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Mitosis Vocabulary

According to the dictionary of Merriam-Webster, is The interval between the end of one
mitotic or meiotic division and the beginning of another
But based on my understanding and my own definition, the interphase is the beginning
of a cell.
Example usage of words: Interphase of a cell is the first step when cells are born
G1 Phase:
According to the book of Biology, the meaning of G1 phase is: The first stage of cell cycle is
Gap 1. It is when a cell carries out its normal functions. If it is intestinal cell then it will create a
cell that absorbs nutrients
Based on my understanding, the meaning of the G1 phase is, when a cell gives DNA or
information so that a new cell can be reproduced
Example usage of words: If our skin is scratched, skin cells that must be replaced will need to go
through g1 phase
Synthesis phase
According to the book of Biology, the meaning of S phase or Synthesis is: combining the parts
to make a whole, this stage is where a cell makes a copy of its nuclear DNA
Based on my understanding, the meaning of Synthesis phase is when the cell is starting to make
a replica of a DNA that is going to be copied
Example usage of words
: Before the synthesis phase, there is only a one set of DNA
G2 phase
According to the book of Biology, the meaning of the G2 phase is, The third phase of the cell
cycle in which during, cells continue to carry out their normal functions, and additional growth
Based on my understanding, the G2 phase is the continuous phase that happens after the DNA is
copied, where there will be more growth and what did not occur in the G1 phase
Example usage of words:
I just learned that the G2 phase is the final phase before Mitosis

According to the book of Biology, the definition of prophase is: The first phase of mitosis when
chromatin condenses, the nuclear envelope breaks down, the nucleolus disappears and the
centrosomes and centrioles migrate to the opposite sides of the cell.
The definition based on my knowledge is, the first phase in the new stage after G2 phase. It is
where the nucleolus or the brain of the cell starts to disappear and move to the opposite sides of a
Example usage of words:
Chromatin was not condense before the Prophase!
According to the book of Biology, the definition of Metaphase is: the second phase of mitosis in
which spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the cell equator
Based on my understanding, the meaning of Metaphase is when spindle of fibers attach
themselves to the chromosome
Example usage of words:
When spindle of fibers attach themselves, it looks like its making a straight line in the cell
Based on the book of Biology, Anaphase is The third phase of mitosis during which chromatids
separate and are pulled to the opposite sides of the cell
According to my knowledge, the meaning of Anaphase is when a chromatid (a small part of
chromosome) is separated from the other
Example usage of words:
The Anaphase of a cell looks really cool, because it looks like a cell is trying to separate with its
own body.
The meaning of Telophase according to the book is, the last phase of Mitosis when a complete
set of identical chromosomes is positioned at each pole of the cell, the nuclear membranes start
to form, the chromosomes begin to uncoil, and the spindle of fibers disassemble.
Based on my understanding, the Telophase is the phase after the chromosomes are separated, the
spindle of fibers detach themselves and the new cell membranes begin to form
Example usage of words:
A new nuclear membrane is starting to appear in the Telophase during our experiment

The meaning of cytokinesis according to the book of Biology is, The process by which the cell
cytoplasm divides. It divides cytoplasm in the daughter phase. It is the final stage before the
stage in which cells want to produce another cell
Based on my understanding, the Cytokinesis is the final stage of cell division that prepares the
cells to enter the interphase again
Example usage of words:
Look in the cytokinesis, there are new cells called the daughter cells!
The meaning of chromosome based on the book is, a long, continuous thread of DNA that
consists of numerous genes and regulatory information
According to my personal knowledge, Chromosome is a part of DNA that comes into pairings,
and it contains information about genetics.
Example usage of words:
We have a total of 46 Chromosome in our body, half of them we receive from our mother, and
the other half is from our dad
The meaning of Chromatid, according to the book is the one half of a duplicated chromosome
According to my understanding, Chromatid is one part of chromosome that is replicated
Example usage of words:
The chromatid is very small, it is usually hard to see with a keen eye
Centrioles meaning, based on Biology book is, a small cylinder, shaped chromosome that looks
pinched, where spindle of fibers attach during meiosis and mitosis
Based on my understanding, the meaning of Centriole is chromosome when spindle of fibers
attach themselves
Example usage of words:
Centriole can be found during the Mitosis phase of the cell division

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