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How long does it take for alcohol to affect the brain?

10 seconds
90 seconds
10 minutes
90 minutes
Which of the following does not equal one "standard drink?
12 ounces of wine cooler
12 ounces of malt liquor
Reason: 12 ounces of malt liquor - Twelve ounces of malt liquor is about one and half
standard drinks. Because malt liquor has a higher alcohol percentage than beer, 8 ounces
of malt liquor is one standard drink. A standard drink is 12 grams of pure ethanol, which
5 ounces of wine
1 1/2 ounces of whiskey
How long does it take the body to process or break down one standard drink?
Half an hour
One hour
An hour and a half
Depends on the drink
What is blood alcohol concentration?
The ability to concentrate after drinking alcohol
The amount of alcohol that will kill a person
The proportion of alcohol to blood in the body as someone drinks
The legal limit for drinking
How long must a person wait after drinking before he or she is totally sober?
An hour
Eight hours
One hour for each drink consumed
Reason: One hour for each drink consumed - After drinking, a person must wait one
hour for each drink they consumed before he or she is sober. In other words, if someone had two
drinks, hed need to wait at least two hours without drinking before he would be sober. If
someone else had four drinks, she would need to wait at least four hours. Nothing will speed up
this process, not food, coffee, cold showers, or exercise.
Half an hour for each drink consumed
Twenty-four hours
Which of the following statements about drinking alcohol is false?
It depresses, or slows down, brain and body functions.
It affects women more quickly than men, even if they weigh the same.
It is more harmful to teens than to adults.
It stimulates, or speeds up, brain and body functions.

Which essential body organ suffers the most life-threatening damage from alcohol?
Which of the following is a special concern for teenagers in alcohol abuse?
Liver damage
Heart damage
Tooth and gum damage
Bone and muscle damage
Reason: Bone and muscle damage - Alcohol causes damage to the liver, heart, teeth and gums,
but a special concern for teenagers in alcohol abuse is bone and muscle damage. Someone who
begins drinking regularly as a young teen can limit his or her growth, and never get as tall as
nature intended.
What is "tolerance" of alcohol?
It is the amount a person can drink before feeling any effects
It is the amount a person can allow his or her friends to drink.
It is the amount a person can drink before vomiting.
It is the need for increasing amounts of alcohol before feeling any effect.
It is the amount just below 'legally intoxicated'.
Why is increasing tolerance a problem?
It isnt a problem.
Peoples friends become more obnoxious with higher tolerance.
It leads to more DUI arrests.
It is a sign of growing addiction.
How does a family history of alcoholism affect someones risk of being an alcoholic?
Children of alcoholics cannot drink at all or they will become alcoholics.
Genes can cause vulnerability to alcoholism.
There is no added risk of alcoholism to children of alcoholics.
Growing up in a home with alcoholics can cause vulnerability to alcoholism even in
adopted children.
Both genes and growing up in a home with alcoholics affect risk.
How can you tell if you are sober enough to drive safely?
If you can recite the alphabet backwards, touch your finger to your nose with your eyes
closed, and walk a straight line.
If you feel sober, you probably are.
If an hour has passed since your last drink.
If an hour has passed for each drink you had.
The only way to know you are sober enough to drive safely is if at least one hour has
passed for each drink you had. Only the passage of an adequate amount of time will make
a drunk person sober. Just because someone feels sober is definitely not a good reason for

him to assume he is sober. Many drunk people have decided they were "sober enough"
and have driven off into accidents that injure and kill people. Being able to complete
some of the tasks in a roadside sobriety test are no guarantee of sobriety. Plenty of people
can do some or all of these tasks, even if they are drunk, if they try hard enough. Being
able to do silly parlor tricks like these doesnt mean its safe for the person to drive. Only
the passage of at least one non-drinking hour per drink consumed will make a person
sober again.

1. FALSE - Alcohol is a mood altering drug that depresses bodily functions.
2. FALSE - Nothing but time will sober a drunk.
2. TRUE - The effect that alcohol has on you is dependant on your sex, your weight, how fast
you metabolize alcohol, the situation, your mood, and presence of food in the stomach. If you are
a woman, the effects also depend on the time of your menstrual cycle and if you are on the birth
control pill.
4. FALSE - The consumption of enough alcohol will cause death. This level is dependant on the
5. FALSE - Often these charts only take into account your weight and the number of drinks that
you have drank. These charts can be used as a guideline, but there are no guarantees to their
validity in regards to you.
6. FALSE - Encouraging the semiconscious person to vomit could cause choking and/or
7. TRUE - Women respond more quickly to alcohol due to their smaller body size and body fat
distribution, a decreased amount of alcohol metabolizing enzyme, and due to increased hormonal
8. TRUE In 1998, 2,210 youth died in alcohol-related crashes - 35.8 percent of their total
traffic fatalities. Most of these are at low levels of BAC (between .01 and .09).
9. TRUE AND FALSE - Alcohol decreases your inhibitions, which factor into an increased
sexual drive. However, alcohol decreases sexual functioning and is linked to the reduction of the
male hormone testosterone.
person and frequently assess them for alcohol poisoning.
2. F - Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.
3. F - Aspirin has no effect on Blood Alcohol Level.
4. T - Alcohol abuse is a problem and continued alcohol abuse can lead to dependence
problems, but abuse and dependence are different problems.
5. T - Alcohol is a central nervous system depressent that affects both respiration
(breathing) and heart rate. In large quanities it can depress both functions to the point of
stopping the heart and breathing, resulting in death.
6. F - A mixed drink with one shot of alcohol has the same total alcohol content as a 12 oz.
bottle of beer or a 4-5 oz. glass of wine.

7. F - The rate that your body eliminates alcohol is effected by several things, including
body size, the amount of food and sleep you have had and other factors. Everyone
eliminates the alcohol from the body differently.
8. F - Carbonated beverages in a drink will cause a faster absorption of the alcohol into the
body, so a gin and tonic will enter the bloodsteam somewhat faster than than a glass of
wine. However, the type of alcohol consumed does not affect the rate that the body
metabolizes the alcohol.
9. T - An 18 year old may sell or serve alcoholic beverages in Michigan, but may not
purchase, consume, possess, or attempt to purchase, consume or possess alcohol.
10. F - Drinking coffee will not make a person "more sober." Only time can "sober" a person.
11. T- Vomitting is a body's response to the try to eliminate the poison

What are some Long Term affect of heavy drinking?

Birth Defects Drinking any alcohol while pregnant can do severe, permanent damage
to the child. A woman who could be pregnant must not drink any alcohol!
Alcohol use during pregnancy is the #1 cause of nonhereditary mental retardation. (For
The child may exhibit lifelonghyperactive behavior and learning disabilities.
Liver Damage The liver processes nutrients and filters the blood, among other things.
The liver suffers the most life-threatening damage from alcohol:
Fatty liver Accumulation of fat in the liver slows its function.
Alcoholic hepatitis Liver cells swell and cause blockage. This is 10 30% fatal.
Cirrhosis Heavy scarring of the liver prevents bloodflow. Cirrhosis is usually fatal.
Liver cancer.
Pancreas Damage The pancreas helps to regulate the body's blood sugar levels by
producing insulin, and has a role in digesting the food we eat.
Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas causes severe abdominal pain, unwanted
weight loss, and can cause death.
Heart Disease
Hypertension (high blood pressure.)
Enlarged heart cannot be repaired.
Coronary heart disease narrowed arteries lead to heart attack and death.
Irregular heartbeat, which can lead to heart attack and death.
Decreased bloodflow to the arms and legs.
Stroke Blocked bloodflow to the brain or bleeding in the brain. Stroke is a major
Bone Damage
The rapid bone growth that should be taking place in the teenage years is limited by

Older people who have been heavy drinkers suffer from severe back pain, spine
deformity, and increased risk of wrist and hip fractures caused by osteoporosis.
Cancer Alcoholism may increase a persons chances of having any of the following
Pancreas and liver.
Colon and rectum.
Brain Damage
Lowered cognitive (thinking) abilitieseven with moderate drinking!
Destruction of brain cells, producing brain deterioration and atrophy (shrinking.)
Mental disorders: increased aggression, antisocial behavior, depression, and anxiety.
Heavy drinkers have more accidental injuries due to damage to the sense of balance.
What are the short-term effects of drinking? (Any Three)
Slower reaction times and reflexes.
Heavy sweating.
Blurry or double vision.
Nausea and vomiting.
Lowered reasoning ability.
Lower inhibitions (doing or saying things you otherwise would not.)
Poor motor coordination.
Inability to drive a car.
Slowed heart rate.
Slowed breathing rate.
Reduced blood pressure.
Anxiety, restlessness.
Mental confusion.
Memory loss.
Death from respiratory arrest.
Fun Facts
What is the most popular gift in Eastern Europe? [Vodka]
McDaniel College
State one of the substance free building in McDaniel college?
Rouzer, Whiteford, and Daniel MacLea, and designated substance-free residence halls.
If your 21 and living in Northvillage apartment are you allowe to consume alchole in common
No, Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any public areas of the residence halls, defined as
all hallways, stairwells, bathrooms, lobbies, lounges, porches, balconies, storage rooms, laundry
rooms, elevators, or any other area outside a residential facility. In the Garden Apartments, North

Village, Pennsylvania Ave. houses, and Daniel McLea Suites, the individual bedrooms are
private space while the common areas of the residence are considered public space.
If you Are 21 living in PA house with underage friend are you allowed to share the alcoholic
beverage with them?
If you are underage living in PA or North Village housing are you allowed to Drink alcohol if
your friend provides you with one?

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