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A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever,

someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. In the sentence Joe saw Jill,
and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill, respectively.
Coordinating conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that join,
or coordinate, two or more items (such as words, main clauses, or sentences) of
equal syntactic importance. In English, the mnemonic acronym FANBOYS can be
used to remember the coordinators for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
Here are some examples of coordinating conjunctions in English and what they do:
For presents rationale ("They do not gamble or smoke, for they are ascetics.")
And presents non-contrasting item(s) or idea(s) ("They gamble, and they smoke.")
Nor presents a non-contrasting negative idea ("They do not gamble, nor do they
But presents a contrast or exception ("They gamble, but they don't smoke.")
Or presents an alternative item or idea ("Every day they gamble, or they smoke.")
Yet presents a contrast or exception ("They gamble, yet they don't smoke.")
So presents a consequence ("He gambled well last night, so he smoked a cigar to
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words and groups of words of equal
weight in a sentence. There are many different pairs of correlative conjunctions:
not only...but (also)
no sooner...than
You either do your work or prepare for a trip to the office. (Either do, or prepare)
He is not only handsome, but also brilliant. (Not only A, but also B)
Not only is he handsome, but also he is brilliant. (Not only is he A, but also he is B)
Neither the basketball team nor the football team is doing well.
Both the cross country team and the swimming team are doing well.
You must decide whether you stay or you go.
Just as many Americans love basketball, so many Canadians love ice hockey.
The more you practice dribbling, the better you will be at it.
Football is as fast as hockey (is (fast)).
Football is as much an addiction as it is a sport.
No sooner did she learn to ski, than the snow began to thaw.
I would rather swim than surf.
What Is a Compound Subject? (with Examples)
A compound subject is one which consists of more than one noun. (This
includes pronouns, noun phrases, and noun clauses.)
When the subject of a sentence is made up of two or more elements, it's called
a compound subject.

The individual elements in a compound subject are joined by words like and
and or (called coordinate conjunctions) or pairings like either/or and
neither/nor (called correlative conjunctions).
Examples of Compound Subjects
Here are some examples of compound subjects (shaded):
A clean driving licence, sales experience and team spirit are essential.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
The pigeon and the falcon fell from view.
My wife and I cannot attend unfortunately.
Neither the British Army nor the Metropolitan Police had any suitable vehicles.
What Is a Compound Predicate? (with Examples)
The predicate is the part of the sentence that makes a statement about thesubject.
The predicate usually tells us what the subject is doing or what is happening to the
A compound predicate tells us two (or more) things about the same subject (without
repeating the subject).
This is a simple predicate:
Adam lives in Bangor.
(This tell us just one thing about the subject (Adam). This is not a compound
Examples of Compound Predicates
These are examples of compound predicates:
Adam lives in Bangor and speaks Welsh.
(This tell us two things about the subject (Adam).)
The telegram was late but contained exciting news.
They need to absorb nitrogen and keep above 20 degrees.
There Is One Subject in a Compound Predicate
A compound predicate tells us at least two things about one subject. So, the
following sentence is not an example of a compound predicate:
Adam lives in Bangor, and he speaks Welsh.
(This is a compound sentence. It has two subjects (Adam and he). Each subject has
one simple predicate.)
The following sentence is an example of a compound predicate:
Adam and his brother live in Bangor and speak Welsh.
(The predicate tell us two things about the subject (Adam and his brother). Even
though it has two elements, this is one subject. It is called a compound subject.)

Compound subject


White-tailed deer and raccoons are commonly seen near the lake.


Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King are two of my heroes.


Last Sunday we walked through the park.


Last Sunday Ramona and I walked through the park and then down the road to
my house.
The chirping birds and the droning insects were the only sounds we heard in the

The tallest girl and the shortest boy ended up dancing together at the prom.


Each morning after the bell rang at school, the children would stand up to say the
Pledge of Allegiance and a short prayer.


In the 1980s, Milka Planinc of Yugoslavia and Mary Eugenia Charles of Dominica
became the first women prime ministers of their countries.


Both the villagers and the rural teachers worked together to build the reservoir.
The lifestyles of the Native Americans and the European settlers were
diametrically opposed to each other from the very beginning.


Throughout the 19th century, London and Paris were the world's two leading
financial centers.
At night in the dense forest, the rustling of leaves and the soft whisper of the wind
were the only sounds that could be heard.

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe.

The major metropolitan areas of Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore are the favorite
destinations of American tourists in India.
Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing are just three Chinese cities with populations
that are comparable to all of Australia.

A sentence has a compound subject when it has more than one
subject. It has a compound predicate when there is more than one
predicate. Sometimes sentences can have both a compound subject
and a compound predicate.
Rachel and Stef read the same book. (compound subject)
Ulysses ran, swam, and rode a bicycle in the triathlon. (compound
My dog and ferrets play and sleep together. (compound subject and
Compound subjects and predicates are joined with either the coordinating conjunctions
(and, but, or, nor) or the correlative conjunctions (both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not
only/but also).
Don't confuse a verb phrase with a compound predicate.
We will be going to China this summer. (verb phrase - it has only one
main verb - going)
A compound predicate might share a helping verb, or it might be two (or more) separate
verb phrases.
Dolphins are swimming and splashing near our dock.
(swimming and splashing share the helping verb are.)
Dolphins do swim and do splash near our dock. (do swim and do
splash have the same helping verb but are two separate verb
Dolphins do swim and might splash near our dock (do
swim and might splash are two separate verb phrases.).

Don't confuse a simple sentence with a compound subject and

predicate with a compound sentence.
Sam and Clarence are talking and eating at the same time. (compound
subject and predicate - notice the pattern: subject, subject, verb,
verb. Both subjects are doing both verbs.)
Sam is talking, and Clarence is eating at the same time. (compound
sentence - notice the pattern: subject, verb, subject, verb. The first
subject is doing the first verb, and the second subject is doing the
second verb.)

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