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Did Christ Really Rise From the Dead? /did-christ-really-rise-from-the-dead/
Micah Hackett
When considering the validity of Biblical Christianity, it is essential to know the truth of Christs death and
resurrection. If He did not rise from the dead, the Christian faith has no validity and everything Christ claimed to be is
false. Without His resurrection, the Bible is just another book filled with errors and false information. The faith of
every Christian is in vain if Christ did not rise from the dead.
Changed Lives
One of the most common proofs for the resurrection is the reality of sudden and radically changed lives, whether
now or in the past. Peter was the disciple who denied Christ three times before Christ died; yet after he saw his risen
Lord, he preached boldly even when His life was at stake. The Apostle Paul persecuted Christians out of hatred for
their claims. He was a devout Jew, a Pharisee. Yet, his life was radically changed after he saw Jesus Christ risen
from the dead; such was the impact of that experience, that nothing would change his mind of what he saw, even
when it meant death. So many others were willing to die for what they knew was truth, because something
genuinely changed them. People never die for what they know is a lie; they die for a passion. Before the
resurrection, the disciples were fearful and timid; but after the resurrection, they preached boldly for Christ, because
they knew assuredly that He was alive.
Testimonies of Others
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul lists a few who saw Christ after His resurrection: Peter, five hundred brethren (plus women
and children), James, all the apostles, and Paul himself. Most of these people were still alive at the time of writing,
and they could attest to the fact that Christ did rise. The ancient renowned historian Josephus also recorded that
many saw Him. When the Bible, which has been proven to be most historically accurate, records these testimonies
and tells of Christs resurrection, we have no reason to deny it.
But it doesnt end there, for modern historians also cannot deny the resurrection. Defining if something is historically
sound depends on how many documents support the event, how many documents contradict the event, and how
soon after the event these documents were written. The Iliad by Homer has just under 650 manuscripts, and the
earliest was written by 500 years after. Historians consider this writing absolutely accurate. However, the New
Testament has over 24,000 manuscripts, and the earliest copies were written within 100 years after Christs death.
And no contradictory documents are found from that time. Historically, the resurrection is sound.
Alleged Arguments Against the Resurrection
The following theories are excuses made by men who desire with their whole being to deny Christs resurrection.
Realize, though, that the theories are not based off of proof (as will be seen), but rather on excuse and efforts to in
some way discredit the Bible and its testimony. Well soon see that it is more historically sound to accept the Bibles
The Swoon Theory. The Swoon Theory states Christ merely fell unconscious on the cross, was buried, and nursed
back to health after an escape from the tomb. However, this defies all logic, for it is physically impossible for a man
who was crucified/beaten as Christ was to live through it, let alone after it. Some men would die from the intense
scourging (whipping with a leather strap which had metal and bones on the end of it) even before making it to the
cross. So Christ was scourged, crucified, nearly suffocated (this is how you were killed when crucified), and had His
heart pierced. Not only that, but He was pronounced dead by experts of murder. Yet skeptics say He lived through
it? This is neither historical nor logical. He could not have survived, nor would he have wanted to after such an


Stolen body. Some also use the unfounded excuse that the body of Christ was stolen after it was buried. However,
we must realize that the grave was sealed by a stone of a few tons, it was guarded by two Roman soldiers, and the
disciples would have been too fearful to even attempt such a feat. If they were so undevoted enough to flee from
their Master when He was arrested, why would they steal His body and die for what they knew was a lie?
Hallucination. Another objection made is that the disciples and other witnesses were merely hallucinating, because
they so desired that the Lord did not die. However, there is no indication of this anywhere in historical writings; this
only exists as an objection today. Also, many at a time saw Christ when He was risen, and it is scientifically
impossible for several to hallucinate the exact same event. Five hundred men plus women and children cannot
hallucinate as a group, yet they still saw Him. This also doesnt give reason for the empty tomb. Did they hallucinate
that the tomb was empty? Science clearly does not back this theory.
It wasnt Christ Who died. The objection is also raised that a look-alike took Christs place on the cross, which would
give reason for His appearance to others. Lets consider this: 1). All reliable historical texts say otherwise (Bible,
Josephus, Talmud, Roman historic writings). It is not historical to believe this. 2). Historians recognize that Christ
died. 3). Pilate condemned Jesus to death, and there was no point at which Judas or another look alike could take
Christs place. 4). The look-alike would have known what crucifixion involved and would never have chosen to die
that way for a lie. In reality, there is far more proof against this than for it.
Disciples didnt know Christs burial place. Finally, some would raise the argument that the disciples did not know
where Christ was buried. In Matthew 28:12-15, the elders and chief priests (who knew where He was buried) even
recognized that the grave was empty; they claimed the body was stolen. Furthermore, Joseph of Arimathaea was
rich and buried Christ in a special tomb (a fulfillment of prophecy Isaiah 53:9, fulfilled in Matthew 43-46). In those
days, for a womans testimony to be trusted, the testimony had to come from two witnesses: Mary Magdalene and
Mary the mother of Jesus saw where Jesus was laid. Of course the tombs location was known. There is no reason
to deny it.
If Christ is not risen, according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, Christians are false witnesses who deserve to be
eternally damned for their claims, and they are some of the saddest examples of human beings. Christ had to have
risen; how else did Christianity explode in the early centuries? It was not done by force, but because of the power of
the message and the boldness of the disciples. If Christ is not risen, not only is history and logic contradicted, but
every person on the face of the earth is without hope.


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