual fight or flight reactions.

Watch this video of Carol Tuttle to learn everything about the Root Chakra and how to heal it

Are your chakras opened or closed?

Click on the button below to take the free 3-minute chakra test and find it out

What Happens When Your Root Chakra is Closed?

Today, survival is often financially driven. If you are finding it difficult to get by and you struggle
under constant financial pressure, your root chakra may be blocked. When you struggle
financially, you are under tremendous stress and this stress taxes your adrenal glands, leading to
weight gain, depression, low energy, and low self-esteem. A lack of money can damage your

sense of security, and burdens you with guilt and shame. People with closed root chakras often
find that this situation continually perpetuates itself.
Even if your finances are in order, a closed root chakra can manifest in unsatisfactory
relationships, a chaotic home environment, or a profound lack of the courage and self-confidence
necessary to pursue your dreams.
Since the root chakra drives our basic needs of sustenance and connection to others, you may
experience problems like poor body image and unsatisfactory relationships. You may struggle to
separate your own difficulties with those of others, and occasionally find yourself carrying burdens
which are not yours to carry.
The result of a blocked root chakra can be diminished self-confidence, guilt, hopelessness,
overwhelm, resentment and depression as well as physical problems such as adrenal fatigue,
Epstein-Barr virus, Crohns disease and cancer.
Healing the Root Chakra
Healing a blocked root chakra begins with connecting to the earth. Go outside! Be in Nature. Get
some sunshine and fresh air. Connect with your foundation, Mother Earth!

Healing activities such as meditation have a profound effect on those looking to balance their
Doing something physical outdoors is the optimal way to restore vitality and energy flow in your
root chakra. The following activities will help open your root chakra:
rock climbing
outdoor team sports such as football
any activity that requires you to be aware of your body and the earth
If you find yourself continually stressed out, your adrenal glands are working overtime. You may
have become used to a certain level of tension in your life, but this can be sneaky and escalate
into full-blown adrenal fatigue. Watch out for irritation over little things; insomnia; constant
worrying; weight gain in the belly; and physical fatigue. The best ways to help your adrenals relax
and stop continually dumping adrenaline and cortisol into your system are:
avoiding stimulants like coffee
Eat red foods that come from the earth such as beets, sweet potatoes and other root vegetables;
season your food with red spices like cayenne, paprika and chili powder.

Foods with a deep red color such as beets, peppers, and sweet potatoes can help with balancing
your root chakras.
Red is the color of courage. Whenever you feel weak or incapable, wear red! Introduce reds into
your home environment.
To open the root chakra further, really appreciate the world around you. Connect to it in any way
you can. See the abundance, beauty and miracles in everything. Feel a connection between
yourself and the earth and all life on it. Soon, the crimson energy of the root chakra will be
pulsing beautifully once more!
What is your life like with a healthy, open root chakra? You are not merely surviving you are
thriving. You have a healthy relationship with yourself and other people and feel a deeper
connection to earth and its inhabitants. You meet your basic needs and instinctual urges in a wise,
balanced way with one eye toward the future, and financial problems sort themselves out. You
may exhibit a strong need to protect and care for the earth.
How To Unblock Your Crown Chakra aka Sahasrara
If you are feeling a disconnect from Source (Spirit, God, the Universe, Consciousness, etc.), you
are probably also feeling lost and lack a sense of belonging. If you have difficulty accepting or
expressing your spiritual side, or if you feel as though there is an important sense of the divine
missing from your life, then your crown chakramay be blocked.

Crown Chakra symbol

If you are often overcome with frustration or bitterness regarding situations which are beyond
your control or find yourself struggling with a sense of helplessness and insignificance in the
world, then concentrate on freeing your crown chakra.
And what if you are not at all spiritual, and dont believe in the existence of anything outside this
physical realm? You can still benefit from opening your crown chakra. If you look at life from the
perspective of quantum physics, which states that everything is energy, then promoting the free

flow of energy of what you want into your own localized energy cluster will make for a richer and
more rewarding life.
Watch this video to learn how to unblock your Crown Chakra

Are your chakras opened or closed?

Click on the button below to take the free 3-minute chakra test and find it out

What is the Crown Chakra?

The crown chakra (Sahasrara) is located at the very top of the head. The seventh chakra is the
last chakra in the line of energy centers that run through the center of your body. This highvibrating source of energy drives our awareness of a divine presence, connects us with a higher
power and confirms our connection to the physical world, the spiritual realms, the past and the
future. This chakra connects you to the non-physical aspect of our existence and helps you make
sense of life on this physical plane.
The crown chakra is the center of spirituality and faith, no matter what religious practice you
abide to (if any), where you live, how you were raised or what you choose to believe. Religious
and spiritual practices aside, an open crown chakra gives you inspiration, comfort, good health
and a sense of place and power. A person with an open crown chakra is a strong, inspirational
leader, a creative visionary and a humanitarian.
The crown chakra is associated with the color purple. This color has long been associated with
royalty, majesty, and spiritual wealth. The Sanskrit word for the crown chakra is Sahasrara, which
translates to mean a thousand. This number has particular significance in Eastern spiritual
practices and writings, as it refers to the thousand petals of the sacred lotus flower, a symbol of
divine enlightenment. Lotus petals open one by one, gradually revealing the beauty of the flower.
This is mirrored in an individuals personal and spiritual growth a gradual opening of the soul
and the mind to true enlightenment and self awareness. As the crown chakra enables the opening

of your individual lotus flower, it ties you to all that is and opens you to previously untapped
sources of wisdom, knowledge and personal power.
Whether you seek God or simply a connection to consciousness, opening your crown chakra will
give you comfort and insight into these spiritual ideas: if you ask, you receive; if you seek, you
find; and if you ask a question, an answer will appear.
This chakra is associated with the tiny pineal gland at the very center of the brain. This is believed
to be the seat of the soul in the body; although little is known about the gland, it is understood
to be the center of serotonin production the ultimate feel-good hormone!
What Happens When Your Crown Chakra is Blocked?

A blockage in the crown chakra can result in feelings of isolation, loneliness, and hopeless
When we fail to cultivate our spiritual side, or cut ourselves off from self-knowledge and spiritual
thought and exploration, our seventh chakra can become blocked or closed. This is soon followed
by existential and spiritual crises, manifesting as feelings of loneliness, isolation, hopelessness,
despondency and belief in cc
Lack of spiritual connection can lead to acts of selfishness and carelessness due to feelings of
isolation and pointless existence. People become frustrated and bitter as they feel abandoned and
disconnected. Blocked crown chakras can cause people to redirect their bitterness and frustration
towards others, but most commonly it is redirected straight to themselves, resulting in a vicious
circle of mental disorders such as depression and confusion; problems with the brain like epilepsy,
Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, dementia, Parkinsons disease and strokes, and even severe
mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
Healing the Crown Chakra
We all have a spiritual path to follow, but its important to honor your own path and not blindly
follow what someone else may dictate is right for you. No two spiritual paths alike, even for
people who share the same faith.
Meditation is a wonderful way to open the crown chakra. You can call it prayer, meditation,
contemplation, conversation or inner silence. The practices are all essentially the same a stilling
of the mind so you can hear/feel the voice of something greater than yourself. Yoga, spiritual
studies, or even something as worldly as performing charitable or selfless acts will open your
crown chakra. Dont be afraid to address your spirituality, even if you are feeling a conflict
between what you were taught and what you believe. Explore it deeply, and you will find your own
path to personal enlightenment and inner peace.

The best way to open a blocked crown chakra is to meditate and practice gratitude.
Gratitude is another powerful way to open your crown chakra. You feel gratitude for every good
thing and blessing but to open your crown chakra, you must learn gratitude for the hardships
and suffering as well, because they are equally important in your lifes journey. They serve as
teachers and guides. Its not uncommon for an individual to experience a strong need for spiritual
growth when they have undergone an extremely difficult period and when gratitude outshines
the troubles, your whole outlook on life will change for the better!
This is the one chakra that does not benefit from specific foods, since it represents a connection to
the nonphysical. Fresh air and sunshine, however, are highly beneficial so meditation outdoors
may be the best way to stimulate the pineal gland and open the crown chakra.
Once youve recognized a divine connection through the crown chakra, you can stop worrying
about your problems. Those that have an open seventh chakra do not feel as though they have to
bear their worldly burdens alone they believe that someone is watching over them throughout
life or, that as PART of the universal consciousness, each individual has the same power as that
consciousness, and is therefore far more powerful than if the individual were not part of anything
at all. Even if you cant quite yet bring yourself to have this faith, the search for spiritual answers
and enlightenment is a rewarding and empowering journey. It opens the doors to the immense
scope of the universe, life within it and our individual part in the grand scheme of life.
How To Heal Your Throat Chakra aka Vishuddha
What is the Throat Chakra?
The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the energy center located in the back of the throat which allows
you to communicate your thoughts clearly and courageously. It is how you give life to your
thoughts, feelings, values, truths, ideas, inspirations and insights and it relates to all forms of selfexpression, not just the spoken word.
The throat chakra is associated with a clear blue that reflects the clarity of the sky and the sea.
This color is associated truth, purity, cleanliness and tranquility. The Sanskrit word for this chakra
is Vishuddha or pure place. When the chakra is open, your self-expression is clear, precise,
concise and free of fear.

Throat Chakra symbol

All forms of human creative and artistic expression have their genesis in the Vishuddha chakra.
The energy which is produced by the lungs and magnified by the throat is not only required for
clarity of voice, but also for more subtle forms of communication such as body language and selfexpression through the arts, music, invention or any creation (cooking, building, etc.).
Expression is, however, all about balance and judgment. Expressing your true thoughts and
feelings can be hurtful (as in, the question that all husbands dread hearing and have no idea how
to answer without causing hurt feelings: does this dress make me look fat?). Children are open
and honest in their self-expression and communication but as we grow older, that desire to
communicate openly is tempered with societal expectations to communicate with compassionate
intent to cause no harm. But some people take it too far, and shut down their voice and as a
result, never get what they want or deserve.
What Happens When Your Throat Chakra is Closed?
Do you struggle to communicate your real thoughts and feelings? If you lack the confidence to
express your thoughts, ideas and feelings because you fear that you may be judged or that your
words may hurt someone, you are only holding yourself back from real happiness. You have a
right to express our needs, wants and ideas. If you keep your thoughts to yourself, how will
anyone ever know what they are and how will your needs and wants ever be met or your ideas
ever brought to life?

A blocked throat chakra will cause a problem with self-expression, which will result in a struggle
for communicating inner thoughts and feelings.
It is important to use words carefully and find the perfect balance of expressing your thoughts and
avoid hurting someone. However, repressing thoughts and feelings that genuinely need to be
expressed and heard only ends up hurting you.
Holding back from speaking your truth means that you are speaking dishonestly. Perhaps you are
unhappy with the way somebody has treated you, and yet you lie about how you feel about them.

Maybe you sometimes lie to protect people, or lie to harm them. This can lead to a dangerous
downward spiral of lying to avoid facing reality and ultimately, preventing the solutions you
desperately need.
If your throat chakra is closed, you may find yourself feeling frustrated when you want to express
what you are feeling in your heart you may find yourself unable to find the right words at the
right time, especially when you fear losing someone or something. You might fear being ridiculed,
or you might fear offending someone. The only person holding onto these fears is yourself you
imagine a certain reaction, even though that reaction is not certain.
Ironically, some people with an imbalanced fifth chakra fear silence, and talk incessantly in order
to avoid any awkward gaps in conversation. They may hide their real opinions behind white lies,
and typically offer endless commentary, praise or criticism of everything under the sun. Many
people resort to lying to hide their real feelings and this can cause a further blockage of the throat
chakra, with potentially drastic consequences.
Fifth chakra deficiencies can also contribute to physical ailments including thyroid imbalance,
bronchitis, ear infections, asthma, bronchitis, tinnitus, tonsillitis, hearing problems, laryngitis,
mouth ulcers, and tonsillitis.
Healing the Throat Chakra
Healing the throat chakra involves boosting self-confidence and believing in the validity and
importance of your ideas and truths. You do not need to be an overly chatty and outgoing person
in order to keep your Vishuddha chakra healthy and open. You simply need to develop a more
comfortable relationship with your expressive side: the courage to speak your mind in a
compassionate, understanding and proactive way.
Any form of creative expression is a highly positive practice for opening the throat chakra. The
enjoyment of the creative process is far more important than the results or end product so dont
worry if youre not an artist try your hand at cooking, gardening, inventing, writing, solving
problems take any opportunity you can to be creative. Become comfortable with your own voice
in its many forms of expression (not just spoken).

Herbal teas can be a big help in healing an imbalanced throat chakra.

If you are uncomfortable with silence, it is important for you to recognize the imbalance of your
Vishuddha chakra. Silence can be a wonderful gift. It cannot harm you and it doesnt need to be
broken. Silence is a time for you to organize your thoughts and allow your needs and desires to
come to the forefront of your mind. Practice meditation to become more comfortable with silence.
Singing is a great therapy for opening the throat chakra. Even if you only sing in the car, or in the
shower, with no audience, get to know your voice OUT LOUD and fall in love with what your throat
can produce!
Healing foods include fruit and herbal teas. Wear blue (especially turquoise), and introduce vibrant
blues into your home environment.
And try this powerful breathing meditation to open the throat chakra:

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and become aware of your breath as it enters your nostrils and
passes through the back of the throat through to the lungs. Exhale through the mouth,
consciously listening to the elongated hum sound coming as the air leaves you. As you inhale,
the sound is different so. Repeat this ancient Sanskrit chant, each time relishing in the clear,
unbroken sound of your own voice as it enters and leaves you.
Opening the throat chakra is not just about having the confidence to say something, it is about
being comfortable with your own ideas and opinions. It is also the ability to listen with empathy
and interest (not interrupting or half-listening with your mind on your own agenda). People with
open fifth chakras can express ideas clearly and honestly and readily absorb the ideas put forth by
others. They have the ability to use truth comfortably. And, they are happy with their selfexpression and creative output.
The throat chakra reminds us that our words are powerful things. By opening our Vishuddha
chakra, we can find the confidence to do so successfully, without fear.
How To Heal Your Sacral Chakra aka Swadhisthana
What is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is the second chakra, located just below the navel. This is the very center of
You. The Sanskrit word Swadhisthana translates as ones own place and refers to the true and
untarnished aspects of the real you. The energy associated with the Swadhisthana is a vibrant
orange color, symbolic of your inner flame the eternal, infinite flame that is your true nature.

The Sacral Chakra symbol

The sacral chakra is your pleasure center and the human emotional drive. It helps you experience
pleasure both from physical and emotional sources and gives you a richer life experience. It is a
valuable teacher, pointing you toward things that give you pleasure and away from things that
cause you pain, which, if the sacral chakra is open, will lead you to a happy, healthy, fulfilled life
experience. The energy that gives you the ability to experience pleasure helps nurture your sense
of abundance, happiness, resourcefulness and well-being.
The sacral chakra is orange the color of positive emotions, pleasure and success. The optimal
way to succeed is to follow your heart and do something in alignment with your natural gifts and
talents or, find bliss in being who you are.
The Swadhisthana allows you to find pleasure in self-expression. You define ourselves by what you
do, and from the personal relationships you have. A great way to find out if your sacral chakra is
healthy is by looking at your activities: are the things you do bringing you healthy pleasure or are
your activities based in a need to escape or satisfy a purely physical urge? If your self-respect is
high; if youre enthusiastic, sociable, energetic and self-assured, your sacral chakra is strong.


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How To Heal Your Sacral Chakra aka Swadhisthana

Information on Chakras
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What is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is the second chakra, located just below the navel. This is the very center of
You. The Sanskrit word Swadhisthana translates as ones own place and refers to the true and
untarnished aspects of the real you. The energy associated with the Swadhisthana is a vibrant
orange color, symbolic of your inner flame the eternal, infinite flame that is your true nature.

The Sacral Chakra symbol

The sacral chakra is your pleasure center and the human emotional drive. It helps you experience
pleasure both from physical and emotional sources and gives you a richer life experience. It is a

valuable teacher, pointing you toward things that give you pleasure and away from things that
cause you pain, which, if the sacral chakra is open, will lead you to a happy, healthy, fulfilled life
experience. The energy that gives you the ability to experience pleasure helps nurture your sense
of abundance, happiness, resourcefulness and well-being.
The sacral chakra is orange the color of positive emotions, pleasure and success. The optimal
way to succeed is to follow your heart and do something in alignment with your natural gifts and
talents or, find bliss in being who you are.
The Swadhisthana allows you to find pleasure in self-expression. You define ourselves by what you
do, and from the personal relationships you have. A great way to find out if your sacral chakra is
healthy is by looking at your activities: are the things you do bringing you healthy pleasure or are
your activities based in a need to escape or satisfy a purely physical urge? If your self-respect is
high; if youre enthusiastic, sociable, energetic and self-assured, your sacral chakra is strong.
Watch this video to learn everything about your Sacral Chakra and how to heal it

Are your chakras opened or closed?

Click on the button below to take the free 3-minute chakra test and find it out

What Happens if Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked

Humans are emotionally-driven creatures, but we are also rational, thinking beings who have the
ability to balance emotion with logic and reason. When the emotional side is unhealthy (when the
sacral chakra is blocked), it often manifests as a loss of control over emotions. Thats why road
rage exists, why we are so drawn to drama (we can relate) and why we make rash, emotional
decisions instead of taking time to weigh the consequences.

An imbalance of the sacral chakra can lead use to become emotional, dramatic, and irrational.
This chakra is particularly prone to emotional influences. Any difficulty in life can affect us,
including problems in relationships, jobs, money and health. Any unpleasant emotional response
can cause an imbalance or blockage in the sacral chakra. Many people with a blocked sacral
chakra become very cold and materialistic seeking pleasure in objects and possessions rather
than in relationships and experiences. Others develop a distorted relationship with pleasure,
leading to even more feelings of guilt and shame (feelings that what gives you pleasure is wrong).
On the far end of the spectrum of imbalanced emotions, there is severe depression, withdrawal,
unchecked anxiety, substance abuse and destructive behavior. People with closed sacral chakras
often take their problems to the extremes. Sexual needs and desires become unhealthy and
emotionless (sex becomes a purely physical release). Addiction is common in people with closed
sacral chakras. As with the sexual urge, the pleasure derived from substance abuse is emotionless
and unregulated.
Physical disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, fertility issues, kidney stones, ovarian cancer
in women or testicular cancer in men are common among people with blocked sacral chakras.
Healing the Sacral Chakra
One of the most positive things about healing the Swadhisthana is that all it really requires is for
you to do more of what makes you happy. Make an effort to spend more time doing what you love
and what makes you feel good in a healthy way, and doing less of the things you dont like and
that make you feel bad. The best, healthiest way to do more of what you love is to find ways to
express your talents. It feels so good, so perfect and right, to be doing what comes so naturally
and easily to you so indulge yourself and spend more time developing and utilizing your innate
talents and unique gifts. Nurture the powerful sacral energy through addressing what makes you
happy and mindfully expressing your creative, pleasure loving and sides.

Journaling is an effective trick for balancing the sacral chakra as it allows you to recognize
irrational behavior and become in control of your emotions.
Journaling is a wonderful way to help open the sacral chakra. In a journal, you can become very
aware of the emotional drivers that pull you toward certain activities and recognize addictive or
unhealthy urges; and then, practice meditation to develop the emotional self-mastery to
overcome unhealthy urges and allow yourself the pleasure of healthy enjoyment of life.
Eat orange colored foods like oranges, nuts and carrots. To boost positive emotions, wear orange;
and introduce orange into your home environment.
The orange glow of the sacral energy should be treated as the flame it represents, and a fire
requires frequent attention. Life should be enjoyed and your talents and gifts should be freely
expressed. Through the process of joyful self-expression, we can begin to see ourselves as we
truly are: emotionally free, sensual, lovable and valuable.
The sacral chakra is what makes you you. So take some time today to remind yourself just how
special you are, and nurture yourself by doing more of what you love and less of what you dont.
Use orange to stimulate positive emotions so you feel good about doing what you love and even
create a life of doing what you love!
How To Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra aka Ajna
Can you see beyond what is, and see what can be? Can you hold on to your vision of your ideal
life that doesnt necessarily correspond to the societys portrayal of how life should be? Do you
have the confidence to walk your own path and follow your intuitive guidance? If not your third
eye chakra is blocked.
If you have a hard time making decisions, you are probably having a hard time visualizing the
results of your decisions and you do not trust your inner guidance.
What is the Third Eye Chakra?

Third Eye Chakra symbol

The third eye chakra (also known as the brow chakra) is your inner compass, your guiding star
which interprets your past, present and future and helps you set a path for yourself in which you
can fully use your intuition, imagination, wisdom and knowledge. It lets you see the big picture of
your life and make sense of the world around you, and helps you make decisions based on your
core values.

The Sanskrit word for this energy center is Ajna, meaning to command, referring to the ability to
tune your mind and will to a certain direction. We all have the power to tap into our unconscious
that infinite space in our minds where nothing is forgotten or left behind in order to make
optimal choices, or accurate assessments about people or situations. A clear, open third eye
chakra awakens the gifts of intuition and foresight.
The third eye chakra is a deep indigo color: the color of wisdom, knowledge and mysticism.
The third eye chakra decodes symbols such as those found in dreams. Your dreams are a powerful
source of wisdom IF you can decode the symbols used by your mind! Almost everything person
or situation, especially recurring themes that you come across in a dream, have significance.
Dreamtime situations and people provide messages from the subconscious. Feeling guilty or
worried about something? Have a relationship in trouble or in a transition period? Pay close
attention to your dreams your third eye will be working overtime to ensure that your
subconscious and unconscious mind reveal the clues, answers and solutions you require to make
important decisions.
Deja-vu, premonitions, strong gut feelings are produced by the energy of the third eye. If you
learn to understand and trust this intuition, you will be well guided in your lifes journey.
What Happens When Your Third Eye Chakra is Closed?
If you struggle with decisions and commitment, if you disregard your gut instincts and if you lack
a direction or purpose in life, your third eye chakra is blocked.

With an imbalanced third eye chakra, you run the risk of getting frequent migraines, insomnia,
and vision problems.
The result is that you give away your personal power and relegate your life to being ruled by
others. You rely on others to lead the way, and end up working for someone elses dreams and not
your own.
A closed sixth chakra can result in serious and recurring health problems such as cataracts,
tension headaches, insomnia, migraine headaches, vision problems (nearsightedness and
farsightedness), pituitary problems, ear problems and sinusitis.
Healing the Third Eye Chakra
Many of us have been taught to disregard our intuition and instead favor reality as perceived
through the physical senses. But the information that comes from within is just as valid as
information that is coming from your environment through your senses! Learning to trust your
intuition is the most liberating thing you can do because who else knows your path better than
your higher self? Who else can map out your journey so that your life is fulfilled, happy and
meaningful? Wouldnt you rather listen to your inner guidance than to mass media? Learning to
rely on your intuition requires a bit of faith and confidence in yourself and your ability to make
decisions that are right for you, but its a skill worth developing.

Visualization is an important element in unblocking your third eye chakra. Here is a powerful
visualization exercise to stimulate this chakra:
Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing something you love to do; something you might only
dare to dream about but would dearly love to actually DO. Let your imagination run wild with this
visualization! Allow yourself to daydream about yourself doing what makes you happy. Make it a
point to feature yourself in your mental images see yourself receiving an award, or being up on
stage, or at the top of the mountain peak whatever goal you are imagining, put yourself in that
picture as if you were looking at yourself on a movie screen. Imagine how you might have arrived
at this point of achievement.
Imagine what you had to do differently in order to achieve this goal. The more you fire up your
imagination to create your desired future, the more energy you allow to flow through your sixth
chakra and it will do its job and show you the way by flooding you with inspired ideas and
intuitive guidance to help you think more intuitively and make positive, powerful decisions. And
then youll be motivated and inspired to take action on your vision!One of the best activities for
anyone struggling with the symptoms of a closed sixth chakra is to keep a dream journal.
Most of us can remember at least fragments of our dreams upon waking, so keep a notepad next
to your bed and as soon as youre awake, jot down the key images you saw in your dreams. Think
about who or what they represent. Its best to rely on your own interpretations since nobody else
necessarily uses the same symbolism as your mind. Rely on your knowledge of yourself, you

Visualization meditation is the most powerful way to heal your third eye chakra.
r memories, feelings and intuition in order to decode your dreams messages.
Another great technique for opening the third eye chakra is to do more of what you love to do,
and less of what you dont want to do. Follow your instincts and simplify your life in a way that
gives you plenty of time to honor who you are.
Eat dark fruits and dark chocolate; wear indigo and introduce this rich color into your home
By opening your third eye chakra, youll make more sense of your past and how you got to be
where you are in the present. Most importantly, it will allow you to focus more positively and
realistically on the future, giving you the intuitive tools you require to see through the current
situation and its limitations, and see what you want to see and what you want to accomplish. You
will become more intuitive, idealistic, wise, fearless and practical and you will know the path that
is right for you, and fearlessly follow it.
Change Your Thinking Change Your Life
Yesterday I read Carol Tuttles post about money on Facebook and how we often say I cant
afford it. Well, by saying that we are focusing on our lack, so Carols remedy is to replace
that phrase with Its a good thing Im rich. I really liked this and created this reminder postcard.

Then I found that Carol created a short video with a tapping sequence to change our outlook even
more. She calls it 2 Steps to create instant wealth. I found this video really helpful and jotted
down the tapping phrases, so that I could do the exercise daily.
With 2 fingers of your left hand tap around your left ear and say:
I am no longer fearing that there is not enough
I am no longer believing I cant have enough
I am no long believing I cant afford it
I am no longer giving money all the power
I am no longer in lack
Now switch to the right hand and use 2 fingers to tap around your right ear and say:
I am enough
I am creating enough money
I am experiencing wealth now
I am receiving my infinite supply of money
I am worth it
I am receiving an abundance of money
I am grateful
Do this daily and see what happens.
On the video she added a bonus 3rd step by adding the chakras in the mix. She says that
personal worth is centered in the solar plexus chakra.
Imagine it as a flower bud and take both hands and place them over the chakra and then slowly
pull them to the sides to open the flower and say or think: I am worth it 3 times then repeat.

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