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Orality Presentation A Very Early Heart Break

Music Heartbreak & Promises, Devotion/Nothing Compares to you

Theory Points
The Dilemma of the Oral is I will never have enough, I am
The defence against the Oral wound occurs between 3mths1.5yrs
The wound occurs at the oral stage of development, the early
breastfeeding stage.
The oral infant experienced the love of a parental figure, and
then something happened and it was taken away. The baby
may not have ever been abandoned yet on an emotional level,
it has experienced the loss of something vital.
Having been loved and then experiencing the loss of love,
leaves them feeling threatened and unsafe, and unsure if they
are really loved.
Talk briefly about compensated I wont reach out.
Main Image: If I reach out and ask for what I need, I wont get
it and I will die
Character Structure Features: - Could Ask Group???
They often have long and thin bodies. They have grown away from
their hearts. Often they have a long neck, which can sometimes jut
forward as if reaching for what s/he didnt get. Also theyre
intelligent, and they tend to live in their minds. Energetically, they
are the most depleted of the structures. You might see pleading in
the eyes.
We want you to experience Oral Stage:
Pairs: Sucking pad of palm of partner using tongue partner rips
it away
We want you to experience the character structures energy:
Your Energy is low, undercharged. Legs are weak and undercharged,
arms hanging/pinned to your sides, collapse your chest, head juts
forward with longing, sucking eyes. Behave like an Energy Vampire.
Notice what it brings up in you does it feel energetically or
physically familiar or perhaps it disgusts you.
Pairs A & B: Lower Self: Take Care of Me You owe it to me
Help me, I need you hangs off B. Bs What are you noticing?
Whats the CT- Do you want to mother, help, caretake? Are you
disgusted Youre passive, needy and dependent Ewwww! SWAP
Mask play: Now pretend youre not needy: I dont need you, I wont

Talk about the bind The Oral is looking for the fulfilment and an
unconditional love that didnt get met. In therapy/life they struggle
with taking in the very thing that they want love, affirmation,
authentic contact. And it is NEVER enough. USEFUL TO MAKE A LINK
WITH THE INSATIABILITY that comes with Addictions. ME or Sas
holding a drink, fag, chewing gum etc & one of us takes it all
away the fag, gum etc just like the sucking Ex and the
palm of hand
Being on drugs is comparable to being breastfed, except that its not
real nourishment. Coming down off your high is comparable to being
ripped from the warm breast of your mum and put down you then
start to feel cold, lost, hungry, angry, needy, and very anxious about
returning to the comfortable state. For the Oral, need is insatiable.
The healing comes from satiating. Helping them to receive, to say:
Thats delicious. Im satisfied. Im full.
Locus of movement starts from the navel. We spoke about longing in
the belly at the beginning of talk. Now we ask you to get in touch
with any longing that you need fulfilling or filling??
Lisa Ls Fulfillment/Sucking in nourishment life energy, and finding
pleasure in it. Filling the inner tube.
Where theres addictions, theres anxiety, breathing is essential.
Where theres eating disorder theres a hole that needs filling,
getting in touch with satiation. MAYBE: Pairs Discussion: Focus on
one area of your life where you have needs, e.g. at work, or with
your partner
Name 3 needs you are conscious of e.g. I need to feel my bosses
support or I need my partner to spend an hour with me with his
phone switched off in the evening
If something stops you from asking, or getting your need met, see if
you can name it to your partner: e.g.
If I ask
Ex: Connect to your own inner baby hold it offer it love,
protection, support, warmth, trust, faith

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