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Explain how the principle beliefs of Judaism underpins the life of

adherents. Give examples to support your answers.
The principle beliefs of Judaism underpins the life of Jewish adherents
due to their strong faith and belief in the one God who is the creator and
ruler of the universe, their moral law thats prescribed by God and the
idea of the Covenant. This is highlighted though the Thirteen Articles of
Faith, the Maimonides and the Scriptures of the Torah. Jewish
adherents closely follow these principle beliefs in all aspects of life.
The basis and foundations of the Jewish faith all come from Gods
teachings that come from the Torah. In Exodus 20:3, God carries out the
law that Jewish adherents should follow. The principle is shown when
God says have no other Gods before me. Images and artworks of
God are never shown in synagogues and holy places as Jewish
adherents acknowledge the divine and powerful nature of God, this is
demonstrated in prayers such as the Shema, which is recited daily. The
first line of the Shema reaffirms their belief in God Hear O Israel: The
lord is our God, the Lord alone. Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
The Jewish law dictates the rules and regulations that Jewish adherents
must adhere to in order to maintain the covenant with God. The refer to
the Torah to learn and educate themselves on the many aspects of life
including their religion and law. The 613 mitzvot come from the Torah
which were given to Moses from God. It expresses the way Jewish
adherents express their faith. The Talmud is an interpretation of the
halacha which the Jewish adherents consult to gain a better
understanding of the moral law and how to live their life in accordance
to the Torah as well.
Jewish adherents relationship with God is based on their covenant with
God. It ratifies their relationship with God and his people, the chosen
people. In Genesis, Abraham is the first to have a covenant with God,
This is my covenant, which you shall keep. It requires all Jewish
adherents to follow the halacha, which are the legal requirements that
they abide in order to have Gods unconditional love and guidance. By
adhering to all the 613 mitzvot that were given to Moses, Jewish
adherents fulfill their covenant with God.
The Jewish faith is underpinned by the principles beliefs they adhere to.
As Judaism is a monotheistic worldview, Jewish adherents follow and
address God respectively through worshipping, language and art. The
moral law is prescribed and by God and observed by the Jewish faith.
The covenant is essential to Judaism as Jewish adherents fulfill their
covenantal obligations.

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