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~ ~
~d Session.



1861- 1865,


1, 1904.-Ordercd

to be printed.






II%l).d se.\\to?l.

IIcltl a t Richniontl, Ta., January 12, 1863, to May I , 1863.

Fw"t/L Ressiulr.
lleltl at liiclr~nond,V:L, ~ c c e i i i b ~
7,r1863, to February 17, 1864.


The second [third] session of the First Congress, in conformity with

the ConstitGtion and laws, coinnienced this day a t the city of Richmond;
and the Senate assembled.

MONDAY, *JANUARY 12, 1863.

OI'ICN 8 ~ S S I O ~ .

William L. Yancey.



itugustus E. Maxwell.


lknjmnin H. Hill.


Henry %. Wirnett.


'I'honias J . Senimes.

MISSOURI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

,John I3, Clark.

NoR'rH C a r i o ~ a ? ; ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Itobert W. Barnwell.

F . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . .~. . . .

VIRGISIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Louis T. TV Igfall.

1-1. M. T. Hunter.

T h c Hon. E. 31. rr. Iluutttr, President pro tempore of the Senate,

resumed the chair.
It appearing that a quorurii of the Senate was not present,
On motion by hlr. Clark,
T h e Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 12 o'clock.



13, 1863.

The Hon. James M. Baker, from the State of Florida; the Hon.
Clement C. Clay, from the State of Alabama, and the Hon. Gustavus
A. Henry, from the State of Tennessee, severally attended.
No quorum being present,
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 12 o'clock.
14, 1863.

The Hon. George Davis, from thc State of North Carolina; the Hon.
James Phelan, from thc State of Mississippi, and the Ion. Edward
Sparrow, from the State of Louisiana, severally attended.
It appearing that a quorum of the Senate was not present,
On motion by MY.Maxwell,
Ordemd, That the Sergwnt-at,-hrnis be directed to request t h e
attendance of absent Senators.
A quorum appearin",
On motion by Mu. elark,
Ordered, That thc Secretary inform the House of liepresenta,ives
that a qiioriirn of the Senate has assembled, and that the Senate is
ready to proceed to husincss.
A message from the House of Iiepresentatives, by Mr. Lamar:
Mi+.Prexident: I ani instrncted by the House of Representatives to inform the
Senate that the House of Representatives, in the absence of the Speaker, has been
duly organized by the election of the I-Zon. J. L. RI. Curry, of Alabama, as Speaker
pro teinporc.
The l_loiiscof Representatives have passed a resolution to appoint a committee of
three, to join such corninittee as may be appointed by the Senate, to wait on the
Prcsidcnt of the Confedrrato States and inform him that the Congress of the Confederate States is now in session pursuant to adjournnient, and ready to receive any
coniinunication he may be pleased to submit; and have appointed MePsrs. Holt of
Georgia, Sexton of Texas, and (ioode of Virginia the coininittee on their part.

Mr. Clay su1)inittcd the following resolution; which was considered

B ~ s o l r * t dThat
a committee b(A appointed, jointly with the committee appointed on
the 1)art of tht. I louse of Representativc.s, to wait 011 the President of the Confederate
tibiteti anti inforni hini that Congress is now in session and ready t o receive any comirinnicalion he may be pleased to maker

On inotioii by Mr. Clay,

Ordered, That the committee be appointed by the President pro
tempore; 2nd
Mr. Clay, MY. Barnwell, and Mr. Henry were appointed.
(I?der(,d, That tlic Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Clay, from thc committee appointed on the part of the Senate,
jointly with the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to wait on the Presidont of the Confcderate States and
inform him that Congress is now in session and ready to receive any

Jtm. 11, 1863.1


communication he may be pleased to make, reported that they had

performed the duty assigned them, and that the President re lied that
he would immediately make a cornmunication to the two ouses of
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. S. Rarrison, his Secretary:


To the Senate and I ~ O U SofPRepresentalizes of tJw Confederate Aates:

At the date of your last adjourniiierit the preparations of the enemy for further
hostilities had assumed so nienac*iiipan aspect as to excite in some minds apprehension of our ability to meet them with sufficient promptness to avoid serious
reverses. These preparations were completed shortly after your departure from the
seat of government, and the ariiiies of t h e United States made sininltaneotis advance
on our frontiers, on t h e western rivers, and on the Atlantic coast in masses so great
s,s to evince their hope of overbearing all resistance by mere weight of nunibers.
lliis hope, however, like tlioce previotisly entertained by our foes, has vanished. I n
Jirginia, their fourth attempt at inva&m by armies whose assured success was confidently predicted has met \\ ith decisiw ropulse. Our noble defenders, under the
consummate leadership of their yencral, habe again, a t Fredericksburg, inflicted on
t h e forces under General Biirnside the like disastrous overthrow a? had been previously suffered by the successile invading armies commanded by Generals 1VlcDowel1,
ATcClellan, and Pope.
In the West obstinate battlrs have been fought with varying fortunes, marked by
frightful carnage on both sidcs. but the enemys hopes of decisive results have again
been baaed, while at Vicksburg anotlier formidable expedition has been repulsed
with inconsiderable lobs on our side arid sel ere daiiiaqc to the assailing forces. On
t h e Atlantic coast t h e enemy has been uiiable to gain a footing heyond t h e protecting
shelter of his fleets, and the city of C+alre~ton
hm just been recovered by our forces,
which succecded not only i n the capture of tlie gitrrison, b u t of one of the enemys
1s of nar, which was carried by boarding parties from merchant ri\ e r steamers.
ur fortified positions
ywlic.rc bccw much strengthcnetl and iml~rovcd,
affording assiliame of
eneuiies, in spite of tlic
A reIiew of our liibtoiy tluriiig the two >cars of oiir national existence affo~ds
ample cause for congrxtnlation and demantlr the most fervent espiesbion of our
thankfulness to the i\linighly Father 1% ho h e s bleised oiir cause l\e are jnstified
in asserting, with B pridc surcly not unbccoining, that thew Confetlerate States have
added another to the lessons taught by history for the instruction of inan; that they
have afforded another exaiiiple of the itiiposiiJility of siibjagating a people determined to be free, and h a r e demonstrated that no superiority of nnmbers or available
resoiirces can overcome the resistance offered by snch \ alor in combat, such constancy
under suffering, and stich checrfnl endurance of pril ation as hare been cowpicuously
displayed by this peoplc in the defense of their rights and 1ihertieP. The anticipations
with nhich we entered into the contest have now ripened into a conrictioii which is
not oiily shared with us by thc coininon opinion of neutral nations, but is evidently
forcing itself upon our eiiemier theniselres. If we but mark the history of t h e present year by resolute persereratice i n t h e path \<e hare hitherto pursued, by vigorous
effort in the development of all our resources for defense, and by t h e continued
exhibition of the same unfaltering courage i n our soldiers and able conduct in their
leaders as 1iai.e dirtinguishccl the past, we have every reason to expect that this will
rig year of thc war. The war, u hich, in its inception, mas waged for forcinto the Union, having failed to accouiplisli that purpose, passcd into a
sec*oridstage, i i i kt 1iic.h it w a5 attempted to cc~iiqiieianti ride these Statcs as depencleiit
pi oviiices. I>efe.atedin thii second design, o w enemies have evidently entered upon
another, which can h a r e 1x0 other purpose than revenge and thirst for blood and
plunder of pri) ate property. But hovr-ever iinplacable they may be, they can have
neither the spirit nor the resources required for a fourth ycar of a struggle uneheered
by any hope of PLI(YWR, kept alive solely for the indulgence of mercenary and wicked
p?ssions, aiid demanding so eshaustive a n expenditure of blood and money as har
hitherto been imposed on their people. The advent of peace will be hailed with joy.
Our desire for it has never been concealed. Our efforts to avoid the war, forced on
us as it was by the lust of conquest and t h e insane passions of our foes, are known to
iiiankind. Rut earnest as has been our uish for peace and great a9 have heen oiir
sacrifices and sufferings during the war, the determination of this people has, with
each succeeding month, become iiiore nnalterably fixed to endure any sufferings and
continue any sacrifices, however prolonged, until their right to self-government and


[Jan. 14,1863.

t h e sovereignty ancl independence of these States shall have been triumphantly vindicated and firmly established.
In this connection the occasion seems not unsuitable for some referenw tn t h e
relations between t h e Confederacy and the neutral powers of Europe since the separation of these States from the former Union.
Four of the States now meiiihers of the Confederacy were recognized by name as
independent sovereignties in a treaty of peace concluded i n t h e year 1783 with one of
the two great maritime powers of western Europe, and had been prior to that period
allies in war of the other. In the year 1778 they formed a union with nine other
States under Articles of Confederation. Dissatisfied with that union, three of theniVirginia, South Carolina, and Georgia, together with eight of the States now inembers
of the United States-seceded froni it i n 17S9, and these eleven secedingstates formed a
second union, although by the terms of the Articles of Confederation express prorisioll
ww made that the first union should be perpetual. Their right to secede, notwithstanding this provision, was neither contested by the States from which they separated nor made the subject of disrussion with any third power. When, at a later
period, North Carolina acceded to that second union, am1 when, still later, the other
sovereign a States-now members of this Confederacy-became also members of the
same union, it was upon the recognized footing of equal and independent sovereignties; nor had it then entered into tlie niinds of nieii that sovereign States could be
compelled by foice to remain nirinbers of a Confederation into which they had
entercd of their own free xiill, if at x sultseqaent period the defense of their vafety
and honor should in their judgment justiiy n ithdra\ial. The expeiience of t h e
past had evinced the futility of any renunciation of sricli inherent rights, and accordingly the provision for perpetuity contained in the Articles of Confederation of 1778
was omitted in the Constitution ot 1789. \17hcn therefore, in 1861, eleven of the States
again thought proper, for reason satisttictory to thenihelvee, to secede from t h e second nnion arid to form a third one under an amended constitution, thcy exercised a
right which, being inherent, reqnired 110 justification to foreign nations, and which
international law did iiot j)cwirit then1 to question The usages of intercourse betu een
nations do, however, rcqui re that oflic~ixlcoiinuiiIiic.atioi1be niade to friendly powers
of all organic clianges in the constitutioii of States, and there was obvious propriety
in giving prompt assurance of our desire t o continue ainicable relations with all niankind. I t was under the influence of these considerations that your predecessors, the
Provisional Governnieiit, took early nieasures for sending t o Europe coinmissioners
rharged with the tluty of vi~itiiigtlic capitals of the different powers and making
arrangenierits for tile opening of more formal diplomatic intercourse.
lrior, however, to tlie arrival al)rond of those commi+ioners, the United States
had coinnienced hostilities again4 tile Confederary by dispatching a secret expedition
for the reentorcenient of I?ort h w i c r , after an espitx,s promise to the contrary, and
with ii dnplirity which has betw fiilly unx eiletl in a former message. They had also
addressed cornninnications to t!w diflrrent cabinets ot Europe, in XI hich they assumed
the attitude of being sovc~ieigno w r tliij Confedeiac y, allegiug that theeeindependent
Statcs were iii rcbt.lliun against thc reniaining States of the Union and threatening

war arid to niaintaining a strict ncwtrality tlnring its progress. Some of the other
powers of Europe pursued the ~ n n i ecourse of policy, and i t became apparent that by
K W I nnderstantfing,
express or tacit, Europe had decided to leave the initiative in
all action tonc41ing tlit contest 011 this continent to the two powers just named, who
\\ere rwognized to have tlic largest interests involved, both by reason of proximity
and of the extent and intimacy of tlicir conimcrrial relations with the States engaged
in war.
(In the original this word was written seven For t h e Presidents letter
clianging it to read sovereign, see p. 28, post.

Jan. 14,1863.1


I t is manifest that the course of action adopted by Europe, while based on a11
apparent refusal to deterniiiic the question or to side with either party, was, i n poillt
ot fact, an actual decision against our rights and in favor of the groundless pretensions
of the IJnited States. It was a refiisal to treat us as an independent Government. I
we were independent States, the refusal to enkrtain with 11s the same international

rcwilttxct in nothing but swii(~s

of carnage t i i d d(i\astation on t l i i y continent, ant1 of
niisery and saftenng on the otlicr, snch as Iiavc. stwrrly a, pnl.alle1 i n history. Had
those poners 1)roinptly atiiiiiltctl oiir riglit to be treated as a l l othw iiidependent
nations, none mn doubt that t l i r iiiorizl effect of snch acttion ~ v o i i l have
~ l been to dispel the d ~ l i i w nuntler n l i i ( ~ 1 i tlit: Initcd Staten I i n ~ c 1pcrsistcd in their efforts to
accomplish oursubjnpation. To the cwitinucd Ii&tatioii of the P ~ powers
in rendering this act of siiiiple jiistic c t o t i nit1 this Conft~dcracyis still dnc tlie continuance
of t h e calamilic~s11 h i d i iiiaiiltiiitl siiffera froni the intwruptioii of its peaceful pursuits,
both i n t h e old and the n t w x o i I ( i ~ .
There are other 1iialle1~
i n I\ 1iit.Ii less than jnstice lias been rendered to this people
b y neutrd Eiiiro1)c>, n i i t l i i i i t l i i c . i i i l w n t a p conferled on tlie aggrebsors in a wicked
war. A t the inccption of Iiobtilili(+ the iriliabitants of tho Confedrwicy were almost
exclusively agricultnri~ts;tliow oi tlic 7
etl St<iteY,to ii great extent, ineclianics
iic, \\ hilc tlit4rinerchant vesiels covered
and merchants. 1\70 I d 110 coiniiiei Iialii
the ocean. W e w ( w n ithotit a i i ~ \ r v I\
, hi1
powcrfril fleets. The :tdvantage
tti a r i d harbors as tliiis rounter. c o ~ n n i e ~ ctoe attack by private
a ory few year9 past the United
Is f o r al)olibliing primteering, on
q 1)ouclrful ilcvAs woultl thereby
ior 11aval fijr((bb. Vet no ,m~iier
poacr5 of JSiliol!tt i+wdortlcis p r o l i i l i i t i i i g cbitlicbr I).LI ty froin bringing prizes into
ttirlir portq. This pr<iliililtic!ii, d i i w t c d xith appai cwt iml)arti:ility ngainst both

cordant arid oftcm conflicting princsi plcs annorinccd fmni snch varied and iiitlcpentlent
sotlrc<,s,Iiad ~ ~ c c o iai pr
~ ci~c ~ ~ PI
~ o11 ut o~1 i i ~ t i i I ~ i i 1 ~ \Vliethcr
a l)lockatlc~was allowahlc
against a port not inyested ~ J 1mt1
as n ell a< by sea; whether a blockade was valid



[Jan. 14, 1863.

b y sea if the investing fleet was mcrcly sufficient to render ingress to the blockaded
port evidently dangerous, or whether it was further required for its legality that
it should be sufficient really to prevent access; and numerous other similar questions had remained doubtful and undecided.
Animated by the highly honorable desire to put an end to differences of opinion
between neutrals and belligerents, which may occasion serious difficulties and even
conflicts ( I quote the official language), the five great powers of Europe, together
with Sardinia and Turkey, adopted in 1856 t h e following solemn declaration of
principles :
1. Privateering is and reniains abolished.
2 . The neutral flag covers enemys goods, with the exception of contraband
of war.
3. Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to
capture under enemys flag.
4. Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective; that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.
Not only did this solemn declaration announce to the world the principles to which
t h e signing powers agreed to conform i n future wars, but it contalned a clause to
which those powers gave immediate effect, and which provided that the States, not
parties to the Congrew of Paris, should be invited to accede to the declaration.
Under this invitation every independent State in Europe yielded its assent; a t least,
no instance is known to iiie of a refusal; and the United States, while declining to
assent to the proposition which prohibited privateering, declared that the three
remaining principles were in entire accordance with their own views of international law.
No instance is known in history of tlie adoption of rules of public law under circunistitnccs of like solemnity, with like unanimity, and pledging the faith of imtions
with a eaiictity 80 peculiar.
When, therefore, this Confederacy was formed, and when neutral powers, while
deferring action on its demand for admission into thc faiiiily of nations, rccognizcd
it as a belligerent power, Great Britain and France matle informal proposals about
the same time that their own rights as neutrals should be guaranteed by our acceding, as Iwlligerents, to tlie declaration of principles made by the Congress of Paris.
The request was addressed to our sense of justice, and therefore met iinniediatr
favorable rcsponse i n the resolutions of t h e Provisional Congress of the 13th August,
18G1, by which all the princ~iplcsannounced by the Congress of Paris were adopted
as the guide of our conduct during the xnr, with the sole excaeption of that relatiiv
to yrivatcwing. A s t h e right to tiixke iiw of privatrcxrs was ontx in which neutral
nxtions hwtl, :IS to tlie prcsent w a r , n o interest; as it W:IR a right whic-h the TJnited
States hat1 refused to abandon and which they rcinained a t liberty to ernploy against
us; as it w a y a right of which we ncre already in actual c~njoyinent,and whiFh ue
conlti not be expected to renounce fiagrante bcllo againPt at1 adversary possessing an
ovcrwlic4tning superiority of nitvd forceq, it was reservcti with entire confidence that
neutr:il nations coiild not fail to pcrceire tliat just I on existed for the reservation.
Kor w:~sthis confidence inisldaced, for t h e oflicial docutnents puhlished by the
(~ovcmnient,usual Iy called Blue book^," contain the expression of the
tion of that (iovcwnnc~utn ith the condnct of the officials who conducted sucbnsiiic~scontidcd to their charge.
ratioits of principlc, tliisiniplie~tagrermcnt bctn-een the Conpowers just nanietl, h a w hocn suffered to remain inoperative
ngaiiiqt the inentices and outrages on neutral riglits committed by the United States
with unceasing and progressing arrogance during the whole period of t h e war.
Neutral JCnrope remained passive I\ hen t h e United States, with a naval force insuf-

between Grcat Britain and the United States in 1812; yet those blockades wcrc one
of the principal motives that led to the declaration of the Congress of Paris i n 1856,
in the fond hope of imposing an eiiduriiig check on t h e very abuse of maritime

J!in 14,1803 ]


power, which is now renewed by t h e United States in 1861 and 1862, m d e r circumstances and with features of aggravated il.rong without precedent in history.
The records of our State Department contain t h e evidence of the repeated and
formal renionstrances made by this Government to neutral powers against the recognition of this blockade. It has been shown by evidence not capable of contradiction,
and which ha< been furnished in part by t h e officialsof neutml nations, that t h e few
tlik Coiifeclcrary, before which any naval forces at all have been stationed,
in in\ cited so ineficiently that hundreds of entries have been effected into
w e the declaration of the blockade; that our enemies have themselves
:uliiiiltcd the iiicfikieiicy of their blockade in tlie most forcible manner, by repeated
ot the salt,, to IIS, of gcmtls contraband of ~ a rt i, sale which could
t thcir iiitermts if their pretended bloc~katlevcas Puficit%ntreally
to 0111 coast; that t1ic.y haw goiic further, ant1 h a r e nllegcd their
r their papor I)lorkatlc effwtivr i i the
n(e to onc ot our harbors by
t our (wiinwiw \\ it11 foreign I
vc\tnient of oiir ports, nor by tlie seizure of ships in
by the ntptiiicx on tlic high was of neutral vessels by
t h e ciuisem of our cnoniie\ i \ h r n t q ( ~~iippc~~e(L
to be bomid to any point on onr
csteii+re cowt, u ithont inqiiiry whether a <inglr blocbtling vcs~clwas to be found
at biich point; that i)lockacliiig\ ~ 4 .ha\
i e Icft tlic ports at which they wcre stationed
for tlislmt e\petlitioiis, h a r e I~ceiia b r n t for i l l m y d:iy and htlre returned, without
iiotirc eithci ul the cevntion or i w c \ \ ~1 ot the Iilockadc; in a wonl, that every prescription ot niaiitiiiie 1:iw aiicl every riglit of nential n8tioiix to trade with a belligerent iiidcr the sttiictiun of principles lipretofore miirersally iesperled h a w been
Lticaliy arid persistcnt~y\ iolatect \)y ttit. Uiiitt,tl Sttit&. Ncwtrai Xurope has
(1 our renionstian(~rs
ant1 has wltniittcd i n almost unbrolren silcncc t o all the
that the I h i t e d kkites ha\ c cliciwii to inflict on its c80ninierce. The Cabinet
i t I-(~itain,
lion ever, 11~14nr)t confincd itbelf to mcti inrplic4 acquiescence i n

#on, under date of thc 7 1111

IItir nrnjest\Ts (iovrriimcnt, ho\\ ww, arc of opinion that, assuming that the
bloclradc nas tliily Iiotilietl, and d i o that :L rrnmt~orof s h i p iq st:itioned and reniains

langnag~,it left niit.xplaii~ed

Froiri the lorcgnirig r ~ i n a r k syou M ill perceive that dnring nearly two years of
struegli~,in I\ Iiich e v c D r y cnrrgy o t oiir corintry lias been evoked for maintaining its
v w y exiqtcqiee, the iirutrsl rmtionu of l h r q w Iraw purmcd B policy which, noiiiinally
inil)artbal, hai been practically niost favoral)lc to onr enemies and most detriinentd

t o us.

The exewlke of tlic, ncwtral right of reluring entry into their ports to prizes taken
by both 1)elligcri~ntswas eminontly hurtful to the Confederacy. 1 t was hternly
asserted and maintained.



[Jan. 14,1863

The exercise of the neutral right of commcrcc with a belligerent whose ports are
not blockaded by fleets sufficient really to prevent access to them would have been
eminently hurtful to t h e Unitcd States. It was complaisantly abandoned
The duty of neutral States to receive mith cordiality and recognize with respect any
new confederation that independent States may think proper to form ww too clear to
admit of denial, but its postponement was eminently beneficial to the United States
and detrimental to t h e Confederacy It was postponed.
I n this review of our relations with the neutral nations of Burope it has been my
purpose to point out distinctly that this Government has no coniplaint to make that
those nations declared their neutrality. I t could neither expect nor desire more.
The complaint is that t h e neutrality has been rather noininal.than real, and that
recognized neutral rights have been alternately asserted and waived in such manner
as to bear a i t h great severity on us and to confer signal aclva~ltageson our enemy.
I have hitherto refrained from calling to your attention this condition of our
relations with foreign powers for various reasons. The chief of these was t h e fear
that a statement of our just grounds of complaint against a course of pollcy so
injurious to our interests might be misconstrued into au appeal tor aid. Unequal as
we were i n mere numbers and available resource^ to our enemies, we were conscious
of powers of resistance, in relation to which Europe wm incredulous and our
remonstrances were therefore peculiarly liable to be misunderstood. Proudly selfreliant, the Confederacy, knowing full well the character of the contest into which it
was forced, .with full trust in the superior qualities of its popularion, the superior
valor of its soldiers, the superior skill of its generals, and above all in t h e justice of
its cause, felt no ncetl to appeal for t h e maintenance of its rights to other earthly
aids, and it began and has continued this struggle with the calm confidence eve1
inspired in those who with consciousntw of right can invoke the Divine blessing ou
their cause. Tliis confidence lias been SO ausured that n e have never yielded to
despondency unt1c.r tlefeat, nor do w e feel undue elation a t the present brighter prospect of succesbful isme to our coiitc,st. I t is, therefore, because our just grounds
of coinplaint can no longer bc 11ii4nterpreted that I lay them clearly before you.
It seeins to me 1 1 0 ~ 7proper to give yon the information, and although no immediate
results may be attained, it i 4 \veil that truth should bc preserved and rccordcd. It
is wcll tlmt those who are to follow us bhould understand t h e full nature and character
of the treniendouti conflict in v\ hich the blood of our people has been poured out
likc water, and in which they have resisted unaided the shock of hosts v hich would
haxe suficctl to overthiow many of t h e powers nhich by their hesitation in accorcling our rights :is an indepcndt~ntnation imply doubt of onr ability to maintain our
natioiid cvistence 3 t niay hr, too, that if in future time3 iinfriendly discursions
not now anticipated 9hall nnFortiiriately a r i w l)et\+eeri thiq Confederacy and some
Eiiroptmi poi\ er, tlie rccwllectioii of our to, bearaiiw under the grievances whirh T
havch enuinwatcti niay bc c ~ o k c t l\c itli happy influence i n preventing any serious
dihturbance of pcacsc.ful relations.
It would not be proper to closc m y reinarks on the subject of our foreign relations
witliont advci ting to the fact tliat the cSorrespoJidcnc2e
between the cabinets of France,
Grwt l3ritai11,an0 1Ci
, rccently publishc~l,indicates a gratifying adrance in the
apprcciation hy ttiosc
erniiic~ntiof the true interests of mankind as inlolred in
the war on this m i t i n w t . It is to tlie enlightened ruler of the French nation that
the piil)lic fcding ol Niirope 15 intlcbtetl for the iirst official exhibition of its sympathy for t h e snffenngs cwtnrcvt by this pcople w i t h so Jnwh heroisni, of its horror at
tlic awful c~ainagewith whic 11 tlic progress ot the war has been inarlted, and of its
desire Ior a sp(wly pe:ic P. Tlic elear and direct intiinatioii contained in the language
of the ~ k n c l inote, tlilt 0111 ability t o niaiiitain oiir indepen()ence has been fully
cstablishc~l,\\as not contro~crtrdb y tlie ans\+erof either oi the cabinets t o which I t
d. I t is iiitleetl tlifiic nlt
a just ground for a longer delay On
aftel reading t h v follo\~in
of facts contained in the letter emajest) : There has been established, from
thv ininihtt.r of his lniper
the very bcginnin:: of this war, an e
i n of forces between the belligerents,
w l i i d i has hint e bwn a h
Illaintained, and, after the spilli~lgof so much
blood, they arc to-day, in
in a Pitiidtion which has not serlsibly changed.
Nothing tiiitlioriws the prc
inore tleciaive military operations will &orllJ
rec eiretl i n Europe, the two armies n ere,
occur. Accortling to tliv 1
condition \I hich pcrinittcd ncither to hope, within a short delay,
elltly niarltrd to turn thc balance definitely anti to accelerate the
convlnsion of peace. A s this (;overnillent has never professed the intention of conquering tile Pnitrtl States, but has simply asserted its ability to dcfend itself against
being cmnquerecl by that poacr, w e niay safely conclude that the clailns of t2iis Confcderacy to itr just place in the fanlily of nations can not long be withheld, after SO

Jan. 14,1863.1



frank and formal an admission of its capacity to cope, on eqnal ternis, n i t h itsaggressive foes, and to maintain itself against their attempts to obtain decisix e results by
It is my painful duty again to inform j o n of tlie renewed examples of every conceivable atrocity coiiiiiiitted by the ariiicd foices of t h e United States a t different
points within the Confcdcracy, and \I hich must stamp indelible irifaiiiy not only 011
t h e perpetrators, hiit on their ciipcriorq, wlio, 112x1ing the powei to chcck these outrages on hniiianity, niinicroiis and n ell anthenticated RS tlicy liaw beeii, hare riot
2 ct, in a single instance of whirh I aiii aware, inflicted punisbincnt on the wroiip
tloers. Since my 1x.t c.oiiiiiiuiiiratiou to you one General I l c N d l murdcred seyeu
prisoners of war in cold t)lood, and the dc~inantlfor his punislimcnt has reinained
unsatisfied. The ( ; o \ ~ r n i w n tof the Thitecl States, after promising csaniiiiation and
explanation in relation to the diargrs iii:itlc agiinst <?en.13enjauiin F. Bntlcr, has,
by its subseqneiit silence, after repeatcvl elforti; on niy part to obtain soine anfiivrr
on the subject, not only adniittcd his guilt, but snnctioncvl it 1 3 ~ acquiescence, and 1
have accordingly brantled this criiiiinal as an outhw nnd dir
expiation of liie crinies if he dionltl fall into t l i c Iiandh of any o
itc4ligriice of nriotlicr gcncral by t h e nxme oC
rn Virginia for tlie paynlent of nioncy to hini
c iiioqt s i t ~ y threats
of shooting every recureatening similar atrocities against any of our
citixcms ~ \ h ohall fail to betr:iy tlivir country by giving hini prompt notice of the
approach of any of o w forres, aiitl this eal)jc& lias also bcen siibiiiitted to the stipcrior military anthoritics of the United States, 11 it11but fault hopc that they will evincr
probation of tlrc avt. IIuinanity shndtlers at the appnlling atrocities which
daily iiiultipljcd undcr tlic sanction of tliobc \\ ho havtx obtained teinporary
I of puwcr in the Inited Skttcs and ~ v h o
arc fast makirig its nncc fair name
tl of iel1roac.h among ciyilisccl iiicn. Kot cvcii tlie natural iiitlignation
iiis1ircd by tliib conduct should ~italtel i b , Iioncvc~,h o unjust as to attribrite to tlrc
coplc wlio aic ml)jt~t*tctl
to t l i c ticspotisni tli:tt no\$ reigns wit11
igton :I 15 illiiig ~irqiiic. ICY in its conduct of
t aiiioiig our cwciiiiey
all ptrticilvitioii in P
wriiiit ting tlicir continn:u
a t represion
Tlic, pii1)lic journals of tlic Korth 11:~~I ) ( Y ~i i r c d , (011 tttining a proc.laniation
tlatrtl o i i t l i c firit d a y of tlic pwscnt n i o n t l i , s i p i d by t h c x Iicdciit of the Vniteil
Stntcs, in hc. orders niid dcclarc~\:ill L I I R \ T ( ~ \\ ithin t c n of tlic States of thca Confrtln-acy to I)c f r c ~cxcq)t
snt-li as :IF found 11itliiii cwtaiii tlictric,ts now occupied in
part I J
tlir~arinetl forccs of tlic rneiny.

on tlic proper and u ~ a parole.

I n its political as1)ec.tthis i i i e a ~ i i rpoccccses
great signiiicance, antl to it in this light
I invite your attention. I t affords to our whole proplo thc complete arid crowning
proof of the true nature of the tlc\iyii.: of tlic p r t y vhicli clt~vatcdto power the
present orcnpant of the lresitlcntinl c l i a i ~at Washin
id whicli souglit to vanceal its purposes by evrry varit,ty of artful tle
ic pcrficlious list of the
. I mtrart, i n this conmost solemn antl repcatetl lcdgcs O I L c \ (XI y
nection, as a single examp&, the following <I
c by President Linc~)ln,
under the solemnity of his oatli as Gliicf Magislrate of the United States, on the 4th
of March, 1861:



[Jan. 14, 1863.

Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the
acceqsion of a Republican Administration their property and their peace and personal
security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such
apprehensions Indeed, the most aniple evidence to the contrary has all t h e while
existed arld been open to their inspection. I t is found in nearly all the published
speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches
when I declare that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the
institution of slavery i n t h e States where it exists. Z believe I have no lawful right
to do so; and I ha\ e n o inclination to d o so. Those who nominated and elected me
did so with full knowledge that I had niade this and many similar declaration% and
had iiever recanted them. And, more than this, they placed in tlic. platforni or lily
acceptance, and as i law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolntion
which I now read:
Kesolued, That the maintenarice inviolate of the rights of the State?, and especially
t h e right of each State to order and control its own doinestic inktitiitions according to
its olvn judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of powers on which the
perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and 11c denounce thc lawlrss
invavion by arriied force of the soil 01 any State or Territory, no matter under 1% hat
pretext, as anrortg the gravest crmcb.
wer or disposition to interfere with o w
Koth before and aitw the actual cornUnited States repeated 111formal official

of arrris or maltc any chniigc in a n y of its intt

tion of this asscrtiou to the dihpatc-1rc.s adclrc,i\cd I)) the
tlirct tion of the 11~5idel
, unclcr date of 10th and 22tl April, 1861.
Confedcracj , then, can not fail to receive this proclam,itioii as thc
their own sagacity i n foreseeiiig the i i x w to whic t i the, dorninant
party in the United Statw intcntletl froin the beginning to apply their p o n er, nor ~ n n
they wase to rwit~in\)c.r,uitli d(~vontthankfuhiws, that it is to their 011n \ igilanc e
in rcsisting tlic first ste:dthy progwqs of approaching dcspotisni that the!? O W P their
escalto from conscqiimces iiow npp:irc.nt .to tlic imqt sheptical. This proc~1:tniation
will Iiavc anothrr Palutary cffcct in cdtnirrg the fews of tlioce WIKI ha\ e ronstantly
that this w&rniiglit ( ~ by1 sonic iecon5truction of t h e old
ovinced tlia ap~~reherision
Unioii or soiiic r e n w a1 of c1o.c p o l i t i d rvlations iiitlr the. United States. These

Jan. 14,1863.1



to a n excise on every commodity they producc and t o t h e daily presence of the taxgatherer, with no higher motive than the hope of sticcess in their wicked designs
against US, the suggestion of an unwillingness on the part of this people to submit to
the taxation necessarv for the success of their defeitse is a n imputation on their
patriotism that f w TI 111be disposcd to make and that none can justify.
The Icgislation of >our last session intended to hasten the funding of outstanding
bcneficial, as shown by the returns annexed to the report
Treasury notes lias p ~ o \ d
ot the Peeretnij of the Treasury. But it mas neither siifiiciently pronlpt nor farreac4iing to in& the. hill extent of the evil. The passage of sollie enactuient, carrying
still turther tlic policy of that Itiv by fixing a limitation not later than the 1st Jnly
next to tlic dclay allo\\ etl ior funding t h t notes issued prior to tlie 1st December,
1862, will, i n the opinion of the Srcrctarv, ha\ 1: the rffcct to \\ithdr:h\\T froill circulation nearly the entire siiiiiissued previoub to the last-named dntc If to this btl added
on1 atlcqnate taxation and a nrgotintion of bonds gu
tlie sei c ~ , r lState., as has alreadv bcen generously pro
(tiiicvit\ c ~ ~ o n l a n r ~ o u
therc is little tloul)t t
ic;-toicd to a minil and c.ntit;itictory contlition, our circi
the recIi?ndaiic 3 lionr pi otlucti\ e of co iiiiiny ~iiischic~fr,
and our crcdit placetl on such
a bask as to riilivve uh from furthcr anxivty relative to our resources for tlic prosccution of tlie ~ a r .
It i s trnc tliat tit itq (,lobe
debt will be large; but i t mill be d u e to o u r o ~ n
peol)le, ant1 ncitlirr tlic intc.
ncw the vapital will be exported to tlistant conntries,
impo\ t~rishingours for tlic
enelit. On the return of peace the untold wealth
\vhidi will spring froin our soil n 111 rrntlrr the hurthcn of taxrttioii far l e ~ soncrouy
than is now supposed, especially if we tnkc into consir1cr:ttion that we slrnll then be
free from the large and steady drain of our subctanre to which we were snl)jcctetI in
tlie late IJnion tlirough tlie iiistruinentality of sectional legislation and protectirc
I reconimcncl to your earnest attmtion the whole report of the Secretary of the
Trca\urr oii thiq iniportant subjwt, and trust that your kgislat
oii it will be d d a y e d
no loripcr tliciii inav t w I - N ~ U I I c d to cw>il)lc your I\ iwloni to de\
tlic. proper nrcaqurcs
lit of tiic objects I)roponetl.
( ~ l i a rrircmt
ha\ I)ccn i n thc iilxiii mtiHfactory. Inthe
u n i t a siuirmary ot rrisny
n lnrpt iiicasiire, t o tlie
)cLratioiiot tlic eiiactiiicwLq
have I ) c ~ nappro\e(l by
remltq, and the like <pi
otioii in the ~)colJt%,
awnre their cniorce~i~ent
under the continuing i i (
er of oiir situation. The rc.cornlnendiitloiir o f the Secretary to this effect are
ietl by ,+uggcntionkfor their ainelioriltioii, and tlic subjrct w all tlracvcs t h e coniider:itioii of Congrcsu. For tire pcrfectioii of our inilitary
organiaatiuii 110 L ~ I ) [ ) I ( Jiatr
~ I iiicxiiq clionltf I)(, rejected, ant1 on this subjrrt the opinions
ot the Secrctary incrit early attcwtion. It is griititjing to 1)erceivethat, and^ all
the efforts and cd( r i f i v e ot n u , the. po\\ er, nicaiis, and r e b w i i c ? ~or the (hnfrdcri~cy
for itii siiccePsiul prowcuti
1iicrc.asitig. 1)epentleiice on f o i crgu ~nl)pliehis to he
cleplorcd, an? dioultl, as
practic ahlc, I)e obviated b,v the tlcvclopiiicnt and
ces. lhc pcculiar cG-cmiirtmccs of t11c witiitry,

Pcc-ret;vy, under clue regulation of law.

I specially recoiiinic~ntlin thie ( o ~ i ntion
( ~ y o n i ( levision of the csrrriptioii l a w of
laqt session. Serious coni1)laints haw wactrcd mc of the inequality of its operation
from (qnineiit :md p:itriotic citizen \ hose opinions merit great consitleration, and
I trust that some means u ill be de ed for leaving at horne a sufficient local police
I+ ithout ritaliing discriminations, a ays to be deprecated, between different clams
of our citizens.
Our relations with the intlians genrrally continue to be friendly. A portion of
the Cherokee peoplc h a w awiiiietl an attltudc liostile to the Coiiferlcrate Government; but it is gratifying to he al)lr t o state tliat the inav of intelligence and worth
i n that nation hare remained true anti loyal to their treaty engagemenk With this
exception, there have been no important instances of disaffcction alllong any of the



[Jan. 14, 1863.

,I h


14, lbG3 J


Oidmx2, That 600 copies be printed fo r the use of the Senate.

The Presideiit pro tempore laid before the Senate the report of the
Secwtary of the Navy.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Ordeved, T ha t i t be transferred to the Secret Legislative Calender.
The President pro tempore laid before the Senate thc report of the
Secretary of War.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Ordered, That i t be referred to the Comniit~tecon Milifary Affairs.
The President pro teniporc l i d . before the Seaate the report of the
On iiiotion by Mr. Senitiies,
Odwed, That it be referred t o thv Corutnittcc on Pod-Offices and
The Presidetit pro tentpore laid b~forctlic Scttatc tlic report of the
Sccrctnry of the rreabiiry.
On motion by Mr. 12srnwcl1,
O v d m d , That i t be referred to tlic Coinniittrc on Fimiicc.
The lresident pro tcuuporc laid before the Sciiatc the report of thc
On motion by Nr. S;cnimcs,
Ordered, That i t be wferred t o tlw (otiiniittcc on tbc Jttdiciary.
On motion by Jlr. Seiiiinoh,
Ordeiucl, That so inuch of the Ircsictcnts ~iiessage:is relates to
military aflaii.s h e r(+rred to tho Coiiiiiiittcc on JIilitary Affairs; that
SO iiiueh as relates to n a al
~ :iffairs lic rcfci*i*cdto thc Coininittee on
N:L\a1 Aflairs; that so niuch as rC1:Ltw to tlie fiti:Liices he rcfcrrcd to
the Couiniitteo 011 Fii1:uic.c; tlt:it SO runcli ah i ~ l i i t c st o post:il affairs
be referred to ttic Coirimittc~con Post-Ofticcs :tiid ESt-Xo:cds, : L n d that
ho much as relates to forcign :iffair\ be rcfcrrecl to the Coniiiiittce on
Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Dortch submitted the following rcsoltition; wliich wts conridered
and agreed to:
Reaolzed, That tlic Prcsidrnt l w
i ncompatihle nith the pnhl i i j iii t (,I
and his suhordinate officws of rcc(%

Mr. Hill presented t h e nwiiiorial of M. T. l h r k , N. I)., praying

for a change in tIic 3$ 1)cprtnieitt of the A r r r ~ ~which
referred to the Conimittce on Military Atfairh.
Mr. Hill resented a design for ti Confcdcratc States flag; which
was referre to the Coniniittee on Flag and Seal.
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
The Senate resolved in to secret 1egisl:~tivesession.
The doors having becn opened,
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
Ortlered, That the daily hour of nieetitig of tho Senat,e he at 12
oc.locli m. until otherwise ordered.
On motion by Mr. Scmmes,
The Senate adjourned.



The report of the Secretary of the Xavy having heen read,

On motion by illr. Clay,





Ordemd, That it he referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

On motion by Mr. Clay,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

15, 1863.

The Hon. A. G. Brown, of the State of Mississippi, and the Hon.

William E. Simms, of the State of Kentucky, severally attended.
Mr. Barnwell (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 1) to authorize the appointment of assistants to the
Register in signing bonds and certificates;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Comniittee on Finance.
Mr. IIunter announccd t o the Senate the decease of the Hon.
William Rnllayd Preston, and submitted the following resolution;
which was considered and unaninlously agreed to:
Iksohed, That tlie Senate deeply lamcnts t h e recent death of t h e Honorable William Ballard IrePton, who a t t h e time of his decease was a member of this body
froni the State of Virginia, and tenders to his I d o w a sincere sympathy in this most
afflictive bereavement.

Ordered, That the Secretary communicatc a copy of t h e foregoing

yesolution to the f:rniily of the dweased; and further, that he communicate these proceedings to the House of Representatives.
On motion by Mr. Hunter,
The Scnatc adjourned.

16, 1863.


The President ro tcniporc read to the Senate a telegram from the

IIon. James L. J r r , stating that be was detained from his seat by
Mr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution for consideration:
Resolved, That the Coinxnittee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into t h e
rxpediency of amending thc act cntitlcd An act to cxcinpt certain persons from
military duty, and to repeal a n act entitled An act to exempt certain persons from
enrollment for service in tho Army of the Confederate States, approved twenty-first
April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, as follows:
First. By confining the exemptions of persons allowed for t h e police of slaves to
those cases only where the sole owner of the farm or plantation is a feme sole, a
minor, a person of unsound mind, or a person i n t h e public service absent from home
in the discharge of his duties.
Secsond. By still further restricting the exemption of persons engaged in the merchant marine service, and in t h e employment of railroad, telegraphic, and canal companies, and also river navigation.
Third. By repealing so much of said act as exempts shoemakers, tanners, blaeksmiths, and wagonmakerir, or modifying the same so as to make their exemption
depend upon the discretion of t h e military authorities in view of t h e public necessities, and upon their giying their labor or its products for a fair consideration.
Fourth. Ky repealing so much of said act as exempts artisans, mechanics, and
employees i n the Government establishments engaged i n manufacturing arms, ordnance and ordnance stores, and other munitions of war, or who may be employed
by. persons having contracts with t h e Government for the manufacture of these
articles, and providing that persons skilled in such work may be detailed therefor,

Jan. 19,1868.1



Fifth. That no person engaged in the production or manufacture of salt sllall for
that remon be exempt when the price for which said salt is sold shall cxceed six
cents per pound.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution; and

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
O ~ d ( m dT, ha t it be transferred to the Secret Legislative Calendar.
On motion bl- Mi-. Hill,
O r d m d , That t>heCommittee on tlie Judiciary be discharged from
the further consideration of the report of the Superintendent of Public Printiiig, referred to that coimiittee in the report of the AttorneyGeneral, and that it hc r e f e r i d to the Committee on Printing.
Mr. llenry (1)sleave) introdiiccd
hill (S. 2) to modify t h o act cntitlcd An act to exempt certain
pcr,soiis froin military duty, and to repeal nn act entitled An act -to
excrnpt certain persons from enrollment for service in the Army of
the Confcclerate Stntei, :ipproved twenty-first April, eighteen hundred
tind histy-two;
which v a s rend the iirbt :~ndsccorid times; and
On inotion 1)y Jlr. Henry,
O ~ d c r t d ih:tt
it be transferred to the Secret Legislative Calcndar.
Mr. Clay p w e n t r d two design,. for a flag for the Confodernte States;
which wore referred to the Committee on Flag and Seal.
On motion by Mr. Clajr,
Ordwcd, That a comiuittec, consisting of five members, be appointed
to organizc mid report the rrgii1:w standing coinniittees of the Senate.
On niotion by ,111..C h y ,
d. That, tlic coniiiiittcc be :ippointcd by the Presidcnt pro
tcn1porc ; a l l d
3 1 ~ 1. h ~ 1 1 ~ ~311..
1 1 JJ7\\7igfnLl,
1111. Y ~ ~ I I Jh.
c c ~Henry,
iLnd 3h. Buriirtt \\ c i qqmiiited.
On i i i o t ion 1);; X r . k-ancej,
O ~ d ~ ~ t t%:it
i J , hc h cxciiqed from hcrving on stlid cummi ttee; and
Air. Davis w a h appoiiitcd in his stead.
On motion 1)y Mr, Clay,
d, i h t when the Senate adjourn it be to Monday next.
On motion hj- SIT. Clay,
The Senate adjourncd.

MO3uI)AY, ?JASUARY 19, 1S63.


The Kon. Landon C. KLynes, from tho State of Tennessee; the

Hon. Charles 1E. JLitchel, from thc State of i1rlinns:q and the Horr.
James L. Orr, froill tho State of South C:troliiia, severally attended.
Mr. Hill prcsented the credentials of the Hon. lferschel V. ?Johnson, elected a Senator by the legislature of the State of Geoygis, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the nonaccrptancc of the Ion. Eobert
Toomhs; which were read, and the oatb prescribed by the C o n s t h tion was administered to >IT. Johiihon, and he took his seat i n the
The President pro tempore laid before the Senate a coinmunication
from the Commissioner of Patent*, showing a list of patents granted
during the year 1862.



On motion by Mr. Maxwell,

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Patents.

Mr. Mitchel resented the credentials of the Ion. Robert W. Johnson, elected a enator by the legislature of the State of Arkansas for
the term of six years from the 18th day of February, 18
were read.
On motion by Mr. Bnrnwell, from the special committee a
to organize and re ort t h e regular standing committees of the
Ordered, That t i e following standing committees be appointed:
A Committee on Foreign Affairs, consisting of Mr. Orr (chairman),
Mr. Yancey, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wigfall, and Mr. Maxwell;
A Committee on Finance, consisting of Mr. Barnwell (chairman),
Mr. Hunter, Mr. Davis, Mr. Semmes, and Mr. Johnson of Georgia;
A Coininittee on Commcrcc, consisting of MY. Clay (chairman), Mr.
Dortch, Mr. Oldham, Mr. Peyton, and Mr. Baker;
A Coinmittee on M ilitary AfTairs,consisting of Mr, Sparrow (chairinan), Mr. Wigfall, 34r. Henry, Mr. Clay, and Mr. Rurnett;
A Conimittee on Naval Affairs, consisting of Mr. Brown (chairman), Mr. Ililnxwcll, Mr. Siiniiis, 3lr. Yenccy, and Mr. Johnson of
Georvia ;
A cornmittcc on thc <Judiciary,consisting of Mr. Hill (chairman),
hlr. Haynes, Mr. Phelan, Mr. Sernmcs, and Mr. Caperton;
A Comniittec on Indian Affairs, consisting of Mr. Johnson of
Arkansas (chairman), Mr. Oldham, Mr. Clark, Mr. Simms, and Mr.
Phelan ;
A Committee on Post-Ofliccs and Post-toads, consisting of Mr. Oldham (cht~irman),Mr. Mitchel, Mr. Haynes, Mr. Peyton, and Mr.
A Conimittee o n Public Lands, consisting of Mr. Clark (chairman),
Jlr. Baker, and 311..Yancey;
A Comniittee on Patcnts, consisting of Mr. Maxwell (chairman),
Xlr. 1-Iaynes, and Mr. Hill;
A Coinniittcc on Claims, consisting of Mr. Davis (chairman), Mr.
Burnett, and Mr. Yeyton;
A Committee on Territories, consisting of Mr. Wigfall (chairman),
Jlr. Brown, and Mr. Clark;
A Committee on Accounts, consisting of Mr. Mitchel (chairman),
MY.Dortch, and AIr. Sininis;
A Coininittcc on Printin ,consisting of Mr. Phelen (chairman), Mr.
ITill, and Mr. Haynes; andg
A Committee on Engrossment and Eniiollment, consisting of Mr.
Dortch (chairman), Mr. Maxwell, and Nr. Caperton.
Mr. Hill (by leave) introduced a bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme
Court of the Confederatc States; which was read the first and second
tinics; and
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordered, That it lie on the table and be printed.
hilr. Simnis siihmitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the President be reg ectfully requested to communicate to the


Senate, if not incompatible with the p u h c interests, whether the militar authorities in the cities of Petersburg and Lynchburg, Virginia, have been autKorized to
seize and impress for public m e flour, and other articles of value, of
private citizens of these Confederate States, and whether or not such seizure and
impressments have been made by the said military authorities in said cities.




Mr. Simms submitted the following resolution fo r consideration:

Resolved, That the right of protection to life, liberty, and property is t h e right
inviolable of every citizen of the Confederate States,and that this right is made
sacred by the highest guarantees of the Constitution, and that neither Congress nor
t h e Executit e, nor any oflicer or agent of any of the Departments of this Government have pot%er,in any manner or under an pretense whatsoever, to impair,
ith, or destroy this inherent and invioyable right.
That t h e right to hold and possess property is a right guaranteed to every
lie Coilfederate %&s b y the Constitution thereof, and the right to defend
ncl his (luiiiicik froin nnlat$ful invasion, seizure, or conversion shall not
d or qnestioned, and tlmt all seiznrep or inipressments of any such property, by any oflic t'r or aycnt O C this (+overninent,are in violation of the plainest
provisions of thci Corwtitntion, a1 c tlwti ticti\ e of thc most sacred rights of the (.]tizen, and an untvarranted breac ti of the plighted faith of the (iovernment t o the
citizens thercof, and are therefore \ oicl.

The Seiiatc proceeded t o consider the said resolution; and

On motion by Mr. Siinnis,
Oidered, Tliat i t he laid upon the table and printed.
On motion hy MY. Barnwell, froin the Committee on Finance,
OdeTed, That the rcport of the Secretary of the Treasury be
printed for the use of the Senate.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Conimittee on Finance, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 1) to authorize the appointment of assistants to
the Register in signing bonds nnd certificates, reported it without
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of thc Whole, to consider
tlie bill l a h t , nientioned; :ind no :wirndiiicnt being pl*oposed, it was
rcportcd to t h o Scn:ite.
tl, That it I N engrossed mid read :L third time.
id bill WLS i*wdtlip tliircl time.
R~drwl,'l'lint it pass, and that thc title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordowi, That the Scc.rct:q request thc t ~ o i i c i ~ r r e nofc ~the
~ House
of Representatives therein.
On inotioii hy Mr. Ycmmes,
OrdpyetZ, Thal the President pro tenipore appoint a member to fill
the vacaiicy i n thc, Coniinittee on Flag : ~ n dSeal occasioned by the death
of the Hon. W i l l i : ~Uallstrd
l'rrston; and
Mr. Wigfa11 mas appointed.
The President pro tenipore appointed Edwin D. Starkr as page to
the Senate.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into secret legisltttivo session.
The doors having been opened,
The following message 'IVSLS reccivcd from thc President of tbtt Confederate States, by Mr. H . X, Ilarrison, his Secretary:
VA., eTfln?m+yI.?, 18&?.
To the Sencite and House of Represcntccti?,es.
I herewith transmit a comniunicatiori from the Secretary of t l w Treauurp, covering
certain estimates.
T recsommend that an appropriation he made of the amonnt and for the piirpose

The message was read.

O n motion b y Mr. Hill,
Ordeyed, That it he referred to the Coiumittec on Finance.



The following niessage mas received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
T t . , .knuacq26, 1863.

TOthe Smote of the Co,;federctte 8tixtrs:

I herewit11 transnlit a colmuunication from t h e Secretar of t h e Navy, for.cvarding
copies of a l~:tvalregister asked for b y the Senate in a resorution adopted Septelnher
22, 1862.

1he message was read.
On inotion by 31r. Sparrow,
The Senate acljourned.


Thc Senate proccedcd to consider the resolution submitted by Mr.

Sparrow on the l(ith instant, instructing the Committee on Military
Affairs to inquirc into the expediency of amending the act entitled
An act to eseiiipt certain persons from iuilitary duty, and to repeal
nn act entitled An act to cxornpt certain persons from enrollment for
scrvico in thc Aimy of the Confederate States, approved twenty-first
April, cighteeri hundred and sist,y-two; and
After dcbate,
On niotion by ;VIP.Sparrow,
Oidmd, Ihnt; the fiirthcr considcrstion thereof be postponed until
ng nicssngc? uas received from the President of t
, by 311..13. N. Ihrrison, his Secretary:
VA., Januav 16,1863.
1 herewith tranwiil :L coiriii,niiic,ntion from t h e Secretary of t h e Treasury in referhirh 1 c.orun~c11tlto your special attention and early decision, in

70thc hkmte t i n t 1 JJ0u.v



r \

1Iic mrssagc wm iwd.

On motion by MI-. IS:~rnwc>ll,
Orc&/~(tl,fh:it it bc referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ihc following iiwssagc, was received from the President of the Coniedwrtc Statcs, 1)y MY. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Rrcrrwohw, IkT
. , Janunry 19, 1863.
7L tlic Sentrtr qf tltr (Yoi~J~tlc,~crtr
I Iwrcwitli tiaiisi~iita coiiimunicwtion from the Secretary of War, corering copies
of the rcpnrtp of Vaj. Gtw. G . W. Sniitli and his subordinates of recent ~nilitary
operations i n Sortli Carolina, in respoiiw~to a resolution 01 the Sellate of thc 14th
The inessngo was read.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

Ordewd, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate rcsolrcd i n to executive session.

The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Vr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
R I c H m m , Januumj 1.5, 1863.
7 the
~ Senate of tlie ConfeZernte &Utes:
1 hereby mminatt? James A. Seddon, to be Secretary of War, in place of George w.
Randolph, resigned.


Jan. 20, 18631



The message was read.

On motion bp Mr. Sparrom,
The Senate proceeded to consider the nomination of *JamesA. Seddon,
to be Secretary of War: arid it was
Resohed, That the Senate advise and conscnt to the appointment of
Janies A. Seddon, to be Secretary of \Var, agreeably to the nomination of the lixsident.
On inotion by Xr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolred into open legidatire session.


The Pi-esident pro tcmporc laid before the Senate a communication

from the Secretary of tlie r P r w w ,~tr:uisniitting
of the
States of Alabama and South Carolim in relation to a guaranty of the
war debt; which \\as read.
Om?eered, That it be referrcd t o the Coiiirnittee on Finance.
The Prcsidcnt pro tempore laid heioi-cthe Scnatc a communication
f r o m the S e c r e k ~ yof tlie T r c ~ ~ s a riny relation t o certain coin taken
froiii the Bank of Louisiana.
O d m d , That i t he referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ah. Yancey, agreeably to previous notice, submitted thc following
resolution; which TVRS con+idrrcd xnci :~grccdto:

A Coniniittre on Indian Affairb, to coiisiqt of fire members;

A Comnnttee 011 Post-Ofices and Post-Roads, to consist of fire nieinbers;
A Committee oil Public I,nnd~,to consist of thrce niembers;
A Corninittee on Patcmtu i d IakLIit Office, l o conskt of three members;
A Coniiiiittee on Claitnb, to consist of t h e e inembet+;
A Committee on Tcri itories, to consist of three inemhers;
A Committee on Acconnts, to con& of three members, to wlioni shall be referred
all resolutions directing the paynicnt of money out of the contingent fond of the
Senate, or creating a charge o n the sumc;
A Coininittce oii Printing, to CoiiSist of three members; and
A Coininittee on Jhgrocsment and Enrollment, to consist of three members.

air. Yancej

(hp leave) introduced

A bill (S. 4) to wgii1RtC the ac%ion of thr Secretary of the Navy
upon the decisions of iinral gcner:tl courts-martial;
which was r e d thc first and second times and referred to the Committee on Kaval Affairs.
Mr. Hill, agreeably to previous notice, submitted the following
resolution; which was considci-cd a n d agreed to:
Resolced (the Bouae oJ Kepesentcdaies concui ring),
Joint rules and orders of the tn o Houses of the
that after the coiiirnencenient of tlie sccontl or su
reuolutloas, or reports which originated 111 (sithei IIouse, and a t the close of the next
preceding session reriiairied undetermined in either IIouse, inay bc resninetl, on inotion,
and acted on in the m i l e iiiaiiiier as if a11adjournment had not taken place, be, and
the same is, rescinded.




Owi?med. That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House

of Repres&tatiycs in the resdutign.
Mr. Hill (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 5) to establish the court for the investigation of claims
against the Government of the Confederate States;
which was read the first and second times and referr
niittce on the Judiciary.
On niotion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On inotion 1)sMr. Clay,
The Senate rcsolwd into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
Tlic President pro tcinpore laid before the Senate a communication
froin the Secretary of War. transmitting a copy of the report of the
Conimissionc.r of Indian Aff'ilirs; which was read.
OivT;;l~ecT, Th:Lt it be referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Mr. Ilortch (by leave) introduced
A joint, resolution (S. 1)for the relief of Capt. John F. Divipe;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Clnims.
Mr. Wigfall (by lcavc) introduced
A bill (S. 6) to grant the principal offiecr of each of the Executive
Departments a scat upon the floor of Congress;
which K:LS read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on tile ,Judiciary.
Mr. Wigfall (by lcatve) introduced
A bill (S. 7) to lace hospitals under military control;
which \v:is read 'tie first and second tiniee and referred to the Cominittec on 3Iilitar-y hff:iiis
On inotion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate ndjourncd.


The following message w t ~ sreceived from the President of the Confederate Stdcs, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
To tlie Senntr of

Richmond, January 20, 1863.

thr C"oi$ederate &'tatcs:

1 Iiave the honor to request that niy message sent to the Senate at the opening of
t h e session may be returned to me to change a word which is an error.


The message was read.

On rnotion by Mr. Barnwell,
O/dmed, That the Secretary be directed to return the message of
the President, agreeably to his request.
The Senate rc~surncdthe consideration of t h e resolution submitted by
Mr. Sparrow 011 the 16th instant, instructing the Conlmittee on Military AfTairs to inti uirc into the expediency of amending the act entitled
"An act to exempt certain persons froin military duty, and to repeal
an act entitled 'An act to exempt certain persons from enrollment for
sor\rice in t h e Army of the Confederate States,' approved twenty-first
April, cightcen hundred and sixty-two;" and
The resolution was agreed to,

Jan. 20, 1863.1



The Senate proceeded, as in Coinmittec of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 2) to modify the act entitled An act to exempt
certain persons from militsly ditty, and to rcpcd a11 act entitled An
act to exempt certain per.;otis from cnmll~nent~
f o r service in the Army
of the Confedemto Stnteh, :ipprowd twenty-first April, eighteen hundred itid sistj -two;*aiid
On niotion by 1\21.. 13iirnett,
O d ( i w l , That i l 1)c ~ ~ c f c r r ct od the. ~~oliiliiittee
on !NiIitwy Affairs.
On niotioil by Air. Iini~nn.t~l1,
Thc Senate i ~ s o l r e dinto o p ~ i lcpihlnti\-c

I Iioniiiiatc the persons nnnictl i n t h c ~aiincsctl Icttcr oi the Sccrctary of the Xavy,
agreeably to l i i u rrconinicndatioii.



[Jan. 21, 1865.

Lieutenants.for the war.

James 1,. Johnson, of Nississippi, and Sidney Smith Lee, jr., of Virginia, acting
mastem in the Savy.

Jaiiies 0. Xoorc, of North Carolina, a n assistant paymaster in t h e

moted to fill an existing ~acancy.
-1ssistanf paymasters for the war.

W. M. Rriscoe, of Missouri; Wilson G. Richardson, of Mississippi; J. Calhoun

Moses, of Sonth Carolina; Atlani Trcdwcll, of North Carolina; Edward AkICean, of
Lonisiana; 1)cwitt C. Rcynonr, of Georgia.
1 k w x l trssistcrnt sulyeoiza.

of Soutli Carolina; Marcellus 1. Christian, of Virginia; Robert

nia; i k n net t \V. ( i r w n , of Virginia; James W. Herty, of Georon, ot .\rkansas, assistant surgeoiis in the Navy, to be promoted.
.lssistaizt szirgeoiis foy flit W M .

John D r Brce, jr., of V

land; S. 8. iItvrick, of 3

!iia; N. C. Edmunds, of Virginia; N. M. Read, of Maryissippi; John L e y h ~ ~ of

n , Tesas; Robert C. Powell, of
S w a l romhiclor.

Joseph Pierw, of Tirginia.


Davit1 R. Limlsiy, of .\labaim; .James F. Godfrey, of Georgia; James A. Duffus,

S. R.


Secretcwy qf tlie ,\Tmy.


niotioii I)y

M r . Spirrow,

oiniiiittee on Naval Affairs

Tlw Senat(>resolvcd into open 1cgisl:ttive session.


Mr. Phclnn submitted thc followiiig rcsolution f o r consideration:

R ~ s o ~ ;tliat
P ~ ,liereafter the Senate will wseinblc a t eleven oclock anteineridian
and atljoririi at threc oclock postmeridian, each day.

The Sriiate roceedcd, by unanirnous consent, to consider the wid

I R S O ~ U ~ ~ O I an

The resolution was not agreed to.

Mr. Phelati submitted the following ~esolutionfor consideration:
R ~ s o ~ That
L E ~ hereafter
the Senate will adjourn a t three oclock postmeridian,
each day, iintil otherwisc ordered.

The Senate, hy nnaniinous consent, procceded to consider the said

resolution; and
The resolution was not agreed to.
Mr. Phelan submitted the following resolution for consideration:
Rrsohvd, That 1iereBfterthe Senate shall assemble at eleven oclock antemeridian
and adjourn at two oclock postmeridian, and reassemble again at half past three
oclock postmeridian, each day.

Jan. 21, 18G3.1



The Senate, by unanimous cement, proceeded to consider the said

resolution; and
The resolution was riot agreed to.
Mr. Clark subiiiitted the following motion fo r consideration:
Ordewd, That the rote on agreeing to the report of the special committee appointed to organize and report the stttnding committees of
the Senate be rcconGdercd.
51r. \\igfall (hy leave) introduced
bill (8. 8) to provide and organize wigineer troops to scr~-ednriiig
t h c mar;
which ~ v a sreittl the first and second times and referred to the Coniiiiit#teeon Jlilitauy Lifhhirs.
On niotioii by Mr. Sparrow,
O ~ ~ l c r c tThat
tlte Corninittee on Military Aff:ii IS be discharged
froiii the fnrthcr con4clcrtition o f tlic I1ieinori:il o f \IT.7.P:trk, M. D.,
praying for :t chnng:l>
in thc ,Ilcdicul 1)eprtmciit of the Army.
On motion 11s1111. 12nriirvel1,
The Senate resolvcd into sccrc>t1cgisl:~tiv~
T h c doors having l~cciropcncd,
On inotion by MY.Max\vell,
T h e Senate adjourned.

age from the Honw of ltcprtwiitatives, by Xi-. Dixoii, their

X . 71.c.side1it.Thc 1 I o u v oi licprcscntatires have passet1 hills of the following
titles; in 11Iric4i tlwv rcqucst thc m i c
iiig tlic r\ri~teiicc~
oi w t r between tile
art t o :llllclltl :111 ac t I
I c*oiiccrning IcWxr., of iiiarcl~ic,prizes,
l i d tl1c (ollfeclclatc Sta
:mtl prize g i d q ; i i i i t l
11. 12. 2. ,111 act to xnthoriLc a iolcign loan.

Mr. iLrnwell. from the Coiiiniittec 011 Finmce, to whom was

referred tht. nics~iigc o f the Iresideiit> in uclntion to the subject,
A bill (S. 9) to authorize a foreign h i ;
which was read the first and second tiines and considercd AS in Committee of thc \!%ole.
On motion by Mi.. Yancoj ,
Orclemd, That the further considemtion thereof lie postponed iintil
The bill (1.It. I) to nmrnd an :Let recognizing tlir existence of
war bet\\-ecn thc United St:itcs wiicl thc Confeclc?r:Lte States, nnd concerning 1ettci.s of IiizLrquc, prim;\, and ])rim goods, coniinunicated thi.;
day from tho Ilouse of Iicprcscntntivcs for coiwtirrence, \+as ie:id the
tirst a n d srcnnd tirrics t ~ i i drc~fcriwlto t h o Coininittee on Nav:il Affairs.
rhe bill (11. 1%.
2) t o :luthoriz!cl n foreign loan, conimuuicstcd thiq
day fro:11
of~Ikprcscntntires for concurrence, was read the
first and second times; and.
On motion by Xr. Seinnm,
O~Ze1w7,That, it lit. on thc Cwblc.
On motion by hIr. Clny,
The Senate resolved into olwri legidativc session.



22, 1863.

Nr. Sparrow, from the Committee bn Military Affairs, to whom

referred the bill (S. 7) to place hospitals under military control,
wportcd it, with an :tmondment.
On iiiot ion by 1\11..Sparrow,
Oi&iwZ, That the bill and amendment be printed.
On motion by Mr. Ilill, froin the Coilinlittee on the Judiciary,
O ~ d m d That
the. report, of the Attorney-General be printed for
the use of the Scnate.
On niotioii by Mi.. 13nrnrvell,
The Senate rcsol~-cclinto sccret kgislative session.
The doors hviiig hcen opened,
On niotion by Mr. Y:LM
The Senate adjourned.



MY.Miclnn (by letwe) introdneed

h bill (S. 10) i n i~lationto siibstitutes;

\v]ijch 1 ~ : ~yead
tllc iirht :~nd ond times and referred to the Comniittco on ik1iIit:u-y hffairh.
VIlt> following i i i ( : h h : ~ g e \vns rcceived from the President of the Confrtlt>r:Ltcl States, 1)s MY.IS. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., Jcnuanj 21, 1833.
TOIhe he)talr (end louse qf Reprcsenlatit*es:
I licrcwitli return my niessag nt to you on t h e 14th instant, calling your attention
to the t\wlftli line on the seventh page, where I have substituted the word sovt~rtlignfor H C ~vn, as it previously stood, incorrectly written.
r i

I h c nicssagc W:IS r e d .
rho 8cn:itc ivsiniied, :LS i n Committee of the Whole, the consideration of tlio bill (S. :I) to iwtliorize a foreign loan.
On motion 1)y Mr. Yanccy, to aniend the bill by inserting after the
word bonds, scction I, line 14, the words
at places i n t h c Coiifedcmtc States of ilincrica where it may be held by the Government of the Cortfcdcmtc, Statcs of America at t h e time of the demand made for cotton

by saiil bondlrolclerr, and at t h e current value of the same a t said time and place,

It was determined in the negative, Nays . _

_ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 17
On motion 1)y Mr. Yancey,
The yeas and nRys being desired b i one-fifth of the Senators present,
Mr. Ynnccy voted i i i the affirmative.
Tliosc who Toted in the negxtive are,
Messw. I-hkcr, Barnwell, Clay, Davis, Dortch, Haynes, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, dohnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Mitchel, Om, Phelan,
Semnies, Sparrow, a i d Wigfall.
On motion by MY.Yancey, to ntnencl the bill by striking out all after
the enacting clause and inserting:
That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to negotiate, i n some foreign
country, t h e bonds of the Confederate States, not exceeding fifty millions of dollars,

Jan. 23, 1863.1


bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent, and redeemable in gold or cotton, on
mch terms as may seem to him most consistent with the interests of the country,

It mas determined in the negative,





_ _ _ _ _
_ _ -._ __
_ __
_ - _

O n motion by MY.Yaiicey,
T h e xeas :md nays being desired hy one-fifth of the Senators p
Those who voted in the aftirmative,are,

Messrs. Baker, Clay, Henry, Maxwell, Mitchel, and Yancey.

Those who \7oted in the negative are,
Messrs. Rsrnwell, Davis, Dortch, I-Itiynes, Hill, Hunter, Johnson
of Georgia, Orr, Phelan, Semmes, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
S o further amendment being proposed, the bill was reported to the
Urclerd, That it he engrossed and r c d R third time.
The said hill mxs iaencl thr. third t h c .
12esoZvcd, T h a t i t PRS~, and that the titlo thcrcof be as aforesaid.
OT*dcred, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the Iouso
of Bepi*esentativcs therein.
On iiiotioii by l l r . Yancey,
The Senate resolved into opcn legislative scshion.

Ah-, Hunter (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 11)to provide for the furthcr issue of '1're:Lsury notes, and
for other put~poses;
which was read the first and sccond times and rcfcrred to tho Committee on Finance.
A h . Ynuccy. fro111 thc Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (8.
4) to rcgulatc the action of the Secretary of tho
S a r y upon the decision.; of naval gcneral courts-martial, reported it
with an amendment.
On niotion of Mr. Hill,
Ordwed, ' h t the hill and smcridmcnt bc printed.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, from the Coinmittcc on Military Affairs,
Ordcrned, That the report of the Secretary of War be printed for the
use of the Senate.
On rriotioll by A h . H a p e s , that 500 additioiial copics of the report
be printed,
O ~ d e w d .That it be referred to the Comiiiittec, 011 Printing.
Mr. Wiifall (by lenvf?) introduced
A bill (S. 12) to provide for conscribing se:tmcn and ordinary seamen;
which mas rcxd the first and second times and referred to the Comtnittee on Naral Affairs.
Mr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:

RPsoZzed, That the Goinmittce on Finance be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providmg by law to pay the conpons of- interesl on d l bonds, except those
ibsued for t h e fifteen inillion loan, in cotton, deli1 erect at one of t h c a ports of Charleston, Savannah, Nobile, or New Orleans, fiithin iiiiie,ty day, aftcr the rhtxfication of a
of tn
treaty of peace nith the United Stabs, upon the b
c cents per pound for
Orleans middling, and ztllon iiig iriterebt on said coupons from the tiiiic they are payable, at the rate of six per cent per annum, m hen said coupone are presented in sums
of five hundred dollars or over.



On motion by Mr. Spil-row,

Ordered, That whcn the Senate adjourn it be to M011ctay next.
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The Senatp resolved i n t o executive session.
The doors haring been opened,
Mr. Phelan (by leave) introduced
A bill (S13) in relation to the public printing;
which TWS read the first and second times and referred to
tee on Printing.
Mr. Yancey submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:

inimc~diate1)-prcceding or following said loss or destruction.

O Kmotion
by A h . Clay,
The Scn:tte ndjourncd.

MY.Brown, from the Committee on Kaval Affaiss, to whom mere

rcferred (on the 20th instant) thc nominations of Nathaniel E. Venahle,
I h n r j - L. G ~ R V Cllcnry
M. Doak, to be second lieutenants, reported,
with the rccommenclation that said nominations be confirmed.
The Seiixte proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t mas
Izcsolum!, Ilnt tlic Senate advise and consent to the appointment
of Nathaniel 13:. Venablc, Henry L. Graves, and Henry &I, Doalr as
second licntcnanCh, agreeably to thc nomination of the President.
O n motion l)y Mr. Brown,
The Senate resolvcd into open legislative session.

Tho Ion. Iiobwt W. .Johnson, from the State of Arkansas, attended.

MY. Yancey submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Corninittee on the Judiciary bc instructed to inquire and report
whether a n officer of the Army of the United States, acting under the authority of
that Govprnment, can be made liable to punishment as R criminal for violation of
the criminal laws of x State by a State tribunal when turned over to State authorities
by order of t h e President.

A message from the I-lonse of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

MP.President: The House of Representatives have passed bills of t h e following
titles; in which t h y request the concurrence of the Senate:
H. R. 3. An act to repeal certain clauses of a n act entitled An act to exempt certain persons from military service, etc., approved October 11, 1862; and
H. R. 4. An act making appropriations to meet the increase of pay authorized by
the act of Congress entitled An act to increase the pay of certain officers and
employees in the executive and legislative departments, approved October 13, 1862.

Jan. 26,1863.]



Mr. Baker (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 14) to authorize newspa-pers to be mailed to soldiers free
of postage;
which was read the first and second times and referred to theCommittee on Yost-Offices and Post-Boads.
Mr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution; which was considcrcd and agreed to:
Eesolzed, That the Coiiiiiiittee on Militarv Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
proprietj and expediency of building a raiiroad or n plank road from Clinton, in the
pni-iqh ot East Peliciana, Louisiana, to intersect the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad a t the niost eligible point, so as to complete the conncction between Jackson,
ippi, and Port Hudson, Louifliana, or of aiding such company or companies as
may be willing to undertnlre ,.tiid ork untler stipulations and upon conditions to be
prescribed by thc President; and that the committee report by bill or otherwise.

Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced

A hill (S. 15) for the rcovganization of the Navy of the Confederate
States, to cstablibh and cqualize tlic grade of officers, and for other
which xas read the first and second tinies and r e f e r r d to the Committee on K a d Aflairs.
Mr. @rr presented the petition of Jaines Dimbar and others, praying the establishment of a mail route; whichwas referred to the Committee on Post-Offices itrid Post-Roads.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Coiiiniittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (S. S) to provide and organize engineer troops to serve
during the mar, reported it with an amendment.
On motion by Mr. ( h r ,
Oidercd, That the bill and amendmcnt be printed.
The bills this day rectived froni the llousc of Keprcsentntives for
concurrrnc.c were severally read the iirst and second tinies.
Opdewd, That t h c bill numbered 3 Itc referred to the Committee on
Military Affairs and that the bill nuinbcred 4 be referred to thc Committee on Fiii:tncc.
Mr. Clzy presented the credentials of the I-ion. Allen T. Caperton,
elected a Senator by the gcneral asscriihly of thc State of Virginia to
fill t h o vacancy occasioned by the dcnth of the Ion. William 13allard
Preston; which were read, mid thc oath prcscribcd by the Constitution
was administered to M r . Capmton, and he took his scat in the Senate.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Coirimittee on Finance, to whom was referred
the bill (13. E. 4) making appropriations to meet the increase of pajr
authorized by the act of Congress entitled An act to incvcase the pay
of certain officers and ernployees i n the cxecutivc and legislative departments, :Lpproi-ed Octohcr 13, 1862, rcported it without amendment.
Yhe Senate procecded, as iir Coniinittcc of tho Whole, to the consideration o i tht. bill liibt mentionecl; and no ainendmciit being proposed,
it was reported to thc Senate.
OTcZe?>ed,That it pass to a third rcading.
Thc said hill was rcad tfic third time.
ZZcsobwl, That it pass.
Ordered, Illat the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded, as in Committc1e of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 7) to plact. hospitals under military control.
On motion by Nr. Scmnieb,



Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed un ti1

Senate proceeded, a*, in Committee of the Whole, to the COW
sideration of the bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the
Confederate States.
On motion by Mr. Burnett, that the bill be postponed inde
Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - .I t was determined in the negative, Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ 18
On motion hg Mr. Semmes,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative arc,
Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, arid Burnett.
Those who voted i n the negative are,
Messrs. Raker, Caporton, Clay, Davis, Dortch, H a p e s , IIcnry, Hill,
EIunter, Johnaori of ArB:uwas, illasivcll, Zviitchel, Orr, Phelan, Semmes,
S p r r o m , Wigfall, and Yancry.
On motion by 32r. Hill, fi.oni the Coinmittce on the Judiciary, to
alncnd thc bill by striking out, scction 1, line 3, the word three
and inserting in lieu thcrcof thc word f ~ t t r ,
On motion by Xr. Yt~ncoy,to miend t he :mendnicnt proposed by
Mr. Hill by striking out * four and inscrting tm-0,
It was detcriiiincd in the negiti\,e.
On the yuestion to agrce to thc alncndnient proposed by X r . Iill,
It was detemii ired in thc xffirniative.
On motion hy 1111.. S p r r o w ,
Opdcred, That tho further considerution of this bill be postponed
until to-inorrow.
On iiiotion l)y Mr. S p r r o m ,
rhc Sciiatc rcsol vcd into csecixLivc [sccret 21 session.
Tha doors h i v i n g bccn opcncd,
On niotion by Alr. M ~ T O W ,
The Sjenute adjourncd.


s B C IWT sESsroN.

Mr. I3itrnwcl1, froin t h c Coiniriittce on Finance, to whom was

reicrrcd the c.oiuiiiunicatioii froiii thc Secretary of the Treasury on
t,hc h i l l ) jcct, rcyortccl
A I d 1 (S. 16) to :u~tliorizetho issiic of bonds to the Bank of Louihiana;

which was road tho first and second tiiiies and considered as i n Committee of the \Iholc; and no aiiicadment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ovd(,twi?, T h a t it hc cmgrossed and read a third time.
The said hill was rcad the third time.
& ~ h ~ dThat
, it ~ S S and
that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
O r d m d , That the Secretary request thc concurrence of the House
of Kcpi*csentxti\.csthcrein.
1. Sparrow, froin t h t C>ornmittec on Military Affairs, to whom
wfts i*eferredtho niessagc of the President of the Confederate States,
tratlhmitting the reports of Maj. Gen. G . ITT. Smith, and his subordinates, of recent military operations in North Carolina, reported the
Ordered, That it lic on the table.

Jan 26 lh63 ]




Phclan submitted the following resolution for consideration:

Re~olued,That the Secretary of t h e Senate be instructed to reqilest the reporters

of the public joorrials not to publish the resolution offered to the Senate this day, in

relation to tlie right of the President to tiirn orer to the respective States of this
Confederacv officer': of t h T'nited States taken prisoners by our forces for offenses
against the criminal lairs of said States.

The Senate proctedcd to consider the said resolution; and

on iiiotion hy Mr. err, to RKllClld the rcsohtion by striking out all
aftcr tho word '' Besolwd" and inscrting:
That tlie resolution adopted this (lay by tlic Srriatc, in o p n session, directing the
Comniittec on t h e Judiciary to inquire into and report their opinion whether a n
officrr of the Army of thc Vnited States acting under tlic authority of that Governnicnt can be made liable to punishment as a criinitial for violation of the criminal
laws of a State, etc., be transferred to the Jour~ialof the Secret LegislativeSessiou of
the Senate,

It mas cleterrnincd in thc aflirm'1t'1vc.

On thc qucstion to agree to tlic resolution as amended,
It WLS determined in the sffinnative.
On iiiotion b y Mr. Ijrown,
The Senate resolved into cxccutivc session.

The i'ollowing nxbsagc was received froin the President; of the Confcdcrate States, by Mr. 13. N. IIarrison, his Secretary:
I ) , .firnr((7r,t/-?$, 1868.
lhf ( ' o l ~ c ' ( ! c t ' ( t f r h/(!/CS;
I lia\c t l i c h o n o ~t o w q i w ~ tt l i a t \ 0 1 1 will return iriy iiiesxagc snhriiitting wrtain
]in\ a1 noiiii~iatio~iw,
datc(1 tlic 1 7 t h instant


f / l C i%'J/ft/C Of'


agc of the 17th iristsnt be

rctllrnctl, :igrec:J)ly to his reqIICht.
The following nicwxgc was rcceivetl from the 1'r.csidcnt o f the Confederate States, by Mr. U. K. Ilarrison, his Secrctary:


~ ~ C I I M ~ X I ) \.,

Jannunry 29, 1868.

IIH, Ga., his conmission

111 was made daritig the

on \%astakcn upon it.


The iiiessagc was rcad.

On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate procccdpd to cwii$der the nominiition o f tJosiah C. Orr,
to he postmaster at Atheiii;, Ga.; arid it \\'as
That the Scnatc advise and conscnt to the appointment of
,Josiah C. Orr, to IIC postmaster at Athens, Ga., agreeably to the nomination of the President.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, IJJ- Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Rrcrrxos~,JcmuarJ 96, 1868.
To the ,Yenate of the Confederal? ,Ytcltes:
I hereby noniinato Lieut. John Taylor Wood, of the Navy, to be aid-de-cam on
rrly staff, w-ith the rank, pay, etc., of a colonel of cavalry, in place of Col. Jose$ It.
Davis, resigned.
c J-VOL 3-04-4




referrcd to the Committee on lVillltary Analrs.

of the Conison, his Secretary:

To ihz Sobate of the Coi$ederate States:

Agreeably to t h e recorninendation of the Secretary
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their


Richmond, Junuary $2, 1663.

SIR: T have the honor to reconinlend the following nominations for appointment
i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
Brig. (;en. Isaac R.Trimble, to be major-general, Maryland; Brig. Gen. Jubal A.
Far1y, to be major-general, Virginia; Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, to be major-gencral, Georgia.
Hr igatlier-generals.

Col. Robert F. IIoke, to he hi-igadier-general, North Carolina; Col. H. I,. Benning,

to he briKRciier-general,(korgia; Col. I\. T. Wofford, to be brigadier-general, Georgia;
Col. Smniic.1 hId;o\vim, to be brigadier-general, South Carolina; Col. M. A. Stovall,
to he ltrigadir,r-Rr,tieri~l,Georgia; Col. George B. Cosby, t o be brigadier-general,
Kentucky; Col. Frank C. Armstrong, to bo brigadier-general, Arkansas.

Appointed, Joheph $1. tJayne, Forty-eighlh Mississippi Regiment, Mississippi.

Promoted, John E. Penn, Forty-second Virginia Regiment, Virginia.

Promoted, J o h n J. Wade, Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment, Virginia.
Promoted, 1 I . A. Edmrrndson, Twenty-seventh Virginia Battalion, Virginia.
lroniotcd, John E. P e m , Forty-second Virginia Regiment, promoted colonel,

John S. myerle, Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment, Virginia.
h n r o t c d , dohn I{. lmn, Forty-second Virginia Regiment, promoted lientenantcolonel, Virginia.
I am, sir, resptd.fullp, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His 143xcellenc.y JEPFERSON
President, etc.

The message was read.

Ordmd, That it be rcfcrrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by MI-. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.


27,~ 1863.


Mr. Maxwell (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 17) relating to qipeals from the Commissioner of Patents;
which was read the first nnd second times and referred to the Committee on Patents.

Jan. 27, 1663.J


Mr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Trewury be requested to communicate to the
First. The names of all thc agent8 appointed by him and authorized to receive the
subscriptions to tlir produce loan arid to purchase cotton, and at what placw the said
agents are located.
Second. How mnch cotton has been purchased by each agent, and what is the
rtxcragc price jmid therefor by each in each locality.
Third. The instructions given to each agent as to the quantity he should buy, the
price he ahonld pay therefor per pound, and the localities where it should be stored.

Mr. Pllelan (by leave) introduced

A hill (S. 18) to provide cornperisation for property destroyed by
thc ( :onfederate States under the act approved March 17,.1862;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Cornmittec on t he Judiciary.
On motion by hlr.
Oi.cked, That a 1x1
e be sent to the House of Representatives
requesting them to d
heir Clerk to cause all bills and joint resolutions t o be numbered in consccxtive order, making no distinction
brtwern those introduced in open legislative session and those ori iiiating in secret session; the present manner of numberin r said bi Is
and resolutions producing confusion in the journals of the enate.
On rriotioii by Mr. Rigfall,
O i d w c d , That the Iron. TI7. Y. OIdham have leave of absence from
ions of the Senate until Monday next.
Mr. Ibrnwcll, from the Coinmittce on Finance, reported
A hill (S. 19) to aniend ail act to organize the clerical force of the
~~e pnr t , r l l cn t;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon tho Calctndar a n d printed.
XI-. Hill, from the Coiiimittee on the Judiciary, to whom WLS
referred tile hill (S. 5) to establish the court for tllc inve5tig:ition of
clainix against the (;ov(:mment of the Confederate Sbtcs, reported it
without amendmcnt.
Otdewd, That it l)c printed.
R4r. Maxwell, froin the Committee on Patents, to whom W:LS reforred
a coiiirnunication from the Coiiimissioncr of Patents, showing a list of
patents granted diii-ing the year 1862, reported the same.
Orchred, That i t be printed.
Mr. Haynes, from the Committee on Printing, srihinitted the following resolution; which ivas considered and agreed to:

/?~.roZ~a17,That two hiintlretl and fifty additional copitis of the report of the Xccretarp of Xar, togcther with the Pame niiiiiher of copirs of the report oC the CorninisRimer of Jndiaii Affars, be printmi for the iise of the Smatk.

The Scnate resunicd, as i t 1 Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (S. 7) to place hospitals tinder military control.
On motion by Mr. O n ,
Opderad, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The following inessage was rewired frorn the President of the Confederate Skates, by Xr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
IticIrxom, Va.,Jtriiunrg 97, 1R6S.
To the Senatc mid House o j Rcprrnentnlii cs.
I herewith tranmut a coinmunicatlon froin tht: Secretary of War, covering an estimate of funds required by the Ordnance Biireau.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount specified for the purpose indicated.



[Jan. 27, 1863.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on I
4 inance.
The Senate rcsuined, as i n Cornniittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 3 ) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate Skates.
On motion by Mr. Orr, to amend the bill by striking ou
i n the fourth line of the first section, and inserting four,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Orr, to reconsider the last-mentioned vote,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Cliiy, to amend the hill by striking out seven
thousand, in the second line of the fourth section, and inverting five
thousand five hundred,
On motion bg Mr. Yancey, to amend the proposed amendment by
striking ont five hundred,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Brown, to aniciid the proposed amendment by
st,riking out five thousand five liundred and inserting four Ihousand five l ~ n ~ i d r ~ d ,
I t was dctcrniined in the negative.
On niotioii by hZr. IIcnry, to anicnd the proposed aineiiclment by
striking out five thousand five hundred and inserting six
It wtis cleterinincd in the negative.
On the question t o agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Clay,
Yeas.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11_ _
It wi~sdeterinined in the affirmative, Nays
____ ____
On motion b Mr. Yancey,
The yeas an nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Lhose ivho voted in the affirmative are,
Mrssrs. Halrcr, Barnwell, Brown, Uurnett, Clay, Dortch, Henry,
Masmell, Phelan, Wigfall, and Yancey.
Those w h o voted i n the negative are,
Messrs. Caperton, Davis, lxaynes, Hill, Hiinter, ,Johnson of Arkansas, Mitchcl, Orr, Semmes, and Sparrow.
On niotion hy Mr. Clay, to amend the bill by striking out six, in
the third line of t h e fourth section, and inserting five,
On motion by Mr. Seinmes. to amend the pro osed amendment by
striking out hire and inserting five thousan. five hundred,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On the question t o agree to the amendment proposed by MY. Clay
as amended,
It was determined i n the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Clay, to ainend the bill by striking out of the
fourth section the words shall receive an annual salary of seven
thousand dollars,
T t was determined i n the affimiatjve.
A further anieridnient having been proposed by Mr. Clay,
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.


Jan. 28,1863.1



23, 1863.

The Hon. \V. S. Oldharn, from the State of Texas, attended.

A h . Yancey (1))- leave) introduced
A bill (S. 20) to reorganize the Medical Corps of the Confederate
states Navy;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
X l r . Phelan (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 21) for the condemnation to public use of all cotton
within thc Confederate States, providing for the payment thereof,
a i d f u r other purposes;
which wab read the first and second times; and
On motion hy Mr. Phclan,
Ordered, That it be referred to a select committee of five members,
to be appointed by the Prosident pro tempore; and
Mr. Yhelan, Mr. Sparrow, Mr. Mitchel, MY. Henry, and Mr. Orr
were appointed the committee.
Mr. Semines (by l e a ~ e introduced
A bill (S. 22) allowing the Comptroller of the Treasury the privilege of obtaining the Iegsl advice of the Attorney-General;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Corninittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Smuncs (hy leave) introduced
A bill (S. 23) to repeal sections 65 and 46 of an act of the Provisional
Congress entitled An act to estahliqh the judicial courts of the Confederate States of America;"
which vvas read thc first and second times; and
On iiiotioii by Mr. Seinmes,
&demr?, That jt lie on t h tah1.e.
MY. IInyncs Yiibmitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
That tlic Committec 011 the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency and necessity of reporting a blll to the Senate to regulate by law the seiexire and impressniciit of 1)iivateproperty, real and personal, lor the use of the arinies
of the Confederate States, the follouing provisio~is:
7 . That private property IIIRY 1 ) ,cc1xcd
aiid inipwsed for the necessary 1188 of the
troops of tlw (>onfederate States by the ofricers 111 cornmantl when tile dili<witefforts
of the propcr autliorities w o i i l t l 1
ailing to provi(ie and purctiaw &I property
IY PO urgent as nol to atlriiit ot tlclay.
at its fair 1 nlne, ~ 1 1 d hcii tlic nt
tii$nl soimrt., the j u r y shall I)e tlie judges,
pnrdiasc said property wonld h a w prolier tlie eiriergency \\ as so urgent as to
I1 good intentions, desire to promote the
iprrior support a plea of justification for
private property for the public
Treasury notcLs, at his option, a
cil by thc market value of said

the price paid or offered to be

to said owner an oNicial certifint, hrigadc, or corps of which he has
y and quality of t h e property taken,
]ti the amount paid or offered to be
the hands of said owner a voucher



[Jan.28, 1863.

and prima facie evidence for hini against said officer before any court, in which h e
may be sued for a wrongful impressment, having jurisdiction of the case and before
the tribunal created by law to determine the ainonnt of compensation to which he
may be entitled.

The President pro tempore laid before the Senate the memorial of
G. Toclinian; which was referred to the Committee on Mili
Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to
referred the bill (S. 12) to provide for conscribing seamen a
searnm, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the eonsideration of the bill last mentioned; and no amendment being proposed,
it was reported to the Senate.
O ~ d c ~ e That
d , it be engrossed and rend a third tirnc.
The baid bill was read the third time and t h c title was amended.
R~sol.zwi?,That it pass, and that the title thereof be An act to provide for continuing in service semien and ordinary seamen now i n the
scrvice of the Confederate States.
Ordeped, That the Secretary request the concurrencc of thc House
of Rcpresentativcs tilerein.
The Senate rcsurned, as in Cominittec of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate
On motion by MI.. Clay, to ariiend t h e bill by adding the following
independent section :
Sec. 6. That sections forty-five and forty-six of an act of the Provisional Congress
entitled (An act to catablisli the judicial courts of the Confederate States of hmerica, approved sixteenth Jlarch, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and the same
are hereby, repealed,

After debate,
On motion by Mr. I-Ienry,
Ordmed, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed until
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 7 )to placc liospitkls under military control.
On niotion by Mr. Orr,
Ordewd, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate procccdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (S.19)to wiend an act to organize the clerical force
of the T r ( u i i r y 1)cprtmcn t.
On motion b j r hlr. Brown, to amend the bill by adding at the end of
the second section:
And in all cases in making appointments under this act a preference shall be given
to inalea who are not liable to niilitary duty under the laws of Congress and to
femalcs whose fathers, brothers, or husbands are now in tlic Army, or who have been
tlisdiargrtl therefrom on account of disease contracted or wounds received in the
disrlinqge of duty, or ~ t i have
died in the service,

It was detcrtnined in the affirmative.

No further amendment being proposed, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendment was concurred in.
Orc,med, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time,
Resolmd, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O r d e ~ d That
the Secretary request the concurrence of the louse
of Bepreventtitives therein.

Jan. 25, 1863.1



On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
O.rde/*cd,That the bill (S. 10) i n relation to substitutes be printed.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Thc, Senate adjourned.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

was referred the bill (S. 10) in relation to substitutes, reported it with
an mien dmcrrt,.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orde~ed,That it be transferred to the Open Legislative Calendar.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved in to open Icgislative session.

The following'message was rcccived from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
ra.,.Tununry 28, 18G$.
To tlir President of the &nnte of tlie Coqfuderrr(eStutec:
I nominate the persons narned in tlir annexed letter of tlie Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recommendation.
Richmond, .Jictnuury 27, 186.9.
Sm: I have the lionor to rec.omoirnd tlie following nominations for appointment
in the Navy:

Charles F. M. Spotswood, of Virginia, a first lieutenant in thc Navy, to bc promoted to fill an existing mcancy, am1 to rank from the 25th of August, 1862, next
after Coiiiniander J. W. Cooke.
Samuel W. Averett, of Virginia, a seeorid lieutenant i n the Navy, vice First Lientenant Spotswood, promoted, to rank next after Firpt Lieut. Wilburn B. Hall.
heSletond keutenant.

Julian M. Spencer, of Maryland, n lieutenant j n the Navy for the war, vice Second
Lieutenant Averett, promoted.
Lirutenctntsjor lkr n ar.

James L. Johnson, of Mississippi, and Sidney Smith Let&,jr., of Virginia, actiiig

masters in the Navy.
JaIlles 0. Moore, of North Carolina, an assistant paymaster i n the Navy, to be promoted to fill an existing vacancy.
Assistant paymastPrs.

Leslie E. Brooks, of Alabaina; Jtinius J. Lynch, of Maryland; John S. Banks, of

Florida; J o h n J. hlcPherson, of Sonth Carolina; M. M. Seay, of Tennessee, George



[Jan. 29,1863.

H. O'Neal, of Florida; A. A. Nelson, of Texas; L. M. Thompson, of Kentucky;

W. M. Briseoe, of Missouri; Frederick Lawrence, of Arkansas; Wilson G . Richardson, of Mississippi; J. C. Moses, of South Carolina; Adam Tredwell, of North Carolina; Edward MeICean, of Louisiana; Dewitt C. Seymour, of Georgia.
Passed assistant surgeons.
Charles E. Lining, of South Carolina; Marcellus P. C
J. Freeman, of Virginia; Bennett W.Green, of Virginia; James W. HerLy,
Joseph I). Grafton, of Arkansas, assistant surgeons in the Navy, to be promoted.


Assistant surgeons .for the 71:ar.

John n e Bree, jr., of Virginia; N. cl. Edmunds, of Tirginia; N. M. Read, of Maryland; S. S. Iierrick, of Mississippi; John J,eyburn, of Texas; Robert (2. I'o\vell, of
Kentack y .
1iovd storekeepers.

David R. Lindsay, of Alabama; Janies R. Godfrey, of Georgia; James A. Duffns,

of South Carolina.
\'fry respectfully, your obedient servaiit,
Secretary of tlv iVu13y.

The message was rcad.

Ordmd, That it be rcfcrrcd to the Coininittee on Naval Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Sp:trro\v,
r ,
Lhe Senate resolved into scci-et 1cgisl:ttive session.

MY. Dortch submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolied, That in view of the rednndnncy of the currency, the Committee on tlie
Judiciary be instructed to iiiquire into the propriety of so ~ i n e n d i n gthe acts in relation to the sequestration of tIw'wtate,, ctc.., o f alien enemies, as to require the paynient to the Govermnent, a t an early (lay, oC iiiorieys due to said enemies; and that
they also inquire into the propriety of allowiiig citizens who have lost property by
the c w w y , and who arc int1cl)tcd to alien enemies, to set off their losses against said

Mr. 12rowii submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
~ t l That
the Secretary of War be reqncstetl to inform the Senate whether
of the Army, not on duty i n t h e licld, but periorming clerical or other duties
iinond and other places, d o not receive, i n t h e way of commutation for
quarters, fuel, forage lor holse3, etc., such sums of money as to make their monthly
pay largely exceed the pay ot oflicers of the mine grade serving in t h e field. And
that he also inform the Senate M hether ofliccm not on duty as aloresaid have been
allowed to purcliase clothing from the Goveininent at cost, and it a hke privilege is
extended to officers in the field; and furthcr, i f i t is true that officers performing
clerical and other duties in Itichmoud are allowed horses according to their rank,
and whether such horses are kept at tlie public expense.

Mr. Maxwell (by leave) introduced

A hill (S. 24) to authorize the Commissioner of Patents to purchase
books for the library of the Patent Office;
which was read t h e first and second times and referred to t h e Committee on Patents.
Mr. Brow~i,from thc, Committee on N n v d Affairs, reported



Jan 30,18631

A bill (S. 25) to change the title of engineers in the Navy;

which was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, i t was
reported to the Srnate.
O?-deiwi, That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The &d bill was read the third time.
B e w / o d , That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as afores
Orc&t~i.d,That the Secretary request the concurrence of the
of licprrsrntatives therein.
The Senate resumed, as i n Committee of the Whole, the considcration of tlie bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate
On thc cluestion to agree to the amendment Qroposed hy Mr. Clay,
\ 1%:

Add the following independent section :

S i r . 6. That sections forty-five and forty-six of a n act of the Provisional Congress
entitled d n act to establish the judicial courts of t h e Confederate States of America,
approved Picteenth March, eighteen hundred arid sixty-one, be, arid the saiiie are
hereby, repealed,

After dcbate,

On motion by Mr. Seinmes,

The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On inotion by Mr. Haynes,
The Senate adjourned.

A rnP\<age froin the T3oiise o f 12epr

ntdives, hy Mr. Dixon, their

(1r rk :

If,,. I,esi&nt: The IIonse of Iit~presnltativei;Iinve passed a bill of the Senate (R. 9)
to authorize a foreign loan.

A message f 10111 the TIouse of llepresentlitivcs, hy MI.. IXxon, their

C 1r 1.1; :
lh-. I , e S / d p J J f : The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an
cqlrolled bill, I am tlirec.tptl to I r i n g it to t1w Srnatc for the Pignatlire of their

Nlr. Maxwell, from the committee, reporf(4 that 1 hcy had examined
and found truly enrolled
A bill (S. 9) to authorize a foreign loan.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bill last
reported to have bcrn examined, it was delivered to the Sccretar? of
hi111 forthwith presented to the President of the
tile Sellate a1ld
Chnfrderatc Sta for his approval.
On iiiotion by ALr. Maxwell,
rile sellate resolved into open lcgislntive session.

FlllDRT, JARUARY 30, 1863.


Mr. Hunter, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred

the bill (S. 11)to provide for thc further issue of Treasury notes, and
for other pur1)osps, reported it with an amendment.
On motion hy Mr. Yanccy,



[Jan. 30, 1863.

Ordered, That the bill and amendment be printed.

Mr. Hunter also subniitted a report (No. 1)on the subject; which
was ordered to be printed.
Mr. Sparrow subniitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Coninlittee on the Judiciary be
propriety of SO amending the present law as to require
three ntwspapers i n each State, without requiring that
the seat (if government of each State.

0 the
ws i n
ed at

A iriessage from the House of Itepresentatives, by Mr. McDonald:

ilfi. Prc.sideul: The Speaker of t h e House of Representatives liavin
~d an enrolled bill, I am dircvted to bring i t to t h e Senntc for t h e signature of &%;resident.

Mr. M;~xwell,f roni the committee, reported that they had examined
found truly enrolled
A bill (Ir. It. 4) ni:ikinq appropriations to meet the increase of pay
a n t h o i h d by the wt of Congress entitled An act to increase the pay
of certain oficcrs and employees in the exccutivc and legislativc departments, approved October 13, 1862.
Tho President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bill last
reported to hnve been examined, i t was dclivcred to the Secretary of
the Soiiatc and by him forthwith presented to the Prcsident of the
Confcdcratc Statcs for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
O/&red, That when the Senate iidjourn it be to Monduy next.
Mr. Orr (1)y leave) introduced
A bill (S. 26) gmntiiig furloughs to wounded officers and soldiers;
which was read the first niid second tiines m d referred to the Comiiiittec on Military Affaiix.
The Senate resumod, as in Coiiiinittee of the Whole, the considera.tion of the bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confedcrate Sttttes.
On the question to ~igrceto the :uiimdniwit proposed by Mr. Clay,
Add the following independent section:

SIZ. 6. Tliat sections forty-fivc :tiid forty-pis of an act o f tlic Irovisionnl Congress ciititletl An act to esttiblisli the judicial c ~ ~ i rof
t s the Confecleratcl States of
Anierica, :tpprorecl sixteenth March, eighteen Iiuntlred a11d sixty-one, be, and same
arc li(wl)y, repealed,

After delmtr,

On motion by 3 1 ~ Sparrow,
Lho Senate rwolved into secret lcgislativc, session.
The doors haying been opened,
On motion b y Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate adjourned.

I ?


A message from tho President of the Coilfederate Statcs, by Mr.

1%.N. Iik~rrison,h i h Secretary:
Mr. fresidewt: The President of the Confederate States, on yestertlay, approved
and Higned the following act:
S. 9. An act to authorize a foreign loan.

O??dered,Thnt the Secretary inform tho 1Iouse of Representatives

On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into open legislativ



Jan. 30, 1863.1


The following message was

ed from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
To the Senate of the Confedemte Rates:

Januayy 30,1863.

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Maj. W.L.

Cabell, of Arkansas, to be brigadier-general in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
Xchmond, Januwy 30, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nomination for appointment i n
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
Maj. W. L. Cabell, to be brigadier-general, Arkansas, to take rank January 20, 186Y.
1 h a w the honor to be, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Semetary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, d c .

The message was read.

Ordered, That it he referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. iv. Harrison, his Secretary:
RIcmrosn, Vn., .Jnnicnry 30, 186.9.
To the PresidPnt of the Senate of the Confederate States:
I nominate the person named in the annexed letter of the Serretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recommendation.
.J1SFFICItSON l)dVlfi.
~ ~ i d i r r i o n .d~ U, I L ! K L P ! / 29, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to rr~ronnnendthe following rioitGnation for appoiiituient in
the Savy .
Lmrtmunt for. the wur.
M w a r d W. Fitller, of Louisiana.
With 1nuc.h respecc, your obedient servant,

8ecretnril of thr Altrvil.

Lhe message W:LS read.

/$~&/~eiZ, That i t hc re-ferred to the Corninittee on Naval hfltairs.
Mr. Sp~~rrow,
from the Corninittcc on Military Affairs, submittctl
the following resolution; which was corisidered and agreed to:
, T

P!solled by the Senate of the Confederate Stcites, That the Ircsident be requested to
furnish the Senate, in executive session, a full list of all rcgiinentd, brigade, antl
tlivision coniinaritlers, with the regiment, brigade, and divirion commantlcd by them,
a11d also a libt of generals and lieutenaiit-btenerals, distinguishing between those
holding under the Provisioiial Government antl those appointed under the Perinanent
(iorernnlent. That he also furnish a list of all quartermasters antl coniinissarjes
and assistant quartermasters and commisparies, with statement showing the brigade,
regiment, post, or depot where assigned to tluty, and whether appointed under t h e
Provisional or Permanent Government.

On motion by Mr. Orr,

The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.



[Feb. 2,1863.

2, 1863.

Mr. Yaiicey presented a design for a Confederate S

was referred to the Committee on Flag and Seal.
Mr. Maxwell presented the memorial of Thoma
major and qnartermnster, praying an increase of the salaries of persons employed in his office; which was referred to the Committce on
Military Affairs.
Mr. Sparrow, fro111 the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (1. It. 3) to repeal certain clauses of an act
entitled An act to esenipt certain persons from military service,
etc., ripproved October 11, 1862, reported it without amendment.
Mr. Sparl-om, from the Committee on Military Affairs, who were
instructed by a resolution of the Senate to inquire into the subject,
A bill (S. 27) dofining who shall be exempt from nlilitary service i n
the arniies of the Confederate States;
which WRS rc:td the first and second times; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ou&wd, That it be placed upon the Calendar and printed.
Mr. Hill, from thc Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (S. 6) to grant to tlia principal officer of each of the
Executive Departmen ts a seat upon the floor of Congress, reported it
with XII amendment.
Ordewti, That the bill and amendment be printed.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordm>d,,That the I-lon. Herschel V. Johnson have leave of Rbsence
from the scssions of the Senate on account of sickness.
Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 28) further to provide for the public defense;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Militwry Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
Omkrtd, 711at the Ilon. 11. C. Burnett have leave of absence from
the sessions of the Scnute until Monday, the 9th instant, o n account of
sickncss in his l:tni i l j 7 .
Mr. Semincs 1mscnted the petition of G. W. Wang, praying to be
rclieved from the paynicnt of certain moneys lost by him as uartermaster in the Confederate States Army; which wa9 referre3 to the
Committee on Claims.
The President pro tcmpore laid before the Senate a communication
from the Secretary of the Treasury in response to a resolution of the
Senate requesting the ii~inesof d l the agentsappointed to receive subscri tions to the produce loan arid to purchase cotton, etc. ; which x7as
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That it lie on the table,
The Senate resunied, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate



Feh. 2 , 1863.1

On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Clay, viz:

Add the following independent section:
SEC.6. That sections forty-five and forty-six of an act of the Provisional Congrws
entitled An act to establish t h e judicial courts of the Confederate States of America, approvctf sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and the same
are hereby, repealed,

Af ter debate,
On motion by Mu. Semmes,
The Scnnto resolved into executive session.
The dooi s having been opened,
On inotion bx Mr. Yancey,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Sparrow. from the Coinriiittce 011 Military ABairs, to whom

was referred the bill (Y. 2) to modify the a c t entitled An act to
exempt certain persons froin iriilitary duty, and to r e p d an act
entitled An act to exempt ccrt:iin pcrsons from cnrollinent for scrvice
in the Ari~iyof tho Confeclerate Sjtittcs, a )proved twenty-first April,
eightem hundred and sixty-two, reporte it without atnicnd~nent.
Mr. Panccp suhmitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:

ittee on Saval Affairs be instructed to inquire iiito the

&e Serretary of ttic Navy to einploy in tile berx ice of the

, or to iniprt<s tlicni it

tq, on snc4i t w m as nray be requisite to srccire their s w v arv, anti to ~ ~ tliem

n y such suiiis as may bc deciiied
large of their duties.

Mr. ,Johnson of drluuisar snhinitted thr, following resoliltion; which

wa< ron4dered and agreed to:
Resol! ecl, That 110 one be admitted within the railing of thc Scnate Cliamlwr rxcept
heads of thr. J:\ecutireDepartiucnts, irienibers ot the Ilouse of Iteprcseiltati\ es, the
miniatrr of the gwpel who inny he in attendance to open tho Senate with prayer on
that day, ant1 the Chief Clerk of the I l o u s e of Itepresentatives, or any other clerk ki
charge of nicspagcs from that body to the i&late.

On motion by Mr. Yanccy,

The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

The following message was received froni the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., l%brirory2, 188.3.
To tlir Senccte qf the Cmfedercife Bates:
1 hereby nominate the persons named upon the aniicxed llst to the offices tWsign a t d , agreeably to the recommendahn of the Attorney-General.

Richmond, Jmzuccr?/$1, 1885.

SIR:I have the honor to nominate for appointment in this Department:
I. Philip A. Clayton, of Columbus, Ga., to he marshal of the district of Ckwrgia.
2. Rol)t. &
I. of Opelousas, La., to be marshal of the district of 1,oniPiana.
Sow holding under appointment made during the late recess of the Senate.
Your obedient servant,
Attorney- General.

The message mas read.
Ordged, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judicizry.
On motion by Mr. Yancep,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

Mr. Hill presented a resolution of the State of Georgia, asking an

investigation of the complaints against the quartermasters, conmissaries, s:Ixrgcons, agents, and other offioials connected with the War
I)eparttiirnt of the Confederate States, i n regard to the performance
of their \qLrious duties; which was read and referred to the Committee
on Mi1itar.y Affairs.
The Qcsident pro teiiipore laid before the Senate a communication
fro111 thc governor of the Stnt,e of Florida, transmitting a resolutlon
of thc legislaturc of that State in relation to the present war; which
\\%S I.(?td.

On niotion by Mr. Maxwell,

O ~ ~ l e w Ihat
d , it lic on the tablc a n d be printed.
A h . nl:ixwcll, froni thc Comniittcc on Patents, to whom were
referred the following hills:
S. 17. A bill relating to appeals from the Cornmissioner of Patents;
S. 24. A bill to authorize the Commissioner of Patents t o purchase
books for tlic librnry of the Patent Office;
reported thcm severally, without amendment.
rhc ticnate ?roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the considcr:ition of t 10 bills last mentioned; and no amendment being prop o s d , th(?y \vcre severally reported to the Senate.
O t ~ ~ k ~ That
~ r d ,they he engrossed and rcacl a third time.
Ihc sitid hills were scvcrdly read the third time.
Rcsolvcd, That they pass, and that their respective titles be as aforesitid.
Oi*cl(nvd,That thc Secretary reqixcst the o6ncurrcncc of the House
of licpresentatives i n said bills.
Tho Scnntc resumed, :LS in Comiriittrc of tlic Wholc, the oonsideration of tho bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederat$cStates.
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Clay,
Add the following independent Ysction:

SEC.6. That sections forty-five and forty-srx of an act of the Provisional Congress
entitled An act to establish the judicial courts of the Confederate States of America,
xpprored sixteenth of Afarch, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be. and the same are
hcrrby, repealed,


On motion by Mr. Oldham,

Or~dwocl,That the further consideration of the bill be postponed
m t i l to-morrow.
A nicssage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDollald:
The Rouse of Representatives hare passed a bill (H. R. 5) granting
transportatioii to troops who volunteered for the war; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

Feb. 4, 1863.1



The President of the Confederate States, on the 30th ultimo, a proved and signed
the bill (H. R. 4) making appropriations to meet t h e increme o t p a y authorized by
the act of Congress entitled An act to increase t h e pay of certain officers and
employees i n the executive and legislative departments, approved October 13,1862.

The bill (If. 3.5) cominunicated this day from the House: of Representativcr for concurrence was read the first and second times and
rcferiwl to the Conmittec on Militmy Affairs.
On niotion by A h . Clay,
The Senate :tdjournccl.

OPES S E S S I O ~ .

The Hon. It. 11. Y. Peyton, from the State of Missouri, attended.
Mr. Siirmis (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 29) to tfrke private property for public use, by paying to
the owner or O W ~ C I Sa just compensation for the same;
which was yead the first and secoiid times and referred to the Coniriiittee on tlie ,J nc1ic.iai.j.
A h . IYigfall ( h r leave) iiitrodiiced
A hill (S. 30) to regulate impressnients by officers of the Army;
which MYIS read tlic first and second times and referred to the Committee on the tJudiciary.
O n motion by Mr. Spa~rom,
0/3c7(/zctl, That the Committee on Military AffaiJ.s ba discharged froiii
the fiirthtr consideration of a resolution of tlic State of Georgia, asking an investigation of the coniplaints against the partcmiastem, con,m s s a r i ~ s surgeons,
agents, and other officials connected with the war
Dcprtrtrirent of the Confederate States, in regard to the performance
of their x arioiis duties.
rho iollowjng message was rewived from the Zrcridcnt of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N.IIarrison, liis Secretary:
~ ~ J P l I M O X I VA.,

PW~ruco.//a, I&&?.

To tlzb &?c.)atate m d JJoiiw oJ^Hrpmsenltct

I here\+ith 1ransrnit a co~rl~rrunic~atlr,n
from thc Secretary of \Var, siibniitting estimates for the Indian senice to June 30, 1S63.
I recommend an ap1)ropriation of thc anlount anti for the pnrpose indicated.

The messagc was read.

OycZgred, That it be referred to the Committce on lndian ,Iffairs.
The following message iwtb rcccived from tho Iresident of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. S. EIarrison, his Secretary:
RIcrinrosa, TA.,Ei hructry 4,186s.
To the ,Smnfe of the ConfetJerrtLc ,ilctfes:
I llere\l It11 tramlsolit for yonr iiifoi niation a c~onirnunitationfrom t 111 Hec*retaryof
IVar, covering a report of t h e d2iiartermaster-C;eneralin response. to pour resolution
relative to coniiiiutation, etc., of officcrs serving in cities
,TF,1:17 I S l t H O S DB \TI s.

The message was 1-cad.

O ~ k e r e d ,That it be rcfei-redto the Coiniirittee 011 3lilit:uy Affairs.
The Senate resumed, a s in Coninlittee of the Whole. the consideration of the bill (S, 3) to orgu1:ize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States.



question to agree to the amendment proposed by
Add the follo.cving indcpcndci\t Section :

[Feb. 4, 1863.


tipc. 6. That sectioij+ fort! -five ~ 1 1 forty-six

of an act of the Prouibional Congress
actto establish the judicial courts of t h e Confederate states of America,
sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, a d the 8 x u m are
hereby, repealed,

After dcbate,
On iiiotion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into executivc session.
The doors having been opcned,
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate adjourned.

Air. Ihelan submitted tho following misolution for consideration:

Iiesolvtd, That tht. 1)oorkeeper shall n o t bring to any Senator during the session o l
tlie Senwte any carti or other paper irom any person beyond the bar of the Senate.

flit: Srntttc proceeded to consider the said resolution; and

T h e rcsolut,ion w~isnot agreed to.
AIr. Seiiiincs srtbiiiittcd. the following resolution; which mas considcrrd tind agreed to:
a coniinittee of iire be nppointd b y tlic ~J?bidt.Iit 1x0 teinporr to
recent violation of the dignity of t h e Senate, and report what course
thc Senate should atlopt in referelice thereto.

The President pro tempore appointed Mr. Barnwell, Mr. Henry,

3Ir. Wigfall, Mr. Spirrom, and Mr. Brown as the committee.
On motion by Mr. Brown that he be excused from serving on said
I t was doterrnincd in thc negative.
On motion 197 Mr. Ihrnwell, ,
O~dcrtd,That the committcc liiive lewo to sit, during thc session of
the Senate.
Mi.Barnwell, f rorn the coninlittee appointed to inquire into the
mvcnt violation of the dignity of the Senate, and to rcport what course
tlic Senate should adopt in rrferenco thereto, reported the following
resolutions and rcconimended thcir adoption :
IZe.solwd, That the Senate tleeni i t tlno to their own honor ant1 dignity to express
their deep disapprohation a n d censure of the very disgraceful srenc which occurred
on the floor of t h e Senate to-clay betwem the Senator irom Georgia, 13. H. Hill, and
the Senator froin dlabania, TY. L Y:tncey.
Re.dced, That, in the opinion of the Senate, no circumstances can justify a Senator
in either deliberately using language personally insulting to a Senator or striking a
Senator on the floor of the Senate.
Kesolced, That tlie scene above spokeii of having occurred in Fecret session, the
Senate en]oins upon every member not in any way, by word or act, to disclose the
same to the public.

The Sclnato proceeded to consider tho said resolutions; and

On motion 1)y MY.Johnson of Arkansas, to amend the first resolution hy striking tliercfrom the words very disgraceful,
Tt W B S determined i n the n e gdt11%.
On motion by Alr. Pholan, to amend the first resolution by strikingand inserting:
out d l after JZesoZ~~ed
That the Senate hereby expresses its most emphatic disapprobation and censure of
the liigli offenseoffered to its dignity and decorum by t h e personal altercation which
this clay transpired upon the floor of the Senate between the Honorable W. L.
Yancey, of Alabama, and the Honorable B. H. Hill, of Georgia,


Feb. 4, 1863.1

It was determined in the negative.

On niotion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the first resolution by strikin
out the words very disgraceful and inserting after the word scene $
the words so disgracing to the Senate, and by striking out the
words the floor of the Senate and insertingin lieu thereof the words
termiiied in the negative.
n by Mr. Haynes, to amend the first resolution by striking
oiit tlic words very disgraceful and inserting in lieu thereof the
words the scene so w r y disgraceful t o the Senate,
I t WLS drtcrmincd i n the negative.
S o other amendment being proposed, the question was put on the
adopt ion of the resolutions; and
The resolutions were agreed to.
JIr. .Johnson of Arkansas submitted the following resolution; which
w : t q considered and agreed t o :
l:csolved, That the Bcnators w n Alabama and Georgia bc rcquired by the Senate
to pledge to the Scnatc that tl y will not further prosecute the personal difficulty
initlcr corivideration; and if it refused, that the Senate will determine what other
step, if any, may be taken.

On motion by LMr. Davis,

Ordered, That the vote o n agreeing to the resalutions expressin
the disapprobation and censure of the Senate of the very divgracofu
scene which occurred on the floor of the Senate to-day between the
Senator froiii Georgia, B. I. Hill, and the Senator from Alabama,
W. 1,. Yancey, hc reconsidered.
Lhc said rcvolutions being again under consideration,
,\fter debatt.,
On motion by Slr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.



The following message w t ~ sreceived froni the President of the Confrdcrate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Va., Febyuury $, 186!0.
71, the ,Yenut(>of the Confedercite Maim:

1 Iiercly noininate the persons named upon the annexed list to the offices desigiratetl, agreeably to the recomnicndation of the 1Qstmauter-C;eiicral.

Riclimond, fikhrurir y 3, 18fX.
Sr~c. 1h a r e the honor to recommend the following-named perfions for nppointiiieiit
llency, with thc advice and c:on~entof the Senate:
a,c,postmasters 1)y your e
TVilliani 1). Coleman, Dan) i h , 1ittsylvanis County, Va.
.Joel IF. Wonisck, Farmrillc, Prince Edward County, Va.
Clayton J. Koel, Wytlieville, Wythe County, Va.
Noses A. Smith, Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C.
George TIr. Fant, $nderson, Anderson district, 8. C.
Susan W. Thruston, Greenville, Greenville district, S.C.
John A. Lee, Spartanburgh, Spartanburgh district, 8. C.
Henry Haynesworth, Sumter, Sumter district, s. C.
JVilliam A. &torripon, Winnsboro, Fairfield dietrict, 9. Cl.
William P. Hames, Americus, Sumter County, Ga.
Newton J. Boaz, Calhoun, Gordon County, (2%
William P. Chester, Dalton, Whitfield County, Ga.



[Feb. 5,1863.



Archibald H. Sneed, Forsyth, Monroe County, Ga.

John 13. H. Colquitt, La Grange, Troup County, Ga.
Williaiii Goldsberry, Newnan, Coweta. County, (;a.
Jainrs A. Tallman, Greeneboro, Greene County, Ala.
John Howard, Tuekegee, Macon County, Ala.
James L. Kendel, Oxford, Lafayctte County, Miss.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Postmaster- General.


The message mas read.

Ordwod. That i t be referred to the Corninittee on Po&OfEces and
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

5, 1863.

Mr. Johnson of Georgia (by leave) introduced the following bills:

S. 31. A bill to rcgulatc the taking of private property for puldic
tlse by nii1it:ny authority, and prescribe the niode of determining what
shall be just cornpensation thcrcfor during the existence of war;
S. 38. A bill to repeal the act of Congress of the United States
q roved ?tilarch 2 , 1833, entitled An act further to provide for the
col ection of dutics on imports, and commonly lrnown as the force
bill; arid
S. 33. A bill to propose an amendment to t h c Constitution of the
confederate States of America;
which were severally read the first and second tinics and referred to the
Conirnittee on the Judiciary.
t~rrow,from the Committee on Military Aflairs,to whom was
the bill (H. It. 5 ) granting transportation to troops who volunteered for the war, reported it with an amendment.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:


Mr. Presid~nt:The Ilouse of Representatives have passed a bill (13. R. 6) making

appropriations for the support of t h e Government for t h e period from February 1 to
June 30, 1863, inclusive, and to supply deficiencies arising prior thereto.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 3 ) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Clay,
Add the following independent section :
SRC.8. That sections forty-five and forty-six of an act of the Provisional Congress
oiltitled An act to establish the judicial courts of the Confederate States of America,"
approved sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and the same are
hereby, repealed,

After debate,
On niotion by Mr. Barnwell,
Ordwed, That the further consideration of the bill he postponed
until to-morrow.
The bill (11. It. 6 ) making appropriations for the support of the
Government for the period froin February 1 to June 30, 1863, inclu-

Fcb. 5, 1863.1



t.-iYe, and to supply deficiencies arising prior thereto, communicated

this day from the House of Representatives fo r concurrence, was read
the first and second times and referred to the Coniniittee on Finance.
The Senate proceeded, as in Cominittce of the Whole, to tho consideration of the bill (H. R. 5 ) granting transportation to troops who
voliiritccred f o r the TVW.
On thc question to agree t,o the following reported amendment, viz:
Strike out all after tho enacting claiise and insert the following:
That iioncoinniissioiied officers and privates who have volunteered for the war,
:mtl to whom furloughs may hc granted for not inore than bixty days, shall be entitled to transportation home anti back: Provided, That this allowance shall only he
nratle once during thc tcmm of enlistment of sucli noiicoiiiniissioned officer and
SEC.2. That all la\\?,or parts of laws, authorizing forloughh to be granted are
hrrehy saspentled until tlie lirst ctny of July next, eswpt, those furloughs granted
upon B surgeon's certificate of ~icknessor disability,

On iiiotion by Ah. Si~nnis,to amend the reported aniendirient by

striking oiit, section 1, line 2, the \vord " volunteercd" and iriscrting
in lieu thereof the words "been inustercd into service,"
_ _ _ _ ._ _ _ __ _
_ 10
It TVRS cleterrniricd i n the afinnativc, 7{ Yeas_-_
Nays _._ - . _ _ _ _8 _ _
On motion by Mr. ,Johnson of Ai.kanxas,
Thc yeas and iiays being dcsircci by om-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the :&riaatit c ;LIT,
Mcssrs. Brown, Clark, I-Iayncs, 1 Ell, Johnson of Gcorgia, ,Johnsoii
o f A r I ~ ~ n m Mitchcl,
I'cyton, Phclan, : L i d Sinims.
r 7
I hohc wlio votccl in tlie n q p t h - c are,
Messrs. 13:1riiwell, C:ipcrton, Clay, I h v i ~ ,IIcmry, Seinines, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. CI:LI'I<,to aniond the rcportc:d :iinonrl1ncnt by striliing out t h e second scction tlicreof,
ilftcr debate,
On motion by Mr. IIcnry,
The Senate resolverl into wcr(:t lcgislativc w 4 m .
The doorb having been opcnetl,
On motion by 1\11., Ihrnwcll,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Semnics, from thc Committee on tlro Judiciary, who wcro

inhtructed b y :I resolution of ttw Seriatc to inquire into t h o subject,
A joiril rcsolutiori (S. 2) rcl:ttiw l o tlic p i t ~ nof rctaiiwtioii propohed
in the Plcsidcnt's 1n
which \vats read tho iirbt and second times sncl ordcrcd to l)c placed
npon the Calendar and prinlcd in confidcncc: for tho usc of tlro Senate.
Mr. Scmiiies also prcscntcd a report in relation to the same subject;
which was read.
That i t he printed in confidencc for the use of khc Senatc..
On motion by Mi,. Brown,
The Senate resolved into cxecut ivc session.



Mr. Baker (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 34) to alnend ail act entitled An act to alter and amend
an act for the sequestration of estates, property, and effects of alien
enemies, and for indemnity of citizens of the Confederate States and
persons ltiding the same in the existing war with the United States,
a proved February 15, 1862;
\v ich was read the first and second times and referred to t h e Cominittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Phelau (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 3 ) proposing an cxchange with the several
States of the bonds of the Confederate States for thc bonds of said
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Corninittee on Finance.
On motion by $11.. Phelan,
Ordered, That it be printed.
Mr. Bnrnwell (hy leave) introduced
A bill (8. 35) to authorize thc issuc of bonds for funding Treasury
which was read the first and secaond times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Orr (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 36) to increase the strength and efficiency of heavy artillcry for coast defense, and other purposes;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
O w k v d , That the Hon. William L. Yancey have leave of absence
from the sessions of the Senate Monday next.
Mr. Harnrvell, from the Corninittee on Finance, to v h o m was
referred thc bill (S. 35) to authorize the issue of bonds for funding
Treasury notes, rcportcd i t without amendment.
Lhc Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of thc bill (S. 36) last inentioned; and no amendment being
proposcd, it VIW reported to the Senate.
C ~ ,i t be cngrosscd and read a third time.
rho said hill was read the third time.
BaoZved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Omkrcd, That the Secrebry request the concurrence of the House
of ltepresentatives thcrein.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finnncc, to whom was
referred the bill (11. R. 6) mtkirig appropriations for the support of
tho Government for the eriod from February 1 to June 30, 1863,
inclusive, and to supply eficiencies arising prior thereto, reported it
without amc,ndment.
The Sjcriate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of tfie bill (13. R. 6) last mentioned; and no amendment
being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
OwJered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Raolved, That it pass.

Feb. 6,1863.1



Oydered, T ha t the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (H. 12. 5) granting transportation to troops vho have
volunteered f o r the war; and
On iiiotion 1)sMr. Hill,
O,&/*ed, That it be transferred to the Secret Legislative Calendcr.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Tqhole, the consideration of the bill (8. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States.
On the question t o agree t o the amendment pi.opo.;ed b y Mr. Clsy,
-4dd the following inclependent section :
SCC.6. That sectionr forty-five and forty-six of an a r t of tlic Provisional Coiigress
entitled A n act toestahlish tlir jndirial courtsof the Coiifederatr States of zl~neriw,
approved sixteenth 3larcli, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, aiitl the m i l e are
hereby, repealed,

After debate,
On motion 1 ) 31r.
~ Johnson of Arkansas,
c)w&red, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed
until to-morrow.
On niotion h y Mr. Semmes,
O/*dered,That when t h e Senate adjourn it be to Monday iiext.
On motion by Mr. .Johnson of Arliansas,
The Senate rcsolvrd into executive session.
The doors liaving been opened,
On motion by Ill..,Johnson of Arkansas, that tlic vote on agreeing
to the iiiotion submitted by Mr. Semines to-day, t h t when the Senate
adjourn it he to Monday next, be reconsidered,
It was determined in the afirmativr.
The Senate proceedccl to consider tho said motion; and
The motion w:is itvt agreed to.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senslte resnined, ns in Committee of thc Whole, tbe consideration of the ))ill (11. 12. 5) granting transport:ition to troops who volunteered for the war.
On the question to agree to the nrnendmmt proposed to the wported
:Lmciidmciit by Mr. Clwk, 1 iz, to strike out the sccontl seetioil t hereof,
After debate,
Mr. Spnrrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, by unaninious consent, withdrew the wi(1 srcond iection of the amendment.
KO further :~mendnicntI)eing proposed, the bill W : L ~reported to the
Senate nrid thci aiiiendmctit made as in Committee of the Whole was
O / & ~ p d , Ilmt, the aiiiendinent be engrossed :md the bill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
&,~olued, That it pnss, with an amendment.
On lrlotiou by Mr. Sparrow, the title MTLS amended to read: An act
to provide f o r transportation of persons who have been mustered into
the service for the war.


That the Secretary roqu
of lieyrcsentativcs in tlie niiiendnient.
On iiiotion by Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas,
The Senate r e s o l d into open legislative session.

iMr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to w
referred (on the 30th ultimo) the nomination of Edward W. Fuller, to
be lientenant for the wir, report,ed, with the reconimendntion that said
noinination be confirnied.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
the Senate advise and consent to the appointment of
Edward IT. Fuller, to be lieutenant for the war, agreeably to the
noniin:hon oi the Prcrident.
Jlr. 1 2 1 ~ \ \ ~from
the Conitnittee on Naval Affairs, to whom were
rcferrcd (on the 28th ultimo) the iioiriinatioiis of Samuel W.Averett,
to It(. first lieutenant; J u l i m M. Spcncer, to he second lieutenant;
J:inics I,. Johnson and Sitincy Smith Lcc, jr. ,to be lieutenants for the
wnr; J:mw 0. Moore, to be paymastc~1*;Leslie E:. Brooks, Junius J .
L ~ n c 1 1,John
S. 13anks, .John .J. Mclherson, 31. 31. Scny, George H.
(>N~nl,A. A. NtAsoii, I,. M. Thompson, vi. M. Briscoe, Wilson G.
Richai*dson,J . C. illosos, Ada111 Prcdwell, Edward McKean, Dewitt C.
Sey inour, to be assistant paymasters; Charles E;. Lining, Marcellus Y .
Ciiridian, Robert J. Frceninn, Bennett W. Green, James W. Herty,
.Joseph I). Grtifton, to be passed assistant sur eons; ,John De Bree, jr.,
N. C. Edniuncls, N. 1111. Read, S. S. Herrick, .fohn Leyhurn, Robert C.
Powell. to be :Lssirtant sur eons for the war; David It. Lindsay,
,J:LI~~PSE. Godfrey, James A. buff us, to be naval storekeeper>, reported,
with tlw rec.onimt~i:dution that said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate procecdcd to considcr said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t WXH
That the Senate advise and consent to the appointment of
s:iid prrsons, agreeably to their respecti ve nominations by thePresident.
MI*.I2rown, from thc Comrnittcc on Naval Affairs, t o whoni was
rcfcrrcd (on tlic 28th ultimo) tlic iioniination of Charles F. M. Hpotswood, to he coinmxndcr in the Navy, rcported, with the recornmendation
that mid nomination he cvnfinned.
Phe Senate procmded t o consider mid report; and
On motion by Mr. Wigfall,
OidoiwZ, That the further consideration of said nomination be postponed.
MY.Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred (on tlie 2Sth ultimo) t h e nomination of Frederick Lawrence, to
tant pt~ymaster,reported, with the recommendation that said
nomination be confirmed.
T h c Hcnatc pi*occededto consider said report; and
On Inotioii by Mr. tJolinson of Arkansas,
O t d w e d , Ihat the further consideration of said l~ominationbe posti )!) ned.
On motion l)y Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

Feh. 7,9,18Cd.]



7, 1863.

On niotion by Mr. Johnson of Georgia. the vote on agreein to the

motion to refer the hill (S. 33) to propose an amendment to tfe Constitution o f the Confederate States of America to the Commjttee on
the ,J ndiciary was rcconsidercd.
'rlic Senate proceeded to consider the said motion; and
'I'he motion was not agreed to.
The Tote hy which leave w i s granted to introduce the said bill hav- .
ing bccn reconsidered,
Nr.rJohnson, by unaninious consent, withdrew the same.
011iiiotion by Mr. Maxwell,
'I'hc Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having bwrt opened,
On niotion by M r . Davis,
The Senate adjourned.

A niessage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dixon, their

NT. Preuitbmk The House of Representatives concur in the ainendments of the
Senate to the bill (H. II. 5) granting transportation to troops who volunteered for
the ~ a r .
The Speaker of t h e IIoiise of Representatives having signed an enrolled bill, I am
tlirectetl to bring it to the Senate for tlw signature of their President.

Mr. Dortch, from the conirnittec, reported that they liad examined
and found t r u l y enrolled the bill (13. It. 5) to provide for the transportation of pcrhons who havr bccn niustered into service for the mar.
'rhc President pro t e m p o i ~having signed the enrolled bill last reported to have hecn examined, it w a s delivered to t h e Secretary of
the Senate and 1)shim forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Scinnieh,
The Senate resolved iuto open legislative
9, Y1863.

Mr. Hill (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 37) to aniend the fortieth section of an act to establish the
judicial courts of the Confederntc States of America, approved %larch
which was read the' first and second tiuies and referred to the Coniniittec on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Barnwell, froiii the Coinnlitt,ee on Finance, to whom was
referred the joint resolution (S. 3) proposing an exchan e with the
several States of the bonds of the Confederate States for t e bonds of
said States, reported it with the recommendation that it ought no6 to
On motion by Mr. Phelan,



Orderdd, That it lie on the table.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (S. 26) granting furloughs to wounded officers
and soldiers, reported it with the recommendation that it ought not
to ass.
Bn motion by ~ r sparrow,
Ordered, That it lie on the table.
Mr. Ilaynes, from the Committee on the ,Judiciary, to whom were
referred the following bills:
S. 29. A bill to take private property for public use by paying to
the owner or owners a just compensation for tho same;
6. 30. A bill to regulate irnpresurmrits by officers of the Army; and
S. 31. A bill to regulate the taking of private property for public
iise by military :Lutliority, m d prescribe the nioda of determining what
shall bo jnst cornpensation therefor during the existence of ~ a r ;
reported tliein srverrdlg, with the recommendation that they ought
not to pass.
On motion by Mr. Haynes,
Ordet~d,That they lie on the Liblc,.
Mr. h y n e s , froin thc Committee on the dudicinry, who had heen
instructed by n rcsolution o f the Senate to inquire into the subject,
A bill (S. 38) to regulate tlie taking of private property for the
public use, and t h e a s ~ c s s m ~ iofi t compensation therefor;
which was read tl-ic first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar and printed.
The Senate remmed, as in Committee of t h e Whole, the consideration of the hill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States.
On tho question to agree to the ainendnicnt proposed by BIr. Clay,
Add the following independent section:
SEC.6. That sections forty-five and forty-six of an act of the Provisional Congress
entitled L4nact to establish the jndicial courts of the Conftderattt States of hinerica,
api)roved sixteenth March, eightren hundred a n d sixty-one, be, niitl the wnie are
hereby, repealed,

On motion by Mr. Barnwell,

That the further consideration of the bill be postponed
un ti1 to-morrow.
The Senate roceeded, as in Coinmittee of tlie Whole, to tlw conxideration of t ie bill (S. 11)to provide for thc, Iurlher issue of Treasury notes, and for other purposes; arid
Qn iriotion ~ ) ~y r I$irnwelI,
OTdued, That the bill be transferrod to the Secret Lrgislative
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session,
Ehe doors hsving been opened,
The following message was received from the I-Iousc, of Representatives, by Mr. Lamar:

&I+. President: The Speaker of t h e IIoose of Representatives having signed an

enrolled bill, I am directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature of tlleir

Mr. Dortch, from the committee, rcported that they had exilmined
and found truly enrolled the bill (11. It. 6) rnalring appropriations for

Feh. 9,1SG3.1



the support of the Government for t h e period from February 1 to

June 30, 1863, inclusive, and to supply deficiencies arising prior
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bill last
reported to hare been examined, it was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of
Confedcrate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
O d m d , That the Committee on Indian Affairs bc discharged from
tlic further consideration of the iiiessage of tho Yresident of the Confederate Stateb, coniniunicating estimates for the Indian service to
,June 30, 18M, and that it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Vn., FetjiXaTy 7, 1863.
l b tlir Senate and IIouse qf Itepresentatires:
I herewith transmit a communicatioii from the Secretmy of War, covering a n
estimate of the amount required for the remuneration of additional clerks in the
War Department.
1recoininend a n appropriation of the amount and for the purpose specified.

The message was read.

O./deered, lhilt it h e referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion hy Mr. Hiil,
lhc Senate adjourned.

h iiies\age from tlie I-Iowc of Kcpresentativcs, by Mr. Lamar:

M r . President: The President of the Confederato States has notified tho lIouso of

Itepresetitatires that he did, o n tlic Stli instant, approve and sign the following act:
11. R.5. A n act to provide for tranq)ortstion of persons who have been niustcrctl
into the wrvice for the \z at.

Ihc following iricqsagr was received from the President of the Confederate Stntcs, by Mi-. 12. N. IIarrison, his Secretary:
Itlc~MoNn,V A . , IWTUUY
7 , 1868.
To the rY?w& nntl IIoiise of Representatzves:
I here\\ i t h tranm~itfor your consideration in secret session iz communication from
the Secretary of tlie Treasurv, subniitting a11estiniatc of the amount r q n i r e d to carry
into effect tlie act entitled A n ctct to authorize a foreign loan.
1 recoinnicnd an appropriation of the amount and for the purpose specified.
rhe inmsage mas read.

Odered, That it, be referrcd to tho Committee on Finance.

The Senate resunied, as in Committee of the Whole, tlie consideratior1 of the bill (S. 11) to provide for the further issue of Treasury
notei, arid f o r obhcr purposes.
011the question to agree to the ninendmerit reported by the Comniittec on Finance, viz:
Strike out all after the enacting clause arid insert the following:
fitat all Treasury notes not braring interest, issued previous to the first day of
December, eiqllteen hutrctrec? and sixty-two, shall be fundable in eight per cent bond8
or sto(lk, until the twriity-second day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-three;
that from tllat date, 111rtilthe first (lay of July, eighteen huntlrcvl and sixty-three,
tlley shall he fundable in seven per cent bonds or stocks, and after the said first day
of July they shall no longer be fundable at the pleasure of the holder, or receivable

per cent and payable at the end of

eighteen lruiitired and sixty-three.
Sse. 2. I n lieu of the power heretolore given by law to the Secretary of the
Treasury t o issue Trcasnry notes I)t,aring no interest, h e shall be authorized to issue
n t of such notes not escecdiiig fifty inillions of dollars, which
in paynrent of all public, dwq, except the export duty on cotton,
i i i o i i t l i ~after the ratificntion of a treaty of peacebetween the Conthr Uintrd States and fundable, a t the pleasure of t h e holder, in
bonds of thil Coiiit~tlrrateStates, payable
years after date, aiid bearing rates of
interest as folloas: If funtlcd wittiin six montlis from the first day of t h e month of
their issue, tire I)oii(isshall bear six per cent interest per annum; if funded after that
period, they shall I F frinclablc into bonds bearing four per cent interest per annum.
These n o t 4 shall I)CML. upon their face the month and year of their issue, and if not
fondcd sliall be paid at the time specified on the face, without interest.
SEC.3. After the passage of this avt the authority heretofore given to issue call
certificates shall c ~ w e but
the notes fundable into six per cent bonds inay be converted, at the plramre of the holder, iiito call certificates bearing interest at the rate
of six per cent per annnm from t h e date of their issue. That every such certificate
slrall IJear upon its face the nioritlily tiate of the oldest of the notes which it represents and I)e cuir\ertil)le i n t o like notes at any time within six months from t h e first

REC. 4. The Secretary of the Treasury shall usr any disposable means in the
Treasury which C R he
~ applied to that purpose withont injnry to t h e public service
lo the purchase ol Treasury notes bearing 110 interest, and issued after the passage of
this act, until the whole amount of Treasury notes in circulation shall not exceerl
om hantlrect and seventy-li ve inillions of dollar.;.
SIX-.6. Tlio Treamry notes hereby allowed to be issued shall be of any denominaess than live dollars, which k now authorized bv law, that tile Secretary
urv nrrij dircet. The authority hereby given shall cease a t the expiratio11
of the iirrt s e i h n of Coiigrcss after tlie ratification of a treaty of peace, or at t11e
cwtl of two ycaw, should the war cwitinue YO long.
h c . 0. In atltlitiori to the authority hereinbefore given to the Secretary of the
Treasury to issire Trcmury notes, he shall be allowed to issue Ilotes of the denornination of one dollar, ant1 of filly cents, to such an amount as, i n addition to t h e notes
of the denomination of one dollar heretofore issued, shall not exceed the su1n of fifteen niillions of dollars, and said notes shall be payable six months after the ratificatmi of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, and

Feb. 9, 1865.1



receivable in payinelit of all piiblic dues, except the export duty on cotton; hut shall
not he fundable.
SEC. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to sell honds bearing
six per cent interePt per annuni and payable at the end of twenty years, a t par for
Treasury notes issued since tlie first of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
to such of t h e Confederate States as niay desire to purchase the same; or he rnaysell
such bonds, when guaranteed by the States of the Confederacy, for Treasnry notes
on such ternis as h e may deem advisable: Proz-idecl, Itoiaew-, That the whole anlount
of such bonds shall not exceed
inillions of dollars. And pro?id&
That the Treasury notes thus purchased shall not be reissued if the effect
reissue would he to increase the whole amount of Treasury notes bearing no
which are in rirculation, to x sun1 greaterthan one hundred and seventy-five
of dollars. Am1 the Secretary of the Trcasury is also authoriwnd, a t his option, to
iswe coupon honds of the Confederate States, bearing six per cent interest per annum
and payable a t the end of
years from their date. The said coupons to be paicl
at the pleasure of tlic owner, either in the currency in which intert>stis paid on other
bonds of the Confcderate States, or else in cotton certifirates which pledge the Government to pay tlie S A I ~ I Oin cotton of the quality of New Orleans middlings. The
Paid cotton to be p i t i a t t h e rate of
pence sterling per pound, and to be delivered at any or all of the ports of New Orleans, RIobile, Savannah, Charleston, or
Wilmington, as the Hrcretary of the Treasury inay direct: Provided, hoiumu, That
the bonds hereby authorized shall not exceed one hundred rnillions of doll:ws, and
shall be applied only to the absorption of Treasury notes as prescribed in this act.

On motion by Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to

amend the reported amendnicnt by striking out the word or,sectioii
1, line 7, and inserting in lieu thereof the words b u t shall be, and
by striking out, line 8, the words b u t shall be and inserting the
word mid,
I t w : cietermined
in the affirmative.
On motion by Nr. Ihelan, to amend the reported amendrneut l ) y
striking out, scctiori 1, line 5 , the word s e ~ e n wid
~ inserting in licii
thereof the word four,
--- --3
It wns determined i n the negative, Rdys . . _
- .. _ _ - ._ 17
On motion by 11/11..Johnson of Rrl<xns:Ls,
The year :tncl n:tys Iwing desired by one-fifthof tlte 8enrLtorn prcsciit ,
Those who voted i n the affirinntivc are,
rJoll[isoll of AI.~RII,MS,
OIT, :ilrd l l i ~ l : ~ ~ ~ .
Those wlio voted in the n cp tiv e RTC,
Mcssrs. I3aker, 13arnwcll. Gaporton, Clark, Clay, Daviu, Hayncs,
Henry, 1 [ill, liunter, Johnson of (;eorgi:L, Maxwell, Mitchel, Yeytori,
Semmes, Sparrow, arid Y:ineey.
On iriotiori by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the rcpoutrd imiendment I b y
striking out, section 1, lines 7, 8,:tnd 9, the words



but shall be ueceival)lo in payment of piil)lic*tlucs, ant1 payable six months after the
ratification of a treaty o f peace ac: q ) w i t i t v l 0 1 1 their f n ~ ,

After debatc,
On motion by 311.. S,PBI~OW,
The Senate resolved into cxecutivt s
~ x l ~ ~ ( : ~HIESHIOP;.

Mr. Spnrro~v,from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

referred (on the 26th ultimo) the rioiniritltiori of John laylor. IVood, to
be aid-de-camp on the staff of the President, with tlic r~111c,pay, Ctc.,
of a colonel of cavalry, reported, with tlie recoiiilxendutiori h t said
nomination be confirmed.



The Senate proceeded to consider said report;

therewith, it was
ResohJed, That the Senate advise and consent to the appointment of
John Taylor Wood, to be aid-de-camp on the staff of the President,
with the rank, pay, etc., of a colonel of cavalry, agreeably to the nomination of the President.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.
10, 1863.

Mr. Brown presented the petition of C. I<.Mallory and others, acting

midshipmen of the Confederate States Navy raying an increase of
pay; which was referred to the Committee on&,val Affairs.
Jlr. Orr submitted tile following resolution; which was considered
: ~ n dngrccd to:
J ? P . I O / I . P ~ , That thc President be requested to inform the Senate what proceedings,
if a n y , have been instituted in a!iy of t h e courts of t h e Confederate States to sequester
the sliarcs held b y alien eneiniw i n t h e Washington and New Orleans Telegraph
Compmp; 11 lic%herany derrec. of sequestration has been rendered, and if so, whether
said decree inclntles t h e profits realj$ed by tlie conipanj since the separation of these
States from the United States, and it such proceedings have not already been instituted, the r(~asonwhy. That lie further inforin the Senate the several amounts paid
by all tlie J)el)artnients since tlic establishment of t h e Government for messages
transmitted by said line, and whether it be practicable or expedient for t h e Governnieiit to appropriate to its use the shares held in said company by alien enemies.

On motion by MY. Clay,

O r d m d , That the Committee on Military Affairs be discharged from
the further consideration of the niessage of the President, transmitting
:L cominnnication from the QusLrterniaster-General in response to a
resoliitioii of the Senate in relation to commutation, etc., of officers
sewing i n cities.
Mr. Sprrow, f 10111 the Coimittee on Military Affairs, reported
A hill (S. 39) to suspend for a limited period the several acts authorizing fnrloughs to be granted;
which W ~ L B read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
iipon t8heCalendar arid printccl.
Mr. Orr submitted the followinu motion for consideration:
Ordmed, That the votc by whi& on the 9th instant, the bill (S. 26)
grant,ing fiirloughs to wounded officers and soldiers was laid o n tho
talola be rcconsidcrcd.
A message from t,hc House of Representatives, by Mr. Dixon, their
C1erk :
M y . Prcsiclent: The I-Iouse of Representatives have refused to concur in the resolution of the Senate rescinding rule No. IG of the joint rules of the two Houses of

On motion t)y Mr. Barnwell,

lhe Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,

Fch. 10, 1863.1


Ord@c?d,That he be excused from serving on the Conlmittee on

Naval Affairs, arid that Mr. Baker be appointed thereon in his stead.
On motion by Xlr. Haynes,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 11) to provide for the further issue of Treasury
notes, and f or other purposes.
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed bv Mr. Sparrow to the amendment reported by the Committee on Finance, viz:
Strike out, section 1, lines 7, 8, and 9, the words
but shall be receivable in payment of public dues, and payable six months after the
ratification of a treaty of peace as specified on their face,

It was detcrmincd i n the negative.

On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the reported amendment by
striking out, section 1,line 12, thcword seven and inserting six,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, to amend the reported amendment by
. striking out, section 1, line 15, the words in
years from the
date thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words
a t any time not exceeding thirty years froni the date thereof, according to such plan
as may be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury,

It was determined in the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. I3arnmel1, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting after the word payable, section 1,line 24, the word ten,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, to amend the reported amendment by
striking out, section 1, line 31, the words the end o f and inserting
a date not exceeding thirty,
It was determined i n the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the reported mmndment by
striking out, section 1, line 30, the word six and inserting the word
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting after the word payable, section 2, line 9, thc word ten,
On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the p ~ ~ p o s eamendment
striking out ten and inserting n o t more than thirty nor less than
I t was determined in the negative.
On thequestion to agree to the amendment proposedJ>yMr. Barnwell,
It was determined i n the aflinnative.
On motion by MI.. Barnwell, to amend the reported amendment 1)y
striking out, section 3, lines 3 1 and 12, the words t h e end of
p a r s from the expiration of said six months and inserting

any time iiot exceeding thirty years from the expiration of said six months, accordiny to such plan as may be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury,

It \vas determined in the affirmative.

On lrlotion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the reported amendment by
striking out the following section:
~ E C .4. The Secretary of the Treasury shall use any disposable means in the Treasury lvhich ca11 be applied to that purpoee without injury to the pubIie service to the



purchase of Trewury notes bearing no interest, and issued after the passage of this
act, until the whole amount of Treasury notes in circulation shall not exceed one
hundred and seventy-five niillions of dollars,

I t was determined in the negative, Nays

yeas-------'----^-^---^-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 20
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
The yens and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Mr. Yhclan voted in the affirmative.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Davis,
Haynes, Henry, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas,
Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldham, Orr, Peyton, Scmxnes, Sparrow, and
. On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the reported ameudment by
inxcrting, scctioii 7, line 23, after the word Ldclivered the words
at :Lily t h e within six months after the ratification of a treaty of peace between the
Chf(derate States and the 1Jnited States,

It was dctcrrnincd in the affirmative.

On iriotioii by Mr. Ihrnwcll, t o amend the reported amendment by
btriking out,, section 7, line 3, the words at the end of twenty years )
and inserting t h e words as hereinbefore directed,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On inotion by Mr. 13arnwel1, to amend the reported amendment by
iiiscrting, section 7, line 6, aftcr the ~ o r d
b y the words any of;
by inserting after the word Confederacy, line 6 , the words upon
such plan as may be dctermined by the Secretary of the Treasury;
by inserting after the word advisable, line 7, the words t o the
highest bidder, and not below pm;by inserting after the word
exceed, line 9, the words two hundred; by striking out, lines 16
and 17, the words a t the end of
years from their date and
inserting the words as hereinbefore directed, and by inserting, line
21, after the word ~ f the
~ word eight,
It, was determined in the nffirtnative.
On motion by MY. Hunter, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting, section 7, line 16, after the word issue the words and
sell at not less than par as estimated in Treasury notes,
It mas determined in the affirmative.
On motion hy Mr. Yancey, to m e n d the reported xmendment by
striking out all of the seventh section after the word dollars, in the
fourteenth line,
I t was dctcrmincd in the ncgativc.
On motion b y Mr. Johnson of Georgia, to amend the reported
amendment by inserting, section 7, line 15, aftcr the wofd option
the words after the first of .J-uly, eighteen hundred and sixty-three,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Ihelan, to amend the reported amendment by
striking oat all after the word dollars, in the fourteenth line of the
seventh scction, and inserting:
That the Secretary of the Treasury is liereby authorized to issue and sell, at not
less tlian their par value, at his option, coupon bonds of the Confederate States for
Treasury notes issued since the first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixtyt4 0 , bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annuln and payable as hereinheforc directed,

It was determined in the negative.


Vch. 11,1803 ]



O n motion by Xr. Sparrow, to ainvnd the reported amendment by

adding thereto tho following independent section:

PEG. 8. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, immediately
after the pawage of this act, to make publication of a copy thereof in each State, in
a t least two newspapers published in the State, and in case such publication be not
made at least sixty days prior to the first of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three,
then the privilege of funding Treasury notes in seven per cent bonds shall continue
for sixty days atter the date of such publication i n such State where such publiwtion
shall not have been inade within the time aforesaid,

It was determined in the afirmative.

On motion of Mr. 13arn ~ ~ ~the
ell,vote on ttgrccing to the following
amendment, viz: Insert after the word payable, section 1 , line 24,
the word ten, was reconsidered.
The proposed amendment having hecn :mended, on the motion of
Mr. Barnwcll, by striking out L L t e n and inserting a t any time not
exceeding thirty, was as amended agreed to.
On inotion by Mr. Barnwell, the rote on agreeing to the following
amendment, viz: Insert after the word payable, section 2, line 9,
the word ten, was reconsidered.
Tho proposed ainendmcnt having heen ainendcd, on tlie motion of
Mr. Barnwell, by striliing out ten and inserting i at :my time not
exceeding thirty, was as amended agreed to.
No further amendment being proposed, the bill mas reported to the
Senate and the amendments rnade as in Committee o f the Whole
mere concurred in.
Ordmed, That the bill be cngrossed and read :L third time.
The said bill ~ 7 a sread the third time.
Resohed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Oi*dCrvd, That thc Secrctnry request the coricurreiice of the louse
of ltcprcscntativcs therrin.
On motion by Mr. I I ~ L ~ I I C S ,
The Senate resolved illto open legislative session.

11, 1863.

Mr. Mnxwcll suhi i t tcd th r following rcsolution; which was con:,iderrd and :greed to:
Iiesulted, That the Committee on the Jorlic-iary he instructed to inquire into the
expediency of so amending tlie law rclxtiiig to thc mileage of district attorneys of the
Confederate Sttttm as to allow mile:igc for all nece,gsary trawl in going to and returning
from thc courts 011 the route nrost nsually traveled.

Mr. 13rown presented the petition of John Sainplo, p a y i n g to huvc

his son, ,J. A . Saniplc, licutcnant, Company A, Seventh Missihsippi
Heginicnt, allowed back pay; which was referred to the Coirimittec on
Military Affairs.
The Senate proceeded to consider tlie motion submitted by MY.Clark
011the 21st of January last, to reconsider the votc on agreeing to the
report of the special cornmittre appointed to organize arid report thc
standing conmiittees of the Senate; arid
On IrloLion by Mr.Hill,
Op&red. Tliat the rllotioll be transferred to the secret hgishtive



On motion by Mr. Davis,

O~dercd,That tlie Committee on Claims be discharged
further considesation of t h e memorial of G. W. Wang.
Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred
the joint resolution (S. I) for the relief of Capt. John F. Divine,
reported it without amendment.
The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t e joint resolution last mentioned; and no amendment
being made, it was reported to the Senate.
Ordmed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was road tho third time.
R~$oZvved,That it pass, and that the title tliereof be as aforesaid.
OrdMed, That thc Secretary request tho concurrence of tho House
of Bcpresentativcs therein.
Mr. Phelan, from the select cornrnittee to ivhoni was referred the
bill (S. 21) f o r the condcmnatioii to the public use of all cotton within
the Confederate Skttes, providing for tlie payment thereof, and for
other purposes, rcposted it with amendments.
On niotion by MI+.lhelan,
That tho bill and amendments be printed and made the
speoinl order f o r Monday next a t 12 oclock.
The Scliate rcuumcd, as in Committee of the Whole, the uonsideratiou. of the bill (S. 3 ) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States.
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Clay, viz:
Add tlie following independent section:

SEC.6. That sections forty-five a n d forty-six of a n act of the Provisional Congrescc

entitled An act to establish the judicial courts of t h e Confederate States of America,
approved sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and t h e same are
hereby, repealed,

On motion by MY. Sparrow,

O r d m d , That the further consideration of the bill be postponed
until tomorrow.
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
doors having been opened,
r 1
i h e following message was rcccived from the House of Representatives, by MI-. McDonald:
Afr. 11.esitlmt: Tho House of Representativea h a w pamet1 a hill (H. It. 7) to prohibit the punishment of soldiers by whipping; in which they mk tlie concurrence of
the Senate.
The President of the Confederate S t a t a I r a notified the House of Representatives
that on the 10th instant he approved and signed the followin act:
13. R. 6. A n act making appropriations for the support of t t e Government for the
period from February 1 to June 30,1863, inclusive, and to supply deficiencies arising
prior thereto.

On motion by Mr. IParnwell,

The Senate adjourncd.

Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was

referred the bill (H. It. 1)to amend an act recognizing the existence
of war between the United States and the Confederate States, and
COnCerning letters of marque, prizes, and prize goods, reported it with
the recommendation that it ought not to pass.

Feb. 12,1863 ]



On motion by Mi,. Brown,

Ot&-red, That it lie on the table.
The Scnate rrsiiniccl t,hc considcration of the motion siibinitted by
Nr. C1:trk on thc 21st of Jttniiary last, to reconsider the vote on agreeing to the report of tlic specitil toinmittea appointed to organize and
report the stailding coriiiiiittccs of the Seimtc; and
Aftel. debate,
MI-. Clnrii, hy unnnirnons conscnt, withdrew th(. said motion.
(?n motion by Alr. C h y ,
The Senate resol! cd into opcn Icgislative scsaion.





>IT. ('1:ly submitted the following resolution; which was considered

and :igrced to:
licaolc ed, 't'ltat the Coininittee on Flag anti Heal br instriic7tetl to inquire into the
pioprlrty ol atioptiiig "a ca\alirr" as th eitl ot the Conf(~di~ratc
Rtates of America,
ant1 of tabiiig a i a iiiod(.l the eqiicstrian
tne of Warhington in the capitol square of
this city, : ~ sit appcars froiii an (lastern vie\T.

On motion by Mr. Baker,

Order*ccr',That hc hc e s c i ~ from
~ l serving on the Committee on
Coiiiiiieim, and that Mr. i l I ~ ~ s ~ lbe
e l lsubstitnled tliercorr iii his stead.
12r. Spirro\v prescutcd tlic vlsiiii of C. Ircson lh-adlcy, asking pay
for scrviccs i.cntlcid n.: sl)tcial ~ r o ~ ~ o s t - i n ~ ~which
~ s l i awas
l ; referred
t o thc Coniniittcc o n Clniiiis.
Mr. S 1 m ~ o w(by 1c:Lvc) iiitrodwcd
A joint resolution (S. 4) in relation to thr frcc rritvigition of the
Xississippi Itiver;
which was re:d the first and swond times :tnd rofci*redto the Committee on Comnicrce n r d orilcred to be printed.
Mr. Seiiinies submitted thc following rcsolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Xe.soZced, That the Committee on the Jniliciary he jnstrnctcd to inqiiirc wliether
further legislation he necessary to give validity to hontls cwcutetl b y ofliceis appointed
during the recess of the Senate when miti bonds are executed by officers prior to the
confirmation of their appointments.

Nr. Henry (by lravc) introduced

A bill (S. 40) to repeal an act to establish places of renclezvous for
thc examination of eiirollcd n i m ;
TTllich \ ~ v i ~ : , read the first and second timcs and recrreclto the Committee on Military Affairs.
$lr. ITill, f roiii the Coniniittoe on the fJudic;ittr~,w h o wcrc instructed
hy rcsoltrtion of thc Sonatc to inquire into the snhjccbt,repoi-ted
A hill (S. 41) to srnerid the scvcral acts prescribing the mode of pu1)lishing thc laws and resolutions of the Confederate States;
Jvhich was r ~ the
d first and sccond timce and ordered to be placed 011
the Calendar and printed.
On motion by Nr. Hunter,
O.i&*&. That he
From serving on tho Committee on
Foreign Affairs.
The bill (H. R. 7 ) to prohibit the punishment of soldiers by whipc J-VOI,




ping, coinriiiinicatcd f roiii thc House of Representatives yeskuday for

concurrence, m m rend the first and second times and referred to the
Committee on Xilitary Affairs.
The Senate resunied, as i n Comniittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 3) to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States; and
On motion 1)s Xr. Sparrow,
Ordored, That thc further consideration of the bill be postponed
till Tuesday next.
Mr. Brown submitted the following motion for consideration:
O ~ d m d That
the vote on discharging the Committee on Military
Affairs from the further consideration of the message of the President
of the Confederate States, transmitting a communication f roni the
Quartermaster-Gencrwl in response to ct resolution of the Senate in
relation to coinniutation, etc., of officers serving in cities, be reconsidered.
The Senate procceded, as in Committee of thc Whole, to the consideration of the hill (S. 27) defining who shall be exempt froin miliservicc i n the armies of the Confederate States.
n niotion by Mr; Phclan, that the bill lie on the table,
After dcbatc,
On inotion by Mr. Hayiies,
The Senate adjourned.

13, 1863.

Mr. Baker (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 42) to aniericl the tenth section of an act to cstablish
the judicial courts of the Confederate States of America, approved
March 16, 1Sti 1;
which m:is read thc first, ant1 sccond times and referred to the Committee on thc ,Judiciary.
Mr. Johnson of Georgia presented thc, petition of Charles L. Schlattcr, praying f o r relicf for the Brunswick and Albany Railroad Company, in t h Stxtrt of Georgia; which was referred to the Committee
on the d ~ r icinry.
Mr. ,Johnson of Goorgia (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 43) for the relief of the Brunsmick and Albany Railroad
Company ;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on thc Judiciary.
Mu. Johnson of Georgia (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 44) to aiiiend thc law in relation to assistant treasurers
and depositaries;
which was read the first and sccond times and rcfcrred to thc Committee on Einci< ncc.
Mr. 0x1. sn1)inittcct the following rrsohtion; which was considered
and agrcctl to:
Resolwl, That the Covlliiiittec on Finaiice be instructed to inquire It-vhat practicable
plan can he adopted hy Congress to secure the indorsement by the several States,
jointly or severally, of the> lmnds of the Confederate States hereafter to be issued to
the amount of t w o hundred inilliorix of dollars.

Feb. 13, 1663.1


Mr. Wigfall (by leave) introciuced

A bill (S. 45) to aniend an act eiititled An act for the cstablishinent
and organization of the Ammy of the Confederate States of America;
which was rend tlic tirst and second times and referred to the Comon Irilita1-.t- Affairs.
r. S p ~ r r o ~front
v , the Coniinittee on Military Aff:tirs, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 2s) fnrthcr to provide for the public defense,
reported it with the recommendation that, it ought not to pass,
Mr. Sparrow also sitbiiiitted x report (So. 3) 111 relation to the same
n by MY.Sparrow,
That the hill :tiid report lie oh the table and he printed.
e from the IIouse of Kcprescntati-c-es, by Mr. McDonald:
The IIoiiie 01 ltepresentati\ c< liarc passed, without amendment,
tlic bill of the Senate ( P 1) to authorize the appointment of assistants to the Register
i n signing boil& aiid certificates.

The Senate rcsmned, as in Coniinittec of the Whole, the consideration

of the bill (8. 27) defining who shall he csenipt from military service
in the armies of thc Confederate States.
On tho qucstion to agree to the motion ~ubinittedby Mr. Phelan,
that tlic bill lie on the table,
After debate,
On motion 1)sM i * . Yancey,
0dmdl That the furthcr considcrntion thereof be postponed until
A nicsssigc froin the IIouse of ltcprrmitatives, by Mr. McDoiidd:
t . T l w Spealtcv of tlrc IIonst~ol Reprcscntativcs Iixvixig signcd an end to Ixing it to the ficnatc for tlicsigiiatnre of their Presidcnt.

Mr. MclRxwelll from tlic coniiiiittee, reportrd that they had exmiined
and found truly enrollctl
A hill (S. 1) t o authorize the appointnicnt of assiskmts to the Registcr in signing honds and certificates.
The President pro ternpore hrrring signed thc enrolled bill last
rcported to have bemi examined, it was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate and by liim forthmit,h presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approvd.
O n iiiotion by Mr. Orr, that when tlic Senate adjourn it be to Moatkty next,
_ _ . _ __
.1 3_ _
It mas determined in the affii.mativc, NaJ
__ -- -__ __
On rnotioti hy Mr. Johnsoii of Arkansas,
rho yeas and nays hcing desired by one-fifth OF the Seiiatoril presrnt,
Those who votcd i n tlic :ifErniative are,
rs. Barnwell, iSurnctt, Caplri on, Clark, Clay, Henry, Ilunter,
;LI:txwcll, Orr, Scninics, Sininis, Sptrrow, and W-igfull.
Those who voted in the nrgative are,
Messrs. Baker, IZrown, Davis, liayncs, I Iill, ,Johnson of (horgia,
,Johnson of Arkansas, Mitchcl, Phelan, and Yallcey.
So it was
Ordeyecl, That when the Scntite adjourn it bc to Monday next.
Mr. Yancey suhinittcd tho folloiyiiig resolution for consideration:

Resolped, Tklrtt llntil othernisc ordrretl ttit. 8erinte t\ ill, on Monday, the sixteenth
instant, and thereafter, meet nt ele\ cn oclock nntcmaridian.




The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution; and

The resolution n7as not, agrecd to.
The following- message was receivcd from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., February 13, 1863.
To the Senate and House qf Repraentatines:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering an estiniate for t h e incidental and contingent expenses of the Army
and of the Department of War until t h e 30th June next.
I recommend a n appropriation of t h e amount and for the purpose specified.
The message was rcad.

Ordered, That i t ba referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Wigfall (by leave) introduced
A bill (6. 46) to amend an act entitled A n act to provide for transportation of persons who have been mustered into the service for the
war <
which was read the first z~ndsecond tinics and referred to the Comniittcc on Military Affairs.
On motion h y Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate rcsolved into csccwtivc scssion.
The doors having bcen opencd,
On motion hy MI.. Clay,
The Senate adjourned.

The followiilg message was receivcd from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison:

Richmond, February 9, 1865.

To the Sencrttz of tile Conje(Jertrte States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of thp Secretary of War, I nominate W. H. T.
Walker, of Georgia, to the rank of brigadier-gcncral in the Provisional Army of the

Confederate States.


Richmond, February 9, 1863.
SIR: I hare the honor l o recoinincntl thc nomination of W. H. T.Walker, of
(korgia, to be brigadier-gcneral in t h c Provisional Briny of the Confederate States,
to take rank from Frbraary 9, 1863.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
S e c r e t u r y of War.
To His Excellency J
Ireresident, etc.


I ~ E R I C A ,W A R

The rncssagc was rcad.

Or.dwed, That it I)c refcrrcd to thc Committee on Military Affairs.
The following message was received from tho President o the Confederate States, hy Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
February 9, 1863.
To the President of ihe Xeiinie of the Gonfedevate hlates:
I nominate t h e person named i n the annexed letter of the Secretary of the Nairy,
agreeably to his recommendation.

Feb. 13, 1863.1



~tichrnond,February 9, 1863.

The I I z ~ ; . : ~ I I ~ I ~ T
SIR:I have tiit. lionor to reconiineiid tlic following noniination for appointment in
the Navy:
Lietitenttiit jar tlie waT.
Charles L. Hardson, of Texas.
\Vitli i1111(~11respect, your obetlieiit servant,

Secrettwy (IJthe Ntrvy.

Ihe message w a s rend.

Or.dered, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

I<ICJlMOND, Vh., flCehTU(ZT~18, 1SG3.

To f l i p Senate of tlw Conjcderate States:

I hereby nomillate 8. S. Scott, to be Coiiiniissioner of Indian Affairs, agreeably to
the reconiiiieiidation of the Secretary of War.
hichmoud, hdmuiiy 12, 18GS.
SIR: 11iaT.e t h e honor to recoininend the noiiiiiiation of is. S. Scott, Commissioner
of Indian Affairs for the Confederate States.
I am, respectfully, your obedient serviint,
Secvettrry of IVwr.
T O 111s JSxcellency JEFFERSON
lr.esidctit, etc.

The message mas read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nomination of S. S. Scott, to
be Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the Confederate Strttes; and
liesdved, That the Senate advise and consent to the appointmcnt of
S. S. Scott, to he Commissioner of Iiidiaii Affairs for the Confederate
States, agrccthbly to the noniination of the Yresidcnt.
On motion by Mr. Davis,
The Senate resuiiied the consichation of the nomination of C. F. M.
Spotswood, to be a coniniander in tlie Navy.
After debate,
On tha question,
Will the Sjcnltte advise and consentj to the ltppointluent of %. P. M.
Ypotswood as coinniander in tlie Navy Y
It was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
Resolced, That the Scnate advise and consent to the u 3pointment of
C. F.81. Spotswood a:, c01~1111~~11c~e~
in tho Navy, ~ g r e c a by to the nomination of the lres id ellt.
On iiiotion by Mr. 13rown,
Ihc Senate resnuned the corisiderntion o the nomination of Frederick
Lawrence, t o he an assistant pagniaster i n the Navy.
On the yuestion,
Will the Senate advise and consent to thc appointment of Frederick
Liwrence, to be an assistant paymuster in t h e Havy ?
It was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise nncl consent to the appointment of
Frederick Lawrence, t o he an assiittint paymaster in the Navy, agreeably to the nomination of the President.
On motion by MI-. Clay,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.



[Feb. 16,1863.

16, 1863.

On motion by Mr. Orr,

The Senate proceeded, in conformity to the thirty-second rule, t o
the appointment, by ballot, of a member to fill the vacancy occasioned
in the Committee on Foreign Affairsby the retirement of Mr. Hunter.
And Mr. Clark WM appointed.
On motion by Mr. Om,
Order.ed, That the special committee appointed at the last session to
investigate tlic eoniqlaints iiiade by the sick and wounded in the Army
of the Confederate States of inattention and neglect on the part of t h e
medical oiiicers, be revived and continued during the present session.
Mr. Sparrow presented a cornniunication from C . H. Mbrrison in
relation to comuiutiLtion for hospital services; which was referred to
the Special Committee on llospitals.
Mr. Semnics prcscntcd the iiioniorial of W. I. S. Taylor, Sec6nd
Auditor of the Treasury 1Iep:wtnien t, praying for increased compensation; which was rcfcrrrd t o the CoinniItkc.e on nfilitary Affairs. .
Mr.Dortch presented :L resolution of the general assenibly of North
Carolina, vindicating tlie loyalty o f the State of North Carolina and
its general assembly; which was madd.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
Ordwed, That it lie on thc table and be printed.
Mr. Dortch submitted the followiiig resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Committee on tho Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of amending and making inore stringent the laws in regard to persons
guilty of aiding and abetting, or harboring, deserters from the Army.

Mr. Brown (by leave) introdiiccd

A joint resolution (S. 5) to regulate the issue of clothing to officers
in the Army:
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Aflairs,
Mr. Orr presented the petitibn of Joseph A. Yatcs, praying to be
allowed compensation for the appropriation by the officers of the
Government of n patent to him granted for improved machinery for
traversing guns; which was referred to the Coniinittw on Hilitmy
Mr. Orr (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 47) making Columbia, S. C., a port of delivery for goods
imported into Charleston, S. C . , and Wilmington, N. C.
which was rend the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Mr. Orr (by leave) introduced
A hill (S. 48) to authorize the discharge of certain civil officers from
the military service of the Confederate States;
which was rend the fir& and second times and referred to the Conimittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 44) to amend the law in relation to assistant treasurers and depositaries, reported it with an umcndment.

Feb. 16,



On motion by Mr. Barnwell,

O r d m d , That the bill and anienclruent be printed.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordwetl, That the Coriiiiiittee on Military Affairsbe discharged from
the further consideration of the petition of John Sample, praying to
have his son, J. A. Sample, lieutenant, Company A, Seventh Mississippi llcgimcnt, allowed back pay; and that it bc refcrred to the Committee 011 Claims.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (S. 45) to amend an act entitled An act for the
establishment arid organizntion of tlic Army of the Confederate States
of ArnericiL, rcportcd it with an nniendnient.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orc7mcZ, That the bill and amendiiicnt be printed.
Mr. Yancey (by leave) introduced
il bill ( S . 4.1)) t o authorize the Secretary of the havy to eniploy the
be& pilots for service i n the Confcdcratc Marine;
which W R S read the first and second times and considered as i n Committee of tho Whole; and no amendment being proposed, the bill was
reported to the Senate.
Oi*cZwm?, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Oidered, That the Secretary request the concurrencc of the House
of lieprcsciitatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Oi&md, That the Coinniittee on tlic cJudiciarybc discharged from
the further consideration of the resolution inquiring into the expediency
of so amending the acts in relatiou to the scqricstrat ion ol the estates,
ctc., of alien enemies as to require the paynient to the Governnient,
at an early day, of moneys due to asid enemies, etc.
Mr. E l l , from the Conirnittee on the Judicitiry, to whom was
referred the bill (8.
42) to nrriencl the tenth section of an act to establish the judicial courts of the Confederate States of America, q~proved
March 16,1861, reported it with the recommendation that it ought not
to pass.
Mr. IIill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 34) to amend an act cntitlrd An act to alter and
amend an act for the sequestration of estates, property, and effects of
alien enemies, and for. indemnity of citizcns of tlic Confederate States,
and persons aiding the samc in the existing war witli the TJnited
States, approved Pebrnary 1 6 , 1863, reportcd it with amendments.
On motion by Mr. Ilill,
d , That the bill 2nd aniendiiierits be printed.
011motion hy Mr. Hill,
Or.&.rvd, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from
the further consideration of the bill (S. 43) for the relief of the
Brunswick and Albany Railroad Company, and of the petition of C. L.
Schlatter, praying f o r relief for said con~pany,and that they be
referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. S C I ~ I I U
~ S ,the Committec on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 22) allowing the Comptroller of tho lreasury the
privilege of obtaining the legal advice of the Attorney-General, reported
it with the recommendation that it ought not to pass.



[Feb. 16,3863.

The Senate ~*esmncd,

RJ in Committee of the Whole, the considerat,ion of the bill (S. 21) f o r the coiide~nriationto piiblic me of all cotton
within thc Conleclcrate States, providing for the payiiient thereof, and
for other purposes.
On motion by Mr. Om,
O r d a d , That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
A mess:qe
- from the House of Eepreseiitativcs, by Mr. McDonald:
3fv. Pmident: The ITouse of Representatives h a r e passed bills of the following
titles; in which they request the cvncurrciicc of the 8enatc:
H. It. 8. An act to allow coinmulation for deficiencies in rationu; and
H. It. 9. An act to authorize and regulatt. the inipressinent of private property for
t h e use of the ,lrniy and other military purposes.
ilL messagc froni the President of the Coiifcderatc States, by Mr. B. N.
IIarrison, h i s Secretary:

Ah.. IresideTct; Tlie Iicsicleut oi the Confedwatt.States, on the 14th instant, approved
and signed ~ 1 ac.t
(S. I) lo :tnthorizcl the. appointiirent of assistants to the Register in
signing bonds and ccartificatcx,.

OI&W/, 111:~t tlic Socreli~ryinfonn the House of Represeiitatives

Lhc following message wa? rcccivcd from the President of the Confecleratc States, 1)sMr. 13. h. khtrrison, his Secretary:
~ZICHMONL), i 7 A . , L~kDruwryIG, 1863.
To [he Senate oJ the ConjedcitrlP ,Yfcctes:
I hercwith transmit a conmimication from the Secretary of War in response to
your resolution (If thv 19th ultimo, in reference to impressmen&3 of flour, etc., in
letersburg and Lynchburg.

The message was read.

On motion 1)y MY. Sirnms,
O?~?mcl,That it lie on the lxble and be printed.
The President pro tenipom laid before the Senate a cominiinication
froin the Secretary of the lrcasury i n relation to the mode i n which
those acts of Congress which rnnlrc appi*opriations for ministers or
:q;twts abroad have bee11 adiiiiniste~vdin that 1)epartment; mhich was
O?+dered,That it be referred to the Committe~on Foreign Affairs.
The 1resiclc)nt pro teinpore laid hEorc the Senate a comiuunication
from thc Scc~ctnryof the Ireasury in relation to the delivery of
l)oiids to the prcsiident of the Rttnk of Louisiana; which was read.
OdewcZ, That it he referred to the Coniniittee on Finance.
The bil Is coinnnmicatcd f 10111 the House of Representatives this day
for concixrrencc were scvcrally read the first and second times.
O w l ~ ~ ~ Te hda, t the hill nurnhered 8 be referred to the Committee 011
Militay hfhirs tuitl tlmt the bill numbered 9 be referred to the
Comrnittcc on t h o J udiciary.
On inotiori by AIr. R ~ O W I I ,
O ~ ~ l c . / ~That
~ c l , the in age of the President of the Confederate
States of the 4th instant, traminitting a communication from the
Quarterniaster-(ierier:ll in response to a resolution of the Senate i n
relation to commutat~ion,ctc., of officers serving in cities, be printed.
Mr. Simms submitted the following motion for consideration :
Ilrdered, That the vote on ordoring the nicssago of the President of
the Confederate States, received this day, in response to a resolution

Feb. 17,1863.1



of the Senate in rclation to impressments of flour, etc., i n Petersburg

and Lynchburg, to be printed, he reconsidered.
The Senate resumed, as in Coiiimittce of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 57) defining who sliali he exempt from military
service i n the armics of the Confederate States.
On the question to agree to the motion submitted by Mr. Phelail,
th:Lt the bill lie on the table,
After debate,
Mr. Sparrow deiiinndecl the question; which WRS seconded, 2nd
l h e question being put,

It was deteriiiined in thc ncgntivc, ?as-----{Rags - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -19_ _

On iiiotioii by A3r. Ihelan,
The yew mid nays heing desired by one-fifth of thesenators present,
Those who voted in the afErIiiativc UIF,
Mcshrs. Baker, Clark, I h r t c h , IIaynes, Mtix\vell,Phelan, nndSimms.
Chose wlio Troted i n the negative are,
rs. ILtrnwell, 13rown, Kurnctt, Caperton, Clay, Davis, Henry,
untclr, ,Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson.of Rrlimsas, Mitchel, Oldham, Orr, Icyton, Seinnies, Spzrrow, Wigfall, and Yancey.
On motion by Mi,. Dortch, to amend the bill by inserting after the
word unfit, sectioii 1, line 5, the words for service in tlie field,
I t mas detcrminrd in tlic, neg..citive.
On motion by MI-. 13urnett, to amend the bill 1)jr inserting after the
word coinc, section I, linc 8, the words
c \)cell cxeniptect upoii surgeons certificates,
mrcd wider wiiitl organic disease, shall not be

I t WLS cleteririitird i n thc negative.

On motion by 311.. Ow, that the vote on rejecting the amendment
propospd by Air. Dortch, vix, to insert after the wcrd unfit, section
I , line 5, the words for se1.vic.c in the field, be rcconsidered,
After dcbnte,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
That 50 copies of the bill be printed for the use of the

On motion by Mr. Heninicy

The 8ei-mt e ad jo u r n t d

17, 1863.

A message froin the &use

of Representatives, by MI. McDonald:

dlr. PI~ s i d m t :Tlic Ilouse of Representatii cs havc pasued, with amendments, the
bill of the Senate (S.35) to autliolize the issue of bonds for fuiiding Treasury notes;
i n which arrieridment- they iequevt the concurroncc of the Senate.

Mr. Wigfall s u h i t t e d the following motion for consideration:

Ordwed, That the vote by which the Senate, on yesterday, proceeded to tho appointinent of R member to fill the vacancy occasioned
in the Committee on Foreign Affairs by the retirement of Mr. Hunter,
IR reconsidered.
On motion by XIr. Sparrow,



[Feb. 17,1863.

Orde?wd, That the Committee on Military Affairs he discharged

from the further consideration of the message of the President of the
Confederate Stti , transiiiitting an estimate for the incidental and
contingent expenses of thc Army and of the Departiiient of \F7ar until
the 30th of J u n e next, and that it be referred to the Committee on
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to ~vliom
was referred the bill (S. 46) to amend an act entitled An act to provide for transportation of persons who havc been mustered into the
service for the war, reported it with the recommendation that it
ought not to pass.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the hill (S. 4s) to :mthorize the dischrgc of certain civil
officers from the iiiilitary service of the Confederate States, reported
it with amendments.
On motion by Mr. S p m ~ o w ,
Oidered, That the bill and aincndnients be printed.
On motion by Mr. Mitclicl,
The Senate proceeded, in conformity to the thirty-second rrle, to
thr appointmrnt, by ballot, of n mcinbcr to fill the vacancy existing
in the Specid ComiiiittJeeon Hospitalh.
And Mr. Caperton ivas appointed.
311.. Yancey prescntecl n memorial of liciitenaiits in the Confederate
Sjtates Navy, praying the passage of an act allowing thein the rank
and ay of licutennnts commanding. while serving as ordnance officers
on shpore; which W R S referred to tho Coinrnittee on Naval A h i r s .
The following inessagc was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
hcnxosi), v I., lii,b,wir?/lY, 18G$.
To the Senate and IIouse of 12el)rese,itcttivcs:
I herewith transmit a report of the Postmaster-General, siippleineiital t o his report
submitted to Congress at the opening of tlie prescnt Hersion, to whidi I invite yonr
special attention.

The message was read.

On motion by Mi-. Oldhain,
Oydemd, That it be referred to the Comtnittce on Post-Ofices and
Post-Roads and printed.
r i
l h e following 1riess:ige was rccoived from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
70 the &?ante and IiTouse of IZrpreseiziatires:



17, 1868.

I herewith transmit a commiinicatioii froin the Secretary of War, asking for a n

appropriation to meet a claini of the State of Nortli Carolina for reiniburseiiieiit o f
sum? expended upon clothing, etc., for troops of that State in thc Confederate
1 recommend an appropriation of tlic aiiiount for tlie purpose speciGed.

The message was read.

Oi-dewd, That it be referred to tlie Committee on Finance.
The Senate proceeded to consider the aniendinents of the House of
ltepresentatives to the bill (S. 35) to authorize thc issue of bonds for
funding Treasury notes; and
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Binnnce.

Feh. 17,1863.1



The Senate resumed, as in Comrni

f the Whole, the considera11 be exempt from military
tion of the bill (S. 21) defining wh
service in the armies of the Confederate States.
On the question to agree to the lnotion submitted by Mr. Orr, that
the vote on rejecting the following amendment proposed by Hr.
Dortch, viz, to insert after thc word unfit, scxxtion 1, line 5 the
words for hcrrice in tho field, he rwonsidered,
It W:;LSdeterriiiried in the affirniatire.
The Senate proceeded to consider the said annendnient; mid
The question being: put on agreeing thereto,
It was determined in the affirniative.
On motion by Mr. Rfitchel, to amend the bill by inserting after the
word come, section 1, line 8, I h e words
a i d those lieretofore discharged on accouiit of bodily or mental iiicapacity, by certificate of a surgeon in the service of the Confederate States,

On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the amendment proposed by Mr.

Mitchel by st ~i ki r i gout all after the word
and inserting the
words persons so exempted shall not bc again liable to be enrolled,
YeLs- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was determined in the negative, Ways.
- - -.
.- ._ _ _ _ _ _ 18
O n motion bj Mr. Mitchel,
The ycss and nays being desired by one-tifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative arc,
Messrs. I3arnwel1, Caperton, Henry, Hill, and Orr.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Rakw, Rrown, 13urnett, Clark, Davis, Dortch, Haynes,
Hniiter, Johnson of Arkansas, Maxwell, Mitchel. Oldham, Yeyton,
Srnimes, Sininis, Sparrow, Migfall, and P a n c q .
On the question to agrcc to the aineiidinent proposd by Mr. Mitchel,
It was deteriiiined in the negative, Yeas
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ . _
12 _ _
On motion by Mr. Mitchel,
Thc yeas :tiid nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senatoi*.: pivsent,
Those who voted in the affirniative are,
Messrs. Ealier, Clark, Haynes, Hiirttw, Jvlinson of Ar.ltansas,
Mnxwell, Mitvhel, Oldhnin, Peyton, Sirnms, and Y ~ n c e y .
who voted in the negative are,
s. Barnwell, Brown, Burnett, Caperton, h v i ? , I)ortcl~,I T t v q ,
r, Meiiinies, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On iiiotion hy Mr. Brown, to amend tho bill by imerting nftw the
word b b law, section 1, line 21, the words


but it is expressly requirrd of the heads of L)el,artniciits, the Adjutant nrld Inspector
Gerlel al, the Quarterinaster aiitl ConrinisHnry Gencmls, tho 1iratl.101 bnreaus, and all
otllers havitlg clerks or other persons ciiil)loyed ill subordillate positions, H ho are
liable to Inilitary dnty, to c a w c mvh persons t o be erlrolled a t once a3 consc%ripts, .
a i ~ dthen proceed tl* rapidly as pomible to liar e their plwes filled b y competent
perPons who are not liable to military dnty,

{ ;z-

It FVRS detcrmioed in the negntivc,

-----_ -__
- 12
On niotion by Mr.Brown,
The yeas and IlILyb being desired by one-fifth of the ScnaLtors present,
Those who voted in the aflirrnxtirc :ire,
s. Brolvn, Clark, Hill, Johnson of Ai-katwtLs, Mitchel, Oldham.
Orr. Peyton, and Simms.



[Feb. 18,1863.

Those who voted in the neqative are,

Messrs. Baker, Barn well, Caperton, Davis, llortch, H a p e s , H C I I I ~ ,
Hunter, Semnics, Sparrow, Wigfall, and Yancey.
On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend tho bill by inserting Sftor the
word law. section 1, line 21, the following proviso :
Provided. This act shall not be Construed to exempt from service persons appointed
by tlic officers of the Executive Departments, or by other executive authority, since
the eixteeiith day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and who were liable tc,
military service when appointed under the various acts of enrollment,

It was determined in the aflirmative.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having been opencd,
On motion by Mr. Caperton,
The Sena tc adj om.ned .

Mr. Sparrow siibniitted tho following resolution; which was con

sidered and agreed to:
Rcaolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructteil to inquire whether
t h e officers who may be appointed under tlic lerniaiieiit Government to the same
grade M hich they held under the Provisional Government, will take rank froin t h e
date of their last appointment, or from their appointment untlcr t h e Provisional
Second. That if the committee are of opinion that the officer appointed under the
Permanent Government to the same grade he held under the Provisional Government takes rank from the date of the appointment under the Pernianent Government,
whether Congress has the constitutional power to provide by law that the rank of
the officer shall date from his appointment under t h e Provisional Gorcniiiierit.

Mr. Wigfall (by leave) introduced

A joint reholution (S. 6) in relation to foreign iLffairs;
which was read the first and second times and rchfrrrecl to the Committee on Y o i ~ i g nAffairs.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
The Senate resolved into opcn legislative session.


A message from the Nonse of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed bills and joint resolutions
of the following titles; in which they request the concurrenee of t h e Senate:
H. R. 10. A n act to allow minors to hold commissions in the Army;
13. B. 11. A n act to provide for refuncling to t h e Statc of Alahxiiin the anrount
overpaid by said State ou account of the war tax of 1862;
H. R. 12. An act for the relief of certain o f i r * c ~ant1
s soltliers froin t h e State of
T-I. R. 1. Joint resolution of tlianlrs to General Wheeler ant1 the oific
of his coniiiiantl;
I. R. 2. Joint resolution of thanks to Waj. Gcn. J. Bankhead Nayruder and
officers and inen of his conniiancl at Galvestoii, Tex.; and
H. R. 3. Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. Williarn S.Walker and Iris command
for good conduct and gallantry in the battles of Iocotaligo and Coosawhatchie.

Mr. Barnwell, from the Corninittce on Finance, to whom wcre

referred thc amendments of the f-lousc of ltepresentatives to the bill

Feb. 19,1863.1



(S. 35) to authorize the issue of bonds for funding Treasury notes,
reported them without amendment.
The Senate proceeded to consider the said amendments; and
On motion by Nr. Barnwell,
Resohed, That they concur therein.
OrcZered, That the Secretary inform tho House of ktepresenta
Jlr. Urowii, from the Committee on Naval ABairs, to whom was
referred the petition of C. K. ;Vlallory and others, acting midshipmen
i n the Confederate States Navy, praying an increase of pay, re orted
A hill (S. 50) to iricmmc the pay of acting midshipmen in thekavy;
which was read tlic first and second times and considered as in Coniiiiittec of thc Wholc; and no amendnient being proposed, the bill was
reported to the Scnate.
Ordemd, That it be eiqyosscd and read a third time.
Thc said bill was read tho third time.
Besoleed, That it pass, and that the title thcreoll be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
oE Reprcsentativcs therein,
Tho bills and joint resolutions received this day from the House of
Representatives for concurrence wcrc severally read the first and
second times.
Ordered, That the bills ntunbered 10 and 1 2 and the joint resolutions
nnnibercd 1,2, and 3 he rcferred to the Conmiittee on Military Affairs,
:Lnd tlznt the hill nnnibcrcd 11be referred to the Committee on Finance.
Thc Senate iwiuned, as in Coininittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 27) tlclining who slzall be exempt from military
hcn4c.e in tht. aimlie:: of the Confederate States.
O n motion 1 ) ~ -1141.. Mitcliel, to miend the bill by inserting after the
word conie, section 1, line 8 , the words
aiiil persons tlwlareti to l)c iinfit for duty in the field tinder tLis act, or under the act
entitled An art to rptablish places of rcndczvons for the examination of enrolled
nim, approretl 0ctol)er eleven, eiglitecii liniiclied and sixty-two, shall not bc afterwards subject to lie again cxsmincd and enrolled,

On iiiotion hy Mr. I-iaynes, to amend thc :umnclment proposed by

A h . Xitchcl hy adding thcrcto the words .
escept i n such ewes a$ the cliirolling officer niay have reasonable grounds to believe
ought to undergo reexamination,

It was deterniined i n the ncgatlye.

On motion by Mr. Ihrtch, to reconsidcr the votc last nientioncd,
It was dctcrniinad in the negative.
On niotion hy Mr. Yancey, to amend the amendment proposed by
l l r . Mitchcl 1)sinhcrting after eighteen hundred and sixty-two the
~vordx i)y reahon of any organic discaso or permanent disability,
It was dctcrinined in the affirmative.
On the qucstion to agree to the anieiidrncnt proposed by Mr. Mitchel,
: i s amended,
It was determined in the affirm atire.
So the amendizicnt as amended was agreed to.
On iiiotion by Mr. Yanoey, l o amend the bill by inserting after
6 6 oflicors, section I. line 15,the words other than those heretofore

It was determinod in the negative.




On motion by Mr. Oldham, to amend the bill by striking out, in the

eleventh line of the first section, the words appoint,ed by the President and confirmed by the Senate,
After debate,
Mr. Hill demanded the question; which was seconded, and
The question being put,
. _ _ __
_ __
_ 10
It mas determined in the negative, Yeas
Nays-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 11
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Clark, Haynes, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of
Arkansas, Mitchel, Oldham, Yeyton, Seimnes, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Brown, Caperton, Davis, Dortch, Henry, Hill, Hunter,
Orr, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the bill by insertina after
officers, scction 1, line 15, the words excepting judges, ckancelIors, and sihel-ifl~,~
It was determined in the ncgativc, Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nays - - - .- - -.-.- - - - - - - - 13
On motion by Mr. Yancey,
The yeas and nays being- desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Haynes, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of .Arkansas, Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldham, Peyton, Semmes, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Caperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, Orr, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. Brown, to amend the bill by striking out, section
I, lines 19, 20, and 21, the words

all clerks in the offices of the Coxifederate and State governments authorized by law,
and receiving salaries or fees fixed by law,

It was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mu. Yancey, to amend the bill by inserting after
, section 1, line 40, the words engineers and pressmen,
t was determined in thc affirmative.
On motion by h h . Yancey, to amend the bill by inserting after
printer, section 1,linc 42, the words (engineers and pressmen,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs,
to amend the bill by inserting after pressmen,) section 1, line PO,
the words and stenogrnphic reporters,
It was determined i n the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Brown, to amend the bill by sfriking out, section
1, lines 45, 40, and 47, the words
every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his sect,
and now in the regular discharge of ministerial duties; and,

I t was determined in the negative.

On niotion by Mr. Dortch, to amend the bill by inserting after
last, section 1,line 55, the words and for two years prior thereto,
It was determined i n the negative.

f e h 18,1863.1



On niotion by A h . Haynes, to amend thc hill by inserting after

stated. seetion 1, line 63, the words
P ~ o v i d d ,That the exemption of shoemakers shall not be construed to include
persons eiipagetl i n stitching and binding shoes and hoots; nor shall the exemption
of blacksmiths, millers, and millwrights extend l o persons who, before or since the
sixteenth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, were, and have been, workin
Pometimes at said eiiiployments and sonietinies at agricultiiral or other industria?

T t was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the bill by striking out the
word .at, section 1, line 60, and inserting in lieu thereof the word


It was determined in t h e affirmative.

On motion by Mr.Sparrow, to amend the bill by inserting after the

word last, section 1, line 60, the words continuously and,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Ilill, to amend the bill by striking out, section 1,
line 61, the words i n one of the above trades and inserting the
stme after the -\\urd employed, in t h e sixtieth line of the same
It mas determined in t h e affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Davis, to amend the hill by striking out
6 6 twenty, section 1, line 74, and inserting fifty,
It wiis dctcrrnined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Hill, to amcnd tlie bill by inserting after
* nicc.hnnics, section 1, linc M, the words :tad in card factories and
facatories for the iiianufnc~turcof mire for cotton and wool cards,
It, w:t5 dcterniined in thc af1irn)ativc.
On motion I)y Mr. ~eniiiics,to amend the bill by inserting after the
word a, section I, line ?I., the word next,
It m:w determined in the aftiniiati r e .
On motion by Nr. Davis, to ainend tlie l d l by inserting after the
word the, section 1, linc 75, the wordb value of,
It was determined in thc ncg.nt1ve.
On motion by Mr. Fiwmwell, to zmend thc bill by striking out
twenty, soction I, linc 74,and inserting thirty,
It way dettrinined in the :iflii*matlye.
011niotion by Mr. Ilill, to amend thchill hy insertingafter invested,
section 1, line 75, the 7;vords and paid in,
It was determined i n the negative.
On motion hr Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, to amend t h e hill by striking ollt fire, section 1, line OI, aiid inserting three,
It W:LS dctcriiiincd i n the negative.
0 1 1 iiiotion by MI.. ,Johnson of Georgia, t o amend thc bill by inserting aftcr cightcen hundred and sixty-two, section 1, line 87, the
or u 110 TZ ere engageti i l l teaching school as a profession on the first t h y of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-onc., and who are now so engaged,

It was dcteriiiincd in the affirinativc.

onlllotioll by Nr. Barnwell, to anicnd the bill by striking out, section I, lines I W i ~ t i ( 1105, the mords
no Illore than six cents p c ~
pound is ~skeilor received for
them, and,

the salt SO produced by



[Feb. 19, 1863.

Tt was determined in the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. Davis, to amend the hill by inserting before t h e
tvord All, section 1, line 102, the words All superintendents and
employees engaged at salt works conducted under authority of any
Statc; and,
It was determined in the affirmative.
A further amendment having been proposed to the bill by Mr. Henry,
On motion by Mr. Davis,
Ordered, That it be printed.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
The Senate adjourned.
19, 1863.

Mr. Mitchel (by leave) introduced

A hill (S. 51) to altcr and amcnd an act entitled An act for the
sequestration of the estates, property, and effects of alien enemies,
and for indemnity of citizens of the Confederate States and persons
:tiding the same in the existing war with the United States, approved
August 30,1861, and an act altering and amending the same, approved
on the 15th day of February, 1862;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Warnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred the bill (13. R. 11)to provide for refunding to the State of
Alabama the amount overpaid by said State on account of the mar tax
of 1862, roported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (H. R. 11) last mentioned; and no amendment
being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
Oiderecl, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
l&sohed, That it pass.
Ordered, That, the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred tho joint resolution (H. R. 2) of thanks to Maj. Gen. J.
Bankhead Magruder and officers and men of his command at Galveston, Tex., reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution (H. R. 3,) last mentioned; and no
amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
Ordmed, That it pass to R third reading.
The said resolirtion was read the third time.
&solved, That it pass.
Ordemd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported
A bill (S. 52) to fix the rank of officers in the military and naval
service of the Confederate States holding commissions under the Pro-


FelJ. 19,1863.1


visioiial Government when reappointed to oaces of the same grade

Liiider the Icrmanrnt Gouernment;
which mas r o d the first and second times and ordered to hc placed
upon the C:rlendnr and printed.
Lhc Scnatc rcsnincd, as in Committee oC the JVhole, the consideration of tlie hill (S. 27) defining who slinll be exeiiipt from military
wrvico in the :irrnies of the Confederate States.
On motion 1)y A h . EIcnry, to amend the bill by striking out the
oiid section thereof arid inserting:
SIT. 2 For tlic police of slare3, one person on each farin or plantation, the sole
propert) of a ininor, a person of iinsonnd mind, a frnie sole, or a person absriit from
Iioiiw iii tlit. iiulitarg or naval seryicr of the Confedcracy, on ~rliicli
there arc twenty
or more slavch: P/oolrtlctl,The p e r m i so esempted \\:is cniploycd and acting as an
o \ o r ~ c c pie\
ions to the sistecntli of April last, and there is 110 white male adult on
Faid fnnn or plantation H ho is not liable to militarv duty, \I hi?h fact dial1 be verified

by the afftix\ it? of said person and two respectable citizens, and sliall be filed with
tlic eiirolliiig officer,

On rriotion by RIu. IIaynes, to amend the amendment proposed by

hlr. 1Ictiry by adding thereto the Pollorvi

, Tlirtl the enrolling

officer shall bc
iiiilitary d n t ) , ( m bc
~ procured, by

o wliitc. male adult,

ice, siiitablc for said


It was tlctei*niincdin thc affirmatire.

On motion by Slr. Hill, to aiiieirti the miendineat proposed h g Mr.
Henry by striking out uiilitary, in tho fourth line, and inserting
11 \\as drtcrmined in the ncpntive.
On niotion by Air. XI:~,sn.cll, l o xmcnd the timendincut proposed by
311.. Hcnry hy striking out, iii the third and fourth linrs, the words
o r :i pwso~i:ilwnt f t w i i lioiric iii thc military or navnl scrvicc of the
It, W R S dotci~iiinc~l
i n the iiqptive.
On motion by 3Ir. Y:triccy, to tmcncl the
i o n proposed to bc
States, i n
clrvcntli line, the
woidq rxc+liidiiigq n ~ r t c r n
5 tind corrtniissarics :it posts,
It wab ctt~tcrniincdi n the
On niotion by Mr. Yanccy, to aniciid tho scvtion p r o p o d to be
stricken out by inherting after military, in tho eleventh line, the
words arid in tlic naval,
It mas determined i n the :~fIirin~
L t1ve.
On motion by 311.. Btdwr, to ainond tho section proposed to be
stricken ouL 113 striliing out, i n the sixth line, Lli(1 words "overseer,
agent, or o~vnci:ind iurcrting the word (p c w a i ,
Tt n a s dctcixiiricd in tlie :Iftirniativc.
On motion 1)y Mr. IIilI, to miirnd thc :urirndmcrit I)roposcd by Mr.
II(.nry ).ystriking out all after For : ~ n c tinserting:






enrolling officer, make and deliver to such officer an affidavit in writing, setting forth
the number oi slaves on such farm or planhiion, that such slaves have not been placed
thereon for the purpose of securing an 2xemption from military service, that there is
but one white male adult on such farni or plantation, aid that at least four-fifths of
the land in cultivation is deroted to the production of grain and provisions; which
afidarit shall be only prima facie evidence of t h e facts therein stated,

Ie was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the amendment proposed by
Mr. Henry by striking out the same and inserting in licu thereof the
That one person niay be exempted on every plantation upon which there are twenty
or more slaves, four-fifths of the land belonging to which are actually appropriated t o
the cultivation of grain, and owned by any feme sole, person of unsound mind, or
person absent in the military service of the Confederate IStates, ivhikt SO absent; but
this exemption shall not apply to any plantation upon which slaves ha! e been
removed by division froin any other place since the elcventh day of October, eighteen
hnndred and sixty-two, nor to any person under t h e age of forty years: Pyovided,
That aflidax it shall lw inacfe hy soine respectable person that said planhtion does
coiitain twenty or iiiorc .;lavw, that none of them have been removed there from any
other place si1ic.e the eloi enth of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. and that
four-fifths of the land in cultivation are actually appropriated to the production of
grain; w11ic.h aflidarit shall be filed T\ it11 and deposited by the enrolling officer i n
t h e court having the jnrisctiction of wills in the county of the residence of the party
by whoin the same ~ v a smade,

It was detcrinined in the negative.

On niotion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the section proposed to be
striclwi out by striking out the word ban," in the second line, and
inserting the words previous to,
I t wns dcterniined in the affirma tIVC.
On Lhe question to agree to thc amendriient proposed by Mr. Henry,
as ameridcd,

It was determined in the affirmativc.

On motion by Mr. Simms, that the last-mentioned vots bc reconsidered,
- - - -- - -- 7
I t was dctcrniined in thc negative, Ireas
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ .._ _ 15
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The yens :ind nays bring desired hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in tho affirmative arc,
Mcssrs. Balicl., Dortch, Hill, Johnson & Rrlcansas, Mitchel, Phelan,
and Sinims.
7hosc who votccl in the negative arc,
Messrs. Bitrnwcl I, I3urnr,tt,, Capwton, Clark, Davis, I-Iayncs, Henry,
TTunter, ,Johnson of Georgia, Maxwcll, Orr, Scmmes, Sparrow, Wigfall,
and Yanccy.
A further anic~nclnienthaving been proposed to the bill by Mr.
IIay nes,
On motion 1)y Mr. Senimes,
O t d m d , T h a t it 1)c printed.
O n m o t i o n by Jlr. Scniiiics,
lho S e m t r 1
~ cd in~ to cxccutive


morinl of John M. Sharp, president

mpany, in the State of Kentucky,
n for the destruction of a bridge;

On motion by Mr. Mitchel,

The Senate adjourned.

Feb. 20, 1R63.1



Mr. Oldhani, from the Conmiittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads,

to whom aerc rcfcrrecl (011 the 4th instant) the nominations of William
D. Colcint~n,to bc postuiastcr a t Danvillc, Va. ; Joel W. Woinaclc, t o
be postniastcr a t F:mii\4llc, Va. : Clayton ,J. Noel, to be postnxister at
Wythcvillc, Vn. ; Mo
A. Smith, to bo postriiaster at Salisbury,
N. c . ; Gcorgc IT. Fa
to bc postmaster :Lt Anderson, S. C. ; Susan
\Y. Thruston, to be pos tn wtrr tit (;reeiiville, S. C.; John A. Lee, to
be postmaster :1t S pa r tan h rg h , S. C. : I-lenry M:~yncsworth, to be
postmaster at Smiitcr, 8.C. ; \Villinni A. Morrison, to be postinaster
at T\\\innsboro,S. C.; \Yillimi Y . Ilaixics, to be postmaster a t Amoricus, GI.; Ncwtoii ,I. lZo:iz, to be posttnaster at Calhoun, (3%.
; Milliani
It. Chcstcr, to he p o d i n ~ s t c ra t Lhlton, Ga.; Arclribald H. Sneed, to
be postinastcr :Lt Borhytli, Oa.; John I. H. Col
:Lt La C h n g ~Ga.
, ; ,To1111I I o ~ t ~ rto
d ,be postma
Janics 1,. Kcridel, to hc postnitwtcr at Oxford
the recommcnd:~tiouthat said nomimttions be confirmed.
The Scntttc procccdcd to consider. said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t was
&eso?vcd, That the Senate nd~7iseand consent to their appointment,
agreeably to their rcspective noniin at1011s.
Mr. Seiimies, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the
followitig resolution; which W:LS considered and agreed to:

On motion by Mr. Ilurnctt ,

Thc Senate resolved iiit o o p ~ t lcpislnlim


Mr. Yanccy s:ut)niittctl t Iw following rosoliition; which

sidered and :tgrecd to:



y Affairs he instructed to inquire into the

JII, iu such rrmiiucr a8 to prevent frauds,
ers v ithout dewriptivt lists.

:solution of thc goiiwi~la

State of L o u i s i : ~ rclntil
~ ~ : ~ c to cxoniptions; w h ~ c hwas F
On motion hy R2r. S~)MTOW,
O d t wd, That it br ~ ) r i n t r d .
0 1 1 lnotiorl by M Y . Orr,
Oidervd, Ilixtthc C o n i i n i t t t ~oti Foreign Atfairs be discharged from
the furtlicr coiisidcrtition of thc c.ommiiiiic~tionfrom thc Secretary of




the Treasury in relation to the mode in which those acts of Congress

-which lnalre appropriations for ministers or agents abroad have been
administered in that Department; and that it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
&Ir. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the hill (S. 51) to alter and amend an act entitled An act for
the sequestration of the estates, property, and effects of alien enemies,
and for indemnity of citizens of the Confederate States and persons
aiding the same in the existing war with the United States, approved
August 30, 1861, and an act altering and amending the same, approved
on the 15th day of February, 1862, reported it with amendments.
The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t IF bill (S. 51) last mentioned; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and
the amendments were concurred in.
Opdcwd, That the hill be engrossed and read a third time.
Tho said bill was read the third time.
Eesobued, Thnt it PASS, arid that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Opdered, That tho Kecrctary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives thercin.
On inotion by Mr. Davis,
O&red, That thc Conirriittee on Claims be discharged-f rom the further consideration of the following subjects, and that they be referred
to the Committee on Military Affairs:
Petition of John Sample, praying to have his son, J. A. Sample,
lieutenant, Company A, Seventh Mississippi Regiment, allowed back
pay; and
Claim of C. Ireson Bradley, asking pay for services rendered as
special provost-marshal.
A message from the Ilousc of Kepresentatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Mr. President: The IIouse of Xopresentatives have pwsed a bill (1. R. 14) to prevent fraud in t h e Quarternmtc4s and Coriimissary Departments, and the obtaining
under false prctensc transportation for private property.
The Speaker of the House o f Representatives having signed two enrolled bills, I
a111directed to bring tliein to the Senate for the signature of their President.

Mu. Maxwell, f rom the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly cnrollcd bills of the following titles:
3. I<. 11. An act to provide for refunding to the State of Alabama
the amount ovcrpaitl t ) j said State on account of the war tax of 1862;
S. 35. An act to authorize the issue of bonds for funding Treasury
The President pro tempore having signed the cnrollod bills last
reported to have been examined, they were delivered t o the Secretary
of the Senate and hy him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confedemte States for his approval.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederatc S;tiLtes, i)y Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
ItI(IVdONI), T T A . , TdWUCW?/

20, 1863.

70tlte SmtrfP c u d IIOUSP

o j Keprrsentntizi~s:
I herewith transmit il c~o~iiiiiniiic~atioii
from tlir Secretary of War, submitting mi

estimate for an additional :q)propriation rcqniretl by the Engineer Bureau for the
period ending June 30, 1863.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount for the purpose specified.


Feb. 20,1863.1


The message was read.

Ordewd, Thatj it be i d e r r e d to the Committee on Finance.
The following iuessage was
ivcd from the President of the Confederate States, by MY.13. N.
rison, his Secretary:
To the Senate nnd House of Rtyrmntaiirw:

R I C H ~ I ~ SVA.,
D , Iji.6ruwry 19,1868.

I Iierenith transniit a cornmmiit.atioii froin the Secretar of the Nary in regard to

tilo tiestrtwtioii of tlie eneluys sloop 1latttrrns by tlie ~onLderateStates steam sloop
4lti\)atiia, t o \\hicli I invite your attention.

The coilduct of the cominailtier, ollicers, and crew is commentled to your favorable


age was read.

referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
gc was received froni the President of the Con. B. %. Harrison, his Secretary:

R l c n ~ o x u VA.,
Pehrua?y20, 1868.
To the Sencite nnd H o m e of Representntii es:
I lierewith transinit a conininnication from the Postmaster-Gener~~l,
submitting an
estimate of the ~ 1 1 1 2 1required for the coinpensation of certain oflicers and employees
of the Post-Ollicr 1)rpartinent from July 1 to October 12, 3863.
I recoiiiiiiend im appropriation of tlie amount for the purpose specified.

The message was rend.

O y d e d , That it be referred to the Conmiittee on Post-Offices and
Chc following message was received from the President of the Confederate SttLtes,by Mr. 13. N, Hzrrison, his Secretary:
\A, February 20, 1S65.
20 the Senate nntl T l o u s ~of iiepwsnitnt
I herewith transinit a c~oiiiinoiiic.atioafrom the Secretary of War, submitting an
estiiiiate for tlie coiitiiigeiit e x p e n w of the Adjutant aiid Inspertor general'^ Office
for the period cntling June 30, 1863.
I recomiiieiitl aii appropriation of the ninount for the prirpose tipecilied.
The message w:is rend.

ih:Lt it be referred to the Committee on Fiiinnc*e.

t)y Mr. Mr~xmcll,that when the Sensite ttdjourn it he to
Monday next,
Yeas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
It was deteriuiiied in t h e affirmative, Nays _ - - _ - - - -_ _ _ - _- _ - I)
On iiiotion bj7 Mr. Yancey,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of llie Senntoi-i present,
Those who voted in the aftirlnative are,
Mess1.s. 13arnwcl1,Buruett, Caperton, Clark, IIuntc.r, Miixwell, Orr,
lhelnn, Simms, and Wigfall.
Those voting i n the negative are,
Messys. Davis, Haynes, Henry, Ilill, Johnson of (korgia, Mitchel,
Semnws, Sparrow, and Ysncey.
Mr. 1Ienr.y sublrlitted the folloivirifi resolulion; which WBS considered a n d agreed to:


0 1 1 iiiotioii

Resolved, Tllat the Committee on the Judiciary inquire into the propriety of so
modifyirlg tllc law ertablishing inililrtry courts as to al1o.r~one of mid c-ourtsto each
departmerlt oi the ArIily, whetlici coiumandcd by n lieutenarit, major, or brigatlicr
general, in cases where the riuinber of troops in any such department is l e s ~than a n
army corps.


[Feb. 20,1863.


The bill (H. R. 14) t o prevent fraud in the Quartermasters and

Commissary Dcpnrtments, and the obtaining under false pretense
transportation for prirratc property, received this day from the House
of Itepresentatives for concurrence, was read the first and second
tinies and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 27) defining who shall be exempt from military
service in the armies of the Confederate States.
On motion by Mr. Haynes, to amend the bill by inserting after the
second section t,he following independent section:


SEC. That on any fami belonging in severalty to any ernesole, minor, person of
unsound mind, or person absent i n the military service, not owning twenty negroes,
who had on t h e sixteeutll oU April last a family of not less than ten white persons
dependent for their support on him or her, on which there is no white male adult not
liable to military duty, there shall be exempted one person as inanager and laborer,
when said person shall verify the facts aforesaid by his own and t h e affidavits of two
respectable citizens, to be filed as aforesaid: Provided, That the enrolling officer shall
be satisfied that a whik adult not lisblc to military duty can not be procured suitable
for said service,

On motion by Mr. Davis, to amend the amendment proposed by

Mr. l-Itt~wesby striking outI minor, in the second line,
It W:LY detcrniined in the aflirnistive.
Mr. lIaynes, bj7 iinaninious consent, then modified his amendment,
at the suggestion of Mr. Yanccy, by inserting after the word eitizens, i n the eighth line, the words
and shall make affidavit that said person so to be exempted designs in good faith to
act in said capacity on said farm, and in the event of a failure to do so a t any time
thereafter, this exemption, as to said person, shall cease,

On motion by Mr. Davis, to amend the amendment proposed by

Mr. Haynes by striking out the words had on the sixteenth of April
last, in the third and fourth lincs, and inserting in lieu thereof the
word has,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by MY.Orr, to nriiend the amendment roposed by Mr.
Haynes by striking ont of the third line the wor s not owning
twenty negroes,
It ivas determined in the affirmative.
On motion t y Mr. Yancey, to amend the amendment proposed by Mr.
Haynes by striking out of the seventh line the words manager and,
It was deterinincd in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. kanccy, to amcnd thc amendment proposed by
Mr. Hayiies by inserting- after duty, in the sixth line, the words
or male minor or minors who are capable of conducting the operations on said farm,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mu. Orr, to amend the nmcndment proposed by Mr.
Haynes by inserting after her, in the fifth line, the words and
living 011 said farm or plantatioii,
It was dcterrnined in the affirmative.
Mr. Haynes, by unanimous consent, then further modified his amendment, at the suggestion of Mr. Hill, by striking out all after farm,
in the first line, and inserting the words


o n which resides a family of white vomen and children, not less than ten in number, who are dependent for support and protection on the labor and presence of a
white man, and 011 which there is no white male adult not liable to military duty, or

Feb. 20, 1863.1


male minor or minors capable of working said farm, there shall be exempted one
person as laborer, when said person shall verify t h e facts aforesaid by his own and
the amdavits of two rrspectable citizenfi, to be filed with thr enrolling officer, and
shall also make aKicla\ it tliat said person so to be exeinptetl tlesigiis in good faith
to act in said capacity o n said faiin, and in the event of R failure to tlo so at any
time thereafter, this exeiiiption, as to said person, shall cel=e. Proc idd, The enrolling officer shall be sxtisfied that a white imle adult not liable to iiiilitary duty can
not be procured suitable for said purpose,

On iiiotiori by Mr. Phelan, to amend the amendment proposed by

Mr. Haynes by striking out all aftcr the word That, in the first
line, and inserting:
oiie inale white adult person shall be exempted for every incligcnt family of not less
than five children, neither of which is a male of seventeen years of age. Where
any such family was dependent upon any person now in the military service of the
Confederate States, such person sliall be discharged on his application, npon making
affidavit that there was such a faillily dependent upon his manual labor when he
entered Paid service,

It was determined in the negative, Yeas

-- ---------- -----Nays - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the ailirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, h r n e t t , Mitchel, Phelan, and Simnis.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Caperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch, Ha nes, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, rJohnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldhani, 6rr, Peyton,
Seiiimes, Sparrow, and Ynncey.
On inotion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the amendment proposed by
MY.Haynw hy inserting at the end thereof the following additional
Provided, That when any such lamily is dependeiit or support ailti protection upon
a person now in the Inilitary service of the Confederate State.?,snch persoil shall be
discharged upon his application, ancl iiiaking an affidavit attested by two respectable
citizens of said facts,

It way deteimined in the negative.

On the question t o agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. lIt~ynes,
as iriodified and amended,
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__
17 _
It was deterniined in the affirrnrttivr, 1( Yeas
Nays _ . _ .
_ __
____ 5
On motion by XIr. IIaynes,
The yeas arid nay8 being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the afErmative arc,
Messrs. l h k c r , Caperton, Davis, Dortch, Efayneh, IIenry, Ilill,
Hunter, ,Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldharll, Orr, leyton,
Sernmes, Sparrow, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Burnett, Clark, Phelan, and simms.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Om?r.r.ed,That the first and second sections of the bill hc changed SO
as to be designated as the thirteenth and fourtcerith chuqes of the first
On motion by $1~.
Hill, to amend the bill h r inserting at the end of
the first section t,he following additional clause:
XV. Such other persons as the Presidcnt Rhall be satisfied, ou account of justice,
equity, or necessity ought to be exempted,

It was determined in the affirmative.

On niotion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the bill by inserting after
allowcd, section 2, line 8 , the words by law,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On n~otionby Blr. Orr, to amend the bill by inserting a t the end
of the second section tho words except such persons as have been
enrolled under the provisions of an act entitled An act to amend an
act elltitled .An act to provide further for the public defense,
approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and ap
proved the twenty-sej-enth day of September, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, and who are entitled to exemption under the provisions
of this act,
On niotion by Mr. Phelan, that the furt>herconsideration of the bill
be postponed until to-moi~ow,
I t W:U determined in the negative.
On the question to ngwc to the nineticlinelit proposed 1 ) j ~Mr. Orr,
I t mas determined in the negative.
On niotion hy RIY. TJ:XIICC~,to :mend thc bill by inserting after
ion 1 thc following independcnt scction:

between eiglrtwii :tnd thirty-five years of age, shall be discharged froin the A m y ,

I t was didermineti in the negative.

On motion I)p MY.Scinmes, to amend the bill b y inserting at the

end of the third bertion Lhe words
aiitl no person exeinpted tinder previous laws shall continue to be exempted unless
eiiibractd 11 ithin tile proviaiony and on the ternis and conditions of this act,

It \vab dctci.iiiiiird in the :Lffirmative.

On motion by $11.. Ihelun, to anlend the bill by inserting after section 2 the followiii,g inclependcnt~scction:
RBC. 2. rliat 110 pc~isoiinrldcr tlic age of forty years bhnll be exempted for the
police of slarcs iipoii planhtioiis or for the protwtion of Ennillies of ten persons either
riutlcr tliis or any o t l i c ~ tart,

I t ~7~~scictcririiiic(~in

On motion hy MY.Phelan,
The p i s and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in tlia affirnistivc are,
Messrs. Maxwell, Phclan, and Sirnms.
Thosc who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. 13aker, Barnwell, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch,
Haynes, IIenry, Hill. Ilunler, Johnson of Georgia, Mitchel, Orr,
Peyton, Sjcn~nics,Spnrrow, and Yanccy.
On m o t h t i I)y Mr. Tttnccy, to amend the bill by inserting at the e.nd
of the third section the words
The provisions of tlli.: nct shttll :~pplyto all persons between the ages of eighteel1 and
forty-A\ e years not in {lie military scrricc,
Yeas-. _ _ _ _ ._
- _ _ _ _ _ _ 11
It was dctermineil in the affirinatiw, Nays
.. - . - _ _ _ _ _
__ ._
9 .

On motion by Mr. Phelnn,

The yeas and nays being dcsircd by one-fifth o f the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Feb. 23,1863.1



Messrs. Batter, Barnwell, Caperton, Haynes, Hill, Maxwell,

Mitchel, Orr, Senimes, Sparrow, and Yancey.
Tliose who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Clark, l h v i s , Dortch, Henry, Hunter, Johnson
of Georgia, Plielan, and Siinms.
On motion l)y Rlr. Hill,
Ihc Seiintc i~rsolvedinto executive session.
The doow having h ~ opened,
On motion by 3Ir. Burnett,
The Senate udjonrned.

Mr. O r r (kij~leave) introduced

A bill (S. 53) to deprive ncgroes and mulattoes taken in arms against
the Confederatc States of the rights and iinrnunities of prisoners of
war, and t o sell them into p ~ ~ r p t u slavery
where iio person claims
right of property in them;
which W N S read the first arid second times and referred to the Comuiittcc on the Judiciary.
On niotion by MY. Hill,
The Senate resolved into open legislatire session.

On motion by illr. Orr,

Ordetvd, Tliat the joint resolutions (S. 6) in relation to foreign
:iffairti be printed in confidence for the use of the Senate.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the resolution of the Senate instructing them to inquire
whether the oEcers who may be appointed under the Permanent Govcrnment t o tlie same gr:ide which they held under the Provisional
Govcrnnicnt will take r*nnkfrom the date of their l a 4 appointment or
from their appointment under the Provisional Qove~timent,submitted
:I IqJort (No. 4).
On motion 1 ) ~MY. ili[axwell,
Odtr~ed,That the report l)e printed.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

23, 1863.

Mr. Clay (by leave) introduced

A hill (S.54) for the relief of Mrs. Laura Harper, wife of Col.
1L. W. Harper, corninntiding First Regiment of Arkansas Cavalry ;
I\ hich wa,s rexd the first and second times and referred to the Cominittee on Claims.
Mr. Burnett submitted the following resolution; which was considercd and :greed to:
K r s o k ~ d ,Tliat the Conlmlttee on Public Printing inquire into the propriety of
authorizing the Department of Ju6tic.c. to publish ten thousand copies of the laws of
tbe Pro.\.islonal and Permanent Congrecs ol the Confederate States, in addition to
those already authorized by law to 1,e published.

hlr. Barnwell submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Secretarv of tlic Senate cause to be printed and distributed to
the members of the Senate every Monday a calendar of all business before the Senate.

Mr. Orr (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 55) to vest in the Government, as a part of its postal
system, all the rights of the American Telegraph Company in the
telegraph lines within the Confederate States, and to provide for
working the same;
which was rend the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Bosds.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Conmiittee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (1.It. 10) to d l o w minors to hold commissions
in the Army, reported it with the recommendation that it ought not
to pass.
Mr. Hill, from the Conmiittee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (H. B. 0) to anthorize and regulate the irripressment
of private property for the use of the Army arid other military purposes, reported it without amendnient.
On motion by Alr. Hill,
OrdLtwd, That it be printed.
Mr. Hill, from the Coininittee on the .J~idici:try,who were instructed
by resolution of the Senatc to inquire itito the subject, reported
A bill (S. 56) to amend an act entitled An act to organize military
courts to &end the Army of the Confederate States in the field, and
approved October 9, 1862;
to define the powers of said
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar and printed.
On motion by Mr. S arrow,
Ordered, That the 8ornmittee on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of the joint resolution (S. 5) to regulate
the issue of clothing to oficers in the Army.
Mr. Davis submitted the following resolution; which was considered
and agreed to:
Resoked, That the Committee 011 Military Affairs iriquirc into the propriety of SO
amending the existing law^ that privtttcs Iron1 any State, enlisted in regiments from
other States, mag he transfcrrcd to rclgimenttl from their own State without the consent of thcir coiripany and wgiinental coniriianders.

A message from the House of Eepresentstives, by Mr. McDonald:

Xi-. P~eaiclent:The IIousc of Representatives have passed a bill (H. 3%. 13) to
amend an act for the esbb~ishnientand organization o f a general staff for the Army
of the Confederate States; in which they request t h e concurrence of t h e Senate.

The bill (H. R. 13) received this day from the House of Representatives fo r concurrence was read the first and second times and refevred
to the Committee on Military Affairs.
A message from the President of the Confederate States, by MI-.
13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
My. Pre8idmt: The President of thc Confederate S h k s , 011 the 20th instant,
approved and signed an art (S. 35) to authorize t h e issue of bonds for funding
Treasury notes.

Ordmd, That the Secretary i iiform the House of Representatives


Feb. 23, 1863.1



The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the considemtion of the bill (8. 27) defining who shall be exempt from military
service in thc a mi e h of the Confederate Htateh.
On motion by 3fr. Sininis, to aniend the bill by inserting after the
word employees, section 1, line 32, the words
Provided, That no president or conductor of any railroad company or railroad
train shall b? exempted froin military service under this act s h e n such president or
conductor shall fail, neglwt, or refuse to furnish seat9 t o such wounded and sick
soldiers of the Army as 1 1 1 ~ ~desire
transportation over snch railroad, and fresh water
for drinking purposes, in such tanks or vessels i n each passenger car as may be
necessary for the use of said sick and wounded, and also the necessary fires to render
said cars comfortable,

It was deteriiiined in the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. Dortch, to aniend the bill by inserting after the

word ~ u c h , section 1, line 29. the words superintendents, roadiiiasters, station age~its,
I t was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Caperton, to amend the bill by inserting after
the word navigation, section 1: line 34, the words
t h e president of any calla1 c o n i p a q , secietary, chief clei ks, chief toll-gatherer, and
sucli rriechanic~a,in the pernmient service of said company a8 the president, under
oath, Rhall declare to be necwsary,

It wv&sdetermined in the :%Errnative.

On motion of Mr. Yancey, to aniend the bill by inserting after the


section 1, line 29, the words

Prozrided, That said pilots shall at all times enter into the service of t h e Confederate States as pilots on vessels owned or chartered b the Confedernte States,and
being used to run t h r bloc.kade of any of the ports o r the Confederate States 13 hen
required to do so by the commander of said vessel on the proinise of reasonable compensation for said service, fo be gradnatcd according to prices usually paid for similar services a t the port or ports into or from which paid vessels are to be navigated;
and in the event of the refusal or failure of any of said pilots to comply with said
demand for his services, this exeiqtion, a8 to him, shall be of no effect,

It mas determined ill the negative.

On motion by Mr. Siiiinis, to amend the bill by inserting a t the end
of the first section the following proviso:
Provided, That the following-named persons mentioned in the first section of this
act shall only bc cxciripted from rnilltary service by paying, each one of them, into
thc Treasury of t h e Confederate States, the followiiig siniis in Confederate Treasury
All pilots, officers, or engineers engaged in the inerchaiit-marine service, and who
are not cxclusirely in t h e employment of the Govemnient of the Confederate States,
one thousand five hundred dollars.
All other persons who arc owners or part owners of any vessel or craft engaged in
such service, or who are owners or part owners of the cargoes of the same, or who
(IeriJTe profit therefrom in any manner whatever, one thousand five hundred dollars.
All persons who have in their einploymeiit five OF more employees as shoemakers,
tanners, blacksmiths, wagon makers, millers, or millwrights, and who themselves
claim to be exempted because engaged in these several trades, and who are the
owners or part owners of such shoemaking establishment, wagon-making shop, mills
or millwright establishnients, tannery, or blacksmith shop, arid who are not in the
employlnellt of t h e Goverrnnent of the Confederate States, five hundred dollars:
P ~ o l ~ i d e dThat
all such nlillers, whcre they nianufacture one hundred barrels of flow
per day, or more, shall pay one thousand fire hundred dollars.
All captains of canal boats, or other vessels engaged in (-analor river Ilavigation,
or other persolis a h o are o\vners or part owners of the sariie, c.laiining exemption
thereby, and ho are not i n the employment of the Governnie~itof the Confederate
States exclusively, one thousand dollars.




a l l presidenb of railroads or telegraph companies, and superintendenta of the

same, not in the exclusive ernploynient of the Government of the Confeder
one thousand dollars.
All superintendents or operatives i n wool or cotton factories, or paper mills, who
are the owrlers in whole or in part, or the son or sons of sndi owner o r part owner
of such factory or paper mill, or who are the owners, in whole or i n part, of the productions or fabrics of such factory or paper mill, and who are not in the exclusive
employment of the Government of t h e Confederate States, two thousand dollars.
All superintendents of laborers engaged in the manufacture or niiiiing of salt, who
are the owners or part owners, or t h e son or sons of such owner or part ownew of
the salt so manufactured or mined, making five hundred bushels or more per day,
three thousand dollars; or not less than two hundred bushels per day, two thousand
dollars; or not less than one hundred bushels per day, one thousand five hundred
dollars; or not less than fifty bushels per day, one thousand dollars.
All superintendents of laborers engaged in t h e production of lead or iron, who are
the owners, in whole or in art, o r the sons of such owner or part owner, of the lead
or iron so produced, and wRo are not in the employment of the Government of the
Confederate States, one thousand five hundred dollars.
All regular and skilled miners i n coal mines, who are the owners or part owners,
or the son of such owner or part owner of the coal so niined, one thousand five
hundred dollars.
All persons who are the owners of twenty or more slaves, who are engaged in the
business of overseeing, and who by reason of that fact are exempted under this act,
one thousand dollars: Provid~d,That nothing hereiii contained shall be so construed
as to apply to any seanian, boat Iiaiicl, or sailor engaged in the merchant-marine
service, or in river or canal navigatioii, or to any shoemaker, tanner, blacksmith,
miller, wagon makcr, or millwright who is a journeyman, work hand, or apprentice,
with no pecuniary interest in the business in which he is engaged, unless he be t h e
son of the owner or part owner of the establishment; or to any superintendent or
laborer in any woolcn or cotton factory or paper mill, who are merely in t h e employment of others, with no pecuniary interest in the business or trade, unless he be the
son of the owner or part owner of t h e same; or to a n y superintendent of laborers in
salt works, lead or iron establishments, or miners i n coal mines, who are in the
employment of others and have no pecuniary interest in the business, unless he be
t h e Ron of t h e owner or part owner of the sanie; nor to any president of any railroad
or telegraph company, unless he be a stocklioltler i n such company: Providedjurfher,
That it sliall be t h e duty of each enrolling oflicer, and h e is hereby empowered, to
administer to each person daiming exemption under this art by reason of his trade,
occupation, or employment, the necessary oath, showing to what extent h e is owner
or part owner i n the business, trade, or calling in which he is engaged, which statement, so nisde i n writing, and sworn to before said enrolling officer, shall be received
as p r i m facie evidence of the fa& only; and in all such cases it shall be t h e duty of
t h e said enrolliiig officer to report his proceedings i n eac+i case to t h e Secretary of
War, with the iianie and place of residence of the party so sworn, who shall, under
such rules and regulations as lie may prescribe, cause t h e said party to be exempted,
as the facL9 of the case niay be, by paying the amonnt herein required, or cause him
to he enrolled i n the event of a refiisal to pay t h e same: Provrded d s o , That the
Government of the Confederate States reserves, at all tinies, the right to refund the
amoyit so received wheii it inay be necessary to call said persons into t h e military

On motion by Mr. Clay, that the amendment lie on the table,

It was deterrnincd in the affirmative, Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l4
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
_ _ __
_____ 9
On motion by Mr. Sjmms,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Rarnwell, Clay, Davis, Dortch, IIaynes, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Maxwell,
Orr, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Clark, Oldham, Peyton, Phelan, Seinmes,
Simms, and Yancey.
So it was
Ordered, That the said amendment lie on the table.

Feb. 23,1863.1



On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the bill by inserting after the

word States, section 1, line 38, the following proviso:
Iroritled, That the iates c h a r g d 011 said railroads and canals for mrr ing passengers and freights diall he b i i c h that the net profits of the respective roa& and a n &
S h d 1 IlOt eXCeed fifteeii per ceiituni per aniiuin 011 tile capital actually invest& and
paid in, to be ascertained by the aff-idavit of the presideilts of the respective roads
and canals,

On niotion by &h.IIagnes, to :mend the amendment proposed by

JJr. Hill hq- striking out fiftecn per centum and inserting (thirty
pcr ccntum,
On niotiori by >h.Davis, that the ~rriendmentproposed by My. Hill,
togcthcr with the amendinent proposed thereto by Mr. Haynes, lie on
the table,
I t WRSdetermined in tlic affirmative.
On motion by Illr. Seiiiiiics, to arncnd the bill by inserting after
section 1, linc 29, the words excludirig such owner8 of
vcssclh as are not actually eniployed in navigating the same,
It was detcriiiiiied in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the bill by inserting after
< < reporters," section 1, line 50, the words and mailing clerks,
1 t was determined in the affirmative.
On inotion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the bill by insertin
reporters, section 1, line 40, the words and reporters for
tive arid legal proceedings,
Tt mas dcteriiiined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Brown? to arncnd the bill by striking out, section
1, lines 90 and 91, the words
A11 phy&iaiis n h o now arc and haw been for the last five years in the actual practice of tlwiv profession; and,

It wiis determined in the negative.

On niotion by MY.Kcnry, by unanimous consent, to amend the

aniendincnt heretofore agrccd to in rclatiori to thc exemption of one
peison on each farm o r pladatiori on wliich there are twenty or more
slavcs, for police purposes, by striking therefrom the words the perhon so cxcmpted was employed and acting as an overseer previous to
the hixtccnth of April last, and inserting in lieu thereof the words
that this clause shall not extend to any farin or plantation on which the negroes have
been placed by division from any other farm or plantation since the eleventh day of
October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,

After debate,
&lr. Davis demanded the question; which mas seconded, and
Tho question being put,
_ _ __._ - - _ _ .. 7
Yeas.- _.
It was determined in the negative, N~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17
On motion by MY.Hill,
611~yeas arid riayh bcing desired by one-fifth of the Senators prescnt,
Those w h o voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Barnivcll, Clay, Henry, Hill, Johnson of Georgia, Orr, and
Y ancey.
lhose who voted i n tht. negatire are,
Messrs. IZalter, I;unlett, Cqwrton, Clark, Dtwis, Dortch, Haynes,
Hunter, ,Johnson of Arkausns, Jhxwell, Mitchel, Oldhatn, Peyton,
Phelan, Semmes, Simiiis, and Sparrov.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell, by unanimous consent, to amend the
r y



[Feb. 28,1863.

said amendment in relation to the police of slaves by inserting at the

end thereof the following additional proviso:
Provided further, That this clause shall not extend to any farm or plantation on
which the negroes have been placed by division from any other farm or plantation
since the eleventh day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,

It was determined in the affirmative, Nays

Y e a s -_ +_ _- _- -_ -_ ._ ._--_- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- _- 23
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Brown, Burnett, Clark, Clay, Davis,
Dortch, Haynes, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell,
Mitchel, Oldham, Orr, Peyton, Phelan, Semmes, Simms, Sparrow, and
Mr. dohnson of Arkansas voted in the negative.
No further aniendmcnt lrcing proposed, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the ainendriients made as in Committee of the Whole were
concurred in.
That the bill be engrossed and mad a third time.
On motion by MI. Sparrow,
Ordered, That the bill as amcrided be printed.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Yancey,
The Senate adjourned.

The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by his Secretary, Mr. 3. N. Harrison:
Va., Rlebruarlg 20, 186%

To the President qf (he Senate of the

Poi7federcitc States:

I nominate the pcrsons naincd in thc annexed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his reconinicndation.
Riclmond, February 18, 1863.
SIR: J have the lionor to recommend thr following nominations for appointment
in the Navy, under act No. 146, approved Xay 10, 1861:
First lieutenant.

W. Winder Pollock, of Maryland, late lieutenant in the United States Navy, to

take rank at the foot of the list of first lieutenants.

William D. Harrison, of Virqinia, late surgeon i n t h e TJnited States Navy, to take

rank at the foot of tlrc list of surgeons.
P r r y respectftilly, your obedient ser\rant,
Secretary of the Navy.

The message was read.

Ordered, That i t be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Feb. 23, 1863.1



Thc following message mas rcccived from the President of the Confcdcrate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
I ~ I C H M ~VA.,
N D , Fchmurry $0, 1863.
To tlic Ir~sidrnt of the S ~ n n t c .
T noininntc thc pcrson nanicd in the arincxed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recommendation.
COXFJ3l~ISRATE 8TATES O F h f I E K I C . 4 , NAVY h I A X T M E N T ,


Rbchmond, February 19, 186%


SIR: I have tlie honor to reconimeiid the following noininatioii for appointment in
the Rary:
A rsisitcri t paymaster.
Finieoii T3. Reartlon, of Arkansas.
With niuch respect, your obedient servant,

Secretary of the h h v y .

The nicssttge was read.

U i d ~ r e t l ,That it be referred to tlio Coinniittee on Naval Affairs.
The following iiiessage was received froin the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

RicnMom, VA., February 20, 1863.

!To the Pwsident of the Srnate:

I noiiiinate the peisons mined in the annexed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his rccommendation.
r .



Richntond, E%bruar!y 18, 1865.

1 ]It


Sr H : I have tlic honor to recoininenti the following noniinations for appointment

in the Savv:


First Lieut. \Villiaiii I,. Manry, of TTirginia, vice Connnuider Williarri McBlair,
l i o s t lieutenant.
Sccolitl Licnt. 1 I ( ~ 1 1 l rIS. Claihornc, ot Louisiana, rice First Lieut. William 1,.
Naurj promoted, to rank next above Tdent. Walter 1Z. Butt.


11astc.r iii line of promotion, Mortiiiier M. Benton, ol Kentucky, vice Second Lient.
fienrj 13. Claibornc, pioinoltd

J . IT. Reaslr, of Tennessee; \Villiam 11. Chase, of Georgia; IT. 15. Mchffie, of
. William 31. Lacid, of Niwouri.
6. ft. MALLORY,
v respectfully, your obedient servant,
Siwetary of the Navy.

Thc mcssagc wab read.

referred t G the Committee on Naval Aflairs.
lgc was r e c e i d from the President of the Conr. 13. N. Irlarrison, his Secretary:
Rrcnzioui), V I , Pdwicctril 20, 186.3.
70 t 1 1 Pwsiclmt
qf tlrc~S l e t ~ ~ l c :

I no~ni~?ate
t h r 1 p r m 1 h nanie(1 in tlic annexed letter of thr. Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his r&oirirneiidation.



[Feb. 23,1868


.Richmond, February 18,2869.

SIR: I have t h e lionor to recommend the followiiig nominations for appointmerit in
t h e Navy, under act Nu. 331, approved December 24, 1861:
IT/iputenantsfor the war.

Samuel Barron, jr., of Virginia; Thomas W. Benthall, of Maryland; E. C. Stockton, of South Carolina; John G. Blackwood, of Maryland; Julius A. Pratt, of Louisiana; Marshall Brown, of North Carolina.
ilss-istant surgeom for the war.
R. C. Bowles, of ICei?tqckq; IIenry Stone, of Louisiana; Jolun C. Iarrison, of Texas;
H. B. Meade, of b'Iirsi8sippi.
Very respcctfnlly, your obedient servant,
Secrettq of the Army.

The message was rend.

Ordtwd, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
'I'he following incssage w w rcceivcd from the President of the Confederate SttttePI, by Mr, 3. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Zi'ebrucwy 91, 1868'.
To tlie Senate of ihe CoFfrdPrde ,'itaten:
Agreeably to ilie r~.c.oiiirni.nclatioll
of the Stvetary of War, I nominate t h e officers
on the accobpanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Rickmond, February 90,1868.
SIR:I have the honor to rc~cornmendthe following nominations for appointment
in the Army of the Confederate States of America:

Sam. Cooper, of Virginia, to take rank I\hy 16, 7861.
1iol)tJrtE. Lee, of Virginia, to take rankJune 14, 1861.
Joseph I+:. Johnston, of Virginia, to take rank July 4, 1861.
ti. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, to take rank July 21, 1861.
1 am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
,Vecretciry of Far.
To 11% ISxcc4enc.y .JEBW:RSONDAVIS,
Presidext, talc.

The message was read.

O?dmed, T h a t it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Orr submitted Ihe following resolution:
Resolved, That the President be requested to communicate to the Senate, in
executive session, d l the correspondewe which has taken place between this Government and o w commissioners to foreign nations.

The Senate roceeded to consider said resolution; and

On motion y Mr. Orr,
Resolved, That its further consideration be postponed till to-morrow.
On motion hy Mr. Yancey,
The Scmte resolved into open legislative session.

F'el,. 2.1,1863.]



24, 1863.

Mr. f3:tkcr sitbuiittrcl the. following resolution; \\+ich ~vasconsidered

and ugrccd to:
ltcsolced, That the Comniittcc~on the Judiciary be instrurtecl to inquire whether
it \\ ouitl be especlicnt and j w t to eiteiitl to collateial relatiolls of alieil enemies,
faithkal citizens of any of the Contccterate State,<,or ciipagcti in the luilitarp or naoal
service, the rights noivallo\\-ect to thenest of kin in thedirect iiscending and descending line, under the prorision. 01 the Pequestration act, approved. February fifteenth,
eighteen hundred mct sixty-two.

Nr. Sparrow presentcd a cominunicntion from William W. Farmer,

of Louisiana, suggesting certain reforills i n thc po,stnl service; w7iich
was referred to the Coiiirriittce on Post-Offices and Post-Koads.
The President pro tcriiporc laid M o r e the Senate the petition of
Tsaac T-I. A(Xams mid otliem, iiiail agents on railroads in Virginia and
Tenncssec, prnj7ing for an increase of coinpcnsntion; which was referred
to the Corninittee on Post-Offices arid Post-Roads.
Mr. Rurnett, from the Cornrriittcc on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (H. B. IS) i'or the relief of certain officers :~ndsoldiers
from the State of hlissonri, rcportcd it with the recommendation that
i t ought not to p:~ss.
MI-. Scinines, from the Committco on tlic Judiciary, who wcrc
iirhtrnctctl l)y resolution of thc Senate to inqiiirc into the subject,
A bill (S. 37) rc1:itire to tlw bonds o f clii:wtcwtl;wterb :tnd coinmissnrics of tlicx Confcdcrtitc Stnlci;
\vl-hic.Ii\\:is m i d the tirht ant1 ~ c o i i dtiinch :~ndo r c l c i d to 1)c pla~ced
upon thc Calciid:ir : i d x i n t c d .
The Senate p r o c e d e , :is in C'onuriittoe of the JVholo, to thc consideration of the bill (S. 10) in rc.lntion to substitutes.
On iiiotion by ,111. Siiiiiiis, that thc bill, togcthcr with thc reported
arncridnicnt. lie rcxomniittcd to the Coiiiinittce oii Nilittwy At;tirs,
with instructions to inquire into the expediency of repealing d l laws
authorizing persons liable to tiiilitary duty to furnish suhstitutcs; :ind
also into the expediency of refunding to all persons who have furnished
substitutes t h e amount paid by ttiern for the same, and when the amount
so p i d is rcfundad, to require till such persons to enter the iriilitary
service as other persons who are liahlc to such service, the Substitute
so fni*nihhcdto remain i u the hervice of the Confederate Stater during
the tcriu of his enlistment,
It ~ r a sclctcrrriincd in the negative.
On the qtlestion to agree to the following reported mncndment, viz:
Add the following independent m t i o n :

)ersoiis TI h o ha\ e hcretoforc farni~.hetlsubstitute? hhall

SEC.2. Th,Lt in all ra
ice, if \I itliiii thc ape prcxrilwd by h W , when the sub),e <y1yo]lp(l anc1 lleld to
stitute hac; deberted iroin tlic service,

{ 5;;

. _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _

It mas determined i n the negative,

. _ _
. 14
On motion by M r , Sparrow,
The yeas and n a p l ~ c ~ dpsircd
by on(.-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmatire are,



Messrs. Baker, IZrown, Rurnctt, Dortch, Henry, Peyton, Phelan,
Sininis, and Sparrow.
Those who votcd i n the negative are,
Messrs. BarnmclL, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Davis, Nayncs, IJill,
Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arliansas, Maxwell, Mitchel,
Om, and Yancey.
On inotion by MY. Hill, to amend the bill by striking out all after
the enactirig clause and inserting:
That mlien any person who shall be hereafter received into the military service as
u substitute shall descrt, the person who furnished the substitute shall be enrolled
a d held to service. Bat the person so enrolled and held to service dial1 he discharged by producing the sul)stitntc to the colnnralici from which he deserted; and
r~othingin this act shall be ronstrued to relieve the substitute from t h e peilalties of

Yeas _- .- . . _____ ._ . _ _
- _
It fv:is deterniinacl i n thc ucgtbtive, Nays _ _ . _ __ _
_- _
_ _ .- . _14
On motion by MY.Phelan,
'rhc yeas and nib?.; being desired by one-iit'th of the Scnators present,
Thohe who voted in the nffirtn:ttivc are,
rs. lhlicr, Caperton, Clay, Hill, Johnson of Gcorgia, Maxwell,
;Llitclicl, Oldhain, :uid Orr.
'I'hosc who voted in the negative arc,
JI wsrs. IZnrnw:ll, lZrown, Ihrnett, Clark, Daris, L)ortch, Iiaynes,
ITciiry, Huntcr, cJolinbon of Arkansas, Phelan, Sininis, Sparrow, and
No runendment bcing niado, the bill was reportcd to the Senate.
On the qucstioii,
Shall thc bill bc engrosscd and read a third time?
It ')vtis clcterniincd in the affirmative, Yeas - - -_-_- _- _-- -_ _.-_ - - _- _- -_ -_ _- _ 13
On niotion 1)shIr. Johnson of A r k a n u q
The yews :mil imys being dcsired by one-fifth of thc Senators present,
w ~ i o1 oted in tlic aftirmative are,
Mwsrs. IZtbrnwell, Brown, Iluniett, Clark, Clay, Davis, Dortch,
IIcniy, Iluntor, Oldhtun, Phelan, Simnis, and Sparrow.
'l'hosc who v o t d in the negntive are,
Mcssrs. I%tlit,r, C a p ~ t o n Haynes,
Hill, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arlcanha,~,Mnxwell, Mitchel, Orr, and Ysncey.
So it WILS
That tlic bill be engrossed and read a, third time.
Tlic said bill was read the third time.
B ( d w d , That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O r d m d , That the Secretary request the concurrence of thc House
of Rcprcsentatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Brown, that the Senate proceed to th e consideration of the bill (S. 28) further to provide for the public defense,
-- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- It was dcterinined in the negative, YeasNays .- - - - - - - - - - .- - - _ _ _ _ 11
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Brown, Clark, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, ,
Mitchel, Oldharn, Orr, Phelan, and Simms.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Mar. 21,1863.1

B. W.Ussery, Tennessee, surgeon.

R. J. Bigelow, Florida, surgeon.
Thomas J. Bufington, Louisiana, surgeon.
Edward Swanson,Tennessee, surgeon.
J. M. Brannock, Tennessee, surgeon.
Edw. tl. C. Bailey, Missouri, surgeon.
E. hlcl). Coffey, Missouri, surgeon.

John ill. Allen, Mlssoun, surgeon.

Preston 1%.Scott, Kentucky, surgeon.
Charles C. Srirlcy, C'ieorgia, burgeon.
W.S. I,ove, Louisiana, burgeon.
Thoinas J. Yoykin, Virginia, snrgeon.
J. C. 11.Merillat, ViIginia, surgcon.
Ci. IF'. Currey, Tennessee, surgeon.
Joe. C. Iiabelsham, Georgia, surgeon.
John J. Dcriic nt, Alabama, surgeon.
J. W.Thompson, Kentucky, Purgeon.
W.K. Pegram, Virginia, arsifitant surgeon.
Andrew P. Wright, Kort I1 <":lrolirla,siirgron.
Peter Custis, North Carolina, surgeon.
I,. P. Yandell, jr., Teniiewx, sorgeoii
J. F. Mcltee, Maryland, surgeon.
A. R. Cahaniss, Missishippi, siirgeon
1. M. Weedon, Florida, surgeon.
James A3. Alexander, Tenuessee, surgeon.
A. Dunlop, Arkansas, surgeon.
John T. Uarby, South Carolina, surgeon.
James A. Bowers, Tennessee, surgeon.
I?. F. Browne, Virginia, surgeon.
R. Kidder Taylor, Ivlississippi, surgeon.
3. (3, IIigginbotham, Virginia, surgeon.
Marion Howard, Virginia, surgeon.
James W. (:laihorne, Virginia, siirgeon.
Herbert M. Nauh, Virginia, surgeon.
K. J. Roach, Georgia, surgeon.
J. 1'. Logan, Cieorgia,.surgeon.
Robert Batt?y, Georgia, surgcon.
Alexander Hart, Lonisiana, surgeou.
James S. Mot el, Georgia, surgeou.
Peter E. IIinrs, North Carolina, surgeon.
IIoward T. Barton, Virginia, surgeon.
Richard.'1 Johnson,. bIaryland, surgeon.
W. M. Wilson, Virgnia, surgeon.
J. B. Gaston, Alabama, surgeon.
Joseph F. Watkiiis, Virginia, surgeon.
J. B. Strachan, I'irginia, si~rgeon.
W.13. Cumming, Georgia, surgeon.
J. M. Johnston, Virginia, surgeon.
J. B. Tuft, Virginia, surgeon.
W. 6. RIeicAre, Georgia, srlrgyoa.
I,iringston Wadtlell, Virginia, surgeoil.
Robert 13. Moore, Alabaiira, swceoii.
John Minor, Yirginia, surgeon.
U. R. Jones, Tirginia, surgeon.
William A. Thom, Virginia, surgeon.
R. P. Walton, Virginia, surgeqn.
W.M. Campbell, Korth Carolina, surgeon.
George W. Briggs, Virginia, surgeon.
G. S.West, North Carolina, surgeon.
J. S. Wellford, Virginia, surgeon.
C. 8. Hilliard, Alabama, assistant surgeon.
Edward J. Remhert, South Carolina, assistant siirgeon.
W. S. Mitchell, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
J. W.Sears, Alabama, assistant surgeori.
Alexander T. Bell, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
James Evans, South Carolina, assifitant surgeon.
J. M. Aclams, Alabama, assistant surgeon.



Bartlett A. Curtis, Virginia, assistant surgeon.

13. L. Hines, Mississippi, assistant surgeon.
F. M. Henderson, North Carolina, assistant surgeon.
R. D. Bagnall, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
J. C. Jones, Texas, assistant surgeon.
J. C. Moble)., Virginia, assistant surgeon.
p. B. Baker, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
E. Jaquelin Harrison, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
James 8. Gillianl, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
Charles H . Taber, South Carolina, assistant surgeon.
J. F. Jackson, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
J. A. Groves, Mississippi, assistant siirgeon.
Edinunds Mason, Vip-inia, assistant. niirgeon.
Eniile T. Sabal, Virgiiiia, assistant surgeon.
Thomas H. Fisher, Virginia, surgeon.
James I;. Grant, Tennessee, surgeon.
James D. Galt, Virginia, surgeon.
W. TI. Beddings, South Carolina, surgron.
Peter Lyons, Virginia, surgeon.
t'. W. Young, North Carolina, surgeon.
Thomas 13. Me~nniinger,Soiith Carolinw, surgeon.
Robert T. Royston, Ald1ania, surgeoil.
Randolpl~Harlisdale, TTirginia, surgeon.
Henry R. Koel, Virginia, surgeon.
Benjamin Blac:Bford, Tirginia, surgeon.
A. .
'!I Bailey, Georgia, surgcwn.
Thoinas A. Means, Georgia, surgeon.
E. N. Wood, Virginia, surgeon.
W. C. Crow, Alabainx, surgeon.
II, H. hfcGiiire, Virginia, surgeon.
J. W. Rainsay, hrliansas, surgeon.
Williaiii M. Post, South Carolina, surgeon.
George F. Cooper, Georgia, surgeon.
M. M. Lewis, Virginia, surgeon.
E. Lloyd Howard, Virginia, surgeon.
C. W. Chancellor, Virginia, surgeon.
J. A. Straith, Virgiuia, surgeou.
G..'!I Thornhill, Virginia, surgeon.
W. S. Grymes, Virginla, surgeon.
George W. Scniple, Virginia, surgeon.
W. J. Moore, Virginia, snrgeoii.
G. S. E%bert, Imiisiana, surgeon.
Jogeph A . Janies, South Carolina, surgenn.
Thomas 31. Pahiier, Ilorida, siirgeou.
I. V. Miller, Georgia, surgeon.
M. H. Houston, Virginia, surgeon.
Octavins A. Whitc, South Camliim, rnrgtton.
W. T. Walker, Virginia, surgeon.
James 17. IIustis, South Carolina, snrgeon.
George Whitficld, Alxbatna, surgeon.
W. . Moore, North Carolina, surgeon.
J. B. Hill, Mississippi, surgeon.
Uavid 1-1. Tucker, Georgia, surgeon.
Spiers Singleton, North Carolina, urgeo on.
Samuel Logan, South Carolina, surgeon.
T. R. \TTingo, Tennessee, assistant surgeon.
Alfred R. Gourrier, Louisiana, assistant surgeon.
W. IV. IIamner, Virainia, assistant surgeon.
R. I<. Carter, ITirginfa, assistant surgcon.
13. 13. Perrin, Virginia, a s k t a n t surgeon.
Franklin J. Moses, Sou41: Carolina, assistant surgeon.
0. P. Langworth y, Loalsiana, assistant surgeon.
J. T. McParland, Georgia, assistant surgeon.
Jaines A . Miller, North Carolina, assistant siirgeon.
J. C. Walker, Virginia, assistant snrgeou.
Edward C;. Porcl-rrr,Sout>hCarolina, assistant wrgeon.
H. P. Butt, Virginia, msistant surgeon.
G . R. Millen, (icorgia, assistaiit surgeon.

[Nar. 24,1863.

Mar. 25,1863.1


John M. Richmond, North Carolina, assistant surgeon.

C. L. Garnett, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
James McIntosh, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
J. M. Dennis, Virginia, assistnnt surgeon.
J. 1. Blaxom, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
W. J. Davidson, Yirginia, assistant surgeon.
Newton Wayt, Georgia, assistant surgeon.
B. St. George Tnclrer, I'irginin, assistant surgeon.
S. V. 11. Hill, Alabania, assistant surgeon
W.D. Sonicrs, Rortli Carolina, assistant surgeon.
W. X. Rloscley, Tirginia, assistant surgeon.
Colby Cowiirxrd, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
(i.A. McL)ov ell, Louisiana, assistant surgeon.
James J . Cook, Lonisiana, assistant surgeon.
J. 1. Xuttall, Trnncssee, assistant surgeon.
1. PIT. Youiig, Virginia>asistant surgeon.
Peter IVinston, Viiginia, ahsistnnt surgeon.
H.F. IVitlierspoon, T,otiisiana, assintaut burgeon.
C. $1. rI&er, Virginia, assistant hnrgtwti.
Willinin 3lorro\\ , Tennessee, assistant snrgeon.
W. T. Delany, Tenii
F. T. Fry, Virginia,
Sterling C> Eve, Georgia, a&stant surgeon.
C. Shirley Carter, Virginia, assistant snrgeon.
Danicl Parker, Alabaina, assistant surgeon.
John C 13a>lor,Virginia, awiytant surgeon.
William \V. Gaittier, Korth Carolina, assistant surgeon.
C. K. Manzy, South Chrolina, asristant surgeon
P. B. Stomll, Mississippi, assistant surgeon.
S. 11. Laniar, Georgia, assistant surgeon.
W. L. Lipscomb, Mississippi, assistant surgeon.
Egbert U . Johnston, i'irginia, assistant surgeon.
G. L. Jones, Georgia,,aqsistarit surgeon.
John Clopton, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
Thomas Opic, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
L. B. Herndon, Yirginia, assistant surgeon.
M. J. De Rosset, Xorth Carolina, assistant surgeon.
G. V. Carrington, \71rg1n1+ asslstalit surgeon.
J. S. Buist, South Carolina, assistant surgeon.
W. H. Sanders, Alabama, assistant turgeoii.
Richard Boyd, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
G. A. D. Galt, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
H. C.' Chalmers, Virgiiiia, assistant surgeon.
Tonilin Rraxtoii, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
Walton Sannder s, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
C. R. Hayw aid, Virginla, assistant surgeon.
J . T. Love, Tennessee, assistant surgeon.
Joseph Yates, South Carolina, assistant snrgeon.
R. E. Moore,, Virginia, assistant surgeon.
Arthur Brogden, Maryland, assistant snrgeon.
B. 111. Lebby, South Carolina, assistanc surgeon.
Samuel Miller, South Carolina, assistant surgeon.

Thc message was mad.

Ordered, 'I'hat it be refcrred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On inotioil by Mr. Orr,
The sen& resolved into opcri lcgislativc scssion.



Mr. Barnwell (by leare) introduced

A bill (S.94) to eshblish the form of fifty-cent Treasury notes;
which was mad the first ~ i i dsecond tirnes and referred to the Committee on Finance.



[Mar. 25,1863.

Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was

recommitted t he bill (S. 67) t o declare the mode of paying salaries to
o a cers in foreign parts, reported it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 67) last mentioned;
which was agaiii read the second t i n ~ eand considered as in Committee
of the Whole; and the reported amendment having been agreed to,
the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was voncurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engroased and read a third time.
The said hill was read the third time,
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as sforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred th c bill (S. YO) to continue in force an act entitled An act
to authorize a loan and the issue of Treasury notes; and to prescribe
the punishiiient for forging the same, and fo r forging certificates of
stock and bonds, approved May 16, 1561, reported i t with an
aiiiendnient .
lhc Scnatc proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to t h e considcration of the bill (Y. 00) last mentioned; and the reported :mendriient liaving been agrced to, the bill mas iv.yorted to the Senate and
the aniendmcnt wab concui-red in.
Udei*ecl, That the hill be engrossed and read a third time.
rhc said hill war read the third time and t h e title mas amended.
Besolaed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be An act relative
to certain bonds and Treasury notes issued under the provisions of the
act approved sixteenth May, eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Rlr. Barnwell, froni the Comrnittec on Finance, submitted the following resolution; which mas considered and agreed to:
liesolnetl, Tlmt the Iresideiit Ite rc.qiirsted to muse estiinates to bc made by the
several lieads of Departiiients of the aiiiount necessary to be appropriated for the
scrvice of tht: (;ovcwiiiient until the first (lay of January nest, aiitl cominunicate
the wine to the Senate.
Mr. Harnwell, lroni the Committee on Finance, s~ibniitteda scheme
for taxation; which w x s ordercxd to be printed.

The Scntite proceeded, as in Cornrnittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 43) for tho relief of the Brunsmiclc and Albany
Railroad Conipany ; and the reported aniendnient having been amended,
on the motion of Mr. IJolinson of Georgia, by inserting after tlie word
therefore, in the sixth line, the words t o preserve the said railroad from being broken up o r destroyed, mas agreed to, and the bill
was reported t o the Senate and the amendment was concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Omkred, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate procecdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.4) to regulate the action of the Secretary of
the Navy upon the decisions of naval general courts-martial; and
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,

Mar 25, 1863.1


O.r.derwl, That the further consideration thereof be postport

Monday next.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of t h
sideration O f the hill (8. 41) to amend the several
mode of publishing the laws and resolutions of th
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the
t w ~ , section 1, line 6, and inserting (four,
It mas determined in the affirmative.
No further amendment being proposed the bill mas reported to t
Senate and the amendment was concurred in.
O~derecl,That the bill be engrossed and read a third timc.
The said bill mas read the third time,
B w d v e d , That it pass, arid thal the tille thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordeyed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into secret legislati ye scssion.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Phelan submitted the following motion for consideration:
O&wd, That, the vote on passing the hill (S. 9 3 ) to provide tobacco
for the Army be reconsidered.
On motion by Mr. Ihelan,, That thc Secretary request the return froin the House of
Ke resentatives of the bill (S.$43) last mentioned.
8 n motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate adjourned.

A niessage from the 1 Ioiise of,

hy MI-. Dixon, tlieir
MI.. President: The JIonsc of Repi-esentatiws linre passed i bill ( I l . It. 18) to Jay
taxes for the cnnimoii defrnw and carry on the (;overnillent oi the Colifedcixte States;
i n which they request the coiicurreiicc of thc. Senate

The bill (13. It. 18) comniunic:~tedthis d a y f roiu the IIouse of 12epresentatives for concurrence WLS r e d the first and second tinies and
referred to the Corninittee on Finance.
On motion b j 7 Mi.. I3arnwel1,
07de7~ed,That it bc
oniinittee of the Whole, the considernThe Seriatr resiuned
2) rc1ati.i.c to the plan of rc%alhtion
tion of thp joint reso1
proposed in t lie Iiwidcnts nicssngc.
After dclmte,
On aiotiou by MY.lhclan, that tho i~(w)liition
lic upon tho table,
I t was drtermined in the negatim
The reportcd timendinetit having hcen agrecd to, the resolution was
reported to the Spnatc. and tlie ainendrnent mas concurred in.
Or.&rcd, That the resolution he engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Reaoloed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be :is aforesaid.
Ovdered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Sellate proceeded, :is i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.8%)to authorize retaliation on the clleliiJ for
iriolations of the usages of civilized warfare during the present ~ a r .


[Mar. 26, 1865.


On motion by MI-.
Phrlaii, to stiiieiid the hill by striking uuL, section
* - or of those undrr the protwtion,
It was dctcrniinrd in the negati\ c.
On iiiotion by illr. Sparrow, to arxwiicl tbe bill by inserting after
inuiattoes, section 2, line 3, who arc slavrh,
On iirotioii t)y 311..
The Senate rcholved into (Xxwutive

1, line 7 , the words


The following ~nessageswei*c

Confcdcratc Shtch, l)y MI-. 13. N.

-cd from the President of the

i w n , hi? Secretary:

Itrctr KOWI, Xurch 23, 186s.

/iw S m t t e o/ t i v (on.f~lerct/(~
I( rc.coiiiiiiciitlatioii 0 1 the Stwetary of \Var, I nominate Lirut. CoI.

, to

I)e c~olouc~lJiitli (ontrderate Kegiiiicwt, to rank



?$, JXfi3

Stit. 1 Iia\ t h e Iio~ioi.t o ~c~*oi~niiic~ntl

the i0110~iiiq i i o n i i i i : ~ t i o i i for 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 o in
llic Pie\ \rniy 01 t l i c (on!c.cltli.,ite 8tatt.i of iiiiicric.a

( (ilonrl

Lieut. Col. C. C IIender.oii, of Tennessee, to be coloiiel Fifth Confederate Regiment, vice Col. I,. 31. IValkcr, appointed bti~,.adirr-gc.iieral,to rank Marc-h 11, 1862.
I am, Gir, respectiully, your obedient wrT ant,
Secretctry of Tliir.

The incssagc mas read.

The Senate yroct~cdcdto considcr the ii.omination o f C. C. Henderson, to be cbolor
to :dvis.c and coiisciit to his wppointinent,
Re<soluetl, li1xt
11 of tlic Ireiidcnt.
agreeably to the ii
ItrcirmnJ), Mnrc h 2tT, 1863.
Yb the Smntr of iite C o i ~ j t d e ~ ~,Yftnte\
Agieeabl\ to tliv i e c ~ o i i i i r r e i i t l , . a t i t ~ roif tlic Secretary of IVar, I nominate the officers
on the accolripaiiying l i t to tli? 1 diik afiiicd to tlicii iimiie~,respectively.
J l ~ ~ l V l C l <DAVIS.
lv \ I < ~ ) P I ~ ~ R I ~ \ I ~KYdi P? n, o , L ~ ~llehruary
9, 1863.
111. honor to thv follon ing nominatioii~foi promotion in
thc Pro\ isionnl A k r ~oi~ ~the
y Confedciatc Stalcx o f America.
JIaj. I3 IVillis, 01 Gcorgia, to tx colonel Twelftli Georgia Ilcgiinent, January 22,
1863, vice Lieut Col \IA IIawlrins, resigned, and Col. %. T. Conner, dismissed by
Lieut. Col. J 1 2 . Ierriii, of S n n t l i Carolina, to be colonel First South Carolina Rifle
Regiment, Soveiiibcr 12, 1862, vice Col. J. \V. l i v i n g d o n , resigned
Lieut Col J 1) RIathrM P, of Georgia, to be colonel Thirty-eighth Georgia Regiment, Ikc-eiiibt~r13, 18(i2, 1 ice Col. George Ti. l a , resigned.
Col Joi. Walker, of Sonth Carolina, to be colonel Ialinetto Sharp, ,Jiilv 22,1862, vicc Col. F. \V Kilpatrick, drcliiied.
Uol. J . A. \Vasliiiigton, o f
rolina, tu be colonc~lFiftieth Sortli Parolina Iteginieiit, I)eetw~bcr31, 1862,
31. D Craton, resigned
Lieiit. Col. J. K. E(lniontlwn, o
, to be colonel Tncnty-smwith Yiigiiiia
Regimeat, Koveinbei 19, 1862, Iiec Col. A. J. G r i g s h , resigiirtl
Lieut C M R. 31 Po~wll,of Texas, to tw roloiiel F i f t h %\as Iiegiiiieiit, Soveniber 1, 1862, T ice Col. J . 13. Kolwrtyoii, appointed k)rigadic,r-general.

blnr. '25, 1863.1



Cnrolina Ilegiiiieiit, I)crcxniher 3 1 , 1 8 2 , vice Lieut. Col. Janics A. Washington, proiriotetl.

J l d j Johii Arlifortl, of Korth Crtrohna, to be lieiiteiiant-colonel Thirty-eighth North
Carohnn Keqiment, Juiioar y 11, 1863, vice Lieiit. C'ol. It. F. Aririfield, resigned.
Jlaj. A. Spanglei, of Virginia. to l i licnteiixnt-coloiiel
Tliirt y-third Virginia Megiiiiciit, Fehrnary 1, lW3, 7 ice 1,ient. Co1. 1'. \\'. A l . Jlolliday, promoted.
aj. R. IF'. Tnlnrr, of Loniqiaiia, to lir I~eiiteiiaiit-colonel h5neteentIi Louisiana
1862, 1 ice 1,ieut. Col. \\'. I-'. Tf'inans, proinoted.
Tap, of Arkansas, to be Iicsitcnant-coloiiel Fourth Arkansas Reginicnt, November 4,18B2, x ice Jieut. Col. 11. C;. Ihinn, promoted.
Maj. I<. 13ryaii, of Trxai, to lie lientenant-citlonel Fifth Texas Regiment, Novemliar 1, 1862, \ice L i w t . C'ol. R. hI. 1'01~~11,j)romotetl.
JTnj. J. &I.FieldcLr, oC (rt.orgi,i, t o lie lit~iileiirtrit-c~olc,nel
Fourteeiitli Georgi(Iitt Itegiinriit, ;";o\eiiilier 8, 1862, \ice Lient. ('d..'!I A . Ilariis, iebignetl.
RIFj. I). A f . Sliri\cr, of Tirgiiii~>
t o I w 1icntc.ii'tiit-colonel T s r n t ~ ~ - s c v e i iVirginia
ILrginicrit, Knrcnilicr 10, 1862,. vice IAcnt. Pol. J. Carpenter, tl(X(liiiiv1.
Maj. 1 1 . J. W i l l i m i ~of
, ITirgiiiia,to l w lit utt.iiaiit-coloiic1 Fifth Virgiiiia Rcgimeiit,
dngnst 29, J862, rice Lient. ( h l . J. 11 S Ftuik, primintcd.
Capt \V. C. Cle\~laiitl,
of Crorgin. t o k ) li~.utrnaiit-i.olonel
Sixth Georgia Ilegimeiit,
Septcwiber 30, 1862, 1 ice Lieiitcnaiit-Colonel Kewton and Major Trac-y, killed a t
Capt M. McIL. SIi.T,anchlin, of Sorth Carolina, to be major Thirty-eighth North
Carolina Regiment, Jaiiiiai*y11, 1863, 1 icc hlaj J Ashford, proniotctl
Capt C, Thiston, of Yirginia, to I)cinajor Tliirty-thirtl Virginia Itegiiiimt, I'cliriiary
1, 1863, vice Maj. A. Fjpanpler, promoted.
Capt. J. P. Brown, of Tennessee, to bc major Fifty-ninth TennesseciReginicnt, January 12, 1S63, vice Maj. C. 31. Alexander, deceased.
Capt. J. Ji. RIcColloch, of Arkansas, to be major Fourtli Arkansas Rcginzent,
Xovenil.)cr 4, 1862, l i r e Maj. J. H. Mav, promoted.
(:apt. .; C. Kogc~s,of Texas, to be major Fifth T w a s Repiiiierit, Kovember 1,1862,
vicc Jtaj. li. Ilryan, proniotctl.
of Alabama, to he major Sixteenth .\lahama Battalion,
or .I lc\ander, Idled at Haton Rouge.
ot Georgia, to he niajor Sixth Georgia Rc.giirient, September
('>, killed at Sharpsbnrg.
I aiii, Fir, respectfully, yonr ul2edicnt serraiit,

,lf(iwh 2,5, 1SGS.
To the Scnntc of f l i p Ci~,ifrrlci*nl~~
Agreeably to tlic rccoiiiiiic.Ildntioi~of thc Secretary of War, I nominate the officer,.!
on the accoiiili~~nyinp
list to thc rank :Iffixed to their I I R ~ I I ~ Srespectivel!
Ridimond, ~ ~ G T 45.
c ~ 186.3.
The ' ~ m w m ~ ~ .
SIR: I have t h e lion~rit o 1t~coiiirnenilthe following lionlinations for appoiiitirieiit
in the Prorisiorial L \ r n ~ofv tlic Coiitcdcrate States of America:



[Mar. 7.5,186%



3;. G. 1 ~ ~of1 ,Virginia, to be major, ordered to report for duty to Brig. Gen. G. J.
Hains, tu l a n k Felsruaiy 1, 1563.
R. Chanriing Price, of rirginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, to rank
March 1, 1863.
Alfred Hoffman, of Virginia, to bc niajor, for duty with Maj. Gen. I. R. Trimble,
to rank February 2, 1S63.
W. Duncan McI<im, of Virginia, to be major, for duty with Maj. Gen. I R. Trinible, to rank February 2, 1S63.
J. F. Girault, of Imiisiana, to be major, for duty with Maj. Gen. M. L. Smith, to
rank February 21, 1863.


J. 1'. Johnson, of Arkansas, to l)c captain, orctereti t o report for duty to General
Jolinstoii. to rank Alarch 21 , 18fi3.
St. J U ~ C Rontlot,
of I+:incc, to 1)c rapt:rin, for d u t y w i t h (icn. R. 13. Lee, Febrnary 17, 1863.
C'1i:irlc.s J. Ifastin, oi licmtuc.l<y, t o lie c.aptain, for duty with Ma]. <+en. J. C.
13reckiiiridgc, Fclmiaw 26, 1863.
K i w i ? 1'. (iuiIIoI, (;I i,ouiaian:i, l o I ) ( % cxptain, for duty I\ it11 I5rig. <;en. I). W.
Attains, 0c.tobcr 12, 1 h62.
6 . ,\. &loreno, of (;eorgi:i, t o bc. ( x p l : i i i i , for clnty \\it11 Brig (+en.J . l i . Jackson,
February 8 , 1 8 M
John A. &17kstlalc, (I
Barksdalc, IJebiw r y 25,
W. N. \VOItliington,
rginia, l u 1)c cxptaiii, for duty with Brig. Gen. B. H.
Kobe1 tsoii, Fcbi uary 18, IW3.
A. 11. I'atton, of Virginia, to 1w capt,tin,for duty with Brig. Gen. I
?', T. Wofford,
February 17, 1863.
John J . Itcese, oC Tcnncmcr, to 1~ duty T+ ith Brig. (ien. A. E. Jackson,
February 9, 1863.
.J. It. l't.llows, of Arkansas, to 'rw c*aptain,for tlrity with Brig. <;en. W.N. It. Beall,
February 18, 1863.
\\'iIliai~~Jr. AIagcriis, of Teiincwc'c', to h raptani, for d u t y with Itrig. C h i John 11.
Morgan, 1)ccciiil)cr 1, 1802
1. W.l?eilden, of Imiisima, to
raptxiit, for cluty with C h i . G. T. Heauregard,
Frhrnxry %I, 1863.
C. B. Diiflield, of J'irginia, l o k)c c>aptaiii,orclcrctl to report to Brigadier-General
Rains, Chief of Conscript I3ure:in, I+bmary 20, IS(i3.
A. N. hlills, oE Texas, to be captain, for duty with Brig. Gen. W. R. Scurry,
November 10, 1863.


d p t a t i i , ~with

rank of.firsi /kuIena~it.

Charles H. htebhins, of Isloritin, to he adjutant Third Florida Regiment, to rank

February 11, 1863.
T. EL Richardson, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Forty-seventh Tennessee Regiment,
to rank Deceni ber 16, 1861.
S. A. Cowley, of Trnnessec, lo be adjutant Forty-second Tennessee Regiment, to
rank October 9, 1862.
Luther C. May, of Georgia, to I)c adjutant Thornas' Legion, to rank September
29, 1862.
IT. RI. Smith, of Virginia, to bc ailjutaiit Sixty-second Virginia Regiment, to rank
Fc~briiary26, 1863.
Henry It. Symons, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twenty-second Georgia Battalion, to
rank February 22, 1863.
GIIP.Herrlein, of Georgia, to be, xtljritant Thirty-sixth Georgia Regiment, to rank
February 11, 1863.
Frank Baltzell, of I'loricia, to lw adjntan t Srcoiid Ploricla Rattalion, to rank February 17, 1863.
R. C:. Haminet, of Virginia, to I F adjutant Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment, to rank
February 24, 1863.
G. E. Manigault, of South ('arolina, to he adjutant Fourth South Carolina Regiment
Cavalry, to rank February 25, 1863.

Mnr 25, 1863.1


It. A. Quillian, of Georgia, to be adjntant Fifty-second Georgia Reg

December 17, 1862.
William I). Barnes, of Florida, to be adjutant Seco
to rank February 22, 1863.
B. C. Bouldin, of Virginia, to be adjutant Fourteent,
February 24, 1863.
W.W.Hailes, of Mississippi, to be adjutant Thirty-seventh M
Cavalry, to rank February 14, 1863.
E. J. Mastin, of Arkansas, t o be adjutant Eighth Arkanm Regim
February 23, 1863.
William D. Chipley, of Kentucky, to be adjutant Xinth Kentucky Reg
rank ;\larch 1, 1863.
E. N. Ward, of Virginia, to be adjutant Sixteenth Virginia Regiment, to rank
Fabruary 24, 1863.
J. E;. Shaw, of Georgia, to be adjutant Seventh Georgia Regiment, to raiik Februarv 24. 1863.
JV: hlarriner, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Twelfth Tennessee ISattalion, to rank
Xovember I T , 1862.
Aids-de-camp, i e i l k the rant 0f.fir.d


Rlcll. Lornard, of Virginia, to Maj. Gen. I. R Triinble, Febrnsry 1, 1S63.

Frederick R. Blake, of North Carolina, to Brig. Gen. T. I,. Clinginan, Frbrriary 25,
Richard T. Morrison, of Nissouri, to Maj. Gen. 6. I'rice, Septeinbrr 7, 1862.
Benjamin F. Taylor, of North Carolina, to 1;rig. Gen. R. itansoin, jr., March 5,

22, 1862.


Lieut. Col. lt. L. Walker, of Virginia, to he c~)lont~l

o f artillery, to be assigned to
duty by Gcii. R. E.Lee, to rank 3farc.h 11, 1SC,3.

Maj. R. Snoivden ilndrems, of Maryland, to l ~ clieutcnatit-colonrl of artillrry, to

be assigned to duty b y Gen. It. I+:. Lee, August 9, 186%.
Maj. J. J. Garnett, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel of artillery, to 1)e assignrtl
to duty hy Gen. It. E. Lee, March 2, 1863.
hfaj. D. Keniper, of Virginia, to be lientenant-colonel of artillery, to he assigned
to dutv %y Gen. R.E. Lee, March 2, 1863.
Maj: WiIIiaiii ~ e l x o n of
, Virgiuia, to be Iieutenaiit-coloriel of artillery, to be
assigned to duty by Gen. It. R. Lee, n,Ialrh 2, 186%
M a j , Thomas H. Carter, of Virginia, to he lieutenant-colonel of artillery, to be
assigned to duty by Gen. It. 15. Lee, March 2, 1863.
hlaj. 13. P. Jones, of Virginid, to be lieutenant-colonel of artillery, to be assigned
to duty by Gen. R. E. Lee, March 2, 1863.
Xlaj. John Polham, of Virginia, to be lieuteiiant-colon~lof artillcry, to be assigned
to dntp by Gen. R. 13. Lee, March 2, 1863.

\T. 16. Rurnet, of Georgia, to bc major of artillcry, to br a-signd to duty hy Maj.

(ien. I). 13. Blaury, November 4,1862.
Capt. J. W.Anderson, of Teiinehsee, t o be major of artillery, to he assigned to
duty liy Alaj. Gen. C. 1,. Stevenson, January 28, 1863.
Capt. ,John 1'. 1'. Rcad, of Georgia, to be major of artillery, to be assigned to duty
by Geu. R. E. Lee, &larch 2, 1803.
Capt. Frank Huger, of South Carolina, to be major of artillery, to be assigned to
duty by Gen. R. TI;. Lee, March 2, 1863.
Capt. J o h n Lane, of Georgia, to be major of artillery, to be aPsigned to duty by
Gen. R. E. Lce, March 2, 1863.
Capt. C. prl. Braston, of Virginia, to be major of artillery, to be assigned to dutv
by (+en. R. E. Lee, March 2, 1863.
Capt. 11.' J. l'egram, of Virginia, to be major of artillery, t o lw asPignetl to duty
by Gen. R.2;. Lee, PIIarch 2, 1863.


[Mar. 26, 1863.


Capt. J. T.T. Latimer, of Virginia, to be major of artillery, to he assigned to duty

by Geu. It. E. Lee, i\larch 2, 1863.
Capt. J. B. Brockmbrough, of \irginia, to be m a j i of
~ artillery, to be assigned to
duty by Gen. R. E. Lee, March 2, 18G3.
Capt. D. ti. JIcIntosh, of Georgia, to be major of artillery, to be assigned to dutg
by Gen. K. E. L r e , March 2, 1863.
Capt. Williani T. Poague, of Virginin, to be major of artillery, to he assigned to
duty by Gen. 1%.13. Lee, &larch2, 1863.
O I ~ F I C B H .~\ P P O I N ~ I ) ro R A I S E

1wrmz u


11, 1862.


I). Armesy, of Tirginia, to Iw captain, to ra

lpany in district of northt Virgiuia, occupicd IJY

tht enemy, February
rank \Tatem, of Kwtucky, to be captain, to raise a conipmp ill Kerltuchy, FebIcy, of Virginin, to I)c captain, to raise a coiiipariy in district of
a, occnpietI by tlw enenlr, IWmi
I, of 3Ibsoun, to be captain, to r
y in Missouri, Feb-

ruary 27, 1SG:i.

J.II. lingiliakci , ot Jlissonri. to b c , captain, to miw it company in JIissouri, Eebruary 27, ISM.
1ViIli:iiii It. S a n i u c ~ l oF
~ , Xissonri, L o bc: < aptain, t o mi
L company ill Missouri,
Iebrriat > 2i, 1S M .
N. L. Norton, of JIiwiuri, 1 1 ) he captain, to raix a. coiupany i n Missouri, Febriiary 2i, 1863.
TYilliain 1. Clml,wn, of 3 1 i b w r i i i, to l w r:Lptaiu, to raise a c*oinpanyin Missouri,
l~ebruarj27, 1803.
It. H. Carter, o i Jli<soiiri, to be c.wlitaiii,ti) raiw it c o i n p n y i n hlissonri, February
27, 1863.
David T. Col)lier, of 3Iisuuuii, to 1,e cqitain, 10 raise a coiiipany i n Missouri, February 27, 1563.
T\illiani T. layiic~,of JIiwitiri, t o l x cqtain, to raisv a coii11~anyin Missouri, February 27, 1863.
Nnth. 1. Krinkel, of 3Iissouri, to Iic captain, to raise a c.oinpany i n Missouri, I?&ruary 27, 1563.
I am, sir, rc.spwtfully, your obedient wrvant,
rSecretar?lof Ilcw.

Tho itiessagt?was rend.

Oidwed, Thiit it be rcfcrrcd to thc Cnmrnittec o n Military #airs.
On motioli br Mr. llill,
The Senate 1.cso1vcdi:ito o p ~ i I(yqisliLti\-e




Mr. Caperton (1~yleave) introdnccd

A bill (S. 95) conferring tcmpornry rank and command on officers
of the Confedcrate Stntcs b m _ v in the bureaus of the QuartermasterGeneral. ComrnissRrZ.-CrcncrRl, arid Surgeon-General;
which was read the first and second tiriics and referred to the Committee on il.Ii1itar.y Affairs.
MI.. Sparrow, from the Committee 0x1 Militttry Affairs, to whom
m s referred the bill (S. 80) to incrcasc tho efficiency of the Medical
De artmerit, reported it with aincndmcnts.
8 n motion i)y ~ r parr
. row,
Ordered, TlitLt tho hill arid amendrncnts be printed.
Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Eaval Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (8. 31)to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to pay
officers of the Navy thcir necessary :md actual traveling expenses



Mar 26,186?, ]

under orders, in lieu of mileage, in certain c:a&eb,reported i t with an

am endmen t .
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.91) last mentioned; and the re orted amendment having been :~grcedto, tlie bill was reported t o t c Senate and
the arriendrucnt 13 its cwricurrcd in.
Oh~detwi,That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was rc:d the third tiiric a n d the title was amended.
IZeco7rvc7, Iliat it l~i,ss,:uid that the title thereof be An act, to
increase the allowaiicc 01- r n i h g c to officers of thc Nnry and agents
traveling under ordtiry.
O d m x l . Ilint the S c c ~ e t n r yrcqucst the conwrrenct~of the llouse
of Ikprewntativcs thcrciu.
Mr. B r o ~ n from
tlic Coiiiniittcc o n S a m 1 Affairs, to whoin was
referred thc mcniorial of ncti ng iiitwters m:itcs in t h c Confdcrate
Stater K:tvy, prttying for an incimse of pay, reported
A hill (S. 96) to increase the pay of inastersf inatcs i n the Kavy;
which was read the first and se(wtid times and considered as in Committee of the Jl\\hole;and no amendment heing proposed, tlie hill was
rcported t o the Senate.
O t ~ Z e ~ e t 7That
it ho engrossed and read a third timr.
The said bill was rcad thc third time.
~ ~ P s o ~ z Tlmt
~ P ~ :it, pass, nttd that the title thereof be as nforesaid.
O ~ l ml,
That thc Swretnry r c c p s t thc? cuiicwrrcrice of the ITouse
ntiitivch therein.
Mr. Oldham, f r o m the Coriiiiiittee oil Iost-Officc5 : L I ~Post-Roads,
report ctl
A bill (S. 97) l o cxoliqit contrxc*lor~for carrying tlw itmilq of the
Confedcrate States :tnd tlic: drivcrs of po5t coaches : ~ n dliacks from
mi1it:Lry service;
which n a g read the=iirht: ~ n c tsc~contftimw : ~ n dortlcrcd to be placed on
thc Calendar.
On motion t)y hlr. Orr,
Ihc Senstc resolved into secret 1cgisl:ttivv S C ~ O I I .
Thc doors hviiig bccti opta~icd,
The following niessagc was receii c ~ fli w i i i thc I I u i t s ~of
~ 12rpix~sen~ttives, by Mr. McL)onald:

X 7 . President: The House of Itepresenbtires have. agrecd to tllc report of the co1b
mittce of conference on the di~dgreeingvotes of thc t w o Houses on the bill (11. R. 9)
to authorize and regulate the iinprc~snientof pri cite property for the use of the Army
arid other military purposes;
Arid they h a w receded froni their ninenclmeiit t o the joint rwilntion of the Senate
(R. 8) relating to the production of provisions.
The Gpc.aker of the llouse of Iiepresentatircs Iix\,iiig signed t u o erlrollcd h l k , I
itni direcated ttJ bring theni to thc Senate for t h r iiynatnrc of their Iresident.

Mr. Ilortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrollcd bills of the following titles:
S. 36. An act to increase thcl strength a n d cfficiency of heavy artillery for seacoaht defense; and
11. 1L. 9. r\n act to regulate impi~essnit~iits.
The lresident pro tenipore having signed i,hc enrolled bills last
reported to h a w been examined, they were d e l i v m d to the Secretary
of the Senate and by h i m forthwith prcbented to the fresident of the
Confederate States for his approval.




[ m r . 26,186

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dixon, their

Clerk :
X. Pwsicled. 1 mi directed by the House uf ltepresentatives to return to the
Grnatr, agreeably to their request, the bill (8. 93) to provide tobacco for the Army.

On motion by Mr. Orr,

Ordwed, That when the Scnate adjourn it he to Monday next.
Mr. Phelan (by have) introduced
A bill (S. 98) in relation to tho public printing;
which was read thc first and sccond times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; smd no aiiicndmcnt being proposed, the bill was
reported to the Senate.
Oi*dered, That it be cngrossed and read a third tinic.
Fhc said bill was read the third time.
&solved, That it p s b , and that the title thercof be as aforesaid.
O t d m d , That thc Smretary rcqucst the concurrence of the House
of Itcpresentativen thwcin.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Scnatc adjoirncd.

Tlic Senate rciumcd, :is in Comniittcc of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 82) to authorize retdiation on the eneniy for violations of tlie usagcs of civilized warfare.
On the question t o agree to the following amcndnient proposed to
the bill by Rlr. Sparrow, viz, insert after mulattoes, section 2, line
3, the words who arc slaves,
( Yeas
_ _ - - _.
- .._ _ - 8
It was determined i n the negative, 7 gays _.. -.. . . . _ _
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Seas and nays h i r i g desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who 1-otcd i n tho afii.mativc 2 ~ 3 ,
Mcssrs. 13aker, 12rowm, Ilaynes, Hill, Hunter, Mitcliel, Orr, arid
Those who votcd in t8hcnegative are.
Messrs. Barnwcll, Ihirnett, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Davis, Dortch,
1-Ienry, ,Johnson of Georgia, Mmwell, Oldham, Scmmes, Simms, and
On motion by hlr. Hayne5, to amend the bill by inserting after
shall, section 2 , line 7 , the words * h e deemed as exciting servile
insurrection, and,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Georgia, to amend the bill by strikin
out the words h e p u t to death by hanging, section 2, line 7, an
inserting be punished at the discretion of the court trying the case,
as provided for in the fourth section of this act,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by MI-. Maxwell, to amend the bill by striking out
every, section 2, line I, and innertirig no, and by striking out
of the seventh line the words if captured, he put to death by hanging, and inwrting in lieu thcreof thc words bc captured and treated
as a prisoner of w a ~ ,
It was dcterniiriod in the ncgative.

Mar. 26, 1863.1



On motion by Mr. Will, to amend the bill by striking out the second section,
It mas determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Semmes, t o amend the hill by striking out of the
third section the words
or abduct a slave, or harbor R dare, with intent to deprive the onncr of his property
therein, or entice a slave to abscond froin the wrvice, poqsession, or rontrol of his or
her owner or master,

Tt was determined in the :LfIiruiatire.

On motion by Mr. John,son of GeorgitL, to aiiicnd the hill hy inserting after w R ~ , section 3 , line 2, the words shall excite, or attempt
to excite, servilc, insurrcction, or,
It was dctcrriiiiicd in th e nffirniativc.
On motion by Mr. Seminw, to amend the bill by inserting after
excite, section 3, line 2, o r cause to be excited, and by inserting
after incite, in the same linc, or cause to be, incited,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Scmmes, to amend the bill by irisertirig after
L i every, section 3 , line 1, the words person acting as a,
It was determined in the affirmstire.
On motion by Mr. Clark, to amend the bill hy striking out commissioned officer. section 4, line I, and inserting pcrson,
It FVW determined in t h e affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Semmcs, to amend the bill by striking out, in the
eighth, ninth, and tenth lincs of the fourth section, the vords and
may pardon the oficnder unconditionally, o r on such conditions as to
him may seem just,
It was determined in thc affirmative.
On inotion by Mr. Davis, to amend the bill hy insertiug the following independent section:
SEC.5. The Ircsidcnt is hereby authorized to siispeiid the cxecution of all, or any
part or parts of this act, whenever in his judgment such suspension may be required
by the public interest,

It was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the bill hy inserting the following independent section:
SEC.5. That no officer in command of negroes or mulattoes in arms against the
Confederate States shall be entitled to the right of surrender and to be treated as a
prisoner of war, and any officer or soldier of the Confederate States is herebyauthorized to take the like of such oficera t any time and under any rircumstances,

It was determined in the negatim.

No further amendment being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
On the question,
Shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time?
Mr. Semmcs dernandrd the question; which was seconded, and
The question being put,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Brown, that the vote on ordering the bill to its
engrossnicnt and third reading be reconsidered,
Mr. Maxwell demanded the question; which was seconded, and
The question heing put,
_ _ _ _ _..
_.. . - . .
- 11
It was determined in the negative,
_ _ 11

On motion by Mr. Bromi,
Tho yeas and nsys being desired by onc-fifth of tlie Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affirmative are,
>Iessrs, Baker, Rron7n, Clay, Davis, Hayries, Hill, Hunter, ,Johnson
of Georgia. Mitchel, Orr, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs, Barnwell, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Dortch, Henry, Maxwell, Phelan, Senirnes, Simms, and Wigfall.
So it was
O r d m d , That this bill be engrossed a n d read R third time.
The said bill ,was read tho third time.
On the question,
Shall the bill now paw 8
Ycas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17
It WRB dctt,rininrd in t h e a%rniati.ic, Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _
- _- 5
On motion by Alr. IZarnwell,
r ,
I he yeas and nars hing desircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those w 110 votcd in the afirniatire are,
lR/lessrs. l h k e r , 13tmiwel1, Drown, Caperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch,
Hayncs, IIenrJ-, Hunter, *Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Mitchel,
PhoIan, Scmiiies, Simms, and Migfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Mcssrs, lZurnctt, Chy, 11 ill, Orr, and Spwrow.
So it was
l&sol?w?, That this hill pass, slid &:it thc title thereof be a15 aoresdid.
That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Reprcsent:Ltivcs therein,
On motion by MI-.
The Senate rcsolvcd into executive session.


The following 111

fedcratc States, l)y




rcwcivcd froni tho Prcsident of the Con-

r. I{. X, Harrison, hi:, Sccretary :

1l1(l i l l O N J ) , ;tfc~rc.h
&j, 1863.
7b the SCSerLctfe?f fl f? con
of t l w Secwtary of TVar, I noininato tlie officers
Agreeably to t h re(
011 the acroiripanyiilg lid to thr. rank affixed to t h e i r iiatiiob, retpecti\elg.
\V,\rt DIW iium \ I, COPBI.:I)EILITE
Kidcnroird, lllhrcli 20, 1863.
SIR: I have tlic lioiior to recomti~riitltlic Eollowiiig nominations for promotions in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Iieut. Col. A. C. Riley, of Missouri, to l w colonel First Missouri Regiment, vice

Col. 1,. 1,. Rich, clirct August 9, 7862.
rrin, of South Carolina, to be d o i i e l Fourteenth South Caro. S. IllcGowa11, appoiiitvd hrigadiri-genera1 February 20, 1863.
S.( h n c t t , of Virginia, to be coloiiol Forty-eighth lirginia
Tleqimc~iit,vice (01. .J. .4.Cainpl)ell, rcliigiied 0ctol)er 16, 1862.
l i e u t . COI. TY. 1 I3jmum, of North Carolina, to be colonel 8econd North Carolina
Regiment, vice Col C. C:. Tcn, killed at Sltarpshiirg Septembei 17, 1862.
Lieut. Col. \Y McCoutib, of Terincssec, to be colonel Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment, vice Col. \V. A . Forbes, died of 11onnds Rcptcni
Lieut. Col. 9. H. Harris, of Missiwippi, to he colone
ment, vice Col. C. H. Mott, killed May 5 , 1862.
Lieut. Col. T. W. Mangham, of Georgia, to be colonel Thirtieth Georgia Regiment,
vice Coi. D. J. Bailey, resigned December 16, 1862.


3la.r. 26, 1863.1

32ai. 11. A. Garland. of ___ . t o he lieutenant-done1 First Missouri Reriment.

vice fJieut. Col. A. C. h e v , pro;notcii August 9, 1862.
Naj. ,J. K.Brov 11, of S o h h Carolina, to h e lieutenant-colonel Fourteenth South
Carolina Reglinerit, x ice Lieut. Pol. A. Ierrin, promoted February 20, 1863.
31aj. J. C. Higginbotliani, of Yirginia, to be lieutenniit-colonel Twenty-fifth Vi
r.iilia ltwinient. vice Tieut Col. 1. B. Ilnffv. resiziircl October 8. 1862.
IT. Dunpan, of Tirginia, t o be %rutcal;&lit-colonel Forty-eighth Virginia
, \.ire Ueut. Col. T. S. Garnett, promoted October 16, 1882:

Naj. I<. 8.I3arclav, oE (;eorqia, t o b c lientenant-~oloiiclPhillips Legion, vice LieuL.

(01. 11.T. c o o k , IriIIeil r)cwmber 1 3 , ISOZ.
Naj. James S. Boynton, of G ~ o r p ~toi ,he lientrn~tnt-c.olonc.1
Tliirtietli Geoigia Regiiiient, vice Lieut. Col. T. TV. 32aiiphaiii, prcniiotetl 1)cc~rnbcrl G , 1862.
Capl. Sdiii 1. I,ant%,
OE IPxL, l o I)<%i l i d J O r Fonrtli Tc.saF Ilegiment, vicv Maj. W. 1.
Towrisend, resigned Ikceniber 2!), 18@.
Capt. 1%.J. Uuffy, of Nissowi, to be iiiajor First Missouri Regiment, viw Maj. TT. A .
(iarlantl, promoted August 9, 1862.
. Croft, of Suiith (a~oliiia,t o be major Fonrteeiitll South Carolina Regiment,
J. N. BroJqn, prouiotecl February 20, 1863
apt. Oscar White, of Yirgiriia, to be iliajor Forty-eighth Tirginia Regiment, vice
. R. 1. Dungan, pronioted O(~tohrr16, 1862.
alit. W. 8. Stallingr, of North Carolina, to be major Second North Carolina Regimcnt, \ice llaj W.1%Cox, promoted Scpteiiiber 17, 1862.
Capt S 31 Morrii, of Tennessce, to be niajor Iourtcenth Tennessee Regiment,
\,ice blaj. .T. 11. Loc.kert, promottd Septeinber 2, 186%.
(q)t. 17. ( i . Bnchanaii, of Tennessee, to be major First Tennewee Regiment, rice
l\taj. K . J. Gcorxcl,
J u n c x 27, 1862.
Capt. ,James 11. Sinl, of Georgia, to be major Sinc%tcJeritli
(+eorgia Regiment, vice
3Iaj. 9.
J. Hutcliins, prorlloted Jniic 26. IStiZ.
1)c iiiajor Sineteciitli Xis
llllotec: nTy 5,1862.
h e major Twelfth 3Iicsissippi Iteyinitmt, vice

to be major Fort) -eiyhtll dlabaina llt@nent,

. J. J. Alldriclye, proinoted Octobrr 15, 18F2.

Joqeph Hamilton, of Georgia, to 1x1 iiiajoi Ihillips Legion, \ i c e Maj. I?. S.

Barclav, pronioted I)ec~e~nber
13, 1S6.2.
I :i111, sir, respectfully, youi olredient< wrvant,
JLtlIES -1 8 R I ~ D O N ,
,%cwt(wy of War.

m l , efc.



[Mar. 26,1863.

The message was read.

Ordered. That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The Senate resumed the consideration of the nominations of John
Dc Bree and Nicholas C. Edmqnds, to be assistant surgeons for the war
in the Navy.
On the question,
Will the Senate advise and consent to these appointments?
It was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to thc appointment of
John De Bree and Nicholas C. Edmunds, to be assistant surgeons for
the war i n the Nayy, agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom were
referred (on thc 20th instant) the nominations of John Y . Lipscomb,
William C. Jones, Henry Christmas, and William Sheppurdson, to be
assistdnt surgeons for the war in thc Navy, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations: be coniirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Hill, from the Comniittcc o n the Judiciary, to whom was
referred (on the 2d ultimo) the nomination of Philip A. Clayton, to be
marshal of the district of Georgia, reported, with the recommendation
that said nomination bo confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it WRS
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent, to his appointment,
agreeably to the noniinatioii of thc lresident.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
were referred the nominations of E. Willis, J. M. Yerrin, J. D.
Mathews, Jos. Walker, J . A. Washington, J. K. Edmondson, R. M.
Powell, F. MT. Ail. Holliday, John 11. Towers, J. H. S. Funk, J . T.
Lofton, fl.B. Granbury, I). 13. Yenn, W. C. Wickham, R. H. Crockett, W. P. Shingler, C. T. Zachry, 1. G. Bum, Emory F. Rest, R. Q.
Mills, Alfred Rhett, Bi. IT7. Gary, J. H. Morehead, Philip Cook,
J. B. Gilnioue, 1. Harrison, M. Monaghan, C. A. Battle, 1. M. B.
Young, E. J . Walker, T. ,J. Sirnnions, It. W. Folsom, B. H. Holt,
Tully Graybill, John P. Conoley, t o be colonels; T. M. Terry, William
I. Payne, J. D. Mathews, Thomas H. Owen, J. R. Lane, J. H.
Huggins, Willis C. Holt, R. B. Young, J. A. Yates, David %able,
D. R. E. Winn, N. H. Harris, S. D. ltussell, A. Johnston, L. J . Glenn,
Jos. Wanlon, Charles Forsvth, CV. G. Delony, 11. 13. Nisbet, W. L.
Grice, Jonathan Rivers,
H. McCullohs, T. B. Manlove, Bruce
Menger, J . J . Norton, S. D. Thruston, John W. GOPS,George
Wortham, John Ashford, A. Spangler, R. 11. Turner, James H.
May, K. Bryan, J . M. Fielder, 1). M. Shriver, H. J. Williams, W. C.
Cleveland, to bc licuteriant - colonels; M. McR. McLau hlin, G.
Huston, J. P. Brown, ,J. B. &I~cColloch,
J. C. Rogers, J.
C. D. Alderson, John T. Jones, A. Brady, R. S. Taylor, E. M. Morrison, W. 12. Carter, Jos. Palmer, John R. Bagby, J. J. Longmire,
7. 31.L o an, John 1,. Miller, M. R. nallengrr, P. H. Loud, S. C.
Handing, J, Y . Brewstar, J . 0. Hensley, W. G. Vaughan,




Mar. 30,1863.1



D. Pierson, James H. Rowman, Thonxw Camak, William H. Manning, It. M. Sands, John F. Jones, M. R. Rogers, s. T. Player,
J. M. Fielder, W. L. Groves, W. Ti. Toler, H. A. Wayne, L. C.
Lee, %. A. Rice, A. Hart, t o tic majors; C. W. Parker, J. R. M
?John Iloward, E. P. Ijowdre, L. B. Waynes, to be captains;
Frost, tJohn S. Bee, T. G. Dargan, J o h n Middleton, 'CV. Palfrey
Jones, A. ,J. Qiiigle-y, JV. 'I?. Mumford, J. P, Butler E. D.
lief, to be first lieutenants; Charles H. Stebbins, T. k. Richardson,
S. A. Cowley, Luther C . May. 11. M. Smith, Henry R. Symoiis, Gus.
IIeerlein, Frank 13altzt:ll, 12. C. Ilammct, G. E. Manigault, R. A,
Quillittri, TTilliam D. l h i x c s , 13. C. Ro~ildin,IS.IT. Whiles, E. J .
I;llastin, IVilliain I). Chiplej, F,. B. Ward,J. E. Shaw, W . Marriner, to
be adjutxnts, with the rank of first lieutenant, reported, with the
reconimcndation that all of said noiiiinations he confirmed.
The Sr nttte procccded t o consider said yeport; and in concurrencc
therewith, it wzts
I z e d w ~ l ,That the Senate advise arid consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of thc President.
On motion by Mr. O n ,
The Senate resolved into olxn Icgislntive session.
MONDAY, MARCH30, 1863.
OJ'EY S ~ S R I O N .

Mr. Maxwell (hy leavc) introduced

A bill (S.99) to extend : ~ n dainend an act to increase the pay of
certain offiwr.j and crnployew i 11 the executive arid legislative departiiients, approred O c t o h r 13, 1862;
which was read the first and second timw and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Sparrow, from tbc Committee on Military Affairs, t,o whom was
recoiiiiiiitted the.hill (S. 73) to provide and orpwnim a general staf for
armies in the field, to'serve during the war, &ported i k t h a n amendment.
On motion by MY.Sparrow,
O&rcd, That the bill and aniendmcnt be printed.
ded, as i r i Coinmittre of the Whole, to the consider:ition of the hill (S. 97) t o exempt contractors for carrying the
uiails of the Confederate States arid thc drivcrs of poqt coaches and
'om military wrvicc; and no :unendnient lwing proposed, the
reported to the Senate.
~ t l That
it 1)c engrwsecl and r e d n third time.
The said bill \\as read the t h i r d time.
Rpsoluetl, That it pass, arid th:k the tille thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordued, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the TIouse
of Representatives therein.
On motion hy B1r. Barnwell,
(),*&red, That the Conimittm o n Financo have leave t o sit during
ion of the Sicnatc.
Mr. Brown presented the memorial of certain oaicers of the Army,
praying the passage of a resolution before the Senate to regulate the
issue of clothing to officers i n the Army; which was referred to the:
Committee on Finance.



mar. 30,1863.

Tlie Senate procecded, RS i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (1.R. 15) for the establishment and equalization of
the grade of officers o f the Xavy of the Confederate States, and for
other purposes; and
On motion by A h . Caperton,
Oydecred, That the f nrther consideration thereof be postponed until
A message froui the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
M T . Pwsident: The IToiise of Representatives have passed a bill of the Senate (8.
61) t o alter and amend an act riititletl An a c t for the Qequestrationof tlie estates,
property, and effects of alien enemies, and for intfernnity of citizens nf the Confederate States and persons aiding the same i n the existing war with t h e United RtAtw,
approred Augiist 30, 1867, and an act altering and amending the same, approved on
the 15th day of Fclmiarv, 1862; without aniendiiirnt.
They have passed a bill of the Srnatc (8. 48) to autliorizr the tlischarge of certain
civil officers from tho niilitarv SCI vire of t h r Confederate States, itli a n ainrndnient;
coiirui rriice of tlie Semtc.
bill (11. R. I!)) t o csktblisti n nitor arid iniriing bureau;
111 \ V h l C l l they r q 1
c w c d tiw ScJnate.
Tl1c Yrcsldellt 01
j n t c d c w t t, States has notified the lloriso that, on t h r 26th
instant, h c approwd ant1 sigiiut an act (11 I t I-)) to rrgnlatr inipressinents.
Thc Senat(>rc\tin~rd,:v, in Conunittee o thv Wholc, tlie consideration of tlie bill (S,7) t o pl:icc. lro,pitd\ iiiidcv rni1itai.j control.
On niotion I)), ;\I r. Nfitcahel, tlriit t hc f urthcr considcrntion of the

bill be postyonctl iaitil to-i~ioi*row,

It n7as deterinincd i n tlw urgntivr.
O n the question to agree to the following reported r~i~irndment,
Add the f o l l o w i n g iiidcpcndciit m*tioii:
SEC.6. That it shall be the clnty of tlie oficer x h o has the military control of the
hospitals, to exerci5e aud d y i i l tlxily snch c.onvalescent soldiers i n the hospitds as
the surgcoiis thercot hliall drtrriiiinc ate al)lt. to nndrrgo surh tlriil, so as to keep lip
inilitary discipline, aiicl to csta1)liili tlicir lied th beiorc. tliey are tlischargecl hoiii
the hospitals as hcing fit for active vrcicc iii tlic fkI(1,

It was determined in the ncgativc.

No micnd~iieiitbeing niade, tlic bill was rcported to thc Senate.
On tlie question,
Shall tfic bill he c l i i g m h h e d :md i*cadi~ third time?
It was dctc~rniilirdin thc ticgatire.
So the bill was rc%jclctecl.
Tho Senate miiiricd, a\ ill Conliiiittee of thc T h o l e , thc considemtion of the bill (S.4) to regulntc the action of the Secretary of the
Navy upon the dcckions of nav:il general courts-martial; and the reported aniendriicnt ha\ iiig been :Lgrccd to, thc bill was reported to
the Senate and thc ;imendrncnt wah concurrod in.
Ordewd, That the bill 1c: eiigrosscd and read a third time.
The said 1)ill w;ts read the third tinic.
On the question,
Shall tlic hill now pass?
I t w a s tletcriniiicltl i n tlic :iffirrnative, yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
( hhp - - ..__
_ _ . . _7_
On motion by MY.13row11,
Thc y c w : ~ n dnays h i n g d w i i w l by one-fifth of thc Senat ow present,
Those who voted i n tho affii*nirttivcmc,
Meshrs. I hr ne t t , C~pei-ton,Clark, I_)oi*tc*h,
llayrres, Henry, Orr,
Peyton, a11d Yancey.
Those who voted i l l the negatire are,

Mar 30, 1863



Messrs. Baker, 13rown, Clay, Maxwell, Mitchel, Olrlham, and Wigfal1.

So it was
Resohed, That this bill pass, and that, tho titlc thereof. be as aforesaid.
Oy-dered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of 1Xepresentatiws thrrrin.
On motion by Mr. 13r0w11,
The Senate resolved into secret lcgislativc: session.
The doors having been opened,
T h e bill (H. li. 19) t o establish L: niter mid iiiiniiig 1)iireau was read
the firht and second times and rcferrcd to the Coinniittcc on Military
311.. Orr (by Icave) introclucwl
A bill (S. loo) to tini~ndan act t o ~sttthlidithe. 13urc:tii of Tndian
which W;LS read tlic lirst :tiit1 second tinics i t r l d referred to the Corniriittec on Indian Affairs.
On motion by Ni*.Chy,
The Senate adjoiirncd.
SIC( :121m Y IdSSION.
> t i . . 13rou 1 1 , fro111 thr Cominittce on Military Affairs, to whoni was
recomniitted thc bill (S. 58) to establish a volunteer navy, reported it
with an anicndnic~nt.
The Senxtc procec.dcd to considei. tlw hill (A 58) l t t d mentioned;
which was acain relid thc sccoiid time arid consideretl as in Committee
of tlic IY 1io'lG; arid the reported amcntlmcnt h a v i n g been agreed to,
the bill W ~ L iqiortcd
to tlie Hcn:ttc and thc :micndment w:is concurl~edin.
O 7 d ~ l w l .'L'hiit the I d 1 he engrossed a i d read a tliird tinie.
The said bill wis r e ~ dthe third time.
Besohed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O r d w d , That tlit: S c c r c t q i ~ v l i i e i tthc concnrrvncc of the House
of Reprcseritativcs tlieivin.
On motion by Mr. ( ' I : L ~ ,
Thc Xen:tte rcsolvcd iuto cxcwitirt



(Xar. 81, 1&63.

Thc message was read.

The Senate Droceeded to consider the nomination of Daniel G. Brent,
to be wcond lieutenant in the Marine Corps; and it was
R e :oZwd, That the Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
tLgreeably to the nomination of the President.

RrcHxoNn, &arch $8,ISSS.

7'0the Pwsrdeizt of the Senate:

I noniinate the person iiained in the annexed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recsommendation.

nEPAIw\rlrlN'r, Richmond, L?farch28, 1863.

SIR: I haye the 110nor to xeconiiiicnd tlie following nomination for appointment:

T\'illiaiii F. Iiowell, of Louisiana, vice Williain H. Howrll, tleceasrd.

\Vith much wsprct, your obrdirnt sexr\7it11t,


Sc';ec.retctryof tlie ~ V ~ W J .

The mess:~g.cwis read.

O ~ d e w d ,That it be refcrred to the Committee on Kaval Affairs.
Mr. Spsrrow, froni the Coinniittce on Military Affairs, reported the
noiiiiiiations for surgeons and assistant surgeons, made by the President on the 24th instant, with the reconinlendation that all of said
nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider brtid report; and
On motion by Mr. Wigfall,
Ordwed, That said norninations lie on the table.
On motion hy Mr. Clay,
Tho Senate resolved into op(~nlegislative session.



Mr. iCIax.v\.cllsubniittcd the. following motion for consideration:

O ~ ~ k ~ iThat
w l , the vote on Iiassing the bill (S. 4) to regulate the
action of tho Sccrettry of the Navy iipoii the decisions of naval general
courts-imrtial bo reconsitleivd.
Mr. 0 r r prcscntccl the rueniorial of the lieads of bui-ems and clerks
i n the difYcrent Departments of th e Government i n tho city of Richmond, praying an increase of their salaries; which was referred to the
Comrnittee on Finnnce.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
O.rdmed, 'l'hat, the Comrriitteo on Binancc have IPXW to sit during
ions of the Senate for the rcmrtinder of tlic present session of
Mr. E-Layne:, (hy leave) introduced
A bill (S. 101) regulating the fees and compenszttion of district
which was read the first and 5econd times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
On motion by M r , Sparrow,


Mar. 31, 1863.1

2 19

OtdeiwZ, That the Committee 011 Military A4ffxirsbe discharged

from the further consideration of thc nicniorial of certain officers of
the Arriij, praying tlio ptwagc of a rcsolutioii before the Senate to
i c of clothing t o oflitlcrs in the Amiy, arid that i t lie
upon the ttzble.
A h . S p : i r ~ from
~ , tlic Conimittcc o n Military Affair,, to whom was
rcferred the bill (S. 95) coiifcrriiig ttiiiportiry rtink atid coninland oii
officers of tho C'oiifedcratv States iiriiiy in tlic h w a u s of tlie Qnartrrinaster-Gcnel.:il, C o i t i t i i i s ~ n i . ~ - ( ~ t i i :ind
e ~ i lS~irgcon-C;ener:il,
it with the rccornii1entl:ttioti that it ought not to pahs.
On motion t)y Alr. S ~ X L ~ ~ O I V ,
, That it lie iipoii tlic tahlcs.
Alr. Sparrow, f roiu tliv L'viiiniilrec on Xilit a1-y Af-hirh, reported
A hill (S. 102) to xiiicnd thc SP\ c ~ ncts
l fixing thc pay xiid allowa n w s to r h p h i n s i n the Provisioiid i\Lritiy;
which was r e d the liwt mid sccoiicl times i l r i d considered :is in Corniiiittce of tlie IVliolc; a i d no aiilendiiicnt being rnadc, the bill was
reported to the Senate.
(1, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
d bill w a s read the third tirric.
BesoZvd, That it pass, :wd that the titlc thereof bc as aforesaid.
OdeTed, That the Sccretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Oldharn, frorii the Coiiiiriittee on Post-Offices and Yost-Roads,
A bill (S. 103)t o authorize the iiicreusc of the compensation of route
agents, and to iiicre:i,e the pcr diem dlowancc of special agents of the
Post-Oflice Depaitiiient ;
which was read tlio fir4 and scc~)ndtimes aiid cwisidcrtd as in Committee of tlic Wholc~::itid no :~nicndmcnl,heing proposcd, 1lie bill was
reported to the Senate.
O i ~ & ~ * eThat
d , it be e i i g r v s d and r c d a third time.
The said bill W:\J read the third tiinc.
IZesuZzled, That i t pass, tind that the titlc thereof be :IS aforesaid.
That tlic Secretary rryiiwt, the concurrence of the House
of liepresentativcs thcrc3in.
The K e ~ ~ aploc
drd to consider tlic ainvndment of tlie House of
Bepresentatires to the I)ili (S. 4s) to aiithorim the discharge of certain
civil o f f i c ~ rfraiii
tlie 1riilit:wy sc.rvicc of the Confcdcrtttc States; and
)I1 by 311.. SCI1if11CS,
'I'h:Lt they concur tlicrciii.
'I'tiaL tho Sccretary iiifomi the IIoiisc~of Eqm~wntiLtives

Jf I-.;\laxwell snbmittcd thri followiiic ~ ~ o l u t i o i\\i ;hich wis considCI.CY1

: L n d agrcd to:

X'esoliwl, That t l i r Coiirmittcc. oil Finance,i n ronsi(lcrii1g the nremorial of ccrtaiii

clerks, praying for iiicic: ot c.onipen&ion, rclerred thi. morning, d o inrttier raniitler t h e propriety o f in( ising t h c h conipt'ii.atio:i of the l'itlies ;tctiiig as clerks in
the Treasury 1)epartiiieii
w f ; The IIouse c ~ f Represeiitatisrs Iiaie parsed the hill of the Seiiatc
(S. 12) to provide for continning 111 berixe searlien anti ordinary sealllerl 11ow in the

serricrx of the Confederate States,





[Mar. 31,1863.

The Senate rcsunied, ah in Committee of the V71iole, the consideration of the bill (11. It. 15) f o r the estabhhrrient and equalization of the
grade of officers of thc Kavy of the Confederate States, and for other
On inotioii by 1111.. Max\vell, that the further c.onsicleration of the
bill be pobtponed until to-morrow,
It was deterinined i n the negative.
On the question t o agree to the following reported amendment:
Insert nftcr. surgcon in c h i d , section 1, line 11, t h words with
che nnrnc of &Icdical IXrcctor-Gcnernl,
On motion iq A h . Ynncey, to amend the reported nriiendmcnt by
inserting aftcr Gcncral tlic words to be promoted 1)y seniority,
It was dcteriiiiiiecl i n tho :Lfiirniatiw.
rlie xniendnicnt
anicndrd w:is t b m agih
On ilic q ~ i e i t i o i ti o : ~g rccto the following
Iiis(>tt: ~ ft h e mid of h ( ~ t i o i 4i tlic i*ollo\\iiig:

end tlic i ~ p o i ~ t eaniendment

striking out, in tliv foiirtli line, thc woitls :dlowecI by law, and in
the fifth liric the word t:stablished, and by inserting after present,
line 5 , the words allowed 1)s law,
It was dctcriiiiiicd in the affirmative.
The anieiidrrierit :L\ anieiidcd was then agreed to.
The rcsictuc of tho aniendmcnts reported by the Committee on Kaval
Affairs were thm agreed to.
On motion by 311..Y:~ncey, to ~ u i ~ e i ithe
bill t ~ yinserting after
Ntivy, swtion 6 , line .>,thr \vordr t h e grade of tirst lieutenant in
the Xnvy of tlit: Coiiictlrrato States sliall iiot be constriiccl to be a new
Tt, was dcttcrniined i i i the :&rmatire.
Oil motion hy Mr. X:~swcll,to a n i t ~ n t lthe hill hy striking out the
seven teGnth scction,
It \v:is dcterniinecl in thc aflirniativc~.
On motion by Mr. Yancq-, to aiiientl the bill by inserting itt the end
of the tenth section
and the President &hall,TL henever i i i his opinion any otiicer, seaman, or marine has
perfornictl any gallwlit aud nicritoriouq act as aforesaid, cause to be prepared and
engrossed 0 1 1 yxichrneiit a rcsoliition of thankb, which qliall recite t h e act or acts that
entitlv 1 i i m to thanks; which shall be prwentetl to said ofticrr, seaiiia~i,or marine,

I t was rleterinincd i n the af51mative.

On niotion 1)y Mr. Y:mccy, to aincritl the 1)ill 1)y striking out the
liftccnth section,
It w a s dctcnnincd i n thc :iffiriliati\e.
On motion f)y MI-. Yrin
Or*c2w,.rd,Ilxit thv further consideration of this bill be postponed
to and made thc special order. for to-morrow :it half pad 1 2 oclock.
Mr. Oldharn (by leave) introdiiccd
A joint resolution (S. 10) authorizing the Postnutster-C; to



[Mar. 31, 1863.

It was dcterniined i n the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. IIenry, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting after iiispector-~~nerai,
section 2, line 3, the words w i t h
the rank, pay, and allowances of a colonel of ~ a v a l r y , ~
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Ilayncs, to aniend tke reported amendment by
striking out, section 2 , line 1,the words corps darm6e and inserting
in lieu thereof the words ariiiy corps,
It was determind i n the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to stiiend the reported aniendrnent by
inserting after general, scction 3, line 3, the words with the rank,
pay, and allowances of a lieutenant-colonel of cavalry,
It was deterniiiied in the affiriiiative.
On motion by 311..Ihrnetk, to annend the reported aiiiendnient by
striking out, section 4, line 2, tlie words as hcretoforc and inserting
by the Prcsidcrrt, I\ itli the ad\ ice and consent of the Senate,
I t was deterniincd i n tlic aff irniatire.
On motion by Mr. Cl:irk, t o icnd tlic rc.portcd amendment by
inserting :It thc end of tlic. sixth
ion or distinguished themselves
in battle,
It \Tab detcrniincd i n tlic aflirniatim.
On motion hy Air. Spnrrow, to aincnd the reported arricndnient by
inserting after jnqxrtors, section 7, Iinc 3 , the word bgeneral,77
It was cieterniined i n the aitirmatirc.
On motion hy MY.Wigfall, to miend tho reported amendment by
inscrting after wrny, section 1, linc 5, the words and one of the
brigadier-gcneraIs under 11is cornmarid as inspector-general,
It was dctermincd in tlic xfirm~
d tlye.
On motion by Mr. Wigfall, to amend the reported amendment by
strilriiig out, section 1, line 7 , t h c words one itispcctor-general, with
the rank, pay, and :~llo\vitnct~s
o f a ltrigaclier-general,
It TWS dcteriiiiried in the sflirmative.
On the qucstion to agree to the reported amcndnient as amended,
It was dt1tcrniincd i n tlic affirmative.
No furtlicr aiiiciidiiieiit bcing niadc, the bill WLS reported to the
Scnato and the :uiiendnicnt wts concurred in.
O i d e i ~ c d ,That the hi11 he ragrossed and rcad a third time.
The said bill W I N rcad the third time.
Ressohed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Odcred, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the Housc
of Representatircs therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Comniittec of the Whole, to the considevatlion of the bill (S. 78) to prevent the absence of officers and
soldiers without leave.
On motion hy Mr. Clay, to amend the hill b j inserting after leave,
section 1, line 6, tlie words or beyond the lcare granted,
I t was dcterniinod i n the affrmc<ttive.
On motion l ~ yMJ.. Simi ,to nnic.tici the bill hy striking out, section
1, line 6, tlic words in hospt:tls,
Tt was detcrini~icdi n t h o ncgsttivc.
On motion by Mr. I h w n , to amend the bill by inserting at the end
of the second scction the following proviso:
IroikZvJ, That this sec%ion shall not take effect until it shall have been first proclaimed to t h e iirmy in general orders,

Mar. 31, 18631


It was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the bill by inserting the foilowing independent section:
. 4. That the Secretary of War be required to have this act read at the head of
every reglinerit at the earliest day practicable,

I t W R determined
in the negativ-e.
On motion by Mr. Hurnett, to amend the bill
lowing independent section:

k).~r inserting

the fol

SIX,.4. That this act nliall not be construed to relieve any officer or prilate from
any other penalty to which he may be liable by existiiig laws or regulations,

It was determincd i n the a5irmative.

No further amendmcnt being made, the hill was reported t o the
Senate and the amendnients were concurred in.
Om?errcJ, T ha t thc bill be engrossed and read R third time.
The said hill was read the third time.
Resohvd, That i t pass, and that thc title thereof be ab aforesaid.
. O.rdeered, That the Secretary rcqucst the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as iu Committee of t h c TVholc, to the consideration of the bill (S. 14) to authorize newspapers to be mailed to
soldiers free of postage; and the rcpostcd tunendment having been
agreed to, the bill wns reported to the Senate and the amendment was
concurrcd in.
Ordered, That the bill he engrossed mid read a third timc.
The said bill was read thc third time.
B e w l w d , That it pass, and that thc title thereof be s b sforrsnid.
Oh&crecZ, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committcc of the Wholc, to tho consideration of the bill (S. 42) to amend the tenth scction of nn act to
establish the judicial courts of the Confederate States of America,
approved Alarch 16, 1861; and
On motion 1 ) Mr.
~ Baker.
Clrdei*ed, That the further consideration tlrmcof hc pobtponed until
The Senate proccedcd, as in Committcc of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. %?)allowing the Comptroller of the Treasury
the privilege of obtaining the legal advice of the Attorney-General; and
On motion by MY.Rigfall,
O i d ~ n d 'I'lia
, t the further considrr-ntion thereof hc postponed until
The Scnxtc proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mi..
Yhelan on thc 25tli ititjtant, that the vote on pxssing the bill (S. 93) to
provide tobacco for the Army be reconsidered; and
The triot~iorrwas agreed to.
T h e Sentttc procecdcd to conbider thr hill (S. 93) last mentioned; and
On motion by Mr. S p ~ r o ~ ,
O t d f w d , That it be rcfeircd to the Committee on Finance.
On motion hy M r . Clay,
The Senate adjourncd.



[Apr. 1,1863.



Mr. Oldhain presented a joint resolution of the legislature of the

State of Texas, requesting their Senators and Representatives i n Congress to procure the passage of an act to pay deputy marshals thc
balance due them for taking the ccnsus of 1860; which was referred
to the Corninittee on the Judiciary.
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
Ordwed, That it be printed.
Mr. Clay, from the Coninlittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 83)to abolish snpernunirrary offices i n the Commissarys and Quartermasters Depnrtmciits, reported it with amendments.
On motion by illr. Clay,
Orderpd, That the bill and a i n e r i d ~ ~ i che
~ ~printed.
Mr. Sparrow, f roiii tlic Corninittee on Military Affairs, to svhoni
was rrfeiwd tho joint resolution (S. 9) for tho relief of the clerks and
cniployces i n the Confederntc States Arsenal at Richmond, reported it
with thc rccornniendntion that it oiight not to pass.
On motion hy Mr. Sp:xrrow,
(Ird(wd, That it lie on t h e table.
hlr. I h ~ v i i froin
thc Cointriittw on N a d Affair-h, reported
A bill (S. l0-t) to authorize thc Secretary of thc f r r t ~ r jto :ippoint
~ ~ I c r to
k s the coiiini~ridwnta i d quarterninstcr of the R/lxrino Corps;
which W R S read the fird aiitl ,socolic1 times and considered as in Conirnitteo of the Wholc; and no aiiicndrricnt bcing madc, the bill was
reported to the Senate.
Ot*dmd, That it be engrossed and reat1 :L third time.
Ihc said bill was read the third time.
I2osolvod, T h t it pass, and that the tillc thereof bc tbforesaid.
Ordcrcd, That the Sccmtary reqmst the concurrc,nce of the Rouse
of Xcpi.cscnt:Lt,ivcs t,hrrein.
1111.. I lill, froni the Corninittee on thc Jiidiciarj, to whom was
referred thv bill (S. 101) regulating the fees and wrnpcnsstion of
district :tttoriieys, reported it with the rc.coiiiiiiendation that it ought
not to pass.
On inotiori by 1411.. Hill,
Otdf>wd,T h a t it lie upon the t:tble.
On motion by JIr. Hill,
O ~ i w e d That
thc Conimittec on the Judiciary be discharged f roin
the furthcr consideration of a resolution inquiring into thc. expediency
of so amending the law relating to the mileage of district attorneys of
the Confederate States as to nllow mileage for all iiccessary tra17e.l in
going to and returning froni the courts on the routc most usually
On motion by M r . Ymcey, thxt the vote on passing the bill (S. 14)
to anthorim 1icwsp:Lpcrs t o 1)e iii:iilod to soldiers frcc of postage he
It was dcterininctl in tho ncgatirc.
The Sciiate resurncd, :is in Conmiit tee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (1. K. 15) for the cstahlishment and equalization of
the grade of officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, and for
other purposes.

Apr. 1, 1863.1



On motion F J Mr.
Maxwell, that it be recorrimitted to th c Cornntittee on Naval Affairs,
It T V ~ Hdetermined in the negative.
No further anlendment being proposed, the bill TWS reported to the
Senate and the amendments made as in Committee of the Whole were
concurred in.
O~derecl,That the amendmtmts be engrossed i t d the bill read a third
The said hill as amended was read tho third timc.
On the question,
Shall the bill as amended now pass 1
A h - . .. ..- _ _ _ _ - 10
It wasdetcrrnined in the aflirrnali\
On motion hy Mr. Oldhani,
The yeas and nays being desired by oiic-lift11 of thc Senatorb prescnt,
Those who voted in the affirriiativc arc.
Alessrh. Raker, Brown, Caperton, Clark, Dortcll, Ilreyton, Phelan,
Sinims, TYigfall, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the ncgativu arc,
Messrs. Burnett, Cixy, Ifayncs, IIcnry, IIill, Maxwell, Xitchel,
Oldhain, and Sparrow.
So it was
Bc.coZvcd, That this bill pass with ttnicndments.
Oidered, That the Secretary rcyuest tlic concurrence of the House
of Representatives i 11 the niiic~ndnie
The Senate rcsiimcd the coiisidel
n of the bill (1-1. It. 7) to prohibit the punishment o f wldicrs by whipping; and
R e s o h e d , That this hi1 1 pass with anicnclnicnts.
O.rdemd, That tlie Scci-ctttry requmt the conc77rr~~nc(~
oi tho House
of Representatives in tiic m ~ m d i n en t s .
The Senate resumed. as in Comniittcc of the Wholc, tho cotisiderntion of the bill (S. 49) to x n i ~ n dthe twth swtion of an act to cutalllish the juclicial conrts of the Confec1cr:itc States of A h c r i m ,:tpprovcd
March 16, 1861; and
On motion by A h . Baker,
OrcJewd, That it lie upon the table.
The Senate resunied, a4 in Coininittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 2%) allowing the Comptroller of the I ~ ~ S I I ~the
privilegc of obtainin thc Icgal advice of tlic Attorney-General; and
On motion by ~ rBn1l,
Ordeiwi, That it be postponed indefinitel-.
The Seiiate proceeded, %IS i n Cormnittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 45) t o amend an act entitled A11 act for the
rhttablihicnt arid organization of the Army of the Confederate States
of Anicricn; and the reported amendment h:117irig been agreed to, the
bill was reported to the Senate and the anlendtnent was concurred in.
Oidered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third timc.
ncl that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
tary request t h e concurrence of the Ilousc
~ 1 ,

The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 34) to aniend an act entitled A n act to :dter
and amend an act for thc sequestration of e~tates,property, and effects




[Apr. 1, 1863.


of alien enemies, and for indcmnitF of citizens of the Confederate

States and persons aiding the same in thc existing war with the United
States, approved February 15, 1862.
On motion by Mr. Baker, to amend the bill by striking out all of the
first section after That, in the second line, and inserting:
in all cases where execution shall be issued for interest, as authorized by the fourteenth section of said act, the defendant sliall be liable for costs accruing on such
execntioii: Iroi idetl, That execution shalt not issue within thirty days after the
interest becoiiies due,

It mas determined in the afirrriativc.

On thc question to agrcc to tlic following reported arnendmcnt:
Strike out the first section of tlie bill,
rniincd in tlic ncgntiyr.
of the xniendriicnts rcporteci t)y tlie Corninittee on the
Judiciary were then agrcecl to.
S o furthcr anientlnic~nt being tii:Ldc, thc I)ill is reported to the
Sen:itc and tho aiiir~ndnientswert? concurrcd in.
O,dm,t/, lhit the bill I)? c n g r o ~ ~ cant1
c l wad :Ltliirtl time.
The mid bill v n s
itlc thcrcof bc :~b aforesaid.
&ssol7rc.t7, T h t it
thc conctirrcnc(~o f the Housc
Ordmctl. That th
of Bcprcscntativcs thcrcin.
The Scnatc proct~cdcd,tth in Conimittm of the Xholc, to tlie considcration of the bill (S. &i)to :inicncl an a c t entitled *in act to provide
for transportation of permiis who hxvc bccn mnstered into the service
for the war; and
On motion by Nr. Sparrow,
Ordewtl, That>it be postponed indefini
The Senate procccdod, a h i i i Coniiiiit
the Whole, to the consideration of the ljill (S. N) to amend :ti1:wt cntitled b L l nact to organize iiiilittiry c w r t s t o :ittend tlic Army of the Confedcrate States in the
field, and t o define the porvcrs of said ~ o ~ i r t sapprovod
October 9,


On motion I y Air. C:qxrton, t o amend the bill 1 9 7 inserting the

follon-ing in(lcpcntlcn t ,zcction:
Sw. 2. That the ~~iovost-ni~ushals
t ) f claitl c.ourts dial1 IF Pnlitled to the rank, pap,

and allo\\aucw ol

:i (.itptitiii of


I t was d(~t(~riiiincd
in tliv ncgativc.
On niotion hy MI.. Capcrton, that the l:i.;t-incntioned vote be rcconsidered,
It was determined in the negative.
On niotion by Mr. Clay, that t h o bill he postponed indefinitely,
It mas dcterniirird in tlie ncg.rLtlye.
On motion by Mr. IIavnes, to amend thc bill by htriking out, i t t the
siyth and scrcnth lines, thc words t h e President be, and Be is, authoriztd to organize: by inserting. nftcr co i~ rt,linc, 7, the words *shall
hc organized; by striking out his, line 8, and inserting (the; by
inherting after judgrneut, line 8, t h e words of the President,
and by inserting after . require, line 8 , the words to be organized
in the mxnner, and with powers prescribed iri the act of which this is
On motion by Mr. Henry, that the bill, with the proposed amendment. be recommitted t o the Conimittcc on the ;Tudiciary,
It was determined in the negative.

Apr 1, 1563 ]



On motion by A h . Wigfdl, that the bill, with the proposed amendment, be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs,
It wns determined in the negative.
On the question to agree t o the amendment proposed by Mr. Haynes,
dcterniincd in the a%rxiiative.
No further aniendinent bcirig made, the bill wm rcported to
Senate and the ainendment was concurred i n .
O l d ~ i ~ e 'I'liat
thc hill be engrossed and read :L third time.
Tlic said bill w'm read the third time.
011the qiwstion,
Shall the bill now pass!
1 \\ a5 detcrriiincd i n tkic :Li~ritixtivc, a I 3 . .. -_
_ . _ _ _ _7
_ _ _
On motion by 11;. Clay,
'I'lic ymh and n a y being desired by onc-fifth of thc Senators present,
Thosc who voted in the :iIGrmative are,
3 h s i - h . Gqwrton, Clark, Haynes, Henry, Hill, Mitchcl, Phelan, and
Sp'i' rrow.
Tliosc who voted iri the ncgatirc a w ,
ilhsrs. Baker, Hrown, Rurnett, Clay, Oldham, Wigfall, and Yancey.
So it ~ r a h
I&soLorc?, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O ~ t k ~ wThat
i , the Secretary request the concurrcnce of the House
of Bepwsentativos therein.
h l r . W i g f d l s i h i i t t c d the following motion fo r consideration:
Odet-cd, That the vote on rejecting the bill (S. 7) to place hospitals
i u n d c ~military control be reconsidered.
The following message was rceeivcd froui the President of the Confcderde States, by Jlr. H. N. Harrison, his Secretary:


To the iSmctc of f h r C o t d d m t e Stcxta:


It next directs that thc First ancl Second regiments of South Carolina Artillery
sliall be increased to twelve cornpitilies each, and that the complement of a company
shall be one hundred and t15 mty-five enlisted men.
The objections entertained to these piovisions are grave, and 1submit them as

be increased in number?
Where the organimtion is uniform throughout the service, the troops are better
satisfied and the administration of the Army is much more easy and efficient. Where



[Apr. 1 , l S B .

there are exceptions, there is constant effort on the part of the men to change from
onc organization to another, discontent is engendered, and embarrassments arise in
It rarely occurs that t h e service of artillery is required at one point to the number
of ten or twelve companies. The exigencies of the service will require that these
regiments (if orgaiiized as contemplated in the bill now returned to you) shall be
broken into iletachntents, and the field officers, in such event, would be in coninland
of fractions not proportional to their rank.
The First Regiment of South Carolina Artillery was organized b y the State before
the foirnatioii of the Confederacy, and when it was transferred t o this Government
it \\-as neceasarily accepted with the existing organization; but t h a t organization was
exceptional and objectionable for the reasons already stated. It has. been retained
in Fort Suinter, which is one of tho points wherc such an organization is lcast detrinicntd to the eervice, but no satisfactory reason is perceived for augmenting the nuniber of companies of which it is composed or for the organization of another regiment.
The First Reginicnt of South Carolina Infantry, or a part of it, I am informed, has
been assigned to duty and has received instruction i n t h e artillery service, and can
bc so employed I\ ithout the passage of t h e act in question as-long as the exigencies
of the service may require. I t still remains, however, infantry, and could in case of
necessity he used as siicli in tlre field. If the act ~ h o t i l dliecome a law, this advantage n ould be lost ithout a n y apparent compensating benefit.
11. The act ~ c ~ wtoi siue objktionablc as being s p e d legislation.
It is well kno\\ii that the artillrry s c ~ nice is very gencmlly preferred by onr troops
to inf+rv wr\ ice. I t is belie1 ~1 that t h t w vould be little difficulty iion in raising
a reginrciit of artillrrists front citimis exempt froiu conscription, while such is not
I\ ith iitfantrv.
If the exainple be oncc wt of converting regiments of
infantry into artillery,it ncetls littk foresight to predict that Congress will be beset
with applications for suvh change froni r<yimentsnon serving as infantry, and claims
will he put for\\ art1 for equal tavors in each 01 the States. Wherever siege artillery
IS rcquircd the delegations froin the different States will naturally expect and apply
for a grant of the Pame favor to some infantry regiment from their State, and this
iesu!t would be far from conclucive to the discipline of the Army and the good of the
There are iiow nnnibers of our citizens who, after having volunteered in the infantry, have been found too feeble in constitution to withstand the fatigue ant1 exhauulion of t h e rapid movements on which the success of our military operations depends.
Such soldicm would dceni it R great favor to be transferred to tho service of heavy
artillery, for which they vould be well fitttd, and their claims for this favorite
service appear to nie better founded than those of the enlisted men of the infantry
regiment designated in t h e acit.
If the purpose of the act be, as it apparently is, to provide for twenty-four companies of artillerists to serve together, the c-oniniand of these companies would be of
sufficient importance to reqnire the appointment of a brigadier-general to command
them; and it is feared t h a t such special legislation, without apparent necessity, for
one State n ould he made the precedent for siinilar demands from other States, thus
Itlading to con~eqric~nct~r
whirh did not perhaps
themsclvcs to Congress when
- snggest
the bill received its aswnt.
111. It is finallv sueeested for the consideration of Connress whether mine of the
provisions of t h i i b i l l are not equivalent to the exercise of &ecntive functions by the
legislative department of the Gorernment, and t,herefore a n infringement of the principles of the Constitution which so carefully separate the duties of these different
Congress has power to make rules for the government and regulation of the land
and naval forces, w well as to raise armies.
Under these powers Congress could nndoubtedly order the raising of regiments of
artillery for seacoast defense, and by change of organization direct that a certain
nuniber of regiments of infantry be converted into artillery. But such is not the bill
nntlcr climission. Congrws in that bill orders a specified regiment to be employed
for seacoast defense. If this be a legitimate exercise of legislative power, Congress
can of course select other regiments and order them to the defense of the Indian
country, and ?elect, again, other reginient,~and order them to be sent to the Tennessee, t h e Virgiiiia, or tlre Texan frontier.
Such orders Peein to me purely executive. They have hitherto been made
through the Adjutant-Gcneral of the Army, and it requires but little reflection
to perceive that the exercise of snch powers by Congress withdraws from the
Executive the authority indispensable to the fulfillment of his functions as Commander in Chief.



Apr. 1, lSG3.l

These reasons hare appeared to my mind decisive of the question, and I therefore
respectfully return thrin t o tlie Senate as those which have prevented my approval
of the act, which is also hererith returned.
Ric~arohi),\L, M(irc.h 31, 1863.

The iiiessage was read.

On tiiotion by Alr. Yaiicey,
f , That it, l)e printed.
iiate proccvdcd to I w o n 4 d e r the hill (S. 36) cntitled An act
to increase the htrciigth : ~ n defficjency o f licnvy artillcry or seacoast
d~feiisc,retiirnecl to the Scmte by the Itlcsideiit of t h e Coiifcderatc
S h t e h with his ohjwtioii\; which bill is in the follo.i\7ingmo~ds:
.in wt to iiicieitsc thc \trcngtl:



ii(yof heavy urtillei! for waroust itefciisc

7 i ~Coi?qrensqf fit? CoofPdrratc, A%rtLs of itineTicte (do eitnct, That the regiment of
enlisted soltlicrs kno\\ 11 as the First Reginleiit ol South Carolina Infantry, now
serving 111 the frovisioiial Army of the Confedcrate States, Rhall hereafter be
known as the Second Regiment of South Carolina Artillery, and shall havo tho
~ by law to t h e Fimt Regiment of South Carolina
same organization as is now a l l o ed
SEC. 2. That thc First and Secoiid regiments of South Carolina Artillery be
incwasctl to twelve coinpanics each, and thc rouiploment of a company be one hunilrrtl and t\\ enty-fire enlisted men.
Spe13eakc~qf ilie I1oir.w of RPpresmtatiws.
Presitlmt pro tcnrpore qf t J t ~Senate.

On inotioii by Air. YTttiicey,

O/&wd, That the frrrt1it.r c o n s i d c r n t i o n of i l i c bill I)c postponed
u n t i l to-inorrow.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolvctl into executive session.
The doors having been opencd,
On motion by Mr. Cli~y,
The SeiitLtc adjourned.

The following incss:ige was received from thc Iresidoiit of the Confcderatc Statw, by Mr. 13. W. TLrrison, his Hccrctary:
April I , 1866.
70 tlte Senute of



I nominate the persoils nunecl i n the anneucvl Irtic~rof t h c Secretary o f the Navy,
agreeably to his recoiilllic.ndntion.
hiclmiontl, Ltfecirch31, 1863.
The Iimbri)
Sir{: I hare tlie honor to rocoiniiieiid the following nominations for appointment
i n thc Marine Corps:
A k m d 1ie I itena nfs.
J. Cainpbcll Murdoch, of Maryland; Samuel M. Roberts, of I,ouisiana.
With much reepect, your obedient pervant,
Semetary of the Nuvy.



[Apr. 2,1863.

The message ~ m read.

That it ba rcfcrrcd to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
On motion I)? AIr. Haynes, that the vote referring the nomination
of J . Caiiipbcll Nurdoch as second lieutenant to the Committee on
N a n d Affnirs be reconsidered,
It IWLSdctcrmined in the negative.
On motion I)J- Mr. Clay,
The Senate resolvd into open Icgislative stwion.

THUItHIIA1, APRIL 2, 1863.


A rt1t:ssagc fro111 tlle I Iouw of 11c1~r:s(ii1:Llive9, by MY. McDonald:

Jf?- Pwsjdtvtf. Lhc,
lrrr of the House of Iteprcsentatives having signed three
enrolled bills I aiii (1
>tl l o bring thc~nito the Senate for t h e hignature of their
The Iioiiec of ltepresentatixyes have passed the joint resolution of the Senate ( 9 .10)
aiithoriziiig the Postiiinst~r-C;eiieralto extend the time for receiving bids for transportation ot the uinilv i n thc States therein named, with a n amendment; i n which
they recluekt the concnrri~nccof the Senate.
They h a ~ pn~setl,
15 ithont ,iiiiendment, Senate bilk of t h e following titles:
S. 25. A n act to cliange t h e title of engineers in the KRVJ;
S. 49. . h i act to authoriw the Secretary of the Navy to employ the best pilots for
service in the (onfederate States;
8. 52. An act to fix the rnnlr of oflicerv in the military and n a ~ a serrire
of tlie
Confctlerate btites holding c~)iiiiiii~sions
under the Pro\ isional Government a hen
reappointed to offiws of the same glade under the lernianent (iwernment;
S. 60. A n a(t to nuthonze t h e appointment of a register ant1 an additional ( lcrk
he Nayy Ikpartnient; and
erqioii). ha act for the relief of certain officers of the Bavy and

And t1ic.y l m ~ 1c ) a w d bills and a joint resolution of the following titles; in which
they 1 ec1ue.t the roncurrence of the Senate:
11. It. 20. An art to d l o n CoiiiniutLLtioii lor clothing to the militia i n actual service
of the ConfedtLiatv S*:itcxs,
IT. R. 21. An act to :inicntl an a( t entitled >\n act to authorize the Secretary of
the Navy to i i i ~ i l \ c ~certain ( ontract.: without advertising for proposals, approved
August 29, 1861;
TI. It. 22. An act to rcgnlittc. tile pay of the officein formerly belonpiiig to the
leventie rrrricr ot the I-nited States, and now in tlic enrployn~cntof t h e (onfederate
FI It. 23 A n act to niiiend an act entitled .in ac1 to organize thc Ilepartment of
State, approved Fe1,ru:try 21, 1861;
1. It. 24. A n act to rc11)eal tlie Ia\+s of naturalization; and
IT. ti. 7. ,Joint resohition ot l h a n k s to Zient (01 Joseph A. Yatec and the officers
and inen of his coininand.

Mr. Orr subrnittcd thc following resolution; which mas consideyed

tilid agreed to:
Resolvul, That thc President be reqnested to inform the Senate if any and what
orders have bccn gi\ en by the military authorities in Richmond to arrest yoltliers
whose furlouph\ Iiavc~not cxpircd and confine them in harrackb or piisona while
said soldiers remain in Itichinond.

MY.B w n rll,
~ from thc Coiiiniittce on Finance, to whom was referred
thr hill (S. 94) to estahlish the form of fifty-cent Treasury notes,
Committee of the, \Yhole, to the consideration of the hill (S. 9.1.) last mentioned; and no amendment being
made. it was reported to the Senate.

Apr. 2, 1563.1



Ordered, That i t be engrossed and read a third time.

The said bill was read the third time.
Resosolved, That it, pass, and that tlie title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordewd, That thc Secrctar. rcquest the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Alitchel, from the Committee o n Post-OAices and Post-Boads,
to whoin w x s referred tlie bill (S. 82) to establish n preferred mail
across the Iliissiwippi River, reportcxd it nithoiit amendment.
The Senate proceeded, :is in Coininittee of the C\holc, to the considemtion o f t h e bill (S. 85) last nieutioncd: :I rid 110 ariirndnient being
made, it was reported t o tlic: Senate.
O i d w s t l , Tlittt it be cngrosscd mid i.citd R thiid timc.
Tlie said bill W:LS rend tlic tliiid tiille.
l?esoZvtd, That it p : ~ h \ , and that the title thereof Le :is aforesaid.
Ordeilwi, That the Hccretary rcquoht the eoncurrcnrr of the House
of Kepresentativc\ tlier(:in.
The bills and joint resolution received this clay from the House of
fteprcsentativcs f o concurrence
were severally read the first and
second times.
Ordered, That the bill numbered 20 and the joint resolution numbered 7 be referred t o the Committee on Military Affairs; that the
bill numbeyed 21 be referred to the Coininittee on Naval Affairs; that
the bill numbered 22 hc rcfcrred to the Comrr~itteeon Commerce;
that tho bill nmnbered 23 be referred to the Committee on Foreign
Affairs, and that the bill nainbcred 2-1- bc referred to the Corninittee
on tho ,Judiciary.
The Seiititc proceedcd to considcr the aiiiendnietit of the House of
lieprwmtntives to tlic joint, rcsolution (S. 10)zuthorizing the Postinttstcr-General t o extciitl the time f o r rewiving bids for tr:lnsportation of the iriails i;i tlie Siatcs therciii n a n d : and
Oii motion by 31r. Olclhani,
B e s o l v ~ d ,7h:tt they co~iciirtherein.
Ordered, That the Secretttrj*inform the House of Iteprestmtatives
On motion by Tvlr. MaxwelI, that the vote on passing the bill (H.
R. 13) for tlie establishment a i d equalization of the gwde o i officers
of the Nuvy of the Confecleratc Sitates, and for other purposcs, be
..- - - - - - _ _ . .-. 12
I t determined iii thc Iiegativc, Yeas
Nays . _ _
. .
... . _ . _
On inotiori by Mr. 12romn,
The y w s and n > ~ jh i n g desired 1))- one-fifth of tlir Senatorb present,
Tho:,c who voted i i i the srfril.il1ati.i-e arc,
Messrs. Bamwcll, Burnctt, Clay, Haynes, Llenry, Hill, Hunter.
Maxwell, Olclhmr, Orr, Scitiiiics, m d Sparron..
Thosc who votfd in the liegatire are,
Messrs. Gakci., I<ro\vn, (hperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch, Johnson of
Georgia, Mitchcl, Icxton, Ihclan, Wigfall, and Yancey.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (6. 36) to increase
the strength and cficiency of heavy artillery for seacoast defense,
returned by t he President mith h i s objections: arid
On motion by Mi-. Orr,
Om?ered, That the fuitther comideration thereof be postponed until
tomorrow at half past 12 oclock.



[Apr. 2, 1863,

Thc Senate proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mr.

Maxwell on the 31st of March, to reconsider the vote on passing the
bill (S.4) t o regulate t h e action of the Secretary of the Navy upon
the decisions of naval general courts-martial; and
The motion mas not agreed to.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the considcr:it,ion of the bill (1%B. 10) to allow minors to hold commissions
in the Army; and no mmidnierit being made, it was reported to the
Olvlmrd, That it pass t o :L third reading.
The said bill i v : ~w a d the third timr.
On the question,
Shall the bill now pis>?
c a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- I t wasdeteriiiinec~in tltc aiErni:Ltiv(>, rNays
. - . . - . ..- _
motion by A h . Sparrow,
r \
l h e yens aticl nays being dosired by one-fifth of the Senators prcsent,
Thosc who voted in the fifErnnti1 c are,
3lessrs. Ihown, Buriictt, Davis, I)ortch, IIaynes, ,Maxwell, Nilitchel,
O n , Pcjton, lhclxn, and Yancer.
Those who votcd in i hc negative arc,
Messrs. 13&er, J3tzrnwcl1, Clark, Clay, JIcnrr, 1 Iill, IIruiter, Johnson of Georgia, Seinriiw, and Sparrow.
So i t was
ResoZv&, That this bill pass.
Ordereci, Lhat the Sccrct:try inform the Ilouse of liepresentatires
Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
S. 12. An act to pioi idc for continuing in service seamen and ordinary semien now i n the service of the Confederate States;
S. 48. An act t o w t h oriz c the discharue of certain civil officers from
the military scrvico of tlic ConfeLieratekSt:LtCs; and
S.51. An act t o alter atid amend tin act entitled An act for the
sequc&ration of the c s t a h , property, arid elfects of alien enemies, and
for indemnity of citizens of tlw Confcdcrate States and persons aiding
the same in the exi3tirig w i \ r with the Cnitcd State\, approved August
30, 18631, and an act altcritrg : u ~ainending
tlic mine, approved on the
15th day of February, iS(i2.
T h e Yresiderit pro tciiiporc hiving signed t h e enrolled bills last
reported to liavc bcen exmiined, thcS wcre delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and hy h i i i i forthwith presented to thc President of the
Confederate KttLtes f o r his approval.
The Senate proccedcd, as in Comniittec, of the Whole, to the consideration of thc bill (11. li. 12) for the relief of certain officers and
soldiers fi*orrit h e State o f Misbouri.
An ariicndrnent having bcen proposed to tlic bill hy Mr. Peyton,
Aft(.r cl c bate,
On niotion by Ms. lcyton,
Oidemd, That the ])ill, togcthcr with tlie proposed amendment, be
rccorninittcd to the Committee on AIilit,zry Affairs.
The Senate pi*oceedcd,as i n Cornmittce o f the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 75) to ;)rovide for having the laws relating to
military and naval affairs digested and published.

Apr. 2 , 1863.1



The blanks in the bill haying h c r i filled,

After debate,
On niotion by Mr. Phelan,
Ordewd, That i t be referred to the Committee on Yrinting.
The Senate proceeded, RS in Coniniittcc.of the Whole, t o the cons i d e r ~ t i o no f thc ))ill (S. 59) to aniend a11 act entitled "An act to
:tuthorize the Secretary of thc Yavy to make cei-tain contracts Fithout
advertising f o r proposal^," approvccl August 20, 1861; and
On inotion hy Alr. Sp:mow,
O d c / * c d , That the fnrtlicli. cwnsidci*ationthereof bc postponed iiritil

TIje Senrite proceeded, as in Coininittee of the \\'hole, t o the consideration of the joint rewlation (S. &) i n rc.l:Ltion to the t'ree nnvigetion of the Miszis:,imi River: and
On motion i)y AI;..'C~R~,
'I'hnt thc frirthcr consitlcration thereof bc postponed until
to-morrow .
The Senate proccedrd, :is in Coinniittee of the N7hole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 62) to p ~ oiticcrs,
noncommissioned oacers,
and privates not Icgally mustered into the service of the Confederate
States for services :tc.tudly perforincd; and no aniendinent being
made, it was reported to the Senate.
d, That it be engrossed and read :I third time.
The said bill WLS rc:d the third time.
Resol.cacrl, That i t p:iss, :~ndthat the title thereof be as aforesaid.
079dcwc7, That tho Sccrctttry requcd ttw conrixrenm of the IIouse
of fleprtlscntativts tlicrcin.
The Sen:itcl p r o c c ~ d c d ,a> in Cloiiiinittcc of the Whole, t o the considemtion of the ]:ill (S.47) nlttliiiig Colurnltia, S. C., R port of delivery
for goods iiiiported into Clhtirleston, S. C., :tnd TVilmington, N. C. ;
On iriotioii by Xr. Cluy,
O~Cleiw7,That the f u r t l i w (*onsiderationthereof be postponed until
t 0-morrow.
Mr. Wigftill submitted the following motion for consideration:
That the vote on p:tsiing the bill (S. 56) to anicnd an act
entitled "An act to organize military courts to attend tho Army of the
Conidcrat e States in the lit.ld, and to tlctine the powers of said
courts," approved 0ctok)cr 9. 186% be reconsidered.
Oil motion hy MY. Clay,
The Sennte resolved into exccutirc icssion.
The door:, having I ~ ( ~opened,
On motion 1)y 11.11.. Sppxrro\c,
The Senate acljou riit cl.

MI.. I-Earnwell,from the Committee on Finance, to whoin was referrchd

the bill (13. R. 18) to lay taxes for the common defense and carry on
the Governinent of the Confederate States, reported it with an amendmen t.
O?dered, That Lhe bill and arrieiidinent be printed.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, and by unanimous consent,


[Apr. 2, 1868.


O?*dercd,That 200 additional copies of the amendment be printed

for the use of the Senate.
A message from the House of liepresentatives, by Mr. McDonald:

srr. Presid(~n/:?lie IIonso of Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. 25) to make
appropriations for ironclad m t l other war steamers, stenin engines, and other supplies contracted for abroad; i n which they request the concurrence of the Senate.
The bill (I. Iz. 25) this day rcceil-ed from the House of Repreaentatives for conciirrence was read tlic first and second times and referred
to the Committee on Navnl Affairs.
Mr. Yancey (by leaw) introduced
A joint resolution (S.11)to provide lor the reinord of the seat of
governniciit ;
which was rend the tirst aiid sccoiid t,inics nnd considercd as in Conlinittee of the TYholr; and
After dcbntc,
On motion by 311.. M:~xmIl,
Thc, Seixitc rcwl\-cd into oyeii legis1:Ltire session.

I noniinate the pcrsnn iiainetl in tlic annexed letter of t h e Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to lik rrc~oiiiiiicntlatioit.

or to rvionmieiiil tlit> follou ing r i o n i i i l a t i o r i for :q>pointn~ent

I , i r i ( t m a r i / f o r llic

?( w.



Srcre/arri of f h e Xavy.

O ~ t J c i w l ,That it, be rcfcrrcd to thc Committee on N a r d Affairs.

Mr. Sp:~rro\v,from the Coriiiiiittce on Military Affairs, to whom were
reici-red the noiiiinations of A. C. Riley, Abricr Icrrin. Tho~nass.
Gxrnctt, \V. 1. 13ynnn1, I T . McCoinb, N. H. Iarris, T. \V. Mangham,
to be colonels; 11. A. Garland, ,J. N. Brown, ,J. C. Wigginhotham, R. H.
Dungan, W. It. Cox, ,John A. Fite, zt. W. Withers, IY. A. Witaher.
James W. Loclicrt, A. J . Hutchins, N. J . George, W. G. Vaughan,
.John M. Legctt, dc
,I. Alldrjdgc. E. S.Thrclay, James S. Boynton,
to he lientcnant-colonel,; ,John 1. I ~ ~ I IIt.
P ,,I. L)uffy, E:. Croft, Oscar
White, W. 8. Ktidlings, h. 31. Morris, E. G. 12uchanan, Jarnes H.
Neal, T. ,T. Ilardin, S. 13. Ihoui:is, 14. M. IIardwicli, ;los. lamilton,
to be majors; W. 11. I3inford, Ihonias I<. Moss, 11. 11. flaniilton,
Edward 13. Goodc, S.A. Gsssaway, A. C. Dickerison, Bird Holland,
Louis Morite, Fred. IT. IVcqt, ,John E.Hart, ;I. T. Morehead, 0. H.
Ileland, T. *J. Rubanks, *J. H. ;\/Ias\ey, Charles AI. Christian, Oscar R.
IIough, Benjamin F. Keller, ,J. H. Barbee, James C. &Parshall, Benja-

Apr. 2, 1863.1



min Green, .
'iV AT. Davis, Thomas F. Itochc, Jesse W. Edmundson, JOS.
1,. Robertson, ,J. E. Ilarwood, De B. Waddell, Robert K. Jones, H. B.
MIcClellan, A. J. Sjkes, Philip Jones, J. L. Power, E. Ail. Clayton,
George P. Fuhruian, 1. Marshall, Frank W. Baker, David M. McIntire, I3enjainin !?. hfiller, Henry Fisher, Wilbur .!I Blackman, Sam.
1,. Alexander, George D. Parker, L. L. McDowcll, John M. Douglass,
S. 1). Stccdnian, tJohn L. Comardin, John 11. Cox, Robert Wayne,
1Ietirj.T. ,Jordan, ,I. IIalper Linclsay, 11. ;"u'. Iliitton, ,James D, Harden,
,J. %. Gilnier, 8.T. Robert\, ,J:wies A. IIardtm, Tlioiiias IT. Smith,
Jiolriies Coiir24 ,J. C. 13. Smith, Bichard G. Wharton, Richard A. Irvin,
(+. S. It ~ i - t l i r l n i e sEobcrt
TV. IIayncq, Thoniaq d. Shine, ,John T.
Bench, ,lolln AI. l'rcston, rL'l~olll:~~
Riggq, J . 1'. Lorc, Robert Ii. Willit~iiis,cJolin A . I A ~ N ( ~ I 11,
I J 'l'hohias Smith, JV, Mr.Brown, C. A. De
l%wscy,'I'hoiii:ts ,I. Dysoii, lLol)crt 111. 13rown, ?Jamrs F.Croclwr, J. ,J.
I)nlilop, ('1xt.k ( i . 1I:dc, (jcorge 0. Elnis, 13ji'oii 13. Bower, 31. &I.
811011y, C. I,. Siiiib, ,lohn 1,. lIood, IZenjairiin Hnodgraw, John C. I3nffington, ,J:uilcs 11. Hagood, IT. 3'. Colcocli, Willittni S. McNeill, John
Orr, l h ~ j x n i i nIT. K'ewton, 12o)Jcit H. Davis, George W. Johnson,
Thoma.; A. Kicoll, George My.Booth, cJa~nes
MT. Moore, William B.
Stiycrs, Alexander Marks, Lewis 1'. I3utler, J . 8. 'CVilliamson, W. W.
Bxiley, Henry R. Kcnna, 8. W.Nelson, John tJ. Symona, George It.
(>smmack,John 8.Jcrtkiiis, John T. Ault, Henry H. Houston, M. 13.
IIopkiiis, James 11. White, James Willianis, ?J.11. li. C u d if f , George
1,. Griscom, E. K. Itryan, TV. A. Floyd, F. C. Hurne, A. W.Green,
R. 13. Snocigrass, Horace 31. Smith, JVilliani Galt, Lucius .H. Smith,
J . W.Gray, 1,.7'. k l l o r y , \Ir. F. Shellrnan, T. 31. Freeman, S. Whittil;er, Tl'illiani 1). Biber, J o h n A. J\r:illace, W.F. Dunamay, J o h n B.
Jones, William I,. Church, A. 11. I'iclcett, 31. E. Willinms, to be ndjutants, with the m n k of firht lieutenant, rcpoited, with thr rccommrndation that all of said noniinntions he confirmed.
T h c Senate proceeded to cwisidcr said rcport; arid in concurrence
therewith, it was
BcsolzwxT, That thc Senate advise and consent to their appointnicnt,
agreeably to their nomination l)y t h e President.
RIr. Brovn, froin t h e Committec on Naval Affairs, to whom was
rcfcrred (on thc 30th ultimo) tlic noniiiiation of n'illiam F. Howell,
to 1)e navy tigcnt, reported, m ith thc rccomiiicndation that said noniination be coatirmed.
The Senate proceccied to c.onsidcr wid report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Besolvad, 'l'liat tlie Hen& iidvisc ant1 cwnscnt>to the nppointniont of
William F. Howell, to IN navy agent, :igrecablj- to tlic noiiiination of
the President.
The Senate rcwmcd thc, considcration of the nomination of Francis
A. Shoup, to he brigadier-geneid.
On motion 1)s' MY. Seirirnes,
O d e m d , That>its further cousider:ttion I)c postporicd till to-morrow-.
On iiiotion by MY. Sparron,
Thcx Seriatr rcsumt.d the consideration of tlie lionination of R. 11.
Chilton, to be assihtmt adjutant-genernl, with thc rank of colonel.
On motion by bIr. CI:irk,
Ot7cko/~ecl, That the further consideration tlirreof be posttpmed till



[Apr. 3,4. 1863.

Mi-. Semmes submitted the following resolution; which was cousidered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Committee o n the Judiciary be directed to inquire and report
whether a nomination made at a previous semion of the Senate, and postponed by a
\ate of the Senate to an ensuing session, can be considered by the Senate, a t such
ensuing session, for confirmation or rejection.

Mr. Migfall subinittcd thc follomiiig resolution; which was considc r c 4 and agreed to:
Kesolied, That the President b t x , a n d he is liereby, rcqiiestetl, in nominating ~ u r gems to the Seiuite for c~~nlirnration,
to designate those iiorniiiateci for hospitals
and those for regiiiicnts, sptvilj nig the, rrgiirients for \\ tiic*li they are respectively

On motion by Mr. Clay,

The Senate rcsolvcd into secwlt lcgihlntivc sehsion.


Mr. Clay ( I y 1c:~vc)iiiti*otliicwl

A bill (S. 105) to proviclc Coi. 1Iw consri-iptioii of :iliens resident in
thc Co1ifodcr:itc S h t w ;
whicli was rc:d the first nncl sccorid tinws t~iicl o r d c i d to be placed
upon tlic C a l c n d : ~:uid p r i l i t cd.
( fl*OllI 11lC I lousc of Rcpr
tativcs, by Mr. McDonald:
vc passed a resolution for the
igro+, sine dip, on Monday, the 20th of April,
tlie ~~onc11rrent~e
of the Senate.
nt atives having signed sundry enrolled bills
ant1 an enroIl(v1 joiiit rcw)liitioii, 1 a m tlirrctod to bring ttiein to the Senate for the
signature of tlicir lwsidciit

X r . Sparrow, froin the Chinniittce on Military Affairs, to whom

tho bill (I I. X. 14) to pwvcnt fraud in the Quartermasters a d Cotnniissarfs l)cprtments, rmd thc obtaining under false
prctensc trxnsportation f o r private property, reported it with an
W : ~ Sreferred

On motion by X r , S~,arrow,
Otdwcd, That the hi11 :~ndaincndnicnt be printled.
Mr. I\l:~swc~ll,
troiii t l w coiiimittcv, reported that they had examined and found trulj. c~tirollctl 1)iIh and :I joint resolution of the following i,itlc\:
S. 25. An act to (3li:ingSe tho title of engineers i n the Navy;
S. 49. An nct to :iiithori; tile Secretary of th e Navy to employ the
best pilots for w n - i c c i n the Confederate Marine;
S. 60. An act to a n t h o r i a the ctppointmcnt of a rcgistcr and an
addihiorral clerk und n draftsman for thc Navy Department; and

Apr. 4, 1863.1



S.8. Joint resolution relating to the production of provisions.

T h e President pro tcmpore having signed the enrolled bills and the
enrolled joint resolution last reported to have
were delivered t o the Secretary of the Senate a
presented to the President of the Confederate St
A message f r om the House of Mepresentative
A?. PTesident: The House of Representatives have passed the bill of thc Senate
(6 97) to exempt contractors for carrying the mails of the Confederate States and
the drivers of post coaches and hacks from military service, with a n amendment;
in m l i i c h t h e y ask t h e concurrence of the Senate.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (S.36) to increase

the strength and efficiency of heavy artillery fo r seacoast dcfensc,
returned by the President with his objections.
After dcbate,
3Lr. Haynes demanded the question; which was scconcled, and
The question being put,
Shall this bill pass, the objections of the Yrcsicicnt to the contrary
notwithstanding 2
i Yeas ... _
.. ..._
__ .
It was determined in the aErinntiw, 7 XaS's _ _ ... . - . ._ _ __._._
__ 5
The vote having been taken by yeas and nays, conforniably to the
ion of the first article of t h e Constitiition,
Those who voted in the affirmati\ye are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Clap, I'Iaynes,
Henry, Hunter, Maxwell, Oldhain, Orr, Pcyton, Scmnics, Siinms,
Sparrow, Wigfall, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Nessrs. Dortch, I-Iill, Johnson of Gcorgi:i, Alitchel, and Phelan.
So it mas
ResoZ.ced. T ha t this bill pass, two-thirds of the Sciiators present
voting in f i r o r thereof.
On motion by MY. O r r,
Ordered, That the Sccrctaq- coniiiiimicate the mid bill, thct message
of the President returning the saiiie to the Senate with his objections,
and the proceedings of the Senate thereon, to tho House of Representatives.
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House o i
Representatives t o the bill (S. 97) t o exempt contractors f o r carrying
the inails of the Confederate States and the drivers of post coaches
and hacks from military service; and
On motion by Mr. OHhani,
Resolved, That the Senate disagree to the ainendment of t h e House
of Representatives to the said bill, and ask a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon.
On motion by 311".Oldham,
O T C ~ WThat
E ~ , the committee of conference on the part of the Senate be appointed by the President pro tempore; and
Mr. Oldham, Mr. Yancey, and X r . Nitchel wcrc appointed.
Or&&, That the Secretary inform the House of Hepresentatives
On motion by Mr. Yancey,
T h e Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
O n motion by Mr. Yancey,



[Apr. 4,1863.

Or&w?, That 011 and after Monday, the 6th instant, the daily hour
of niecting of the Senate shall be 11 o'clock a. in.
On niotion by 3lr. Barnwell,
The Seiiete adjourned.

The Senato resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, tho consideration of the joint resolution (S. 11) to provide for the removal of the
seat of goxrnment.
On motion by MY.Barnwell, that i t lie upon tho tablc,
It \vns dctcrrnined in the afirmntive,{
_ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ __ __ - s
On motion 1)y &I%Yanccy,
The J-WS and nays Iwing dcsircd by one-fifth of thc S C I I : Lprcsmt,
Those who voted in tlic :lfiirnl:hvt> :ti*(',
Ilcssrs. I3:dicr, 13:irnwc~ll, I3nrnott, C'npcrton, Ihrlcli, I l i l l , I l i n t e r ,
, J o h n w n of (horgi:1, Orr, l'cy toil, 1'llel:~n. SC~III~IC\,
Thohe who voted i n the ntyptiw :LIT',
. CIl:~rlc, Cky, kI:iym~, I Icnry, l l : t s w l l , Nitchcl, C~ldhani,





That this resolution lic on thv table.

of the Whole, to the conmtc procccdtd, :ic; in Coiniriit
sideration of t h r ])ill (1. R. 1x1 t o lay ~ L X C : :for the ronii~~oii
and carry on tlic Governnicnt of tlic Confcdcratc Statts.
A ftc 1' de 1. )at ,
On iuotion by MY.Clay,
O ~ ~ l w a 'I'h:it,
tlic furth(x considcrtition t licrcof bc postponed to
and iii:uic thc. +1)wiwl ortlci. for Monday nest :tt half past 18 o'clock.
O n inotion I)y Rlr. S1mrrow,
The Son:itc rcw)lvcd into eswuti\-c session.



Mr. Spnrrow, from tho Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

\yere i ~ f c r r the
d noinin:ttions of It. L.Walker to hccoloncl of artillery;
It. Sito~vtlrnAtidrcws, ,J. J. Garnett, 13. Idxiper, William Nelson,
Tlionias 11. C:Lrtcr, 14.1'. ,Jones, John Pellitlrn, to be lientenant-colonels
of nrtillcry; \V.13. Burnet, J . W. Anderson, John 1.' W. Read, Frank
IEoger, J o h n Lane, C. M. I h x t o n , W. J. Pegram, ,J. W.Latimer,
J. B. Ilroclrcnhrough, D. G . McTntosh, WilliamT. Yoague, to be majors
of artillery; ,John M. Allen, W. A. Greene, George I?. Carniichael,
A. C. Smith, 'I?. J. B. Itoemcr, George W. Henley, P. B. McICelwy,

llmvthorn, E. M. Watts, L. U. Mayo, W. A. McPheeters,
Tlioiiias hl. I~IacB~vell,
William Warnc, 1'. L.Ogier, John D. Starry,
E. F. Colzey, S.E:. 1. Dance, James Purviance, R. B. Gardner, H. S.
Jones, Wi1Ii:im T. Abraharns, .J. S. Cutliff, 12. D. Haden, Robert C.
Wood, Van 13. (;ilbcrt, IV'illiain 1.Robertson, Lewis Randolph, John
W. I3atkcr, I,. 1'. Warren, .Jarncs A. Pearce, E. Randall, William D.
Lindnay, Jasper lq. 3ntler, J. I?. Delony, James W. Hutchings, J. E.
I'earson, Lconard ltandall, W. T. Upshnw, Thohias W. Meagher,
James A. Todd, 0. R. Early, N. W. White, L. M. Austin, John R.

Apr. 4, 186.3.1



Raine, J. &
I. J . H. Sears, H. P. Ritter, Columbus A. Thomas,
Arthur T. Crozier, A. C. Bleyins, W. W. Lambdin, George Porter,
J . 31. Stevens, Joseph Hannon, J. L. Harris, B. 13. Hoyt, J.W. Walker,
Martin C. Wright, Edward McDonald, Wallace Estill, Alexander
Harris, \Talker Curry, Thomas Jlattingly, C. N. Austin, J . L. Carter,
William I). H o j t , Dan. C. OKeefe, L). L. McLaughlin, Thomas C.
Atltinson, Thomas Tiirner, Thomas J. Buffington, Ldward Byrne,
David 13. ICwart, B. P. Icilgorc. John Lrwis, E . 13. Bicherson, A. E.
Willianis, TT, 11. nilliams, J . Walter Hill, W. II. tfeddings, S. C.
Benjamin, David 1. Iiainseur, Oscar Wilcy, hugustus H. larrish,
Micajah 1. (&inn, ,Jnines T. Ihvidson, rJ udson A. Butts, C. leyton,
L. SIcGuirc. 8. 8. Keill, T. I<. Eostwick, dohn 31. Estill, 1. G.
Latham, eJmirs ltol)inson, Alfrcd Patton,
1. Collins, J. Ilendree,
Silas Jolinmn, Sainucl Jlcredith, G. IfT. tlobards, El. H. Parker,
J\illiiiiii nchb, 11. A. ;\laxwell, S . Bozcinan, Elbert P i n n w , Lot W.
Savage, c. (2. Owcn, ,John Mills, Iheo. P. Mayo, T. A. Davis,
Thoillas J . Yoiiiig, 3. Y.Duggan, E. Y. Salmon, 6. W.Toole, Benjamin l. Green, I,. I,. Saundcrci, W.H. Battle, Llewelleii P. Warren,
N. 11. Whitfield, Jos. C. Roberts, John M. Baylis, Columbus 9.
ThoIIiiis, E. Burlre IIaywood, John S. Baxter, George R. Griffith,
James 31. IIolcoinbe, ,J. S. Cain, James Ware, Walter Brice, Robert
D. Haniilton, FIT. 1%.Jliller, aohn L. Alston, B. H. Rutland, R. S.
Strother, C. L. I-Ierbcrt, ,I. l l . Lanier, J . B. Murfree, J. S. NcCain,
Miles 11. Nadi, ;i. \T. Lalic, W. E. Brickell, William R. Stride, Williaiii T. JIcAlllider, Philip B. Minor, William B. Harrison, 1%.H.
Clrhitfield,Gcorge C. Gray, William 31. McPheeters, G. M.13. Maughs,
Don C. ltohcrts, S. IT. Iztync, Jariics W.Frazer, James S. Lewis,
Jos. EL Clagclt. Alcsandcr S. Gi-igshy, ?John 1-1.Watlcins, Leonidas
IIolt, Charles linckncg, Jos. ,J. West, 11-illiarn T. Tragg, Hugh A.
Blair, W.1. JVinn, Iidmard 11. K e l l ~TIT.
, 31. Fuqua, V. W.Harrison, Itobert S. Lcwis, 7Villiarn Green, Samuel R. Rixey, Samuel
A. Slatcr, IIenry F. Aiidrews, Jaines SI.G. McGuire, John 31. Gaines,
Charles 8. Morton, John A. Graham, 3Ionro Banister. Benjamin W,
Taylor, J o h n K. ?tlcLcan, Williani 1. IIardcn, Robert 13. Edmunds,
Christopher IInpyoldt, Franci:, 0.Dannelly , Thomas W. I Iutson, Joseph
Jones, liobcrt >I. Hill, IIcnry 0. McEnery, Noah B. Cloud, Anthony .
1. Pelzcr, Itobert Lebby, sr., J. E. A. Davidson, Sheldon Stringer,
,Jonas P. Moorc, U. R. Jlilner, William R. IVall, Thomas F. Clardy,
J. 11. Thompson, Efrnry 8. Cox, TTilbur F. Hyer, John C. Merrill,
Kelly M7illiams, x. A. Davis, G. C. Phillips, Robert A. Price, Richard
L. Butt, CharlesXanii, George W. Iiiggins, Benjamin F. Hall, Edward
W. Cade, Ebencser Jones, Eugene W. Herndon, Akin JL Sublett,
Edwin E. Harris, David R. Wallace, 1.V. Wallier, Q. G. Farnandis,
Tbonias ,J. Workinan, iVillii~n1Thomas Jones, John Geddingp Hardy,
\lilliani lJennings, cJohri 11. >lorton. William 73. Welch, C. Dorsey
h e r , James A4.L. Y u r d o ~ i ,John ?J. Grinstead, G. S. Beaumont,
Jlcnry 13. IIorlhccli, Peter G. Snowdcn,T. r J . Taliaferro, to be surgeons;
C. 7. Taliaferro, ,J. A. S.Todd, J. I<. Humble, William T. Saunders,
Thomas 0. Heard, TIT. 1. Campbell, Benjamin W. Moore, Joseph H.
Cook, It. D. Jackson. C. A. Henderson, Barnabas P. White, J . 8.
Herring, IV. W. NcCartney, ,J. T. Palmer, Milton Wright, J. S.
McCliisk~y,(ireen H. Hunter, fienjamin F. Chears, T. C. Thompson,
W. TT. White, A. M. King, Thomas B. Walker, J . H. Hicks, W. A.
Mulkey, Jarnes W.NcGee, D. C. Diggs, John R. Coffman, A. C. C.



Thompson, B. S. Watkins, 8. Kenan, A. V. Budd, W. 1%.

John M. Thomasson, W.H. Price, John &lingo, A. P. Collins,
Johns, John M. Gaddis, FIT.14;. Jones, Thcoph. 13. Means, J . \Y. Ma
C. G. COY,G. X. Icing, A. ,J. Pierson, T. I,. Bondurant, Edwar
Hart, D a 6 l W.Booth, Lewis H. Jones, J . 8. Wilson, Benjamin
Redford. Ednmd G. Banks, J . I). Reynolds, W.T. Il/lcLane,
Verdcry. 17'. L. Barksdalc, John H. Ricc, J. W. Stalnaker, J. H.
Conally, W. 11. Bramblett, Edward F'nrniss, William J . Thompson,
William J . ,Jordan, Augustiis Woodcock, Stephen S. Herrick, W. W.
Love, Robert Percy, C. A. Jones, William 1-1. Tucker, J . S. Bruce,
C. I?. Robinson, W'. 13. Ditsliiell, David G. Cooper, E. 31. McMurrm,
J. W. Smith, Thoiiias W.Sprnill, John D.Stuart, Henry J. Hnnter,
John 11. Gray, Ihaac G. Caiin:itly, G. W. IIunton, H. Graham, -I.St.
Geor )*eHopkins, 1C. S. N a r t i n , John G. Binnis,'l'. J. Bennett, A. 8.Gordon, S. Roy, N. W.C'allioun, (2. G. Colcninn, jr., J. E. Bell, .J. Moodie,
11. C. Rogers, John Sornraii, C1i:trlt~s G. (:Rmpbell, David A. Neer,
0.A. R o b m i , I\-.11. 'Fisdalc, ,Jxrnes 13. I,ucliic, W.1. Oliwr, 'I'homas
7'. Pratt, William 1'. Itich:irdmn, U'. 0. Ihll, IT?. G. Carter, C. 11.
IXggs, J o h n S. 1tich:wdsoii. IT. 31. Scrainble, JV. S. I'ec.k, J . A. Carter, 1):inicl E. Sniitli. rI'lioniii~11. Kinn(y. I'. It. Gregory, J . R.
Alcxn~idcr,11rnr~-13. Jitll\ i l l , J. 11. M. Kykcs, K. 1'. SIiowden, ,J. D.
Wood, Robert 11. .Tord:~n,Jnnics Al.'I'cmpleton, Henry L.Wilson,Williarii Xurdocli, 1s:iac G. V l a ~ k ,,J. J . Chllaway, 0. Waller, C. H.
Grrnian, R'. lL Andcrwn, , I . S. Fish, J o h n E. Price, Thomas G.
Slaiightcr, I). 13. 13ciisoii, I3rctt Shs:~cr,Samuel Muller, ,Joseph J.
Bauter, Edw:ird 13. IIou;:Iiton, Samuel 13. Flowors, Johii D. Spicer,
'Iliilberforce It. ;\lcKocw, W-illi:tni Littlc, Francis Gjllam, Marcus A.
13ntlcr, I3enjamin \IT. Sparks, John S. Jlurphy, C h d e s Lee Dunkley,
Albert C. 13yrnc, James C'. Green, Joseph 1-1. Vnughan, Wi1li:Lm T.
(ioldsniith, iiobcrtJ 11. Husli. 'I'honias 11. I3raty, David Steel, Edwin
W.Gordon, Gcorgc 3i. 13urtlett, IItnry (2. I A LIsaiah
~ , h e , Willinin
I). I3roglr, Ilrnry TIr. TVatcrq, A . L1. Laurence. ,Juniits ,J. Rroyles,
lt. (;unn, \\rilli:ini Al. 13ic.lwrs, JIarccllus E. L'aqon, William
C. I ~ l o n l n i i , Laf:t\.ettc. .J. Joiiw, ~ ' l i : t d (11.
~ ~'L'odd, Thomas Smith,
\Yilli:mi E. IIerriiig, Sliirvi11g l'riw, M-illitm I,. Sicholh, 1)uvid G.
Coit, Johrl C.Stsuntoti, J o h n ,I. rl'(~r~~ell,
,l:~nics\V. Oli\ er, ,T. T. Scott,
E. l l i l l t ~ r ,,I . 11'. 5ai11, I:. llr.Im1~1t~rtl:ile.
N. I). I'hilfips, S. 11. Peacock, *J. I<. llri1~oii,
.'l' 1'. 13ailey, C I . i : w i ~ hLLMcKinley, , I . W.l3eal1,
,J. I;. ("r:nvford, 'r. IY.Sicholi. &
Crynms, .J. I,. Westbrook,
G. 11'. Ev:iiis, 0. 31. Sittixin, X. Xaiipi, T. 1%.Ncim, R. 11. Sizmore,
Janics 0 . I*'ox. A. A. I'owcll, JV. 31. Kright, J . B. F. Hill, J . P.
Allison, A. .I131*ncc,
Charles Smith, .'I' G. Birchett, A. ,J. Manning,
W.l3. i h l c ~11.
, 11. Cohon, H. 1'. Kidcr, John R. Kirlrland, Charles E.
13ellaiii;~.M - i l h i i i i \IT
,Tosepli W. ZTarvey, ,T. hi. Outten,
( h r g c IF'. Lovlthxrt, George I). Ifnll, El. 13. Lott, William S.Lee,
It. 31. Tindnll, S. It. Olliphant, ,J. 31. I l r a d , S. S . Denham, J o h n
L. lloorr, ( i . T. l'iirdc~y, tJolin F. Kcnnedy, Edwin C. Lyles, T. W.
-kT:ite\, 11:wnc.t I'inson, ,John Gerdine, J. Purvis Jenkins, D. R.
Hewitt, S . .I. Thonipson, Samiicl Parker, ,J. Jefferson Hale, John P.
Furni<s, John TI. 13r:ick, XI. Dcavcnport, Georgc 13. Moore, J . 8. Meriwether, ,Janies 12. FVipginh, ;Tniiics M. Warren, William T. Grant,
Janics 13. Hinltlc, Itobcrt I). ,Jackson, John F. McLanc, Wilfred
Du Pont, Frsnk It. C'allionn, Willimi ill. Inabnctt, Matthew W.
Abney ,William 11. Benson, ,James H. Houston, Robert Q. Stacy, Wil-



Apr. 4, 1863.1


liaiii Magill, George S. TrezemnL, Georgc H. Bright, Hilliard 1. Harley, E. E.Vernon, J . C.Word. Henry J.Warrnut,h, Charles Hardee, R. T.
Dc Aragon, H. F.Oliver, 8. C. Caldmcll, Robert G. Rothrock, J . J.
Wade, Benjamin C. Blake, Johnill. Leninion, A. S. Yarborough, D. B.
Peirce, J. 3%.Hal-nes, Albert R. Taber, Gustavus G. Roy, David H.
Connally ,Thomas 8. Mitchell, Robe~t~~ilson,Williar~iC.
D. Carson, ~ ' i l l i a mD. Weldon, Charlcs 13. Addison, Eldridge T. McSwain, Nicholas P. RIarlom, John P. Cameron, Esidro J. Oliveros,
Theodosius Alston, Thomas I. M'ilkerson, Thomas P. Gary, Edward
II. Sholl, George W. Coswcll, Bcnjainin J. Moseley, Allen T. Lipford, Thoinas J. Palmer, H. MT. Franklin, C. L.Erans, Jairies W.
Duprec, Lea Williamson, 13. 13. Blocker, 8. A. Anderson, R. T. Wilson, James W. Millcr, William J . Ariiistrong, A. ill. King, T. J.
Rogers, Martin S.Schofieltl, VTilliuniC. Lewis, Anderson McCarty,
H. 11. Ferrcll, Richard N. Vcriable, Thomtls 11. 'I'urner, Robert Duncan, John R. Lowther, IVilliatn I). Smith, tJames T. LesLth, James L.
Davis, F. I). Hallonquist, David W.Fentress, Alonzo G. V. Doney,
Robert J. Bell, C. C. 'L'aliafcrro, David C. Hewson, George W.
Bryan, Richard L. Smith, 5. Baldwin arock, William MacN. Whistler,
Ozy R. Horton, George Stanley Kin , Sidney E. Babcock, Andrew
Bowie, Josiah N. Bo p,Julius A. Gal well, Edward C. Eppes, William
Morris, James J. 8alrner. $1. A. Shackelford, A . P. McCullougb,
Benjamin E'. Duvall, J o h n S. Pride, William G. Gamble, Louis D.
Carter, Jamcs 8. McDonongh, Janies S. Fish, John Goodman, Charles
Y.lhgmi, John G. Russell, William 8. Fowler, 8. 0. B. Crockett,
Thomas 13. Henedict, B. 11. Rutherford, James 1. Mullins, William
J . Coclie, Edward Pollartl, John It. Ilinton, Xobert C. Carroll, Edwin
E. Kellam, Peter Goolriclr, Tsnac lt. Godwin, Reginttld H. Goode,
John A. Nelson, Jos. C. V:iiden, Jason F. Nornian, David M.
Clarke, Henry I3riscoe, Willitmi A. Shelhj, Eleazar A. Pyatt, Richard
Fowler, William A. Anderson, A . Thornburgh, John Carmichael,
Hugh 31. Rogers, Georgc Q. Xathews, Benjamin Ymnklin, William
C. Bellamy, Alfred XI. iilsbroolr, Hcnry Dye, James Tz. Simons,
3 . F.Kirlrland, Hcnry 7'. IIcrwd, Lewis Stephens, 1'. 1). Coulson,
Henry L. Burton, S. C. Young, 13enjamin F. Kittrell, 11. 11. Jones, to
be assistant surgeons, reported, mith the recommendation that all of
said noniinations be confirmed.
Thc Senate proceeded to considc 1' %:Lidreport; atid i n caoncurrence
therewith, it was
BesoZv~d,That the Senale ad\ isc arid coiiseiit to thciv appointment,
agrecnbly to the nomination of the Prc\iclcnt.
On motion 1)y Mr. Spttrrow,
The Senate resumctl the considemtion o f t 1 1 I~n ( agc of i h c President of thc 24th ultimo, submitting the following nominations as surgeons and assistant surgeons, via:
Janies E:. Godfrey, Williaiii M. Gentry, J . E;. Dnlaney, George c.
Gray, Frank A. BAmsey, J o h n Patterson, J. tJ. Chisolin, H. G. Davidson, Robert 13. Dalton, ,J. Taylor Gilniore, J . W.C. Smith, James M.
Hollomay, Thomas C. Buffington, George B. Douglas, E. L. Anthony,
John H. Stevens, 1,. V. Hilot, 1.' 13. McKelI c s , Stokes A. Smith, Carey
73. Uanible, Robert J . Hicks, B. 11. Peel, Montrosc A. Pallen, Charles
Bell Gibson, J. l3. McC:tw, William D. Lyles, St. George Peachy,
J . F. Moore, A. W.Thonip.ion, Robert Gibbon, Henry K. Green, s.K.
Habersham, Thomas D. Isom, S. S.Satchwell, F. J . Rol)ertson, Willis






F. Westmoreland, J. McF. Gaston, T. L. Ogier, sr., A. J . Sernmes,

W. S. Lam-ton, C. J . Clark, M. S. Thomas, R. H. Taylor, Richard H.
Edwards, Alfred Wallace, Emmett Woodward, W. C. Cavena h, C. R.
Kemper, R. W. Mitchell, J. W. Powell, J. A. Pleasants, W.
Harrey L. Byrd, W. C. N. Randolph, Thomas Lining, J. H. Claiborne,
J. S. 1).Cullen, Lewis T. Pim, 0.A. Crenshaw, James Dunn, Thomas
A. Hedey, M. P. Scott, TIT. M. Brown, A. S. Ualdwin, E. T. Taliafcrro,
W. J. Arrin ton, A. 8. Baldridge, ,J. I?. Reid, Charles F. Brown, ,John
J . Dement, W. Thompson, Andrew F. Wright, Peter Custis, L. P.
Yandell, jr., J . F. McRec, A. B. Ctbaniss, H. RI. Weedon, James M.
Alexander, A. Dunlop, John T. Darby, James A. Rowers, B. W. lJssery,
R. J . Bigelow, Thomas J. IhifEngton, Edward Swanson, b. M. Brannoclr, Edward H. C. Bailey, E. $1~1). Coffey, ,John M. Allen, Preston R.
Scott, Charles C. Schley, W.S. Love, Thoinas J. Boykin, J. C. M. Merillat, G. W. Cnrrey, aoscpli C. Habcrshani, Tliornas H. Fisher, James
F. Grant, cJ:in~esI). Chit, W. H. Geddings, Peter Lyons, P. W. Young,
Thomas 13. Mcmmingcr, Robert, T. Royston, Rtindol 11 Barksdale,
Benjamin Blackford, -4.IT. 13ailey,Thonias A. Means, . E. Brownc,
K. Kidder Taylor, 1:. G. IIiggiril)othain, ililarioii Howard, J a m e s W.
Clniborne, Herbert 31. Nnsh, 13. J . Itoach, J. P. ilogan, ltobcrt Battey, Alexander TIarL, Jnincs 8. Mor(>l, Peter K. Hincs, Howard T.
Barton, ltichnrd 1. ,Johnson, milliani bl. Tlilson, J . 13. Gaston, Joseph
P.Watkins, J . 13. Stmclian, W.11. Cumiiiing, James M. Johnston,
J . 13. Tuft, M. 8. Mcicrc, Livingston Wsddcll, Robert E. Moorc, John
Minor, U. R. Jones, MT. A. Tlioni, It. P. Walton, E. N. Wood, W. C.
Cross, H. 1%.McQuire, J. Vr.Ramsay, Mr.M. Post, George F. Cooper,
M. M. Lewis, E. Lloyd H o ~ . ~ a rC:.d ,W. Chancellor, J . A. Straith, (3.W.
Thornhill, W. 8.Grymes, George W. Semple, IT. J. Moore, G. S.
HBbert, lJosepli A. ,James, Thomas 3%.Palmer, 1-1. V. Miller, 1111. H.
Houston, Octavius A. Wliitc, W.T. Walker, d. F. Hubtis, George
Whitfield, W.H. Moore, J . R. Hill, David 11. Tucker, Spiers Singleton, Samuel Logan,
M. Campbell, George W.Rri gs,G. S. West,
J . 8. Wellford, t o he surgeons; W. E. Pegram, C. R. fiilliard, Edward
J . Rembert, W.S. Mitchell, J . MT,Sears, Alexander T. Bell, Janies
Evans, J . Ril. Adanis, Bartlett A. Cnrtis, H. L. Hines, F. hl. I-Ienderson, R. D. Ijagnall, 3 . C. tJones, tJ. C. Mobley, P. R. Baker, IE;. ,Jaquelin Harrison, Jamcs S. (fillinm, Ckarlcs H. Tabcr, J . F. ;Tackson,J . A .
G r o i ~ Ediriurids
Mason, Ernilc T. Sabal, G. A. ililcDowclt, James
J. Cook, J . 11. Nuttall, T. 12. 71ingo, Alfred It. Gourrier, W.W. Harnner, R. K. Carter, E. 13. Perrin, Franklin J . Moses, 0.P. Larigworthy,
.J. T. JfcFarland, Jaines A. Miller, r J . C. Walker, Edwai*dG. Porcher,
H. F. I3utt, G. R. Millcn, J o h n 1111. Richmond, C . 1,. Garnett, James
Mclntosh, -J. &I. Dennis, J . 11. 13laxoni, W. J. Ihvidson, Newton
Wayt, 13. St. Gc>org!:oTucker, S. V. D. Hill, W. D. Somers, W. X.



Moselcy, Colby Cowherd, G. L. Jones, ,John Clopton, Thomas Opie,

H. N. Young, I,. B. Hcrndon, Peter Winston, hl. J. De Rosset, H. F.
Withcrspoon, G.11. Carrington, C. bl. Hunter, ,J. S. Buist, William
Morrow, JV. I. Sanders, W.1.Dcl:kny, ltichai-d Boyd, F. T. Fry,
G. A. D. Galt, Sterling C. Eve, H. C. Chnlmers, C. Shirley Carter,
Tomlin ISraxton, Dan. Parker, Walton Saunders, John C, Baylor, C. R.
Hayward, MTilliain IT.Gaither, J . T. Love, C. K. Manzy, Jos. Yates,
P. B. Stovall, R. Ti:. Mooie, S. H. Zmnar, Arthur Rrogdcn, W. L.
Lipacumb, B. 31. I d b y , Egbert B. Johnston, Sam. Xiller, to be assistant surgeons,

Apr. 6, 1863.1



On thc question,
Will the Senate adrisc and conscnt to thcsc appointments?
It was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
Bessohed, That the Senate advise i c n c l conwnt to their appointment,
agreeably to their rcspectivc noniinntionh.
On motion hy l f r . 13arnwel1,
The Kenxtc resolved into open lcyislative session.


ti. 1863.


Mr. Nxsn~c~ll
presented :L nicmorial i n behalf of certain destitute
f:milics takcii froin and near the city of Pcnsacola, Fla., by military
nuthority ; which was referred t o the Cumiiiittee on Claims.
Mr. Brown (by leave) introduccd the following bills; which were
severally read the f h t and second tirncs arid referred to the Committee on H a d Affairs:
S. 106. A bill to crcntc a provisioiiitl nary of the Confederate
sta tcs ;
S.107. A bill to providc for tlic traiihfcr of persons serving in the
Army to thc n:t\-y; :tnd
S. 108. A bill to :ullcnd an act cntitlcd An act to regulate impressIllCTlk, n13pIOVP<l ~1:IrCh%,1863.

111..Clay Q1.y Ic:L\ v) introtlucctl

A bill (S. 109) to provide for retiring officers of the Army;
which WRS read tlic first and second tiines and referred to the Chnniittee on Nilitary M a i r s .
Mr. Phelan, from the Coiiiniittcc on Yriiitiiig, to whoni WLS rcferred
tlie bill (S. 13) in rcltttiori to t)he public printing, rcportccl it without
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
O ) d w x & That it he printed.
The Senittc rcsunicd, as in Coniinittec of tlic Wholc, tlic considcration of the bill (8. 59) to :unend an act entitled An act to authorize
thc Secretary of tlie Nary to iiialrc cwtain contracts mi thout advertising for propositls, tipprorcd -lngnst 29, 1861; :tnd no aniendnient
h i n g m d e , the hill was rcported to the Scn:kc.
, That it bc engrossed arid re:id :Lthird timt.
Tlic said bill \\:IS rcnd the third tinir.
12csolv~d,That it p i s h , id that the title tlicrrof t)c tth :doresaid
Oydeyea, That tlic Sccrctaiy rcqucst, the coiiciirrcnce of the llouse
of ltcprcscn tittires thercin.
The Scnatc reiumcd, as in Coinrnittec of the Mholc, thc considcration of the joint resolution (S. 4) in relation to the free navigation of
tlie Mississippi River; and
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Ordered, That the further vonsideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to thc consideration of the joint resolution (H. R. 5) relative to general orders
issued from the Adjutant-Generals Office; and



On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

OTdered, T ha t it be postponed indefinitely.
The senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 68) to abolish all ports of delivery in the Confederate States; and
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Oydered, T ha t the f u rth er consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Comini
of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.6'3) f o r the confiscation of the leasehold interest and shares of stock owned by the American Telegraph Conipany
and other alien enemies in the lines of telegraph in the Confederate
Statcs; and
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Ordered, T ha t the further consideration thcrcof bc postponed until
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (S. 70) declaring the telegraph a part of the postal systcin of the Confederate States, and to provide for working the same;
On motion by Mr. Sernmcs,
Ordered, That the further considemtion thereof be postponed until
The Scnute mwcccdcd. :LSin Coniinitteo of the Whole, to the consideration of th; bill (1.It. 17) to aid comniittees of Congress in the
investigation of matters referred to them, and to punish false swearing hefore said committees; and the reported amendment having been
agreed to, tho bill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was
concurred in.
O/dered, That the :tnleiidi~ic~ntbe erigrossed, arid thc hill read a
third time.
The said bill, :is amended, was read the third time.
BesoZved, That it pass with an amendment.
Otdercd, That the Secmhry request t h e concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of thtl hill (S. 54) for the telief of Nrs. Laura Harper,
wifc of Col. K. JV. IIarpcr, commanding First Regiment of Arkansas
Cnralry; and no timendnicnt being made, the bill was reported to the
O r d m d , That it IN engrossed and read it third time.
The said hill was read the third time.
On t h c question,
Shall thc bill now pass d'
I t \\:by determined in the negative, Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l1
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_
1 .
The vote having been taken by yeas and nays, conformably to the
ninth bcction of the first article of the Constitution,
Those who voted in the affirmative arc,
Messre. Cayerton, Clay, Haynes, Mtixwell, Mitchel, Oldhain. Peyton, Phelan, Semmes, Sparrow, and Yancey.
Those who voted in th e negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Clark, Davis, Dortch, Henry, Hill, H n n ter, Johnson of Georgia, Orr, and Siiiims.


Apr. 6, 1863.l


So i t was
Resolved, That this bill do not p ~ stwo-thirds
of the Senators prose n t not roting in favor thereof.
Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 110)to authorize the Secretary of the Kavy to purchase
a site for a 1abor:ttoi.y and magazine, near th e city of Richmond, for
the preparation arid safr-liccping of ordnance stores;
which w n s rritd the first arid seconc~times ~ n t li*rferrcd to tlie Comrriittcc on Ntiv:il Affairs.
On nioiioii by M r . Y n n c ~ y ,
r ,
1 IIO Scn:ttc rcvoli c d into secret lcgi&tiv
rlic doors 1i:i\


i \ cvl

Tlic lollo\\ing 11
t i i n , 1)y Air. N ( k 1

f 1 ~ ) n it l i v

IIottsc: o f R e p i w e n t n -

let: T 1 1 ~l I o u w of ltcprcscntativcs haw passed bills of t h r following

titles; in M hich they reyucbt the concurrerice of tlie Senate:
11. 1L. 20. ,411 act for the aesessnimt and collection of taxes; and
H. R. 27. A n act esplariatory of a n act entitled An act to authorize the President
to accept and p h e in the service certain regiments and battalions heretofore raised,
appro1 ed on the 1I t h day of October, 1862
And they hare rc.fused to paw the hill of the Senate (S. 10) in relation to substitutes
The Speaker of the IIonse of Representatives having signed an enrolled bill anti an
enrolled joint resolution, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for thc signature
of their President.

Mi*.Ilortcli, from the committce, reported that they had examined

and found truly enrolled a hill and joint resolution of the following
ti tlcs :
S. 114 (oi tlic last session). An act for the relief of certain officers
of the Navy m c l of I h e h h r i n c Corps; and
S. 10. .Joint resolution :Luthoi*izingthe Iostm:ister-~enei.~lto extend
the time for rtwiviiig bids f o r trtinsportation of the mails in the States
therein nanicd.
The Prehident pro temporc having signed thc enrollcd bill and
onrolled ,joint rcsolution last reported to hare bcen exwnincd, they were
delivcrcd to the Seorctuy of the Senatc and by him forthwith presented to the President of thci Confederate States for his approval.
M r . n a r i s submitted the following resolution for consideration:
Kesolned, That hericeforwart1 the Penat
three oc1ock:until swen oclock postiiier

s cad: (lay from half past

The bills received this day froni the I-Iouse of lhpresentntives for
concixrrrncc wcrc scvcrtilly read thc first and sccond times.
Urdwcd, That the bill nurribc~rcd26 be rcfcimxl to tlie Committee on
l h a r i e e and tlic hill nnnil)erd 27 to thc Coiiiinittee on AIilitary Affairs.
Mr. Ihrnctt ,suhriiittcd the following niotion for consideration:
O~di.wd,That thc vote on rcjccting the bill (S.54) for tlie relief of
hlrs. Il:Lura IIarpcr, wife of Col. R. JY. Harper, commanding First
Be iinent of Arlurihas Ca1 d r y , I)c rcvmisidered.
$n motion I ) y ~ r 13urnrtt)
The Scnatc adjourned.

Mr. Hunter, froin the Coiiiinittee on Finance, to whom was referred

the bill (1.R. 18) t o lay taxcs for the common defense and carry on
the Government of the Confederate States, submitted a report (No. 9);
which was read and ordered to be printed.



On motion by Xr. Clay, and by unanimous consent,

Ordmjd, That 230 addjt,ional copies of the said report be printedi
confidence for the USC of the Senate.
The following message wts received from t h e President of the C
federate States, by 3lr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
KICRMOXD, VA., dpd 6 , 186
To the Senate and IIocise of Representatives.
I herewith transmit a c omtn~~nication
from t h e Secretary of thc Savy, to he reat1
i n secret session.
I invite your eywcial atteiitioii to thv sn1)jcc-tlie presents.

,J E I T E R R )S DdVI$.

to the Coruniittt~e011 N n v d Affairs.

The Senate rwL11iwd, as in Coninlittee of the Whole, the considerntioii of tho bill (11. R. 18) to lay tnses for thc corniiioii tlcfense arid
carry on the (iol-crntuent of t h e Confederate StrLtcs.
On tlic qriestiori to agree to the following reported :tmendment:
Strike oiit till after the enacting clause and insert:
That a tax of teu per centum shall be levied and collected upon the value of all
naval stores, tobacco iiianufacturcd or nninanufactured, cotton, flour, sugar, rice, and
other agricultural products not o~vnetfhy the producers on the first day of July next,
and on the value of ,211cotton and tobacco owlied by t h e producem on the first day
of July next, and of the grou th of any year preceding the year eighteen hundred
arid sixty-three, a tax of fi\ e per centurn; aiid o n all moneys on hand, or on deposit
on the first, day of July next, a t a s of one per ccnttuii: . h J a l d e d , That all inonevs
owlied, hrltl, or deposited beyond t h e limits of t h e Confederate States shall be valued
at the current rate of exchange iri Confederate Treasurynotes, and the said tax shall
be assessed o n t h e first day of Jnly next, or as soon thereafter as niay be practicable,
and be collected on the first day of October next.
SEC.2. Every person engaged or intending to engage in any business named in
t h e fifth section of this act shall within sixty days after the passage of this act, or nt
the time of beginning business, and 011 the first day of January i n each year thrraafter, register with the district collector, i n such form as the comniiwioner of taxes
shall prescribe, a true acrount of the name and residence of each peiwii, firm, or
corporation engaged or in the business, v it11 a ctdtement of the tinre for
which and the place and manner i n n hich t h e waitie is to be conducted, and of all
other fads going to ascertain t h e amount ol tax upon such business for the past or
the future, according to the provisions of this: act. A t the time of mch registry there
shall be paid to the callet tor the bpecilic tax for tlie year ending on tho next thirtyfirst of Drceinber, antl ~ i c other
tax as mny be due upon sales or receipts in such
business a t t h e tiiiie oi' iegistry, as herein provided; and t h e collector shall give
to tlie perhon iiiakiiig such registry a copy thercof, with a receipt for the amount of
tax t h c ~paid.
S w . 3. Any person failing for ten days to make t h e registry, and t o pay the tax
required by t h e preceding section, shall, in addition to all other taxes upoii his husine5s imposed by this act, pay doul)le t h e aiiiount of t h e specific tax on scich business,
and a like sum for every thirty days of s u r h failure.
SEC.4. Except where herein otherwiw provided, there shall be a separate registry
and tax for each business mentioned in t h e fifth section of this act, and for each
place of conducting the sanie, but no tax shall be required for t h e mere storage of
goods a t a place other than t h e registered place of business. Upon every change in
the p l a c ~of condncting a rPgisterc.d business, there shall be a ne\v registry, but no
actt1ition:tl t a u shall he rcqnirctl. Upon the death of any person conducting a business registered and taxed as herein required, o r upon the transfer of the basilless to
aiiotlic~r,the business shall not be
to any additional tax, but there shall be
a new registry in the name of the
thorized by law to continue the business.
SEC.5. That upon each trade,
, or occupation hereinafter named, the
following taxes ehall be levied and paid for t h e year ending on t h e thirty-first of
December, eighteeu hundred and sixty-three, and for each antl every year thereafter, viz:
I. Bankers shall pay five hundred dollars. Every persoii shall bc deemed a
banker within tho nieaning of this act who keeps a place of business where credits
are opened in favor of any person, firm, or corporation, by the deposit or collection of

Apr. 6, 1863.1



nioncy or currency, and b j whom the same, or aiiy part thereof, shall be paid out
or remitted upon the draft, chrck, or order of sucli'creditor; but not to include any
bank legally authorized to issue notes as circulation, nor agents for the mle of merchandise for account of producers or manufacturers.
11. Auctioneers shall pay fifty dollars and two and a half per centum on the
gross amount of sales madc: I'robitltd, holcever, That on all sales a t auction of stocks
or securities for money, the tax shall be one-fourth of one per centum on t h e gross
amount of pales. Every person shall bo deelneil a n auctioneer, within t h e meaning
of this act, whose occupation it is to offer property for sale to the highest or best
1)itlder a t puhlic ontcry. The tax upon t h e auctioneers shall be deemed a tax upon
t h e pcwonal pri\ ilege, to 1)cpaid b y each individnwl engaged iri t h e bnsinesq, and
without regard to thc plaw at T\ liich fht>same is cmduc.ted. ?\'o tax shall be required
(+ion s a l r ~inadt~for dealers in a businees registered antl taxed, and a t their
upon oiiicial bales a t auction, made by judicial or executile
I represcntatiri~s,guardians, or comniittees
i s ill liquors of any and e\ crv description, including distilled
spirits, itmncntrtl liqnors, and n ines of all kinds, sliall pay tn o hnndred dollars and
five per centuiri on tlic g o $ $ anionnt of sales made. Every person, other than the
distiller or b r ~ ~ evrh ,o &dl sell, or offer for sale, a n y such liquors or wines in
quantities of inore than three gallons a t one tiiiie, to t h e same purchaser, shall be
regarded as a 1% holesale dealw in liquors, within t h e nieaning of this act. All persons who shall sell, or offer for sale, any mc*hliquors or wines in quantities less than
three gallons a t one time, to the same person, shall be regarded as a retail dealer in
IV. Uetuil dealem i n Z t p o r , including distilled spirits, fermented liquors, and wines
of everv description, shall pay ojte hunclrpd dollars and ten per centurn on the gross
amonnt of all sales made.
V. Retail dectlers shall pa) fifty dollars and tmo and a half uer centum on the
globs aitiount of sale8 m::tic.." >'vcrp pe
whose business or ociupation it is to sell
01 dfer to sell grocerieq, or aiiy goods,
eq, inc~rchandise,or other things of foreign
or doincstic production, in less quantit
than n whole original piccc or package at
one time, to the Pairie pcxrson (not inc.111cling\< ines, spirituous or malt liquors), shall
be regaded a8 a retail dcalcr initlcr t h k a r t I'~o~itletd,
horcfww, That any mechanic
110 shall scll only the proilucth of the. labor of,himself arid his own family shall be
exempt froin this tax
\TI. TV/tv/Psci/e tlectlers shall pay t n o hnnclrccl dollars and tv o ant1 a half per centiim
on tlic gross amount of all sales niatlc Exery per\oii M hose I)npineosor occupation
it is to s ~ l or
l offer to sell proceriec, or any gonds, ~ a r r c or
, nierrhandise of foreign
or tloruestic prodiictioii. hy one or iiiore original package or piwc a t one time, to the
same purchaser (not inrlnding 13 ines, spiritiious or nialt liquors), shall be deemed
ar: a wholesale dealer under this act; but, haling been registered as a wholesale
dealer, suth person may also sell, as ahremid, as a ietailer.
Vl1. Putmbrokers shall pay two Iinndreti dollars. Every person xvliose business
or occnpation it is to take or rccei\e, by way of pledgti, favor, or exchange, any
goods, !?ares, or inerchantliee, or any kind of personal property whatever for the
repayment or security of nioney lent thereon, sliall be tleeiiicd a pawnbroker under
this act.
VIII. Distillers shalt pay tv o hnndred dollars anti also twenty per cent on the
gross amount of all sales niatle J h ery person or copartnerphip who distills or nianufactures spirituous liquors for sale shall be deemed a tlihtiller under this act: Provided, hozcieire~,That distillerd of fruit, for ninety dajs o r l e ~shall
pay sixty dollars
and also fifty wntr per gcillon on the first tcn ga11011~ttnd t\+o dollaru per gallon on
all spirits distilled bryontl that qnantity.
I X . Breueis shall
one hnndied dollai* niid tv o a n d a half per centum on
t h e grois aniount of
iiiatle. ELel y pcrhoii n 110 innnufactures fermented liquors
n for salc froin malt, wholly or in part, shall be deemed a
of any Ilallle 01 desr
brewer uncle] this act
X. Keepers of lwtels, inns, antl tmerias shall pay twenty dollars. Every place
where food and lodgingq arc provided for and furnished travelers and sojourners in
view of payment therefor, the income of which amounts to,fiveltundred dollars froin
that sourcc, shall he regarded a hotel, inn, or tavern under this act
XI. Keepers of eutrizg houses shall pay forty dollars Every place where food or
refreshments of any kind are provided for casual visitors, and sold for consumption
therein, and every boarding house in which there shall be six boarders or inore shall
be deemed an eating honse under this act
XI1 I h k e r s shall pay two hundrrd dollam. Any person whose business it is to
purchase and sell stocks, coined money, bank notes, or other securities for themselves



[Apr. 6, 1863.

or others, or who deals iii tkxchange relating to money, shall bc deemed a broker
under this act.
X I I I . Coittnirrr.ia1 brokers shall pay two hundred dollars and two and a hay per
centurii upon all sales made. Any person or firm, cxcept one registered as wholesale dealer or banker, n hose business it is, as t h e agent of others, to purchase or sell
goods or seek orders therefor in original or unbroken packages, or produce consigned
by others than the producers, or to inanage business matters for t h e owners of vessels, or for t h e shippers or consignors of goods, or whose business i t is to purchase,
rent, hire, or sell real estate or negroes, shall be deemed a commercial broker under
this act.
XIV. Tobacconists shall pay .fifty dollnrs and t i ~ orind a half per cent on gross
amount of sales. Any person whose business i t is to sell a t retail cigars, snuff, or
tobacco in any form shall be deemed a toharconist under this art, but registered
wholesale and retail dealers shall not hc taxed as tobacconists.
XV. Tlieaters shnll pay fit^ huizdyetl dollars and j a e per cent on all receipts,
which tax shall he paid b y the owner o f the building. Every edifice used for the
purpose of dramatic or operatic representations, plaj s, or performances, and not
including halls rented or used occasionally for concerts or theatrical representations,
shall be regarded as a theater under thib act. Kach circus shall pay one hundred
dollars and a tax of ten dollars for each exhibition, M hich tax shall be paid by the
manager thereof. Every builtling, tent, or space, or area where feats of horsemanship or acrobatic sports arc exhibited shall be regarded as a circus under this act.
.Jugglers and other persons exhibiting sho\vs shall pay $fty dollars. Every person
who perforiiis by slcight of hand shall be regarded as a juggler under this act: Provided, That no registry rnade in one State shall be held to authorize exhibitions in
another State, arid bnt one registry hhall be required under this act to authorize
exhibitions i n any one Stiite.
XVI. Uowbtcg ctlle?js and ?izll?n~drooins shall pay ,forty dollars for each alley or
billiard table rerristereil. wliicli tax shall be naid bv the owner thereof. Everv d a c e
or building whe're bowls are thrown or billiards pfidyed and open to the publ&cwith
or without price shall be regarded as a bowling alley or billiard room, respectively,
under this act.
XVII. Livery stable teryer's shall pay fifty dollars. Any person whose occupation
or business is to keep horses for hixe 6; to let shall be regarded as a livery stablc
keeper under this act.
XVIII. Cnttlp brokers shall pay the sum of .fifty dollars and tm-o and a half per
rentuin on t h e gross amount of sales iiiade. Any pcrson whose business i t is to buy
and sell and deal i n cattle, horpes, hogs, or sheep shall be considered a cattle broker.
XIX. Butchers and 1,ctPew sliall pay the sum of j f t y dollars and one per centum
on the gross amount of sales made. Any person whose business it is to butcher and
scll, or offer for sale, in open iiiarket OT otherwise, t h e flesh of cattle, hogs. and
shcep, shall be deemed a butcher under this act; and any person whose 1)risinessit
is to bake and sell, or offer for sale, bread or cakes of any description, pies arid such
like articles, shall be deemed a balrer under this act
XX. Peddlers shall pay $ft!/
dolinra and tMo and a half per cent on the gross
sales Any person,
persons cjngageed ~n peddling exclusively periodicals,
books, newqpapers pi
d i n the C'ontcderate States, Bibles or religious tracts,
who sells, or offers to sell, at retail, goods, wares, or other commodities, traveling
a i t h his goods from place to place, i n the streets, or through different parts of the
country, shall be deemed a pcddler under this act: Provided, That any peddler who
sells, or offers to sell. dry goods, foreign or domestic, by one or more original pieces
or packages a t one time, to the same person or persons as aforesaid, shall pay one
huridred dollars and tn-o and a half per cent 011 t h e gross sales; and any person who
peddles jewelry shall pay , j j t y dollars and two and a half per centum on the gros
sales. The tax upon pecldlers shall be deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to
be paid by each individual engaged in t h e business, without regard to the place a t
which the same is conducted.
X X I . Apothecarzes shall pay $jty dollars and two and a half per centum on the
gross amount of sales made. Every person \Tho keeps a shop or building where
medicines are compounded or prepared, according to prescriptions of phynicians,
and sold, shall be regarded as a n apothecary under this act.
XXII. Photographeias shall pay t h e +.urn 01 .fifty dollars and two and a half per
centuin on the gross amount, of pales made Any person or persom who make for
sale photographs, ambrotypes, daguerieqtypes, or pictures on glass, metal, paper, or
other material, by the action of light, shall be regarded as a photographer under
this act.
XXIII. Lazryers actually engaged in practice shall pay $j?y dollars. Every person whose business it is, for fee or reward, to prosecute or defend causes in any

Apr. 6, 1863.1



court of record or other judicial tribunal of the Confederate States, or of any States,
or give advice i n relation to causes or matters pending therein, shall be deemed to

iiiider this act

St?. 6 And cvcry person ant1 taxrcl upon thc grow amount of sales, as
aforesaid, shall be required, on tlie first d a y of July, cighteen hundred and sixtythrce, to n u k r a list or ictnrn to the collector of the district of the gross amount of
such sales as aforcLaiti, to I\ it From the first day of April to the thirtieth day of

June, eighteen hundred and bixty-three, iiiclusivc; and a t the end of every three
months, or uithin ten days thereafter, after the said first day of July, eighteen
hundred and sixty-three, make a list or return to t h e collector of the district of the
gross ainouiit of R I I C ~sales inade, RS aforesaid, with the amount of tax which has
accrued or should accrue thereon, which liqt shall haT e annexed thereto a declaration iinder oath, or affirmation in form and mauner as may be prescribed by the
ner of taseb, that the same is true and correct, arid shall at the same time,
ti, ]lay to the collector t h e anmint of tax thereupon, as aforesaid, and in
wof slrall J X I Y a pcnalty in t1oul)le the anioimt of tlie tax.

exceeding one thousand dollars per annmi, or at a like rate for another period of
time, longcr or ihortw, nor of any pcrson ikhosc salary i4 prohibited to be diminished b y the CoiiLtitution of the Confcl
Statcs, or of ally Statc
S i r 8 That the Secretary of the T
shall cause to be assessed and ascerthereat ter a i practicable, the income
i l i n t stock coi~ipany,and corporation, from
new in M hich tliry may hare heen engaged,
and from every investment of labor, skill, property, or money, and t h e income and
profits derived froin any other sonrce whattwr, during the c:Llendar year preceding
the said first day of January next, a i d thc said income and profit shall be ascertained, assessed, and taxed in the nranuer hereinafter piescribed.
I. If the income be deri\ e(1 froin rents of hoiiseq, lands, tenements, manufacturing
or mining rstablishinenh, fixtur es and inarhrnerp, inills, springs of salt or oil, or
veins of coal, iron, or o t l i c ~minerals, their ~1i:ilIk ) tlctluctcvl
froin tlie gr05s aniount
of the annual rent a m n sufficient for the nccesary annual repairs, not excvxding
per ctmtiini on said rmt.
11. If the income be tlcrivcd from any manufacturing or mining business, there
shall be tletlircted froiii the grosr w l u e o t the products of the ycar, Jlrst, the rent of
it1 fiytiir<xh,if actually rented and not 01%
lied by the person proscsecotctl, the (wd, of the labor :wtually hired and paid for; third,
tlie actual cost o f t h e r ~ \ Iiiateri~il
puicliasrct aiid iriariulactured.
JII. If llie iii(wiii1 be tleii\cd lroiri na\igatiiig enterprises, there shall be deducted
from thc gioks cwmings, including t h e value of freights on goods shipped by t h e person running the ves~el,the hire of ttie boat or vessel, if not owned by the person
running the same, or if on ned b y h i i n , a reasoiiahle allowance for the wear and tear
of the same, not exccecling teii per ccnt per annum, and also the cost of running the
boat or \ cssel.
IV. If the income hc derived I)y ttie taxpayer from shipbuilding, there shall be
deducted from the gross receipts of hir occupation, including the value of the ship



when finished, if built for himself, the cost of t h e labor actually hired and paid by
himself, and the prime cost of t h e materials if purchased by him.
V. If t h e income be derived by t h e taxpayer from the sale of merchandise or
any other property, real or personal, there shall be deducted from the gross amount
of sales t h e prime cost of t h e property sold, including the cost of transportation,
salaries of clerks actnally paitl, arid the rent of buildings employed in the business,
if hired and not owned by hiinsel-f.
VI. If t h e income be derived by the taxpayer from any other occupation, profession, employment, or business, there shall be deducted from t h e gross amount of
fees, compensation, profits, earnings+m conimissions, the salaries of clerks actually
paid and the rent of the office or other building used in the business if hired and
not owned by himself, the cost of labor actually paid and not owned by himself, and
the cost of material other than machinery purchased for the use of his business, or
to be con\-erted into some other forin in the course of his business. The income
derived from all other sources shall be subject to no deduc*tionwhatever, except the
interest on Confederate bonds, stocks, and call certificates, which shall be exempt
from taxation. Kor shall foreigners be subject to a tax upon a n y other income
than that derived froni property owned or occupations and eniployinents pursued by
them within the Confederate States. When t h e incoine shall he thus ascertained, all
of those it hich do not exceed five hundred dollars per annuin shall be exempt from
taxation. All annual incomes between fire hundred dollars and fifteen hundred
dollars shall pay a tax of five per cent on their amount, and all annual incomes
between fifteen liinidrecl dollars and ten t h
nd dollars shall pay B tag of ten per
cent 011 their amount. All ariiiual incomes
Ieen ten thousand dollars arid fifteen
thousand dollars shall pay a tax of twel\e
a half per cent on their amount, and
all annual inconies of more than fiftern thousand dollars shall pay a tax of fifteen per
ventuni upon their aiiiount. All joint stock companies and corporations shall reserve
one-tenth of the annual earnings set apart for dividend anti reserve fund, to be paid
to the collector of the Confederate tax, a i d llie dividend then paid to the stocfrholder
shall not be wtiiiiated as a part of his income for the purposes of this act. Phe tax
!meby laid shall be payable on the first of January next. All persons shall givo
in an estimate of their iiicoine arid profits derived from any other source whatever,
and in doing so shall first state the gross amount of their receipts as iiidividuals or
inernhers ot a firm or partnership, and also state particularly each item lor which a
deduction is to be niatlt~arid the ainonnt to be cieducted for it: Provided, ~ L L O ~
That the inconics and profits upon which the above tax is to be imposed shall not
be deemed to include the products of land which are taxed in kind as hereinafter
described: Irovid(d f u r f hT , That in case the aiinual earning7 of said joint stock conipanies and corporations w t apart 21s aforcaaicl shall give a profit of more than ten
and less than twcnty per cent upon their capital stock paid in, one-eighth of said
sum so s r t apart shall he paid as a tax to tlie collector aforesaid, and in c a ~ Haid
e suni
so set apart shall give a profit of niow than twenty per writ on their capital stock paid
in, one-sixth thereot shall he r
SEC.9. That if the awepsor
statement or estimate of
income and profits derived fro
than products in kind,
which the taxpayer is required to rentler, or with any tleduction claimed by said
taxpayer, h e shall wlcct one disinterested citizen of the vicinage as a referee, and
the taxpayer shall selwt anothcr, and the t n o thus selected shall call in a
shall in\ estigate aiid tleteriiiiiie the fa& in reference to eaitl t&rimte atid (
aiid fix the aniuunt ol iiicuirie and prolits on w hicli tlie taxpayer shall I
a i d a certificate signtd by a majority of the ieferees shall be conclusi\e as to the
amount of income and profits on which the taxpayer shall be assessed: frot itled,
That if any person shall fail or refuse to render the statenient or estimate aforesaid,
or shall fail or refusc to sclcct a rcfcrcc as aforcsaid, tlic asecssor shall select three
referees, who shall fix the aiiiount of income and profits on which the taxpayer Fhall
bo asscsqcd from the best evidence they ran obtain, and a certificate signed b y a
majority of said referees shall be conclusive 011 t h e taxpayer: A d proWidpd furthey,
That in any case submitted to referees, if they or a majority of them shall find anti
cwtify that t h e statement or estimate of incorne and profits rendered by the taxpayer
clow not contain morc than four-fifths of tlie true and real amount of his ttixahle
incomc ant1 profits, then the taxpayer, in addition to the income tax on the true
amount of his income and prolits ascertaincti and assessed by the referees, shall pay
ten per centuin on the amount of said income tax, and the assessor shall be entitled
to one-fifth of said additional ten p e r centuin over and above all other fees and
allowances: A n d provided fi~rtlier,Ihat the assessor niay adniiriister oaths to the
referees, t h e taxpayer, and any witness before the referees in regard to said estimate,
and any deduction claimed or any fact in reference thereto, in such form as the
Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe.

~ ~ J

Apr. 6,1863.1


SEC.10. Each farmer and planter in t

own use one hundred bushels of t h e coi
i n the present year, shall pay and deliv
products of the present year, one-tenth
wheat, or rice, and of the cured hay and
made of cane, cotton, wool, and tobacco;

hit h they are lieltl when a coi-rec t computation is prwticahle by such a nlethod,
I S shall then c-timate, under oath. tlie qiiantity and quality of said
what inay have been sold or consumed by the producer prior to
said estimate, whether patliered or not, and the ralue of the portion thereof to which
the Governmeiit is entitled, and shall give a written statement of this estimate to the
sail1 collector and a copy of the same t o the producer. The said producer shall be
required to deliver the articles thus described within two months from the time
they haw been estiinated as aforesaid at some depot not more than dight miles from
the place of production, in iiierchmtnhle order, and if not delivered by that time i n
such order he shall be liable to pay twenty per cent more than the estimatedvalue
of the portion aforePait1, to be collected b y t hr tax collector as hereinafter prescribed.
The said estimate shall be conclnsivc evidence of the amount in inoney of tax due
by the producer to t h e Go1 ernmrut, and the lector is hereby authorized to proceed
to C ( J k ' t the same by issuing a wxraiit of d ess from his office under his signature
in the iiatriie ot a w r i t jre?.i.foc.rcrs, and by 1,' e of tlic sanic to wize aiid b e l l any
personal property on the premitrs of the tavpayer or elscwherc lwlonging to hiiii,
or LO J I I I I C ~thc.reof :ISmay be ne sary for the purpow of paying the tax and the
additional twenty 1)er ccnt afore d ant1 otts, and said sale hhall be inade in the
manner and forill tiiitl aI'lt.1 t l i e I ice rcquiied by the Liv, s of tlic scveral States for
judicial sales of pei+onal piopeity, and tlic s i c %warrant of di\trces m a y Lc csecutcd
l)y the tax collector or any tleputy by him appointcd for that purpo~c,and t h e
deputy executing the walrant shall be entitled to the sainc fees m e a!lowed in the
respective States to shcriffs exccutnig Hrits of$?? i f(rdu8,said fees to b e paid as costs
by the taxpayer: I'~ro7zded, That i n all ~ o f i c suhrre the assessor and tlie taxpayer
agree ou thc assessment of the crops and the I alue of the
tliereof to which t h e
Government is entitled, no other assessnirnt shall be
ry, but the estimate
>r and taxpayer and
rctiuced to writing and signed by tlle
e and effect as the acqes~irientnntX (3s
of disinterested freere ineiiti~netl,s i i t l two coI)ies of such assessment and estimate
thus agreed on ~ n t signei(I
as aforesaid shall be iiiacle and one dclireretl to the prot 1 i i w . r ant{ the otlicr to the collector: And juroz-idrdfurther, That the assessor is hereby
authoriLeil to administer oaths to the taxpaq
and to witnesses i n regard to any
iteiri of the c.tiiiiate herein rcyuiretl to he in
h i t l pro71ided,~i~rther,When agricmt bc niacle by a tenant ~ v h oi s
cwltnral protluc~ci l l kind is i)aitl f o r t a v s , if 11
his rvnt in kind, the tcantli par
Paid rrnt in kind shall be paid i n
bound to
kind I)! the tcnant to the (;overiinit~ntaa and for the tax 01 the lessor on mid rent,
aiicl tlic re(ylil1t ot thc. Govcwiiiit,
r sh21ll release the lesmr from all obligation
iient of income mtl discharge the tenant
to include saitl rvnt in kiiict in 11
froin so niuch of his rent to tlic I(
Ssc. 11. That every farmer, planter, o r grazier shall exhibit to the assessor, on or
1)eforr the first of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, an account of all the
hogs he may have slaughtered since the pa~sageof this avt and befoie that time;
after the delivery of this estimate t o the post quartermahter hereinafter mentioned,
k)y the assessor, t h e raid farmer, plariter, o r grazier shall deliver a n equivalent for
one-tenth of t h e same in cured bacon, a t the rate of seventy pounds of bacon to t h e
one hundred M eight of pork, for hich he fihall receive the .value of four bushels of
corn for every one hundred pouiids of pork which he may have thus contributed by
way of tithe, and also the price paid b y liini for the salt used in curing the same, at




[Apr. 6,1863.

the rate of one bushel for each one thousand >!-eight of pork, and also one-tenth of
a n y money which he niay h a r e paid for t h e purchase of the swine thus fattened and
slaughtered. That on the first of November next, and each year thereafter, an estimate shall be made as liereinbefore provided of t h e value of all the neat cattle,
horses, niules, arid asses 01%ned by each person i n tlie Confederate States, and u on
such value t h e said owners shall be taxed one per cent, to be paid o n or bePore
t h e first day of January next ensuing. If the grazier, or planter, or farmer shall
have sold beeves since the passage of this act, and prior to the firet day of November,
t h e gross proceeds of such sales shall be estimated and taxed as income after deductr
ing therefrom the money actually paid for t h e purchase of such beeves, if they
have been actually purchased, and the value of t h e corn consumed by them. The
estimate of these items shall be niade in case of disagreement bctwccn t h e assessor
and taxpayer as herein prescribed in other cases of incometax; and on each succeeding first day of November, the beeves sold cluring the preceding twelve months shall
be estimated and taxed in the saine nianner.
Sw. 12. That the Secretary of TVar shall chicle the service of the Quartermasters
Department, into two branches, one for the collection of t h e articles paid for taxes in
kind, herein derioininatod post quarterinaster, and t h e other for tlistrihution to the
proper points for supplying the Army, arid for delivering cotton and tobacco to the
agents of t h e Swretary of the Treasury. The tax assessor shall transfer t h e estimate
of articles due froin each person, by way of a tax i n kind, to the duly authorized post
quartermaster, taking from t h e said quartermaster a receipt which shall be filed as a
voucher with t h e chief collector iii sc~ttlinghis account, and a copy of this receipt
shall be furnished by the chief collector to the auditor, settling t h e post quartermasters account as a charge against hiin. The post quartermaster receiving the
estimate shall collect from the taxpayer the articles whic.h it specifies, and which he
is bomid to PRV, antl ctehvrr as a tax to the Confederate Government. The post
quartermaster &ail be liable for t h e sair custody of t h e articles placed in his care,
and shall account for the same, by slio\t ing that, after proper deductions for unavoidable loss, the residue has been delivered to the distributing agents as evidenced b y
their receipts. The said post quarterinaster shall also state t h e accounts of the
quarterniasters receiving from him t h e articles delivered in payment of taxes in kind
at his depot, and iriake a Iiiorithly report of the same to such officer as t h e Secretary
of War may designate: Procid~d,That in case thc post quarterinaster shall be unable
to collect the tax in kind, specified in the estimate delivered to him iis aforesaid, he
shall deliver to the tlistrict t a s collector Faid estimate as a basis for the distress warrant authorized to be issued, and take a rewipt therelor, and fnrward the same to
t h e chief tax collector as a crcdit in the stittenlent of the accounts of said post quartermaster: lrotided, That any partial paytricnt of said tax in kind shall be indorsed on
said estimate before dc~liveririgthe same to the district tix collcc.tor as aforesaid, and
the receipt given to him thewfor I)y tlicb district tax collector shall specify said partial payment. \Vhen tlit. articles thus collected through the payment of taxeir in
kind have been rwcived :tt tlic. depot as aforeqaid, they shall be distributed to the
retary o f the Tre>isnry,if they consiut of cotton, wool, or tobacco,
, if thvy 1)c siiitahlc lor foragc or siilwisterice, arid in such manner
as the ficcretary of \Var niay 1)rescribr. fihoidd the secretary of War find that some
of tlw agricultural produt~hthus paid in :ind suitable for forage and subsistence has
been tlepositcit in 1)laccls\! here it can iiot be uscd either directly or indirectly for
these purposes, he shall cause t h e baiiie to be old in such inanner as he iiiay prescribe, arid tlie procwds of t.uc,h
States. Rhoultl, Iiowevcr, ttw S
that it I\ oultf be imprac~ticable
to be received in cclrtain distri
shall proceed to collect in said
specified in said estiniate, antl staid nionry value shall be due on the first day of
January in each aiitl evcry year, and be collrc%tedas soon thcreafter as practicable.
SEC.13. That the estimate<of i n c ~ m eand profits, other than those payable in kind,
and the statements or 1)illsfor t h e aiuount of the specific. tax on occnpations, employments, businrw, a n t 1 profesqionq, and of taxes on gross sales shall be delivered by the
aswssor to the collectur of the dirlrivl, u h o ~ l i a l give
hiin it receipt for t h e same, and
t h e said assesmr shall file hi4 rrceipt 15 ith tlie chief tax collector of t h e State, and the
collector of t h e district, holding paid eqtiiiiates, statements, or bills, shall proceed to
collect the same from the taxpayer. The money thus collected shall be paid to the
chief tax collector of the State, acconipanied by the estimates, statements, or bills
aforesaid, delivered by the a9sessor to the divtrict collector as aforesaid.
Sec. 14. That evcry person who as trnntec, g:nardian, tutor, curator or committee,
executor or administrator, or as agent, attorney i n fact or factor, of any person or

Apr. 6, 1863.1

persons, whether residing in the Confederate States

chancery, clerk, register, or other officer of any
doing of all such acts, matters, and things as shal
the assessment of the money, property, products
the payment of taxes thereon, and shall be inde
for all payments on account 01 the taxes herein s
all taxes due from t h e estates, income, money, or
their control.
SEC.15. The income and money
which have been endowed shall be
this act.
SEC.16. This act shall be in force for two gears after the expiration of the pres
year, and the taxes herein iniposcd for the present year shall be levied and collected
each year thereafter in the manner and form herein prescribed, and for the said
time of two years niilrss this act shall be snoiier repealed,

On motion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the reported amendment by

striking out ten, section 1, linc 1, and inserting twenty,
It was determined in the ncgativc.
On niotion by Mr. Yancey, t o aniend the reported amendment by
striking out ten, section 1, line 1, rind inserting fifteen,
It wasdetermined in thenegative,
------ ----- .
..._ 11On motion by Mr. Yancey,
. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirniative are,
Messrs. Caperton, Clark, Clay, Dortch. Hayncs, Hcnry, Johnson of
Georgia, Mit,chel, Orr, Peyton, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Nlessrs. Raker, Barnwell, 13urnctt, Davis, Ilill, Hunter, Maxwell,
Oldham, Phclan, Setmnes, and Sparrow.
On motion by 1\11..
Clay, to smc~ndthc reported amendment by striliing out tcn, section 1, line 1, and inserting twelve :ind one-half,
e a s - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - It wasdetermined in thenegative, y
hays_ _ _
- ._
_ __
_ ._ - 11
On motion by Mr. Clay,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affirmative are,
Messrs. Caperton, Clark, Clay, Dortch, Httyncs, Honly, ,Johnson of
Georgia, Mitchel, Orr, Peyton, and Ysnwy.
Those who voted in the negative arc,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Burnctt, Davis, Ifill, Hunter, Maxwell,
Oldham, lhelan, Seninws. a n d Sparrow.
On motion by Mr. Oldh:irn, to ttnicnd tlic i*cported timendmont by
inserting after cotton, whero i t occurs i n the third and fifth lines of
the first section, the word \voo1,
It was determined in the affirm:L tIVC.
On motion hy Mr. Yariccy , to amend the rcportcd aniondrnent by
iiiscrting after next, scction 1, linc 4,

1 $::--------

excepting such articles as may then be hcld for family use, and not for d e , which
fact may be determined by the oath of thc taxpayer. The assessor, however, may,
if in his opinion circunistaiices require it, take widenre as to the fact whether said
article pr articles are held solely for faniily use; and upon the value of all said articles
held for family use on the first day ot July next, a tax of five per cent,

It was dcterniined in the negative.

On motion by Rfr. Baker, to amend the reported airicndrnent b j
striking out naval stores, scction I , line 2,
It was determined in the negative.



On motion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the reported amendment by

inserting after all, section I, line 5, naval stores,
It nv~sdetermined i n the affirmative.
On inotion by Blr. Yancey, to amend the reported amendment by
iiiserting at the end of the first section:
Upon the value of all articles of agricultural or manufacturing production which
shall be held by the producer or manufacturer for six nionths or more from the time
of their production or nianufacture, a tax of ten per centurn shall be levied and collected, and upon t h e value of all such articles held by persons other than the prod u t r r or inanufacturer six months or more after their purchase by him, after the
first of July next, a tax of ten per centnm shalI be taxed and levied-the fact as to
the time of said purchase to be ascertained by the oath of the person so holding the
It was determined in thc ncgativc, yeas
Nays-. - - ... ___
. ._
- -_16

On niolion by Mr. Yanccy,

The seas and nays being desired hy one-fifth of tlio Senators present,
Those who voted in the affitmatirc iiic,
Mcssrb. Clsrk, Cby, Dortch, Alaxmell, Mitcticl, Oldhaiii, leyton,
and Yanwy.
rhoso w h o voted in thr nrgativc art,
Alcsbrs. Iblicr, IZarn~cll, I<rown, Ihmwtt, Cqwrton, Lhvis, I-Islynes,
Henry, Hill, IIuntt:r, eJulinson of G oorgh, Orr, lhclnn, SeniInes,
Sir~inis,and Sparrow.
On motlion by hlr. ?ill, to :~rricnd tlic repoitecl amendment by
inserting after su mr, section 1, line 3, molasses; sirup,
It was determine in t h e affirni:itive.
On motion by Mr. Clay, to amend tho reported nrncndnient by
striking out one, section I, line 9, and inserting two,
I t was det,crlnincd i n thc affirniative.
On motion by Mr. Yanccy, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting after next, section 1, liuc 14, as soon thereafter iib may
be pmlcticable,
It was determined in the afirniatiw.
On motion 1)s Mr. Caperton, to :Lincnd the rcportctl :Lnicndmcnt by
inscrting after stores, scction 1, line 2, tlic word salt,
It was detcrniined in the tzffirmativo.
On motion 1)y Mr. Spsi r o w ,
The Sjcntltc rcs01vcd into cscwtt i1.c


1 he following rncss+gcs were 1 ivcd froni the President of t h e

Confrderntc States, by Rlr. 13. N. IIarrison, liis Secretary:
7 ,

Rrcinioxvn, A p / 3, f863.

To the & w i / ( I

of t h e CordecletIcrtrlc S/tr/e\.

Agreeably to the ~ecomnieiidatioriof the Secretary o f IVar, 7 nominate the ofticerr:

the accompanying list to the rank affixed t o tlicir n a n i ~respectively
Rzciinzond, Xarch 24, 1665.
S I I ~I: have t h c honor to recorriiiit~~id
t h e follo\+ing noiriinations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

hpr. G,1865.J



11, 1862.

W. J. Ihbinsoii, of Virginia, to be captain of cavalry, to raise a company of cavalry
in the didtrict of northwest L'irginin, occupied I J
enemy, to rank from February
23, 1863.

(;. & ~ l t A i o om,

~ o f Xssouri, t o be captain, to raise a company in Missouri,
to riink froiii 3Iarch 20, 18(i3.


I N U I : ~A(

~ i ~ ~ ~ io~r01111c
i ~ m w13,



Liciit. Ti'. Yoigt, of TPYaS, C'ompany G, Eighth Texas Reginicmt, to lie captain Com1):jny 13, $.aii~crrginient, viw ( h i i t J X. Ltwcllinp, iesipiird I>eceniber30, 186?.
I,lcut. . J o l ~ r i31. l'ayiie, of Yirwnia, ("oiiipaiiy13, First Virginia Battalion, to be captain Conipany I<, Forty-eighth yirginia Regiment, to rank February 14, 1863.
\ViIliaiii Collins, of Virginia, to be raptaiii ('ompany H, Third Virginia Cavalry
Iicyinient, to rank PlIarch 2, 1863.
limit. \Yilliaiii C. Lord, of North Chroliiia, Screnth North Carolina Regiment, to be
raptain c'oiiipany A , Fifty-bel eath North Carolina Begiment, vice Capt. J. 1%.Sloan,
died Lkceiiibcr 15, 18G3.
lb-st I i n t t ~ m r i r t .
Cliarles li. Skinker, of Virginia, to he first liontenant Company ii, Forty-eighth
Virginia tieginlent, to rank I'cl)rnt~~\r14, 1863.
I :iiii, sir, respcc%fully, 3 our obedient servant,
Xccretary of War.
To I l k l ' k ~ * c ~ l l ( ~ JnIc ~ v


11IChb:Lge \i:Lh

O r d I'C



T2i;Lt it be i~ol'crrcdto th(1 Couiiiiittec


Militmy Affairs.

Murch 34, 1863.

SIIE.I htir P tiit. honor to ri~commencitlic follolviilig iioniinations for appointnient

in tlic: I'm\ isioual Ariiiy of the ('onfcticrate States of America:
,4ecoir t i Ir (dutennnlx.



[Apr. 6,1863.

Rrcnxlosn, Afarch 2, I86.9.

SIR:I have the honor to recoinmend thc following nominations for appointment
i n the Pro\ isioiial Arrny of the Confederate States of Amcrica.
William C. Preston, of South Carolina, for duty with First South Carolina Regiment Artillery, to rank froin August 15, 1861
J. C;. King, of South Carolina, for dnty with First South Carolina Regiment
Artillcry, to rank from October 14, 1861.
1. S Farley, of South Carolina, for duty \vith First South Carolina Regiment
Artillery, to rank from October 14, 1861.
W. 1. Peronneau, of South Carolina, for tlnty with First South Carolina Regiment Artillery, to rank from October 31, 1861.
F. H. Harleston, of South Carolina, for duty with First South Carolina. Itegiment
Artillery, to rank froiii January 1, 1862.
I). G. Fleming, of South Carolilia, for duty with First South Carolina Regiment
Artillery, to rank from .January I , 1862.
J. C. RIitchel, of South Carolina, for duty w t l i First South Carolina Rcgiment
Artillery, to rank from &larch 23, 1802.


S. It. Proctor, of South Caroliria, f o i clnty nit 11 Pit h t Soutli Cjarolinn, liattalion
Sharphooters, Ovtobcr 30, 1803.
F. D. Hlake, of Sontli Carolin+ f o i cluty \\ itli F i r ~ tSoutlr Carolina Regiriient
Artillery, .July G, 1861.
IIenry It. Lcscme, of South ('aroliiiit, for duty with First South Carolina Regiment
Artillery, August 2, 1S61.
A. S.Gailhrd, of South Carolina, for d u t y with First Sontli Carolina Regiment
Artillery, Ortobcr 14, 1861
AlcAlillan King, of South Carolina, for d u t y with First South Carolina Regimmt
Artillery, October 14, 1861.
Julius h1. Rhctt, of South Carolina, for tlnty with First South Carolina Regiment
Artillery, October 74, 1861
J. J. Alstoii, of South Carolina, for tlnty with First South Carolina 1Zeginient
Artillery, Octoher 31, 1861.
E P lturenrl, of Soutli Carolin+ for duty with Firat South Carolina Regiment
Artillery, October 31, 186J.
Charlcs lnglesby, of Sonth ('mdina, for duty with First Sonth Carolina. Regiment

Artillery, Deceiuber 21, 1861.

J. 12. Pringle, of South Carolina, for tlnty \bit11 FiM South Carolina Regunrnt
Artillery, January 1, 18@.
W. E. Krwin, of South Carolina, f o t cluty \\itli I t South Carolina Iieginient
Artillery, January 2, lM3.
Kdwarcl hi\I I ~ C F ,CJk Sontli ('arolina, lor duty \\.it 11 l%-bt South Carolina Itegiinerit
Artillery, .January 2 , 186%.
K. Kenipw, of Sontli Chrolitix, for tluf,y i t l t i i First South Caroliiia 12egiiment
Artillery, January 2 , 1862.
fiwontl Iieutcnni~fs

Richard 1. Clar kv, of Alal)aina, for d u t y \z ith First Alabanin Battalion Artillery,
October 3 , 1862.
W. A . Anderson, o f ,\laltitm:t, for d n t y with 1~'irstillalrtama 13attalion ilrtillcry,
October 8, 7 862.
John iM.Battle, of Alal)ania, for duty with Pirst -\labarria 13attalioir Artilhry,
Scpteinber 8, 1862.
J. F. Griffin, of illaharna, for tlnfy wit11 First Ahhatria Hattalion Artillery,
December 8, 1862.
T. 13 Crooker, of South Carolina, for tlnty \\it11 First, Soutli Carolina Battalion
Sharpshooters, October 18, 1862.
Theodore 1. Coe, of South Carolina, for d u t y with First Sonth ('arolina lZattalion
Sharpshooters, October 13, 1862.
Waddy T. Means, of South C~rolina,f o r duty with lcirst South Carolina Regiment
(enlisted nien), October 3, 186%




First Eieziteiinnf.

IT. SI, Magenis, of Kentncky, to be first lieutenant, to raise men in Kentucky,

T)ccember 23, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Kecretary of War.

The nirssage wns read.

O?~derecl,That it be referred to tho Committee on Military Affairs.
Niirch 2, 1863.
SIR: I h a r e the honor to reconinienti the follosi ing nominations for appointment
in the Provisional ilrnip of the Coilfederate States of America


A. L. Rives, of Virginia, to report to Coloilc~lGilmer, Chief Engineer Bureau,

Septelllber 25, 1862.
, of Virginia, to 1eport tu Coloncl Gihiior, Chief Eiigineer Bureau,
October 3, ISGB.
Jaiiies Nocqucl, of licntuc ky, to report to Colonel Giliiier, Chief Engineer Bureau,
October 4, 1862.
J . I<. nosnell, of I'iigiiiia, to repoi t t o Coloiiel Giliiier, Cliicf Engineer Bureau,
Hepteiiilm 29, 1862.
(2. T. illason, of Pirginia, to rc.port to Colonel Giliner, Chief Engineer Bureau, Octubcr 1, 1802.
3. IV. Green, of Louisiana, to report to Colonel Gilirier, Chief Engineer Bureau,
October 2, 1862.
C. 1%.
Howard, of T'irgiiiia, to report to Colonel Gilmer, Chief Eiiginecr Bureau,
October 3, 1862
11 13. lticharclwon, of T,onisiana, to riyort to Colonel Giliiier, Chief IC~igiiieer
Bureau, October 4, 1862
F. Girard. of Texac. to renort to ('olonel Gihwr. C h i d of ISncrinecr 13urmmi, O h her 23, 1862.
\V. I3 Jarnep, of Florida, to report to Colonel Giliner, Chief I < ~ i g i i i (I~~~I rI ~ I Y ~ U ,
Novenrber 13, lS62
I am, sir, rerpectftilly, your obcdiciit scrrant,
Secretaq of I f i i ~ .

r ,

I ha message was read.

O i ~ c k w t l ,'I'h:it it bc rcferrcd to the Coinmittee on Military Affairs.
I ~ I C I I > I O N I ) ,April


the aiiriexetl letter of the Sclcrctary oi the h'avy,


1 ~, l C h I ~ L W L dA,i l ) T 1 l 4,


Srii: I hare the honor to rccoiiinieiitl tlic. lollowing norninatiori for appointiiient i n
the Nax y.
Lirutc ruznt for tlir 7c(xr.
1,eon Smith, of Texas.
With much rcspc~t,your obedient servant,
Xrcretrtry of llic hTav?y.

The nicssagc was rend.

Ordwed, That it ha referred to the Coininittee on Naval Affairs.
On motion 1,y MY.lhrnett,
The Senate rcsolved into open legidativc session.

Apr. 7, 1863.1



TIJIGSDAY, hrnlr, 7, 1863.


Mr. Seiiinirs (hy lenrc) introduced

A bill (S. 111) to authorize tho issue of eight pcr cent bonds or certiticxtcs of s t o ~ kin certain c:icc,i;
liicli was read thc first and second tjnics and referred to the Comitiittcc on Finmiec.
t i t o c2onsictcr thc rcsointion submittrd 1,s Mr.
:i daily rcccss of the Seiiate froiii half past 3
T h c l r ~ d i i t i o i i\viis t10t : L ~ T C Cto.
;\11*. I Icnry (by I(VLYC.)introduced
A joiiit rcsolutioii (S. 12) rclntivc to tile navigation of the Mississippi River;
I,\ hich \in:, rend tlic fir5t a i d hecoiid tirncs and ordered to he placed
~ i p o t iltie C:~le~idxr
and printed.
I1Ii.. \Y igfull (by lea\-e) introduced
-1 ])ill (S.119) t,o facilitate tmii.sportation for the Governmcnt;
which \v:is read t h o first and sccoud times and referred to the Committee 011 Jii1itnt-y Affairs.
On motion by Air. h v i s ,
2/17, That the Co~ninittecon Claims be discharged froin the
f i n t h c r c~o~~~irlr~*:itioti
of :I coiiiiit~rtiicntiorifroiii the Attorncr-General,
tr:mwiittitig reports upon certaiii claiiiis on file i n the Departniont of
Xlr. O l t f l i a i i i , fi.oiii the Cornniittco on In
\flairs, to whom was
rcfcri*cd thc Oil1 (S. IoO)t o arrirnd :in act
:~hlislithe Bureau of
lritliaii Afhirs, reported it witliont miciiclm
I Iic Scn:itc, l)ro("Acd, :is i n Coiimiittcc of the TYhole, to the consideration of the
(S. 100) 1:iht itietitioriccl; and no ainendment being
rnadc, it was reported to the Senate.
'I'hnt it IIC cngroshed :~ndread e l i i r d tinic.
'The said I d 1 wns read tlic third tinic.
, That it p t w , and t,liat tile titlc thereof bc as aforesaid.
That tlle S(wct:Lrjr ruqucst the concurrence of the House
On motion I)y MY.I2:~1*iiwell,
'rlic Scn:itc i~r,olrccl into secrct legislative session.
.i\ c ~ from
the Iloube of RepresentaMT I ' i ~ ~ ~ s ~ JTmlt i: ~IJoiisc~of Rc~plcscniatir~q
insist on thcir amcndnient t o the bill
of thc Sciiatc ( 6 $ I i ) to cl.xchinpt contractors for carrying tlir illails of thc Confederate
e tliiverr of p o d cw:ichcL\ arid hacks Eroiii military scrvice, agree to thi:
ltetl Iiy the Sciiate 011 thc. disagreeing votes of the t x o Houses thereon,
and haw appointtvl 311.. ('hilton of Alabania, 3Ir. l l o l t of Georgia, and Mr. Atkiiis
of Tenncs,w~as ni:tiiagcw on their part a t said conference.

h ~ i i c h h i ~ gf ci ~ mt>licl'resiclcnt of the Confederate States, by Mr.

12. K. fIai.ri,sori, his Secretary :
Illr. I'residmt: Tlic: President of the Confederate States, on the 2cl instant, approved
and signed the following acts:
S.12. A n act to proyidc for continuing in service seamen and ordinary beamen now
in the service of the Confederate States;



[Apr. 7,1863.

S. 48. An art to authorizc the dibcharge of certain cii it oKicers from the military
srrvice of the Coiifedciate States; and
8.51. A r i act to altcr arid aiiienil a n act entitled An act for thePequestration of the
estates, propcrty, and eflects of alien enemies, antl for indemnity of citizens of the
C o n f e F t e 8tatc.s and persons aiding the same i n t h e existing m-ar v i t h the United
States, appro\cd August 30, 1861, arid au act altering and amending the same,
approi ed on the J5th day of February, 1862.
O n the 4 t h instant the Iresidcnt approred and signed t h e folloming acts:
S.26. An act to change the title of engineers i n t h e Kavy;
8. 49. An act to authorize t h e Secrctary of the Pla17y to employ the best pilots for
scrvicc in the Confederate Marine; and
S. GO. An a r t to authorize the appointnlcnt of a register antl an additional clerk
and a draftsman for the Navy Department.

O r d m d , That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

Mu. Clay submitted the following motion for consideration:
T ha t the vote on passing the bill (1. R. 17) to aid committees of Congrcss in the investigation of matters referred to them,
and to ptinish falhe swearing I)cfor.e said coniinittecs, be reconsidercd.
Mr. ,Johnson of .4rknnsas subniitted the folloiving resolution; which
WLS considered and agreed to:
ILesolced, That the Prwident bc, and he i p hereby, rcquested to communicate to
t session, at as early a dav as practicable, any inforniation in pos~ or hypothecztion of cotton, or cotton
~ n n i c i i relating
to t l i bile
R, in J!;urol)c, stating the amount of cotton bo sold 01; hypothecated,
and the pricey antl the terms upon I\ Iiich cotton honds inay have been sold; and,
specially, what amounts of cotton, acqnired under the act entitled An act to antliorize the exchange of articles in kind, cte., approvrcl April twenty-first, eightern
liundred and sixty-two, hare been wltl, to u hat inaiket, for what price, and on
what terms; and what is the pruhahle limit, if any, to wliich sales of cotton may be
effected if tlie cotton is accuiiiulatetl i n greater quantitieh.

On motion by 11/11.. Sparrow,

The Yenato adjourned.

The Scnate resi~rnccl,as i n Comniittec of the \?:hole, the considerato Liy taxes for thc common defense and
tion of the bill (1.B.
f tlio Coi-,fedcr:ttc States.
carry on t h e Governnie
Mr. Uxrnrvcll srthniittcci tho following motion for eonsideration:
Ordeml, That the vote on agrccing to th e following ameiidment, vix:
Section 1, linc 3, btrilie out oiic :tiid insert two, be I-econsidered.
On motion b.17 Mr. Clark, to anleiid the arriendnicnt reported bji the
Coiiirriittce on Finance by inserting aftcr bLliat,sectioii I,line I, the
words a tax of one-half of one per cent upon the value of all land
and slaves be lcvicd a i d collected,
It was determined in the negative, Nays
a s -- _-_ -_ - -..-_ -_ -- -18
---_ _- _-_ -- -_.
On motion by MI. CIarB,
lhc, y ~ a :tiid
nays 1)cingdesired by one-fifth of thc Senators present,
Those who -\Toted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Clark, Uortch, Elaynes, IIcnry, Peyton, and Ihclan.
Those v h o voted in the negative are,
l\.lessrs. lMter, I3arnwcl1, Burnett, Caperton, Clay, Davis, Hill,
Huntel*,,Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of hrliansas, >faxwell, Mitchel,
Oldham, Orr, Yeinmcs, Sparrow, Wigfdl, and Yancep.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, that the vote on rejecting thc following

Apr. 7, l S 3 . l



amendment, viz: Section 1,linc 1,strike out ten and insert fifteen,
be reconsidered,
... .- .
- - . .- - - . 13
It was determined in t ~ i entfirmativc, Yeas. . . _ _ ._. -. .- . - _ _
11- On motion 1sMI.. Ymcey,
T h e yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Ihosc who \-oted in the aftjrniativc, are.
R1essi.s. C:tpmton, Cl:wk, Clay. Doitch, Ilayncs, IIcnry, Johnson of
Arlim~sas,;\Iitchel. OJdhiLni, Orr, Pcyton, Wigfall, aid Yancey.
lhose wlio voted in the negative are,
r h . 13:~lrcr,IS:~rnwcll,l~uimctt,l h v i s , Hill. Iluntcr, ,Johnson of
. Alaxwrll, lliclan, Srintncs, and S p i * r o w .
rllio Srnxtc piwrcdctl to c.onsiclcr the said :mcndmrnt; and
On thc qucbtioii t o a g r thereto,
It, \mydcterniined in thc affii*niutive,
; _ . ._ _ _......._
- -l3
!h On motion by Mr. Scinnics,
T h e yras and nays 1)eingdesired by one-fifth of the Scnators present,
Ihosc wlio voted i n tlic affirmative are,
Messrw. Caperton, Clark, Clay, Dortch, Haynes, Henry, .Johnson of
nilmisas, Mitchel, Oldhaai, Orr, Peyton, Siinnis, and Y?ncey.
lhosc who rotcd i n tlw ncgativc are.
rs. 13&er, P,:immell, I h r n c t t , Davis, Hill, IIantcr, Johnson of
I, Mnxwcll, Hiclun, Scninics, Sps~rrow,arid Wigfall.
s o the Rlllendlllellt \vas agrccd to.
O n inotion 1)sMY.Ihclan, t o aincnd thc reported ninendment hy
inicrting a f t r i b salt, scction L, line 8,wines and spirituous I ~ ~ u o ~ s , )
I t TY:LS dcteriiiiricd i n the :Lffiriii:LLire.
O n motion It!. Irr. IIcnrp, to nuicnd the reported ainendnient by
inscrtiiig :tftcr ncxt, section 1 , linc 11. aiid on a11 credits on which
the holder has ref used to rtccivc Trcasnry notes in payinciit,
I t WIS dctcriiiincd i n the affirmative.
On motion by MI.. Clay. to anicnd thc reported amcntXinent fly insertiiig aitcxr * n i o ~ i c y ~section

1, linc 8, Confedorat(. or Statc treasury

, or other c~irroncy,
icd i n the affirmative.
On niotion bv Mi.. Seinines, to amend the rcportrd m-ieridment by
ioii 3 , linc 1, the words for ten (XityS,
I t was dctrrniined in tlic nf1irni:dive.
On motion by Xh*. Caprton, to anicntl the iq)ortcd amcndment by
inserting :iftci- Lni:tde,srctioii 6, linc 15, cxcrpt upon snlcs of lnrid
and slaves; :ind upon snch i:dcs, one per c*cnturn0 1 1 tlic gross amount,
It N:W dctcrinincd in t h c n r g n t i y c .
On niotion 1))- Mr. SiInmr, to :tnic~ncl tliv rcportrd amenchnent by
\trikinX out two :Ind :L h l f , section 5,lirics 53 and 54, and inserting
1i vc,
I t wts tletrniiincti i i i the ncgati\-c.
On niotioii 11.y 31r. L~ortc11,to :micnd tlic rcported atncndinent by
striking oiit sixty, swtion 5, line 73, and inserting twenty-five,
It W R C ; dctcrminccl i n tlie ncgative.
On motion by 3Ir. Clay, to nnicnd ttir, reported arnendmrnt hy
striking out (rtwcnlJy,section 5, line 81,and inserting (
I t R:LS dctcriuincd in the :~llirninkivc.



[hpr. 8,1863.

On motion b y Mr, Yancey, to amend the reported amendment by

inserting after act, section 5, line 90, persons who let rooms for
lodging shall pay twenty dollars,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Johnson o f Arkansas, to amend the reported
amendment by striking out and, section 5, line 81, and inserting
after taverns, i n the same line, * and boarding honses; by inserting
after sojourners, in the eighty-third line of the same section, o r
boarders, and by striking o u t or, line 85, and inserting after
tavern, in the same line, or boarding house,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the reported amendment by
striking out, section 5 , lines 84 and 86, thc words tlic income of
which amounts t o five h~rndreddollars from that source,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the reported amendment by
striking out, section 5, lines 88 and 89,the words and every boarding house in which there shall be six boarders or more,
It was determined i n the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Caperton, t o amend the reported amendment by
inserting after made, section 5, line 97, thc words every agent
engaged in the business of selling slaves at private sale shall pay fifty
dollars and one per centuiii on the gross amount of the reccipts
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Phelan, the Senate. rcsolred into open legislative


~ R I 8



Mr. Clay (by leave) introduced

A bill (K. 113) to provide for the coinpletion of the printing of 3,000
copies of the Provisional and Ierinment Constitutions, and of the
public acts and resoliitions and treaties of the lrovisionnl Government
of the Confedcrate Qtateh;
which was read t>liefirst and scconci tinics :tnd rcfcrreil to the Committee on Printing.
Mr. 13akcr sultniitted the following i.rsolution: which was considered
and agreed to:
12rsolsed, That the Committee on K a m l Affairs be i n ~ t r i i c t ~to
t l inquire d i e t h e r
any fiirther legislation is iiccc6sary to rcgnlatc the distri I,iition of prim1 nioney i n t h e

Mr. Orr, froin the Committee on Foreign Affairs, t o wlroni was

rcferred the hill (H. lt. 2 3 ) to anicncl an act t:ntitlt:d An :wt to oiganize tho Ihqxtrtmefit of State, approrcd February 21, ISGI, reportcd
i t with the I.teo!nmeiid,Ltion that it ought not to pass.
Mr. Bron ti, from the Coninlittee on Naval Affairs, to whom were
referred the following bills:
S. 106. A bill to create n provisional nary of the Confedcrate States;
S. 110. A bill to anthoriae t,he Secretary of the Navy to purcliase a
site for a laboratory and magazine, near tlie city of Richmond, for the
preparatioii and safe-keeping of ordnance stores;

bpr. 8 , 1883.1



reported them severally with the recoiniiiendation that they ought not
t o pass.
Nr. I h w i i , froin thc Committee on ruav~lAffairs, to whom was
referred the hill (11. It. 21) to :miend an act entitled An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to riialie certain contracts without advertising for propos:Lls, approved August 29, 1861, reported i t without
The Senatr procccdccl, RY in Committee of thc Wholc, to the consideration of the hill ( I t . lt. 21) lasl niciitionecl; nnd no ainendment being
~ n : ~ d it
c , ~ v a \wported to the Scnatt.
That i t pass to a third reading.
bill w:is read the third time.
Zit ,\ol~tt l , Ih:Lt1it pnss.
ON/,wc2. Ihsit the Secretary inform the House of 1Zeprescntatives
thew of.
Jlr. 13rown, from the Committee on N:b\-J ABairs, to whom were
referrod tlic following bills:
S. 107. A hill to provide f o r the transfer of persons-serving i n the
Army to the Navy; and
S.108. A bill t o amend an act entitled An act to regulate impressments, approved March 26, 1863;
reported them severally, without amendment.
dcd, RS in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t h t bills last mentioned; and no amendnient being made,

engrossed arid read R third time.

ad the third time.
hat the titles thereof be 83 aforesaid.
O d o w l , Iht tlic Secretary i ~ q u e s tthe coricurrenco of tlic Ilonsc
of licprescntativcs i n said bills.
A inessnge from the House of Kcpxsentatives, 1)s 3lr. McDonald:
ilf~ Irevden/; The Iiouse of Ikprcsentativeq t i w e passed bills of thtt following
titles; in a Iiicli they request the concurreiice of the Senate:
I1 R 24 A n art to increase the pay of all aonco~iii~iissionctl
oficers and privates
in the. i\ririy of t h e Confetlcr:lte States;
IT. ti. 29. 1\11 act to ameridm act entitled An act to secure coliyriglits to authors
and coiiiposers, approrccl May 21, 1861; aid
If. It 30. An act to punish forgwy and connterfeiting.
llic. Howe of Represcntatives hare refnsed, upon recon~iclcration,to pass the bill
of the Senate (S. 36) to increase the s t r c q t h and effivicncy of heavy artillery for seacoast clefease, returned by the President with his objections.

Mr. Phelrtn, from the Comniittec on Printing, to whom was referred

the bill (S. 75) to provide f o r haring the laws relating to military and
naval aff:iirh digrstcd xnd publishcd, I-eportcd i t with an amendment.
The Scimtr I)rorccdrd, :IS in Committee of thc Wholc, to the consideration of the hill (S. 75) last mentioned; and the reported amendirient 1 1 ~ 1ing twtn agreed to. the I d 1 wah reported to the Scnste and
the anicntlnitnt was c o n c i m d in.
i-rd, T h a t the hill t)r engrossed and read :Lthird time.
The said hill was read thr third time.
1Zeso71xd, That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordeerccl, That the Secretary request the concii rrence of the Tlouse
of IZcprcsentatives therein.
Ihc bills received this day froin the House of Iteprcsentatives for
concurrence werc scvcrally read th e first, and second times.



f Apr. P, 1863.

@y&yed, That the hill niimbcrcd 28 be referred to the Colnniittre

on 31ilJilitaryAffairs and that the bills nunibwed 29 and 30 he referred
to the Committee on the Judici$ry.
lhc Scnizte procecdcd to cmisider the iriotion siibmitted by Mr. Clay
011 J cstcrcla,v, to reconsider tho votc, on pssiiig the hill (1. H. 17) to
aid coniniittees of Congress i n the investigation of matters referred to
theni, and to puriisli false swearing before said committees; and
The motion was agrcod to.
Tlic Senate proceeded to consider the said bill; a n d
0 1 1 motion by Mr.Clay,
()&red, That it be recommittcct to tlie Conimittce on the Judiciary.
On niotion by Mr. Harriwcll,
The Senate resolved into sccrct lcgidatir
The doors having hccn opened,
The following iiicssage JVRR r ivccl from thc IIouse of Representati yes, by Mr. McDontild:
3fr. Jwiden<: Thc ITousc of Rcpremitati\-ei have pawed t h e bill of thr Senate
1 110sti:ill lie esenipt from military service i n the arinies of the Confctlerate Statra, with ail mncndment ; i n which thcy rcqucat tlic coiicumeiice of the

(S.27) defining


Thc Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of th e House of

Rc m w n t a t i r e s to tho ))ill (S.27) last mentioned; and
t n motion k)y m. ~ p r r o \ v ,
Resohed, That the Senntc disagree to tho anieii41nent of the IIouse
of Iteprcsentatives to thc haid bill, and ask a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two iloubes thereon.
On motion 1)s Mr. Sparrow,
O?%dewd,T ha t the coinmitteo of conforcncc on thn part of the Senate
bc appointed hy the President pro tcinpore; and
Mr. Sparrow, Mr. Yhclttn, : ~ i t dNr. illitchel ~ v c r cappointed.
Oidered, That the Secretary inform the I3ouse of Kcpresentatires
On motion by 1141.. 3Iaxwel1,
The Seiintc adjoumcd.

Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas gnve notico of his iritention to offer an

arnendmcrit, to tlic hill (S. 21) for t h e condemnation to puhiic use of
a11 cotton within tlic Confrdwatr States, proriding for tlic payment
thcreof, and for othcr purpobci; which was ordered to he printed.
Tlic Seiiatc resumed, as in Coiiiiiiittcc of tho \fholc. the consideration of the bill (11. B. 18) t o lay txxes f o r the comnion defensc and
carry on the (;overnnirnt of tlic Confederate States.
On niotion by M y . Yhcla~t,lo anic~udthe nmcndment reported by
the Corninittee on Fi ~i:tncob y 3<iiigout :irid, section 6, line 143,
and inserting oi.,
It was dctcriiiiiicd i n tlic attirmativc.
On niotioii lty Mr. S i n i i t t h , to :inicnd the reported amcnctmcnt 11-y
striking out, wction 5 , lincs I40 anid 141, the words a n d one per
ccntutn on the gross ntuoiuit of salw ni:tdc,
It was determined i n tlic n t g i t i r c .
On motion by Mr. Ihvjs. to amcntt tlic rcportccl amendnieot 11y
striking.out, section 5. lincs L45 and 146, the words o r cakes of any
description, pies and w c h likc a~iiclc\,*,

Allr r: 396,3]





determined i ti the affirniatjrc.

OH inotion 1)y Ah.. Siiiiiiis, to tunend the reported aniendment by

sLriking oiit, 5ection ti, line 5, the woi*ds first dtty of April and
inserting thc P : L S S R ~ Cof this act,
It 71 :xs dttcritiiiicd 111 thc aflirtnative.
On iiiotion by Mr. Yanccy, t o amend the reported ainendnieiit by
striking: out, wction 7. lines 11, 12, :ind 13, the words nor of any
perion whose s:ilary i.; prohihitcd to diniinishcd 1 ) ~ -the Constitution
of the Confcdrratc St:Ltcs, o r of any St&,
It v:x\ dttcriiiiiird in tlic afiirnic1 t1 \ c .
On motion b~ I I r . Y : ~ T J - to
, :~incndthc wportcd :iniendment by
in+rting :Lftcr . military. .tion 7 . line 3, the words service. below
the r:lllli o f C.OlOllCl,
Yeas.. . . . . _ _ . . . _ . _
9 _
It ~ : t tlctt~rntitied
in the ncg,r:ttivc, s a y s . - - - - - - .-...- _ 16
0 1 1 niotion hr ALr. Yanccy,
1 hc > as and iinyh bcing desired 1)y one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n t h e afiirmxtivc :ire,
Mcssrs. Ik~kcr,Clay, Ihrtch, EIaynes, ,Johnson of Arl~ansns,Mitchel,
Oldh:ini, Sininis, and Y:uic~y.
Those who voted in the negative arc,
. I%in~nmell,Thrnett, Caperton, Cl:~rk, Davis. Henry, Hill,
Hiinter, ,Jolmson of Gcorgh, XIrtxwell, Orr, Peyton, Phclan, Scmmes,
Sp:uro\v, and IVigfall.
O H motion by 311..Ynnccj , to unicrid the rcportecl amendment by
inscrting nftcr scrricc, scction 7, liiic 3, the words belom the rank
01 capt:bin,
It was tlctcriuinrd i n thc negative.
On niotion by Mr. Ihvis, t o aincnd the repoitcd aincndnient by
inserting :&cr iriilitttry, scction 7, line 3 , the words mrrice in the
I t was determined i n the negative.
On motion hy 1\11.. ,Johnson of hrkitnsa.;, to aillend thc reported
anicndrncnt by in,trting after niilitarj-, section 7, liiic 8, the words
ser y i cc, 1)clow t )-1c r : ~ n1c of b rigad ic.r-gcncir:il,

, 7

On motion bp Mr. Johrisori of ili*lcansfis,

T h e j c x s and n a y bring dc.;ircd hy one-fifth of thc Senators prescrit,
Those who votrd i n tlic :LfIirrti:itive :we,
Mcssr.;. ISakcr, Chy, Ilortcli, 1I:~yiies,. T o h i o n of Arkansas, Oldlinrn, Siiiitni, :ind lanccj .
Thoic who voted in the negxtivc arc,
XIcs\i,\. 13arn1rc~l1,I < ~ * o w nl{iri.rictt,
(hperton, Clark, Dayis, IIcnrJ-,
TIiIl, Iluntei., ,Johnion of Georgia, JI:ixwcll, O n , lc) t o i i , fhelan,
Semnies, S p t i r i ~ )and
~ , l\ri~fall.
On motion 1)y SIr. Seinnlcs, to nnicnd the reported amendment by
filling the bl:ink in the %isteenthline of tht eighth section with ten,
I t was dctcrniincd i n the affirmative.
On niotion hy hfr. Scniines, to aincnd the rcported atricndrrtent b y
inserting after rent,
tion S, linc 16, the morcls except that the
rent dcrirecl froin hoiisei ihall hc subject to x deduction of not cxccedi n g five pcr c e n t f o r annual repair$,
It was dctcrniiiiccl in thc affirmative.



[Apr. 8,1863.

On motion by Mr. Sinims, to arneiid the reported amendment by

striking out, section 8, lincs 52 and 53, the words whatever, except
the interest on Confederate bonds, stocks, and call certificates, which
shall be exempt from taxation,
It mas determined in the negative, yeas-- -- -- - - - - -- Nays -- - -- -.- _
_ _
. _
On motion by Mr. Simms,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the afirmative are,
Messrs. Clark, Clay, Henry, Hill, ,Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of
Arkansas, Mitchel, Phelan, and Simms.
Those who voted in the negsttii-e are,
Messrs. Baker, I3arnwell. Kro\.rn, Burnett, Caperton, Davis, Dortcb,
Haviies, Hunter, Orr, Ieyton, Semmes, Spar~ow,Wigfall, and Yancey.
O n motion by Mu. Davis, to anicnd the reported amendment by
inserting after business, section 8, line 50, the words a n d i n case
of mutual insurance companies, the snioiint of losses pnid by theni
during the year,
It was dcterniiried in the affirmativc.
On motion by Mi.. Ilnynes, t o miend the yeported amendment by
striking out, section 8, lincs 78. 79, 80, and 81, the words
T h a t the incoin(+ and protits upon which the ahove tas is to be imposed shall not be
deeined to include the products of laid which are taxed in kind as hereinafter

and inserting:
That the incomes and profits of farmers and planters derived from the nine-tenths
of the wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, hay, fodder, suwr, cotton, \r.ool,
tobacco, peas, ground peas, beans, pork, or bacon, left in the hands of said farmers
and plautws, after deducting t h e one-tenth hereafter required to be paid In kind to
the Government, and of the horses, mules, and asses, by persons raising the same,
hereiu taxed, are hereby exiceptcd froiir any other tax under this act,

It was determined in the affirmatire.

On motion by Mr. Ysncey, to arncnd the reported amendment by
stkiking out the w o ~ anniial,
mllerc it occiirs in the fifty-ninth,
sixty-first, sixty-third, and sixty-fifth lines of the eighth section, and
insorting after thc word inconie~,wherc it occur3 in the ~ a i n elines,
received during the ycar,
It was determined in the afkirmative.
On motion 1137 Ah-. Dortch, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting the following indcpendcnt section:


That in atldition to t h r other taxes imposrd iii this act, there .hall be
aud collectrtl, on the first (lay of J u l y next, 011 the gloss income of the calendar year preceding, the followinq, \ iz: 0 1 1 all ptrsons, coinpanieq, and corporations
who haye been engaged in buyiiig n11d selling, for speculation, and not as grocers or
proviiion dealers in irgiilar buririm~,~ 0 1 1 1 ,wsheat, flour, baron, pork, and beef, a
tax of twenty per ventom,
---- - lo
It was dcterniincd in the negative, YeasNnys - - _ _ - . __ __
_ _ _ . - 14

On motion by Mr. Dortch,

The yeas niid nays heing desired by one-fifth of thc Senators present,
Those who votcd in tlie aflirmativc arc,
Messrs. Caperton, Clark, Clay, Ilortch, Haynes, Henry, Hill, Alitchel,
Peyton, and Yanceg.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Apr. 9,1563]



Mcssrs. Barnwell, Burnett, Davis, Hunter, Johnson of Gcorgia,

Johnson oC Arkansas, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Phelan, Sernaies, Simtns,
Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. IIunter, to aniend the proposed amendment by
striking out steriitiied, section 10, line 9, and inserting stripped,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, to amend th e reported amendment by
inserting after packed, section 10, line 8. th c words in some secure
It was determined in the :tfirm:Ltiv~e.
An amendnicnt 1mTiiig been proposed to the reported amendment by
Alr. ,Johnson of Gcorgia,
After d c h t e ,
On motion by 3Ir. Brown,
711(.Scnntc i~csolvctlinto esecutiv

Mr. 13roTvn, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was

refcrrcd the noininations of Sidney 1. McRdain and Leon Smith, to
be lieutenants f o r the war; J. Camphell Mrirdoch and Samuel M.
Roberts, to be sccond lieutenants i n the Marine Corps, reported, with
a recommendation that all of said noininations be confirmed.
Lho Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith. it was
Xesolved, That the Senate nd&e and consent, to their appointment,
agreeably to their rcspcctivc noniinations 1)y the President.
On inotion by Mr. Qp:~rrow,
The Senate resolved into open lcgislxtire session.
THIJRSDAY, Arerr, 9, lSG3.

A mcssage from the Rouse of lieprcsentatires, hy Mr. McDonald :

dlr. Ireaideiit: Thc Jlouse of Representatives have passed a ))ill ( f i . It. 31) to provide for thc: relief Of oflicers aixl soldiers w h o have been irregularly introduced into
the iiiilil.ary service of the Confcderate States; in which they request the concurrence
of the Senate.
iliid tlicy 1~1,ve
passet1 tht. bill of the Senate (S. 98) in relation to the public printing, with an mi~:iidiiieiit;i n which t h e y request t,he coiicurrence of the Senate.

Mr. Mitchel subinittctl thc following resolution for coiisitleration:

The Senate proceeded to consider t8hcsaid resolution; and

On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the sainc by striking out the
words Secretary of War hc directed to furnish and inserting Yresident be rcquestcci to cause to be furnished,
- _ _ .._ _ - . 19
Yeas ._ _ _ _
It \VMY determined in the affirlnative, Nays _ _ -~ _ _



[Apr. 9,1863.

On motion bj7 Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas,

The yeas and nays being desired b j one-fifth of tlie Senators present,
Tliosc w h o voted in the afiiwative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Buriiett, Caperton, Clay, Davis, Dortch, Haynes,
Henry, Hill, Huiitcr, *Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr,
Yhelan, Seinrnes, S p a r r o ~ Wigfall,
and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative arc,
Raker, Brown. Clark, Johnson of Arkansas, Mitchel, and
Pey to n .
The resolution as amended was then agreed to.
Mr. Brown presented the petition of third assistant engineers in the
Confederate States Navy, praying f o r an increase of their annual pay;
which was referred to tlie Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Sparrow (hy leave) introdnced
A bill (Y. 114) to confer upon tho Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance
the rank?pay, and cmoliiriicnts of a lrigudier-general i n the Provisional
Army of the Confederate States;
which was read the first rind second times and referred to the Comrnittec on Military Affairs.
On niotioii by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate rcqolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
The following inessxge was recrivcd from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
Prwident: The House of Representathes have passed the bill of the Senate
(S. 43) for the relief of the Bruiiswick and Albany Kaihoad Conipany.

A niessage from tlie House of ltepresentatives, by Mr. McDonald:

MY.Prrsid~nt:The Speaker of t h e House of Representatires having signed two

nirolled bills, I am directed to bring then1 to the Senate for tlie signatnre of their

Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they liad examincd
and found truly cnrollcd bills of the following titles:
H. R. 7. An act to prohibit the pnnishmcnt of soldicrs by whipping;
11. It. 10. A n act to allow minors to hold commissions in the Army.
The President pro teinpore having signed the enrolled bills l a d
reported to have been ~xaniined,they m t w delivered to the Secrctary
of thc Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of tho
Confederate States for his nlq71*0\d.
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate adjouiwd.

The Senate resuincd, as ill Committee of tlio Whole, the considcration of the hill (H. lt. 18) to lay taxes for the common defeiirc and
carry on the (fovernnicnt, of thc Confederate States.
On motion by Mi*.Johnson of Georgia, to nniend tho :micndmcnt
reported by the Coiiiiiiittce on Finance t)y inserting after prcscribed, section 10, liiic 40, the words
Provided, That the Government shall he bound to furnish to the producer sacks for
the delivery of such articlcs of grain as require to be put in wuks for tranyortation,

It was determined in the affirmative.


Apr. 9, 1863.1

On motion by Mr. Yancey, to amend the reported alnendmc

striking out, section 10, lines 36 and 37, th e words in mer
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, t o amend the re orted ainendm
striking out the words articles: thus describcg,, section 10, 1
and inserting:
wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, biickwlient, rice, peas, beans, cured bay and fodder,
sugar, molasses of cane, wool, mid iottacc~~,
thns to he paid as a tithe in kind, in
such form and ordinary niaikdable condition as may be nsnal in tlw section in
which they are to be delivered, and the cotton in such uianiier as hcreinbefore

It was dctclmincd i n the :&inn.Itwe.

On motion by MY.Cupcrton, t o :inmid the reported amendment by


10, line 6, stripped,

the affi rrnxtive.
hy Mr. Clay, to reconsidcr the vote 011 agreeing to the
It w:tb dctcrrnincd i n the :&rrri;Ltire.
Ilic Senate procecded to cotisider the said amendment; and
On the qnestion to agrec thcrcto,
It was dcterniined in the negative.
On inolion by Mr. Phelm, to ainerid the reported amendment by
inserting aftrr loddcr, section 10, line 6 , the WOI-& .which fodder,
duc untlcr tlii5 act. slid1 lic stripped from tho stalk by the producer,
It \ T R ~dctcrniincd i n thc n c p t i v c .
0 1 1 niotion hy 311.. Phcl:iti, to :inicncl the reported ameiidment by
striking out the word twvntj , where it occurs in the thirty-cighth
anti forty-eighth 1inc.h of thc tenth section, mid inserting fifty,
I t \\ti> dt~terniincdin the afirni:iti\-c.
0 1 1 niotion l)j* Air. Yanccy, to :~nicndthe reported amcndnient by
hti*ilting out, section 11, lincs $), 10, and 11, the words four bushels
of corn f o r c\ crj O I I O hundred pounds of pork which hc may have
thus contri\)utcd by wily of t ithc :uid inserting:




* i ni n ( d i 1-1

the corn or other graiii 01 pro\ icioiis iianied in section tcri \I hicli may hare been
used i n the fwvling of mid poi I<, i n ti tledrictioii to be niadc froin the tithe of said
articlca I\ Iiicsli lie is icqnirccl t o p a y ; ant1 if the ahsewor and t a y p y e r disagree, the
u a n i e nicaiis of asrcrtaining t h r anionnt to be allo\\ c ~ shall
be resortetl to as is proi n wction tcn in case of tlihagreeiucmt &\ to amount of crops raised,

O n niotion by hIr. Yxncey,

lwing drhircd l)y onc-fifth of the Senators present,

lhosc \\ 110 voted i n ttw xllirniali\ c arc,
Aicws. Cky, Jlitchcl, mid Yanccy.
r .
lhosc ~ h \-otcd
i n the ncg:iti\-e arc,
;Ilc.;w3. Ib~ltcr,Harnwcll, IErown, Caperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch,
iIa.ynes, l-Lcrii*y,Hill, JIuntcr, ?Johnson of Georgia, Ma x u d l, Oldham,
Om, leyton, lhelan, Stninies, Sp:~rrow,arid Wigfall.
On niotion 1)y MI*.lhclm, to ainend the reported amendment by
striking out ,seventy, section 11, line 8, and inserting sixty, and
l.)y striking out, in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth,
fourteenth, arid fifteenth lines o the same section, the words
for 11hich hc shall rereive the value of four bushels of corn for every one hundred
pounds 01 pork which he may have thus contributed by way of tithe, and also the



[Apr. 9,1863.

price paid hy him for the salt used in cwiug the same, at the rate of one bushel For
each one thousand \\eight of pork, arid alw one-tenth of any money which lie may
have paid for the purchase of the swine th1is fattened and slaughtered,

I t was d e t e r i n i d in the affirniative.

On motion by Mr. liaynes. to amend the reported amendment by
inserting after pork, section 11, line 9, the following proviso:
ProLided, That the fariiiei, planter, or grazier shall be paid by tlie Confeclerak
C+ovcrnment one-tenth of any moneys which he may have paid for t h e purchase of
the swine thiis fattened and slaughtered, if actually produced by him,

It was determined in the negative, 11 Yeas
Nays .
1 ..
On motion hy Mr. Haynes,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the aflirniatire arc,
Messrs. Haynes and hinter.
Those who voted in the ncgtttive are,
Messrs. Raker, I3s~riiwel1,Brown, Cupcrton, Clark, Clay, Davis,
Dortch, Henry, Hill, ,Johnson of Georgia, Maxw\.cll, hlitchel, Oldham,
Orr, Pcyton, Phelun, Seninies, Spwrow, Wigfall, and Yancey.
On motion by Mr. Yaiicey, to :mend the I-eported ainendrnent by
inserting tlie following indcpcndent section:
Sw. -. That from and after the first day of July nest, \vhen any sale of provisions,
or of forage, or of articlesof manufacture used in making clothing, shall be niatle, if by
the producer or inanafacturcr, Iic shall make a written statement of the kind and
quality of articlcs so sold, to whoni and when sold, a t I\ hat price, and that he was
thc producer or nianufacturer of t h e same, and shall make affidavit thereto and
deliver the same to the purchaser when the articles sold exceed in value the suni of
fifty dollars; arid whenever tliereaftcr said articles, or any part thereof, shall be sold,
at each sale said seller shall make a written statenleiit to which he shall make afbdavit, and which he shall deliver to the buyer, describing the kind arid quantity so
sold, of T\ hat price, the date of xaitl sale, arid honi ivho111 they ere purchased, and
whctlier said sale is the Grrit, second, or \z hat number, as tlie case iiiny be, since the
sale by the prodnrcr or manufacturer, and the taxpayer shall inake a Tvritten affidavit, arid deliver the sanic to the assessor, stating t h e number of sales v-hich had
of said xi ticI(3s previous to thc salc by him, as ascertained by the afrdarit
17 hich had been made and delivered to him by his vendor, as abore required; and
upon all income derivcd by reason of the sale of said property there shall be paid by
t h e second purchascr and sellrr thwcof a t a u of ten per centuin, and upon every aclditioiial sale thereof there shall be paid by t h e seller thereof an additional tax of five
per centum, to wit, b y the third seller H tau of fifteen per ceiitum; hy the fourth
seller a tax of t\vetity per centum; and so on :IS often as said property shall be sold:
P m idec7, That this provision shall riot apply to persons nlio shall bc registered as
rctail dealers and \vlio Fell said articlcs at rctail: A?KZ pro?idetl f w f h e v , That in the
errrit of the failure or rtlfusal of tlic taxpayer to inakt. tlie afiidavit reyuireti, the
income of said taxpayer, to lie ascertained nnderr{he eighth scction of this act, shall
he taxed fifty per ccntuin: .lid pi~oz~it?e~.furl/iri~,
1 hat in the event a n y of the persons
n 110 are requircd b y this section to make an affidavit arid to pay a tax on income from
a sale under its operations shall fail or refuse to niake the affidavit required, he shall
pay a penalty in double the aniount of tlie LTX required to be paid; and in the event
of the failure or refusal by the producer, inannfacturer, or person to whom either
may have sold to make the affidavit required, he shall pay a penalty of five per
centuni of tlie value of the property sold by I ~ i n i ,

Z t was determined in the negative,

On motion by Mr. Yancey,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of thc Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Caperton, Clark, Dortch, and Yanccy.
Those who voted in the ricyativc are,

Apr. 9,1865.1



Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Clay, Davis, I i a p e s , Henry, Hill, Flunter, Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldham, Om, Yeyton,
Phelan, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. Semmes, to amend th e reported amendment by
inserting the following independent section:
SEC.16. That the Secretary oi the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to
riialre all rules arid regulations necesPary to the operation of this act and not inconsistent herewith,

It was drteimincd in the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. Scmiies, to amend the reported amendment by

inserting at the ~ n uf
d the sixteenth section the following proviso:
f r o i i d e d , That t l i r t,ts oii naval store%, flour, ~ o o l cotton,
tobacco, and other
apricultui a1 1)iodncts ot the growth of any gear preceding the year eighteen hundred
and sirty-thrcc, imposed in the fir rctioii of this act, shall be levied and collected
only for the piwent ~ P R I ,

It way dctcmiincd iii the nf5rmatir-c.

0 1 1 iiiotion by Air. Jlnxwell, to airlend the reportcd amendment by
striking out of thc eighth section the words
All inconits received (luring the year, between fire hundred dollars and fifteen hiinclred dollaro, sliall pay a tax of five per cent on their amount; and all incomes
rcv*tlivetlctnring tlw year, between fifteen hundred dollars and ten thousand dollars,
shall pay a tax of tcn per cent on their amount. All incomes received during the
vear, between ten thousand dollars antl firteen thousand dollars, shall pay a tax of
t w l v e aiicl a half per cent on their amount; arid all incomes received during the
year, of inore than fifteen thousand dollars, shall pay a tau of fiiteen per centuni upon
thclir anionnt,

:tnd inserting in lien tlicrcof the words

All i w o n w ~rcceivetl during t h c year, ai~iountingto fifteen hiindred dollars, shall

It was doterriiincd in the negrztivc.

On motion hg AIr. Clark, to miend tjhe rcportcd aincndment by
irizcrting the followiug independmt section:
SEC. - That a t a u of one dollar be levictl and collcctetl froni e v ( ~ vperson
cxcinptetl frotii iiiilitarj d u t y h y the sc\.erd la\\$ now in force: l'uwided, '$hat ~ i i c h
persons IJC:able-l)otlit~tl
aiitl \\ ithin t h t h conscript age,

I t TV:~S detcrniinccl in the negative.

O n thc qiteition to ttgrce to the :utienclmcnt reported by the Committee on I'in:Lncc, :IS :iniended,
I t w : dctc3rinincd
i n the afirniatiw.
No further aiucndiiicnt being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the aiiicndment made as in Committee of the Whole was
concurrcd in.
O~dercd,That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Besolvecl, That it p s s with an amendment.
Orclcred, That the Xccrctary request the coricuri~cnceof the House
of lteprcscntzltives in the aniendment.

27 2


[Apr. 10, 1SE3.

On motion by Mr. Clay, that the injunction of secrecy be removed

from thc report (No. 9) of the Coniniittce of Finance on the bill
(1.It. IS) to l:~ytaxes for the coiiiinoii dcfensc. :ind carry ou the Governrimit of the Confcderate Statw,
It was detertiiined in the negative.
On motion by ,\I r. ;Llaxwell,
The Senate resolved into open 1egisl;bth.e session.


Mr. Oldlisin, from the committee of conference on the disagreeing

I d e s of the two 1lousr.s on tliv bill (S. 97) to exeiiipt contractors for
carrying the mails of the Confederate Stiitcs and tlic drivers of post
fro111 niilit:uy service, rcportcd
That they had i w t t h e c*oniiiiittoc,oii the part of tlie Ilousc~
of Iicprcwiitatires, and,
after full and frec confcrcncc,
agreetl to recoiiiinend and do rccoinniend to their
respecti\ c 1Iouec.g as follonR,
That the Smate do agree to t h e iiniend1iient of the llouse, w ~ t l ithe following
aiiicndmeiit, to nit, b o as to make wid a~ilentliiiciitrcwl a? follolbs: And 110 coiitractor, 011 R I I Y route of 1cs.y thau trii iiiilcis in lciigth, and 011 which the ~nai!is carried
on horse, sliall bc exeii~ptu11iler this act

The Senate proeecdcd to coii>idcr said rcport; m d

Resolved, That they C O L X U ~ tliercin, and that the hill be amciidcd
O,*dered, T h a t the Swretary iiiforni the House of
Mr. Qenirncs submitted the following resolution; which w:ts considered and agreed to:
That the Coiniiiittt~011 the Judiciary l ~ tcl i v w t c d to inquire x hrther any
further Iegi~latioiibe rcqiiirc~ito rcrtraiii and ~~iiiiisli
niilitary officers M 110 inay
re,uist or interfere with tlic esecutioii of civil judivial procoss.

Mr. Senimcs, froiii the Coiiiniittcc on Finance, to W ~ J ~n IasI ~referred

the Irdl (S. 111) to authorize tlie isme of eight per cent llonds or ccr
tifieate, of stock i n cert:iin cases, reported it \\ itlioiit amendn~ent.
The Senate procccdcd, ns iii Coninlittee o f the TYholc, to the ( m s i d ci*ation of the bill (8. 111) 1x.t nientioned; : i d no ariicndiuent being
rnadc, i t was wported to the Scnatc.
O ~ v J e ~ z dTlitLt
it be engrossed and r e d :I third time.
The h:Lid hill FT:L\ read the third tinie.
BcsoZvcd, That it pass, arid that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary rcyuePt the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Burnett, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
recommitted the bill (13. R. 12) for the relief of certain ofEcci*sand
soldiers from the State of Missouri, reported it with an arncndmcnt.
The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (11. 1%.
12) last mentioned;
which was again read the second time and coniidwcd as in Committee
of the Whole; and thc repoi.tccl :tiirenclrnent having been agreed to, the
hill was reported t o the Senate :tnd the :unendment w a q concurrrd in.
Ordered, That the aniendmcnt be ciigroswd and the bill read a third
The said bill as airiended was read thc third time.

B e d v e d ; That it p s wit11 an nmcndment.
zed, T h a t the Secretmy request thc concurrencc of the House
scntatives iii the anicndnient.
AIr. Hill, fi-oiiitlic Cornmittre on the Judiciary, to whom was recomiiiitted thc hill (11. I<. 17) to tiid coiiiitiittees of Congress in the investigntion of irinttc rs rcferrcd to tlic.iii, :uid to punish false swearing
before said coniiiiitte~h,rcportcd it w i t h a n :irnendnient.
Thc Senate proc.wdct1 i o c o i i 4 t . r llic ))ill (11. It. 17) lmt mentioned;
wliicli was agniii rc:ul tlio scconcl tiitic :tiid considered as in Committee
of tlic \\liolc.; :ind thc reported anicndment having been agreed to, tlie
mrtcd t o the Scnntci and thc xnicndmcnt TVRS concurred in.
, Tliut thc aiiieiidiiieiit bc cng~.o~scd
and the bill read tl third
a 5 amended TRS read tlie third time.
That it p w wit11 :ui :mciidnient.
fliat t h c Sccrct:iry request the conciirrcncr of the House


tati yes i n tlic aniondincrit.

h1r. Hill, f l o m tlic Coiinnittee o i l the J udiciury, to whoni TI iib referred the hill (13. Ii. 24) to repeal tho laws of naturalization, reported
it without aniciidincnt.
O n motion by MY.Orr,
O~&wd, lhtit i t be piainted.
MI.. lIill, frorii the Coiiiriiittee O H tlic Judiciary, to whorn was referred the bill (H. It. 29) to amend an act entitlrd An act to secure
co1)yriglits to authors ;tiid composcrh, approved May 21, 1861,
re1)ortcd it I\ itli :LII tuiicndnieiit.
111~ Scniite ~)roccwlcd,as i n Coimriittec of thc Whole, to the considcixtion of tlie bill (11. It. 29) 1:
iuciitioncd; :inti t h e reported
xnic~ridnicntii:L\-ing Imxn ;igrcc~lto, tlic bill w i i b reportcd to the Senate
and the aiiiendiiiciit w a s coiicnncd in.
O i d wd, That the aniendnic~ntbc cngrossed and the bill read a
tliird time.
bill :LZ tiinentlcd was i-cact lhc third tiutc.
, That it p a s with :LII :tiiieiidnicnt.
t the coricurrencc of the House
Lhe following bills receiircd froiii thc Wousc of Representatives for
concurrence were scver:tlly ad tltc first and second tinies:
11. ft. 31. A hill to provide for tlio relief of and soldiers
who h n v ~bccn irregularly introduced into the mililary service of the
Confcdcrxtc States; xiid
11. lt. 33. A ljill t o :tnicncl an :Let cxntitled An act to provide for an
iric1wire of tlic Qu:irtcrmastcr mil Coirniiibssry l k p r t i i i e n t s , approved

cy l w rcfcrrcd to tlw Coniniittec on Militiiry ,4ffairs.

The Senate prow(dccl to cwri\itlcr thcl aiiietidiiietrt of the IIouse of
ltcpreseiitatives to tlic bill (S. 38)in relation to tlie public printing;

On motion by Mr. Scmmes,

d, Ilint i t he rcfci*i*t(I
to thc Committcc on Printing.
i n (ommittec of thc IVholc, the consicleraThe Scn:itct rc,imicd,
tion of the joint resolution (S.4) in rclatioii t o the free navigation of

On niotioii by M r . Clay,





Or&i*ed, That the further (miwideration thcreof be postponed u n t i l

A inessage from the TZoiisc of Repreaentatives, by Mr. McDonald:
lJh.Pwsid(>)kThe House of Representatives have p a s e d a bill (11. R. 32) to
amend an act entitled An act to provide for an increase of the Quartermaster and
Coiiiiiiissarg Departments, appro\-ed February 15, 1862; in which they request the
concurrcnce of t h e Senate.
They have also passed, without amendment, bills of the Senate of the following
8. 85. An act to establish a preferred mail across the Mississippi River; and
8. 103. An act to authorize the increase of t h e compensation of route agents, and
to increase the per diem allowance to special agents of the Pout-Office Department.

A inessttge from the House of Reprcscntatives, by Mr. Lauiar:

,Mr. Pwsident: Tlie House of Itepresentatires: ha\ e agreed to tlie conference asked
for by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of tlic t\\o H o u ~ e son the bill (8.27)
defining who dial1 be exempt from military service in thc armies of t h e Confederate
States, and have appointcd Mr. Kenan of Georgia, Xr. Iugh of Alabama, and Mr.
Wright of Tenneesee as nianapers o n the part ot the House a t said conference.
Tlie House of Kcpresentatives ha\e agreed to thc report ot the conmiittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the t ~ l (S.
l 97) to exeiiipt
contractors for carrying the innils of the Confederate States arid the drivers of post
coaches ant1 hacks from iiiilitary serrictl.

Thc Senate reiurncd, as in Coininittee of the Whole, tlie consideration of thc bill (S. 68) to abolish all ports of delivery in the ConfLderate States.
On motion by Mr. Semmes, to ainrnd the hill by inserting after
abolished,: line 5, tlie words except such ports of delivery as are
also ports of entry,
It was deterniincd in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. cJohnson of Arkansas, to aniend the hill by striking out all after hereby, line 4, and inserting suspended nntil the
ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and
the United Statcs,
It as determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Clark, to amend the bill by striking out all after
the enacting clxclsc and inserting:
That all la\\ h or parts of litn s establishing any poi t or IJOI ts o f entry or of delivery
i n lhr Confederate Stater, itrid all laas or parts of laws imposing a duty upon importntioiis into said States, be, and are hereby, suspended,
0 1 1 motion hj- klr. Oldham, to amend the amendment proposed by
Mr. Clark by striking out snspended a n d inserting repealed,
It was determined in the n e gci
On the question to agree to the amendincnt proposgd by Nr. Clark,
- - --- - . -- 4
It Was determined in the negative, 7I Nays -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -..-.-_
_ . _.
. 16
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The yeas and nlLy8 being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Claik, Oldham, Orr, tind fchelan.
rhohe who voted in the negative are,
hlessrs. Baker, Barnrvcll, Ihiimett, Caperton, Clay, Davis, Dortch,
H u n t e r , Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Maxwell, Mitchcl,
Peyton, Semmcs, Sparrow, and Yancey.
No further aniendment being made, the bill w a s reported to the
Senate and the amcndnient TVRS concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read n third time.

Apr. 10, 78R3.1


The s t i d bill was rcud Llie third time.

On tlic qucstion,
Shnll tlic hill now ~ ) ; L s s !




[Apr. 11,l

which was read the first and sccond times and considered as in Comrriittce of the Wliolc.
Aftcr debate,
On motion b y Mr. Brown,
O~clered,That tEic further consideration of the bill be postponed
until Monday next at 1 oclock.
A niessage from the Housc of Representatives, by Mr. Mcllonald:
V r . frrxideiat: The Speaker of tlic House of Reprerentatires haring signed an
enrolled bill, I a m directed to bring it to the Seiiata for t h e signature of their

On motion by Mr. Brown,

The Senate resolved into executive scssion.
~ ; X l E G l Y V I C SESSION.

On motion by Mr. B1-0~11,

Tho Senate resumed the corisitlcration of the nominations of John D.
Siinnis, Jacob Rcad, ,John N. I?. Iattnall, Andrew J. Hays, George
HoIIries, Itcuben T. rhom, A. C. Vat1 Iknthuy.sen, Julius E. Meiere,
George 1. Turner, Thomas 8. Wilson, to be captains in the Marine
After debate,
On iiiotion by Mr. Clay,
O r ~ Z m ( 7 Tliat
the further consicieration of said nominations be postponed till Tuesday ncxt.
On motion by Alr. Orr,
The Scnatc proceeded to consider the follo~vingresolution:
RPsoZced, That it is iriexpetlicnt at this t h e to send a coniiniesioner to Russia.

On motion by Mr. *Johnson of Georgia, to amend the resolution

by striking out all after T h a t and inserting in lieu thereof the
tlic President ha I espectfully requested to communicate to the Senate, in executive
session, the reasons upon which he deems it expedient to st~nda commissioner t o

It was deterniincd in the :dfirmativr.

On the question to :~grecto the resolution as anicndcd,
On motion by Jlr. Ihvis,
The Senate resolved into open lcgislatire session.

S h T U l t I > h Y , AimI, 11, 1863.


A mcssage f roni the IIousc of Itcprescnti~tives,hy M r . McDonald:

J l r . IJr.~wtJcn/:
Tlw Ilousc~o f 1ic.prcsentxtive~ hive passed liills of the following

H. R. 33. A n art to proyidc for the euccntioii o f dcetls b y ~nar~linlu
in certain cases;

H. R 34. A n act concerning fee5 of district attorney\; in nliich they request the
concurrence of t h e Scnxte
ti Senate h i l l q of the follo\ying titleu.
8. 41. A n act to aniciiil the screral acts prewrihiiig the illode of puhlishing t h e lanq
and resolutions of the Confctlcrate States; xiid
8. 78. A n act to pre\ciit the, ahstwce of officwi and wltlierb without leave, Inith
amendments; i n which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

Apr. 11,1SFS.]



311. Oldhain submitted the following resolution; which m ~ mconsidered xiid agreed to:
h'~hohet7, Tliat the President be requested to conimunicate to the Senate, at 518
early a day a? prac.ticabltJ, copies of all ordcrs or letters froiii the War Department
to ar!y ofic.cror olfirei R in c~oiiniiaiidin the 7'rans-JIissispipIi Military Department,
reqniring t h v iiiili t tir\ restrictions iiiiposcd upon the cornnierre across t h e Itlo Grande
IZiver, and p:trticiilarly upon the expoitation of cotton, to be revolred and annulled.

ah. S:cnrnics prchentcd tho mcmori:J of Maj. f h n c i s kiwle, quart e i ~ i n s t t of

~ r Nic~liollh'( L o u i y i a n n ) brigade, praying for relicf from certain li:tl)iliti(t\ iiicnrrcd ))y hiin; which mas referred to the Committee
on Clainis.
On motion I)>- 311.. Darnwell, froin the Coinmi
t/, T h t thc hill (H. It. 26) for the assessrnent am1 collection
o f t:LscY I)C printctl.
Mr. Spi-row, froiii the Coiiiinittce on Military Afkirs, to whom
WLS tlie bill (1.R. 20) t o allow coinmutation for clothing to
ttir iiiilitia i n nctu:il hcrvice of the Confederate States, reported i t with
ail amciidnient.
The following bills rcccivecl from the IIouse of Itcpresentatives for
concurrcncc were scveially read the first and second times:
H. 12. 33. An act to provide for the execution of deeds by marshals
i n certain cases;
11. 12. 24. An act concerning fccs,of d i s t ~ i c attorneys;
1. I<. 35. An act to rcorgwiizc and promote the efficiency of the
medical hrnnch of the inilitnry service.
O t d m d , That the Idls nunik~ercil33 and 34 he rcferred to the Cominittcc o n the .Itidici:wy and thnt the bill nunibercd 35 bc referred to
t h e Chiinittec on Military AEairr.
The Scnatc ~)roceerdedto consider Ihc :micnclment of the House of
liepwsentati\-es to the bill (S. 41) to niiiend tlie scveral acts preeucribing thc mode of publishing the 1:Lws and resolutions of the Confederate
States; arid
d, Tlmt they concIm therein.
Ordered, That the Socrctary inform tlic I Ioiisc of l<cpr(
The ScnRtr pro dcd to c*onsiclcrthe ainendiiieiit of the House of
Ltcprcwntativrs t o the bill (S. 18) to pwvent thc ahsenre of officers
mid soldiers without lcnve; and
Z&sofvecl, Th:~ttlicy conciir therein .
Ordpiwj, That the Secretary inforni t lic 11ouse of 1tepresent"tives
The Scnatc I.esnmed, as in Coininittcr, o f the W'holc, thc, consideration of tlic joint rczolution (S. 4) i n rclation to Ill0 f'rcc navigation of
thr Mississippi liivcr; and
On iuotiou by hlr. Oldh:m,
Opc//?wl. Thiit the further consideration thrrrof be po;stponcd until
Monday next.
1 lie Scn:ilo resnmcd, as i n Committee of the Whole, the consideration of tlie bill (S. 47) inaking Columbia, S. C., a port of delivery for
goods imported into Chnrleston, S. C., mid Wilmington, N. C. ; and
On motion by Mr. Clay,
O&rd, That i t be postponed indefinitely.
The Senate lesumcd, as in Committee of the Whole, th r consideration of the following bills:
S.69. A hil] for the confiscation of the leasehold interest and shares



[ h p r 11,1863.

of stock owned by the American Telegraph Company and other alien

cneiriies in the lines of telegraph in the Confederate States; and
8. 70. A hill declaring the telegraph n p art of tho postal hystem of
the Confederate States, :tiid to provide for working the same; and
O d m d ? T h a t the further consideration thereof he postponed till
Tuesday next.
Tlie Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the \Vhole, to the consideration of the bill (S.71) to repeal the naturalization laws; and
On motion by Mr. Clay,
O?&~w&That it lie upon the table.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coiiimittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 84) to amend an act entitled An act to prohibit the exportation of cotton from the Confcdrrtko Stales, except
through the seaports of said States, and t o punish persons offending
therein, ap roved May 21, 1861; and no amendment being made, it
mas roporte t o tho Senate.
O d ~ ~ e That
d , it he engrossed and read a third time.
T h e said bill was read the third time.
On motion 1)y Mr. Barnwcll, the vote on ordering the bill to its
en iossment and third reading was reconsidertd; and
f i i inotion by ~ r Barnwell,
Orciwpd, ThtLt i t be transferred to the Secrc t Legislative Calendar.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Coniinittce of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (S. 86) to provide for the arrest of soldiers absent
from their commands without lcave, and providing c.ompen.~ationto
their captors; arid
On motion hy Mr. Burnctt,
OrcLmd, T ha t i t he trnnsferrcd to the Secret Legislntive Calendar.
The Senate proc~eeded,as in Conimittrc of the Whole, to the consicleration of t hc bill (S. 74) to amend an act entitled An act for the
esktblislnmcnt and organization of a general staff for tlie Army of the
Confederate States of i4iiicrica, approvcd Fcl)ruary 26, 1861; mid
the reported ainendnicnt having been agrccd to, the bill was reported
to the Senate and the amendment was concnrrecl in,
O T ~ G ~ W JThat
tlic bill be engrossed and read R third time.
The said 1)ill was read the third time.
B e s o l ~ ~ dThat
, it pass, and that the title thrreof be as aforesaid.
That thc Secretary request the coiicixrrencc of the IIouse
of Repre.;entativcs therein.
The Senatc proceeded, as in Coiwiiiittcc of th e Wholc, to thc consideration of the bill (S. 92) to pmscril)e the rstcs o f postage on newspapers, periodicals, hooks, and transient and other niatter; and no
amendmcnt king niadc, it was rrportcd to the Scnate.
O&?*ed, Thnt i t be engrossed and rend u third tinic..
The said bill was read th c third time.
Resolued, That i t p s , and that the titlc thereof be a5 aforesaid.
Orc.(md, Lliat the Secretary request the concurrelice of the House
of Hepresen tatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee? of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 80) to increase the efficiency of thc Medical
De artment.
the question to agree to the following reported ainenclment:
Strike out, section 2, line 30, tlie words and to receive the and
insert with the rank,


Apr 11,1863 1


It was determined in the negative.

The rcsiduc of the reportcd miieiidments were then agreed to.
O n motion by Mr. Orr, that the bill be recommitted to t h e Co
niittee on Military dflairs,
It W:LS determined in the negative.
The bill having been fiirthclr anierded, was reported t o the S
n 11
anicndments wcre conciirrerl in.
a d , T11:it i t he engrossed and wad a third time.
aid bill was rend the third time.
That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
OideiwJ, That the SecrctRry request t h e concurrence of the House
of Rcprcmi tatil-es t hemi n .
Mr. RI:txwc~ll,from the coniniittee, reported thal they had examined
m d found truly cnrollcd
A bill (11. 3. 21) to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the
Secrctwy of tlic Navy to niake certain contracts without advertising
f o r propost~l~,''
approred August 29, 18Gl.
The Pi*esiclent pro tetnpoi-e having signed the enrolled bill last
repol-tcd to he r e been examined, it was delivered to the Secretary of the
Scnattl and I y him forth\\ ith presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
'I'he Sjcnatc resolved into executive session.
The door5: having been opened,
Tho followi np iiiws:Lgc W;LS rcceit ed from the EIouse of Representatives, by Mr. 3lcIlonald :
t l e ~ ~Tlic
~ : Spctikrr of tlic IIousc of Represeiitatives having sigiied an

11, I


dircctcd to Iring it to the Senate for tho sigriature of their

Prcsidcn t.

On motion by Nr. I%uriictt,,

The Srnate adjourned.
I ~

M r . Johnson of Arlmnsas submitted the following ~esolution;which

was considered arid agreed to:
Ii~soliod,That the President Iw, and he is hereby, requested to inform the Senate,

in secret session, at what price per poarid the Secretary of the Treasury has sold
(-ottonin iorcipn inarkets u i i d t ~cover of certificatcis referred to 1x1 the report of the
Secretary of tlie Treasury (If tlatc .January tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two;
Y the prorisiorir 01 tlic certlficatcs devised or used, and particularly as to
ot cvttoii ant1 time :tiid place of drlivery ; and what were the instructions
q our coiniiiis6ionws i n the sales niade, and 11hat arc the iiistructicms now
as to iutnrr sales.

On inotion by 311.. 13urnett,

o l v d into open lcgislativc


Mr. Sparrow, horn the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

were referrcd the nominations of L. F. Marshall, ID. B. Hawkins,
V. M. Brown, D. T. Carraway, 13. (3, Pincli-ney, A. f'. Slol-er,
Thomas 1'. Adanis, John Cantey, John P. Trezevant, Benjamin F. Carter, C. J. T(innp_r, 11. A. Deas, to be coinmissaries, with the rank of
major; P. L. Mynatt, TrV. 13. Anderson, E. T. Burch, H. F. Dunson,



J02ln Sf. Zachq-, D. S. Diclrinson, B. M. Burroughs, J. M. Kern,

A. F. IIal1, ,I. E. ,Iloi~ecoclt,A. 1. Lining, W.D. ltanltin, George W.
LarntLr, C. D. 13urhs, .J. 13. Anderson, W.Id. Atmell, tJ. J. Hutchinson,
11. 13. I,nnc, Roger MOOIT, Owen Fcnncll, .James J . Eusbj, I. B.
Taliaferro, A. IIot)dsy, %. V. Morris, ,J:imes McNeill, S.K. Ingrain,
IIirnni Fain, Kolxxt h i t , E. Horry Frost, T. 13. Stapleton, Jaiues Jj.
Greshain, J\. T. Xoel, G. 71. Eerrand, R. 13. Downinan, Johu
Eniinerson, ,J, C. Meadows, H. S. Van Eaton, It. C. Cammack, S. V.
Reid, S. C. Means, G. W. Smipson, J. N. Davis, J o h n G. Jones,
W. H. Armstrong, C. M. Ohlson, J . T. Beveridgc, William Holroyd,
William N. Turner, J . \Y. Armstrong, T. U. Dudley, jr., 0. P.
Meares, Edward Smith, 1,. McDonald, C. A. Neilson, W. H. Murrell,
C. Dnwsou, S.J. Calvert, J. P. Rlurphy, Edward Alston, R. G. R o ~ ,
F. Livingston, D. B. Thompson, John It. Wills, J. cJ.Villepi ue,
P. Harrison, W.11. Sale, Gcorgc Wray, T. E. Stanley, W. A. fall,
John J. Jellrs, D. N. licac.h, T. I). Iieeves, to be assistaiit comniisssries,
with the rank of captain; A. G. Qunite, It. I3. George, George T.
Jones, W. 1. Paul, 11. ,J. I-lcarsey, \V. 13. Qnincy, James T. Stewart,
J . 11. Littlclield, 13. K. IIoopcr, A. S. Cahell, T. J . Woolfolk, H. L.
Elcan, J o h n M. Hillups, G. S.Thompson, 71. E. Bird, N. C. Jones,
K. ?J. Mill, J . A. Lauclerdulc, ?J. 12. Yarrott, to be quartermasters. with
the rank of major; ,J. G.Guignard, W . 11. I 3 r p ~ i .E. G. Cheatham,
J. &I. Kilgour, V.C. Day, It. 11. Harris, ,Johnson Orrick, T. H.
Maxwell, George Higgins, A. I T . Wright, A. K. Kcllei-, Jnixes M.
Elliott, Willis 6. Stow, Tlionias Moore, 1%.F. Law, Gust. Hredow,
J . M. Madding, C. 1,.R:tndolph, ,J. 1% Burwcll, G. 3;. Manigault,
Jesse S. Wood, ?J. F. RlcClurc, W. 13. lioyt, John H. Gray, J. S.
Porcher, It. E. 13. Hewetson, C. 13. C;\mthnicy, Icer Eoyce, Thomas
M, Ingles, 12. W.Gordon, ,J. W. fIigg:ison, Jos. F.Foard, TI. J . Kennedy, Travis (>. Wright, 13. F. Fitzp tricli, 11. F. \Villiams, Thomas
Addison, (;eorge Cox, ,J. I?. M:ntin, L). M.Ducie, W.12. White, L. M.
L a ~ s h e Thomas
121. Kapicr, Felix \V. IhrneSt, I3enjamin F. Buckner, ,John Ttttuni,
M. Herlagan, W. El. Ihl)lc, Charles W.
Green, J . C. Van
, Ho111-y I>unohoo, Sheldon Toonier, B. H.
Hill. 0. Cnldw,\.rll,
S. Field, XI. V. Mitchell. N. ,J. Floyd,
W. T. Edwaids, D. It. &furcahison, Jos. hl. Walters, G e o r q C. Meid,
11. G, ltolwrtson, S. ChtinibCrs, 1. D. Johnston, V. 14,. Turner,
TIr. It. Garrett, rlhoin:is ,Joiwq, TV. G. r~honizs,William 11. Welch,
D. McKenzie, George 11. Logan, W.C. Eoff, J . E. Itay, 13. F. Owen,
It. A[. Oates, It. I. Allon, Willium 34. Milbj , to l)c ashistant yuartermasters, with the i m l c of mptaiii; Tlilliani C. Preston, J . G. King,
IS. 8. Farlcy, W. 11. LeronncaiI, F. E l . Ilal.leqton. D. Q. Fleming,
.J. C.Mitchel, to I)c mptRiiis of nrtillci-y; S. 11. Proctoi~,F. D. Blake,
Honry lt. Lesesne, A. S.Chillnrd, AleA4illan Icing, fJulius &I. Rhett,
J . J. Alston, 13. 1. liayenrl, Chadcs 1ngl( )y, ,I. I<. Pringlc, W.E.
Erwin, Edwatd Lowndes, K. Kcinper, to 1)cfirst licutcrianth o-t artillery;
Ltichard I I . Clarkc, W. A. Aiiderson, J o h n M. 13atklr, .J. 3.Griffin,
T. 13. (:roolicr, Ihcodore 11. C h , TV:iddy 1. Meaiis, 11. V. Martin,
Edward North, F. ,J. Alo::cw, Iliomas 1. Milicll, Thomas Williams,
,J. C. Minott, George ( h i d i r i , EtI\c:iid Mathewrs, It. It. Singleton,
G. W. hfarxhxll, 14;. J. Sirnliins, C. Clcrnson, T. 11. Scott, 3 . S. Key,
to he second lieutenarrts of arlillerx; George I). Farr:t1*, A. L. Slack,
Janics MrConncll,1,. Cecil IZcrricii, John L. Fort. Itohcrt F. Dancg, to
be second lieutcriarits; A. Coward, 71. 13. Wadc, (2. W. Sear-, Charles


Apr. 11, lSG3 ]


T. Goode, to he colonels: J. T. Montgomery, M. M. Slaughter, to

IN> li~utenant-coloiiels; T. N7. Brevard, Jo h n S. Prather, J o h n 13.
Rudolph, to 1~ ii~ajorx; W. J . liohinson, Samuel G. Beltzhoover,
F. Voigt. J ohn M. Paync, JYilliani Collins, William C. Lord, T. D.
Ariiiesy, Frank Waters, Jonathan G. 12iley, Robert C. Wood,
IIaLvinakcr, William 13. S:tmnels, N. L. Korton, William P. Clarkson,
It. IT. Carter, h v i d T. Cophcr, IVilliani T. Tayne, Nathaniel P. Kunkel,
to be captains; Charles R. Skinker, to be first lieutenant: 13. G. Leo, to
he aysistant adjixtant-general, ith thc r:~nlrof major; J , 1.tJohiison, to
l)c assistaut :ic~,jnt:~rit-gcncral,
with the rank of captnin; A. L. Rives,
I). 13. 11:ii*ri\,,Iamcs 3ocqiiet, to t)c inaiors of enginecrb; J . K. Hoswell,
C. T. Muson, ,J. W.( h c c n , C. K. TIoward, TI. 13. Richrdson, 17. Girard,
W. II. r J : ~ ~ i i ( ~toh . be c:q)t:Liiis of ctiginwrs, reported, with tho reconinicttdntiou that ~ 1 of
1 inid noininations he confirmed.
r h Hcnatc procccdecl to consider said report; and i n concwrence
therewitli, it wis
, T h a t toheSenate advise and consent to their appointment,
:~orcval)lyto their respective norninatioiis by the President.
I he Senate rcsunicd the consideration of the rioniinatioii of Robert
11. Chilton, t o be assistant adjutant-geiierxl, with the rank of colonel.
On inotion by NY.
Uurnett, tlint said noinination be laid on the table,
It was detcrniiiicd in the negative.
On the question,
Will the Scmtc advise : ~ n dconsent to the ~ p p o i n t ~ n e noft It. I.
Chiitoii :is awistant :LdjutRnt-geiiel.Rl. with rank of colonel ?
Aftcr dcl)ate,
On motion 1)y 3Ir. Ihurnett,
O / ~ k , i w l ,That s a i d J i o n i ination lie on the table.
M r . Spariww, from tiir Committee on Military Affairs, to whoin
was refei-red the nomin:ttion of ltolwrt 11. Chilton, to bc brigadiergeneral, reported, with tho rccoinniendation that said nomination loc
not confirrned.
Lhe Scnatc procecdcd to considcr said report; mil
On tlic qiicstioii to a g w e thereto,
MY. ,Johnson of Arliansns deniandcd t h e criiestion: ~ v h i c hwas seconded, and
The question being put,
It was determined i n the tiegatire.
So it wis
l & a o l r ~ dThat
the Senatc (lo not adilihf: and consent lo the appointment of Kobert IT. Chilton :I$ ))~ig:idie~-~:c~ncr:II.
On iiiotion hy 311..Sp:ii*row,
The Senate rewnicd
cw~sjtlerationof t h t non1in:kioli of Robert
IT. Chiiton, to be assistant adjiilntit-gcneral, M ith the r:Lnli o f colonel.
On the question,
R i l l the Sciiata ndrise m c l consent to this uppointiricnt?
It mas determined i n thc :tffirmative.
So it was
12c~ol?&, That the Senate ad+e a r i d consent to thc appointment of
ltobert 11. Chilton, to he assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of
colonel, agrwably to the noniinatioii of the llresidcnt.
Tho Senate rcsurned the consideration of the nomination of Francis
A . Shoiip, to be brigadier-general.
On the question,

t h c b



[Apr. 13

Will the Senate advise and consent to t h i s appointment?

After debate,
hlr. IStirnctt demanded the question; whkli was seconded, and
The question hcing put,
It was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
B e s o l ~ ~ That
J , the Senate advise and consent to tlie appointment of
Francis A. Shoup, to lie brigadier-general, agreeably to the noiniriation
of the President.
On motion by. Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resumed the consideration of the nomination of J. de
Lagtiel, to be major of artillery.
On the question,
Will the Senate advise and consent. to this appointiiient ?
It was dctrrmined in the ncgative.
So it wa?
Bwolccd, lliat the Senate do not adrisc and consent to the appointment of J. dc Lagnel as major of artillery.
On motion by A h . Sparrow,
Thc Senatti rcsunrrd thr considemtion of the nomination of J . C.
Moorc, to be brigadier-general.
JTill the Senxtc advise and consent to this appointment?
It was dctermined in the affiriw1t1ve.
Xpsolved, Thal thc Senate advise arid consent to the appointment of
J . C. Moore a h l)ri~adier-geaeral,agreeably to the nomination of the
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the nomination of J. M. Ellistoil, to be commissary, with the
rank of major, reported, with the recoinmendation that said nomination
lie on tho table.
The Senate proceeded t o consider said report; and
On the question to agree thereto,
It was deterniinecl in the afirmati\x.
Mr. Sparrow, froin thc Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
refcrrcd the noinination of J . 31. IClliston, lo be quartt>ririaster,with tlie
rank of major, reported, with the recoxnniendation that said nomination
bc cY)
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t wtts
Resolwd, Ihttt the Senate advise and consent to his appointment.
agreeably t o the nomination of the President.
On motion hy illr. .Johnson of Arkansas,
Tho Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

MONDAY, A i w r , 13, 1863.


Mr. ?Johnsonof Arkansas subniitled the following resolution; ~ I i i c l i

was considered and agreed to:
IZesoZvrd, That a special coininittee of three b~ appointed, a i t h leave to sit during
vacation, whose duty it shall be to investigate and report to the Senate a t the next
session of Cnngress upon the expediency of providing for regular and perfect reports


Apr. 13,1863.1

of the debates of the Senate and or eml)racing in the reports the

open Itgislative seii+ms of the Senate, and that they prepare
goverii this sc,rvice, and that they report with it thc terms up
reporters may be employed, together nith the expenses necessar

On riiotion by Mr. (Johnson of Arkansas,

Oi*c7md, h a t the corninittee under said resolution be appoint
tlh(l President pro teniporc; and
A h . vJohnsoiiof Rrk:inws, Mr. Orr, t~iidMi-. Brown were appoi
i\I 1. Sparrow, from tho Coniniittw on Military Alflairs,to whom
rcferrcd tlie following hills:
11. li. 27. An act c~p1:~natory
of :m act entitled An act to authorize
tlie Irc~iidcnt to :wcept and plncc i n thc srn-icc corttiin regiments and
1xLttalions licrctoforc miscd , approved 011 thc I It11 clay of October,
1862; n l l d
11. It. 31. An :Lct to provide for the relief of of%c(w and solcliers
who ha\ r ltccn iix~gixlwiyintroduced into the military service of the

Confcrlcratc. Stntcs;
reportcd tlicm scvcr:illy with thc rccommond:Ltion that they ought not
to pavh
Illr. S p r ~ o s v ,from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
xi:, i ~ ~ f c r r the
r d bill (11. 1C. 19) to estahlisli a niter and mining bureau,
reportcd it withont amendment.
On motion by Rlr. T3arnmcl1,
O t * d e r d , Ihat it be printed.
Jlr. 0 r r snt)inittecl tho following resolution for consideration:
R ~ ) l / w dThat
tlie Secretary of the Sriiate he nuthorized to eiuplop sach additional
cl(~rira1force i n his OECP
cluri~igtlic. rcniaiiiclcr of tllc session as 1nay he necessary to
];rep np the I)nsiiiesi of the Scm~tcx.

lhc Seriiitr

Y C S L I J ~ ~as
P ~in

Coinmittre of tlic Whole, t,hc considcralittion (S. 1)i n re1:ition to the frcc navigation of

onsidcration thorcof bc postpoued until

Wednesday next.
The Senate pimecdecl, :is i n Cornmitteo of the Whole, to the consideration of tho bill (8. 89) to a1)olisli supernunier.xry ofices in the
Coniniissxrp~and Qnartcrmastcrs lkp:-i,rtmcnts; and thc 1q3orted
nniendincnts having Iwen xgi-eed to n n d tho hill furtlier amended on
the motion of Mr. Ow, it was reported to thc Scn:ite and the amendmncnrrcd in.
I l ~the
t I d 1 l)e cngrosscd and re:d a third time.
h i l l wa:, rc.:id the thiid tinir.
!lint it E ) R S S , m c l that tho title thercwf bc as aforesaid.
O I Y ~d ,Y That thc Sccrrtwy request th c concwrence of the House
in Coininittee of the Wholc, to thc consiclproyide for the conscription oC itliens re&
do11t in the Confederate State$; nnd
On inotion by hlr. On.,
OrdeTecl, That the further considcration thereof he ~mstponeduntil
to-morrow at 12 ocIo(31c.
&Ir. Dortch, f roin thc committee, reportcd that t h y had examined
and found truly enrolled



[Apr. 13, 1

A hill (S. 97) to exempt contractors f o r carrying the mails of the

Confederate State? and the drirers of post coaches and hacks from
niilitRry sei*ricc.
The President pro tcnipore ha\-ing signed the cnrollcd bill last
reported to have been examined, it was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate and by hiin forthwith presented to thc President of the
Confederate States for his a p p r o ~ d .
A message froin thc House of Represmhtivcs, hyv M r . McDonald:
Mr. Pyesidmt: The IIouse of Representatives h a ~ disagrecd
to the arnenclmeilt of
the Senate to the bill (11. R. 29) to arnend an act entitled An act to secnre copyrights to authors ant1 composers, a ppr o~e tlMay 21, 1861, abk a conference on the
disagreeing \Totes of the two Ilouses thereoii, arid ha\ appointed Mr. IIolcombe of
Virgiriiit, 311.Curry of Alabairra, and Nr. Rlaclicii of Kentucky as tilanagerr at said
conference on their part.
They have concnrred in the amentlmentothe Senate to the bill (TI. R. 17) to aid
cornnritteep of Congress in the inventgation of nrntters rcferred to them, and to punish
false swearing before Paid cwiritiiittceP.

The Senate proceeded to consider tlicir amendment, disagreed to by

the House of Bcprescnt:iti-\-cs, to the bill (H. B. 29) to amend an act
entitled An act t o sccurc copyrights to authors and composers,
>ray 21, ism; :LIld
On niotioii by A h . flill,
t i , That the Senate insist on their ainendment to the said bill,
and agree t o the conferonce asked l y the lTouse of Representatives on
the disagreeing- votes of the two I-Iouses thereon.
On motion by hlr. Hill,
Om%rcd, T h a t the committee of conference on the p a rt of the Senate
be appointed 11y the resident pro tempore; and
Mr, Hill, Mr. Yernmcs, m d Mr. Dortch were appointed.
Order&, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatires
Ihc, Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the i\hole, to the consideration of tho bill (13. It. 14) to prcvcnt fraud i n the Quartermarters
and Commissarys Departincnts, and the ohtaining under false pretense
transportation for private property; and thc reported amendment
having been :tgrced to, the bill waq reported to the Scnntc and the
amendment was c oncii r re t i ii 1.
Ordewd, Lh:tt, the amcnclnicnt hc cngrowrd and the ]>ill read a t h i r i
The said bill as nmended was read the third time.
Emolr~ecl,That it pass with an anicndment.
Ordcwd, That thc S ccr etu y reqiiest the concurrcnce of the IIouse
of Reprcsentativrs in the amrndmrnt.
The Senate procecdod to consiclcr the resoliltion of the House of
~lepresentatircs,fixing the time for the adjournmrnt of Congress; a ~ l d
On motion by MY. Orr,
O d t w c l , That the fnrthcr cortsider:hon thereof l)e postponed until
Friday next.
A message from the Pi*esidcnt of thc ConfedcratJe States, hy 311..
13. IS.Ilnrrison, his Secretary:
A h . Pwsitl~nt:The lwsidcnt ( J f the. Cnnfderatc Statcq, on the 4th iiistant, appro\ ecl
and signed a joint resolution (S. 8) relating to t h e i)rodaction of prnvisions
On the 11th instant the Irwident approiwl and signrd the following act and joint
P 114. An a r t for the relief of wrtain oftireis of the Navy and of the 3Iarine
Corps; and

Apr. 13,1863.1



S. 10. Joint resolution autliorizirip the Pustinaster-(;eneral to extend the time for
receiving bids for tranq)ortation of the illails in the States thcrcin named.

Ordmcl, That the Sccrctary inform the House of Representatives

the rcof.
The Seiiatc proceeclcd, R S in Coininittce o f th e Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 13) in rclatioii to tho public: printing.
On iiiotion by 1\11.. Ow, to aiucncl the bill l)y strikino. out, in the
tliird, fourth, and fifth line\ of tlic first $ection, the wor$s
r i d rcsolutiorir, of :L pnblic iiaturc, iriteIided to ha\ e the effect
said w+ion; arid also,

I t u:is dctoimiired in the :iffirmntivc.

ir. Orr, to aiiic~iicltho bill 1)s strikiiig out thc ~ v o r d s
11 I, liric 20, i ~ n dinserting .thc acts arid resolutions,
~d i 11 the afliriiiativc.
On motion by ,111.. ll-lelan, to :miend the hill by inserting after
1,line 3X, th c words or other place, BY hc may deem
i ~ c l isable,
within 5 : d StiZtc,
I t WLS dctcrrilincd in thc afirmative.
On iiiotioii by 311.. Yhelan, to aiiiciid the bill by striking out all of
the third section after preserved, line 4,
I t WILSdcterniined in the afirmativc.
On niotion by Nr. Phclnn, to amend the bill by striking out t h e
smic, section 5, lines 16 arid 17,
It TVW tletcririinecl in the alfiriiiativc.
0 1 1 motion by Ill.. Henry, to a i i i c i i c l the bill 1,y striking out joint,
scc.tion 10, line 2, :rtd inwrting the scptrntc, m d conciirrarit,
I t was dctcrrnincd iii the ;LfiirmtLtJivc.
011inotioii by Nr. O n , to a i i i ~ n Jtlic bill hy htrilcing out That a
pul)lic printer shall be c
cd by the separate :md concuircnt vote of
thc two Ilouics of Co11g
, section 10, lines I arid 2, :tnd iiisei-ting
css sli:dl clcct its owti public priiitcr,
.lliat cach House of C c
I I wzs detcrmincd in the af1irm:itive.
On iiiotioii 1)sMr. Henry, to atticrid tlic bill by striking out one
tion 2, line 2, arid insorting two copies,
cteriilinrcl i n tlie affirinntim.
On iiiotion hy Mr. Phclan, to ariicnd the bill by striking out the
-vvords licc hundred copics, section 2, line 17,and inserting t h e
1t i w s determined i n ihc affirrnatirc.
0 1 1 Iiiotion by AIr. lhalan, to amend t h e bill by itiscrting after
(prcsm-ed. scction 3, liric 4,
The r~ttoriicv-(;cucir~ilL l i a l l a l l i s Irraigirial irotcs to the act? and rcsolntions, fully
inciex tIrc xidie, aud ( ~ a n wfair and c1xac.t copies of ttre said acts, resolutions, notes,
and iiillcs t o be iriade for delixery to the wiitractor by n-liom the ~ L I I Care to be
print eti,

Tt \vai determined in the aiGrniati\-c.

Ko furthcr :tir1cndment k i n g inide, the hill wns reported t o thc
Seaate :ind tlic :mendmcnts mcrc concurrcd in.
d, That the bill he engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill TVRS rend the third time.
Zies(jJced, IhCkt i t pass, ad that the title thereof be : ~ q aforesaid.
Ordcyed, Thtit the Secretary request the concurrence of thc House
of Representatives therein.



[Apr. 13,1863.

The following niesxagc was received from tlie President of the Confederate States, hy Nr. B. N. IIarrisoii, his Secretary:
r A . , ApTil 10,1863.
To t l v Sriictte cciitl I h i i c o/ Itcp~eseiittr
1 II(w\\ it11 transmit for your inforination a cwmniunication from the Secretary of
\\*ar, covering copies of Lien. Braxton Braggs reports of sevrral hattlrs.

lhc Iiicssege was read.

Orclowl, That it be relcrred to tho Coriiiiiittce on Military Affairs.
The follo-vvingmessage was received from tho President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Kmniom, TA., April 11, 18G8.
To the Seiiule ciirtl lTvuae of Reprrsentat
I herewith trailsinit a (.oiiiiiiiiIit~ationfrom the Secretary of t h e Treasury, covering estimates for tlie support ot t h c (+overnment fro111 .July 1 to December 31, 1863,
in ronipliance with resolutions adopted respectively b y the Senate and House of
L recoiiiniend that appropriations be rnade uf the amounts for the purposes

The message W : L ~1.cad.

OivJmd. That i t lw rcfcrrcd to the Committee on Finance.
Mr, Brown prescntcd the nieriioi*ial of doh:inncs Roth, snpercargo,
and Joscph Lawson, coniniandci*,of tho Rritish ship Princess Royal,
praying f o r coinpensation for the loss of caid slii and that portion of
her cnrgo which conbisted of war matcrial; whic 1 was rcferred to the
Comniittce on Claims.
ded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the con11. Iz. 20) to d lo w commutation for clothing to
the militia in actual betvice o i tho Confcdcrate States; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That it be rccommittcd to the Coriiiriittre on Jlilitary
On niotion I)y Mr. IZromii, tlie Senate resolved into sccrct legislative
The doors having Ixcn opened,
Tlic following iricssagc w a s received f vom the House of Representatives, by Mr. Xlc1)onald:

The President of the Confedcratc Stater has notified the House of

that on tlic 17th instant he approved ant1 signet1 an act (H. R. 21)
entitled An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to make
certain contracts w itliont advertising for proposals, approve!l August 29, 1861.
The 8ptIaker of the IIouse of 1Zepresentatives haring signed sundry enrolled
bills, I a111 dirccted to hiing them to the Senate for tlie biglldturt! of their President.

On niotion by 311.. Senimcs,

The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Dortch, from thc committrc, reported that they had examined
and fourid truly cnrollcd
A hill (S. 52) to fix the rank of officers in the military and naval
service of the Confcdemte S t t c s holding commissions under the lrovisional Government when rcappoiiited t,o oEccs of the same grade
under the Permaneiit Govclrnrncnt.
The President pro teinpore hwing signed the enrolled bill last



Apr. 13,1863.1

reported to have been examined, it was delivered t o the Secretary of

the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
9message from the House of Rcprcyentativcs, 1)y hir. McDonald:
RepreRentatiyesliave passed a hill of the Senate (8.

The Senate resunled, :is i i i Coiiiniittcc of tho IVhole, the oonsideration of the bill (S. 115) to appropriate tcii niillioiis of dollars to pay
for the construction. ~riiiaiiient,,and cquipnicnt of tcii ironclad war
ships in aouthcrii Europe: a i r d 110 niimndment being inadc, it wt~s
reported l o tl1c Sellatc.
rlh,L il 1)e ciigro (1 and reid :L third tiiiie.
hill \\:is raid tlic
, Iliat i t pa\*, id that thc title tliercof l)c :LSaforc.;:iicl.
, ?h:it tllc Secretary reqw5t tlic r*oncwrrenceof the House
o t Itcprcw nt:i t ivcs t hr icin.
0 1 1 riiotioii by A h . IZrown,
Tlic Senate i~.~oIved.
into execant ive heusion.
llie Seiintc having ag:Lin resolved into scciet legislative hession,
The follo~vingmessage TVW received from the TTouse of Bepresent:Ltives, by Mr. IXxon, their Clerk:
The IIowe of Representatives disagree to the atiiendineiit of the
ie bill ( J I . It. 1s)to lay taxes for the cormion defn~seand carry on the
Gowrnmeiit of the Cotifcdcmtc, Statw, ask a wnfctcnce 011 the disagreeing votes of
tlie two I lonses thereon, arid hare apporiitcd 111..Keriiwr of Loniriana, Mr. 1,yon
of .\Idbanis, aiid Mr. Gariictt ot Tirgiiiia its inaiiagers nt said conference on their
t h f :

lhc Scnatc proc~ecdcdto consider thcir :mi(~iicinient,disagreed to

1)s tlie llousc 01 I~eprls~citativcs,

to tlic bill (11. R. IS) last nientioned;
:in d

On motion hy M r . Bar

niiiendtiicnt to said hill, and

tho ~ I o u o
~ cRepresentatives on the
disagreeing votcs of the two IIouscs thereon.
On motion by Mr. I3arnwcl1,
O ~ c l e r ~ cThat
the coinniittce of conference on tlic part of the
Scnxtc ho :qqioitited by the Prcsidrnt pro triiiporc; and
rnwcll, 3/11.. Seniincs, and Mr. Clay ~ c r appointcd.
7, That the Secretary ixiform thc IIouse of t3epresentatives
n th&

O n inotion 1)y Afr. IIaIis,

The Senate resolved into opcri lagislatiire session.

Ihc Eollowing ni ages werc received from the President of the

Confedcrate SttttCh, by Mr. 13. x. Harrison, his Secretary :
~ ~ I C F I B I O X DApril
11, 1863.
1% (fir htwtrtr of tlie CoiLfcderafcSctles.
Agreeably to the rec.oiirri~c~ndation
of tlie Swrctary of War, I nominate Col. Jotin D.
Inil)odeii, ot Tirgima, to he brigadier-gerieral in the Proi isiond h n J y (11 lhe (kmfederate States of Aiirericn, under act So. 22, approved October 11, 1862, to takerank
from January 28, 186X




[Apr. 13,1863

Kiclimond, A p d 10, 186d

SIR: I haye the honor to recomnieiid the following nomination for appointment iii
the ProT&ional ,\rniy of the Coilfederate States of Anierica:
Col. Jolin I). lnil)oclea, of Virginia, to be brigadier-general, uridcr act No. 22,
approred Octobcr 7 I, 18.62, to take rank troni January 28, 1863.
1 am, sir, rcspectiully, your obedient serrant,

Secretary of LIur,

To His Escellericy J

Iresitlcnt, etc.

The message wasread.

On motion by 31r. Clay, that the message be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs,
It was determined in the negative.
The Senate procccdccl to consider thc iioniinatiori of John D. Imboden, to be brigadier-general.
On the question,
Will the Senate advise slid consent t o tliis appointment?
It was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
Besolced, That tlic Senate :idvise :uid consent to his al)pointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
I1lwil 11, 1863.
To the S e m t e of ilre Coiif( dercrte Sttitcs:
I hereby I\itlidraw tlie Iioniliiat1on of 12. 11. I,uelier, to be iiiarslial of the district
ot Louisiana, sent to the Senate February 2. Jlr. Lusher declines tlic appointment.

The niessago was read.

O r d m 4 lliat i t lie on the table.
On motion by MI.. Clay,
Or.tbrecZ, That the iioiiiiriation of 11. M. Lusher, to he marshal for
the district o f l~)uiqiaiia,he returned to tlie lrcsideiit as requested in
his nicssagc of the 1ltli iiistrmt.
A h . Sparrow, from the Coinmittec 0 1 1 Military Afiairs, to whom
were referred the noiriiiiations of 11. 31. Folsom, G. IT, Melton,
Thonias J. Scurry, 1. 31. Doherty, Jaincs W. Wilson, to be quartermasters, with the rank of major; Jamcs 31. Griiisini, C. 13. Duncan,
11. C;. Robertson, G. A. lopc, tJoliii A. Small, Charles P. Cooper,
Thoniws V. Sailford, I. N. Sheppard, U i l h i i 11. Briggs, Mr. J. Eerguson, Joh n Lo m i , T V . C. Scott, ,J6hn 11. Keyser, T. H. Hays, J . A.
Kerby, Clayton Vilson, Jolin A. Yrehto!~,Richard F. Langdon, D. R.
Rlurchisoii, J. Harris Forbes, Thomas A. Roberts, E. If. Lane, to be
assistant quartcrniasters, with the raiik of captain; 7iilliam Norris, to
he iiiajor in tho Signal Corps; M. L. Itandolph, to be captain; R. J.
Browniicld, S. 31. Bouth, to be first lieutcnaiits; Jamcs IJ. Crittcnden,
George $1. Tabb, ,John 12(:llinycr, to IEsecond lieutenants in the Signal
Corps, reported, with the recoiiiiiieiidatioii tliat baid noiriiiiations be
The Senate proceeded to corisidcr said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Bcsofned, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the Presidoa t.
Mr. S p ~ r r o w ,froin the Committee 0 1 1 Military Affairs,to wlioin
was referred the nomination of J . A. Carnpbcll, to be Assistaut Sccre-

Apr. 13,1863.J



t a r j oi JTar, reported, with the recormnendation that said nomination

be confirmed.
The Scnate proceeded to consider said report; and
On motion by A h . Sparrow,
Otdered, That the further consideration of said noniination be
poiied to and in:& the special order for. to-morrow at 2 oclock.
Mr. Sppnrro~r,fro111 the Conimittce on Military Affairs, to whom was
rcferrcd thc noinination of tJ. C. Moore, t o be brigadier-general,
rcportccl, with the rccoiiimcndatioii that said nomination lie on the
The Scnatc 1 ~ r o c e ~ dt~o dcaisidcr . i d report; : ~ n din concurrence
O I Y ~ O YIhat
~ , it lie on the table.
lhc Scii:il(: rcsuiiicd tlir c.ouhidt.ralioii o f the rcsoliition in relation
to wiiding i~ iiiinist(~rt o Kiissia.
On motion by hlr. Orr., to rcwrisidcr thc 1 otc on agreeing to the
follov ing :~iiiciidiiie~it:
Strikc out :dl after That :~ntlinsert:
lresiticiit 1 ) respt,ctfully
requested to conliiiunicate to the Senate, in executive
ion, the rcasons upoii \\Inch he deems it expedient to send a commissioner to

It \vtl:, dcterininecl in tlic affirmative.

Lhe Senate proceeded to consider thc amendment,
\\hen, by uii;~niiiioii~
consent, Mr. ,Johnson withdrew the same.
On iiiotion by Mr. Orr,
l ~ d That
thc resolution lic on tho tahlo.
,Johii.sori of Gcorgia submitted the following resolution;
which W R consictcred
and agrccd to:
licsoluc~l,lliat tile 11~wtlelit1)e re~l~cctfnlly
reqursted to wiiiiiiuuicate to the
Senate, in ext.culi\c S ~ S S I O I I ,thc ieasoiia upon which h e deems it expedient to send
a wiumissioiier to Russia.

On iiiotion by hlr. ,Johnson of Arkansas, to reconsidor tlic vote on

agrceing to the resolution,
yeas^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^ l2
It was determincd i n the nffirniative. ( Nays
- . _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ _
On motion by Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas,
The yeas and nays beiiig desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative arc,
Messrs. Barnwell, Capcrton, Henry, Hill, Iluntcr, Johnson of
Georgia, ,Johnson of Arkansas, Mitchcl, Oldham, Phelan, Simms,
and Sparrow.
Those who votcd in the ncgativc arc,
, Clark, Clay, Dortch, Hayncs, Orr, Senimcs, and Yancey.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of hikansas, to tirriend the resolution
by inscrting after the word iession, in the fifth line, the words if
not incompatible wit>hthc public interests,
It mas determined in the affirmative, ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l2
-8 - On motion by Mr. Pancey,
Thc yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the aflirmative are,





Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Caperton, Davis, Henry, Hill, Hunter

Johilson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Peyton, Phelan, and
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Clark, Clay, Dortch, Haynes, Oldharn, Orr, Semmes, and
Y ancey.
On the question to agree t o the resolution as amended,
I t was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Yancey,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

h R I L

14, 1863.


The President ro tempore laid before the Senate the petition of

Ishmael P r i t c h a r t of Stafford County, Va., praying for relief on
account of damagc. done him by the public enemy; which was referred
to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred, with the message of the President of the Confederate States
comiiiunicating the sanie, a corilniunicat,ion from the Secretary of the
Treasury, subinitting the estimates of thc various Departments for the
support of the Government for the first half of the ensuing fiscal
year, reported the same.
Pending the leading of the said communication,
On motion by Mr. Phelitl\,
Ordered, That the further rending thereof he dispensed with, and
that it be referred to the Committee on Finance and printed.
Mr. Hill, from thc Committee 011 the Judiciary, to whom mas
referred the bill (13. li. 33) t o provide for the exccution of deeds by
marshals i n certain cams, rcported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, n s in Connnittee of the Whole, to thc consideration of the bill (11. lt. 33) last mentioned; and no amendment
being madc, i t was reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
R ~ s o h e d ,That it pass.
O73deered, That the Secretary inform thr, House of Representatives
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom mas
referred the bill (S. 88) in relation to the custody of persons charged
with offenses against the Confedcrate States, reported it without
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 88) last mentioned: and no amendment being
made, i t was reportcd to the Senate.
Odered, That it bc en ~ o s s e dand read a third time.
The said bill W R read
t e third time.
Resolved, That it pass, arid that the titlc thereof be as aforesaid.
0 7 ~ & 7 w J , That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.


Apr. 14. 1863.1



The Senate resumed, as i n Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 105) to provide for the conscription of aliens resident in the Confederate States; and
On motion by hlr. l-laynes,
Oideered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
Thursday next.
Mr. Dortch, froni the coinmittee, reported thgt they had examined
nnd found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
S. 41. An act to miend the several acts prescribing the mode of
pi[blishing tlie laws and resolutions of the Confederate States;
S.43. i l n act for the relief of the Brunswick and Albany Railroad
Company ;
8. 78. An act to prevcnt the atbsonce of officers and soldiers without

S, 85. i l n act to establish :t prcfcrrcd inail across the Mississippi

ltivrr; ttnd
S. 103. An ttct to ttutliorizo the increase of the compensation of
routc agenty, and to incrwsc tlic: 1wr diem allowance to special agents
of the l'ost Ofice I)epartnient.
The l'resident pro tciiiporc having signcd tlic enrolled bills last
reportcd to have been rxmiiiicd, thcg wcrc delivered to the Secretary
of tlie Senate and l)y hiin forthwith prrscntcd to the President of the
Confcdcmte States f o r his npprov:il.
'l'lic Scn:ik rcsunicd, as i n Coniinittec of the TVholc, the consideratioil of the })ill (S. 69) for tlic confiscation of the Icasehold intcrest
m i t i shares o f stock owned t)y thc ilnicric:rn 'I'elegraph Conipaiiy and
otlicr :tlicn cnciiiies in the lines of telegraph i n the Confederate States;

After dchttc,
tnotion hy Jlr. Caprton,
Orchiwl, That tlic furthcr consideration thereof I)c postponed until
Mr. S~mrrow,from tho Coinmittcc on Military Affairh, to whoui was
rcconiniittcd the bill (11. K. 20) to allow coinmiitation for clothing to
tl-iciiiilitiit in nctual service of the Confcdcratc States, reported it with
2tn amendnicnt.
The Scnatc procct:ded to consider the bill (13. lt. 20) last mentioned;
which was asairi 1 ~ w the
second tiinr tind consiclercd a.; in Committee
of the )\'hole; and ttic reportcd anicndinont h:L\.ing been agreed to, the
bill was iqiortcd to the Senate atid the itni~ndriicnt \V:IS concurred in.
O d e v c d , That the amcndinent bc engrossed and the bill read a third
The said bill a\ :uneiirIcrl was r ~ a dthr third time.
Z L o l / w / , That it pnqs with : ~ anicndinent.
Tliitt thc Sccrctmy request thc conc'iu'rcncc of the House
ntativc\ i n thc arncndnient.
Mr. Sp:~r~'ow,
from the Coniinittce 011 Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (S. 11'2)to facilitate transportation for the Government, rcportcd it without amendment.
On ~liotionI)v Mr. Sp:trrow,
Ordetrd, Thtit it be printcd.
Tho StntLtp resumed, as in Committee o f the V'holc, thc consideration of the bill (S. 70) declaring the telegraph a part of the postal sys0 1 1



tern of tlic Confederate States, and to provide for working the same; an
On inotion by Mr. Oldham,
O.i.der&, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
to -1xiorran-.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.106) to create a provisional navy of the Confederatc States; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Odered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 110) to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to
purchase a site for a laboratory and magazine, near the city of Richmond, for the preparation and safe-keeping of ordnance stores; and
On motion by Mr. Haynes,
Odered, That it be postponed indcfinitely.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (H. 12. 23) to amend an act entitled An act to
or ranize the Ilelm-tment of State, approvcd February 21, 1861; and
. 8 n motion by Mr. Clark,
O r d c r d , That it be postponcd indefinitely.
Lhc Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (H. R. 24) to repeal the laws of naturalization; and
On motion by Air. Sparrow,
Odemd, That the further consideration thereof he postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (H. R. 19) to establish a niter and mining bureau.
Pending which,
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
The Senate adjourned.



On motion by klr. Illaxwell,

Ordered, That thc Hon. James M. Baker have leave of absence
from the sessions of the Senate during the remainder of the present
Mr. Caperton (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 116) to authorize the Secretary of War to purchase or
lease real estate;
which was r e d the first and second times and referred to the Conimittee on the Judiciary.
On motion hy Mr. Davis,
Odered, That the Committee on Claims be discharged froin the
further consideration of tlie following subjects:
Petition of Ishmael Yritchard, of Stafford County, Va., praying for
relief on account of damages donc him by the pnl)lic enemy;
Memorial of Maj. Francis Itawle, qiiarteriiiaster of Nicholls? (Louisiana) brigade, praying for relief from certain liabilities incurred 1 q
him; and
Memorial of Johannes Roth, supercargo, and Joseph Lawson, com-



Apr. 15,1863.1

mander, of the British ship Princess Royal, raying for compensation

for the loss of said ship and that portion of er cargo which consisted
of war material.
Mr. Pancey (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 13) of thariks to Gea. G. T. Beaure ard and
the oftierrs :~ndsoldiers iuiider his command in the battle in &a
Harbor on the 7th of April, 1863; which WRS read the first and
times ant1 referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of thc lill (H. K. 27) explanatory of an act entitled An
act to mthorize the President to accept and place in the service certain
regiments :tiid 1):itttLlions heretofore m i d , approved on the 11th
day of Octobrr, 1862; and no aniendment bciiig made, it was reported
to the Senate.
O i d e r d , That it pass to a third reading.
The said hill wts read tlie third time.
R e s o l d , That it pass.
O~cleivcZ,.That the Secretary inforni the House of Representatives
A message froin the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

M r . Ireaideent. The House of Representatives have passed bills of t h e Senate of the

following titles.
S. 14. An act to authorize newspapers to be mailed to soldiers free of postage;
$3. 17. An n c t relating t o appeals froin the Commissioner of Patents;
8. 21. An wt t o authorize the Conimissioner of Patcnts to purchase books for the
library of the Patent Office; and
S. 100. A n act to aincnd an act to establish tlie Bureau of Indian Affairs.
llic~first nanietl with an aincndnlent; in wliich tliey request the concurrence of
tl1r Se1utc
A i i t l thoy Iixbt. p a ~ w dhills :inti a j o i n t resolution of t h e following titles; in which
tliey rccjnrst the, concnrrcncc of thc Staiiate:
I I . 12. 36. 1111 uct to aiiiend the first section of an act entitled An act l o amend
the la\\ s relative to the coinpensation of attorneys of the Confederate States,
approred JIarch 15, 1861;
!I. 12. 37. A n act to aiithoriw tlie President to offer rewards for the apprehension
of fugitives from justice;
A n a c t supplemcntal to an act to establish judicial courts in certain
itoiies, approved Fcbruary 13, 1862;
An act to provide ccLrtain recwlations for holding elections for Delegates
r v q of tlic Confetiwate Stategin certain Inctian nations; and
11. It. 8. J o i n t rcsolntion rckting to inartial law.
Tllc~Spesk(,r of the IIousc of Rcpresmtatives having signed an enrolled bill, I am
tliw&ti to bring it to the Srnntc for the signatnre of their President.

On niotioii 1)y Nlr. Maxwell, tlist the vote by which the bill (S. 110)
t o nuthorixc the Scci-ctiwy of the Navy to 1ych:ise a site for a laboyatoi.y i ~ n c lniagaLiiir, rw:w the coity of Richmond, for tlie preparation
and safe-keeping of orclnancc stores was indefinitely postponed be

It was deteriniiicd i n the nffirmntive.
The Senntc rcsimicd, :I\ in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of said bill.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell, to amend the bill by striking out purchase, in the fourth line, and inserting lease,
On motion by Mr. Yanccy, to amend the proposed amendment by
inserting after lea.;e the words propcr buildings,
Yeas _ . . _ _ __
It was determined in the negative, Nays - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On inotion by Mr. Yancey,



The yeas and nays being desired hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voled in the affirmative are,
3lessrt.s. Davih, Dortch, Haynes, Henry, Johnson of Arkansas,
Mitchel, Peyton, and Yancey.
Those who voted i n the negative are,
Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Hunter, Johnson of
Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Phelan, Sparrow, and Wi fall.
On the question to agree to the amendnient propose8 by Mr.
I t was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Yanccy, to aniend the hi11 by inserting after
lease, line 4, the words for a period not exceeding five years,
I t wab determined in thc aflirniative.
On motion by Alr. I3rown, to atncnd the bill by inserting after
(6 lease, line 4, the words with or without buildings, as he may
deem most expedient,
I t was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. AIIaxwell, to amcnd the bill by striking out the
words for the erection of a laboratory and magazine, line 5,
I t was detcrniincd in the afinnative.
On motion hy Mr. hlaxwell, to amend the bill by striking out purchased, line 8, and insxting I c a d ,
I t w a y cletcrniincd in the affirmative.
No further ainendment being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendnients were concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time and the tit,le mas amended.
Resolved, That it ptss, and that the title thcreof be A n act to
authorize the Secretary of the Navy to lease a site, near the city of
Richmond, for the preparation and safekeeping of ordnance stores.
O r d ~ w d That
the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Mc*Donald:
MT.Pr~sidenl:The IIoiise of Representatives have passed a joint resolution of the
Senate (S. 1) for t h r relief of Capt. John F. Divine.
And they h a w passed hills and n joint resolution of the following titles; in which
they request the concrirrence of the Sniate:
13. It. 40. A n act to prescribe the rates of postage on newspapers, periodicals,
books, and transient and other matter, anti to repeal in part the second section of the
act approved Map 7 3 , 1861, to aniend an act to prescribe the rates of postage i n the
Confederate States 01 America, and for other purposes, approved February 23, 1861;
H. R. 41. A n act to provitle for the payment of the interest on the removal and
subsistence fund due the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina; and
Joint resolution lor the relief of 13. H. Epping.

The bills and joint resolutions received this day froin t h e House of
Representatives for concurrence were severally read the first and
second times.
O d ~ e d That
the bills numbered 36, 37, and 38, and the joint resolution numberd 8, he referred to the Committee on the Judiciary;
that the bills nuinliered 39 and 41 be referred to t h e Committee on
Indian Affairs; that the bill nunibcred 40 he referred to the Committee
on Post-Officesand Post-Boads, and that the joint resolution numbered
9 be referred to tlie Coinmittre on Claims.
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of
Representatives to the bill (S. 14) to authorize newspapers to be mailed
to soldiers free of postage; and




Ordeered, That it be referred to the Committee on P O S t - 0 5 G e S ti

Mr. Dortch, from the conimittee, reported fhat they had e
and found truly enrolled
A bill (H. It. 17) to aid committees of Congress in the inves
of iiiatters referretl to them, and to punish false swearing bef
coni niittccs.
The President pro tempore having: signed the enrolled bill last
rrported to ha r e l m n examined, i t was delivered to the Secretary of
thc Sciiatc and by liiiii forthwith presented to the President of the
Confcdcmtc St&s for h i s approval.
h l r . Hill) from the coiiiinittce of conference o n the disagreeing votes
of the t v o f1uusc.s on tliv hill (I. 12. 23) to nincnd an act entitled An
act to secure copyrights to nuthors and composers, approved May 21,
186I , reported
That they had met the corrirriittceon tlie part of the IIouse of Representatives, and,
after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their
respective Houscs as follo\i s.
That the Senate recede from their amendment to the second section of said bill;
antl that the following be inserted a t the end of t h e mid section: Promided, That
nothing in this section shall be so conetrued as to prejudice any interest N bich may
be held by a loyal citizen of the Confederate States, other than the author, in any
copyright owned by a n alien enemy, or the rights of the Confederate States under
t h e sequestration acts, to thp copies of any book, map, musical composition, print, or
eiigrnving publishrd by an alien ~ ~ n e i n y .

The Senate roceedcd to consider paid report; and

Rexolved, TEnt they coricnr therein, a n d that the bill be amended
Otdcred, L hnt the Secuetilry inform the IIouse of Representatives
MY. Sparrow, from the committee of conference on the disa .reeing
votes of the two IIouscs on the bill (S. 27) defining who stlall be
excinpt froin iiiilitary service in the armies of the Confedemto States,
That they had met the committee on the part of the IIousc. of Representatives,
ancl, after full and free conference, liave agreed to reconinientl and do recommend
to their respective Houses a8 folloM s:
That the Senate agree to tlie amendment of the oweto said bill, with the amendments herewith sut)niittctl, anti that thc Ilouse of Representatives concur i n said
arriendirierits-the bill reported by the cwmniittec~being as follows:
A bill to evcmpt ccitniri perion5 from military diitr, and to rcpcnl tli

Congresq on t h e same siib~cct.

b heretofore pa~setlby

1. TJte Congress 0s the ConjedertrlcSlnlts of ilnzeriecc. do encict, That certain
perxoiw, as hereinafter proyidctl, are, aiid shrill be, exempt from irrilitary service in
t h e Provisional Arrriy of the Confederate Stater:
I I. Those who shall be held unfit for scrvicc in thc field by reason of bodily or
mental incapacity-to be ascertained by a surgeon of the Army who is not a resitlerit of the part of t h e country from which those h e is called upon to cxainine niay
have c-nnie-and persons tleclarcd to be unfit for duty in the field under this act or
inider the act entitled A n act to establish places of rendezvous for the examination of enrolled nien, approved October eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
by reason of any organic disease o r permanent disability, shall not be afterwards
subject to be again examined and enrolled.
11. The Vice-President of the Confederate States, and the officers, jiidicial and
executive, of the Confederate and State governments, including postmasters
appointed by t h e President and confirmed by the Senate, and such clerks now
employed in their offices as are allowed, in writing, by the Postmaster-(;eneral, ancl
excluding all other postmapters, their assistants and clerks, antl except such State
officers as 1 be several States may have declared, or may hereafter declare, by law,



to be liable to military duty; inembers of both Houses of the Congress of the Confederate States, and of t h e legislatures of t h e several States, and their respective
111. All volunteer troops heretofore raised by any State sinc
act further to proride for t h e public defense, approved April
hundred and sixty-two, while such troops shall be in active
authority: Provided, This exemption shall not include any person liable to military
duty under said last-named act.
IV. Pilots, and persons actually and regularly engaged in the merchant marine
V, The presidents, superintendents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers,
managers, station agents, section masters, two expert track hands to each section of
eight miles, and mechanics, in the active service and employnient of railroad companies, not to embrace laborers, porters, and messengers: Provided, That n o president or conductor of any railroad company or railroad train shall be exempted from
military service under this act when such president or conductor shall fail, neglect,
or refuse to furnish seats t o such 11ounded or sick soldiers of the Army as may desire
transportation over such railroad, and fresh water for drinking purposes, in such
tanks or other vessels in each passenger car as may be necessary for the use of said
sick and wounded, and also the necessary fires to render said cars comfortable.
V I . Captains of boats and the engineers and pilots thereof actually and regularly engaged in canal and river navigation; the president of any canal company, the
secretary, chief clerk, clrief toll gatherer, and such mechanics in the perinanent
service ol saitl company as the president under oath shall declare to be necessary
and now employed; the president, general superintendent, and operators of telegraphic companies and the local operators of said companies, not to exceed two in
number a t any telegraphic office hut that at the seat of government of the Confederate States.
VII. One editor of each newspaper now being published, and such journeymen
printers, engineers, pressmen, and stenographic reporters as the editor or proprictors
thereof may certify upon oath to be indispensable for conducting the publication;
the Public Printer, engineers, pressmen, and such number of journeymen printers ae
he may certify upon oath to be nccessary for the dischar e of his duty.
VIII. Every minister of religion authorized to preaca according to the rules of
his swt, and now in the regular diecharge of ininisterial duty, and all persons who
have heen, sincc the sixteenth of April, eightccn hundred and sixty-two, and now
are, meiiibers of the Society of Friends, or t h e Association of Dunkarcis, Nazarines,
or Mcnnonists, in regular membership in their respective denoniinations: Provided,
That such members shall furnish a substitute or pay a tax of five hundred dollars
each into the public Treasury.
IS. All shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, v agon makers, millers and their engineers and inillwrightr, skilled and actually employcd, on t h e sixteenth of April,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in said trades as their regular vocation, and working therein for the public, and who have since said timc been SO regular1 employed:
Provtdpd, Said persons shall inake oath in writing, supported by the anidTarits of two
credible persons (which affidavits shall be delivrred to the enrolling officer), that
they (said artisans and mechanics) are so skilled, and are and h a r e been, since the
sixteenth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, actually employed in one of the
above trades as their regular vocations, and working for the public; also the superinteutleiits and operators in wool and cotton factories, paper mills, and carding
machines, and i n caid factories, and in factories for the manufacture of wire for
cotton and wool cards: P r o u i d ~ d ,That the exemption herein granted to persons
on account of thoir mechanical skill or occupation shall be hubject to the condition
that the product of the labor of said exempts shall not exceed a fair and reasonable
anionnt, and to h c within a inaxiinum to be fixed by the Secretary of War, under
such regulations as he may prcscribc: And pyowided, That in the case of the superintendents and operatory in wool and cotton factories, paper mills, carding machines,
and mechanics i n these and all othcr inanufacturing establishments, the manufactured articles shall be sold at a net profit not to exceed thirty per centunl up011
t h r capital invested, which fact shall be ascertained by the oath of t h e president,
superilltendent, or proprietors of such nianufactnring establishments: And prozided
rcbo, The president or proprietors of the said establishments shall make affidavit
in writing, to be filed with the Secretary of War, that t h e superintendents and
operators therein are skilled as such, and indispenqahle to said establishments:
And provided, If it slid1 be shown, upon evidence to be wbmitteii to, and judged of,
by the Secretary of War, that any manufacturing establiphment has violated t h k
condition, the exemptions herein granted shall no longer be extended to the persons

Apr. 15,18GS.]


nance of any kind, ordnanre stores or other munitions of war, or ariiiy supplies, by
t h e seT-era1States, or by contractors to furnish the saiiie to the several State governments, whom tlie governor or secretmy of state thereof may certify to be necessary
to the same: PTO?
1dec1, *The perqons contracting with said State gorernnients shall
make oath in \vriting, to l)e filed with thc Beciebry of Var, tliat said employees
arc indispensable, on arcount of their skill, to the successful performance of their
XIII. All persons engaged, under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy, in
tlie construction of ship, gunboats, engines, sails, or other articles necessary to the
piiblic defense.
XIV. Superintendents, mechanics, and miners employed in the production and
manufacture of lead and iron; also persons engaged in burning coke for the smelting
and inanufacture of iron; regular miners in coal mines; and one collier to each furnace
and forge for niaking blooms and pig and har iron; hut said exemptions shall not
apply to laborers, inessengers, and wagoners, except a t works employed exclusively
for the State or Confederate governments: Provided, That persons interested in the
exemption from military duty of said superintendents, mechanics, miners, and colliers
shall make affidavit i n writing that said persons are skilled in said labor, and are
intlispcnsable to such works, and that after diligent effort they have been unable to
procure superiritentle~its,mechanics, miners, arid colliers who have been discharged
iron1 the Irovisional Army, or who are not subject to military duty.
SV.I n atldition to the exc~iiiptionsspecified in the forcyoing paragra hs, the
fieciretary of War is 1iercl)y authorized, antlit shall be his duty, under the Jrection
of the President, to ctxeinpt or detail froni the Provisional Army, upon any terms or
contlitioiis lie may prescribe, such other persons as lie may be satisfied, u i t h the
sanction of the ]resident, o q h t to be ~xeniptedor detailed in districts of country
not nupplied M it11 sla\e or wliite labor, indispensable for the production of grain aiid
provisions necessary for tlie supl)ortof tlie farnilies of soldiers in the field; or persons
indispen8able for the police of plantations cultivated e d u s i v e l y by slave labor, and
owned exclusively b y ininors untler Ihc age of eiplitecm, lunatics, fcnics solr, or
persons i n the iiiilitary or naral service; also for the iiiaintenance and support of
the Army, the Ipnblic defensc, or the general vital interests of t h i ~country; and it
is tlie true intent and meaning of this a r t that the enumeration of the exeniptions
in the foregoing paragraphs shall lint
construed to limit or rcstrain the exercise of
the lmaer herein granted
HEc. 2. That d l eveniptiom granted by law shall only conti~~uo
whilst the person
is holding the oftirc, or engaged in the pursuit o r occnpation by reason of which the
excniption was granted; and nothing in this art, or any other in relation to exemptions, shall I)r coustrucd so
exeinpf,agents, clerks, or otlicr persons employed
by officers iii the Qunrterni
Cornni~wary,or other departnic~ntsof the (+overninent, unlcks suc.h agents or clerks are allowed by law, and their fees or salaries fixed
by law; nor shall anything licreiii coiitai~iedbe constrncd so a8 to authorize the discharge of any one now in the military servicse of the Confederate Government.
SSC. 3. That all laws and parts of laws providing for exeinptions from military
service are hercliy repealed; and no person exein ted under previously existing laws
shall continue t o be exeiiiptcd unless embrace$ within the provisions and on the
terms and conditions of this act. The provisions of this act shall apply to all per6onr between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years not in the military mrviee.
But this aet shall not repeal an act passcd a t tlie present session of Congress, entitled
Ari act to exempt contractors for carrying the inails of the Confederate States and
t h e dri\~ersof post coaches and hacks from military service.

Tlip Scnatc proceeded to consider the said report; and

On niotion hy Mr. Orr, that the further consideration thereof be
postponcd to and inade the special order for to-morrow at 12 oclock,
It was determined in the Iiegativc.



[Apr. 16,1863.

After debate,
On motion by hlr. Simms,
Ordered, That the further consideration of said report be postponed
to and made the special order f o r to-morrow a t 12 oclock.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the fifteenth paragraph of the first section of the
report be printed.
On motion by Mr. Yancey, the Senate resolved into secret Iegislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by MY. Simnis,
The Senate adjourned.

The reading of the ,Journal having been dispensed with,

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into cxccutive session.

The Senate resumed the coilsideration of .the nomination of J. A.

Campbell, to be Assistant Secretary of War.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordwed, That the further consideration thereof be postporied and
made the special order for to-morrow at 2 oclock.
On motion by Mr. Simms,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution; which was considered

and agreed to:
Resolved, That the President be requested to communicate to the Senate the report
and accompanying papers inade by General t+. T. Reauregard, dated twenty-fourth
September last, to the Adjutant and Inspector General, touching the occupation and
fortifications of Vicksburg.

Mr. ZTsLynca (by leave) introduced

11 hill (S.117) to increasc the compensation of the Sergeant-at-Arms
of tlie Senate;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Finance.
Mu. Oldham (by leave) introduced the following bills; which were
severally read the first and second times:
S.118. A bill to iluthorize the establishment of express mails; and
S. 119. A bill to declare Treasury notes and bonds, inclosed in boxes
for transportation by the Treasury Department, mailable matter, and
to regulate the rates of postage.
Ordered, That they be referred to tho Conimittce on Yost-Offices and
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
r e f e r i d the bill (FI. 12. 16) in relation to the transfer of troops, and to

Apr. 16, 1663.1



repeal an act entitled An act in relation to the transfer

approved September 23, 1862, reported it with the recommend
that it ought not to pass.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordemd, That it be printed.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole,
tion of the bill (H. R. 19) to establish a niter arid mining
no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.
07*&*ed, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was r e d thc third time.
B~soZvtd,That it pass.
Odered, That the Sccretary inforin tho House of Representatives
A message from the Houw of Kepresentatives, by Mr. Dixon, their
Mr. President: The JIouse of Representatives have agreed to the report of the committee of conference 011 t h e disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill (H. R. 29)
to ainend an act entitled A n act to secure copyrights to authors and composers,
approred May 21, 1861.
And they h a r e passed joint resolutions of thc following titles; in which they request
the concurrence of the Senate:
11. It. 10. Joint resolution to provide for the payment of cerwin accounts of the
acting quartermaster arid other officers of the Indian troops;
II. R. 11. Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to audit the
accounts of I,. 3lcrchant & Co., for supplies furnished t h e cutter Morgan; and
1. It. 12. Joint resolution a i i t h o r i h g the payment of relit for the building OCCLIpied by the Quarterinasters Department.
The Speaker o f the I Ioube of lZcpresentatives having signed sundry enrolled bills
and an enrolled joiiit rwolution, ian1 directed to bring tlirtir to the Senate for the
signature of their Tresidcnt.

A niesstige from the IIousc? of Mepresentatives, by MY.Dixon, their

Mr. 1~esitlenl: The llouse of itepresentatives hare agreed to the aniendnient of the
Senate to the hilt ( [ I . It. 12) for the relief of certain oflicws and soldiers from the
State of Missoiii i.
And they Iiavc passed bills of tlie following titles; in wliidi they request the conmrreiice of the Senate.
I. R. 42. A n act to liqnidate a claim clnr t~ the State of illalonma for tlie steamer
H. R. 43. An act for tlic relief of S. B. Lowe; and
1. It. 44. An act for tlie rclief of John lrow~r T a t h
The Speaker o f the Ilouse of Roprcsciitatives I?aving signt~?
t w o eiirolled bills, 1
ain directed to bring thtm to the Senate for the signature. of their President.

Thc Senatc rchuitieci the consideration of tho report of the committee of coriferencc on tlie disagreeing votcs of the two Houses on
the bill (S. 27) dcfining: who shall be exempt from military service i n
the :~rmicsof the Confederate States; and
On the qucstion to concix therein,
After dekmte,
Mr. Dortch demanded the question: which was seconded, and
Thc question being put,
Yeas _ . . _ . _ _ _ ...
_ _ LO
I t was determined in the negative, Nays
_ _ _ . _ _ ... .13
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Mcssrs. Brown. Burnett. Canerton. Davis, Dortch. Hunter. Maxwell, Mitchel, Semmes, and Spkrow.



Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Barnwell, Clark, EIaynes, Henry, Hill, Johnson of Geor
Johnson of Arkansas, Oldham, Orr, Yeyton, Phelan, Wigfall,
So it was
&dved, That the Senate do not concur in the said report.
Oydered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The bill (H. R. 42) to liquidate a claim due to the State of Alabama
for the steamer Florida was read the first and second times and considered as in the Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being
mnde, it wns reported to the Scnstte.
Ordewd, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was rcad the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ordered, That thc Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The bills and joint resolutions received this day from the House of
Rcpresentatires for concurrence were severally read the first and
second times.
Ordered, That the bills numbered 43 and 44 be referred to the Committee on Claims; that the joint resolutions numbered 10 and 1 2 be
referred t o the Committee on Xilitary Affairs, and that the joint resolution numhercd 11 be referred t o the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Dortch, from t h e committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the following
S. 17. An act relating to ap eals from the Commissioner of Patents;
S. 21. An scat to authorize t e Commissioner of Patents to purchase
books for the library of the Patent Office;
S. 100. An act to anlend an act to establish the H U ~ ~ of
~ LIndian
IT. R. 12. An act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers from
tlic State o f Missouri;
11. It. 27. An act explanatory of an act entitled An act to authorize
the President to accept and lace in the service certain regiments and
battalions heretofore raised, approved on the 11th day of October,
1862; :md
S. 1. Joint resolution for the relief of Capt. John F. Divine.
Thc Prcsidcnt pro teinpore having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolution last reported to have been examined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith
presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
That the Senate proceed to t h e consideration of the bill (H. R. 3) to
repeal certain clauses of an act entitled An act to exempt certain persons from military service, etc., approved October 11, 1862,
- _ . _ . _ .10
It was deterniined in the negative,
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _
13_ .
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
The yeas aid nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Rurnett, Caperton, Davis, Dortch, Haynes, Hunter, Maxwell, Mitchel, Phelan, and Sparrow.


{ g:g --I:

Apr. lfi, lRfi3l



Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Clark, Clay, Henry, Hill, Johnson of
Georgia, Johnson of hrlcansas, Oldham, Orr, Peyton, Wigfall, and
On motion by Mr. Haynes, that the vote by which the Senate
to concur in the report of the committee of conference on the d
ing votes of the two I-Iouscs on the bill (S. 27) definin,g w h o
exempt from military service in the armies of the Confederat
be reconsidered,
I t was dcterllli1lcd in the negative, Yeas-------------------
Nays . __
. _ _ .. _ _ ._
_ _ -. 1
On motion 1,y A h . Ilayncs,
: i d n:tys being dcsircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Tho5c u 1 1 0 \-o(cd i n tlic nfiirniativc arc,
31cshrs. 13ro~\-n,IZuriictt, Caperton, Diivib, Ihrtch, liaynes, Iluntcr,
i\litclicl, lhcl:in, Scmnies, and Sparrow.
Those who votcd in the negative are,
Mcssrs. 13:immcll, Clark, Clay, Henry, E l l , ,Johnson of Georgia,
rTohnhon of A\rlmnsas,OldhaLn, Orr, Peyton, Wigfall, and Pancey.
On inotiori by Mr. Yancey,
The Senate r e s o l d into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Ilamvcll (hy leavc) introduced
A bill (S.120) t o rcgulate the rank of officers of the Provisional
C o r p of Artillery on ordnance duty;
which was read tlic first niid sccond times and rcfcrrcd to the Committee on Military Affiiirs.
On iiiotion by 311..Davis,
The Senate ttdjourncd.

The Senate resumed tlie co-nsiderntion of the nomination of J , A.

Campbell, to be Assistant Secretary of War.
A h r &hate,
O n the question,
IYiIl thc Scnatc advise and consent to the :~ppointmentof J . A.
Campbell, to bo Assistant Secretary of War?
- - - - - - - - - - - - l8
It was determined in the affirmative, hays --.-._
... -_ _ _ _ . -._
On motion hy Mr. Yanccy,
Thc yeas and nays being desired hy one-fifth o f the Senators present,
Thosc who voted in the affirmative are,
AIessrs. l3nrn\vell, Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Clay, DtLvis, Haynes,
llenry, Hill, Hunter, johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Orr, Phelan,
Hemnies, Siinms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Clark, Johnson oi- Arkansas, Mitchel, Oldham, Peyton,
and Y ancry.
S o it \\-as
Besolved, That the Senate advise and consent to the appointment of
,J. A. Ct~mpbcll,to be Assistant Secretary of War, agreeably to the
nomination of the President.
On motion h y Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.




[Apr. 17,

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1863.


RJr. Maxwell (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 121) to fix the salary of the Coinmissioner of Patents;
\vhicli was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Patents.
Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 122) to allow compensation to William A. Addison as an
acting assistant adj utant-general;
\\rliich was read the first and second tiincs and referred to the Conimittee on Cktiins.
Mr. l3rown (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 123) to provide for the appointnient of a conimissionergeneral of :tccouilts;
which w i s rcad the first and hccond times tin? referred to the Cominittcc on Finance.
Mr. Capcrton (by leave) introduced
X hill (S. 124) fixing the salary of the jtrdge of t h e district court of
the eastern dihtrict of Virginiti;
which \v:i~s mid the first and second times and referred to the Conimittcw on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, from the Committee on Indian Affairs,
to whoni JWS refcrred the bill (11. R. 30) to providc certain regulations
for kiolding elections for 13clagates to the Congress of the Confederate
States in certain 1ndi;tn ixttions, reported it with aniendnients.
The Senate yroc.ccdcd, ,zs i n Coniniittee of the Whole, to the conhideration of thc hill (1-1. H. 39) lnat mentioned; and the reported
hit\ ing heon agrecd to, the bill was reported to the Senate
and the amcndnicnts were concwrred in.
Ord<wd, That the :imendnients he cngroshed and the bill read a
third tinic.
Thc said bill :LS :uncndcd w m read the third time.
J L ) c ~ o l ~That
d , it pa\s with amenclmcnts.
Otdcr-cd, That tho Secretary request thc concurrence o f the House
of Iteprescntativcs i n the ainondnients.
Mr. Burnett, froni the Conimittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the joint resolution (II. R. 10) to provide for the pajrment of
certain wconnbs of the acting quarterniastcr and other officers of the
lndian troops, reported it with amendments.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consicleiation of the joint resolution (H. E. 10) last nientioned; and the
reported amendments having been agreed to, tho resolution was reported
to the Hcriak a d the amendments were concurred in.
O d c r z t l , That the amendmerits be cngrossed and the resolution read
a third time.
The said resolution as amended was read the third tirnc.
Bcsdaed, That it psbs with n~nendments.
Ordered, That tho Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Ttcpresentatircs i n the nmenctnients.
Mr. Henry, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whoni was
referred the bill (S. 40) to repeal an act to establish places of rendez-

Apr. 17,1S63.]


vous for the examination of enrolled men, reported it with the recom
mendation that it ought not to pass.
On motion by Mi*. Sparrow,
Ordered, T ha t the Committee on Military Affairs be disc
the further consideration of the joint resolution (H. It. 1
the payment of rent for th c building occupied by the Q
Departnicnt, and that?i t he referred to the Comriiittee on
Mr. Sparrow, from the Coninlittee on Military Affair
refcrrcd the bill (11. It. 32) to amend an act entitled A
vide for :in iiwrcart? of the Quartermaster and Coriimi
incnts, approvcd February 15, 1562, reported it without amendment.
The Senntc proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the
consickration of the bill (11. It. 32) last mentioned; and no amendment
being iiiade, it w a s reported to the Scnate.
0 7 ~ ~ e m 1Ihnt
it p s s to a third rcwling.
The said bill W:L\ rcad the third time.
That it pass.
O?demd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Coniiriittce on Militttry Affairs, to whom
was referrcd the bill (S. 114) to confer upon the Chief of the Bureau
of Ordnnncc thc, rmk, pay, and emoluments of a bi-igadier-general in
tho Provisional Army of the Confederate States, reported it with
lhe Senate procccded, :is in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration o f the bill (S. 114) last mentioncd; and

On inotion l),v MI.. ,Johnson of ilrliansas,

Oid,~rc.d,That it he postponed indefinitely.
h message from the XIousc of Kepresentatives, hy MI.. McDon:ild:
MI..Presideirt: Tlie 1Ionsc of R(Lprc3sentatiws have passed bills of tlir following
titles; i n wliicli t h c p rcqucist the c n n w r r m w oF the Senate:
11. 11. 45. An act to provide for the payment for horses disabled or lost in the
Cimfederatc scrvivr; ant1
11. li. 46. An act for the relief of Licut. Thornas 1.Kirtlantl.

On motion 1s
, Mr. Yancey, the vote on passing the bill (13. R. 42)
to liqiiidatc 11 claim due to the State of Alabama for the steamer
Florida was rcconsidcred.
Thc Senate proceeded to consider the said bill; and
On the question,
Shall the bill pass?
Yeas - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - 19
It wab determined in the affirmative, Nays__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _
Thc vote having been taken by yeas and nays, conformably to the
ninth hection of the first article of the Constitution,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
M e w s . Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Clay, Davis, Dortch, Haynes,
Henry, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Oeor ia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr,
Yeyton, Simms, Sparrow, Ivigfatil, and fancey.
Mr. lJohrisoii of Arkansas voted in the negative.
So i t was
&90I73ed, That this bill pass, two-thirds of the Senators present
voting in favor thereof.
Ordeped, That the Secretary inform the House of Kepresentatives




[Apr. 17,1863.

Mr. D:tVib, from the Committee on Claim$, to whom was referred

the joint resolutioli (11. It. 9) for the relief of H. H. Epping, reported
it without amendment.
Tho Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution (H. B. 9) last mentioned; and no
amendriletit being made, i t was re orted to the Senate.
Orclered, That it pass to a thirtreading.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
(,??&red, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
A message froni the House of Representatives, by Xr. RilcDonald:
Jfr. Presidmt: The House of Representatives have passed a bill of the Senate (S. 75)
to provide for having the laws relating to iiiilitary and naval affairs digested and publishcd, with amendments; in which they ask t h e concurrence of t h e Senate.
And they have concurred in t h e report of t h e coinniittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill (S. 27) defiiiing who shall be e & q t
froni military servicbc in the armies of the Confederate States.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed three enrvlled bills, I
am direetctl to bring them t o the Senate for t h e signature of their President.

11message from the 1Pousc of Representatives, by Mr. lLIcDonald:

Jfr. Pi~esitt,t/.Tlic ITouse of Representatives have passed a bill and joint resolation of tlie following titles; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate:

tI. li 47. An act to anierid an act entitled An act to provide for the ,mfe cnstotly,
printing, piil~lication,and distribution of the laws, and to provide for tlie appointnient of a n additional clerk in t h e Department of Justice, approved August 5, 1861 ;
1%.It. 13. Joiiit resolution to establish a seal for the Confederate States.

hlr. Dortch, froni the coinniittee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
H. Ic. 19. An act to establish ;L niter and mining bureau.
11. lL. 2!). An act to amend an act entitled A n act to secure coyyrights to authors and composers, a proved May 21, 1861; and
IT. It. 33. An act to provide for t e execution of deeds hy marshals
in certain cases.
The Irehiclcri t pro tempore having signed the enrolled hills last
rcportrd to have brcn examined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate mid hy hiui forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Rlr. Ilnynos, that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the bill (H. It. 3) to rcpeal certain clauses of an act entitled An
act to excriipt certain persons from military service, etc., approved
October 11, 1862,
1111.. Hay neu demanded the question; which was seconded, and
The question being put,
It mas determined i n the affirmative, Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nays _ _
_ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ 9
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
The yeas and naFY being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs, Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Uavis, Dortcli, Haynes, Henry,
Hunter, blax\vell, Mitchel, Peyton, Yhelan, Simms, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Clark, Clay, Hill, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansis, Oldham, Orr, Wigfall, arid Yancey.

Apr. li,1XG3 ]


So the Senate proceeded, as i n Corninittee of the Whole, to the

sidcration of the bill (13. R. 3) to repeal certain clauses of an
entitled A n act to exempt ccrtain persons from military servic
etc., approved October 11, 1862.
On motion hv Mr. Haynes, to aniend the bill by striking
nftcr the enacting clausc arid inserting:
That certain prrsons, as hereinafter pro\icltd, are, and shall be, exempt fro
trtry Perrice in the lrovisioiial Army of the Confederate States:
I. For the. polic-cof slaves, one person on each farm or plantation, the sole ropert
of a minor, a pwson of unsouii(i mimi, :t feme sole, or a person absent froinRome i n
tlic iiiilitwry or nil\ a1 service of t h e Confederacy, o n which there are twenty or more
slaves: Jiodtd, lie perwn so evenipted \\as employcd and acting as an overseer
prc.vions to the sistectitli of April, eighteen linntlred and sixty-two, and there is no
white tnalc :dnlt on said iwni or plantation wlio is not liable t o military duty, which
tact &tll I)(\ rc.riiicc1 b y the allitla\ its of said person and two respectable citizens, and
bliall I)efilecl xitti t l i e enrol
That the enrolling officer shall
bcl b.atidietl tli:it n o 1%liitc. n i
tary duty, can be procured, by
f~irtlte~,That this clause shall
ordinary diligence, suitable
negrocs have been placed by
not c\tentl to any far111 (11
division fioni any other h i i n vr plantation since the eleventh clay of October, eighteen Iinndietl and sixt) -ti\0 .
11. Tlint on any farin on wliich resides a fainily of white woiiieii and children, not
lees than ten i n nuniher, who arc dependent for support and protection on the labor
arid prescnce of a wliite nia!i, and on.which there i s 110 white male adult not liable
to niilitarg dnty, or nialc niiiior or iiiiiiors cap:ibla of worlriiig said farm, there shall
IIC csciiipted one permti a8 laborer, T\ hen said person shall verify the facts aforesaid
by his on11 ant1 thc ;~fEil,zvitsof two respectable citizens, to be filed with t h e enrolling officer, ant1 shall also nial;o afliclnrit that said person so to be exempted designs
in good h i t h to a(*tin Faid capacity on said f:triii; aid in the event of a failure to do
st3 a t any tiiiir ttir~rmfter,this e~c~tnption,
HS to said person, shall cease: Provided,
rl ,l i c enrolling nf-liwr stitill 1)
male adult not liable to military
tlnty (311 not 1,c proc~nretlsu

Mr. I3ru.iictt dcmundcd thc qtiestion; which w w sccondecl, iind

The qttehtion bciiig put,
- 18
I t w i s deterininecl in tlic affiriiiative. Yt%LsNays -.- - - - - .- .- - - - - - - - 7
On motion by hlr. HiLynes,
The yea? : ~ n dnays being desired by one-fifth of tlie Senators present,
Those who voted in the :Lffirniative are,
Afcwrs. I3arnwPl1, Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Clay, lhvis, Dortch,
IInyncs, I-Ir~niy,IInnter, Xsxwell, Mitchel, Orr, Yhclan, Scmmes,
SininiH, S1x~rrow,and Yancey.
Lhow who voted in the negative tire,
M c s ~ ~ sChrk,
Ilill, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Rrlransas,
Oldhnm, Peyton, :ind Wigfall.
On motion by Rfr. Phelan, to a n i e n d tho, uniendiiicrit last agreed to
Ity actding thcrcto the following:

Ill. Those \\rho slid1 be held nnfit for service iri the iield b y reaSon of botlily or
mr~ntalincapacity-to be ascertained by a surgeon of t h e A m y who is not a resident
of the part of the conntry from which those he is called upon to examine may have
come-and persons declared to be unfit for duty i n the field untler thls act or under
t h e act entitled An act to eqtablish places of rendezvous for t h e examination of
enrolled men, approretl October eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, by reason of any organic disease or permanent disability, shall not be afterwards subject to
be again examined and enrolled.
I V . The Vice-1resident of the Confederate States, and the officers, judicial arid
euecutire, ot t h e Confederateand State governments, including postmasters appointed
by the President and ronfirmed by the Senate, and such clerks now em loyed i n
their offices as are allowed, i n writing, by the Postmaster-General, and excfuding all
other postmasters, their assistants arid clerks, and except such State officers as the
several States may hare declared, or may hereafter declare, by law, to be liable to
c J--\ O L 3-04-20



[Apr. 17,1863.

military duty; members of both Houses of t h e Congress of the Confederate States,

and of t h e legislatures of t h e several States, and their respecfive officers.
v. A11 volunteer troo s heretofore raised by any State since t h e passage of the act
further to provide for tge public defense, approved April sixteenth, eighteen hunand sixty-two, while such troops shall be in active service under State authority:
Pyovided, This exemption shall not include any person liable to iililitary duty under
said last-named act.
VI. Pilots, and persons actually and regularly engaged in t h e merchant marine
VII. The presidents, superintendents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers,
managers, station agents, section masters, t\t o expert track hands to each section of
eight miles, and niechanics, i n the active service and employment of railroad companies, not to embrace laborers. porters, and messengers: Provided, That no president or conductor of any railroad company or railroad train shall be exempted
from military service under this act when such president or conductor shall fail, neglect, or refuse to furnish seats to such wounded or sick soldiers of t h e Army as may
desire transportation over such railroad, and fresh water for drinking purposes, i n
such txiiks or other vessels in each passenger car as may be necessary for the use of
said sick and wounded, and also t h c neceseary fires to render said cars comfortable.
VIII. Captains of boats and t h e engineersand pilots thereof actually and re ularly
engaged in canal and river navigation; the president of any canal company, t%e secretary, chief clerk, chief toll gatherer, and such mechanics in t h e permanent service
of said conipnny as the president under oath shall declare to be necessary and now
einqloyed; t h e president, general superintendent, and operators of telegraphic companies and t h e local operators of said companies, not to exceed two i n number at
any telegraphic office but that at t h e seat of government of t h e Confederate States.
IX. One editor of each newspaper now being published, and such journeymen
printers, engineers, pressmen, and stenographic reporters as the editor or proprietors
thereof may certify upon oath to be indispensable for conducting t h e publication;
the Pohlir Printer, engineers, pressmen, and such number of journeymen printers as
he niay certify upon oath to be necessary for t h e discharge of his duty.
X. Every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his
sect, and now in the regular discharge of ministerial duty, and all persons who have
been, since the sixteenth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and now are,
inemhers of the Society of Friends, or the Association of Dunkards, Nazarines, or
I\fennonists, i n regular membership in their respective denominations: Provided,
That such members shall furnish a substitute or pay a tax of five hundred dollars
each into t h e public treasury.
XI. All shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, wagon makers, millers arid their engineers and millwrights, skilled and astually employed, on the sixteenth of April,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in said trades as their regular vocation, and working therein for the public, and R I I O have since said time been so regularly employed:
Provided, Said persons ~ l i a lmake
oath in writing, s u ported by t h e affidavits of two
which affidavits shall be deliverecf to the enrolling officer), that
is and mechanics) are so skilled, aid are and h a w been, since
the sixtecntli of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, actually employed in one
of the above trades as their regular vocations, and working for t h e public; also
the Superintendents and opcrators i n wool and cotton factories, paper mills, and carding niachinw, and in card factories, and in factories for the manufacture of wire for
cotton and wool cards: Procided, That the exemption herein granted to persons on
account of their mechanical skill or occupation shall besubject to t h e condition that the
product of the labor of the said exempts shall not exceed a fair and reasonable amount,
and to be within a maxiinum to be fixed by the Secretary of War, under such regulations as h e may prescribr: And provided, That i n the case of t h e superintendents
and operators in wool and cotton factories, paper mills, cardlng machines, and mechanics in these and all other mannfacturing establishments, the manufactured
artirles shall be sold at a net profit not to exceed thirty per centum upon the capital
invested, which fact shall be ascertained by t h e oath of the president, Euperintendent,
or proprietors of snch inanufacturing establishments: And provided also, The president or proprietors of the said establishments shall make affidavit in writing, to be
filed with t h e Secretary of War, that the superintendents and operators thereill are
skilled as snch, and indi~pensableto Paid establishmentcl: And provided, If it shall be
shown, upon evidence to he snbn~ittcdto, and jndged of, by t h e Secretary of War,
that any innnufactwing establishment has violated this condition, the exemptions
herein granted shall no longer be extended to t h e persons employed i n said establishments or fartorieq, but each of them shall be forthwith erirolled and placed i n
the military service.

Apr 17, 1863 ]


larly employed i n institutions for the deaf, dumb, and blind.

XIII. All physicians who now arc and ha\ e been for the last five y

nance of any kind, ordnance stores or other munitions of war, or army supplies, by
tlie set era1 States, or by contractors to f u r n i 4 ~the taiiie to the several S b t e governments, whom the governor or secretary of state thereof may certify to bo necessary
to the saiiic. Pro/ itled, The persons contiatting I\ it11 said State go.iernnients shall
make oath in writing, to be filed with the Secretary of War, that said employees
are iitdispensable, on account of their skill, to tlic suwessfnl performance of their
S V . All pcrsons engaged, u n d t ~the antliority of the Secretary of the Navy, in the
con~trrictionof ships, gunboats, cngines, sails, or other articles necessary for the public defcnsr.
XVI. 8aperintcndent~~,
mcchanics, and miners employed in t h e production and
nianufactiire of lead arid iron; also persons engaged in burning coke for the smelting
and nianntacture oi iron; regular niincrs in coal nrines; and one collier to each furnace anti forge for iiialrnig bloonis and pig and bar iron; but said exemptions shall
not apply to laborers, messengers, and wagoners, except a t works eiiiployed exclusively for the State or Confederate governments: Provzded, That persons interested
in the exemption froin niilitary dnty of said superintendents, niechaiiics, miners,
and colliers shall make affidavit in writing that said persons are skilled in said
labor, and are indispensable to such works, and that after diligent-effort they have
been unable to p ~ o c u i esir~)etinteridents,mechanics, niiners, and colliers who have
been discharged froni the Irovisioiial A n n \ , or wlto are not subject to military duty.
XVII. Such other personhas the Presid~ntshallbe batisfied ought to be exempted
on accmint of justice, equity, or ncccmity.
SEC.2. That all eseniption8 granted by law slrall only continue whilst the person
is holding the office, or cngngctl i n tlic pnryuit or occupation by reason of which the
exemption was granted; i 3 n d notlring in this act, or any other in relation to exeniptions, shall be construed so as to exeiirpt agents, clerks, or other pcrsonr einployed
by officers in tlic Quarternraster, Coiliiiiissary, or other departments of the Government, unless siiclr agents or clcrks are allowed by law, and their iws or salaries
fixed by law; nor cliall anythiiig herein contained be construed so as to authorize
t h e discharge of any one now i n the niilitary service of the Confederate Government.
SEC.3. That all laws and parts of liiw.4 providing for exeniptions from niilitary
service are herchy repealed; aiid no person cxcinptcd under previously existing
laws shall continue to be exmnipted iuile~sembraced ivithin tlie provisions and on
the terms and conditions of this art. The provisions of this avt shall apply to all
persons beta een the agcs of eighteen and forty-five years not in the military service.
But this act shall not r q m l an act passed a t the present scssion of Congress, entitled
An art to estinpt contractors for carrying the mails of the Confederate States and
the drivers of post coaches and hacks from military service.

On motion hy Mr. Hill, that thc hill be postponed indefinitely,

-~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - ...
. 18
On motioii Ijy Mr. I h y n c s ,
rhc J C W ~;-wd1 1 ; ~ ~1)eing
dcsired by one-fifth of the Senators premit,
Those wtio voted in the aBriiit~tivearc,
Mcssrs. Clark, IIiII, ,Johnson of Georgia, and Johnson of Arkansas.
Those who votcd in the negrativo arc,
Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Burnott, Caperton, Clay, Davis, I-Iaynes,
Henry, Hunter, Maxwell, Mitchel, Orr, Phclan, Semmes, Simms,
Sparrow, Wigfall, and Yancey.
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Phelan,
After debate,
Mr. Haynes demanded the question; which was seconded, and




Thc question being put,

Itwasdcteriiiinediii thcaffirmativr, Peas ~
Nays . _._
. _ . _ __
motion by Mr. err,
Tlie yeas and nays being desircd by one-fifth of the Senators prcsent,
Those who voted in t h c affiririativc are,
Messs. Barnwell,, B ~ o w IBurnett,
Caperton, Dortch, Henry, Hill,
Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Phelan, Semnies, Simms, S;1)arrow,
Wigfall, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the ne ative are,
Messrs. Clark, Davis, A p e s , Hunter, Johnson of Arkansas,
Mitchel, and Orr.
On motion by MY. Yancey, to aniend the ameiiclnient last agreed to
by adding thereto the following:


HEC. 5 . That this act shall not he construed to interfere mtth existing contracts or
arrangements for t h e present year, by ronscribing persons employed as overseers of

It was dctcrmincd in the neg ativc.

S o furth e r anicncinrent being madc, the bill wab reported to the
Senate and the amcndnient mas concurred in.
O d er r d, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said hill as aincndcd was read t h e third time.
Rcsolued, That it paw with an amendment.

On motion by Mr. Davis, the title was aincnded so as to read: An

act to exempt certain persons fro m military duty, and to repeal the
:ids heretofore passed by Congress on the same subject.
O d ~ r c r l ,That thc SccretaFy request the coneurrcnce of the House
of Representatives in the :trnendtnent.
The bills received this day from the House of Representativcs for
concurrence werc severally read th c first mid second timcs.
That the bill nnmbercd 45 be refcrred to the Committee
on Military Affairs; that the bill numbered 46 be referred to the Comniittee on Claims, and that the bill numbered 47 be referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
The joint resolution (11. B. 13) to establish a seal fo r the Confederate
States was read the first and second times and considcred as in Committee of the Whole; and
On motion by Mr. Scmmes,
O ~ c i e ~ e That
i t lie upon the table.
Mr. SpiLrrow (by Icave) introduced
A bill (S. 125) to ratify and confirm the acquisition by the Government of ccrtnin property;
which was r e d the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Spi~i*rom
(hp Icave) introducwl
A bill (S. 126) to provide for the compensation of certain pcrsons
therein ixtnied;
which wns read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Militnry Affairs.
On motion by MY. R:mmell, the Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,

Apr 17, IS63


The following message was received from the House of Represe

tives, by Mr. McDonald:
illr. ?rrside?it. The IIouse of Representatives has passed a bill (11. R. 48)
hospital a~cotiiiii~~(1atioiis
to sick and wounded officers; in which tliey re
concurrence of the Senate.

On motion by Mr. Davis,

The Sciiute :Idjourned.

A iiiessnge froni the Ilouse of Eepresentatives, hy Mr. McDonald:

Tlip H p e a h c S r of t h e IIouse of Itepresentatires having signed two
I aui diiccted to h i n g tlieui to the Seiiate for the signature of their


Nr. Barnwcll, from the comiiiittec of conference on the disagreeing

votcs of thc two IIonsc~son the bill (11. R. 18) to lay taxes for the
coiiinion defense and carry on the G overrment of the Confederate
States, reported
That they h a r e met the committee on the part of the House of.Representatives,
and, xfter f u l l and free conferencle, have agreed to recommend and d o recommend to
tlrcir respecti\ e Iloiises as follows.
h i t thc IIonbe of Representatives agree to the amendment of the Senate to the
said bill, \\ it11 tlie following anrendments:
111 scxction 1, first line, strike out the words a tax of fifteen per centiini and
ineert there.
I n section 1, line 10, after tlie word next, insert the words and not necessary
for fanit Iy coneinnption for the nnespired portion of the year eighteen hundred and
111 section I, line 7, strike out the words Lnotownedby the producerq and insert
t t w aords Iield or on m i .
In section 1, 1inc.s 8 , !), and 10, strike out the following words: and on the value
of :ill naval btorcs, (*otton,~vvool,and tobawo owned b y the producers on the first day
o t .July next, and in tliv eleventh line, after t h e word growth, insert the words
o r prodnction.
I 1, liirc 13, strike out tlie word five and insert the word (Jiglit.
I 1, linc 14, stiilte out tlie M ordy Coniederatc or State Trrxsury notes.
n 1, 1iiic.r lG, 17, IS, and 7 9 , sttihe out the words and on all rrcdits on
iolder ha< iefnhetl to rereite Ttcasuiy notes in paynient, a tax of tMo per
rcntnni, arid inwrt and on the vnlue of all ciedits on nhic.11 tliv iiitcic+t has iiot
bcni paid, hcltl, or ownctl by a n y per,qon, copartnership, or corporation on the first
day of J u l y next, arid not employed in a bwincss the income derivetl from I\ 1iic.h i s
taxed under the provisions of this art, therc shall bc levied atid collected a tax of
one per wntuni
Strike ont, in wctitrn 5, tenth and elcventli ola~ises,frorn line 123 to 185, inolusivc,
of Iiotclc, inn<, t:ivetnq, ancl boarding houses shall pay forty dollars.
I\ liere tootl ant1 lodgings are pro\ itled for and fnrnislicd travelers,
)r lioardrrs, in T icw of paynrcnt therefor, shall I)(. regartled a4 a hotel,
inn, ta\ern, or l)o:ii (ling honse under this acbt.
I.Keeperti of eating liouscs slid1 pay forty dollars. Every p1ac.e whcm food
or rc~freqhnientsof a n y kind arc provitletl for casiial risitors, and sold for consuinption tliweiii,~lmllbe decnietl an t3ating housc under thir act,
and insert aq follo\Fs:
Hotels, inns, taverns, ancl cating houses shall be classified and rated according
to theyearly rental; or, it not rented, according to the estimated value of the early
rental of thc honse or property occupied or intended to be orcopied as a hotet inn,
tavern, or yatuig house, as follows, to wit: I n cases where the actiial or estimated rent
shall arnoimt to ten thousand dollars or more they shall constitute the first class,
and pay an annrial siini of five hundred dollars; in cases where said rent shall be five
thousand dollars and less than ten thousand dollars they shall constitute t h e second
class, and pay a n annual sum of three hundred dollars; and in cases where said rent
sliall be two thousand five hundred dollars and less than five thousand dollars they
shall constitute t h e third class, and pay ail aiinual sum of two hundred dollars; in



cases where said rent shall be one thousanddollars and less than two thousand five
hundred dollars they shall constitute the fourth class, and pay an annual
hundred dollarq; and in cases where said rent shall be less than one t h
lars they shall constitnte the fifth clam, and pay an annual suni of thirty dollars.
Every place A here food and lodgings, or lodgings only, are provided for and furnished travelers, sojourners, or boarders, in view of payment therefor, the income
or receipts froin which amount to five hundred dollars from that source, shall be
regarded a hotel, inn, or tavern under this act.
X I . That every place where food or refreshments of any kind are provided for
casual visitors, and sold for consumption therein, and every boarding house in which
there shall be six boarders or more shall be deemed an eating house p d e r this act.
Insert, i n section 5, line 143, after tlie word brokers, the words or commission
Insert, i n section 5, line 157, after the word broker, the words or,comniission
Strike out, in section 6, line 5,tlie word collector and inserttheword assessor.
Strike out, in section6, line 13,theword collector and insert the word assessor.
Insert, section 8, line 7, after the word business, the words whether registered
or not.
Inpert, in section 8, line 11, after the \Pord whatever, t h e words except salaries.
Insert, in section 8, line 51, after the word from, the words l 1 boat or.
Strike out, in section 8 , lines 84,85, and 86, t h e following words: except the interest on Confederate bonds, stocks, and call certificates, which shall be exempt from
Insert, in section 8, line 90, aftcr thc word I States, as follows:
And, in ebtiinating incotne, there shall be included the value of the estimated
annual rental of all CIH elliiigtr, houses, buildings, or building lots i n cities, towns, or
villages occnpied by tlir owners, or owned o r not occupied or hired, and the value
of the estiinatetl annual hire of all slaves not engaged on plantations or farms, and
not employed in some business or occupation t h e profits of which are taxed as income
under this act
Strike out, in section 8, from line 94 to 108, inclusive, t h e words A11 incomes
received during the year, between five hundred dollars and fifteen hundred dollars,
shall pay a tax of fi\ e per cent on their amount; and all incomes received during
the year, between fifteen hundred dollars and ten thousand dollars, shall pay a tax of
ten per cent on their aniount. All incomes received during t h e gear, betueen ten
thousand dollars and fifteen thousand dollar8, shall pay a tax of twelve and a half
per cent on their amount; and all itironies received during tlie year, of more than
fifteen thousand dollars, shall pay a tax of fifteen per centuni on their amount, and
insert the following: On all incomes received during the year of over fire hundred
dollars, and not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, a tax of five per cent shall be
paid; antl all incomes orcr fifteen hundred dollars, and less than three thousand
dollars, five per cent shall he paid on the first fifteen hundred dollars and ten per
cent on t h e excets; on all incomes of or o ~ e three
thousand dollars, and less than
five thousand dollars, a tax of ten per cent shall be paid; on all incomes of or over
five thousand dollars, antl less than ten thousand dollars, a tax of twelve and a half
per cent shall be paid; and on all incomes of or over ten thonsantl dollars, a tax of
fifteen 1)er c.c~.ritshall be paid.
Stiike out, in acctiw 8, lines 115 and 116, tlie words T h e tax hereby laid shall be
pa able 011 the first of January next.
Jtrike out, in section 8, from line 124 to 1
0 1 , inclusive, the words l 1 Provided, 11011 ever, That the incomes and profits of farinersand planters derived from the nine-tenths
of the wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, hucblcwheat, hay, fodder, sugar, cotton, wool,
tobacco, peas, ground peas, beans, or bacon left i n the hands of said farmers and
planters, after clednc-tingthe one-tenth hcreafter required to be paid in kind to the
Government, and of the horses, rnules, and asses, by persons raising the same, herein
taxed, are liereby excepted froiri a n y other tax under this act, anti insert t h e following: I~*o~iirlrd,
That tht. incomes and profits upon which the aboie tax is to be
imposed shall riot I)(? tlecnwxl to include the products of land which are taxed in
kind as Itereinafter dciicribetl.
Insert, i n section 8, line 148, after the word aforesaid, the words t h e tax levied
in this section Sliall be paid on the first day of January next, and of each year
Insert the following independent section, after section 9, as section 10:
SEC.10. On all profits made by any person, partnership, or corporation during
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two, by the purchase, within the Confederate

Apr. 17, l8G3.1



States, and sale during the said year, of any flour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, h
salt, iron, or the manufactures of iron, sugar, molasses made of cane, butter,
cloths, shoes, boots, hlankets, and cotton cloths, a tax of ten per cent shall be levied
and collected, to be paid on the first day of July nest: Prouideed, That the tax imposed
by this section shall not apply to purchases and sales made in the due cou
the regular retail business, and shall not continue beyond the present year.
Insert, in sectiou 10, line 3, after the Mord use, the words fifty bushels of
potatoes and fifty bushels of Irish potntoes.
Strike out, in section 10, lime 4, before the word bushels, the words and
thirt,y and insert the words aiid fifty.
Strike out, i n section 10, line 8, the vord barley, and in same line, after the
word ricc, insert sweet and Irish potatoes.
Strike out, in ~ e c t i o n10, line 35, t h e words if the crops are gathered.
Insert, in src+ion 10, line 38, after the worcl aniount, the words of the crops.
Strike out, i n stction 10, line 51, the word "barley."
Inwrt, in section 10, line 71, after t h e word transportation, the words and
shall xllow to the producer of inolasses the cost of the barrels cbntaining t h e same.
Strike out, i n scvtioii 11, line 3, t h e word before and insert about.
Insert, in section 11, line 17, before the word and, where it first occurs, and
after the word ~*iniilcx,J
the words not used in cultivation.
Insert, in scction 12, line 3, after the xord one, the words herein denoniinated
post quartermaster.
Strike out, in section 12, lines 6 and G , the words herein denominated post
Strike out, i n section 12, line 60, the words t o such places and insert in line 81,
after the word subsistence, t h e words to such places.
Insert, i n section 12, line G6, after the word been, t h e words or will be.
Insert, in section 12, line SG, after the word khif, the words or any of them.
Insert, in section 1%,line 80, after the word estimate, the words and not
required in kind.
Insert, in swtion 15, line I, after the -word hospitals, the word asylums.
Strike out, in section 15, lines 2 and 3, the words which have been endowed.
In nuinbering the sertionx froin riuinbcr 10 to number 17, both inclusive, strike
out 10and iiweit 11; strike out 11 mid insert 12; strike out 12 and insert 13; strike
out 13 and insert 14; 3trikc out 14 and insert 15; strike out 15 and insert 16; strike
out 1 G and i n ~ e r 17;
t and strike out I7 and insert 18.

The Scnate proceeded to conbider the said report; and

Eesolved, That they concur therein and that the bill be amended
Ordmetl, That the Secretary inform the lIouse of Eepresentatives
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The Senate resolved into executive session.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the nominations of ,John

D. Simms, Jacob Bead, ,John R. F. Tattnall, Andrew ,J. I-Ttiys, George

Holmes, Reuben T. Thorn, A. C. Vnn Bentbuysen, .Julius E. Meiere,
George P. Turner, and Thomas S. Wilson, to be captains in the Maxine
On motion by Mr. Clay, that thc nominations be laid on the table,
Mr. Brown dem,znded the question; which was seconded, and
The question being put,
Yeas_..__ _ __._ - - - . _ _ __._ _ _ 3
It was dctcrmined in the negative,
__ __ __
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The yeas and nags being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Clay, Davis, Dortch, Haynes, Mitchel, Oldham,
Orr, and Yancey.



Those who voted in the affirmative [negative] are,

Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Caperton, Henry, Hunter,
Georgia, Maxwell, Pejton, Phelan, Semmes, Simms, and
On the question,
Will the Senate advise and consent to these appointments?
Mr. Brown demanded the question; which was not seconded.
On motion by Mr. Senimes,
Ordered, That the further consideration of the nominations be p
poned till to-morrow.
On motion by Mr. Davis,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

18, 1863.

Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred

the joint resolution (H. R. 12) authorizing the payment of rent for the
building occupied by the Quartermasters Department, reported it
w ithoiit amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the considerption of the joint resolution (H. It. 12) last mcntioned ; and no smendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.
O r d m d , That it pass to a third reading.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Besolvad, That it pass.
OTdmed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On niotion by Mr. Phelan,
Ordered, That the Coninlittee on Printing be discharged from the
further consideration of the following subjects:
S. 113. A bill to provide for the completion of the printing of 3,000
copies of the Provisional and Permanent Constitutions, and of the
puhl ic acts and resolutions and treaties of the Provisional Government
of tho Confederate States; and
Rrncndmcnt of the House of Representatires t o the hill (S.98) in
relation to the public printing.
On niotion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate procccdcd to consiber the motion submitted by Mr. W i g
full on the 2d instant, t o reconsider the vote on passing the bill (S. 56)
to amend an act entitled An act to organize 1nilittu.p courts to attend
the Army of the Confederate States in the field, and to define the powers
of said courts, approved October 9, 1862 ; and
On the question to agree thereto,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Clark, Clay, Hunter, Johnson of Arkansas, Oldham, Orr, Peyton, Wigfall, and Yancey.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Apr. 18, 1S63.1


&Iessrs. Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Dortch, Haynes, Henry, Hill,

Johnsoii of Georgia, Maxwell, Mitchel, Phelan, Semmes, Simms, and
So the Senate refused to reconsider t h e vote on passing the said
Mr. Semmes submitted the follomirig inotion for considerationOrdmcZ, That the vote on indefinitely postponing the bill (S.
to confer upon the chief of the Bureau of Ordnance the rank, p
and emoluments of a brigdier-general in the Provisional Arniy
the Conicderstc States bo reconsidered.
The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution of the House of
Rc 3wsent:ttives fixing a day f o r the adjournment of Congress.
niotioii by Mr. Scnmes, to ameiid the resolution by striking
out Monda~,the twentieth April, and inserting Friday, the first
tl:yV of M:y..?
On motion by Mr. <Johnson of Arkitiisas,
, That the resolution lie o n the hble.
(I.1-1. 48) aUowiug hospital accommodations t o sick and
woundcd o%cers was read the first and second times and referred to
the Special Committee on Hospitals.
Tlic Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House of
Representatives to tho bill (S. 75) to provide for having the laws relnting to iiiilitary a n d naval affairs digested and published; and
On motion by Mr. 13arnwel1,
O73dc.rrd, That thcy lie referred to the Coininittoe on Printing.
On motion by 34r. Brown,
Thc Senate resolved into executive- session.
Iho doors linving heen opened,
rhc following messagc was received from the House of Represent:Ltivcq, ))yMI-. llixon, their Clerk:
I am direrted by the IIoiise of Reprcsentatircs to coininunicatc to


ination of the death of t h IIon. Villiain 31. Cooke, late a meinher

12c.prcseiitativesfrom tlie State of Missouri, and the procecclings of
thc I l o u x e thereon.

A1 I.Clark su1)iiiittetl tlie following resolutions; which were considered und ztgroetl to:
Kc.snh d,
Tliat the Senate receives with sincere regret the annoanceinent of the
drat11 of t h e lionoralole JVilliaiii M. Cooke, late a niember of the House of Reprewitatives froin tlte State of Missouri, and tenders to the relatives of thc deceased the
f their sympatliy with theni under the bereavement they have been called

That tlic Secretary of the Senate be directed to transmit to the family oC

Cooke a ctvtilietl copy of the foregoing resolution.
IZpsolietl (as a Itlrtlm inark of respect for the xuernory o f thr decc~asrd),That the
Sen& do non- adjourn.
M i .

The Senate adjourned.

XI-.Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined

truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
13. R. 25. An act to niake appropriations.for ironclad and other war
+wiiers, steam engines, and other supplies contracted for abroad;

: L I found


S. 58. An act to establish a volunteer navy.



The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills

reported to havc bccn cxamincd, they were delivered to the Secret
of the Senatc and by hiin forthwith presented to the President of
Confedcrate States f o r his approval.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

The Senate rebulned the consideration of the nominations of Soh

Sixnms, Jacob h a d , ,John It. F. Tattnall, Andrew J. Hays, Ge
Holines, Zteulmi T. Thoni, A. C. Van 13enthnysen, Julius E. Meiere,
George 1. Turncr, Lhoiiitis Y. \Yilson, to be captains of Marine Corps.
Mr. C1:ty submitted the following resolution:
Resole-el?, That it appearing to the Senate that Captain Reuben Thoin was first
appointed a. cq)tain o f the AParine Corps of the Confederate States, and raised the
first c~oiiip:~nv
of that cwrps; that Captains Simms, Read, Tattnall, flays, and IIolines
were appoiiitcd sribseqriently, and onc or inore of them under a subsequent act of
Congress; that these officers wire not captairia, but only lieutenants in t h e United
St2itc.s scrrice; and that t h e first ~ectioiiof act No. 146, of Provisional Congreee,
approved &laytwentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, does not entitle them to
rank Giptain Tlioin (:IY conntrued by the Secretary of t h e Navy i n his recomniendation of tliuso oflicws to the President of thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and
sixty-t\\ u) ; that the list of nominationn of raptsins of t h e Marine Corps sent t o the
Senate on Octolier iotir, ciglitecn hunitred a n d sixtytwo, be respectfully returned
to the Prenidcnt, that he may, upon consideration of the facts and the IRW referred to,
renoininate them to the Senate i n such order of rank as he may deem just and proper.

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution; and

After debate,
It \\ras disagreed to,
12 _ _
On motion by Mu. Brown,
The yeas and nays being desircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. 13urnett, Clark, Clay, Ihvis, Dortch, Hnyncs, ,Johnson of
Arkansm, O n , Phelan, Semmes, Wigfall, and Yancey.
Those who voted in tho negative are,
Messrs. ISarnwcll, Brown, Caperton, Henry, Hiii, Hunter; Johnson
of Gcorgin, Maxwell, Oldham, Peyton, Simins, m d Sparrow.
O n t h c qucdion,
W i l l thc Scnatc advise and conscnt to the appointment of John D.
Siniiiis, Jacob ftead, dohn 12. F. Tattnall, Andrew J . Hays, George
IIolrnes, Reuben T, Thoin, A. C. Van Benthuyscn, Julius E. Meiere,
George 1.Turner, and Thomas 8. Wilson, to be captains in the Marine
It was dcterniined in t h e affirmative.
So it was
Besolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agiwably to the noinin:ition of the President.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
Tho Senate resolvcd into secret legislative hession.

j y~~,l:::::::-:::----~~~~~~~~~~

Apr. 20, 1863.1



MONDAY, APRIL20, 1863.


Mr. Mitchel presented a design for a fiag f o r the Confederate S

which was referred to the Committee on Elag and Seal.
Mr. Johnson of Georgia presented a resolution of the genera
assembly of the Statc of Georgia in relation to increasing the monthly
pay of privates and noncommissioned officers in the armies of the
Confederate States; which was read and referred to th e Committee
on Jlilitary Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Georgia,
O ~ d e t w i ,T ha t i t be printcd.
Mr. Wigftill prcscntcd the mcmoriul of Thomas Rooke, subcollector
of tlie war t a x for district No. 57 in the State of Texas, praying to be
released from the payment of a certain sum of money lost by him;
which was referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Sparrow, froni the Committee on Military Affairs, re orted
A bill (S. 127) t o amend a n act entitled An act to rovic re a staff
and clerical force for any general who may be axsignel by th e President to duty at the scat of government, approved March 25, 1862;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to he placed
upon the Calendar.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the tJudiciary, to whom was referred
the bill (1-1. 1L 34) concerning fees of district stttorneya, reported it
with an amendment.
The Senate proceedcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (11. K. %) last mentioned; nnd the reported
amendment having lwei1 agreed to, the bill was reported t o t h e Senate
and the aniendiiient \v:ts concurred in.
Ordmd, That the ainendmellt be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Resolved, That it PRSS with an amendment.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of th e House
of Representatives in the amendment.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were
referred the following bills:
H. R. 36. An act to amend the first section of an act entitled A n
to the compensation of the attorneys of
act to amend the l a ~ relative
the Confederate States, approved March 15, 1861;
H. R. 37. An act to authorize the President to offer rewards for the
apprehension of fugitives from justicc; and
H. R. 38. An act supplemental to an act to establish judicial courts
in certain Indian Territories, approved February 15, 1862,
reported then1 severally without amendment.
The Senate prowxded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t he said bills; and no amendment being made, they were
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That they pass to a third reading.
The said bills were severally read the third time.
Resolved, That they psss.
Ordered, T ha t the Secretary inform the House of Represenbtives




On motion by Mr. Hill,

Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged
the further consideration of the bill (H. It. 47) to amend an act
tled A n act to provide for the safe custody, printing, publi
and distribution of the laws, and to provide for the appointment of an
additional clerk in the Department of ,Justice, approved August 5,
1861, and that it be referred to the Conlmittee on Printing.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (S.125) to ratify and confirm the acquisition by the
Government of certain property, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of tlie bill (S. 125) last mentioned; and
On motion by Mr. Hill,
ResoZwa2, That it be postponed indefinitely.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary! to whom was
referred the joint resolution (H. R. 8) relating to martial law, reported
it with an amendment.
On motion by Mr. Ilill,
O I r d m P d , That the resolution be printed.
Mr. Caperton, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 124) fixing the salary of the jud *eof the district
court of the eastern district of Virginia, reported it wit an amendment.
rho Scnate proceeded, ns in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 124) last mentioned; and the reported amendment
having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the
amendment was concurred in.
On the question,
Shall the bill bc engrossed and read a third time?
I t was detmmined in the negative.
So the bill WRY rejected.
Mr. Caperton, from thr, Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
i~?ferrcclthe hill (S. 116) to authorize the Secretary of \V:LIto purchase
or 1 ~ 1 t rh c~ d cstatc, roported it without amendrrierit.
T ~ Scnate
prooeedcd, as in Corninittee of the Whole, to tlie consider:ition of the bill (S. 116) last inentioned; and having been amended
on the motion of Mr. lhvis, it was reported t o the Senate mid the
amendinent, w a s concurred in.
Ordewd, 71i:it thc, bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The mid 1)ill wns read the third time.
Rcwl~uec?,That it pass, and that the tkle thereof be as aforesaid.
O.,.d(>red,That the Secrctai-y request the concurrence of the Home
of 1icpresentativc.s therein.
Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 128) to authorize the appointment of a chief constructor
in the Navy, and to fix the pay;
which w:is read the first and socond times and considered as in Committee of t h e Wrholc; aiid 1 1 0 ainendmcnt being proposed, it was reported
to the Scnate.
Ohtlrr.etJ, That it he engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill WLJ yead the third time.
Bes07med, That it pa~b,and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O~&red,That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Eepresentativcs therein.
On motion by Mr. Brown, and by unanimous consent,

Apr. 30,1863.1


Odewd, That the President pro ternpore appoint t

membcrs on the Committee on Naval Affairs.
And Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Dortch were appointed.
Mr. Maxwell, froin the Committee on Yatcnts, to whom
the bill (S. 121) to fix tho salary of the Commissioner
reported it without ame ndinen t.
The Senate proceeded, :ts in Committee of the Wholc,
eration of the ))ill (S. 121) last mentioned; and no aine
proposed, it wis reported to tho Senate.
On the question,
Shall the bill be engrossed arid read 3 third time?
It was deterniined in the negative.
S o the bill wns rejected.
Mr. Davis, from tho Committee on Clnirns, to whom were rcfcrrcd
the following bills:
TI. R. 44. An act For the relief of John ProaserTabb; and
H. ltt. 46. A n act for the relief of Lieut. Thoims T. Kirtland,
reported them severdly without amendment.
Tho Senate proceeded, as in Coinmittcc o f the Wholc, to tho COW
sideration of t h e said bills; and no ariiondinent being ~nade,they were
reported to the Senate.
Ordewd, That they pass to a third reading.
The suid bills were scvmdly read the third time.
Bcssohved, That they pass.
Odmd, That the Secretary inform thc IIouse of Representatives
Mr. Phclan, from the Committcc on Printing, to whom was refcrred
the aniendnients of the I-Iouxc of Representatives to the bill (S. 75) to
providc for having thc lams relating to military mid naval affairs
digested and published, reported them with tho recoinxncndation that
the Senate do not concur therein.
The Senate proceeded to consider thc ariiendments of the House of
liepresentatives to the said bill; and
Rcsohed, That, they disagrec thcreto.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the I-Iouse of Reprcsenta&ves
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 112) to facilitatc transportation for the Government; and
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Capcrton,
0 7 d m d , That the further considemtion thereof be postponed to
and xnrtdc the special orclcr for to-morrow at 12 o'clock.
On motion hy Nlr. Peyton,
Odered, That the bill (H. 12. 31) to provide for the relief of oEccrs
and soldjcrs who have been irregularly introduced into the military
service of the Confederate States be printed.
A message from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr.
13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Xr. I'resident: The President of t h e Confederate States, on the 14th instant,
approved and signed an act (S. 97) to exempt' contractors for carrying the mails of
the Confederate States and the drivers of post coaches and hacks from military
On the 16th instant the President approTed and signed the following acts and
joint resolution:
S. 17. A n act relating to appeals from the Conmissioner of Patents;



[Apr. 20,l

s. 24. A n act to authorize the Commissioner of Patents to purchase books for the
library of t h e Patent Ofice;
S,41. h n act to amend the several acts prescribing the mode of publishing the
laws a n d resolutions of t h e Confederate States;
S.43. A n act for the relief of the Brunswick and Albany Railroad Company;
s. 78. An act to prevent t he absence of officers and soldiers without leave;
S.100. An act to amend a n act to establish t h e Bureau of Indian Affairs;
S.103. An a r t to authorize t h e increase of the compensation of route agents, and
to increase the per diem allowance to special agents of the Post-Office Department;
S. 1. Joint resolution for the relief of Capt. John F. Divine.
Orokred, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
LA., A p d 18,1863.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
I herewith transmit for your information a coinmunication from the Secretary of
War, i n response to your resolution of t h e 2d instant, and stating that no orders
have been issued for the arrest and confinement of soldiers in Richmond whose furloughs have not expired.

Thc message was read.

On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ortbved, That it lie upon thc table.
The following messages were received from the President of the
Confcderate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
V A . , April 18,1863.

To the Senate and I h s e of Represcntntrves:

I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate of the amount required to liquidate claims to be paid for river defense service.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount for the purpose specified.
VA.,April 18, 1863.

To t?Ae Senate and Ilouse of Repre,mhtiaes:

I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate of the ainonnt required for the use of t h e Surgeon-General before the close of
the current fiscal year.
I mcommend an appropriation of the ltrriount for the purpose specified.
VA., April 20, 1869.
To the Smntc and IIouse qf Representatives.
I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering copies of the official reports of several engagements with the enemy.

The messa res were severally read.

(hdered, $hat they hc referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S.69) for the confiscation of thc leasehold interest and
shares of stock owned by the American Telegraph Compan and other
alien enemies in the lines of telegraph in the Confederate tates.
On motion by Mr. Caperton, that the bill be postponed indefinitely,
After debatc,
Mr. Kaynes demtLnded the question; which was seconded, and
The question being put,
eas----------- - - - - - - - It wm determined in the negative, Y
Nays ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ 10



Apr. 20,1863.J


On niotion by Mr. Orr,

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affirmative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Caperton, Davis, Hill, Hunter, ,Johnson of GeoPgia, Phelan, Semines, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negatiw are,
Messrs. Brown, Clark, Cltty, Dortdi, IIayncs, Henry, Mitchelj
1 1 ~ 1 ~ Orr,
arid Icgton.
On motion by Mr. fiaynes, to amend the hill by inserting a t the e n d
of the seventh scction thc following proviso:
liouidetl jiwther, That nothing contaiiied in this act shall be so construed as to
prejndice or impair the titles, rights, aiid interests of a n y citizen of the Confederate
States, or of any alien friend,

It was dctermincd in the dirniati\w.

On niotion by ;MY.Clay,
T h e Scnate resol\-cd into secret legislative session.
The doors having heen opened,
The following message was reccivcd f roin the House of Reprcsenbti vcs, by Mr. McDonald:
M i , Iresztlei~f:The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of
Representatives that on the 13th instant he approved and signed a n act (13. R. 7) to
prohibit the pi~nislinientof soldiers by whipping.
O n the 16th instaut lie approved and signed the following acts:
11. It. 10. An a r t to allow iniiiorv to hold commissions in the Army;
II. R. 12. An act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers from the State of Missouri; and
II. It. 27. 1111 act explanatory of an act eiitilled h i t act to authorize the President
to arccpt ant1 place in the fiervice certain regiineiits arid battalions lieretoforeraised,
appro\ ctl on the 11th Octobcr, 1862.
Anti oil t l i ~I i t h instant lie approvcd and cigned a n act (11. R. 33) to provide for
the execution of deeds by niarslials in ccrtairi cases

On motion by Mr. Oldham,

The Senate adjourned.

A message from the President of the Confederate Statcs, by Mr.

1%.N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Zi. Aeaidcnt: On the 16th instant the President of the Confederate Statw approved
and signcd an a r t (S. 5 2 ) to fix thc rank of officers in the military and naval service
of t h e Confeclerate b t e s holding commissionu untler the Provisional Government
when reappointed to offices of the mile grade tinder t h e Periiiaiient Government.

( h c i ~ i ~ e That
d , thc Secretary inform the House of Bepresentatives
A message from the Iionsc of Beprcsentatives, by Mr. I\IcDonald:
X r . P~esidc7~1:
The IIousc of Representatives haw passed the joint resolution of
the Sniate (S. 2 ) relatiw to the plan of retaliation propowl in the Presidents iriessago, with a n aniendmcnt; in which they request thc concurrence of the Senate.

The Senate proceeded to consider the amcndrnent of the House of

Re wesentativcs to the joint resolution (S. 2) last mentioned; and
motion tjy ~ r Semmes,
O ~ d e ~ e That
d , the further consideration thereof be postponed until
to-morrow, and that i t beprinted j n confidence for the use of the Senate.
On inotion by Mr. Semmes,
The Senate resolved into executive session.



[Apr. 21,1863.



Tilo following message was received from the President of the Confedcrntc States, by Mr. U. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
x l p r ~18,
l 1863.
To thc ,ScrLcite of [lie Confedwale Aates:
1 herewith transiiiit for your information, i n execptive session, a communication
from tlie Secretary of State, i n response to your resolution of the 13th instant, and
setting forth generally t h e reasoils upon which I have deenied i t expedient to send
a commissioner to Russia.

The message was read.

That it be referred to tlie Corninittee 011 Foreign Affairs.
On inotion by Mr. Seiniiics,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

OIlCN sl!XsIoN.

RIr. ili[axmell prcsented a nieriiorial of citizens of the State of Florida,

praying for tho cstal)lislinicnt of a port of entry at Gainesville, in that
State; which \va> referred to the Commi ttee on Commerce.
Mr. IIa yi c s sril)rnitt,ed the following resolution for consideration:
ltesolzed ( t k p Iloiise of Repesentnticm concurring), That t h e President of the Senate
and the Speaker of t h e House of Representatives adjourn their respective Houses on
Monday, the twenty-seventh of Apiil, a t twelpe oclock meridian.

Mr. Oldhani presented the memorial of C. G. Forshey, praying for

the passage of a n act authorizin payment to be made to him for servitch rendered as engineer of t i e Texas coast defenses; which was
rcferrcci to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. IVigfall (by lcave) introduced
A bill (S. 129) to amend an act entitled An act to regulate inipressiiicnts hy officers of the Arnig;
which wis rcati thc first and secoiid tirnes arid ordered to he placed
upon the Calendar..
Mr. Clay, from the Coniinittee on Militwy Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 109) to provide for retiring officers of the Army,
reported j t with an arnendmcnt.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Ordgred, T h t the bill arid amendmcnt he xinted.
Mr. Oldhani, froiii the Coinniittce on locjt- fices and Post-Roads, to
whom was referwcl the aincndinen t of tho House of Representatives:
to the bill (S.14) to autiioriec newspapew t o be niailcd to soldiers free
of postagc, reported i t without arneiidmeiit.
The Senate proceeded to consider the said amendment; and
B e s o l d , That thcy concur therein.
OrcZmd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mi-. Oldhani, f w i n the Corrirriittee on Post-Offices and Yost-Roads,
to whom was referred the bill (S. 119) to declare Treasury notes and
bonds, inclosed in boxes for transportation by the Treasury Department, mailable matter, and to regulate the rates of postage, reported
it with an amendment.


Apr. 21, 1863 ]


The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 119) last mentioned; and the reported amendment having been agreed to, the bill was reportcd to the Senate and
the amendment was concurred in.
O ~ d w c d That
tho bill be engrossed arld read a third time.
'L'lic said hill was read the third t h e .
w f , 'L'hat it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesai
Odewcx', T h a t the Secretary rq ticst the concurrence of the House
of liepresentatires thcrcin.
Air, Oldliarri, froin thc Couiiiii ttee on Post-Oaces and Post-Roads, to
wlioin w : referred
the bill (S. 118) to authorize the establishment of
iriails, reported it without anicndnient.
Tlic Scnntc proc.crdecl. RS in Committee of the Whole, to the consid@rationof the l d l (S.118) 1tLqt mentioned; and no arnedmcnt being
proposed, it WVRY rrportcd to the Men:~tc..
O t d e t d , Tliat i t be engrossed and read :I third time.
The said bill w i s read the third tirne.
Besolcd, That>it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O i d e w d , 'l'hat the Secretary I*cqucstthe concurrence of the House
of Bcpresentatives therein.
Thv Senate rcsurncd, as i n Coriiriiittee of the Whole, the consideration of the joint resolution (S. 4) in relation to the frce navigation of
the LIibsissippi River; and
On motion by Mr. Cl:~rk,
iw7, That the furthrr consideration thereof be postponed until
The Scnatc rchunicil. as i n Coinniittc~cof the Whole. the consitlcration of the I)ili (S. 1 1) to providc for the conscription of aliciis rcbidcnt
in the. Confederate
On motion I)y Mr. C1:iy. t h t the fiirthcr conhidemtion of thc bill be
1)ostponetl until the hecond Xo n d t~ yin DccciriI)cr next,
Attcr del):itcs,
'l'he hour tixcd for the con~iderationof thc special order of the day
having urrired, the I'rchident pro ternpore announced the snme;
The Hcnxte re~ii~iicd,
:is in Cornniittce of the Wholt, the consideration of the bill (H.112) to facilitate transportation for tho Government;
On motion by N r , Sparrow,
O i d m c l , 'L'hat the furthei. consideration thereof be postponed to
and inadc the special order f o r to-niorrow :It Li! o'clock.
T h e Senate resiiiiied, :ISin ('oniliiittce of the V'hole, the con5ider:Lt:on of the bill (S. 105) to providc f o r the conscription of aliens rcsident in the Confederate St:itc$.
On thc question to agrt\e t u the inotion submitted by Mr. Clay, that
the further con+leration of the bill be postponed until the second
,\Ionday in Uecember next,
On motion by 311%.
O i d m d , That thc hill 1)e trimdprred to the Secret Legislative
O n motion by Xr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doom having been opened,





A I ~13nrn\vcll,
from the Committee on Finance, .to whom was referre
tile },ill (11. R. 26) for the assessment and collection of taxes, reported
it with :inieridnient.;.
The Senate proccedecl, :i> in Committee of the Whole, to th
sicIrh1.;ition of the bill (W.It. 26) last mentioned.
The reportcd aniendments having been agreed to,
On tllotion k)y Mr. Phelan, further to amend the bill by insertin
follolving independent section :
S ~ W-.. That any person who niay hereafter refuse to accept the Treasury no
the (:oilfederate States at par 111 payment of aity debt, shall estimate said debt at ten
tinies its actual aniount in his ebtinlate of credits due liirn,
( Yeas.- _ _ - _ _ -.. _
_ -- - - - _ _ _ 6

It was deterniined in the i i q p t i w ,

_ _ _ _. .._ - - - ._ ._ -14
On niotion by Xr. Plielan,
I lit. - p i s and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,

c ,

lhose who vottd in tlie slfirniativc are,

rs. I h w n , I h r t c h , Ilcnry, Johnson of Georgia, Phelan, and

llio~ewho voted in the negative re,

i1Icsbrs. ISarnwell, h r n e t t , C:ipertoii, Clark, Clay, Davis, Haynes,
Iluntci , ,Johnson of Ai*k:tnsas, Maxwell, hlitchel, Orr, Semmes, and
So Furthcr aiiiendiiicrit buing made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and thc aiiiciidments made as i n Cornniittee of the Whole were
concrirred in.
O i d e i w i , That the m m d i i i e n t s be engrossed and the bill read a
t hi rd t inic..
The skid bill was read the third time as amended.
Besolwd, That it pass with amendments.
O i d~o. c C l ,That the Secretary request the conciiritnc~of the House
o f Ttcprcmhtivts in the amendi-nents,
Mr. Ihrnvell, from the Conmiittee on Finance, reported
A !)ill (S. 130) supplementa~~g
to an act to provide for the funding
and furthcr issue of rreasuiy notes;
which was rcad the first and second times and considered as in Cominitttc of the Whole.
ion by 33r. Phelan,
, That it he transfrrred to the Secret Legislative Calendar.
gc froiri the House of Ttepresentatives, by Nr. McDonald:
Jfr /I rsideut: The FIou~cof Kc.l)rcseritati~,e~
have passed a bill of the Senate (S.
89) t o aholi4i snprrnumerary olfiices i n thc Comniissarys a i d Quartermasters
d a hill ( l J It. 49) regulating the granting of furloughs and
in w h w h they request the coilcurrenee of the Senate.

Tli(> Speaker of thc I louse of 12cj)rcJsentativesharing qignrd two enrolled bills and
an enrolled joint resolrition, I mi dirwtctl to bring them to the Senate for the signaturr of their lrcsidcnt.

Alr. I), fi.oni the conmiittee, reported that they had examined
:Lnd found truly enrolled billr and u joint resolution of the following
3%. An art to amend :in act entitled An act to provide f o r
:UI inciuise of thc Quartcrmastcr and Con1misSal.y Departments,
approved February 15, 1862;
IT. lt. 46. An act to liquidate a claim due to the State of Alahama
for tlie steamer Florida; and


Apr 21 l R l i 3 j


H. Lt. 9. Joint resolution for the relief of 13. 3. Epping.

The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled
etlrolled joint resollition last reported to have been exam
mere delivered to thc Secretary of the Senate and by him
presented to the Presidcnt of the Confederate States f o r his
The bill (H. It. 49) regulating the granting of furlough
charges in hospitals, received this day for concurrence from
of Itcpresentativcs, was read the first and second times and referred
to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The Senate proccdcd to consider the resolution submitted hy Mr.
Httyrieh, fixiiig a
for the adjournment of Congress; arid
The resolution haying Iwcn mxnded, was agreed to as follows:
R c ~ o lPC/
i ( i l w J J o w of I:qircventc
s COMWT m g ) , That the Iresident of the Senate
ant1 the Speaker of tfiv Ilouw ot Representatiws adjourn their respective Houses,
sine (lie, on Irida\, t h e fi1.t d a y of May next, at two oclock postnieridian.

O / ~ l e m l Thrbt
th( Sccretarj- request the concurrence of the House
of 1icqxwent:itircs therein.
Thc Senate proceeded to consider tho ~esolutionsubmitted by Mr.
Orr 011 the 13th instant, authorizing the Secretary of the Senate to
eniploj- snch additioiial force i n his office, during the remainder of the
present session, as may be necessary to keep up the business of the
Senate; and
The resolution v a s agreed to.
On iiiotion by Mr. Davis, that the vote on passing the resolution
fixing Friday, the first day of >Fay next, f o r the adjournment of the
present session of Congress, bc reconsidered,
It wii(j determined in the negative.
T h c Senate rebiinicd, as in Committee of the Whole, the considcmtion
of the 1)ill (S. 106) to create a provisional navy of the Confederate
Stateh; and
On niotion by X r . i\laxwell,
Otdwed, That it be recommitted to tho Committee o n Haval Affairs.
On motion by lfr. Johrison of Arkansas, thc Senate adjourned.

The Senate resumed, as in CominitJtee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 130) suppleinentary to an act to provide for the
funding arid f ur t he r issue of Treasury notes.
On niotion by 3Ir. Seninies, to airiend thc bill by adding thcmto the
following proviso :

That >aitl I)ontl.: shall in no

011th of hpiil, i i i t h e >ear c.ipli1


hc sold for rreasury notes issued prior

hundrc~clant1 sixty-three,

w i t s dctcrrnincd in t h e nqptive.
e hill n-as reported to the Senate.
S o niiicndincnt being mad
and read ti third time
O / d ~ c w /That
i t lie engrt
?he said hill was read the
On the question.
Shall thc bill n o w pa
Yeas .._
_ _ _ _ . _ - . .15
__I t m s cleterrnirird i n the affirmative, 7 Kays ...
..._ 5
On iiiotion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
The yeas and lap being desircd by one-fifth of thc Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative arc,



I\.1ehsr~. &rnwell, Tjrown, Burnett, Caperton, Dortch, Haynes,

IIcnrj-, IIill, IInnter, ,Johnson of Georgia. Muxwell, Oldham, Peyton,
Semirips, and Sparrow.
Thote who votctl in the negative are,
rs. Clark, Clay, Johnson of Arkansas, Orr, and Phelan.
So it mas
Bc:soZ?ret/, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof beas aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate resunled, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of thc bill (S. 105) to provide f o r the conscription of aliens resident in the Confederate Stales; arid
On the question t o agree to the motion submitted b7 Nr. Clay, that
the fui*thei~
considelation thereof be postponed until the second Nonday in Deceniber next,
Aftcr debate,
On motion by Mi-. Seninies,
T h e Senate resolved into open legislative session.

TT'EDXESDAY, L l ~22,>1863.
~ ~ ~ A

A messagc from thc IIouso of Representatives, by Nr. McDonald:

JIr. President: The House of Representatives have p a s e d the bill of the Senate (S.
110) to authorize the Secretary of the S a v y to lease a site, near the city of Richmond,
for t h e preparation and safe-keeping of ordnance stores.
And they hare passed bills of the following titles; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate:
1-1. K. 50. An act to amend a n act relative to prisoners of war, approved May 21,
EX. R. 51. An act to fix t h e pay and allowances of the master armorer of the Confederate States Armory at Richmond, Va.;
H. R. 53. An act to regulate the payment of commutation for transportation to
officers in the military ser\.iceof the Confederate States;
H. 1%.53. h i act placiiig all clerks iri t h e civil employment of the Government in
the city of Richmond upon the sanie footing as clerks of t h e executive department,
H. 33. 51. An act to prohibit the improper employment of soldiers;
11. It. 55. An act to provide for the appointment of military storekeepers in the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States; and
H. R. 56. Anact [to provide] for the appointmentof a superintendent of laboratories.

The bills this day received from the House of liepresentdives for
concurrence were severally read the first and second times.
07*dered,That the bill numbered 53 he referred to the Committcc on
Finance and that the bills numbered 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, and 56 be
referred t o the Committee on Ililitary Affairs.
Mr. Simms (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 14) relative to the treatment of prisoners of
mar by the enemy;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Brown, fiwm thc Committee on Naval Affairs, reported
,4hill (S. 131) t o incwnse the pay of third xssistant engineers in the
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Coinmittce of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported
to the Senate.

Apr. 32, 1863.1



Orde?ed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.

The said bill was read the third tirnc.
Reso7wed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by 341..Brown,
Olrdmd, That the (lotnniittcc on K\ar-nlAffairs be discharged fro
the further consideration of tlic joint, rc+mlntion (13. R. 11) to autho
ixe the Secrctai 3 o f t I i c I r c : ~ ~ t~o~:iuditj
r y tlw acaoinits of L. Illerahan
& Co., for sup jlics fuixislicd tlie wttrr Morgan, and that it be
refcrrcd to thc C,oinniittcc
on Pinance.
On inotion by hlr. Spni*i*ow,
Om/( /N/, T l i r i t thc Cornniittcc 0 1 1 31ilitarp Mairs bc discharged
froiri t lie fitrt1it.r c~onsidcrxtiotto f tlic followiiig siibjects:
A nle.;sage froin thr 1resideut of thc: (hilfadcrate States, transniilting tin estimatc of the tiiiwunt. I*cqrrii-eclfor the use of the SurgeonG e n e r d heforc thc c . 1 0 ~of the c u rwnt, fisral gear; and
A nicss:~gefrom tho l r ~ ~ i d e no ft thc Confederatc S h tc s , transmitting a i l estiniatc of tlir :unount required to liquidate claims to be paid
for river-defense scrvicc;
And that t h y bc referred t o t h c Committee on Finance.
on1tlic Chnnnittcc on Military Affairs, to whom was
ge of tlic, President of the Confederate States, transit oflirial reports of various engagements with the
cneniy , rc portct l the w i I c.
On niotion by 3Ir. S11:ii~row,
(htleren, Ihnt it lit. iqmn tllc tablc.
hlr. Ilill, froin tlic (Yonunittcc on t h o Judiciary, to whom was
r-cfcrred the I d 1 (Ti. W. 30) to p u d i forgery and countcrfeiting,
rel)ortcd it without :uncndriic~nt.
On motion by Alr. Hill,
0 , ~ 7 e / 7 4 That it be printed.
MI.. Davis, from the Committc,e on Claims, to whom was referred
the bill (11. It. 43) for the rclief of S. 13. Lowe, reported it with the
reconinicndatiori that it ought not to pass.
On niotion by Mr. Davis,
rwl, That the Committee on Claims hc tlisc.limged from the
considcr:Ltion of thr incmoi~iali n behalf of ccrtaiii destitute
families taken froin and ncar tlic city of lenswola, Ha., by military
On niotioii by Mr. Wigfwll,
Ortlelrd, That ,Johmnei; Hoth and .Toscph 1,:iwhon have leave to
wit lid raw their nicn iorial a ntl pap
Mr. Oldham, f r o i ~the
Comniitteo OD Iost-Offices and Post-Roads,
to whom was referred the bill (11. 11. 40) to prescribe tho ratcs of postage on nc~~7spapcrs,
pci*iodicals, 1)ooks, and transient arid othcr Inatter,
: h i d to rcpcal in p u t the second section of the art, approved M : L 13,
1861, t o ainerid : ~ n:ict to prescribe the riites of postage in the Carlfcdcratn States of Anierim, and l o r other purposes, approved Febr k t l j t wit hont rmcnduient.
dcd, as in Comrnittcc, of the Whole, to the consid
cration of the bill (13.B. 40) last liientioned; and no nrnendnlent being
made, it was reported to the Senatc.
Ordwed, That it pass to a third rcading.



The said bill was read the third time.

Resolved, That it pass.
(17d~red,That the Secretary inforin the House of Representatives
Mr. Clay, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred
the bill (H. I?,. 22) to regulate the pay of the officers formerly belongi n g to the revenue service of the United States,.and now i n the employment of the Confederate States, reported it wlth the recomniendation that it ought not to pass.
Mr. Semmes, from the Committee on Flag and Seal, reported
A bill (S. 132) to establish the flag of the Confederate States;
whichn~ssread the first and second times and considered as i n Corninittee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported
to the Senate.
Oydered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
d, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O?dered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the IIouse
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Simins, from t h e Special Committee on Ilospitals, to whom was
referrcd the bill (13. R. 48) allowing hospital accommodations to sick
and wounded officers, reported it without amendment.
The Senate roceedcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t e bill (H. R. 48) last mcntioncd; and no amendment
being madc, it was reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read t h e third time.
Resolwd, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration
of the bill (S. 119) to facilitate transportation for the Government; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That thc further consideration thereof be postponed to and
made the special [order] for to-morrow at 12 oclock.
Mr. S arrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
refcrrc tho hill (S.126) to provide for the compensation of certain
persons therein n:med, wportcd i t with amendments.
The Scnatc procccded, as in Coriiniittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (8. 1%)lad mentioned, and the reported amendments mere agreed to.
On motion by Mr. Clark, to amend the bill by inserting after day,
line 10, the words i n lien of rations tind all other allowances,
It was detcrmined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Johriwn of Arlransas, to amend the bill by striking therefromi the words or i n performing other constant labor, apart
from their ordinary service for more than twenty days,
It was determined in the affirmatire.
No further amendment being made, tho bill was reported to t h e Senate
and the amendments were concurred in.
O ~ d m d That
the bill be engrossed and rcad a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thercof be as aforesaid.


Apr. 22, 1865 ]

O d e y e d , That the Secretary request the cononrrence of the

of Representatives therein.
Mr. Clay, from tlic Coinmittec on Commerce, to whom was refer
the mcniorinl of citizens of the State of Florida, praying
eslablishmeut of a port of entry a t Gaiiiesville, in that State, r
:idversely thereon.
The Sciiatc proceeded. as in Coiiiiriittee of the Whole, t o
sideration of t h c I d 1 (S. 109) t o provide for retiring officers o
On tlic q w s t i i o i i t o ag!:1.ecto tlic following rcported aiiiendment:
Htrilir out a11 :&or lliv ciiactiiip clansc and inscit:
That a l l (rriicml oflircrs cmiiiiiniiciing a n i & q , (01 p q , clivisinns, or brigatles, all
coloncls or ollicx>rs~mi~iii:incliiig
Sccrc.tax5 of w a r , tllrougll the regnlar c~h:ulnt
( ~ i i i i i i i a 1 1 1or
1 c o n i i c ~ ~ tn
c itli
~ l tlwir rwpwti\
their c~orrui~inntl,
post, o r tl1115, with
bc Itt once itropped by orclerq: Iro
Id to s~ispc~nd
such ordw for expla
wiitairicd sliall operate to extmpt
Tlmt all disbursing ofliccrs of the Army ski:ill be required to make full quarter~irns,tu c>atytlaycraftertht>wpiration of each quarter, and any officer failing

ree months of the tlkpiratioii of the quarter to make proper returns, shall,
upon the fact of such failure b t > i i v r rcported to the Hecret:try of War, be dropped from
the Army b order: iTuitlcd, A;in the first section of this act.
3. Tjiat, i t shall be tlicdnty of the chiefs of t h e several departinents to whom
be inatlt~,to report to the Secretary of War all cases of hilore,
n of this art, orcurring in his department,

On iiiotioii by RiIr. Claik. to :uiicnd the reported amendment by

btriliing out, section L , l i i i c 7. tlic \vord m rind inscrting if, slid
!)y in\(>rtiiigaftw * :Lbsent, i t i (hc tie line, thc words for one
Ilionth 011110rc,

I t w:is d e t ~ ~ ~ n i i ni nc ttlic
l :iilirin:itivc.
I lie aiiiencliiir~ritas :~niciitlctl~v:wtlicn agreed to.
No further titiitlidinelit being niade, the bill TVW 1-cported to the
Sen:itc aid t h e aiuetidiiieiit TUS coricurrcd in.
Oidered, llint thc bill be engrossed xiid rwd a third time.
Thr ssicl hill IVW 19eatl tho third time and the title was ;uiiended.
Ilmt it p:ts\, ant1 that tlic title thcreoi be An act to
promote the cfflciency of tho Ariiiy aiid to seture prompt rcturris from
disbui-4lip o fficcrs.
That the Sccrctarv requebt t h o conciirreiicc of the House
of Rcpresent:Ltivcr thcroin.
Thc Sciutte procccdcd, :LS i n C:olninittcc of tlic Whole, to the consideration of thc hill (S. 12!)) to i i n i c i i d i ~ i act
entitled An act to regulate iniprcssiiientl; 1)y ofkiccix of tlir Artiiy ; a i d no i-mcndmcnt being
madc, it sv:is r t p r t c t l to the Sciiatc.
Oi&p/l, Ihtit it, ho ciigrossetl arid i - e d 11 tliird tiuie.
T I i v mid bill WYLSr ~ n dtlic third tiiiic.
OIItho qiichtion,
Shtill tho bill now p:i
Yens ... - .. _
_ _ _ _ _ _18
J t W;LS cletrrinirtcd i n thc ~iffiriiiati\t, Nnys _ _ - ..- .- . - . _
-- 3
On motion b y 34 I-.II:iyics,
Tlle . p i s rind naTs being desired by onc-fifth of the Senators prescnt,
Those s\ ho votrcl in thc afinnativr :&re,
Messrs. I3arn\vell, Brown, Burtiett, Clark, Clay, Ihvih, h r t c l i ,



[hpr. 22, 18G3.

I-I\>iiry, llill? Johnson of Georgia, iliIaxwsl1, Oldham, Orr, Peytoii,

Phelnn, Seninics, Sparrow, and \Iigfttll.
Lhosc who voted in t he negative are,
Mehsrs. Caperton, IIaynes, and 1Iunter.
So i t was
Bc.soZved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof- be as aforesaicl.
O t d u e d , hat tlic Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of liepresentatii es ilievein.
On motion by Nr. Clay, the vote on passing the bill (S. 109) to promote the efficiency of thc, Artiij~arid to secure prompt returns from
disbursing officers wtis reconsidered.
On motion by Mr. Clay, the .i-otc on ordering- the bill to its engrossmen t and third reading was reconsidered; and
On motion by J I r . Clay, tho vote on agyeeiny to the amendment
reportccl fmrn tlic C h i n i i t t c c on Military Affairs as aniended was also
The Senate procecdcd to ccirsidcr tlie said amendment; and
On motion by JIr. elti?, to amend the reported amendment by
striking oat, wrtion 2, line 7, the words As in the first section of
this :ict :ind inwrting:
rewo11$ i t shall bc lawful to suspend such order for
f h u , rliat nothing herein contained shall operate to
cxeiiipt timy ofiircr so dro1,lrcvi f:otii cwiscription,

It was drtcrniined in the dfirriiative.

On motion I)? lh. Scn~nics,to amend tlie reported amendment by
striLing out thc secoi!d :ind third sections thereof,
It ivas tletcrniined i l l the nffirniative.
On motion 1)y Mr. Scmmes, to reconsider the vote on agreeing to
t,he following amendnicnt to the reported amendment: Styike out,
scc.tion 1, line 7 , Lhc word so and inscrt i f , and inscrt after
al)senL, ir1 the smie line, thc word8 f o r one month or more,
It WLS determined in the iifErniatirc.
The Senate p~occcdcdt o consider the said amendment; and
On thc qriestion t o agree thereto,
I t was cleterniincd i n thc negative.
On motion hy hlr. Scrii~nes,to amend the reported amendment by
inserting :ifter cxplanation, section 1, line I), the following proviso:
Alntlpro? itlrtl, That onc m o n t h he allowed t h e officer so reported as abseut aithout
lcarc to iurnisli rcwons lor his abvcncc before the order dropping him shall icsue;
nntl in case satisfactory rcasons for m r h absence shall be estahliPhet1 after the issue of
rnch order, tho Secrctary of War may revoke thc same and reinstate the officer.

After debate,
Mr. IIayncs demandcd the question; which was stwxided, and
1 he question bcing put,
- . .~
It w a s detcrniined in t,he xffirinatirt., Yeas.
Kaps .. . - _ . .. . - _ 10
On motion l)y Mr. Scmmes,
T h e yeas and nays bcing desired by one-fifth of t h e Srnators present,
Those who votcd in the a6rmntivc arc,
Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Clark, Davis, ITaynes, Hill, Huntcr,
Johnson of Arlcansas, Maxwell, Orr, Pcyton, and Semmes.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. I h r n e t l , Caperton, Clay, L)ortch, Henry, Johnson of
Georgia, Phelan, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.


Apr. 22,1863.1

On motion by Mr. Wigfall, that the last-mentioned vote be reconsidered,

On inotioii by Mr. Brown,
The Senate resolved into secret legislatiye session.
Tlie doo13 liaviti
ircd from the Yresident of the C
rison, h i s Sccrctary :
Jh.. ItesitlrJit. O n the l(itli in.itimt tlic lrcsidetit of tlic Coiifrdrrate States k i p proved and sigiicct 311 : i t + (S. 8 3 ) t o vstabliali a prcfwretl mail wrow the Mississippi
t / , lli:~{ tlic

Srcrctary iiiforni tho lIoiise of lleproscntati\~cs

On iiiotiou 1)y AIr. Ihivih,

rllc Scn:itc :uliotirnd.

A iiicwxge from the 1reAdcirtof thc Confed(1rate States, by Mi-. B. N.

Harrison, his Sccrctary :
XI-.1) dent: T h c lre4tlcnt of the Confederate Sta

signed an act (S. 5s) to establish a volunteer

, 0 1 1tlic.1StIi

instant, approved


rwl, That t 11c Sccretnrj- iiiforni the

otise of Reprcscntati\y:s

r. Brown, 1i.oni the Conilnittw oil K:~valhlf:iirh, reported

bill (S.1:H) to :~inoiidnil :wt, virtit,ld An :wt, f o Inalic, :tppropi*ititioiis Ior i i v i i c l d a i i d othci. w:w sto:imcrs, stem: cngines, and othcr
snppl ic, c*oirtr:tc((d for iiOroi~(1
tic. fii.\t : ~ i i d scconti t i u m :Lad considered as in Coiii\hol(~; :iiitl i i o itiiiciidin(lti t kwiiig i i i a d ~ it
, was rcportcd

it I)(> engrossd :tiid rc:d :L t1iii.d time.

is read tlie third time.
it ixits, and that, t
itlc thercof be as Mforesaid.
~ 1 tho
, S:ccrc.txry rcq
the c*onc.urwnceof the House
of ltepre:,t>nt,ati ~ ( 1 st hcrei n .
Mi-. I3nrnwcll (by leave) i n t r o d u c d
A joint rcxolutioii (S. 15) in regard to estinlatcs from the several
Dcpai-tmcnt s ;
whic*li was read tlic first mid srcood times a n d c.onsitlerecl as in Conimittcw of t,hc Whole; and n o ninendincnt hirig rxixde, i t w:ts reported
to the St.nntc.
O,*tZc,w/, That it I)c cngi.osscd and r e d :L third time.
rwolritioii was I . C : L ~ thc third time.
, r I, b a t it pass, :uid tliat tlic titlc thereof bc xs aforesaid.
Ihnt tht. SccYct:Lly r ( q u ttic coriciirr(wcc of thc Hoixse
of ltcpl.cscnt:Ltive.;)i.~sc~i~~ti~~~s
t hrrciii.
r ,
1 l i t following message mas rcce.ivcd from the President of the Corifrderate States, by Jlr. B, N.Harrison, his Srcrctary :
RICIIYOSI), V i., April 2 1 , l 8 6 J .

To the & m t r of the (oizfetlertrte , V u l e ~ .

I Iierewitli tranGmit for your information, in secret session, a communication f r o m
the Secretary of \TTar, in rwponse to your rcsolntion of thc 11th instant, in rcfrrenrc
to the revocation o f re~trictionsupon coniiiierce across t h e Itio G r a d e .



IApr 22,1863.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Commerce.
ge was received from the President of the ConThe following in
federate dtrttcs, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
R i c m o m , VA., April 21, 18G3.
To lire Sennte of the Confederate Stutes:
I herewith tIansrnit for your information, in secret session, a coininunication from
the Secretary of the Treasury, in response to your resolution of the 11th instant,
inqniring as to thc terms on n-hidi cotton has been sold in foreign markets under
cover of certificate&referred to in his report dated January 10, 1862. From the
report i t appears that cotton has iiot bee!] thus sold.
The inessagc was read.

On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,

O m k e d , That i t lie upon tlie table.
On motion by Mr. Haj-nes,
The Scnate ~.csolvc~d
into cxccutirc session.

on Military Affairs, to whom

Mr. Sparrow, froiii the Conmiit
G. Frmch, ,John TI. Porney,
'were rcferwd thc. nomi tratiow of
1). I. >laury, Jolin G. ll':~llicr, Llrnold Elzey, 1'. lL. Cleburiie, D. S.
Donclmi, E. rJo2~ii~oi~,
\V, 11. C. FYhiting, to he niajor-generals; Francis T. Xicbhollh, I'rcston Sniit,h, Alfred Cummirig, \lrillitttii S. 'Vl'tllker,
Joseph n'hcclcr, (jcorgc I)olcs, Gtrnot Poses, M. D. COEC, G. T.
Anderson, 1
.; J,. Thomas, S. I). Itaitiwur, ,J. It. Cooke, J. 13. Robertson, E. F. Ynston, Evander Il'lcNair, 1%'.G. Al. Davis, Archibald
Gracic, jr., \Y.ll. Uogg\, ,Jtzmes C. Tappan, Dandridge McRae, Stephen
11. Lcc, John Pegrani, ,John A. Wharton, A. Buford, Williani T.
Martin, ,John 11. Morgnii, Marcus J . Wright, %. C. Deas, R. TIr.
Hankon, lIw i us E. Polk, .Jnine\ Cantcy, 1P. I-T. Jackson, Alfred E. Jaclsson, to be brigudicr-gcncr:~ls,reported, with the rccoriimendation that
:ill of said noniin:~tiotisbe confirmed.
'i'hc Senate proeecclcd to consider said report; mid i n concurrence
therewith, it was
Resoiivd, 'I'htit the Senate advise and conwnt to th r ir appointment,
agreeably t o the iioinin;btion of tlic President.
Mr. Spttrrow, fro111 the Cotnniittce on Military Affairs, to whom was
r e f e r i d tlic nomination of Alfred Lverson, to be brigadier-general,
rcportcd thc S R L I I ~ .
The Scnatc proceeded to consider said nomination; and
On motion 1':) Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas, that it be reconimitted to
the Comniittce OH Military Affairs,
After clchtte,
Mr. ,Johnwn of A r k a ~ i s a ~dcrnanclcd
the question; which was
.recondcd, a n d
'rhc question being put,
It WLS dctcrniined in the aftirmative.
So i t was
That tlic noniination of Alfred lverson, to be brigadiergeneral, be rcrornriiittcd to the Committee on Mi1itni.y Afkirs.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senatc resolved into open Icgislative session.





A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDon

Ah-. President: The President of the Confederate States has notified the I-Ionse
Itrpresentatiyes t h a t 011 the lSth instant he approved and signed :in act (TI.It. 29)
to amend ail act entitled An act to secure copyrights to authors and composers,
approved May 21, 1861.
The Iiouse of Kepreseutatires have passed a bill (1%.R. 57) authorizing the President to confer upon tlie C h i d of t h e Bureau of Ordnance and the Chief of Knginecr
13iirtIan the rank, pay, xiit1 allowances of brigadier-general in the Provisional Army;
i n 15 1ric.h they rrquest tlic concurrence of the Senate.
Thc S1w,il,cr of tite 1 Iousc of liepresentrttivcs having signed an eiirolled 1 ~ 1 1 ,I ~ 1 1 1
tlircc 1 d to 1)iing i t to the Sciidtt! for the signature of their Iresiilelit.

3Ir. I3rowti ( 1 ) ~ -lcazre) introduced

A bill (S. 13.1) to :mend an act entitled An act to amend an act
cntitlcd Aniwt rccognizing the existence of war between the TJnited
States uud the Confederate States, arid concerning letters of marque,
prizes, :ml prize goods, approved M R sixth,
eighteen hundred and
&lay 21, 1SG1, and numbered 170 of the act8
of t,hc Irovisional Congress of 1861;
rst ittlti sccoitd times and considered as in Cornn i i t t c ~ eof the ~Vhole; :incl no :Lmendincnt being made, the bill was
rcportcd to tlrc Sjcn:itr.
Oi-(hiwl, Ilint it, 1 ) cingrosscd
arid read :L third tinit..
Ihc said bill ~7;:~sIY
Bcxolm 11, That it p
itlt: thcrcof be as :iforesaid.
O&t*d, That the Sccrctnry roqucst tlie concurrcnce of tlie House
of lieprcsentativcs tlierein.
On motion hy Mr.Sparrow,
Chdeved, That tho Cornrnittw on Military Affairs hc discharged from
the further considemtion of thc following subjcuts:
A message f roni thc President of the Confederate Statos, traiisniitting reports of certain engagcrnents with the enemy;
A message f roil1 the President of the Confederate States, con~n~unicating tbc reports of Generals Polk, Elardtc, and Chcatliani, of the
part horne by tlteir rcspective commands in the battle of Shiloh, on
the 6 t h and 7th of April, 1862;
R rcsolution inquiring into the propriety of so amending the cxidiiig l a w that privatrs froni any State enlisted i n regiments froru other
St:ites intiy bc trarisfcrwd to regiments from their own State without
tho (.onsent of tliei L coinpany and regimental comniandcrs;
iZ i wolntion inquiring into the propriety and expedieiicp of building a railroad 01 :L pliinli road, from Clinton, in tho parish of East
Felician:L, Louisian:i, t o intrrsmt the New Orleans and ,Jackson Railroad at the most eligiblc mint, so as to complete the connection
bctmccn Jacltson, Mix,., an(!IPort Iludson, La., etc.;
Memorial of W. 11. S. Taylor, Second Auditor of the Freasury
Department, praying for increased conipcnsation; and
Memorial of Thomas 141. L c Baron, major and quartermaster, prayi n g an increase of tho sa1:iries of persons employed in his office.
Mi-. Sparrow, rom the Coininittee on Military AfTairs, to whom
were referred the following bills:
H. R. 50. An act to amend an act relative to prisoners of war,
approv~.dMay 21, 1861;



11. It. 51. An act to fix the pay and allowances of the inastcr armorer
of the Cotlfedt.mte Statci armory at Michmond, Va. ; and
11. El. 52. An a c t to regulate the payment of conmutation for transport,Ltion to ofliccrs in t h e niilitary service of the Confederate States;
reported tliciii sc'\ erally without amendment.
A h . Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
\yas wfcn-cd the bill (H. R. 54)to prohibit the improper employment
of soldiers, reported it with the recommendation that it ought not to
Mr. Uurnett, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
21 b111 (S. 135) to provide for the payment of certain officers who
I1:tve hecri irregularly appointed or have heen appointed without
authority of Inw in the iiiilittiry service of the Confederate States;
which mns rrad the fir& and second times arid ordered to be placed
upon the Calcndar and printed.
On motion by X r . Burnett,
0 , ~ { 0 p e t J ,'I'hut th(. Coniinit
o n Nilitary Affairs be discharged from
tlic furtlicr cvnsidcration of
claim of C. Ireson Bradley, asking pay
for scrviwb iwidered t ~ special
O n motion by Nr. 13urnett,, That the Coininittee on Claims be discharged from the further coiisidcration of the following subjects:
S. 122. A hill to allow compensation to William A. Addison as a n
acting assis tailt adj Ii t m t-geoeral ; and
Menlorid of C. (2. Forslzey, praying for the passage of an act authoriziiig payrnmt to be made to him for services rendered as engineer of
thc Texas coast defenses.
On niotion by Mr. C!ay,
Ordered, 'L'hut the joint coniiiiittee to iiivestigato the management of
ndcr its present head I)e continued until the
the Naval Departmei
arid that they hare leave to sit during the
The bill (11. R. 57) authorizing the President to confer upon the
Chic.f of tlie Bureau of Ordnaiicc and the Chief of Engineer Bureau
tlie rmk, pay, 2nd dlowanccs of brigadier-general in the Provisional
Aririy, was thc fird and sec~ondtimes and referred to the Comniittcc.,on Military Aif'uii~x.
On motion by hlr. Sl)ai-ro~~,
'I'hc Senate resolved into cxecutire session.
The doors having h e n opeiiecl,
Mr. Dortch, from t h e committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled
An act (11. B. IS) to lay taxes f o r the comnioii defense and carry on
the Government of the Confederate States.
'I'hc: Prc.sidcnt pro tempore having signed the enrolled bill last
rrportr.d to have beell exaniined, it was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate :uicl by hiin forthwith presented to the President of the
Confcdcrate States for his approval.
Thc following niessagc 'was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. K. Harrison. his Secretary:
R i c a ~ o n n VA.,
April 23, 1863.
To tlte Seucitr cind Ilouv qf Repesentatioes:
I herewith trantrnit for your inforinatioii a coinniunicatioii froin the Secretary of
War, covcring ropier of vertain reports of t h e battle of Murfreesboro.

Apr. 23,1863.1



The message i n i s read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Cornniittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Wigfall (by lcarc) introduced
A hill (S. 136) to increase the salary of the Private Secretary of
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Co
niittcc o n Finwnce.
On inotion by 111.. Jiurnctt,
The Senate adjourned.

.1 nicssagc from thc I I o u ~ cof Hcprcscntatives, by Mr. McDonald:

3fv. / ' r c ~ i d e ~ i Tlic
P w d m t ol' tlie Corifcdrratc Stateti lias notified the House of
instant lie approved and signed an act (13. R. 25) to
(1 and other n a r steamers, steam engines, and other

On motion by Mr. Oldhain,

O ~ d e ~ wl'hxt
l , tho Coniniittee on Commerce be dischar ed from the
further consideration of thc message of the President of t?.
i c Confederate States in relation to the rcvocation of restrictions upon cornmercc
cross the l%ioGrsinde, tli:Lt it be referred to the Committee on Military
Affairs, :~ndthat the injunction of' secrecy be removed therefroai and
froiii the acconipnnying docnmerits.
On motion h j 7 Mr. Senimes,
O r ~ l m d ,Tliat tho injiinct ion of secrecy hc, removed from the procccdings of tlic li;cn:rtc on tlic bill (IT. R. 18) to lay taxes for the coinnion dcfensc and t fir, (; ovcrnniciit of the Confedcrate States.
'l'lie Scntito pi~occcdcclto considcr thc wiricntlment of the IIonsc of
to thc joint rc\olution (S. 2) rc1:~tivct o the plan of
retaliation propo~cdin the Prcsiderit's rnessago; and
On rriotioii l)y h1r. Scrtinies,
d, That tho Smatc disagrce to the ~rncndiiientof the I-Iome
of Hcprescntatives to the haid rcsolution and :~ska c o i i f ~ r c n ~one the
ig votca of tlic two ITouses thereon.
tion by Mr. Seuinies,
d , That tlie coniiiiitteo of confr~rcnceon the part 01the Senate
be appointed by the President pro Icmporc; : ~ n d
Mr..~ QCiiinies, Mr. ,Johnson of Georgia, and Air. Peyton were
O I ~ C V ~Tlmt
~ ( / ,the Secretary in-forni the EIousc of Representatives
The following niessago IVRS rccciveil iron1 thc President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. II:trrisoii, his Secrdmj-:



dc?, 1863.

To !.he Scntrte and /louse of I?

I lierwitli trxnsrnit for your conaideration, in secret session, a communication from
the Secretary of the Kavy, submitting :ui estiinatt: of tlie ainount required to ineet
the charges upon exchange for the sum recently appropriated for the use of the Kavy
Depart nien t a broad.
I recommend an additional appropriation of the amount for the purpose specified,
or sucli provision as will secure to the Department the use of the appropriation in
funds current at t h e place where required.

The message u7as read.

Ordered, Tkat i t be referred t o the Coinniittee on 13"inance.



[Apr. 23,1863,

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration

of the bill (S.105) to provide for the conscription of aliens resident i n
the Confedemte States.
The question being on agreeing to the motion submitted by Mr.
Clay, that the further consideration of the bill be postponed until the
second Monday in December next,
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Xr. Sparrow, from the Coniinittee on Military AEairs, to ahom

were referred the nominations of Samuel Cooper, Itobert E, Lee,
Joseph E. ,Johnston, G. T. Beauregard, to be generals, reported, with
the recornmendation that said nominations be confirmed.
rho Scnate proceeded to considcr said report; and
On motion by A h . Clnj ,h t Lhe further consideration of the nominations he postponed till to-rnorrow,
It wah determined in thc negs<Ltire.
On motion by 3Ir. Wigfall, to reconsider the vote on refusing to
postpone the fuither consideration of the nominations till to-morrow,
. - - - - .- -..Peas. - - - - 6
I t was deterniined in the negative, Nays - - - - _ _ _ - - - . - -_ . -11
On motion by Mr. Clay,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those n-ho voted i n the aErmative are,
Messis. Clay, Johnson of Georgia, Oldham, Orr, Simms, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Mcssrs. l3ar~iwe11,Caperton, Clark, Hayrips, Henry, Hunter, Maxwell, XIitcihel, Yeyton, lhelan, and Sparrow.
On the qucbtion,
Will thc Senate advise and consent to the appointment of Samuel
Cooper, Itobert E. Lee, doseph E. Johnston, G. T. Beauregard, to be
general:, !
It was determined in the affirmative.
S o it was
B ~ s o l a e d ,That the Senatc advise and consent to the appointment of
Samuel Cooper, Kobcrt $2. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, G. T. Boauregard, to be general,.;, agreeably to the nomination of the Presidenl.
Mr. Sp&rrow,from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were
referred the nominations of Isaac R. Trirnblc, Jubal A. Early, to be
major-generals; James H. Lane, Camillus ,J. Polignac, lrilliam Smith,
Itobert R. Vancc, E. C. Walt,hall, Itobert F. IIoke, K. L. Renning,
W.T. Wofford, Samuel XcGowan, M.A. Stovall, George B. Cosby,
Frank C. Armstrong, W.1,. Cabell, to he brigadier-generals; Jos. &I.
Jnync, John E. Penn, to be coloiiels; John J. Wade, H. A. Edmundson,
John 13. Penn, to be lieutenant-colonels; John S. Deyerle, John E. Penn,
to be majors; It. Chiinning Price, Alfred Hoffman, W. Duncan McKim,
,J. F. Girault, to he assistant adjutants-general, with the rank of major;
St. ,Jules Rondot, Chiirles J . Mastin. Emile P. Guillet, S. A. Moreno,
John A. Barlrsdalc, W. N. Worthington, A. 11.Patton, J o h n J . Reese,
J. R. Fellows, William 31. Magenis, 13. W. Feilden, C. R. Duffield, A. N.
Mills, to be assistant adjutmts-general, with the rank of captain; Henry


Apr. 23, 1863.1

Irwin, S. S. Kirkland, F. von Phul, E. A. Hawkin

Janies R. Crump, E. H. Gregor., M. &I.Lindsay, A.
Calloaay, ?Jeff.13. Posey, William RlcCabe, S. C. Hepb
Bredell, jr., li). Mannin .,E. T. Harris, John M. Sharp,
ling, S. 1.Ilanly 13.J. I rother, E. G. Lyon, Robert C.
0.?Jonc$,h f us). Polk, McH. Howard, Fred. It. Blake, Riehar
rison, Henjamin F. Taylor, Andrew J. Watt, James H. Bate, Virgi
Dabney, Thomtis L. Macon, 11. M.Stanard, 13. 1.Blunton, J. I;.Bostick,
W.IT7. Wilkiiis, Thomas ,J. IZcall, Charlcs (2. Elliott, Jesse W. Spwlm,
J . X.Drayton, Charles illcCann, Samuel J . Corric, Williain M. Peyton,
E:. Cunninghiini, ,John D~mlop,George 11. Geiger, Henry B. Lee, C. F.
H:mpton, Hamnel 1. Joiics, H . If. Morrison, jr., I m n a r Cobb, E Keariic?-, A\lfrc~ctN.
Kr\\ jn,F. 13. Itodgers, IIughF. P?Ltton,VI.S. Syiiington,
.I. C:. 11. 131.) :d,
.Jaiiic~sihtt,lt, 1).ITT. Smders, IT.31. Ilopkins, J . E.
Iti~nson,l?r:~nkStviiwr, Charlcs 11. 1Zundel1, William 13. Wagner, llenry
B. Ii;stcs,Cliiton\\~allicr.C.TI. I~ic~hnioiid,,~lcxandcrl2ose,R.
1:itrick II:imilton, Albert Belding, J. Little Smith, T. 1. Hani ,ton,
Ch:wlcs;\l. Davis, OscarLanc,T. 13. Thompson,ITT.C. Carriiigton, I$. W.
h i - r , J. A. Shingleur, Iiohcrt IZoggs, I). 13. Taylor, ThomasC. Jackson,
G. S. Worthington, S. n. Shannon, Willinni hfeWiIlic, J o h n G. Scott,
Henry T. Botts, G. 13. Lmiw, C. T. \Vidney, E. B. Cherry, E. 1,. Lewis,
J o h n T. Ector, Farrar 13. Coiiner, J. T. 13rowr1, Janics C. Randle, John
S. Smith, t o he aids-decamp, with the raiik of first lieutenant; D. C.
Pc:irson, H c w : i i d Lindsley, to be captains; E. 11. Rndcrson, J . L. Y.
Kirby, George illarchbanlis. t o bc sccorid lieut eiiants; and Jacob Brice,
to be iiiilitary storekecpcr of ordnance, with rank of first licntenmt
(in the Hcgular Army); tJ. 1,. Sthon, W.13. Itichards, C. If. ?Jones, C.
IT. Stihcr, to be qnartcriiiastcrs, with tlic rank of major; W. V. Deadcrick, ,J. 13. OISryan, ,JolinM. Green, Williarii 31. Sowers, 13.11. Xwing,
11:. I3. Tnullmer, 0. F. Wei$igcr, Felix Ilucayet, E. 2). (::Lines, A. l<.
Venable, to be assistant qmrtcrniahters, with thc i*niiliof captain;
lsunc Schcrcbk, to be c o m n i i ~ s ~with
~ ~ ythe
, rank of niajoi-; I:. c i . Behre,
George 1. Elliott, to be assistant ronniiisharit:~,with the 1.ank of captain, reported, with the recommendation that all of mid nominations he
The Senate proceccled to consider said rcport ; axid in concurrence
thcrcivith, it was
12csoZwd, That the Senate adviac and conscrit to tlirir rLppointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from thc Coniniittce on JIilitsry Affairs, to whom
werc refcrrcd the noiiiin:itionu of T. ,J. Freeman, 13. 31. A4nderson, to
he coloriela; .J . T. Cc:Lrn:il, to be 1i~~itci~:Liit-c~~~oncI:
Richard Gnines,
.J. 1. Tho1npsot1, to IK m:tjors; V. C. COOLC,E. lh~tnrai1,S. A. DO~RII,
to he captains; W. M. MagScnis, to ho fint licutenant, reported the
, m i l ( ? itli the rccoixmendation that, they lie on the tablc.
Ihc Sonate procertlcd to csonsidcr said report; and
MZ, That said norniixitionx lie on thc ttLI)lc.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Coinniittcc on Military Affairs, to wlioni W R S
rrferrcd the nomination of L. Peck, to be major, reportccl, with the
rec.orriincncltltion that said nomination be not confirmed.
1he Senate proceeded to consider said report; ~ x ill
l coiiciirreiicc
therewith, it ~ v a s
Resohecl, That the Senate do not itd\-ihc and corisenl t o t h e appoiiitment of 14, Peck, to be major.




Mr. sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

referred the nomination of William Johnston, to be assistant quartermaster, with the rank of captain, reported, with the recommendation
that said nomination be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and
O n motion by Mr. Burnett,
Ordemd, That the nomination lie on th e table.
On motion by Mr. Semnies, that the vote confirniing the nomination
of John Pegram as brigadier-general be reconsidered,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That t he nomination be recommitted to the Committee on
Military Affairs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
April 23, 1863.
To the Senate of the,Skr,tes:
Agreeably to tlir rc.coinnientlntion of the Toctma~tc.r-(;ellrral, I tierrby nominate
postmaster at Nontgoinery, Ala
E. 31. Burton, to
Ilichmond, April 23, 2868.
SIR: I haye the honor to recommend E. 31. Burton, rsq., or appointment as postmaster at Montgomery, Montgomery County, Ma., by and with the advice and consent
of t h e Senate.
iery respertfully, your ubetlieril s e n ant,
Postmaster- General.

l h e message WLY rcad.

Ordered, That i t be referred to the Cornniitteo on Post-Offices and
On motion by Mr. Oldharn,
The Senate resolvcd into secret lcgixlative session.


~ ~ ~ ~2.1,
1 11863.

OIRN S R s S I O ~ .

Mr. Wigfall, from the Comniittcc, on Jlilitary Affairs, to whom

wcre referred the following bills:

H. 1%.
55. An act t o provide for tho appointment of military storekeepeix in the Provisional A m y of th e Confederate Statcs; and
11. It. 56. An act [to provide] for the appointriicnt o f u superintenden t of lnboratorics;
reported them scverally without amendment.
Mr. Wigfall, from thc Coninlittee on Nilittlry Affairs, to whom was
referrrd tlie bill (EL R. 57) authorizing the President to confer npon
the Chief of the IZnreau of Ordnance and the Chief of Engineer Bureau
the rank, pay, and :dIownncw of brigadier-general in the Provisional
Rrniy, rcportcd i t with the rccommendation that it ought not to ass.
Mr. M7igfall, from tho Comnittce on Military Affairs, rcporte
A bill (S. 137) t o amend an act approved tlie 11th day of October,
1862, entitled An act to raise an additional military force to serve
during the war, approved the eighth of May, eighteen hundred and


Apr. 'LJ, IXOY.]

sixtjr-one, and to provide for raising forces in the States of Mis

and Kentucliy ;))
which was read the first and sccoiid times arid ordered to be place

upon the Calendar

On motion by Mr. Wigfall,,rd,That the Coirirtiittec on Militnry Affairs bc discha
from the f urthcr consideriLtion of the nie igc of tlic Prcsiclent o
Confederate States, trarisniittiiig ropics of certain reports of the battle
of Mlrfrecsboro.
h mess:tge from tlic llousc of l h p r ~ s (
, hy hir. McDonald:
Mi.. I'~~.sicEe~if:
Tlic lloriw of Itepresc~ntatire\Iia.

iirg titlv.. .

s. 9 4
s. 70.

it( t to <
I t h e fuini t ~ filtj-wnt
,Kt t ( l I
t h c b extra 1)"s allonetl
in ilic city (it' Riclii
S 90. An acat relati\c to ccrtain bonds ant1 TI
vi5ioiw of tlic. n c b t tippro\ etl May 16, 1801.
The t\\n lad riaiiietl with anicridnient~,i n wliich they ask the coiiciirrciicc of the
Senate .
And they Iiavc p a x 4 bills of tlie iolloning titles; in which they request the co11N-"CIICP
of the Senate:
FT. 12 58 411 act to adirrit free of d u t y all machinery for the manofacture of cotton
or w i x ) I , or niw.ssary for carrying on any of tlw nievhanic Arts; and
11. 11. 59. An act to cmtinue and amend tlic third section of an act siipplementary
to :in act cmcerning the pay and allowance due t o deccaued soldiers, approved Fcbruary 15, 1862, and to provicle for tile prompt settlenicnt of chiins for nrrearages of
pay, allowance, and hoiinty due tltx~eastdoflicers and soldiers.
Tlic I'rcbicicnt of the Confederatti Stattw has notified the House of Itepreaentatircs
that on the 22d instant lie approved and signed tlir following hills and joint resoliition:
It. 19 A1lllact to cshljlieli R iiitvr aiitl iiiiiiing bureaii;
. l i X2. An act to :tiircntl a n :wt c~ntitlctt"An act to provide for at1 inrrcasc, of
11rcl Qi~arteriirusterand C O I I I I I I I S I)c.l)artiriciits,"
approvtd Fcbriiary 15,18(%;
11. I<. 42. A i n act to liqiiidatc %: claim diie to the State of Alabama. for the steaiiic r


1"lorida; and
11. 12. 9. tJoiiit rcmlution for tlic rvlicf oC 11. If. Epping.

On inotioti by Mr. Clark, that the Scndtv proceed to tlic cond,er:itioii of the bill (11. 12. tti) i n rclation to the transfer of troops, aiid to
rc.pcd :iii act entitled '%I a r t ill relalion to tho transfcr of truops,"
:ipproved September 23, 1862,

A f tcr debate,
Mr. Jlxynes demanded the question; whic.11 w:is seconded, and
The qucstion being put,
. - - - -.- - 9
I t was cictermined in the ncgatirc, Says
. _ _ . _ .12
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Ark:msns,
The yea$ mid ntiys lwiiig dcsircd by om-fifth of tlif Scri>ttorsprcseiit,
'Fhosc who voted i n the :dlirrnativc we,
hlehhrs. Clark, Dortch, lIaynes, cJohnson of iirkamits, Mitchcl,
OltXliaiii, Peyton, Scmmes, and Sirnitis.
Those who votcd in thc negative are,
Messrg. Barnwell, Burnett, Caperton, Clay, Davis, Henry, IIiinttr.
tJohnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Om, Phelan, and Wigfall.
A inessage frorti the House of Reprcsentativeb, hy Mr. ;LlcI)onald :


$11.. Prrxirlmi/:Tlw T-Toilst, of Reprcwntatives have pawed Senate bills of thc Eollou ing titles:
S. 19. An art to anieiitl an act to organize the clerical force of the Trearuiy
Departnient ;





[Apr. 24,

ntllori/e tlie isrue of eight per crnt bonds or certificates of stock

anirntl a n a t t entitled


act to regulate inigressments by

officersof tlic

,\I iii?,
11i t h aniendnicnts,

in \\ hicli they request tlie concurrence of the Senate.
i\iitl t1it.y ha\ ct passed a bill (11. 12 G O ) to declare the meaning and extend the pro>isions of aii act entitled h i act toiiicreaqe the pay of certain officers and employes
ill the executive and legislative departments, approved October 13, 1862; in which

they request the concurrence of the Senate.

The bills received this daj from the !do11se of Bepresentatives for
coilcurrerice were severally read th e first and second times.
Ordered, That the bill numbered 59 be referred to the Committee
on Military Affairq and that the bills nuinhered 58 and 60 be referred
to the Committee on Financc.
The Senate proceeded to coilhider the airieiidnient of the House of
Representativch to tho bill (S.I!)) to :imc~nda11 act to organize the clerical force of tlic lrcasur~1)epartnicnt; and
On motion 1)s JIr. Sintrns,
O/dcwd, Thnt thc further conqidcration tlicreof be postponed until
The Senate proccodctl to consider the timendriient of the House of
Rcprcsentatirch to the bill (Y. TCi) to ivgiilntc th e e x tra pay allowed
soldiers tletailrd for duty as clcrlis in the city of Richmond; and
JTZcsot~;cd,Tltat thcy c o n c u r tlierein.
Owieyed, Thtit the Sccrctary inform the IIousc of Bepresentatives
The Scnate procc3edcd to considcr thc xiiiendnient of the House of
Rcpresentativc\ to thc bill (S. 90) rclatirc t o ccrtain bonds and Treasury notes issucd iindcr tlic provisions of the act approved May 16,
1861; and
On motion l)y 1111.. Scninich,
O / d e n d , That it I t e rcfcrrcd to the Coinmittec on Finance.
The Sciiate proceeded to con4der thc arrwndtncnt of th e IIouse of
Bcprcsmtnti\w t o tlic bill (S.111) to authorin: the issue of eight per
cent bonds or ccrtificntcs of htock i n certain cases; and
12csoZvecn, Thxt the~7concur thcrcin.
Ohdewd, That the Sccrotaiy inforni thc IIousc of liepresentatives
natc procccclcd to c o n d e r the nnwntlment of tho House of
:dircs to the bill (S. 129) to :inlend an act entitled An act
to rcgulate iniprcwncnts t)y officers of tlic Ariiiy; and
B, sol~ecl,Ihat t 11 cy concii r tli cre i 11.
O?*dcrotl,That the Secretary infoim thc House of Reprosenta tives
The Scriate rcsumcd, as in Coiiiinitiec of tlie 7V hole, the consideration of the bill (S. LOlj) to prolnote t h e cfiieicncjr of thc Army and to
scwrc prompt, raturni; frCJm dist)ursing ofticers.
On the question to stgrcc to the motion submitted by Mr. Migfall,
to reconsider the votc o n ngrecing- to tho following anicndmcnt to the
atucnclnient reported f roiii the Committee on Military Affairs, viz:
After explanation, scction 1, lint. 9, insert t h r following proviso:
Ind prozlidd, That o ~ i ci i i ~ i i t hI.)(% allo\lctl thv ofliccr so reported as absent without
1e:irc to furnish re:i?om for his al)rrntr beforc tht: order dropping him shall issue:
:ind i n case satiqfactory ~ C L ~ P O for
I ~ S such absence shall be established after the issue
of such order, the Sccretary of War iiiay revoke the fiailie and reinstate the officer,

Apr. 24,1863 1



It was determined in the ncga tive.

The reported amendnieiit as amended was then agreed to.
No further amendment being made, th e hill was reported
Senate and the amendrnent mas concurred in.
O t d m d , That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill T T ~ Sread thc third time :tnd the title W ~ amende
BesoZvecZ, That it pass, aiicl that the title thereof be A n act to pr
vide for dro i n g officers of t8heA m y who arc absrrit without leave.
Ordoc.).ed,&at tho SC;ccretary rcquest thc concurrence of the House
of Reprcscutativc~sthercin.
On motion h y MY.Oldharn,
Thxt the rC;(Tir:Ltc proccrd to tlic c.oiisideratioii of thr bill (S. 69) for
tlie cvnfiscxtion of the lrawhold interest and shares of stock owned
by the Aiiicrican Tclcgruph Coinpany and other alien enemies in the
line, of tclcgraph in the Confedcr:itc States,
s 7
I t wab determined in tlic negatiw, 7 Y
....- - - _ _. _
Bays . ... . _
On inotiori by Nr. Orr,
rhoyeas and wiys being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the afirmativc are,
Mcssrs. Bui*nctt, Clay, lInyncs, Henry, Oldhnni, Orr, tmd Wigfall.
Those who voted i n thc negative are,
Messrs. I%Lrnwell, Capcrton, Clark, Davis, Hnnter, Johnson of
Georgia. Johnson o f Arkansas, & l t t x ~ ~ 1 lhclaii,
and Semnics.
Ihc Sciiatr rrwiii(~1,as i n Coritniittec of the Whole, the considemtioii of the bill (S. 11%)
to fucilitatc: trailsportation for thc Govern111ent, iLlld
ion Ity 311,. Rarnrvell,
, Tlitit tlic furthtxr conridcrtition thereof l)c 1)ostponcd until
tis in Comtriittcc of tlic vlhole, to th(1 coilThe Srnatc i*o(~reded,
sideratioti of t ie bill (H. It. 30) to punish forgery and counterfeiting;
a n d , htivirig I)mn :iiiiendt.d on the motion of Mr. Scniincs, the bill was
t o the Senate : L i d thc, aiiicndnients were concurred in.
d , lhat the anicndmeiits be engrossed arid the hill read a

The mid l)ill its :Lnit*ndcd :is rcwl the third tinio.
Jiesolwd, That it pass with anicndiiicnth.
d , That the Secretitry request the coi~curre~ic(~
o f the liousc
of lteprcsentativcs i n the anicndiiients.
Tkic Senate wsurricd, as in Committee of the Wholc, t h r cwisidcration of tlic joiiit rcholution (S.4) in relation to the ircc nitvigation of
the iUississi1q)i ltivcr.; arid
On motion l)y Air. ON,
(,)7~1~,,7ecl, Ihat the frirthcr c~on~itler~atioit
thcreof be postponcd until
Mondaj; next.
The beriatc rwuiiicd, as ill Coinmittcc, of the Whole, tho consideration of the bill (S. 69) for the confiscation of the leasehold interest and
shares of stock owned by th e American Telegraph C o m p a n ~and
~ other
alien eneniiei in t h e lines of telegraph in the Confcdrratc States; and
On motion b j ~Mr. Karnwell,
Bes(~lued,That i t be pobtlwned indefinitely.
On motion by Mr. Orr, that the vote on the indefinite postponement
of the hill be reconsidered,
O n motion by Mr. Clay,



The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

I Iic doors h v i n g I w e n opened,
On iiiotion by ah. ,Johnson of Arkansas,
The Scnate adjourned.
, I


Thc S r r d c resunied, its in Coininittee of tho Whole, the considerntion of the hill (S.105) to provide for the conscription of aliens resident in the Confederate Statcs.
The question being on agreeing to the motion bubniitted by &Ira
Clay, that the further consideration of the bill be postponed until the
second Monday in Deceiiibcr next,
M r . Clay withdrew thc sanie.
No :~incndi:ic~nt
being rliiLdC, tlw bill TT : ~ hreported to tlic Senate.
On the question,
Shall the bill bt. criguosscd iind rcad i~ third tiiiic?
- ..
- _. 6
It was dctcrniincd in the ncg:itivv,
.... .
0 1 1 niotioii hy Air. Our,
'L'lic - p i s and mys l)cirig desired l)y one-fifth of the Senators present,
Tliosc who voted in the aikiriiiiitive w c ,
Mew-s. IEurnttt, ( k r k , Clay, Mitchcl, T'hclnn, :iiid Wigfall.
Those who Toted in the 1xg:::Ltii.cXI-0,
Messrs. ~3:irnwcll,(hpci.toti, Davis, IIayncs, I Ienry, IIunter, dohnson of Georgia, ill:ixwell, OIT, I'cyton, and Sinims.
So t3hebill wazj rejected.
On motion by Mi-. Orr,
The Senate rcsolved into escc.i:tive
~:SRCUTIVl4: 816SS10K.

The following iiicxsugcs ~vero~*eceircdf roni the Yresident of the

Confcdcr:ito St.atcs, by MY.13. Lu. Harrison, his Secretmy:


AMERICA,IZxscuTrve Dxi~,.i1mxsiw,
12iciimonc1, April 23, 1863.

To llie Sencite of the ( h f e d e r u t e Sttrlcs:

of thc? Secretary oi War, I nominate t h e officers
Agreeably to the r~c~oiiiinendat.ioii
on tlie accompanying list to tlic rank affixed to their names, respectively.
CON E'I.:I)&RA1'IZ SlA T l B 0 1' A hl ICl{IC'A, Iv A I t DEPARTMENT,
Richi?iond, April IG, 1863.
S I R :I hare the honor to recotimiend the followiig iioiiiiiiatioiis for appointment
ill the I'rovisiounl Army of the Confederate States of iltrierica:
,\cr ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ J~A N0U A~ R1Y ~22,1 1862.
11, of Gcorgia, to be Iitajor of artillery, for duty with Brig. Gen.
ik from March 26, 1863.
Capt: W. Allan, of Virginia, to I)c major of artillery, for duty with Lieut. Col. U . G.
Baldwill, t o rank froin hlarcli 17, 1863.
Capt. jV. c'. Preston, of South Carolina, to l)c major of artillery, f o r tlnty w i t h Brig.
Gcn. It. S. Hipley, to rank frorn April 2, 1863.
T. I). Bertocly, of (;wrgia, to IE major of artillcry, for duty with Col. E. C!. Anderryon, tit Savannah, (;a,, to rank froui March 05, 1863.
J o h n (2. Haskell, of Korth Carolina, to bc major of artillcry, for d u t y with Xlaj.
tien. 1). Harvey Ilill, to rank from i\pril 13, 1863.
1 am, sir, rcqm':tfully, your ol~edieritservant,
,%wetnry oJ War.
I 'PPS idrn 1, rtc.

Apr. 24,1863.1



Richmond, April 28,1803.
To the ,Yenate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the reconiniendation of tlie Secretary of Wnr, I nominate the officers
on the accoinpanying list to tlie rank affixed to their names, respectively.





R i ~ h i l ~ April
~ ~ d 16,
, 1868.

SIR. I have the honor to rccommend the fo1loTving nolninations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the C'oiifcderatc States of hnirrica:
CO>lX i S D A N T 6 0 1 '

( AVl'h


01' I


I;. M.Cox, of Kentucky, 10 I)c iiiajor, ortlcrcd to rcpoit for duty to Licnt. (201.
E. I). Blake, coii~ninndin~
raiiip of instruction, I<nosville, 'lknii., t o rank froin April
9, 186J.


P. 11. Thikc, of TTirginia,t o be second lieutenant, ordcrcd to report for duty to Gen.
G. J. Raiiw, roinmaiiding Conscript Bureau, to rank from April 1, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, yuur obedient wrvant,
Secemefuryof War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, d c .
Richmond, April 23, 1808.
To (he Seiiafe of ilie C'onfeSedPrule Atxles:
Agreeably to the rrcoinnieiitlatioii of tlic Secrchry of War, I norninato W. A.
\Valkc.r, ( i f South Carolina, to be major First South ('arolina Cavalry Itcgiment (to
fill original \ acm~cy),to rank lront , \ p l 2, 1 W .
J 1317PERS0,U DA\'IS.


\, \v~\Il~)EI'ARl'MI~KT,


Rdr,iiond, 1 i ) ~ i15,
/ IS(;S.
SIR: I have the honor lo re~~oirini~~11~1
tlic. iolloninq noii~inalionlor ~~I)I~oiiil,iii(,iil
the I'rorisioiial . i t iiiy t ) f tlir ('oiifrtlerde State? ~f A I I I ( ~ I ~ I Y ~

\V A Walkcr, of Soiith Carolina, to be ninjor First South Carolina Cavalry Itcgi(to fill original vacancy), to rank from April 2, 1863.
I nni, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Sw-ettrvy o j War.
To IIiv 1Sxcellency JEI<WIE


To the ,Senate of fhp C ' O ~ ! ~ & ~ Y I ~ P &(tes:

\fircy'ably to tllv r(.c.oiiiiiicritfatioiiof tlir Swretary of L V u , I norrrinate the officers
O I I tlicx annexrtl l i d t o thc. i a n k ~
aAi\-cvl to their IKUI-IW,

SIR: 1 harc the honor to subinit tho following nominations for appointment in the
f'rovisional iirniy of {lie Confrtlrratc Stater of Anicricz:

Col. IT. D. Clayton, of Alabarna, to he 1)ri,nadicr-ec~iieral,

to coinmand brigsde now
commanded by Brig. Gcn. A. Gumming, to rank from April 22, 1863.


[Apr. 24,1863.

Aids-de-camp, with rank and p a y of first lieutenant.

Willi>.ni Simp,wn, of -,
to report for duty to Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, to
rank from October 10, 1862.
Johli F). ICector, of Srkansas, to report to Brig. (;en. 71'. 1,. Cabrll, to rank from
March 4, 1863.
Thomas 1. Kenan, of , to report to Brig. Gen. W.I. T. Walker, to rank
from March 15, 1863.
Charles A. Brusll?, of Louisiana, to report to Brig. Gen. Louis IIBbert, to rank
from February 7, 1863.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary oj' War.
To His Excellency JNFFRRSOX DAYIS,
f'resideelzt, etc.
CONI?EI)EILATk: fi'P.\Tli:S 111.' h I E K l C \ ,

R i c h o n d , April 93, 1863.

To the Senate qf the Conjederolr Stules:

Agreeably to the recoiiiinen(1atio~iof the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to tlie rank affixed to their nanies, respectively,
COSRPI)ERi'l'E SrATEs 01" Ahrmrca, \VAR I)SP.\Rl'\lENT,
h'irlimond, Ipr I 1 15, 1863.
SIR:1 have the honor to reco~nmendthe following nominations for promotion in
tlic Provisional Army of tlie Uonferleratr States of iiinerica:


Lieut. Col. D. L. Clinch, of Georgia, to b e colonel Fourth Georgia Cavalry Regiment (battalion increased to a regiment), Jauuary 16, 1863.
Lieut. Col. J. C. C. Sanders, of Alabama, to be colonel Eleventh hlabaiiia Regiment, vice Col. G. Field, resigned September 11, 1862.
Lient. Col. J P. Nnckols, of ICentucky, t o be colonel Fourth Kentucky Itegiment,
yice Col. W. P. Trabue, deceased February 28, 1863.
Lieut. Pal. TV. B. Aylett, of Virginia, to be colonel Fifty-third Virginia Megirnent,
vic*c: Col. 5. Grairimer, jr., resigned March 5, 1863.
I x u t . Col. A. D. Frederick, of South Carolina, to be colonel Second South Carolina
Artillery Regiment, vice Col. T. G. Lamar, deceased October 17, 1862.
Lieut. Col. Winchester Hall, of Louisiana, to be colonel Twenty-sixth Louisiana
Regiment, vice Col. J. 11. Cage, resigned Noveinber 25, 1862.
Lient. (Jol. Squire Bootie, of Arkansas, t o be colonel Twenty-first Arkansas Itegiment, vice .James fl. Hobbs, resigned August 22, 1862.
Lieut. Col. J. M. Hall, of Alabama, to be colonel Fiftli Alabama Regiment, vice
Col. c'. C. I'egues, deceased July 17, 1862.
Lieut. Col. Charles A. Derby, of Alabama, to be colonel Forty-fourth Alabama
Iteginient, vice Col. James Kent, resigned Septeinbcr 1, 1862.
Lieut. Col. Joseph 11. H a u l , to be colonel Sixteenth Virgiuia Regiment, vice Col.
C. A. Crurnp, killed August 30, 18G2.

Maj. John L. Harris, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Georgia Cavalry

Begirnent, vice Lieut. Col. D. 1,. Clinch, promoted January 16, 1863.
Naj. George I<. Tayloe, of Alabania, to be lieateiiaiit-colonel ICleventh Alabanla
Rcyiment, vice Lient. Col. J. C. C. Sanders, proniotcd September 11, 1862.
Maj. It. W. Martin, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-c.oloiie1 Fifty-third Virginia 12egimerit, vice Lient. Col. W.R. Aylett, proniotecl Marc11 5, 1863
RIaj. J. Welsrrian Brown, of South Carolina, to be lieiitenant-c.rrlon('l Gecotid South
Carolina Artillery Iteginent, vice Lieut Col. A . 1). Frederick, promoted October 17,
hfaj. J 1. IIuclsnn, of Soul h Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-sixth South
Carolina Hegirrrent, vice Lieut. Col. A. D Sniith, promoted Septelnber 9, 1862.
Naj. C. W . 3Ic.lrtliur, of Georgia, to br licntenaiit-colol7eI Sixty-first Georgia Regiment, vice I,it.nt. ('01. 11. Tillinan, rmignrd February 12, 1863.
3h.j. W. W. lZeynolds,of Arkansas, to be lieritt~~ant-colonel
Tvventy-first Arkansas
Regimeat, vice Lieut. col. Squire Booi-te, promoted iiugust 22, 1862.

hpr. 241863.1







Kichniond, April 16, 1868.

SIR: I have the honor t o recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army o f the Confederate States of ilrneria:



11, 1862.

George I. Vatigliii. of Missouri, to be captain, to raise a company in Nissouri, to
rank froin Maich 3, 1863.
IIorace 11. Brand, of Missouri, t o be captain, to raise a company iri Miswuri, to
rank from February 27, 1863.
James B. Larue, of Kentucky, to be captain, to raise a company of cavalry in Iientucky, to rank froin March 30, 1663.
George W.Woolfolk, of Kentucky, to be captain, to raise a coinpany of cavalry in
Kentucky, to rank from April 1, 1863.
I am, eir, respcctfully, your obetlieiit servant,
iYeerrela~-ijof War.
To His Excellency . ~ I . : l i : F ~ ~ iDAVIS,
lresideiit, etc.
Richmond, April 19,1663.
Ib tlie iSeiiale qf tlir Confetlernte Slairs:
Agreeably to the recoiiinienciation of the Secretary of JVar, I nominate Maj. William
Clare, of Alabama, to bc major 111 t h e ddjutaat-(;eaerals Department, Provisional
Army of the Confederate States of America.
Richmnd, April 19, 1S63.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nomination for appointment
in t h e Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America:


Maj. Williain Clare, of Alabama, to be major in the Bdjiitalllt-Clenerals Departnient, to rank froill April 9, IS63, for d u t y Iritli General Bragg.
I am, Qir, rcspectfnlly, your obedient servant,
Secretary of Tlbr.
To IIiF Excelleiicy .TI
Prcsz den t , etc.
~ ~ ~ J ~ l ~ l ) J C i %PATES
~ A T 1 3 O F rhfERICA,

Richmond, April 23, 1863.

5% tire ,Semite ?f tlir ConjXeratr A a t c s .

Agrwahly to the rccoiiiirientlati~tionof the fecretary of War, I noininate the ofiiwrs
the annexed list to the r a i i k ~afiixtd to their namep, respectively.




Rtclmond, April J 7 , IS&?.

SIR. I have i l i ~
honor to recomniend t h e following nominations for promotion in
tlrca Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
J j j e t i twi ant -colon el.

Maj. John A. Atlair, o f ICentncky, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Kentucky Regi\ice Idcut. Col. J. 1. Nuckdls, promoted, to rank from February 28, 1863. ,


Apr. 24,1863.1

Capt 13. F. Eshlenian, of Louisiana, to be major Washington Arti
J 1%Walton, nppoirited colonel Irorisional Artillery, to rank from
I am. sir, respectfully, your obedient Servant,

To 1 lis l5scellency JEFFERSON Darrs,

President, elc.
1)Elt 4Tll STATICS 0 1 h l E R I C . \ , ~:XPCUTIVE nEP.ARTXENT,

7 b [lie Senate qf the OonfXam/e Mdcs:

Ayreeably to the r(,c.oiiiiiieirtltitioii of the Secretaq of War, I nominate tlir officers
iir t l i r ac.c.oiillmiiyiiig 1i.t t o the rank affixed to their naniee, respectively.

l ) l X IPJC STATXh OK A ~ h I I C I < l C A\iaR


Riclinioncl, Murch 2, 1863.

Silt. 1 1 1 c ~tlic~ houor to rcwmniieiid the following noininations for appointment
iii t l r t , P~oririoiml.1riiiy 01 t!ic Confederate States of Ainerica:

Ok ( \ \ I P S 0 1 0 INSTRI

J. C. Jolindon, of Tennessee, to roinmand ramp of instruction, East Tennessee, to
t ~ to
, coniniaiid cnaiup of

instruction, North Alabama,


I V i l l i m i S..U(~lson,of Tirgiuia, for duty with Coloncl Shields, coinmanding conc froni 1)ccenibcr 12, 1862.
, for tlrity ~sitlihhjor Clark, coiiiinantliiig caiiip of
to rank froin Ileceniber 12, 1862.
IN, for duty with Col. 1. Mallett, conmianding conto rank froni December 12. 1862.
! 3 . \\aters, of ;\Tort11(hroliim, for duty with Brig. Gen. w. 1-1. C. Whiting,
t 0 rank Troni Dec(mber 20, 18(i2.
\V.\Y.Swam, of North Carolina, to bc) assigned t,o d u t y by Brig. C h i . (3. J. ltaiiis,
Chief c ~ C:onsc.ript
Bureau, to rank from J>c?c:ember24, 1862.
I am, sir, req)c;ctfiilly, your obedient servant,
,Secrc,ltrry (if I~VW.


inzond, April 23, 18tj.9.


t tic)

t,lie Secretary of War, 1 nominate t,lie officers

flixed to their naniw, respc.cti\dy.
i ~ i ~ i S~ ~, A
~ T
~ (N
i~i S
th ~a ~ r : i ~ ~\VAR
April 16, l S ( 3 .
I 11a\-ellic I r o ~ i o rto rtx*oninicwd the following noininations for appoint.iiictnt
Iroriaioiial . \ T I I ~of~ the (:onfc:deriLtc States of An1erica:
I 1 d j u t m i ~ s ,witl, t h e rnn.1~tf$rst lieutmant.

A . IT. IIouatnn, of North Carolilia, to be adjntant Fifteentli North Carolina Itegil o rank from October 1, 1862.
.I. \V. Nance, of Tonnessec, to I)H atljntairt Twenty-fourtll Teunessee Iieginient, to
raiik fmrn Febrn:wy 25, 1863.
rlrthur J. Magenis, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Twenty-seventh Arkansas Regiment, to rank froni July 14, 1862.



\Yri&t S. Hafkett, of Tennesst,e, to be adjutaiit Six teenth Tennessee Regiment,

to rank from March 7, 1863.
B. F. Al,)bott, of Georgia, to Ile adjutant Twentieth Georgia Regherit, to rank
f m i i March 10, 1863.
J. C. Habersham, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Twenty-fifth ,4rkansas Kegintent,
to rank from February 26, 1863.
E. A. Warren, of Arkansas, t o he adjutant Eleventh ArkanFay Regiment, to rank
fioin October 1, 1862.
TVilliain L. Ware, of Mississippi, t o be Adjutant Thirty-eighth illissirnippi Regiment, to rank froin October 1, 1862.
Sic1nc.y C. Lewis, of Kentucky, to be adjutant Third Kentucky Cavalry Battalion,
to rank from November 29, 1862.
C. S. Newman, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Sixtieth Tennessee Reginient, to rank
froin October 6, 1862.
Williaiii S. Barnes, of North Carolina, to be adjutant Fourth North Carolina Regiment, to rank from March 14, 1863
W. C . Keith, of South Carolina, to be adjutant Filrt Sonth Carnlina Rifle Regiment, to rank from NIarcli 25, 1863.
William G. Smith, of Alabama, ti) lw atljtitaiit Twenty-second Alabama Regiment,
to rank Eroni March 12, 1863.
A. J. Murphy, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Eighth Tennessee Regiment, to rank
from October 12, 1862
J. 13. Robinson, of Texas, to be adjutant Thirteenth Texas Regiiiient, to rank
froin October 20, 1862.
Gregory Yiiiestra, of Florida, to be adjutant First FloridaRegiment, to rank from
March 16, 1863.
Henry MacCorniack, of Texas, to be adjutant Third TexasRegiment, to rank froin
January 19, 1863.
Leslie C. n e Morse, of Texas, to be adjutant Twenty-ninth Texas Cavalry Regiment, to rank from February 9, 1863.
13. V. Harris, of Virginia, to be adjutant I!Jeventli Virginia Regiment, to rank
from April 7, 1863.
I am, sir, rcxspectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of WUI.
To His Excellency J E I ~ ~ DAVLY,
Prpsident, etc.
Richmond, April 23, 1~65.
To tlie Sencite o f f h i , foiifd,riitt, Sl(11es:
.igrePal)ly 10 tlic. ~.ei~o~nrnrntlntion
nf the Secretary of \Vw, I nominate First Lieut.
15. F. Dnnaa ay, of Yirginia, to 1 ) mptain
Company 1, Fortieth Virginia Regiment,
to milk iron1 hlarcli 26, 1863.
1, WAR Diwziiwxxm,
h?ichmo?id, r l p d 17, 1863.
SIR:I ha] e the lioiior to recommend the folloM ing noinination for appointnient
in thc: Irovisional A r m y of the Confcdcrate States of America:
OPFI( &It ISJIleR ,\<T

13, 1862.


1;irst 1,ient.
I. l ) u n a n a y , of Virginia, t o be captain Company I , Fortieth Yirgiiiizi ltcgiinc~iit,to iiitik Iroiii March 26, 181%.
I : i i i i , sir, respectfully, y o u r obedient ,
S t w e t m y of I Vrir.
t , etc.

,\xrecably t o t h o I.((oIlIIilciltli~ti~)Iloi the Secretary of IVar, I noininate the officers

tie accoinpanying l k t to t h l 2 rank affixed to their names, respectively.




Apr. 24,1XG3.]

Richmond, April 26,
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the following noininations for appoi
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
ilidx-tic-cnmp, i ~ i t l ithe rwik qf .fii,st Eiezdenmzt.

,T. Stocldartf, of (;eorgia, Brig. Grii. 13. \V. Mercer, February 28, 1863.
C:. J . llouks, of Arkansas, Brig. Geii. D. McRac, February 11, 1863.
John 17. House, of Tennessee, Brig. C h i . G. Manev, January 1 , 1863.
B. A . Walthall, of Mississippi, Rrig. (;en. E. C. Walthall, February 12, 1863.
J. T. IT. Holcoiribe, of Texas, Brig. C h i . I<. Grew, Nowmber 15, 1862.
of Virginia, Brig. Gt.11. .T. Echols, March 18, 1863.
o f Virginia, Brig. ( r c n . J. I). lmbodeli, January 28, 1863.
f Tcxas, Brig. (ieii 11. E. XcCulloeh, Ja~iuaryI, 1863.
o f ,\lahaiiia, Brig. Gru. R. E. ltodes, March 12, 1863.
o! Trnnessre, 31:tj. Gen. U. F. Cheatham, March 25, 1SW.
Sortli Carolina, Brig. (4cn. It. F. Hoke, March 20, 1863.
f 3Iarylauc1, Naj. Gen. 31. 1., Siiiith, March 13, 1863.

f Gcorgia, Brig. (;en. 11. L. Beriiiinp, January 17, 1863.

rcspectfully, J (JIII obedient servant,
Secrelnry of IVw.
To llis Exwllei1c.y .J
Presideril, ele.

I ani,

Fir ,

The 1ness;Lges were severally read.

07&/*ed,That they bc, referred to the Coininittee on Military Affairs.
70 the IvesidPnt qf the Senate of f h e Conjfderate Slnttx
T iioniiiiate tlie persons named in tho aniiexetl letter of tho Rwretary of tho Navy,
i i g r t u b l y to his rc~coiiiriiendnt~on.
R I C I I V I ) \ IV) , \., lpri/ g,?,186.7.


Iioiior t o rwoiiinieiiil t l i v following iiouiiiiatioris for appointinent

JJr 1he


.Josepl~Iricv, of Sortli C:woliii+t.

1,\sia/uit/ ~ ) i i ! y ) w s t w .


JV. P.Stoaklcy, of S o i t h Carolina; C. 11.Parker, of Jlipsksippi; lieiny N. JIclvin,

t l l c l)istric%of Columbia.
\\ith much respect, your obedient servant,


Secretary of tire Nuvy.

TOf k 0 l J , ~ , ~J?t
~ ~of
d 111r
S ~ h i ( t l rof IIW ( 7 0 ~ ~ i f ~ ( l rS/~r/u.s.
11 tlrc. aiincsc~lletter of the Sr<w+Iy of the Navy,

I)l<H \I12

f i P A Y l 3 S 01 . ~ I I C K I V A , N A V Y I)E:PARTMENT,

12!chnioizd, April 18,1863.


hoiror to

i Iir

following noinination for appointment

in the ?ia\ y:


w. (i(.ary, of l h l t n c l r y .

\Vitlr 1nnc.11 respect, yonr o l ) ( ~ i i c . n iwwuit,


,Secretary of the Not y.

I he iriehmgw wcrc S(TCL.:LIIJ
Ordc t d , 111:iL t h ~ y
l)r referred to t2ic Committee on Naval Affairs.
Lhe Scnatc proceeded l o consider tlic resolution submitted by Mr.
OIT, fi*oni thc (hiiiuittcc~on Forcigii Affairs, on tlie 19th nltitno, i n
rclxtjon t o tjhe csp~diciic~y
of nppointitig cn\wys ostrnordinary and
iiiinistcr, plcipotc.nti:~i.!. ti) foreign courts; which was agreed to, as
f 011o\vs :

natc, in answer to the message of the President

iient tliat airy nomination or confirmation of
h?inadc to m y foreign
all have been recognized
ters are to be accredited

from t h Conimittco on Foreign Affairs, to whom was

(on the 20th instant) the message of the President in relation
t o t hc cspcdicncy of srndiiig ti corniiiissioncr t o Russia, reported the

On motion by 3lr. .Tohiison of Arkansas

lhc Scnntc rr.;ol\~c.tlinto o l ) w lcgislativ

ipr. 25,18631


The President pro teinporc laid before the Senate a cominuii

from the Attorney-Generill, transniittirig a report on the claim
B o d i n g Grcen 13ridgc Coiripariy for the destruction of their
over 1Sarrcn Eivcr, Kcntiiclrg ; which was read.,./zd, That it be referred to the Comniittcc on Claim
311..13arnwel1, from the Committee on Finance, to
r e f c i x d the following bill,.:
H. R. 58. Anact to admit f r c ~of duty :dl n1:whinery for the manufit(:tltre of cottoll 01 \\Tool, 01 I I
:try for cariying on any of the
incch anic arts ; and
13. it. GO. A n act3t o dc.clt~ct h t 111Cittiiilg and cstciid t h e provisions
of i ~ ilct
cntitlccl .in a c t to incrca\c tlic l i a j o f mrtain officem and
ciiiploj-cc~sin thv wecwti\-c itnd lcgislatiw dcprtments, ap!proved
Octobrr 13, Ism;
rcporttd tlieiii sc\-(~ixlly\\-ittiout :urieirdnient.
lhe Scrmtc procceclctl, :LS i n Couiniittcc of thc Whole, to the considcrntioii of the L i I h (11. It. 58, TI. li. GO) last inriitioncd; arid no amendment beiiig ~iiade,thoy werc rcportetl to the Senate.
Ode~-ecl,That they p:ws to N third rcnditig.
1)illswcic srl-crdly read the third tinic.
, That tl1cy pa.
That the 8ecrt.t:trj. i d o r m thv 13otise of itt:presen tatiyes

On motion by 311,. l)avis,

0 1 d o w ~lh:it
tlie 1Ion. A . ( i . Rrown Ii:ii-(~ I ~ n ci of ahsetice from
thc, s(wions of tlic S;c.nntcuntil Tiicscltiy ncxt .
A nichhag~1rorii the I l o i i ~ cof l~rlm.c.sctrlati\.cs,by MI*. NcDonald:
IKL\ (s c*oiic*urrc~tl
i n tliv rtwlrition of thr
Jiaj r i c s t , for tliv adjonrninciit, siiic tlir, of

i t d i \ (+

Thc Slmitker of the Ilons:c

an rnroll(d joint rc~wlnt
signature of their Ireuitknt.

r ,

hIitati\ 1x5 1i;tviiic higiJe(1 siiidry cnrolled bills

lirwtetl to briiig t l i r i i i to ( l i e Swiatc: for the

I he Scn;it,c. procectltd, i i h in Coiiiiriiltc.e o f the Wliolc, to the coilsitlolation o i the joint, rcxolntion (11. 11. 13) to cstal)lish a scnl for tho
Confetlerntc S t a h ; : ~ n d
on 1)y 1\11.. Scmriies,
, T h a t the furthci. coiisidcr:ition tlierwf bo postponed to
a r i d m:idc the speci;il o r d ~ for
r Moudtly nost :It, 19 ocloolr.
On inotion by Air. XI:~s~\-cll,
The Senato rewlvcd into sccrct Ic~gjslativc~
r ,
I he doors having t)ccii opened,
The Senate promcdcd to consider tlie :iin(>ndnicntof t h o 1Iouse of
Representatives to thc hill (S. 19) to a n i c d i L n wt to organize the
clericd force of tlic Ireasury Dcpartrnerit; :tnd
On motion by illr. Clark,
Ohtlercd, llii~tit Iw i-cferi~d
to the Coiiiiiiittcc on Finance.
1lie Hcnatc. rcsumcd, as in Coniiiiittcc~of the IVholc, the corinideratiori of the bill (S.119) to facilitate tmnsportation lor the Government;
On motion by Mr. B:trnwell,
O~dmd,That it hc tranbfcrrcd t o the Secret Lcgislativc Calendar.
On motion 17s Rlr. Barnwell,
The Senate again resolved into secrct legislative session.
r 7



[Apr. 25,1863.

The doow haying been opened,

The following message was received from th e House of Representatiws, by Mr. JJcDonald:
JIy. Presideprf; The Speaker of tlie House of Itepresentatives haring signed three
erirolled bills, I am directed to bring them to thc Senate for the signature of their

On iiioi,ioii by Nr. IIqmes,

The Senatc adjourned.

On iiiotioii by M r . Mlaxwell,
Or&/SaI, T1i:Lt tlic in junction of secrecy be removed from the proceedings of t h e Senate on tlie bill (S. 58) to estahlish a volunteer navy.
On motion by X1r. Barnwell,
~ , & ? ~ ~ ~T1i:it
c l , tho hitjunction of secrecy hc removed from the proccccliiigs of thc Sc:cnatc: on the bill (8. 105) to provide f o r tho coiiscriptioii of nlicns residcnt in the Confederate States.
On motion by ,141.. \\igfall,
111c Srnatcl i*wolvedinto exrcutive session.
llcing ngnin in secret legislatire session,
The Senate rcbiitned, a:, in Committee of the MTholc, the consideration of tlzc bill (S. 112) to facilitate trimsportation fcr the Government.
On niotion 1)s A i r . IIiuitcr, to amend the bill by striking out the
\wrtl all. swtion I , line 20, arid inserting such of, and by insertiiip & r r oprratiycs, in thc twenty-first line of thc mule section, the
words :is arc witlijri the ages liable to conscription under existing

It W : L ~

dcterniincd in the dkirnfiitivc.

O n motion by Mr. Ilarnwcll, to nnicnd thc bill by btrilting out the

i w i i n t d in tlio tiffirnietive.

by Mr. Ilayncs, to m w n d the bill hy inserting a t the end

of the fourth scction tlic following pro\.iso:
P r o / itlcr7, Tliat tailroads iii liicli any State 1~
to t I i r . roti~pmiesof said t oacls shall iivt bc i~irluc

&tutor)- lien for bonds loaned

itliiri the prorisions of this act,


rniincd i n tlic negative.

by MI.. IIayncs, t o xiiicnd tlie bill hy inserting a t the end
of the first scckion tho following proyiho:
powers l\crc.iii vestetl in the. :tuthorities nforwaitl shall not be
to swli lailroads s: refnw aiitl fail to w r r p freights nrcrssary to
:Inti to support the armies of the Confederate States,

I t wiw detcrniintd in the, ncgiti\ c.

inotion by Ah.. Sc~~iiiics,
to amend tho ))ill hy inserting at the
end of tlic fiwt scction thc following provim:

dcd, Tll2Lt 110 railrc+id exclwiwly owned a11d worked 1)y a t l ~ .State shall be
1 o r iiiipr(w+d imtlcr thc provkions of this act,

I t wits tlctcwnined in the affirmsd i1ve.

On motion hy XIr. Stmincs, to amend the bill by striking out, secthct words or of great importance,"
r m i n d i n the affirmative.

On iiiotiori by Mr. Orr,

Apr. 27,1863.1


0 7 . d e 7 * 4 That the further consideration of the bill be postp

and made the special order for Monday next at 11 oclock.
Mr. Semines sultniitted the following resolution ; whic
sidered :mil agreed to:

Resolved, That t h e Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to request

retary of War to comiiiuiiicate, in writing, to the Senate, whether any, a
n h a t additional legislation, in his opinion, is required to render more efficie
1 miisportntion of army snpplies ovvr railroads, and to c~onnnnnicate
the nature
cwntracta now misting with railroad coiiipanies i n recard to transportation.

On motion by 1\11..Orr,
The Senatc resolvcd into open legislatiri- session.
R S E C U T I V E SE8S10N.

A1r. Wigfall, froni the Coinniittec on Military Affwirs, to whom mere

referred (on tlic 24th instnnt) thc noininations of %I. I). (%ytoii, to be
~ ) r i ~ a d i c r - g e i i e ~W.
i l ; A. Walker, R. &I. Cox, t o he inajors; E. (3.
Dawon, W. Rllan, W. C. Preston, T. D. I+rtody, John C. IIa~kell,
to be inajors of artillery; 1. H. Dulic, to be second lieutenant; William
Simpson, tJolin D. Rector, Thornw H. ICenrtn, Charles A. T3rusl6, to be
aids-de-camp, ~viththe rank of first lieixtenant, reported, with t,he
recommendation that said nominations lie confirmed.
The Senntc proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
thcrcwith, it \wis
I2osoliwi!, Iliiit thc Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
:igreo:it)ly to thc iiornin;~tionof the lresidcxnt.
RIr. \\igfxll, from tlte Coniinittcc 011 Military Affairs, to whom wws
rcconirriittcd (on tho 2:kl instant) the noniination of ,Joliii Icgrttni, to be
hrigadier-gencr:l , reported, with thc I.cconiiiiendntiori that said norniiiatioii be coriiirnircl.
The Senate proceeded to conhider said report; and i n concurrence
thercwith, it was
Z ? ~ i l ~ e That
the Senatc idvise arid consent to his appointment,
agreea1)ly to the noininntion of the President.
On iiiotiori by Nr. 13iirnett,
The Senate resolved into open legislatirtt session.


Ihc IIon. Alex:tndor 11, Stcphcns, Vicc-lrcsidcnt of the Confed

erate States and President of the Scntzte, rcsnrucd tlic chair.
Mr. ,Johnson of Georgia presented a resolution of tlic gcncrwl assen1
bly of the State of Georgia in relntion to the illegal traffic carried on
hy private citizeris with foreign countries; which was referred to the
Committee on Financbe.
On motion by Mr. Jolinson of Georgia,
O~deerecl,That it be printed.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred the amendment of t h e House of Representatives to the bill
(S.90) relative to certain bonds and Treasury no es issued under the
provisions of t h e act appi-ovcd 16th May, ISG1, reported it without



The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House

Re resentatives to the said bill; and
That they concur thcrcin.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
hlr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to vhom was referred
the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 19) to
amend an act to organize the clerical force of the Treasury Department, reported it with the recorrimendatiori that the Senate do not
concur therein.
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of
Re rescntatives to said bill; and
&mhad, That they disagree thereto.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mi-. Caperton, from the coininittee, wportrd that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the following
titles :
S. 14. An act to authorize newspapers t o hc mailed to soldiers free
of postage;
S. 76. R n act to regulate the extra p i y allowed soldier.; detailed for
duty as clerks in thc city of Richmond;
S. 89. h i act to abolish supernumerary offices in the Cominismrys
and Quartrrmastcrs Departments;
S. 94. An act to establish the form of fifty-cent Treasury notes;
S. 110. An act to authorize the Heorctary of thc Navy to lcase a site
[for a laboratory arid magazine], near the city of Richmond, for thc
prcptlration arid safe-keeping of ordnance stores;
8. 111. An act to authorize the issue of eight per cent bonds or certificates of stock in certain ctises;
S. 129. An act to amend an act entitled Anact to regulate irnprcssnients by officers of the Army;
d first scction oi an act entitled A n
11. It. 36. An iwt to ~ ~ n i e nthe
act to aincnd thc laws relative to the compensation of the attorney of
the Confederate States;
1. R. 37. An act to authorize the President to oEer rewards for
the apprehension of fugitives from justice;
13. K. 38. An act supplemental to a n act to establish judicial courts
in certain Indian Territories, approved February 15, 1862;
H. R. 44. An act for the relief of ,John Prosser Tabb;
11. It. 46. An act for the relief of Lieut. Thomas T. Kirtland; :wit1
H. R. 12. Joint reso1ut)ion authorizing tho payment of rent for thc
building occupied hy thc Quartermasters Department.
The President having signccl the enrolled bills and enrolled joint
resolution last reported to have been examined, the17 were deliverd
to the Secretary of the Senate and by hiin forthwit,h presented t o thc
President of the Confedcrate States for hi.; approval.
On motion b ~Mr.
- Henry,
Ordered, That the Committee on Military Aflairs be discharged
from the further consideration of t8he resolution inquiring whether.
t h e enemy are in the habit of disregarding the parole of prisoners
taken by our Army, and of ordering them again into their service
before they have been exchanged.
On motion by Mr. Burnett,

On motion 1)y Mr. Johnson of Georgia, to amend the resolution by
stril<ing-out the Ivord Sonth, line 7 , and inserting Confederacy,
It was determined i n the affirmative.
No further aniendnient being made, the resolution was reported to
thc Scnatc a ~ the
~ dariiendiiients wei*econcurred in.
That thc amendments be cngrossed and the resolution read
a third tinie.
T he said resolution was read the third time, as amended.
Besoleed, lhat i t pass, with amendmeats.
Oydeyed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the aniendnients.
Mr. Sinirns, from thc Special Coinniittee on Hospitals, reported
A bill (6.138) to amend an act entitled An act t o better provide for
the sick and wounded of the Rrniy in hospitals, approved September
27, 1862;
n.hich was read the first and sccond times and considered as in Committee of the \\Thole; and
on motion by Jlr. Barnwell,
O ~ d m ~ rIh:i
l , t the furthcr considerati& thereof be postponed until
t0-111orrow, and thnt it he printed.
On motion hy Mr. Clay.
T h e Senate adjourned.

The Senate resumed, RS in Coininittee of the Whole, the consideration of tht. bill (S. 119) t o facilitate transportation for the Go\~crnnient.
On motion by iMr. Hunter, to anicncl the bill by inserting after the
words Secretary of War, wherc they occur i n the second and sixteenth lines of the first sectioii, the words (under the dircetion of the
Prcsiden t ,
It was determined in the :Lftirnintivc.
On motion by M r . IIunter, to :uncnd the bill by inserting a t the end
of the second section the following proviso:
Proc ~ d ~ That
d , the rolling stock of no railroad exclusively owned and worked by
any State sliall be seized or iinprctiwd under the 1)rovisions of this act,

It was dctcrinincd in the affirmative.

On motion 1)y Mr. 13arnrvel1, to amend the bill by inserting after
the word General, section 4, line 8, the words ( under the direction
of the President,
It n a s drtcwiined in the affirmativc.
On mqtion by Mr. lhelm, to amend the bill by striking out, in the
thirtieth. thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third, and thirty-fourth
lines of thc first bection, the words
agents, criiployees, and operath es the like rates during the term
ent a x would hare been paid during a like period by the company
they \\ere engaged at the time of impressment,

and inserting:
Proocled, That tlie Uuarterinastt.r-Crc.iiera1 niay employ such officers, agents, and
employees ah he may deem essential to the efficient operation of any road so

It was determined in the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. Wigfall, to ainend the bill b y striking out the
n-ord.: Secretary of War, section 2, line 1, and inserting in lieu


27 IhbS.1

tliei*cof the words, under th

Ircsidcn t ,
I t was detcmiincd in the atffirmative.
On motion by M r . Hunter, t o amend the bill by i n
section 2, line 3, the words
I%ntsuch just c o l l ~ p e ~ ~ a tshttll
i o r ~lx, made for the use of the same as 1
in the iiianner prescribed in the first sectioll of this act,

It was determined in tlic afiruiativc.

30 furthci. anicndrricnt being I I ~ R ~ Cthe
bill was reported to t
Senate and thc aiiiciidrncnts nludc as i n Committee of t h e Whole were
concuiwd in.
cvl, l1i:Lt thc ))ill be engrossed arid I*c:ida. third tinic.
iicl t d l \+ah i ~ w tlh e third time.
8h:ill the hill now ~ N S S1

-- - -- - - - - 11
~t i m s dctcimiiitci in the tiftirmative,
7 Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - -_ .
On iiiotioii t)y Jlr. Orr,
1 1
l h c yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affirmative are,
i\Iessrs. Barnwell, Bnmett, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Henry, Hunter,
and Wigfall.
r 1Iw>o who voted in tlru ncgitivc are.
Ale\brb. I h - i s , ITaynes, Johiison of Georgia, Johnson of Arlransas,
31:ix\\ (111, : t r d Orr.
So il w;is

Tliat this bill

p h s ,

and that tho titlc thcreof be ns afore-

/, T h t thc Scc8rct:try r q u w t the eoiwurrcnce of the House

cntnti\ ts tltcrcin.
On ~liotionIsy 311.Ntx,wvIl,
lhc Scuntc rcsolved into cxecutivc session.

T h c io1Ioy;ing iriessagc was received f r o m the President of the Co

13. N. Uarrisoii, his Secretary :

J o d c d o States, 1)s Mr.

12rc~uoxn,V i., April 25, lS%$.

70 thc. iV / i c t l ~qf the Coi/tcdercttc Skutes:

1 Iicrrv ith trarisiilit for 1our inlorniation a c.oniiiiuriic-ation from the PostmasterGcwcral relatiyc to the I-cn!ovnl of cwtain postmasters from office.



Tangipahoa, Ft. Ilelena Parish, La., Burrcl K. Snink, postmaster, rem

1, 1863. Cause of rcinoval: Arrcst 011 a charge of robbing the mail.
Jlanninp, Clarendon district, South Carolina, Xoses Levi, postmaster, removed
I?c.bruary 6, 1863. Cai of rpinoval: Misconduct; bargaining for the office with his
appointnlent as postmaster he might escape conscription

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



1he message w a b r e d .
OYdem2, That it bc referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and
Ihc following inessngcs were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by hlr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
YA., April Z4, 1863.
To tlri. 8e)iate of the Con.jPderaie Mnfra:
Agreeably to tlrc reconiryrenclatioii of the Secretary of the Kavy, I hereby nominate the iwrsoiis nnineti npon the annexed 1i.t to be lirtitenants for the war.


Richmond, April 13, 1863.

The J I ~ s I I ) E ~ .
SJR. T have t lie liorror to rec~ommentit h e folloiving nominations for appointment
iii the Ravy:
Liciiter~niitafor the wcIr.


(:miit, of Lonisiana; Cliarles E Yeatman, of Virginia; Charles B. Oliver, of Virginia; Charles IT. Hasker, of Virginia; Francis Watlington, of Florida.
With iiiuclt respect, your obedient servant,


Secretary of the Navy.

Yo the i r t w i ~ i i lof the ,4mttP of t h ConjcetEercrte Stales:
I noiiiiriate tlie persoils n a n d in the annexed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
$lgl(Wbljr t0 hi8 ~ ~ ~ ~ J l l J l l ~ l ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ J l ~
ItIctIlfosI>, V \., ilpril 25, 1863.
S A V Y ]DhlAl~~>lh,\i1,
.t?ichrnoid, April 25, 186.3.
Thc ImhImn~r.
SIR. 1Iiave tlic Iionor to rrcomnientl thc f o l l o ~
ing nominations for appointment
in the Kavy, undcr section 2 of act approved April 21, 1862:

on thc 15th of >rap, 18m.

Catid)? ap It. .Joiw:,of Virginia, a first lieutenant in the Savy, to be promoted for
pallant and nicritorioirs c~~ncluct
RP esccntire and ordnance officer of the steamer Virginia, in the action i n I Ininpton BoadH on the 8th of Narch, 1862, and in the action
a t Urewrys Bluff on the 15th of May, 1862.
J ) I Y J T - ~ IilnfE
~ ~


Apr. 28,1863.1



Commander jor the w n r .

VCilliam A. Webb, of Virginia
With iiiuch respect, your

The messages were rcad.

Odwed, That they be referred to the Coniinittea on Naval RE
Oil iiiotion by Mr. Seinriics of Louisiana,
The Senate resolved into oprn legislative session.
1 7

I b BSDR Y, iiritn, 28, 1863.


A message from the House of l<epreseiitativcs, by Mr. McDonald:

itlent: I am directed to inform the Senate that Albert R.
lected Clerk of the IIoase of Itepresentatives, to suceee

The President of the Confederate States has notified the Howe

that on the 27th iiifitant lie apprweci and signed the follorvi
11. R. 36. An act t o amend tlic first section of an act entitled An act to ai
laws relative to the t~oniprnsation of tlie attorneys of the Conferlemte
approvrd J1arc.h 15, 1861;
11 It. :if. An act to :Lnthorizt~the
idcnt to offer rewards lor tlie apprefrension
of fiigitivrs froiii jiiaticcy
11 ti 38. 2in art snpplemental to an wt to estal)lish jutlic~ialcourts in twtaiii
Iiitliaii Trrritoriw, q p r o w t l lebrnizry 16, 1862; and
I I li 12. Joint resolntion authoriziiig the piiymcnt of rent for t h t i I)nilding o(~c11pied b y the Qnarterinasters Ikyirttxiciit.
The I Iouse o f Jicpresentatiws liare passed Senate bills of tlic follo\wig titles:
S. 74. Ail act to aiiiend an act entitled A n act for the establialinicnt anti organization of a general staff for the Army of the Confederatv St:ttes of Anierica,
a1,provtd February 26, 1861;
S. W2 A n actt to pay oflicers, iioiic.oiiiiiiissioned officwu, and privates not legally
niusterect into the b e l l ice of the Confederate States foi services actnally pcrfornred,
S 81 An act to provide for the payiiient of ceitaiii North Carolina troops fro111tlir
time of their enlistment; ant1
S. 116. h n act to authorize the Secretary of War to purcliase or Ieax real estate.
Thc\ last two named with amendinenth; in wliicli tlicy reclucst tlrc coiwurrcncc\ o f
t lie Senate.

MI-. 12ai*nwell,froin the Committee on Firlance, to whom wa3 referred

t h ])ill (I I . It. 61) to makc approp*i:itionsfor the. support of the Govcrnnieiit of the Confcdprato States of Anicrica, for tho p r i o d s therein
nicntioned, reported it with amendmcwth.
The Senate proceeded, :is in Coniinittcc of thc Kholc, to thc consideration of the bill (11. lt. 61) last mentioned; and thc yeported amendttwnts lxiving been agreed to, the hill wns rcportcd to the Senate and
the xiiiendnients mere concurred in.
O~dered,That the anieridrnents be engrossed arid the bill read a.third

The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Besolwed, That it pnrs, with amendments.
O?-dcrcCE,That the Secretary request the concurvnce of the %use
of Representatives i n the amendments.
Mr. Semmes, froiii the Coniinittee on tnc J udicixry, to whoni was
referred the inemorial of TWlislm Bowles and others, reported



A bill (S. 139) for the relief of Williani Bowlcs, Richnrd M. 13oivlcs,
and others;
which was read the first arid second times :~ n dordered to be placed
upon the Calendar.
On motion by MY. Simms,
OTL?P)WJ, That the President appoint two additional members on the
Coinmittee on Accounts, to serve during the remainder of the present
session; and
Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas and Mi-. Caperton were appointed.
The Senate proceeded to consider the aincndnient of the House of
Bepresenttxtives to the bill (S. 81) to provide for tlie payment of wrtain North Carolina troops from thc tiriic of thcir cnlistincut; and
Resol?*ed,That they con(~urtherein.
Odwed, That the Secretary inforin tlie IIouse of Eteprcmntntives
thew of.
The Senate proccedcd t o consider t h e aincndnient of tho House of
Bepresentxtivc:, to tlie I d i (S. 116) to :iuthorize the Secretnry of War
to piirc1i:tse 01letme real estate; and
T1i:tt t h y disagree to the amendment of the House of
t i w s to the sttiti hill.
Ihttt thc Scc.rct;try inforin thc I Ionse of Representatives
The SenRte resuined, as in Coniinittee of the Whole, the consideration of the joint rcsolution (is. 4) in relation to the free navigation of
the Mississippi River; arid
On motion by hlr. Snrnwell,
o, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (S. 70) declaring the telegraph a part of the postal
system of tho Confederate States, and to provide for working the
same; and
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
07-&wd, That the furthcr consideration thereof he postponed until
the first Monday iii D(
A message from the Eousc of Beprcsentativcs, by Mr. McDonald:
Jlr. PresitEriit: The House of Rcprcsenlatires hare concurretl in the amendinents of
the Senate to the bill (11. It. 26) for thc tLsscssnrcnt aiid collection of taxes, with
nincndments; in I\ 1iic.h they request tlir ~ o n c i ~ r r c i ~ofc cthe Senate.
The ITouse of Heprwentatives refiisc to cnnciir i n tlic amrwtlii~entof the Senate to
(lie bill (11. R. 14) to prcvcnt fraud i n thc. Quartermasters and Commissarys
I)rp:trtnients, and thr obtaining under falbc pretense trarivportation for private

The Senate procccded to considcr the arnendrnents of the House of

lieprescrrtativcs to their aniendinents to the bill (H. R. 26) for the
assessinent :Lnd collect,ion of taxes: and
Resohcw, I h t they concur therein.
Ow?md, Iht tlic Swrctary infortn the IIoul-o of Iteprescntativw
The Scniitc proceeded t o consider their amendment, disagreed to by
the Hortse of licpresentativcs, to the bill (13. It. 14) t o prevent fraud
in the Quartermasters and Conimixsarys Dcpnrtrnciits, and the obtaini n g unclei. false pretense trans ortation for private property; and
Ordmed, That it be referre to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Apr.28, lSGS.]

A message Proiii the President of the Confeder

B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Ali.. Presiclenl. The President of the Confederate States,
approrrd and signed the following acts:
S. 76. A n a1.t to regulate the extra pay allowed soldiers deb
in the city of Richmond;
6. 94. An act to establish the forin of fiftycent Treasury notes;
S. 110. An act to authorize the Secretary of the havy to lease a site [fo
tory and magwzine] near the city of Richiiiond, for the preparation and RR
of ordnance stores;
8.111. An act to autlthorizc tlic issue of eight per rent bonds OT (wtificatrs of Y
in certain m u w ; and
8. 129. .In act to amend an act twtitlcd A n act to rrgulate inipressnients by
ofliccrp oi ttir .Iniiy.

O d c > t tt?, ihnt the Secretary inform the IIonsc of Beprc?sentatires

A nicssagc from the IIot
scntatives, by Nr. ;\iIrDonald:
-111.. 1 ~ ~ s i r z ~ ~Tl1c
l l t : llonscl of Ilcpr
1,as~ctla bill and joint resoltitions of t l i r follov ing titlw; i n n hi<*
ic concnrrence of thc Senate:
I It. 62. .hi act to regulate the
females einployed in the Treus11T)J 1k~l)WtI>lCllt;
11. B. 14. Joint rrsnlntion o f thanks to Brig. Ceri. R. B. Forrcst and the offi
and iiicn unclc~rhis coinniantl: ;nit1
J-I 11. 15. Joint resolution of thanks t o the oficws and soldiers engaged in
tlefcnse of Fort hIcAlli&~r, (;a.
Thr Spwlwr of tlic. IIoii~cof Rrpnwntatiws haring signed sundry enrolled bills,
I a 1 1 1 tlirccted t o briiir: tlieni t o t h c Sciiatr. for the sipnatnrcL of tlirir Prmident,.

1 1 1 ~ Sc3natc resiinied, :is i i i Coininit

of tlw Wholtb, the considerathc i)ill (11. It. 24) to i ~ p c n tlic
l h w s of n:eturdization.
0 1 1 t i i o t i o i i by h11.. I):ivi\, t o :iiiieiid tlic hill 1)y itihci6iig :5t,er iinten-
tion. line S,t h e woi*tl.: :itid w h o sh:i11 h a r e coiitiiiiictl loyal to tho
CollfCCl(rt1te St:1tes,
After debate,
On niotion 1)sMr. Johnson o f Georgia, that the fi1rtlic.r consideration
o f the hill be poitponctl until thc iirst Mond:iy in 1)cc~cmbcrnext,
It WR:, dctcrmiticd in the ncg:itivc.
After filrthcr cicbatc,
On motion by JIr. Maxwell,
OrYk~red,That the fu
consideration of the hill be postponcd
iiiitil tho fir5t Morid:iy in
1nbc.r next.
h:Lt the Scmtc pyocced to the considcrOn niotion hy Mr. Siii
:ition of tho hill (S. 138) to anicnd an net ontitlcd A n act, to bcttciprovido for tho sick and wounded of t h t x Army ill hospitals, approved
Stytcniber 27, 1862,
i t w a s dcterriiined i n the nc.ptivc, yp:.--------....--.---hdyh ... .... . ..-.. 10
t ion of


O,,n niotioii 1)y hlr. Siinriiz,

I llc yeits tint1 tinys bt:ing desircd b j - one-fifth of tlic Scriators present,
c who votctl it1 the aflirniutive :1 re,
FS. Cnpcrton, ,Joliii,qm of (;eorgi:L, ,Johnson ~f ilrlmnsm, Mitx~ ~ 1 lejtori,
1 ,
Scintncq, nnd Sinims.
lliosc who voted in tho necrative two,
Messrs. 13arnwcl1, Clark, CLy , Ihvis, TIcnry, I l u n t c ~ Oldham,
Phclan, and Wigfall.
The bill and Joint resolutions this d;iy wccivcd froin the House of
Iicpresclntxtives for ConCurrcim i v e r ~sr verally read the first and
second tirncs.


[Apr. 28,1803.


Ordered, That tiir hill nuinbered 62 bc refcrred to thc Committee

on Finance xiid tliat t h e joint resolution:, numbered 14 and 15 be
referred to the Conimittcc on Military Affairs.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coinmittt~eof the Whole, to the considertltion of the hill (13. R. 16) in relation to the trmsfer of tl-oops,
and to repeal an net entitled An act in rclation to the transfer of
troops, approved September 23,1862; and no amendment being made,
it was reported to the Senate.
Orclmd, That it pass t o a third reading.
The said bill waS mnd the third time.
On the question,
Shall the M I now pass !
Yeas _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ .4. _ _
It WAS dcterinincd in the negative, -( Nays . .- - _ _ - .. - ._ _ _.12
On motion by JIr. Clark,
1 he ?cat tind nays bcing desircd by one-fifth o the Senators prescnt,
Those \vho votctl in tlic aftirniati\Tc i ~ r o ,
RIes.;rs. Clnrlr, ,Johnson of A ~ ~ R I I SOldham,
and Peyton,
Those I\ 110voted in tfic ncg:itiw are,
AIcbsrq. h i - t i w e l l . (iilwrton, C>lay,Davis, Henry, I-luntcr, Johnson
L X N cll, O n , Phclan, Xcrnmes, and Wigfall.
So tlic t)ill I\:L<wjc.ctcd.
lhat the S e m ~ t a r yinforin thc I1ou.i~of Representatives
r T

The Collowing iuesb:~geW : L ~received from the President of the Confedcratc. St:itcs, hy 1\11.. 13. N.Ihrrison, his Secretary:

Aplll $7, 186<?.

Ib l / t c Stntrie trntl IIOUSP

of K~,~~esenlrtli~ess:

I i c ~ r c ~it11
n tpmwiit
(O\cllllg i l l 1

of IViIl.,

yoiir co~isidoratinnR communication from f h e Secietary

iriate for the coiitingeiit expcllses nf the Acijrit:int ancl
for thc 611 ~ i i ~ n t leliding
1)ecember 31, 1863
riatior] of the :tiiiouiit for the purpose qwifirtl


1hc rrlCsS>LgC W>Lsread.

O r t l c r e ( / , lhat it l)c ~ c f e r r c dto the Committee on Fit1:tuce.
On ntotion l)y Jir. Max\\-cll,
ihc Sen:itc rciolvcd into 5ecrct legislative session.
1 i i tiocti~
having h v i i opciicd,
MI.. \Vigf:dl, fro111tlic Comrnittcc on lllilititry AfFairs, to whoin was
i - c f ( ~ i w t1iv
d joint rcwlution (S. 14) d a t i v e to the trcabntnt of prisonerh of u at 1)y the orien~y,wported it without ameiidn~ent.
The Srii:itc p r ~ ( ~ ( ~ dPI\o di n, Coirirriittee of the Whole, to the consideration of thc joint rciolntioti (S. 14) last mentioned; mid n o aiuendniciit Ixing ni&, it war reported to the Scnatc.
O ~ t ltvd,
1li:~tit h vngrosscd and read a third time.
Chc waid i,vsolut ion \vns read the third tiinc.
E e ~ d v e t l ,Ih:it it 1 ~ ~ 5 and
5 , that tho title thereof be as aforesaid.
O I ~ P(1,
P CThat, the Sccrctary request the concurrence of the IIouhc
of Itcpl.eqc.i~t:~tivcs
On niotion by A ~ I * .IZui~nett,
T1-i~Senate :idjoui.ncd.
, I


(IP)/I T I I ?

1 I O l h C (If


tion of the Sciiwte ( S 2 )


tlivir ai,iendinent to the

a i l ot ict i l i a t i o ~ ip r o p o ~ din

B asistniit coliinz / ssur~l,IN th the rtrnlz of cciptnin.


Carrigan, of Arkansas, for ditty at Wadungton, Ark., to rank from July I,


I m i , sir, rcy)c~ctinlly,your ol)c.dicnt servant,





&hn071d, flpril2Y, 1863.


To the Seizate of tlre CoizjcdiJmtC St~(ntes:

rigreeal)ly to the rt.cotrririenclation of thc-. Secret:try of War, I notiiiiiate Samuel A.
Cartiwight, of Imiisiana, aqsietant adjutant-general, with rank of lieutenant-colonel,
to rank from January 8, lS(i3.


ILichnzond, Alin127, 1868,

SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following noiniiiatioii for appointmelit in
the Provisional iZriny of the Confederate States of America:


Samuel A. Cartwright, of I,ouisi:tiia, for d u t y in general inspection of hospitals

under orders of I\:LYl)epartirirnt, to rank f i o i i i .Jmiaary 8, 1863.
I am, Pir, respwtfnlly, your obedicwt wrvant,
AsPCreftoy (!f lI?w.
T o 11 is I,wellrnc~yJ I

fcrred to the Committee on Military Affairs,

rho followiug i n ~ ~ + : \vxs
q y nxrivrd froni the Prcsideut of the Confederate States, 1)y Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Sccrctury:
~ k ) X I Y ~ l ~ k : R ST
\TI% O F r\MEltIt.4,

Richmond, April r, 1868.

To (lie S m o t e qf the Coiq&rctle Xtrles:

Agreeably to the Icc.oiiriiit:nil:Ltion ol the SecrtJtary of War, I nominate thr olfiwrs
on the acclonipanyiiig list for appointitlent to the rank afixecl to their nainrs,

JVAR ~ ~ E P A I W X l m T ,

Richmond, April 2 Y , 1863.

SIR:1 h a w the honor to Iccoinmenit thc folloiz ing norniriatiortv for appointinexit in
the Irovibiorial Army of the Confederate States of Ameiica:
I< A<

r w i ~ i m v i mJ A N U A R Y 22,


1C. Iliggins, of I,ouisiana, to
cwloiirl of wtillery, for duty with Lieut. <:en. J. C.
Pemhertoii, to rank troiri April I I , 1862.

i\. R Rhctt, of Sonth Carolina, to be major of artillery, ordered to report for d u t y
to (;en. It. 13. Lee, to r m l c frorn Jano:iry 7, 1863.
A. L. Hartridge, of Geotgin, to I)(: inajor of artillery, for duty with 13rig. Gen.
11. IV ,\lcrct.r, to tank froin Sovcnil)ci 15, 1868.
Steplreii ISlliott, of South tliroliii:t, to Iw major of artillery, for duty with Brig.
Geri. \I1. S. Fialker, to rank froni Rovt~nibei~
15, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obcclieiit servant,
J A M E S A. 814;I>L)OLu,
Swr&rt/ of Wctr.
To His Excd1tmc.y J
tres ido, t , elc

The message wts read.

On motion by Xlr. \\igfnll,
The Scrmte proceeded to consider the norriiriatiorl of A. L. Hartridge,
to he major of artillcry, therein contairiecl; tincl

Apr. 28,1863.1


RemZwd, That the Senate advise and consent to the appo

A. L. Hartridge, t o bc niajor of artillery, agreeably to the n
of the President.
Odeercd, That the residue of the nominations be ref
Cornrnittee on alilitary AEairs.
The following messages were received froin the Pi
Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secreta

6 rA\TES O F


2b the ,Senctie oj f l i p t o i ~ j X ( w t eR a t t x :
SIR:Agre~;t\)lyto tlirx rt,c,otiuiiciitlatioii

the Secrrtary of War, I n o i i h a t e the fol10wing tjttic*er.qto t l : ~ranks allixrtl to t l w r naiires, resp(xrtivaly, as pcr list annexed.
CoYBT11121L4r1Y2 8T.Al.W Ol< hl\rICI<IC




l?ichr)to7ld,April $8, 1868.

I lit^^ e the h o n o r to rwmincnd the followiug nominations for appointment
ill the Provisional Ariiiy of thv Coiifetlerate States of ,\merica:
x I I , i ~ r A mCOURTS.

Linkf. Gal. .Ionies Longstrrrts Corps.

Col. W. 13. TVooCl, of Alabama, presiding judge.

Albert 1. Hill, of RZississippi.
I,. TV. Spratt, of South Carolina.
Capt. C. 11. Blackford, of Tirginia, judge-advocate.

Pol Iiichartl 11 1 ,w, nt \irgiriia, pwsidiiig jutlge.

(:apt. Ihiiiel *i.\Tilson, of Louisiana, jutlp-advoc.ate.
Qm. (l7


Col. 1). 12. Jamison, of South Carolina, presiding judge.

I,. 31. Laiiiar, ot Georgia.
S. St. C;eorgc Rogers, of Noritla.
Capt. W. 11. Talky, of Soutli Carolina, judge-advocate.

Gen. Ltvnzdas Polhs Corps.

Col. Andrew Ewing, of Tennessee, presiding judge.

k;d. S.Worttiiiigton, of Kentucky.
J. A. 1. Campbell, of Mispissippi.
(>apt.Thomas \I7. Imv x i , of Ttwiessec, judge-aclvocatc.
L m y of 1)qxirinieni of 1Cust


fiieut. Gel&. F;. Kirby ~SmIflis


(01. r h o n i a s Ituflin, jr., of North Carolina, presiding judge.

Janieb P. Neil], of Tennessee.
Charles 14. Thomas, o f Kentucky.
Capt. .J. Sliclby \Villiams, of Tennessee, judge-advocate.

Lied G e n . 2:

fc. I1olme.s Corps.

Col. Trusten Polk, of Missouri, presiding judge.

David Walker, of Arkanras.
W. P. Townsend, of Texas.
Capt. Lionel L. Levy, of Louisiana, judge-advocate.


[Apr. 28,1803.


i i ~ j Cen.
S. B. Uuckners Corps.

Col. Thoinas J. Judge, of Alabama, piesiding judge.

Andrew S.Ilerron, of Louisiana.
Samuel J. Douplasb, of Florida.
Capt. E. Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, judge-advocate.

Ma.. Gen. Samuel Jones Corps.

Col. P T. Moore, of Virginia, presiding judge.
W.1. Norris, of Rilaryland.
A. 1. M. Rust, of Virginia.
Capt. -, judge-atlvoratck.
I I t w 7 g ~ t r r t e r s ,RiclLrnmd, Tcc.

Col. William U. Rodman, of North Carolin:t, presiding judge.

John M. Patton, of Virginia.
Bradley T. Johnson, of Maryland.
Capt. \V. 1. Johnron, of Georgia, judge-advocate.
Lietit. C;m.

J . C. lembertons Corps.

Col. George l3. J\ilkinson, of Mississippi, preuirliiig judge.

John J. Good, of Texas
IIeiiry K. Kelly, of Louisiana.
Capt. ,John 1. JlchIillan, of Aii*.aouri,judge-advocate.
L,ie7ct. (:cu. If7. ,J. Iludees Corps.

Col. John E. Moore, of Alabania, presiding judge.

Samuel J. Gholson, of Mississippi
raylor Reatty, of Louisiana.
Capt. Renton R:m(lolph, of Texas, judge-advocate
I am, sir, respectfully, your ohcdient servant,

Slecrdary 03 M7rrr.

To IIis Excellency J

Iresidcnl, etc.
l?wlmo~atl,, 1863.
To the ACenufeo j the Confeederrctc Antcs:
Agreeably to the recoiimieridatioil of the Secretary of
on the acrompatnying list tu tlte raiik aITixetl to their na

k , \lAR

Richmond, April 27, 1863.
SIR: I have thc lionor to rcc*onimcntltlw following nominations for appointlnent
in the Provisional Army of t h e Confetleratc States of diiieric:t:

21, 1862.

First lteutei~rznts

Pan1 C. Venablc, of South Carolina, to be first lieutenant o f artillery, for duty 1% itli
k fro111Janiiaiy 21, 1863.
ippi, to be first lieutemnt of artillery, for duty with Linit.
rank from 1)ec ember 30, 1862.
Joseph C. Ilaskcll, of South Carolina, to be first lieutexmt of artillery, for duty as
adjutant to Maj. ,John (. Ilaskells liestwe Artillery, Department of Korth Carolina,
to rank from February 9, 1863.
I ani, sir, respc~tfully,your ohrdient servant,
Xecretury o j TVur.
To 111s Excellericy J



A. F. Woolley, of Georgia, Febriiary 17, 1863.

W. 1%.Bond, of North Carolina, September 1, 1862.
W. I<. Arnii.tead, of \-irgiriia, February 19, 1863.
H. 11. Johnston, of Kentucky, February I, 1863.
I am, sir, rebpectfully, your obedient servant,

Scmetary of V a r .

To His Excellency J ~ r ~ ~ DAVIS,

s o h
President, elc.
Richmond, April 27, 1863.
To the Scnnfe o f t h e Confrdernte States.
Agreeably to the reconiiiiendation of t h c Sccrctary of War, I nominate the officers
on the acconipanj ing list to tho rank affixed to their names, resprctirely.

Richmond, April 24, 1863.


have tlitl honor t o recninrnrntl the follo\\ing nominations for appointment

in the Provisional Ariny of the Confederate States of America :


C. 11. Stevens, of South Carolina, to be colonel Twenty-fourth South Carolina

Rcpiinent, to rank froin April I , LSG2.
Lll ulellunl-c.o[orlrb.

ISllison ('apws, of i'irginia, to he lieutenant-volonel Ti1 enty-fourth South Carolina

Reginient, to rank froin April 1. 1862

James F. Waddell, of Alabama, to be major Twentieth Alahaiiia Rattalion Artillery,
iniwxl 1), authority, to raiih f i o n i Apiil 1, 1863
J. R. 11. Biirtv ell, of Tennessee, to be major Twenty-first Te111iessec Rattalion, to
rank froin J h i c l i 16, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, yonr obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
I'rrcwdrnf, etc.

IZrchinond, -1prd27, 1863.

7b llw ,Senate qf the Co?+federateSttcctes:

Aereral)ly to the rccoiiimendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers

on the accompiliiying list to the lank affixed to their names, respectively

C ~ V ~ E ~ E l Z RTATEb
A l l ~
1 A\I~..I~IL'IL, \~T.lll DCP \RTMEST,

April ,524, 1863.
have the honor to recoiniiieiict the following nominatlons for appointment
the Provisional ilrniy of tlic Confederate States of -1merica.

~ I K I:

(O\f\K \ Y D A 4 h 1 S 01'


I A RZ crm\
\I'PROV161) OCPOBER 8, 1862.




\ r ~

M c ijora.

J. C. Denis, of I,oui4anx, l o be major, to report to Brigadier-General Ralns, Chicsf

of Conscript Bureau, for duty a5 commandant of camp of instruction in Louisiana, to
lank from February 18, 1863
St 1, Dupeire, of Louisiana, to he major, to report to Brigadier-General Rains,

Chief of Conscript Hnrcban, to: tluty as commandant of canlp of instruction, Louisiana, to rank from February 18, 1863.

Apr. ZP,1863 1


First lietitenmils.

J . It. Allen, of Alalmina, to be first lieuten

for d u t y with Maj. W.T. Walthall, as 'enr
Tlioiiias Goldtliwtitc., of Alabama, to be
Consclript Bureau, for assignnirlit to duty :
1 am, rc~pectinlly,your 01)ctlic~iit




[ \PI. 28,1863.

Capt John Withers, of Mississippi, to be major, r i w Maj. 13. 12 Jonrq, resigiie(1
October 11, 1862
Capt. 15. d. Palfrey, of Louisiana, to be major, \ice Maj. 11. I,. Clay, promoted
October 14, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excelleiicy JEFFERSON
President, etc.

Licut. Col. 8. J. Hiitchins, of Georgia, to lic colonrl Xinctreiitli (ict-rlgiaRtgiiiieiit,

Col. W. W. Boyd, resigned J a n y r y 12, lSK3
eut. Col. IT. A. Witcher, of Virginia, to be colouc~lI?\\ cnt>-first Tirginia Reginient, v i c ~(01. J. 11. Iatton, resignrd 1)ecclnbc~rI , 1862.
1,ieut. (01. 13. Waggaman, of I,ouisiana, to be coloncl ltlritlt I,onihlxna It~giiiienl,
VICC Col. 11. de Marlgny, relieved O(tober I , 1862.
Lient. Col. David l,ang, of Georgia, to bc coloiic~lI+;iglitli li-loi itla 12cgiiiient, vim
Ool. liicli. .!I Flo>d, resigned Octohw 2, ISA2.
Lieut. Col. 1;. 11. (+antt, of South Carolina, t o I)(>colonc.1 IClc\ eiith South Carolina
Ileglnient, vice Col. D. I. Ellis, reqigncJtl Sovcinl)er 27, lSF2

Maj. 13. Mashburn, of Florida, to hc lieiitc~iai~t-c*olo~i~~l

Third Iloritla Itcginiiwt,
rice Lieut. Col. I,. A. Church, resigned February 19, 1863.
Maj. J. 1%.Seal, of Georgia, to he 1irntc.n~rit-(.()lone1
Si~ictceiith(;corgia Itcgiiiieiits
rice Lieut. Col. A . J. IIutchinq, Iiroinotctl January L2, 1863,

Apr. 29, ISG3.1


Slaj. E. J. Magrndcr, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel E

meiit, vice Lient. Col. Joh
Maj. M. tI. Hlariford, of Georgia, to
ment, vice Lient. Col. 32. Willis, pr
Illaj. \V. 8. Itankin, of North Car
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieut. Col
h k j . \V. I h y a , of Florida, to he
Lieut. Uol. David Lanp, promoted
X l t ~ j .A. C. Izard, of South Carol
lina Kepinient, vice Lieut. Col. P. 1


Capt. w.hl. ITnrdy, of

Carolina, to be major Sistieth North Carolina
well, t o rank from Ft+ruary 21, 186:i
Ikgiiircnt, \.ice IZaj. W. \V
(:apt. .Tohii I,. Iliillips, of Florida, to b e major Tliird Florida Regiment, vice hlaj.
IC, 3Ia~liliurn.uromotetl Fcbrurtrv 19. 1583.

.\udt,rwii, Iirniiioted January 20, 1863.

C,ipt. <>.0. D z w ~ n n of
, (+or@, to be major Eiglith Georgia Regiment, vice Maj.
trgrndcr, 1)roinotcd Deceiiiber l G , J862.
12. Miller, of North Carolina, to be major Twenty-first Norlh Carolina liegiice Maj I\. S. 12anltin, proinoted hlurch 12, 18(i3.
Capt. W. It. Moore, of Florida, to be major Second Florida Wegimmt, vice Maj.
Ci \V. Call, killed May 31, 1862.
Cnljt T. 15. Clayke, o
major Eiylith Florida Iteginieiit, vice Maj.
I Y . J. Tm nw,rtwgiicd
Cqt 14. A. Naih, of
najor Ioiirth (irorgia ~~cprliic~nt,
vice Maj.
I). it. TC. \\inn, prtmotcd No\einl)cr I , ISOZ.
I I l:ii,(ltiiri:tii, o I (icorgia, l o 1~ major lhvelftl~(icwrpia Ikyinicmt, \.ice Blaj. M. 1.
L:laiilvrtl, 1)roiiiotcvl ,Jnniia~y22, 1863.
1a i i i , sii, respectfull), your obeclicnt QPTI aiit,
SILc)etnry qj T l t ~ .
To I Lir I;xc~cllt~iic~

fcrrcd to the Conirnittcc on MiljtLLry hflairs.

motion by Rfr. Scnrnies of Ilouisimn,
The Senate rcsolvcd into opcn legislative besxiou.

\IIEDN&=SI)AY,f\TRIT, g!), 1863.


A message from the TIouse of Iteprcscntativcc;, by Mr. McDonald:


Pre s d t l i t : Tliv Iloase of ltcpreseiitalivcs Iiavc passed Rciiate hills of tlie following titles:
S. S7. An act to regulate the riipplie~of clothing to cdibtetl ~ i i c not the Navy during tlic I I ; ~
S 96. A1nact to inrreaqc the pay of masters matw 111 tlie Navy;
R 104. A\nact to authorize the Secretary of the Nary to appoiiit clerks to the comniantlaiit and qnartr,rinaster of the ;Marine Corps;
S.108. An act to ariiend an act entitled An act to rcgulate iriipte~~itieiit~,
approved Mart II 26, lS63;
S 128. Aii act to authorize the appointment of a (*hielron>tructorin tho Kavy, and
to fix the pay; and
6. 107. dn act to pro) idc 101 tlie transfer of persons serving in the Army to the
c .I--POI. :;-04-24



[Apr. 29,isw.

The last named ivitli a u anienclinent; in which they request the coricurrence of the
The House of Rrpreseiitatives hare refused to pass the bill of the Senate (S. 131)
to increase the pay of tliirtl assistant erigiiieers in the Kavy.
They agree to some arid disagree to other of t h e ainendinents of the Senate to the
bill (IT. 1%15) for the establishment and eqnalization of the grade of officers of the
Navy of t h e Confrderate States, and for other purposes.
They disagree to the first and agree to the other aniendments of the Senate to the
bill (H. R.61 ) to make appropriations for thesupport of t h e Government of the Confederate States of America for t h e periods therein mentioned.
And they agree to the amendrnent of t h e Senate to the bill (TI.R. 3 ) to repeal certain clauses of ail act entitled An act to exempt certain persons from inilitary service, etc., approred October 11,1862, with an amendnient; in which they request the
concurrence of the Senate.

The Senate proceeded to consider their amendnient to the bill (H. M.

61) to iixtltc :~ppropriatioasfor t h e sixpporL of llic Governnierit of the
Confedcrntc States of Anicrica for the periods therein mentioned, disagreed to hy the IIousc of licyresentatives; arid
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
Reso?c*eJ,Ihilt the Sciintc insist on their amendment, disagreed to
by t,hc Houso of Itcprcsentt~tivcs,to the said Ilill, :Lnd :wB :t conference
on the dis:iei~~ciiig
votes of tlic two TIouscs thereon.
On niotioii 1)y Jlr. I3arriwcll,
O i ~ l ~ i w That
J , tlic coinmittcc of c w i i fci*cncc011 the part of the Senate
be :tppoititcd I y the Prwid(wt; iltjd
Jir. 12arnwcll, Air. IIuntcr, ~ n c ,111..
I3rown wcro appointed.
O / ~ l m dTh:Lt
the Secretary inform the House of Itcpresentntivcs
A iriessagc fi-0111 the Ilouhc of Bcprcsentatives, bv Mr. McDonalcl:
Tlic Ilousc of Rri~rsriilati\.cs have passed the hill of the Senate
d an act cntitlrtl An w t to ainencl an act entitled An act recog-

ment, and
S. 116. An a( t to aut1ioriz.c the Pcc rctary of \Var t o pircliax or l v w e real estate.

Mr. Wigfdl, froin the Corniiiittco oii hlilitary Aflaiw, to whom vns

rcferrctl thc 1)ill (1-1. It. 59) to rontiniw :tnd miend tlic third section of
a n nct suyp1cnicr:tt~ryto ail 2u.t coiiccriiitig- thc. p ~ and
y allowrincc due
t o deceasud soldiers, approved Febr~mry15, 1862, and to pro1 icle for

the prompt>settlement of clainis for :irre:w:lges of xiy, allowance, and

bounty due deccased officers and soldiers, reporte cl it without amendrncnt.
cd, as in Comniittcc of the M7holc, to tho considIt. 59) Ia5t inentiorled; and no amendment bcirig
Imdc, it was i.eportcd to the Smite.
O ~ d o i d Thxt
i t pass t o a t,hird reading.
rho said bill was rc:d the third time.
That it 1jnss.
Ordered, That tlic Sccvtary inform tlw t-Iouse of Iicpresoiitatives
Mr. Wigfdl. from the Coinmjttee on Military Affaiix, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 6 3 ) to increase the efficiency of the Army, reported
it witliout amendment.

Apr. 29, 18631


Nr. Wigfall, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to

referred tho following bills:
H. R. 4s. An act to providc for tlic pnynient fo r horses
lost in tlie Confcderxtc servicv; arid
13. R. 49. AHact regnlating t h e grmting of furloughs and
in hospitals;
rcportcd them se\wr:dl~~
\Tit11 t h e recomniendntion that they oug
to pass.
rhc ScIuLtc yroc ed, a s in Conimittct: of t h o Wholc, to the eonsideration of tlic bill
I<.49) last nicntioned.
On motion t)y JIr. Orr, to sumend thc b y inserting after charge,
section 4, line 3 . thv M or& arid two
$mt siirgeons, if thcrc he
t w o , if not, thcii onc, slrnll constitute :
rd f o r thc piirposcs aforcmid; md.
A 1 r. Ilcnry domandeci tlic question; which \ m s sccondca, and
bill by inserting at the en
the fourtli scctiori the following proviso:
/rot i t M , That n o fnrlonghs dial1 hr giantetl tinder tlio provisions oE this w t
t h e opinion of the board, the life or cwnva1fw:ence of tlie patient would he endangered

It \vas deterniinod in the ntfiriwr l t1VC.

hy MI.. Scimics, to micntl the bill by inserting a t the
cnct of thc t i f t l i scc.tion the wor& if prnctic.ablc,
It was clctcixiiiicd i l l thc n r p t i v c .
S o flirt h r r :iuic,ndiiwiit lwing m d c , t hc hi11 w n s reported to the

Sciititc :tiid t h v :uiicwliiictits 17 c i ( *~ o i~i r i i m din.

C I / d w d , lhat the :imendniciits be engrossed and the bill read a

third tirnc.
Thc said 1)ill :is :uiiicndeci I V R ~r e d the third tinrc.
tlic qucstion,
Shall the bill iiow y : 6 ~
.- . _ _
dctcnnincd in tlic affirmative, Yens..
. . . _ _ _
8 _
On inotioii by 311..
The ycas and nays being desired by onc-fifth of tho Senators present,
Thosc 1 v h o voted i n tho af5riiiatirc arc,
. Brown, Caperton, Clark, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of
Ai-liimsas, Oldham, Orr, Yeyton, lhclan, Scmmes, and Sirnms.
Those who voted in the ncgatiyc are,
Messrs. TSarnwcll, Burnett, Clay, Davih, Henry, IIunter, Maxwell,
:in d W igf till.
S o it ~ v a s
J L ~ ~ I *iha
c ~t this
, hill pass with amendments.
d, Ilutt thc Secretary request the concurrence of the I-lLousc
of Representatives in the amendments.
A message from the Hoiisc of Representatives, by MY. McDonald:


d h . Iresidmt: 1 arii dircctrd to request the Senate to return to the IIonre of ReImsentatives tlie bill (11. K. 61) to make appropriations for the rjupport o f thc Goveriinieiit of the Confederate States of America for the pibrio& therein mcntioncd.

On rnotion l)y Mr. Davis, the vote on agreeing to the motion su1)iiiittcd hy Nr. Barnwell, that thc Senate insist on their miendnierrl,



[Apr. 29,1863.

disagreed to by the TIonsc of Itepresentatires, to the bill (11. It. 61)

to l d m :y)propriations for the support of the Government of the ConfcdcrateStates of America for the periods therein mentioned, and ask
n conirrcnw on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, was
The Senate proceeded to consider the said niotiori; and
3lr. Barnwell (by leal-e) withdrew the same.
On motion by Mr. Davis,
Or&red, That the Secretary rcturn the bill (11. R. GI) last mentioned to tho House of Representatives, agreeeblv t o their request.
A iiiessage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
Bh.. Preaidrr~t;lie Iloiise of Representatives have passed bills of tht, following
y rcquest the concurrencc of the Senate.
to provide for placing i n t h e military service of the Confederate
e United States residing or bojourniiig within the limits of the
to create :I 1)rorisional navy of the Confederate States; and
to c~liangc~
thc place ol holding tlie district court for the western

(listrid o f Texas.



tllC 1101

of Keprcscntalives, by Mr. McDonald:

? , ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ :llwr
~ , ~of l the
: 1 Iouse of Ii~.l.esc.ntatirru

curollcd hill., I
Irrsitltm t .
The, Jloiiee of

an1 dirc

having signed sundry

tcd to iring t h a n to tlio Srnatc for the signature of their

Iteprcwntativer liavc passed Senate bills of the following titles:

S. 56. A n act toairiencl a n : ~ c , cbntitled

An act to organize military coiirh to attend
t h e A r i i i y of the Coiifederatc. States in the field, and to define the powers of said

courts, approred Octohrr 9, 1862;

S. 68 A n a c t t o aholisli all ports of deli\ cry in the Confederate States;
S. 88. 4n act i n relation to the custody of persons charged with offenses against
the Confderate Stiitw; and
S. 13. An a r t in relatioii to the public. jirinting.
The last nrtmed with anicndments; in which they request the concurrence of the
The IIourcc of Represrntatives liase passed a bill (H. 12. 67j to provide lor holding
clectioiis for ItepresentsLtiws i n thc Congress of the Confederate States in the State
of Tennessce; in TP hich they request t h e cmicurrence of tlie Senate.
They ha\ e concurred i n the aiiiendnients of the SeIiate t6 the bill (H. R. 39) to
provide certain regulations for holding elections for Delegates to the Congress of thc
Coiifedcratc States in ccrtain Intlian natioiis.
(1 froin their climprecment to the first amendincnt of the
Senate t o t h e bill (11. It. 67) to niahe ap1)iupriations for tlie support of the Government of the Confederate Statcs of Aiiierica for t h e periods therein mentioned.

Mr. Mmwcll, from the committee, reported that they had examined :uid found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
13. It. 40. Ail wt to prescribe the rates of postage on newspapers,
periodi~ds,books, and transient and other matter, and to repeal in
part the second section of the act approved Ma 13, 1861, to amend
an a c t to prescribe the rater of postage in the d n f e d e r a t e States of
Aineric:L, and for other purposes, approved February 23, 1861;
11. It. 48. An act allowing hospital accomniodations to sick and
woundtd officers;
?I. I<. 58. A n act to admit free of duty all machinery for the manufacture of cotton or wool, or necessary for carrying on any of the
mcehauic arts; and
13. R. 60. An act to declare the meaning and extend thc provisions
of an act entitled An act to increase the nav of certain officers and
cmployces in the executive and legislati& &partments, approved
October 13, 1862.

Apr 29,1863.1


The President pro teinpore having signed the e

reported to h a w been examined, they were delivered
of the Senate m d b.y hiin forthwith presented to the
Confederate Spates for his approval.
Mr. Clay, from tlic Committee on Military Agai
referred tho bill (H. B. 8 ) to allow comniutition for
rations, reportcd it with tlic recommendation that it
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Oi&wd, T h a t it lie on the tnblo.
Military iiffthirs, to whom was
Mr. Clay, from the Coriiniittc
e the pay o all iioticoniiiiisvioiied
refel-red tlie I)ill (11. 1L. 28) to in(
lie ( h i federate States, reported
oflivcw mid primtcs i n the hrni
it witli tlic ~~cc~oiirinciidatiori
thnt it ought not to pass.
1111.. C1:ty :dso siibniittcd a report (go. 10) in relation t o t h e subject;
whicli mas rcnd.
On niotioii 1))- Mr. Phelan, and by nnanimous coilsent,
{h&wd, T h a t 500 copies: of the said report be printed for the use
of tho Scnatc.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the conhideration of tho bill (11. It. 28 last mentioned; nnd
On iiiotion I)y Mr. Barnwel , thtLt it be transferred to the Secret
Legislati ve Calcn dur,
I t was cic~terniinedin the negative, { S
Yeas------ - - - - - - - - - _- ays ---- - 13
On motion by hlr. *Johnsonof ilrhtisas,
The yt':is : ~ n dnays being dcsii-ed by one-fifth of the Sentitors presont,
Thohc who yotcd iir thc :LHirni:ttive :m,
1 h 1\\ ~ell, Ihvis, Iluntcr, Johnson of R~~:LIIS:LS,
rtnd Pevton.
r ?
Lhosc wbo voted in thc ncgativc arc,
M e ~ r h . l3utmett, C;tperton, Clark, Clay, Ilenry, ,I ohnson of
Georgia. ';\laswell, Oldham, Orr, Phelan, Scinmns, Sininis? : ~ n dWigfall.
After dehatcl,
O n motion bv Mr. Sirnms. that the bill bc e t r n n s f ( w d to thc Sccrct
Legi\Iative caiendltr,
I t was tlctcrrniincd in the negalive.
On iiiotion by hlr. ,Johnson of Georgia, to aiiicnd tho 'nil1 by striking
out '. four," section 1, line 3, m d inserting '' nine,"
Yctls - - _ _
- 2
It was dcteriirined in the neptivc, Nays
- . -16
On iriotion by Mr. Burnett,
The yeas and tmys being dcsired hy one-Bfth of tlie Hmators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative :LW,
Messrs. I3urnett and Johnson of Gcorgia.
rl?liose wlio l-otrd in the negative arc,
hlrssrs. Rarnrvell, Brown, Clark, Clay, Ihvis, Henry, IIuntcr,
,Tohnson of Arlmnsas, Maxwell, Oldhsm, Orr, Peyton, Phelan,
Semmes, Siinnis, and Wigfall.
On motion b ~&fr.
- Clay, to aniend the bill by striking out the second
It was determined in the affirmative.
An amendment having been proposed by Mr. Clay,
hf ter debate,
On motion by Mr. Orr,



O.r&;&, That the further consideration of the hill be postpon

and made the special order for to morrow t L t II lock.
The bill (11. R. 67) to provide for holding elections for Beprese
tired in the Congrew of the Confederate spates in the State of T
nessec, comniuiiicated this day from t h e House of Representatives
concurrence, was read the first and second times and referred to
Committee on the Judiciary.
On motion by Mr. Davis,
O&red, That the Committee on Claimr; be discharged from the
further consideration of a conimunicatiori f 1'0111the Attorney-Genera],
transmitting a report of the claim of the Bowling Green Bridge Cornpany for the destruction of their bridge over I3arren River, Kentucky.
Mr. Davis, from the Coninlittee on Claims, to whom was referred
the joint resolution (1. I<.11)to nuthorize the Secretary of the Tressui*y to audit the accounts of L. Merchant & Co., for suppliesfnrnished
. the cutter Morgan, reported it without ttmcndment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution (H. R. 11)last iiicntioncd; and
On motion by M r . Davis,
(hde7*ec7, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
the first Moiiday i n Deccmlmr next.
Mr. IVigfall, from the Coninittee on IZIilitarF Affairs, to whom was
referred the amendments of the House of Keprcsentntives to the bill
(S. 73) t o provide and organize a general staff for armies in the field,
to serve during the war, reported adversely thereon.
On motion hy Mr. Wigfall, that the Senate disagree to the amendnienttJ of the I-Iousc of Representatives t o the said bill, and ask a
conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon,
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
. The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
The Senate proceeded t o consider the amendment of the House of
Representatives to the bjll (S. 107) to provide for the transfer of persons serving in the Army to the Navy; and
Besoln,ed, That they concui*therein.
Ordei*cd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Senmes,
The Senate adjourned.

A message from the House of Representatires, by Mr. McDonald:

H r . Presidmt: The House of Representatives hare passed a bill (13. R. G3) to aid
the several Departments in the investigation of accounts; in which they request the
coucurrenve of the Senate.

The bill (H. R. 63) received this day from the House of Representatives f o r concurrence was read the first and second times and referred
to the Committee on the Judiciary.
MY.Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (8. 130)
supplementary to an act to provide for the funding and further issue
of Treasury notes, reported it without amendment.

Apr. 29, 1863.1


The Senate proceeded to conside

ntatiaes to the said hill; and
Renolosd, That they concur therein.
O~tie!el.ed,That the Secretary irif
Mr. Brown, from the Corninit
referred thc snicndment of the
(S. 61) to authorize tho President
cquipnieiit of 1-essels for the Navy
The Senate procccdcd to consider the :mendrimit of the IIouse of
llcpr(wmtatircs to tho qaid bill; and
12edveil, That they coiiciir therein.
O i ~ l e ~ ~T
e dha
, t the Secretary inform the Ilousc of 12epresentttives
On iriotioii by Mr. Semmes,
The Senate resolved into execntive session.

The following messqe w w rewired froin the President of tho

fcderate States, by Mr. 13. K. Harrison, his Secretfir?:
20 flir Shale td the Cot~kclerrd~
.\xi c c d ~ l yto tlic rc,c,oiiiiiiriitlatioii of t
IItwry A. c;. IMtlt., to be lllarHllal uf t11P (

Api-2 29, 1863.
1, 1 hereby iioniiiiatc


. l i ~ ~ requcstcd
~ ~ i g that his noininat ioii be witlitlrawri, I have the
honor to sribuiit the riame of Nr. l ( ~ i r A.
y G, Battle, of Klircvcport,for appoiiitiuent
as iiiarshal of t lie (tistrict of Louisiana.
T. 11. WATTS,
l-our obcdierit servant,
Al/on 1 cy- ({erterul.

Lhc Srrinte procmded to cwtisidcr the iiomiiiatioii of Henry A. Q.

12attle, to bc 111m~shnlof tlic? disti-ict of Louisiaii:k; t ~ n d
&sol/vd, Thiit the Seimto advise and conbent to tlic :Lppointniciit of
1Ieiiry A. G. Battle, to bc iiiars of the district of Louisitma, agreeably to the nornilitition of the I
hlr. Ihown, froiii the Coiiiniittee on Naval XNiwirs, to wlioiri were
rcfcrrcd (on tho 24th instant) the iioiiiiriatioirs of *John N. Maffitt,
,Joseph N. J3ariicj-, and Cntesbj- a p M. ,Jones, to be coiiiiiiitiiders in the
X t ~ v y Williain
A. Webb, to be coiiirriaiiiler for thc war, under :Let No.
:33 I, irovisional Coiigrcss, approved Dccerriber 24. 1x6 I; James 13.
Iiiiidsay, to he p s s d msistant surgeon; 5V. S. Stoaltlcy, C. 31. Yrirker,
and Heiiry 13. 3 4 ~ 1 ~ 4 to
n , he assistant surgeons for the WAY;
Cleary and Charles 777. ICciiii, to be a,ssistrmt paymasters, and Waltel.
0. Grain, Joseph Price, Alexander Grant, Clxtrles 11:. Ycatman, C h ~ l e s
IJ. Oliver, Charles 11. lIaske~.,and Francis ITntlington, to be lioutcnants for the w:~r,reported, with the recommendation that said noniinatioiis be confirmed.


The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in corlcurrence

thcrcwith, it \VLS
& S O ~ ? I ~ ( / , llii~tthe Senate aclvisc and consent t o their appointment,
agreraI)ly to t!ie rioiiiination of thc President.
A h . TYigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to nhom mere
referred the nvniinatioris of John Eells, to be major Fifth Virginia
Cavalry Hegiment; Paul C. Venable, H. N. Martin, and Joseph C.
lIasBel1, t o be first lieutenants of artillery, for ordnance duty, under
nct approved April 21, 1862; A. H. Houston, J . IT.Nance, Arthur J.
Magenis,lYright S.Hackctt, 13. F. Abbott, J . C. Habershani, E. A. Warren, Williairi L. %are, Sidney C. Lewis, C. S.Ncwmnn, William s.
13i~rnes,71. C. Keith, \Villiam G. Smith, A. ,J. Murphy, J . 11. ltobinson, (;regor1 Yiiiwtm, ZIcnry ;MaccConiiack, Leslie C. Dc Morse, and
11. V. Harris, to be adjutants, with the rank of fir& lieutenant; A. B.
Samuels, to IE iecond lieutenant; dohn A. Adair, to be lieutenant-colonel; 13. F. li;slilenian, t o be niajur; W.17. Dunaway, to be captain;
to be niajor, adj atant and inspector generals departWillitmi C~:LIC,
iiirnt; J o h n J . Stoddard, C. ?J. IIonlrs, 13. 9.
Walthall,tJ. 1.14. I-Tolcomhe,
,J. ITr. 13r:inhn, ?John I. &Cue, A. I\ilcCulloch, J. P. Arrington, J .
JJ\rbb Sinith, ,J. (i.
Justice, 13. J . Senlines, and Jo h n K. Mott, to be
:iids-de-c:mip, with the r:iiik of fird 1ieuten:tiit; D. L. Clinch, tJ. C. C.
Sniidcrh, J . 1. Suclrols, TI. 1L Aylett, A. 1>. Frederick, Winchester
lI:tll, Sqitirc lhone, ,J. 11. 11al1, Cliarles A . Derby, and Joseph 11. Bani,
to b o coloncls; Jol-in L. Harris, Georgr E. Tnyloe, B. W. Martin, J.
\Yelmian Brown, J . 11. Hudson, C. W. &Arthur, W.W.Reynolds,
E. I,. lTobson, W. .!I Perry, Henry I>. Capers, and J;1. 0. Whitehead,
to be lieixtenant-colonels; ,J. C. McDonald, It. J. Fletcher, F. F. War1 ~ ~ 71
, . 13re1im, David A. Stuart, X.Blackford, G. 31. Hxnrey, E. L.
Moore, lTr.TJT.Goldsborough, ;I.
1.liion, and F.L. Ihipps, to be niajors,
reported, with the recommendation that said rioiiiiiiatioris be confirined.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; a n d in concurrence
therewith, it was
Ii?essolwd, That the Senate advise and consent to their :tppointinent,
agrecahly to the nomination of the President.
M r . \Vigldl, froin thu Coiriiiiittce on Military Affairs, to whom \!-ere
refclrred (011 tlie 24th instant) the nominations of George 13. Vaiighn,
Horacc 1 I. 13raiid,James It. Lni~ue,Gcorge IT. Woolfolli, to hecaptains,
under act approved October 11, 1862, reported, with the rccommendation that said noininations lie on the table.
The Senntc procecciecl to consider said report; niid in concurrence
tlicrewitli, it was
I , That s:kl noniirintioiis lic o n the tablc.
On inotioir by 311..Ihvis,
The Senate r e s o l \ ~ dinto open legiblstive session.



On motion by Mr. Senmes,

OrcZemd, That G. 11. Wang 1iaX.e leave to withdraw his memorial.
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
Orchred, That the President appoint an :Ldditional iiieniber on the


id, Ist:.]


Cloininittce on Pos
dc1r of the preseent
Jlr. Johti,con o f
Mr. Hunter yrrscntcd the petition of Lewis
passage of nn act :tutlioriziag the issue of duplicates
bonds destroyed 1)y thr public enemy.
On?e7wi, Lliat it l i t upon the table.
A message froni the IIonse of Representatives, by Mr. McD

Tlie Speaker of tlie I l o c ~ cof Rcpiwentatives ha\ ing signed briiidry enrolled bills,
I aiii tlirrctctl to hriirg tlictin t o tlrc Sriiatc for the signature of their President.

J V i K h l l (I)! Icnrc) introdircrd
A I)ill (S. 1 4 ) ) to :iritliorixc tlw liwidrrit, t o appoint ofIicers i n the
S i t c r 1<1ircm1: ~ i i ( l i l l the. rliigiuccr troops duriiig the recess of the
Sic. n i l t (>;
which :I> r ~ w tlit
t h t aiitl s~coiidtililt+ :tnd considerad as i n Coniiriittce of tlx. l Y t i o l ( ~ .
On inotion l)y Air. Scnlrncs, to :tinead 1 Iic 1)ill by inserting at the
c d of the Iir4 bcctioii tlw word-;
a l l expire at tlrc erid of t l i e next

t l l ? r o l l ~ n l l F ~ l t 3ofn ~111(&offic
011 ot tht. S ~ ~ l I X tn( r
~l,l t ~ s

t \ v ~ I \dctc~i-tnincdin the
KO furt1ic.r tuncndirient Iwitig intide, thc hill wtis reported t o tho
Senate :inti tlic :uiic~iidiitcntW:LS concurrcd in.
r l k t t thc t i l l he rngrossed aiicl rrnd R third time.
\)ill W:L\ rwd the third tinie.
IZ~sol?xd,T h a t i t p s s , ruid that the title thcraof be as aforesaid.
O I W ~ I Y1fi:~t
, ~ , thc Secretary request tho concnrrerice of the Iriouse
o f 1tcprcsent:itircs thcrcin.
3lr. C:ipertoti. f i m i thc coinmittre, rr ortcd that theg l i d examined
: ~ n dfotincl t i ~ i l yrnrollrd bills of the Pol owing titles:
S. Si. A n a d to i*cgiil:itotho supplics of clothing to enlisted inen of
tlit. Kavy during tlic
e the pay of masters mates in the Navy;
X. 96. ;in act, to in
S. 104. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Na\7y t o appoint
clerk3 to the coaiin:mdant and qutirtertnaster of the Marine Corps;
S. 108. An act to aniend an act entitled An act to regulate impressments, appro\ ed March 26, 1863;
S. 128. An act to authorize the appointment of a chief constructor
in the Navy, and to fix the pay; and



S.134. A n act to amend an act entitled An act to amend an act

cntitlcd An act rewgnizing tho existence of war betwcen the United
States and the Confederate States, and concerning letters of marque,
prizes arid prize goods, approved May sixth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-on(. appi.oved May 21, 1861, and numbered 170 of the acts
of the second session of the Provisional Congress of 1861.
Thc Prcsidcnt having signed the enrolled bills last reported to have
been examined, they were delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and
hy hini forthwith presented to the Presidcnt of the Confederate States
for his approval.
The Senate resumed the, consideration of the amendments of thc
House of Boprescntativcs to the l d l (S. 73) to providc: and organize a
general staff for armies in the field, to servo during the war; and
The question being on agreeing to the rnotiori submitted by Mr.
Wigfall on yesterday, t hat tho Senate disaqree to the amendments of
the House of Representatives to the said liill, and ask t i confcrcncc on
the disagreeing votcs of the two Houses thereon,
hlr. Iligfnll withdrew the said motion,
When itwas
12~solcetl.That the Senate concnr in t h c amendments of the House
of Rcprescntativcy to the said hill.
Ordered, Tliitt the S e c l ~ t a r yinform the IIOUSC
of Representatives
Xr. \Vigfdl, from the Corriniittee on Military Affairs, to whom were
referred t h c following joint resolutions:
1. R. 1. Joi nt resolution of thanks to General Wheeler and the oficers and rnen of hi3 cornniand;
11. K.6. Joi nt resolution of thanks to Gen. John H. Morgan, officers
and men of his command; and
II. R. 1.1.Joint rwolution of thanks to Brig. Gcn. N. B. Forrest
and the officers and men under his conmiand;
re ortcd them sererally without amendment.
$he Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the V7hole, to the consideration of the joint resolutions (I-I. R. 1, 13. ]It. 6 , H. It. 14) last
mentioned; and no amendment being m d e , they were reported to
tlie Senate.
O r d u d , lhnt they pms to t i third reading.
The said i*esolutions were scverslly read the third time.
Brsolucd, That the? pass.
O d e m t l , That thc Secretary inform the I-Ionsc of Representatives
Mr. Wigfnll, from the Committee on Military AEairs, to whom mas
referred the amc.udment, of t,he Senate, disagreed t o b y the Rouse of
Beprcscntatives, to the bill (11. B. 14) to prevent fraud in the Quartermasters and Conimi.;sarys Departnicnts, and the obtaining under false
pretense transportation for private property, reported thereon.
O n motion h j Mr. Wigfall,
R~soZwetJ, That the Senate insist on their amendment to the said bill,
disagreed t o by thc HOLSCof Rcprcscntatives, arid ask a conference
o n the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon.
On motion by Mr. Wigfall,
Ordered, That the coinniittee of conference on the part of the Senate
be appointed by the President; and

Apr. 30 1863 ]

meridation that iton

visional Corps of
am e ndnicn t.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Corninittee of tlie $Vliole, to the considenition of the bill (S. 120) last nicntioned; and no amcndiiic:nt being
iiiiidc, it was reported to the Senate.
Oi&~w, That it be engrossed and r e d n third time.
The mid bill was read the third time.
12esolr-ed, That it piss, and that t,hc title thercof be as aforesaid.
O d e w d , That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of lleprcsentatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole,
siderution of the bill (S. 197) to amend an act entitled An
vide R stsff and clerical force for any general who may be a
the President to duty at the scat of government, approve
2.5, lS(i2; :tnd no iinicndiiient bcing tiiade, it was reported to the Senate,
rh:itjitJ bc engrossctl und read cz third time.
I d 1 was wnd the third time.
ed, That it p i s , and that the titlc tliercof be 2s aforesaid.
d, That thc Sjccrctarj~request the C ~ ~ C ~ I I ~ T of
C I Ithe
C ~ House
of Itcprcsen tatires t hcrein.
The hill (H. li. 65) to create a provisional navy of the Confederate
States was read the first and second times mil considcred as in Cominittee of the Wholc.
On niotion by Mr. Barnwell, that the iurther consideration of tho
I)ilI bc postpotied until the fil:st Monday in Dcccrnbrr ncxt,
It was determined in the negativc.
No amendment lming made, the hill was reported to the Senate.
Oivlwed, That it pass to a third reading.
llie said bill was read the third time.
On the question,
Shall the bill now pass?
Yoas.. .. - - - - - - - - - _ _ - 14
I t JVM clcterinincd in the affirmative,
.- .- - ..
On motion by MY.I3rown,
Ihc yeas and nnys being desired hy one-fifth o f the Sci1atoi.s present,
rho voted in the afErmatire arc,
Brown, Caperton, CI:trk, Davis, Henry, Hunter, tJohnson
o f L4rkansas, Itla,\well, Oldharn, OX, Peyton, Yhelan, Serilmes, and
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Burnett, Clay, and Johnson of Georgia.
So it was
Besolved, rhat this bill pass.
OrdM>ed,That the Secretary inform the IIouse of


h message


[Apr. 30, 1863.

the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Mr. I i e ~ ~ t k ~ iTlic
l : IIoasc of 1tel)rf.sciitativex h a w passed a hill (H. R. 70) in
relation to the receipt ol cuuntet k i t Treasury notes b y public officers; in which they
request the coiirtirreiiw ol the Senate.
The Speaker of the IIouse uf Rer>resentati\es having sigiicd sundry enrolled bills,
1 am directed to bring them to the Heriate for the signature of their President.

&fr. Caperton, from the committee, reported thatkhey had exanlined

and found truly enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the following
S. 90. An act relative to certain bonds and Treasury notes issued
under the provisions of the act approved M i i ~ 718, 1861;
H. 11. 20. An act to allow commutation for clothing t o the militia
in actual service of the Confederate States;
1. 12. 30. An act to punish forgery and countcrfeiting;
H. It. 34. An act concerning fecs of district attorncy5; and
11. 12. 13. ,Joint resolution to establish a seal for the Confederate
The President having signed the enrolled bills and enrolled joint
resolution laht rcAported to h a w been cxamined, they were deli-c-eredto
the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the
President of the Confcderate States for hi+ approval.
The Senate resumed, a s in Comniittee of the Whole, the consicieration of the bill (11. B. 28) to inwcase the pay of all noncommissioned
officers arid prirtites in the Army of the Confederate States. .
On motion by Mr. Clay, to ainend the bill by inserting at the end of
the first section the following proviso:
Provided, That said win shall only be payable a t the close of the present war, when
t h e Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds or
registered stock, lo the aniount of increased pay then clue, payable a t any time after
theexpiration of tell years, bearing interckt a t the rate of six per cent, p y a b l e halfyearly, which said bonds or htock he dial1 caube to be delivered to the several States
of this Confederacy in proportion to the average number of troops furnished by each
to the Confederate Government for the prosecution of the war, t h a t they 1 n a ~apply
the amounts delivered to them, respectively, to t h e use of i n d i p i t , sick, or n ounded
soldier,, and of thc indigent families of deceased soldiers, as the legislature of each
State shall decwi propcr,

Mr. Johnson of h r k a n s ~ sdernanded the question; which was not

On thc question to agree to the amenchent propohed by MY.Clay,
After &])ate,
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, that thc further consideration of the
bill be postponed until the first Monday in L3rceniber next,
Mr. I3arnwell denianded the question; which w r t ~seconded, and
The que3tion being put,
On motion by Mr. Om,
Thcyeas :md nays heing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who votcd in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Burnett, Clark, Clay, Davis, Maxwell, Oldham,
Orr, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative arp,
Messrs. Cnpcrton, Henry, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson
of hrkaniils, Phelan, Semmes, arid Sirums.
So it was

Apr. 30, IS63 ]

Orcimd, Thslt the further

until the first Monday in Dec
The Senate proceeded to co
ives to their arncridment to
of an act entitled An act t
military service, etc., approved Octob
12rs01oec2, That they concur therein.
Oiderecl, That the Secretar
Mr. Semries. from the Coinmittce on the Judiciary, to whoin was
referred the I d 1 (13. K. 6 7 ) to providc for holding electioriri for lteprehcntatims in the Congress of tlic Confederate State3 in tlic State of
Tcnncssce, rqmrtcd it wit Iiout amciidrnent.
Thc Scnatc 1)rt)cccdcd,as i n Coniniittcc of the Wholt., to tlic coiisidemtion of tlio hill (IT. K. 67) last iiieiitioncd; and no amendment being
i i i a d ~ it
, w:is rcportcd to the Senate.
Ot*tlttwl, h i t it 1 ~ sto ~:L third reading.
The stid l)ill wa.: read the third time.
Z i ? e w k ? , l h b it pass.
Otdet*etZ, That the Secretary inforin the IIo~1seof Reprcsentati
rho bill (I.It. G8) to providc, f o y the election of inoinbei
giws f o r certain districts of tho S t ~ of
h Louisian:t wiw rcti
:~ndsccond times and considtrcd as i n Cominithx of tho W-hole; and
no airieiitlrncnt hcing, W R S i*rportedto thc Senate.
d , Iht it ~ : L tos t~ third reading.
T h o mid 1)ill I V ~ Sw:id tlic third tiinc.
J I c w d ~ d ,Ihxt it 1):
o t d m d ? That tl1c
retiuy iriforin tlic ~XOUSC, of llcplcsentat,ives
t Ircreof.
Ihc Senate pro~ c(dcdRS
, in Conirriittoc of tlie IVholc, to t81ic\considcrntion of the bill (11. li. 55) to provide, for thct appointnierrt, o f milit a r j stoi~ekccpei~s
iii tlic Pro1 isiorial Army of tlic Confcderntc Statcs;
and no anicntlriient 1)eingmade, i t \viLs rcportcd to the Senate.
O ~ d e r c d ,That, it p:w to a third miding.
Tho said bill W R S read the third time.
ResoL?,!ed, That it pass.
O r d e d , That the Secretary inform the Souse of ltopresentntlvcs
The Senate proceeded to coiisidcr the tmendrrlentb of the IIousc of
RepresentsLtivcs to the bill (S. 13) i n relation to the puhlic printing;
Resolved, That they concur thercin.
Ordered, That the Scc;rctari inforni thc llousc of llcprosentatives
Tho bill (13. R. 66) to change the place of holding the district court
for the western district of Texas WAS read the first and second times
and considered as in Committee of the Whole; arid no alnendment
being made, it was reported to thc Senate.
Odet*ed, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolmed, That it pass.
O&e?*ad, That the Secretary infoixi the Ilouse 01 ltepresentatives



[Apr. 30,1863.

On motion by Ilr. IEarnwell, and h ~ unanimous

O d e y c d , That 300 copies of tlie act entitled A n act to lay taxes
for the comnion defense and carry on the Government of the Confedemto States, aiid of the act entitled A n act. for t h e assessment and
collection of taxes, be printed for the use of the Senate.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the cons:deration of the bill (S. 139) for the relief of William Rowles, Richard
31. Bowles, and others; and
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
the first Monday in Dccembcr next.
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to
whom was referred the bill (1. R. 41) to provide f o r the payment of
the interest on the reinovnl arid subsistence fund due the Cherokee
Indians in North Carolina, I-eported i t with amendments.
The Senate proceeded, 21s in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of thc bill (1. It. 41) 1wt mentioned; and the reported amendrncnts having 1)cvm :igrccd to, the bill mas reported to the Senate and
the s~nic~ntlnicnts
were concurred in.
O i v ~ t * c d ,lhi~tthe aniendnients be engrossed and the bill read a
third time.
The said bill a< ttmciidcd was read the third tinte.
12eso77~4,T l ~ i it~ tp i b s witli amendments.
Or.dri.ec7, That the Sccrctiiry request the concurrence of the House
of Iteprescntatives iii the amendments.
A iiiessagc from t h FTousc of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
Tile lionse of Meprescntatives hare passed hills and joint resolutions
ng title?; in which t1ic.y request the concurrence of t h e Senate:
1. 11. 71. An act to f a d i t a t e the detection of frauds i n the Commissary and Quarteiiriast<.rs Ik~p~irtrrients;
TI. 13. $2. ihi act to picvent l h e bale, cschanpe, or other disposition of the Treaaury
notes, bonds, etc., issucd under the authoiity of the United States, ete.;
11. R. 16. Joint resolution of thanks to Cien. G. T. Beauregard and the officers and
men o f his command for the repulse of t h e ironclad fleet of the enemy from the
harbor of Charlcston on the 7th of April, 1563;
1. It. 17. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Oscar M. Watkins and the officers
and nien nndw his coinnland; arid
11. It. 14. Joint rclsolutioii of thanks to Maj. J. I,. Brent aud t h e officers and
soldiers nntler his command for their gallantry in capturing t h e Federal gunboat
The Speaker of the I I o u ~ eof Iteprcwitatives having signed sundry enrollcd bills,
I am directed to 1)ring them to t h e Rcnatc for t h e signature of their President.

The Senat>cresuiiiecl, as in Corninittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 138) to amend an act entitled An act to 1)
provide for the sick and wounded of tho Army in hospitals, approved
Soptcnihcr 27, 186%
On motion by Mr. Sitrim.;, to aniend tho bill by inserting after
i t @:wcs,
scct>ionI, line 9, the word used, and hy inserting after
held, in the SRIIIC line, thc words as hospitals,
It mas clctcrniincd in t h c affirmative.
On motion tty Mi.. Simnis, to amend the bill by inserting at the end
of ttiv f i d scction tlic following proviso:
lrovitlect, That twenty-fi\ cl cents for each ration so commuted shall not be drawn
nn t i l the Secretary of War shall deem the barne necessary to purupplies for the nse of the. sick and di-thled of the Army,

It wat,z detcrniincd in the affirmative.

Apr. 50, 1863.1

Ho further amendment being made,

Senntt, :tnd the niricndrrients were concurr
On niotion by Mr. Barnwell, that the
bill be postponed until the first Monday i
It wts determined in the negative.
O&?*ecl, That the bill be engrossed and read a
The said hill wx5: read the third time.
BesoZved, That it p ~ s s and
that the title theroof be as nfores
Lhdered, That tlic Secretary request the concurrence of the
of Representatives t,licrcin.
On motion by Ah.. Scmmch,
The Srnatc resolwtl into sccrct Iegis1:itivc session.
Lhc doors h i ~ i n gbccn opcned,
On inotion by 111,.
Urdeiwl, That tlic Senate t:tke :t recess until 7 d d o c k p. in.

OCT,OCR 1. 31.

The following bills, rcceircd from the 1iouse of Bcpnesentat

corrcurrcncv, wvre sc~erallyrwd tho first and second tinics:
11. It. 64. An nct to provide for placing in the military 8ervic
tlic Conftderutc States citixons of the United States residing or
so,iourqitig wvithin the liniits of tlic Confedcrate St:ttrs; and
11. lt. 69. An :ict xut,horiaing thc detail of men for service iii the

r(>f(siwd to the Conimibtcc



Lhc bill (11. it. 70) iii rvlalioii to thc rccci ,t of couiitc~nfeit,Ireasury
i i o t c h hy 1)tiblic o l l i w i s n : i h rc:d the fir,t :ui(ll sccoiicl t i n i w :tnd corisidcrcti :ii in C o n i i i i i t t c ~ cof
~ t l i c T\liolc; :md iio anic.nclrnout being iii:~de,
rted t o tlic Sc;cri:~t(~.
Iliat i t p : ~ h >to :I tliiid rcdirig.
Che said bill W ; I ~rcatl the third time.
&e,~oZwd, I h t it pass.
Oidec.1-ed. That the Sccrcttti*y inform the IIouso of Rcprcscntativcs
The bill (11. 1L. 71) to iacilitate the detection of ffiiudh in thr Commissary :and Qanrtermasters Ihpnrtmcnts was read the iirst and second
tinies; and
On inotion by Mr. Ifuntcr,
Ordwrd, Ihst i t lie upon t h o table.
The following joint resolution> were sererally rc:id tlic first, and
scconcl times and considered as in Comrnittcc of the JYholc:
1-1. 1C. 16. Joint resolution of thanlts to Gen. ( 3 . r. ISeauregard and
t h e ofticcis ant1 men of his coininand for thc i~opulscof the ironclad tlect
o f the cnciiiy from the harbor of Charleston on tho 7th of April,
lS(i3; and
H. It. 17. Joint resolution of thanlts to Maj. Oscar M. Watkins mtl
tlic officers aiicl m m iiridcr his command;
And 110 amenclniont being made, they were reported to the ScntLte.
O t d ~ ( dThat
they pass t o it third rcading.
Thc said rcsolutions mere severdlv read the tliiid time.
&esoZiied, That they 13SS.
OrcLered, That the Secretary inforni the IIoiise of Itcpiwent:11lV C S



01 LRE

The hill (Ix. R. 72) t o prevent the sale, exchange, or other dispositioil of the Treasury notes, bonds, etc., issued under the authority of
the Iinitcd States, etc., received this day from the IIotm of Representatives for concurrence, mas read the first and second times and
refer~.edto the Committee on the Judiciary.
The joint resolution (1. R. 18) of thanks to Maj. J. L. Brent and
the officers and soldiers under his coiiimand for their gallantry in capturing tlie Federal gunboat Indianola was read the first and second
tiines; and
On motion by Mi-. Clay,
Ordered, That it lie upon the table.
The Senate proceeded to consider their amendments, disagreed to
by the HOUSC
of Representatives, to the bill (41. it. 15) f o r the establishment and cqualization of the graclc of officers of the Navy Ltf the
Confederate States. and for other purposes; and
On motion by Mr. Senimes,
Ordered, That they lic upon tjhe txl)lc.
The Senate proceeded to consider tlic anicndmerit of the House of
IZeprcseentatives to the bill (S.19) to tLmcricl at1 a c t to organize the
clerical force of t h e Ilrca.;ury Departnicnt, disagreed to by tlie Senate and insisted 011 b y the Ilo~isc;a i d
On motion by Mr. 13arnwel1,
IZcsoZwd, That the Senate rcccdc fi-oiri their disagreement t o the
said amendment.
01*&red, That the Secrotary iriforrii tho I-louse of ltepreseiitativcs
The Senato proceeded to conbider the :~nicndment of tho House of
Representdves to tho bill (S. 116) to authorize t h e Sccretary of War
to purchase or lease real cstate, disagreed to hy the Scnxte and insisted
on by the House; arid
On motion by Mr. Hemiries,
R e ~ h e d That
thc Senate rcccdr from their disngreerncnt to the
said amendment.
07*dered, That the Secretary inforni the IIousc of IZcpresentatives
The Senate proceeded to cortsitici. tlic aincndinents of the House of
Bepresentatires to the bill (S. 118) to authorize the establishment of
express mails; and
Besobued, That they concur therein.
Ordered, That tlic Secretary inform thrl House of Rcpresentatives
Mr. Capertoti, from the committee, reporked that they had cxitniincd and found truly enrolled bills atid x joint] resolution of the following titles:
S.56. An act to amend an act entitled An act to oyganize military
courts to attend the Army of the Confederate States in the field, and
to define the powers of said courts, approved October 3, 1862;
S. 62. An act to pay officers, nonconimissioned officers, and privates
not logally mustered into the service of the Confederate States for
services actually performed;
s. 68. An act to abolish all ports of delivery in thc Confederate
S . 74. An act to anleiid a11 acl entitled h i act for the establishment and organization of a gcncrd staff for the arm^ of the Confederate Sitates of America, approved Pcbrimy 26, 1861 ;

Apr. 30, 1SF3 ]


s. $1. h n act to provide for the g a p l e n t of certain

troops from the time of their enlistnlc>nt;
S. 88. An net in relation to the custody
offenses tlgaiiirt the Confedernhe States;
S. 107. A n :wt to provide for ttie tmnsfpl- of persons
Army to the Nary;
11. li. 49. An act regulating the gr:%ilting of furloue;
charges in hospitals;
11. B. 26. An tict for the ashessment atid c.oIIection of taxes;
21. K. 59. An act to continuo and nmrnd the third section of an
act supyltinentnry to tin a c t concerning the pay re id :illowanre due to
deccased soldiers, approvrd Febrri:iry 15, 18ti2. re id to providc for
the pronipt hottiemerit of c l a i m for nrrtaragch o f p y . :~llo\~~ar~ce,
boiinty duc decenscd officei.~m d soldiers; and
11. It. l o . ?Joint resolut,ion to provide for the p:lynlent of certain
accounts of the acting quarternisstcr and other officers of the India11
t 1oop.
The lrcsident havin signed the enrolled bills arid enrolled *
resolution last reportefi to have been exatnirtcd, they were deli
to thc Swretary of the Senate and by him fotthwith presented to
Prcsidcnt of the Confederate States for h i s :~pproval.
A nmssage from the President of the Confederate
13. N. 14ar~is011,
his SccretRry:
MI,. PI ( s I d c ~ ~Tlw
Prt&lcnt of the Confederate State? has today approved
signctl ttrc 1oIJon ing acts

S. h7. -\n act to rcgolatc the rnpplica of clothing to cvilistccl nien of the Na
d u r i w tlic \\ a r ,
S. 4;. A ~avt
n to increaw tlic p a y of ina.:t(w matt,> i n ttw ~ a v v ;
S.Ol0-1. .in a c t to writtiorim tlic Secrctaiy of the Navy to :ippoint clerks to the
laster of tiic Jlaririe Corps;
it1 an act entitlcd A n act to icgnlate iiiiI)ressii1CntY,

i/e t t i e appointnient of a c1iic.f cwnxtrnctor i n tlie Savy,

S. 134. A n a( t to nnien(1an act cntitlccl A i i i wt t o aiiirntl an act entitlctl
recognizing the (xyistvnce of w a r between the Inittd Stale3 and the Confeder;ite
Statce, a t r d conceining letters of niar(qne,p r i m a n t l prire gootlx, approurd May sixth,
eighteen Iinndretl and sixty-one, approv(d May 21, 1881, and nnnibcrecl 170 of the
acts of the second session of the Irovisional Congress of 1861.

and to fix the


d , That the Secretary inform the Horise of Beprcsentatives
A message from the House of Reprcscntntives, by Rfr. McDonald:
N r . Presid(>7>/:
The House of IteprcFentatiwx have passed a hill (1%. It. 73) to
estahlisli certain post routes therein named; i n which they request the concurrence
of the Senate.
They have receded lroin their disagreement t o t h e amcndmrnt of the Senate to
t h e hill (11. It. 14) to prevent fraud I I I the dinartermasters and Commksarys
Departments, and the obtaining under false pretense transportation for private
h~itlthey liave concurred in the amendment of t h e Senate to the joint resolution
(H. It. 13) to ebtablish a seal for the Confederate States.
Tlie Iresident of the Confederate States has notifietl the House of Representatives
28th instant, he ap1)royed and signcd an act ( I $ . It. 44) for tile relief Of
And that on the 29th instant he approved and signed the following acts:
H. R. 40. A n act to prescribe the rates of postage on newspapers, periodicals,
books, and transient and other matter, arid to repeal in part the second eection of the
act approved May 13, 1861, to aincnd an act to prescribe the rates of postage i n the
Confederate States of America, and for other purposes, approved February 23, 1861;
H. R. 46. An act for the relief of Lieut. Thomas T. Iiirtland;
c J-VOL 3-04---25



[Apr. 30, 1863.

H. It. 48. An act allowing hospital accomn~odationsto sick and wounded officers;
H. R. 58. An act to admit free of duty all machinery for t h e manufacture of cotton
or wool, or necessary for carrying 011 a n y of the mechanic arts; and
1%.R. 60. An act to declare the meaning and extend the provisions of an act
entitled An act to increase the pay of certain officers and employees in the ekecutive and legislative departments, approved October 13, 1862.
And that he has to-day approved and signed a n act (H. R 20) to allow commutation for clothing to the militia i n actual servire of the Confederate States.
The Speaker qf the House of Representatives having signed sundry enrolled bills
and enrolled joint resolutions, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the
signature of their President.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Mr. President: The Speaker of the IIonse of Representatives having signed sundry
enrolled bills, I am directed to bring them to t h e Senate for t h e signature of their

On motion by Mr. Clay,

The Senate adjourned.

A message froin the Nousc of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Mr. Pn+dP?t/: Tlie Spcaker of the HOUSP
of IZcpre~entatioeshaving signed sundry
enrolled bills, 1 an1 directed to bring thelit to thr Senate for the signature of their

Jlr. Senimes, from the Cominittec on the Judiciary, to whom was

referred the bill (11. It. 63) to aid thc several Departments i n the
investigation of accounts, reported it with the recommendation that it
ought not to pass.
Mr. Capci%on,from thc cornmittec, reported that they had exam*
ined and found truly enrolled
A bill (S. 130) supplementary to an act to provide for the funding
and further issue of Treasury notes.
The Presidrnt pro tempore having signed the enrolled bill last
reported to hnvc been examined, it w u b delivercd to the Secretary of
the Seiiate and by him forthwith prcsented to the President of the
Confederate States for his xpproval.
Jlr. Semines, from the coininittee of confrrcnce on thc disagreeing
on the j o i n t resolution (S. 2 ) rclative to the
votes of thc two IIou
plan of retdiation proposed in the Presidents message, reported
That they rcc~omniendthat the Senate agrec to the amendment of the House of
Representatives, ainended PO as to read as folloa s:
B r s o l i ~ t lby tlit Conpeas of the Confederate Akctcs of America, in response to the message of t h e Presiderit transinitted to Congress a t the commencement of the present
session, That, in the opinion of Congress, the ronimissioned officers of the enemy
ought not to be delivered to the authorities of the res ective States, as suggested in
the said message; but all captives taken by t h e Confeterate forces ought to be dealt
with and disposed of by the Confederate Government.
2 . That, in the judgment of Congress, the proclamations of the President of lhe
United States, daled, respectively, September 22, 1862, and January I, 1863, and the
other measures of the Government of the Gnited States and of its authorities, commanders, and forces, designed or trnding t o emancipate slaves in the Confederate
States, or to abduct such slaves, or to incite them to insurrection, or to employ negroes
in war against the Confederate States, or to overthrow t h e institution of African
+very and bring on a servile war in these States, would, il sucressful, produce atrocious consequences, and thcy are inconsistent with the spirit of those usages which
in modern warfare prevail among ciyilixed nation.. They may, therefore, be properly
and lawfully reprewed by retaliation.
3. That in every rase wherein, during the prescnt war, any violation of the laws
or usages of war among civilieed nations shall be or has been done and perpetrated

Apr. 30, 1863.1

by those acting under

persons or property of
tection or i n the land
t h e Confederacy, the P
fnll and ainplc retaliat

3 . Erery person being a commissioned officer or acting as such in the service of
tlrr cncniy who slitill, dnring Ihe present war, cLxvite, ntteiiipt to excite, or cawe to
bc c\;~*ittyia P C P ~ I inmrrection
or who shall intcite or iause to be incitcd a slave to
rcl)c,l ~ i i : i l I . if captured, be pot to death or be otherwise punislied, a t the discretion
of t i l l . Vollrt.
*(i 1<1crj pcmon cliargetl with an offense punisl~ablt~
nnclcr the preceding resolutions 4i:ill, during the present v ar, be tried before the niilitary court attached to the
arriiy OY c o q w Iiy tlw troops of which he shall h a r e been captured or by such other
e 1rc.sicknt niay direct and in such iiianric~and under sucli reguident shall prescribe; and, after conviction, the President may
iiiicnt i n such inannerand on such terms as he may deem proper.
aird niiilattoes who dial1 be engaged in war or be taken 111 arms
:q:iinst the Confedtwte States or shall give aid or comfort to the enemies of the Confccterntc States b h a l l , when cqitured in the Confederate SLqtes, be delivered to the
autliorititv o f tlic State or States in wiiirii they shall be captured, to be dealt with
awordiiig to tht. prescnt or future laws of surh State or States.
And that thc title of the resolution be ainended so as to read Joint resolutions on
t h e subject of wtalintion.

Thc Senatc yroccedcd to conaidcr said report; and

, Ilzat they c m m r thcrcin.
lhat thc Secrct:iry inforni the IIOUSC
of liepresentatives
tl icrco f.
0x1 by M y . Scmincs,
, Th:it the injunction of secrecy he wmoved from tho procccdirigs of thc Seiiate on the joint resolution (S. 2) on the subject of
rctiIlintlo11, when the sxine shall have becn approved and signed by the
Mi-. Caperton, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills of thc following titlcs:
S.61. An act to authorize t h c Presiclent to contract for the construction and equipment of vessels for the Navy abroad; and
S. 133. A n act to amend an act entitled An act to nialre appropriations for ironclad and othcr war steamers, steam engines, and other
supplies contractcd for abroad.
Ihe President having signed the enrolled bills last reported to have
been examined, they were delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and
bj7 him forthwith presented t o the President of the Confederate States
for his approval. A message from thc House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

XT.Pyesident: The House of Representatives have passed the bill of the Senate
(S. 112) to facilitate transportation for the Government.

On motion by Mr. Oldham,

The Senate resolved into executive session.


The following messages were received from the President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Sccrctarp:
Richmond, April 30, 1863.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, April 29, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recoinniend t h e following nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America:

Lieut. Col. Jos. H. Ham, of Virginia, to be colonel Sixteenth Virginia Regiment,
vice Col. C. A. Cmmp, killed September 1, 1862.

Maj. William R. Hardy, of Arkansas, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-fourth
Arkansas Regiment, T ice Lieut. Col. T. JI. Whittington, resigned December I, 1862.
JIaj. It. 0. IVhiteheatl, of Tirginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Virginia
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. F. Lt. Holladay, resigned March 16, 1863.
Xaj. James Aiken, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirteenth Alabama Regiment, \ice Lieut. Col. W.H. Betts, resigned January 14, 1863.
Maj. \V. L. Moody, of Texas, to be lieutenant-coloriel Seventh Texas Regiment,
vice Lieut. Col. H. B. Granburq, promoted August 29, 1862.

Capt. J. T. Smith, of Alabama, to be major Thirteenth Alabama Regiment, vice
Maj. James Aiken, promoted January 14, 1863.
Capt. J. C. Tinibcrlakc, of Virginia, to be major Fifty-third Virginia Regiment,
vive Maj. R. W. Martin, promoted March 5, 1863.
Capt. K. N. Van Zandt, of Texas, to be major Seventh Texas Regiment vice Maj.
W. L. JIoody, promoted August 29, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
&cretay of War.
To His Excellency J~sak:izso~
Prrsidmt, rtc.
Richmond, April 30, 1863.
To tlie Seriencrte of Ute Confederute States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.


Richmond, April 27, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to recommend t h e following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army ot t h e Confederate States of America:
Bdjutccnts, wrth the rank of jirsl lieutena?it.

J. L. McCaskill, of Mississippi, for duty with the Eighth Mississippi Regiment, to

rank from April 2,1863.
C. T. Bannerman, of Texas, for duty with Sixth Texas Battalion Cavalry, to rank
from March 1, 1863.
John 11. Parr, of Virginia, for duty with Seventh Virginia Regiment, to rank
from March 1, 1863.


Apr. SO, 1865.1

B. 13. Nash, of Tirginia, for dtity with Forty-first Virginia Regiment, to r

A ~ ~ u,
Q 4 1 UfiQ
Robert W. Jones, of Arkansas, for duty with Twentieth
..-I7 ..F
3111 March 21, 1863.
hit Thomas, of Alabania, for duty with Sixth Alabama
-om B p l 1 I, 1863.
J. 13. Welboni, of North Carolina, for duty with Twenty-second
Regiment, to rank froin April 7, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obeiclient s e r v a n t ,


I%RT \TlW 01 A\>tEltICA, E X E C L ~ T IB

I?ic/iinontl, April 30, 1868.

o/ /\I? co
.igrcwhlr to t l i e recommendation of the Secretary of War, I noininate the officers
on the acconipiinying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.

7b f l i p ,%7(7lP

Richmond, April 27, 1863.
S I R . I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointnient ii
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:


Assistant qiccolrrmrc~ters,
with the rank qf captain.
Williani R. Calhonn, of Arkansas, for duty with First Battalion Arkansas Cavalry,

to inirk ~ P O I I Jdrily 10, 1862.

( i 1, I Ixrris, of T(~iineYsct~,
for tluty with Fifty-fifth Tcnncsscc Regiment, to rank



1, ISM.

.Jo,l~nR. Sndtlnrtli, of X o r t t i Carolina, for clitty with Thirty-third North Carolina

licymrcrrt, to rank froiii \ p i 1 3, 1863.
.T. \Viiitloc~k,of ( h r y i a , for duty wit11 T\wnty-Crst (icwrgia Itcpiment, to rank
from April 8, 1SG:i.
I an,sir, req)c~c.tfully,your obedient s m w i t ,
Swwfary of IVav.



I h E C U T l V E ~)ElARTMENT,
Iiicfimond, April 30, lM3.

To f l i p & n a t ~qf /lie ConjederatP Slrrtes:

Agreeably to t h e recommcnclatiun o f Ihe Secretary of War, I nominate the ofiicers
on the ac~cwmpanyinglist to tlic rank afixed to their riatnes, respectively.

\fAl< ~ E P A R T M E N T ,
Riclimoud, April 27, 1868.
SIR:I have the honor to rerommwd the following noininations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Aiiierica:



First Lieut. B. H. IIardce, of Georgia, to he captain, First Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, vice Capt. A. Shaaff, promoted January 20, 1863.
Arsl lietitmnnt.
Second Lieut. H. Ilerrmann, oi Georgia, to be first licJutenant, First Battalion Georgia
Sharpshooter!, vice First Lieut. 3.13. Flardee, promoted January 20, 186%
I am, sir, respectfully, your obcdient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
Presidenl, elc.



Idpr. 30,1863.

Richmond, April 30, 186.3.
To the Sennle qf /lie Cofl$x!emte states:
Agreeably to tht. recommendation of t h e Secretary of War, I nominate Thomas
Hardeman, of Georgia, to be major, ascommandant of camp of instruction, &lacon,Ga.
IZicliinond, April 27, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to reconimend the following nominations for appointiiient
in the Provisional Briny of the Confederate States of America:

8, 1862.


Thomas Hardeman, of Georgia, for duty as commandant of camp of instruction,

Macon, Ga. , to rank from 3larc.h 26, 1863.
I am, sir, rcspcctfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellency JEFFERROX

President, etc.
Riclimoncl, April do, 1863.
To the Senate of the Confederate Stcites:
Agreeably to the reconiniendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
011 the annexed list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmoizd, April lY, 1868.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional i h n y of the Confederate States of america:

second lieu teiiccnts.

W. F. Colcock, of South Carolina, to he second lieutenant, First South Carolina Regiment (enlisted 111e11), to rank from April 20, 1863.
C. W. Godfrcy, of Georgia, to he second lieutenant, First Georgia Regiment
(enlisted men), to rank from April 20, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Sivetctry of Wur.
TO His Escellericy JF:FFERSON
President, ftc.
Richmond, Tin., April 30, 1863.
To the Senate qf the Confederate fhtes:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, April 37, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Arniy of the Confederate States of America, for distinguished
valor and skill:
Second lieiitenunts.
L. Gustine, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant Company B, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Reginlent, to rank from April 5 , 1863.
J. H. Prater, of Louisiana, to be second lieiittrnant Company C, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Regiment, to rank from April 5, 1863.


Apr. 50, 1863.1

John C. Singleton, of Kentucky, to be second lieutenant

tucky Cavalry Regiment, to rank from March 20, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To 13s Esccllency JEFFERSOW

President, ctc.

Richmond, April $0, 1

To the Senate of thr Confedwotc, Stcttrs.
Agrocably to the recoiiirncntl;-ttionof tlic Secretary of War, I noininatc the officers
011 the annexed list to ihc milk slftisctl t o their nnnies, respectively.
~ P A R I ~ [ E K TRiclintoncl,
,ipril 17, 1863.
SIR:T Iiaw the honor to rtxoniiiientl the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Artily of 1 h e Confevkrate States of America:

Tjrigade quarfernrastc-rs,with the rank ofmajor.

Charles B. Moore, of Arkansas, for duty Fvith Brig. Gen. D. McFhes brigade, to
rank froin Febrtiary14, 1863.
\V. A. Itayburn, of Mississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. C. Waltlmlls brigade,
to rank from February 13, 18GS.

A ssistnnt qu(irtev~iins/er,?r<t71 the miik ofcaptain.

Jairies .I. Tillt$gue,
iiirnt, to lank from

ol Sonth Carolinn, for tlrity with Recontl Rooth Carolina Regi-

No\cnihc~r18, lSB3.

1 aiir, sir, rwpwtfiilly, yoiir olxvlitAnt wrvaiit,,

S ( v e / u ? yof

To IJi3 Exc*t.llonc*yJi


Ii.csitleiit, etc.
~ I C H M O N I ) ,April

SO, 1RG3.

of tlic ficcretary of War, T noininat,e the officers

to thcir iianies, respectively.
Itic~\ioxt),4Lpril17, 183.9.


SIR:I liavc the honor to Ircommend tlic following noininations for appointment
in the Provisional Artily of t h Confedwatc St:ites of Anierim:


James W. XcConauglicy, of Arkatiwi\, l o I)rc q h i i i , for cliily with Brig. Gem D.

NcRaes brigade, Febrnaiy 14, 1863.
E. T. Sykes, of Mississippi, to hc captain, for duty with Brig. Gem 13. C. Walthall,
February 12, 1803.

1am, sir, rcspc,ctfully, your obcdient servant,

Secretary of PVar.

The messages were s e v e d l y read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations therein contained;
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to their respective nominations b y the President.



[Apr. 30, 1863.

April, 3'0, 1863'.
To the ScnatP of ilie Confedtrate i%nfPs:
Agreeably to t h e recommcndatioI1 of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on tho accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, April 15, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America:
Bigad? quarternzcistprs, witk runk of mujor.

Thomas Shuinate, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gem J. D. Imboden's brigade, to
rank from January 28, 1863.
John T. Sibley, of South Carolina, for duty with Brig. Gen. S. D. Lee's brigade, to
rank from February 1 , 1863.
Daniel N. Speer, of Georgia, for duty with Brig. Gen. A. R. Lawton's brigade, to
rank from Kovember 28, 1862.
John F. Womack, of Texas, for duty with Brig. Gen. $2. Greer's brigade, to rank
from November 16, 1862.
Assistunt partermastern, ?villi rant of captain:


Janies R. Ward, of Virginia, for duty with Sixteenth Virginia Regiment, March 2,
R. C. Shorter, of Georgia, for d u t y with Seventeenth Georgia Regiment, March 3,
8. J. MacGavoclr, of Tennessee, for duty with Tenth Tennessee Regiinent, February
1, 1863.
James E. Blair, of Yirginia, for duty with Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, January
1, 1863.
A. D. Ahrahanis, of Georgia, for duty with Forty-first Georgia Regiment, June 6,
Samuel Hunter, of Georgia, for duty with Second Georgia Battalion, March 23,1662.
duty witti Fourteenth Arkansa,?Regiment, May 16, 7 862.
ppi, for duty with First Mississippi Regiment Artillery,
January 10, 1863.
Fletcher Austin, of Arkansas, for duty wit,h Twenty-serenth Arkansas Regiment,
July 14, 1862.
I,. D. Holloway, of Iientucky, for dut,y with Fifth Iientucky Cavalry Regiment
' March 14, 1863.
Thirteenth Tennessce Regiment, June 5,1862.
11 Choctaw Battalion, Narch I, 1863.
e, \'a,, March 19, 1863.
., January 26, 1663.
Todd T-iall, of I<entuclry, for duty with Third Kentucky Battalion Cavalry, November 29, 1662.
W. G. Gray, of Georgia, for duty with First Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters,
March 1. 1663.
B. L. ' McCaughrin, of South Carolina, for duty with Fourteenth South Carolina
Regiment, March 23, 1863.
W. P. Webb, of North Carolina, for duty with Fifty-fifth Korth Carolina Regiment,
March 10. 1863.
A F Flowerq, of TexaP, for duty with Sixteenth Texas Regiment, March 14, 168%
C. A. Durham, of Sorth Carolina, for duty with Forty-ninth North Carolina Regiment, March 1, 1863.
W. H. Rhea, of Tenneseer, for duty with Second Tennessee Regiment, June 1, 3862.
N. C. MacI)oflie, of South Carolina, for duty with Twenty-first South Carolina Regiment, March 21, 1863.
T. D. Kingsbury, of Arkansas, for duty at Arkadelphia, Ark , ,\larch 20, 1863.
George Taylor, of Arkansas, for duty a t Washington, Ark., March 20, 1863.
J. S. Ives, of North Carolina, for duty with Twelfth North Carolina Battalion, Pnrtisan Rangers, September 30, 1862.
S. R. Proctor, of South ('arolina, for duty a t Florence, S.C., February 16, 1663.
EL R. Whitfield, of Arkansas, for duty with Eleventh Arkansas Regiment, October
1, 1662.

Apr. 30, I8GS ]

E. J. Felder, of South Carolina, for duty with Second

Artillery, February 1, 1862.
C. I). Sullivan, of Arkansas, for dnty with Secon
F. C. Sollee, of Florida, for d u t y with First Fl
James Long, of Texas, for duty at Paris, Tex.,
F. Rarksdale, of Blississippi, for duty with Sixt
16, 1863.
T. It. Franklin, jr., of Texas, for diity with Twenty-sixth Texas Cavalry R
February I , 1863.
t i . (+. \\esteott, of Virginia, for duty I\ ith Carters Rattalion Artillery, March
R. M. McClcllan, of >Iissinuippi, f u r duty I\ ith *Jeff. Davis I,egion, Norember 1 ,
%. E (iarrisoi:, ot Teuns, for tinty it11 Fourtrmtli Tcsas Cavalry lit>giment,Mmrh
16, 1SM.
\V. Xitliwon, of A i k a n m , for d u t y \\itli S:eventccnth Arkansas Itegiinent, Jannary 7, lH(;S.
J. 13. lirigpa, of Twiiewv, for duty with Fourth Tennessee Ca\Ialry Regiment,
February 19, 186:;.
F. Sicbcrt, of Texas, for tlnty Y illi Third Tesas Regiment, Jaiioary 18, 1863.
Archibald IIughes, of Tennessee, for dnty w i t h Forty-first Tennessee Regiment,
Novcniber I , 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient bervaiii,
r ,

Lhe message WLS read.

On iiiotion by Mr. Wigfall,
11i:tt the notiiii1:ition of T. li. Franklin, jr., lie on tlie table.
Ihc S~n:itcprwwdcd t o considcr thc rcsiduc of the noniiuations
cout:iincd in tlic ni(w:igc; :ind
I& s o l w l , Iht t lic Scimte >Lthihennd consent to their appaintment,
1:Ltioii 01 thr Jscsidcnt.
gc \\:I.; i w c ~ i r c dfroin the lrcsidetit of tho Con. 13. N , Hwrison, his Sccrctary:
TO t/!(1%?~(1tt Of

I ~ l C H h I O N D ,ilJYii/
/ / I t ( oI//idt

80, 186$.


Agreeably to t l r c reci~iiriiieiiditi~ir
of thr Htvrchrp of War, I nominate the oflicrrs
on the a e ~ ~ ~ t i ~ p :11-t
~ n lo
y itlir
n ~ iwnk :itfi\td to tlicir iinni~s,rwpectivc4y.
\ ~ A R niw.imn%trwr,l?iihnont?, April 9Y, 18G.Y.
The Ini:s~niwr.
SIIL:I h v e thc lionor to recoininend the follon ing nominations for alqmintnient in
the lrovkioiial Army of 1 lie Confederatr States of Ainerica:


iLtitJer trtt

cipprouctl 4 p d 91, I&/;?

George W. Anderson, of Georgia, to bv major of artillery, ordered to rc3port to Gen-

be iirajor of artillm.y, ordcretl to rcport to Gen. J. C.

14. 11. Kobcrtson, of Trxaq, to he major of artillcry, ortlerctl to report to Gen. u.
B r a g , .Ipril 2.1, 1803.
I am, sir, rtq)ectfiilly, your obedient s c n w i t ,
3 AM158 A. SRDDON,
Seierretary of War.

the nomination of F. 1. Robertson be referred to
tlie Conirnittee on Military Affairs
The Senate proceeded l o consider the iioriiinations of George W.
Anderson and R. E. Graves, to be majors of artillery; and



[Apr. 30,1863.

BesoZved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,

agreeably to the nomination of the President.
The following messages were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., April SO, 1869.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively.
., April 29, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor t o recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Brigucle commrssaries, with the runk of major.

William J. Sykes, of Tennessee, for duty with Gen. W. B. Bates brigade, to rank
from October 14, 1862.
David A. Jones, of Virginia, for duty with Gen. J. R. Jones brigade, to rank
from October 14, 1862.
L. H. Oliver, of Arkansas, for duty with Gen. J. E. Rains (late) brigade, to
rank from October 14, 1862.
G. V. Rambaut, jr., of Virginia, for duty with Gen. N. B. Forrestfi brigade, to
rank from October 14, 1862.
8. C. Wood, of Alabama, for duty with Gen. S. A. 31. Woods brigade, to rank
from Octobcr 14, 7 862.
L. Ellenburg, of Arkansas, for duty with Gen. St. J. R. Licldells brigade, to rank
from October 14, 7862.
H. Evans, of Kentucky, lor d u t y with Gen. Tom. Taylors brigade, to rank from
October 31, 1862.
A. J. Dade, of Virginia, for duty with Gen. W . H. F. Lees brigade, to rank from
October 30, 1862.
13. H. Haynie, of Texas, for duty with Gen. TI. R. Scurrys brigade, to rank from
October 14, 1862.
C . R. Railey, of Louisiana, for duty with Gen. D. W. Adanis brigade, to rank
fropi October 14, 1862.
W. J. McMahon, of Tennessee, for duty with Oen. J. C. Vaughns brigade, to
rank from November 5, 1862.
S. II. King, of nfissiesippi, for duty with Gen. P. Smiths brigade, to rank froin
October 27, 1862.
T. P. Weakley, of Texas, for ilnty with Col. F. 1\1. Walker, commanding brigade,
to rank from October 14, 1862.
S. R. Harrison, of Nississippi, for duty with <+en. J. R. Davis brigade, to rank
from November 1, 18ci2.
J. 8. Hayes, of Virginia, for duty with Cien. J. R. Cookes brigade, to rank from
Kovember 9, 1862.
J. B. Morgan, of Georgia, for duty with Gen. A. I. Colquitts brigade, to rank
from November 13, 1862.
T. S. Barton, of Virginia, for duty with Gen. If. EIeths brigade, to lank from
October 27, 1862.
W. B. Warwick, ul Virginia, Lor duty with Gem Fitz. Lees brigade, to rank from
Noveniber 8, 1862.
A. R. H. Ranson, of Virginia, for duty with Gen. J. Pegrams brigade, to rank
from November 19, 1862.
J. 11. F. Mayo, of Virginia, for duty with Gen. A. Cumniings brigade, to rank
from November 3, 1862.
J. G. Connelley, of Ar?.ansas, for duty with Gen. J. F. Fagans brigade, to rank
from November 5, 1862.
R. S. Gage, of North Carolina, for duty with Gen. T. L. Clingmans brigade, to
rank from November 27, 1862.
H. B. Whitfield, of Mississippi, for duty n i t h Gen. W. E Baldwin? brigade, to
rank from November 12, 1862
S.H. Mulherrin, of Arkansas, for duty with Gen. R. McVairs brigade, to rank
from November 1, 1862.
R. C. Williams, of Florida, for duty with Gen. W. G. M. Davis brigade, to rank
from November 11, 1862.

Apr. 30, 1663.1


J . G. Richardson, of Alabama, for duty with Gen. F. T. Nicholl

froiii October 14, 1862.
Aiug.J. Byrd, of Texas, for duty with Col. W.H. Parsons
to rank from October 14, 1862.
U. G.Thomas, of ICentucky, for duty with Gen. A . Buf
from December 11, 1862.
R. 11. Pininione, of Texas, for duty with Gen. J. A. Whartons
froin Soveniber 18, 1862.
\V. P. Elliott, of Kentucky, for duty with Gen. J. 11. Morgans brigade,
froiii October 14, 3862.
13. F. J<rans, of South Cnrolina, for duty with Gcn. &I. Greggs brigade, to r
froiii 1 ) e c t ~ b e r5, 1862.
\V. P. llollings\\ ortli, of Alabama, for duty wit11 General Tracys brigade, to rank
froin Novenil)er :<,1862.
John 15 I k i c ~ > i iof
, 1iIoricl:t, for duty with Geii. W.8. \\all;ers brigade, to rank
fro111 I)rc.twll)cr 17, 1862.
( i . 13 I)yctr, of South Carolina, for duty with Gcn. S. D. Lees brigade, to rank
froui S o ~ c ~ i i i l ) t29,
~ r .1862.
8.Siiiioiis, of South Caroliiia, for duty with Gen. J. I. Trapiers brigade, to rank
from Ilecetnber 4, 1862.
I. 11. Karle, of Texas, for duty with Gen. 11. EL 1LIcCullochs brigade, to rank
from 1)ccciiiber 13, 1862.
W. A. Shepharcl, of Virginia, for duty with Gen. It. A. Pryors brigade, to rank
froiii L)ec~eiiiber
30, 1862.
J. I<. 1. C:inipbell, of Arkansas, for duty with General Churchills brigade, to rank
from December 2, 1862.
C. 1). Brown, of Alabama, for d u t y I\ ith (ien. A. Gracies brigade, to rank from
Dece1lll)cT 14, 18V2.
rginia, for duty nitli Grn. It. 13. Gametts hrigade, to rank
igit, for duty


iana, for d u t y

I\ it11 <;vIi.

tien. (f. T. Andersons brigade, to rank

.I. hfoutoris brigade, to rank from

I a m , sir, rrspc~ctfllll),J our olwcliriil w n w i t ,

To IIis lkwellency .TI

,Sm-ckm/ of Wxr.

April 80, 18GS.
To tlic ,Crmtlc qf thr (bi~ji~lertrte
ilgiei.nbly to the rcc,oinineritlatioii of thc Secretary of War, I noiirinatc the officers
0 1 1 the aiinesed list to the ranks affixed to naiiies, rwpectiwly.
I l
~ i d l n l O l Z d ,~l[)ld
93, 18G3.
SIR. I ha\ e the honor to rwoniiiiend tlie following nouiinatioiis for appointment
in the Prorisiorial Army of the Confedc~attbStates of Auierica:

E. IT. Cunirriirir, 01 Vivginia, for d u t y uitli hIaj. Gen. I>. IT. Maurp, to rank from
4, 1802.
I). I\. Flo\\ erree, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. G e n . D. 1. Maury, to rank from
Nowmher 4, 1862.
(4. J, Cookc, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. Ssniuel Jones, to rank from
Decwnl)cr 9, 1862.
Samuel IIalp, of Virginia, for duty with Rlaj. Gen. Juhal A. Early, to rank from
Januarv 21, 1863.
E. S.Binford, of Georgia, for duty with Maj. Gen. Jos. Wheelrr, to rank from January 1, 1863.
W. F Afastin, of Kentuclry, for duty with Maj. Grn. 8. R. Buckner, to rank from
Jxniirtry 26, 1x63.
J . I<. Tlison, of Arkansas, for duty with Rlaj. Gen. 1. R. Clcbnrue, to rnrik from
Jannary 25, 1863.
C. Benham, of ihkansds, for duty with Maj. Gen. 1. R. Cleburne, to rank from
December 13, 1862.



J. A. Engelhard, of Eorth Carolina, for duty with Gen. W. D. Penders
to rank froni December 29, l862.
11. p. Iratt, of Tennessee, for duty with Lieut. Gen. E. K. Smith, to
October 14, 1862.
H. W.Hand, of Arkansas, for duty with Gen. A. Rusts brigade, to rank
January 5, 1863.
J. Id.Sandford, of Kentucky, for duty with Gen. 13. Marshalls brigade, to
froni 1)ecember 27, 1862.
T. J. Portis, of Alabama, for duty with Gen. J. Adams brigade, to rank from
January 11, 1863.
R. M. Sinis, of North Carolina, for duty with Gen. M. Jenkins brigade, to rank
froin January 1, 1863.
W. C. Yancey, oE Tennessee, for duty with Uen. \V. B. Rates brigade, to rank from
November 17, 1862.
Charles 8. nest, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. J . B. Magruder, to rank
from December 26, 1862.
A. Tappan, of Arkansas, for duty with G w . J. C. Tappans brigade, to rank from
January 26, 1863.
G. H. Johnston, of North Carolina, for duty with Gen. J. H. Lanes brigade, to
rank from January 19, 1883.
W. K. littnian, of Missouri, f o r duty \\it11 Gen. M. E. Greens brigade, to rank
froni January 25, 1863.
I,. Trousdale, of Tenntwee, lor duty wit11 Grn. M. J . Wrights brigade, to rank
from January 20, 1803.
G. Noorman, of Tennrsscc, fur duty with Gen. W.I-I. Jacksons brigade, to rank
froni January 6, 1863.
J . 9. Galklier, of Iientuc-ky,Por duty with Maj. Gen. S. B. Buckner, to rank from
Janunry X, 7 863.
It. A . Ilatc.lier, of Tenntwet., for duty with Gen. A. 1. Stewarts brigade, to rank
from Febrriary 3 , 1803.
T. 13. Sylres, of Kentucky, for duty with Gen I, Tilghinans brigade, to rank from
January 8 , 1863
1 IIaxall, of Virginia, for d u t y with (;m. 13. 11. Robertsons brigade, to rank from
January 25, 1863.
W.T. Watson, of Arkansas, for duty with Gen. 17. C. Arnistronps brigade, to rank
from January 23, 1863.
E. IT. Travis. of Alabama, for doty with Gen. %. C. Dens brigade, to rank from
January 1I , 1863.
W. A . King, of ilrkansas, for duty with Gen. I,. E. Polks brigade, to rank from
Deceniber 16, 1862.
E. 11. Barnwell, of Floritla, for tlat,y with Gen. W.S. Walkers brigade, to rank from
February 3, 1803.
1 ani, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His I~~xcellency
PTesitEent , etc.
Kichmond, April XT, 1865.
SIR:I have the honor to rcwmimend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of tlicl Confederate States of America:

John W. Daniel, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. J. A. Early, to rank from March
Jos. Vaulx, jr., of Tennessee, for duty with Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, to rank
from October 14, 1862.

F. R. Berkeley, of Iirginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. D. Imboden, to rank from
January 28,1863.
12. A. Chambers, of Alabama, for duty with Brig. Gen. James Cantey, to rank from
February 28,1863.

Apr. 30,1S63.]

R. A. Hatcher, of Tennessee, for d

January 23, 1863.
H. &I. Pollard, of Missouri, for duty with Brig. Gen. M. E.
ber 20,1862.
T. W. Hunt, of Georgia, for duty with Lieut.Gen. W. J. Hardee,
ber 31,1862.
S. Winthrop, of England, ordered to report to Gen. R. E. Lee,

B. E. Benton, of Texas, for duty with Brig. Gen. If. E. RlcCulloch, to r

January 1,1863.
Thomas TV. Hall, of Texas, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. Gregg, to rank from F
S. A. TVillson, of Texas, for duty
R. .J. Benton, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. F. Paxtoii, to rank from March
88, 1863.
S. J. lienning, of Georgia, for duty with Brig. Gen. 13. I,. Benning, to rank froin January I 7 , l RG3.
11. J . Cheney, of Tennessee, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. C. Brown, to rank from Octo-

ber 14,1862.

I am, sir, rrspectfully, your obedient servant,


To His Excellency JEFFERSON

President, etc.
Aprii 80,1

To the Senate of ilia Confederate States:

Agreeably to the rrconiincndation of the Secretarv of War, I nominate t h e officers

on the acconipanying list to thc ranks affixed to th&r names, respectively.
I ) ~ ~ i ~ , ~ i r rRichnzontl,
m c i ~ , Lipi*il29,1863.
SIR:I have the honor to ret~o~ilnientltlic following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Briny of the Coiifcc1er:ite States of America:


cowr ~


\ s i b OF ~ A J ~ I oiq*


Jli!j o rs.

Charles 6. Hardeo, of Georgia, for tluty a8 conimandant of ranip of instruction,

Tkcatur, (a
, to rank from Octohcr 16,1862.
TVilliain U. Price, of Missonri, for duty in c~stabliahingcamp of instruction, 31:sbonri line, to rank froin Decein\)cr 3,1862.
C. D. Melton, of South Carolina, for duty as enrollingoficer, State of South Carolina.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Seeretanj of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, rtc.
I<ICHMOND, April 50, 1863.
To Ihr Senate of the Conjedernte States:
Agreeably to the recoinmendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.

Bichmond, April 16, 1868.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
Brigccde commissuries, with the rank qf mqjor.
John Waddell, of Missouri, for duty with Brig. Gen. D. M. Frosts brigade, to
rank from November I , 1862.
E. W. Hallidav. of Mississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. L. Tilghmans brigade,
to rank from Octbber 14, 1862:



IV. 31. Loc.k, of lirgiuia, f o r duty with Brig. Gen. J. D. Imbodens br

rank from January 28, 1863.
I alil, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellcncy t h e PRESIDENT.

R I c m i o N D , April 30,
To the Senate qf the Conjedernte Stntcs:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the
on the accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, Mnrch g.9, 1
SIR: I have the lionor to rwoinmend the following nominatioris for appointme
in the Provisional Briny of the Confederate States of America:

Brigcrdr coiizi~iissaries,with the rank of niajol..

A. 13. Willie, of Texas, for duty with Rrig. Gen. John Greggs brigade, January
26, 1869.
J. C. Griftis, of Georgia, for duty with Brig. Gen. W.T. Woffortls brigade, February 17, 1863.
F. EIcnderson, of Tennessee, for d u t y with Brig. Gen. A. E. Jacksons hrigade,
February 9, 786S.
T. A . IIaniilton, of Tennessee, for duty with Brig (;en. .J. B. Robertsons briga
February 1, 1863.
It. 11. Dow nnran, of Iirginia, for duty uith Brig. Cfen. B. If. Robertsons brig
January %, 1863
H. 1-1. Chalmers, of Vississippi, for duty with Brig. Gm. J. R. Chalmers brigade,
January 31, 1SKL
A. N. Auguste, of Arkansas, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. C. Tappans brigade,
February 6, 18ci3.
A. B. Wardlaw, of South Carolina, for duty with Brig. Gen. S. McGowans brigade,
February 10, 1863.

James D. Maney, of Tennessee, for duty with Brig. Gen. Cieorgr Jlaneys brigade,
October 14, 1862.
W. S. fMlard, of Georgia, for duty with the late Brigadier-General T o m b s brigadC?, ;?pdrCll 6, 18(;3.
1. A. IIigley, of Tennessee, for dnty with Brig. Gen. W. W. Mackalls brigade,
Frbruarv 3, 186%
Taz. Ihompson, of Yirginia, for duty with Brig. (;en. J. S. Williams brigade,
February 22, 1863.
W. G. blerrick, of Missouri, for duty with the late Brig. Gen. 11. Littlrs brigade,
October 14, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, .
Sececretnryof War.
April 30, 1863.
To tlir ACFnnfe of Iltr Conjedemte Rates:
.\grecahly to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate theofficers
on the acc*oinpanyinglist to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, April 30, 1863.
The PrzesinsaT.
SIIKI h a w the honor to recoinmend t h e following nominations for appointnient
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

ilssistnnt coazmiasaries, with the runk o j cuptuin.

John Q. St. Clair, of Texas, for duty a t Tyler, Tex., January 1, 1863.
George G . Gregg, of Texas, for duty a t Marshall, Tex., April 1, 1863.
G. S. Cecil, of Tennessee, for duty a t Jonesboro, Tenn., March 18, 1863.
C. P. King, of Arkansas, for duty a t Arkadelphia, Ark. (in charge of salt works),
October 14, 1862.

Apr. 30,1863.1


R T. Cook, of Arkansas, for duty at

C. N. Robe&, of Arkansas, for duty
J. T. Fisher, of Arkansas, for duty a
A. &I. Ward, of Arkansas, for duty a
A. J. Smith, of Tennessee, for duty
plies), Ifarch 18, 1863.
John II. Nelson, of Mississippi, for duty at Vicksburg, Miss., Febr
William E. De Mill, of North Carolina, for duty at Greenville, N.
S.D. Stocknlan, of Tennessee, for duty at Tullahoma, Tenn., Octobe
1am, sir, respectfully, your obedient serrant,

Thn messages were severally read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations therein contafned;
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment, agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mu. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
mas referred the nomination of &I. M. Parsons, to be b
reported, with the reconmiendation that said noniinati
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; a n
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to
w a s referred the noinination of M. L. Smith, to be major-general,
reported, with thc rccoinnieadntion that said nomination be confirmed.
The Scnatn proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
thcren4th, it WLS
Besoliztl, That the Senate d v i s e mid consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the noiriinatioii of the President.
Mr. Oldhain, from the Coininittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads,
to whom was referred the iioinination of I<. M. Burton, to bo postmaster at Jlontgomery, A h . , i*oportecithe same.
The Senate proccedcd to consider said nomination; and
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Oydmvd, That the nomination of E. M. Burton for postmaster at
Montgomery, Ah., be continued until the next session of Congress
for the further consideration of the Senatc.
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
OycZeered, That the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads be
discharged from the further consideration of the message of the Yresident of the 85th instant, announcing the removal of certain postmasters.
The following messages were received froin the Yrcsident of the
Confederate States, by MI-.
R. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
April 30, 18G3.
To [lie Kenate qf tlip Confklerctlr States:
Algreeablyto the recornmcrrdation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the annexed list to the ranks affixed to their names, respectively.



\VAR DEPAKThlENT, Xichmond, -113

SIR: I have tlie honor to reconiinend tlie following nominations for
in t h e Pro\ isional .Iriiiy uf the Confederate States of America:

Brigade conziiaismries, 7( ith the rank of major.

Janics R. Upsliaw, of Arkansas, for duty with Brig. Gen. D. McRaes b

rank from February 14, 1863.
J o h n A. Hooper, of Mississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. C. Walthalls b
to rank from February 12, 186.3.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.

To the rSennteof the Conjederate States:

April 80, 186

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nopinate Col.. A. M.

Manigault, of South Carolina, for promotion, as brigadier-general in the Provisional
Army of the Conlederate States, to rank from April 26, 1863.
IZichmond, April 27, 1
SIR: I have the 11011orto recommend t h e nomination of t h e following for appointment in the Provisional Ariny of the Confederate States of America:

Col. 8. 31. XIaniganlt, of South Carolina, to he brigadier-general, to command the

Fourth Brigadc, Withers division, to rank from April 2G, 1863.
I am, $ir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Srecretnry of War.
To His Excellency JEBITRC(O?J
Presidoit, etc.
Rrcnaroh-n, April 30, 1863.
To the Senate I/ / h e Corijetlerctle States:
Agreeably to the the Srcrctary of IVar, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying l i p t to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
~ A Rhr,iRrnrExr, ZZiclirnoiid, April -, 1SGS.
SIR: I h a w the honor to rccominend the following nominations for appointment
i n the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America:
Brignde qunrlermnsters,


ith the rrcnk of major.

Williani Barnewall, jr., of Tcnnesscc, for duty with Brig. Gen. W. W. Mackalls
brigade, to rank from Februarv 2, 1863.
13. Carrington Watkins, of Virginia, for duty with Wises brigade, to rank from
February 23, 1863.
Assisltrii f ptrrlermtrsters, with ihe rank of captain.

Thomas R. Gowan, of Georgia, for duty with t,he Fifth Georgia Cavalry Regiment,
to rank froin February 15, 1863.
R. 3%.Chine.;. ir.. of ___ for duty with Mai. C. E. Carr, to take rank from
March 2, 1863.
W. P. Watts, of Blahama, for duty with t h e Twenty-ninth Alabama Regiment, to
rank from February 10, 1863.
George J . Rogers, of Virginia, for duty with the Forty-first Virginia Regiment, to
rank from February I , 1863.
J. G. Parish. of Virginia. for dutv with the Fortv-ninth Virginia Regiment, to rank
from March 5; 1863.
Ira J. McGinnis, of Virginia, for duty with the Thirty-fourth Virginia Cavalry
Battalion, to rank from March 1, 1863.

Apr. 30, 1SG3.J

Charles J . Campbell, of Tennessee, for duty with the Fou

to rank from January 22, 1863.
S. E. Pennington, of Louisiana, for duty with the Srveritee
to rank froni Ikbruary 13, 1863.
Robert A. Tilden, of Virginia, for duty with the Sixty-second Virginia R
rank from Febriiary 26, 1863.
Ignatius W.Dorsey, of Naryland, for duty with the First Maryland Cav
talion, to rank from Fehrnary 26, 1863.
Pryor lteynoltis, of North Carolina, for duty with the Forty-sixth North Car
Eegitiient, to rank from February 28, 1863.
Henry A . Newman, of Georgia, for duty vvitli the Forty-third Georxia Regiment,
to rank fioni February 6, 1863.
W.N. Norwood, of Texas, for duty with the Fifth Texas ltegiment, to rank from
January 1, 1863.
William G. Thomas, of Texas, for duty at camp of instruction, Tyler, Tex., to rank
from January 9, 1863.
George Center, of Florida, for duty with the Second Florida Cavalry Regiment, to
rank from Februarv 22, 1863.
H . I<. Cocliran, 6f Virginia, for duty with the Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to rank from February 24, 1863.
A. B. Kedding, of Georgia, for duty with the Thirty-first Georgia Regiment, to
rank from February 20, 1863.
1.G. J<lount, of North Carolina, for duty at Fort St. Philip, N. C., to rank from
March 19, 1863.
Thomas M. Folkes, of Mississippi, for duty witlitlie Forty-eighth Mississippi Regiment, to rank from Febrnary 26, 1863.
Thomas H. Bostick, of Tennessect, for duty with tlie Thirty-fourth Tennessee Regiment, t o rank from Fehrnary 26, 1863.
I am, sir, re~pcctEnlly,your obedient servant,
Sewetary of War.
His 15xcelhcy the ~ R I w I ) ~ : \ T .

The n1cssagcs \vcrc severally tcxd,

The Scnate proceeded to consider thc nominations contained therein;
&esoleed, That tho Senate advise and con5en t to their appointment,
agreeably to the rioiiiinatioii of thc Pi-esident.
The following nicssage was rcceived froin the President of the Confederate Statcs, I JMr.
~ 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Itrcixhrown, Va., April SO, 1865.

To tlie Senate of tltr ronfeerlrrtrle Aintes.

Agreeably to the rccomnieutlation of tlie Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the ncc.ompanying list to tlic rank affixed to their names, respectively.
W.\R DEP.\RT&IEW,l<ichn?ttwd, April 24, 1869.
8 1 ~ I: have the honor to reconinicnd tlic folloainp noniiiiationv for appointment in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Smericdt:

Brigride pinrternitrstrrc, v i t h !he wtnk qf mrrior.

George P. Collins, of Xortli Carolina, for duty with Rrigatlicr-i;cnerxl Pettigrews
brigade, to rank froin October 14, 1862.
E. I\. Baylor, of I<entucky, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. I<. Duncans brigade, to
rank from October 14, 1862.
R. W. Sanders, of Louisiana, for duty with Brig. Gen. A. Moutons brigade, to
rank froin October 14, 1862.
Edward P. Tyree, of Tennessee, for duty with Brig. Gen. W. B. Bates brigade, to
rank from October 14, 1862.
James Bruce, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. ft. Jones brigade, to rank
from October 14, 1862.
Joseph H. Finks, of Missouri, for duty with Brig. Gen. D. M. Frosts brigade, to
rank from October 15, 1862.




D. H. Wood, of Virginia, to report for duty to Quartermaster-General as C

Transportation at Itichniontl, to rank from October 14, 1862.
Martin Walt, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Woods brig
rank from October 14, 1862.
A. I, Landis, of Tennessee, for duty with Brigadier-General Liddells brig
rank from October 14. 1862.
Charles Waite, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. W. H. F. Lees brig
rank from October 30, 1862.
John T. Roberts, of Louisiana, for duty with Brig. Gen. Tom Taylors brig
rank from October 14, 1862.
E. H. Exell, of Georgia, for duty with Brigadier-General Leadbetters brigade,
rank froin October 14, 1862.
\V. 13. Scruggs, of Alabama, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. M. Laws brigade, to rank
from November 1, 1862.
H. IIammond, of South Carolina, for duty with Brigadier-General Greggs (now
McGoaans) brigade, to rank from October 14, 1862.
M. 1. Stephens, of Tennessee, tor duty with Brigadier-General Vaughns brigade,
to rank from Noveinber 5, 186.
E. A. Beecher, of Tennessee, for duty with Brig. Gen. P. Smiths brigade, to rank
from October 28, 1862.
James S. Reid, of Nississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. R. Davis brigade, to
rank from November 7, 1862.
R. N. Ely, of (;csorgia, for duty with Brigatlier-General Colquitts brigade, to rank
Erorri November 11, 1862.
G. W.Crane, of Virginia, for duty M ith Brigadier-General IIeths brigade, to rank
froin October 27, 1802.
IV. M. Stone, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. G. Walkers brigade, to rank
from November 11, 1862.
J. B. Ford, of Arkansas, for duty with Brig. Gen. D. McRaes brigade, to rank
from October 14, 1862.
Thomas C, Clarke, of Alabama, for duty with Col. A. W. Reynolds brigade, to
rank from November 10, 1862.
Siineon Hart, of Texas, to report for duty to quartermaster-General, to rank froni
November 14, 1862.
T. Ilawlrins, of Arkansas, for duty with Brigadier-General Clebornes brigade, to
rank from October 14, 1862.
E. L. Stainback, of Virginia, for duty with 13rigadier-General Pegrams brigade,
to rank from November 19, 1862.
J. I>. Thomas, of Arkansas, for duty ivith Brig. Gen. L. M. Walkers brigade, to
rank froin October 14, 1862.
J . R. Bralthwaite, of Virginia, for duty with Brigadier-General Paxtons brigade,
to rank from October 14, 1862.
J. I,. Hnbard, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. IS. 13. Robertsons brigade, to
rank troni Noveiiiber 22, 1862.
G. It. R. Dunn, of Virginia, for duty with Colonel McCausland, commanding brigade, to rank from November 14, 1862.
Wtiey R. Ector, of Texas, for duty with Brigadier-General Ectors brigade, to rank
from November 4, 1862.
John C. Maynard, of Virginia, for duty with Col. J. C. Shields, coininanding conscripts, to rank Dccenibcr 12, 1862.
B. T. Duval, of Arkansas, for duty with Brigadier-General Fagans brigade, to
rank from Xovember 6, 1862.
J. Vernop, of Georgia, for duty with Brigadier-General Trimbles (late) brigade, to
rank from Novcuibcr 22, 1862.
W. 11. Elstner, of Arkansas, for dnty with Brig. Gen. E. McNairs brigade, to rank
from Koreinber 1, 7862.
W.E. Gibb?, of Arkansas, for duty with Colonel Shaver, commanding brigade, to
rank from October 15, 1862.
Robert S. Morris, of Tennebwe, for duty with Second Brigade, Second Division,
Army of the West, to rank froin October 16, 1862.
A. G. Scott, of Mississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. W.E. Baldwins brigade, to
rank from October 28, 1862.
W. M. Cnrgill, of Kcntucky, for duty with Col. A. P. Thompson, commanding
brigade, to rank froin December 1, 1862.
Robert R. Wood, of Tennesve, for duty with late Brig. Gen. 6. E. Rains brigade, to rank from November 21, 1862.
C . 1%.Westfelt, of Alahania, for duty with Brigadier-General Gracies brigade, to
rank from November 16, 1862.

Apr. 30, 1S63.1


W. G. Clemons, of Georgia, for duty with Brig. Gen. A. Cum

rank from November 18, 7862.
Benjamin A. Botts, of Texas, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. A. Whart
rank from Eorember 18, 1862.
A. L. Land, of Virginia, or duty with Brigadier-General Maho
rank from Noveinher 25, 1862.
F. J. Porcher, of South Carolina, for duty \$it11 Erig. Gen. TV. S. &a1
gadc, to rank from November 25, 1862.
1. K. Daniel, of Georgia, for duty d , l i Brig. Gen. tkorge Doles brigade
from 1)ecwiber 1, 1862.
J. W. Spratley, of I,ouiuianu, for duty vitli Brig. Gen. 17. tiardners brigade,
rank fronr Octoher 15, 1862.
John I). Keiley, jr , of \irginia, for d u t y with Brigactirr-(;erieral Pryors brigade,
to rank from I>rcenib~r
80. 1862
R. 1. Turner, of Iirginia, for duty with Erig. (kin. M. I). Corscs l)rigatle, to ra&
froin Drcernlwr 17, 1862.
clay I)rewry, of Virginia, lor tfnty with Brig. Gen. R. 11arlsonis brigade, to rank
from December 31, 1862.
A. N. Bryan, of Georgia, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. I<.Jacksons brigade, to rank
from December 10, 1862.
A. 141. Erwin, of North Carolina, for duty with Brigadier-General Clingmans brigade, to rank from December 7, 1862.
J. E. McElrath, of Alabama, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. D. Tracys brigade, to rank
from Uecember 11, 1862.
W.B. Jolly, of Tennessee, for duty with Brig. Gen. A. P. Stewarts brigade, to rank
from October 14, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

T h e incssng~TWS rc:d.
The Hcnntc p1~0c(wXctlto c o n d c r the nomiiintion of 13. 1. Durml, to
be quarterniastcr, with t h o r:uik of nitijoi.; :md
Resolved, That the Sonate do not xdvisc and conselit to his appointinen t .
The Scnatc proccedod to tlic considomtion of tho residue of the nominations contained i n thc iriessagc; and
Ressohed, That the Sonxtc :idvise 1i1id consent to their qymintrnent,
agreeably to the noniinntion of the Irrsident.
The following message IVRS rcccived from the President of the Confederate Statcs, by Mr. 13. N.Harrison, his Sccretwy:
To the Wnntc qf fhe Con,f&rcctP Xtutes:

Ricaaro~u,April 50, 1865,

Agreeably to the recomnir~idatioiiof tlirx Secretary of War, I nominate the officers

on t h e accompanying lipt to the rank attiscd t o their nanie
?VA 11 Ilwa IWM ENT, Xicltmmcl, 24g)ril $0, lSF3.

SIR:T have the liorior to rccoiiinicmd t h e follou iug ~~oniinatio~ir?

for appointment

in the Provisional A r m y of thc Confederate States of America:

A.ssistnnt piorfo.ntn.sters, w i t h tlie rtmk of cupinin.

T. G. Pollock, of Louisiana, for duty with Gen. Robert JI: T a , to rank October 14,
P. F. Montgomery, of Louisiana, f o r duty with Fourteenth Louisiana Regiment, to
rank October 14, 1862.
William I>. Wood, of Kentucky, for duty with Second Kentucky Cavalry Battalion,
to rank October 14, 1862.
Thoinas If. Skidmore, of Texas, for duty with Ninth Texas Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
Jos. S. Thompson, of Mississippi, for duty with Twenty-third Mississippi lkgirnent,
to rank October 14, 1862.



John Eells, of Virginia, for duty with Fifth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to
October 14, 1862.
W. B. Ragland, of Arkansas, for duty with Twenty-fourth Arkansas Regiment
rank October 14, 1862.
J. 1. Jones, of South Carolina, for duty Kith Nineteenth South Carolina Regime
to rank October 14, 1862.
William Mauldin, of South Carolina, for duty with Hampton Legion, t o r
October 14, 1862.
Henry R. Fort, of Georgia, for duty with Third Georgia Cavalry Battalion, to
October 14, 1862.
John E. C. Hedrick, of Louisiana, for duty with Thirteenth Louisiana Battalion,
to rank October 14, 1862.
Thomas H. bake, of Alabama, for duty with Fortieth Alabama Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
George Weightman, of Louisiana, for duty with Twenty-ninth Louisiana Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
R. P. ISessent, of North Carolina, for duty with Forty-second North Carolina Regimerit, to rank October 14, 1862.
George B. Cockran, of Xortli Carolina, for duty with Sixty-third North Carolina
Reginieiit, to rank October 18, 7862.
John Abney, of Texas, for duty with Thirtieth Texas Cavalry Regiment, to rank
October 14, J862.
Staffortl, o f North Carolina, for duty with Forty-third North Carolina
Janies 1%.
Regiment, to riuik October 14, 1862.
John W.Barclay, of Missouri, for duty with First Missouri Cavalry Regiment, to
rank October 14, 1862.
D. H. Lewellyn, of Kentucky, for duty with Second Kentucky Cavalry Regiment,
Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 7 862.
R 11. Wood, of Georgia, for duty with Forty-second Georgia Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
Theodore Carter, of Tennessee, for duty with Twentieth Tennessee Regiment, to
rank October 14, 1862.
J. T. Smith, of Rlississippi, for duty with Ninth Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters,
to rank October 14, 1862.
A. Ii. Carmichael, of Alabama, for duty with Thirteenth Alabama R%ttalion,to
rank October 14, 1862.
Daniel N. Speer, of Georgia, for duty with Sixtieth Georgia Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
R. A. Terrell, of Texas, for duty with Twelfth Texas Cavalry Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1866.
James F. Forbes, of Virginia, for duty with Ninth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to
rank October 24, 1862.
W. S. Phillips, of Kentucky, for duty with Fourth Kentucky Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1882.
J. W. Pcrrin, of South Carolina, for duty with First South Carolina Hfle Regiment,
to raiik October 14, 1862.
13. F. Herr, of Missouri, for duty with Sixth Missouri Regiment, to rank October
14, 1SW.
Eli J. Shelton, of Texas, for duty with Burnetts (Texas) Battalion Sharpshooters,
to rank October 14, 1862.
W. C. Scott, of Virginia, for duty with Lieutenant-Colonel Walker, commanding
artillery, Maj. Gcn. A. P. Ilills division, to rank October 14, 1862.
R. D. Frost, of South Carolina, for duty with Fifteenth South Carolina Battalion
Artillery, to rank October 14, 1862.
1,. W.Trafton, of Kentucky, fur duty with Tenth Kentucky Regiment, Partisan
Rangers, to rank November 1, 1862.
Jesse M. Powers, of Georgia, for duty with Eighteenth Georgia Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
J. I,. McManus, of Mississippi, for duty at camp of instruction, Urookhaven, Miss.,
to rank October 14, 1862.
W. A. Patton, of North Carolina, for duty with Sixtieth North Carolina Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
John P. Diekinson, of Alabama, for duty with Fifty-third Alabama Regiment,
Partisan Rangers, to rank November 5 , 1862.
B. P.Burton, of Georgia, for duty with Fifty-ninth Georgia Regiment, to rank
November 5, 1862.
W. S. Sharp?, of South Carolina, for duty with Second South Carolina Rifle Regiment, to rank October 14, 1862.


Apr. 30,1863.3

J. T. Scott, of Alabama, for duty with Forty-fifth Alabama Re

October 16, 1862.
Robert W. Lamb, of North Carolina, for duty with Thirty-sixth
Regiment, to rank October 14, 1862.
R. C. Snead, of Alabama, for duty with Fourteenth Alabama
October 31, 1862.
A. C. Herndon, of Louisiana, for duty with First Louisiana
to rank October 28, 1862.
Robert P. Crockett, of Tennepsee, for duty with Eighteenth Tennwse
to rank October 14, 1862.
J. I. Middleton, of South Carolina, for duty with Fifteenth South Caroli
inent, to rank October 14, 1862.
James C:. Wootrn, of Tcnnessee, for duty with Forty-eighth
to rank October 14, 1862.
Samuel Stradley, of South Carolina, for duty with Sixteenth South Carolina Regiment. to rank October 14. 1862.
Samuel E. Norton, of Aabama, for duty \Tit11 First Alabama Cavalry ~ e g i m e n t ,
to rank November 14, 1862.
Joel Shreasbury, of Yirginia, for duty with Fifty-ninth Virginia Regiment, to rank
November I, 1862.
J. A. Howell, of Tennessee, for duty with Twenty-sixth Tennessee Regiment, to
rank October 15, 1862.
.J. S. Pancheu, of Georgia, for duty with Third Georgia Battalion, to rank Novernber 7, 1862.
Alfred H. Belo, of Xorth Carolina, for duty with Fifty-fifth North Carolina Regiment, to rank November 1, 1862.
H. U. McKinney, of Kentucky, lor duty with Eighth Kentucky Regiment, to
rank October 14, 1862.
E. S. Hoskins, of Mississippi, for duty with Thirty-eighth Mississippi Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
William &l.Dunn, of T'irginia, for duty wit11 Thirty-sixth Virginia l%egiinent,
t o rank h'ovember 12, 1862.
Beiijaiiiin S. Hacker, of 3Iissoiiri, for duly with First Missouri Reginient, to rank
October 26, 1862.
John P. Hotfgea, of South Carolina, for duty witli Ifolcombt! Legion, 'to rank
October 16, 1862.
Isaac A. Read, of Louisiaiia, for duty with Sixth 1,ouisi:tna llegiineiit, to rank '
November 18, 18ti2.
William Davidson, of Virginia, for duty witli First Virginia Cavalry Iteginient,
t o rank Novriiiber 20. 1862.
F. BI. Ironmonger, of Virginia, for duty with Sixteenth Virginia Regiment, to rank
November 6, 1862.
W. F. Noorr, of Virginia, for duty with Fifty-first Virginia IL~gimcnt,to rank
November I, 1862.
W. J. Vankirk, of Nissouri, for duty witli Fifth Missouri Cavalry Ihttalioii, to rank
November 1, 1862.
Joseph J. Cox, of North Carolina, for duty with Thirty-first North Carolina &giinent, to rank October 76, 1862.
William L. Cherry, of North Carolina, for duty with l'orty-fourth North Carolina
Kegiment, to rank Xoveiiiber 27, 1862.
George T. Atkine, of Kentucky, for duty with Fourth Kentucky Cavalry Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
Troup Butler, of Georgia, for duty a t caiup of instruction, Dccatur, cia., to rank
November 21,1862.
L. L. Persoiw, of Gcorqia, for dnty with Fifty-fiItli Georgia Regiment, to rank
November 16, 1862.
E. L. Hord. of Tennessee. for clutv with Twelfth Tennessee Eatt;rlioii, Partisan =
Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
George Allen, of Tennessee, for duty with Third Tennessee Regiment, to rank
November 14, 1862.
P. W. Shearer, o f Mississippi, for duty with Forty-fifth Mississippi Regiment, to
rank October 14, 1862.
E. M. Ware, of Virginia, for daty with Fifth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to rank
Octoher 14. 1862.
William K . Moore, of Georgia, for duty with Twenty-third Georgia Battalion, to
rank November 21, 1862.
J. L. Anderson, of Tennessee, for duty a t camp of instruction, Knoxville, Tenn.,
to rank December 1, 1862.



0. G. Ginley, of Arkansas, for duty with Fifth Confederate Regiment

October 14, 1862.
H. Cleveland, of Georgia, for duty with Fifty-seventh Georgia Regi
October 14, 7862.
Thomas Bcrry, of Alabama, for duty with Thirty-first Alabama Regiment,
October 14, 1862.
William H. IIiller, of Virginia, for duty with Twenty-seventh Virginia Ba
to rank December 2, 1862.
John Wood, of Louisiana, for duty with Washington Artillery Battalion,
December 1, 1862.
A. Stephens, of Alaliama, for duty with Sixteenth Alabama Battalion, t
October 14, 1862.
Fred. Read, of Virginia, for duty with Twenty-sixth Virginia Battalion, t
November 12, 1862.
A. G. Shephard, of Alabama, for duty with Thirty-eighth Alabama Regiment,
to rank November 18, 1862.
Job M. Morgan, of Tennessec, for duty with Twenty-eighth Tennessee Regiment,
to rank November 12, 1862.
James W.Lawson, of South Carolina, for duty with Third South Carolina Cavalry
Regiment, to rank October 14, 1862.
J o h n T. Purvie, of T,ouisiana, for duty with First Louisiana Artillery Regiment,
to rank Novembcr 17, 1862.
John A. I-tarrick, of Arkansas, for duty with Twenty-fifth Arkansas Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
T. J. Tunstall, o f North Carolina, for duty with Forty-first North Carolina Regiment, to rank November 19, 1,962.
Floyd Ford, of Arkansas, for duty with Tenth Arkansas Regiment, to rank October 29, 1862.
J. R. McDonald, of Texas, for duty with Tenth Texas Regiment, to rank October
21, 1862.
S. S. Semmes, of Louisiana, for duty with First Louisiana Regiment, to rank December 1, 1862.
A. L. Steele, of Texas, for duty with Eighth Texas Cavalry Regiment, to rank
November 18, 1862.
J. E. Rogers, of Mississippi, for duty with First Mississippi Regiment, Partisan
Rangers, to rank October 14, 186%
li;.J. Dawson, of Georgia, for duty with Twenty-second Georgia Battalion, to rank
November 28, 1862.
T. W. Neely, of South Carolina, for duty with Colonel Bnderson, conimanding
river batteries, to rank December 2, 1862.
James Hamilton, of hlirhissippi, for duty with Fourteenth Mississippi Regiment,
to rank Noveiuber 1, 1802.
H. W.McElives, of Tcnncsscr, for duty with Sixteenth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, to rank Noveniber 1 , 1802.
.!I Towson Rniitli, of Virginia, for duty with 1Sighth Virginia Regiment, to rank
December 2, 1862.
J. 1. 3eclr,of Trxas, for duty with Fifth Texas Cavalry Regiment, to rank November 11, 1862.
George 6. Seton, of Florida, for duty with Third Florida Regiment, to rank October 14, 1862.
.John Gatlin, of North Carolina, for duty with Fifty-second North Carolina Regiment, to rank Deccnrber 1, 1862.
John I). Flnutt, of Tennessee, for duty with Third Tennessee Regiment, to rank
October 21, 1862.
C. A. Duncan, of IZentticky, for duty with Third Kentucky Regiment, to rank
Novcinlwr 20. 1862.
R.W. Adai;is. of Georgia, or dnty with Forty-second Georgia Regiment, to rank
November 26, 1862.
6.F. Chisamore, of Louisiana, for duty with Eighteenth Louisiana, Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
Edward Hopkins, of Georgia, for duty with First Georgia Regiment, to rank October 24. 1862.
D. Carmichael, of Alabama, for dnty with First Alabama Regiment, to rank October 26, 1862.
Lewis IIyer, of Florida, for duty with First Florida Regiment, to rank October 14,
George TV. Uavib, of Virgiiiin, for duty with Thirty-second Virginia Battalion, to
rank December 7, 1862.

Apr. 30,1863.1

William A. Carter. of Virginia

fnr dntv
..~----I, --_
--" with
to rank December !2?, %62.
James M. Chancellor, of Virginia, for duty with Ni
December 28, 1862.
J. A. Welch, of Virginia, for duty with Thirteen
December 12. 1862.
Thomas A.'Iiestor, of Texas, for duty with Whitfield's (
October 14, 1862.
Porter E b b , jr., of Alabaina, for duty with Fourth Confed
October 14, 18BZ.
John B. Nelson, of North Carolim, for duty v\ itli Sixty-fourtli North
nient, to rank October 14, 1862.
John C. Eastons, of Texas, for duty with Twenty-second Texas Cavalry It
to lank October 14, 1862.
George M. JoneP, of Bli~sonri,for duty wit11 Third Missouri Cavalry Regimen
to rank Novcniber 19. 1S62.
tJaincs Ropcrs, of Sorth Cnrolin;l, for duty with Thirty-fifth Korth Carolina Regiment, to rank J)c~ccnil)t~r
1, IWY.
J. 13artliolonrew, of Arlransaq, for duty with Third Arkansas Cavalry ltt>giment,
to rank 1)weiiiber 6, 1862.
Williaiii C. Ford, of RIissouri, for duty with Second Missouri Ilegiment, to rallk
October 14, 1862
T. It. Traminc41, of (korgia, for duty with Eleveiitli Georgia Itegiment, to rank
Noveinher 17, 1862.
Oriiar 13. Paull, of Georgia, for duty witti Tenth Confederate Reginlent, to rank
December 13, 1862.
R. S. Ashby, of Virginia, for duty with Seventh Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
to rank December 13, 1862.
Thomas J. Keiit, of Mississippi, for duty with Thirty-sixth Rlississippi Regiment,
to rank October 14, 1862.
Iloward Tinsley, of Georgia, for tlnty with Foiirth Georgia Regiment, to rank
Dectwiber 26, 1862.
C. 11. Joneq, of hrkxnsaa, for duty \vitli Twelfth Arkansay Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1802.
Burwell Boykin, of Alabania, for duty I\ itli Third Alabarna C:ivalry Regiment,
to rank Decenrbc~29, lX(i2.
T. \V. Iiadcliffr, of Virginia, for duty with Colonel Preston, ron1nxuding conscripts, to rank No\eiiibrr 26, 1882.
J. J. McGinnis, oE Texas, for d u t y with Third Texas Regiment, to rank October
14, 18G2.
J. K. Iipscotnl), of Soutli Carolina, for d u t y with Secoutl South Carolina Cavalry
Regiment, to rank October 14, 186%.

Henry Sanford, of Trnnewer, for duty with Fifty-first Tcniicvsee Regiinent, to

rank October 14, 1862.
John 1. Jxrnagan, of Gcorgia, for duty with Third Confrderate Jiegiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
Williain P. I<aughn, of Texas, for duty with Fifteenth Texas Regitnent, to rank
October 14, 1862.
L. L. Varnadoc, of Georgia, for duty with Twntictli Georgia Battalion, to rank
October 14, 1862.
,J. B. Jett, of Virginia, for duty with Fifty.fifth Virgirlia Regiment, to rank Ilecember 26, 1862.
M. Ilanley, of Louisiana, for duty with Thirtecntli Loiiisi,zna Regiment, to rank
October 14, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To IIis Excellency JEIWERSOXD.krIs,

Preritknl, etc.

The message WRS read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nomination of T. G.
as assistant quartermaster, with the rank of captain, therein co
Oydered, That said nomination be referred to t h e Comnn
Military Affairs.
T h e Senate proceeded to consider the residue of the rwmi
therein contained; and



Rrsolved, That tho Senate advise and consent to their appointme

agreeably to thc tioniination of the President.
The following mcssage was received froiii the President of the ConJ3. . IIarrjson, his Secretary:
federate Statch, by MI-,
&CHDIOND, April $0,186
Ilb i l t ~S e i z c c t ~ tlia Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of t h e Secretary of War, I nominate t h e officers
on t h e annexed list to t h e rank affixed t o their names, respectively.

Richmond, April 27,1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
Brigade qziai$emnasters, ?vitli the rank of major.

A. S. Cabell, of Texas, for duty v i t h Brig. Gen. W.Steeles brigade, to rank February 16, 1863.
G. D. Spurrier, of Maryland, for duty in Pay Department, Army of Northern Virginia, to rank April 11, 1883.

quclrtrrinnsterx, iuitli tlie rank of captain.

S. J . Shaw, of Louisiana, for duty with Twenty-second Louisiana Regiment, to

rank February 24, 1863.
S. IIuguenin, of South Carolina, for duty with First South Carolina Battalion
Sharpshooters, to rank :i.pril 7 , 1883.
W.A. Violet, of Louisiana, ordcrcd to report for duty ti, Lieut. Col. W. A. Broadwell, to rank April 2, 1863.
\V. C. Black, of Louisiana, ordered to report for duty to Lieut. Col. W. A. Broadwell, to rank April 2, 1863.
Thomas M. I-Irwitt, of Virginia, for duty with Battalion A, Artillery, First Corps
Army of Northern Virginia, to rank April 23, 1863.
1 am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excclleiicy .JRPI~ERSON Davrs,

lresidtnt, elc.

The mossage was rend.

O1de73ed, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following rncssagc was iweived from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
R I C H M O N D ,April 90,i8G.9.
To [lie ,Yenale o j 1 1 1 ~Coiifederntr Stules.
Agreeably to the rec,ouii*ieiictationof the Sccrctary of War, I nominate the officers
on the acc~ompnnyinglist t o tlie rank affixed to their names, respectively.
I<ieichmond,April $0,1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Assislanl commissarirs, iuitli tlic rank of captain.

E. A. Williams, of Yirginia, report for duty to Commissary-General, October 24,

M. 1. Taylor, of North Carolina, for duty a t Fayetteville, N. C., October 14, 1862.
1). &
I. of Mississippi, for duty a t camp of instruction, Brookhaven, Miss.,
Octobcr 14, 1862.
J. 6 . II. Rainey, of Arkansas, for duty a t Camden, Ark., October 14, 1862.
A. Crawford, of Louisiana, for duty a t Tangipahoa, La., October 14, 1862.
James B. Schooler, of Tennessee, for duty a t camp of instruction, Knoxville, Tenn.,
October 28, 1862.

Apr. 30, 186? 1

J. E. Caldwelf, of Tennessee, for duty at Knoxville, Tenn., November 15, 1862.

P. T. Yeatman, of Virginia, for duty at Chaffin's Bluff, Va., November 17,1862.
t1. Cranton, of Georgia, for duty at camp of instruction, Decatur, Ga., November
21, 1S62.
J. A. Blake, of Tennessee, for duty at camp of instruction, McMinnville, Tenn.,
Kovemher 23, 1862.
G . W. Rives, of Tennessee, for duty at Waverly, Tenn., November 24, 1862.
N. TV. Schenck, of Louisiana, report for duty to Commissary-General, Janua
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretaiy of TVat-.
To His Excelleiicy JEFFERSON
President, etc.

The message mas read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations of E. A. Williams,
J. S. 1%.liainey, and N. Mr. Kchcnclr, to be assistant commissaries,
with the rank of captain, therein contained.
Orcle./vd, That they be refcrred to the Committee on Military
Thc Senate proceeded to consider the residue of the nominations
contained in said message; and
Besohed, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
aqeeably to the nomination of the President.
The following message was received from the President of the Confcdcratc States, by Mu. B. N. IIarrison, his Secretary:
B p i l SO, I8G8.
To flrr Sennfe of flrt' Con,fc.doufcRnfcs:
Agreeably to the the Secretary of JVar, 1 nominate the oflicers
on t l i c acwiiipan? ing list to tlie ~ a n k:tBisecl to their n a ~ i i ~respectively.

DEPAI<TT\IEN~,~ ~ i c h i r ~ o ? ?1J)i'iZ
d , %?,


SIR: I have the lionor to recommend the lollowing iioiriination~for appointment

in tlie Provisional Army oi the Confedcrate States of Aiiierica:


Benjamin fi. Emell, of Virginia, orderctl to report for duty to Gen. J. 13. Johnoton,
November 24, 1862.
Williaiii 31.Wadlcy, of Louisiana, for duty as inspecator of railroad transportation,
Novc.inber 29, 1862.
J o h n S. Preston, of South Carolina, for iinprc+ioii duty in the State of South
Carolilia, Noveinber 13, 1862.
I,ieutc,izctIil-colon( Is

J. R. Watltly, of Virginia, for duty wit11 Lic~utcnaritGeneral T'einloerton, November 22, 1862.
Charles J. Faulkncr, of Virginia, for h t y with I,ieuteliaiit-(irii(,ral Jackson (vice
Major Paxtou, appointed bri~a:ather-(Sciieral),
Novcm1)er 15, 1802.
T. F. Sevier, of I,oimIana, tor duty with Licut. (ic.11. 1,. Polk, Dectmber 12, 1862.
Edward Murray, of Virginia, for duty with Gcn. I$. E. Lee, Ileceryber 30, 1862.
M i j o t s.

<;ustavus A. Ilenry, of Tennesree, for tlu t y with Major-General l&Cown, October

14, 1862.
A. J. Dickinson, of Louisiana, for tliity with Maj. Gem J, B. hPtrucler, October
14, 1862.
James B. Eustis, of Louisiana, for duty with Naj. Gen. J. B. hl.Iagruder, October
15, 1862.



J. A. Buckner, of Kentucky, for duty with Naj. Gen. 5. C. Breckinridge, 0

15, 1862.
Charles 1. h e , of Virginia, for duty with Gen. S. Cooper, October 27, 1862
J. G. Devereux, of Louisiana, for duty with Maj. Gen. M. L. Smith, Nov
4, 1862.
Ellison L. Costin, of Georgia, for duty with Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws, October
20, 1862.
William J. Saunders, of Louisiana, for duty with Gen. G. T. Beauregard, Novem
her 11, 1862.
W. II. Sellers, of Texas. for duty with Maj. Gen. 3. B. Hood, November 5, 186
E. H. Cunningham, of Texas, for dnty with Maj. Gen. J. B. Hood, November
Charles Pickett, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett, October
14, 1862.
Walter Harrison, of Virginia, for duty with Naj. Gen. George E. Pickett, October
14, 1862.
L. A. Maclean, of Missouri, for duty with Maj. Gen. Sterling Price, October 15,
Graham Daves, of north Carolina, for duty with Maj. Gen. S.G. French, November 5 , 1862.
W. B. Myers, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, October 14, 1862.
A. P. Mason, of Virginia, for duty with (;en. .r. E. Johnston, December 2,1862.
John Ingram, of Tenneesee, for duty with Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, November 12, 1862.
Stephen Crooni, of Alabama, for duty with Maj. Gen. J. 1. Forney, November
21, 1862.
R. J. Wingate, of Kentucky, for duty with Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill, November 18,
1%. M. Clark, of Missouri, for duty with Maj. Gen. Sterliug Price, October 14, 1862.
A. C. Avery, of North Carolina, for duty with Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill, December
5, 1862.
A. S. Pendlcton, of Virginia, for duty with Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson, December
R. P. Duncan, of South Carolina, for duty with Maj. Gen. R. 11. Anderson, December 4, 1862.
James Wilson, of Kentucky, for duty with Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridgc, December 11, 1862.
T. 0. Chestney, of Maryland, for duty with Maj. Gen. Arnold Rlxey, December
20, 1862.
R. W. Memminger, of South Carolina, for duty with Lieut Gen J. C. Pemberton,
December 29, 1862.
J o h n J . Reeve, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Uen. C. L. Stevenson, Ortoher 14, 1862.

0. S. Palmer, of Alabama, for duty with Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, October !4, 1862.
Benjamin 8. Johnson, of Arkansas, for duty with Brig. Gen. T. J. Churchill, October 14, 1862.
Samuel J. C. Moore, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. (ien. J. It. Jones, October 14,
William M. ITannnond,-of North Carolina, for duty with Brig. Gen. Junius Daniel,
October 21, 1882.
J. 1. Strange, of Tennessee, lor d u t y with Brig. Gen. N. B. Forrest, October 14, 1862.
G. A. Williams, of Missouri, for duty with Brig. Gen. St. J. R. Liddell, October
14, 1862.
W.T. Robins, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. W. H. F. Lee, October 30, 1862.
John T. Scott, of Arkansas, for duty with Brig. Gen. M. M. Parsons, October 30,
D. C. JenB~ns,jr., of Louisiana, for duty with Maj. (Zen. Earl Van Dorn, October
31, 1862.
W. 1. Whitnor, of Florida, for duty with Brig. Gen. R. A. Pryor, October 14,

Henry T. Stanton, of Kentucky, for tluty with Brig, Gen. John S. Williams,
October 14, 1862.
W. H. Quincy, of South Carolina, for duty with Brig. Gen. M. Jenkins, Kovember
4, 1862.
M. W. Cluskey, of Tennemee, for duty with Brig. Gen. Preston Smith, October 27,

Apr. 30,1S63.]


A. W. Slayback, of Missouri, for duty with Brig. Gen. ill. E. Green, October 14,
William A. Percy, of iUissouri, for duty with Brig. Ben. J. S. Bowen, October 14,
Thomas F Henry, of Tennesgee, for duty with the late General Rains brigade,
November 4, 1862.
L. R. Terrell, of Alabama, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. M. Law, October 14, 1862.
P. I3 Hone, of Virginia, for duty with Brig. Gen. M. I). Corse, November 4, 1862.
Charles 13. Phinizy, of Georgia, for duty mith Brig. Gen. A. Gumming, October 30,

L. G. Aldrich, of pvlississippi, for duty with Brig. Geu. J. E. Slaughter, October

29, 1862.
Charles D. Myers, of Worth Carolina, for duty TTith Maj. Gen. 8. (i. French,
November 5 , 1862.
C. A. De Rossy, of Texas, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. A. Wharton, October 14,
Ieyton N. Page, of North Carolina, for duty with Brig. Gen. G. J. Rains, Oclober 14, 1862.
J. L. Cunningham, of Alabama, for duty with Brig. Gen. E. D. Tracy, November
3, 1862.
Henry Robinson, of Virginia, for duty with Maj. Gen. W. W.Loring, October 14,
Thomas M. Crowder, of Kentucky, for duty with Brig. Gen. A. Buford, December
4, 1862.
C. F. Linthicum, of Maryland, for duty with Brig. Gen. R. B. Garnett, Novemher
4, 1862.
Wyatt C. Thomas, of Arkansas, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. F. Fagan, November
5, 1sc2.
Henry Goldthwaite, of Alabama, for duty with Maj. Gen. J. 1. Forney, November21, 1832.
John 13. Major, ol Uississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. TV. G. M. Davis, November
11, 1802.
Francis I,. Irice, of Virginia, for duty nith Rrig. Gen. J. R. Robertson, November
12, 1sm.
h u i s I3nsh, of Lonisianx, for duty I\ ith Brig. (;en. A. Mouton, November 7, 1862.
11. ii Iintler, nf Nissoiiri, for duty with Ilrig. (;en. J. It. Cook?, Noveinbcr 11,

Janics W. h n o i t , of Rlississippi, for duty with Brig. Gen. W.15. I3altlwin, Oetobrr
28, 1862.
It. I+;. Foote, of Arkansas, for cluty with lirig. C;CL E. McNair, Novcinber I, 1862.
11. 1,. Urll, of Arkansas, for duty will1 t<rlg. Gcn. 3 . S. IZoane, October 14, 1862.
Charles C:. Hwrdwick, of (;eor$a, for duty with Brig. (ion. ( i . T. Anderson,
Noveinbei. 5, 1862.
James Mitchel, of Virginia, for dnty with Gen. It. E. Lce, Ikceniber 20, 1862.
P. I f . Buck, of Arkans%s, for dntp with hlaj. (;en. 1. R. Clck)uriic, 1)ecember 20,
F. T. Fiiead, of Georgia, for duty with Brix
n. George Doltq Wovember 1, 3862.
T. F. IYiIsoii, of Louisiana, for duty with 3
Gcn. P. Ciardner, October 14, 1862.
1Sclward 0, &errant, of Kentacky, for duty
1 Nrig. Gen. I. Marshall, 1)ecembcr
20, 1862.
fIar\ey I<. Jones, of Alabama, for dnty with Brig. (;en. A . (hacie, jr., November
4, 1862.
J. L. Smith, of 3Iarylani1, for d u t y with Maj. (;en. Arnold Elzey, DeceQber 2,
Douglax Walivoi th, of Jli~sissippi,for duty n r i t h I3rig. Cien. W.T. hIartin, January
8, 18ti3.
G. c;. Grattan, oEC;cxorgia, for duty with I3rig. Ckn. A. 11. Cnlquitt, December 19,
IVilliam Elliott, of South Carolins, for duty with Brig. Cicn. N. D. Lee, Jarluary
5, 1863.
Jolln C. Ruthc>rford,of (korgia, for d u t y with Brig. Gen. Howell Cobb, January
10, 1863.
William \V. (;ortlnii, of <;corgia, for duty with Brig. Gen. 1-1. W. Mercer, December SO, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, 1our obedient servant,
Scwelavy q/ Ww.
To His Excellency J s ~ ~ e a sDAVIS,

President, etc.



[Apr. 30,1863.

The message was read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations of William M.
Wadley and John S. Preston, to be assistant adjutants-general, with
the rankof colonel, and the noinination of John T. Scott, to be assistant
adjutant-general, with the rank of captain, therein contained.
OTdered, That said nominations be referred to the Committee on
Militar Affairs.
The enate proceeded to consider the residue of the nominations
contained in said message; and
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Coininittee on Military Affairs, to whom
mere referred the nominations of A. M. Itutledge, to be major of artillery for ordnance duty; E. IIiggins, to be colonel of artillery; A. B.
Rhett, Stephen Elliott, to be majors of artillery; C. H. Stevens, A. J.
Hutchins, W. A. Witcher, E, Waggaman, David Lnng, F. H. Gantt,
to be colonels; Ellison Capers, E. Mashburn, J. H. Neal, E. J.
Magruder, M. 11. Manford, W. Y. Kankin, W. Baya, A. C. Izard, to
be lieutenant-colonels; Jnines F. V('addel1, J. R. B. Rurtwell, W. M,
Hardy, John L. Phillips, J . W. Hooper, A. Shaaff, G. 0. Dawson,
A. Miller, W. It. Moore, T. E. Clarke, E. A. Nash, 1. Hardeman, Beverly
Mathews, J . C. Denis, St. L. Dupeire, to be majors; William N. Nelson,
W. W. Porter, J. tJ. Dillard, Samuel B. Waters, W. W. Swann, to be
captains; J. R. Allen, ThoinasGoldthwaite, to be first lieutenants; B. H.
Cody, J. M. Lauderdale, D. L. Etheridge, to be second lieutenants (for
distinguished valor and skill); Rohert W. Haynes, Samuel B. Davis,
L. C. Haskell, D. F. Holland, M. Pointer, A. F. r n 7 ~ ~ l l eW.
y , R. Bond,
VC'. I<. Armistead, H. 1-1. Johnston, to be aids-de-camp, with the rank
of first lieutenant; David Urquhart, to he assistant adjutant-general,
with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; J . Stoddard Johnston, to be assistant adjutant-gcneral, with the rank of major; John King, Lemuel P.
Conner, J. 13. Cumming, to he assistant adjutnts-general, with the
rank of captain; Hugh L. Clay, to be lieutenant-colonel, and John
Withers and E. A. PalfreF, to he majors in the Adjutant-General's
Department, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations be confirrned.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Raolvecl, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Coininittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the nomination of J. C. Johnston, to be major, reported, with
the recommendation that it lie o n the table.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and
BesoZved, That the nomintttion of J. C. Johnston lie on th? table.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:


To the President of the Senate qf the Confederate Slates:

April $0,1863.

I nominate the yersoiirr mined in the annexed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recommendation.

May 1, 1863.1



N n r v Di:i~Aiwmwr,Richnaond, April 28, 1863.

SIR: I hare the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointnient
in the Nary, under the act of Congress approved April 21, 1862:

Assistant stwgeons.
1Sdwin Ci. Booth , Xrginia; S. S. Herrick, Mississippi; Thomas Emory, Marylan
John Leyhurn, Texas; Robcrt T. Baldwin, Viiginia; Robert C. Poweli, IZentucky ;
\\illiain Mason Turner, Virginia; Henry Stone, Louieiana; Joliii Dc Bree, jr., Virginia; J o h n C. Harrison, Texas; Marcdlos Ford, Virginia; John 1. Lipscomb, North
Cnrolina; 1%. W. Graves, Alabama; William C. Jones, Arkansas; W. J. Addison,
Maryland; Henry Christmas, Mississippi; N. C. Edmunds, Virginia; IVilliani Sheppardson, Alalmna; N. M. Bead, AIarylnnd; R. C. Bowles, Kentucky; now in tlie seruIce a9. assistant surgeons for t h e war.
C. M. Parker, Miusissippi; C. Wesley Tlmmas, Kenturky ; IIenrv B. Melvin, 1%
trict of Columbia: William S. Stoaklev, Rortli Carolina: IVilfism k.Gricres.
~ ~North
Carolina; Joseph S. Tipton, Georgia.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary ojt l i ~ILTnvy.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it he referred to the Coiriniittee on Naval Affairs.
O n motion by Mr. Clay,
The Senate resolved into opcn lcgislative session.

ERIDAY, MAY 1, 1863.


Mr. Maxwell, from the coninlittee, reported that the.y had examined
and found truly cnrollcd bills and joint resolutions of the following
S. 73. An act to provide and orgtnisc n g(wr:il stitfl or rtrniics in
the field, to serve during the war;
S. 79. An act for the benefit of certain claiinants for postal services;
S. 118. An act to authorize the extiLhlishmentof esprrss mails;
S. 119. An act to declare Trcasury notes and bonds, inclosed in
boxes for transniission by the Treasury Department, rnailtlblc matter,
and to regulate the rates of postage;
S. 126. An act to provide for thc coiiipensatioii of certain persons
therein named;
11. It. 3. An act to rcpe;tl ccrtRin cl:~t~:jos
of an :Let entitled An act
to exempt certain persons f roin inilitxrg bervice, etc., approved Octoht?r 11, 186%
11. Lt. 14. An a d to prevent fr:md in the Qu:tr.termastcrs and Commissarys Depnrtmcnts. and the obtaining under f:dsc prctcnse transporttition for private propcrty;
11. It. 39. An act, to provide ceytain regulations for holditig elections
for Delegates to thc Congress of thc Confederate States in certain
Indian nations;
II. 1%.55. An act to provide f o r the appointment of military storekeepers in the Provisional i l r n i y of the Confederate States;
15. R. 61. An act to make appropriiitions for the support of the
Government of the Confcderate States o f Rmcrica for thv periotls
tkicrtin mentioned;
11. R. 65. An act to create a provisional navy of the Confederate



13. It. 66. An act to change the place of holding the district court
for the western district, of Texas;
H. B. 67. An act to provide for holding elections for Itepresentatives i n thc Congress of the Confederate States in the State of
13. It. 68. An act to provide for the election of members of Congr
for certain districts of the State of Louisiana;
13. It. 70. An act in relation to the receipt of counterfeit Treasur
notes by public officers;
1%.It. 1. ,Joint resalution of thanks to General Wheeler and t
officers and men of his command;
11. It. 6. ,Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. John H. Morgan, officers
and men of his command;
lr. R. 14. ,Joint resolution of thanks to Brig. Gen. N. B. Forrest
and the officers and men under his command;
11. It. 16. .Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. G. T. Beauregard and
the officers nrid incn of his coniniand for the repulse of the ironclad
fleet of the enemy from the harbor of Charleston on the 7th of April,
1863; and
1%.It. 17. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Oscar M. Watkins and
t,he oftic~ersand inen under his command.
The President having qigncd the enrolled bills and enrolled joint
resolritions last reported to have been examined, they were delivered
to the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the
President of the Confederate States for his approval.
Mi.. Clay, from the special conmiittee appointed to take the testimony in relation to the outrages perpetrated by the forces of the
United States upon the persons and property of citizens of the Confederate States, submitted a report (No. 11)in relation thereto.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
O d m d , That the report lie on the table and be printed.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Clrder*eed, That the committee have leave to sit during the recess of
the Senate, and that the President appoint an additional member
thereon to fill the vacancy occasioned by the dexth of Mr. Preston; and
Mr. Caperton was appointed.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Afairs, to whom was
referred the bill (H. R. 64) to provide for placing in the military service of the Confederate States citizens of the United States residing
or sojourning within the limits of the Confederate States, reported it
without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and no amendment being made,
it mas reported to the Senate.
O r d w ~ d That
it pabs to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Besolwd, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. W i fall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred t e memorial of (3. Tochman, sixbmitted an adverse report
(No. 12); which wa5 considered and agreed to.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (H. It. 69) authorizing the detail of men for service


May 1,1863.1


in the Engineer Department, reported it with the reco

that it ought not to pass.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coninlittee of the Whole,
sidcration of the bill last inentioned; and no amendment b
it was reported to the Senate.
On the question,
Shall the bill he read a third time?
I t was deterrnincd in the negative.
So it mas
IZe.sohvd, That the bill do not pass.
O i d ~ r e d That
the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
t Iicrrof.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Jfi. Iresident: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed sundry
rnrolled bills, 1am directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their

O n motion by Mr. Maxwell,

The Senate resolved into executive session.
Thc doors having been opened,
The following message was received froin the President o f the Confederate States, by Rlr. 3. N. I-Iariison, his Secretary:
To the Senate qf the Confdeurte Xtntrs of Amet-ictr.
1 have d u l y consicicwd the Rcnate bill entitled An art to authorize newspapers
to be niailcd to wldit~t-sfrce of ~)ostaji~.
~ ~ i i ~ p a t h i fully
~ i n gw i t h the cvitlt,iit purpos(1 to contril)utc~to the comfort of our
g;dI:rnt clefentlers, 1 Ice1 ne\ cJrtlic31e+s
ronstraincd to return to yon thc bill with tho
objcttioni I\ Ira\(
111((~ to Ill( ~ i ~ l f i t l ~ l ~ J l l l l t ~
iiic 7, of tlrv (onstitutinn p r ~ \ i t l ~t sh t the cxpenxes of
111, :iftvr t l i c fiiRt dxv of filaic~ti,in tlio year of our lJord
ty-tlirvc., slilll be paid ont of its o\vn rwenues I
oilstitiition is iuipcr:itivc~, ant1 not increly directory, t h e
second wction of t l i v bill in 1iin\ d i n g that a11 palwrx sent tn soltlicbrs tlirougli the
post-office in the i i i a n i i ~ ~r il c w ribwl in the first sectioii of t h r bill shall be a charge
on thc Trearnrj, is deeinetl to conflict with this clnusc
I a m confiriiic~lin the bcalicf that such is the intent and effect of this provision of
the Coiivtilution by rrfcrcnce to the firFit clause of t h r eighth section, which clear1
t1cfint.r tile piirpoqe for which, and tlie limitations under ~ h i c htaxes
may be levie4
;irld the construction is still further enforced by a knowledge of the evils which the
COIII ention sought to prevent by prohibiting the expenses of the Post-Office Department from bcconiing a charge upon the Treasury.
I n the con&leration of this bill I have not been unmindful of the fact that appropriations are made to pay t h e expensesof transporting the official correspondence of
thc different depxrtriirnts of the (iovernment; but this 1s regarded as merely the payurent, by the Governinent, of the cost of transmitting its own correqmIcleiice, and
Ipars no analogy to legislation granting a bounty i n furtherance of any object, however desirable and praiseworthy.
April 30, 1663.

Thc mcssage wm read.

The Senate proceeded to reconsider the bill (S. 14) returned by the
President with his objections; which bill is in the following words:
An act to iiiitliori~rnew\papers to he mailed tosoldicrs Iree of postage

The coizgt css of the C o t , f ( d ~tits

~ S(:(rdcs of Amcriccc do ercctcl, That all newspa era
directed to auy officer, musician, or pri\Tate engaged in the actual service of the 8onfecterate Staten, inay be tranrrnittc4 through the mails tree ot postage:e. Pi-ouidd,
That in all such cases the address shall contain a tlescriptlon of the pilrly to I\ horn
such newspapers shall be sent, ~ t a t ~ nhis
g militmy title, II a n officer, or t h e company
and regiment to which he belongs, if a musician or private: And protided also, That


this act shall not be construed to extend to newspapers transniitted by carriers or

express companies, or received through them.
Ssc. 2. That the amount of the postageon all pnpcrs thus sent to soldiers shall be a
charge npon the Treasury of the Confederate States of America, and paid upon the
draft of the Postuiaster-C;eiieral.
Speaker of tlie House of Representatives.

President of the Senate pro tempore.
I certify that this bill originated in the Senate.
JAMES H. NASH, Semeiuw.

On motion by Mr. Oldhani,

Ovdered, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed
uritil the first Monday i n December next.
The following. message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., April SO, 1863.
To tile Senate and Ilousc qf Iiepreseritntzces:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a. communication from tlie Secretary of
War, submitting an estimate of the ~ ~ 1 1needed
to pay for a submarine telegraph
cable a t Charleston, 8. C.
I recommend an appropriation of the aniount for the purpose specified.

The message was road.

Ordewd, Chat it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
The bill (K It. 7 3 ) to establish certain post routes therein named,
received yesterday from thc House of Representatives for concurrence,
mas read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of
t h e Whole; and no ainendmcnt being proposed, it was reported to the
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read thc third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ordwed, That the Secretary inform t h e IIouse of Representatives
A message from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N.
Harrison, his Secretary:
Mi-. President: The Preuident of the Confederate States, on the 30th ultimo, approved
and signed an act ( 8 . 90) relative to certain bonds and Treasury notes issued under
the provisions of the act approved 16th May, 1861.

Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

Mr. Semmes, from the Coininittee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the hill (El. R. 72) to prevent the sale, exchange, or other
disposition of the Treasury notes, bonds, etc., issued irndei. the authority of the United Statcs, etc., reported it with the recommendation
that it ought not to pass.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and
On motion by Mr. Davis,
Oideer~d,That, the further consideration thereof be postponed until
the first Monday in December next.
A message from the House of Bepresentatives, by Mr. McDonald:
Mc. President: On the 30th ultimo the President of the Confederate States approved
and signed the following acts and joint resolution:
H. It. 30. An act to punish forgery and counterfeiting;

May I, 1863.1

H. R. 34. An act concerning fees

11. Iz,. 13. Joint resolution to esk

Air. Maxwell, from the comx

and found truly enrolled bills
S. 13. An act in relation to the pub1
8. Iff. An act to amend an act to orga
Treasury Department; and
S. 116. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to purch
leuse real estate.
The President having signed the enrolled bills last reported to have
been examined, they \vcrc delivered to the Secretary of t h o Senate
and by him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate
Statcs for his approral.
A inessagc from thc, Ilouse of Iteprcscntatives, by MI.. &Donald:
dir. Aes-itJe?zl: The Speakcxr of the House of Representatives having signed a n
cmrollt~ct bill, 1 am directed to bring it to the Senate for the ~ i g n a t u r eof their

Mr. Maxwcll, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled
A bill (I. K.64) to provide for placing i n tho military service of
the Confederate States citizens of the United States residing or sojourni n o within the liuiits of the Confederate States.
%he President having sigiirxl the enrolled bill last reported to have
been exaniined, it \\as dclivered to the Secretary of thc Senate and by
hiin forthwith presented to the President of thc Confedcrate States
for his npprov:il.
Jlr. Clay sulmiittcd the following rcsolution; which miis conaidcled

I:eprcs?nfnfiws r o n t u r ~ i n g ) ,That 1lie rcsolntion fixing the

of Congrcw at t I\ c) oclock postineri(lian to-d:Ly l w rtwintlrcl,

ses will adjour 11 sine die n t four oclocli ~m~tmc~ri(1i:tn


Odewm?, T h a t thc Secretary rcqucst the co[icurr(:nco of the I-IOUSC

of lieprcseii ta tives thcrcin.
On inotioii 1 ) ) ~ Mr. I h w n ,
O&ped, n i a t %illiairi A. Addison ham lcxve to withdraw his
A n1cssag-e from thc President of the Confederate Stntes, 1)y Mr. 13. N.
Ilttrrison, his Sccrctary :
J!T. I,c+tlc,t/: Tllc frt.sidciit of the Confedcratc. States has to-(lay q q m v c d and
sigiit~ltlic follou 111g acts:

F. 56. A n act to arnentl an act entitl(st1A11 art to organise milit;try toil

the Ariiiy of t l i v Confcderatc States in the field. and to dciitio ~ I I P 10
corirti., approved October 9, 1862;
S. 6% . i n act to pay officers,nonc.ommi~sio~l~tl
o f i i ers, m
l I)rivRlcs lot leaally
i i r i i s t c ~ i c ~into
the servlw of the Confederate States fo servicefi actuiilly v f o r n l e t l ;
S 81 ,In act to provide for the payment of certain Korth Carolina troops from
tliti tinre of their enlistment;
S. 88. .I11 act in ielation to the custody of persons charged with offet1se.qagainst
t h e (onfrderate States;
8s. A n act to abolish supernumerary offices in the Commissarys a n d Quartertcrs Departments; and
107. An act to provide for the transfer of persons serving in the Army to the

Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of lteproscntatives






On motion by Mr. Hunter, that the reports of the battles of M

f reesboro be transferred t o the Secret Legislative Calendar,

It mtis dctermined in the negative.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

MT.Iresidmt: The House of Representatives have passed Senate bills of t h e following titles:
S. 132. An act to establish t h e flag of the Confederate States;
S. 138. An act to amend an act entitled An act to better provide for the sick and
wounded of t h e Army in hospitals, approved September 27, 1862; and
S. 140. A n act to authorize t h e President to appoint officers i n t h e Niter Bureau
and in the engineer troops during the recess of the Senate.
The first named with a n amendment; in which they request the concurrence ~f
the Senate.
The House of Representatives have concurred in the resolution of the Senate
postponing the adjourriiiient of the two Houses of Congress until 4 oclock p. mthis day.
The Speaker of the IIouse of $epresentatives having signed an enrolled bill, I a m
directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature ol their President.

The Senate proceeded t o consider the amendment of the House of

Representatives to t h e hill (S. 133) to establish t h c flag of the Confederate States.
On iuotion by Mr. Phelan, that t h e bill lie upon the table,
hlr. Johnson of Arkansas delilanded the question; which was
seconded, and
The question heing then put,
It was determined in thc negative.
On the question to concur in the amendment proposed hg the House
of Representatives to the said bill,
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas demanded the question; which was
seconded. arid
The question being put,
Yeas-----. - - - - - - - % - - . . It was determined in the affirmative, Nays
_ __
. ______
On motlion h p Mr. Brown,
The yeas and naxs being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,,
Those who voted in the affirniative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Ca erton, Clark. Henry, Hunter, Johnson of
Arkansas, Maxwcll, 01 ham, Semrnes, and Wigfall.
Those who yoted in the negative are,
Messrs. Brown, Clay, Davis, Johnson of Georgia, Peyton, arid
So it was
12esoli:cd, That the Senate concur in the amendment of the House
of Representatives to t h e said bill.
Oydered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:



MY. President: The House of Representatives agree to the ainendments of t h e

Senate t o the bill (H. It. 41) to provide for the payment of the interest on the removal
and subsistence fund due the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina.
The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of Representatives
that he has approved tlie following acts and joint resolutions:
JI. R. 55. An act to provide for thc appointment of military storekeepers i n the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States;
1. R. 59. An act to continue and amend the third section of an act supplementary
to an act concerning the pay and allowark due to deceased soldiers, approved February 75, 1862, and to provide for the prompt settlement of claims for arrearages of
pay, allowance, and bounty due deceased officers and soldiers;
1. R. 65. An act to create a provisional navy of the Confederate States;

- .

May 1,1863.1


TI.R. 66. An act to change the place of holding the district court for the western
district of Texas;
JI. R. 70. An act in relation to the receipt of counterfeit Treasury notes by public
?I. It. 1. Joint resolution of thanks to General Wheeler and the officers a n
of his comniand;
Ii. It. 6. Joint resolution of Ihanks to Gen. John H. Morgan, officers and
his coinniand;
T-T. R. 10. Joint iesolution to provide for tlie paynient of vcrtain accounts of
acting q t i a tcrniwter
and other officers of the Indian troops;
I . R. 14. Joint resolution of thanks to Brig. Gen. N. B. Forrest and the officers and
men tinder his coninrand;
1. It. 16. Joiiit resolution of thanks to Gen. G. T. R e a u r e g d and the officers and
men of 11% comniand for the repulse o f tlie ironclad fleet of the cnemy from the
harbor of Cliarleston on the 7 t h of April, 1863; ilnd
11. 1%.17. Joint resolution of tlianks to 3Iaj. Oscar RI. vatk kin^ ant1 the officers and
iiieii under his coiiimand.
The Spmkcr of the House of,seiitativ(~s
haring eigiied a11rnrolletl bill, 1ain
directetl to bring it to tlie Senate for the signature of tlicir President.

Mr. Caperton, from the comniittee, reported that they had examined and fount1 truly enrolled
A hill (TI. B. 73) to establish certain ost routes therein nailzed.
The President having signed the enro led bill last reported to have
been exsniined, it was delivered to the Siccretar of thc Senate arid by
him forthwith presented to the President of t i e Confederate States
for his approval.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Coinniittco of the Whole, to the conhideration of t h c hill (11. B. 43) for the relief of S. 13. Lowc; and no
:tincndnicnt ltcing rnadc, it W ~ L S1 t mrtcd to the Senate.
it pazs to a tliirc rotding.
Tlic said bill w a s I Y thc~ third time.
On t h qne~tion,
Shall tlic 1)ill now pass?
-- l3
It was determined in the :Iftirniativc,
_ _- -_ - _ _ __ _ - _ __ - _ _ 2
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The ye:ts and ntigs being desired by om-fifth of tho Senators prescnt,
Those who voted in the xEriiiative are,
Mcssrs. Caperton, Clark, Cli~y,IIcnry, flunter, ,Johnson of Georgia,
,Johnson of Rrlransas, Maxwell, Oldham, Pcyton, Phelan, Semmeu,
n n d Wigfxll.
Chose who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Burnctt and Davis.
So it was
Besnlved, That this bill pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the Ilouse of Representatives
Mr. Caperton, from the committee, reportod t h a t thry had examined
and found truly enrolled
A bill (H. R. 41) to provide for the payment of the interest on tho
renioval and subsistence fund due the Cherokee Indians i n North Carolina.
The President having signed the enrolled bill last reported to have
been examined, it was delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and by
him forthwith presented to the President of the Confcderate States for
his approval.
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
Ordered, That the Senate take a recess until half past 3 oclock p, m.

{ :;-




A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

2Mr. Presideiit: Tliu President of the Confederate States has notified the KO
Representatives that he has approved and signed t h e following acts:
11. R. 14. An act to prevent fraud in t h e Quartermasters and Commiss
Departments, and the obtaining under false pretense transportation for pr
1. R. 26. An act for the assessment and collection of taxes; and
H. R. 39. An act to provide certain regulations for holding elections for Delegates
to the Congress of the Confederate States in certain Indian nations.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed sundry enrolled bills,
I am directed to bring them to t h e Senate for the signature of their President.
The House of Representatives have appointed a committee, to join such committee
as may be appointed by t h e Senate, to wait upon t h e President of the Confederate
States and inform him that Congress has passed a resolution providing for the
adjournment of both Houses at 4 oclock p. ni. this day; and they have appointed
Mr. Perkins of Louisiana, Mr. Holcombe of Virginia, and Mr. Curry of Alabama t h e
committee on their part.

Mr. Burnett submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
I?rsolz,ed, That a committee he appointed on the part of the Senate, to join t h e
committee appointed hy the House of Representatives, to wait upon the President of
the Confederate 8tatrs and inform him that Congress has passed a resolution providing for t h e adjournment of both Houses a t four oclock postmeridian this day.

On motion by Mr. Burnett,

Odered, That the committee on the part of the Senate be appointed
by the Yresident; and
Mr. Burnett, Mr. Henry, and Mr. Davis were appointed.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
A message from the I-louse of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
MY.President: The House of Representatives have passed the following resolution,
in which they request the concurrence of the Senate:
Reaolced (the &mate concurring), That the resolntion fixing the hour of adjournnicnt of both IIouses of Congress at four oclock postmeridian to-day he rescinded,
and that the two Houses adjourn a t five oclock postmeridian this day.

The Senate roceeded to consider the said resolution; and

Resolued, Tfat they concur therein.
Ordmcd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
A messa e from theYrcsident of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N.
Harrison, is Secretary:


Mr. Aesident: The President ol the Confederate States has this day approved and
signed the following acts:
S. 19. An act to anirnd an act to organize the clerical force of the Treasury Dcpartmcnt;
S. 68. A n a r t to aholieh all ports of delivery i n the Confederate States; and
8. 116. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to purchase or lease real estate.

Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

Mr. Rlaxwcll, from the Committee, reported that they had examined and found truly.enrolled hills of the following titles:
S. 182. An act to establish the flag of the Confederate States;
S. 138. An act to amend an act entitled An act to better provide
for the sick and wounded of the Army in hospitals, approved September 27, 1862; and

May 1, 1865.1


S. 140. An act to authorize the President to appoi

Niter Bureau and in the engineer troops during the rec
The President having signed the enrolled bills last
been examined, they were delivered to the Secretax
and by him forthwith presented to the Presidout of
States for his approval.
A iiiesssge froin the House of Representatives, by Mr. Mc
X i . Pyesidmt: Tlir Presitlcrit of the Confederate Slates has notified the House
Reprewiitatiws that lie lias this clay xppruved :mil signed the following w t s :
11. It. :+.An act to repcal certain claiirtxs of 811 w t cntitled Anart to exeiiipt certain pers~iisfroiii iiii1it:trv wrviw, rtc., xpproved 0c.tobt.r 11, 1862;
11. 1t. 4s). ~ iact
i regiilktirig t I i c gimtiiig of ~ I I I I O I I ~ I IaSr 1 t 1 ctisrhxrges iii Iioupitdu;
11. It. 6s An act to proricie fur tlie c.lection of iiie1d)ers of Coligrws for certain
districts of the State of 1,onisiaiia.
The Spexkw of tlie IIousc~of H t y
nt;iti\ rs having signed ail enrolled bill, 1 iim
dirtvtcd to bring it to tlir Peiiatr for
sigiiatiire of thcir President.

Mr. Maxwell, froni the coin~nittec,mportcd that they had examined and found truly enrolled
A lrill (H. Et. 43) for the idief of S. 13. Lowe.
The President having signed the enrolled bill last re orted to hare
been examined, it wzis delivered to the Secretary of t IC. Sent& and
by him forthwith prcwented to the Prosidenb of tlic Confederate Statcs
for his approval.
Mr. Burnett, froin the comniittcc ap ointcd on tlic p:wt of the Sen:tk,
to join the coiiiniittt~c~
:lppoititrtl on t IC part of the IIousc. of Ikl)i*vsentatives, to wait i q o n the lrcsidcnt of the C~onfedcr:~tc
States :uid
inform him that Congress h d passc~l:L rcsolution woriding f o r ~ 1 1
:tdjournnient of both Ilouses at, 4 ocIoclc ). in. t l i i h c L L J ~reported
they h t ~ ddiscliurged the duty assigncd t icn:; mi(\ that tlrc lrcsidwt
replied That he WRS prepiring :i iiicssngc to 1Cl to Imth llo11ses of
Mr. Burnett mbniittcd t h e following i*t:solikioii; which WLS consitlered and agreed to:

&solr ctl (the ?foxacof Z&yescntniiivs conczirring) , That theresolution fixing the hour
for the actjonriitiient of Coiigress at f i v ~oc*lockposttneiidi~~ii
to-clay, be, and tlic!

trcrcby, rescintltd, :1n0 that the Irwklent of thv S m i t e :tiid fipwker of tlic
1 louse of Iteprtviitative.: :uljourn their respective Iioosc~,sine tlie, a t nine oc~loc~k
postintviclim tlriq day.

fidine is

Oty&mtl, lliat the Scci-et:~ryrequest tho concurrenoe of tho Houso

of ltepresentativcs therein.
A message from t l w Ilouse of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
;Mr. Preeitient: T11c1 Ioiisc. of Iteirresentatives have a g r c d to the rcsolutiun of tlw
Senate, fixing t h e hour for t l w sdj(mnriient of botll H~JIXWS
of (oiigrcws, sitrc. die, at
9 i,cblock p. in. this clay.

O n motion hy &lr. Ihirnett.

Clrdued, That tho Senatc t : h R recess until half


7 o ( ~ 1 0 ~p.1 ~111.


Mr. Henry (by lcavc) introduced

A bill (S. 141) to provide for holding elections for llepresentativen
in the Congress of the Confederate St:ttes in the State of Tennessee;
which was read the first mid second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no anieudment M u g niad~,it wws reported
to the Senate.

Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof hc as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
A niessa e from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. R. N.
Harrison, %is Secretary:
Mr. President: The President of the Confederate States has this day approved and
signed t h e following acts:
S. 132. An act to establish the flag of the Confederate States;
S. 138. An act to amend an act entitled An act to better provide for the sick and
wounded of the Army i n hospitals, approved September 27, 1862;
S. 140. An act to authorize t h e President to appoint officers in t h e Niter Bureau and
in the engineer troops during the recess of t h e Senate;
S. 79. An act for the benefit of certain claimants for postal services;
S. 118. An act to authorize the establishment of express mails;
S. 119. An act to declare Treasury notes and bonds, inclosed i n boxes for transmission by t h e Treasury Department, niailable matter, and to regulate the rates of
postage; and
S. 126. A n act to provide for t h e compensation of certain persons therein named.

Ordmed, That the Secretary inforni the House of Representatives

Mr. Burnett submitted. the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved ( t h e Frouse of Reppresmlnlives c o w w r i n g ) , That the resolution fixing the
hour for the adjournment of Congress a t nine oclock postmeridian this day, be, and
the same is hereby, rescinded, and that the President of the Senate and the Speaker
of the House of Representatives adjourn their respective Houses, sine die, at ten
oclock postmeridian this day.

OdeTed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House

of Representatives therein.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:
Mr. President: The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of
Representatives thaL he has this day approved and signed the following acts:
H. R. 41. An act to provide for the payment of t h e interest on the removal and
subsistence fund due the Cherokee Jndians in North Carolina;
I I . R. 43. An act for t h e relief of S. B. Lowe;
H. R. 61. An act to make appropriations for the support of t h e Government of the
Confederate States of America for the periods therein nieritioncd; and
1. R. 73. An act to establish certain post routes therein named.

A message froin the House of Eepresentatives, by Mr. Dalton:

MY. Presidenl. The IIouse of Representatives have agreed to t h e resolution of the
Senate, fixing the hour for the adjournment, sine die, of both Houses of Congress, a t
ten oclock postmeridian this day.

Mr. Johnson of Arkansas submitted the following resolution; which

was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate cause t o be printed two hundred copies
of the rules of the Senate and the joint rules and orders of the two Houses of Congress.

Mr. Clay, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

referred the joint resolution (H. R. 15) of thanks to the officers and
soldiers engaged in the defense of Fort McAllister, Ga., reported it
without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution last mentioned; and no amendment
being made, it was reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.

Map 1, I86S.l



The said resolution was read the third time.

Eaolved, Lhat it pass.
Ordwed, That the Secretary inform the House of Represen
A message from the House of ltepresentatives, by Mr. Dalton
Jfi.. Pwaident: The IIousc of Representativep have passed the bill of the Senat
for holding elections for Ileprestwtati ves i i i the Congress of the
(onfrtleiatr States in the Statc of Tennessee
( S . 141) to provitlr

A message froni the IIouse of ~iepicsent:itives,by hlr. Mc1)onalct:

,MY.President: The SpcaLcr of the 11 ouw {)f 12epresciitati\ cs having signet1 sunclry
c ~ i i r o l I c t lbills, I mi directed to bring t h i n to the Seiiatc for tlic sigiiature of ttwir


A h . Caperton, from the comniittce. reported tlittt thciy had cx:tniined

found trniy cnrollcd a bill and joint8 resolution of the following
S. 141. An act to provide for holdjng elections for Bcprcsentatir~s
in the Congrehs of the Confedcrate Sitales in the Statc of lcnnessec; i ~ ~
13. 1Z. 15. Joint resolution of thanks to t h e officers and soldiers
engaged in the clefcnsc of Fort McAllister, Ga.
The Yrcsident havin signed the enrolled bill and the onidled joint
resolution last reporte? ! I to hi~vebeen osaminod, they were dolivercd to
the Secretmy of the Senate and by hint forthwith proscnted to the
President of the Confedciate States f o r his approval.
A inessagr from the lresidcnt of the Confedernta States, by Mr.
13. N. IItLrrison, his Socrctary :

of ttie (~onfctlemtcStates has this day approwl and

( h 141) to provide for holcliiig olcvtion
1:oprcsentntivcs iii ttie
Congrcsu of tlie Confederate States i i i thc Stnto of Tciint
it; The lhsitleiit

Odwed, That the Secrctary inform the IIoahc of lic1presentativcs

A message from tho IIouse of Reprtsont:it i w s , 1)y Mr. McDondd:
MT. Prestdent: Thc PrcGdent o f the Coiifeclwat o Statcxs ha\ iiotilid t l 1301~s~
i t i n t l i p has this day approvd anti signed tho joint rewlution
(11. 11. 1.5) of tlianks to the officers :ind soltlicrs engaged in thct delcnsc~of Fort
RIc.illistcxr, Cia.

The 11-chident having :tnnouncctl tliiit thr hour fixed for thc adjournment of tlic two lIou.;cs o f Congress, by tlicir rcsolution of this day,
had arrivcd, declared the Senate to be adjourned sine die.

A message from the President of thc Confederato States, hy Mr.

B. N. Harrison, his Sccrctary:

-$f,*.Presitlmt: The Presidrnt of the Confcdcr:itc~ States, on tho 30th ultirno,

approved arid signetl ail act (S. 130) mpplcriicntzry to tin act to provide for the
funding ant1 forther jsme of Treasury notes.

09*&.r~d, That the Secretary inform the Holm of lteprcsentatives

A rnessage from the Housc of Rcprescntatives, by Mr. McDonald:
MY.President: The Ilonse of Itcpresentatives have agreed to thcl report of, the
rommittee of conference on the disagreeing votes ot the t\co fIousrs O J ~ the Joint
resolution (S. 2 ) on the subject of retaliatioii.
The Speaker of the I-Ioust. of liq)rwentati\vrshaving signed :LII wrollrd hill, Iam
directed to bring it to tile Senate tor the signature of their PresidanL.



[Mag 1,1863.

MY. Maxwell, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled
A bill (S. 112) to facilitate transportation for the Government.
The Yresident having signed the enrolled bill last re orted to have
been examined, it mas delivered to the Secretary of t e Senate and
by him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States
for his approval.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

afr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed a n

cnrolled joint resolution, I am tlirtxcted to bring it to the Senate for the signature of
their President.

The following n i e s q y WRS received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. H:irrison, h i s Secretary:
VA., April 30, 1868.
To the Xmnte of the Confederate f k r l n :
I herewith transmit for your information, in serret session, eoinmunications from
the Secretaries of the Treasurylftiid of \\ar, i n response to your resolution of t h e
7th instant, of inquirv rcxlativc to the sale or hypothecation of cotton, or cotton
certificates or bonds, in Europe.

The message was rcad.

Ox&v*ed,Tlittt it lic upon the table.
Mr. Caperton, froin the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled
A joint resolution (S. 2) on the subject of retaliation.
The President having signed the cnrolled joint resolution last
reported to have been examined, it was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate Statcs for his approval.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. U. N. EIarrison, his Secretary:
VA.,April 90,186.3.
To the Scnnte and IKousf qf Repvesentniiim:
1 herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of the Navy i n refere w e to a recent act of Congress c.stablishing R volunteer navy.
I roiiciir \t ith him in the opinion that the injunction of sccrccy should be reinoxred
froin the law.

The message was rcrtd.

O~dmrd,That it lie upon the table.
Mr. Burnett submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the President of the Confederate States be requested to furnish, at
the next session of the Senate, copies of the two reports made by Captain F. H.
Iiobertwn, of his operations during the battles of Murfreesboro. Said reports were
made to General B. Bragg and Major-General ,J. C . Breckinridge.

A message from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr.

13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

MT.Presidnat: The President of the Confederate States has this day approved and
signed the following acts:
S. 61. An act to authorize the President to contract for the constrnction and
equipment of vessels for the Navy abroad; and
S. 133. An act to ainentl a n act entitled An act to make appropriations for ironclad and other war steamers, steam engiues, and other supplies contracted for

Map 1. 1863.1

Ordered, T ha t the Secretary inform the House of Represenktives

A message from the President of the Confederate State
B. N. Harrison, his Scwetxry:
Mi-. Prestdrnl: Thr President of tlie Confederate States has this clay appro
signed tlie tollowing a( t arid joint resolution:
S. 112. ,\ri :u.t t o f:wIitate traiisportation for the Govei~ii~irnt,
8. 2. J o i u t rtwdiitioii 011 tlw subject of retaliation.

, Iliat t h e Secwtrtry inform the House of Bepresentatives

t Il~~rcof.

On niotion by MI.. M:ix~vc~ll,

Tlic S m i t e m4olred into open Icgisltitive session.

Mr. Wigfall, from the Coinillittee on Military Affairs, to whom was

refei*rcd (on the 30th ultimo) the noniination of T. G . loIIocIr, to be
tant yu:trtermastcr, with the raiilr of captain, re orted, with the
niiiiendation that, said nomination be not confirme .
The Senate proc ded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t was
Besolved, That the Senate do not advise arid consent to his appointment.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were
rcftrrcd (on the 30th iiltiino) tlic nominstions of G. D. Spurrier, to be
l)rig:& cpartcriuahtcr, with the rank of major; W. A. Violet and W. C.
13I:icA. to kw ahsistaiit ~~~i:irteriiia~tci.h,
witli (lie r:mk of captain, reported,
with the rccoinnicn tion th:Lt mid nominations bo not confirmed.
The Scnutc proc cled to consider said i*cport; and in concurrence
thcrcwith, it was
That the Senate do riot advise and consent to tlioir appointment.
311.. Wigfall, from the Conimit,trc: on Military Rfiiirs, t o whom were
refci-red (on the 30th ultimo) the iioniinations of A. 8. Chbell, to be brigaclo qu:irterniastcr, with the raulr of major: 8.J . Sh:iw, S. I-Tuguenin,
and Thomas M. Hcwitt, to be assistant ~iart~wil:~sters,
with the rank
of captain, reported, with the ~ c c o ~ n m e u ~ a tthat
i o n said noniinntions be
Ihe Senate proc~cdeclto consider said report; ant1 i n concurrence
thcrcwith, i t W:W
Benolued, That thn Senate :tdvise and conscnt to their appointment,
agreea1)ly t o the noniination of the lrcsident.
Mr. Wigfall, froin the Conimittcc on Military Affairs, to whom W R S
wferred (on tlie 30th nltimo) the nomin:ition of F. 13. ltobertson, to
I)(; major of artillery, reportcd thr same with t,he recoinmondation
Lhat it lie on t h e table.
The Senate roceeded to considcr said report; aiid
B~solved,T a t the nornination of P. 13. lxobcrtson, to be major of
artillery, lie on the table.
Mr. Wigfall, fi*omthe Committee on Military Affairs, to whom had
bccn referred (on the 30th ultimo) tho nomination of T. B. Franlrlin,
jr., to be assistant quartermaster, with the rank of capt,ain, reported,
with the recommendation that said nomination he not confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to c.oiisider said report; and in coIicurrenco
therewith, it was



&tyo[ved, That the Senate do not advise and consent to his appointinent.
MY. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the nomination of John 8. Preston, to be assistant adjutantgeneral, with the rank of colonel, reported, with the recommendation
that said nomination be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t was
Rmohvd, That the Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
were referred (on the 30th ultinio) the noniinatioris of E. A. Williams
and N. W. Schenck, to be assistant coniniissaries, with the rank of captain, reported, with thc recommendation that said nominations be
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and i n coticurreiice
therewith, i t was
&esoZwd, That the Senate advise and consent to their ttppointment,
agreeably to the noniination o f the President.
Mr. Wi gf dl , from the Comniittco on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred (on thc 30th ultinio) tho nomination of J. 8. 13. Rainey, to be
assistant comrnisbary, with the wn k of captain, reported, with the recommendation th:it said nomination he postponed till the next session
of Congress.
The Senate proceeded to considcr said report; and
Besolned, That the nomination of J. S. 13. liainey be postponed till
the first Monday in December next.
Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred (on the 30th ultimo) the nomination of William M. Wadley,
to bc assistant ndjutant-gciieral, with the rank of colonel, reported,
with the recomnicndation that saitl nomination be not confirmed.
The Srntttc proccedctl t o consider said report; and
On motion by MY. Davis, that the further consideration of said noniinntion be postponed till the first Monday in December nest,
It was determined i n the negative.
011the question,
Will the Senate advisc and consent to the appointment of William
M. Wadlcy, to be assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of colonel ?
i t Wiki detcrniined in the negative.
So it was
Resaloc~d,That the Senate do not advise and consent to the appointment of William M. Wadley, to ho assistant adjutant-general, with the
i*anliof colonel.
Mr. Wigfdl, from thc Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the notnination of ,John T. Scott, to be assistant adjutantgeneral, with the rank of captain, reported the same.
The Senate proceeded to consider said nomination; and
On motion hy Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
Owievcd, That t h c b nomination of ,John T. Scott, to be assistant adjutant-general, with the raiik of captain, fo r duty with Brig. (;en. M. 31.
Parsons, be returned to the President, the Senate deeming it improper
under tho circumstances of the case to confirm said nomination.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the nomination of J. C.
Johnston, t o be major; and
On motion by Mr. Wigfall,

May 1,1863.1


That the further consideration of said nominat
porieti till the first Monday in December next.
Nr. Wigfall, froni the Committee on Mil
referred (on the 24th ultimo) the nomination
to be assistant adjutant and inspector gen
tenant-colonel, reported, with the recoiiiuien
be not confirnied.
Tlie Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
t hercmit h, it was
That the Senate do not advise and consent to the appointiiicrit of Saniucl A. Cartwight, to be assistaiit adjutant arid inspector
general, with the rank of lieotenaat-colonel.
&I I-.WigMl, fro111tlic C'oinniittce on Military Affairs, to whom werc
referred (on the 2Sth nltinio) tlic noininntioiis of W. 13. Wood, lticliard
H. Lcc, D. E'. Jainison, Andrew Ewing, T h o n m 1Znaii1, jr., Trusten
l'olk, Thornas J. dudge, 1'. T. &Iooi*e,William 13. Rodman, George H.
Wrilltinson, cJohn E. Moore, to be presiding judges (in the military
courts); Albert P. Hill, 1,. W. Spratt, Jaiiies Jackson, David M. Carter,
1,. M. Lamar, S. St. George Rogers, Ed. H. Wortlijngton, J. A. I'.
Cninpbell, James F. Neill, Charles B. Thomas, David Walker, W. 1'.
Townsend, Andrew S. Nerron, Sltmuel J . Douglass, W. 1. Norris,
A. T. M. IZust, John M. Patton, J3radlcg T. Johnson, dohn J. Good, 13. Kelly, S:iniucl ,J. Gholson, Taylor h a t t y , to be associate
jodgrs: C. M. Rlacltford, L)anicl A. Wilson, W. H. Tslley, Thomas
w'. I ~ Y O T V*J.I ~Shclhy
Willinnis, L i o ~ ~Ic,.l Levy, I<.Fitz ati.ick, W. 1'.
,Johnson, ,John 1'. nllcMill:Ln, I h t o n Rnndolph, to hct j i i ge-advocates;
tnnt coniinissary ,with the rank o f c:tptain,
i.cportcd, with the r(?c
itmdatioii that all uf haid norrii~rations I)o
dod to cwnsider said report; and i n conwrrcnce

Senate ndvisn and consent to their appointinent,

agrec:il)lv to the noinination of I h e Presitlcnt.
MI*. Hrown, froni the Coniiiiitkec on Naval Affairs, to whom were
r e f e m d (on the 30th ultimo) the nominations of E d w i n G. Sooth,
'I'hoiuas I h o y v , Kobcrt T. Iialdwin, William Mason Turner, tJohn
I)c LJrcc, jr., Marcellus Ford, 1%'.W. ( h t ~ v e s W.
, ,J. Addison, N. C.
I4;:clrnundx, N. 31. ~ Z C : L R.
~ , C. 13owlrh, S.Y. Herrick, John Leyburn,
ltohcrt C. 1'0~~11,
1Tonry Stone, John C. Uarrison, John 1'. Lipscornb,
William C. t J ~ ~ ~IIrnry
e s , Christiuas, Williani Sheppardson, C . M.
I'arker, C. Wesley 'I'hoin:is, IIeniy 13. Melvin, Willitm S.Stoultl~y,
Williani W.G r i g p , J o q h P. Tipton, t o he assistnnt surgeons in the
Ninvg, reported, with the rccorriirrendatioii that all of said rioniinations
be confirmed.
'rhe Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in coneiirrerice
therewith, it was
RessoLved, That the Scnate advisc and consent to their appointment,
awrerahly to the nomination of the Prcsidont.
*The following messages were received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretat'y:
R I C ~ I M OMn!l
N I >I ,, 1863.
To the Senate of the Confederate Stales:

Agreeably to the reco~nlnendationof the Secretary of War, I nomiiiatt~the oifccrs

on the annexed list to the rank affixed to their iiarner, respectively.



hWimond, April 30,1865.
SIR:I have the honor to reconmend the following noniinations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
Brigade quartermasters, lvith rant of major.
J. E, AIoorc, of Virginia, for duty as disbursing officer Gen. J. E. Johnstons headquarters, October 27, 1862.
M. A . Iringle, of South Carolina, in charge of 6eld transportation General Beauregards army, November 13, 1862.
R. G. Banks, of Virginia, for duty in clothing depot, Selma, A h . , November 17,


Mason Morfit, of Maryland, for duty superintending railroad transportation, Noremher 26, 1868.
I,. N. Webb, of Virginia, for duty in paying troops in hospitals, Richmond,
November 17, 1862.
J. B. Hill, of Virginia, for duty in paying troops in hospitals, Richmond, December 20, 1862.
11. McD. McElrath, of Florida, for tluty paying troops Department East Tennessee,
October 14, 1862.
Asssfant qimlernicislei.s, icvth rank q j capfaiu.

George C. Orgain, of Vrginia, for duty at Danville, Va., October 14, 1862.
Charles I<. Xallory, of Virginia, for duty at Lit)erty, Va., October 14, 1862.
James F. Cnniinings, of Tennessee, in charge of transportation and forage, Knoxville, Tenn., Octobcr 14, 1862.
R. J . Nugent, of Inuisiana, for duty a t Opelousas, La., October 14, 1862.
George ,I Crafts, of South Carolina, for duty in clothing department, Charleston
S. C., October 15, 1862.
John R.1. Garnett, of Virginia, for duty in procuring forage in Essex County, Va.,
October 14, 1862.
A. 11. Troutman, of Georgia, for duty a t Weldon, N. C . , October 20, 1862
R. Colston, of Virginia, for d u t y at Charlottesville, Va., October 14, 1862.
John Mottley, of Virginia, for d u t y inspecting field transportAtion, October 14,
0. P. Calhoun, of Alabama, for duty at Montgomery, Ma., October 14, 1862.
R T Buckner, of Arkansas, for duty a t Little Rock, Ark., October 14, 1862.
IT. J) Cothran, of Alabama, for duty at Columbus, Ga,, Octobtir 23, 1862.
W. N. Smith, of Virginia, for duty at Millers Tavern, Va., October 23, 1862.
Ricliard Powell, of Virginia, for duty with Wrens battalion cavalry for local
defewe, October 14, 1862.
William H. Kirker, of Virginia, for duty a t Milford Depot, Va., November 5,1862.
J. J. P. Smith, of Sonth Carolina, for duty a t Colnmbia, S. C., November 3,1862.
C. J . Leigh, of Virginia, tor duty in Quartermaster-Generals Office, November 4,
\Villiani S. Kemper, of Virginia, for duty at Camp Winder, near Richmond, Ira.,
November 6, 1862.
James 13. Hope, of Virginia, for clnty at Qnartermaster-Geiierals Office, October,
30, 1862.

.John I,. Cobb, of Alabama, for d u t y a t IIuntsville, Ma., October 30, 1862.
W. \V. Barrett, of Texas, for duty at Shrweport, La., Ovtober 30, 1862.
J . N. Pannill, of Virginia, superinlentling ordnance train General Jfingstreets
(orj~b,October 30, 1862.
11. W. Pflager, of Mississippi, for dnty a t Raldwyn, Miss., October 14, 1862.
I f . C. Vairfax, of Virginia, on pay duty a n d other disbursements, Gen. K. E. Lees
army, 1)c~ceinbet8, 1862.
I,. 11. I m a a , of Trnnewee, for duty at Bristol, Tenn., December 5 , 1862.
l. W. Wood, of Virginia, for dnty with Major Carrington, Petersburg, as forage
collector. Dcc-enilm 17. 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your o h d i e n t servant,
Secretary of War.


May 1,1863.1

To the Senale of the Confedcrate States:

Agreeably to the rrcoiiiniendation of the Secretary of War, I nom
Winnemore, of Louisiana, to be brigade quartermaster, Provision
federate States.


Wart Dwmmmwr, Richmoiid, Apri

Slit: 1 have the honor to recommend thv followiiig rioinination for appointmen
the Iro~isionalArrny ot the Confederate States of Aiiierica:

I3rigatle pet-nitrstet,

~ 1 1 r1

w k or


Isaac T. JIiiincviiui e , of Luuibiaiia, orclercd to r q ) o r t to t hc Qrlartermafiter-(;ene~l.

1 itiii, sii, respcctfully, youi obedient servant,
Secretwy of Wur.

The nicssagcs were severally reed.

Oi~Iered,That they be referred to the Coinniittec on Military
The following Incssages were received f roin tho lresident o f thc
Confederate States, by Mr. I3. N. Harrison, his Seoi*ctwy:
JfOlJ 1, 1868.
To tlie Srntrte of the Co??jedcrafeRntPs:
Agreeably to the rerommendntion of t h e Secrctary of War, 1 nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to tho rank affixed to their nxines, respectively.
WARThrarrrari.:m, I?

izond, April 30,ISG i

r e honor to rt~co1i1i11ei1~~
thr follon iiig iioiiiinations for appointment
in the Jrovjsioiial A11iiy of the con federal^ Slatrs:

22, 1862.


11.T. Polk, of Te~i~ic~rsee,

o r d m 4 t o repor1 for duty to 1,ient. C h i . 1,. Polk, Decxmbe, 2, lX(i2

R.P. JIarlay, o l l,onkiuna, ordtwct to report for duty to Lieut. (;en. T. II. Holmen,
October S I , 1862.
I\. E. Roudiiiot, liliitml Stntcs Ka\ y, ordercbtl lo r t ~ p r for
t duty to Brig:. Gen.
.C. Wliiting, Novc~nitirr8, 1862.
Tlronias 13. I~rcnc~ii,
o f Virginia, ordercd to report for tlnty to Maj. Gcn. J . ( i .
Walker, No\rmbrr 13, 1x62
It 11. IInrdaway, of (icorfiia, cirtlcrc~lto report for duty to Miij ( h i . Sam. Jones,
Decern her 3, I8C2
1 am, sir, respectfully, your olmlieiit Hrrvant,
iSecrehry of War.
I%l(FIMoNI), l!fa?I 1, 1863.
To thc *S?nrrtP of the Co
Agreeably to the rccoriiint,nciatiori of the Gecretary of War, I nominate Thomas
JIonrot, of Missouri, to be brigade quarterrnmter, Provisional L4rniyof the Confederate States.



Richmond,Ap-2 30, 186.5.
SIR:T hart: the honor t o recommend the following nomination for appointment in
the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States:
Kriyide quartermaster, with rank of major.

Thomas Monroe, of Missouri, for duty with Gen. &I.M. Parsons brigade, September
24, 1862.
I ani, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretay of FT7ar.
May 1, 1869.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Austin M.
Standish, of Missouri, to be captain and assistant adjutant-general, Provisional Army
of the Confederate States.
Ricliniond, April 30, 1863.
SIR: T hart. the honor to recommend tlie following noinination for appointment in
the Irovisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America:

A. M. Standish, of Missouri, for duty with Gen. M. M. Parsons brigade, September
24, 1862.
I mi, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary of War.
May 1, 1863.

To the Senate of t h Co
Agreeably to the recoinmendation ot h e Secretary of War, I nominate James F.
Edwards, of Missouri, to be first lieutenant and aid-de-camp, Provisional Army .of
the Confederate States.
Riclmond, Apt1 30, 1863.
The PiwsmENT.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nomination for appointment in
the Provisional Army of tlie Confederate States:
Azd-cle-camp, untlL rant oj jirst liputennnt.
.James F.Edwardx, of Missouri, for duty with Gen. M. M. Parsons brigade, September 24, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of W a r .
&fay 1, 1863.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate John B.
Ruthven, of Missouri, to be brigade commissary, Provisional Army of the Confederate States.


Richmond, ApriE 30, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recoimnend the following nomination for appointment in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
BiLignde coniin issniy, toi!l~rrrnk of major.

John B. Rutliven, of Missouri, for duty with Gen. &I. nl. Parsons' brigade, September 24, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Srwetary of War.

ages were scvcr:~IIyread.

The Senatc, proceeded to consider the itominations therein contained;

R c s o J ~ ~ ( d'I'hat
' , the Sen& advise nnd consent to their appointment,
:Lgrcec"bly tJo tlie nomination of the President.
On motion t)y Mr. Seiiiines,
The Senate resolved into open legislative scssion.



lto tic rt W . ,Johnson.

IZsnjxniin T I . Hill.

IIenry C. Ihirnett.
\Yillinni E:. Sinims.

'F. ,I. se1nn1es.

Kdward Sparrow.
A. G. Brown.

,John 13. Clark.

Gcorgc Ihvi8.
Robert W. 13arnwel1,
,J:tmes L. 0rr.

14:mdonC. I-Inynos.
(itxstavus A. I-ICKWY.

W. S. Oldham.
Louis T. Wigfall.

. ..



_ _ - R, M. T. Hunter.

The Hon. It. M. 7'. Hunter, President of the Senate pro tempore,
resumed the chair.







[Dec. 7, 1863.

On niotion by M r . S p a r r o ~ ,

o / ~ ~ / ~That
/ ~ ~t Iic
J ~ Yccrctary
~ ,
inform the House of Representatives
thwt a q u o r u i ~ to f the Senate has assenibled, and that the Senate is
ready to procced to busincss.
A mcssagc from t b c House of ltcpresentatives, by Mr. McDonald:
r l w f 1 am directed to inform tlie Seiiate that a quorum of the House of
t i \ PS lias a s w ~ n l ~ l eant1
d , that the House is reatly to proceed to business.
The IIouse of Ilepresentati\ es h a r e passed a resolution for t h e appointment of a
comniittc~e,jointly \$it11 snc*l~
committee as may be appointed on the part of the
Senate, to x a i t u~iontlic President of the Confederate States and inform hiin that a
quorum of cacnh 1Ionsc is amicmbled, and t h a t Congress is ready to receive any commnnication tie may be plc~asodto make; and have appointed iUr. Garnett of Virginia, Mr. Chilton of Alabama, and Mr. Swan of Tennessee, t h e committee on their

BIr. lZrown sul)rnittcd thc following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Itesolmd, Tliat a coiniiiittec 1)c nppointcd, jointly with the coiiiniittee appoiiitrd on
tlie part of tliv I I o r i w ~of Itc.~irc..c,iitatircr, to uxit u p n the Prcxicteiit of the Confederate Stxttsr a r i d inforiii l i i i i i tliat a quorniii of each IIonse is assembled, and that
Congress is rcxly to rtvei\ ( aiiy c.oiiininiiic.atioii he iiiay be pleased to make.

On niotion by M r . I ~ ~ o J v I ~ ,
O/decrcd, That the conmiittee ho appointed by the President pro
tcmporc; and
31r. IZrown, A h . Ilenry, and Mr. Siiiims aerc appointed.
Mr. Brown, from the coiiitiiittec appointed on thc part of the Senatc,
jointly with the cornrriittee appointed on the art of thc House of
Re )resentati\.cs, to \+sit upon t h c b President of t c Confederate States
an infortn him that a quorum of each House had assembled, and that
Congress is ready to rcvcivc r i n j communication he may be pleahcd to
rnali-c, rcported that, they had perforiiied tlie duty assigned them; and
that the President replied that hc would make a communication to the
tmo llorises of Congress tomorrow at 18 ocIo~Ii111.
Mr. Siinins suhmitted the following resolution; which was considered
arid agreed to:

Iksolved, That tlic Coinmittt>eon Xilitary Affairs bit inbtructed to inquire into the
cpcaling all l a w exempting froni militarv str\ ice 1)ersons who have
itiites i n the A m y ; and that tliey also bc inhtrrictecl to inquire into
of adopting soiiie plan that \\.ill I)r just ant1 proper whereby all such
enrolled i n the nirlitar> service of thc Confederate States.

MI-.Siiiinis (hy leave) introduced

A bill (S. 142) to prevent the erilistirient or enrollment of substitutes
i n thc military service of the Confederate States, and Lo repeal all laws
pcrmitting or authorizing the same;
which was read the first and second tinies and referred to the Conmittce on Military Affairs.
Jlr. (&wl< (by leavc) introduced
A bill (S.143) to amend the several acts now i n force exempting
tcrtaiii pcrson~froin niilitary duty, and for other purposes;
wliich W:LS read tbc first and second times and referred to the Coin
niittcc on Military Affairs.
On iriotiori by Mr. Sparrow,
O ~ d e ~Thzt
l , thc daily hour of meeting of the Senate be 12 oclock
111. until otherwise ordered.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate adjourned.


Der. 8, 1863.1

8: 1863.

The following message mas received from the President of the C

fedcrate Statcs, by hfr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
K(y)rtwritntiws of the Coqfkierate States:
tivc action, arising out of thc iinportant events that have
sire to have the aid of your
( . l ) U J l W l 011 OtllfI JllattPlS
your presence at this time
iiiorc than ortlinarily \\ 0
obstacles to convoking you
in extr:io t din:) ry st~ssioii,
oniporxry absence from t h e
scat of ~oscrulllcllt,I \ \ o
ier meeting tlian that fixed
at the datcx of your iltlJonrunrcllt.
(;raw 1t~\trsesI)efcll our arms soon after your departure from Itichmond. Early
in July our stronglioltlx at Vicksburg and Port Iliictson, together with their entire
gar1isms, capitiilatetl to the combined h i d arid naval foices of t h e enemy. The
important interior position of Jackson next fell into their teinporary possession.
Our iinsiiccwsfnl wsanl t on tlic post at Heletia was followed at a later period by the
invasion of Arkansas, and tlie tctreat of our ariny froni IdittlcRock gave to the enemy
the control of the important vallcy i n ~ l i i c hit is situated.
rhc r w h t r spirit of the people soon rose superior to tho temporary despondency
iiatnrally resulting from these revertm. The gallant troops, so ably commanded in
the Statcs bcyoncl thc Mississippi, inflickrl tepeatetl tlcfeats on the invading arniies
in Imixiana rtnd on the coast of T c x a ~ . Detachments of troops anti active bodies of
partibans kcpt up so effective a war on the Mississippi Iliver as practically to destroy

the Sornlc (rnd I10ii

Tlic ricce*sitg for le
Iu:trkcd the inter\ a1 s

its \ aliw

its : ~ i ii~v(muv
of c v i i i i i i w v e

The tlotc~riiiiiictl:iiitl w(x

i ~ a \ a lo1wi:itioiis I)( t l i e vii(v
t h e altac-ks ( , \ ( > I I of t l i v iron

n w +till

t l i e t I i r&cticvl

tiiorv iii:irlrcLd.

coii(lit(~twIt l i c b c,atiili:iign i n \irginia, dcterininetl to

a(1viince on IZic~liii iotitl, tor w h i ~ Iic eiieniy h:td matle long

iii < s c l t

of Charlcrton against the joint land anti

itispiring c~xainpleof oiir ability to wpei
Iiirli tliev c~hic~fly
rely, whilc onttie north-

\I 110

a i i t l ( ~ ) q t lp~i c ~ ~ ~ a i i ~ t iI oi yt i foicitig
tlicir a t i i i i ( ~ sto ( I
the Jotoinac. and light in
drfenso (11 tlicir 0 1 \ 1 1 ciipitd cttitl hoinw. Tr:trisfc~rrirr it* b:itllefieltl to tlieir oivn
soil, hr sncacwd(,tl i t i ~iipc~lliiig
their r;ipid rctrcat frotti Virgiuia, and in the hardfouglrt I,altle of ( k t t )urg inflicted such severity of punislii~rcnt a h diual,letl them
f r o I II car1y rciic~waI
thr (v~iiiixiigti, :IS origirially projetstetl. Unforti~natrlythe

on which oiir geticral relied for rvceiviiig his supplies of inunitions

Iry c,.\ttaordinary floods, \\ hich 60 sw.c4led the lotomac an to render
)I.(~Y t,y wliich his atlvanct? had Lwtw made, and he was thus forccd
I\ 1iic.h WRR coridacted \\ itti ttelibt.ratiori, after mmiring largo trains
ilit*s,an(1 n iLti a constant biit unaccq)tcd ttwder of battle. On inore
II 11i(s cneinj. has sirice mndc clernonstI~tiot~r
of a purpose to advance,
c ~ l)y
l i4 1)rwipitatc retreat to rntreriched lines on the approach of


The, c > f f w t i . i c c4ieclr t l i i i r offrwtl t o the :itl~arict~

of tlic. invad~~rs
a t all points was
H d i i n t o :iffold 1 i ~ q ) c
of tlieir r:irly cAupiil4iii f r o t i i 1)ortionR of the terrilory prcvio i i u l \ ot.cnl)iccl1)y t l i v i i i , nlic~iit I i ( 1 voiintry \\as partiinlly surprisctl I)y thc intellipcnrc

t l i : r t I I I V olliccv i r i ~ ~ o n i ~ i i ~of
t di i t i i I ~ t ~ ~ l ~
n i d liati +urrcndrrcd that irnportant:inrl
easily t l e f r n 4 l ) l t . puss \I ithout tiring :z shot, ui)on tlie suminoils of a force still l)elte\cd
to I i i i i f 1)wn iitadv(1uaIt~ its rrtluction a n d wlieti rc4nforceintwts were in supporting t1iht:tlrcc and rat1 I)c~word(.rctl t o liis aid. The witire garrison, iii(4uding the
cmnniaiitler, heiirg still hrltl prisoners I)y the enemy, 1 ani unahle to suggest any

cxplanation of this t1is:tstc:r wliic*li laid oprn castern Tcrinessee and mithwestcrn
Virgiliia to Iiostiit~o1wr:itiotis and broke thc line of coiniiiiiiiit,ation I)ctwec1nthe seat
This easy su(wsy of the enomy was followed
of gowrntrient arid iiiitldlc Tennt
b y an atlvaiicc of (hrirml l t o s ( v ~ nto (rcwrgia, and our army evacuated Chattad svailcd itstllf of the opportunity thus afforded of winning, on tho field ot
auga, onc of the most brilliant and tlrcisivc vivtoriea of the war. The signal
General Itoscwans \\as followed b y hir rctreat into Chattanooga, where his
imperiled position hat1 the immediate effect of relieving the prcssurc of the invasion
at other points, forcing t h e conccwtral
for hi8 relief, of large bodies of troops
\\~ithdrawnfrom the aririies in tlrc, hii
ii)I)i Valley and in northern Virginia.
The combined forces thus accuinulated against u8 in Tennessee 80 greatly outnum-



[Dec. 8,18

bered our a r m y as to encourage tlieencmy to attack. After a long and severe battle,
in \+-hick1 great carnage was inflicted on him, some of our troops inexplicably
abandonetl a position of great strength and by a disorderly retreat compelled the
conlmnndcr to withdraw the forces elsewhere successful and finallv to retire with
his ~5 hole army to a position some 20 or 30 miles to the rear. It&believed that
if the troops who yielded t o the assault had fought with the valor which they had
displayed on previous occasions, and which was manifested i n this battle o n the
other parts of the line, the enemy would have been repulsed with very great slaughter
and our country would have escaped t h e misfortune and t h e army the mortification
of the first defeat that has resulted from misconduct by the troops. I n the meantime t h e army of General Burnside was driven from all its field positions i n eastern
Tennessee and forced to retreat into its entrenchments at Knoxville, where, for
some weeks, i t was threatened with capture by the forces under General Longstreet.
No information has reached me of the final result of t h e operations of our commander, thongh intelligence has arrived of his withdrawal from that place.
While, therefore, our success i n driving t h e enemy from our soil has not equaled
the expectations confidently entertained at t h e commencement of the campaign, his
progress has been checked. If we are forced to regret losses in Tennessee and
Arkansas, 15 e are not without gronnd for congratulation on successes in Louisiana
On the seacoast he IS exhausted by vain efforts to capture our ports,
ie northern frontier he has i n turn felt the pressureand dreads the renewal
. Tlic. indomitable courage and perseveranceof t h e people in the defense
of their homes have been nobly attested by t h e unanimity with which the legislatures of Virginia, Korth Carolina, and Georgia ha\ e recently given expression to the
popular sentiment; and likv manifestations may 1)e anticipated from all t h e States.
\Vliaterer ol)stinacy may 1)c displaj ed by t h e enemy i n his desperate sacrifices of
nioney, lile, and liltertj in t h e hope of enslaving us, the experience of mankind has
too ronclusively shown the superior endurance of those who fight for home, liberty,
and independence to permit any doubt of the result.

I regret t3 inform you that there has been n o improvement in the state of our relations with foreign countries since my message in January last. On the contrary,
there has been a still greater divergence i n t h e conduct of European nations from t h a t
practical impartiality which alone deserves t h e riame of neutrality, and their action
in some cases has ahvniiied a character positively unfriendly.
You have heretofore been informed that, by common understanding, the initiative
in all action touching t h e contest on this continent had been left by foreign powers to
the two great maritime iiations of western Europe, and that t h e Governmentsof these
two nations had q r e c d t o take no measures without previons concert. The result of
these arrangements has, therefore, plncrd it in the power of either France or Englaud
to obstruct at pleasure t h e recognition to which the Confederacy is justly entitled, or
even to prolong the c*ontinuanccof hostilities on this side of t h e Atlantic, if the policy
of either could be promoted by the postponement of peace. Each, too, thus became
possessed of great influence i n so shaping t h e general exercise of neutral rights i n
Europe as to render them subservient to t h e purpose of aiding one of the belligerents
to the detriment of the other. I referred, a t your lart session, to some of the leading
points i n the course puwurd by professed neutrals which betrayed a partisan leaning
to t h e side of our enemies, but events have since occurred which induce me t o renew
the subject in greater detail than was then deemed necessary. I n calling to your
attention the action of those Governments I shall refer to the documents appended to
President Lincolns messages and to their own correspondence as disclosing t h e true
tives which guided it. To this course no exception
ention has been invited to those sources of informaI n May, 1861, the Government of H e r Britannic Majesty informed our enemies
that it had not allowed any other thfn a n intermediate position on the part of t h e
Southern States, and assured them that the sympathies of this country (Great
Britain) were rather with the North than with the South.
On t h e 1st day of June, 1861, the British Government interdicted the use of its
ports t o armed ships and privateers, both of the United States and the so-called
Confederate States, with their prizes. The Secretary ot State of the United States
fully appreciated the character and motive of this interdiction, 11hen he observed to
Lord Lyons, who communicated It, that this measure, and that of the same character which had been adopted by France, would probably prove a deathblow to
Southern privateering.

Dec. 8,1863.1



niission, of wliich 1i:tlf w c i c ~in distant, s t w . The. uhwrtlity of the pretension o f such
I)locak;ttlr, in fttctl of the Itathoritative cltw1ar:ttion o! the tn:iritniie rights of 11~wtra1s
i i r a d t a a t Inris i n lSr)6, 1% ~ I Hso glaringtliat the attenipt was regarded :IS :in rxpwinient
on the iorbe:i!unw of iicntral powrs, wliic*li they ~ o i i l t proniptly
resist. This cont ~ l i i ~ i o\\n:is jnstilitd I ) v tl
(iovcrnnients of lknicc anti Great I3ritaiti
cit~tcwntnetitlint it \\its tie
r interests to ohlain ironi both brlligerents
swuritiw concvwtiiig llic
lit of ~ i e n t r ~ ~ l s .I n tlie iiist~iictioiiswliicli
con8ded tlie Iiiyq~tiatiot
r to the Btitisli c~onsulin Charleston h e
\\as infortnet1 that l l i c ~tiiost pcrftlctai+cord on this qiicEtion exids between Her Majestys (>(JVerlllll?lltillld tile
vcinnrcnt of tlic Eniperor of the Ftench, arid these
inutriic.tions \\ wc acconrpttri
by a copy of the dispatch of tlic British foreign office
of the 18th May, 1861, st:itii
lint there w m no difference of opinion bctween Great
Sritain itrid tlie United f3tatc.s 21s to the validity of the princsiples ennnciated in the
fourth articlc of the dw1ar:ition of Paris in rc.fercxnce to blockades. Your predecess o r ~of the Provisic)n:tl COIIK~(~SH
I d , therefore, no dificwlty in proclaiming, nnr I in
:*pprnving, ttie rcw)lntiuns u iiicti itbitndoiied i n favor of iircat Hritnin and France
oiir right to cq)tiiw tweniys prop(vty wlic~n covtwtl by the flags of those powers.
Tlie I w(writiw dr4rcvl l)y tliosc~( h e r n i i w n t s w(rc nntlerstood I)!? us to be reqnired
f r i m bot ki hcIIigcwnts. Neiitrals \nw rsposect o n oiir part to t\iv wercise of the
l)(~lligcwwtriglit of capturing thcir vessels N hcn
\vying tlic p r o p r t v of our en?IIII(LY.
Ilicy w r t rsp~setl,on t h psrt nf t h e IT
tion in their
nnqucutioncd iiglit of trailin:: 13 i t 11 i i h I)\* t h e d ( ~ l
clcnd(. a h v e
rc+weci to. We had no r(~asonto doullt tlic. go(
I l i a K i t ~to 1x3,
nor to snsl)rcat that we wcrc, to kw the only ptrtiw bonntl t)y
tanw. I t is
true that the instrnttions of the ntnLr:il pow(~rsinfornictl tlic
that it \\:is
cwcnti;il iindtbr preswt c~irc.riiiistimwthat they slioiild act with great, caution, in
ortirr to avoid raising thc~cliiwtionof the rcw)giiition of the new COlifcileriitloll, and
ttr:it the untlcmtantling on the snbject did not assiitw, for tlittt rwson, the sti:ipc~of
a fornial c*onvcntion. h i t it wily not deenic~lj u s t by i t s to tleclinc the arrangemeiit
on this grorintl, as little nior(1 tliaii ninety days had tlim elapsed hint-c the arrival of
o w c.otiitiiisfiionc,rsi i i l h r o 1 ~ and
~ , iicutral nations wcie fair1 entitled to a reasonable
tl&ty in acting on a suhjwt of so much iiiiportanc~~,
and w k c h , from their point of
vit.u, prcwritc.tI difliciill ies that we pc.rhaps did not frilly :tpprcc4ate. Certain it is
tlixt the wtion of this (;ovcwtirioit on the owauioii iiritl its f:iitliful perfoniiamx of
itn own engagoiiicwta Iinvt, I)wn such t
u to entitle i t to expcvt o n the part of tliose
vvhosoiight in tlivir o w n iiilvrwts a tnutn:il nnd(wkaticliiig thc most sc~rnpnlousadherchiice to their o n 11 proiniws. I feel cwn~tr;iincdto inform you that in this oxpectation we Iia\~eb c ~ c ~dis;ippoiritcd,
:iiici that iiot only ha\v the (iovcrntnerits which
entcrcd into th(w arr:ntgciiicnts yieldtvl to the prnliibition against corninewe with
iis, whidi trar l i w n tlictatctl by tlw llnitcd States in tleiiarice of tlic liiw of nations,
inn o f their neutral rights to o w (Jctrinieiit liiin on niore than
nirti i n intcrconrw with oiir c ~ t i ( w i ( vils an cbvidenceof friendly
f ( 4 i t i c . toward tlierti. A few extracts from ttir c~~t~resp~)nilc~nc~e
of Her Majwtps
( Iiief secretary of xtate lor foreign affairq kill sollice to sliow niarketl enconragement
to the Unitrcl StxLtes to pursevcrc. i n it5 paper blockadc and iiriniia(akal)lr intiniations
that Iler Majcst s Go\~ernnientwonld not contest its validity.
On the 21st
1801, ~ a liiisseil
r ~ pointect out to the Iiriite(1 States minister in
Lontlon that t h e blockade might no tioabt be inade effective, ~onsidr~ring
the small
number of harborson the southern coast, even thoiigh ttie extent of 3,000 miles were
cornprehended in terinv of that block:rctr.
On the 14th January, 1862, 1It.r Majestys iirinistc.r in Washington conimunicated
to his (;overnineiit that in c.xtenuatinn or the 1)arharous attempt to destroy thc port
of Charleston by srrikinga &mil f h t i i t t h c ])a)h r q 311..Sowartk kiiitl cYplainrd that
tlie (iovernnient of the United Statcs had, 1.x-t +ring, w i t h a navy w r y little pro-





pared for so extensi1-e an operation, undertaken to blockade upward of 3

of c0a.t. The Secretary o f thc. Navy had reported that he could stop u
holes by means of his ships, but that he could not stop u p the smal?
had been found neeessary, therefore, to close some of the numerous small inlets by
sinkiiig vessels in the chartriel.
011t h e 6th May, 1862, so far from claiming t h e right of British subjects as neutrals
to trade with us as belligerents and to disregard the blockade on the ground of this
explicit confession by our enemy of his inability to render it effective, Her Majestys
Pecretary of state for foreign affairs claimed credit with t h e United States for friendly
action i n respecting it. His lordship stated that t8heUnited States Government, on
the allegation of a rebellion pervading froin nine to eleven States of the Union, have
iiow for more than h e l v e months endeavored to maintain a blockade of 3,000 miles
of coast. This blockade, kept up irregularly, but when enforced, enforced severely,
has serious1 injured the trade and nianufactures of the United Kingdom. Thousands
are now obgged to resort to the poor rates for subsistence owing to this blockade.
Yet Her Majestys Gorernmeiit have never sought to take advantage of the obvious
imperfections of thiH blockade in ordcr to declare it ineffective. They have, to the
loss and detrinient of tlie British nation, scwipulously observed the duties of Great
Britain toward a friendly State.
Again, o n the 22d of September, 1862, the same noble earl asserted that the United
States were very far indeed froin being in a condition to ask other nations to
assume that every port of the coasts of the so-styled Confederate States is effectkely
When, in view of thew facts-of the obligation of the British nation to adhere to
t h e pledge made by their Governinexit at Paris in 1856, and renewed to this Confederacy i n 1861-and of these repeated and explicit avowals of t h e iniperfection, irregularity, and inefficiency of the pretended blockade of our coast, I directed our commissioner a t London to call upon tlie British Governnient to redeem its promise and to
withhold its nioral aid and sanction from t h e flagrant violation of public law conimitted by our enemies, we were informed that ISer Majestys Government could not
regard t h e blockade of t h e southern ports as having been otherwise than practically
effective in February, 3862, and that t h e manner in which i t has since been
enforced gives to neutral governments no excuse for asserting that the blockade has
not been efficiently maintained. We were further informed, when we insisted
!at by t h e terms of our agreement no blockade c\ to be considered effective unless
sufficient really to prevent access to our coast, that the declaration of Paris was,
in truth, directed aqainst blockades not sustained by any actual force, or sustained
by a notoriously inadequate force, such as the occasional appearance of a man-ofwar in the ofllng, or the like.
It w m impossible that this mode of construing a n agreement, so as to make its
terms mean alniost the rexerse of what they plainly conbeyed, could be considered otherwise than as a notification of t h e refusal of t h e British Government to
remain bound by its agreement, or longer to respect those articles of the declaration
of Paris which had been repeatedly denounced byeBritish statesincn and had been
characterized by Earl Rwscll as very iiiiprudent and rnoet unsatisfactory.
If any doubt remained of the motives by which the British ministry have been
actuated in their conduct, it would be completely dissipated by the distinct avowals
and explanations contained in the published speech recently made by Her Majestys
secretary for foreign affairs. I n commenting on the remonstrauces of this Government against the countenance given to an ineffective blockade, the following language
is nsed. i It is said we have, contrary to the declaration of Paris, contrary to international law, permitted the blockade of 3,000 miles of American coast. I t is quite
trnc we did so, and the presumable cause of complaint is quite true, that although t h e
blockade is kept up by a sufficient number of ships, yet these ships were sent into
the United States Ravy in a hurry, and are ill fitted for the purpose and did not keep
up so cotnpletely and effectively as w a s required, an effective blockade.
This unequivocal confession of violation, both of agreement with us and of international law, is defended on prormds, the validity of which we submit with confidence
to the candid judgment of mankind.
These grounds are thus stated: Still, looking a t the law of nations, it was a blockade we, as a great belligerent power in former tintes, should have acknowledged.
We ourselves had a blockade of upward of 2,000 miles, and it did seem to me that
we were bonnd in justice to t h e Federal States of America toacknowledge that blockade. But there was another reason which weighed with ine. Our people were suffering severely for the want of that material which was the inain staff of their
industry, and it was a question of self-interest whether we should not break t h e
blockade. But in my opinion t h e men of England wonld have been forever infamous
if, for the sake of their own interest, they had violated the law of nations and made

Dec. 8,1863.1




unwarrantable act. So, too, when the Confederate Government purchased in Great
Britain, as a neutral country (and with strict observance both of the law of nations
and t h e municipal law of Great Britain), vessels which were subsequently armed
and coinmissioned as vessels of war after they had been far removed froin English
Ivaters, the British Gorernnient, in violation of its own laws and in deference to t h e
importunate deniancls of t h e Cnited States, made an ineffectual attempt to seize one
vessel, and did actually seize and detain another which touched at the island of
Nassau on her way to a Confederate port, and snbjected her to an unfounded prosecution a t t h e very time when cargoes of munitions of war Kere being openly shipped
from British ports to New York to be used i n warfare against us. Even now t h e
public journals bring intelligence that the British Governnient has ordered t h e
seizure in a Uritixh port of two vessels on the buspicion that they niay have been
b o l d to this Go\ erninelit,, and that they niay be hereafter arnied antl equipped in our
service, while BritiPh subjet:&are engaged i n Ireland by tens of thousands to proceed
to the United States for warfare against t h e Confederacy in defiance both of t h e law
of natioiis antl of the express terms of tlie British statutes, and are trmsported i n
British ships, without an effort a t concealment, to the ports of the United States,
there to bc ariiied with rifles irripoited froin Great Britain and to be employed against
our people in a \I ar for coltquest. xo royal prerogative is invoked, no executive
interference is intoi posed awiiibt this flagrant breach of municipal and international
law on t h e part of our eiiei2e8, \+h i ~ estrained constructions are plac
statutes, new criacstiiients proposrd, and qiiestioriable expedients cl
cbluding the possibility o f purclinse by this (;ovwnincnt of vesmlq that arc uscless f o r
herc4tcr arnwtl anti equipped outside of the neutral
is (iovc~rnmenthas e\-erciseil unquestioned jurisdiction
over many iiiillioiis of illiiig ant1 unitetl pcwplc I t IIRH iiiet and defeated vast
armies of inrstlcrs, x l i o liav i lain songlit its subversion. Supported h y the (wnficlence antl afft,cstion of its (* mis, the Coiiicdrrwy has lacked 110 element which
tiistingaishes a t i ititleycntiriit nation, according to the principleq of public law. 1 t s
legislative, e x w i t i i e, and judicial departments, each ii: its sphere, have perforiuetl
their appropriatc functions with a regularity as un(1istorbed as in B time of profound
peace, and the whole energies of the peoplc have been developed in the organization
of vast, armies, while their rights and liberties have rested secure under t h e protwtioii of the courts of justice. This Confederacy is either independent or it is a
dependency of the Vnited States, for no other earthly power claims the right t o govern it. Without one historic fact on which the pretension can rest, without oiie line
or worcl of treaty or covenant which can give color to title, the United States h a r e
assertetl, and the British Government has chosen to concede, that these sovereign
States are dependencies of tltc Governnient whidi is administered a t Washington.
Great Britaiii has accordingly entertained with that Governnient the closest aiid
nimt intiiiratr relations, while refusing on its demand ordinaiy amicable intercourse
witli UP, mid has, nndcr arrangements n~atlewith tlie other nations of Europe, iiot
onlv clcsiiied mir jiist claiin o f adiiiiaaion into tlie faiiiily of nations, but interposed a
y&ve tIionpIi vffrc
,ar to the uc.lrnovledpnent of oiir rights by other poi+ers.
Xo SOOll as it liatl b
apparent, by tlie cleclarations of t h e British ministers i n
the debates of tlre 1
Partiatnetit in Jiily last, that H e r Majestys Governnfent
was clc~trrnrinwlto I
iiideiinitcl y ill a course of policy which, under professions
of neutrality, h ~ (I)rkc.oiirc,
subservient to the tleqigns of OUT enemy, I felt it m y duty
to recall thr. cmrtnissioner fornirdy accwtlitetl to that court, antl t h e correspondence
on tlitt subject is snhniitted to you.
I t is due t o vou and to our country t h a t this fnll statement should be made of t h e
just grounds ~ r h i c hexist for dissatisfaction with the c~ontlnctof the British Government. I am well aware that ~e are i~nfortnnatelywithout adequate remedy for the
injustice under uhicli we haw suffered at the hands of a powerful nation a t a jnnetare when our entire resources are absorbed in the defense of our lives, liberties,
aiitl indrpendence, against a n enemy possessed of greatly superior numbers and matcrial resources. Claiining no favor, desiring no aid, conscious of our o ~ v nability to
defend our own rights against the utmost efforts of an infuriate foe, we had thought
it not extravagant to c.xpec% that assistance wotrltl be withheld from our enemies,
and that t h e conduct of foreiqri nations wonld be inarkcd by a genuine impartiality
between the brlligereiits. 1t w a 9 riot supposed that a proteased neutrality would be
so ronducted as to jwtify t h e foreign secretary of tlie Rritixh natlon, in explaining,
in correspondence with our enemies, how the inipwrtial observance of neutral obligations by Her Majcstys Governnient has thus been exceedingly advantageous to
the cause of the niorc powerful of the two contending parties. The British (iovernment may d c w l \ this p a r a favorable ocrwion ior establishing, b y thc temporary
sacrifice of their neutral rights, a precedent which shall justify t h e future exercise



ernnient of the United States at a date anterior to our separation, and which were
consequently binding on 11s as uell as on foreign powers when the separation took
effect. I t 15 as partly with a 1 iew tQ entering into such arrangements as the change
in our &\~ernnientIiitd made necessary that n e felt It our duty to send comini&oners
abroad for the purpose 01 entering nito t h e negotiations proper to fix the relative
rights arid obligations of the parties to those treaties. As this tender on our part has
\)eel1declined; a h foreign nations have refused us the benefit of the treaties to which
we were parties, they certainly h a r e ceabed to be binding on us, and in my opinion,
our relations with European nations are therefore now controlled exclnsively by the
general rules of the law of natione. It is proper to acid that these reiriarks are
intended to apply solely to treaty obligations toward foreign goveiiiments, and have
no reference to rights of individuals.

The state of the public finances is such as to demand your earliest and most earnest
attention. I need hardly say that a prompt and efficacious remedy for the present
condition of the currency is necessary to the successful performance of the functions
of government. Fortunately, the resources of our country are so ample, and the
spirit of our people so devoted to its cause, that they are ready to make any necessary contribution. Relief ir thus entirdy within our reach if we have the wisdom to
lcgislate in such manner as to rentlcr available t h e means at our disposal.
A t the coinii-~en~einent
of the \r ar we were far from anticipating t h e magnitude and
duration of the struggle in R hich n e were engaged. The inoet sagacious foresight
could not have predicted that the passions of t h e Northern people 11ould lead them
I)liii(lly to the sacrifice of life, trcasure, and liberty in so vain a hope as that of subjygating thirteen intlependmt States inhabited by many millions of people, whose
birthright of freedom is dearer to tlierii tliaii life. A long exemption from direct
taxation by the General Governnieiit had created an aversion t o its raising revenue by
any other iiiea115l l i i ~ i ib y duties on imports, and it &as supposrd that these duties
would be ample for current peace expenditure, while the means for conducting the
war could be raised almost exclusively by t h e use of the public credit.
The lirht action of t h e Provisional ConFress was therefore confined to passing a
tariff law and to raising a sum of fifteen millions of dollars by loan, with a pledge of
i~ small export duty on cotton to providc for thc redemption of t h e debt.
At its second session war WLIE declared t o exist between t h e Confederacy and the
1Jnited States, and proviPion was iiiatie for the Qsue of twenty inillions of dollars in
Treasury notes, and for borrowing thirty millions of dollars on bonds. The tariff
was revised and the preparatory nieasures taken to eiiable the Congress to levy
internal taxation at its succeeding session. These laws mere passed in May, and the
States of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennesec, and Arkansas having joined the Confederacy, the Congress adjourned to inert in t h e city of Richmond in the following
ninnth of July.
Prior to t h e assembling of your predeceesors in Richmond at their third session,
near the end of J ~ l y ~ ~ I 8t6h1e ,President of the United States had $,eveloped in his
message t h e purpose to make the contest a short ancl decisive one, and had called
on Congreas for 400,000 inen and fonr hundred millions of dollars The Coiigrees
had exceeded thc Executive recomniendation and had authorized t h e levy of half a
inillion of volunteers, besides largely increasing t h e regular land and naval forces of
the United States. The necessity thus first became urgent t h a t a financial scheme
should be devised on a basis sufficiently large for the vast proportions of the contest
with which we were threatened Knowing that the struggle, instead of being short
and decisive, would beindefinite in duration, and could only end when the United
States should a15 aken from their delusion of conquest, a permanent system n as
required, fully adapted to the great exigencies before us.
The plan devised by Congress a t that time was based on the theory of issuing
Treasury notes convertible a t t h e pleasure of t h e holder into eight per cent bondp,
th(1 interest of whidi was to be payable in coin, and it mas correctly assumed that
any tendency to depreciation that niiglit arise frorii overissue of the currency v ould
he checked by llir cw?istant exercise of the holders right to iund the notes a t a liberal interest payaldr i n rpecie. This system dependcd for success on the continued
ability of (+orerninent to pay t h e interest i n specie, and iiieans were, therefore, provided for that purpoye in the law authorizing t h e issues. An internal tax, termed a
war tax, \\as levied, the pro( reds of v\ hiclr, together u ith the revenue from imports,
were deemed sutfcient for the object designetl. This sclienic rcquircd for it? operation that our conimcrcc with foreign nations should not be suspended. I t was not to
be anticipatcd that such suspension would be permitted othervr ise than by a n effective
blockade; and it was absurd to suppose that a blockade sufficient really to prevent
access to our entire coast could be maintained.

Dec. 8, 1863.1



year, while the intervening exigencies permitted no delay. In this s

superinduced almost unavoidably by the fortunes of the war i n which we
the issues of Treasury notes have been increased until t h e currency in
at~lountsto more than six hundred millions of dollars, or more than th
anlount required by the business of the country.
I need not enlarge upon t h e evil effects of this condition of
unfortunately but too apparent In addition to the difficulty pr
essary operations of t h e Government anrl t h e efficient rondnrt of the war, the most
deplorable of all its results is undoubtedly iLq corrupting influenre on the morals of
the people. The possession of large amounts of Treasury notes has naturally led to a
desire for investment, and with a constantly increasing volume of currency there ha
been a n equally constant increase of price in all objerts of investment. This effec
has stimulated purchase by t h e apparent certainty of profit, and a spirit of speculation has thus been fostered which has so debasing an influence and such ruinous
consequences that it is our highest duty to remove the cause, and no measures
directed to that end can be too prompt or too stringent.
Reverting to the constitutional provisions already cited, the question recurs
whether i t be poseible t o execute the dnty of apportioning taxation in accordance
with t h e census ordered to be niade as a basis. So long as this appeared to be practicable, none can deny t h e propriety of your course in abstaining from the imposition
of direct taxes till you could exercise t h e power in the precke niode pointed out by
the ternis of the fundainental law. But it is obvious that there are many duties
imposed bv the Constitution which depend for their fulfillment on the undisturbed
possession ofthe territory within which they are to be performed. The saine instrument whirl1 orders a census to be niatle i n all the States iinpoues the dnty on the
Confederacy to guarantee to every State a repyblican form of gover~n~ient.I t
enjoins on IN to protecst each State froin i~~vasion,
and while declaring that itu
great objects and piiipose~are t o establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and
secure t h e blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, i t confers the mean?
and thereby iiiiposes on 11st h e paramount duty of effecting its intent by laying and
collecting taxes, duties, iniposts, anrl excises, necessary to pay the debts, provide for
the coniinon defense, and carry on t h e Government of the Confederate States.
None would pretend that the Constitution is violated, because, by reason of the
presence of hostile armies, we are unable to guarantee a republican form of government t o those States or portions of States now temporady held by the enemy, and
as little justice would there be i n iniputirig blame for t h e failure to make t h e cenws
when that failure is attributable to causes not foreseen hy t h e authors of t h e Comtitution and beyond our control. The general iutent, of nnr constitutional charter is
unquestionably that t h e property of t h e country is to be taxed in order to raise
revenne for the common defense, arid t h e special mode provided for levying this tax
is impracticable from unforeseen causes. It is i n my judgment our primary duty to
execute t h e general intent expressed b y t h e tenns of tlie instrument which we have
sworn to obey, and we can not excuse ourselves for the failure to fulfill this obligation on t h e ground that M e are unable to prrforni it in the precise mode pointed out.
Whenever it shall be possible to execute our duty in all its parts, we must do so in
exact compliance with the whole letter and spirit of the Constitution. Until that
periotl shall arrive we must execute PO much of it as our condition renders practicable.
Whenever the withdrawal of t h e enemy shall place it in our power toniakc arensus
and apportionment of dirert taxes, any other mode of levying thein will be contrary
to t h e w ~ l of
l the lawgiver and incompatible with our obligation to obey that will;
until that period the alternative left is to obey the parainount prscept and to execute
i t according to the only other rule provided, whirlr is to make the tax uniform
throughout the Confedrrate States.
The considerations just presented are greatly enforced by the reflection that any
attempt to apportion taxes amongst States, sonie of which are w.holly or partially in
tlie occupatioii of hostile forces, would subvert the whole intention of the frarnem of
the Constitution, and be productive of the most revolting injustice, instead of that
just correlation between taxation and representation which it was their purpose to
secure. With large portions of some of t h e States occupied by the enemy, what
justice would there be in iniposing on the remainder the whole amount of the taxation of t h e entire State in proportion to its representation? What else would this be
in effect than to inrrease the burthen of those who are the heaviest sufferers by the
war, and to make our own inability to protect them froiii invasion, as we are required
to d o by t h e Constitution, the ground for adding to their losses by an attempted
adherence to the letter i n violation of the spirit of that instrument. No such purpose
could have been entertained, and no s ~ i c hrestilt contemplated by the framers of the
Constitution. It may add weight t o these considerations if we reflect, that although
the Constitution provided that it should go into operation with a representation

Der. R, 1663.1


alloptctl ior that p u r p o w 1i:iLe Ircen h i t p r t i a l l y snccvsstul, itrid the evil hm now
r(xc,licct sii(*lia iiiiipiiitiitl(i :is to perinit no c i t l i c ~rciritvly tliitii tlie compulsory reduct i o i i of t h r ciirrciicy
a i i i o i i i i t tcynirrtl k)y tlie business of the country.
r d u c tion slionltl be,
ipauicxct b v a plt~lgct liiit iindcr no stress of circniirstances
\rill that aiuonnt Ite
titvI. Sopossiblr i i i o t i c of using the credit of the Governas one \\ Iiic.11 dihtui 11s t l i v basis of all ~sclianges,renders
iiiciit can lie RO t l i w h
i l i ~ t i o i i sof Iutiirc \nliitas, nugnicnts, iii wnstaittl
increwin proo f a11 c.oi)iiirodititR, anct so dcpreciates a11 fixed wages, J a r i e s ,
rviitlrr t l i m i iiiatleqnatr to 1)ar.c.sultsistmcc. If to these be addccl
inllneirc.e 011 the iiiorals :in(l character of the pcoplc, to which I
rtetl, I a i i i p(muiid(d yoii \I ill coIicur in the conclusion that nn
i n f ~ c ~ s i l )a(1licwmcc
to L: liiiiitation of tlit~c.nrrciicyat a fixed suin isan indispensable
deincant of aiiv S J P ~ C I I Iof fiiiitiive iiow to be it(1ol)tctl.
Tlic I I ~ I I I ~ ~ofI ; tlic. cnrrcwcy iiow oiitstaiidiiigcan only be protected in the recovery
o f tlieir just cktiiiis by sul~.~titnti~rg
f o r tlivir nolos H O I I ~ P other sec*nrity. If tlie mrriiptiy r(vliic~v1,thv jtresrnt scale of inflated prices will
Init h y the w r y facat of thc large anioiinix thus made
I( x:w, tliosc prices \\ill r ( ~ 4 ratw
still inore extmvaI I\ ill lit11 miclcr its own weight, thns rendering the
owil)lc aiitl dcstroviiif it3 whole valne in the liiintls of
t l i c Iiol(lt~r. If, on t lit: colltriLr\ , R ftiutled c l t b l i t , \\ ith iiitcrwt sccurcd by adcqnato
titsation, can I ) c mt) Tor t1w outtit;intliiiy cnrrcwy, its eiitiro aiuoniit \I ill bo
unntfe awilable to the Irol(lc.r, :ml the (;ortwiiiitwt n ill be in B condition enabling it,
1)cyontf the reach of aiiy ~ w o l i a ~continp!iicy,
to proscwitv !lie war to R ,qnc~c~essfnI
issue. I t is, tlwrpfort*, tleiiiartdr~d,as +I ell by the, intorcut of the creditor IW of the
country :Lt large, that t I i v cvidenws of 1 1 1 t h pul)lic dcbt now outstanding i i i the shape
of Treasury notw, be cwnvcbrtr(1 into boirils 1te;triiig adequate interest, with a provision for taxation sufficient to insure punctual Ijayiiieiit, aiid filial redeiription of
tlw \\ llolc tlc1,t.

that, if ~ a c pcvsoii
lieltl Treasury notw in exact proportion to the value of his whole
irieaiifi, each wonltl in fact owe liirriselt the amount of the notes held by him, and
Were it pofiRihle to tlistrilnitc~the ciirrcwy ainorig the people in thk exact proportion,
a tax le\ i c d 011 thc currency ai(~rie,to an airiount sufficient to reduce it to proper
limits, W C J Uafford
~ ~ ~ the h t of all remedies. Under mch circwnntancw, the notes
remaining in the hanils of each holdrr, aftw the payrnenl of his tax, would be worth
quite as n i i ~ c ~as
h the whole sun1 prtvioiidy held, for it would purchase a t least an
equal ainount of commodities. This rcsult can not be perfectly attained b y any device
of legislation, but it can be approximated by taxation. A tax on all value8 has for
its dfect, not only to iinpose a duo share of the burthen on the notP Iroliler, but to
force those who have few or none of the notes to part bit11 a share of their pos-



sessions to those who hold t h e notes in excess, in order to obtain the means of 8a.
fting t h e demands of t h e tax gatherer. This is the only mode by which i t
practicable to make a11 contribute as equally as possible in t h e burthen which all
are bound to share, and i t is for this reason that taxation adequate to t h e public
rxigencies, under our present circumrtanew, must be the basis of any funding sys
or other remedy for restoring stability to our finances.

To t h e report 01 the Secretary of War you are referred for details relative
condition of the Army, and t h e measures of legislation required for maintain
efficiency, recruiting its numbers, and furnishing the supplies necessary for itR sup
Thongh we have lost many of the best of our soldiers and most patriotic o
ritizens (the sad but unavoidable result of t h e battles and toils of such a campaign
as that which will render t h e year 1863 ever iiiemorable i n our annals), the Army is
believed to be i n all respects in better condition than a t any previous period of the
war. Our gallant defenders, now veterans, fantiliar TZ it11 danger, hardened bv
exposure, and confident in themselves and their officers, endure privations with
cheerful fortitude and u-elrome battle with alacrity. The officers, by experience in
field service and the artion of examining boards in relieving the inconipetent, are
now greatly more efficient than a t thc commencenienl UC t h e war. The assertion is
believed t o be fully juutifietl, that, regarded as a whole, for character, valor, efficiency,
and patriotic devotion, our Army has riot been equaled by any like number of troops
in the history of war.
I n view of the large consciiption recently ordered by the enemy, and their subsequeiil call for \ ~ ~ l u n t eto~ be
i ~ follo\\ed,
if ineffectual, by a still further draft, we are
adnionished that no effort must be spared to add largcly to our effertive force as
promptly as possible. The sources of supply arc to be found b y restoring to the
Army all who are improperly absent, putting a n end to substitution, modifying the
exemption law, restricting dctails, and placing i n the ranks such of the able-bodied
men now einploycd as wagoners, nurses, cooks, and other employees as are doing
service for which the negroes may be found competent.
The act of 16th April, 1862, provides t h a t persons not liable for duty may be
received as substitutes for those who are, under such regulations as may be prescribed
by t h e Secretary of War. The policy of granting this privilege has not been
sustained by experience Not only has t h e numerical strength of the Army been
seriously impaired by t h e freqnent desertions for which substitutes have become
notorious, but dissatitdaction has been excited among those who have been unable
or unwilling to a.i.ail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded of alyoiding the
military service of their country.
I fully concur in the opinion expresed by t h e Secretary, that there is no ground
for t h e objection that a ncw provision, to indude those who furnished substitutes
under t h e former call, would be a breach of contract. To accept a substitute mas to
confer a privilegc, not to enter into a contract, and whenever t h e substitute is rendered liable to conscription it would seem to folfow that t h e principal whose place
he had taken should respond for him, as t h e Governnient had receired no consideration for his exemption. Where, however, the new provision of law would fail t o
embrace a substitute now in the ranks, there appears, if t h e principal should again
be ronscribed, to be a n equitable ground for compensation t o the conscript, who
then 11 ould have added to the scrvice a soldier not otherwise liable to enrollment.
On t h e subject of exemptions, it is believed that abuses can riot be checked unless
the system is placed on a basis entirely different lroin t h a t now provided by law.
The dbject of your legislation h a been not to confer privileges on classes, but to
exonerate froin military duly such number of persons skilled i n the various trades,
professions, and mechanical pursuits as could render more valuable service to their
country by laboring in their present occupation than by going into the ranks of the
Arnty. The policy is unquestionable, but t h e result would, i t is thought, be better
obtained by enrollingall suck persons and allowing details to be made of the number
necemary to meet the wants of thc country. Considerable numbers are believed to
be now exempted from t h e military service who are not needful to the public i n
their civil vocation.
Certain duties arc now performed throughout the country by details from the
Army which could be as ell executed by persons above t h e present conscript age.
An extension of the limit so as to embrare persons over forty-five years and physically fit for service in guarding posts, railroads, and bridges, in apprehending
deserters, and, where practicable, amuming the place of younger men detailed for
duty with the Niter, Ordnance, Commissary, and Quartermasters Bureaus of the War



[Dee. 8 , i

to correspond with his command. To avoid the consequence of discharge upon

change of duty, the variable portion of t h e personal staff might be taken from the
line of the Army and allowed to retain their line commissions.
The disordered condition of the currency, to which 1 have already alluded, has
imposect on the Government a system of supplying the wants of the Army, which is
so tnic~luali n its operation, vexatious to t h e producer, injurious to the industrial
intertst, and productive of such discontent among the people as only to b
by the existence of an absolute necessity. The report of t h e Secrctary on
establishes conclusively that t h e necessity which has forced t h e bureaus
to provide for the Army by impressment, has resulted from t h e impossibil
chase by contract or i n the open market, except at such rapidly increase
would have rendered t h e appropriations inadequate to t h e wants of the Army.
Indeed, i t is believed that t h e temptation t o hoard supplies for the higher
which could be anticipated with certainty, has been checked mainly by the
the operation of the impressment law; and that commodities liave been offered in
the markets, princ-ipally to escape impre~sment,and obtain higher rates than those
fixed by appraisement. The complaints against this vicious system have been well
founded, but the true cause of the evil has been misappreheiitled. Tlie remedy is to
be found, not in a change of the impressment law, but in t h e restoration of the currency to such a basis as will enable the Department to purchase necesary supplies
in the open market, and thus render iiiipressnient a rare and exceptional process.
The same remedy will effect tht. result universally desired, of a n augmentation of
the pay of t h e Army. The propobak made a t your previous sessions, to increase the
pay of the soltlier by an additional amount of Treasury notes, would have conferred
little benefit on hiin, but a radical reform of t h e currency will restore the pay to a value
approximating that M hich it orjginally had, and niaterially improve his condition.
The reports from the Ordnance and Mining Bureaus are very gratifying, and the
extension of our means of supply of arms and munitions of war from our home
resources has becn such as to inmre our ability soon to become mainly, if not entirely,
independent of supplies from foreign countries. The establishments for the casting
of guns and projectiles, for the manufacture of small arms and of gunpowder, for the
supply of niter from artificial niter beds, and mining operations generally, have been
so distributed through the country as to place our resourres beyond the reach of
partial disasters.
The recommendations of the Secretary of War on other points are minutely detailed
in his report, which is submitted to you, and extending, as they do, to alniost every
branch of the serviw, merit careful consideration.



I regret to inform you that the enemy haye returned to t h e barbarous policy with
which they inaugurated t h e ~ a rand
, that t h e exchange of prisoners has been for
some time suspended. The correspondence of the cominissioners of exchange is
submitted to you by the Secretary of War, and it has already been published for the
information of all now suffering useless imprisonment. The conduct of the authorities
of the United States has been consistently perfidious on this subject. Bn agreement for
exchange i n the incipiency of t h e war had just been concluded when the fall of Fort
Donelson reversed the previous state of things, and gave them a n excess of prisonew.
The agreement was immediately repudiated by them, and so remained till the
fortune of war again placed us in possession of t h e larger number. ,4 new cartel was
then made, and under it, for many months, we restored to them many thousands of
prisoners i n excess of those whoni they h&l fur exchange, arid encanipments of the
surplus paroled prisoners delilered up by us were established i n the United States,
where t h e men were able to receive the comforts and solace of constant communication with their homes and families. In July last the fortune of war again farored
the enemy, and they were enabled to exchange for duty t h c men previously delivered
to them, against those captured and parolcd at Vicksburg and Port Hudeon. The
prisoners taken at Gettysburg, hov-ever, remained in their hands, and should have
been a t once rcturned to our lines on parole, to await exchange. Instead of executing a duty imposed by the plainest dictates of justice and good faith, pretexts were
instantly songht for holding them in permanent captivity. General orders rapidly
succeeded each other from t h e bureaus a t Washington, placing new constructions on
an agreement which had given rise to no dispute while we retained the advantage i n
the number of prisoners. m i t h a disregard of honorable obligations almost unexampled, t h e enemy did not hesitate, in addition to retaining t h e prisoners captured
by them, to declare null the paroles given by the prisoners captured by us in the
same series of engagements and liberated on condition of not again serving until
exchanged. They have since openly insisted on treating t h e paroles given by their

Dcr. 8,1863.l





[Dee. 8

\\.hilt for ~nilitaryaffairs it would seem to be sufficient to authoriee the President

arltl Scc.rrtary of IVar to delegate to t h e coninlanding general so much of the discretlonary powers vested i n them by law as t h e exigencies of the service shall require.

The report of t h e Sccretary of t h e Navy gives in detail t h e operations of that

Department since January last, embracing information of t h e disposition and employi n w t ot the vessels, officers, and men, and t h e construction of vessels a t Richmond,
Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, Selma, and on the rivets Roanoke,
Neuse, Pedee, Chattahoochee, and Toinbigbee, the accuiiiulation of ship timber and
supplies, and the manufacture of ordnance, ordnance stores, and equipinents. The
foundries and workshops have beengreatly im roved, and their capacity tp supply all
demands for heavy ordnance for coast and Rarbor defenses IS only hrmted by our
deficiency in the requisite skilled labor. The want of such labor and of seamen
seriously affects the operations of the Department.
The skill, courage, and activity of our cruisers a t sea can not be too highly commended. They have inflicted heavy losses on t h e enemy, without sufferinga single
disaster, axid hare seriously damaged the shipping interests of %he Cnited States, by
compelling their foreign commerce to seek the protection of neutral flags.
Your attention is invited to the suggestions of the report on the subjectsof supplying
seamen for the service and of the provisions of the law in relation to the volunteer

The Postmaster-General reports the receipts of that Department for the fiscal year
ending t h e 30th June last to ha\ e been $8,337,858.01, and the expenditures for
the same period $3,GB2,804.67. The statement thU8 exhibits a n excess of receipts
aiiiounting to $675,048.44, instead of a deficiency of more than a inillion of dollarb,
as was t h e ca\e in t h e preceding fiscal year. I t is gratifj-ing to perceive that tlie
Department has thus been made self-sustaining., in accordance with sound principle,
and with the exprcss rcquirenient of the Constitution that its expenses should be
paid out of its o q n revenues after the 1st March, 1863.
The report gives a full and satisfactory account of t h e operations of the Post-Office
Department for the last year, and explains t h e measures adopted for giving more
certainty and regularity to the service in the States beyond the Mississippi, and on
which reliance is placed for obviating the difficulties heretofore encountered in that
t h e accounts of the Department is greatly delayed by reason of
First Auditor to perform all the doties now imposed on him by
of t h e Departmenk of State, of t h e Treasury, of the Navy, and
of Justice are all supervised by that officer, and more than suffice to occupy his
whole time. The necessity for a third auditor to examine and settle the accountR of
a Department so estensive as that of the Post-Office appears urgent, and his recommendation on that subject meets my concurrence.

I can not close this message without again adverting to t h e savage ferocity which
still marks the conduct of t h e enemy in the prosecution of the war. After their
repulse from the defenses before Charleston they first sought revenge by a n abortive
attempt t o deqtroy the city with an incendiary composition, thrown by improved
artillery from a distance of 4 miles. Failing in this, they changed their missiles, but
fortunately have thus far succeeded only in killing two women in t h e city. Their
C'ot1iniantlers--Riitler, McNeil, and Turvhin-whose horrible barbarities have made
thrir names widely notorious and e l erywhere execrable, are still honored and
cherished by the aiitlioritien at Washington The first nainrd, after having been
withdrawn froni the scenes of hi4 crnelties against women and prisoners of war, in
reluctant conremion to the deinands of outraged humanity in Eiirope, has just been
put in a new command a t Norfolk, where helpless women and children are again
placed at his mercy.
Nor has less unrelenting n-arfarc been waged by these pretended friends of human
rights and liberties against the unfortunate negroes. Wherever the enemy have been
able to gain access t h r y have forced into t h e ranks of their army erery able-bodied
man that thev could seize, and have either left the aged, t h e women, and t h e children
to perish by"starvation or have gathered thetn into camps where they have been
wasted bv a frightful mortality. Without clothing or shelter, often without food,
incapable; without supervision, of taking t h e most ordinary precautions against disease, these helpless dependents, accustomed to have their wanti3 supplied by the
foresight of their masters, are being rapidly exterminated wherever brought in con-

Dee. 8. 1863 1



tact \rith the inraderq. By the northorn inan, oil whose der -rooted prejudices no
kiiidlr r&i-aining influeiicc is txercistd, t l i t y rue trritted witz memion aiid neglect.
Tliere is little 1i:taard in pwtlictiiig that, ilia11 localities mhrre tlieenetnv have gained
a tetirporary footlioltl, the iicgroes, wlio nnder our c ~ invremed
sixfold in number
sinccb their Iiiiportatioii into the cnIoiiics by Greiit Britain, will ha re been reduced
lity tliiring thc 11 ar t o not more t h n one-half their previons number.
atinn on this snhjcct is dcrircd not only froin our own observation and from
t l i r rqiort* o t tlie ncgrocs wlio succeeded in twaping from the enemy, but full conf i i nixtion is affortltd b y ~t:itemcnts pul)lishccl iii tlic nort tiern journals by humane
1wiwns cngagcd i n makinz a p l ~ x l to
h the charitahle tor aid in pre\w~tin the ravages
of tliaeaw, e\rposure, anti stun-ntion ainong the negro n-oiiim and chilfren who are
vrnv into eiic;iiiiliiii~,iit~.
thc frontitr of ow couutry b(ur.i itiiers t o tlir alacrity and efticieiicy with which
t l gwieral
onlcrr of the eiicm> Ii.i\ P 1 ) r rxccwtrcl
iii tile tlcviwtatioii of the far~~in,
f tlic :qrkwltiii nl iiiiplcniviits, thc liiiriiitig of t h e lionsts, and the
hiiig niovaldc. Its \\ hole .r.l)cvt is R coiniticiit on the cthics of the
m l l)y t l i Viiitccl
Stnttson thc 24th .\priI, 1863,cotirprising instrncbtions fc~rtlic gov(,iiinwiit of iirmies of the United States i n tlir ficld, and of which

their inalienable rights, tlicir


antl th;bi; altars.




The message wds read.

On motion by M r . Orr,
Or&t*ed, That i t be printed.
On motion hy Mr. Orr, that 200 additional copies of the Presidents
message be printed for the use of the Senate,
Ordered, That t h e motion be referred to the Committee on Printing.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That so much of the Presidents message as relates to
foreign affairs, together with the accompanying documents in relation
thereto, be referred to the Committec on Foreign Affairs.
On motion by Mr.Orr,
Ordered, That so much of the Yresidents message as relates to
military affairs, together with the accompanying documents in relation
thereto, be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Oidered, That so much of the Presidents message as relates to the
finances, together with the accompanying documents in relation
thereto, be referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
O / d e m & Lh:Lt 50 much of the Presidents message as relates to
naval affairs, together with the accompanying docunrents in relation
thereto, be refeyred to tho Committee on Naval Affairs.
On motion by MY. Orr,
Odered, That so much of the Presidents message as relates to
postal aifairs, t o p t h e r with the accompanying documents in relation
thereto, be referred to the Committee on Post-Offices arid Post-Roads.
Mr. Clark, from the Coniinittee on Printing, to whom was referred
itted hy Mr. Orr to print 200 additional copies of the
age, for the use of the Senate, reported it without
The Senate proceeded to consider the said motion; and in concurrence
Ordered, That 200 additional copirs of the President?s message be
printed for the use of the Senate.
Mr. Orr presented the petition of Mrs. Margaret A. Rice, praying
For the passage of an act authorizing the issue of eight per cent Confederate bonds in place of those which she lost bF fire; which was
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Wigfall (by leave) introduced
A bill (b. 144) to change the time for the assembling of Congress
for its next regulai. session;
which mas read the first and second times and referred to the Colamittee on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Wigfall (by lcave) introduced
A hill (S. 145) to provide rations for the officers of the Army during
the war;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.

Dec. 9, 1868.1




[Dec. lo,1869

Mr.Johnson of A4rkansassubmitted the following resolution; which

was considered and agreed to:
That, the Corriiititter o n Finance be instructed to inquire itito the expediency of appointing an As,uistaiit Srctetat y of the Trearurg, to be ex officio treasurer
for the Trans-Mississippi I>epartmerit, with other proper subor diiiate bureaus, for the
settlement and payinelit of out&uidiiig accounts, and for other purposes, and whose
officc and location, atid t h a t of his ~obordinates,shall be in the Trans-Mississippi
Department; with n view to the efficiciiry of the defense of the States andTerritories
west of the Mississippi River.

MY.,Johnson of Arkansas (by leave) introduced

A hill (S. 149) to regdate the coinrnericemcnt and sitting of all future
sessions of Congrcss;
which was read the iirst mid second times and referred to the Cornmittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Phelan (by learc) introduced
A joint resolution (S.I(;) i n relation to the public printing;
which was read the first and second tiiiics tmd considered as in Corniiiittee of the Whole; :w.i no amendment heing made, it was reported
to the Senate.
That it be engrossrd :tnd 1.cad :I third time.
The said resolution ~ v a sread the third time.
Besolwd, That it pa>\) arid that tlie title thereof I)(; as aforesaid.
Oi~kered,That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Ilepresentatives therein.
Mr. Brown submitted the following resolution; which wab considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the memorials, petitions, resolutions, bills, and reports referred to
the Committee on Naval Affairs a t the last session, and not finally acted on at that
session, be taken from ttir files of the Senate and referred to the Committee on Naval

On motion by Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance,

Ordem2, That the report of the Secretarg. of the Treasury lie printed.
On motion by Nr. Barnwell, and by unanimous consent,
O d e y e d , That 50 additional copies of thc c;:iid rrport be printed for
the use of the differc.nt Departments.
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
Om?e73ed, That the Yre ent, pro tempow appoint a, member on the
wid Post-l<o:itt.;, to fill the vacancy occaCommittee on Post-O6c
sioned by the death of hlr. Peyton; find
MY. Clark MJS appointed.
On motion by Mi., Brown,
The Senate adjourned.

10; 1863.
QPF!N R I ~ s s I O N .

Mr. Johnson of Rrkansns (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 150) to l i i r i i t and define the t e r m of office of the Secretary
or principal ofliwr o f Cavh of the Executive department^., established
by the several actr entitled An act to organize the Ihpsrtment of
State, An act, to establish the Treasury Department, An act to
establish the War Dcpartment, An act to establish the Navy
Department, An act to establish the Post-Office Department, An



[Dee. 10,t

Mr. sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, sut-tmitted

the following resolution; which K;RS considered and agreed to:
&solved by the Seiirde of Ute f"unfedercr(eXltrtes qf iliizeriecc, That the President be
respectfully requcsted to inform the Senate \z hettirr tlie Quartermaster-C,erieral i s
now discharging the duties of that office, and if not, b y M horn ttwy are discharged;
arid whether the person discharging said duties has been appointed to t h e ofice of
Quartermaster-General, by and n ith t h e adyice and consent of the Senate; whether
previously to his entering on the duties of his office he gave a bond, with good and
sufficient surety, in the snin directed by tho Secretary of War, and the date snd
amount of said bond ; whether the person now discharging t h e duties of Quartermaster-General way prrviously to, and at t h e tiiiie of, his ttwuining said duties in
the military service of the Confederate States, what position he held, and under what
law he had been appointed.

Mr. Brow11 presented tlic, inmorial of %. MeDaniel and F. hI. Ewing,

prajing the passage of a n act which would cnt,itJc thcni to receive
indwiinity for the cjc.;tructioii of the Federal gunboat Cairo and her
eyuipmcnts :ind aimmient on tlic T ~ z o oRiyer 011 the 13th day of
Deceniher, 1862; wliich WLS rc+crrcd to the Corninittee on Naval
On motion 1)sMr. Oltfhr~m,f roin t,hc Committeo on Yost-Offices and
1 '()st - Road 5 ,
( , r ~ J i ? w Z , 'I'hAt tlic report of the Postmaster-General bc printed.
On iiiotioir 1)) 31 r. Oltlliani, and by unnniiiioiis consent,
'I'liat 450 additioiial copies of said report be printed; 1.50
copies for the use of the Senate and :300 f o r the use of the Pout-Office
MY.Davis submitted the followiiip
.. resolution; which was considered
a i d agreed to:
Resolord, That the President of the Confederate States be requested, if in his judgment riot inc*ornpatil)le with the public interests, to furnish the Senate with copies
of the several reports of Alajor-General M'hiting in relation to running the blockade
at \Viliniiigtori, North Carolina.

Mr. I'helsn (by leave) introduced

A bill (S.151) :iuthorizing tlic, issue of certain bonds of the Confederate States, and making the coupoiis :ittachPd to the same a legal
tender in the payment of c1cJ)ts;
which was read the first ttiid wcond t , i ~ i i t ~and
referred to the Coni
inittcw on Finance.
O n niotion by Mr. I'h~lan,
Om?wed, 'I'hat it iw printpd.
On motioii by Mr. I'hclan, that 100 :dtlitionnl copies of the .said hi1
be printed for tlie usc of tlie Senate,
Clrdewd, That the motion be referred to tlic Coirimittee on Printing.
On nrotion by MI,. Clay, that he he excused i'roui further service
oii the Comiiiittw on Military Aff airs,
It was unaniinou4y dctcrmined in tlw negative.
On motion by Mr. Ihown,
The Senate adjourned.



fDec. 14,1863.

imported to be assessed and paid on the value thereof, in Confederate currency, at

the port 0: place ot Importation.

Mr. Semmes bitbmittcd the following resolution; which was considered arid agreed to:
Rrsohrd, That the Committee on Commerce be directed to inquire into the expediency of regulating foreign trade by a system of licenses, to be issued on such terms
and conditions as may secure to the Goverument the importation of munitions of war
arid other necessary supplies, thus controlling private enterprise, without, however,
depriving it of the stimulus to exertion.

Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 155) to protect Senators and Representatives in Congress
from annoyance when traveling in the Confederate States;
which was read the first and second times and referred to t h e Coniinittee on the Judiciary.
Mi.. Clark (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 156) to increase the pay of certain officers and employees
in the executive and legisiative departments;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. O r r presented t h e memorial of ltobert Y. Jones, praying compensation for taking the censw in 3 860 in Abbeville district, South
Carolina; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. O r r presented the meniorial of Julius P. Wright, prayiug conipensation for taking the census in 1860 i n Edgefield district, South
Carolina; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. O r r submitted the following resolution; which was considered
and agreed to:
Eesolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of so amendin existing laws as t h a t assessments, under the tax laws, of
produce and property shafl conform to the schedulc of prices fixed by the comrnissioners in the respective States under the impressment act.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

MY.Preside~t:The House of Representatives have passed the joint resolution of tlir
Senate (8. 16) in relation to the public printing, with a n ainendnient; in which they
request the concurrenre of the Senate.

Mr. Henry (by leave) introduced

A joint resolution (S. 17) in relation to the currency of the Confederate States, and t h e t~ttxatiorinecessary to redeem it;
which W ~ read
the first and second tinies and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ordered, That the resolution be printed.
The following message was received from the President of tho Confederate States, by Mi*. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA , DrcmnbPr 11, 1869.
To thr SQnntP and House of Represenfntivesr
I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of
the Treasury, covering estimates of the sums needed for tlie public service niiiorig
the Indian tribes.
I recommend an appropriation o f the amount for tlie purpose indicated.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.



LDec. 14,1863.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow, and by unmimoiis consent,

Orc&y!er.c.d,That 150 additiorial copie.: o f s:iid bill be printed for the
use of the Senate.
On niotiori by Mr. Sparrow, froiii the Coniiiiilteo on Military Affairs,
Orde~ed,That the report of the Secretary of \Tar be printed.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, and by urianinlous consent,
Ohdrred, That 50 additional copies oE said report be printed for t h e
use of the War Department.
Jlr. Hill, from the Cormnittee on the Judiciary, to wlioni was
referred tlie bill (S. 144) to change the time for the asaeinbling of
Congress for its next regiilw session, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the \CThole,to the con.
sideration of tho bill last mentioned.
On motion by Mr. la nes, to amend the l d l by strilritig therefroin
tlie words fourth Mon ay of February a n d inserting in lieu thereof
b first Monday in May,
the ~ o r d
After debate,
On niotion by Air. Sparrou ,
Or.cjewd, That the f iuthcr consideration of the sitid bill be postponed 11tit il Wcdiicscltty next.
Mu. Hill, f ~ o n ithe Cotriniittrc on the ,Judiciarj-, to wholn WLS
referred the bill (S. 14)) to rcgiilate the coinnicncenient and sitting of
all future scssions of Congress, rcported it with the rcconi~ncridatioii
that i t oaght not to pass.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Tho Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Brown,
Ordered, That the President pro tempore appoint a member on the
Committee on Naval Affairs, to fill the vacancy occasiond ty the dtat 11
of Mr. Yancey; and
Mr.Jeniison was appointed.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.



The following message was rcceived from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. ITarrison, his Kccret:wy:
M ON 1), I )rcember 11, Ih%S.
70 the Senate:
Agreeably to the reroniinendation of the Attorney-General at1 interim f heirel)!.
nominate William Dougherty, to be attorney for the district o f Georgia.
O F ,TIJWK*B:, Rirhiiioiid, lkcrnilier 10,1863.
SIR: I have the honor to rerominend that \Vllllanl Dougliertj , esq., o f Athens, Ga.,
be appointed Confederate States attorney for the thstric2tot (ieorgiit in the place oE
John C. Nicoll, esy., cleceased.
Your obedient servant,
Atlorney-Ce~reitrlrid interiiii.

The message was read.

On motion hy Mr. Hill,
The Senate proceeded to consider the nominatioli ol Willimi Dougherty, to be attorney f o r the district of Georgia; and i t W ~ S

D c r I I . lfi63.1





[Dec.l4, 1865.

The message was read.

Ordwed, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
The following message wab receired from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary:
December S, 1.963.
To ilte Senate:
I nominate the person named in the annexed letter o f the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recommendation.
NAVYDEPARTMENT, &chmond, December 7 , 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nomination for appointment in
the Navy, under act of April 30, 1863:

Chief cortstructor.
Constructor John L. Porter, of Virginia.
With great respect, >our obedient servant,

Secyetary of the Navy.

The message was read.

OrtJwd, That it bc, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
The following message T V ~ Sreceived from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary :
UecemOer 8, 18b<?.
70thc 8mrte:
I nominate the pwsons named in t h e annexed letter of the Secretary of the Navy,
agreeably to his recommendation.
Richmond, December 7, 1863.
SIX: 1 h a w the lionor to reconimcnd the following nominations for appointment
in the Navy, under act of Congress approved December 24, 1861:

Limitenants for the war.

Edward C. Stiles, Missouri; John 1,. Phillips, Alabama; George H. Arledge,

Florida; Pllaxwell T. Clarke, Virginia; John A. Payne, Alabama; Henry W. Ray,
Louisiana; William 13. Hudgins, Virginia; John F. Rainsay, &gland; Lewis It. Hill,
Virginia; Edward J. Means, South Carolina; JIenry Iiobcrts, Virginia; Richard H.
Ga le, Alabama; John Low, Georgia; Arthur Sinclair, jr., Virginia; William W.
Rogerts, Xortli Carolina, vice Lieut. Thomas Arnold, resigned; Edgar A. Lambeft,
Virginia, vice Lieut. E. P. Gray, n h o has not accepted; Otey Bradford, Virginia,
vice Lieut. Leon Smith, who has not accepted; Americus V. Wiatt, Virginia, vice
Lieut. E:. W.Fuller, deceased; Thomas 1,. Skinner, Virginia, vice Lieut. Marshall
Brown, resigned.

Assistant sicrgeona for tlz war.

Pike Brown, South Carolina; IIcnry G. Land, Texas; G . Welborne Claiborne,
Korth Carolina; James 11. Hicks, Mivsimippi; Joel G . King, North Carolina; Daniel
E. Ewart, South Carolina; Edward Caire, Louisiana; Jeptha V. Harris, Mississippi;
Ldther R. Dickinson, Missouri; John B. Rutherford, Mississippi; George A. Foote,
North Carolina.
With great respect, your obedient servant,
Secretary of the N w j .

The message was read.

Ordwed, That it he referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary:

Dec 14, 1668.1


46 3



[Dec. 14,1863.

, Richmond, December 8, l86,1,

The P i w s i i ) m ~ .
SIR:J haw the honor to rwoninicntl the folio\\ ing nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:
Lieut. Col. F. BI. Green, of Mississippi, to he colonel Rleventli &iississippi Regiinient, vice Col. 1. F. Liddell, died of wountls, to rank from September 25, 1862.
Lieut. Col. J. B. Weems, of Georgia, to he colonel Tenth Georgia Regiment, vice
Colonel Cumming, promoted, to rank troin October 29, 1862.
Lieut. Col. William Butler, of South Carolina, to be colonel First South Carolina
Regiment (enlisted men), vice Colonel Duno~ant,dismissed by court-martial, to
rank from November 8, 1862.
Lieut. Col. J. N. Lightfoot, of Alabama, to be rolonel Sixth Alabaina Regiment,
vice Col. J. B. Gordon, promoted, to rank from May 7, 1863.
Lieut. Col. John A. Fite, of Tennessee, to he colonel Seventh Tennessee Reginrent,
vice Col. J. F. (ioodner, resigned, to rank froni April 8, 7863.
Iient. Col. J. W. Caltlmell, of Keiiturkj, to be coloiiel Ninth Kentiicky Regiment,
vice Col. T. IT. Hunt, resigned, to lailk from A p i l 22, 1863.
Lient. Col. John I). Barry, of Koith Carolina, to be colonel ICiglitoenth Korth Carolina Izegiiiicin!, vire CiL T. d. lurtlie, deteahed, to rank from Mtiy 3, 1863.
Lieut. Col. 1). 31 Doiinrll, of Tcnnessec, to he coloncl Sixteenth Tennessee Regiment, \iceCol. J. [I. Savagr, resigned, to rank froin February 20, 1863.
Lient. Col. 15. Croodlr in, of Alabama, to bc colonel Thirtp-fifth Alabama Regirricnt,
vice Col. J. 1%.
Robertson, rcsigned, to rank tronr November 12, 1862
Lient. Col. Y. &I. Moody, of Alabalria, to he colonel Forty-third Alabania ltepiment, \ i t c Col. A . Gracic., promoted, to rank froiii November 4, 1862.
Licut. Col. J . A. 11ilwn, of Tennessee, t o be colonel Tn enty-foiirth Tennessw
,. W. Bratton, deceared, to rank from January 4,1863.
son, of South Carolina, to be colonel First South Carolina
J M Perrin, died of wounds, to rank from May 5, 1863.
Lient Col. James Giles, of Virginia, to be colonel Twenty-ninth Virginia Regiment,
vice Col A C. Moore, resigned, to rank from April 10, 1863.
Lient Col. J. C. Iligginbothani, of Virginia, to he colonel Twenty-fifth Virginia
Regiinmt, vice Col. George 11. Smith, transferred, to rank from January 28, 1863.
Lieut. Col. C. P. Daniel, of Georgia, to be colonel Fifth Georgia Regiment, Y I W
Col. W. T. Black, killed, to rank from December 37, 18G2.
Lieut Col. William F. Christian, of Virginia, to becolonel Fifty-fifth \ irginia Kegiment, vice Col. F. hlallory, killed, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Lieut. Col. E. Ball, of Georgia, to be coloiiel Fifty-first Georgia Kcgimcnt, vice
Col. W. >I.Slaughter, deceased, to rank from &lay2, 1863.
Lieut. Col. R. B. Pickens, of Alabama, to be colonel Twelfth Alabania Itegiment,
vice Col. B. B. Gaplr, killed, t o rank from September 14, 1862.
Lient. Col. JOR.
H. TIprnan, of North Carolina, to be colonel Thirtcerillr 3ortl-r Carolina Itegiment, vice Col. A. 31. Scales, proniotcil, to rank froin June 13, 1M3.
Lirut. Col. Washington M. Iiardy,of Noith Carolinn, to be colonel Fivti
Carolina Regiment, vice Col. J. A . McDowell, iesigned, t o rank from &la
Lieut. Col. 11. HaM kins, o f Krntucky, to be colonel Fifth Kentucky
vice Col. A. J. l l a y , rebigried, to rank froin P;o\wnher 14, 1862.
Lieut. Col. It. 1.Keeblc, of Tenncsaee, to be colonel TRenty-third Triiriesree Itegiment, \ ice C O ~J.. F. Neill, appointed on military court, to rank from Deccnrher 16,

Lieiit. Uol. J. F Prcssley, of Soutli Carolina, to be colonel Tenth Mouth

Regjrrimt, vice Col. A . >I. Manigault, promoted, to rank froin April 26, I86
Lieut. Col. J. IT. King, of Alabama, to be colonel Ninth Alabama Regim
Col. S. Henry, droppcd, to rank from March 19, 1863
Lieut. Col. (;. T. Maxwell, of Florida, to he colonel First Florida Ca\alr)- RegiG. M. Davis, promoted, to rank from Kovember 4, 1862.
inent, vice Col. 1%.
Lieut. Col. S. T. Player, of (korgia, to be d o n e 1 Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment,
vice Col. J. Rivers, resignetl, to rank froni June 9, 1863.
Lieut Col. R. W Carter, of lrirginia, to be colonel First Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
vice Col. J FI. Drake, killed, to rank from July 16, 1863.
Lieut. Col. B. T. Brockman, of South Carolina, to becolonel Thirteenth Sontli Carolina Regiment, vice Col. 0. E. Edwards, deceased, to rank from Junc 21, lW3.
Lieut. Col. F. G. Skinner, of Virginia, to be colonel First Yirginia Reginlent, vice
0.11.L. B. \Villiams, killed, to rank from July 3, 1863.



[Dec. 14,1863.

],ie1it. Col. I<. JlclSIi oy, of Missi&ppi, to be colonel Thirteenth Mimissippi Regi.I I\'. C n t tri, k i l l d , to rank flom July 3, 1863.
1,ieut. Go]. ,rntrics I I Skinner, of Virginia, to be colonel Fifty-second Virginia
Regpneat, vicr Col. 31. G . IIarman, resigned, to rank from June 6, 1863.
],1~1lt. Col. T. J . Lipxomb, of South Carolina, to he colonel Second South Carolina Cavalry Regiment, vice Col. M. C. Butler, promoted, to rank from September
1, 1863.
Lieut. Col. James B. Terrill, of Virginia, to be colonel Thirteenth Yirginia Regiment, vice Col. James A. Walker, promoted, to rank from May 15, 1863.
Lieut Col William Watts, of Virginia, to he colonel Twenty-eighth Virginia Regiinent, vice Pol. R C Allen, killed, to rank from July 3, 1863.
1,ieut. Col J. C: Gibson, of Virginia, to be colonel Forty-ninth Virginia Regiment,
vitae Col. William Smith, promoted, to rank from January 31, 1863
Lieut. Col. George TI. Johnston, of Alabama, to be colonel Twenty-fifth Alabama
Regiment, vice Col. J. Q. Looinis, resigned, to rank from September 14, 1863.
Lieut. Col. James Barr, of Mimishippi, to be colonel Tenth Rlississippi Regiment,
vice Col. It. A. Smith, dweased, to rank from March 10, 1863.
1,ieut. Col. V. IZ. Taliaferro, of Xorth Carolina, to be volonel Sevrnth Confederate
Cavalry Regiment, rice Col. W. C. Claiborne, resigned, to rank front Septeiiiber 12,
Liclnt. Col. J. A. Williamson, of Arkanbas, to be colonel Second Arkansas Cavalry
ltegtment, vice Colonel Flanagiii, resigned, to rank froin Soyember 8, 1862.
J ~ c u t Col.
W. 11. Pcebles, of Georgia, to be rolonel Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment, vice c'ol 8. 1'. Jmiipkin, dicd of wounds, to raiik froni September 11, 1863.
Lieut. Col. J 1,. illiller, of bout11 Chrolina, to be colonel Twelfth South Carolina
Regiment, vice Col. U. Jones, rerigned, to rank from February 27, 1863.
Lieat. ("01. I . N. Iiulme, of Tennessee, to be colonel Forty-second Tennessee Itegiinent, vire Col W.A. Quarles, promoted, to rank from August 25, 1863.
I i r u t . Col. C;. J . Wright, of Georgia, to be colonel Cobb's (Georgia) Legion, vice
Col. 1'. M. 13. Young, prorrtoted, to rank from October 9, 1863.
Lieut. Col. W. L. Duckworth, of Tennessee, to be colonel Seventh Tennessee
Cavalry Regiment, vice Col. J. G. Stocks, resigned, to rank from October 8, 1863.
Licut Col. 9. E. BIurray, of Arkansas, to be colonel Fifth Arkansas Eegiment,
vice Col. L. Fcatherston, killed, to rank from September 19, 1863.
Lieut. Col. N. Berkeley, of T'irginia, to be colonel Eighth Virginia Regiment, yice
Col. ISppa Hunton, promoted, to rank from August 9, 1863.
1,ieut. Col. John C. Marrast, of Alabama, to be coloiiel Twenty-second Alabama
Rrg.imcnt, vicc Cot. 2;. C. Dew, promoted, to rank from November 13, 1862.
Licut Col. I. N. Hedgpetli, of Missouri, to be colonel Sixth RIissonri Regiment,
vice Col E Erwin, killed, to rank from June 25, 1863.
Ideut. Col. J Rf I)erlman, of Alabama, to be colonel Twentieth Alabama Regiment, vire Col. 13. W.Pettug, promoted, to rank from September 18, 1863.
Lieut. Col. D. 13. Reynolds, of Arkxnsas, to be colonel First Arkansas Cavalry
Regiment, vice Col. R. W.Harper, killed, to rank from September 20, 1863
Lieut. Col. R. A . Onens, of Tennessee, to be colonel Forty-sidh Tennessee Regiment, vice Col. J 8 Damson, dropped, to rank from October 21, 1863.
Lieut. Col. 11. I). Lamplcy, of Alabama, to be colonel Forty-fifth Alabama Regiment, vice Col. E. R. 13rccdlole, mqigned, to rank from October 28, 1863.
Lieut. Col. W. H. II. Tison, of Mississippi, to be colonel Thirty-second Mississippi
Regiment, vice Col. 11. P. LOMrep, promoted, to rank from October 4, 1863.
Ma]. J. M.. H u g h , of Tennessee, t o b e colonel Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiment,
t h e lieutenant-colonel found incompetent for promotion, to rank from July 21, 1862.
Lieut. Col. It. C. Wood, of Illississippi, to be colonel TVirt Adams' Cavalry, vice
Col. Wirt Adanis, promoted, to rank from Se1)tember 25, 1863.
Lieut. Col. N. N. Davis, of Blalsaina, to be colonel Twenty-fourth Alabama Regiment, vice Col. William A. Buck, resigned, to rank from June 2, 1863.
Lieul. Col. W. F.Young, of Tennessee, to he colonel Forty-ninth Tennessee Regiment, vicc. Col. D. A . Lynn, resigned, to rank froin August 26, 1863.
~ l t e ~\ire
~ t , Col


Maj. W. B. L o ~ w y of
, Rlississippi, to be lieatenant-roloiirl Elerenth Mississippi
ltrginient, vicc Licut. Col. F. Rl. Green, yroniotrd, to rank from September 25, 1862.
Maj. T. B. Massip, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Tv elfth Virginia Cavalry
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. Richard H. Burks, resigned, to rank froin March 2, 1863.
Maj. S. S. Ives, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-fifth Alabama Regiwcnt, vice Lieut. Col. E. Goodwin, promoted, to rank from November 12, 1862.



[Dee. 14,1863.

Naj. T. J. Hardin, of Alississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Nineteenth Mississippi

Iiegiment, vice Lieut. Col. W. G. 17aughan, resigned, to rank from July 17, 1863.
Maj. William P. Jloseley, of Virginia, to tie lieutenant-colonel Twenty-first Virginia Reginient, vice Lieut. Col. J. B. Moseley, resigned, to rank from J u n e 10, 1863.
Maj. Thomas R. Buckner, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-fourth
Virginia Itegiment, vice Lieut. Col. A. C. Jones, resigned, to rank from June 16,1863.
Maj. F. 1-1. I,angley, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel First Virginia Regiment,
rice Lieut. Col. F. G. Skinner, promoted, to rank from July 3, 1863.
Maj. f1. A . Herbert, of Alabania, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighth Alabama Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. Y. L. Royston, promoted, to rank from June 16, 1862.
Maj. John P. \Yest, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Second Alabama Cavalry
Regiment, vire Lietit. Col. Janies Cunningham, resigned, to rank from May 27,1863.
Maj. George F. Whitfield, of Sort11 Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twentyseventh North Carolina Regiinent, vice Lieut. Col. R. W. Singletary, resigned, to
rank from December 5, 1862;
Maj. Samuel J. Winn, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Georgia
Battalioil, Partisan Rangeiy, vice Lieut. Col. F. M.Nix, rcqigned, to rank from June
11. 1863.
kaj. 11. N. Moody, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-first Mississippi
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. W. L. Brandon, proniotcd, to rank froni August 12, 1863.
Maj. R. 11. Lillcy, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiinent, vice Lieut. Col. J . A . Robinson, resigned, to rank from August 20, 1863.
Maj. John G. Iiasey, of Virginia, to be lieutmant-colonel Fifty-eighth Virginia
Regiment, yice Licwt. Col. F. 1. Board, proinotctl, t,o rank from October 30, 1862.
Maj. Janies 31. Williams, of Alabariia, to he lieutenant-colonel Twenty-first Alabama Regiment, vice Lieut. Col C. S. Stewart, killed, to rank from Bpril 30, 1863.
Maj. Benjamin JIorris, of Alat)aina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-ninth Alabama Regiment, vice Tient. Col. J. 17. Conoley, promoted, to rank from December 9,
Maj. G. F. Baucnm, of Arkansas, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighth Arkansas Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson, cashiered, to rank from December 22, 1862.
Maj. Luke W. Finlay, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Tennessee
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. A. J. Kellar, promoted, to rank from July 28, 1863.
Maj. J. 11. IlcCraughy, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Alabama
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. A. H. Helvenston, promoted, to rank from June 17, 1863.
Maj. W. A. Rorer, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Twentieth Mississippi
Regiment, vicc Lieut. Col. W.N. Brown, promoted, to rank from August 8, 1863,
Maj. John R. Winston, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-fifth
North Carolina Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. S. 11. Boyd, promoted, to rank from June
25, 1863.
Maj. W.0. Fleming, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fiftieth Georgia Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. 1'. JlcGlashan, promoted, to rank froin July 31, 1863.
Maj. 0. H. Cooke, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fortyninth Georgia
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. S. T. Plajer, proinotrd, to rank from July 28, 1863.
Maj. 31.D. Ball, of Virgiiiia, to bc lieutenant-colonel Eleventh Virginia Cavalry
Regiment, rire J,icwt. Col. 0. N. Funaten, pioxnoted, to rank from July 23, 1863.
Maj. R. M. Sands, of Alabanra, to bc lieutenant-coloncl Third Alabama Regiment,
vice Lieut. ('01. C. Forsyth, promoted, to rank from August 20, 1863.
Maj. Robert A. Caskie, of Virginia, t o be licutcnant-colonel Tenth Virginia Cavalry
Regiment, rice Lieut. Col. %. S. McGrudcr, resigned, to rank froniSeptember 11, 1863
Maj. n. 13. Lee Martz, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Tenth Virginia Regiment, v i w Lieut. Col. Saniuel T. Walker. killed, to rank from &fay8, 1863.
Maj. J o h n T. Jones, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-sixth North
Carolina Itegiment, vice Lieut. Col. a. It. Lane, promoted, to rank from July 3, 1863.
Maj. B. A. Itejnolds, of North Carolina, to be lientenant-colonel Thirty-ninth
North Carolina Regiment, vice Jient Col. I. 1-1. Davidson, resigned, t o rank from
December 29, 1862.
Maj. John D Weeden, nf Alabania, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-ninth Alabama
Regiment, vice fieiit. Col. 'VV. X. Crunrp, resigned, to rank froin February 27, 1863.
Maj Oscar \\'hitc, of Vireinia, to be lientenant-colonel Forty-eighth Virginia Regiment, ric,e Lieiit. ('01. R. 13. I)ung:m, promoted, to rank from May 3, 1863.
Maj. Charles I,. Haynes, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-seventh
Virginia Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. 1). &I.Shriver, resigned, to rank from September
4, 1863.
Maj. Edward Croft, of South Carolina, t o be lieutenant-colonel Fourteenth South
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. J. N. Brown, promoted, to rank from September
10, 1863.

Dee. 14, 18SS.l


Capt. J. B. BIelbe, of Mississippi, lo Irr liruteiiant-colonel Third Mississi

vice Litwt. (01. E. A. Ieytoii, resipiied, and Major I $ w declining ex
t o rank froiii Auenst 17, .I 863.



Maj. W.C. Clifton, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-ninth Alabama

Regiment, viw Lietit. Col. \V.Clark, promoted, to rank froin October 12,1863.
3Paj. James M.,Johnson, o f Xissiscippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirtieth Mississippi Regiment, rice Lieut. Col. 11. A. Reynolds, deceased, to rank from September 22,
Maj. I,. M. Kanisnr, of A r kansas, tu br lieuteriant-colonel First Arkanam Cavalry
Regiment, vice lieut. Col. D. 1. Reynolds, poinoted, to lank from SepBrnber 20,1863.
Maj. J. D. Wilson, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-sixth Tennessee
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. 13. A. Owens, promoted, to rank from October 21, 1863.
Blaj. E. H. Bacon, jr., of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-second Georgia
Regiment, rice Lieut. Col. W.H. Pruden, resigned, to rank from October 20, 1863.
Maj. P. F. Hunley, of Alabama, t o be lieutenant-colonel Eighteenth Blabama
ReEiment, vice Lieut. Col. R. F. Ingc, died of wounds, to rank from September 23,
Maj. R. H. Abercrombie, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-fifth Alabama
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. 13. D. Lampley, promoted, t o rank from October 28,1863.
Maj. S. Jones, of Louisiana, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-second Louisiana Itegiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Lovell, resigned, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Maj Ben F Sawyer, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-fourth Alabama
Regiment, vice 1,icut Col. N. N. Dai is, promoted, to rank from June 2, 1863.
Maj. T. W.Flynt, of (georgia, to he lieutenant-colonel Sineteenth Georgia Regiment, vitae Lient Col. J . I-I. Neal, promoted, to rank from J u n e 2, 1863.
Maj. J. R. Cording, of Tennessee, to be lientenant-c.olone1 Forty-ninth Tennessee
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. W.A. ShaM, cashiered, to rank from October 7, 1863.
Maj. John B. Herring. of Blississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifth Mississippi
Regiment, vice 1 , i t ~ t .Col. W. I,. Sykes, killed, to rank from November 10, 1863.
Maj. James Nelligan, of Lonisiana, to be lieutenant-colonel First Louisiana Regiment, vice Lient. Col. ill. Solan, killed, to rank from July 3, 1863.

Capt. W.S. Basinger, of Georgia, to be major Eighteenth Georgia Battalion, vice

Maj. John Screven, transferred, to rank from May 10, 1863.
Capt. R. 0. Reynolds, of Mississippi, to be major Eleventh Mississippi Regiment,
vice Maj. W.B. Lowry, promoted, to rank from September 25, 1862.
Capt. J. W. Carter, of Georgia, to be major Forty-fifth Georgia Iteginient, vice
Maj. M. R. Rogers, resigned, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Capt. W. 11. Williarnson, of Tennessee, to be major Seventh Tennessee Regiment,
vice Maj. S. G. Ghepard, promoted, to rank from April 8, 1863.
Capt. C. W. Heiskell, of Tennessee, to be niajor Nineteenth Tennessee Keginlent,
vice Maj. R. F. Jarnigan, deceased, to rank from April 12, 1863.
Capt. J. A. Stcwart, of Georgia, to be major Eighteenth (ieorgia Regiment, vice
Maj. Jeff. Johnson, resigned, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Capt. R. H. Whiteley, of Georgia, to be major Swond (kwrgia Kattalion Sharpshooters, vice Maj. J. J. Cox, reyignetl, to rank froiii March 26, 1863.
Capt A A. Hill, of North Carolina, to be major Forty-eighth North Carolina Regiment, vice Maj. F. L. Wiatt, resigned, to rank froni October 20, 1862.
Capt A . R. Ashford, of Alabama, to be major Thirty-fifth Alabama Reginleiit, vice
Maj. 8 S Ives, proinotcvl, to rank from November 12, 1862.
Capt. John L. Knott, of Virginia, to be niajor Twelfth Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
vice Maj. Thomas B. Riassie, pronioted, to rank from March 2, 1863.
Capt. I,. I,. Soles, of Arkanbas, to he major Twenty-fifth Arkansas Regiment, vice
Maj. J. J. Franklin, resigned, to rank from Deceniber 26, 1862.
Capt. W. C. Fielding, of Tennessee, to be major Twenty-fourth Tennessee Kegiment, vice Blaj. S. 15. Shannon, promoted, t o rank from January 4, 1863.
Capt. A. McI,einore, of Mississippi, to be major Twenty-seventh Mississippi Regiment, vice Maj. A. J. Jones, promoted, to rank from March 26, 1863.
Capt. C. 1. Clarke, of Virginia, to be major Fifteenth Virginia Regiment, vice
Maj. E. M. Morrison, to rank from January 22, 1863.
Capt. 11. 11. Ansley, of Georgia, to be major Fifth (;eorgia Regiment, vice Maj.
John F. Iverson, promoted, to rank from December 31, 1862.
Capt. 0. N. Lawson, of Virginia, to be major Fifty-iifth Virginia Regiment, vice
Maj. Evan Rice, promoted, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Capt. H. M. Ilunwody, of Georgia, to be niajor Fifty-first Georgia Regiment, vice
Maj. 0. P. Anthony, promoted, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Capt. Thornas J. Wooten, of North Carolina, to he major Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment, vice Maj. John W.McGiil, promoted, to rank from May 3, 1863.

Bec. 14, 1863.1





[Dee. 14,1863.

(apt. W.If. Chatfieltl, of Missispippi, to be major Twentieth Mississippi Regiment,

vice Maj. 15. A . Rorer, promoted, to rank from BuFust 8, 1863.
Capt. H. Ilampton, of Tennessee, to be major E ourth Tennessee Regiment, vict
Maj. 1,. 11. Finlav, promoted, to rank froin June 6, 1863.
Capt. Ben. Desha, of Kentucky, to be major Ktnth Kentucky Regiment, vice AIaj.
J. C. \Vickliffe, promoted, to rank from April 22, 1863.
Capt. A. Watkins, of Arkansas, to be major 1:ightii Arkansas Itegiment, vice Maj.
G. F. Uaucum, promoted, t o rank from Deceinbcr 22, 1862.
Capt. E. T. Stackhouse, of Sontli Carolina, to be major Jlighth South Carolina
Itegiment, N a j . D. B1c.D. JIcLeod, drceascd, to rank from July 5, 1863.
Capt. John I. Pate, of Gcorgia, to be major Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment, vice
M y . 0. TI. Cooke, proinotrtl, to rank froin July 28, 1865.
Capt. 1%.H. Io\vell, of Al:tbaina, to be major Third Alabania IZegiment, vice Maj.
T L M. Sands, pronioted, to rank from ,\ugrisl 20, 18G3.
(:aI)t. I. (3. coffnian, of Virginia, to be major Tenth \irginia Regiiiient, \ice Maj.
1). n . 1,re JfartL, pioiiiutacl, to rank f i o i r l &lay 3, 1863.
Capt. Tiioiiias A. Htrcet, of Alabama, to be major Forty-ninth Alabama Regiment,
\ice Maj. Joliii JI. Wcwlcti, proiiiotetl, tu rank from February 27, ISBY.
Capt. It. G. Wright, of Alabaina, to br major Twenty-seventli Alabama Regiment,
vive Miij. E. AI( Alrxander,,
to rank froin November 2, lS62..
Capt. 1. F. Frazer, of Virginia, to be major Twenty-seventh \irginia Regiment,
vic.e Maj. D. fir. Stiri\ er, resigned, to rank from September 4, 1863.
Capt. James W.Ih-anghon, of Louisiana, to be major Thirty-first Lonkiiina Regiment, vice Maj. T. C. Hninble, deceased, to rank from .January 7, 1863.
Capt. I. 11. Harper, of South Carolina, t o be major Fonrteenth South Carolina
Reginleiit, vice Maj. E. Croft, promoted, to rank from September 10, 1863.
Capt. 11. P. Graham, of Virginia, to be major Fifty-first Virginia Begiment, vice
Maj. John P. Wolfe, promoted, to rank from July 8, 1863.
Capt. J. 6. R i t h r t l s , of Louisiana, to be niajor Third Louisiana Regiment, vice
Mnj T). lierson, promoted, to rank froin August 22, 1863.
Capt. E. 8. Gulley, of Alabama, to be major Fortieth Alabama Regiment, v i w Alaj.
T. 0. Stone, promoted, to rank from April 30, 1863.
Capt. Henry G. Lewis, of Kortli Carolina, to be major Thirty-second North Carolina Regiiuent, vice Maj. D. G.Co\\and, promoted, to rank irom Junc. 18, 1868.
Calk. C. 1%.Irving, of Virginia, to be major First Virginia Cavalry Regiment, vice
Maj. 11.. A. Morgan, l)roniotetl, to riirik froin .July 16, 1863.
Capt. W.17. Carter, of Illisrouri, t o I)t. riiajor Second blissonri Regiment, vice Maj.
T. M. Carter, proinotetl, to rank froni .July 20, 1863.
Capt. S. Paliner, of Alal)ania, to bc major Nineteenth Alabama Regiment, vice
Maj. J . 11. Savage, foiiiitl incompetent, to rank froni September 25, 1863.
Capt. \V. S. IIaven, of Arkansas, to be major Twentieth Arkansas Reginlent, vice
Maj. I). IV. Jones, promoted, to rank from January 6, 1865.
Capt. Philip J&r, of ICentucky, to be major Second Kentucky Regiment, vice Maj.
James W. Aloss, promoted, to rdiik froin September 20, 1863.
Capt. 11. Bradford, of Florida, to be major First Florida Cavalry Regiment, vice
AIaj. W. T. Storkton, promoted, to rank from September 7 , 1863.
Catpl. W. 1,. Goldsniith, of Georgia, to be major Fourtecnth Georgia Reglinezit,
vice Maj. It. P. Lester xomoted, to rank from May 10, 1863.
Capt. $3. G. Bass, of)(leoryia,to be major Fifty-ninth Georgia Regiment, vice Maj.
13. 1%. Gee, promoted, to rank froin Jnly 10, 1863.
Capt. M. P. SpesPard, of Virginia, to he major Twenty-eighth Virginia Regiment,
vice Blaj. W.J,. JVingfield, promoted, to rank from J u l y 3, 1863
Capt. T. H. Watlrins, of Virginia, to be major Fifty-srcontl Iirginia Keyqitnent,
vice Maj. J. D. H. ROPS,pronioted, to rank from June 6 , 7863.
Capt. B. L Dyer, of Tennessec, to be major Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment, rice
Maj. P. 13. Cole, killed, to rank from Deceinber 81, 1862.
Capt. C. T. Crittenden, of Virginia, to I ) r major Thirteenth Virginia Regiment,
vice Maj. G. A. Goodman, promoted, to rank from May 15, 1863.



[Dec. 14, 1863.


Capt. S.Ruffin, of Alabariia, to be major Eighteenth Alabama Regiment, vice Maj.

1. F. Hunley, pronrotcd, to rank from September 23, 1863.
Capt. W. J. Hearin, of Alahania, to be major Thirty-eighth Alabama Regiment,
vice Maj. 0. 8. J w e t t , killed, to rank from September 20, 1863.
Capt. C;. C. Freeman, of Alabama, to be major Forty-fifth Alabama Regiment, vice
Maj. 1%.H . Abercrombie, promoted, to rank from October 28, 1863.
Capt. E. IT. ?lcDonald, of Virginia, to be major E l w e n t h Virginia Cavalry Regiment, vice Ma]. M. I). Hall, promoted, to rank from July 23, 1863.
Capt. W. Marks, of T,ouisiana, to be major Twenty-second Louisiana Regiment,
vice Naj. S. Jones, promoted, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Capt. William Straton, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-fourth Virginia Battalion,
vice Maj. V. A. Witcher, promokd, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Capt. G. &I. Ferneyhough, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-fifth Virginia Battalion,
vice Maj. E. V. White, promoted, to rank from February 4, 1863.
Capt. L. J. Bossieux, of Virginia, to be major Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion, vice
Maj. W. M. Elliott, promoted, to rank from Joly 25, 1863.
Capt. C. H. Ford, of Virginia, to be niajor First Virginia Rattalion, Troops Local
Defense, vice Maj. W.S. Downer, declined, to rank from August 6, 1863.
Capt. R. C. Smith, of Maryland, to be major First Maryland Battalion Cavalry,
vice Maj. Ridgely Brown, promoted, to rank from August 20, 1863.
Capt. C. \Ir. Mabry, of Georgia, to be major Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, vice
Maj. J. W. Hooper, repigned, to rank from June 23, 1863.
Capt. C. E. Cormier, of Louisiana, t o be major First Louisiana Regiment, vice Maj.
J. Nelligan, promoted, to rank from July 3, 1863.
Capt. W. P. Cooper, of Virginia, to be niajor Thirty-first Virginkt Regiment, vice
Naj. J . 8. R. McCutchtw, pronioted, to rank from August 1, 1863.

First Lieut. F. I). Blake, of South Carolina, t u be captain, First South Carolina
Artillery Regiment, vice Capt. TV. C. Preston, appointed major of artillery, Provisional
Army Confederate States, to rank from April 2, 1863.
First Lieut. H. R. Leseene, of South Carolina, to be captain, First South Carolina
Artillery Regiment, vice Capt. J. A. Sitgreaves, resigned, to rank from June 5, 1863.
First Lieut. A. 5.Gaillard, of South Carolina, to be captain, First South Carolina
Artillery Regiment, vice Capt. H. S. Farley, resigned, to rank from June 22, 1863.
First Lieut. H. D. Twyman, of Georgia, t o be captain Company A, First Georgia
Battalion Sharpshooters, vice Capt. A. Shaaff, promoted, to rank from January
First lieutenan is.

Second Lieut. W.TI. Jolinson, of South Carolina, to he first lirutenant, First South
Carolina Artillery Regiment, \.ice 1,icAut. J. C. Clemsori, resigned, to rank from May
28, 1863.
Second Lieut. E. S. Pickling, of Sooth Carolina, to be first licwtenant, First South
Carolina Artillery Regiment, vice Lieut. I. R. Lesesne, promoted, to rank from
June 5, 1863.
Second Lieut. Iredell Jones, of South Carolina, to be first lieutenant, First South
Carolina Artillery Regiment, vice Lieut. A. S. Ciaillard, promoted, to rank from
June 22, 1863.
Second Lieut. J. D. Anthony, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant, First Georgia Aegiinent (enlisted men), vice Lieut. E. P. Bowdre, promoted, to rank from October 3,1862.
Second Lieut. J. 11. Du Bose, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant, Fimt Georgia Rrgiment (enlisted nien), viceLieut. JolinHoward, promoted, tormkfromAugust31,1862.
Second Lieut. W.A. Willianis, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant, First Georgia Itegiment (enlisted men), vice Lieut. C. W.Anderson, promoted, to rank from May 21,1862.
Second Lieut. T. I?. B. Ryan, of T,ouisiana, to be first lieutenant, First Louisiana
Artillery Regiment, vice Lieut. J. 11. Stith, deceased, to rank from December 31,1862.
Second Lieut. R. Bruce, of T,oaisiana, to be first lieutenant, First Louisiana Artillery Regiment, vice Lieutenant ___ , to rank from January 1, 1863.
Second Lieut 0. La Borde, of South Carolina, to be first lieutenant, First South
Carolina Artillery Regiment, vice Lieut. J. S. Bee, deceased, to rank from Jnly 18,
Second Lieut. J. 6. Hryward, of South Carolina, to be first lieutenant, First South
Carolina Artillery Regiment, vire Iieot. E. 1. Itavenel, deceased, to rank from July
24, 1863.

Dea. 15,1869.1


Seco~idLieut. 11. A. Crane, of Georgia, to be fir& lieutenant Company A, First Georgia Battalion Sharpxhootcm, vice Lietit,. 11. I). T7sy1na11, promoted, to rank from
Janunry 20, 1863.
I am, bii, ictipevtfnlly, yonr obedient scrviint,

O i ~ i ~ r c dThat
it be referred to the Continittee 011 Nilitnry Affairs.
On tilotioil by Mr. Sparrow,

The Sen:ite rcwdvcd into opeii 1egisl:ttivc scssion.



[Dee. 16,17, 1

16, 1863.

A message frorii the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. Prxsident: The House of Representatives have passed t h e bill of the Senate
(8. 142) to prevent t h e enlistment or enrollment of substitutes in the military service
of the Confederate States, and to repeal all lans permitting or authorizing the same,
with amendments, in which they request t h e concurrence of t h e Senate.
T h e House of Representatives insist upon their amendment, disagreed to by the
Senate, to the joint resolution of the Senate (8.16) in relation to the public printing,
agree to the conference asked b y the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses
thereon, and have appointed Messrs. Menees, Preston, and Gartrell managers a1 the
same on their part.

On motion by Mr. Barnwell,

Ordered, That the privilege of the floor of the Senate be extended
to Maj. Gen. Howell Cobb, of t h e State of Georgia.
On motion by Mr. Clark,
Ordered That the privilege of the floor of the Senate be extended
to Isham d. Harriu, governor of the State of Tennessee, and to Richard
Hawes, governor of the State of Kentucky.
Thc Senate proceeded t o consider the amendments of the House of
Itepresentatives to the bill (S. 142) to prevent the enlistment or enrollment of substitutes in th? military service of the Confederate States,
and to repeal all laws permitting or authorizing the same; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Resohed, That they concur therein.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Clay announced the death of the Hon. William L. Yancey,
and submitted the following resolutions; which were considered and
agreed to:
Resolved, That we have heard with deep regret of the death of t h e Honorable William
Lowndes Yancey, a Senator from the State of Alabama, and that we tender to his
family our earnest sympathy i n their afflictive bereavement.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the
deceased, and that t h e House of Representatives be infornied of the action of the
ResoZved (as a further rnark of respect to the memory of the deceased), That the
Senate do now adjourn.

And thereupon, *
The Senate adjourned.

17, 1863.

Mr. Clay presented resolutions of the general assembly of the State

of Alabama in relation to the steamer Florida.
Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Finance and
The Senate m-oceeded. as in Committee of the Whole. to the consideration of the bill (8.150) to limit and define the tern; of office of
the Secretary or principal officer of each of the Executive Departments, established by the several acts entitled A n act to organize the
. Department of State, An act t o establish the Treasury Department,
An act to establish the War Department. An act to establish the

Dec. 17, 1S63.1

N w y Dcpartnietit, An act to cshblish the Post-OffieeDe

An act to oiymizc :~ndestd)iisli an execiitive depri
linown as the 1)epartnicnt of Justice, a11 of which acts w
February 21, 1Stil: and
On niotion 1)y illr. Johnson of Arkansas,
o ? ~ ? c ~ e rhat
it be rcfmred to the Coiiiinittcc on the Jud
Alr. Bnker )roscntetl :L rcsolutiun of thc gerieial asseml,
StiLtc of Florida relntivo to the pay of the soldiers of th
Stntcs ; which was read.
O r w ? ~ i w / ,T h a t it be referred to thc Conimittee o n Military Affairs
and printed.
Afr. IlnltrT p r c w m l a 1 olution of the gcti<rid assembly of the
Stat(>of florid:^ w1:itivc to thc tiis in kind; which was read.
Oiv/oiwl, l h t it be refcrrcd to the Committee on Finance and
JIr. I3ro\vn sulunitted tlio following resolution; which was considwed itlid : t g ~ c ~to:
tl,Phiit tlic Ooiiiniittce on Pinanc~ebt. iristructecl to inquire into the cxpediency of aritliorieing t h r chief cdlwtors in thc States to appoint deputy collectors,
who sh:tll gin. bond tor t l i c faithful perfortnancc of their duties, and who shall, when
the prinripd is sick, al)scnt, or froin any other CRUW ntiable to tiischarge the dtttim
of Jiis oflicLe, talrc the placc of suc4i principal and. discharge the duties of t,he office.

Alr. Orr prcsrnted tlic petition of sundry citimnu of Abbeville dbtrict, South C:irolin:i, praying that the tax imposed on widows and
solditrs whose fniiiilics : L ~ Csupported, in whole or in part, by boards
o f rc.1ic.f i11:iy be retiiittcd ; which W:W rcfcrmd to the Comiiiittee on

31I*. IVigfitlI (by leave) itltrotl1ld

.I bill (S.LW) to pro\ idr :Ldditiori:d rcnirinrration for noncoii)inish i o i w d ofiiccrs :tnd priwtes serving in the Ariny of the Confederate

which wa~,re:id thr tirst :rncl sac.ontl tiinex :rnd rcfcrred to tho Cominittee o n Rlilitary Afiihirs.
hIr. C:q)erton submitted the following resolution; which was conhidered l ~ :lgrccd
f i r , w l i d , That the Committee on Financr be infitrueled to inquire into the expedicncy of arithctrizing a sale, by the collevtorsof the tax in kind, to theagents sppointed
b y thc coinity vourts i n their several dirtrick, to provide relief for the familie8 of
soltliers, of sndi portions CJf th(, tithes collccttd, or tn be rollccted, as c m be conveniently spared, or as ran not he cwnrmirntly collected b y the Government agenta.

A nics~;igcfrom t h t x IIousc of ftepr(:scrilati\.cs, by hlr. Dalton:

Mr. I w s i r l p d : Tiic IIoriw ( i f 1lcy)rrscntativeY have pa d a joint resolution (H. It.
19) of t l m i i k u to (alitaiii O~lluni,I,ic~ntrnantI)owiing, and the men uidcr their comni:mi; i n which t1ic.j a 4 t l i c n (-onciirr(~n(~c
o1 the Sjcnatc..

llio Smnte rc:h~uiiecl,as i t 1 Coiiiinittec of the Whole, thc consideration of thv Itill (S. 144) to change the tiiric for the assembling of Congrc+ h i * its mst I*cgtilarsession.
IIic. question heing on agieeing to the amendment proposed to the
bill hy Mr. I I : L S I I ( ~1~%:,
Striltc out, t h e words fourth 3Ionduy of Febriiary t~ndinsert
first Jlond:i)r in May,
On motion I)y MY.IZ:irnwell, to alriend the amendment proposed by
Mr, Ilayncs 1)y striking out * first Monday in May and inserting
first Monday in Septeniber,



[Dec. 17,1863.

On motion tty Mr. Davis, that the bill lie upon the table,
It was determined in the negative.
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Rarnwell to the amendment proposed ty Mr. Haynes,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Clark, to amend the amendment proposed by
Mr. Haynes by striking out first Monday i n May and inserting
first Monday in April,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the amendment proposed by
Mr. Haynes by striking out first Monday i n May and inserting
first Monday in July,
It was determined i n the negative.
On motion by Mr. Dortch, to amend thc amendment proposed by
Mr. Hayncs by striking out first Monday in May and inserting
first Monday in ,June,
It was determined in the negative.
On thc question to agree to the aniendinent proposed by Mr. Haynes,
It wxs determined i n the affirmativc.
So the amendment was agreed to.
On motion by Mr. Semmcs, that the vote on agreeing to the said
amendment be reconsidered,
On motion b j MI.. Johnson of Arkansas,
Ordered, That the bill lie upon the table.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
V A . , December 16, 186.9.
To thr Sennte and House qf Representatiwx
I hercwith transinit for your consideration a comniuiiication from t h e Btt,orneyGeneral ad interim, submitting additional estimates for the expenditures of the
Departiiient of Jt1stic.e.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount specified for the purpose designated.

The message was read.

Ohdewd, That it be refcrrcd to the Committee on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Barnmell submittcd the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire if any amendments are required to t h e tax and assessmcnt acts to secure more uniformity and
dEciency in their operation.

On motion hy Mr. Sparrow,

The Senate resolved into secret legislativc session.
The doors having been opcned,
The joint resolution (11. R. 19) of thanks to Captain Odlum, Lieutenant Domling, and the men under their command, received this day
from the House of Representatives for conctxrrenoe, was read the first
and second times and referred to the Coininittce on Military Affairs.
The Senate proceeded, as in Comrnittec of the Whole, to the consideration of tlie hill ( 6 . 1%) to organize forces to serve during the
war; and
On motion by Mr. S,ptr~-o\v,
Ordewd, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until



Dec. 17,1863]

On iiiotioii hy Mr. Orr, arid by tinmiiinoiw consent,

Ordtwd, 'That the Prcsidcnt pro teiii ore appoint a member on
Coinmittco on Foreign Afhirs, to fill t c vacancy occasioned by
dettth of Mr. Y:Lncep; :ind
11.11.. ,Johnson o f Georgia was appointed.
iriotioii I)J >Ti*. Clay, and by tiiiitninioii~consent,
O t d / > r d ,'I'h:it the Prcaiden t ro tempoi*eappoint a iiieniber on the
Coiiitiiittec on Coni~nercc,to fil tbc vacancy occasioned by the death
of M r . l'cyton; :Ind


Jlr. Orr was :ippointcd.

Thv Srllwtc piwcrtdcd,
i n Comnii
of the '\Vliole, to tile conxt the tippointinent of an
bidcrntioii o f tht? bill (S. 15))) to aut
Awsistniit l'C)~tiii:LhtCr-(;CI1CL':II, tind wuch vlwks as may bc necessary,
t o cxrry o i i the. po&l h c r v i ~in~ the States west of tlhc Mississippi
1Zirr r .
At'tcr dCt)iLtr,
On niotioii by Mr. Ilurnctt,
OrtJwc~t/,' h i t the fun*tlicrconsidor:ttion thereof bc postponed until
m l r s d w y ncst~.
0 1 1 iriotioii by MY.
The Senate adjourned.

Tlrr following


fcdclxtc St:LtCs, by

>igewas recaivcd froin the President of the Conr. U . N. H:irrisoii, his Secretary :

I t i c i r a ~ o w ~ \'
) , i . , Ikccinhcr
111 rcspoiiw to your ic~)liitioiiof tIi(1 10th iiistmt, asking to Iw furnished with
" c o j t i ~ ho f ( I i c s t ~ ( ~ i : r(
o f M z i j o i - t i w w i t l IYliitiirg i i i rdatioii to running the
l~locknctcat \Vilniiiigloii, S. C.," I l i ~ i t w i t l ifrailmiit it coiiiiiiuiiicatioii
Sccrebry of V'w, covering copien of thc rcportn referred to.

To t / w Swcrtc, of






I he

was rcad.
O M ' P I Y ~That
it 1 ) ~rcfcrrcd to the Coiiitnithx on Cornii~erce.
'l'hfollowi~ignicss:igc w~tsrcccivcd f i ~ the
~ Prcsidcnt
of tho Conftclcriite SLates, by Mi.. 13. N. IIarri,son, his Secretary :

R i c i ~ ~ o VA.,
~ n , Deceniber 16, 18M.
To tlw S r m t c ant1 of Rrpracntntitm:
1 Iicrc\yi(h trailmiit for your corisidernttioii, in secret wxieion, a c.ornrnunication
rctary of tlic Treasury, cowring i~ report in relation to foreign cotton
~ t t ll i c b r:rtiiivntioii b y (hiigrws of t l i v ~(,coirip:Iii!'i"fi(.ontract for a second
tliti isstic of t l i ~
cotton c-ertificatcsinade for thv IIRP of the Navy

mid o f

.rimwxsoN DAVIS.
fcriscd to the Coiriinittce on Finance.

joint resolution on tho

d referred to theCom1nittc.e on the Jndiciniy.
On iiiotiori by Mr. Orr,
Thc Senate rcsolved itito open leg*islativcsession.



PRII)AI, 11)xol.:nn3~~
18, 1863.

Mr. &laxwell presented a resolution of the general sssembly of the

State of Florida in refciwce to the exportation and iinportatiori of certain articles by private enterpri,e; which was read.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Commerce arid
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the hill (S. 353) to amend an act entitled An act to aid
the State of Kentucky, and for othcr purposes, approved the 29th of
January, 1862, reported it with it11 amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Cornniittee of the Whole, to the consideration of thc bill last mentioncti; and thc re orted arrietidinent
having h r n agrced to, tht. hill w a b reported to tY le Senate and the
amendment was coricurrcd in.
On thc qurstion,
Sliall the bill be en rossed and read tlie third tinie.!
On motion by Mr. bldhani,
Ordcwd, That it lie u on t h e table arid he printed.
On motion by m.
Or.dered, That the Committee on the tJudiciary be discharged from
the further consideration of th e nicssage of the President of the Confederate Statrs, communicated on the 17th instant, transmitting estimates for the expenditures of the Department of Justice, and that it
be referred to tho Committee on Finance.
The Senato proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (S. 160) to authorize the appointment of a Third
Auditor of the Treasury; and no amendment being pi*opoI, i t was
reported t o the Senate.
Ordwed, Tlint i t be engrossed and rend L: third time.
The said bill was read the third timc.
Besolvrxi?, That it pass, and that the title th eiw~ fbc ith aforrsaid.
orldmd, That, t hc, SecreLiry requcst the concurrrnce of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate resumed, as in Cornmittre of the Wholr. the considrmtion of the bill (S. 158) to organize forces to serve during the w m - ;
O n motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be po~tponeduntil
Monday next.
On motion by Mr. Semines,
The Senate adjourned.




Mr. Clark announced the decease of tho Hon. Rohert 1,. Y. Peyton,
and submitted the following resolutions; which were considered and
agreed to:
Resolved, That we have heard with deep regret ol the death of the Honorable Robert
L. Y . Peyton, a Senator from the State of Missouri.



Ordered, That the 1Ion. Robert W. Barnwell have leave of absence

from the sessions of the Senate until the first of January next.
The Spnate rcsumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (S. 158) to organize forces to serve during the war; and
On niotion by Mr. Orr,
O./.dem.3, That it lie iipon the table.
On motion t u Mr.
~ Henry,
O ~ d e ~ c That
d , the Hon. Landon C . Haynes have leave of absence
from the sessions of the Senate until Thursday, the 31st instant.
Mr. Clr~rk(by l e a ~ e introduced
A bill (S. 163) f o r the teiiiporary relief of the legislative and executive officers of the Government of the Confederate States on duty in
the city of Richmond, Va. :
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee 011 Finance.
Mr. C1:~rkpresented a niemorial of sundry officers of the various
1:xecativc 1)ep:utinents of the Government, praying for an increase
of the coinpensation now allowed them by law; which was referred to
tho Committee on Finance.
iriessagc fro111 thc Ilousc of Bepresentativea, by Mr. Dalton:
Tlrr IIoiise of Rq)resentRtivcshitre p a s d a bill (11. R. 74) toamend
11 of the tax law as reqiiires one-tenth of tlie sivect p6tatoes produced this year to be paid to the Government; in which they request the coiiciirrence
of the Senate.

The bill (H. 12. 74) this day received froin the House of ltepresentatires for concurrence was read thc first and second times and referred
to the Coninlittee on Finance.
M r. S p ~ r r ofrom
~ , the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 164) to rcpcal an act regulating the granting of furloughs
and dischrqes in hospitals, approved Mar 1, 1863;
which was read tlie first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar.
The Senate proceeded to consider tlie resolution submitted by Mr.
Brown on the 10th instant, declaring what should be the present
policy of the Government of the Confedcrate States; and
On motion by Mr. Brown,
Oidcved, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to
and inade the special order lor Thui*sday next at 1 oclock.
The Senate rcsunied the consideration of the bill (S. 153) to amend
an act entitled An act to aid the State of Ihntucky, and for other
purposes, approved the 29th of JtLniiary, 1862; and!red, That it he engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
B a o l t ~ c d ,That it pass, and that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
O ~ & t ~ c dPh:tt
the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of 1ieprescntiLti\-estherein.
Mr. Maxwell (by leave) iritrodiiced
A joint resolution (S. 19) for the relief of Capt. Wallier Anderson;
which WLY rcad tlic first and second times and referred to the Comniit(ee on C1:iims.
On motion by Mr. Caperton,
The Senate adjourned.

ucc. 23, 1563.1





The nicsr:Lge was reid.

Orc70~7,That it be referred to the Committee on lMilitnry Affairs.
The following message mas received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., December 19, 1863.
To the Smote of the Confederate States:
I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
Var, covering copies of eevcral reports of military operations.

The message was read.

Ordered, That i t be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution; which was considered arid agreed to:
Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs he instructed to inquire into the
expediency of extending the operation of the act entitled An act to provide for the
compensation of certain persons therein named, beyond the first day of January

On motion hy Mr. ILill,

T h e Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors h:bving been opened,
On niotion by Mr. Davis,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was

referred the joint resolution (S. 18) explanatory of a joint resolution
on the subject of rctaliation, approved May 1, 1863, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the WhoIe, to the consideration of the joint resolution last mentioned; and
On motion by Mr. Clark, that the resolution lie upon the table,
After debate,
Mr. Hill demanded the question; which was seconded, and
The questiou being put,
It was determined in the negative.
So the Senate refused to lap the resolution on tbe table; and
No amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate., That it be engrossed and read a third time.
Thc, said resolution was read the third time.
Rcsoloed, That it p s s , and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Orderw2, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House .
of Bepresentativrs therein.
O n motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.

The following message mas received from tho President of the Con-CederateStates, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary :
December l Y , 1869.
To the Senatr:
Agreeably to tlir rrroinmenclation of the Secretary of t h e Navy, I hereby nominate
the persons named upon the annexed list to the offices designated.

Sin: I have the honor t o recorirmeritt the following proinotions and ltppoin
in tlie Navy:
SmHtd liFZLfEl1m1ts.

Masters, in the line of promotion, Frantls T. Chew, of Missouri; A. Macomb Mason

of Distri(*tof Coltinibia; Thoinap 1,. Noore, of Sortli Cwolina, and Ivty Forernan
Second l,ieut,ui. ticorge A. Horc~licrt,Ililary Cenas, Arthui- D.
IYlrartoii, of Triincwee, and l110i~i:w L. I)nriiin, twmntrci, to rank froiu the 2Rth

of Not 111 Carolinii, rice



Tile following inrssage was received from the President of the-Confedcratc States. hy hlr. Harrison, his Secretary:
Rxrmrom, l>ecembcr 17, 1863.
To the 8elLC7le:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of the Kavy, I hereby nominate
the persons named upon the annexed list to the offices designated.
Richmond, December 7 , 1S63.
I have the honor to recommend t h e following iioiiiiriations for appointment
i11 the Ravy, under i t c a t No. 146, approved May 20, 1861:
7 f C ~ lieutenant.

Thoinas I<. Porter, of Tennessee

Stmnd lkutennnt.
William IV. Carnes, of Tennessee.
With great respect, your obedient servant,


,Terretary of the ATavy.

The messago mas read.

Ovdewi, That it be rcferred to the Coninlittee on Eaval Affairs.
The f ol lowi~ ~messago
was received from the President of the Confederate States, by X I r. Harrison, his Secretary :
X?ecember IT, 1863.
To flie XPncite:
Agreeably to the recommmclatioii of t h e Secretary of the Navy, I hereby nominate
t h e persons nanied upon thc minrxed list to the ofices designated.
N,tru DEPARTMENT, Rirliinonrl, 1)ec~mbrr11, 18665.
The P RI c S I I ~Exix.
1 have the honor to rccoinmentl the following appointnients in the Pro\.ixional

First lieufennnts.
Charles Borum, of Virginia; J. V. Johnson, ot \'irginia.
\Vitli great I espcvt, yonr obedient s w \ a i ~ t ,
Secretor?/ of (lie ATirtvy.

The message was read.

Ordc/wi, That it tic rcferrcd to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
The following niessngc, was rcceivccl from the President of the Confederate States, l ) r MI.. TIarrison, his Secretary :
RIclnroNn, December 17, 1863.

Ti tlie Xenntc:
Agreeably to the recoinmciidation of the Secretary of the Navy, 1 hereby nominate t h e persons nained npon the annexed list to the ofices designated.
ILicliinmd, D(wnaber 7 , 1863.
SIR:I hare the honor to rwoiiiinend the following nominations for promotion and
appointment in the Narine Corps
First Iieut. Calvin 1,. Snyre, of Alabama, vice Capt. Georgc P. Turner, dismissed,
to rank froin the 1It11 day of Decenrber, 1862.
First Lieut. Becket K. Howell, of Louisiana, vire Capt. Jacob Read, dismissed,
to rank from the 1st day of February, 18G3.

De?. 24, 1863 ]



Second Licvit. David 13ratlfort1, of Imiisiana, uicc first Lieu

promo t d .
Sccorid Iicut. Xnthanirl E. Venable, of Texas, vice First Lient. Jam
disinisctl, to rank from the 14th d a y of Jmtiary, 1863.
Swoiitl Lieut. Henry I,. Graves, of Georgia, vicc First Licut.
promot ed.




Mr. Phelan, from the committee of conference on the part of the

Senate on thc disagreeing Totes of the two Houses on the joint resolution (S. 16) in rcitition to the public printing, reported
Tliat the\, haxe nit+ the conferees on the part of the House of Representatives, and,
aftei l u l l incl ficc consultation, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to
their rcspectire IIouses as f o l l o s:
That the IIouce of Representatires recede from their amendment to t h e said resolution; and that the two Houses agree to the passage of the same, with t h e following
aiiicntl mcnt :
Strike out, line 5, t h e word committees and inpert in lieu thereof the words
joint conimittec.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said report; and

On motion hy Mi.. Phelan,
R ~ s o l ~ v tThat
l , they concur therein.
O ~ d t w d That
the Sccretary inform the House of Representatires
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A hill (S. 168) to amend an :iat entitled An act to provide for the
compenhation of certain pcrsons therein nanicd,approved May 1,1863;
which mas read the first and becond tirnes and considered as in Coinmittee of the IYhole.
On niotion hy Mr. Rurnctt, to amend the bill by striking therefrom
the words * eighteen hundrcd and sixty-five and inserting in lieu
thereof the words eight(.cn hundred and sixty-four,
It i v m determined in the negative.
No aiticndment being made, the bill mas re orted to the Senate.
()lderl*ed,That i t he cwgrossed and read n t ird time.
The said bill was r e d the third time,
Bemlwd, That i t p a s , and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
C).r.dwetJ, T1i:it tlie Secretary request the concurrence of the I-Iouse
of Represcntsttivcs therein.
On motion by MY. Davis,
O?*dercd,That the Committee on Claims he discharged froin the
further consideration of the incinorial of Robert Y. .Jonc~s,ppiying
compenuatibn f o r taking the census, in 1860, in Al)bcville district,
South Carolina.
On motion 1)y Mr. Orr,
O7derec7, Flint the said nicinorinl of Robert Y. Jones be referred to
the Coniniittcc on Financc.
The following incss2Lgc TWS received froin the President of the Confederate Statcs, by Mr. B. N. IIarrison, his Secretary:


Rrrrnroxi~,Va., necenzber 23, 1863.

To ilir ,Yenote ccntl Ilousc of Rrprcscntntiaes:
1 fierr\j itli t i a i i r i i i i t fur j our inforniation a cornmunication from the Secretary
of \\ar, c ~ ~ v c r i n(;cncral
Lees report of the operations of t h e Army of Soithern
liiginia, from the date of his assumption of coininand to and including the battle
of Fredcricksburg, I>ccember 13, 7 862, and the subordinate reports appertaining

The message was read.

Ohdered, That i t be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The bill (11. It. 75) to amend an act to regulate impressments,
apixoved Mwch 26, 1863, and to repeal an act, amendatory thereof,
approved April 27, 1863, coininunicated this dny from the House of
Re resentatives for concurrence, was Yead the first and second times
an referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

[Der 2

The doors having been opened,

Mr. Caperton, f i ~ mthe corninittee, reported that they had examined and found ti-uly cnrolld
A bill (H. R. 74) to amend PO much of section 11 of the tax law as
requires ono tenth of the sweet potatoes produced this yeas to be
paid to thc Government.
On motion hy Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
The Senate adjourned.

The following message was receivcd from the President of the Confederate States, by MI*.Ilarrison, h i b Secretarj :
92, 1863.
70 the Senate:
Agreeably to the rccoiiiineiitlatioii of the Secwfary of War, I nominate t h e officers
on the accoiiil~anyinglict to i h c r:ink affixed to their nanie~,respectivcly.

\Iran I)RP
\ I i T \ r E x r , 1?ichmond,December 21, 1563.
SIR: I liavc thc. honor to ieconiinc~nttt lit. following nominntions for appointment
i n the IJro\4sioiial . ~ i n i yof t h c x Confederate States of Ainerica.

C h l . I<. H. Cliiltoii, of Virginia, to take rank from Ikcember 21, 1863.



Walter 11. Taylor, of Yirginia, to take rank from December 21, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secreltrr!j oj War.
To His +:xc*elleiicy ?Jb:

The message was read.

Ordenxi, That it bc, refcriwl to the Corninittee on Military Affairs.
The following inrsssge was rweircd from tlic President of t h e Confederate States, i)y A 1r. IIarrison, hi:, Sicc.ret;ir\:
KrcirMo\-n, RecemOer 23, 1S63.

Yo the iCi-ncite:
Agrecably to the recommeniiation of the Secretary of War, I nominate tlic officers
on t l i ~
list to the raiik afiixcvl to their names, respectively.
Xichniond, December 8,1SG.9.
the honor to rccommend the following nominations for appointment
onal Rriny of the Confetlerate States of America:

22, 1862.

J. J . lIecIrick, of Sort11 Carolina, to rank from October 4,1863.

B. W. Frobel, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1863.
V. Sheliha, of Louisiana, to rank from May 25, 186%
J. W. Bondurant, of Virginia, to rank from duglist 11, 1863.
J. Floyd King, of Georgia, to rank from August 22, 1863.
James R. Branch, of Virginia., to rank froin August 25, 1863.
Stephen Elliott, of South Carolina, to rank from September 9, 1863.

Dec. 21,lMiS.l


I<. F. Gray, of Texas, to rank froin May 8, 1863.

Edward Manigault, of South Carolina, to rank froin May 23, 1863.
T. K. ITotchkiss, of Mississippi, to rank from May 31, 1863.
J. R. B. Rnrtwell, of Alabama, to rank froin J L I X2,~ ~1863.
William X l l e r Owen, of Lotiisiana, to rmk from August 7, 1863.
J. 1). Myrick, of Yirginia, to mnk froin August 1, 1863.
John \V. Johnston, of Virginia, to rmlr froin Ma r 17, 1863.
Kobvrt Martin, of South, Carolina, to nink froin August 29, 1863.
1,. T. Wofford, of Gcoqia, to rank from Angust 12, 1SW.
.I. C . Coit, of Gonth Carolina, t o rank from Septeiubcr 12, IStN.
I\. 11. Ketdiuni, of ~ i I : i l ) : i i ~ i a t, o r:mk froiii October 2 , 1 S t X
11. M. Natltc~\w,o f Virginia, to r;iiik Iroiii hItiy 2, 1863.
I i i i i i , rir, riqit~ctCully,your ol)c.tlicLiit sen >in(,
N , c w k t q of Ilitr.
To 1 Iis Ex(-c~llcncy
tlic 1imsri)iwr.
, I

I hc nits.;apc WLS r c d .
O ~ v k ~ t w Lliat
it I)c referred to tlic. Coi-nniitter on M i1itni.y ~1ff:ii.s.
The following nicsst~gew i t s reccivcd frotti t,he lrctsidcnt of the Confedem tc Sttitex, by Mr. H m ~ i s o n his
, Sccrrtrtry :
RICJIM(1N I), &P?f/

7h f l i p iS1wcctr:

On motion t)y ,111.. .Johnson o f A ~ ~ I ~ ~ t i s a ~ ,

The Senate resolvecl into opcri lrgislutive session.


83,f 668.



28, 1863.

Mr. Clay presented the credentials of the Hon. Robert Jemison,

jr., elected a Senator by the general assembly of tBe State of Alabama, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. William
L. Yancey; which were read, and the oath prescribed by the Constitution was administered to Mr. Jemison, and he took his seat i n the
Mr. Clay presented the following resolutions of the general assenibly of tlie State of Alabama; which mere severally read:
A resolution in relation to the exeniption of the families of soldiers
whose support is derived from white labor alone from the payment
of the tax in kind;
A resolution in relation to the exemption of certain persons from
the payment of the Confederate tax in kind;
A resolution in relation to the enforcement, of the conscript laws of
the Confeder:ite States; and
A resolution in relation to taxation and Confederate currency.
Ordwed, That they lie upon the table and be printed.
The Presidcnt pro tempore having signed the following bills, heretofore reported by the committee to have hecn truly enrolled, viz:
H. It. 74. An act to amend so much of- section 11of the tax law as
requires one-tenth of the sweet potatoes produced this year to be
paid to the Governnieot;
FI. 1%.71. An act authorizing the tax in kind on bacon to be commuted by collection of salt pork as an equivalent; and
S. 153. An act t o amend an act entitled An act to aid the State of
Kentucky, and for other purposes, approved the 99th of January,
They were delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States for his
Mr. iMaxmell (by leave) introduced
A hill ($3. LG?) to arncnd tm act to provide a inode of authenticating claims f o y money :igainst thc Confederate States, not otherwise
provided for, approred August 30, 1861;
which was rend the first and scconcl times and referred to the Committee on tlie Jizdiciai-y.
from the Committee on Finance, reported
A bill ($3. 168) to provide for a new issue of Treasury notes, and
for funding all such notes now outstanding;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar and printed.
3lr. Semmes, from the Committee on Finance, who were instructed
hy a resolution of the Senate to inquire into the subject, reported
A bill (S. 169) to repeal an act entitled An act supplementary to
an act to provide for the funding and further issue of Treasury notes,
approved 30th April, 1863;
which was read the first and second times; and


Der. 28,18F3.]

On motion by Mr. Semrnes,

(Irdwed, That it be transferred to the S

A h . Ca erton, froni the comiiiittee, repoi
and foun truly enrolled
A bill (S. 142) to prevent the enlistment or cnr
stittLtes in the inilitnrj service of the Confederate States.
lhe President pro tempore having signed the enrolled
repoitcd to h:~wbeen cstmiined, it w i s delircred to the Secretrr,
the Scmtc and hy him forthwith prcsentcd to the President o
Confederate States for h i v ~tpprovd.
The Sonutc rcwiuied, :ISin Coinmittcc of tho \Iholc, tho vonsideratioii of the I)ill (11. 1L ?ti) to put, f i n end to the cxctuption froiri iililitary
sc1.yic.o of thosc wlio h v c Iierctdorc furnished substitutes.
Su n d i y :~nirndnicntsh a v i n g bccii proposed,
.AFtt.t* dol):bte,
0 1 1 iiiot,ioii hy 311..
,Johnson of Georgia,
d , IIhat the ))ill ztrid aiiicndnients be rintcd.
On iiiotioii I)y M r , ,Jolinson of Gcorgi:i, that t ic further consideralion
of tlic ) i l l I)(%postponcd until \Vedncsday iiext,
Attcr further dcbatc,
0 1 1 iiiotiori by AJr. Ow,
Thc Senate rcbolved into csccutive session.
Ihc doors 1itLving I)cctn opened,
On inotion by Mr. Siiimis,
O r ~ Z m d ,rh:tt thc IIon. I. C. 13urnett 1i:ivc letlve of itbseiicc from
thc sessions of the Scimtti until 3lond:~yncxt.
On motion by Air. , J o l i ~ i s ~ofi i Arlwnstis.
o ~ l ~ r e cThat
t h t k llon. C 1 i : ~ i h13, hlitclicl h v c leave o absence
froni tlic sessioiis of the Scnatc.
On motion by Mr. Oldh:m,
Tho Senate adjourned.






29, 1863.


The President pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication

from Lient. Gcn. TTilliarri J . Iiardee and other oEcers of the Army
in relation to a plan f o r the reorganization of the Army of the Confederate States; which was referred to the Committee on Military
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 164) to repeal an act regulating the grantin
of furloughs and discharges in hospitals, approved May 1, 1863; an
no amendment being proposed, it v a s 1-epoited to the Senate.
Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said ?)ill was read the third time.
Besolwed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
T h a t t8heSecretary request the concurrence of the House
of IZoprescntati\-cs thcrein.
The Senate proc~cdrd,as in Coinrnittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 161) to repeal an act entitled An act to regulate
the destruction of pi-opcrty under military necessity, and to provide
for the indemnity thereof; aild
After debtatc,
On iuotion by Mr. On-,
The Senate resol17ccl into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
The Senato resumed, AS in Comniittee of the Whole, the eonaideration of the bill last mentioned; and
After further dehatc,
On motion by Mr. Henry,
The Scnato reaolved into secrc.t legislative session.
The doors having- been opened,
On motion by Mr. Caperton,
The Senate adjourned.



The President pro tenigoro laid bcfore the Senate a communication

froin the Secrelary of the Treasury in relation to the foreign loan;
which WLS read.
Oivbiw!, That it be referred to the Conimittee on Finance.
On iriotiori by Mr. Caperton,
Ihc Senate resolvcd in to open legislative session.

Mr. Om, frorn thr Coninlittee on Foreign Affairs, to whom was

wferred the niessagc of the Yresident of the Confederate States of
the %th instant, traiismitLing a draft of instructjons for an envoy
extraordinary and niinistcr plenipotentiary, proposed to be sent to
I\IIcxico, reported the following resolutions for consideration:
Rc.901oed, That the Senate advise that an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary he sent to His Xajesty the Emperor of Mexico.
That the Senate advisc that negotiations he entered upon wit11 His
Majesty the Emperor of Mcxivo 011 thc basis proposed in the draft of instructioiis
Rccompanying the Presidents message.



On lnotion by Mr. Sernmes;,

O~&?>t.d,That the Hon. Kdward Sparrow be excused for his absence
fro111 tllc sessions of the Senate, on account of siclmcss.
11.11.. ]Lhelan presented the following resolutions of the legislature of
t h e State of Mississippi; which were severally read, riz:
A resolution in relation to repealing that ortion of t h e conscript
law authorizing substitution in the Army; andp
A resolution in relation to the practicability of using ncgro men in
the armies of the Confederate States as teamsters, nurses, and pioneer
Ordered, That thehey be referred to the Committee on Military Atfairs
and printed.
hfr. Phelan presented a resoltition of the legislature of the State of
Mississippi in re1:ztion to the appointment of :in agcnt or agents, on
the part of the Confederate States, to visit the diffemnt portioiis of the
State of Mississippi, for the purpose of auditing, adjusting, and paying off certificates and receipts given persons thcrcin for provisions
xiid other property impressed and used by ordcr of Confederate States
oAi(~ers,arid to pay off the aiuounts due the faniilics or legal heirs of
deceased soldicrs; which was read
Ouiered, That it be referred t o the Committee 011 Claims and printed.
Mr. Yhelan (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 170) to provide for the :iuditing and payment of certain
claims in the State of Mississippi;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Cornmittce on the Judiciary.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
Mi-. fresident: The House of RepreFeiitatives llave passed bills of the following
titles; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate:
H. R. 79. A bill to prohibit dealing in the paper currency of the enemy; and
13. R. 80. A bill to continue in forre ail act entitled Anact to piovide for the
compensation of crrtain persons therein named, approved May I , 1863.

The bills received this day fro111 the House of lkpresentatives for
concurrence were severally read the first and second times.
Ordered, That the bill numbcrcd 79 be rcfcrred to the Coininittee
on the ,Judiciary and the bill riuniberecl 80 to the Coniniittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the ,Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (H. R. 75) to amend an act to regulate inipressmmts, approved March 26, 1863, and to rcpcal an act amendatory
thereof, approved April 27, 1863, reported it with amendments.
On motion by Nr. IIill,
Ordwed, Chat the hill and amendments be printed.
On motion by Mr. Ilill,
Ordmed, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from
the further consideration of the following subjects:
S. 157. A bill to amend an act entitled An act to regulate impressments, approved March 26, 1863; and
A resolution inquiring if any and what additional lcgislation is
necessary to protect the rights of citizens against the arbitrary, unjust,
and needless irrrpressinent of provisions under the orders from the
Commissary-General, and whether additional e@c:iency in that department may not be secured by incrcasrd cncrgy, industry, and effort by
officials to make purchases f o r the subsistencc of the Army.



[Dec 30, 18G3

snhstirnte h a s deserted, or is between eighteen and forty-five

I d , There is 110 other bbhite male person o n such fain1 or planta~ i l ) z b I oc f~ iiiaiiagiiig, the cultivatioii of the same,


After debate,
011iiiotion by Mr. On., that the Senate resolve into executive session,
It was dcter&ined in the negative.
On thc ucstion to agrca to the amendment proposed by Mr. Maxwell, *
I t W:LS eterminad in the nerative.
On motion by Mr. Seninies, to amend the bill t g adding thereto the
following additional section:

SEC.2. That all persons who were liable to militarv service under the provisions
of t h e acts co~niiionlycalled the coiiscript laws, pasied in the year eighteer! hniidred and sixty-tvco, and who have obtained exemption from iiiilitary service by
reason of having furnished substitutes, not liable to military service, shall be repaid
a fair proportion of a n y suiii of any consideration of money paid by them to their
substitutes, under I nI(v to he presrribed by t h e Secretary of War: Provided, That
such repaytiieiit shall bc iiiatle in no case iv-herc the substitute has deserted, or
itute, xtter b e i w iumished, has become liable to inilitary service,
been reccii ed ?ii \ iolation of the law or regulations of the War

Oh niotion by Xr. ,Johnson of Arl~ansas,

Llic yeas and naj-s being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Tilose who votcd i n the aftirinatire arc,
i l h s r s . fialwr, Clay, Davis, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia,
.Johnson of Arliansas, hlatxwell, Orr, and Scmmes.
Those ivlio voted in the ncgative are,
Jlessrs. Brown, Catpcarton, Clark, Dortch, Henry, Jemison, Yhelaii,
Sininis, Sp:mom, and Wigfall.
So t h r micndnicnt was not agrccd to.
On motion 1 ) j r Mr. Orr, to aiiicnd tho bill by striking out all after
the onncting c1:iiise and inserting:
That all principals u ho were l i a l h to conscription unt1c.r the several laws of Congrcc5, aiitl 13 Iro I i a \
fut iiitihrd substitutes siiice tlie riiiieteeiitli day of May,
eighteen hiiiitircd airil FiYtv-tu 0, whose substitutes \\ere not exempt from coiis c iptioii,
or M 110 Iiaic siiic c, or liereaftcr may bccoiiie liable to coiisiription, and
all prinriimls \t I i o Iravc~fnrnislietl substitutes since the eighth day of September,
eighteen hniidred ant1
-two, who wete uiidcr the age of eighteen years, or
who \\we turni$lietl 111 any paitisan rorps, or 111 anv conipaiiy not fully organized
and received by the n'ar lkpartiiieiit, aiid all priiicipah M 110 habe since t h e t v entieth
(lay o f July, eighteen h nndrcd aiid sixty-three, furnished suhstitutes, and the services
oi siicli bubhtitntes I i a r c bceii or heteaiter may be lost from aiiy cause other than
the casualties ot n a i , :LIP Iicrcby cicclared liable to military service in the armies of
the Confedelate States, and dial1 be iniriiediatcly enrolled and placed in said s e n ice.
Srsc. 2. That all prinripnlr clainiiiig cxeni1)tion by ieatori of liaving furnished subPtitutes, i n ndtiitioii t o e\liibitiiig cxeinption papers, shall be required to piove to
the satisfaction of the eiirollinq offitcr that he is not embraced within either o! the
piovisions of thc firkt scctioii of this act,

_ . _ . . _ _ _ _5_ _
It was clctcrniirictl i n thc negative, Yeas
Nays-- - - ..- - - - - ._ _ - - - - - - 15
On niotion hy 311.. Orr,
l h c yeas and nays being desired hy onc-fifth of the Senators present,
Thosc who voted in the affirrnativc arc,
Messrs. Baker, Ilill, ,Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, and Orr.
Those who voted in thc negativc arc,
Messrs. I<romn, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Davis, Dortch, Henry,
Hunter, tJeinison, -Johnson of Arkansas, Yhelan, Semmes, Sininis,
Sparrow, and WigfaII.
r y





The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Nr. Harrison, his Secretary:
December 28, 2863.
To the Senate:
Agreeably to the recommendation of tlie Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on t h e accompanying list t o the rank &xed to their names, respectively.

Richmond, December 8, 1863.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend t h e following nominations for appointment
in t h e Provisionzl Army of the Confederate States of America:


I. RI. St. John, of (;eorgia, to take rank froni Nay 28, 1863.
Richard Morton, of Yirgiiiia, to lake lank from May 28, 1863.
Isaac lteacl, ol Misbouii, to take rank fioni May 29, 1863.

F. 11. Smith, of Kentucky, to take rank from May 28, 1863.

R. H. Temple, of Virginia, to take rank froin May 29, 1863.

T. ,J. Finnie, of Tennessee, to take rank from May 30, 1863.
William Gabbett, of Georgia, to take rank from June 1, 1863.
J o h n Ellicott, of Maryland, to take rank from June 2, 1863.
James F. Jones, of Virginia, to take rank from June 3, 1863.

Pint lieutenants.
R. C. Morton, of Virginia, to take rank from May 28, 1863.
J . H. Jlatthews, of Mississippi, to take rank from May 29, 1863.
H. F. Reardon, of Virg,inia, to take rank from May 30, 1863.
R. A. Storall, of Georgia, to take rank from June 1, 1863.
J. W. Iearce, of L)id,rict of Colnmbix, to take rank from June 2, 1863.
R. L. Sprigg, ot Virginia, to take rank from June 3, 1863.
Fklward Harrison, of Louisiana, to take rank from .June 4, 1863.
R. 8.Iliggason, of Texas, to take rank from June 6, 1863.
J. Triplett Smith, of California, to take rank froin J a n e 5 , 1863.
John 11. Hale, of Texas, to take rank from August 19, 1863.
I am, sir, respe(tfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellcncy J E F F E R ~ O X DAVIS,
PresiZEent, etc.

The message was read.

Ordered, That i t be referrcd to the Committee on Military AffRirs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate Statrs, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary:
Dpeeniber 28, 1865.
To the Senate.
Agreeably to t h e recommendation of t h e rjecretary of War, I nominate Lieut. Col.
E. B. White, of South Carolina, to be colonelof artillery, Provisional Army Confederate



Green 1,. White, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Twenty-fourth Arkansas Regiment,

to rank from May 2, 1863.
JVifliain A. Iuph, of Xortli Carolina, to he adjutant Twelfth Sorth Carolina Battalion, t o rank from JIay 2, 1863.
Crensha\\ Hall, of Alabama, to be adjutant Second Battalion, Hilliards Legion, to
rank from &lay 2, 1863.
T. 13. Colcock, of South Carolina. to be adjutant Third South Carolina Cavalry
Regiment, to rank from May 2, 1863.
W. Hemming\\ ay, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Twelfth Arkansas Regiment, to
rank from May 2, 1863
Charles TI. Lewis, of Arkansas, to he adjutant Twenty-third Arkansas Regiment,
to rank from May 2, 1863
T. S Warren, of Virginia, to be adjutant Fifty-first Virginia Regiment, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
John A. Matthias, of Georgia, to be adjutant Phillips Legion, to rank from May
12, 18G3.
S.B. Clowney, of Sonth Carolina, to be adjutant First Sooth Cafolina Regiment,
to rank from Map 2, 1863.
A. I,. Peel, of Mississippi, !to be adjntant Nineteenth Mississippi Regiment, to rank
froin Xlav 2, 1863.
H. G. GI%
yn, of Tennessee, to he adjutant Twenty-third Tennessee Regiment, to
-rank froni Nay 2, 1863.
Thoinas 11. Miller, of Mississippi, to be adjutant Thirty-fourth Mississippi Regiment, to rank from May 2, 18(X
Regiment, to rank from May
Volney Ellis, 01 Texas, to be itdjutant T ~ e l l t Texas
2, 1863.
Alex. IT. I,oving, of Tennessee, lo be adjutant Twrlftli Tennessee Cavalry IZeginient, to rank froni May 2 , 1863.
Williani H. Keller, of hlabania, to be adjutant Forty-seventh Alabama Regiment,
to rank from JIay 2, 1863.
A. C. Bailey, of Virginia, to be adjutant Eighth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to
rank froin May 2, 1863.
George P. Rrowii, of Alaban~a,to be adjutant Tenth Alabama Regiment, to rank
from May 22, 1863.
George M. Wright, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Twcnty-sixth Arkansas Rcgirncnt,
to rank from May 2, 1863.
B. McFarland, of Mississippi, to bc adjutant Forty-Grst Mississippi Regiment, to
rank from May 2, 1863.
A. F. Claywell, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Sixteenth Tennessee Regimcnt, to
rank from May 2, 1863.
I, F. Bakewell, of Georgia, to be adjntant Twenty-first Georgia Regiinmt, to rank
from June 4, 1863
Lovic Fierce, jr., of Georgia, to he adjutant Fifteenth Georgia Regiment, to rank
from May 13, 1863.
B. F. Chastain, of Georgia, to be adjutant Sixth Georgia Cavalry Regiment, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
IIenry 11. Way, of Georgia, to be adjutant Fifty-fourth Georgia Regiment, to rank
from &lay2, 1863.
T. A. Jeffords, of South Carolina, to be adjutant Fifth South Carolina Cavalry Regiment, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Merrimon, of North Carolina, to be adjtitant Seventh North Carolina
James 1%.
Battalion, to rank from May 2, 18(X
H . N. Harris, of Alabama, to be adjutant Twenty-seventh Alabama Regiment, to
raiik from May 2, 1863.
J. D. 8.Newell, of Louisiana, to be adjutant Fifteenth Louisiana Regiment, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
Jesse B. Jye, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twenty-seventh Georgia Regiment, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
Henry 11. Dinkiris, of North Carolina, to be adjutant Forty-ninth North Carolina
Regiment, to rank froin 3Iay 2, 1863.
John A. Jones, of Georgia, to be adjntant Ninth Georgia Regiment, to rank from
J u n e 4 , 1863.
J. 0. Waddell, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twentieth Georgia Regiment, to rank from
June 4, 1863.
Lawrence Baker, of Gcorgia, to be adjutant Fifty-third (4eorgia Regimcnt, to rank
from June 8, 1863.
A. C. Hickey, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Twenty-sixth Tennessee Regiment, to
rank from May 2, 1863.

Dee. 30,1863.1

rank from July 13, lSG3.





Tll(iiiias E.Cook, of Kentwky, to be adjutant Fifth Kentucky Regiment, to rank

froiii July 12, 1863.
31. S.Clc\elantl, Of Alabaiua, to b e adjutant ISighth Alabaiiia Regiment, to rank
froni July 28, 1863.
ivi11iaiii 12. Price, of Virginia, to be adjutant Forty-eighth Virginia Regiment, to
rank from July 30, 1863.
Or\dle I<\iing, oi North Carolina, to he adjutant Sixtieth North Carolina Regiment, to rank from 3larch 4, 1863.
Richard W.Freeman, of Georgia, to be adjutant Forty-fourth Georgia Regiment,
to rank from August 8, 1863.
Thoinas W. Hoffman, of Virginia, to be adjutant Thirty-first Virginia Regiment,
to rank from July 17, 1863.
\Villiani F. Ogden, of Lonisiana, to be adjutant Seventh Louisiana Regiment, to
rank froiit August 2, 1863.
John 1,. Blairi, of Texas, to be adjutant First Texas Battalion Sharpshooters, to
rank from July 16, 1863.
G . ,T. Ruchanan, of Mixhsippi, to be adjutstilt First Mississippi Regiment, to rank
from August 31, 1863
E d v a i ~ dA. JIarLin, of North Carolina, t o be adjutant Eleventh Kortli Crtroliua
IZeginlcnt, to r m k froiii A i l R w t IS, 1883.
\Villimn M.Siiiith, of South Carolina, to be adjntant First South Carolina Battalion,
to rank from Aupwt 12, 1863.
J. C. Small, of Keiituc~lcy, to lie adjutant Third Kentucky Regiment, to rank
from ;\lay 2, 1SG3
P TValtoii, of Texas, to be adjutant Eigliteenth Texas Regiment, to rank from
May 2, 1863
Benjamin fir Smith, of Virginia, t<Jbe adjntant Twentieth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to rarilr from A n p i t 14, 1863
Janicw F. (irier, of Grorgia, lo I)P adjutant Fifty-fifth Georgia Regiment, to rank
froin Septeniber 9, 1883.
Joel W.Marsliall, of Virginia, to be adjutant Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, to rank from August 10, 18G3.
TV. S. Sawrie, of Arkanras, to he adjutant Secaond Arkansas Regiment, to rank
from August 19, 1883.
J. A . Iiohertson, of Alabaraa, to be adjutant Sixth Alabama Cavalry Regiment, to
rank from August 19, 1863.
15. J. Xurslieedt, of tAouisiana,to he adjutant Washington Artillery Battalion, to
rank from August 10, 1 8 W
Lot &I. Jones, of Bliss~~sippi,
to be adjutant Third Mississippi liegiment, to rank
from August 1, 1863.
D C. Green, of Alabama, to be adjntant Twentieth Alabaiiia Battalion Artillery,
to rank from May 16, 1863.
Vraiic*ib A. Boqle, of liorth Carolina, to be adjutant Thirty-second Sorth Carolina
Regimmt, to raiilr fioiii June 27, 1863.
J o h n C Antlwson, C J ~South Carolina, to be adjutant Thirteenth South Carolina
Regirnrnt, to innk froin S c p t r m h 10, 1Sti3.
1) 11. h n l a p , of Blabaina, to be atljutant Tliiid Alahan~aRegiment, to rank froin
SPptcml)cr 2 , Ism.
I). RRnkiii, of __ , to b e adjutant Second \'irginia Ihttalion, Troops Local
Ikfeiiw, to i a n k frcm J u n e 18, 1863.
I3 11. I < p p e L , J'' , of _ _
jutant Fiist Virginia Battalion, Tiooys 1,

otnnt Second Mispouri (hvalry Regiment, l o



R1:1y 2, 186

jiitaiil Fourth Virginia Hattdion, T r o O l J S I,

Ikff'n~e,to rank fvoin Septcni1)er 17, 1863
IS X c ~ I u l k ~ nof, Texas, to be atljnt:int IWth I'irginia Battalioii, Troops Locaul
Defcnw, to rank from August 15, 1863.
J. .J. ISvwns, of lIi&qhippi, to be adjutant E l e ~ e n t l Mississippi
Reginlent, to rank
from Augnst 25, 1863.
.John A. It. lnil)otlen, of Virginia, to be adjutant Forty-first Virginia Rattalion
Cavalry, to lank from Ortober 5, IS(j3.
It. Imdi-ay, of Ni.sonri to he adjutant 13leventli Missouri Regiment, to,rank from
Blay 2, 1863
W. ( i .Newnian, ot Teniiessee, to lie adjutant Twenty-third Tennessee Battalion,
to rank from Ma) 2, 1863.



RI. T.Bass. of Georgia, to be adjutant Fifty-ninth Georgia Regiment, to rank from

October 15, 1863.
F. S. Findlay, of Virginia, to be adjutant Fifty-firbt Virginia Regiment, to rank
froin October 20, 1863.
A . R.Greigg, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiment, to
rank from Septeinbcr 26, 1863.
Williani K White. of Arkansas, to be adiatant First Arkansas Regiment. to rank
from (ktoher 7, 1863.
J o h n M. Farrk, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Fifteenth Tennessee Regiment, to
rank from Septenibrr 26, 18%.
B. W. Arnold, of Virginia, to he adjutant Fourteenth Virginia Regiment, t o rank
from October 22, 1863.
F. Philips, of Florida, to be adjutant First Florida Cavalry Regiment, to rank
from September 3, 1863.
J o h n S. Tutt, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Sixteenth Arkansas Regiment, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
W.P. McCarty, of Virginia, to be adjiltant Thirteenth Virginia Battalion Artillery,
to rank from October 26, 1863.
0. 1. Sytlenstricker, of Virginia, to be adjutmt Sixtieth Virginia Regiment, to
rank froni Octobcr 22, 1S63.
C. W. Wyatt, of Virginia, to be adjutant T~centy-secondVirginia Cavalry Regiment. to rank from Yo\ ember IG. 1863.
T. 11.. Powell, of North C a r o l h , to be adjutant Twenty-third North Carolina
ltegiment, to rank from Jn1.v 1 , 1863.
C+. It. Sinithcal, of Tennessee, to be atljntant Fifty-first Tennessee Regiment, to
rank from July 1, 1863.
13. F. Parker. of Florida. t o be ailintant Fourth Florida Battalion. to rank from
Octobei 31, 1863
Thomas 3. Fowler, of Tennessee, to lie adjutant Second Tennessee Regiment,
rank from hIay 2, 18GL
William French, of Mississippi, to be adjutant Tenth Mississippi Regiment, to
rank froni Seatcinber 16. 1863.
Edwin P. Siarr, of Georgia, to be x~jutnritEigighteenth tieorgia Battalion, to rank
from Noveinber 9, 1863.
S. G. Worth, of North Carolina, to be adjutant Nineteenth North Carolina Regiment, to ranli froin November 7, 1863.
13. B. Smith, of Alabama, to be adjutant Fifth Alabama Battalion, to rank froin
Soreniber 14. 1863.
Charles A. liaine, of Virginia, to be adjutant Twenty-third Virginia Regiment, to
rank from June 1, 1863.
Cliarles C Tvcv, of Alitbarua, to bc adintant Thirto-sccwid Alabama Regiment, to
rank froin .Jnly 12, 1863
Tliotnab 15 J ~ i i i nof
, (;eorgia, to he adjutant Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisail
ltanpers, to rank from Ovtohcr 8, 1863
C. 1).Waters, of I,ouisiana, to he adjutant Ninth Louisiana Regiment, to rank
from Novciiiber 12, 1863.
J. 11. Rogers, of Keiitncky, to hi1 adjutant Third Kentucky Cavali y Battalion,
to lank froin iVo~cinber15, 1863.
George AIillanl, of Imiisiana, to be adjutant Twenty-second Louisiana Regiment,
to lank froni Septcrnbrr 1 , 18GS.
V. I.: Paclay, of Florida, to bc atljntant Seventh Florida Regiment, to rank from
Augnst 7, 1863.
A. T. Stcnnis, of Mississippi, to 1)e adjutant Fifth Mississippi Regiment, to rank
from Sovcnibrr 14, 18ii3.
.J. G. Clarkc, ot lIi~~1sqipp1,
to I P adjatxnt TVirt Aclum~Cavalry, to rank froin

14, IR(i.3

I a m , sir,, your obedient servant,

To His Excellriicy JICI.FI:RSON
11 ~ Y I S ,


Pwsidmt, rlc.

The message was read.

Orde7+ed,hut, it be reierred to the Conitnittee on Military Aff:tirs.
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.


Ueca. 31, 1863.1


THURSDAY, I k m r i m n 31, 1863.


On motion by Mr. Maxwell,

That the Hon. Jizmcs M. Rnlrer have leave of absence f
the sessions of the Senate until Thursdny nest.
Xr. Maxwell snbinitted thc following rrsolution; which was tollsidered and agreed to:
hcwlivd, That the Coininittee on JIilitary -1ffgir.i lw instrn tl t o iiiqnirc illto tlic
Imqricty of providing b y law for the appoiiitinciit of c-IiapIai for b:itt:\lions ji1 tllc

A iiirhstige froiii the I-Ionsc of Bcpwsent:itircs, hy Mr. 1);tlton:

ITr. P w s i ~ t e n f Phc
lre<icleiit of the Confcrlcmto Rt:ttrs lins Iiotiticd tlie llot~seof
Itepresentatives that on the 2Sth instant
approved a n t i signed the following nrts:
I. It. 74. A i i iact to atnmcl so nruc~liof wetioii I 1 of tiic t a ~law a4 requircs 011ctenth of t h e sweet potatoes protlncwl this ytlnr to be paid to thc ~ ~ O \ ~ ~ r 1 l i :tiid
11. It. 77. An act authorizing the t : i n~kind on 1~:tc~oiito be coiiiinuted Ijy collec.
tioii of p a l t pork as an equivalent.
1 1 ~ 1

0 1 1 iiiotioii hy Mi.. O ~ T ,
The Senate rcsolvc~linto csecativc wssion.
Tlic doors having lxwl opeticd,
Mi.. Cluy (l)y la~vc:) iiiti*odiiced
il joint resolution (S. 90) of th:uiks to ;\l:LjOr Von TZorclco;
which wns read thc : t i i d socotid tiiiics twtl r c f c ~ ~ to
c l the Corn-

?h (Ill SC3lClle Of

ge was rcccivcd f r o i l l the Prcsid~n! of thr

,141.. lj. N. II:~i*rison.
his Sccrctary:
the ~ ~ J l l / ? d P l Y l / (h / ( t f ( A I d . i D l (

The act c3iititlcd An act to a t n c i i t l :in scat ciititlotl nn act to aid thr State of
Kcntuc~ky,nnd for other pnrlwsrs, ~ i p ~ ) r o s 29th
m i .Jaiiuarv, 1862, Iias bcm drily coilsiilcrcd, :itid 1 find ~nyscltcoiistiaiiid, though w r y relactmtlg, t)twirtsc 01 thc
purpose i n siew, to tctrirn the siiiiie to the IIoure 111 which i t oiigtnated, w i t t i :I
st:itciiicnt of the ol)~cctions
c v h i d i cause irie to withhold m y approval.
The act to which t l i i q IS ainendatory was for the tleclared objert of aiding tlie
go\Vwiior and c~oiiricilot fieiitucky to raise and organize troops 111 tliat State for the
Cotifcduiatc scwiw, aiid to supply them witti clothing, anbsistcnce, traiisportatton,
:iriii,, mcl a i n i r i r i ~ i i t i o n . The second section of that act rarefnllg providcd tlic ~ n a n n i v
ing icvluicitions oii the appropriation so as to Berure its app1ic:ition to t k i c
l o r w hic*ti it w a y designed, namely, to pro\Idc for Iroops raiwtl for the Colte sersice anterior to their briiig nrirstercd into the sattie, nntl tlJerrfore beforv
t1it.y cwiltl br supplied by the oficws of the Confct1er:~teArmy.
Thc a r t now before me deyotea one-half of that a1)proprintitrli l o n p u r ~ entirely
~ ~ c

eacsli other.
1 f the allo~vanceof clothing be not eiiflicicnt, a better retiwtly woiiltl secwi to tw :in
iiicrpase of the appropriation for the (*lothiiig for tlich n holv A h r , Iliat tlrc gr;ttdiil
d u t y might in that case be performed by the Confetferatc>anthoritie.r of issuing to tllc



[Dec. 31,1863.

soldier whatever additional allowanc e the (ioverrnnent may he able to promre and
his Ivants niay reqiiir.
I t \$ill be further porceirctl that to rtvqniecx as well founded the iinplication
contaiiictl i u this bill that extra supplies of dothing furnished to the soldiers ought
to be p i t t for h y the Confederacy, Tvould lay the foundation for large claims to be
made hereafter by the States for reimbursement on account of clothing supplied by
them t o their soldiers.
Tf t h e discrimination made by this act i n favor of the gallant soldiers of our sister
State of ICentucky originates from the natural sympathy excited by their separation
from such comforts as they might expect to receive if able to coniinunicate with
their homes, Congreps will not fail to perceive that there are many other troops in
the service in like condition and whose claims to cwwitleratioii Ptand on precisely the
aaiiie footing.
R r c r r ~ o m VA.,
December 31, 1863.

The message mas read.

The Senate proceeded to reconsider the bill (S. 153) returned by the
President with his objections; which bill is in the following words:
An act to ameiid an act cntitled An act to aid the State of Kentucky, mid for other purposes,
approved thc twciity ninth of January, eighteen hiindrcd and \ruty two

The Conqress of the (onfederafe 8 t r t e s of Americcr d o enact, That the act approved
January the t\centy-ninth, eighteen hniiiired and sixty-tuo, directing the Secretary
of tlic Treasury to isme to t h e State of Kentucky, upon the application of t h e gorernor and c.ouncil of the provisional governinent of said State, the sum of two
millions of dollars in Treasury notes, 1)e so amended as l o authorize the said governor and council to appropriate the suin of one million of dollars of the said amount
in purchasing clothing for t h e use and benefit of the Kentucky troops now in the
military service of the Confedeiate States; and the Secretary of the Treasury is
hereby authorized to pay to the governor of Kentucky said sum out of any money
in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
ICjDeaker of the ITouse o j Representataues.
R. &T.
B e s i d m t of ike Bnirle pro tempore.
I certify that this act originated in the Senate.
JAMES 1. SASH, Xecrettcry.

On motion by Mr. Ow,

O d m d , ThkLt the further consideration of thc hill he postponed
until Tuesday next, aud that the message lie upon the table.
The President pro temporc laid beforc thc benate a coinrnunication
from the Secretary of the Navy, subrnitting :t stntenicnt of transfers
of a propititions under the cognizance of the Navy Department;
whic was wad.
Oydemcl, That it be referred t o the Coninlittee on Finance.
On motion by Mr. Semnics,
Ordee?*ed,That when the Henrite adjourn it be to Saturday next,
On motion by Nlr. Setrimes,
The Senate adjourned.



The Senate proceeded to consider the resolutions reported f r o m the

Comrnitteti on Foreign Affairs on the 29th instant, in relation to send
i n g an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to His
Majesty the Eiriperor of Mexico; and
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Ordmed, That the further consideration thereof be postponed till
to-morro w.

3 R l l . 2, 1S64.j



[.Ian. 2, 1864.

M r . ?Johnsonof Georgia presented a coiriniunication from Henry W.

I-Iilliarci in relation to the detail of t h e tire battalion of t h e city of
Augusta f o r service st that place during the mar; which mas referred
to the Comniittee on Military Affairs.
Mi-.Scrnmrs (b.y leave) introduced
A hill (S. 171) f o r the establishmeiit and regulation of territorial
coiiim~ndsin the Aruiy;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Coniinittee on Milikary Affairs.
The following message was rcccivcd from the President of the Confcderatc States, by Mi-. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
RICmroSD, \.I., December S1,2863.
To tlir ,Vmn(e of ihe CoiafPilemte Stiites:
I hert.with transmit for your inforrnation a conimunication froin the Secretary of
War, covering copies of several reports of inilitary operations.

ferived to the Committee oti Military Affairs.

Mr. CIiiy subtiiittccl the following re\olution; which was considered
arid agreed to:
Resolcecl, That thc Iresiclcn t of the Cor
erate Sldtes be requested to inform the
Senate whcther tlic taxcs ha\ c bcen : I S S ~ S i n t h e Confederate States 111 ronforinity n i t h the reqaircnlent-, ot the act entit
A n act for the assesbinent and collection of tayw, approt ed Nay first, eightccn hundred and sixty-three; and, i t not, 111
I\ h i d i of tlic> States of tlie Confederacy ha\ c they not been assessed, 111 M h c h have
tliey heeii assessed, v tien nere thcp aesetted, and when will the aebessinent be coinpletetl 111 those s(( tions 01 the, Contederacy not occupitd by the arms of t h e enemy.
A n d that he furthcr intoriri tlie Senate n h e t h e r the taxes haxe been collected 111
nit\, ant1 which, State of thc Contedc.rrrcy, and i t not i n \t hole, \\hat portion of t h e
taxe8 111 any State, and 111 u L\wh State..has been c~ollec.tedin accordance with paid
nct, and 11lien the collwtron of thestinie \t 111 Iic cwntpleted 111 the sections of the ConIcderacy not occupicd by the enemy.

Nr. S e m m e ~f, i 0111 thc Coiiiinittcc on Financc, repoi ted

A k ~ 1 1 1(S. 172) to ~iicr(vtsethc conipcnsiition o f certain civil officws
:tiid employees in the Executive h p a I tincntq a t Ricliinond for w limited
whic.11 w a k read tlrc fiist and sccond timcs and considered as in Conimittce of the Whole.
After debate,
Oii motion hy 1\11.,Dortch,
Tkic Scnatc rc~olvedinto executive scrsion.
T h e doors having been opened,
T h e Senate rc~uined,iis in Committee of tho Wholc, the consideration of tlw bill (S.168) to orgmize foicea to serve during the war; and
ion hy Mi.. S p ~ i ~ r o w ,
I , Tliat t h e further consideration thereof he post,ponecl to
nnd made the .pecial order for Monday next a t half past 12 od~cli.
On motion Ly Mr. Clark,
The Senate adjourned.

Jan. 4, 1864.1




The following nicss:tge IVRY reccivcd froiii thc President of

fcdcrntc States, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary :



On motion by MI.. Syai-row,

Orde&, That the Committee on Military Affairs be discharged

from the further ckonsideration of a resolution Inquiring into the propi*iety of providing by law for the appointment of chaplains for
battalions in the Army.
Mr. Caperton, from the Committee 011 the Judiciary, to whorri was
referred the hill (11. K. 79) to prohibit dealing in the paper currency
of the enemy, reported it with an amendment.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the bill and amendment be printed.
A message from the House of Itepresentatives, by MI-. Dalton:
MT.President: The House of Representatives agree to the amendment of the Senate
to the bill (H. R. 7 8 ) to put an end to the exemption from military service of those
who hare heretofore furnished substitutes.
And they have passed bills and a joint resolution of the following titles; in which
they request the coiicurrence of the Senate:
1. R. 81. An a r t to prevent the procuring, aiding, a i d assistiiiy pcmons to desert
from t h e Army-of the Coiifederatc States, and for other pnrp
FI. R ti2. An a r t to grant a special copyright to W. J . Ha
for Hardees Rifle antl Infailtry Tartics; anc1
H. R. 20. Joint resolution
rnrollt~dbills antl
The Speaker of the lous(:
m t e for the signaan enrolled loint rcsolntion,
ture of their Presidcnt.

Mr.Phelan, from tho Coniniittec on the Judicinry, to whoiii was

referred the bill (S. 170) t o providc for the nuditinq and payment of
certain claims i n the State of ?tllississippi, reported It without aincndmcnt.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the bill bo printed.
The bills and joint resolution received tliis cfaj CIY)III tlie House of
Representatives for concurrence were severally read thc first and second
Ordered, That the bill numhcrccl 81 he referred to the Coninlittee
on Military Affairs; the bill nunil)crcd 82 to thc Comniittce on the
,Judiciary, and the joint rcsolution numbcred 20 to tlie Coniriiittee on
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Scnatc iwolved into cxcciitive -ession.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Dortch, from the conirnittee, reportctl that they had esaniined
and found truly enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the following
1. R. 76. An act to put an end to thc, cxeinption from military service
of those who have heretofore furnished substitutes;
3. R. 78. An act providing for filling vacancies of Delegates to Congrqss in certain Indian nations; and
S. 16. ,Joint resolution i n relation to thc puhlk printing.
The Yresidcnt pro tempore having signed tlic enrolled bills and the
enrolled joint resolution Ia\t reported to have been examined, they
were d e l i r e i ~ dto the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith
presented to tlie President of the Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
The Senate adjourned.

Jan. 5, 1861.1




ing persons to deheit from the Army of the Confederate Sta

f o r otlier pt1rp05cb. rciportcd it without aniendnient.
On iiiotion 1)s Mr. S ~ U T O W ,
O ~ d c ? w lT, ha t i t bc printed.
Mr. Clay, from the Committee on Military Aflairs, to wh
referred the joint iwolution (S. 20) of thanks to Major Von
reported it without auiendiiient.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the TVhole, t o the co
eration of the joint resolution last mentioned; and having been atrie
it was reported to the Senate and the ainendrnent was concurred in,
Oidtr~cZ,That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
R e s c h e d , T ha t it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O r d e d , T ha t tho Secretary request the co ~ ~ cu rre n of
c e the House
of 1ieprcsent:itircs therein.
Mr. Ilill, fioni the Comniittw on thcdudiciary, to whom was referred
tho bill (S.167) to nmcnd an act to m r i d c a mode of authenticating
claims for nioncy :qpinst the Confcc erate States, not otherwise provided for. approved August 30, 1861, reported it without amendment.
Mr. Ilill, fl*oiii tlic Co1ninittc.c 011 the ,Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 1.54)to pievent speculation, hoarding, and extortion, reported i t with tlic rcconimciidation th at it ought not to pass.
On iiiotioii by A h . Maxwell,
O i & ~ c d , That i t he printed.
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas subriiitted the following resolution; which
mas considered and agreed to:


Resolved, That the Coilinlittee oil Finance be instructed to inquire into the expecliency of repealing that prorision of the assessment law which inakes persons under
forty-five yeais of age ineligible to appointment as chief collector of taxes.

On motion by Mr. Clay,

O&red, That the joint resolutions of the general asscnibly of the
State of Alal-)ama in relation to the escrnptioii of the fairiilics of
soldiers whose support i s derimd horn white labor alone from the
payment of the tax i n kind; i n rclntiorr to the cxcitnptioii of certain
persons from llir payment of the Confodcrnte (tax in kind; and in
relation to taxation and Coiifodcrate currency, bc referred to the Committcc on Finance.
Mr. illaxwcll (1)s leave) introduced
A hill (S. 174)to anllioriec the issue of ccrtnin bonds fo r payment
to the Alabatna atid Iloi*itlnR a i l r o d Company, of tlic State of Florida;
which TZ as read the first and second tiiiies and referred to the Coolinittee on Finance.
The Scrixte resumed the reconsideration of the bill (S. 153) to amend
an act, entitled (An act to aid t8hr State of Kentucky, and for other
purposes. approved the 2!lth of ?January, 1862, returned by the President with hi5 ohjcctions; a i d
On motion by 1121.. Siimis,
Ordelered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
Monday next.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate resolved irif o cxcwdivc session.
The doors having been opened,

J m . 5,1664]


Ihe hills (11. R. 53. 11. R. 84, 1. R. 85) rcceived this day
Ilot~scof Kcpresciitatircu for concurrence were severally read the first
iind hccoiid timcs and rcferrccl to t1heConiiiiittec on Financc.
Llir SciitLte rcsiiiiicd, :is i i i Cotmuittee of the Whole, the c
tion of the bill (S.158) to organizc forces to scrve during the
motion by A h . Sp:irrow,
O / & w d , I1i:it the furtilei. coiisidcrntioii tlicreof be postpone
arid iiiatltb the specid order for to-inorrow at h d f past 12 oclocl~
0 1 1 iiiotioii by ill 1. ,Jolitisoii 01 Gcorgia,
Ihc Scnatc :Idjouriictl.



[.Jan. 6 , 1864.

On the question t o agree to tho :tmendment proposed hy Mr. Orr,

It wit:, dcterniined in the affirmative, \
- - -- - 2o
7 hays- _ _ _ _ --.. _
_ ._ . _
0 _
On motion by Nr. Seinims,
The yeas and nays bcirig desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in tlic affirmtbtive are,
Messrs. Brown, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Dortch, IIenry, Hill, IIunLer,
Jeniison, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Phelan, Seninies, Siinnis, Sparrow. and
On motion by Mr. Clay, to aiuend the resolution by adding thereto
the words

with the further qiialificatioii that the Honatcx d o not at1vis.e in:dciiig a treaty of
defensive alliarice against the Iiiitccl States for ten )wars with Rlesico,

It was detcriniiied in tlic n c p l i w , jYtvLs.

1 haysOn iriotion by AIr. Orr.

----- -----_--- ---

. _. . . . _._ .-



The yens atid nays h i n g dehired by om-firth of the Senators present,

Those who voted in the afiirniativc :ire,
Messrs. C~pertoii,Clay, Hill, Iiuiitcr, eJcinisoii,A ohri~onof Georgia,
lhclan, and \\igfall.
,I\hose who voted in tlic negntivc, are,
Messrs. I h w n , Clark, I)ortch, 1Ienrj , Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Olclharn, Orr, Semmcs, Siirirns, and Sparrow.
On the question to agroo to thc sec*ondrcsolutioii as amended,
It TVW determined in the afirlnatirc, Yeas
Nays _ _ _ _- -_ _- _- -_ -_- - _ _- _ . _- 8
On motion by Mr. O rr,
T h e yeas aiid nags being clcsircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the aftirniativc niv,
Measrs. 13rowr1, Clark, Dortrh, Tlenry, dolinson o f hrlmnsas, ,Johnson of Missouri, lllaxwcll, Oldhain, Orr, Qwiiiies, Siiiiins, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in tlic ncgxtivr arc,
GLpcrton, @1:~y,Iiill, IXantrr, tJcniison, .Joh~isonof Georgia,
Ptielm, and IVigfdI.
1 werc agrcYd to :Is follows:

at a n envoy cutr?oriliriary anti minister pleni1 : ~I perur of 3Icu 1c n

Resol? ed, That the Senate adviqe that negotiations I)c eritc,red upnn with His Majesty thc Xiiipcror of 1lexic.o on the basi. 1 ) in the draft of instmctions accornpanying the Presidents IiiesLagc, with t h t x qualificatiori that the rcciprocd frec trade
proposed 011 the frontier 1,e eutrwlrd t o all the ports of the tMo countrie6, and limitcd to articles the growth, produce, and manufacture thereof, respectively.

Mi*.Hill, from the Conimittcc on the ,Judiciary, t o w h o n i ~ vreferred

(on the 23d nltiiiio) the nomiriation of It. W. Coltart, to be marshal o f
the district of hliil)aum, reported, with the recomrncndation that said
nomination he confiriued.
The 8eri:itc proccedecl t o consider said rcport; arid in concurrence
therewith, it was
E m h e d , That thc Senate tidvibc and consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the noinination of the Trwident.
On motion by Mr. Hunter,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.



[Jan. 6,1864.

A joint resolution (s.22) for the benefit of Zedelriah M c I h i e l , of

Kentucky, and Francis 31. Eming, of Nississippi;
which was read the first and second times; and
O n motion by Nr. Brown,
O7&3~d, That the resolution and report be printed.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
The Senate adjourned.

A message from the House of Itepresentativcs, by Mu. Dalton:

hfr. lrrsident: The IIouse of Representatives hare passed a bill (II.R. 86) to provide for holding elrctioiis for Represrntatives in the Congrrss of the Coilfederate
States froiii the State of Blissouri; iii ~ h i c l ithey request tlie coiic~irrenceof the


On motion by Mr. Burnett,

Ordewd, That the bill (S.175) to suspend the writ of habetm corpus
in all cases involving the right to subject to military duty I)W
l ~ Curnishcd
substitntcs to thc hriny of the Confederatc
transferred to the Secrct Legislative Cdcndxr.
On motion hy MI-. Orr,
The Senate reso1vc.d into open legislatire session.
The Senate being agaiii in wcwt legislative scshion,
On motion by hlr. Caperton, that t h r bill (S. 158) to organize forces
to serve during the war he transferred to the Secrct Legislative
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l5
It was determinedin theafirniative, Yeas
Nays _ . - - - - -._
4_ _
On motion by Mr. Orr,
T h e yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senatoi-sp i ~ e n t ,
Thoqe who voted i n t h c :&rmtitive are,
Messrs. Brown, Burnctt, Caperton, Cltirk, Clay, Dortcli, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, Jemison, Johnsori of Georgi:L, Johnson of R r l m i s u ,
Maxwell, Phelan, and Shims.
Those who voted i n the negative arc,
Mesvs. Oldhani, Orr, Scninic,~,:tiid Wigfall.
So it was
Ordered, That tlio bill (S. 158) to orgxnizo Corces to serve during
the war be transferred to the Secrct Lcgisl:Ltivc Calendar.
The Senate proceeded, a s ill Coiiiiiiittcc of thc JYliole, to the caonsideration of the bill (S.175) to suspcnd the xrit of h:ibenb corpus in all
cases involviug the right to siibiwt to iiiilitnry duty persons who have
furnished sulatitutes to the Army of thc Coilfederate S tatcs; and
On motion by Jfr. Clap,
Orcieyed, That it, be rcfcrred t o the Coininit on the Judiciary.
The bill (H. B. 86) rccei1,ed this day from t tie Iiouse of Kepresentatives f o r concurrence ma5 read t h c firbt and hecond tinies and referred
to the Committee on the ,Judicixry.
The Senate resumed, as i n Coniriiittee of the Whole, the consideration o f the hill (S. 158) to org:inizc f o i w s to scrre during tlic war.
On motion by Mr. P h e h n , that the furtlier c*onsidci.ntionof the bill
be postponed to and made the specid order for to-inorrow ct 1oclock,
It was deternlined in the negatit-e, Yeas - - Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ 16

Jan 7, 1Yb4.1

On motion by Mr. Orr,

Tile yeas aiid nags being desired by one-fifth of the Senators pre
Thohe who voted in the iifirmative are,
hlcssrs. ISrown, Burnctt, Clay, and IheIan.
Those n ~ h ovoted in the iicgsttive are,
3lessi.s. C a p i t o n , Cl:i~li, h u t c h , H e n r y , Ilill, Hunte
,Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of Aihiisas, dohiison of Mi
iiaiii, Orr, Seniiii(~s,Siniiii,s, Spirrom, tind Wigfall.
0 1 1 motion by BIr. I)ortch, to :iinciid the bill by striliing out, section
1, liiic 3, the word sixteen xiid inserting eighteen,
After dcibatc,
On iiiotion 1)s Jfr. Orr,
The Senate resolved iiilo executive bchhion.



[Jan. 7, 1864.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution; and having

been amended, it was agreed to as follows:
Resolwtl, Tliat thc Seigeaiit at-Ariiis of the Senate is hereby instructed to procure,
for the use of the Coilnilittee on Finance, the Coiiiniittee on Foreign Affairs, the
Committee on tliv Jutlic*iary, and tlie Committee on Military Affairs, copies of all the
acts of t h e Pro\ isional and P t ~ i i i a i i tCongress;
and it shall IN> his duty, dnring the
recess of Congress, to take charge of and preserve the saiiie for the said committees.

Mr. Phelan (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 176) declaring a11 persons owing military service to the
Confederate States, and who voluntarily depart beyond the boundaries
thereof without the written permission of the President, with intent
to abandon the Pame, alien enemies; and subjecting such persons, in
all respects, to the laws in relation to the same;
which was read the first and sccond tiines and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Henry (by leave) iiitrodticed
A bill (S. 177) to decl:wc, ccrtaiii persons alien ciieiniw, and t o
sequestrate their property;
which w i z b read the h t and srcond times and rcfcrrcd to the Committee on the ,Judiciary.
On motion t)y A h . Clay,
O~deren,That the resolution of the general assembly of the State
of R1:tbania in relation to thc enfortenicnt of tlic conrc~iptlaws of the
Confederate States he referred to the Committee on Military ABairh.
Mr. Clay (1)sleave) introduccd
A bill (8. 178) to provide payment for printing done by authority
of the two Houses of Congress;
which was rcad the first a n d second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no :~incridinentbcing niade, it W:LS reported
to the Senate.
Ordered, That it bc eiigrosscd and 1 ~ a ad third time.
The said bill was read the third tinie and the title W R S :mcndcd.
BesoZaed, Ihat it p h s , aiid that thc title thereof l)c b A l i i wt to provide p a p e n t for crrtaiii priiitiiig theixiin incntionctl; done Iy authority of the two Ion,ies of Congress.
Ordemd, That the S c c i ~ h r yrequest the conc1irronce of tlie House
of Representatives thcrcin.
Mr. Johnson of Arlinnias, froiii the select committee appointed at
the 1a3t session to iiivestjptc and roporl, :it tlie pl~;seritsession, upon
the expediency of providing for regular and perfect reports of the
debates of the Scnntc, :tnd to prepare a propel- system to govern this
service, subiiiittcd L: report ( S o . 14) accoiiipaiiicd by the following
RI.\olard b!/ thr h r i f r , That
11 and fair report of the debates mid proceedings
of tlie legislative eebqioiii of tli
iiatc i i of thc first iirqmrtaiiw to a just, conscieiiofficial dutiw, ancl as su(1iis essciitial to its proper
tiou., and effective evxntion o
be, ant1 i 4 hereby, eiiipowcred to contract with and
Resolved, That
employ one o r more coinpcteiit rtciiograplier.r, whose duty it shall be to report the
debates and proceedings of t h e Senatc 111 open and wcrct legiplatii e sessions, antl
who shall become officers of the Senate, enjoying the rights and priwlegcs, and subject to the rules, regulations, arid priial ties z! hirli arc or limy be hrrcafter prescribed
by t h e Senate, antl \\I10 shall talrc such oath of ofire as i y iiow prescribed for the
officers of the Senate, or a b hereafter may be prescribed.



[Jan. 7,18

On motion by Jlr. Semnics,

Ordwec(, That the bill and amendments be printed.

The President pro ternpore laid before tlie Senate a communication
from the Kecrtxtary of the Trearury, transmitting a statement showingthe nrrioixnt of money received into the Treasury under the sequestration l a ~ up
s to Janiiary 1, 1864; which was read.
O d e r d , That it lie upon the table.
The President pro tempore presented the credentials of the Hon.
William E. Simms, chosen a Senator by the governor and council of
the provisional government of the State of Kentucky, for the term of
six years, from the 18th day of February, 1861; which were read.
On inotion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Maxwell, from the committee, reported that tliey had examined
and found truly enrolled a bill and joint resolution of the following
titles :
S. 160. AIIact3to authorize the appointnirntt of n ihi1-d Aitditoi- of
the Lreabury; and
S. 21. Joint resolution of tlinnks to Gen. 1tol)ert fi:. Lec a i d to the
officers aiid soldiers under his coninland.
The President pro tcir1poi.e httvirig signed Lhe enrolled bill and
enrollrd joint resolution last reportcd to have hren e x m i i n d , they
were dclivei.ed to the Secretary of the Senate and by hini forthwith
presented to tlie lrcsidcnl o f the Confederate States fo r his approral.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 158) t o organizc forces to serve during t h o WRL.
The yuestion being on agreeing to the ainendnient proposed to the
hill by Mr. l)ortc.h, viz:
Strike out, section 1,line 3, the word histoen and insert eighteen,
After debatc,
On niotion by MY.Sps11row,
The Senate resolved into open lcgislativc session.

Mr. Sparrow, from tho ConiinilLcc~on Military Anairs, to whom was

referrcd (Jmuary 26, 1863) the nomination of ,Jowph Wheeler, to be
iriajor-general, reported, with the rcconimendation that said nomination be not confirnied.
dcd to considor said report; and
On iiiotion 1)y MI.. Maxwcll,
Ovde~ed,That thc, f rrrther consideration tfiercwf be postponed till
Mr. S p m ~ o s vfrom
t h e Coinmittee on Military AUairs, to whom
was referred (February 27,18G3) the nomination of JVi lliain ,I ohnston,
to be assistant quaitermaster, with the rank of captain, reported, with
the recommendation that said nomination be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and


Jan. 8,1804.1

On inotioii by Mr. Simms,

(hdeiwi, That the further coiisidcrution thereof
Mr. Sparrow, from the Comniittee on Military Affairs,
was rcferrcd (on the 24th A pril, 1863) the noniiiintion of J .
&ti, to bc iriajor, i-q)orted, with t lic rccoiiiniciiclatioiithat sai
t i o t i 1)c con ti txieil.
llic Scuatc pi-ocecdcd to conbidor said report; and
0 1 1 uiotion by RIr. IS1111111s,
O i d ( > i c i t J , That tiic Fnr thc L c~onsictcratioiithercof 1
pos tpoiied ti1I

On niotioii by N r . ; \ I : ~ s ~ c l l ,
lhc Srii;itc rcsolvcd i i i t o hwr(>f,lcgi&tivc




[Jan. A, 18

The message was read.

Ordei~ed,lhat it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Xr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Itrcrrwonn, \a , Jaaimry 7 , 2864.
To tlie SrnrrtP ~ 1 1 1 1JTOILWof Rrprcsentaticcs:
I herewith transinit for your illforination a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering copies of several additional reports of military operations.

The message was read.

O~derecl,That i t be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13, N. ZIarrison, his Secretary:
RkrrxoNn, VA., January 8, 1864.
To the Senate oJ the Coqfederate States:
I Iierewitli transmit for your inforniation a communication from tlie Secretary
7 15 Johnqtoii, of his opcratioiig in
ot t h e report of &I
ibsi1)i)iarid 1 h s t IAIU IIIR, antl o f the rcport of Limt.
l ~ n Hakerii
Crcck, antl tlic. siege
f tl1P I,aitlcq o t Port
correspondt.nre of the lkpnrtment
of licks:l)urg, to 1iic.h is nppcmiecl a copy
with hini relative to ~oiiiepoints of the rclliort vhicli wcrcl thought to require

The mcssrtgo mas read.

C)?*tir,md,That i t bo roferrccl t o tlir Committee on Military Affairs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N.ILnrrison, his Secretary:
Va., Juriiimy Y , 2864.
70the Senate and IIouse of Repr~sen/nliies.

I herewith transmit for your inforination n communication from the Secretary of

War, covering copies of s ( ~ e r a adilitiuiixl
reporta of military opcrations

Thc message m:is read.

O ~ d w ~ That>
d , it be refrrrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following nressagr was rwcired from the Prehident of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secret:try:
\A, ,Jcinzcary Y, 1864.
To tlw Senate and l l o u s ~of Rrpresenttita
1 herewith transmit for your iiiforniation n c~oininuiiic~ation
from the Secretary of
War, covering a ropy of the report of Brig. ( i ( l 1 i . It. S. Riplry, of operations From
August 21 to Septcmber 10, 1863.

The message was read.

Ordered, That i t be i,eferred to the Coniniittec on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Sp:Lrrow,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate resumed, :LY in Coinmittcc of tlic Whole, thc considerntion of the hill (S. 1%)to o r p i i i e c f o i ~ to
~ berve
during the war.
The question bcing on agrceing to the aiiiendmmt proposed to t h e
bill by Mr. Dortch, viz:
Strikeout, section 1,line 3, the word iixteen and insert eighteen,
After debate,
O n motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate resolved into executive session.

Jan. 8,1864.1


Tho f o l l o ~ i n gniessagx? \177:15 r e c e i \ d from the President of t

feder:itc St:ites, by Rilr. II:wrison, his Secretary:



[Jan. 8,1864.

The lllessngc W:IS read.

(f, Th:it i t t)c, rcfcrrcd to thc Coinmittce on Military Affairs.
The following niessagc n a b received from the President of the Confederate States, by Xr. Harrison, his Secretary:
1~ICRMONI>,January 8,


I i r recommendation of the Secretary of War, J nominate the officers

lying list to t h e rank a f i x e d to their names, respectively.

Nwlinioiid, January 9, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recorninend the follon inp noniinations for promotion in
the Prorisional Ariiiy of the Confederate States of America:

11 Rlissonri ltegiment, vice

Lient. Col. A. C. Iickett, of Arkaiis:
Colonrl Stecn, killcd, to lank froni I)
rcnth illissonri lit>gii~ient,
Lieut. Col. Siinon l
f r c i i i i hl;trch 2-1, 1 8 W
\ i(.c (olonel 11 n n t e ~ ,
ouri, to 1)c c.olorrel Sixteenth 5
1,ieiit. Col. I,. &I.I,
) lailk fro111 31kucll 24, 1863.
\ire Coloncl Culd\\ ell

Ltoctc t c t r , t t - c ofoncls.

. l\illiq 31 Io~iclw, of lllis-sonii, to 1)e lii,irtciiant-col.)n~lT\zelfth hlissouri

m t , to rank from Ocstohcr 22, 1862.
Maj. \V. 11. Moore, of hliwoiiri, to be licntenaiit-coloncl Tenth Missouri IZeginicnt,
1 icc 1,ieutcriant-Colonc~llic-kcltt, proinotcd, to rank from Ih-ctnber 7 , 1862.
Naj. Tliotrias 11. Murray, of hlismnri, to he lieutmant-colonel Elwenth Missouri
Regiment, \icy! 1,ieuteii:iiit-Colonel Rnrns, promoted, to rank f r o m hlarch 24, 1863.
Maj. 1. W. 11. Cumniiiig, ot Missouri, to be lielitenant-colonc.1 Sixteenth Missouri
Regiment, vice Licutenaat-Coloncl Lewis, proiiioted, to rank from March 24,1883

K ajar,?.
(:apt. S. Harris, of Nismuri, to bc iiiajor Tonth Nimniri Reginwnt, Tic(. Major
Moore, poinotrd, to r m k from Ikcwrlk)rr 7, I 862.
(apt. Jarlies Phillips, ot iiIissouri, to I)(. niiijor 14:
irtli hliwomi Rrginicnt, \ice

Jlrssouri I<eginicnt, oice

JtlR31~:s A. BII:IjJ)ON,
Secrctccry of Mrar.
To 1 Iis Escellenry J

l h c message was r d .
O d e r e d , That it be rcfrrrcd to thc Conmiittee on Military h f af i i s
The following i i i e w ~ g owas rwcivcd from thc President of the Confederate States, by 11.11.. IIaLrrison, his Secrctary :
To the Senate:
Agiceably to tlic icc.oinnic~iidatioiiof tlie Sccrctary of War, 1nominate the officers
on the acco~npaiiyinglixt tu llie raiilr affixed to their names, respectively.

WARI ) m ~ m r r h i m T Rtcliniolzd,
Ilecpmber 8,I&&?.
SIR: 1h a r e tlic honor to recoininend the folloa ing nominatioiis for appointment
in the lrovisional Army of the Confederate States of America, for distinguished valor
and skill:



I. 11. McCrady, of Yirginia, to be becoiid lieuteiiaiit Company D, Fourth Virginia

Reginlent, to ratilc froiii May 22, 1863.
I)rnry hey, of \irpinia, to IIC second lieutenant Company I, Twenty-third Virginia Iirgiincirt, t o 1,liili fiorn May 21, 1863.
\Villiaui A. Iij an, of Alabama, to be second lieutenatit Company I?, Zightli Alabama 12egiiiient, to rank from N a y 2, 3863.
,I. \V. Rorwood, of Alabaiiia, t o be second licutciiant Company A, Third Alabama
Caralry Regiment, to rank from &lay 2, 1863.
I). IC. Katefi, of Alabama, to be second lieutenant Jeff. Davis Artillery, to rank froin
January 20, 1S63.
G. C. Foresinger, of Vigiiiia, to be second lieutenant Company I, Thirty-sixth
Tirginia Regiment, to rank from ;\lay 22, 1868.
C. Berkeley, of Virginia, to be second lieuteiisiit McClanahans battery, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
0. I. Youmans, of South Carolina, t o be second lieutenant Coiiipaiiy C, Second
Snnth Carolina Jlegiment, to rank from Alay 2, 1863.
I. .T. Horn, o fAlabaii~a,to he second lienteriant Compauy I), T~velfttlAlabama
Regiment, to rank from &lay 2, 1863.
J. 0. Patten, of L\lal,ania, to be wco~idlieutenant Company 1, Twelfth Alabaiiia
Itegiirieiit, to rank iroiii ilIay 2, 1863.
13. P. OKcal, of Alabatrra, t o be secoiiil lirutciiaiit Chnpariy I<, T\velitll Alaba111a
Rrgiineiit, to iaiilr froun BIay.2, 1
M. 8. Stringfellow, of Yirptiia,
lid lieuttmant Coiiipiriy .\, Tliirtceuth
Virginia Rcyinicnt, to lank troiii
J. LLWalker, of Virgitiia, to b
icutc~llaritCoinpuuy I<, Fotty-fifth \mginin lkgiiimit, to r:iii k I t OUI J 111
\V. 8. \ V t l l m i i s o u , oi X o i t h (xiolinn, t o be second Iicwtenntit (:oiripany A , Thirtli C a ~ ~ i I i tI<egiineiit,
J . N. \liIlia~ii~oti,
of Sortli Caiol
iaiit Cotupmy A , Thirteeiitli Eorth Caroliii,~lteqiuit>iit, to
J o h n \Y. Glenn, of Korth Carolin
1 Cornpaiiy I I, Twentythird Kortli Cxrolina 12cgitiicnt, to i;cuk Iroin May 22, 18(iS.
I,. E. \ldplrt, of , to be secoiirl lieuteriant Piist Battery Artillery, 1Iarclecs
Coips, to rank fioiri 31ay 26, 186::.
Joe Turner, of Temr, to 7 PC xcond lieutenant Cotnpaiiy I<, Fifth Texas Regirlleiit,
to rank from Juue 8, 1863.
, Sixth 1%-ginia Itcgi-

(, Sevciitli 1,ouisiaiia
y 1), ~ e \ ~ e I l l.\l:llI~Llll:~

iip:niy I:, Forty-fourth

1 Colll1,ally 1+:, TwentyIt11y

r , Keverltll


)any 11, First Virginia

y I , Sixtieth Yirpinia

u y U, Tlriril Alabania

> m y A , Sixtieth North

Caroliiia licqiiiieiit, to muk from ,J\ily 1, 1803.
U. T. White,, of Xorth C:iroli tia, to h sc~contllicwtciiant (:ompaiiy I(,Sixtieth
North Caroliixt ltcgitncnt, to rank frorri July I , lS(i3.
8. G. Durgc~s,of I h q l a n d , to Iw beco11tl licut(want 3lamciiburgs Imttcij , to rank
froiri July 17, 1863.
1,. 8. tcj ton, oi Virginia, to lie rccontl licnteiiant Goiiipany C, Sixticth Virginin
Regiment, to rank frorii J u l y 23, 18(i%.
P. G.Obeirch<iiu,ot \iipinia, to 1~ wcoiid licluteiiaiit Botctonrt Ihttcry, to rank
from May 18, 1SG3.
A. 8. R4urptiy, of I,onisiaii:L, to 11(
) i i t l licvteiiaiit Chinpxiiy C, First Louisiana
Regiment, to rank from May 2, 1 8 M
A. J. Crosfi, of Alabaina, to Ixl wcontl liwtenant Coiiipaiiy I), lJifty-fir,at hlabaiiia
Regiment, to rank froiii July 25, 1863.



W u z D E P ~ T X I E12ichmond,
December 8,1
MIR: 1 ]lare the hoiior to rwoiiiiiiciitl tlic followng nominations for appoin
in the Prorisional Arriiy of the Confederate States of America:
R z p c i l ollicers-secoutl 1ieufe)mnt.s.
Charles FI. ('an-ood, of Virginia, to take rank from June 26, 1863.
Edlvard 6 . Hug!ks, of Tcxa~,to take rank from August 19, 1863.
\V. C. Schley, ot Marvland, to take rank from Xoveinber 3, 1863.
I am, sir, respectjuIIy, your obedient benaiit,
Secretary of Wa?.
To His Excellency JEFFERSOS

President, etc.

The message was read.

Ordewd, That i t be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following messxg:r W Z Lreceived
from the President of the Confederate States, by A h . Harrisoii, his Secretary :
.Jnnum.y 5, 1864.
To f h r Smct/e:
dgreeai,ly to ihc ict*oiiiiircncl:ttion of thc Secwtary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accoinpaii! iiig list to t l x rank attixed t o their nairie

, RicIiniontJ,

I ) P c e i ) i b ~8,
~ 1863.

SIR:I ]la\ e tlic lionor to recsoiiiiiieiitl tlic follov irig nominations for appointment

in the Provisiorial A n i i y of the Confctlerate States of diiierica:


Gen. R. E:. Rodep, of Alabama, to rank froin May 2, 1863.

Gen. 13. IIeth, of Virginia, to rank from May 24, 1803.
Gen R Itansoiii, of Korth Carolina, to rank from 3lay 26, 186.7.
(>en ii 'I Steuart, of Toiiieswe, to lailk from Jriiie 2, 1%
(;en. TV. 11. T. Walker, of Gcorgia, to rank froin May 2:3, 1
Gen. Stt.plirii D. Lee, of Routh~Carolina,to r m k from Aug
Gcn. William Sniitli, of \'I
to rank froni August 19, 1S(i:3.
to rank froiii Aiign+t 3, 1863.
(ieii. C. XI. Wilros, of Teii
(;en. )\'a& IIaiuptoii, of S


Col. J. W.TYhitficM, of Texas, to rank from May 9, 1863.

Col. .J. B. (;ordon, of hlal,aiiia, to riuilr lroiii J r a y 7, 786:1.
Col. James A . Walltcr, of \'irqiiii~, to rank from Mav 15, 1563.
Col. John 31. Jotics, of Virgiiiia, to rank froiii May 15, 1563.
Col. J. W.Fram-, of 3
Col. Thomas (ircrn, of
Col. John Adairis, of Tt
Col. J . S. \Jarniatliikc,
)un, to rank troiri Sorember 15, 1562.
Col. J l a t t \v. Hanton
Carolina, to rank from Jurie 13, 1863.
Jliiia, to ritiik f i o i i i Jnne 13, 18B:i.
Col. A. 31. Scalrs, ot
Col. I>. I1 Cooper, of
ippi, to r:uik from Xay 2, 1x63.
Col. 11. 13. Walker, o
nia, to rank froiii J u l v 1 , I S63.
Col. Francis 31. Cocakrell, of .Niswiiri, to rank froin J u l y 18, 1863.
Col. J. P. Jfajor, of Lotii~iana,to rank from J n l r 21, 1863.
Go1 0. F. Strahl, of Teiinewx, to raiik from Jiily 28, 1863.
001. 8.W.Ferguson, o f JZississippi, to rank f i o i i i J u l v 23, 1863.
Col. L. L. Lomax, of Virginia, to l a r k fiorii July 23, 1863.



17. C. Cagc, of lIississippi, to rank froin July 19, 1863.

W. 0. ;\Ic.Caity, of rexds, to rank from nlay 13, 1863.
If. B. ICagan, of Afnl)ama, to rarik from August 3, 1863.
~ , Alabmiia, to rank from August 1, 1863.
Hallson T l ~ o n l a of
Ifo\\ell Cobb, jr., of Georgia, to rank from August 19, 1863.
J o l i n J. Dnpu>, of Virginia, to rank from August 5, 1863.
31. C;. IIutlsoii, of Alabama, to rank from August 3, 1863.
It. T. Eulghani, of S o r t h Carolina, to rank from July 23, 1863
Andrew Dunn, of Virginia, to rank from August 24, 1863.
Ilenry C. Searcy, of Mississippi, to rank from May 2, 1863.
J o h n A. Tonilinson, of illissisaippi, to rank from August 17, 1863.
Hugh Kerr, of Yirgiiiia, to rank from September 8, 1863.
John S. Jones, of Virginia, to rank from August 9. 1863.
J o h n Taylor, of Virginia, to rank from September 11, 1863.
C Minnrgtmxte, of Virginia, to rank from September 16, 1863.
B. W.Dudley, of Kentucky, to rank from May 2, 1S63.
William B. lleares, of Koith Carolina, to lank froin July 1, 1863.
J. H. Toi\~nrliend,of Jlaryland. to rank from September 9, 1863.
C. R. Gotinin, of Georgia, to lank from Pcptenibcr 29, 1863.
Janicx Ilunter, of Virginia, to rank from Septeniber 10, 1S6S.
ltaiitlolph Itidgely, of Virginia, to rank froni Rq)t(wl)erti, 1863.
flenry It. Rliortrr, of Alabaiiia, ti) yank from Pcptembcr 15, 1863.
Thomas Taylor, oi Soiitli (:irolina, to rank f i on1 Rc.pternl)er E , 1863.
Asliton . J o l i n h o i i , of JIiwxiii, to rxiik from Octokr 7, j863.
Io1)e liarrow, ot bcorpia, to rank lroni O(*tohcr 11, lSG3.
Theodore P. Ikvidson, of North Carolina, to iaiilr from Blaj 9, 1863.
cii. LL H:lv\\ald, of 31
ippi, to rank froni l I a y 2, 1863.
A ~ l i mSt&iIard,
of Y
Carolina, to ranlr from October 21, 1863.
AL J. Ilall, of Jlissiesippi, to rank from October 4, 1863.
D. 1C. Myrrh, of Ken
to raiik from August I, 1863.
James H.Yerger, of
sippi, to rank from July 1, 1863.
P. 13. \Yi~i&iuii,of Vi
to rank from October 23, 3863.
Williani 1). (+alp, of Nississippi, to rank h n i Octobcr 28, 1863.
IIugh 11. Colquitt, of Georgia, to rank from Scptembcr 22, 1863.
D. 8. Tciip, jr., of Texas, to rank from J u l y 19, 1863.
Jamcbs It. Curell, of Lonisiana, to rank from J u l y 13, 1863.
0. S. Butler, of Soutli Carolina, to rank from September 1, 1863.
W.A. hI. Patton, of Virginia, to tank froiii Nay 2, 1863.
,John 31. Jonrs, of (ienrgia, to rank froiii Scq)teiiiher 28, 1863
Henry C. hlcKay, o f I<entnckp, to rank iron
R. A . lfibe, of Virpinia. to rank from Kovcli?
Waller It. Bullock, of I<entnc~k),to rank h i
R S Al-)cwroniliit~,of llxhama, to rank froin November 16, 1863.
ginia, to iaiilr ironi ;l;o\eriiher 16, 18G3.
ri, to rank from July 1, 1863.
h Carolina, to rank froni Sovciiibcr 17, 1863.
1 am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretnty o j ITTar.
To His ISxcellency JEFFERS~V

Irwdcnt, elc.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Cornriiittee on Afilitary Affairs.
~ 0 S F E ~ i C R . i T SET A T F S OR A W F K I C \,

Richnzoizd, Januury 6 , 1864.

To the &nntP qf /he Confderote istritm:

dgreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the
on the accompanying list to the rank atfixed to their names, respectively.

Jan. 8, 1864.1






M.N. Fleming, of Virginia, to take rank from December 29, 1862.

Robert Lebby, jr., of South Carolina, t o take rank from February 27, 1863.
E. &I.Jenkins, of South Carolina, to take rank from February 23, 1863
William H. Lee, of Florida, t o take rank from February 20, 1863.
C. C. Rlmnathy , of Tennessee, to take rank from December 3, 1862.
John 1. Krskiiye, of Tennessee, to take rank from Koveniber 29, 1862.
l?. S. S l\lcJIahon, of Alabama, to take rank from August 23, 1862.
Rawlinp Yoring, of Virginia, to take rank from July 24, 1882.
J. V Childress, of Mississippi, to take rank from July 14, 1862,
Thomas P. Bailey, of South Carolina, to take rank from November 26, 1862.
James Guild, jr., of Alabama, t o take rank froni November 26, 1862.
James R. Cowan, of Mississippi, to take rank from Kovemlter 25, 186%.
Richard D. Stevenson, of Kentucky, to take rank from November 21, 1862.
John F. I<ennedy, of Mississippi, to take rank from Jlareh 1, 1863.
George C. Catlett, of Missouri, to take rank from November 28, 1862.
Benjamin D. Lay, of Mississippi, to take raiik from September 16, 1862.
James L. Cunninghani, of Alabama, to take rank from November 27, 1862.
Thomas 8. Foster, of Missouri, to lake rank from <January6, 1863.
John T. Marable, of Tennebsee, to take rank from November 13, 1 8 6 ~
Williaiii T. Sawyer, of Alabania, to take rank from February 10, 1SG:i.
Williain 11. Coiper, of Teiinessee, to take rank from Julv 12, 1862.
0. P. hngworttiy, of I,ouisiana, to take rank from JLIIIG I , Is(i2.
M. J. Holan, of Georgia, t o take raiilr froin lkreniber 19, 1862.
Francis L. I'arker, of South Carolina, to txke rank froni Jaunary :I 1863.
George 14;. Trrscott, of S o iith Carol~na,to tairc, r:mk froni .I~IIIUIIY 2S,1869.
John G. D u d l q , of South Carolina, to take rank from Janiiiirv 24, 18G3.
Oscar 17. Ihxter, of YirginiiL, l o 1 ; t k iank fioiu January 22, 1863.
Frank A. Walkr, of Virginia, t o tahc i i ~ n l froiii
January 5, 1863.
Jouepli 13. Htorall, of South Carolina, to take rank from January 3, lM3.
Jaincas 11. Bratton, of South Carolina, to take rank froni Jannary 2, 1%3.
Jaclihon Cliaiiihliss, of Louisiana, to take rank troin January 1, 18ti:i
T. J. 1.a I?. I k Yarnpert, of (;eorgia, t o t:tkc rank from Uecenrbc>r30, 1Sti2.
J . I~CdwardIIall, of Xttryland, to tal;e rank from 1)ecenibcr 24, 1862:
John G. Boatright, of Virginia, to take rank froni Decernber 12, 1862.
Jolm C. Mercer, of Virginia, to lake rank from Scptcin
Georgo 11.' Graves, of Alal)ania, to take rank from I)ec
T. F. Dunran, of Alabania, t o take rank from Jannary
Arc.hibalc1Taylor, of Virginia, to take rank froni Norenil)cr 11, 1S62.
.John 7V. Ashhy, of I'irgini:x, to tnke rank from I'c~lmiary 13, 1863.
Li S 3 Peebles, of Virginia, l o t:ikc rank from J n l y 22, 1863.

Tamwedl Tyler, of Virginia, to take rank Erotii ,I:mnary 28, Iti(id.

Robert 31. Terrill, of Vi~giiii:i,to t;ikc rank iron? Janiiany 2<7,1863.
Ilaroltl Hiinnden, of I'irginia, t o takc milk frotii J2aniiary 19, 1 S W
Sa~iiuel1.' Johnmi, of Florida, to takc! iimk i'ioni January 15, 1RO3.
~ ~ d w s i rl dk ~ v t v ot
, Yirgiriia, 1u take r m k front Jannary 13, 1863.
George T. Ilarriwri, of Viiginia, t o take iaiik froin Jmnai y 12, 1,963.
ninlnia, to l a h e i m l r f r o i i i .Jmiiary 12, 186.1.
11111, to l a k e r m k froin ,January 10, JS63.
to t a k e rank from Janntiry 9, 1868.
to takc rank from ,I:~nnaip 6, 1863.
Andrew Ewinp, of Tesas, to take i a n l ~froin Jmiiary 2, 186.1.
William 0. Hudson, of Alal)ama, to talc(. rank froin
Rcnjalnin Franklin, of Tennessee, to take rank from
J. J . Simkins, of Virginia, t o take rank from Octol)er 13, 1862.
John Parks, of Virginia, to take rank from Noveniber 13, 1862.





[Jan. 8, 1864.

David R. Fox, of Jiouisiana, to take rank from April 4, 1863.

C. K. Caruthers, of Miisissippi, to take rank from April 21, 1863.
Jaines McCanley, of Sonth Caroliiia, to take rank from April 20, 1863.
Williani F.Stenai t, of Rlaryland, to take rank troni April 17, 1863.
S. W.Caltlv cll, of Tennessee, to take rank from April 27, 1863.
Williani J. Aiitchrll, of Alabama, to take rank iroin March 21, 1863.
12. &I. Sutfield, ot Kentucky, to take rank fro111April 29, 1863.
William U. ~ ~ c l i o lofs ,Tennessee, to take rank from March 23, 1862.
John C+. Iloward, of Georgia, to take rank froin December 24, 1862.
John I<. Holhrook, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 25, 1863.
James Bolton, of Yirginia, to take rank from May 30, 1862.
Paul C. Yates, of Misbouri, to take rank from January 17, 1863.
N. N. Pumphrey, of Missouri, to take rank from April 8, 1863.
R. De Jernett, of Texas, to take rank from December 1, 1862.
Isaac S. Taylor, of Texas, to take rank from Korember 7, 1862.
William E. Brock, of Georgia, to take rank froin January 7, 1863.
John R. Waid, of Virginia, tu take ranh from J u n e 22, 1863.
Thoiiias S. Thoinson, of South Carolina, to take rank from July 28, 1863.
W. 11. Priolcau, of South Carolina, to take rank from June 19, 1863.
J. &I. Heard, of i\Iissis*ippi, to take rank from Augnst 18, 1862.
P. J . 1IcCorlnic k, of Misslssipl)i, to take tank from May 7, 1863.
John S. Prick, of Tenneasce, to take rank froni June 10, 3863.
I?. 13. Hcndcrson, of Alnbnma, t o take rank froin May 8, 1863.
tscll, of South Carolina, to take rank from N a y 15, 7863.
hie, of Yirgiiiia, to talre rank froiri h2ay 16, 7463.
John Ii. Logan, of Sonth Carolina, to talrr rank from May 18, 1863.
Robert S lialtlnin, of Virginia. to take rank froin May 21, 1863.
William U Blorric, of i\iaryland, to take rank from Ifav 23, 1863.
John Clopton, of \'irginia, to take rank from nlay 27, 1kGR.
Carter Iz. \Villson, of Tennessce, to take> rank from ;\lay 16, 1863.
William G. Little, of Alxlr)ania, to take rank froin Nay 20, 1863.
John P. McGhee, of Tennessee, to take rank from May 26, 1863.
Benjamin 11. Rigp, of Alaba~na,to take rank from May 27, 1863.
Henry J. Warniuth, of Gcorgia, to take rank from May 22, 1863.
Thomas R. Wingo, of Teimewe, t o take rank froiii June 3, 1863.
William .
)I Tucker, of Tennessee, to take rank from June 9, 1863.
Ire rank froin June 5, 1863.
take rank from July 9, 18G3.
rank froiii Jiily 9, 1863.
R. McG. Lytle, of Tennessee, to take rank frnni July 11, 1863.
William 1%.IValker, of A r I ~ a n s a to
~ , take rank from May 1 , 1863.
Alphns Dnnlop, of Tenneqsee, to take rank froiii Angust 18, 1402.
John 1). Smith, of Tenncssec, to take rank from May 13, 1803.
T. 11. Alatthrws, of Tesas, to take rank froni Septenibt)r 13, 1802.
S.W. Jones, of Arkans
take rank froiii SIay 20, 1SG3.
T. ( i .ItichaIiisoll, of
I I ~ ,to take lank rrolll I>rcenrber25, 1862.
John R. Fcnncr, of T
c, to take rank fioni May 16, 1863.
Janics '1. C+ro\es, of Viigiiiia, l o takv rank from August 23, 1862.
J. G . Thomas, of Missi6sippi, to takc rank from June 28, 1862.
1,. Shackelford, of &Iimiwippi, to take rank from July I , 1862.
It. I<. Stcrcnson, of, to take rank from ;\lay 22, 186%.
A. R. Piiell, of Virginia, to txke rank from June 8, 1863.
R. E. Ric*hardeon,of Triincsrcc, to take rank froiii July 1, 1862.
Robert F. Carlin, of Tennewee, to take rank froiri June 30, 1862.
William 11 Hn ~ r k i n s .of Miwsiippi, to take rank from April 1.5, 1862.
Alfred IInll, of Lonisiaiia, to take rank from M:iy 14, 1863.
Joq I, lievanq, of Alabanla, tn take rank froiir May 12, 1843.
1'. C: \Vinn, of illal~arnu,to take rank frnin Fehriiary 2, 1863.
Williain C. Dixoii, of T,oui~iana,to takc rank froiii *Jniie29, 1863.
George A . Cracraft, of Pirginia, to takc rank from June 1:i, 18153.
William R. John~ton,of Imiisiann, to t a k e rank froin April 13, 1863.
A. I,. Mackav, of (ireat Tiritain, l o lahe rank from May 14, 1863.
John H. Thonison, of Floi ic!a, t o take raiilc from June 8, 7 863.
George M. McDo\vell, of (;eorgia, to take rank from June 27, 1863.
E. R. Johnston, of Alabama, to take rank from Ang
John W.Rppes, of Florida, to take rank froin July
Anibrose W. IIodge, of Temirssee, to take rank fro1
Thomas 11. Hollis, of Texas, to take rank froin Xnp 2, 1863.

Jan. 8, 1864.1





[Jan. 8,1861

Williani M. Xlayes, of Alabama, to take rank from November 28, 1862.

Aylett C. Raines, of Kentucky, to take rank from August 15, 1862.
Richard 11:. Mudd, of Kentucky, to take rank from November 28, 1862.
A. L. t+iaves, of Arkaiikas, to take rank froin November 28, 1862.
John Orlando Scott, of Kentucky, to take rank from February 15, 1862.
John .'T Campbell, of Kentucky, to lake rank from September 7, 1862.
Joseph F. Alsup, of Tennessee, to take rank from May 14, 1862.
N. B. Moss, of Louisiana, t o take rank from October 13, 1862.
Allcn G. Gooch, of Tennessee, to take rank from May 26, 1862.
John L. Yertress, of Kentucky, to take rank from August 19, 1862.
Benjamin L. Ilester, of Tennessee, to take rank from October 1, 1862.
Thomas L. B. Brown, of Tennessee, to take rank from May 15, 1862.
T. J. Mitchell, of Georgia, to take rank irom December 3, 1862.
Fugate Clarke, of Virginia, to take rank from December 20, 1862.
J. Howard Purefoy, of Alabama, to take rank from December 5, 1862.
.a. Byrd Vann, of Alabama, to take rank from January 21, 1863.
Jos. C . IIaiiiilton, of Alabama, to take rank from December 5, 1862.
William C. Rigg, of Kentucky, to take rank from October 5, 1562.
Joseph C. Beard, of Louisiana, to take rank from December 2, 1862.
Igiiatins I). Tliomson, of Virginia, to take Yank from I)ecembcr 8, 1862.
Thoiiim J. ICiiichley, of (iecirgia, to take rank froin Dccenibrr 8, 1862.
F. hndcrson, of South Carolina, to takc rank from Deretriber 19, 1862.
,John A. Duiin, of Alnbanra, to takc rank fro111 December 19, 1862.
Javizii Bryant, of South Carolina, to tnlce rank from Ikcember 30, 1862.
Hugh W. Caffcy, of Alab:una, to take rank from I)eccml)er 30, 1862.
William I?. Finley, of 3lissi~sip]ri,to take rank from Deccinbcr 29, 18G2.
Richard O'Leary, of Mississippi, to take rank from Dccciiibcr 24, 18ti2.
John C. Grrgory, of Virginia, to take raiik froin l>ccenil)er23, 3862.
Etlniund 8. Peiidlctoii, of Virginia, to take rank from December 29, 1S62.
Russcll Murdorh, of i'irginia, to take rank from December 20, 1862.
N A. Morgan, of Alabaiiia, to take rank from 1)ecember 6, 1862.
Thomas &f Stnart, of South Carolina, to take rank from December 10, 1862.
Leonidas Crews, of Georgia, to take rank froin 1)ecember 13, 7 862.
\V. Pope Riddell, of Alabama, to take rank froin February 13, 1862.
Darby IIenagan, of Alabama, to take rank from Decenibcr 13, 1882.
John' W. Calhonn, of South Garolina, to take rank froin I>ecen~her19, 7862.
IClihu Toland, of South Carolina, to take rank from L)cL'ember 22, 1862
Robert M. Ahildro~v-,
of South Carolinn, to take rank from January 10, 1863.
Renjaiiiin I,. Seago, of Teuax, to take rank frc in Jaiiuary 13, 1863.
N.H. Thewry, of Georgia, to take rank from January 21, 1863.
J. Newton Cheney, of ( h r g i a , to take rank from February 10, 186:1.
J. Henry Ras, of lmiisiati:i, l o take r w k trorn l~c4xxary11, 18(X
James 1'. Ricliartlson, of Soutli C'arolnia, to take ralili froin February 25, 1863.
\Villiani llnncwi, of (rcorgia, to take rank frorii January 11, 18(i
Tlimias J . Vnnc~x,of I,ouisiana, to take rank from January 15,
r, of South ('~qrolina,to take rank froin January 15, 1863.
oliiia, to takc I:irik froin January 15, 186:;.
L, to take r:mk front J:innary 20, IS(i3.
118, to talir n t r i k fro111 January 21, 1863.
IX,to takr iimk from Jiinoary 27, lS(X
.Johri 1'. &lu\lral, of
11.' Grecw Steptielis, of Noi tli Caiolina, to take raiik froiii Jannary 30, 1863.
T. Young Ahy, of Loui\iana, to tahe rank froni ,Jmwary 31, 1803.
U. I,. Strait, of Sontli Carolinn, to tali<' rank from Fv1)riiary 20, 1863.
\V. I>.
Pcarson, of h l a
a, to take rarik froin hlay 23, 1863.
dntlrrw S. Fox, of Mi
ippi, to take rank froin 1)cccrnbc.r 24, 1862.
John R. Little, of South Carolina, to take, rank froni Jniiuary 5, 1863.
John J. 13ozcwan, of South ('arolina, to takc. rank froin August 1, 1862.
J. Newton Doyle, of South Carolina, to take rank froin .J:znuary 8, 1,963.
George F:. Carlchton, of (;cwrgia, to take rank froni January 8, 18ti3.
\V A . Washington, of \'irginia, to take rank froiil January (1, 186:3.
1; I)e Witt M~~Maniicm,
of Korth Carolina, to take rank froiii Jmuary 10, 1863.
Rolwrt T. Elktt, oE Viiyiniu,. l o take rank from January 10, 186%
Robert G. IIolloway, of Virginia, to take rank from January 10, 1863
&JohnH. Logan, of South Carolina, to take rank from Jaiiiiary 12, 18fQ.
\Villiain S. Frierson, oC Texas, to take rarik from January 30, 1863.
Theodoric7k M. Ghaw, of South Carolina, to take rank froni January 13, 1863.
T. 15'. llandridge, of Texas, to take rank from January 13, 1863.

Jan. 8, 1864.1




[Jan. 8, 1864.

J. JIarion Soles, of Alabama, to take rank from March 12, 1863.

Solin Lawson Gunter, of Georgia, to take rank from Narch 12, 1863.
I3enjamin E'. Claggett, of Texm, to take rank from March 14, 1863.
John W. Harrow, of ' i r inia, to take rank from March 18, 1863.
George W.La F. Cam, of Alabama, to take rank from March 19, 1863.
Stephen D. Rowe, of Texas, to take rank from March 23, 1863.
Lewis Berkeley, of Mississippi, to take rank froin March 23, 1863.
T. B. Bartlett, of Virginia, to take rank from March 28, 1863.
Charles A. iWlchelb, of Alabama, to take rank from March 30, 1863.
Charles T. Richardson, of Virginia, to take rank from March 30, 1863.
Thomas J. Love, of Mississippi, to take rank from December 1, 1862.
Richard S. Napier, of Tennessee, to take rank from December 31, 1862.
Jos. &I. Craig, of Louisiana, t o take rank from December 31, 1862.
Henry A. Gillespie, of Mississippi, to take rank froin February 5, 1863.
Charles 0. Helwig, of Mississippi, to take rank froin February 5, 1863.
Alcxaiider I,. Haniilto~i,of Tennessee, to take rank froin February 5 , 7863.
A. B. Brookins, of Texas, to b k e rank froin February 10, 1863.
James B. Gag?, of Mississippi, to take rank from Febraary 18, 1863
3. Noward Ile Votie, of Georgia, to take rank from February 21, 1863.
Henry 11.Peeples, of South Carolina, to take rank from February 23, 1863.
J. Lawson Jlapp, of Georgia, to take rank from Fehrnary 2,5, 1863.
I. Davis Thonipson, of Alarylantl, to t a k e rank from October 25, 1862.
Franc+ TValker, of Virginia, to tak? rank from Koreniber 20, 1862.
M. 1'. Hillyard, of Texas, t o take lank froin SOT
ember 20, 1862.
L. N. Sanders, of Tennessee, to take rank from November 17, 18B2.
John Work, of Texas, to take rank f i o i i i Sorcinber 13, 1862.
N. R. James, of Virginia, to take rank froiii Kovember 13, 1862.
W. (+.\\'ilIimis, of Virginia, to take rank from September 8, 1862.
J. P. Clements, of Georgia, to take rank froin November 8, 1862.
H. S. Bradley, of Georgia, to take rank from Norernber 8, 1862.
William T. Brewer, of Sorth Carolina, to take rank from April 21, 1862.
Samuel 3.' Mceker, of Louisiana, to take rank from November 5, 1862.
Henry N. l'eeples, of North Carolina, to take rank froin November 4, 1862.
George W. Monroe, of Georgia, to take rank from October 25, 1862.
J. W.Smith, of Kentucky, to take rank from October 16, 1862.
John S. Pealre, of Alabama, to take rank don1 November 24, 1862.
John IN.Hadley, of North Carolina, to take rank from Ortoher 2, 1862.
R. H. Lewis, of Texas, to take rank froni Jmie 17, 1862.
Joseph L. Alsop, of Tennessee, to take rank from Dc-cenilier 18, 1862.
B. A . Cheek, of North Caiolina, to take ranli from Noveinher 26, 1862.
Cliarles W. Timms, of Virginia, to take rank from Kovcnilm 2i, 1 S W .
A. C. North, of (ieoigia, to take iaiik froin January 14, 1863.
John F. Locke, of Missouri, to take rank froni 11ecenil)er7, LSBL'.
M. A . J h w n , of filissouri, t o take rank fronr April 30, 1SW.
Thoniar 11. Knvanaugh, of hlissouri, to t:tl;r rank from Rovernbrr 10, IS@.
15. Thonipson, of Arkaii~as,to take rank from September 16, 18BZ.
iith Trice, of Tcniiessrt~,to take rank fronr 3lalch 9, 1SG3.
J. Chappell hlasnel'l, of South Carolina, to take rank froin 1Iarcli 11, lXli3.
Charles IJcse~ne,of Knrth Carolina, l o take rank from 31arcli 11, 1863
J o i d i Hirens, of (;eorgia, to take rank from March 1:3, 1863.
L .J Wilson, of Mi&sippi, to take r:nilr froni 3Iarvh 16, 1863.
Saninel I1 Smith, of (&,or& to take rank froni hlarrh 17, 18G:i.
Samncl ( i . Mobley, of Sooth Carolina, to take rank from AIarcli 17, 18fiS.
' Andrew C. Cronibie, of Texas, to take ~ a n k
froni >\larch 25, 1863.
W.R. Hardy, of Alaloani:~,to take rank from 3Iarch 30, 18ii3.
Jesse R. Emley, o f North Carolina, to take r ~ t r i kfrom Fe1,niary 19, 1333.
It. McK. Rtribblinrr, of Virginia, to take rank froin 31arch 6 , 1863.
Ilowell R. Tkwcman, -of
na, to txkc r m k froin Jfarch 6, 1863.
John $1. Rordrrs, of Ni
)i, to ta!;e raiik from Ilfarch (i,
Alexander S. Ashe, of
, to tdkc rank froni March 7, 181333.
J. T. Chandler, of IlisPiss
o take rank from March 9, 1865.
Charles C. Tliornton,
pi, to take rank froni 3Iarch 9, 1863.
George .'%1 Purnell, o
to take rank from .Ilarch 9, 1S63.
Marion L. Mayo, ot Virginia, to take rank frorii April 2, 1863.
T. F. Gilliam, of Tirginm, to takc rank troin April ti, 1863.
Edwin F. de Graffenned, of Georgia, to take rank froin April 13, 1863.
W. L. Scaife, of Georgia, to take rank from April 21, 1863.




John I\. Bolydoin, of Georgia, to take rank from %larch9, 1863.

A. E. Kaglanti, of (ieorgia, to take rank froin March 16, 1863.
(filliam 31. \yells, of Alabama, to tdkf! rank from March 22, 1863.
I T . 11. \\vnian, of South Carolina, to take rank from March 11, 1863.
nilliani l i . Blair, of Arkansas,. to take rank from March 12, 1863.
J o h n A. Barnett, of Jlississippi, to take rank from March 28, 1863.
T. Jefferson Spurlock, ot Mississippi, to take rank from lllarch 28, 1863.
Calyin N. Silliriian, of Mississippi. to take rank from March 30, 1863.
.John C. Snead, of Virginia, to take rank from March 12, 1863.
A. A. lKcI<ittrick, of Nississippi, to take rank from March 28, 1863.
Daniel E. Hyrd, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 6, 1863.
Walter IT. Kardin, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 4, 1863.
Bolling I. Jackson, of Alabama, to take rank from April 22, 1863.
W. H. Lipscomb, of Mississippi, to take rank from April 27, 1863.
Thoinas II. Moss, of Arkansas, to take rank from April 30, 1863.
Jotin C. Wilburn, of Alabama, to take rank from May 5 , 1863.
Samuel R. Williaiiis, of Florida, to take rank froiii May 13, 1863.
T. Henry Edwards, of Florida, to take rank from May 18, 1863.
Rufus 11. Kilpatrick, of Alabania, to take rank from May 26, 1863.
Samuel RI. Dold, of Virginia, to take i m k from 1)eceinber 4,1862.
Ales. 31. Frarcr, of Georgia, to take rank from April 2, 1863.
V. 0 . Thonipson, of North Caiolina, to takc 1:inlr froni April 3 , 1863.
1,candcr C;. IImit, of Nortli Caioliiia, t o takr rank froiii April 2, 1863.
W.F. R o l x x t F o i i , of Florida, to t:ikc rank froni 3tay 25, 1863.
7.L. Anderson, of (;wrgia, to take rank from May 27, 1863.
I). R. Merritt, ol Keiitncky, to take rank from Augu5t 9, 1862.
William H. Sliernian, of Gcorgia, ti) t ~ k rank
from -1pril 10, 1863.
James W.i\lcICiw~t.k,of Alabaina, to t a k e rank from April 21, 1863.
rhoinas 1: WIi> tr, of Ala1-)ania, to take> rank froni April 7, 1863.
Thomas Z. Offntt, of Maryland, to take rank from April 14, 1863.
Granville R. Lrwis, of Virginia, to take rank from April 16, 1863.
(korge 31. Willis, of Gcorgia, to take rank from April 20, 1863.
Joseph A. Uadcn, of nlaryland, to takc rank from April 28, 1863.
Jainrs 13. Stieptierd, of Tirginia, to take rank from 9pril 30, 1863.
Charlcs L. Garnett, of Virginia, to take lank from April 10, 1863.
A. E. Eves, of Virmiia, to take rank from April 17, 1863.
Robert C. Eve, of Georgia, to take rank from April 20, 1863.
Virginins G. Ilitt, of Georgia, to takts rank from April 21, lS(i3.
James 13. Gilkeson, ot Virginia, to take rank front April 21, 1863.
W. H. Watford, of North Carolina, to take rank from April 24, 1863.
\Ti. J. McMahon, of Alabama, t o take rank froin-April 13, 1863.
J . 1,awrence Strait, of Misrissippi, to takc rank from Nay I,1863.
l\illiani A. Heaid, of Alabaina, t o take rank from May 11, 1863.
Andrew I?. Rowe, of Georgia, lo take rank froiii >lay 14, 1803.
Joseph 13. L. Baker, of (+eorgia,to take rank from May 19, 1863.
Brnjaniin F. Rudibill, of Gwrgia, to take ritiik f i o i i i . \ p r i l 3, 1863.
H.h l ( C . I I o l n ~ ~ w
ol, Florida, t o takta r,tiik from Jaiinai y 22, 1863.
A. Gileiis, of Lonisiaiia, to takc lank from July I G , 1863.
Henry C. Glient, of Alabama, t o tnke rank from Nay 27, 1863.
James W.Greene, of \irginia, to takc rank from >lay 25, 1863.
H. Mcliennie, of Virginia, to take rank from &lay 5, 1863.
Andre\\ 17. Schultze, of Loui~iana,to take rank from May 29, 1863.
Robert V. Rcid, of Georgia, to tnkc rank from May 21, 1863.
TI. H. Calvert, of Louisiana, to take rank from June 5, 1863.
S. It. Turd, of Lonisiana, to take rank from May 29, 1863.
H. K. Darden, of Virginia, to take rank from June 6, 1863.
.John 1,. Read, of Virginia, to take rank from May 6, 1863.
John S. TSikon, oi Georgia, to take rank froin ;\lay 11, 1863.
Miller A Woodson, of Texas, to take rank from June 6, 1863.
J o h n M Payne, of Florida, to take rank from June 29, 1863.
D. W.Barton, of Sotitli Carolina, to takr rank from June 30, 1863.
Robert S. Grwne, o f Alabama, to take rank from ?,ray 30, 1863.
William R. Cole, of Georgia, to take rank from June 10, 1563.
Edward C. James, of Alabama, tb take rank from June 10, 1863.
James B. Mangeine, of Arkansas, to take rank from June 26, 1863.
James Leffers, of Florida, to take rank from June 29, 1863.
Thomas J. Warren, of South Carolina, to take rank froiii J u n e 30, 1863.

John T. Alclton, of Nissonri, to take rank from July 9, 1863.
Frank 31. llcnnis, of Georgia, to take rank horn f n l y 11, 1863.
I<. Knowlton, of Arkansas, to take rank from Nay 18, 1863.
Charles 1%. TJ dings, of Kentncky, to take raiilr from July 15, 1863.
Janics I t . \Vilkes, of Tennessee, to take rank from July 11, 1863.
Jos. Lenily, ot Louisiana, to take rank from May 12, 1863.
5. I,. Galloway, of Georgia, to take rank froin Bray 16, 1863.
J. I). Ifarner, of Tennessee, to take rank from July 11, 1863.
Robert 11. Gn in, of Tennessee, to take rank from August 15, 1862.
Henry T. Fox, of ICrntucBy, to take rank from May 30, 1863.
A. J . Claiborne, of Louisiana, to take rank fioin June 1, 1863.
Williaiii P. Cabseday, of Texas, to take rank from November 11, 1862.
A. P. Houston, of Texas, to take lank from Noveniber 13, 1862.
John G. Anderson, of North Carolina, to take rank from October 31, 1862.
Williaiii 11. Kewell, of Virginia, to take rank from October 24, 1862.
T. W. Newsome, of Georgia, to take rank from November 7, 1862.
A. S. Davitison, of Louisiana, to take rank from November 21, 1862.
A. T. IIciiry, of North Carolina, to take ritiik from November 21, 1862.
Charles J. A. Crockett, of Virginia, to take rank from November 13, 1862.
D. I). Carter, of ICtiitucky, to takr r m k fioin September 2, 1862.
Al(.xantlcr nuiiii, of South Cal oliiia, to talrc, rank from Decernber 22, 1862
Ihcotloie larkcv, of Gcorgia, to take I anlr fro111 Jailnary 6 , 1863.
11. 1,. Barorit, of Virginia, to take r:uilc froni 1)cccmber 20, 7862
Charles 1. Gordon, oC (;cwrgia, to take r:iiil< froni Oc4oljer 8, IFG?.
1 a i n , sit-, i e s p u ~frill),
yorir ol)etliclntservant,

Secwtciry o j War.
To His 1kcellrnc.y Ji


Tlie message w i t h react.

O~*,That it he rofcrred to the Committee on RiIi1it;trT Affairs.
The Senate resruiicd the consideration of the noniinatiun of ,Joseph
Wheeler, to be m a j o r - g e n e r a l .
After debate,
Mr. Sirrims dcn~iiidcdthe question; \vhich was seconded, a n d
The question heing put,
Will the Senate advise and consent to the appointiiient of Joseph
Wheeler, to be in;ijor-gcner:~l?
_ _ .. 7
It W:LS determined in the iicgative, ( Yeas.
- .........
_ _9_ .
On motion hy Mr. Burnett,
The yen>and my.?,1)eiiigdesired l,y one-fifth of the Senators prwenr,
Those who voted i n the tiffirimtivc arc,
Mcsirs. 1Zrowi-1, I Ienry, Hunter, ,Johnson of Cieorgia, Maxwell,
Phelun, and Senimes.
Those mho voted in the negative are,
Mehsrs. Ihirnett, ( h p c r t o n , Clark, ,Johnson of Arkansas, Oldham,
Orr, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
So it mas
Bc~s:soZvcc7,That the Senate do not advise and consent to the appointment of Joseph Wheeler, to he major-general.
On motion by MY.Johnson of Georgia, that the vote refusing to
advise and consent to t h e appointment of Joseph Wheeler as majorgeneral be reconsidered,
On motion by Mr. Semnies,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Jan. 9, 1864.1



t1ANlTAlZY !f,



Mr. Hill presented tlic following resolutions of tho general assemb

of tho State of Georgia; which wcrc referred to the Coiiiiiiittee on

;\filit:Lry Affairs:
.I resolution instructing the rcprcscntativcs of that S h t e i n Congress
to orge the pwsstigc of :i 1:iw giving dctiiiled soldiers tho s:imc pay as
0tht.r 1)otsons cinployid 1)y tlic Govcrnnit~niiu t h s:uno busitless;
A reholution iii rc1:Ltioii to grmtiug free transportation to soldiers
011 fllrlo~Ig11;
A iwoIution :isking :in incrcase of p:iy for the privates and iioncomiiii.;sioncd ofticcrs in tlic Coiifccterato scrvicc; aiid
rcsolrition asking tlic ticliou of Congress for the relief of indigont
holdierh Smiilies.
11.11.. Hi1 I prcwntcd the following resolutions of the goncral assembly
o f the Statc of Georgitl; which W C ~ Greferred to the Coiiirnittee on
A resolution in relation to tho tax nct of Congress; and
h resolution asking thc suspension of thc collection of the tax in
kind in certain (~iscs.
Mr. Hill prcscnted )L rcsolntion o tho gcrioral :wsembly of tho Shte
of Georgin, :isking tho est:hlishiiicnt of a nird rontc, :ind for othor
purposcs; which was referred to the Committoe on Post-Offices and
10s t - R0:LdS.

Mr. IIill prest>iitod:L resoltition of thc gerierd asscmbly of thc S h t c

o f Georgi:i, xsking tlinl the :qqx)intnicnt o f all imprcvmoiit ofticers in
that State 1i:~l)Ieto conscription n1:iy t)o rcvolrcd, and t h t citixcns not

linblc to nlilittiry duty iriwy bc :tppointcd in their s t e d ; wliicli wv&s

referred to thc Coniniitt~oon tlio .Judiciary.
Hentnics submitted the following resolution; which \v:w considcwtl iind :igiwd to:
I < ~ T ~ J /TIlW
r a t! ,tlrc Prwidcnt of the Confederate States he rrqncsted to inforin the
o r not the l i i i e officers of tho Army litwtofore iiitrustcel willt 1)oiiiity
for rwriiitiiig purpoyes have acconnted thcrefor; and if not, how inany of m : h

S(mttc1 wlicthcr

1i:ive fxilcti to rtwtlcr their acc+ouizta;and to coiirmunictite the nainen of those

havc thiis failed, and the amounts unaccouiited for, and whon atitl froiii wlioui
sIic1i niiionnts I\ c w rcwivcel.
A1 r. Scninics, front t he Committee on Finance, reportoil
h bill (S. 179) ni:iliiiig allownnccs to offi
of tlw N:~vyoC tho Confcclrl.:iio States, I I rider cc rtxiii ci Icunist;Ln , arid t o ii1n(rld it11 act C ~ I 5%Iio


ti tlcd An : i c t to provide for tho organization of tllc Nt~vy,ap1)rovcd

iLI:irch 16, 1861;
whioh W:LS r e d tho first arid second tinier; and ordcrtd 1-0 I)(? printed.
On motion hy Mr. Spnrrow,
rho Senate resolved into secret lcgisli~tivesession.
The doors having been opened,
The following inesssgo was rcceived from the President of the Confederate States, lty Mr. B. N. Warrison, his Secretnry:
dlr. President: The Presidcnt of the Confederate States, 011 thr 8th instalit, u p p r o v d
and signed the following act and joint resolution:
S. 160. An act to authorize the appointrrient of a Tliird Auditor of the Treasury;
c J-VOL 3-04-35



S. 21. Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. Robert E. Lee and to t h e officers and
soldiers under his command.

()&, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

A iiiessage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
XT. Iwsiclwt: The President of the Confederate States has notified t h e House of
Representatives that o n t h e 6th instant he approved and signed an act (H. R. 80) to
continue i n force an act entitled An act to provide for the compensation of certain
persons therein named, approved May 1, 1863.

On mcation by Mr. Hill,

The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was

referred the bill (S. 175) to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in all
cases involving the right to subject to military duty persons who have
furnished substitutes to the Army of the Confederate States, reported
it with the recommendation that it ought not to pass.
Mr. Caperton, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whoin was
referred the bill (13. zt. 86) to provide for holding elections for Representatives in the Congress of the Confederate States from the State
of Missouri, reported it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and the reported amendment havi n g been agreed to and the bill further amended, it was reported to
the Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
O.l.dered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a
third time.
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Resolwed, That it pass with amendments.
Ordenxi, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives i n the amendments.
Tlic Senate resumed, as i n Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 158) to organize forces to serve during the war.
The question being on agreeing to the amendment proposed to the
bill by Mr. Dorteh, viz:
Strike out the word sixteen, in section 1, line 3, and insert
ei hteen,
d r . Dortch modified the same by striking therefrom the words and
insert eighteen; and
On the question to agree to the proposed amendment as modified,
It was determined i n the affirmative, Yeas--------....-- - - - - l3
Nays _ _ _ _ _
_ _ __
_ _ . 7_ _
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The yeas and nays hcing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Rro\.~n,Caperton, Clark, Dortch, Hill, Hunter, Jemison,
Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr,
and Scmmes.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Clay, Henry, Phelan, Simms, Sparrow, and
On motion by Mr. Orr, to amend the bill by inserting after the
words ages of, section 1, line 3, the word eighteen,

Jan. 9,1864.1

On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the proposed nme

striking out eighteen ? and inserting seventeen,
Yeas----..----------It mas determined in the negative, Nays
- - ..- - - - - - - On motion by Mr. Orr,
The yeas and n a y s being desired by one-fifth of the Sonlatorspi
Those who votcd in the affirmative :ire,
AIessrh. Burnett. C h y , Henry, Jemison, Plielati, Semncs, Simms,
Spirrow, and Mrigf:ill.
Those who votcd i n the negative xi?,
Messrs. Brown, Caperton, Clark, Dortch, Hill, Hunter, ,Johnson of
Georgia, ,Johnmi of Misbouri, Mt~xwcll,Oldh:ini, : ~ n dOrr.
On thc qucstion to agree to tho aniendment proposed by Mr. Orr,
I t w w dctcrniincd in the aflirni:itiw.
0 1 1 uiotiori by 811.. I3rown, t,o riniend the bill by s t ~ i k i n g
out of the
first scxtion tkic I\ ords hetween the :igcs of eighteen and fifty-firc
and inserting in lieu thereof the woids * wid capable of hearing nrn~s,
I t ~ v a dcterinined
in the ncgative, Yeas._ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
On motion by nlr. HIOWII,
Lhe 3 C : L ~and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Scnators present,
Those wlio voted in the aflirmativc are,
Mcssrs. B r o ~ n ,Rurnatt,, and Sinuus.
Those who votcd in thc negative :ire,
Messrs. Caperton, Clark, Clsy, Ihrtch, IIcnry, Hill, Hiinter, Jemison, Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of Missouri, Mnxwcll, Oldhain, Orr,
Iht?l:~n,3e~inies,Sp:~rrow,:ind Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. lIcnry, to aniend thc hill by striking out fiftyfive, section I, linc 4, m d insciting sixty,
I t was tictcrmined in the negative.
An airienclnient having bcen proposcd by Mr. Dortoh,
After debate,
O n motion 1)s Mr. Sp~rrow,
The Senate resolvcd into executive session.

Mr. Sp:t.rrow, from the Comlnittec on Miiit:wg Affairs, to whom

(on t,he 8th instmt) the noniin:ttions of .Joselh Kclly, to
be assistant adju~~rit-g.cnci~;~I.witli
rarilLof captain; W. II. 11. Thomtts,
Edward Warburg, and S.M . Morrison, tobcadjutnnts, with rank of first
lieutenant; Y.J . Piridall, t o I)c 1)rigade 4Il:iI.ternl:Lstcr, with t,lle rank
of major; Cyrus i2lack and I<. L. Gri rshy, to he :issishnt cprtei*masB Pickctt, Sinion 1. lhrns, and
ters, with the r:mk of captain; A. C.
L. AT, Lewis, to be co~oiicls;Willis 31. Ponder, W. M.Moorc, Thornas
H. Murray, and 1. W. Ei. Cuniming, to tie lieuton~iit-colonels;s.
Harris, Janics Phillips, and ,J. P. Herrell, to bc majors, submitted the
following report (No. 15) and resolution:

The Cominittec on Military Affairs, to whom were referred certain i1ominationR of

officers in thc Provisional Army, contailled in fonr ~nesst~ges
of t i c Iresitlent to the
Senate, dated. 8th January, 1864, report that they Iiave had the same undcr consideration, and that the only difficulty presented to the conimittee in rccotnrnending the
confirmation of the nominees is that the date a t which the officers nominated are to
take rank is anterior to the last session of Congress.
The committee are of opinion that the Constitution contemplate8 that all offieem
appointed in the recess of Congress shall only hold under such appointments to the



close of the next session of Congress, and that they should be

intended to retain them in their offices, to the Senate at its firs
This has not been done in this case; and the committe
recommend that t h e Senate should refuse to confirm t h e nomination
earlier period.
They recommend the adoption of the following
Resolved, That the Senate do advise and consen
officers nominated i n t h e four several messages
instant, all of whom are from States west of the

The Senate proceeded to consider said resolution; and

The resollition was agreed to.
On motion by Mr. SpdrPOW,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.


J 11, 1864.


Mr. Rill (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 180) to provide for the investigation and settlement of the
transactions and accounts of qmrtermasters, commissaries, contractors,
and other financial and disbursing officers, agents, and employees of
the Confederate States;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Caperton (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 181) for t h e relief of William M. Bowles, Richard Bowles,
and others;
which was read the first and second times and referred t o the Committee on the Judiciary.
On motion hy Mr. Caperton,
Clrdemcl, That the mcmorial of William M. Bowles, on the files of
the Senate, together with t h e papers relating thereto, be referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
MY.Pwsident: The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of
Representatives that on the 9th instant he approved and signed an act (H. R. 83) to
authorize the cancellation of certain Confederate States bonds, and tho substitution
of others for them.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution of the House

of Representatives; and
The resolution was agreed to.
On motion by Mr. Semnies,
Ordered, That the committee on the part of the Senate be appointed
by the President pro tempore; and



[Jan. 20,1864.




[Jan. 21,1864.

iiiotion by JIr. n'igfdl, that the bill be transferred to the Open
1,cgislatiw Odciictat.,
tktcrmiacd in thc negative.
011inotioit by Mr. IIenry, toatnotid the bill hy striking out all after
the cnnctiiig cltitusc aiicl inserting:

That tlie writ of habeas (.orpus is hereby suspendrd in these Confederate States,
ntid that this act &dl cv)iitiiine i n force iiiitil thirty days after the iiieeting of the iiext
('otigress, aiid no longer; and that tlic, siispenaioii of mid writ is limited to arrests
lirncle by tlie authorities of the C'oiifrdertite Gorernineiit, or for offenses against the

On iriotion by Mr. Cnpcrton,

Ot*&red, That the bill he rccoiiiiiiitt ed to the Committee

J ndicinry.
On iiiotion by MY.Semiiies,
'l'he Sriintc rcsolvcd iiito oxecutiw



Jan. 21,1864.1


Jan. 22, 1864.1


The said bill was read thc third time.

B ~ o Z u e d ,That it pass.
Ow?ered, That the Secrctnry inform the House of Rcpr
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the W holo, to t
cration of tlic bill (S. l!l2) to rCwilattc the allowance of
ex enscs of officcrs of tlic Nary an$ others traroling tinder 01
motion by h ~ r~iiiiins:,
to :inicnd tho t)ill by striking out
the enacting clatusc and inserting:


cling unilcr orclcrs of the Savy 1)epartt, allowctl ofticvrs :tiid otlicr persons trav-

On I i i o t i o n l)y 3Ti.. S1):it-i*ow,

, Tlixt tliv furtlior considertition of the bill be postponed

lllltil to-ll~orroJv.
Mr. bigfidl (}by 1 ~ 1 - eintrodiiccd
A bill (S.1!)S) to prorick for the organia:ition of :I,burcan of polptcchnic~for tlio csaniination, csperimciit, t ~ m lapplication of warlike
iriventioris j
sccwnd tinics tind referred to tho Commit~vliioliw:is read the fi
tee on Military Aflui
On motion hy N r .
The Senate adjourned.



311..l % ~ l :(by
~ 11,ni-c) introduced the following bills:

;s. 1:):). 1 1 bill to :iiiicnd a n act entitlod (An ttct to orginize military

chourts to :Ittc.itd tlic A Z r mof~ thc Confederate States in the field, and to
define tlic powtlrh of sitid courts, tipprovcd October 9, 1868; and
S. 200. A 1)ill to confer additional powers upon courts-martini and
riiilitary coiirts;
which iycrc bcvcrnlly reztd the first and second tinics and referred to
tlic Cornniittee on Militaq- Affairs.
Air. I!jro.ivn (by 1e:ivc) iritroduced
A hill (S. 201) to iticreasc the compensation of thc Commissioner of
Paten t s ;
\I Iiioh WRS re:d the fixst find second timcs:uid referred to the Committee
on P:itcnts.
ill r. S~):II*I-~IV
(hy Icnvc) introducotl
h hill (S.402) to punish :il)scnce froni the Ariiiy; \ w h vend the f i r h t xrid scwnd tiniw nnd rcferred to thc Corumittcc o i i h1iIit:iry A h i r s .


~ n o r i o i ihy 1111..


, I h t , the Coniniittcc

on Fin:inc.c linvc leslrc to sit during

L. S1xiim)w. f w i i i t I i c Coitiitiit t r c on 3iilit:iry Afkiirs, to srlio~iiwas

L Y ~ ~ V I Y X Ytlic
I I j i i l (11. li, $11)toIis tlic I . i L 1 I k , p ~:ttid, :illo~v:t~~~~cs
OF : t d j ~ tmits of i ~ ~ g i i i i c;~ i:iii(i
indcpondent hittdiotis, rcported it with the
that itpought not to p : ~ .
On niot i o i i I)y Mr. Cl:irk,
O/dc I*(t l , lht wlicn tlic Scriatc :idjotmi it hc to Monday next.
Mr. C:~p(~rton,
froiu tlic c*ornmittec,reported that they had exam incd
:itid fowid truly enrolled R I d 1 and joiitt resolution of thc foilowing
titlcs :
1. It. 81. ,111 act t o prcrciit the procuring, aiding, aiid :Lssisting
p o r s o ~ st o dcscrt f i oni t h o i l n n y of tho Coiiftdctfiitc State5, :md for
otllcl. 1)urItoscs; :t1td
I I . It. 21. ,Joint i-wolution i n rolntioii to tlic w i t * .
Ihc lrchidcrit p1.0 tcwiporc. 1i:tviiig .signed thc eni~ollcd bill and
c~rii*olleriioint ~ ~ r w l u t i o last
i i rq)ortcd to I ~ n whccn exaniined, they
1 t o t11v Sccrc>tnr.yof tlic Scn:Ltc :md 1 ) ~ him forthwith
ti(. l r c ~ h i d ( ~ i iof
t tlic Confedor:itc States for his approval.
lli(~ S ~ i i t i t ei v y i i i i i ( d , :is i n Couiniittcc of the: \Iholc, the con<iderat i o i i o f tlrc hill (11. 1Z. 7:1) to 1)1*oIiibit
clcnling i n t h o paper curl-cncy of
tlw ~ i i ~ n i and
y ; no f i i i . t l i c i . aiticitdinciit hcing initdo, the t d was
Icl)ortrtl to tlic Srti:ttv t d tlic : ~ i i i c ~ ~ c l r w:is
i ~ ~ conci\rrcd
Oi&rc d, LIxd tlic :iiricndmont bc ciigrosscd atid the bill read a third
711~wid hill
:uiicndcd IWS rcwl thc third tinio.
fAso?/w/,l h t t it 1): with :in :Lnicndmcnt.
vd, 71~1t
thc Sccrctiiry rcquwt the concurrence of the House
of Itcpvc~ciilativ(~s
i n t tic :uiicndnicnt.
111~ Seii:ite i ~ s i x n i c d ,:IS in Coinniittcc of thc Whole, the considerntion of thc following b i l l y :
S. 192. A ))ill t o w g i i I : L t C t Iic dlomnncc of trn\Tcling cxpenses of
of2icers of thc Ktir-j- :tiid otlicr> ttxvc~lingiiiic-lcr orderh;
S. 150. A bill t o limit a i d tlcfiiic the tcriii of ofiicc of the Secretary
or principal oficcr of each of tbc EsccLiitivc Dtprtmcnts, estnblished
hy the several acts cntitled Ail act to organize the Department of



[Jan. !22,1864.

Jan. 22,186.1.1


Xaj. Rtiinuel 13. Saunders, of Pirginia, to be lieutenant-colone

ginia Regiment, vice Lient. Col. R. W.Withers, promoted, to
her 27, 1563.
BIaj. William A. Feeney, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colo
sissippi Itegnnent, \.ice Lieut. Col. H. Moseley, promoted, to rai

Capt. Charles J. Moffett, of Georgia, to be major Second Georgia Battali
Maj. G. TV. 12oss, killed, to rank froin August 2, 1863.
Capt. TV. J. Pfohl, of North Carolina, to be major Twenty-first North CarolinaRegi
ment, vice Maj. A . Rlillcr, killcd, to rank froiii Aiignst 2, 1883.
Cayt. John D. Lilley, of Virginia, to he niajor Fiity-second Virginia Regiment,
vice Major W:atlrinR, proniottvi, to rank froni 1)ecwiibcr 19, 1863.
CRpt. Jos. 1. Alillett, of Kentucky, to be niiijor Forirth Kentucky Rcginient, vice
JIaj. T. \V. Thonipson, prontotcci, to rank f r o m August 31 , 1863.
Capt. W. Jerry (rook, of Tenncswc, to bv niajor Tliirtcenth Tennessee Regiment,
li. 1,. Dycr, proniotrd, to raiik froni Ko\wiibrr 18, 1863;.
ilwii Ilarpcr, of Yirgiiiia, to be iiiajor Twenty-tiftli T irginia Regiment,
it. 1). Lilley, proiiioted, to rank from Avtgust 20, 7833.
. (+. 13rasli$r, of ~\rkansas,to be niajor Second Arkansas Regiment, vice
Maj. IC. \Varficld, promoted, to rwrilr froin September 30, 1863.
Capt. 31. 31. l?itrick, of Tcnnwsee, to be major One hnndred and fifty-fourth Tennessee lkginir>iit,\ice Maj. J. \V. Damon, promoted, to rank from August 30, 1863.
, of Tesas, to be major Sixth Texas Camlry Regiment, rice M8j.
1 1 ~ 1 tu
, rank from August 14, 1863.
cock, of North Carolina, to he major Second North Caroliria Battaliou, view 3lajor Andrews, proinoted, to rank from June 6, 1863.
Capt. Aiidren- Al. Nelson, of Missispippi, to hc major Forty-second Mississippi Re@ment, vice Major Feeiiey, promoted, to rank from ,July 18, 1863.
Capt. Itobert \V. Lorke, of Nississippi, to be major Forty-second Mississippi Regiinont, vicw Naj. A . M. hclson, pi*onioteti, to rank from 1)c~ceinber18, 1863.
Capt. Wmiuel I f . Faundcrs, of Virginia, to be iiiiLjor Forty-secwitl Virginia RegiI r w n t , vicx. AIaj. 11. L m e , d c
~ l to, mnk iron1 hovembcr 30, 18W
Ca ,t J I1 ILic>lrartlson,o
giiii:i, to l)e major Forty-second I?rginia Iiegiineiit,
viw n
Ii j. .,S 11. Sanntlcrs, proniotc~tl,to r m k froiri Kowxnber 27, 18(iH.
Capt. Jaines C;. I), of Trinicmee, to be major Niut+eciith T(wiiesaoe Hcgiment, vice Aiajor Iiciskcll, proinotetl, to rimk froni Xoveilil>er25, 1863.
Cupt. ,I olin Westcott, of Florida, to lw niajor Serond Florida Biittrtliou, \ ire Major
I%revard,promoted, to rank from Jmne 24, 186:3.
I aui, sir, respectfully, your o l d i v n t rcrvanh,

rho message T V : I ~I W ~ .
f!iat it bc rdcrieti to the Corninittee on Military Affairs.
The following r i i e ~ g cWLS
wccivcd f mi1 the President of tho ConfedrPato Statcs, by Mr. l-larrison, his Secretary:
R ~ ~ I I R IO N ~ ), ,1864.
TO ! / I t !


Agiwubly to the rct.oiniilt,Iitlatiuii of (IN. fietrstaip of bar, I nominate the officers

on the acconipanying list to the, lank t&ixetl to tlieir name$, lesi)ectiwly.


it ~ ) ~ i ~ ~ i w wI\ichmond,
S I R :I Iiare tlie honor to re(-oniinend the. foHowing norninationr for appointment
in the lrooisional Briny of the Confederate Ejtatew of America.


Richard K. Goode, of Kentucky, to rank from May 8, 1863.

James Theus Taylor, of South Carolina, to rank from Junr. 29, 1863.
Theophilus Caillouch, of Louisiana, to rank froin ,run<>30, 1863.
Pierre Durel, of Louisiana, to rank froni July 20, 18fj3
Samuel I h w n Xaney, of Tennessee, to rank from J ~ l 26,
y 1863.



Jolrll Granlmcr, jr., of \irginia, to rank from August 26, 1863.

Jos. 1,eonard Icstargr, of Louisiana! tp rank from August 27, 1863.
lranklin Eppes, of lirgniia, to rank from August 28, 18fi3.
William Campbell Gilson, of Mississippi, to rank from September 22, 1863.
Ira Williams, of Virginia, to rank froin October I, 1863.
\\illiani I3enjainiii Day, of yirgiiiia, to lank from October 1, 1863.
John IYilhon C;leiin, of Louisiaiia, to rank from October 6, 1863.
Robeit B. Smith, of Missouri, to ratilr from October 8, 1863.
J o h n Richard Crain, of Texas, to rank from November 14, 1863.
Vincent 0. King, of Mississippi, to rank froni February 12, 1863.
Jesse \V. Jotinson, of Missouri, to rank from June 8, 1863.
Walter T. Adair, of Cherokee Nation, to rank from April 16, 1863.

Rhesa IV. Read, of Texas, to rank from Time 2, 1863.

Lee &I. Alexander, of i\Ii~souri,to rank from Jrinc 23, 1863.
Octavius Alexaiider, of 3lihsouri, t o raitk froill .June 23, 1803.
Thoiiins I\. I,oiirrgan, ol hfksouii, to rmlr from nliip 16, 1863.
Jaiiics Rtwl l W i , of (icorgia, to ralilr froin J u ly 30, 1SKL
John 31 J3ioiiaugh, of lt>x:w, to lank froin Octobvr lt5, 1862.
Chiirlrs llc~iirvT a l ~ l r of
, Soiitli Varolina, to raiik froiri .\iigiist 11, 1863.
11ugh StorkiGSI1, ot Virgiiiia, t n r,ink froin .iugust 27, INK;.
I < ~ \ v \ . R I (C~i . Iorchcr, ol- SoIltli (iir<)ll11:\, to riI1iIi ~ I O I I ISeltc
8 , 1863.
, ot 3Iarj lairti, to rank fivni i3eptenibc.r 18,
of Missouri, to rank froill Septeinber 17, 1
rank frorn Rcpteniber 29, 1863.
:I, to raiik from October 10, 1863.
t o ranL f r o m October 31, 1863.
, to rank from October 6, 1863.
Hugh 0. McClarty, of ex*, to rank froiii Ortober 12, 1863.
IJewis H. Oriuc, of Arkansas, to rank froni October 15, 18G3,
Thomas 31. I3liickwcl1, of Tvfis&x4ppi, to rank from October 28, 1868
John 13. Oclcii, of Virgil
:ink from Korcniber 20, 1863.
Oscar (2. J3rotIiers, of Mi
)i, to rank froin i?;o\~iibcr20, 1863.
John S. Fletcher, of Ten
to r m k froni J u l y 15, 1862.
Ch:irles I). L c w k , of Lo
to riiiili from 3T:iy I, 18R3

I h i i t l IIall liilliw, of I,ouihiaira, to raiik f r o i i i J u l y 21, 1863.

filelton Olircr Stril)blhg, of Gcv)rgi;i, to r:irik fro,n July 29, 7 S f j X
Willinni ILty AI(.(itsiglit, o f Al:ii)aiii;i, L o rank froin July 59, 1803.
1 h u k IZaiiic.y, o f Alalmiiia, to mnh f r o u i J u l y 31, 1Sti3.
Thonias J3. (irm&ii\+
ood, o f Feus, to ianlr from ,July 85, 1863.
Ilng11 (;orti011 Jackson, ol Si)ntli Caroliitzt, to rank from August 3, 1863.
Cliarlcs 31wshall Rrn in, of Alahania, to rank from August 6, 1863.
Charlcs 1 I o o l r ~IImrk, of i\l:ibai~rn,to r a ~ i kfroiri A u g u s t 8, 1863.
Prankliii J. Gcigcr, o f South Carolina, to rank froni Angust 8, 1863.
John 13. I I o h w , of So11111Carolina, to ratlk from Al1gnst 10, 186d.
Thornas 13uc~hariari,of Ferinesscc, to rank froni August 11, 1863.
TboinaL:13 \VilliairiL:, o f South Caroliiia, to rank front Au(gnr?t 7 8, 1863.
Williarn bloorc~\\Tilion, of Miw)nri, to rank fronl Augnqt 23, 1863.
John M(*Donald,of Sorth Carolina, to r m k f r o i n .luglist 31, 1863.
William F. Smith, of South Carolina, to rauk from J1ay 20, 1863.
Edward Chaffrrs, of Virginia, to rank froin August 4, 1863.
Emmett 8. Drewry, of lirginm, to rank froiu August 4, 1863.
James Layne, of Virginia, to rank from August 5, 1863.

Alfred 8. Patrick, of Yii-giiiia, to rank from August 7, 1863.
Philip \\. Anderson, of Virginia, to rank from Au ust 19, 186
Edward T. Terrell, of Texas, to rank from Angust%, 1863.
Williani Bellinger, of Florida, to rank from August. 31, 1863.
W. 13. B. Goodwin, of Yirginia, to rank from August 31, 1863.
Ncnry V. Weeden, of --,
to rank froin September 4, 1863.
John Hcnry Riiddt.11, of Georgia, to rmik froiii Septeinher 9, 1863.
John Caldv ell Oitlliouii, of South Carolina, to rank from September 14,
Jos. Sanford Sitniiions, of hlab:una, to rank froin September 15, 1863.
WiIli:t~iiIt. Caldwi4, of Sout 11 C:iroliila, to rank from September 19, 1863.
Dunkliti Iirrcv, of Alid)itt11a, to r m k from Srpttmber 21, 1863.
Moses I<. IIarrison, of Illissibsippi, to rank froin Septetnber 26, 1863.
Robert 11. Oxkinan, of Georgia, to rank from Septeinher 26, 1863.
Andrew J. Benle, o f Iientucky, to rtmk from Septeui1)er 30, 186%
hbel 13. Wallace, of (korgia, to raiik froiii Rt~ptettil)er30, 1863.
lttihs J. Murphy, of Nissiaaip >i, t o rank froiii Reptcnilw 19, 1863.
Richard 13. larlrcr, of North (!hrolin:i, to rank froin Scpteinber 12, 186%
George Alexandc r OH.CI~,
of Virginia, to rank froin Scyteinber 16, 1863.
Kandolph Holden, of Virginia, to ritnlr from Strptentber 23, 1863.
James lalmer Caiii, of South Carolina, to rank from October 2, 18%
Jett Thoinas West, of Georgia, to rank from October 5, 1863.
William Craig Moore, of Georgia, to rank froni October 5, 1863.
Jesse M. We!jtrnoreliirtd, of SotiLh Caroliria, to rank from October 6, 1863.
James Purcell, of South Carolina, to rank froin October 6, 1863.
Alexander S.Johnson, of Georgia, to rank from October 8, 1863.
William Z. Bedon, of Mississippi, to rank from October 12, 3863.
Daniel Flud, of South Carolina, to rank froin October 18, 1863.
Eclward Manley Royall, of South Carolina, to rank from October 13, 1863.
I-Iarford M. Curnming, of Georgia, to rank froin October Iti, 1863.
Nicholw W. Draper, of Alabama, to rank froin October 17, 1863.
John Allen Owens, of South Carolina, to rank from October 20, 1863.
Kenry Rossignol, of Georgia, to raiik from October 31, 1863.
Thomas Terrell IXsmukcs, of Tennessee, to rank from October 26, 18c13.
Richard C. Ric-hardxon, of IJontstana, to rxnlr from October 27, 18GS.
Edward Fraiic+j Allston, of South Carolina, to rmik from Octoher 28, 1863.
Thoinas D. Whitcsitle, of Soiitli Carolina, to rank front October 28, 1863.
Andrew If. Read, of Alabama, to niiik front October 28, 1863.
Francis 1. Wellford, of Virginia, to rank from Octobrr 3, 1863.
George Frost Riellen, of Mississippi, to rank froin October 5, 1883.
*Robert 13, Richardson, of Virginia, to rank from October 9,1863.
C. Ci. Sinither, of Mississippi, to rank from October 9, 1863.
Lewis A. Uoswell, of Mississippi, to rank from October 29, 1863.
George V. Thomas, of Georgia, to rank from October 29, 1863.
William 1. Walker, of Louisiana, to rank from Octobor 30, 1863.
Napoleon B. Nevitt, of Maryland, to rank from October 30, 1863.
Robert C. McCann, of Miwissi >pi, to rank from October 6, 1863.
dairies Madison Sitnnion,s, of dississippi, to rank froin October 10, 1863.
Johri Wcslcy Spillman, of Mississippi, to rank froni October 14, 1863.
Robert Jos. Ibrhniii, of Mississip I, to rank froni 0rtol)er 16, 1868.
John Robert Flomiiig, of North 8aroli t i a , to rank from October 16, 1863.
Charles J. Ingcrsoll, of Missisuippi, to r:~nkfrom October 20, 1863.
Syclney P. Kennedy, of hlississtppi, to r:tnk from October 22, IR(i3.
Charles J. F. Meriwether, of Missiwippi, to r m k from Octobcr 22, 1863.
Iticthard 11. Randolph, of Florida, t o rank from November 3, 1863.
William Henry Uabcock, of Florida, t o rank from November 13, 1863.
Riibhartl A. Christian, of Virpini:t, to rank frOlil Novenibcr 28, 1863.
Andrew 8. Cameron, of south Carolina, to rank from November 2, 1863.
James Edcvin Hines, of Florida, to rank from November 7, 1863.
John W. Collicr, of Georgia, to rank froin November 17, 1863.
50s. Terry Disniukes, of Georgia, to rank from Kovember 20, 1863.
John Lawrence Ancrurn, of South Carolina, to rank from November 21, 1863.
John Crews Pelot, of Florida, to rank from November 21, 1863.
William I-i. Baxley, 01 Georgia, to rank from November 23, 1863.
Matthew Calvert, of Alabama, to rank from November 24, 1863.
Maurice 8 . Moore, of South Carolina, to rank from hovomber 25, 1863.
Chandler M. Pope, of Alabama, to rank from Noveinber 27, 1863.
Philip S, Kirk, of South Carolina, to ritnk from November 27, 1863.



[Jan. 22,1864.

Beverly C. Cook, of tkorgia, to rctlik from Sovember 28, 1863.

Thomas J. Te:ipnc, of South Carolina, to rank from November 30, 1863.
James 31.Sloan, of South Caioliira, to rank from Noveiiiber 30, 18G3.
Georqc TVashiiigton Tribble, of 3lississippi, to rank from July 18, 1563.
iusippi, to rank from August 5, 1863
Tlioiiias Eakridze, of
tucky, to r:uik from .July 25, 1863.
Lysiay I3 Clriltoir, of
Conrad Wall, of Alabarna, to rauk from August 1, 1863.
John Barlrley Evans, of ICeiitucsky,to rank trom August 1, 1863.
Williani Wood Hall, of Rlissi&ppi, to rank from November 14, 1863.
Henry Jasper \Vinn, of Alabama, to rank from Korember 19, 1863.
Lorenzo \\'bite, of hlissieeippi, to rank from Nowmber 30, 18G3.
Hem L. Williains, of Alabama, to rank froin November 11, 1863.
Rlnckburn, of ICeiitnclry, to rank froin July 2, 1863.
Edward Pollard, of Virginia, to rank froin October 28, 1863.
George l!'ranc*is Thoriitoii, of Alahsnia, to rank from February 5, 1863.
R. Mayfield, of Yirwitiia, to rank from &lay 4l 1863.
Itenley 6. liutler, o? ~ c l o r i ( ~ ato, rank iron1 1'ok)ruary I(;, 1 ~ 1 .


Tllolllas 1'. I ~ ~ l l ~ l e r hof~ l n ,

\Villi:un Tlroinas TV:ird, of

t o r:mk froin Octobcr 17, 1863.

ippi, to raiik froni Ortohcr I Q , 18(i3.
) r'lnk fro111 Octohcr 19, 1863.


8erretaty of Wm-.

The nie,ssagc wts red.

O W ~ P Y ~'I'hx
Y ,t it
i*cfcrrodt o t IIC Corilmi ttcc on Military Affairs.
Tlic following n i t gc I\ its I*cc*civcdf i * o i n tlw I'rcxsidclit of t hc Cojifoder.:ttt~ Statcs, by MP. I I : w i w > , his Scc.~ctxiy:

7'0 I/((' ,4i.?,trfP '

. 2 ~ r t ~ ~ i llo
) l tyl i c s


11 d,
~ Irs64.

\Val., I
tho officers

rc'c'oiiiiiir'iit1:itioii 111 tlic S(wet:Liv or

: i ( ~ ~ i i ~ i i ~ ) ~ l~i d
i i t\ o
i i i ~ i,~irI\:ifli\cd
111 II~LIII(~S,


\v \ i i
8111:I 1i:tvc~t l i r lionor to

I (vnni1iivii(l

i > l r l ~iiri ~ZI:N'I'~ /iichnzoiitt, .Jtr:iucrr?j 4, 15'64.

t fit. follo\\mg rionilnatio~is for appointment

in the 1'~orisioiialAriiiy o f t l i r ('oiil(dc~r:itc~

htatcs of Amcrim:
1'( )alAr ISS.\i < Y 1 )b:I';\ IWM)C"P.

Harnnel J . Alcsaiidcr, of Tcunessee, to take raiifr froin 1)cceniber 1, 1863.

irginia, to t&c ~.iiiikfroiii Deceniber 3, 1863.
ippi, to take rank from Sovenibcr 10, 1863.
Williaiii W.Thorntoil, of Virginia, t,o t a k e rauk from Deccmber 19, 1863.
1).J. Wedge, of Louisiana, t o take rank froin Novcinber 16, 1863.
A. 11. McCleish, of Tcsax, to take r m k from Nay 2, 1803.
W.M. Dnnn, of Kentuc:By, to tali<:rank from May 2, 7863.
R. W. N. Nolalid, of Yirginia, to tali(: rank from September 20, 1863.
S. T. Stuart, of Virginia, to take rank froiii September 21, 1863.

Jan. 22,1864.1




W. A. Eliason, of Sorth Carolina, to take rank from December 14, 1863.

A. A. I\lcGregor, of Alabania, to take rank from June 1, 1863.
William 8. Pngh, of North Carolina, to take rank from December 15, 1863.
Isaac. B. Grainger, of North Carolina, to take rank from November 8, 1863.
J. R. Flippin, of Tennessee, to take rank from October 21, 1863.
Miller Turnev, of Tennessee, t o take rank from December 1, 1862.
F. If. Hull, 6f Georgia, to t a k e rank from December 7, 1863.
R. B. AIcAfee, of Georgia, to take rank froin July 20, 1863.
James E. Pratt, of Arkansas, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
William 11. Ilrannon, of Georgia, lo take rank from Angtist 29, 1863.
I\. D. Waples, of Alabama, to take rank from December 2, 1863.
Jolin F. Crubrr, of Louisiana, to take rank from December 19, 1863.
F. C. Knglesiiig, of Missiesippi, to take rank from July 6, 1862.
M. 1. Pepram, of North Carolinrt, to take rank from June 1, 18G3.
John 13. Barnett, of &or@, to take rank from I)tceniber 3, 3863.
A. W. Cochrane, of Georgia, to take rank from Ileccmbcr 3, 1863.
Thomrts A. Foster, of Georgia, to tukc rank froin 1)ecember 3, 1863.
A. M. Sloan, of Georgia, to take rank from I k e m h e r 3, 1863.
Isaac. McCoirnrl, of &orgy, to take rank from Dec.einbcr 3, 1863.
E. A. Nunnally, of (;oorgta, to take rnrik from ikceniher 3, 1863.
J. 3. Pattcmon, of Gcwrpia, to take riink frotii 1)cwnil)cr 3, lA(i3
J. A . lattillo, of (korgia, to tnkr rank from I)c~~c~irrt~c~r
3, 1863.
11. T.BIattos, of Georgia, to takv raiik froni 1)ec.cnibc~r3, 18(iB.
\V. T. Tlinrman, of (icorgitt, to t A ( . rank froin Jhwmber 3 , 1863.
11. M. AIc.l~olllld,of 31 wri, t o titkc n n i k froin 31av 2, 18(?2.
E. I,. wilartoll, ,rcx to t:rstJ rauk fro111 3rlty 3, 18ti:3.
P. F. I l i l l l l l l l O l l d , of so 1 Carolina, to take rank from Jatiuary 4, 1864.
I am, sir, respcctfnlly, your obedient servant,
Secretary qf War.
To His Excellency JEPFEKSOXDavis,
Piwirlenl, etc.

The message was read.

O n motion by M r . Caperton,
The Senate proceeded to consider thc nomination of Robert F.
Dennis and W. A. Eliason, to be assistant qtinrbrmastcrs, with the
r$nk of cn tain; mid
R~sobeLjlThat the SenRte advise and consent to their :Lppointlnent,
agreeably to tlw noniirintion of thc Presidont.
On motion by Rfr. 13urric\tt, tliiit, th r residue of the 1ioinin:btions containcd i n said m agc be rcifcrrcd to the Coniniittcc 011 Military
h f f t ii rs,
Ih(1 yeits were 7 and tlw nays 5.
The riurnbcr of Senators voting not constituting a quorum of the
O n ntotion by Mr. IIill,
Tho Senate rcsol~eclinto open Icgislativ

25, 1864.

Mr. Senimcs, from the Comniitlee on Finance, to whom was referred

the bill (H. li. 36) to authorize tlic issue of certificates f o r interest on
the fifteen iiiilliori loan, reported it without amendment.
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Ordewd, That i t be printed.
Mr. Semmes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom were
referred the following bills:
s. 146. A bill to authorize the creditors of the Government to



the ConfederrLte States, and who seek to avoid such service by removing bcyo11d tho control and jurisdiction of said States, alien enemies,
and subjecting their property t o confiscation.
On inotion by Afr. Orr, to amend the bill by striking out, section 1,
lines 8 :Lnd $3, the words shall be deemed and held as alien enemies,
It was determined in t h e affirmatiye.
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Semmcs,
OrdeTed, That the bill be uecomniitted to the Committee on the
Tho Senate resumed, as i n Corriinittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 168) to provide for a new issiic of Tre:isui*ynotes,
and for funding all such notes now outstanding; arid
O n motion hy Mr. Smirues,
Oi*dmed, That the fuither eonsideriLtion of the bill be postponed
The Sciiatc ~ C S L I I ~ :LS
C ~ i, n tonimittec of the TVholc, tlic consiclcrtition of tho l d l (S.LW)to r(yiiIaie thc allowanw of traveling expcn
of ofticclrs of the Sxvy :ind otlwrs trnvcling undcr orders; :ind
On iiiotion by JIr. S~):LITO\V,
O / * d ~ w dT,h a t thc fiirtlicr conhiderat ion thereof be postpoiicd until
On motion by Air. S c n ~ ~ i i c s ,
The Seiinlc rcsolred into s r c r c t 1rgisl:itive session.
rhe doors having been opened,
Mr. Henry (by Icave) introduced
A bill (S. 206) to ammd an act passed on the 30th April, 1861, for
tlie sequestration of estates, property, and effects of alien enemies;
xhich was rend the first and swond t,iines and referred to the Committec on the Judiciiiry.
On motion by MI.. S ~ i i i n i c ~ n ,
The Sen:& adj ou r ncd.

MY. Seiiiiiicq, from thc C k ) i n i i i i t t w on Fin:ince, to w l i o n ~was referred

the bill (11. li. 9 3 ) to org:inizc ii V ~ Y Y L W ~ J note bureau, reportcd it
wit 1I :in :in I ciid 1nc 11t.
Thc Scnate proceeded,
i n Coriiiiiittuc of the Whole, to t h e consitkrtitioii of tho bill ItLst iiicrit,ioned; : ~ n dthe reported arncndment
Imving hcen : ~ g i * c ~to,d the hill was rcported to t h e Senate and the
:uueiidniciit WLS c.onciirrcd i n .
O.i.dervd, That tlic aniendnicmt 1)e cngrosscd ;itid the bill read a third
The said bill a s :tinendcd \Tiis I W L ~ t,lic third t,inie.
IZesolvetl, rlluit it, ]xi\<, with an :tmendment.
fh.dc7w/, Fliat tlic Sccrrt :try wquwt t h o concnrrence of tho Home
of Itcpr(wntatixs i n tlic nriirndnient.
N r . Sciiitncs. from thc Coniniittce o n Finance, to whom WRY referred
the hill (S. 197) t,o redeeni ontstantling Treasury notes and discharge
tlie pai)lichdebt, and thereby restore the public credit,, reported it mithout amendment.
Mr. Smimes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom WAY referred




The following messages were received from the President of the

Confederatc States, by MY. Harrison, his Secretary:
Jnnuary 25, 1864.

To tlw Senntr:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Postniaster-General, I hereby nominate
the persons named upon the annexed list to the offices designated.

Richmond, January 23, 1864.

SIR: I hare the honor to recwniinentl the following-named persons for appointment as postinasters by Your Excellenc.y, with the atdvicc~and ronsent of the Senate:
Joseph W.Robertson, of (ireeuevill?, Greene County, Tpnn.
Orestes A. Keehler, of Saleni, Forsyth County, N. C.
Powhatan T. tiewin, of O l d ~ n aChicakasaw
County, Miss.
R. A. Hiintll~y,of I h t r r p r i w , (lark Countv, Bliss.
Very respectfolly, yonr obedient servmt,
Ioatmaster- Geiwal.

ferred to thc Coniniittt:c on Pout-OSccs and

. T ~ ? I M L22,
T ~ 183.4.
To tlu SeriiYte:
Agreeably to tlic r
of iltaryland, to be :t
federate States, with

ndstion of the Secretary of War, I nominate 0. Latrobe,

adjutant-general in the Pro\-isional Army of the Conk of major.

The iriossage was wad.

O?dewd, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
22, ISGQ.
To the Senate:
Agreeably to the rcc.c,iiiirientlatioiiofthe Secretary of War, I iioniinatc L. 11. IIastiiigs, of California, to I)c niajor in the lroviviollal Army of thc Confderate States,
under act approved October 11, 1862.

f c ~ ~ to
c dtlic Committee on M i l i t q Affairs.
IZicnmoNn, .7anunry 22, 18G4.
To (lie ,Qnnte:
Aprcrahly to the rcvwmmendation of the Secretary of War, I iionlinate W. W.
13lavkford, of Virginia, t o ljc iniljor in the Provisional A r m y of the Confederate
States, in coininancl of enpincw troops.

The messagc WLS rcad.

01*dmd,That it I)c lefcrrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
wcre refcrred thc nominations of R. E. Rodes, A. P. Stewart, W. H.
T. Walker, Williaiii Smith, C. 34. Wilcox, Wade Hanipton, Howell
Cobb, John A. Wharton, William T. Martin, N. B. Forrest, and Fitzhugh Lee, to he major-generals; J. W. Whitfield, J. 13. Gordon,
Thomas Grecn, 0. F. Strahl, P. I).Roddey, U. G. Humphregs, Henry
W. Allen, W. C. Wickham, 1%.
A. Quxrles, Wirt Adains, Joseph H.
Lewis, L. A. Stafford, 1%. Y. C. Humes, and R. V. Richardson, to be
brigadier-generals; J o h n G. Mason, R. H. Goldsborough, J. W.
Hutchinson, T. 14. Johnston, J . Adair Murray, George H. Hannah,

Jnn. 20, 1884.1


S. S. Caddall, ?Tohn E. Johnson, George W. McPhail, W. L.

A. J . Ilanson, Jmies B. Grant, James T. Brown, E. M.
W. C. Sniedcs. TV. M. Shepttrd, 1,. 1. Dodge, Robert P.
J. Compton French, 13. Itidley, jr., G. D. Lamar, A. Mon
8. E: Chipley, ,John S. Fairly, Fred. tl. Smith, W. E. H
Cage, W. C. McChrty, R. 12. Ittipi, Wanson Thomas,
jr., J o h n J. Dupuy, 31. G.Hudson, It. I?. Fix1 ham, A
Ienry C. Searcy, John A. Ionilinson, Hugh %err, cJohn S. tJones,
,John Taylor, C. Miiiiicgvrodc, 13. TT. Ilrtdley, MTilliam 13. Meares,
,J. H. Townsherid, C. It. Godwin, tJ:iiucs Hunter, ltmdolph Ltidgely,
IIeriry It. Shorter, fhoni:is T:iylor, Asliton .Johnson, Pope Barrow,
Lheodore F. Davidson, C;. A. Ilnyw:ird, Albert Stoddnrd, A. ,J. 13[ull,
D. E. Myers, Janics It. Yergcr, 1. 1%. Winston, Willimi I). Gale,
H u g h 11. Colquitt, 1). S. Terry, jr., Janitss It. Curell, 0. N. Hutler,
W. A. 31. Patton, ,John &I. rJonos, I-Icnry C:. lPlcIC;ay, 13. A. Wise,
Wilier K. Bullock, It. 8. Ahcrcronibic, K. 0. Rrrington, E. ;T. Mttrtin,
and J. F. .Johustoii, to be nids-de-c*:in:p, with rnnk of first lieutenant;
W. 13. Lowr:tncc, Morgan Sticlilcy, Edwin S. Aloore, Sairiuel F. Chapman, It. L. Watson, Sarnes S. Carothei*s, 0. T. Chweatt, Hugh It.
Smith, Charles &utvles, It. S. McFarlin, Juiiies Keith, Georqe S.
Dewey, arid Bohert C. Carlton, to be tidjutnnts, with the imlr of first
lieutenant, reported, with the rrc~ommeiidationthat nll of said nominations be confiriiied,
The Senate proceeded to cotinidcr said report; and in concnrrence
therewith, it was
Re$oZved, That the Sariate advise and consent to their i~ppointnient,
agreeably to tlie noinination of the Ircsidcnt.
Tlie Senatc, resiinicd the caonsidrrat,ionof tho Presidents mcssz e of
the 20th instant, containing thc, noniinations of F. W. Hiiiis and.ot

Order&, That said iiiessagc be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On inotion by Mr. Semmes,
The Senate resolved into open lcgislativo session.


26, 1864.

Pfr. Henry (by lenvc:) introduced

A joint resolution (S. 25) of thtiults to tlie Ttwi
liaw reenlisted for the w:ti*;
~ h k was
h read tho first anti sccoird tirncs and consirlcred as i n (:omniit,tce of the TVhol~;and n o :uiiendmcnt h i n g propos~~l,
it WIW reportJed to the Senatc,.
O d ~ r d That
it 1)e engrossrd and read :L t)hird tinie.
The said resolutioii was react the third time.
Resolzred, That it pass, mid that the title thereof bc a s aforesaid.
Ordem2, That the Secretary rcquest tho concurrence o f the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. eJeniison (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 207) to preserve the cBiciency and extend the usefulness
of old fire companies;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Comniittco on Military Affairs.




Mr. Phelan, from the Coniinittee on the Judiciary, to whom was

recoirtinittcd the bill (S. 1%)declaring persons owing niilitary service
to the Confederate States, and who seek to avoid such service by
reiiiovitig beyond the. control and jurisdiction of said States, alien
eiiciiiies, mid snhjcctitig their property to confiscation, reported it
with :in amendment.
On inotion by Mr. Phelan, that tlhe Senate proceed t o the eonsideration of tlic bill (S. 1S7) last mentioned,
It was determined in the 1icg.ati.r.e.
So the Scnato refused to consider the said bill.
Mr. Maxwell, from the Committee 011 Patents, to whom was referred
the hill ($3. 201) to increaso tlie coniperisation of the Commissioner of
Patents, repoi*ttYlit v i t h ;in :mendmenti.
The Smatc p~orcedetf,ns in Committea of the Whole, to the consideration of tlic bill lasl iiic~ntioned;and the rcported airicndmeiit
having hccn :igt-ccd to, the bill WRS ivported to ilie Senixte and the
a m e n d n i c t i t wns concurred i t i .
mirl I Y :I third

t, thr titic. thercof bc as aforesaid.

tlic Swrctnry rvqnest tho (wiciirrtncc of the House
of Itcprcseitt:iti\w t Iwi*cin.
A iiieswge troni the llorise of ltepreseutativcs, lry Mr. Dalton:
O i d ~ l d lhat

Mi-. Presidott: The Ircsiclcut of tlic Confederate States has notified the House of
Representatives tlik%t011 the 22d iiixtniit lie approved and signed a joint resolution
aiid bills of tlit following titles:
H. It. 21. Joiiil resolntioii in rc.latioii to the ivar;
H. It. XI. R I act
~ to prevciit, tlic procwing, aiding, and assistiiig persons to desert
from the Ariiiy of tho Coiifrderate Statcis, and for other purposes;
H. It. H i . Art act approl)rintiiig one hundred thousand dollars for the use mid
bciicfit of tlio Cherolrce Nation; and
11. It. 89. An act antliorixing chpl:iitis, in certaiii cases, to draw forage for one

to lay


for tlic ( w i i n i o u clcfeiisc. arid carry on the Governiiieiit of the Confed-

lht hill* (11. lt. !I7 iitld 11. It. !I!+) iLt1d joint resolution (El. R. 22)
this day rrceived f row the Iloiiso of Itepiwentatives for concurrence
w e r e scvcl.:illy re:d the first arid second times and referred to the
Coniii i i t tcc on Xili t ary A ffai1s.
The Senatcl proccccld to consider the amendiiient of the HOW^ of
Representatives to t h e hill (S. 150) to authorize the appointment of an
agent of the Post-Office l)ep:u.tment, arid such clerks as may be necessary, to carry on the postal service in the States west of the Mississippi




[Jan. 27,186p.

On motion by Mr. OX,

The yens and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Sonotors present,
Those who voted i n the aftirmative are,
Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Hayncs, Henry, Johnson
of Arkansas, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Lxeade, Semmes, Siinms, Sparrow,
and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the tiegative are,
Messra. Baker, Hill, Hunter, rJemison, Johnson of Georgia, and
On the question to agree t o the second resolution, declaring tthatA. lt.
Lawton is not authorized by law to discharge the duties of the ofice
of Quartermaster-General of the Confederate States Army,
-- -- -- - - ---- - It mas determined in the iiffirrntitive, Nays ._..
. _ _ _ _ . _6
On rnotion by Mr. Orr,
The yeas and nays being dtsircd hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Thostt who voted in the afkiriiiati\-o are,
Xcssru. l<rown, Burnott, Caperton, Clark, IIaynes, Henry, Johnson
of Arkitwis, Maxwell, Oldhaiii, Orr, lteadc, Senin~cs,Sininis, Sparrow,
and Wigfall.
Those who Toted ill the negative are,
Illessrs. f3aker, Hill, Hunter, Jernison, Johnson of Georgia, and
So thc resolutions wcrc agreed to as follows:

ReSOhJed, That in the opinion of the Senate A. C. Myers is now QoartermasterGeneral of the Confederate States iirniy, and is by law authorized and required to
discharge the duties thereof.
Resolved, That A. It. Lawton is not authorized by law to discharge the duties of
said office.

On motion by Mr. Clark,

Thc Senate adjourned.

~ A N U A R Y27,



A Inessagn from the Ilousc of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Zcvt. Tlre IIousc. of ltcpresrritatives lia\e iigrrctl to the atnentlnrcnt of t h e
Senate to the bill (11. It. 70) to prohil)it (lealing i n thc paper vurrency of the enemy.

Mr. S p i ~ o wfrom
thc Committee on Military Athirs, to whom were
r e f e r r d the following bills:
H. It. 97. An act, to authorize the President, to assign judges of military courts froin one court to another; and
11. R. !XI, An act to authorize coiiiiiiatidws of corps and departments
to delail field officers as rnembcrs of military courts under certain
reported thcin serer:tlly, without amendment.
rho Senate procoedotl, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bills ( 97,II. 1L. 99) last mentioned; arid no amendment being proposed, they were reported to the Senate.
Oq+md, That they pass to B third rr d .
The said bills were severally read
Besohod, That they pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives


Jan 27, 1Y64.1


The Senate resumed, as i n

tion of the bill ($3. 150) to lii
Secrc tary or pririeipd ofice
ostahlishcd by the scvcrd acts entitled An
to 0
iiient of State, An act to establish the Treasury
act to establish tlic JYar Depsrtnient, h
act to
Departnxent, An act to estab
act to o r p n i e c and establish 11
the Departnient of ,Justice, all of which acts were approved February
21, 1861; and
On motion l)y Mr. dohnson of i ~ r k m s a s ,
07~imd,That the further considerntion thereof he postponed iintlil
Tnesdny next.
Tho Seii:ttc rcsunied, as in Coniniittcc of tlie \Thole, the consitlera.
tion of tlic bill (S. 192) to rcgulate the dlowtncc oi traveling rxpenseu
of officew of the N:ir.y : l i d others traveling under ordcrs; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
O r t t ~ e d That
tlie fnrthor coasidertttion thereof be postponed nntil
T h e Sctiate resumed, as in Committee of tlie Whole, the considemtion of the bill (13. 1%.85) to :mend :n act entitled An act in relation
to the receipt of counterfeit Treasury notes hy public officers; and
no :micndmcnt being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
On the question,
Shall tlie bill be read it third tiiric?
It mas determined i n thc negative.
So tho bill was rcjccttd.
C h d m 4 That the Secretary itiforin t,lw Ilouse of Rrpreseiitntives
thcrcof .
The Senate procccded, as in Conitiiittee of the Whole, to tlw considcrstion of thc bill (1. K. 91) to fix thc I.atik, p y , :~nd:dlo\wnces
of adjutants of reginicnts and i ndcpcnt-lcnt battldioris; and no :uilendmerit 1,cing proposed, it wa:, rcported to thc Scnate.
On the question,
Shall the bill bo read t i third tittie?
I t \viIs dctertnincd i n the neptivc.
So thc i)ill JV;LS rcjcctcd.
O d ~ ~ ; wTlh, a t the Sctwtnry infoiwi the I1ouhe of Bcprcsentrttives
t h wcof .
Ihc Sctiatc i*c~rnuctl,iii-i iii Conrtnittce o f tlic, Whole, the cotwiclcrtion of thc \)ill (S. 171) for tlic o:,t:ii)~ihicrtt:tiid regulation of territorial c ~ n ~ n i : i ni dn ~ti)(. Aiwiy ; ant1 no :iuiondincut being proposed? it
was rcportcd to the Scnat,e.
On the question,
and read :L third timo?
Shitll the I d 1 tw c n g r o
It was ctctcimincd in t h negative.
So tlic bill WRS 1-rjectrd.
The Senate roq~iiird,as i n Committee of the VIThole, the consideration of the ))ill (S. 174) to authoriac t h e issnc of certain bonds for
pdyrricnt to the A1th:tnia and Florida Railroad Colnpriy, of the Skate
of Florida; and the reportcd aiiieridinents having h c n :Lgreecl to, the
bill was reported to tho Senate and tho aniendrnents were concurred in.
O d ~ ~ e That
d , the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third tirne.



On the question,
Shall the bill now p
. - . - - - - - - - - - - - l4
It jvas dcterniined in the a-ffirmative, Nays . _ _ __ _
_ _ _ _2.
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirrnative are,
Messrs. Baker. Caperton, Clark, Dortch, I-Ittpnes., Henry, ,Johnson
of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell,
Oldham, Orr, Semmes, and Sparrow.
Those who voted i n the ncgttivc w e ,
Messrs. Clay and Phelan.
So it was
Bewlwd, That tlic bill pass, and that)the title thereof be as niorcsaid.
Ode?*ed, T h t the Secretary request the concurmnce of tthe Honse
of Represcntati\.cs thcrcin.
Mr. Dortch, f i v i i i t h e coiiiriiittcv, rq)ortcd t l r d the>- liad c s ; ~ n t i n c d
anti for1ud t ruly enl~ollcd
A bill (11. H. 84) to atithorizc the rlppoiirtnwiit o f i ~ t i: q : > t i ( of the
Trcnsiiry 1)cp:irtiiicnt wcht of the Mississippi.
The Yresidcnt pro ttwiporc having signcd tlic ctirollcd bill 1:ist
reported to have 1)cm c ~ x i L l ~ ~ i it
n dw, i ~ dcliwred
to t h o Hrcrct:wy of
the Senate : ~ n dby liiin foi%hwith rusontcd to the lresidont of the
Confederate Statcs f o r liis approvat:
On motion by Mr. Xcmnics,
The Senate resolved into sccrot 1egislatiT c session.
The doors having been opened,
The following message was received fi-oni the Ircsident o f f hc ( h i federate States, by Mr. 13. N.Harrison, his Hcrrctni~y:
R ~ c n v o r ; ~\T) ,i , ~Jmiiwvy3,
To the Xenute mid ITottsc of ~~e~:l,re8entcrtilJes:
I herewith tramliniit for your iiifoririittion R c ~ o m i i ~ u i i i c .ion
a t fr 0 1 1 1 tlic. I
War, corering a copy of an additional report o f military opeiatioiiq clnr


.I l ~ ; F l ~ l ~ : l ~1)AIlS.

1he nicss:ige was rc:id.

rcfcrrcti to the Coiiirnil tco on M i l i t w y hfhirs.
Ihat i t
T h e following in(
g~ wis received from tlrc 1i*osidcnt1of tho Con, 13. N . Harrison, his Hocr.ct:iry:
fedcr.atc: states, by
I ~ ~ c I I \ ~ o N I 1) , I., . / t / 7 ? 7 ~ ~ / 27,
TI, the Srilcrte of Utr Conjdercrte Slt,ttcs:
I II response to your rcholutiori of thc 20th instant, I herewitli transmit

i~ cminiaiiication from tlrc Secwtary of the Treasury, .conveying inforriiation relativc to the
chief collector of taxes for the State of 1,ouisiaiia.
J EIW151tWX DBV18.

I hc messagc? W:LS read.

O,*&)c-,.ed,That itj bt: rcferrctl lo the Committec on l4iimcc.
The following rnessiigSe was rcwived lront thc: Iurhident of tlic: Confederate States, 1)y MY. 13. N. 13iirriso11, his S(5cret:lr.y:

Ihvn\rom, VA., Jan7nctry

,?$, 1S6.i.

To the Xencrte of the Confrtlerale Stales:

I n response to ytrur reriolution of thr 16th instalit, I lierewi h transrriit a cornmuiiication from the Secretary of War, conveying information r latire to t h e oficers
appointed under the act to raise troops, approved October 1 1 , 1862.


The mossage was read.

01dei*ed, 'Chat, it be referred to tho Coiiiiriittee on Military A
'On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Tbc Sctiatc adjourned.
I[,. Piwidenl: The IIonee of Kcpresentatives Iiave paesrd :t bill (H. K.100) t,o
~ ~ r r l i i l iune (he service, for tho war, all the troops iiox iii tlrc I'rovisional Arlny of

tlir: ('onfederate 8tateh; i n which they ask the (wwiirreiice of tllc Sellate.

h),ill (IT. I<. 100) I:& nientioncd W:LS r c d the first, : ~ n dS ~ V O I I ~
tin1t.s : ~ n dr de r r e d to tlic Coriitnittec o n Militiwy M:Lirs.
age from the ZIousc of Itcprcsentat
\y R h . IMton:
Ilonse of Rrprweiitatives 11
1 ) tlrc
~ reqnired constiof t ~ o ~ t l i i r das ,bill (11. 12. 101) I
litioixil al)propriation of
m o n c ~ y ;in wliich they request tho coneurrencc of tho Senate.

~ P J L ! ;Thcb

1 (11. 1L 101) Inat mentioned was read the first m d second

timca : ~ n dreferred tsot h e Cornmittce on Foreign Affairs.
A1 I*. Clay, froin tho Corninittee on Commerce to whom was reierrod
the bill (s. ISS)to probibit tlic iniportation of juxnrios, or of ctrticics
not tlecesstirics or of coiiiirion use, together with tho aiuendnicnt of
the House of lteyreseritntives thereto, reported tho same with t ha
recoiiiiiiciiclntio~ithat tho Senate conc~irin tho Hitid aniendment.
'I'hi3 Sciiate proceeded to consictcr tho said mieadrrient of the HOWU
of Hiyrescnt:itircr to the bill (S. 183) last mentioned; tmd
d, Thnt t h y conc'iir thcrcin.
O / d e / w I , Th:Lt the SecretiLry iiiforni ihe I Touse of Nol)i.t~sentiitivca
ther i*co
I, t i c Scnntc r c s u i t ~ d ils
, i i i C'onimittm of the Whole, the cwnsidcriitioil of tho bill (11. It. 92) to tax, fund, : ~ n t llimit tho currency.
On tho qiiwiion to agroe to the following rcportcd mieridriient, viz:
Strike out, after the enacting c-lt~use,tlie first, w(:orid, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth, and scventh sections of the hill and insert tho following:
I ,
1 hnt upon all rioninter~~st-hearing
Tremury notes of and above the deliomination
of f i v e tlollars, and upon t h c principal suin of all call certificates out&tntling on tho
day of April, eighteen hnndrect and sixty-four, there sliall bc le\,ied and cold a tax of sisty-six ant1 two-thirtlfi cents for every dollarpromisctl 011 tho face of

notes and call cvrtificates; said tax ~ 1 1 : i I Ixtbcli to said notes and call cwtificatrs
:revw ci~rulated,and shall be collected I)y M dcdnctioii at tho Treasury and its
oritoritks, iuitl
tho tau collectors, Sroiii a11 sucli notes aiid call certificntes

jtirthey, T h a t tlic interest on all public securities, the pay of officers of the Army
and Xavy, niid o f soltlitr~and ~ C R I I I C I I ,ant1 the salaries and compensation of all offleers and rmploycrs ol the Government in all itti department+ shall he aid i n the
new issue o f Tremury notes at par: And provided ftwtller, That the lax rainid for the
year eighteen hnndrrtl ant1 sixty-three shall he payable in Treasury notes of the old
1suc at par, and without tlctluction.
3 - 4 4 4 0

1 itfed



SEC.4. Tliat ssid lioninterest-bearing Treasury notes of the old issue, when collected 111 pajnieiit of public dues, or by t h e sale of bonds, or by funding, shall not
IF reissued; but, instead thereof, the Reerrtary of the Treavury shall issue one-third
of theninomit thereof in new notes, payable two years after the ratification of a treaty
of peace with the United States, and receivable in aymcnt of all pnblicdues, except
export duties, antl any tax declared by law payalik in spccic>.
Sxc. 5. That all holilcrs of Treasury notes bearing no interest, and issued prior
to the first da? of April, eighteen hundred arid sixty:four, hall, on aiitl after that
(late, h e entitjed to exchange t h e same for the new 1ssue at their nominal value,
tleducting thoreiroiii tlic tax impoxd b y this act.
SEC. 6. That all certificatesnot reconlerted into notes prior to April first, eighteen
liundrcd and sistv-four, shall thereafter I)e paid i n notes of thc new issue, deducting
from the p r i w i p d suin on the Enee of savh ecrtificatt.s ,the tax imposed by t h e first
section of this act. That a11 Tretiwry notes of the old
bearing no intcrrst and
outstanding oil the firbt of -ipril, twlitcwi hundred and
four, undcr regulations
nvcrtcd into cdf wrtifi-

notes, arid ot old notes not btwing int(wht valued at tho rat(%of three dollars of the
niilliorts of dollars; i n that cveril, so m a n y n(w notes may 1)c issued as to raise the
amount above described t o tuo Iirintlrecl niillions of dollars, but to no greater sum:
Im idecl, That riotliinq I r c w i u contxincd shall be constrncrl to prwent the exchange
provitlrtl f o r i n the fifth sertion of this act.
notes Iicrc~toicireiswcd, I,caring iiitt:rrst iLt tiit, i a k of s(vwi
R oii tlic hnndicd dollars per nnnuin, slrall no longer l ~ e
rocc~i\aE)lein payniciit of the pu1)Iic d w * , hit s k d l h e tlernictl am1 coiibitlrrctl Iiouds
of the Confederate States, payable t w o J c w i after the mtifcatioii o f n treaty of peace
with thc. ITiiitctl St:Ltes, hearing t h r rnte cjf interest q ) w i f i d on tlicir fnc,c, p:tyahle
on the first of January of e : i c ~ t i and every ye:^
RI:~. 9 That tl-icl Scc*rc4aiy o f the Trc&nn h ~nnd
, I>(. is Iic%rc.i)y,authorized, in
c a w tlrc. rxigencieu o f t l i v C r
(1 rcqiiIi it, to 1)av thc dcniand of aiiy
public. vrctlitor, \silling to I
i l l a cvrtilic.:ittl of intlclitedne~s,to be
iwwd b y him, payable ti\ o
ttifiwtion of a trvxty of pcacc with the
six Ijcr ( ( x i i t 1)cr:tiinuiii, payahlc wmiInitcvl States, 1 ) c w ing intcii
indorwiicnt, undcr rcyplations to be
annual 1y, a I I d 11and cwbl c
prrscribtcl 1iy tlic Kccrrtarv

On inotioii by ;\I r. l l i ~ l : ~ i i to
n m t x i d tlie reportcd aincndrrierit by
inserting hefore Lhat. i n the first line of thc iirst section, the
That npon all nonilitcrest-bear~ii~
Treasnry notes of antl aliove the denomination
of five dollars, issued previous to the. Iirst d i y of April, cightecn hundred and sixtyfour, there shall be levied, on the first (lay of October, cighteen hundred and sixtyfoul, a tax of one hundred pcr cent, so that :ill cuch notes shall be absorbed on that
cipal and interest of all call certificate5 executed upon a deposit
led previous to thc first day of April, eighteen hundred and
I I.)c levied a tax of one hundred per vent on the first day of
October, cightccn hondred and sixty-four, RO that all such call certificates shall be
discharged on that day,
- -- - --- It was detcrrniiied in thc negative, Nays
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- 17

On motion by Mr. Phelan,

J R I I .27, 1864.l



The yeas : L I nays

being dcsircct by om-fif th of the Senators
Xr. Iliclan vottd i n tho :Lfiirinati\-c>.
Those who Yotecl in tho negative arc,
Messrs. R:~kcr, Caperton, Clsrk, C h y , Dortch, IIaynes
Hunter, cJe~iiiso~~,
Johnson of Gcorgiti, eJohitson of Mis,souri,
Oldhum, Orr, 1ie:ide. S(xnrnw, snd Sparrow.
Pon$inx the furthcr consideration of tjhe rr?ported nmondmont,
On motion by Xlr. Scwmcs,
The Senate rcsolred into cxccutiw mssion.


lhc following niessitgc w:is recciwd from tbc Ircsidcnt of the Confederate States, by A h . Harrison, his Stcrctxry :
R I c l i ~ r o ~ l.Intrutrl.y

27, lS6y.

To tI@ flentLLz.
I subinit to the Senate Iiereivith tlic iiouiinatioii of A. 11. l,av\b)ii, of (korgia, to be
~ ~ i a r t c r i r i a s t e r - ~ ~ I\
e nith
~ ~tliv
r ~ ~riuiL
of brigadier-general, to take (?ate from the
13th day of April, 1861, and dceni it lxoper to conimunicate the reasons which
intlucc this course.
On thc ~ a ~ s a gofe the act of the 20th IWarcli last, entitled .in act to anleiid a n act
vntitled iin act for tlw e&iblishiurnt and organization of the general staff for tho
Army of t h e Confederate States of America, inquiry \vm ni:ttle to aid in the selection of the innst competc)nt person then made eligible, and thc ofice of QnartcrmasterGencral n as tendered to General Lawton, who was averse to arcepting it if i t involved
a nomination ant1 iicw appointmrnt, for tlic reasoii~that it withdrcw hiin from serriw
in tlw field, interfered with his c~hancesfor promotion, aiid that, m h c was tlieii the
oldesL hrigadier in the scrvirc, h e \vonltl, by acreptancv of a nwv commission, he
drpriwcl of his relafivc rank :is c-oniparcd with the other brigadiers. Thcre were
two other offic-ers recomi~iendc~l
to inc as Ppcviitlly tilted to clischarge tlic dnties of
who c ~ ~ n be
l d sp:rred froiii s c v i w i i i tho field, and they werc
both major-generals and could not, thercbforix, be espectcd to accept a lowcr gradc in
tlw shfthan that wliicli Ihey held i n tlie liiw.
Tlic n:tine of t he officer then pcv-lorniing tlic dritirs of 1Zuarterrnnstel.-(;enernl W R S
also presented to ine with recoitirricndxtii,nH Cntitletl to very great rtq>ect, but m y
0x1n obwrvation (Jf the manner in which tliose ctiitirs l i d been discharged had
prw ioudy satisfied nie tliiit the public* interests required an oiticrr of greater ability
anti one better qualified to meet the preming emergencies of the service during the
On examination of the law above reftwwl to, its language, although not free froni

latitre \\as as well fulfilled by assigning to the duties of that ofice one who wae
already a t)rigadIicr-general of the Provisicinal Army as by noininating a new officer.
This view of the question ivas fortified by the fact that tho law lwt referred to did
not crcatr a n off~ce,but only provided that during the war the oficer discharging
the duties of (2iiartermaster-Geiieral should have the rank, etc., of brigadier-general;
and by the futher fact that the original art of 26th February, 1861, for t h e establishincnt and organization of the general ntaff, vontained a provision still in force, that
offirers of t h e &uartermautcr-Creneral, and other staff departmentcr, might, by order
of the Presitlent, be asigned to the command of troops, according to their rank
in the Army, thus indicating that positions in the quartermaster and other rjtaff



[Jan. 27, 1

departmerits iwre not difitinct offiiccb, but were posts of duty to whlch officers of the
Army \yere appnintcyl, ant1 iroin n hich they might be v;ithdrdwn and assigned to
other duties at ljxecwtire discretion.
Tliis is a provieion of our law that did not exist in the former service of the United
States in \rhich, \rhen a11 officer of t h e army entered the Quartermasters Department. h e surrendered his coniniission in the line and his right to command troops.
I am actviseti, howe\ er, that such is not
Senators, and I so far c*onfornito their vie
adviPe the Executive in relatioii to the api
This statement was also ~iecewiry in cxplanation of t h e proposal that General
h n tons rank bhould {late from the 13th day of April, 1861, that being the date of
his present coiiiinission of brigadier-general in tlie Provisional Army.
Since the foregoing message was written, 1obrerve by the published proceedings
of the Senate that i t has adopted the following resolutions:
12esolved, That in t h e opinion of the Scnatc A. C. Myers is now QuartermasterGeneral of the Confederato States Army, and is by law authorized and required to
discharge the dntics thereof.
Resolreed, That A. It. Lawton is not an1horizc.d by law to discharge the duties of
said office.
Refraining front a n y furt1ic.r renrark on these resolutions than the espression of
my conyiction that they arc not siwhinrtl 1)y thr ( h s t i h t i o i i or the la\!, their passage cwforcw tlic propriety of rubniitting to yon the nomination n-hich accompanies
this mcwage.

The message wis I Y ~ .

1 ~ 4 c r r c dt o Ihv Coniniittcc on Mililary hffai1.s.
O i d e i ~ c d ,That it
The folIuwi~ignic g e m s raccivcct fi-oni tlic. President of the Confederate Stntcs, by
. Harriwn, his Secretary:
RWII 31OKI), .raJt UGnJ 17, 1864.
To f h e iseil(/tC:
Agreeably to tlir rccorriniendatioii of tlw Scc,retary of War, I noriiiriate Brig. Gen.
A. li. Lawton, of Chorgia, to be (luartermaster-(;rneral, to rank as brigadier-general
from Al)ril 13, 1861.

O / d m d , That it LO i.cfcri*cd to the Coinniittc~eon Xilitary Ilff:iirs.

o n Post-Officcs nnd Post-lionds,
to whom wero rcfcrrcvi t h c following ~ioininations:
J oh 11 A. Sc:il)rooli. o F I I:Lr t l t vill
~ v, UtwifortJ tli
h a ; ,J. 11. Wel)t), o f lo(~)t:~ligo,I 3 c : i i i f o l t di*tri
r district, South Giro (oul~t-Ilou,.t~,
Jolirt it. Allct~,of Ch
lina; \lTilliani lt:tniwur, o f Lincolnton, Lincoln County, N.C. ; tJoaeph
W. l l o h t s o u , of (;rclciicvillo, Grecno (:oiinty, rcnn.; Orestes A.
Kechler, of S:dcni, Forby t h County, N . C. ; Powhiitan T. Gcwin, of
Okolona, C h i c ~ I i a s :County.
h h . , and H . A. IIunclley, of Enterprise, Clark C o u n t y , M i s s . , r c p r t e d , with the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n that
all of mid noinitiation:, be c.onfirnicd.
The Scriatc proccedcd to consider said report; and in concurrcncc
therewith, it was
That tho Senate advisc and consent to their appointment,
ngrccably to the noinination of the IreSidCiit.
MI. S p i i . o \ r , from the Comrriittec on Military Affairs, to whom
were refcrrcd the noininations of ,J. X. Chambliss, to k ~ ehrigadiergeneral; 1;. IV. Sinis, to be yunrterrrraster. with the rank of lieutenantcoloncl; \V. G. Vardcll, *J. C. Green, W. C. Rutler, G. F. Maynard,
Alex. McVoy, A. Wnrren, W. R. Wright, and T. W. Kadcliffe, to be
quartermasters, with tlie r a n k of major; 3J. Pertle, John Skippington, Thomas Nr. 13ass, A. S. Reid. Henry 1,. Jones, James D. Earden, William Stevens, A. A. McGregor, William A. Pugh, Isaac B.

Mr. Oldhi~ni,froni t t i c Coniinittce

Jan. 28, IRGJ.]



naolred, That a copy of this resolution be communicated to the head ol each

Executire Department.

Mr. Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, reported

A bill (S. 208) to provide compensation for officers who may heretofore have performed staff duty under orders of their superior
which mas read the first and second times and ordered to be plxed
upon ttie Calendar.
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House of
Representatives to the bill (S. 172) to increase the compensation of
certain civil officers and employees in the Presidents office and in the
Executive De artmonts at Bicliniond for a limited period; and
Resolved, Tphat they concur therein.
Ordaged, That the Secretary inform the Housc of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Senlines,
The Senate resolvcd inta secret legislntive session.
The doors having hceii olwn~d.
Mr. Sparrow, froni tlie Con~niittoeon Military Affnirx, to whom
W:LS rcfcrrcd thc hill (S. 194) to organiac, bodies foi. the r:ipturc and
destruction of the ( ~ w n i y sproperty, by land or S C R , and to rtuthorize
compensation for the S H ~ I Creported
it without anieiidment.
On motion by Mr. Keriiiiies,
Ordovd, That when the Senatsoadjourn it be to meet at 11ocloclr
On motion by Mr. Senimes,
The Senate adjourned.

On motion by Mr. Clay,

Ordered, That the Coniiiiittee on Commerce be discharged f rom the
further considcration of the bill (S. 184) to cshblish n h w : ~ i of
i foreign su plies.
Mr. la?, froni the Committee on Commerce, reported
A hill (h. 20!1) to cstwblish a buruttu o f foreign supp1ic.s;

which wtis wad tlie first and second times and ordered to be printed.
The Senate rcsunicd, as i n Conimittec of tlie Whole. tlie consider:ition o f the bill (FT. It. !I%) to tax, fund, and limit t h c currency.
On the queqtion to :~grccto thc first amcndment rcported froni the
Comniittei. on Vinsnce
On motion by Mr. h d h a r n , to amend the aiiicndrrient by inserting
after the first section thercof tlie following:
SEC.- . That all outstailding iioninlel-c~t-be;~riiifi
Treasury notes, issued prior to the
iirst day of January, c+&teeii hundred and sixty-four, upon which the tax prescribed
hy the first section of this act sliall not be paid by the firht day of April next, and
all Treasiiry notes which may l ~ ivwxl
after thc first day of Jariuitry and before the
first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, upon which said tax shall not be
paid by the iirst dav of June nc~xt,shall cease to be current, and shall not be passed
or transferred by t l k holder thereof; and any person who shall, after the periods
aforesaid, pass any of said notes, shall forfeit and pay three times the amount of the
notes so passed, to be recovered by indictnient i n a n y conrt of the Confedcrate
States having jurisdiction of the same: Provided, That the times ahom designated
shall be extended thirty d a j s in the States west of the Mississippi River: And profurther, That the holders of said notes shall not be deprived of the right of
paying t h e tax thereon after the times prescribed as aforesaid,

Jan. 29.IS64.l





A messagc from tho House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

The IIouse of Representatives have passed the b:ll of tlie Senate
An act supplementary to an act t o p r o i ~ i dfor
~ the
funding attct furtlicar i m i e of Treasurp notes, approved April 30, 1863.
A r ~ they
lriive concurred in the amendment of the Senate to the bill (EI.R. 93)
to organize a Treasiiry note bureau.
~ f i p. p p s j d p t / f :

(s. 169) to rcprat itti act entitled

On motion bp Mr. Sjprzrro~v,

That the injunction of secrecy be removed from the bill
(S. 158) to organize forces to serve during the war. *
A message froiii thc IIoiise of Itepresentatives, hy Xr. Dalton:
J f i . Pi.r,&Z?nt. 1 am directed by the House of Representatives to reqriest that the
Senate will fnrni~hthe 1Ionse with a certified copy of the engrossed joint resolution
of the Seiiittc (So. 18) cxp1:uiatorp of a joint resolution on the subject of retaliation,
approved May 1, lS(i3, tltc original rwolution as it passed the Senate having been
iiiislaitl since it \vas tranmittect to the IIonso.

Tho S w i ~ rcsiinic~cl,
t ~
as it1 Conimitkee of the Whole, the conqidcration of tlic bill (11. R . !12) to tax, fund, mid limit the currcncg.
rcc to the first :~iuendmcntrrportcd Crm1 the

On iiiotioli t)y AIr. Semnies, to amcnd thc xiiieiidniciit by striking

out h o , i n tlic fift ti line of the third section, and itwrting after
fundcd, i n tlie sanic liiic, thc words undcr existing I:iws,
I t was deternhictd in tlio nfiirmntive.
On iiiotion ljy MI*.lhelan, to anirrid thc amendment bx inserting at
the end of the tnird section thcrcof t h o words, until thc first day of
Jarlunry, cightcen hundred arid sixty-tivc; aftcr which date said Trcasiiry notes sliiill not bo fiuldiiblc o r exchangcable for new notes, nor l x
recclivablc i n payincnt of public d 1 1 ~ , ) ~
It WRS dctmniined in thr nffirtn:ltivc.
O n inotion by Mr. Scinincs, to amend the nmendnicwt by inscrting,
after issue, section 3 , line 2, the words not bcaring interest,"
It w a s dctci-tnirrcd i n tlie d K r ~ u a t i ~ ~ .
On iriotioii by Bl r. Seninics, to niiimd the siiiendtucnt by st,riliing otit
scc4oii 4, l i i i t 1, and inscrtiug after issuc, in
t h e scc*ondline of t h e a:inic scctioii, the words not bearing inter&,
It w a s dctt:miincd in tht: affirmative.
On iiiotion ty BIr. lh~lan,to anwnd tho atncudriient by htriliing out
iiisttwl thereof, section 4 , lines 3 and 4; by striking out one-third
of thc nruount thcrcof i n i n the fourth and fifth lirics of the saiiic, section, ntid by inserting :kt tho end of the soctioii as provided in tlie
seventli aoction of this act,
I t \vas determined i n tlic affinnativc.
On motion by &Ir. Sciimcs, to amend the amondinent t)y i tiserting
aftcr :ill, scctiori 6, Iiiic 1, tiic \void c ~ i l ,
It \\:IS d c t c r n r i n c d i n the aflii*in:itivc.
On motion 1)y Mr. Sernuics, to anicncl the amciidincnt 1)s inserting
after d n t ~ , swtion 5, line 3 , and until the first day of January,
eighteen h u n d r d mid sixty-five,
It T V ~ Sdeterniincd in the affirm at1ve.
On rnotiori by BIr. Scmmcs, to amend tho arneiidnierit by inserting
a fter convertcd, section 6, line 7, until the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-five,



[Jan. 30,186

Mr. Ilortch. from the committee, reported that they had examined
alld found trnly enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the following
S. 172. An act, to increase the compensation of certain civil officers
and eniploj,ces in the Presidents of&e and in the executive and legislative departments a t Richmond for a limited period;
S. 190. An act to regixlate tho collection of the tax in kind upon
tobacco, and to amend an act entitled An act to lay taxes for the
coninion defense and carry on the Government of the Confederate
States, approved April 24, 1863;
8. 196. An act to extend the provisions of a n act entitled An act
i n relation to the receipt of counterfeit Treasury notes by public
officers, approTed May I, 1863.
S. SO. .Joint resolution of thanks to Major Von Borclrc.
The President pro terripore haring signed t h e enrolled bills and tho,
enrolled joint rcmlution liist rcported to have been rxamincd, thcy
were dclivcrcd to tht: Sccrctary o f the Senato and by him -forthwith
presentcd to tlic lrcsidoii t of the Confederate States for his npproval.
On motion hy 11r. Scninics,
rhe Senate rcsol\wl into sccret Iegislativ
Thc doors havin
ciwd from the IIoirse of RepresentThe following ir
:ttives, by Mr. hlc

The Speaker of the IIouse of Kepreseiiwtives having signed two

11s and an enrollcd joint resolution, I a m directed to bring them to the

Senate for the signature of their President.

The I-Iot~seof Representatives have passed the bill of the Senate (6. 144)to change
the tiiiic for the aescrriblirig of Congress for its next, regular session.
And they lixve passed, nnanimoiisly, a joint resolution (11. It. 23) of thanks to
General Bcauregar? and the officers and inen of his command for tlieir defense of
Charleston, R. C.; in which they requeat the concurrence of the Senate.

The joint resolulion (1.It. 23) Ixsl iiieiitionccl wi l h rcad the first, and
second times and referred to the Committee on Military Afinirs.
Tho following intssttgc WLS received froin tho President of the Confederate Statcs, by Mr. 13. N. Iiarrison, his Sccwtary :
Rrc~IraroxI,, I., *7trnutrry m, rsci4.
aI2d I ~ O t l S ?l!f /<Cl)7YSPldCkl?
1 hc~rcs\\it 11 t n~nsniitfor your considrration a c~onin~iinication
from the Secretary of
\Yar (wveriiig 211 wtiniatc. of a n additional suiii neeclod 11 the fhgiiiecr Bureau.
1 recomiiieiid an appropriation of t IIE anzount spec~fieYfort h e purpose indicated.
?O Ill( i%?lttk!


Tlic messagc w:ts read.

@ 7 d e w d , That, it be referred to tlie Committee on Finance.
Mr. Chperton, froin tlw cominittce, i.eporttd that they hrid examined
and found tiwly enrolled billv and a joint resolution of the following
H. li. 31. An act t o fix the pay and allowances of the mnsler
arniorer uf tlie Confetleratc Stxles Armory at Richmond, Va. ;
S. 167. h i act to niiicnd a n act to provide a mode of authenticating
claims f o r nioncy ng:.ainst tlic Confederate States not otherwise provided Cor, nl)pro\-d August 30, 1861; and
S. 23. Joint iwolution in relation to the salaries of the judges of
t h e district courts of the Confederate States for the State of Virginia.
The President pro tempore having signed tlie enrolled bills and the
enrolled joint resolution last reported to have been examined, they

Jan. SO, l8F4.1

v e r c delivered t o the Secretary of the Senate aud by hinl fo

presented to tho President of the Confederate States for his ~t
On niotion hy Mr. Semmes,
Ord[wd. That, when the Senate adjourn it be to meet at 11
011 Monday.
31~.Kcsdc (by leave) introduced
-4joiiit resolution (S. 27) of thanks t o North Carolina troo
which W R S id the first and second times and considered 8s in Cornaf the \Thole; and no amendment being puoposcd, it \vas
cd to tllc Sonate.
Otd~vcn',Tliat it he c n g r o w d a i d rcud ti third time.
The mid rcsolntion was mid t lit. third time.
12esolt~(l, that it pass, :ind t h t the title thereof bcb :is aforestlid.
O~Y?/,/~<YyI) 'hit the Sccrctary rcyuest the concUr1'cnct' of the Housl.
of [tcprcwntnti\-cs thcrciii.
0 1 1 niotion hy XIr. Scmmcs,
Vlc Scnntc ndjoui*ncd.

'l'hc SeniTtc procectled to consider the iiiessage of the House of Represcntjntire:;, rcqwsting a certitied copy of t,he engrossed joint rosolution
(No. 18) of the Senate explanatory of n joint resolution on the snhject
of retaliation, approved May 1, 18GR; and
On iiiotion by Nr. Om,
O i d o i d , That the Secretary of thc Senate transmit :L certiiiod copy
of the slid resolation to the House of Rcprcsentntives, ngrocably to
t lici r wqiiest
( following iiicssagc was received fi-om the Presidciit of tlie Confcdcmto Stntcs. 1)y Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secrctnry:

A ,. ,.hrnzLary %?, 1869(;a.
To the ,%t7lP t i l r t l of Representatives:
I hcrcwith trmsmit for yorir consideration, in secret session, $1 cnmmanic~ationfrom
tlie Secretmy of t h e Trtwury, to which I invite your special attention.
I wcommc~nilan alq)ropriation of the slim specified for the purpose. indicated.
r ,

Lhc message was read.

Om?md, That it he referred to the Committee on Finance.
'I'hc S,clnate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideratioii of tlie 1)ill (11. K. 92) to fay, fund, and limit the currency.
On the quwtion to agree to t h o first amendment reported from the
Committc.c on E'iii:ince, as amended,
On motion by Mr. Henry, t o amend the amendment by striking out
Llrc fir4, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, arid seventh sections thereof and
inirrting tho following:
That npon all Treasurv notes not hearing intercst, above five dollars, and
cwtifirattxs outstanding 011 the first day of April, eighteen hundred and
, tllcsre sllail be levied a tax of sixty-six and two-thirds cmts for every dollar
on the fare of saict iiott.3 atid call certificates, whlch tax shall attach t o t h e
(:rll certificates whercver circulated, and shall be collected at the Treasury,
its tleposifories, and by the tax collectors,on or before the first day of October, eightetln
hundrcci and sixty-four, by taking up for cancellation the old notw and call cwtifi(*atw, and delivering to the taxpayers one-third of the arnonnt 80 taken up and can~clcclin the new Trcamry notcyj herein provided to be issncd; and thoronporl the
old Trcmury I I O ~ P Qand call certificates shall he canceled, and all notes not so presrnted by t h a t day shall thereafter cease t o be fundable, exchangeable for new notes,
or receivahlc i n payment of public ciuee,


I t \vas determined iii the iiegatire.

O n the question to agree to the first reportd amendment tis amen
Yens . - - . - ---_ . _-_
I1_ .
It was dett.riiiiwd i n the aftirmative, 1 Nays - _ _ ...._
_ _ _6. _
On iiiotioii by Mr. Orr,
Thc yeas mtl n:y.s being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
?hose who voted i n the affirmstivr are,
Messrs. (hperton, Henry, Ilunter, *Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of
Missouri, ililsxwell, Phelan, Resde, Senirnes, Sparrow, and 4Tigfall.
Those who voted in the negatirc arc,
Rlessrs. f i ~ k e r Chrk,
Hagnes, ,Jsmison, Oldhani, and Orr.
Yo the amc?ndnicnt~:iq men d ed was agreed to.
On niotion hy hlr. Scniriics,
The Scimte resolved into rsecoti\.o session.

Jan. 30, 186.1.1



C. ltigg, Jos. C. Beard,

Ignatius D. Thomson, Thomas J . Kinchle , F. Anderson J o
Dunn, Javan Bryant, Hugh ITr. Caffey, illiam P. Fin1
O'Leary, John C. Gregory, Edmund S. Pendleton, Russe
N. A. Morgan, Thomas 31. Stuart, Leonidas Crews, W.
dell, Darby Henagan, John W
'. Oalhoun, Elihu Toland, Kohert M.
Muldrow, Benjamin L. Seago, N. B. Drewry, J. Newton Chemey, J .
Henry Bass, James Y.Kichardson, Williani Duncan, Thomas J. Vance,
Benjamin IF'. Walker, A. A. Moore, W. Lewis Reese, E. Alonzo Ligon,
John P. Mushat, W. Green Stephens, T. Young Aby, G. L. Strait,
W. E. Pearson, Andrew S. Fox, John H.Little, John J. Bozeman,
J . Newton Doyle, Geor e E. Carleton, W. A. Washin ton, 1,. De Witt
McMannen, Robert T. %llett, Robert G. Holloway, ohn 1. Logan,
William S. Frierson, Theodoricli M. Shaw, T. W.Dandridge, Phil. T.
Woodson, Robert M. Ptttterson, Henry R. Christmas, Abrier J. Gupton,
T. M. Login, jr., James W . Bennett, T. Alf. Cntchin R, John 1,. 1.
Scssum, I,. F. Morehead, Erasnius I). Moore, William allace Cross,
cJ:uiicsY. Bradfield, ,Joseph (+etzmdlrr, Monroe M. Johnson, Charles
3 . lhrton, David S. Boyle, Andrew ,I. Almond, ,John A. Feild, William IT. C o q i n , W.Wyatt Dicltie, 1,wis L. Ncwsoni, W. J. Scull,
Fieldiiig Y. hlum, llichslrd M7. I'Ansoii, Gaincs $1. Roynton, Kicholas
H. Boring, Robert 1'. Sweat, ,J. Mxrshd Ilcnnard, Fleming J . Mathe m , dohn d . A, Smith, Thomas I). Shields, Charles A. Rates, Henry
Marriott, T. W.Glocker, John T. IlcLean, Carl 11. A. Kleinschmidt,
Charles Gresham, R. Carr Shackleford, Logan I. Robinson, James
P. Cook?, Robert G. Howard, Richard A. Harrcll, S.Moore Brown,
Spencer G. Welch, TI. Wash. Willianis, John I,. Cannon, Walter W.
Scott, Thomas F. Wood, James T. Wilkins, Janies 8. Steghenson,
W.H. IF. Cobb, J. Bryant Stinson, 120. A. J7CTarnock,Elbert 0. Achell,
Frank Gale, Richard H. Dunlop, John 1. Hicks, I). McL. Grahttm,
Marshall T. Bell, 1,awreace 11. I'rosscr, Rollins T . Hart, JVilliani S.
Nowlin, Aloner V . Doak, J. 13. Williams, Moses liic*liardson, Wright
H. Lavender, William 1.C'l:~rIc, .T. Mztrion Soles, John Lawsori Gunter,
Benjaniiri F. Clagg-ett, John M'. IIarrow. George W.Lafayette Garr,
Stephen D. ROWC.Lewis Berkeley, .'I 13. Burt,lctt, Charles A. Mitchell,
Chnrles T. Richardson, Tliomas J . Love, Richard S. Napicr, Joseph
JI. Craig, lfenry A. Gillespic, Charlcs 0. Ilelwig, Alex. L. Hamilton,
A. 13. Rrooltins, Janies B. Gage, ,J. I-loward Do Votie, Henry M.
Pecplcs, tJ. I A W SMapp,
O ~ I. Davis Thompson, Francis Walker, M. P.
Hillyard, L.N. Sanders, John Woik, N. R. James, W. G . Williams,
J. 1'. Clements, H. S. Bradley, William T. Brewer, Sainucl F.iMceker,
Henry &
George W. Monroe, J. \Ir.Smith, John S. Peake,
John M. Hadley, It. H. Lewis, Joseph L. Alsop, B. A. Cheek, Charles
W. Tininis, A. C. North, John F. L o c h , M. A. Brown, Thoriias H.
Kavanaugh, Jesse E. Thompson, T. Smith Trice, J . Chappell Max~iell,
Charles Lesesne, Jonah Bivens, L. J . Wilson, Sanmel H. Smith. Samuel
G. Mobley, Andrew C. Crombie, W. It. Hardy, Jesse R. Fraley, R.
MclL Stribbling, Howell R. Foreman, John &
!I. Alex. S. Ashe.,
J . T. Chandler, Charles C. Thornton, George VC'. Pnrnell, Marion L.
Mayo, T. F. Gilliam, Edwin F. de Graflenried, W
'. L. Hcaife, John
It. McDow, Rilliain P. Green. William R. Baryon, Jos. I,. Stephenson, James M. Doby, Isaiah J . Cherry, R. Munroc Bryan, J o h n D.
Patton, C. H. Adanis, W.W. Campbell, T. Jefferson McKie, James
T, Meek, William T. Wellborn, Charles E. Dupont, A. S. Martin,
,J. Uyrd Vann, Jos. C. Ihmiltori, William

Jan. 30, 18154.1


T. ,J:tines Wilson, C. 1. Ford, Seaborn B. ()Neal, William 31

ley, Jcicob khgg-ins, jr., Joel W. Franklin, George W. H
,Tarries 0. Snunders. 11. Clay Harvey, Thonias W.Zilley
Ihol-ntort, Henry W. Ihssett, *John 12. Sinis, ,Jobn D. C
Richard I,. Dnnn, ITr. 1. Parker, W. 13. Lenn, doh11 R. No
IT.Goldsby, John C. lhoth, S. G. I~ticlietk,Wil1i:un H. (:re
W. Coc.Brrhani, Milliam T. Jordan, Jarncs 1%.Simmonds,
William I. Bull, jr., Yeter lt. Fitzgcrnld, S. K.
13cnjaniiu E. Ends, 8. Buford, dessc C. Houston, John A. I3
Aildrew J . IIaTslett, John E. Rlockcr, C h a ~ S.
l ~I>ilrby
Tatc, Willituii 11. Edniondson, I?. 31. Traylor, Dw\ id S. RIIS
Fisher, John C. Spiirks, Abiicr I<. Arnold, 31. ITT. I)i*aniniond, I J o l i ~ i
W, Jones, ,Jaines I). Young, John I?. Cli:imbliii, Ihonuts 1. Ilcrcford,
,John F. Naclccg, It. X.Campbell, li. ( i .Sontllall, Cl~arlcz:( i . I. Glissnian, J o h n Mr.f h d o i i i , A. E. li:~gl:~nd,
MrilUuui 31. Mrclls, W.11.
Wyman, Mi1li:un I. Blair, ,John A. lhrnett, S. Jcfl. S p r l o c k , Cdviil
N. Silliiiian, Joliu C. S n d , A. A. ;\ilcl<ittrick, Ilanicl Ir,. Ilyrd, 17:~lter
H. Nardin, 13olling 1-1.Jaclrson. W.1. 11i ~scoiiib,l?hoinas 11. Moss,
John C. TTilburn, S:unucl R. FVillitrns, 7. 3enry l%iw:~rds,ltufus 1.
Kilpatrick, Sainncl 31. Dold, Alexander M. Friwer, V. 0. Tholnpsorl,
Leandcr G. fIunt, W. 3. Iiobcrtsoii, 7. I,. Audei.son, D. R. Merritt,
William 11.S h c r i m i ~J~a, m s W.MclGssack, Thornas E.\Yhyttt, Thomtts
%. Offutt, Granville It. Lewis, George M. Willis, Jos. A. 13aden, Janics
U. Shepherd, Charles L. Garnett, A. E. I h s , Iioborl, C. Eve, Vir*ginius
G. IIitt, ,J:tmcs 13. Qilkeson, W. 13. Watford, W. J. McMuhon, ,J.
I l a v ~ c n c cStrait, Willimn A. IIrnrd, Andrcw T. Iion~3,,Jos. 13. L.
Hnlic~r, I3cnji~rliiriI?. Rudisill, 1. McC. IIolines, A. (iivciu, 1 Icnry C.
Ghent, J:mies W.Grcciic, 11. MvKciink, Andww 12. Shullse, Robert
V. Itcid, \Y. 11. Calvcrt, S. It. 1Iuid, 11. 1L Ihrdcri, John 1,. lieatl,
John S. JYilson, Milley A. Woodaon, .John hl. 1:iyne. 1). W.lhrton,
Liobcrt, S. Grccnc, IVilliani It. Cole, E:tlward C. r J : ~ ~ ~ i,J:mies
RIangeinc, Janieh Leffers, Tbornas J. W:~rrcii, ,J:iint:s V. Johnson,
A. P. Ful1i~r~o11,
Thoinas J . Caldv ~ 1 1 ,W. A. Milliamsoii, Willirtm U.
Morton, Williairi It. ronipkins, B.,I. Toung, ,Jos. S. Buckii(\r, William
R. Lick, 11. C. Sonirncrvilic, J ~ T ~W.
I CWisenian,
Paul A. l<arrier,
U. 11. LM:my, Robert L. Harris, Janics M. Pclot, C. F. Jones, jr.,
Pctcr I3inford, A. S. McKeither, David D. Oateh, Eliav 1. Hester,
Thomas ,I. 13askett) John T. 3. Foard, liobert 13. Alasundcr, Mason
W. Smith, liobert J. Turner, ,J. Henry Curreg, TVilliain ,J. Barron,

Lewis S. Freeman, liobert Davis, I t u f u s A. Iiohorts, James W. H a n num, K. B. Kennedy, Newton C. Pyles, James ,J. Crawford, W. McA.
IIaniia, 0. S. Holines, John W. Itainey, Jaspcr N. Smith, William 11.
Ranks, .John Frost, Jos. 1. Carter, Jaines I). Pluiiket, *JohnI,
E:. 0. llodges, Thomas 111. Mapkx, Harvey 0. Milton, IVilliani IJonnan,
dohn C. Storey, James 1. Gocthe, T4rilli:in~ l. Spmcer, Charles l-1.
Jordan, Walter S. Golden, E. I,. Connally, Thomas 13. Yamge, Gcorge
A. Nicollassen, Lafagette Bonner, 0. Becker, Saniuel G. Con1 ton,
Aug. J . Spencer, William M. Hoover, T1eais JL King, John
Lacy, A. N. Kincannon, A. 13. Stenrns, Uriah I-Iaynir, Solomon I?.
Greene, David 1. I h y i n t , ,John T. Melton, Brtink 31. Dennis, K.
Knomlton, C11:~rlcs B. Tydings, ,Jarncs H. Wilkes, Jos. Lcn~ly,N. L.
Galloway, J . P. ZIamer, Robert I>.
enry 7. Fox, 9.J.
Cltiborne, William P. Casseday, A. P. I
,I ohn (1. Andemon,
William 11, Newell, T. W, Newsorne, A.
idson, A. T, Henry,




Charles ,J. A. Crockctt, D. L). Carter, Alexandei. Dunn, Theodore

Parker, IT.L. Earout, and Charles P. Gordon, to be assistant surgeons,
reported, vith the recommendation that all of said nom inatioria he


The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and i n concurrence

therewith, it was
BesoLwd, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointnlent,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
The following messages were received from t h e President of the
Confederate States; by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
ICiclimond, January 28, 18b4.
To the Senate of the Conjederctte 810io:
Agreeably to the recoiiiiiiendation of the Secretary of Ww, I noininate t h e officers
on t h e accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, resprctively.

s o . 29.1

\v \it



Itichrnond, .Prrnitmy 25, rSc;4.

S I J ~I . I I ~ V ( %i l i ~honor t o rrlconiinen(1the folloving nominations for appoiiitnient
i n the 1'rovision:d Army of the Confederate States of Anierica:

Col. 13. 1
., Gibpon, of Lonisiana. to take rxnk froin January 11, 1864.
Col. C. 11. Stwens, vice C . C'. \\'ilsori, deceased, of South Carolina, to take rank
from January 20, 1861.
ilidu-d~'-ctr,nlJ-j;r~tZ i ( ~ t i 1 e ~ m i t s .

W. 31. I'ricc, of Missouri, to take rank froni May 2, 1863.

Albert Hyer, of Alabama, to titke rank from November 16, I8fjH.
Charles T. Holrnes, of Florida, to take rank froin Deceinbcr 4, 186:L
Thomas Gibson, of Trnncssee, to tnlre rsnk frorii .Tanuary 6, 1864.
Samuel Hunter, of South Carolina, to tako rat~lcfrom January 6, 1861.
J o h n A. Cheatham, of 'renncssce, to take rank from Decwnber 31, 1863.
E. Miltenberger, of T,oiiiniaiia, to takr I ank froin September 14, IHGY.
Celans Price, of Mishouri, to take rank froin Map 2, 1863.
Henry S. Puryear, of Korth (hroliiia, to take rank froiii Jannary 17, 186-1.
It'. Old, 01 Virginia, t o take rank h n i Jannary 19, 1864.
C. A. Williaiiis, of Virginia, to take lank from December 28, 1x63.
I am, sir, respectfuIly, your obedient servant,
Secretory o j Witr.
To IIis 1Sxcellenc.y .JI
Prestdcnl, ctc.


The message wa~hread.

O?&red, That it hc referred to the Corrirnittcc, o n Jii1it:tty Affairs.
Ex ECUTI v:E I>irr~mr>xw r , Co

To tlw L%irnfc oj' tlic ConfeEderute Butes.


Riclimond, January 29, 1864.

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I noininate Maj. Gen.

Richard S. Ewell, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-general in the Provisional Army of
the Confederate States.


Jan 30,1864.1



Riichmond, January 38,18

SIR: 1 hare the honor to recoininend the nomination of Maj. Gen. Rich
Ewell, of Virginia, to he lieutenant-general in t h e Provisional Army of the C
erate States of America, to take rank from May 23, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To Iiis 1hc.elleiicy J

The message was wad.

O r d m d . 'I'hnt it Iw rcfcrrrd to thc ('oinniittce on Military Affairs.

ot TVar, I nominate the oflicers

nanics, respectively.

on the ac~omp;iiiyinglist to thc rank

No. 3 3 . 1

I\ A R

1)EP k l t ' ~ V i X T , ('OXFIWER iTI3 STATICS OH'


Rtclimond, Jani.uq $9, 1864.

SIR:I Iiaw the honor to recommend the following 9ominations for app6intnient
in thc ProriPional Army of the C'onfederate States of America, for distinguished
d o r and skill.
t blond.

Capt. John B. Davis, of South ('arolina, to be coloiiel Fifteenth South Carolina

Regiment, rive Coloucl (iiqt, resignwl, to rank from Jmiuary 19, I S M
Id I t (


E. T. Taylocl, of ;\lipsissippi, lo lie> swoiid lieutcmtiit Conil)any E, Jeff. Davis

Ltagion, to rank frotri Dtwnibcr 1 i , IS6:i.
H. 13. (+oultl,of Alahania, to be, sccontl 1wiitt.iiant Coui1mii! (:, ISigl~th .ilabanla
Ikginic~ut,to ianlr fiuni I ) c ( ~ ~ n i h24,
e ~ iS(;:l.
J. C. I)avnnt, of Sontli Carolina, to br m m t l li
South Carolilia Cavtrlry licgiment, i u rtrnlc froni .Janna
J o h n A . Caltlwcll, of --,
to 1~
from 1)c~cenil)cr
31, 1863.
F. &I. Andcrson, of i?Iissouri, to he sc~contllieutcwant Cornpan? l), Sixth Missouri
Rrgimcnt, to rank from January 6, 1861
W 1% Couc~hrnan, o illirsovrri, to 1)r serond lientenaiit Company 11, Fourth
Misqonri Rcpinrr~nt,to rank January 1 3 , IS64.
ErNiu A . Roach, of Soiitli Can
Company B, Foor-

eriaiit, Coinpany 11, Fourth Missouri


I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Agreeably to the recommendation oT the Secretary of War, 1 nominate the following ofliwrs to the rank affixed to their iiames, respectively.



\v \ I <

No. 32.1

[Jan. 30, 1864.


Richmond, .lirnuaqj 97,1864.

sir<:I have the honor to reroiiimend the following noininations for appointment in

the Provisional Army of the Coniederate Btates of i\merica:

ilr(jutants--jrsl 2iecdertant.s.

John R. Moore, of South Carolina, for duty with Palmetto Battalion Artillery, to
rank from December 19, 1863.
D. 31. Laytoil, of Virginia, for dnty with Twenty-fifth Yirginia Ilegiinent, to rank
froin n'oveinber 27, 1863.
J. N. Shorter, of Alabama, for duty R itli Thirty-first Alabama Regiment, to rank
from May 2, 1863.
Thomas G . Pond, of Georgia, for duty with Twentieth Gcorgia Bathlion, to rank
from October 13, 1863.
J . W. Laird, of 3larplanc1, for duty with First Maryland Battalion, to rank froin
July 4, 1863.
John H. Hryan, of (:corgia, for tlnty with Fourth (;eorgia. Cavalry Reginlent, to
1l)l.r I , I SC3.
11, of Xorth ('arolina, f o r clnty \\ itlr Fifty-qi y t h Nortli CnroIina Reg1


Nir, respcctfnllj., yoiir o h


1 I l e i i r ~(;oldtliwa&., of Alabai~a,t o tak(, rxnk from Kovember 21, 1863.

2 1,aniar (>ol)b, of (+c~oigia,!o take. rank from December 14, 1863.
3 J U. Cuniining, of Cicwrqia, to take rank froin May 23, 1863.

Secretary of War.
To HISISxc(4lmry J

I'reszdent, rtc.

The inessag~cwas I ' E R ~ .

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Jan. 30,1864.1



~ R P ~ R T \ ~ W C~NFEDER.<TE


R i C h O R d , January 27, 1864.

To the Stmie of the CoqfeedernteStates:

Agreeably to the recorninendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
C o s ~ w nITE
s o . 27.1
IZzch ni ond, .Tmm ary 16,1864.
SIR:I ha\ e the honor to rcconiincnd tlic following iiominations for xppointineiit
ill the Provisional .h.nij of the Confederate States of America:

James Z George, o f 31ississippi, to bv volo~ielFifth JIississippi C a ~ a l r yRegiment

(formed of Stat<,troops and nonconscripts), to rank frotii Deceinher i , 1863.
Jicwtr,rn,it-t o l o n ~ ~ l .

issippi, to bc. 1ientc~ii;tiit-culoiic~lFifth Mississippi Cavalry

troops and nonc.onscripte), to rank from December 7. 1863.

Capi. \Yilliain <;. I Iendcrwii, of Mississippi, to be major Fifth Mississippi Cavalry

Rc@iiient ( forriicd of Stitte troops and Iioncoiiscripk) , to rank from Decetnber 7, 1863.
Adjt J F. Low, of Tennessee, to be major Fiftv-ninth Tennessee Regiment, vice
blaj ,T. 1'. 13rown. promoted, arid t h e officers entitled to promotion waiving their
claims, to rank from January 7, IS64

'czpticI l l .
(*:q)taiti ('oi~ipaiiy(;, Rrc-ond lilot ida Ilegimeiit, by
C. S. l~leming,of I%ritla, to
unanimous consent ot offirers, to r:unk front 1)cccmbcr 14, lS63.
s~Sec.oili/I / / / ~ / f / / f l i / t . \ .

1,.I,. Albriglit, ol (iciuigia, to be scw)iltl lic~utc.nnnt('otnpany id;, FiCty fonrth (korgia

Itt.ginrent, ctririprig failed to elect, to ran k Iron1 (7ctobc.r 3, IN%.
11. G . Cod.r\ortli, o f Sonth Carolina, to I w recontl licviteii:mt ('oinpany I, Twentyme nth South Carolina Regiment, thc officser vlectrd tlec*lincdcsmlination, to rank
from January 6, 1864.
(7. V. Siiiith, of Alabania, to bc second lieutermit C ' o i i r p ~ i i15,
~ ~I'iffeenth Alabaina
&yiiiient, the oiily person in thc. company fit for proniotioii, to rank from Jamiary
6, 1864.

Franklin C RIM, o f ( ieoryia, to be second lientenatit, First (korgia Regiinent

(c~iilisterliiipii ), to r:tiik from January 7. 1864.
T ~ 1 1 1 ,sir, iesl)ettfrilly, your obedient servant,
Sewetury of Wnr.
To IIis Nxcellent

lwmiad, .Jtmuar.g ZY, 1864.
To the B n l r t ( >of thr ( ' o n j d i w i l r Xttdps:

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, 1 noniinatr the officers

on the accompanying list to tlie rank af5xetl to their naineR, rexpec*tively.
No. 28.1
SIR: 1 have t h y honor to recorninend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of tho Confederate State6 of hnierica,



[Jan. 30,1864.

Bkpxi? commisscrries-mal)ors.

1. Thomas F. Fisher, of Louisiana, to take rank from December 1, 1863.

2. J. H. Flonrnoy, of Louisiana, to take rank from December 6, 1863.
3. Alexander I, Smith, of Florida, to take rank from December 4, 1863.
4. Warren M. Hopkins, of Virginia, to take rank from December 22, 1863.
5. George Foster, of Mississippi, to take rank from December 26, 1863.
Assistant comlnissariea--cq)tair2s.

E. P Rareshide, of Louisiana, to take rank froni October 14, 1863.

John C. Meadors,. of Alabama, to take rank froin October 7, 1863.
W. H. Kenner, ot Tennessee, to take rank from December 30, 1863.
A. F. Dunlevy, of Tirginia, to take rank from December 26, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Exct~llencyJEFFERWN Davrs,
iws I dent, rtc.

The message wts r~atd.

ClrderetJ, That it be rofcrrcd to tho Corninittee o n Military Affairs.
Riclimond, January 68,1864.

TOt l r ~h r t t e (lf tl/(, ( o ~ . j ( ~ < l o,Sttrtc,~:

Agreeably to the recoinirieiidxtioii o f the Secretary of JVar, I noininate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
No. 6.1

SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

I,ie/rfcu ~ri~t-coloricl.

1. F. C.;

R u f h . of \irginix, to rank from October 5, 1863.


1. R. H. Camhg, o f l?cu:ts, l o l a i i l , froiii AIay 2, ISKl.

2. J . 15. Ficklin, o f Virgini:i, to r ~ l i l ifroul J1:ty 19, 1863
3 S. J<. I3rt~ner, of lllak)aiiix, t o r:tnk froin June 9, 1863
, .lIahaiii;i, to rank from May 26, 1863.
! d o t r i i \V \ ~ i I l i ~ i i i i sot
5. 15 I,. I o l m i i t w , of Georgia, to rank from June 15, J863.
, to rank from May 8, 1863.
6. J. C. Bridgwater, of Teiin
7. J . G . Campt)ell, of I,ouiriana, to rank from June 3 , 1863.
8. C. A. htlirop, of Alal)aina, to rank froin July 20, 1863.
9. El. (5. Wilson, of Arkaii>w, to rank from May 2 , 1863.
10. J. G . Parrish, of Virginia, to rank from Nay 2, 1863.
11. E. Jl. Carruth, of RIiPsissippi, to rank from May 2, 18G3.
12. W. E. Sriead, of Teiinessw, to rank f r o m Map 15, 1863.
13. A . M. Fowlke?, of Alabama, to rank from August 3, 1863.
14. S. IS. I,ucar, o f South (arolina, to rxlik h o n i August 1, 186%
15. J. N. Coleiuan, o f Texas, to rank from February 3, 1863.
16. \Y. 14;. I k Mill, of North (arolina, to rank from J u n e 1, 1863.
17. A. I?. Hayniond, of Virginia, to rank froin S(Spteniber 12, 1863.
18. R. L. Colrrnan, of North Carolina, to rank from September 28, 1863.
19. William Taylor, of Virginia, to rank from Srpternber 18, 1863.
20. .J. M. Dougla.-h, ol Texab, to rank lronr July 1, 1883.
21. T. W. Scott, of Louisiana, to rank from May 2, 18G3.
22. J. Bhouk, of Kentucky, to rank from November 20, 1863.
23. W. V. Crouch, of Virginia, to rank from OLtober 28, 1863.
24. William T. Smith, of Alabama, to rank from November 16, 1863.

Jan. 30, 1864.1


J. 31. Foster, of Alabania, to rank froin August 28, 1863.

'1. S.Raiikin, of lientuckv, to rank from Noreiiibcr 28, 1863.
J. Q. Tlionias, of Teniieesee, to rank from November 7, 1863.
I,. A. Fov lei, of Kentucky, to rank froiii December 3, 1863.
G . C. Ball, of A\labairia,to r a n k froiii Noveiiiber 20, 1863.
13. 31. Lone, of Korth Carolina, to lank froiii July 29, 1863.
31. C. TdcClenaghnn, of Sonth Carolina, to rank from J u l j r 29, 1863.
39. 'I'. R. Tront, of South Carolina, to rank frotir July 29,'1863.
33. A. 31. Allen, of Georgia, to rank fro111J t ~ l v29, 1863.
34. 31. R. Jlillen, of Georgia, to r:mk froiri ,Jdy 29, 1863.
35. I f . T. Hall, of Tennessech, to rank froiii July 20, 1863.
36. 1'. Canrpbrll, of Tennessee, to r ~ n kfroiii July 29, 1863.
li Koycs, of Florida, to rank f r o n ~Octol$r 5, lS63.
38 J I'. Iialtln in, nf IJlorida, to rank frotii (ktolwr 5, 18C3.
ti. Snmiiwr, of Florida, t o innk froin (
40 .\ 13, Sniith, of Cicorgia, to rxnlr froni A i l
41 \l'.v. Johnson, of I<eiituc~ky,to rank f r o
49. IV. 0. fIarvic, of \'irgiriia. to rank fioiii May 22, 18GY.
43. C 1'. King, of Arkansas, to rank froni .Jrine 30, 1862.
44. T. Robinson, of Virginia, to rank from September 23, 1863.
-kj. G. 11. Proctor, of Iieiitucky, to rank from October I , 1863.
46. M'. &I. Tzttc, uf Virginia, to rank from July 1, 1863.
17. .Jorrpli Cloyd, of I'irginia, to rank from 1)ecember 6, 1863.
48. Jaiiics Sloaii, of Kortti Carolina, to r a n k from ,)tine 26, 18V3.
49. It T. Wilpon, of Tenucssec, to rtuik froni Julie 26, 1863.
50. P. W. White, of Florida, to w i k tioin June 26, 1863.
61. J o h n 31. Galt, of Virginia, to rank from August 8, 1863.



1. J . 11. Franklin, of T'irginia, to rank froin May 2, 1863.
2. J. >I. Johnston, of
3 . 13'. 1). IEeyiiolds, o
4. S. 11. Ricliardsoii,
G. C'. \V. Venahle, of
7. It. G Lintlbay, ot Xortli ('xrolinii, to mnli froru , J n l \ 9, IH(iS.
8. A. 11. Cline, 01 Arltans:ts, to r m k frorrr AIay 2, 180:
9. J. 11. I>owell,of Arkaiistts, l o rank froin Jlay 2, 18
1 0 . 11. 1'. Brashear, of Tcxax, to rank from W h y 2 , 186'
1 1 . T. It. Foster, of Virginia, to rank froiii August 25, lX(i3.
12. t i . I{. Scott, of Virginia, to r m k ftoiii Angwt 25, 18GY.
of l.ooisiitna, to rank from August 25, 1X G X
rick, of (korgia, t o rank from Yrpterirher 3, 1863.
15. JY. >l.Tliotripsoii, o f Tcnric,sscc, to nitik from Alugiist11, 1863.
16. ,Joliii 11. Iiriglit, of Alabarna, to rank froiii Grptc~iribcr8, 1863.
17. .I. J . \ V l i r ~ : ~ d o n ,of ,\I:~banm,to rank from July 31, 1863.
IX. Angiibt 0. f 3 ~ ( w i (, ~ (korgia,
to rank froiii Srptetiiiwr 13, 1863.
20. 3. 11. 3luilrland, of Virginia, t o rmk frotir Peptcwl)er 28, 1WL
, of ~\rk:iiisiis,l o rimk froin Arptwn1)er 22, IS63
c, of Soiilli (hroliiia, to rank from Septcwiltchr26, 1867.
23. '1'. F:. Dntil(~y,of Poritli (':irolina, to r m k froiii Oc*tol)cr1, lX(iY.
24. Samriol I,. Hntic.r, of (icorgia, to rank froni ()itober 5, 1863.
25. 1). I, 'I'Iioml)son, cof fiontti Carolina, to iiiiik froin 0ctol)c.r 8, 1863.
26. \V, 15. Dick, of Soulli ('wolina, to rank froin October 15, IN(i3.
27. 11. IV. Coniiclr, of Hontlr ('arolin:i, to rztnk frorii Kovcwil)er 9, 1863.
28. qJ. .'I Mawri, of Kortli t'itr(iliiia, to rank froiii Aiigiist 3, 1863.
29. I(. 13. %tasoii,of Virginia, to rank from August 19, 1 X f i 3 .
30. .'l' 11. MclCoy, of I,onisi:tna, to rmik troiii .iiignst 18, 1863.
31. J. A. Mclt;tdy, of Tennessee, to rank frorii J u l y 31, 1863.
32. I<. $1. Doss, of Alabama, to rank from August 22, 1863.
33. T.15. X t c l i e l l , of Alabama, to rarik froin Angust 1 , 1863.
84. J . 12. Hutchison, of ViIginia, to rank from St.ptr.nibtxr 5, 1863.
35. W. W. Clarke, of Arkansas, to rank from Sqitt~mher8, 1863.
36. W.I f . Wipg, (Jf South Carolina, to rank f:om Arigust 1, 1863.
37. 31. J. &
I. of Alabama, to rank from August 13, 1863.
38. T. C. Moore, of Georgia, to rank fronk J u l y 31, 1863.
39. Richard l r b y , of Tirginia, to rank from June 23, 1863.





40. L<. I,. Simons, of South Carolina, to rank from June 26, 1863.
41. J o h t ~P. Rilev3 of South Carolina, to rank from J u n e 26, 1863.
42. T. S. JIorgaii, of Tennessee, to rank from June 27, 1863.
43. 1'. F. Mrrr, of filar) land, to rank from August 15, 1863.
44. ( 2 . H. ChreTer, of Georgia, to rank from October 13, 1863.
45. T. 3. Bostick, of Tennessee, to rank from October 13, 1863.
46. J . A. Ibwie, of South Carolina, to rank from July 30, 1863.
47. J . \V. Chapman, of Alabama, to rank from August 18, 1863.
48. A . J. Hutchins, of Georgia, to rank from December 3, 1863.
49. %. S. Farlantl, of Virginia, to rank from October 11, 1863.
50. S. 8. Gresham, of Virginia, to rank from October 11, 1863.
51. J. H. Fulton, of Georgia, to rank from October 9, 1863.
52. XI. B. Kittrell, of Georgia, to rank from October 9, 1863.
53. 1. Wade, of Alabama, 30 rank from October 17, 1663.
54. .J. A. Ilouser, of Georgia, to rank from October 23, 1863.
65. J IT. naris, of Georgia, t o rank from Octoher 23, 1863.
56 C. F. Stnhhs, of Georgia, to rank from May 2, 1863.
57. T. C. Daniel, of Virginia, to rank from November 14, 1863.
58. J. G. Moffctt, oC Virginin, to rank from No\enrber 1, 1863.
59. G. \Ir. Hardir, of Georgia, to raiik froin October 28, 1863.
60. 'r. I I . Ilandy, of ;\larvlantl, t o r:mk froin Norernber 20, 1863.
G1. W. I(. \Villianib, of Yirginia, t o rank froin Noveniber 20, 1863.
62. D. ('. Hii~harcl~oii,
of T(\xaq, to rank froin Novetnber 27, 1863.
G:i. \V. I I. .Johnson, of ?iliasisqippi, to rank froin Soveniber 13, 1863.
G4. .r. 1'. IC~gI~~iiton,
ot Illisissippi, t o r ~ n kfroin Nowinber 28, 7863.
65. C'. M. Uoyce, ot ~ l i s s i s ~ i p ptoi , nrnk froin Noreniber 17, 1863.
66. C'. n. Graybill, 01 Georgia, to rank from Noreiiiber 17, 1863.
I am, $ir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
hVpcrptnry of Wur.

The inessap was r d .

O r d m d , Tlmt it bc reftvrcd to the Coiiirnittee on Military Affairs.
Agreeably to t t w rccotri~~iet~clatioi~
of the Pwxetary of tlie Kavy, I hereby noniinate 3Iarshall I,. Sothoron, to be assistant pay inaster.

O P I m S1~:SSION.

Mr. Spzzrrow (hy leave) introrliiced

A joint resolution (S. 28) of thanks to the troops from the State of
Louisiana in the Ariny of Tennessee;


Feb. 1,1604.1


which was read the first and xecoiid times and considered as in Cornmittee of tlie Whole: iiiid no miendmrnt being nisde, it was reported
to the Senate.
Om?md, That it be engrossed and read :L third time.
The said resolution w:is read the third time.
Resolzwd, That it pnss, a i d that the title thcreof be as aforesaid.
O7dwrc7, Llnat the Secretary rrquv\t the concnrrenc.c of the House
of Representatircs thcrcin.
Mr. Baker, froni the Coinniittce on Cl~iiiiis,to ~vhoiiiwas referred
the joint resolution (s. 19) for thr rrlirf of C:tpt. Mall\-crAindersori,
reported it withortt :iiiiciidtncnt.
rhc Srnittc p r o ~ ~ d c idi h , in Coiiiniittcc of tlio \\:hoIc, to the CWIIsideration of the joint rwolution 1:ist mc~utioiicd:m d no rmiendiiwnt
being iiidc, it mas reported to thr S:cnatc.
01dwcc7, That it bc engross~daiitl r e d :L third time.
Thc haid resolution was read the third time.
, Lhat8it pass, anti that t l w titlc thcreof be as aforesaid.
That tho Secretary rcqiiest thr coiwurrcncc of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proeecded, as i n Conunittee of the Wholc, to the considerntion of the hill ( 3 . K. !) t) to proridc for mouiidccl arid disabled
officcrs, soldierY, mid sc:iiticri :in :tbylimi, to be called The Veteran
Soldiers Hoiiie; :ind no :mcntlinent lwing proposcd, it was reported
to thc Senate.
O / Y { P / Y That
J ~ , it p i \ < to :L thii-tl iwtling.
The said bill WR.: rcxd thc tliirtl tinic..

w h r y i tiforin thc TTouscl of ltcyrtwntatives

On rriotioii by Mr. Sminics,
LlicSenatc i w o l v c d iiit o secret I(.gixlativc
I hc doors h:iviii
The following 1
cirrd from tho House of ltepresentatires, by M r . llalton:

. Ircsitlcnt.

Lhc lrrsidcnt of the Confetleratc States has notified the House of

i\es t l i a t on tlit. 2itli iiltiiiio I i r t % p p r c ~and
~ d signed an art ( H . R. 84)
tlicx a p l ) o i i i t i i i r t i t of an tigrnt of t h t Treitsiiry 1)rpartrnent west of the

i a w ]~an,ic~l
t)illsantl :I joint rcsolutioii of the following titles; i n wliic-11t1ic.y rrq
t l i t ~ ~ ) ~ i ~ * n r rof
e itihi *
e oS(anate:
I :id t ~ r i t i t l c ~ t l \ I I :lint to organiw military conrta to
t1. 1:. 102 \I1 act t o :lIll(l
attend tlie i\riiry o f t l w ( o ~ r f i ~ i l i ~ l . : i St:ttts
i t i the, l i e l t l , it1111 to tlcfinc the powers of



i l l xcat a1
y ol :in act r i i t i t l w l .ln art to put ti eutl to the
rxe:nptioii f r o i i i niilitar
of tliosc. \\ 110 Iitivc, Iic~ir~ti~iorc~
fiirnishd mbstitutes,
approved Jann:it y 5, IS
f1. R. 24. Joint rc~aolntionCIL thanks t t i t l i r A1:d):~tiratroops n l i o liave wmlisted
for the \\m.

k1. li. 104.

A incwtge from tlic? Irc4d(liit of the Chfctlr?ratc,StnLcs, 1)y Mr.

13. N. ITarrisotl, his Sccrctury:
M,.frcsitlent: The Presitlrtit of tlic. Coiiictleratca Statw, on tlw:lOlli ultinio, approved
and signed the f o l l o ~ ~a(-ts
n g ant1 joint rcsoltitiotis:
S. 167. ,\xi art to tuncnd an a(t to provide R !~rodcof aiithenticating claims for
money against the Confederate States nol o l h e r \ v ~ wIirr)vitle.tlfor, approved August
YO, 18G1;
8. 172. AII a c l to increase tho compensation of celtain civil oificcm and employees
in the Presidents office and in the executive and legislative departments at Richmond for a limited period;



of t h e Confederate States for the State of Virginia.

Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

The bill (H. R. 102) to amend an act entitled An act to organize military courts to attend the Army of the Confederate States in th e field,
and to define the powers of said co~irts,was read the first and second
times and referred to the Committee on the ,Judiciary.
The bill (H. R. 104) aiiiendatory of an actentitled An act to put an
end to the cxeniption from military service of those who h a re heretofore furnished snbstitutcs, approvcd January 5 , 1864, was rend the
first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military
ihc joint resolution ([I. li. 24) of than1;s to the Alabama troops who
have reenlisted for tlic war cws i w d the first and second tirncs and
considered as in Committee o f tlie \\hole; and no amendment being
proposed, i t \vas rcportcd to thc Senate.
O r d u d , That i t p n s to a third rwding:.
The said resolution \$as read the third time.
R e d v e d , That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Clurk,
The Senate adjourned.

A message from the Houw of l~cl~r(:sc.nt~ti\e~,

by 3Ir. Dalton:
Jfr. Pmsrdrrif Tlicl Ilouse of Rcpre
authorize tlic isqnt\ oi wrtaiii cotton
rence oi thc Seiiatcs.

t i \ w h a w Imssed x bill ( H R. 103) to

icntes: in 111iic.h 1hey rcqiicst the concur-

Tlie ))ill (1. It. l(l3) l i l b t iiicntioncd w a s r ~ a dthc tirst and second
tinics and rcferwtl t o tlic Conimittee on Finance.
T h c Scnate wsuinccl, as in Conimittee of the Whole, the ronsideratioii of the bill (1.It. 92) to tm,fund, arid limit the currency.
On motion of Mr. Seninif>-,t liy vote on agreeing to the first amendmerit reported f r ~ mt b t : Co~iirnittce on Pinancc, as amended, was
On motion by Mr. Seinincs, the vote was also reconsidered on
agrcciiig t o the Eollowing :uncrtdrnent proposed thereto hy Mr. IheIan, viz:
Strike out of the seventh section the words Th at Trcasury notes of
the old issue, bearing no intci*est, when received by the Government,
shall not be reissued, nor shall any new notes, i n lieu of such old notes
&!eceived as aforcsaid, bc issued, nnloss the total amount outstanding
of new notes, and of old notes not hearing interest, a d insert in lieu
tl#$$,uf the words That the new notes authorized by this act shall not
be issued until the amount of old notes not bearing interest,
--ZbiSenate proceeded to consider the said amendment proposed by
MWPhelan; and

Feb. 1, lSS4.1



On the question to agree thereto,

T t ~ v a sdetermined in the nrga ti v r .
On niotion by Mr. Semnies, to aiiiend the first reported amendment
by striking out the words in lieu of such old notes received as af
said,section 7, lines 3 and 4,
It mas determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Senlines, to arnend the haid nmendnient by inserting after suine, section 9, line 4, the words
other than Treasury note holders aiid contmetors whose contracts were entered into
between the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the date of the
passage of this art,

It was determined in the affirinative.

On niotion by MY.Scnimes, to ninend thc said amendment by inserting tit thc end of tlic ninth section thereof thc words and said certificate &:ill be escinpt froiii taxation in principal :tiid interert,
It w t determined
in the afirnia twe.
The first reported aniendnirnt as aiiicnded was then agreed to.
On the question t o agree to the second atmendment reported from the
on ITin:ince, viz:
it the eighth xectioii of the bill and insert the following:
To defray the expenscs of tlic (~overnnientnot otlierwiie provided for, the Secretary of tlw Treasnrg is 11erelr)yauthorized to issue six per cr-nt bonds to an amount
not escecding five liiintlretl inillions oi dollars, the principd and interest whereof
shall be frce from taxation during the war, and for the payment of t h e interest
thercon, the entire net rtveipts of any export duty hereafter laid on t h e value of all
cotton, tobacco, and na\ a1 stores which sliall be exported from t h e Confederate
States, and the net 1)rocwlsof the iinport (Intics now laid, or so inuch thereof as

On motion by Mr. Phelan, to ainend tha amendment by inserting at

the c t i t l t81icrcof the words but said Treasury notes of tho old issue
shall not bc so rcw~iwtlafter the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and sixty-live,
It was dcterininrd in the dlirinative.
Ihc amrnclrnrrit :is nnic~ndcdwas thcn agreed to.
Thc rcniduc of thc :imcndnients reported from the Committee on
Piiitince werr tlicn agi*cwlto.
On niotion by Mr. .Johnson of Chrgi:i, to arriencl the bill by striking out, srctiori 10, liiic 3, tha words and they may be exchanged for
each otlicr,
It mas detmininrd i n the negative.
On niotion by M r . ,Johnson of Georgia, t o arnend the bill by
inserting after for, section 10, line 5, the words fifty or,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Reade, to amend the bill by inserting the following indtpendent section:
SEC.-. That the tax imposed by this act on Treasury note? deposited, whether
generally or specially, with any corporation or person, and not withdrawn before



[Feb. I, 1864.

the first of April, eighteen hnndred and sixty-four, shall be deemed and taken as a
tax 011 the aniount of said notes as the property of the depositor,

On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the proposed amendment by

adding thereto the following proviso:
P~ooided,That this provision shall not apply to any bank which refuses to accept,
between now and the first day of April next, Treasury notes a t par for all debts contracted subsequently to the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and
prior to the passage of this art,

On motion by Mr. Phelan, that the amendment proposed by Mr.

Reade, together with the amendment proposed thereto by Mr. Sparrow, lie upon thc tai.)lc,
It was determined in the ncgatire.
On the question to n g
dineii t proposed by Mr. Sparrow to the nmendnitnt pro
- - - -- - -- It was determined in t ~ i enffirin:itivc?, leas-iays
.. _ _ 6
On motion by Alr. Phcl:ui,
and nays desirccl by oiir-fifth of the Senators present,
Thohe w h o voted in the :xflirni:Ltivc :LIT,
ililessrs. Clark, fI:~ynch,IIcnry, ,Tohn~oiiof Georgia, Ow, Iteade,
Sernmes, Spariww. nnd M'igfall.
Those who voted in thc ncg:itive are,
Rilessrs. Halwr, Capcrton, Clay, Uortch, Maxwcil, and Yhelan.
On the questioii to agrrc t o the amciidinent proposed by Mr. Reade,
as amended,
It was deteririiiicd in thc affirmative.
On iriotion by 311.. r l ~ i n i ~to
~ namend
the bill by striking out all
after the cnncting claiise mid inscrting:

That in lieu of inoneyed t:Lxw imposed by existing laws, there shall be levied and
collected froin th(. various itcliiis ( i f proiwrty mid ollier subject&of taxatiou Iiereinafter inentiorid, as nearly a3 piadicable, an ariniial tax of
inillions o f dollars
at the rates liereinafter spc.cifiv.ti.
SEC.2. That upon full payment of all taxes assessed againht any individual, firm,
or corporation, there sh:~Il be issucd, by the colkctor, to every such taxpayer, a
certificate stating anioruit ant1 cliito oI' payinrnt, for four-fifths of which amount there
shall be issucd, uritlcr diwction ot the Rwrdary oi the 'l'rcasury, a bond, or scrip,
hearing an aiiuual iiitcxrciit o f
pw ceiitniil,
able 011 the first day of
each ant1 rverp year, a t h i i ~ l iplacc aucl i i i such inanner as the Srcretary may prescribe. Saitl I ) u i i t l or scrip shall bc pay:tl)lc to c*ac.litaxpayer by name, s h a l l not be
negotiable, ant1 wit1 in the lx~iidsof any 0thc.r lioltlvr t h a n the original taxpayer,
or his Ieg:il nntl proper Ic.lIrc"i'nt;ttivci; and s:iid 1)oiids or sriip shall be payable in
not less than
ymrb, rc.iiewal)lea t the plrauure of the (;orerrmient, and shall be
without c~oupons attat.licJtl, hut otliwm i v oi iinch lornr a h the Secretary of the
Treasnyy niay prcscribe
Ssc. 3. The notes of the old isprie and call certificates shall be
fu.ntlablr arid convertible as Hpccified 011 thrij. face, or agreeably to the law authorizing their issue; and wheii any Treasury note of the old iisuc shall be received in
payment of public dws, sale of boiidcc, by iuiitling or otherwise, the same shall not
be reissnetl.
SEC.4. The Secretary ot the Treasury is hereby authorizetl to make a new issue
of lioninterest-beariii~Treasury iivtrs to an atiioiint not exceeding two hundred
millions of dollars, pavablc tt, o years after the ratifi~ationof a definitive treaty of
peace with the United States, and in such forni, of sn(~lidenominations, and with
such authentication as hc may prwrihe. When the notes of this new issue are in
any manner received into the Treasury they may he reissued or be substituted by
others, SO as not at a n y time to iiicrease tlit. \zholr amount of this issue in circulation
beyond the amount limited hy law. Tlie 'rreasui v notes herein authorized to be
issued shall be receivable in ali public dues, and sllall be a legal tender in payment
of all debts, except export and other duties now or hereafter required by law to be
paid in spccic, or taxes required to be paid in kind; and the faith of the Government

Fcb 1,1861 ]





ccnt iritcrcst per an nun^, n hich certificates of indebtedness shall be transferable

by will or inheritance only.
SEC.4. That all Trwsury notes not bearing iiiterest and call certificates which may
be outstanding alter tlrc fir& day of October next are hereby declared to be deinonetized a n d fore\ er ljiirred as evidences of indebtedness against the Government of the
Confederate States.
SEC.5 . That upon all contracts niade with the Gorernnietit between the fifteenth
day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the date of the passage of this
act, there shall be levied a tax of thirty-threr and one-third per cent upon the
amount agreed to he paid by dcducting from t h e sum due under said contracts the
amount of said tax, and the said contracts, after deducting t h e said tax, shall be paid
in Treasury notes of thc ~ i e wissue, authorized by the first section of this act.
SEC.6. That from and after the first day of April next all paymentq made by the
Government shall be made i n the iicw issue of Trcnsury notes.
SPC.7. That until tile first of A p i l next) Treasury notes of the old issue shall be
fundable according to the pro! isions of m i ng laws, but riot thereatter.
SEC.8. That Treasury notes ot the old i ue not bearing iiiterest, when collected
in payment of public ilucs, or by tlic wlc of
iids, or by fnnditig, shall notbe reissued;
but instead thereof the Swretwy of thc. Tirasury dial1 issne one-thiid thereof i n new
notes, payable t n o ycars altrr the r:itific.atioii of R trcaty of peace ith tlic United
States, receivablc i n p:t>nitAiit of ,ill p r i b l i c . dries, cucept euport duties, and any tax
declaied b y law to bc p:i>nt)lr i n hli(i(-ic,, h i i b j w t , hou ever, to the I w v i s i o n s of the
twelfth set*tionof tlik act
SEC. o. mlat a i l
April next, aitcr d(dn(.tii

deducted irom tlicxir fare

Sicc. 11. That between t h e first of April a

1c first of October all Treasury notes
not bearing inteiwt, undt1r i.nlcs aiitl rcgrilw
to 1)e prescribed 1)y the Secretnry of
the Treasnr\-, niay be con\crtrtl iiilo ( d l ( *
catw a t t h e rate of three dollars of
the old for one of the iiew i s m i of not(+, w h i d i certilic*atcssliall be reconrertible

no greater sinn.
SIX..1 3 . 'I'h:Ll the Trcasnry notm Iiercxtofor(, issiiwl, 1)raring intcrcst at the rate of
seven tlollai H antl thirty ceiitc. on the. h ~ i r i ~ l r ctlollats
pcr annuin, shall no longer be
recri\ able in pciynient o f t h e public. d n c - ~ ,hit hall bc tlrenied and considered I)oncls
of the Conlctleiatc States, payable t w o )ctirs:ilt(,i the itttification oL a treaty o f peace
v i t h t h e t'nitctl States, bearing tlic raic of intcveit rpcvifietl 011 their lace, payable
on t h e fir4 of daiiiiary of each antl every ycar
SI c'. 14. 'I'llat the. devretai y o f tiit. Trmcnry lie, ant1 Ire i q Iic~rc~by,
authorized, in
case t h e exigencies of tlic Go\crniricmt shoiilti require i
pay the clenianrl of any
e of iiidehtcdiies\ to be
public creditor uilling to recci\e tlic bairie 111 a cert
issued by him, pavablr in t a n ycnq afttxr t l i c r,itiliratioriof a treatyof peace, bearing
inter& at the rate of *islwr ccnt per annum, payahle semiannually and transferable by special intforscmetit undcr regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of
the Treasury.
SEC.15. That to (leiray the cxp es of the Government not otherwise provided
for, the Secretary of t h e Treasurq i ereby authorized to issue six per cent bonds to
an amount not exceeding fire hunctred million^ of clollars, the principal and interest
whereof shall be frce from taxation, and for the paviiient of t h e interest thereon the
entire net receipts of any export diity Iiereafter'laid on t h e value of all cotton,
tobacco, and naval stores which shall be exported froin the Confederate States, and
the net proceeds of the import duties now laid, or 80 much thereof as may be neces-

Feb. 1,1864.1


sary to pay annually tlie interest, are hereby sp

duties n o x laid upon imports and hereby pledge
or in sterling exchange, or in the coupons atta?
due, or in Treasury iiotcs at their market value 11


time to time, sell, upon the

tes of the issue herein authorized.

Mr. Sparrow, frorn t h c Coirimi~treon Military AtTairs, to whom

u7rrc referred thc nominations of lt. Id. (iihsori :ind C. 11. Stevens, to
be 17,.igadier-gcnci,~il~;
I,. \1. IIastings, to ttc, major; \Y.M. Price,
Albert iIyer, Charlcs T. iIolnies, lhonius (;ilxmi, Samuel Hunter,

John A. Cheathain, E. Miltenberger. Celsus Price, Henry S.P u rje a r,
W. W. Old, slid C. A. l\rillianib, to be aids-de-camp, with the rank of
first lieutenant, reported, with the recoinmendation that all of said
nominations be confirmed.
The Senatc proceeded t o consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resolwd, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the noniinntion of the President.
Xr. Sparrow, from the Corriinittee on Military Aaairs, to whom
was referred tho nomin:ttion of Richard S. Ewell, to be lieatenantgeneral, reported, with the rocomniendation that said nomination be
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and
On iiiotion by hlr. Sparrow,
O d e m d , Ihat tho further consideration of snid nomination be postponed till to-morrow.
On niotion by R l r . Sptir~ow,
The senate rcsol\-cd I iito open Icgishtive hcssion.

The President pr o tcmpore laid before tho Senate a series of resolutions passed by a iiiectirig of the nonconimissioned ofiiccrs and privates
of Compnny 13, Twentic~thArtillciy ILttalion Rltlhaiiin Volunteers,
declaring th:it thcy I d r r c n l i s t d for the w:tr, and requesting the passage of a n iwt grarititig t o all thiw-yc~arhmrn, upon tlioii- reenlisting
for the war, tho privileg-:.c,of rcolccting their field and conipany officers;
which were rewcl.
Ordr~ed,That thcy 1 ) rclcvrod
to tho ( h n n i t t c c on Rliliturj-Affairs.
Mr. Spwrow, froin tlw (!oinniit
o n Militnry Affair., to whonr W ~ L S
refrrrcd the bill (S.198) to yrovi
f o r t h o oi*piniz;ttion of :L bureau
of polytechnics for tlic (~x~iiiination,
o q w i . i i t i c ~ i i t ,:inti itpplicabion of
warliko inventions, i*t~poi*t
cd it witliout :uiicndnic,nt.
0 7 ~ Z w d ,Ihat it I)(> I ) i * i n t r t l .
tion by hlr. Spwrow,
d , IhiLt tlic: Coiniriittw on Military Affairs hc discharged from
er considertition of the followiiig huhjects:
S. 162. A bill to provide addition:tl remuneration for noncommissioned ofTicer5 :iii(l private5 scrving i n the Arrny of thc Confederate
S. 202. A hill to punish iti-)sencv\ froni tlic ALriny; iind
Meriiorial of Alfrctl T. Mann and others, of thc Annual Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal C h t i i ~ hof the Stxtc of Georgia, praying
thc passage of a law mitliori~ingc.onimi~iaricsand quartermasters to
sell rations znd for:Lge to :~11 d u l y accredited missionarics in the Army
a t the rates at which t1ir.y arc i 5 b i i ( d to officers, and allowing each army
chaplain to draw foiagc or one horsc.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Cornmi
on Military Affairs, to whom
were referred the following joint resolutions:
H. R. 19. ,Joint resolution of thanks to Captain Odluni, Lieutenant
Dowling, arid the meii under their compiaad; and


Feb 2, 1864.1

H. R. 23. ,Joint resolution of thanlis to General Beauregard and the

officers arid men of his coniriiand for their defense of Charleston, S. (2.;
reported them severally , without :tincndnient.
The Sctiatc prowcded, as in Corninittee of the Whole, to the consideration of tlie joint resolutions (13. R. 19, 11. It. 23) last mentioned;
and iio imendmcnt being proposed, they were severally reported to
the Senate.
OrtJmd, That they pass to a third rending.
The said resolutions were rcrcrnlly i*cadthe third time.
nc,sol/Ytl,That they pass.
Oro/.rwl, lhnt the Secretary inforni the 1Iouse of Reprcsentativeu
the rc of.
il, nicssage froni the Flousc of l~cl)r(~sett:iti\-cn,
1)sMr. D:ilton:
d ~ t Jliv
Speaker of tlrv I I oiise of Kupru~(~iitativ(,~
liavitig sigiircl sntidry
eniollccl bills xiitl an cwrollrtl jtiitit r ~ ~ l t i t i o In ,mi tlirccleti to bring tlictii to the
Seiiatc for the signattire of tlioir 11 esitlctit.
Tlicl 1Ioriw of f~rprrsir1itatirt.sliavc pas5t~ljoint rc.solntions of the Senate of the
foilo\\ iiiq titles.
8. 2 i . Joint resolutioii of thitiilrs to North C>arolinatroops, anti
8. 28. .Joint r c d n t i o n of tlixnlrs to tht. troops froin the State of 1,ouisiarta in the
Arm\, o f Tciiiieswc.
thcy have piisscd bills of tkic fo~lo\vi.ingtitles; in \vIiich they request tho conciirrcncc of the Scriatc:
11. R. 105. An act to provide an invalid corps;
11. It. 106. An act to allow coiriiiiissionc~dofficers of tlic Army rations and the
pri\ ilege of piiwIia4iig cblotliiiig frsiri the (~rial.tcrniastern
11 I?. 107.
act to iiirrcase the t>fficicncyof the h r i n y by tlie employment of free
iiegrocs a i i d slaves i t 1 cwtaiii (asw [c*apac~ilicn].

71ir 1dls (11. 12. 105, 11. It. 106, 13. It. 107) Inst, nrrntionrd were seve r d l y .reid tlic firht :uid h(\coiid tiiiies ilnd rcfcrrcd t o thc Conmiittee
on Mi1it:iry Affairs.
Mr. Wigfall (l)y Ici~vc)itrt.i*odi~c~cd
Ilit. following hillh:
S. 212. A hill to a n i c r t d thc a r t s o f April 1, 1862, and Scpt,rnihcr 23,
S. Y l X A hill to anic.iid an : i ( t cntitlt:d A n ittit to providc and
organixe engiiirer troops t o hcrvc during thc war,*approved Mrtith
20, LStiS; and
S. 21-1. A bill to repcal an art cntitled An act to authorize the
rwid(wt to coiifvi. trinpor:~ryltlilli :tnd cwinniantl, for service with
roliriitccr troq)s, on officcrs of tlic Confederate Ar~njr,:tpproved May
21, ISGl;
which wcrt? scvcmlly rc:d tlic first illid s c w n d titrio:, and referred to
the Coniniittec on blilitary iZfltiirs.
0 1 1 niotiori by bI r. Svnini~~:,,
Iha Scnxtc. reholvcd i n t o scc*rt:t 1cgisl:iti v c session.
The doors h:iving becn opcncd,
s in (:oiniriittm o f the Wholc, to the consideration o f thr j o i n t rcsuliitiotr (11. It. 8 ) of tharik.i to Col. Thoinas G.
Lamar and tlie offwins and incn engaged in the defense of Secessionvillc, coirinrunicv~tcdto the Scriatc from the Ilouse of Representatives
a t tho last session for concurrence; and no aniendmcnt being proposed,
it was rcyortcd to the Senate.
Ordewd, That it pahs to a thiid reatling.
The said rcsolntion was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.



[Feb. 2, 1864.

Ordered, That the Sccwtary inform the House of Itepresen tatives

On motion by M r . Qenimes,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Conmiittee on Military Affairs, to whom mas

referred the hill (H. R. 100) to continue in the service, for the war, all
the troops now in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States,
reported it with amendments.
On motion bg Mr. Sparrow,
OwZereil, That the bill and amendments be printed.
The Senate resumed, as i n Chnmittee of the TT7holc, the consideration of the bill (H. R. 92) to tax, fund, and limit tho turrency.
On motion hy Mr. ~lcnde,to rcconsidcr the ro te on agreeing to the
following aniendment, vix:
lnsert the following indcpc~ndcntsection:
SIX. -. Tliat tlie imposed by this act on Tieasury notes deposited, whether
generally o r spcc+iIly, \\ itli m y coqmtatioii o r 1 on, aiitl riot \\ ithdramn bcfore the
11 liuritlretl aircl silty-four,
111 bc dcc~iiicclsod talreii as a tax
1 iiotcs as the. property of tlre ctepositor: Iwctded, That this
)ply to any bank wliic*li rcfnws to accept, I)ct\veen no\v and the
t, Treasiiry notes at par for all debts contracted subsequently to
cightern Iriindred and sixty-three, and prior to the passage of
this act,

It was determined in the negative.

On motion by MI.. Scmmes, from the Committee on Finance, to
rtrnend the hill hg inswting thc following independent section:
SEC. -. That tintil the first day of August, in the gear eighttwi huiidred and sixtyfour, all the Treasiiry notes of tlie old issue not hearing interest may he fnnded at
the bptiori of the holder, izt p i , i n regiskretl stock, payable at the expiration of
twenty years, and bearing interest a t tlie late of thiee pel cent l i e 1 annuni, payable

f Ycas.
I t was determined in the affirmative, Nays
- 3
On inotion by M r . Pcinnic~s,
The yeas and nays being dcsircd by onc-fifth of the Senators present,
Thosc w h o voted in tlic tilti~~iixtivc
Xessrb. Ikilrcr, Cap~rton,Clay, Dortch, Hcnry, I-Iunkr, ,Jemison,
Johnson of Georgia, ,Joliirson of Ilissouri, Maxwell, Orr, Phelan,
Readc, Scnmies, Simms, S ~ I L ~ I and
Thohe who voted i n tho negative arc,
Messt.s. Clark, I:Lynes, and Oldham.
No further aiiicndmcnt being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendments made as in Committee of the Whole were
concurrcd in.
On the question,
Shall the anienrlmcnts be engrossed and the bill read a third time?
It was determined in the negative, Njys
On motion by Air. Semnics,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmdive arc,
Messrs. Capcl-ton, nortch, lfenry, Hunter, Maxwell, Phelan, Reade,
Semmes, Spariow, and Wigfall.



Feb. 2, 18G4.1

Those who voted i n the negative are,

Messrs. ISaBer, Burnett, Clark. Clay, IIaynes, Jemison, Johnson of
Georgia, ,Tolitison of JIissouri, Oldhain. Orr, and Simnis.
On iiiotion l y Mr. Wigfdl. the Imt-mrntioned vote WRS reconsid
An aniendinrnt bcirig proposcd hy 311.. I-Iayncs,
On niotion by Air. Kcndc, that thc bill, togrthcr with tlic pro
ainendnient, be recoinntittcd to the Coinmittcr, on Finance,
It ivas dctcrinined i n the iicgntiyc.
On niotion hy AIr. \VigMl*
O , d e w d , That tliv bill with tho :inicndnient proposed by Mr. Haynos
b t i~ccon~niittctl
to :L \(llr(.t (wniniit t c c x o f fivc iticntl)crs.

rmwI:TIvE: S~.:SSION.

The Senat c rcsurncd the considc~ationof the rioinination o f Richard

S. Ewell, to be lieutcria11t-grnc1.:11;:mid
Bc.solved, That t tic Scn:itc idvise tind coiiscnt, to his appointment,
agreeably to the iwiiiination of tho Ii*c~sidciit.
Mr. Spai.row, fi-oni thc Coniniitt(x on Aii1itai.y Aflhirs, to whom
referred t 1 1 noniiniktioii\
of E.S.IZciidy, ,Jolin I?. Andrtws, Oscar
M. W:ttkins, I. I\. li:dclitiv, t ~ n d.I. ,I. I)iLiiiclh, to bc nl:ijt)rs, reported,
with the recoiiinieiidtltioii t h t :ill of h i l i d noniin:~tionsIw coniirnied.
The Scrtatc proccctlcd to consitlcr *:Iit1 rclport ; rind
On motion by Jlr. CI:ly,
O r d m d , That tlic further cwnsidcr:Lt ion of A d ntnnin:itions he postWOIC

poned till to-niorrow.

Mr. Sprrow, fro111tlic Conimittcc~on Military Aff:birh, to whoin were
refeiwd tlic nouiin:it ions of 1Zich:trd K. Goodc, ,J:mics Theus Taylor,
lhrophilns Cailloiich, Pirrrc, I)tml, Sarnuel Brown hlaney, ,John Gramincr, jr.. .Joseph Lconard Est:rrp, I3cnjaniin I ~ ~ r l n l i l i14:p
n es, William
Ciinplr)cll G ilhon, 11.11,\Villi;una, Williarn l3cnjaniin I h y , , ohri Wilson
Glcnn, Jtol~crt,1). Sniith, ,John Itichard Crain, Vinccrit 0. King, Jessc
W. tJohrison, 1Y:iltcr 7. Achir, (;corgc lchault, ,I. PI-. Scars, Theodore
I~rl<er,,lercnii:ih It. iIxidcnt:ui, ,john F. 1. l:ht3, Ithcsa W. Itead,
Lec, M. Alcsantlcr, Oct:i\-ius Alosnntlcr, Ihorn:is A. I,onergin, James
S t w l Fihh, .John Jl. 13roimugli, CIi:ii*loq IIerit*yIhhr, Ilugh Stoc:ltdell,
Edward G. Porchel., stiles I<viintdj ,C:ilel>\ITinlr~.y,
IJugh C. hkca11,
S:tmucl M u l l ~ r ,John
S. T3tiist, 1Irixi;ui Ihoi., Hugh (:. McClarty,
,\I. 13l:wliwcll. tJohn 13. Odrn, Oscar C. BroJ,e.wis 11. Ornic. Ihoin:~~
thers, ,John K. Fletcher, nnd ( IJc\ ,to I)(; surgeons; William
Spot t5wood Srnith , Obadiah V. C;:wnctt, ,Janics .J effcrson I~l:~kc,
Benjamin Warren Glovrr, ,Jol~nJ c r i l c i n s ToI)in, John h s s e l l lickctt,
Charles E. Allen, l h v i d Hall Hillieu, Mclton Oliver Stribbling,
William Ray McCreig-ht, Frank Itttiriey, lhonias 1%.Greenwood, Hugh
Gordon .Jackson, Charles Mar~1i:dl Erwin, Clitwles TToolts Ilarris,
Franklin J. Geiger, John B. IIolmcs, Thomas Huchanm, Thomas B.
Williams, \T7illi:ini Moore Wilson, John XcDonald, =William E.






Smith, Xdward Chaffcrs, Emmett A. Di*ewry,James Layne, Alfred S.

Patrick, ihilip W.Anderson, Edward T. Terrell, Willianl Bellinger,
W.H. 13. Goodwin, EEenry V. Weeden, John Henry Ruddell, John
Caldwell Calhoun, Jos. Sanford Sinimons, William R. Caldmell,
Dunlilin lierw, Moses I<. Harrison, ltobert 11. Oakrnan, Andrew J.
Beale, k\bcl 12. JVnllace, Rufus J. Murphy, ltichtird H. Parker, George
Alex. Owen, ltandolph Holdcn, Janics Palmer Cain, J e t t Thomas
West, Millisini Craig Moore, Jeshe M. Westmoreland, ,James Purcell,
Ales. S. Johnson, Williani %. Bedon, Daniel Flud, Ed. Manley Eoyall,
Harford 31. Cumniing, Nichoias W. Draper, ,John Allen Owens,
Henry ltossignol, Thorims Torroll I)isniukes, Richard C. Richardson,
Edward Ffiincis Allston, Thonisis D. Whiteside, dindrew 13. Read,
Francis 1. Wellford, George Frost illollcn, ltobert n. Richardson, C. G.
Smithcr, lmvis A. hswcll, (;corgc IT. Thonus, William 1.TVallrcr,
Napoleon 13. Nei-itt, Itolscrt C. hIcCann, Janics Madison Simmons,
John Wcslcy Spillnmi, Robert doscph larhaii~, .John Itobert, Plemin$, Charles .J. liip~rsoll,Sydney P. Keniicdp, Charles J. F. Neriwethcr, 1tivh:ml 11. tl:indolph, Wi1Ii:iin I I c n q 12iib(>oclt,1tichtird
A. Christi:tn, rZntlr(~\v8. CiLltteYott, Jztlncs 1l:dwin IIincs, John W.
Collier, J o q ) l i lcrry l ) i s l l l l i l i i > h , ,Johii Lamrencc AIICILU~~,
,John Crews
Pelot, 1Yilli:iin 11. IZ:isley, X1:tt thew Ctilvcrt, Maiirice A. Moore,
Chandler hI. Pope, Philip S. Kirk, Ucvcrly C. Cook, Thonias J.
Teagiie, Jani(~s&
I. Gcorge J~i~sliington
Tribhlc, Thomas Eslrridge, Lysiah 13. Chilton, Conrad Wall, John UarBlej: Evans, William Wood Hall, 1?nry eJ:q)c~*
Winn, Lorenzo White, Henry L.
Williams, Cnry 12. Blticlthurn, Edward lollxrd, George Branvis Thornton, 13. Mayficld, ltcrilcy S. l h t l c r , M. J. D. Dantzlor, Eugene 13.
Rochelle, Julian C. Fcilcl, Felix W.Littlejohn, Gcorgc, G. Duggins,
William 13. Dailcy, 13eiij:min P. Meadows, Albert M. T\dls. Thoiil:i*
P. Henderson, Williain Ihoni:is Martl. Lewis 13. Mitchell, Albert 13.
Clitnton, and 1Villi:iin I<. Fr:inklin, to br :isristant siirg~on\,reported,
with the reconiiiicndation that all o f mid nomiiiations Iic confirmed.
The Hcnatc proccc~lcd to considcr said i q o r t ; and i n concurrence
therewith, it wns
Rmolwd, fh:it the Sjcnato advihc and consent to their appointinent,
ngrecahlp to the noinination of tlie Iresidcnt.
Thc Sollowing
apc5 wcrc wccivctl froiii the Prcsidcnt of the
Confederate States, hy illr. 12. S. IIarris
hmond, I+ehruar~y1, 18G4.
To tltr & w i l e of tlre (onj?drrriti, Atrlcs:
A\grecahly to the rc,c,oirii~iriid:ttic\ii( J f t lie SCY.
.John n. IIood, of Tcsas, t o I)c licutcnant-gen
Confederate States of Amerira.

Ridrmond, ,Jnniiarg 30, 1864.
SIR: I Iiavc thc honor to recotnnmitl the nomniation of Maj. (iert. ,John R. Hood,
of Texas, to he lieutenant-gencral in the Irovisional Army of the Confederate States
of America, to take rank from Septmilier 20, 1863.
1am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
President, etc.

Feb. 2, 1864.1


The message was i.ead.

Oydervd, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affa

To the Senate of the Confederate States:

ows ~ E R I C A ,
Richmond, 2ebi.uary I, 1

Agreeably to the recomiiiendation of the Secretary of War, 1nominate the offic

on the acconipanying list to the rank affixed to their naines, respectively.
KO. 34.1
WARD ~ ~ a i m i i e sCONPEDERYPE
Rich?~ond,Janicary 98, lS64.
SIR:I have the honor to rccomincnti the f o l l o ~ing nominations fosappointinent
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Ameriw:



C. I. Harvie, of Virginia, to take rank from January 8, 1864.

W. L. London, of North Carolina, to t a k e rank fronr Jaiiiiarj 6, 7864.
C. A. Witliers, of Kentucky, to take r m h froni .Tanuary 6, 1864.
A. H. Harris, of I,ooisiana, to bLke rank froin January 13, 186.1.
Warwick IIOIIPII.of Missouri. to take rank from January 9. 1864.
Thomas BoyclEdelin, of ilfa~$land, to take rank from JnnJarp 13, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

The message was read.

&dered, Lhat it he, rrferrcd to the (ommittec, on Military Affairs.
E \ E C V T I \ 1: I ) l . P A J < l \ I l

A I,





Ric.h?,rontl, TWJt.i(f?T!J I , /sc;g.

To t h rCenate
.f tlic Cmjeetki ctfc Rates.
Agreeably to the recomtiic~irtiatio~i
of tlw heoc,tary of \V:ir, I noniiii~~tc.
J. J. Uiadford, of Georgia, to be major in the Jro\isional Arni) ol tlie (onicdcratc States of
Richmond, J c i r ~ % ~ c80,
i i y 1864.

SIR:I have thc. honor to rwommend the nomination of J. J . Bradford, of Georgia,

to be major Thirty-stvrntli Georgia Itegiincnt, in the Proviaioiirtl Army of the Confederate States of .iniericn (an original vavauvy), to take rank from May 6, 1863.
1am, sir, I cspectfully, your obedient servant,
&!CrCklmJ Of J%r.

The message was rc:td.

Ordc-*ed, T h a t it Iir rofcrreil to tlic (hmmittec on Military Affairs.
1*;Xl:( [JlI\TE ~ h > l ~ A I < T \ %I,
I ~VVO N r E 1 ) R R h

To the Amcrtr of the (:onfrdern/r Stalex~

iipreeably to the rrcomnicritlation of t h e Fccretary of \Vsr, 1 nominate the officers
011 the accompanying list to the rank affixed. to their names, respectively.

liicltmond, I)ec.ernbPr 8, 1863.
SIR:I have the honor to rec-ommentl t h r following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

No. 4.1

M i~

~ E P A H T M H U T ,( ~ N J W I X I I A T E



A. J Smith, of Virginia, to rank from May 2, 1863.

A. I1 Cole, of Florida, to rank from November 30, 1863.
31. 13. XcMicken, of Florida, to rank from Sovernber 30, 1863.


N. 1%.Fitzhugh, of VirGinia, to rank from May 11, 1863.

ci. NcKendree, of Virginia, to rank from May 19, 1863.
N. 0.Tilton, of Georgia, to rank from Nay 2, 1863.
X7.D. P e a , of South Carolina, to rank from January 1, 1862.
C. 1,. Randolph, of Tennessee, to rank from May 2, i863.
I?. I?. Beck, of Louisiana, to rank froni May 30, 1P63.
John Crawford, of Arkanstis, to rank from Jnnc 9, 1803.
E. 13. Branch, of Virginia, t o rank from May 14, 1863.
R. J. Echols, of Korth Carolina, to rank from May 14, 1863.
John C. cay, of drkwnsar, to rank from .June 16, I863
ppi, to rank froiri June 16, 1863.
to rank froiii June 16, 1863.
gin, to lank from diinc 16, 1863.
J II 1C Sloitn, of Sonth Carolina, to rank from June lti, 1863.
R (. Snuntiers, of VirginLi, to rank Eroiri J u n e 16, 1863.
to rank from J tine 16, J 863,.,
15. Eratiford, of \ir
to mnlr f r o m i\iigust 13, 1860.
to rank froin Scq)teml)cr30, 1862
iana, to rmlr froni J ntie 18, 1863.
W. 1. Moore, of Tt~nnessec.,to rank froni June 1, 1863.
J. D. Whitford, of North (arolina, to rank from June 9, 1863.
Fern M. Wood, ot Virginix, to raiik from .June ti, 1863.
E. IV. Herndon, of North Carolina, to rank from July 8, 1863.
C. V. Cosby, of Virginia, to rank from June 18, 1863.
J. If. Screven, of South Carolina, to rank from July 16, 1865.
J o h n JT7. Bell, of lrirgilili\, to lank frorir May 2, 1863.
E. 1,. Hord, of T e i i n e ~ xt,o rank fioin April 6, 18G3.
8. C. Mnltlon, of Alabama, to rank fioni &Iaj 2, 18G3.
11. 31. J)avenport, of (ieoipi,i, to rank froin July 30, 1863.
T. A. Rurkc, of Georgia, to rank froni Aiipiibt, 1, ISM.
Johii Webb, of ICentuc-kj, to rank f i o m J i i i i c 21, 1863.
J . X. illason, of Tesw, to rank troiri O c t o l w 2 i , 1862.
rtli (arvlina, to rank from J u l y 23, J863.
s<ip])i,t o iaiik froni Augiiqt 27, 1863
atr)ain:i, to r a n k froin AiignRt 22, L863.
13 13. i~tlalns,of Ic.uas,
froiri Soptcnikwr 19, 18ti3.
Tlioiiias S. Smith, of 1,o
to r;unk from Jiily 15, 186S.
1. 1%. Woodivard, of Vi
o rank from Stytembcr 18, 1863.
.I. I). Itichartlson, of Virginia, lo rank froin Sty)tember 28, 1863.
E. 13. Fort, of Mississippi, to rank froin Angut-t 21, 1863.
\V. 1,. ?rlcConnic*o,of Tcnncsset, to rank froiii October 17, 1863.
.J. 31. Hottel, of Tt>s:ts,t o rank f r o i n Keptc.nihcr 18, 1803.
A. 11. C;alloway, of North Caroliiia, to ~ a n k
froin October 25, 1863.
G. S. A tkins, of T<.nnesree, to rank from (Moiler 23, 18W
R. n. \Villiatris, of Xortli Carolillit, to ranlr from October 7, 1863.
Thomas .I. Jenkins, of Iirginia, to rank from Octobrr 25, 1863.
John Hupiies, of North Carolina, to rank from Kovember 21, 1863.
W. IS. Clarke, of Yirginia, to milk from Octohrr I , 1863.
CVilliain 1%.hIiIkr, of Virginia, to rank frolrl November 20, 1863.
T. W. Coles, of Alabat~ia,t(J rank fioin No\enil)cr 16, 1803.
S. R. Chisman, of Virginia, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Kerisey Johns, of Texas, to rank froiii May 2, 7863.
J. Livingston, of Louisiana, to rank from J u n c 2, 1863.
A. I<.LMsalle, of Loukiana, to rank froin May 28, 1863.
J. G. Michaeloffsky, of Alabama, t o rank from July 6, 1863.
H. S. Routh, of Louisiana, to rdnk from .June 24, 1863.
C. M.Smith, of Virginia, t o rank from July 6, 1863
R. P. Archer, of Virginia, to rank from July 6, 1863.

[Feb. 2, 1864.

Feb. 2, M 4 . j

R. Mclilahoii, of Virginia, to rank from July 20, 1863.

S. F. Power, of Mississippi, to rank fronl August 17, 1863.
3. P. Springer, of Louisiana, to rank froin September 4,1863.
H. Pmdleton. of Virginia, to rank from Septenlber 7, 1863.
E. Powell, of Tirginia, to rank from May 2, 1863.
A. JI. Paxton, ofhlississippi, to rank fr&n October 2, I$&.
J. W. Young, of Mississippi, to rank from September 23, 1863.
C. P. Rloore, of Mississippi, to rank froin September 23, 1863.
James 1,. AlcClnrr, of Misoiiri, to rank from BIity 2, 1863.
C. S. JVallacli, of Virginia, to rank froin hugost 27, 1863.
\V. C i . Fergnson, of Virginia, to rank from October 23, 1863.
0.G. Hriitlry, of Virginia, to nink froin Ortober 25, 1863.
T. C. Fearxi, of ;\lissksiypi, to l a i i k from May 2, 18B3.
S. Ilillger, of Georgia, to rank fruni Octokr 31, 1863.
15. Taylor, uf Virginia, to r a i k from X(ivrrnber 14, 1863.
C. fihGivern, of Alahiiim, to rank i r o i n . J u n c ~1, 1883.
J. 1. Iloibaclr, of Ttwneswe, to rtink froiii No\ enibrr 25, 1863.
nrylllnd, to r:u1k Zroni Soven1ber 40, 1863.
Iisxiesippi, to lank irom 1)ccriiiber :i,1863.

T. C. Robertson, of TAonisiana,to rank fiorn May 2, 1863.

IV. J . Lyiilim~i,jr., of Virginia, t o raiik from Mag 12, 186%
JI. ~ ~ ~ l l l s t ~of~ r
l l , gas,, to ratik frtiiii April 23, 1863.
hl. V. m J O l C , of i U U l t t 1 iolina, to rank from 1)ccrmber 2, 1862.
C. F. H a h h o n , of N o r t h (h*olina,to rank from Jmiuary 1, 1863.


1%C. I l c ~ i r y of
, (ieorgiii, to I.im1r f r o m & l a v 2, 1SKl.
J R. Mordccatii, of Gontlr C~iroliii:~,
to raulr t r u i i i Xag 2, IXKL
ti. 1. Richinonti, of Georgi:t, 10 rtirilr froni 1l:iy 2, 1863
W. A. Wilh~irn,of Arkansas, to rank froni Blay 2, J8ci:i.
J. C. (irallalil, of Ahb>i111:i, to nllll; ~ I Q I I Iill;iy 14, 1863.
J . 31. Pickens, of Sontl
olina, to lank froin February 26, 1863.
Y. F,. TCcirolf, of Trnne
to rank froni May 2, 1863..
Bugcw~13olrrn, of Virg
to r m k from May 12, 1863.
J. Clayton, of ILIiqsoiiri, to rairk from April 12, 1862.
T . 11. lhmiie, of North (hrolina, to r m k froin May 12, 1863.
\V. I< Ic~irrc,of Kortli C:irolina, to rank f i o i r i May 26, 1863.
W.13. Jones, of Virginia, to lank froni B1:4y 30, 1863.

Daniel Jones, of hlahrtnla, to rank frorkr May 1 4, 1863.

o f Tcnrtewec~,to rank from Miiy 2, 1863.
T. P. l,orkhart, of P/issi~sippi,to rank from May 2, 1863.
1. W.Dillking, of South (jarolina, to rank from June 26, 186%
.Janies S. Otlen. of Louisiana, to rank from .June 5, 1863.
J. AX. Powell, of Sonth C~rolinit,to rank froin March 4, 186%
George 1. Kruin, of Sorth Carolina, to rank from May 16, 1863.
A. W.h n n , of Virginia, to rank from June 3, 1863.
It. \V. Mayrant, of Alabama, to rank from May 27, 1863.
T. 3%.Fulton, of Geor la, to rank troin March 10, 1863.
W. 0. Ilagerty, of AlAarna, to rank from May 13, 1863.

S.T. Coclre,



R. B. Nunford, of Virginia, to rank from June 5, 1863,

E. C. Green, of South Carolina, to rank from May 2, 1863.

0. 1. Meares, of Xorth Carolina, to rank from May 23, 1863.
John JIapnire, of Alabama, to rank from June 18, 1863.
H. J. Oattiu, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1863.
D. Lotspeich, of Tennessee, to rank from May 2, 1863.
T. F. Bell, of Missouri, to rank from January 20, 1863.
G. Elgin, of Missouri, to rank froin June 24, 1862.
S. T. Fagan, of Alabama, to rank from June 6, 1863.
N. Moores, of Kentucky, to rank from J u n e 4, 1863.
J. A. Yarbrough, of Tennessee, to rank from January 25, 1863.,
William Johnston, of Kentucky, to rank from June 20, 1863.
Charles J. White, of Georgia, to rank from January 27, 1863.
James Fitz James, of Virginia, to rank from June 23, 1863.
William J. Malone, of Virginia, to rank from June 24, 1863.
H. Boiidurant, of Louisiana, to rank from Map 2, 1863.
J. D. Tulloss, of Virainia, to rank from June 25, 1863.
E. F. Pearson, of 3l%sonri, to rank froin .January 8, 1863.
George 16. Price, of Yirginia, to rank from June 21, 1863.
W.C;. Tooiner, of North Cwolinn, t o rank from June 20, 1863.
8. 8. Walker, ol South Caioliim, lo iaiih f i t i i i i J u l y 1,1863.
C. ICetve, jr., of AIat)an~n,to rank from June 13, 1863.
1C. It. Imbotly, of (;eorgia, to nurlc froill J a m 19, 1863.
S. Iutntiy, oi iiq$nii:, t o rank fronr JIUIC 25, 1863.
W.W, I,eatcr, oE Jfiwiwippi, to riink f r o i n J u l y 6, 1863.
of Soutli Carolins, to nink f r o n i July 6, 1863.
, of iirgini:i, lo rank from

o f Georgia, to rank from

J. V. MeNanlee, of South (arolina, to m i 1
W. 11. Cook, of Rlisqissipi)i, to rank from
J . B. Sullivan, of South Carolina, to rank froin January 21, 1863.
W. D. Bacon, of Georgia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
M. P. Gonzales, of Florida, to raiik froin June 1, 1863.
J. Miltenberger, of Lonisiaim, to rank from July 16, 1863.
W. F. Erskine, of Ttwncsree, to rank from September 26, 1863.
W. E. Weaver, of North (hrolim, to rank from July 2, 1863.
J. H. Wright, of Georgia, to rank from July 9, 18C3.
S. C. Painter, of \Tirginia, to rank from May 19. 1863.

Albion Martin, of Virginia, to rtlnk froin August I , 1863.

W. 11. Dew, of Mivsissippi, t o iank from Jiily 20, 1863.
13. K. Ethcridge, of Arkanbas, to rank from May 2, 1863.
Charles U. Sims, of Georgia, to rank from August 8. 1863.
8. L. J<rac*eg,
of Missit-rippi, to rank from July 18, 1863.
J . M. Pendcr, of (horgin, to rank from July 9, 1863.
J. K. Illmphree, of Alahnbta, to rank from Febrnary 12, 1863.
J o h n G. Clark, of Georgia, to rank from August 1, 1863.
F. $2. Bridge, of Louisiana, to rank froin July 31, 1863.
W. H. Stiles, of Georgia, to rank from August 17, 1863.
13. Fl. Rarnett, of Virginia, t o rank from August 7, 1863.
B. C. Willis, of Alahaina, to rank froin May 22, 1863.
Frank Iotts, of Tirginia, to rank from August 1, 1863.
R. C. Osbonrne, of Virginia, to rank from August 6, 1863.
I. Pinky, of Kentucky, to rank froni August 26, 1863.
J. B. Ititchey, of Tennessee, to rank from July 31, 1863.
J. S. Westbrook, of Georgia, to rauk from August 4, 1863.
E. J. Hamilton, of Virginia, to rank from August 6, 1863.
C. Leflore, of Arkansa?, to rank from June 27, 1863.
S. H. Ereritt, of North Carolina, to rank from July 31, 1863.
R. P. Hunter, of Tennessee, to rank frnin July 15, 1863.
W. P. tioiightly, of Alabama, t o rank from Bugust 8, 1863.


T. Hunter, jr., of T'irginia, to rank from September 4, 1863,
I?. &I.Harney, of Louisiana, to rank from May 19, 1863.
H. C. Robards, of Arkansas, to rank from September 7, 186%

Thomas A . I)odson, of Alabama, to rank from March 6 , 1863.

Chr. Fr. Krnll, of Louisiana, to rank froin Fe'ebruary 1, 1863.
Charles S. Davis, of South Carolina, to rank from Srptetnbrr 4,1863.
George I<.Macon, of Blabania, to rank froin July 1, 1863.
J. P. Dickinson, of Aiabania, to rank froin September 8, 1863.
John 1-1. Thomas, of Georgia, to rank froin Sept,eniber I, 1863.
William H. Rogem, of Virginia, to rank froni September 16, 1863
C. T. Benniss, of Louisiana, t o rank froni July 17, 1SG3.
C. (3. Paleske, of Virginia, to ritnk froin Scptenibrr 19, 1863.
J. P. Ford, of Texas, to rank from Septenibcr 18, 1863.
W.W. Vaught, of Mississippi, to rank froni September 19, 186%
E. McIntosh, of South Carolina, to rank lronl August 26, 1863.
N. S. A d a m , of Missouri, to rank froin Aiigiist 12, iS6:j.
J. A. Grayson, of Arkansas, to rank from Octtober 3, 18tiS.
E. Harvey, of North Carolina, to rank from Scpteniber 24, 1863.
John D. Brooks, of Virginia, to raiik froin S(~1)tetul)t~r
I(\, 1863.
John M. Burr, of Virginia, to rank from Octobci 6, 1863.
D. 1,. Cohen, of Alabama, to rank froni Octohcr 6, 186%
George W. Thonias, of (korgia, to rank froi
John W. Fanst, of Arkansas, to rank froin h
A. Stephens, of Alabama, to rank frotii Ma\James B. White, of Missouri, to rank frori<&L~y2, 1863.
J. G. McElroy, of North ('iwolina, to rank f r o i n Scptcmber 17, 18G3.
Alex. M. Earlc, of Virgiuia, to rank froin Xrptcniber 26, 1863.
W. K. Hyer, of hlabamn, to rank froin J n l y 22, i86:i.
Martin V. %loorc~,
of North (hrolina. to rank froni Aopnst 3, 1863.
A. G. Smith, of Iktitncky, to rank froiii Angust I:{, 1Xti:i.
J. 11. Johnson, of Floridw, to r m k froin Sq)t(wiI)er12, 186H.
C. Thomas, of Tennessre, to rank froni N a y 2, I $ti:{.
J. Law IIoof, of Virginia, to rank from O(*tolwr2, 1SG3.
IF'. 1'. Rndcrson, of Gcwrgia, to rank floni Ot*lol)o.20, 1863.
S. $1. May, of (icorgia, to rank Croni 8tq)tcrril)cr25, 1863.
C. C. Haniiiiock, o f (kiorgia, to r:mk Ironi Oc*tol)ttr I :<,1 8 W
John 8. CXaghorn, of (ttwgia, to ~ . n t i l tfroin Octtolwr I , 1863.
Clay liice, of Tennmsee, to rank troni Oc~lol)cr19, 18ti3.
W. 13. Frankliind, of Virginia, to rank froni 0 c t o ) w r 27, 1863.
C . 1,. Thompson, of Georgia, to r;ink froni Oc%ohcr 19, 186:i.
17. A . IIeriry, of Mississippi, to rank froin Aiigunt 24, 1863.
J. T. Williams, of Tennenhrr, to rank froni hlay 2, 7 8 E i
IV. &I.Giinpsott, of Missouri, to n ~ n kfrom Nay 2, 1863.
T.I,. Airey, o f Louisiana, to rank from Miiy 2, 1863.
J. P. Phillips, of Georgia, to rank froni drine 25, 186s.
Blias I,. River?, of South Carolina, to rank from Srpkmber 26, 1863.
Willis 8. Ston, , of Tennessee, to rank from Julv 31, 1865.
John I?. Allen, of Virginia, to rank from O c t d k r 3 1 , 1863.
H. F. Stewart, of Missouri, to rank froin May 2, 1XD3.
R. C. Sims, of Texas, to rank froin May 2, 1x63.
G. T. Rankin, of Mississippi, to rank froin .JHIIC 1, 1803.
V. L. Iiopson, of Virginia, to rank froni 0ctoI)cr 24, IX(i3.
I . W. Rives, of Alabama, to rank frotu Octohcr 25, 1868.
W. C. Sordan, of North Carolina, to rank from &lay 27, 1863.
N. A . Stuart, of Virginin, to rank from Kovcitibw 16, 1863.
William J. White, of North Carolina, to rank from November 4, 1863.
J. M. Nicholson, of Virginia, to rank froni November 8, 1863.
.James 13. Supg, of Tennessee, to rank from Novenilier 26, 1863.



W. P. \Varfieltl, of Miwissippi, to rank from October 13, 1863.

R. V. C;iliiles, of \'irginia, to rank from October 1, 1863.
E. r\. Davis, of Georgia, to rank froin October 17, 1863.
George E. Taylor, of Virginia, to rank from October 19, 1863.
John F. Cage. oi Tenn?see,.to rank from October 16, 1863.
J. ITr. Ralfour, of Mississippi, to rank from October 16, 1863.
John Dobl)in, of Texas, to rank from October 28, 1863.
J. JIcLaughlin, of Tennessee, to rank from May 2, 1863.
T. M. ILobinson, of North Carolina, to rank from October 22, 1863.
J. A. Anderson, of Georgia, to rank froin October 18, 1863.
Jos. L. Thomau, of Xissonri, to rank from July 24, 1863.
J. 12. Uryan, jr., of Virginia, to rank froni November 14, 1863.
H. F. Cook, of Mississippi, to ianlc from K'owmber 21, 1863.
S. Fairbanks, of Florida, to rank from November 21, 1863.
C. A. Manlovc, of Mississippi, to rank froin November 21, 1863.
E. G. Williains, of 3Iississippi, to rank from November 21, 1863.
R. 12. Randolph, of Jlissiesippi, to rank froiii November 21, 1863.
George A . Cuvler, of Georgia, to r m k froin November 25, 1863.
John Lightfoot, of T'irpinia, to rauk froin Xovember 19, lS63.
I,. 13 Mitc.lic~ll,of L\Iisstsuippi, to rank froni Noveinber 25, 2863.
11. (". Thorhitrn, of Virginia, to rank froni Lheinber 2, 1863.
II:LIII, of Yirgiiii:i, l o rank f l o r i i Ikceinber 9 1863.
I , of c:caorgi:i, to mnlc ironi ~)ecc>in~.)er
I , 1iii3
to r'LIIk ~ l o l l )la!.
36, lR6:i
I I I : ~ , to r ~ n k
fro111 .Jnnc. 16, 1863.
IILLL,to r m k froin Jniw 16, 186.3.
: I , t o r:i~ik froln Jnnc 10, 1863.
lal):iniaj l o r,unlr froiri Jnne 16, 186%
.J. I,. ~'unmnghani,of Allabaiiia,to rank froin June 16, 1863.
It. Manning, ot Alalwiia, to rank froin Jnne 16, 1863.
T. C. Clark, of 2 ~ l a l x i n ~to: ~r m
, k froin J a n e 16, 1863.
J. F. Craft, of (+eorgi:i, to rank from June 76, 1863.
T. A . C?illiani, of Gcorgia, to rank froill June 16, 1863.
A. 13. J l c l ~ ~ i ~ ~ofl ~(korgia,
to rank from J i m . 16, 1863.
A . Dicliinson, of Ckvigia, to rank froni Jurtc' 16, 1863.
W. 17. Ioltlt~u,of Georgia, to iarik froiii Jniic 16, 1863.
R. I<. Ilincs, of Georgia, to lank f i c ~ n June
16, 1863.
T. 1,. Macon, ,of (korgia, to rank froill J u n e 16, 1803.

ii, to rank from J u n e 16, 1S63

i, to rank froiir .Jnnr 16, 1863.
pi, to r < ~ i i front
June 16, 1863.
, to rank from Juiw IG, 1863

Williani Cookc, of Tcxas, to rank iroin June 16, 1863.

John S.Sdlcrs, of Texaq, to rank from J u n e 16, 1863.
R. G. IIarper, of Tcxas, to rank froin June 16, 1863.
W.13. Wall, of Tcxas, to rank from J i m . 16, 1863.
J . F. Coopcr, of tkorgia, lo rank from June 16, 1863.
John Kennedy, of South Carolina, to rank from Jnnc 16, 1863.
C. A. Alallory, of South Carolina, to rauk from June 76, 1863.
M. (Glover, of South Carolina, to rank lroin June 16>1863.
0. 1.". Simpson, of Sonth Carolina, to rank from June 16, 1863.
Julins F. Coit, of South Carolina, to rank from June 16, 1863.
S. PI. Finger, of Sorth Carolina, to rank from June 16, 1863.
Charles R. King, of North Carolina, to rank from dune 16, 1863.
J. A. Stewart, of Korth C'arolina, to rank from June 16, 1863.
J. H Bryan, of North Carolina, to rank from June 76, 1863.
L. Hilliard, of North Carolina, to rank from June 16, 1863.

[Feb. 2, 1864.

Beb. 3, 1864.3



J. $1. McGowan, of North Carolina, to rank from June 16, 1863.

1,. L. Marks, of l'irgini?, to rank froin June 16, 1863.

R. C. Saunclers, of Virginia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
John W. Jones, of Virginia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
W. (3. Cazenore, of Virginia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
Orlando Smith, of Yirginia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
G. H. Fitzwilson, of Virginia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
L. M. Wilson, of Virginia, to rank from June 16, 1863.
C. C. Macmurdo, of Tirginia, to rank from May 14, 1863.
W. Van Benthuysen, of Louisiana, to rank from Julie 24, 1863.
D. Pender, of North Carolina, to rank from July 2, 1863.
John Brannon, of Virginia, to rank froin July 9, 1863.
V. &. Johnson, of Tennessee, to rank froin Jblv 14, 1863.
J. 11. 1). Snioot, of Virginia, to rank from July"20, 1863.
James H. Bull, of Florida, to rank from .July '20, 1863.
C. H. Rhett, of South Carolina, to rank from hnguat 6, 1863.
A. S. Fletcher, of illabanis, to rank froin September 19, 1863.
A . 8. Qarnett, of Virginia, to rauk froni September 8, 1863.
J. K. Vance, of South Carolina, to rank from August 20, 1868.
S. S. Kirkland, of North Carolina, to rank from October IS, 1863.
Henry C. Hart, of Alabama, to rank from October 27, 7863.
It. Montgomery, of I,ouisiana, to rnuk from Novcmiber 11, 1863.
J. P. Smith, of Louisiana, to rank froin Rovember 11, 1863.
G. J. Sumner, of Virginia, to rank from Noveniber 21, 1863.
P, P. Barbour, of Virginia, to rank from August 6, 1863.
James Sowers, of T'irginia, to rank from August 6, 1863.
John H. Stout, of Virginia, to rank from August 6, 1863.
J. P. Bridger, of North Carolina, to rank from September 11, 1863.
R. C. Macmurdo, of Virginia, to rank froin July 1, 18F3.
B. Morgan, of Texas, to rank from May 30, 1563.
lt. 1). Gribblc, of I,ouisiana, to rank from May 2, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Sewctary of Wur.
To IIis Excellency JIWFERSOS
Prr,sitlrnl, rlc.

The message was read.

Ordewd, That it be refcrred to the Cotiii:rittee on Military Aft'airs.
On motion by Mar.Seiniiies,
The Senate rosolved into open legialuti

3, 1864.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Corninittee on Military Affairs, to whom

mas referred the bill (1-1. R. 105) to provide an invalid corps, reported
i t without amendment.
Odwecl, That it be printed.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, tp whom
was referred the joint resolutiori (H. R. 22) of thanks to Maj. Gen.
Patrick R. Cleburne and the oficcrs and men under his command for
distingriished services at Binggold Gap, in the State of Georgia,
November 27, 1863, yeported it without amenclment.
The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t e joint resolution last mentioned; and no amendment
being ro osed, it was reported to the Senate.
That i t pass to a third reading.
The said resolution was read tho third time.
Resohed, That it pass.




Ordeyed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

Mr. Sptrrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (H. R. 104) amendatory of an act entitled An
act to put an end to the exemption froin military service of those who
have heretofore furnished substitutes, approved January 5, 1864,
reported it with the recommendation that it ought not to pass.
On motion by Mr. Syarrow,
Omked, That the Committee on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of the resolutions passed at a meetin
of the noncommissioned officers and privates of Company B, Twentiet
Artillery Battalion Alabama Volunteers.
Mr. Semmes, from the Comniittee on Finance, t o whom w& referred
the bill (H. R. 90) to make additional a propristions for the support
of the Governnient of the Confederate tates of America for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1864, reporttd it with amendments.
Or&i*ed, Fhat the bill arid itmeridinorits be printed.
Mr. Dortch, from thc coinniittte, reportcd that they had examined
and found truly enrollcd bills a i d a joint resolution of the following
1. R. !37. An act t o anthorizc? the Prcuident to assign judges of
military courts from one court to iinother;
S. 144. An act to change the time for the assembling of Congress
for its next regular session; and
S. 25. .Joint resolution of thanks to the Tennessee troops who have
reenlisted for the war.
The President pro tcmpore having signed the enrolled bills and
enyolied joint resolution last reported to have heeii examined, the
were delivered to the. Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwit
prevented to tho President of the tlonfederate States for his approval.
Mr. Baker, from tho Committee on Claims, to whom was refcrred
the bill (S. 185)for the rclief of Capt. William W. Paine, assistant yuartermaster of the First Georgia Regulars, reported it with the reconimendation th;it it ought not to pass.
Mr. Spi~rrowsuhinittcd the following rcsolntion; which mas considcred and ngrecd to:

Iiesoloed, That the Secwtary of tlic Sciiate be authorized to ernploy such additional
clerical force for tlir remaiiidrr of the session as may be necessary to keep up the
business of the Seriatc.

The Scnatc rcsumcd, as in Committcc of thc Whole, the consideration of tlie bill (S. 19%)to regulate the allowance of traveling expenses
of officers of the Navy and others traveling under orders; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
O?*dered,That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the bill (S. 170) to
rovide for the auditing and payment of certain claims in the State of
ississippi; which was again read the second time and considered as
in Committee of the Whole; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That the f urther considerattion thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the con-


Feb. 3, 1864.1


sideration of the bill (S. 204) to provide and organize a gen

for armies in the tield, to serve during the war.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the bill by stribin
fifth section, as follows:
SEC. 5. That the officers a s s h e d to duty, or appointed to annies,
or brigades, under this act, shal?, with the exception of aid-de-camp
to which they were assig
remain attached to the ~ e \ ~ e rorganizations
except when otherwise directed by the Preaident,

It was determined in the affirm*

On motion hy Mr. Seinmea, to aiiiend the bill by inserting the following independent section:
SEC.-. That, in addition to the staff oficws herein provided, the President may, in
his discretion, attach to the staff of the roiritiiatiding general in the Trans-Mississippi
Department two general officers, to he c*hargcdwith adiriinistratire duties in said
department, under the control and direction o f tlie romiiraiidiiig general,

It was determined in the negative,

Nags . - _ -- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The yeas and nags hcing dcsircd hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who votrd in the t~lffirnitttivcare,
Messrs. 13alw.r, Johnson of Rrliriiistts, Orr, Qeniuies, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the nrgati\rr are,
Messrs. 13urnctt, Chrk, Clap, I)oxtcli, ITnyncs, Hill, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson of Georgia, ,Johtison of Missoui-i, Maxwell, Oldham,
Phelan, R ~ a d e ,Sininis, and \Vigf:ill.
On motion by Mr. C~1:trlqto :tinend the bill 1)y st,rilring out of the
sixth section tlie woids :~lrcndyin serviw,
It was dctc.rniincd irk thc wfIirin:ttivc~.
On motion t)y Mr. S~:LNY)W,
nd l h o bill 1)y striking out of the
rvcd t ~ w l v eiuonths i n the field,
sixth section the words wlio hav
and inserting in lieu thrrcof the w
who lit^\^? been in thc military
service. six months or niow,
It W ~ L Sdetertnincd in the negative.
On motion by MY. Wigfdl, to amend thc bill by striking out the
sixth section, as follows:

SEC.6. That till appointnients antler this act shall be made from offirera or from
privates who ii:kve Herved twc>lvemontlis in the field,

It was detcrniincd i n tho :tffirnixt,ivc.

The hill htiving been further amended on the motion of Mr. Sparrow, it was reported to the Senate and the amendments were cdncurred in.
O ~ d e 7 4That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said hill was read the third tinie.
On the question,
Shall the bill now pass?
Yeas .... _ - _ - _--_----- -- 19
It was determined in the affirmative, Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On motion hy Mr. Wigfall,
The yeas tind nays being desired by one-fifth of the Soriators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Rurnett, Caperton, Clark, Clzlg, Dortch, IIa nos, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, Jeiiiisori, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of i Issouri, Maxwell, Orr, Phelan, Beade, Sernmes, Sparrow, and Wigfall.


So it was
That the bill pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Lkdered, That the Secretary request the concurxence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr, Senimes (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 215) to amend an act to authorize the appointment of
an agent of the Treasury Department west of the Mississippi, approved
January 27, 1864;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Cornmittee of the Whole.
On niotion by Mr. Seinmes, to amend tlie bill by striking therefrom
the words
said sum having been adopted by tlie Senate on the passage of the original bill, but
accidentally omitted by clerical error in t h e engrossment of the Senate amendments,

I t W R Y determined in the affirmative.

No further arnendmc~ntbeing made, tho bill w t reported
to the Senate and the :tmcndnient was concurred in.
&dew(?, That the bill he c~ngro d and read a ttiird timc.
Tho said bill W:LS read thr third
~ w o l r w c Lhat
it pIbbS, and that>the title thereof be as itfort.said.
O i d w d , That the Seciv tary request thc concurrence of the House
of lieyrescntativcu thewin.
i n Commjttm of the Whole, t o the con(S. 195) creating the office of ensign in the Army
of the Confederate States; and no rmcndment being proposed, it mas
reported to the Senate.
O?=d(Ted,That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolued, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secrettry request the ,concurrence of the House
of Representatives thcroin.
ded, RS in Committee of the Whole, tlo the con(S. 146) to aut,horize thc creditors of t h e Government to receive their cluc.: i n cight per cent Confederat,e bonds,
and for othcr piirposc~;and
On motion 1)y M 1. Orr,
Ordered, That the further considrration thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of tho Whole, t o the consider&tionof the bill (S. 151) authorizing the issue of certain bonds of the
Confederate States, and making the coupons attached to the same a
legal tender i n the payment of debts; and
On motion by Mr. Phelan,
Ordmed, That it lie upon tho table.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 808) to provide conipensation for officers who
may heretofore have perfornicd staff duty under orders of their superior officers.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to aniend the bill by striking out all after
the enacting clause and inserting:
That when any officer, noncommissioned offirer, or private of any legally constituted military organization may have heretofore, by order of his proper superior
officer, performed any staff duty appropriate to such command, he shall be entitled

Feb. 3, 1864.1



to receive pay for the time he was so engaged in t h e discharge of such d

That there was not then present, fit for duty, any officer duly
the discharge af the same,

It .rms determined in the affirmative.

No furthtir amendiiient being made, the bill was reported
ate and the amendment was concurred in.
(Srdord, Ihut the bill be engrossed and read third time.

The wi d bill was read the third time.

&?~sohed,That i t pass, and that the title t,hereof be RS aforesaid.
O d ~ r e d That
the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of liepresentatir-cs therein.
The Senate procceded, as in Committee of the VIThole, to the consideration of t h e bill (S.194) to oi*pnize hodirs for tlie capture and
destruction of the cneinys property, by land or sea, and to authorize
Ltion f u r tlie same; and
tion by Nr. Hparrom,
Ord(>red,That i t be transferred to the Seci-ct I q i s l a t i v e Calendar.
On motion by Mr. Clay,
Thc Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On inotioii by Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Dortch, from the coinmittec, reportcd that they had examined
and found truly ciirolled
A bill (JJ. l<.93) to organize a Trcasury note bureau.
The Piwident pro teniporc having signed tlic rnrollcd bill last
rcportrd to have h c r i exaniincd, it W R H delivered to the Secretary of
the Scriatc mid by him forth1Liith prcsented to the Ircsidcnt o f the
Con fcdcrate States for his rtpl)ror:ti.
Ihc Senate rwtirned, as i n Coinmi
of tlie Whole, the consideration of tlici hill (S. 194) to orgmize 1)
s for the mpture and destruction of tlie enenijs property, by land or sea, and to authorize
compensation f o r thc same; arid no amendment being proposed, it
was reportcd to the Scnato.
Orcicwd, That i t he engrossed and rend a third time.
* Tho said hill WBS read the third time.
Besolved, That it pass, and that the titlu thereof be as aforesaid.
Or&red, Ihat the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of lteprebcntatives therein.
Ihc following message was rectived from the President, of the Confederate States, l)y Mr. 13. N. Ilarrison, his Secretary:
of 1118 Confcder& Wntrs of America:
To the ,%ate uiid 1foii.w of Rcprwrilnt
Tht. present state of the Confcderatay, in 1ny jtidgment, requires that I should
invite your nttt~ntionto a condition of things existing in the country which has
already hem productive of seriow evil anti which threatens .?till graver consequences
urile~sa n adequate reniedy shall he spcedily applied by the legidation of Congress.
It has been our cherished hope, and hitherto justified by thc generous self-devotion
of our citizens, that when t h e great struggle in which wc are engaged was passed,
we might exhibit to the itorlcl the proud spectaclc of a people unanimous in the
assertion and drfeiise of their rights, and achieving thcir liberty and independence,
after the blootiiest uqtr of rriotlern t i m t s ~ ,withoiit thr ~iecemityof a single sacrifice of
civil right to iiiilitary necessity But it can n o 1ongc.r hc tloiihted that the zeal with
which the people sprang to arms at tho beginning of the coiltest has in some parts


[Fcb. 3, 1864.

of the Confederacy been impaired by the long continuance and magnitude of the
While brigade aftcr brigade of our brave soldiers \z ho have endured the trials of
the tamp and battlefield are testifying their ppirit and atriotisin by voluntary reenlistment for the war, discontent, disaffection, ancl disfovalty are manifested among
those who, through t h e sacrifices of others, have enjoyed quiet and safety a t home.
Public meeting8 hare been held, in some of H hich a treasonable design is masked by
a pretense of devotion to State sovereignty, and in others is openly avowed. Conventions are advocated H ith the pretended object of redressing grievances, which,
if thev existed, could as well be rcniedicd by ordinary legislative action, but with
the r e d design of accomplishing treason uiidcr the form of law. To this end a strong
suspicion is entertained that secret leagues and associations are being formed. I n
certain localities inen of no mean position do not hesitate to avow their disloyalty
and hostility to our cttuse, arid their advocacy oT peace on t h e ternis of submission
and t h e abolition of sla\ cry. 111 tlistiicts o\ eirun by the enemy or liable to their
encroaclinieriLs, citizens of wt4l-kno\vn disloyalty are holding frequent communitation with tlieiii, aiid fiu riishing valuable information to our injury, c\wi to the frustration of iniimt tant military ino\wiients. And yet niust tlicy, through too strict
regard to the tt~clinicalitic~s
of tlie I:i\v, be pwniittetl to go a t large till they have perfected their treason try t lir coiuiiiis~ioiiof a i i overt ac-tl After tlicb conimission of t h e
act t h e evidtwcc is often nnattninable l)av*aiiw \\ itliin tlic wemy's lines. Again
11s ~ R Y Cbren :irrc,stcvl, and a< oftcw thvy h a w bc.en ciisclrarged
vs, I ~ ~ c ~ i the
u i c io\ c ~ r n i i i c ~ i ic~xil(1
not prnvnre testimoiiy from
within t h e lines of t l i eiic~iiry
On otic ut*cxcinn,11 hilcn iiarty (11 officers wrw laying
a torpedo iii James W I \('I-,~ W Y W I I ~ on slioiv 11 C I C dotcctc~tlin c,oiiiinnriirating with
the enemy, :ind \ \ v r ~kno\\ t i t o pilot t h m i to a. con\ i w t post lor observing the
e in \I Iiicli t l i c party 11 w e c.ngagc
They were arrested, and
1ial)eascorpur-, bec.ausc, altliough iwe was moral rertainty of
lot br proved by c*oiripeteiittestiniony. Twice the tiovernment

hostility to our cause itlid liis dcbiie to join the. cncwiy. Botli coninris~ioneistonsidered that it nonltl be dangeronq to suffei him to go at largc. Yct, npnn tlre
demand of the civil authoritics, I I C ~h a t I to be rcleaacd for want of totnpetent legal
The capital of t h e (iovvriiriicmt is the o1)jrct o f peculiar attviition to the enemy. I
have satisfactory reasons for believing that spies : ~ r cc.oritinu:~1Iycoininc. and going in
our midst. I~ifonnationh a y becn 1cpc:~tcdlyrcw.i\ c ~ froiii
friendly parties a t the
North that particulur iiiclivitluttls then i n Iticlirtioiid \+(>I c wiit as spies by the enemy.
Yet, ho\\.c\w wcurate :iiid reliable r-iic*li inforinatinii 11light lo(., it wci\not competent
testimony ; a n d it I\ RX icllo to arie5t tlieiii, only to l)e tliwhargetl by tlre civil authorities. Iiriportttnt inforiiiation o f s e ( w t ~ ~ i n v e n ~ tamong
~ i i the neprocs, fomented by
base white m m ,has I w c ~ irrc.ei\rvl froin faithfiil rvarrt,c, but 110 arrests of instigators could be matlc hccarisr thoi e n as 110 coiripctt. tcwtimony. Apprehensions have
more than nnw tweii entcrtainrtl of a servile insurrection i n Richmond. The Northern papers inforiii us that Iiutlcr is p r f ( ~ ~ t i nsonie
g deep-laid whenie to punish us for
50 \\ith hiiii. I f , a? is not improbable, his design should
in Jtichnontl, iriceiitliari,w~,and the ilestruction of pubr c t t ~ f c m w ,anct HJ inipomiGle to be replaced, how can we
hope to fathom it and reach thc guilty eniiqsaries ancl contrivers but by incompetent
negro testimony?
I n some of the States civil process has been h o u g h t to bear with disastrous efficienc upon t h e Army. 1 h w y jntlgr Iias po\\er to iwie the v r i t of habeas corpus,
and i r o n e manif(& inore f a d i t $ I n disrharging petitioners than his associates, the
application 17 made to him, Iiowcvcr ivmotc lie inay be. In one instance a general,
on the eve of an important movement, when e\ery man \?as needed, was einbarrassed by the command of a judge, more than t\\ o hiintlretl milrs distant, to bring, if
in his custody, or send, if in cur-tody of anothcr, before h i r i i on Iiabeas coipus, some
deserters who had been arrested and returnrcl to his conlmand. I n another, the
commandant of a camp of consciipts, who had a conscript i n camp, was commanded
to bring him helore a judge, moie than a hundred miles distant, although there was
a judge competent to hear and detcrmine thc tmPe resident in the place where the
writ was executed. He consulted eminent counsel and was advised that, from the

Peb. 8, 1864.1


known opinions of the judge selected, th

and the officer was therefore advised to
inforinally; that such a return was not te


Army. But t
the determination
ice. Nothing has done so much to inspirit o w brave soldiers
evinced by Cougress to send to their aid those who have thus far lived in erne Ltt
hoine, while they v ere enduring dangers, toils, and rivations. When the hope of
equal justice and of bpeedy reenforcement shall thus K a ~ efailed, disappointment and
despondency will tlisp1nc.e tht= buoyant fortihick which animates them now. Dcsertion, already a frightful w i l , will berorne thv ortler of the day, xud who will arrest
with Iiini in the common cause
the desertel: when most of those a t
m i s of deserters will patrol the
of setting t h e Ciovc~rnirietita t d e h i
nately; and onr armies, nlrcady
country, burning, plundering, xt i t l
too weak, niwt be still further cleplctrd, at the rnpst iininincnt crisis of oiir cause, to
keep the peace and protect thc lives ant1 properly of the citizens a t home. Must
these evils be entluredg Mnst tlip indepc~ntlencefor which we are contending, the
safety of the tlefcnsrless families of the men wlio h a w fallon in battle and of those
who still confront t h r invader, Tr)e piit in peril for the sake of conformity to the technicalities of the law of treason?
Having thus prcsriitrd some of the threatening evils which exist,, it remains to suggest the remedy. And in niy judgment that is only to be found in the suspension of
the privilege of the writ, of habeas corpu8. 1 t is a sharp remedy, but a necessary
one. It is a remedy plainly contemplated by the Con~titution. All the powers of
the Government, extraordiiiary ay well as ordinary, are a sacred trust, to be faithfully
executed whenever the public exigency may require. 12ecognizingthe encral obligation, we can not escape from the duty in one case inore than in anot ier. And a
suspension of this writ wlicii demanded by the public, safety is as much a dut as
to levy taxes for the support of the Government. If the statc of invasion cleclareJby
the Constitution to bc a proper rase for tho excrcisc of this power docs not exist in
our country now, when can it ever be expected to arise? I t is idlc to appeal against
it to the history of the old Union. That history contains no parallel case. Rngland,
whose reverence for this great writ of right is at, lea& as strong as oiir own, and the
htability of whose institutions is the admivation of the world, has repeatedly, within
the last hundred years, resorted to this remedy when on1 threatened with invasion.
It may occasion m m e clamor; but thiswill proceed chief& from the men who have
already too long been the active s irits of evil. Loyal citizens will not feel danger,
and the disloyal must be made to rear it. The very exisknce of extraordinary powers often renders their exercise unnecessary. To temporize with disloyalty in the
midst of war is b u t to quicken i t to the growth of treason. I, therefore, reRpectfully
re(-ornmend that t h e privilege of the writ of habem corpus he snspcndecl.
VA., February 3, 1864.



[Feb. 4,1864.

The message mas read.

Ordewd, That it be referred to the Committee 011 the Judiciary.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill and joint resolu-

tions of the following titles; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate:
H. R. 108. An act to establish certain post routes therein named;
H. R. 25 Joint resolution of thanks to Lieutenant-General Longstreet and the
officers and men of his conimand;
H. It. 26 Joint rwolntion of thanks to certain Florida troops;
H. It. 27. Joint resoliitioii of tliankv to the cli&km cominanded by Major-General
EI. R. 28. .Joint resolution of tliaiiks to Brig. (;en. S. 1). Iiamseurs brigade of
North Carolina troops for tendering tlwir ticrvices for the war.
The Speaker of t h r IIonw of Reprtwntativcti traving signed sundry enrolled bills
and enrolled joint rebolatiom, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the
signature ot their Presitlcnt.

Mr. Scniiiics submittcd the following motion for considcration:

Ordered, That the vote on assing the hill (S. 195) creating the
office of ensign in the Army of t e Cotifederate States be reconsidered.
The bill (H. H. 108) to establish certain post routes therein named
was read the first and sccond times and referred to the Committee on
Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
The joint resolution (H. R. 25) of thanks to Lieutenant-General
Longstreet, and the officers and men of his command wtis read the first
and second times and referred to the Committce on Military AExirs.
The following joint rcsolutions were severally read the first and
second tinies and considei*cdas in Coniniittcr of the Whole:
H. R. 26. ,Joint r e d u t i o n of thanks to wrtitin Florida troops;
H. R. 27. Joint rcsolntion of thankij to the division commanded
by Major-General ltod(:s: and
I-E. K. 28. J o i n t rcsolution of thanks to Brig. Gen. S. D. Rarnseurs
brigade of North Carolina troops for tendering their services for the


And no amendment being proposed, they were severally reported

to the Senate.
Ordered, That they pass to a third reading.
The said resolutions were severally read the third timc.
Resohed, That they pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Scmmcs,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by MI-.
The Senate adjourned.

Fcb. 4, lSG1.1


A niessagc from the HOLW

of Representatives, by Mr. D
d h . I?uideict: The House of Repremntatives have passed tlte bill of tho Senate
(S 1%) to iinpose regihtions upon the ioreigu coxnnierce of tlle Confederate States
to provide for tiic public defense.

Mr. Semmeu, from the select corrimitkm to whom mas recomn~itted

the bill (11. li. 92) to tax, fund, and limit the currency, reported it
with mlcndments.
The Senate proceeded to consider the bill last mentioned; Jvhicl1
was again wad thc second time and considercd as in Comnittee of the
n to agree to the first xmcnduicnt reported from the
On motion by Illy. Ilayncs, to ninend the amendment by inserting
at the end of the lirst section thereof the following proviso:
Prorideti, That all Treasury notes herein declared to be fondnble, not bearing
interest, in the 11:inds of loyal citizens of any of the States now in the lines of the
eneniv, and wliich can not be funded, as herein provided, by the first of May and
,luguSt, h a i d lroldcrs sliall h a r e tlie privilege of fiinding said notes a t any time within
ti\ o iiiontlt~aftcr the haid StatcAs or parts of Shttls sliall be relieved from the enemy:
Imitlztl f t r r t l r c ~ That
altw the first of May aid the first of August, as aforemid, said
mtes shall not he rcccivable i n the payment of public dues, or exchangeable for new
notes, except ILH provided i n this :et,

I t was determined in the negative.

rhc iirst reported :unendnient was then awrced to.
The residue of the reported aincndments Eaving been agreed to, thc
bill xvas rcportcd to the Senate ilnd t h aincntIni(wt~W B ~ Pconciirred
That thc aincndiiicnts be engrosscd and the bill read a
thirtl tiiuc.
She said bill as amended was read tlie tliird tiiiie.
EesoZo~d,That it pass with amendments.
On motion 1 ) ~ Mr. Seinines,
The title was airieiided to read: An act to provide for the issue of
exchcqncr notes, and for funding all Treasury notes now outstanding.
O~dered,That the SecsetsLry request the concurrence of the House
01Representatives in the amendments.
MY,Hill, from the Corninittee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the niessage of the President of yesterday, recommending to
Congress the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus,
A bill (S. 216) to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
in certain cases, and for a limited period, throughout the Confcderate
which was read the first and second times and considcrod as in Committee of the Whole.
An aincndirient being. proposed by Mr. Clark,
On motion by Mr. Henry, that the bill be recommitted to the Committee on the Judiciary with instractions t o report a bill providing
for n gcneral suspension of the writ of habeas corpus within the Confederate Statcs,
After debate;
Mr. Burnett demanded the question; which was seconded, and




The q1iestion being then put on the motion to reconunit the bill to
the Comnlittee on the Judiciary, with instructions,
Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 6
It was determined in the negative, ~ a y s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
-On motion by Mr. Burnett,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Clay, Henry, Phelan, Simms, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, Ca erton, Clark, Dortch, Haynes, Hill, Hunter,
rJemison, Johnson of Keorgia, ?Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, &Iaxwell, Oldham, Orr, Reade, Semmes, and Sparrow.
On iiiotion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orckmd, That the furthcr consideration of the
and made the special order for Saturday next at 1
bill and the amendment proposed by Mr. Clark be printed.
On motion by Mr. Senimes, and by unanimous consent,

07*dmwi, That4 150 copies of the bill (13. 1%.92) to tax, fund, and
linrit the cui-rency, as amended and passed by the Senate today, be
On motion hy Nr. Sparrow,
The Senatc rebolved in to cxecutivc session.

The Senate proceeded to considcr the motion submitted by Mr.

Johnson of Georgia on the 8th ultimo, t o reconsider the vote on refusiiig to confirni Joseph Wheeler as major-general.
After dohate,
On t h e question,
Will the Senate reconsider tho vote?
- - - - -- --- -- -It was determined i n the affirmative, Yeas
Nays _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
- .10
On motion hy Mr. Wigfall,
The yeas and nays bcing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Caperton, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson
of Georgia, Maxwell, Phelan, Semmes, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Clark, Clay, Haynes, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Oldham, Orr, Siinms, and Wigfall.
So the votc W R S reconsidered.
On the question,
Will the Senahe advise and consent to the appointment of Joseph
Wheeler as major-general 1
It was determined in the affirmativc, Y e a s . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l2
Nays _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
9 ___
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The yeas and nays bring desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Caperton, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson
of Georgia, Maxwell, Phelan, Reade, Semmes, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Feh. 4, 1864.1

Messrs. Burnett, Clark, Haynea, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson

Missouri, Oldham, Orr, Simms, and Wigfall.
Yo it wtis
BmoLucd, That, the Senate advise and consent to the appointment
Joseph Wheeler as major-geiiei-al,agreeably to the nomination of
Mr. Sparrow, from the Corninittee on Military Affairs, to wh
were rei-errcd the nominations of John 3. Hood, to be lieutenantgeneral; J . ,J. 13radford and W. W. Blackford, to be majors; C . I.
Harvie, W. 11. London, C. A. Withers, A. 1. Rarris, Warwick Hough,
Boyd Edelin, to bcztssistant adiuhnts-general, with the rank
of captain, reported, with the recoiniiicndation that all of said nominations bc confii~med.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrcnce
therewith, i t was
Besol;Led, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomi nation of tlie President.
The following nicssagcs were received froin the President of the
Confederate States, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary:
E s ~ c r ~ DEPAKTMENT,
Richmond, Febrimy 4, 186.4.
To the Seunte cf the Cot!fmlwc~teA%tes:
Agreeably to the reconmiendation of the Secretary of War, I iioniinate the officers
on the arconipanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
010 AamrrcA,
Ro. 36.1
Kichnionrl, Pehrutwy ?, Ihf%$.
Prii: I tiarc t l i e Ironor to rtc*ommncnd the following iioniiliationu for appointment
in the Iroyisional Army of the Conftdernto States of Anierica:
comrAwr)nWS ov c,ims


Frank J. Trahr, of Ror
Edward R l d h t l y , jr.,
Thoinas ,J. Iltulson, of
Richard Itichartlson, o
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Xecrctary of War.

To His Excellenry JEBFEKS~N

President, rtc.

The message was read.

(IrthrcrrC, That it he refcrred to the Coinmittee on Military Affairs.
Richnond, FebruuTy 4,1864.
To thr Senntr of thr Coifdrrtrte S t
Agreea1)ly to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate 6.F.Scott,
of Tennessee, to be surgeon in the Provisional Army of the Confederate Sjtatcs of
Richmond, Ie6ruury 9, 186i.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the nomination of J. F. Scott, of Tenntsisre,
to be surgeon in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, to rank
from May 1,1862.
I am, sir, respertfully, your obedient servailt,
Secrctay of War.
To His Excellency JEFBERSON Davxa,
Pi-esident, etc.



[Feb. 4,1864.

Tho message was read.

Ordeyed, That it he referred to the Cominittee on Military Affairs.
Richmarid, February 4, 1864.
To the Senate o j ihe Confederate Siatps:
Agreeably to the recorninendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the acconipanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, February 2, 18134.
Ho. 35.1
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

16, 1862.


1'. C. Venable, of Virginia, report to Chief of Ordnance for assignmcnt to duty, to

rank froin January 25, 186-4.
11. I' Cochraii, of Virginia, rcport to Chief of Ordnance for assignment to duty,
to rank froin January 27, 1864.

'l'lioinas ( I . Baiictt, of (korgia, for. d u t y as ordnancc~officer to ,J. I<. Jackson's

l)riga(lc, Aruiy 01 'Tcnncssct., to iank tram January 2 3 , 1% i.
1 am, sii, re~spectfully,your ol)etlient servant,
l5feretnl.y o j wal-.
To Ilis I<sc.ellrncy JI

The messnpc was read.

Ondwed, That it be referred to the Comiiiittce on Militnry Affairs.
1':s I S C ~ ~ I V ~E E P . ~ I ~ I T, Richmond, Frbruayy 6. lSCi4.
TO fhcl l % m c of rhe C'oqfetlwntc A U ~ ~ S :
Agreeably to tlic rc,c.oirimentlation of tlie Secretary of War, I nominate the officrrs
on thc accompanying list to the rank affixed to their naincs, rehpcvti\ oly.
\TAR UEP \RThIEST, ~ ? k ' / l r i l O i l t ~ ,~ ' b h Y ? l l I1,
~ t1864.
No. 58 ]
Sin: I have tlir Iionor to ie(vmiinc~ndtlic following noniinatinns for :iplmintnient in
the I'roviGonal A \ r ~ i iof
y tlie ('oiifctlcrate States of ilincricn:

22, 1862.


0. J . Feinme~,of Lnuisiana, t o take rank from Sovember i , 1863.

Willi~iiii15. ISarle, of Sonth Carolina, to take rank froin I>ec.eniber9, 1863.
. C. Scmple. of Alabania, to take rank from Janii~ry19, 1864.
?-quires, oi l,ouisiana, to take rank from January 25, 1864.
I i w i , sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of ' W c i ~ .
To His Excellency JEFI'ERN)N
P r c d m t , rtc

The iiicssagc was read.

Oi-dmd. That i t be referred to thc Committee on Military Affairs.
On iiiotioii by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.


5: 1SB4.

Mr. Jemison presented the memorial of certain officers, n

iiiissioned officers, arid privates of Battles brigade, praying t
leg? of reorpnization and reelection of officers, without conso
regmients and c.ornpntrics or in m y way destroyinv the identit
sxrne; which m s wferred to the Coniniittce on Military Rfltiirs.
Alr. Spt~rrow,froin the Conimittee on Military i\ff:Lirs, to whom
wab referred the bill (1-1. It. 107) to iiicrc:isc the eflicicwcp of the Arniy
by the eniploynitwt of frcc negrocs and sltives in certtiin capacities,
reported it without :t~ncndiiient.
On iiiotion by Jfr. S p : ~ ~ r o w ,
07~Zmc(?,That the Ckminiittee on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further conhideration of the bill (H. 2 t t) to place free persons of color in the nii1it;iry service of the Confedonkte States.
Mr. Sparrow, from tlie Coiriniitkee on nlilitwy Affairs reported
A bill (S. 217) to amc~idthe several acts i n regrtrd to iniiitiiry courts,
arid to create coiwts for divisions of cnvnlry;
which was yead the tirst and second times arid ordered to be placed
upon the Cslcnclar.
Mr. Sparrow, from tbc Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 218) to anwnd the act ontitlcd An act to provide uiid
o i y p i z e engineor troops to scrve during the war, approved 20th
March, 1863;
which w:ts read the first, :ind second tiiiies :tiid considered RS in Comof the \Vholc; :~iid no :Lniendnrcntl being lwoposed, it was
P d to tl1c Senatc.
bc (Lrigrosscd ilrld read L: thiid time.
rctlcl the third tiiiw.
p w , and tlint, thr titlo thcreof bc :w aforesaid.
Om~r*ed,lhnt the Secrctxry requrst the (~onc~~rrcncc
of tho House
of KcpresenltLtivw therein.
A niessagc f r o m thc House of Kep~escntatives,hy Mr. Daltoii:
Mr. Presitlcn(: The IIon5e of Representatives Iravr p:issed bills of tlic following
titles, in wtiic~htlicy reqiicst the concurrencae of the Seiiatc:
11. It. lo$). An avt i o iiicrease the compensation of certain oficcrs of the Treasnry;
11. It. 111, An art for the rclicf ot IAivingstoii3Iimn; md
11. It. 112. An a(%to authorize tlrr lresicleut to establish :itltli t~onalmilitary courts.

Thr Senate proc*ecdecl,as in Committee ol the Whole, to the connid(:riitioll of thc bill (11. B. 90) to iilalic additional :q)piq)riations for tho
support of the Gorc~i~~inicnt
of the Confederate St:ttes of Ainerica for
tlic fiscal year ending ,June 30, 1864; and
The amendmentc; reported from the Committee on Finmce were to.
On motion by Semmes, from the Committee on Finance, to amend
the Ijill by iwcrting :ifter line 294, page !I, the following:
For loss of sla~reswliicli have been impressed by the Confdcrate antlrorities and
while engagcd in laboring 011 the public defenses liave escapetf to tlw eiieliiy or (lied,
or contracted diseases which have, after their discharge, recrultetl fatally, three million one hundred and eight thousand dollars,

It was determined in the affirmative.

No further amendment being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the ztmendmertts were cortuurred in.



[Feb. 6, 1864.

&&ged, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said hill as amended was read the third time.
Rcsolued, That it paas with amendments.
Ordered, Thtt the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the amendments.
Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills and joint resolutions of the following
titles :
H. R. 79. An act to prohibit dealing in the paper currency of the
eneiiiy ;
H. B. 94. An act to provide for wounded and disabled officers, soldiers, and seamen an asyluni, to be called The Veteraii Soldiers
Home ;
H. It. %4. An act to authorize commanders of corps and departments
to detail field ofliccrs RS inenibers of military courts under certain
I I . R. 8. Joint rcsolution of thanks to Col. Thomas G. Lamar and
the oficcrs ~ n nieii
engngeil in the defense of Secessioiiville;
1. It. 1 9 . Joint resolution of thanks to Captain Odlum, Lieutenant
Dowling, a i d thc nicn under their command;
H. It. 23. J o i n t resolution of thanks t o General Beauregard and the
officers and inen of his conimand for their defense of Charleston, S. C.;
1.It. 24. Joint resolution of thanks to the Alabama troops who have
reenlisted for the war.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have been examined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of the Sen& and by him forthwith
presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
MY. Phelan (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 219) for the relief of persons who have been assessed, or
who have paid the tax levied upon cotton subsequeutly destroyed by
the Government;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Phelnii (by leave) introduced
A bill (S.220) to expedite the payment of the claims of deceased
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
The hills this day coniiriunicated f rom the House of Representatives
for concurrence were scvcrally read the first and second times.
Chdwed, That the bill numbered 109 be referred to the Committee
on Finance; that the bill numbered 111 be referred to the Committee
on Claims, and that the bill numbered 112 be referred to the Cominittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Clay, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the hill (S. 210) to aid any State in communicating with and
perPecting records concerning its troops, reported it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded. as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and the reported amendment having

Feb. 6,1864.1


been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and th
w:is concurred in.
07de?*ed, That the bill be engrossed and read n third ti1
The said bill was read the third tinie.
Besdued, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as afore
Ovdered, That the Secretary request the concurrence
of 12epresentatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Geor ia,
That the Senate proceed to tho consi eration of the bill
R. 104)
amendatory of an act entitled An act to put an end to the exemption
from military service of those who have heretofore furnished substitutes, approved January 5, 1S64,
Yeas-----------------It was determined in the affirmative, Nays
- - - - .---------__ 8
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
Tho yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affiriiiative are,
Messrs. 13aker, Caperton, Dortch, Haynes, Hill, Hunter, Jemison,
Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr,
Reade, and Semmes.
Those who voted i n the negative are,
Messrs. Burnett, Clark, Clay, Henry, Phelan, Simnis, Sparrow, and
Yo tho Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of saiIp bill; und
On motion by Mr. ,Johnson.of Georgia,
Ordmd, That the further consideration of the bill be post oned to
arid made tho special order for Tuesday next at 1. oclock, an$ that it
be rinted.
motion by Mr. Clay,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
The Senate resumed, as in Comrnittec of tho Whole, the considoration of the bill (S.192) to regulate the allowance of traveling expenses
of officers of the Navy and others traveling under orders; and
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Wholc, tho consideration of the bill (S. 170) to provide for the auditing and payment of
ccrttlin claims in the State of Mississippi; and the reported amendments having been agreed to,
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.





The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t e bill (S. 209) to establish a bureau of foreign supplies.
On motion by Mr. Semmes, to amend the bill by inserting after
act, section 12, line 3, the words the bond to be approved by the
chief officer of said agency west of the Mississippi Iliver,
It was determined in the affirmative.



[Feb. 6, 1864.

The bill having been further amended on the motion of Mr. Chy, it
was reported to the Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
Orde7*ed, That the bill he engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resohted, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of t h e Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 197) to redeem outstanding Treasury notes and
discharge the public debt, and thereby restore the public credit; and
On motion by Mr. Sexnmes,
Ordmed, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate procccded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (1.R. 100) to continue in the service, for thc war,
all the troops now in the Prorisiond Army of the Confederate States.
On the question to agree to the following reported aiiiendment, viz:
Strike out of the first scction of the bill the words
That all troops now in the Prortsioiia1 Army of the Confederate States for general
service be, i ~ i dthe same arc> hereby, continned in such service for and clnring the
existiiig war with the lJnitetl States: P ~ o n i d e d ,Tliat Stat(, troop, which have been
temporarily called out m d plrtccd nnder t h e authority of the Confederate Government, shall be exeinpted froiii the operation of this act,

and inserting in lieu thcrcof the words

That froin and after the pass.pagc of this act, all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between t h e age* of eighteen and fiity-fi\,e, shall be in the military service of the Confedernltt States f o r the war, including those who may hereafter reach
the age of eighteen years: Pro?itfed, That nothing herein contaiiiett shall hc construed
to authorize the discharp of enlisted inen .rvho shall hereafter rear11 the age ot fortyfive years, or over, froin servicc iit the field,

On motion by MY. llaync.s, t o amend tho xmcndiricnt by striking

out, in the third line, tho word fifty-five :md iimrting tifty,
On motion by i \ b. Phclm,
That Ihe bill and ~nicndinentslie upon thc t;tbl~.
On motion by MI.. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into exccutivc, session.

Mr. Sparrow, froni the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

were referred the noininntions of L. S. Ross, I). C. Govan, J. 0. Shelby,
to bc hrigadier-generals; J. J . Hedrick, to be coloncl; 13. IV. Frobel,
V. Shcliha, J . W. Bontlurant, J . Floyd King, James R. Branch, Stcphen Elliott, to be lieutrnarit-colonels; E. F. Gray, Edward Manigault,
T. H. Hotchkiss, d. 13. B. Burtwell, William Miller Owen, J. D.
Myrick, John W. ,Johnston, Robert Illartin, L. T. Wofford, J . C. Coit,
W. R. Ketchum, 1. M. Mathcws, to bc majors of artillery; John l3.
Davis, James %. Gcorge, to be colonels; .J. A. Barksdale, to bc lieutcnant-colonei; William (f. Henderson, J . F. Love, to be majors; C. S.
Fleming, to bc captain; L. L. Albriglit, A. G. Cudworth, C. V. Smith,
Franklin C. ROSS,E.T. Taylor, 3. E. Gould, J . C. Darant, ,John A.
Caldwell, F. M. Anderson, W. B. Couchman, Erwin A. Roach, E. H.
Reid, to be second lieutenants; C. W. Anderson, Uptoii M. Youn ,
Charles T. Furlow, J. M. Mitldleton, R. 31. Harwell, E. f l . McDanii,
to be aids-de-camp, with the rank of first lieutenant; aohn I-2. Moore,

Feb. G, 1864.1


D. IM. Layton, J. N. Shorter, Thomas G. Pond, J. W. Laird, Joh

Bryan, John W. Faison, to be adjutants, with the rank of first li
tenant, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominatio
be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurre
therewith, it was
Resohed, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointinen
agreeably to the nomination of t h e President.
On motion by MY. Semnies,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.
6, 1864.

The Hon. Charles B. Mitchel, from the State of Arkansas, attended.

Mr. Hill (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S.29) of thanks to the troops Teenlisting for the
war from the State of Georgia;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it wtw
reported to the Senate.
O?dere.ed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The mid resolution was read the third time.
Besso7R,ed, That it pass, m d that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O d m d , That the Secmtury request the concurrence of tlie House
of Representatives therein.
A message from the House of Iteprcsentati\-es, by Mr. Dalton:
Mr. Presidmf: The IIoiise of Representiitives have paused a joint resolution of the
Senate (8.22) for the benefit ok Zcdekiah McDaniel, of ICentuc-ky,m c l Yrancia 31.
Kwing, of Mississippi, ivitli an amentlmeirt; ill which they request the concurrence
of,tlie Senate.
fhey hare pssed, without amendment, Senate bills of the following titles:
S. 197. An act to airieiicl an act entitled A n act to establish a volunteer navy,
approved April 18, 1863;
8.208. An act to provide compensation for officers who may heretofore have performed staff duty under orders of their superior oflicers; and
8. 215. A n act to itrncncl an act to itnthorizc the appointment of an agent of the
Treasury Ikpartnient west of the Mississippi, approved January 27, 1864.
And they have passed joint resolutions of the following titles; in which they request
the conciirrence of the Senate:
11. It. 29. \Joint resolution for the relief of Maj. Henry R. EIooper; and
IT. JL. 30. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of McClungs battery.
The Spcaker of t h e House of Hrprwentativex hnviri signed sundry enrolled billa
stid c n r o ~ e djoint resoltitione, J ain [lirecteci to bring tiem to ttie Senate for the signature of their President.

b y Mr. S arrow,
Ordmed, That the (9ommittee on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of the memorial of certain officers, nonconirnissioned oflicers, and privates of Battles brigade, praying the
privilege of reorganization and reelection of officers, without consolidating regiments and companies or in any way destroying the identity
of the saine.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred
the bill (13. R. 109) to amend an act entitled An act to organize military courts to atbelid the Army of the Confederate States in the field,



Feb. 6,1864.

and to define the powers of said courts, reported it without amendment.

The Senate proceedcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and no amendment being proposed,
it was reported to the Senate.
Orde~ed,That it pass to a third reading.
The said hill was read the third time.
Resohvd, That it pass.
Ovdered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Johnson of Missouri, from the Committee on Claims, to whom
was referred the memorial of Leach 4%Avery, reported
A bill (Y. 281) f o r their relief;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be printed.
The joint reHolution (11. R. 99) for the relief of Maj. Henry B.
Hoopcr was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Clainis.
The joint resolution (H. R. 30) of thauks to the oflicers and men of
McClungs battery was read the first and second tiines and considered
as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendnient being proposed, it
was reported to the Senate.
O w b e d , That i t pass to a third reading.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Besolved, That it pass.
That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the arncndment of the House of
Be resentativcs to the joint resolution (S. 22) fbr the benefit of Zedekia 1 McDanie19of Kentucky, and Francis M. Ewing, of Mississippi;
Resohed, That they concur therein.
Ordewd, That the Sccrettlry inforin the House of ltepresentatives
A message from the President of the Confederato States, by Mr.
13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

M y . President: Tlie President of the Confederate States, on the 3d instant, approved

and signed the following act and joint resolution:
S. 144. A n act to change the tiine lor the assembling of Congress for its next regular session; and
8. 25. Joint resolution of thanks to the Tennessee troops who have reenlisted for
the var.

Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

The Yeuate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (H. It. 96) to authorize the issue of certificates for
interest on the fifteen million loan; and no amendment being proposed,
it was reported to the Senate.
OrdNed, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Besolwed, That it pass.
Orde?*ed,That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 170) to provide for the auditing and payment of
certain claims in the State of Mississippi.

Feb. 6, 1664.1


On motion by Mr. Phelan, to amend the bill by s

section 5, line 4,and inserting January,
It mas determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Missouri, to amend the bil
ing after State, section 1,line 3, who shall be persons o
of forty-five years,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On inotion by Mr. Clark, t o amend the bill by inserting, a t the end
of the first section, the following proviso:
Provided, That t h e commisioners appointed for the State of Missouri may
ble, and perform their duties under this act, in the State of Arkansas,

It was determined i n the affirmative.

On inotion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, to amend the bill by inserting after State, section 1, line 3, where deemed necessary,
It was determined i n the affirmative.
On niotion by Mr. Haynes,
That the Senate resolve into secvet legislative session,
It was determined in the negative.
No further amendment being made, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
On the question,
Shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time?
After debate,
Mr. Clark demanded the question; which was seconded, and
The question being then put on the engrossment and third reading
of the bill,
. __ _
__ __
__ __ __ 5
It was determined in the negative, Yeas
Navs - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
On iriotion by Mr. Clark,
T h e yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Bilesm. Raker, Clark, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, and Phelan.
Those w h o voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Rurnctt, Caperton, Dortch, Haynes, Henry, Hunter, *remison, Johnson of Georgia, Johneon of Arkansas, Oldham, Orr, Reade,
&mines, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
So the bill mas rejected.
On inotion by Mr. Haynes,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Dortch, froni the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled joint resolutions of thc following tjtlos:
S. 27. Joint resolution of thanks to North Carolina troo S;
S. 28. Joint resolution of thanks to the troops froni t e State of
Louisiana in the Army of Tennessee;
LI. R. 26. Joint resolution of thanks to certain Florida troops;
If. li. 27. Joint resolution of thanks to the division commanded by
Major-General Rodes; and
EL. It. 28. Joint resolution of thanks to Brig. Gen. S. D. Ramseurs
briqade of North Carolina troops for tendering their services for the war.
l h e President pro tempore having signed the enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have been examined, they were delivered to the
Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith resented to the Yresident of the Confederate States for his approvaf



__ __
__ __




On motion by Mr. Maxwell,

Ordered, That on and after Monday next the daily hour of meeting
of the Senate shall be 11oclock, until otherwise ordered.
On motion by Mr. S arrow,
The Senate adjourne .



A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

MI.. President: The House of Representatives have passed the bill of the Senate
(S. 158) to organize forces to serve during the war, with amendments; in which they
request t h e concurrence of the Senate.
And they have passed bills of the following titles; in which they request the conrurrenre of the Senate:
11. R. 110. An act to authorize the shipment of cotton and tobacco by the Treasury Department; and
M. It. 113. An art to snspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain
The Speaker of tlie IIouse of Representatives having signed a n enrolled bill, I am
directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature of their Prmident.

The hill (13. R. 1L O ) to authorize the shipment of cotton and tobacco

by tlie Ireasury Departirierit was rcad the first and second times and
referred to the Coininittee on Commerce.
Phc bill (11. It. 113) to suspend t h e privilege of the writ of habeas
cor us in ccrtain cams was read t h e first and second times and consideredp as in Coinniittcc of the Whulc.
On iiiotion by Mr. Johnson of Georgia, that it be transferred to the
Open Legislative Calendar,
It w7xs dcterniined in the negutirc.
On niotion by Rilr. Clark, to amend the bill by inserting after
Department, bection 1,line 8, by the authority and under the control of the President,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On niotion by M r . Semmes, to amend the bill by striking out shall
be, section 1, linc 4, and inserting be, and the s i m e is hereby,
It Was dctci*niinedin the aflirinative.
On iriotion by Mr. Orr,
OrcZerccZ, That tho further consideration of the bill be postponed to
and ni:idc tlie special order for Monday next at 12 oclock, and th:Lt it
I)c printlccl.
blr. Dortch, from the committee, rcported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled billh of tho following titles:
S. 189. An act to repeal an act entitled An act supplementary to
un act to provide for the funding and further issuc of Treasury notes,
approved 30th April, 1863.
8. 182. An act to impose regulations upon the foreign commerce of
the Confederate States to provide for the public defense; and
S. 1%. An act to prohibit the importation of luxui-ies, or of articles
not necessaries or of comnion usc.
The President pro tompore having signed the enrolled bills last
reported to h a v e bocm examined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and by him Fortliwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of tho House of
Representatives to the bill (S. 158) to organize forces to serve during
the war; and

Fcb. 6, 1864.1


On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

Ovclcred, That they bc referred to tho Committee on Military
A R:tirs.
On motion by MP.Caperton,
Thc Senate resolved into executive session.

The following messages were reccivcd from the President of tho

Confederate Strttes, by Mr. R. N. Harrison, his Secretary :
W+mary 4, 1864.

21) the Serinte of the Co?{fcdrratcslates:

Agreeably to the rccoinmciidation of the Secretary of War, 1 nominate 1). '1. Outlaw, of Tennessee, to Iw captain, under the act approved October 11', 1862, in the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
W A R DEPARTXEST, ~ i c h ~ n o ~Janutrr!/
30, 18(sC.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination of D. A. Outlaw, of Tennessee,
to be (,aptah, under tlic act to raise a n additional military force, approved October
11. 1862, to take rank from date of corifiniation.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Sccwtar!/ qf IVar.
To His Excellency JEPPERSOX
President, etc.

The message was rcad.

Ordered, That it he rcfcrred to the Committee on Military ABfrtirs.
Itrcnuosn, Iri41*1tnrj{5, 1 ~ 6 4 .
To the s(wnte 0s the Corl~~dercxte
Agreeably to the recorninendation of ttw f k r e t a r y of War, 1 noininat61 the offivers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their namcs, rc~spcctively.
I]'\Tan L)IWARIXI~ST, ~ ~ k ' h m o ) dI ; %
, b i n c t q S, IS@.
SIR:I h a r e thc lionor to recommend the follov ing nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

1,ieut. Col. William Terry, of Virginia, to be colonel Fourth Virginia Regiment,
vice Col. C. A. Ronald, resigned, to rank from Se tember 11,. 1863.
Lieut. Col. H. C. Pate, of Virginia, to be colonefFifth Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
vice Col. T. L. Rosser, promoted, to rank from September 28, 1863.
Lient. Col. William W.Ward, of Tennessee, to be colonel Ninth TennesBee Cavalry
Regiment, vice Col. J. D. Bennett, deceased, to rank from December 23, 1862.
Lieut. Col. Abraham Fulkerson, of Tennessee, to he colonel Sixty-third Tennessee
ltegiment, vice Col. X. G. Fain, resigned, to rank from November 9, 18f3.
Lieut. Gol. W. J. Winn, of Georgia, to be colonel Twenty-fifth Georgla Regiment,
vice Col. C;. C. Wilson, pronioted, to rank from November 76, 1863.
Lient. Gol. R. M. Saffell, of Tennessee, to be roloiiel Twenty-sixth Tcnncssee Rcgiment, 1 ice Col. J. L. Bottles, deceased, to rank from October 26, 1863.
Lient. Col. A. R. Lankford, of Alabama, to be colonel Thirty-eighth Alaban~a
Rtyinicnt, vice Colonel Ketchuni, resigned, to rank from Novemhrr 13, 1863.
Lieut. Col. ( i . F. Raucum, of Arkansas, to be colonel Eighth Arkansas Regiment,
vice Col. J. 11. Krlly, promoted, to rank from November 16, 1863.
IIaj. C. 3%.iindrews, of ;"\Tort11Carolina, to bc lieutenant-colonel Sincteenth Xnrth
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. W.G. Robinson, promoted, to rank from July
23, 1863.



[Feb. 6, 1664.

Maj. R. A. Alston, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Ninth Tennessee Cavalry

Regiment, \ice Lieut. Col. William W. Ward, promoted, to rank from December 23,
Maj. John A. Aiken, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-third Tennessee
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Fulkerson, promoted, to rank from November 9,

Maj. James T. Weaver, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixtieth North

Carolina Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. James M. Ray, resigned, to rank from December
23, 1863.
Maj. M. R. Hall, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-eighth Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Carswell, resigned, to rank from December 18, 1863.
Maj. John F. Smith, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighth Mississippi
Regiment, vice Lieut. Col. A. NcNeill, killed, to rank from September 20, 1863.
Maj. F. A. Ashford, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Alabama
Regiment. vice Lieutenant-Coloxiel McGaughy, deceased, to rank from October 7,
Maj. W. W.Wood, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourteenth Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel White, promoted, to rank from October 28, 1863.
Maj. A. Watkins, of Arkansas, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighth Arkansas Regiment,
vicc Lieutenant-Colonel Bauctini, promoted, to rank from November 16, 1863.

Capt. C. RI. Anclrens, of North Carolina, to he major Kineteenth Korth Carolina

W. JVoodfin, resigned, to fank from September 6, 18C2.
in, o f Tcnnessee, to bc, rnajos Kinth Tennessee Cavalry Regimcnt, vice Major Alston, promoted, to rank from Decoiriber 83, 1862.
Capt. W.H. Frilkerbon, of Tennessee, to be major Six ty-third Tennessee Regiment,
vice Maj. J. A. Aiken, promoted, to rank from November 9, 1863.
Capt. Alf. A . Singeltary, of Louisiana, to be major Ninth Louisiana Regiment, vice
Maj. J. J. Hodges, promoted, to rank from October 8, 1863.
Capt. James A . Long, of Tennessee, to be major Eleventh Tennessee Regiment,
vice Major Thedford, promoted, to rank from December 14, 1863.
Capt. II. B. Turner, of Alabama, to be major Twenty-ninth Alabama Rcgiment,
vice Major Morris, promoted, to rank froin December 8, 1862.
Capt. W. Watkins, of Mississippi, to be niajor Ilighth Mississippi Regiment, vice
Maj. J. F. Smith, promoted, to rank from September 20, 1863.
Capt. J. C. Hutto, of Alabama, to be inajor Fiftieth Alabama Regiment, vice XIajor
Gilbert, resigned, to rank from October 14, 1863.
Capt. W.H. Wylly, of Georgia, to be major Twcwty-fifth (+eorgia Regiment, vicac
Major Winn, promoted, to rank from September 26, 1863.
Capt. W. W.Biliopp, of Georgia, to be major Twenty-ninth Georgia Regiment,
vice R h j . J. C>. Lamb, killed, to rank from July 13, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
fkretnry of Wur.
To His Excellency JEPFERSOE;
President, P1C.

The niossage was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

lWimond, February 4, 1864.
To the Senate of llw Coizjedernte Nutes:
Agreeably to the recommenilatiori of the Secretary of War, I nominate Daniel M.
Shriver, of Virginia, to be colonel, unclrr act approved October 11, 1862, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.

The message was read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nomination of Daniel M.
Shriver, to be colonel; and
Resohed, That the Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.

Feb. 6 , 1664.1

To tiif Srnate of the Confederate &ales:

VA., February 6, 1864.

Agreeably to the recoinmendation of the Attorney-General, I hereby n

Robert Bowman, to be district attorney for the district of Mississippi.
12ichnaond, February 9, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the appointment of Robert Rowinan as Confederate States district attorney for the district of &Iississippiin place of Carnot Posey,
Your obedient servant,

The messawe was read.

Ordered, 'f'hat it be referred to the Committee on the Judicinry.

ExmuTrvi: DE~,AI<TMENT,
12iclimond, Zji.bructry 6, 1864.
To the Senate of ilw Confidcrate Sttrics:
A reeably to the recoiiiiiieudxtioii of the Secretary of War, I nominate J. V. Gallimar$, of I,onisiana, to 1)6> captain of engineers, to coinman(1 company of sappers and
bombardiers authorized by act of Congress approved &Fay 17, 1861.

IZichinoiid, 1"ebruary -, 1864.

SIR:1 have thc honor to rrcoinmend the nomination of .J. Y. Gallimard, of Loiiisim a , to be captaiii, Corps of Engineers, Confederate States Army, to c.onimanil coinpany of s a p ~ ~and
r s bombardiers authorizcd by act of Congresu approved May 17,
1861, to lank May 17, 1861.
I m i , sir, respectfully, your obedient scrvant,
Semetary of War.
To 11;s Exccllency the I'RERII)).:NT.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Commit,tce on &Tilitdry Affairs.
, F ~ w u w !3,/ 1864.
V d \ .

To the Senate of the Coi!f&rat? Rntes:

In responsr to your resolution of the 15th nltimo, I herewith transmit for your
ion, a conimunication from the Secretary of War relative
information, In esecwtirc
to the general olficers appointed under the act approved October 13, 1862.

The message W R S read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Comniittee on Military Affairs.
Richmond, February 6 , 1864.

To the Senate of the Confedernte States:

Agreeably to thc recoinmendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Ittchmond, February -, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Army of the Confederate States of America:

Corps o j Artillery.
W. T. Welcker, of Tennessee, to be captain, to rank from May 3, 1863.
Corps of Cuvulrp

Frank A. Reynolds, of North Carolina, to be second lieutenant, to rank from

August 8, 1863.
John H. Denys, of Texas, to be second lieutenant, to rank from September 23,1863.



[Feh.8, 9, 1864.

Thomas Boyd Edelin, of Maryland, to be first lieutenant, to rank froni May 23,
1 X(i3.
J . I). hIcFarland, of Texas, to be first lieutenant, to rank from June 2, 1863.
ITiltiam T. Blackistone, of Maryland, to be second lieutenant, to rank from August
18, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of Tla~.
To His Excellency the PRESIDENT.

The message was read.

Orddtwd, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affair*;.
On iiiotion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

S, 1864.

A message froin the Ioii,~f:

of 12eprtwmtntivcs, by



M i . 11C . S L ~ I ? I ~ 1
. a111 clircctcd b y tlir Ilouse of l ~ ( ~ i ) t ~ , ~ ~t r
o i( ~o i ~i i iti iir \u ~
n i ccd,r ~t o
t h e Hetinte inforliration of lhc d w t h of tlie tloii. Jolin A. Wilvox, latc a 1iel)i
t i \ e in Congrcss froni tlic Stntc of Texas, a11d the proceedings of the Iloiise thcreoii.

Mr. Wigfdl submitted the following resolutious; which mere considered and agreed to:
Itesolwd, That the Senate receives with sincere regret the announrernent of t h e death
of tlie Honorable John A. Wilcox, late a nie~nberof the IIouse of Rrprcscntatives
front t h e Stntc of Texas, and trnders to the relatives of the deceased tlie amiizncC
01 their sympathy with them iindcr the afflictive brrca\ eiitriit tlrey Iiavu beeti vallcd
to sustain.
Besolced, That the Secretary of the Scnatc he directcd to tiansmit to thr laiiily o r
the decrasccl a certified copy of the foregoing resolution.
Rcsolcet? (as a mark of respect for the memory of the drceaaecl), Tlint tlic Scnatc
do now adjourn.

Thc Senate adjourned.
9, 1864.

Mr. dohnson of Rrliansi> (hy lenvc) introduced

A bill (S. 222) relating to the appointnient of a general and lieutenantgenerals;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
Mr. President: The President of the Confederate States has notified tlic House of
Representatives that on t h e 3d instant he approved and signed a n act (I. R. 97) to
authorize the President to assign judges of military courts from one court to another.
The House of Representatives have passed a joint resolution (H. R. 31) of thanks
to the Tenth Nississippi Regiment; in which they request t h e concurrence of the

On motion by Mr. Semmes,

Feb 9,1864


Orde7wi, That the Prosiden t pro telnpore appoint a

Coininittee o n Xiinaricc to fill thc vacancy occasiolled by
of the Hon. C:eorgc Davis; and
Mr. Reade WRS appointed.
hlr. Senimes prescn tcd the inemorial of noncommissione
and privates detailed :M c.lerBs in tho Exeeutivp Ucpit.rtlncnts at Ri
iiiond, praying, tlic p:t.ssage of a law extending to them
of the act, to I I ~ C ~ C Rtlic
S ~ coinpensattion of ccrtaiii c*iviI
cniployees in the Presidents office and in the cxectitive ~ I I
tlopartments in Richitiond for a limited period; which was roforred
to tlie Coininittee on Finance.
Nr. 01.1-prcsentcd the nieiriorial of the lndics cmployed in the
~rcasuryiiotc division at Colunihia, S. C., prnying for an increase of
their valttries; which T V ~ Sreferrctl to the Coiiiniittcc on Finance.
hlr. Sparrow, f roin tlio Coinniittcc on alilitary Afftiirs, to whom
~1;ercreferred tho following bills:
S. 205. A hill to :unend an act cntitlcd Ail act to puiiish drunkenness in the Arinj, :tpprovcd April 21, 1862;
S. 212. A bill to aniend the acts of April 1, 1862, and September 23,
1862; and
S. 214. A bill to ucpeal an act cntitled An act to authorize the
President to confer temporary r:~nkatid cominaiid, for service with
volunteer troops, on oficers of thc Confederate Army, approved
21, 1861;
ucyorted them scvcrnllj, without amendment.
Mr. Sparrow, Eroni the Coininittee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (11. It. 106) to allow coniinissioncct officers of the
Aimy rations and the privilcgso of purchasing clothing from tho Qurtrterinwters L~epnrtnient,reported it, with ni~~cndnients.
Mr. Sparrow, froni tho Cominittce on Rlilitary Affairs, to whom
was referred tlic ])ill (11. lt. 112) to tiuthorize the President to establish
additional military (wii.ts, rcported it with mi arnondment.
Mi.. h r t ( . h , froin tlic committee, reported that they had examined
:~ndfound truly enrolled
A joint rcsolrition (11. B. 22) of thanks to Mxj. Gen. Patrick R.
Cleburnc arid the of5cer.x and men under his command fordistin uished
services a t Itinggold GapP,in thc State of Georgia, November 2 ,1863.
The Presidcntl pro tcniporo having signed the enrolled joint resolution last reported to h a w been cxainiiied, it was delivered to the Seoretsry of the Senate and hy hiin forthwith presented to the President of
tlic Confederate States for h i s ttpproval.
Tho joint resolution (13. 1L 31) of thanks to the Tenth Mississippi
licginierit was ucaci. the first and second tinies and considered as In
Coininittee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported to t h e Semite.
Orcie7vd, TkaL it pass to :L third reading.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Besohed, Thnt it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 150) to limit arid define the term of office of the
Secretary or principal officer of each of the Executive Departments,





[Feb. 9, 1864.

established by the severitl acLs entitled An act to organize the Department of State, An act to establish the Treasury Departinent, An
act to est:blish the War Department, An act to establish the Navy
Department, An act to establish the Post-Office Department, An
act t o orgmizc and establish an executive department, to be known
as the Deprtment of Justice, all of which acts were approved February 21, 1861; and
After debate,
On motion by MY. Dortch,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
The following message was received froin the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Haryison, his Secretary:
Mr. President: The President of the Confederate States, on the 6th instant, approxd
and signed the following joint resolutions:
S. 27. Joint rc~soliitionof thanks to North Carolina troops; antl
S. 28. Joint resolution of thanks to the troops from the State of Louisiana in the
Army of Tennessee.
Oydmct?, T h t the Secretary inform the &use of Representatives

A messagc from the IIo~wcof ltcpresentatives, by Mr. Didton:
Mr. Prcsidenf. The IIoosc of Representatires agree to the second, third, and sixth
amendments of the St.nate to the bill ( H . R. 7 5 ) to amend a n act to regulatc impressments, approved lllarcii 26, 1863, antl to rcpeal an act ainendatory thereof, approved
April 27, 1863, and disagree to tile first, fourth, and fifth ainendments of the Seiiatc
to the said bill.

On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,

O?*dmed,That the Senate take a daily recess from half past 3 to 7
oclock p. xn., for the residue of the scssion, commencing to-morrow.
Thc following message was 1 ivcd from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. R. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
lticrrxoxn, V A . , I+brutrr!y 8, 1864.
To the Senate and IIousc of R~presenfntives.
I herenith transmit for your information a communication from the Srcretary of
War, covering a copy of the report by (icn. John S. Willianis of tlie operations of
the forces under his coniiriand a t Blue Springs, Henderson, and Illic~atosn,Tenn.

The mcssage was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate adjourned.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. President: The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of
Representatives that on the 3d instant he approved and signed a n act (H. R. 93) to
organize a Treasury note bureau.
The House of Representatives have passed a joint resolution (H. R. 32) in reference to the exchange of prisoners; in whicli they request the concurrence of the


The joint resolution

R. 32) last mentioned was read the first and
second times and refcrrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Feh !I, 1861 ]

age froin the President of the Confederate States, by

rison, his Secretary:
ilrr. Pwskhf. Thc President of the Coilfedelate States, on the 6th instan
and sigiicd tltc followiitg acts:
F. 163. A n nvt to repeitl an act entitled An act snpplementarp to an act to
vide for the funding :tiid fnrther issuc of Treasury notes, approved April 30, 1
S. 182. ,in ac.t to iuipose regtiltitions q > o n the foreign commerce of the Confed
crate States to pro\ idc for the puhlio drfcnso; and
S 183. 1\11 :let to prohibit the iniportrttioii of lusnries, or of articles not necessaries
or of coininoil use

O~dtrl.ed,That the Secretary inform the 1Iousc of 1teprcsenCstives

Mr. Sparrow, froni thr Comnr
on Rlilitnry Af&s, to whom
were referred the :lruclldlllcnts of
louse of Itepresentdvcs to t h c
bill (8. 158) to or pni z c forces to sen-c diiring thc ww,reported them
mitliorit amendnient.
ulcllts of thc HOUMC of
&csol7-cd, That, the Sellate disagrce to the nmendinents of the House
of Representatives to mid hill, and ask a. confercncc on tho disagreeing votes of the two Iloiisc~sthereon.
On iiiotion hy hlr. Sp:tri:o\v,
O?*d(mJd,That tho coinniittcc of conference on the pwt of tho Senate
be appointctl by the Ircsidcnt pro tmiporc; and
Mr. Sparrow, illr. Wigfall, : i d Mr. ~Johrison of Georgia were
Ordwe($, That thc S ~ c ~ e t t ~infor~ii
r j the lIon,sc of ltcprcsentatives
On inotioii by AIr. Clay,
Th:d the i i i j u r i c l i o i i of sccr(vy hr loinovcd frorn tho 01lowing bills:
11. li. 93. Ail act to organi~c:L?i~c:isnrynote hiirc:tn;
S. 152. An n ( t to impose regulations upon the foreign conimerco of
the Confcdcr*atcSt:itc.s to provide for thr. public dcfensc;
S. 183. An a t a t to prohibit tho importation of Iuxiirics, or of articles
not necessaries or of common use; and
S. 209. An act to cstablisli R bureau of foreign SIX plies.
Mr. C h y , from tlic Conimittec on Colnnicrcsc, to w om was rcferrerl
the bill (11. H.110)to :tut,horixe the shipnient of cotton and tobacco by
the lrcasury Depirtrncnt, rcported it with the rocoiiinieridntion that
it ought not to pw,.
hLr. Orr, froiri the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whoin was
refcrrcd tlie bill (11. R. 101) imking additional :ippropriation of secret
service money, reported it without rtmcndniont.
The Sentttr, proceeded, as in Coinriiittec of the Whole, to thc consideration of tlie hill last mentioned; arid no aincndrnent bcing proposed, it was reporte
(Irdercd, That it, 1)
The said hill w a s rcad the third time.
Resol~ed,That i t pass.
@dor&, That the Secretary inform t h e Mousc: o f Itoprcsontatives
ah. Orr (hy leave) introduced





A hill (S. 223) to make exchequer notes a legal tender in pj-ment

of debts;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Coniniittee of the Whole; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordmed, That, it lie lipon the table.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (11. R. 113) to suspend the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus in certain cases.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Georgia, to amend the bill by striking out, in the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth lines of the
first scction, the Rlords
by the restraint of persons, even when the proof is not coniplete, and when the
ordinary process of law is insuficient for the public safety,

It mas determined in tho afirniatire.

On motion by Rfr. Johnson of Georgia, to amend the bill by inserti n g after snfety, section 1, line 10, by buspending the writ of
habeas corpus,
It W L S dcterniined in the affirmative.
On motion by MY.Yhelan, to amend the bill by striking out of the
first section the following words:
It is hereby dcclarcd that thp pnrpoec of Congress in the passage of this act is to
provide more effrctually for the puhlic safety hy suspending the writ of habeas
corpus in tiic following cases, and no other:
I. Of treason, misprision of treason, and insurrection.
11. Of conspiracies to overtlirow the Government, or resist the lawful authority of
the Confederate States.
111. Of conspiracies, preparations and attempts to incite servile insurrection.
ITr. Of desertions, of liarboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service.
V. Of spies arid other eniissariev of the eneiny.
TI. Of holili~igcorresponderice or intercourse with the enemy, a ithout necessity,
and without the permission of the Confederate States.
V11. Ot unlawful trading with the enemy, and other offenses against the laws of
the Confederak States, enacted to promote their siicwss in t h e war.
V111. Of conspiracies, atteiiipts to liberate prisoners of x a r held by the Confederate States.
IS.Of conspiracies, attenipts and pieparations to aid the enemy.
S. Of persons advising or inciting others to resist the Confederate States, or to
adlierc to the ellenij,


It wab determined in the negative,
---- ----ays . . . _ _ _ _ _ _15
_ _
On motion by Mr. IIaynes,
The yeas arid na~7sbeing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,

Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Mers~s.Burnett, Clark, Clay, Ilortch, Henry, Hill, Ihclnn, Siniuis,
and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs BIdker, Brown, Caperton, Haynes, Hunter, Jemison, Johuson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, *Johnsonof Missouri, Maxwell,
Mitchel, Orr, ltcade, Semnies, and Sparrow.
On niotion by MI.. Dorteh, to amcnd the bill by striking out the
~lwrds Of treason, misprision of treason, and insurrection, section
1, line 14, and iiiserting in lieu thereof the words Of treason, or
treasonable efforts 01 conihinations to subvert the Government of the
Confederate States,
It was determined in the affirmative.

FdJ. 9, I$64.]


On motion hy Mr, Hill, to ainencl the bill by striking o

lirst section thc words
Of treason,or 1rcwxial)le~effnrts or
the Coxiftdtmtc Stcttrs.


to siibsert tho (ior

On motion by Mr. Z-ftiytws,

Lhe ycns :~ndnays being desired hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the :iftirni:itivc are,
Messrs. M i c r , Ilnyncs, Hill, J~itiison,,Johnson of Georgia, Oldham,
orr, and ltC>Kl(~.
Uhohe who votccl in the ncgativo :ire,
r ,

Messrs. I3urnctt, Caycuton, CI~iuk,Clay, Dortch, Henry, Hunter,

.Johnson of Arlmi~:is,Mns.c\rcll,Pliel:in, Scnini(~s,
Hininis, Sparrow, uiid
O n motion t)y MI.. T)ortc*h,to nnicntl tlw bill l)y inserting :Lft,cr line
16, scctiori 1, thc foI10wing c.lriii.;c:
111. Of


cneiny, or giviiig




(11 I I c.oiiiiiiiiiiicatiii~

to the

111111 a i l 1

It was dctei~ininctlin thc :iftii*nintivc~.

On inotion 1)s M y . ,John~onof (icwrgiii, to :unvnd t l w bill by inserting nftcr strvice, section 1, l i n c ~20, by :iny othcr than lawful

Aftcr debntc,
Mr. Ilayncs dcmxndecl the question; which was seconded, and
Ihc? qiwstioii being then put on agreeing to the amcndnient proposed
hy Mr. J o l i n ~ o nof Georgiti,
- - - - - - - - - - 14
I t was tlctcrniincvl in thc affirmative, Ycss..Nays _ _ - - . . - - _ _ _ _ _7- - _
On inotion 1)s Air. Orr,
?he yc~astind ria 7s I)eing desired by one-fifth of the Senators prcnent,
1 who vote i n tlw aflirniativo are,
IS. l ~ a b c C:qmrton,
Dortc.11, -Iaync:s, llill, tluntcw, .Jctiiison,
.iolinsoti of Georgia, ?Johnson of Jlissouri, Maxwell, Oldh:irl~, Orr,
ltmde, arid Semines.
lbohe who voted in tho negative arc,
Mcsqrs. Clwk, Clay, Henry, Johnson of iZrlatnsas, Plielan, Sparrow,
:wid WigfJl.
0 1 1 111otioIi by hlr. ,Johnson of Arkansas, th:it the Iwt-nic~utionrt~
be reconbidered,
On inot>ionhy Mr. Sp:Li.row,
The Senate resolved in to cxecutirc?sewion.




[Feb. 9,1864.


The following messages were received from the Resident of the

(:onfederate States, by Jlr. R. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Rielirnond, February 8, 1864.
To the Senate qf tihe Confederate States:
Agreeably to the rwonimendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officcrs
on the accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively.
No. 37.1
Richmond, Pebruay 3, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the follow~ingnomiflations for appointment
in the Provisional Ariiiy of the Confederate States of America:


George 31. Helm, of Kentucky, report to Chief o f Engineers for assignment to

duty, to r:tnlr from January 22, 1864.
Abner S. Gaincs, of Tenn
e, report to C1iic.f of 1Sngineersfor assignment to duty,
to rank froni Januarj 22, 1
I am, sir, respectfully, your obeclitlnt servant,
SecretaTy (d Wur.
To 11 is Excellcncy JmimmoN DAVIS,
PresitEmt, etc.

The message was read.

That it bc referred to the Comniittee on Military Affairs.
Richmond, Feliruary 8, 1864.
To the WnatP oftlie Confedwate Sfntes:
Agreeably to the rcxommendation of tht, Secretary of War, I nominate Brig. Gen.
Charles W.Field, of Kentucky, to be niajor-general in the Provisional Briny of the
Confederate States of America.
i)io?id, Pkbruar!y G, 1864.
HJR: 1have the honor to recommend the nomination of Brig. Gen. Charles W.
Field, of Kentucky, to be major-general in the Provisioiyal Army of the Confederate
States of America, to rank ironi (late of c*onfirniation.
I am, sir, respectfully, ypur obedient bervant,
hecwtary of Wtcr.
J ec ~
y w ~ n s oDAVIS,
President, etc.

The message was rcad.

Chrderw,J, That it be r c f c r ~ t i to
l tlw Committee on Military Affairs.
I V C DRIARTMENT, ~ ~ I C h 7 / ? 0 V ]c.brUflr?J

To the Smule of the Cqfrrlerckte Strcto:

Agreeably to the rec~otntiteiidntiotiof the Secretary of War, I nominate the oflicers

on the acconlpanying list to the rank aflixed to their names, respec>tioely

No. 40.1
KichmonrJ, Fehriran/ 5, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recorniiiend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederatc States of America:
N. fI. Harris, of Mississippi, to take rank from January 20, 1864.

Feb. 9, 1864.1

\V. W. Page, of Virginia, to be captain company

Camp Lee, to rank from January 26, 1864.

Rrst lieutenant.

It. Tern le, of Virginia, to be first lieutenant company of

at Camp Eee, to rank from January 26, 1864.
Second lieutenants.
T. J. McKaig, of Maryland, to be second lieutenant company of a va lry 8
stationed a t Camp Lee, to rank from January 28, 1884.
J. W. J a c k p n , of Virginia, to be second lieutenant conlpanp of cavalry scouts
shtioned a t Camp Lee, to rank from January 26,1884.
J. U . Downing, of Mississippi, to be second lieutenant Company C , Ninth MissisGppi Battalion Sharpshooters, vice Lieutenant Fitzgerald, promoted, to ra& froln
January 25, 1864.
George W. Morris, of Virginia, to be second lieutenant Company F, Thirtieth Virginia Battalion Sharpshooters, to rank from January 25, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
To Ute Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably t o t h e recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy, I hereby nominate
the persons named upon the annexed list to the office designated.
Va., Febninry 8,1964.
Richmond, W b m m y 5 , 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following noruiriations for appointment
in tlic Marine Corps:
Second liezitenants.
Lloyd B. Stephenson, of Virginia, vice Second Lieut. D. G. f i n e
Kuffin Thomson, of Mississippi, vice Second Lieut. J. R. Y. Fen&[ promoted,
Tholoas St. George Pratt, of Mar land, vice Second Lieut. T. P. Gwynn, promoted,
1 am, respectfully, your otxxKienb servant,
Secretary of the NUVZJ.

The message ~ v a 9read.

Ord.t.eii!, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
RICFIhlONI~, EPtiruary 8,1864.
To the Senate:
1 liave the honor to request that you will return to me iny message nominating
K. V. Ilichardson, to be brigadier-general.

Thc message was read.

O ~ d m d That
the riomination of R. V. Richardson, to be brigadiergeneral, be returned to the President.
Mr. Hill, from t h e Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred
the noinination of Robert Bowman, to be district attorney for the dintrict of Mississippi, reported, wiLh a recommendatioii that said nornination be confirmed.




The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence

therewith, it was
Resolved, That thc Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
agreeablj to the iivriiiriation of the President.
On motion by Mi.. Sparro~v,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

A message from the House of Bepresentatives, by 3fr. Dalton:

iWr. President: The President of the Confedeiate Slates has notified the House of
Representatives that 011 the 6th instant he approved and Bigned the following act8
and joint resolutions:
11. R. 79. An act to prohibit dealing in the paper currency of the enemy;
IT. R. 99. A n act to authorize conmiaiiders of corps and departments to detail field
ofliwrs as nienibers of military caonrts inidor certain circumstances;
11. It. 24. Joint resolution of thanks to the Alabama troops who have reenlisted for
the war;
11. It. 2F. Joint resolution of thrtnks to c.ertnin Florida troops;
1. It. 2 i . Joint resolution of thanks to the division coinmanded by Major-General
Iiotles; and
11. K. 28. Joint resoliltion of thanks to Brig. Gen. S. D. Ramseurs brigade of
North Carolina troops for tendering their services for the war.
That on the 8th instant he approved and signed the following joint resolntionw
11. It. 8. Joint resolution uf thanks to Col. Thomas G. Lamar and the officers and
men engaged in the detensr of Seccssionvillc;
11. K. 19. .70iIlt resolution of thanks to Captain Odlom, Lieutenant Dowling, and
the inen under their command; and
I. It. 23. Joint resolution of thanks to General Beauregard and the officers and
men of his command for their defense of Charleston, S. C.
And that on the 9th instant he approved and signed a joint resolution (H. It. 22)
of thanks to Maj. Gen. 1aalric.k IZ. Cleburrie and the officers and inen under his command for distinguished SCI vices at Ringgold Gap, in the State of Georgia, November
27, 1863.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an enrolled bill, I an1
dirwtrd to bring it to thc Senate for the signature of their President.

Mr. Semmcs, from the Coinmittec on Finance, to whom was referred

the bill (H. It. 109) to increasc t h e compensation of ccrtzin ofticws of
the Treasury, reported it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and the reported arnendment having
been agreed to, thc hill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was concuri~edin.
Ordered, That the amcndment be engrossed and the bill read :i third
The said bill as amended mas read the third time.
Resolved, T ha t i t pass with an amendment.
O r d m d , That the Secretary request the Concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the amendment.
Mr. Senimes, f roni the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
ltie bill (H. R. 95) for the relief of taxpayers in certain cases, reported
it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and the re vrted amendment
having been agreed to, the bill was reported to t e Senate and the
amendment was concurred in.

Feb. 10,1YF4.]


O i d e w d , Thst the amendment be engrossed and the bill read

t inic.
The said bill BY amended was read the third time.
BC:\o/ccd,lhat it pass with an aniendnicnt.
~)IY?<<7td, That t h e Secretary request the concurrence of the
of Ltepresenttttivcs in tho aniendnient.
N r . Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
o promote the efiiciency of the cavalry of the Prond to punish lawlessness and irregularities of any

e first and second times nnd considered as in Conimittee of the IVhole.

On iriotion by Mr. Clnrlr, that it be recoinmitttit to the Coniniittw
011 Military REnirs,
It was determined in the negative.
On iiiotioii by Mr. Caperton, to amend the bill by inserting after
( 6 rangers, section 3, line 4, serving as cavalry,
It was detcrniined in the affirnmtive.
N o further amendment being made, the hill was reported to tho
Senate and the aniendnient was concurred in.
OwketZ, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was rend the third time.
On the question,
S h d l the bill now pass?
It, W:LS cleterniined in the affirmative, Nays - - . -- _ _ _ _ _ -_ _-_-_ ._- -_ -_-_* ( L;
On iriotion by MY. Clark,
lhe yeas arid nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Ihose who roted in the aliirInative are,
rs. Jlrown, Ilurnctt, Caperton, Clay, Dort(~h,IIsnry, Hill,
tluntclr, ,Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansds, Maxwcll,
Mitc.lic1, Itcadc, Yeninics, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
lhose who voted in the negative are,
C1:irk and Oldham.
So it was
d, lliat the bill pass, and that the title thereof be as afore-

O i d e w d That the Secretary request the concurrence of the kIous0

ntatives therein.
On motion Ity Mi-. Burnett,
O I Y & I * ~That
the Committee on Claims he discharged from tho
further considcration of the following niernorials:
RiIcmorial of Eobert Y. Jones, praying compensation for taking tllc
wnws, in 1860, in Abbovillc district, South Carolina; and
Memorial of Julius Y. Wright, praying compensation for taking tht?
census, in 1860, in Edgeville district, South Carolina.
Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had e x i ~ n h e d
and foun(1 truly enrolled
A hill (S. 159) to nnthorize the appointment of an agent of the Post0 5 c e Departlnent, and such clerks as may ho necessary, to carry on
the >ost:il scrvicc in the States west of the Mississippi Ever.
T i e President pro tempore having si ned the enrollcd bill last
reported to have been examined, it was de ivered to the Secretary of




the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
The Senate proceeded t o consider their first, fourth, and fifth amendments to the bill (EL R. 75) to amend an act to regulate in1 ressnients, approved March 26,1863, and to repeal an act amen atory
thereof, approved April 27, 1863, disagreed to by the House of Representatives; and
On motion by Mr. Hill,
R e s o l ~ ~ That
~ d , the Senate insist on their amendments disagrced to
by t h e House of Iteprcsentatives and ask a conference 011 the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on said bill.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Orid@ed, That the committee of conference on the part of the Senate
be appointed hy the President pro tempore; and
Mr. Hill, Mr. Henry, and Nr. Jemison were appointed.
OrcZmed, That the Secretary inforin the House of Representatives
On motion by ILlr. Hill,
The Senate rcsolvcd into secret legislative session.
The doors h:iring bccn opened,
The following incssage was received from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
&. President: The Ilouse of Rcprcsentatives have passed a lug1 and joint resolution

of the following titles; i n which they requwt t h e concurrence of the Senate.

H. R. 114. A n act to provide for increasing t h c price of the rations for sick arid
wounded soldiers in hospitals; ant1
11. R. 33. Joint rwolution to declare the meaning of a n act allowing hospital
acconimodations to sick and wounded officers.
The Speaker of the House of Rcprewitatives having signed sundry enrolled bilk
and an enrolled joint resolution, 1 am directed to bring them to the Senate for thc
signature of their President. .

Mr. Oldhani (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 225) to amend an act entitled LAnact to change the t i m >
for the assembling of Congress for its next regular session, npproved
Fchrnnry 6, 1864;
which was rend the first and second times and ord(:rod to be placed
upon the Calcudar.
The following bill and joint resoliltion received this day from the
House of Representatives for concurrence were severally read the first
and second times:
11. R. 114. An act to rovide for increasing the price of the rations
for sick and wounded so diers i n hospitals; and
11. 12. 33. Joint resolution to dcclare the meaning, of a n act allowing hospital aceoniniodations to sick and wounded ofhcers; and
Chdered, That they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Semnies,
Ordeped, That the President pro tempore appoint a member on the
Committee on Finance to serve during the absence of the Hon. Kobert
W. Barnwell; mid
Mr. Jernison was xppoiiited.
On motion 197 311.. ,John.;on o f Arkansas,
The Senate adjourned.



Fcb. 1 0 , 1S64.1



incssagc from the IIOUHO

of Representatives,

have passed
or@:Ii;..e hodieS for fht: captnre arid destriiction o
land or sca, aiid to authorize coinpensation for the same,
1% I i i c b t t tlrcy wqnest the concurrence of the Senate.
Imsideit(: The Hoose of Rrpresentatives

( S . 194) 10

Tlic Scnatc proccc(1ed to consider tlic aniendmcut of the Houso (

lie )rescntati\-csto t h e bill (S. 194) last mentioned; and
3 1 1 nmtion 1)snrr. Sparrow,
O d c t w l , lhat i t lie upon thc table.
Mr. S x ~ r r o fro111
~ , the Conimittec on Military Affairs, to whom was
rcferrc tlie joint resolution (H. It. 32) in rc~fcrcnceto tlir eschange
of prisoiierb, reported it with t h e rt.coiiiiiiciidntioii that it ought not
to pass.
Mr. Sp~ri~ow,
froiii tho Coiiiiiiittec on Militwy Rtlairs,to whom was
referred the joint resolution (S. 24) in relation to the oxchangc of
prisoticrs, reported it with amendments.
The Swizite proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to tho consideration of the joint resolution last nientioncd; rind
On motion by Mr. Senimes, that the resolution lio upon the bble,
It was dcteriiiined in thc negative, Y
c a s _- _-_-_. .-.- ..
- --- .- _
- ~ --- ---_-_ - -11
On inotion hy Mr. Oldham,
r 1
1 hc yc:w and nars being desired by one-fifth of tbc Senators prcsent,
Thosc who votcd in the affirmative are,
Mcssrs. 1Zrow11,Caperton, Dortch, IIill, Iluntcr, r J e n i i ~.Johnson
of Qcorgiii, Alitclrcl, Phelan, lieadc, and bemnies.
Those who voted in the negptive are,
Messrs. 13aktr, Burnett, Clark, Clay, IIenry, cJohnson of Missouri,
Maxwcll, Oldhain, S i i n ~ ~ iSpm~ow,
and Wi rfall.
On inotion Ijy Mr. Senlines, that the furt e r consideration of the
resolution be postponed until to-morrow,
It was determined i n the negative.
The reported arnendinctlts having been iigrcod to, the resolution was
reported to the Senate and the amendments mere coneurred in.
O?dcwd, That the resolution be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Be.rolucd, That i t pass, and tlat the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Orciered, That the Secretary request tlie concurrence of the House
of lteprrscntatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Cornrriittcc of the Mrholo, to thc consideration of the joint resolution (1-1. It. 32) in reference to tho
exchange of prisoners; arid
On inotion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordcred, That the further consideration thereof be postponed indefinitely.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the VIJhoIe, the consideration of the bill (H. I%. 113) to suspend the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus in certain cases.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, to reconsider the vote on
agreeing to the following amendment, viz: After service, section
1, line 20, insert by an other than lawful means,
It was determined in t e affirmative.



(Feb. 10,1864.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said amendment; and

On the question to agree thereto,
It was determined in the negative, Nays..yeas^^-^^-^-^^^^--^^^^^_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11
On motion by Mr. ,Johnson of Georgia,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Caperton, Dortch, Hill, Hunter, Jemison, tJohnson
of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, and Reade.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Brown, Burnctt, Clark, Clay, Henry, Johnson of Arkansas,
Johnson of Missouri, Phelan, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
Mr. Mitchel mas, on his motion, excused from voting.
On motion by Mr. Caperton, to amend the bill by inserting after
desertions,? section 1, line 19, or encouraging desertions,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Caperton, to amend the bill by btriking out the
words and of :~ttcniptsto avoid military service, section I, lines I 9
and 20,
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, to anicnd the words proposed to be stricken out by d d i n g thereto the following proviso, viz:

Procided, That in (*apesof palpable wrong and oppression hy any subordinate officer
upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his superior officer shall

grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed
from office,

A question was raiscd by Rilr. Oldham whether the amendment was

i n order.
The President pro tein ore, under the sixth rule of the Senate, took
the sense of the Senate t ereon; and
On the question,
Is the amendment in order 8
It was dcterniined in the affirmatire.
So it was decided by the Seriate that the amendment proposed by
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas was in order; and
On the question to agree thereto,
I t WRS dcterniined in the affirmative.
On thc question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Caperton,
Y e a s - - - - -~
- la
I t was determined in the negative, Nays
- - -.
. .- - - _ - - _ _ - - - _ 12
On motion by Mr. Phclan,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Mossrs. Baker, Caperton, Dortch, Hill, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson
of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Reade, and Semmes.
Thosc who voted i n the negative are,
Mcssrs. Brown, Burriett, Clark, Clay, Henry, Johnson of Arkansas,
Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Phelan, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
The hour of half past 3 ocIock having arrived,
The Sonatc took a recess until 7 oclock p. ni.



Feb. 1@,1S64.1



A message from tlic House of Representatives, by

The I-Iousc of Representatives have agreed to the a
the &mite to the bill (H. R. 92) to tax, fund, and limit t h e currency
nicnts; iii which they request the conwrrence of the Senate.
j f ~A.csideiif:

On iiiotion by Mr. Orr, that a m

rescnhtims requestin the return
(S. 24) in relation t o t e exchange of prisoners,
I t was determined in the negative.
The Senate pxxded to consider the amendments of the House of
Be wcsentaLives to their amendments to the bill (1. It. 92) to tax, fund,
an limit the currency; and
Otdv*ed. That they be referred to thc Coinmittce on Finance.
The Senate resumed, as in Coiriniittec of tbc Whole, the considerat,ion of the hill (11. It. 113) to suspend the privilege of the writ of
habcas corpus i n ccrtain cases.
On motion 11.v Mr. .Johnson of Georgia, to aincnd the bill by striking
o u t the words and other offenses against the laws of tho Confodernte
States, enacted to proniote their success in the war, section 1, lines
25, 26, and 27,
It was detcriiiincd in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Sciiimes, to aniend tlie bill by inseyting :Liter
conspiracies, scction 1, line 28, or,
It was dcteririiiicd in the aflirnrative.
On motion by Mr. Scninies, to amend the bill by inserting after
coiispiracics, section 1, line 30, or, and by striking out and,
in thc same line, arid inserting or,
It was dctermined in the affirlnative.
On inotiori by MY.Sciiiiiics, to aincnd the bill by inserting a f h r the
thirty-second lina of the first section the following clause:

Of imlawfnl buriiing, destroying, or injnring, or atternpting to burn, destroy, or

iiijnrc, any bridge or railroad, or telegraphic line of comniuiiicatioii, or other property, with the intent of aiding the enemy,

I t was dctermincd in the affirmative.

On motion by &h.Capcrton, to amend the bill by inserting after
C b othcrs, section 1 , line 31, to abandon the Confederate causc, or,
I t was determined i h the affirmative.
On iiiotion by MI.. Semmes, to aniend the bill by inwrting after the
thirty-second line of the first section the following claiise:
Of treasonable designs to impair thc inilitary power of t l w (~overninentby destroying or attempting to ilt.stroy the vessels, or arms, or niunitionx of war, or nrsmals,
foundries, workshops, or other property of the Confederate state8,

I t was determined in the affirmative.

On niotion by Mr. Oldham, to amend the bill by inserting at the
end of the second section
And the President shall submit to Congress., at it8 next. ses,sion, thc names of all er
sons w l i o may I)e arrested under the provisions of tlus act, with thc cause of tl%ii
arrest, aiid a staternelit of the facts wiuch indilccct the sanlc in each case,

Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
It was determined in the negative, Nays _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ 17
On nrotion 1j.y Nr. Oldham,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,


Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Oldham. Orr, and Reade.
Those who voted in the nepative are.
Messrs. Baker, Burnett, &perton, Clark, Clay, Dortch, Hunter,
,Ternison, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Mitchel, Semmes, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. Semnies, to amend the bill by inserting the following independent section:
SEC.3. That during the suspension aforesaid no inilibry or other officer shall be
compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear in person or to return
the body of any person or persons detained by him by the authority of the President,
Secretary of War, or the general ofticer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Department; hut upon the certificate under oath of t h e officer having charge of anyone so
detained, that such person is detained b y him as a prisoner for any of the causes
hereinbefore specified, under t h e authority aforesaid, further proceedings wider the
writ of habeas corpus shall imiiiediately cease and remain suspended so long as this
act shall continue in force,

I t was determined i n the afirmative.

On motion by Mr. l)ortch, to anirnd tho bill by striking out sixty,
section 3, line I, and inserting ninety,
It was determined in the affirrnativr.
On motion by Mr. Clark, to amend the bill b y prefixing thereto the
following preamble:
Whereas the Constitution of the Confederate States of America provides, in nrticle one, section nine, paragraph three, that t h e privilege of the writ of liabeas corpus
shall not be sus ended, unless when in case of rehllion or invasion the puhlic safety
may require it; an(1
Whereas t h e power of suspending the pri\Tilege of said writ, as recognized in saitl
article one, is vested solely in the Congress, which is the exclusive judge of the necessity of such suspriision; and
Whereas i n the opinion of Congress the public safety requires the suspension of
said writ in the existing case of the invasion of these States by the armies of t h e
United States, and the continuance of such suspension until the said invasion shall
cease, or Congress shall otherwise direct: Now, therefore,

On motion by Mr. Semmes, t o amend t h e proposed preamble by

striking therefrom the words and the continuance of such suspension
until the said invasion sliall cease, or (:ongress shall otherwise direct,
I t was deteririined in the affirmative.
On {notionby Mr. W igfall, tonincnd the proposed pre~nible
by inserting aftw United Statcs )the words
and whereas the rresideiit has asked for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus
and informed Congrcss of conditions of public danger which render t h e suspension of
the writ a measure proper for t h e public defense against invasion and insurrection,

It was determined in the affirmative.

On the question to agree to the preamble proposcd by Mr. Clark, as
It was determined i n the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Feb. 11, 1864 1


The President pro tempo

C. Y. Morris, praying for

the officers mid employees of

which was referred to the Coi
Mr. Sparrow, from the Corn
wqis rcferrcd tho joint resolutior
a n act allowing Iiospittll accolii~i
reportcd it without amendtncnt.
The Sentitc procceded, as in Cornniittec of the Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution last mcntioncd; and no amendment
being proposed, it was reported to tlic Scnate.
Om?ewcr, That it p:~ssto a third reading.
The said resolntion was read the third time.
Besodved, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secrekiry inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Sparrow, from tlit? Coniinittce 011 ,Military Affairs, to whom
was refcrrcd the bill (S. 213) to anicnd an act entitled An rtct to provide tind organize engineer troops to serve during tho ivar, rtpprovetl
March 20, 1863, reported it withont arncndment.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whoin
were rcferrcd tlic following hills :
S. 193. A hill to d)olish the ofice of third lieutenant of infantry in
the Army of tlia Confcderate States: arid
S.207. A bill to prcscrve the cffioicnoy nnd cxtcnd thc usefulness of
old firc comptinies;
reported them scverdly, with t h o reconinicndation that they ought
not to pass.
Mr. Oldhain. from the Conimittcw on Post-Offices :~ndPost-Itoads,
to whoni ~ i i br e f c r i d the bill (11. IZ. 108) to establish certain post
routes therein nariicd, reportcd i t with amendments.
The Senstc procceded, as in Cornnrittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill l t h t mentioned; and the reported ttmendments having
been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and
tho arnend*
ments were concurred in.
Ot&red, That the airieridmcnts hc engrossed and the bill read a
third time.
The said bill as amended was rcad the third time.
Resolwd, That it pass with nmcndments.
Ordeised, Ihnt thc Secrctary request thc concurrence of tho House
of Itepresentatives in thc nniendnicnts.
Mr. Capcrton ( b leave)
it joint resolution (S. 30) of thanks to certain Virginia regiments
who have rccnlistcd for thc w ~ I . ;
Tvhich was read the first and second timcfi and considered as in Cornmittee of the Whole; and no amcndmcint being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
O.rdeved, That it be engrossed and read :I third time,
The said resolution was read thc third time.




[Feb. 11,1861.

Resobed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

O r d ~ e d That
the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the following
H. R. 96. An act to authorize the issue of certificates for interest
on the fifteen million loan;
S. 191. An act to amend an act entitled An act to establish a volunteer navy, approved April 18, 1863;
S. 208. An act to providc compensation for officers who may heretofore have performed staff duty under orders of their superior officers;
S. 215. An act to amend a n act to anthorize the appointment of
an agent of the Treasury Department west of the Mississippi, approved
January 27, 1864; and
S. 22. Joint resolution for the benefit of Zedekiah McDaniel, of
Kentucky, and Francis M. Ewing, of Mississippi.
The President pro ternporcl having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint rcsolution last reported to have been examined, the
were delivered to the Secretary ot the Senate and b y him forthwit
presented to thc President of the Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Senmcs,
rhc Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having becn opened,
The following message was received from the House of Representatives, by hlr. Dalton:

President: The House of Represeiitativcs have passed the bill of the Senate (S.
179) making allonances lo o6cers of the Navy of the Confedcratc States, under certain circumstances, and to amend a n act entitled An act to providc for the organization of the S n r y , approved March 16, 1861.

The following message cvds reccived from the President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

Riciixom, Va., February 11, 1864.

To the Senate and Ioztse qf Representnliczs:
I herewith traneniit for your consideiation a c-ominunication from the Secretary of
thc Trewury, su1)mitting t,stiinates of dditional suiiis needed for the support of the
C i overniiien t.
I reconmiend an appropi intiori of the a ~ u o u i ispecified
for the purposes indicated.


The message was read.

Ordered, That it bc referred to thc Committee on Finance.
The following message was rcceivcd from tlic President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Rrcmfosn, VA., February 12, 1864.

To the Senate and House of IZepresentntiLes:

I herewith transmit for s o w consideration a corninclnication from the Secretary of
War, submitting an estiuiatc. of the sum needed for the conscription service.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount specified for t h e purpose indicated.


The m e s a e was read.

Ordered, $hat it be referred to the Conimittcc on Military Affairs.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Coinmittce of the Whole, to the consideration of the following hills:
S. 199. A bill to amend an act entitled An act to organize military

Feb. 11,1864.1


courts to attend the hrn1y of the Confederate States in t

to define thc powers of said C O U ~ ~ S ,approved

October 9,
S. 200. A hill to confer additional powers upon courts
military courts;
and no amendment being proposed, they mere severally r
the Senate.
Cbdered, That they be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bills mere severally read the third time.
Resohod, That they pass, and that the titles thcreof be as aforesaid,
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Scnate proceeded, as in Cominittep of the Whole, to the consideration of thc bill (1% 13. 112) to authorizc the Yresidcrit to cstablisli
additional military courts.
On the question to agrcc to tho foIlowing reported amcndnient, v b :
Insert, at the end of the bill, the words
Which courts shall he orpnizvd, and h m e the same powers and duties, and the
members thereof appointed, as proyided by law: Procidcd, That the menibers thereof
shall he selevted from persons who have been incapacitated for active service in the
field by reason of wounds, or disease contracted whilst in service, or from persons
over forty-five years of age,

On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the amendment by striking out

the words
Provided, That the members thereof dial1 be selected from persons who have been
inca acitated for active service in the field by reason of wounds, or disease contracted
whigt in service, or from pchrsons over forty-fivc years of age,

It was dctermincd in tile negative, Nays- -_ -_ -_ _- _- _- _- _- _- _. _- _- -_ _- _- _- _- _- _- 137

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the alfjrnititive are,
Messrs. Haker, Clark, IIayncs, Henry, Hill, I Iuntcr, t ~ n dOldham.
Those mho voted in the ncg;tti17e are,
Messrs. Burnett, Caperton, Clay, ,Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of
Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Orr: Ihclan, Senimes, Simms,
Sparrow, and Wigfall.
The reported amendment was then agrced to.
No further amendment being made, tho bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendment was concurred in.
O~dered,That the amendment be engrossed and the hill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Resohed, That it pass with an amendment.
Ordered, That the Secretary requclrt the concurrence of the .House
of Representatives in the amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 203) to arriend the sixty-fifth article of .cvar; and
to the Senate.
no amendment bein
0 ? ~ Z m d ,That it
The said bill was
Resolved, That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as doyesaid.
Clr&red, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the Ioui;e
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, the vote on passing the bill (Y. 199) to


[Feb. 11,1864.

ainend an act entitled An act to organize inilitary courts to attend

the Anny of the Confederate States in the field, and to define the powers of said courts, approved October 9, 1862, was reconsidered.
On motion hy Mr. Sparrow, the vote on ordering the bill to its
engrossinen t and third reading was also reconsidered.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the said bill; and
On iiiotion by Nr. Hill,
O ~ d w e d That
the further consideration thereof be postponed until
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate adjourned.

A message froni the 1Ioiibe of ftepresentativcs, by Mr. Dalton :

MY.Preside),/: The IIouso of ILepwseiitativec: ha\c 1)nssrtl bills of the following
titles; in whivfi they wqiicst t h e c v i i v ~ i r r ~ wo ft ~tlic.
~ Scilate:
H . It. 11R. h i act to aitieiid :III scat ciititlctl + \ I I avt t o lay tnvcs for tlie c~o~niiion
States, npprovcd April 24,
defense and rairy 0 1 1 tlic (+o
1863; mtl
H. R 116. \ n act t o antliorizr a iurrher foicign loan.

The bills (11. H. 11.5 and . X. 116) l:vk nicntiontd were severally
rettd the first and second
cs and rcferred to the Corninittee on
Mr. Se~nnies,froni the Coininittee on I~inance,to whoni mere referred
tlie arnendmtuth of the House of Represcntatives to the amendments
of the Senate to the bill (H. It. 98)to tax, fund, and limit the currency,
reported the rcon.
The Senate proceeded to cmsider the unicndmcnts of the House-of
Representatives to their aiiicndnicnts to tlic bill (1-1. R. 02) last mentioned; and
n by Mr. Semiiics,
That tlic Sen:it,e insist or1 their ainendnients to said bill.
O r d m d , T h a t the Secrctary inforni the House of Beprescntatives
The Senate resumcd, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (S. 197) to i*cdcetn outhtanding Lreasury notes and discharge the puhlic debt, mid thereby restore the pnhlic credit.
On motioi1 1)y Mr. Simrns, to ~iiiondthe bill bg striking out March,
section 1, line 7, m d iisorting April,
It was deterinined in the xtlirmative.
No further amcndrnent hcing proposed, the bill was reported t o the
. Senate and the aniendrnent w a s concurred in.
On the qurstion,
Shall the bill be engrossed mid rend a. third time?
It was determined in the negative.
So the bill was rejected.
The Senate resumed, xs i n Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (11. It. 113) to suypend the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus jn certain C R W ~ .
On motion h y 311,.Oldharn, to reconsider the vote on disagreeing to
t words and of attempts
the following amendment, viz: Strike o ~ i the
to avoid military service, section 1, lines 19 and 20,
Mr.Johnson of Arkansas demanded the question; which was seconded,




On motion by Mr. Burnett,

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those ~ 7 h ovoted in the affirmative are,
Rlessrs. Raker, Caperton, Haynes, IIill, Hunter, Jernison, tJohnson
of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Reade, and Semmes.
Those who voted in the negative arc,
Messrs. Brown, Bnrnett, Clark, Clay, Dortch, IIenry, Johnson of
Arliansas, Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Phelan, Simms, Sparrow,
and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. Dortch, to amend th e bill by striking out the
fourth clause of thc first section, as follows:
Of desertions or encouraging desertions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to
avoid inilitary service: Yroiridetl, That in cases of palpable wrong and oppression by
any subordinate officer upon any party who does not legally owe inilitary service,
his superior officer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be tiisniissetl from office,

and inserting: " Of desertions, of encouraging desertion, or harboring

deserters ,"
Ycas . . .. . . - ...
It was determined in the ncgativc, 7f Nays
_. . . _ _
On inotion by Mr. O rr,
Thc yeas and nays h i n g desircd by onc-fifth of the Senatoi*spresent,
Those who voted in the anirniativc we,
Mcssrs. Baker, Caperton, Dortch, Ilaynes, IIill, Hunter, Jernison,
Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, and Reade.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Brown, 13urnctt, Clark, Clny, IIenry, ,Johnson of Arkansas,
Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, l'helan, Semnies, Simms, Sparrow, and
On motion by Mr. Wigfall, to amend tho bill by striking out all after
the enacting clniise and inserting:
That the writ of habeas corpus be, ant1 the ~ a n wis hereby, suspended in all the
States of the Confcdcmcy iiiitil iiiiiety t h y s after tlie next int,eting of Congress.
M:v. 2. That the Prcsitleiit be, xiid lie is liereby, nuthorizcvl, whenrver the exigenries 01 the country will peiniit, to rc~tnov(~
by 1)rocleiiiation t I r e absolute sr~spensiol~
of thtb issue of the writ aforwaitl, o r to linlit t l i c ol)wation of this statute to such
of ('BSCS as he niay d " t L I I 1 c \ p
federate States be, and they
3. Tliat the jtirlprs o t tlic d i n
'by, authorixd and rrqiiirc
resprctivc States a smtable
n u n i b e r of con~niis,iioncrsfor t h e exaiiiination of porhons held i n custody under t h e
authority of the Confederate States during the suy~eneionof the writ of habeas corpus,
M 1x0 shall have the powtlrs and be entitled to tlic compensation of commissioners of
the district courts of the Confederate Statcs, urxtlcr t h e act of the Provisional Congress
approved August thirtieth, cightcwi hundi 01 ajid sixty-one, entitled "Bn art vwting
certain powers in the commissioners of the tliitrirt courts of the ('onfederate States,"
and to direct the examination of a11 citimis arrested or ticltl in custody by any inilitar authority or order, and to discharge the saiiie if iniproperly arrested or detained,
a n g t o report the same to t h e War Department,
... _
._ 14
It was determined i n the aftinnative, j Yeas. .
{ NELys ..

On motion hy Mr. Clay,

Thc ycas and nays bcirig desired l ~ one-fifth
of the Scnators present,
Those who voted in the affirmsltivc arc,
Messrs. Browi:, Clay, Henry, Jernison, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldhnni, Phelan, Semmes, Simms,
Sparrow, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Feb. 11,1864.1


Messrs. Baker, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Dortch,

Johnson of Georgia, Orr, and Beade.
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
The last-rnentioncd vote was reconsidcrcd.
The mnendnient proposed by MY.Wigfall being ngaill11
On motion by Mr. Hayiies, to an1end the same by striking out a1
after That. in the first line, and inserting:
during the present inrasion the privilrge of tlie writ of I?itbeas corpus be, and t h
sanie is hereby, snnpendetl throughout tlie Confederate Rates in 811 ( w e s where t h
persoil ztrresteci may he chargedI. IVith treason or treasonable efforts or combinations to subvert the Ciovernmerit
of the Cor1fetierate States.
11. \\it11 trading with the enemy, or combining to assist the enemy, or with COMmunicating intelligence t o tlie enrniy, or giving liiiii aid and comfort.
IIT. IVitli treasonable designs to impair the militmy power of the Qovernnient by
destroying or atteinpt iiip to destroy the vessc~le,or amis, or munitions of war, or
argen~is,foiindriw, workshops, or other property of thc Confederate Shtes.
I r . With briny a spy.
11. With euciting or attenipting to excite insurrection aiizong thr slaves, or proxnoting conspir:~cyanioiig them, or euticing thein to join the enemy.
11. \Vith burning, destroying, or injuring. or attempting to burn, destroy, or injure,
any britlge or railroad, or telegraphic line of conimunication, with the view of aiding
t h r enemy.
V1 I . With exciting or iltten1ptillg to e.urite inutiny a1nong the troops of the Confet1rr:Ltr States.
VIIL. With harboring deserters or enconraging tlrsertion.
SEC.2. That in all sucli cases of arrests it slisll he the duty of the officer iwiing tho
order to set forth, in writing, over tiis oflicial sigiiaturc, the came of such arrest and
imprisonnicnt, and shall C ~ U H aC copy thereof to be forthwith transinittcd to the Secretary of \Var.
REV. 3. That this act shnll contiiiue in forcc for iiiiirty days after tlir ncxt nieeting
of Congress, ant1 no longer,
_ _ _ _ 10
It w a s detcrn~incdin the nopitivc, YeilS-. - - - _


On motion by A h . Hill,
The pc?:~sand n:~ysh i n g drsirecl by one-fifth ol thc Sonutors present,
Lhose who voted in thc afiiiwiativc :w,
Messrs. I h~kc r Caperton,
I-Iay~ics,IIill, lIuntcr, Se1nison, Johnson
of Cieorgia, MtLnvrll, Orr, and lteadc.
Ihose who voted in the ncg:ttivo arc,
Brown, 13urnett, C:larlc, Clay, Ilortch, Henry, Johnson of
Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Mitchcl, Oldham, lhelsn, Seminos,
Siriin~s,S p r r o w , :Lnd Wigfdl.
O n iiiotion by Mr. ,Jrinison, tiitkt the 1:ist-inentioned vote be reconsidcred,
1t was dcterinincd in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to arnend thc :~rncndmo?ntp i - o p o ~ ~byd
Mr. Wigfall by striking out t h c third section tht:rcof,
Yeas. - - - - - - ..- - - - . 13
It was determined in tho :tffirniativc, Nays _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ 12
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The yci~sand naps hoinp desired hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirinative aro,
Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Clark, Clay, Doltch, I-lcnry, ,Johnson of
Rrliansas, ,Johnson of Missouri, Mitchcl, Ihclan, Simms, Sparrow,
and Wigfall.
Those who voted i n the ncgative are,




Messrs. 13xker, Caperton, Haynes, Hill, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson

of Gcorgiti, M a x n d , Oldhniii, Our, Reade, and Semmes.
On the questioil to agree to the aineiidlneiit proposed by Mr. Wigfall, as amended,
-It was determined i n the negative,
. ....._....__.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the afirniiltivc are,
Messrs. Clay, Henry, cJohnson of Arliansas, Mitchel, S i m m , Sparrow, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, 13rown, Burnett, Caperton, Clark, Dortch, Haynes,
Hill, Hunter, ,J eniison, Johnson of Georgia, Johnsol1 of Missouri,
Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Phelan, Rcade, and Semmes.
?;lofurther amcndiuent being proposed, thc bill mas reported to th e
Scnate arid the anicndiiient.; made as in Coinniittec of the Whole were
concurrcd in.
Urdeeret?, That tlic :~incndtnentsI)a cngrossed and the bill read a
third tinie.
The said I d 1 as aniendcd WBS i.eac\ tlie third time.
On the question,
Shall the bill now pabs 1
- - -..- - - - - - - - - - 14
It was dcterinincd in the ilflirmative, Yeas..
Nays .- .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 10
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Thc yeas and nays bcing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i o thc~aflirintLtive arc,
Messrs. Brown, Ilurnctt, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Dortch, Henry,
Hunter, ,Johnson of Arlrnnsas, ,Johnson of Missowl, Mitchel, Phelan,
Siinms, and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Ihkcr, IIaynch, llill, .Ictriison, ,Johnson of Geoigia, Oldkiain,
Orr, IteadP, Seiiinies, mtl \Vigiidl.
On motion by hlr. ,Johnson of Ark:ui ,t1i:it the vote on passing the
bill he reconsidered,
It was dctcrniined in the ncgat1ve.
So it was
Beso7vrd, Ihat this bill pass vitli aniendmcnts.
Odered, That the Secretary rcqucst the concurrence of the House
of Rcpresentativcs i n the amendments.
The following ni
ge was received from the President of the Confederate States, hy
IS. N. llnrrison, his Sccretary:

To the Senate and IInuse of Rcprescntativca:

Va., Februay 11, 1864.

1 11 reu ith transinit a n d rtw~iiiiiictidto your favorable eonsideration, in secret session, a co~nmnitirationfroin the Pwletsry o f tlie Rai y, ahkirig for authority to transfer the amount alpropriatetl under wcr& act No. 6, appi ord Rcpteuiber 19, 1862, to
the appropriation under secret act No. 31, approved October G , 1862.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be i-efei~edto the Comniittec on Naval Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Seinnies,

Fcb. 11, 1961.1


Otdee,,ed, That the bill (H. lit. 116) to amend an act

to lay taxes f o r the common defense and carry on
of the Confederate States, approved April 24, 1863,
On niotion b y Mr. Sjptirrow,
The Senate resolwd into executive session.

Mr. Sparrow, froin the Conimittce on Military Affairs, to whom

were r e f c ~ r e dtho norriinations of A. C. Edwards, Geor ye 1-1. Jones,

hlnrtin 1-1. ~ o i e r 1,1. R. Peclr, 13. riinnions, Hobert W. iitrnan, mrilliiilli A. Feencj, R. W. \Vit,hcrs, d . linndolph T ~ I c ,13enjamin B.
Hart, t o be colonels: E. F. 13ooktcr, (feorgc W. IAW,lhilip Lee, d. C.
(:ordon, C. 1). Anderson, I\.Smith Ikws, d . C. Goodgtme, 8.Randolph, 11. 7. Touliiiin, 31. H. lI;ill, Ihotms 11. Wtitkins, John J.
Hodgcs, l1ionl:ts Wr. Thoiupson, \Villi:iiIi 1,. Clurlte, 13ovrrly I,. Dyer,
E. T. Sltaclihousc, li:. PYartield, ,John W. Dawson, Jack Wharton,
C. W. Wcislu~ll,Andrew 111. Nelson, Saniuel 13. Saunders, William A.
F C C I ~toC ~
l m, licutenant-colonels; Charles J. MoEett, W. J . Pfohl,
.John 1). Lillcy, ,Jos. 13. Millett, W. derry Crook, Wilson Harper,
asher, 34. 31. Patrick, P. F. ltoss, J. M. Haticock, Androm
I, 1tobci.t W. Loclic. Samuel H. Saunders, ,J. M. Richardson,
J:~ntcsG. I)endcrick, John Wcstcott, T. 14. Upshaw, W. C. Parker, H.
hIcl)owcll, I<. 3%.Dodson, J a n i c ~1. Ad:ms, W. M. Arnold, Smiuel
Sharp, dohn W . I h v i s , It. M. I:inlt(~sloy,J. W. Di.:ine, W.C. Capers,
W. 13. Wooldiklgc, I{. 11. Arniistrnd, l. 1. Clyburn, Gcorge W. Maxson, ,Jolin I<. Allcn, to hc ninjoi-s; 11. W. Fowler, McMill:tn King, to
1~ capt:iitih; , I . 1). S(aott, JT. (2. I m ~ i s\Ir.
, 11. Crimbdl, E. -1. Sintkins,
to I)(? tird lieutc~ni~nts,
rcyottt4, with tho rccomiiicndiLtion that all of
said norninntioiis I)(> wniiimcd.
The S(wntc procecclc~dto consider s:Lid rcport; and in conciirrence
therewith, it W I L S
IZrsolwd, Lhat the Scnxtc :idvise : l i d consrnt to their appointinent,
qpt>:LbljTto tho tiotriittittiori o f the Ircsidctit.
Mr. Spr~rrow,from thr Coinrnitt,te on Military Affairs, to whom
were rcfcrrcd thc noininations of Fr:~nlt,J. Hahr, Edward McCrady, jr.,
Thomas: ?J, Hudson, Itichiird Hichnrdson, to he commandants of camps
of iirstiwc~tion,with t h rnnk of m:ijot-; Honry Goldthwnitc?, Lamar
Cohb, ,1. 13. Cnmming, to be ZLsristant,with the rank
o f itmjor; C. 1,. D. E l p r , 8.1. Cunninghum, C . Powall Grady, 3. A.
r .
Icrrctt, I Ionry Ihving, to he :tssist:int :dlntmts- mierd, with the rank
of c:ipt:Liii; I. P. (;ir:LrdCy, ,ioscpli I)cncgi.c, C iarlcs Scmplc, ,J. W.
(iilIespic, to I)e 111ilit:try stoi(~Iic(I)(~is,
with tohe ~ . : ~ n lof
c c+tiptainOF
inf:intt*y; lr:ttil< 1.. Iluckncr, (;riftin S. W:~rcl,,James M. Muldon, jr.,
.John 8. Grecr, t o be militsly stoi~;lrct:pcrs,with the rank of first limtpnant of infzintry, repoytctf, with the rcconinicndution thrLt all of said
nominations he confinncd.
The Senntc proceeded to cvmsiiier said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Beso/?~ecZ,That the Senate advise m d consent to their appoinkment,
agreeably to the nomination of the lrcsident.
Mr. ,Jeniison, froin the Comrnittcc on Naval Affairs, to whom were
referrcd t,hc nominations of ,J:~mcs I). r J ~ h n ~ tto~ nhc, comtnnnder;
Charles W. Read, Sardine (;. Stonc, to bc first lioutenaiits in the 1teguhr





Navy; John R. Price and TVilliam W.Read, to be masters, i n the line

of promotion; John F. Whclcss and Willis 73. Cobb, to he assistant
p p a s t e r s ; reported, with tlia recommendation that all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senatc proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
ResoZued, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whoin was
refcrred the nomination of J . F. Scott, to be surgeon, reported, with
the rccomiiiendation that said noinination be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senatc advise and consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the Presidcnt.
Mr. 13ali-cr, froin the Coininittee on Naval A4ffairs,to whom were
referred the noniinntions of Nathanicl K. Hendcrson, James W. IMvin,
Mrilliam 1'. Willianis, W'ntBins I,. Tliarreri, arid 12obci.t Kuykcnclall,
to be nssistnnt surgeons for the war; Lloyd B. Ste henson, Ruffin
Thoiiison, and 'I'lioinns St. (horge Pratt, to be seconc lieutenants in
thc Marine Corpb; Ililai+shdl 1,. Sothoron, to be assistant paymaster,
reportrd, with thc: recoriin~endstionthat nll of said nominations be
The Senate procccded to consider said report; and in concni-rence
therewith, it was
l,?esolucd, ' l h t the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
awreeahly to the noniinatioii of the Presidcnt.
k r
Liwd from thc President of the Con1 he following iiichsag,rc
federate States, by hlr. Ilarrison, his Secretary :

I i i c r r ~ o ~ P%brzcnr~y
1'0 tlie Senate:
Agreeably to t h e rccomineiitltitioii of the PostiiiiL8tCr-Genera1, I liereby noininate
tlie persons naiiwtl ripoii II I U a n n c s t ~ list
l to tht. ofiiccs deniqrtatctl.
~'OST-OBRJC);: h I ' A I m I E S T , / ? 1 f 1 L ? / ? 0 3 i d , I"c'b?*llUl.!/ 9,


SIR:I have the lionor to rccwnimend for : t p p i n t n w i i t as poqtiii:t<tew, with the

advice and coiiwiit o[ thc Srllatc., t h o followiiig perwns who were appointed during
the recebs of the Scxitt-L:
James E. Thoni, of Greemhoro, N C
Sibmuel J. Douthit, o t Grccwvillr, S. C
Morris Gattitian, of Al)crc\cvi, N i s q
Charles 11. hlansliip, of dackwii, Miss.
Very respectfully, your obedicnt scrvaiit,
Postmaster- Generul.

.The nirssqy TWC; rcad.

O~cE;ir.ed,That it l ~ referred
to tho Cornmittcc on l'ost-Offices and
Mr. Sparrow, from thc Committee on Military Affairs. to mhom
were referred the nominations o f 1). M. Carter as presiding judge;
D. C. Glenn and 1'. 13. Whittle iLs m c m h r s of the court; Thomas.!I'
Hill as judge-advocate; C. E. Hooker as presiding judge; John 13.
Sale as menii)er of the court; W. 1'. Johnson as judge-advocatc; ,James
Conncr and D. A. Wilson, to be mcmbers of the court; Edwin C;. Lee,
to be a member of the court; Bcntori Wandolph, to be judge-advocate;

Feb. 12, 18G4.1


TT. C. Rird, to be a ineinber of the court; M. P. Jarnagin,

:dvocnte, mid 14. 0. ( h h a m , to be judge-advocate, report
rocoiiimcIidetion thut nll of said noniinations be confirmed
The Senatc proceeded to consider said report; and in co
therewith, it mns
BesoZzwtZ, That thc Senatc advise 2nd consent to their appoint
xgrceebly to the noinintLtion of the President.
On motion bv MY. Om,
lhe Senate resolved into open legisltxtivc scssion.





Nr. Jolinson of Arknnsns snbmittcd tho following resolution ; which

considcrcd i~ndagreed to:


I ~ s ~ I That
P ~ , the Pwsitlcnt pro tenipore appoint an additional page for the Senat(,, \\ itli tlir s:inie cbonipcmsition as that rrcvivcd by tho present page.

A niesvagc from tho louse of Meprescntatives, by Mr. Dalton:

MIS.Iwsidmt: Tlir 1Iouse of Keprcscnbtivev liavc: agrwd to thp nrncndinents of
t h c a Scn:ite to tlie bill ( 1 I . li. 95) for the relief of ihxpayers in certain c a w .
Ancl they have disncyrccd to the :~iiiendiiirntof tlic Senate to tho bill (11. It. 109)
of certaiu ofliwrs of tire Treiwiry.
p;issed the bill of tlie Seii:ito (8. 204) to proiics in the licld, to serve during the war, Hith
tlw (~oiiciirrenwof tlw Scnate.
:in ;tniciidnient: in \\ liicli tlic
olnt rt~nolntlollsof the tjell;Lte:
. \ I N 1 tllry 1i:we pnssctl tlrc.
S. 29. ,Joint resolntio~iof 11i:tiiks to tlic troops reenlisting for tlic war from the
Georgi:t; antl
n Yirgini:r r(y$iicvitq who liavc recwliuted
S. 30 Joiiil rcsulution ot lliankn to t
f1,r tllc war.
Ilrc, Iloust, of Rcpresentntiv 11:ivc. p:~wx11:illn ;aid joint reaoli~tionsof t l i e following Iitlw; i n w l i i c ~ l it l i c y rcqn
111(, col~cllrr<~nt~
l ) f tho s:clllte.
I1 It. 118. An act to autlw c tlic purc1i;wc iintl pu1)lioition of a digest of the
of t he COll lcd(~ra.teSt:rIcw,
It 11!) A n acl to pro\ritlc for Iiolding elcctioir~for Itc resentativcs in the Coilof the Coiif(dcratcL Statrs of Anreric:t frorii tho State ofPArlransa~;;
11 1: 34. J o i n t rwolntion of th:inlis to Gen. N. U. Forrest anrl the officers and
i i w n of his ( w n i i i m n 1 ;
1 1 , It. 35. Joint rwolntion of tlianlcs to Virginia troolm stationed at Drewrya Bluff.
I I . It. 36. Joint Icnolution of thiinkn to tlic oliicrr,r and mtw of t t i iac~ntv-ei&th
and Iliirtcwith rrginicwb of Xortli (!aroliria troops;
11 12. 37. .Joint rcwlntion of thanks to tho ofiicws nnd nicn of Ilit. Tliird Georgia
licginic l i t ;
11. 12. 38. Joint resolution of tlittiikn to tho offiwrn and n i m of the Twonty-second
lr1rgiiii:L Ilegiiiwn t;
I I . It. 3 1 . Joint rcsolntioii of t1i:ink.r to TTarts h t t c r y , lia~npdcnsI,egioii, Soiilii

I I , It. 40. .Joint rc~lntion of tliiinks l o the Sistccnth Mississippi ltegiment;
1 1 . 1I. 41, .Joint rcnolntion 01 tli:~nktito Maj. Gcn. J. I$. U. Stuart and the oficcrs
:tnd ~ I L I Iiiiider his v w n m i t n d ,
11. 11. 4:). Joint rcwolnticni to print i t n d tlistrihtt. to thc Ariny copies of the Iresi(lviitn iu1~1rcssto t i r c soldicrb CJE tlw Confutlc~rtteStates, and
1 I . 11. 44. Joint rc~iolntionof thanks to tlic Forty-sixth antl 1;ifty-flftli regknnenta
Voluntccrs nt Jlobilc.

Mr. Cltiy, from tdio Conimittct: on Military A@&rs, reported

A bill (S. 2%) t o provide for retiring oflifliccrs o the A r n ~ ;y
which was rcrici the first and second tinios tmtl considcrcd as in Committee of tho Whole.


[Feb. 12, 1864.


On niotion by Mr. Elaynes, to amend the bill by inserting after

discharge, section 1, line 5 , the words b y and with the advice
and consent of the Senate,
Mr. Clay demanded thc qucstion; which was seconded, and
The qucstion being then put on agreeing to the amendment proposed
by Mr. Haynes,
It was determined in the negative.
No further amendment being proposed, the hill was reported to the
Oldwed, That it be engrossed arid read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
On the question,
Shall the bill now pass?
eas------------------It was determined in tlie affirniative, Y
On motion by Mr. Haynes,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the nffirnialirc are,
Rfessrs. IZs~ker,Rarnctt, Caperton, Clay, Uortch, Hill, Hunter,
Jolirihon of Georgia, Johnson of Arkmsns, Maxwell, Orr, Phelari,
Semnics, Sparrow, and Wigfdl.
Those who voted i n the ncg1 tl y e are,
Mcssrs. Clark, Ilaynw, Henry, Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Oldham, Xeade, and Sinims.
On motion by Mr.rJohn~ono f Georgia, that the last-mentioned vote
be reconsidered,
It was determincd in the negative.
So it was
A ? e w / v d , That this bill pms, and that the title thereof be as aforewid.
Usdeiqed, That tlic Secretmy request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
A ineshage from the ILouxc of lteprescntatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Ah.. PresidPrd: Thc>IIoiipeo f Repiesrntativrs agifc to thr aincnchnents of tlie Senate

to the bill (11 12. $10) to nr:ilie additional ailr~~)riitic,iisfor t h e support of t h e Governinrnt o f the Confederate Statcs of America for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1805, with a r i i c ~ n t l n ~ t ~in
n t ~w;h i c h they rcqnest t l i v roncirrrence of the Senate.
i h l thcv inciqt npoii tlicir tlisagr~mientto the aiiientlmonts of the Senate to the
bill ( I f . 11.75) to anicntl a n act to regnlate ir.*prcssrnents, approved March 26,
1863, and to repeal an act aiiicntlatory thtwot, approrcd April 27, 1863, agree to the
conference asked b y the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon,
and have appointed Nr. IIartridge, Mr. Staples, and Mr Hanly managers at the
same on their pmt.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Conimittec on Military Aflairs, to whom

was referred the bill (S. 222) rclating t o tlic appointment of a general
and lieutenant-generals, reported it with the recommendation that j t
ought not to pass.
The Sonatc proceedccl to consider tho amendments of the House of
lZepresciitati\-es to their amendments to the hill (13. R. 90) to make
additional ap ropriationh for the support of the Government of the
Confederate tates of America for the fiscal year ending cJune30,1864;
O?de?.ed, That thcy bc referred to the Committee on Finance.
The Senate proceeded to consider thcir amendment, disagreed to by
the House of Represcntatives, to the bill (H. R. 109) to increase the
compensation of certain officers of the Treasury; and

Feb. 12,1864.1

On motion by Mr. Semnies,

Resolwd, That the Senate insist on their amendmen
disagreed to by the House of Representatives.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Rspr
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of th
lteprrsentativcs to the bill (S. 204) to provide :tnd organize a ge
staff for armics in the field, to serve during the Mrar; and
On motion by Mi-. Sparrow,
Bea)lced, That they concur therein.
O / + d ~ 7 ~That
d , the Secretary inform t,he House of Rcprcsentatives
lhc hill (11. R. 118) to authorize the purchase wid pnblication of a
digest of the 1 : ~ ~ofs the Cotlfedcritte States \\.as
the first find
second titiles and considered as in Conimittcc of the Whole; and no
:tmendment heing proposcd, i t ~ v i t sreported to the Senate.
07&~-).ed, That i t pass to a third rcading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Besoolvecl, That il pass.
Ordeered, That thc Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The bill (El. It. 119) to provide for holding elections for Beprosentatives in the Congress of the Confederatc States of America from the
State of Arkansas was read tlic first and second titrics arid referrcd to
the Committee on the Judiciary.
The following joint resolutions wcrc severally react the first and
sccond tirncs and referred to thc Committee on Military Affairs:
13. R. 34. Joint resolution of thanks to Gcn. N. 13. Forrest and thc
ofiicers and men of his comniancl; and
11. It. 41. ,Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gcn. J . E. 13. Stuart
and the oGcers and nien undcr his cornmand.
The joint resolution (1-1. H. 43) to print and distrihnte to the A m y
copies of the Presidents adclrchs to the soldiers of the Confederate
States mas read the first and second times arid referrcd to the Committee on Printing.
The following joint resolutions mere severally read the first and
second tinics and considered as in Committee of the Whole:
11. It. 35. doint resolution of thanks to Virginia troops stationed at
I3rcwrys Bluff;
H. E. 36. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of the
Twenty-eighth and Thirteenth re iments of North Carolina troops;
H. R. 37. Joint resolution of t anks to the officers and men of the
Third Georgia Regiment;
H. R. 38. ,Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of the
Twenty-second Virginia Regiment;
40. Joint resolution of thanks to the Sixteenth Mississippi
Ite iment; and
R. 44. Joint resolution of thanks to the Forty-sixth and Fiftyfifth regiments of Tennessee Volunteers tit Mobile;
and no amendment being proposcd, they were severally reported to
the Senate.
Ordered, That they pass to a third readin .
The said resolutions were severally read t e third time.
Resohed, That they pass.






[Feb. 12,1864.

Ojyfered, That the Secretary inform the I-Iouse of Representatives

The joint resolution (H. 1%.39) of thanks to E-Iart,s battery, Hampdens Legion, South Carolina Volunteers, was read the first and second
times and consiclercd as in Cornniittee of the Whole.
On motion by Mr. On*, to aniend the resolution by striking out
Hampdens, line 3, and inserting Hampton,
It I T ~ S determined in the affirmative.
Ro further amendnicnt being proposed, thc rcsolution was reported
to the Senate and thc amendment was concurred in.
Ordered, That the rcsohition pass t o a third reading.
The said resolution was read t h e third time.
Beso/tvd, That it pass with an amcndmcnt,.
On motion by Mr. Om, the title mas amended to read: ,Joint resolution of thanks to IIarts battery, IIainptoii Legion, South Carolina
Voliin tcers.
O d ~ w d Th:it
tho Sccret:iry request the concurrencc of the EIousc
of Reprcsrntatixs in thc miicndnicnts.
Mr. Wigft~llsubmitted tlic following rcsolution; which was considcrcd and agrccd to:
Resolt rd by Ihr ~%r~~ntrte,
That the Iresitlent of the Confederate States be respectfully
ton has, since the tenth day of
requested to infortii this body whether A. It. La\\
May, eiglitccn linndred and sixty-three, been rcc-ciring tlic pay and allowances of a
brigadier-geneial; and if so, under what la\\.; and TI hether Col. J. B. Gordon, of
Alabama, latrl y conlirined as a brigadier-general to ronxnanct Lawtons brigade, was
not, on or before said tenth day of May, eighteen hundred arid sixty-three, appointed
to the coininand of that brigade as the siiwessor of 33rigadier-General Lawton; and
if not, by what atithority he was appointed.

Mr. Jcmison presented the memorial of Margaret I. Stockwell,

praying the passage of a 1:iw relieving the property of her husband,
?JamesA. Stockwell, who has deserted from the Army of thc Confederate Statcs, from the operation of the confiscation laws; which was
referred to the Conimittee on the Judiciary.
The Senate rehiimed, as i n Comiriittec of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 199) to anicnd t i t i act entitled An act to
organize nii1it:irg courts t o uttrrid tlic Army of the Confederate States
i n the field, and to define the powers of said courts, approved
October 9, 1%:.
On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the bill by adding thereto the
following indcpcndcnt scction :
Sec. 3. That the fourth section of the act of a7hic.h this is aineiidatory be, and the
same is herehy, PO amended as to extend the jurisdiction of the military courts to
all offenders below the grade of lieutenant-general,

It was determined in the affirmative.

No further amendment being proposed, the bill was reported to the
Scnatc and thc amendment was concurred in.
Or.tJe7*rd,That tho bill be engrossed and rcad a third tirne.
The said bill was rcad the third time.
Raolved, That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Srinines,
The Senate resolved into secret lcgislativc session,
The doors having been opened,

Fob. 12,1864


The following message mas received from

tives, by Mr. Dalton:
Xr. P m i d m f : The House of Representatives disagree to the a1
Senate to tlic bill (11. 1%.82) to grant a special copyright to W. J.
(;oetzel for Hartlees Rifle and Infailtry Tactics.
They lia\e pasbed the hill of the Senate (S. 174) to authorize the issne of
bonds for p a p i c l i t , to the Blabaiiia and Florida Railroad Company, of tlie
Noiida, n itli an ainenchent; in which they request the corlcurrelice of the Senate.
A n d they have passed, b y the required constitutioiial inajoritv of tt\ro-thirds, the
o f the Senate (6. 1%) to provide payment for certain printing therein mentione(1,
done hp authority of the two Houscs of Congress.

rhc Senate proceeded, as in Coiiiiiiittce of the Whole, to the considcr.nt,ion of tlic bill (13. K. lo?) to iiicr
efficiencyof the Arrny
by tllc t~nl~lo~-mcnt
of free Ilrgroes iLlld
n certain capacities.
On iiiotion by Mr. ,Johnson of Arliaiis
it, bc transferred to the
Secrc t, Lcgislativc Calcnd:tr,
- _ . _ _ - . . __ _
___ 7
It \v:~sdctcrmincd in thc negative, 7( I-eas
Nays - . _ . _ _
7_ _
On notion by hlr. ,Johiison of Arliansns,
Ihc y c : and
~ nuys being dcsircd hy one-fifth of tho Senators present,
I i ~ wwho voted i n tho aftirinatirc are,
mess^^. Hiirnett, Cixpcrtotl, Hiinter, Johnson of Arkansas, MaxwcIl, Mitchcl, arid Orr.
lhose who voted i n tho ncg:htive w e ,
3lessrs. IIayncs, IIill, Jolinson of Georgia, Oldliam, Meadc, Sparro\v, :1nd T\igEall.

_ I _ _

:L c,LI1 of thc Sc1ratc.

l l ( ~ 1 ,the followiiigr-ii:inicd S,cn:itors failed to

L: I 15 \v ~r to the i r ri R tiioh :
,J:urics hl. Iktltci+,Robert

w. 13:~rti\vcll,A. G. 13rown, Clcincnt C.

Willitixn l. I)ortctli, (:iistnvris A. Ilcnry, Bolwi-t rJoiiiisoti, jr.,
\V:iltlo 1. r J o l i i i h o i i , Jaiiics lhclan, I. ,J. Scti~t~ics,
and William E.
3Ir. 13:wn\vcll, 3113. Rrowti, Alr. C h y , Mr. ,Johnson of AIissouri, and
N r . sciiiincq \ v ( ~ I - Pthoti, o t i niotioti, wvcrcilly c s c w c d for nonattendance.
O n motion by RIr. Al:ixw(~ll,th:it MY. IMmr be excused,
I t WLS tic. te r I iii ncd i ti thc ii e g :t~i vc.
On motion b ~ Mi..
TVigf:iII, tlut :LII the other :hontces be excuyed,
I t i m s dctcrnliticd in thv ncgativc.
0t h(>r Scnn tow t hc n :tppearing,
On motion by 311.. (lark,
That all further procccdiiigs in thr, call bo dispcnsccl with.
M110 i*cnpon ,
TIM?Scnnto rcs~irii(~d,
as i n Committee of the Wholc, the oonsideratiou of the hill (H. It. 107) last niontionetl; m d
O n motion hy Mr. ,Johrison o f Ark:Lns:is,
rd, Ihnt the furt,her considc&ion thereof be post onod to
:inti rmdc tho special orclcr for to-rnorrow at half past 11 oc ock, and
that it bc printed.
On motion by Mr. Oltlham,
The Senate resolved into executive rcssion.
Thc doors having heen opened,



[Feb. 12,1864.

The following iiiessttge wab received P roin the President of the Confederate Skttes, hy Mr. 13. 9. Harrison, his Secretary:
TA.,February 12, 1864.
To the Senrcte and louse of Hepiesentatines:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a coriirnunication from the Secretary of
the Treasury, submitting a n estimate of additional sunis needed for the support of
the Government.
I recommend an appropriation of tlie aiiiount Ppecified for the purposes indicated.

The message was read.

OmhwL, That it be referred to the Coininittee on Finance.
The hour of half past 3 oclock having arrivcd,
The Senate took R recess until 7 oclock p. ni.

7 oc1~001c1.


On motion hy A h . S p r r o w ,
The Srnate r~~holvccl
into swrct legislative hession.
I he d o o i ~h a v i n g Iwcii opened,
The following mchs:qe \rns rc.c.civcd froin tlic IIoiim of Representntives, by 3lr. 1):ilton:

3h. Prmitlent: The I I o u s ~of Rrprescntntirri; linrc. pawed the 1)ill of the Senate
(S 210) to aid any Stat(, i n coiiiiniinit tiiig v itli and perfecting records concerning
its troops, with a i l atric~ndnient;in \I hi 1 they rcquc,st the concurrence of the Senate.
And they 1ia\e agreccl to the aiiit~iidinentof thc Pvnate to the bill (11. R. 112) to
authorize the Ireiitlent to establish additional militat y courts, with a n anicndment;
in which they request tlic concurrw(e of the Senate.
The House of Iiepresciitatires have passed bills of the following titles; in which
they reqnest the cwmirrence of the Senate:
1. R. 120. A n act to authorize the impressinent of meat for the use of the Army
under certain circuinstances;
H. R. 121. An a d to providc for the payment of h o l m killed, cnpturrd, lost, or
permanently dwahled 111 the Confederate States service;
Ii. 1%.122. An act to fix the roinpcnsatioii for thcpnhlicatioii in the pnbllc. gazettes
of the acts of Congress;
1..R. 123. An act to arithorize (he payinent of i d c a g e and salary to ~iiemberselect of the Second Congrtw of tlie Confctlerate Stales; and
1. I<.124. iZn act to artieritl ail art entitled An act to organize the Territory of

On motion by Mr. Henry,

The Senate adjourned.
SEcRIrr 8!&:8SION.

A rnessagc from the T-Iousc of ISeprcsentativcs, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. President: Thc Honse of Representatives have passed a bill (H R. 117) to
amend the act for the assess~nentand collection of taseq, approved May 1, 1863; in
which they request the concurrence of t h e Senate.
The House of Representatires insist upon their amendments to t h r hill of the
Senate (S. 158) to organize forces to serve (luring the TI ar, agree to the conference
asked b y the Senate o n t h e clicagreeirig rote- ( i t the tvto Houses thereon, and have
appointed Mr. Chilton, SIr. liolcotiihe, and hir. Snan rnanagers at the same on their

The hill (H. It. 117) to arneiid the act for the >Lsbrssment and collection of taxes, approvcd Nay 1, l W 3 , was read the first find second
times and referred to t,hc Committee on I
3 inance.
Mr. Brown, from the Coltinlittee on Eaval Affairs, to whom WRS
referred the message of t h e President on the subject, reported

Feb.12, 1SGI.l

A bill (S.227) to autliori

~ first
d a
which \Tits r ~ tho
inittee of the Whole: nnd
On motion by Mr. Seniiries,
O i d m d , That the further considcriition thereof bc postponed
A lnesstge fronl the House of Itcproscntiiti~es,by Mr. Lamar,
JO.Prcsidrrrf: T h e IIonsc of lieprcsentatives insist


tl@* disaggroenient t o

anirndiiients of the Senate to the bill (1. R. 82) to t:is, f n i l d , aiid liiiiit tho currency,
ask 2% coiifercnce 011 the disagrwing ~ o Q sof the t \vo llousrs thereon, nud have

appointed RIr. Ualdwin, XIr. Lyon, Mr. Conrud, illr. Uopcc, a i i d &lr. Lewis inariagem
at the s;uiie 011 tlieir part.

The Senate proceeded to consider their miendincnts, disiigrecd to by

the lIousc o f Kel)rcseiitativcs, to the bill (11. 1L. 92) to tax, fund, and
Iiniit the cnrrcncg; und
ion by Mr. Semiies,
1, Tliitt the Seiithtc insist on their ainendments to the said
reed to by the House of Reprcsantatives, :tiid a ice to the
c~mferenceasked i ) y the I-Ionse of Iteprosentativcs on the inagreeing
votes of the two Houses thereon.
On motion by hIr. Semmes, and by iiiintiiiiioii~consent,
Ot~Zwed,That Mr. Hunter be chniruiun of the corr~mitt~eo
of conference on the part of the Sen&, and tltat the other mcmlters of the
coiltinittee be appointed by the Ircsidcirt pro tcniporo; and
A h . Scnimes and Mr. 01.1MWC
Ot.cimx?, That the Secretary i iiforrii the I3 ousc of Kt:prcsciitativeu



The Senate proceeded to consider thc aincnclnicnt, of tho IIouse of

ltc rcscnt:Ltives to thc, hill (S. 194) t o org?.wnizebodies f o r the ctipturo
:incYdestrnction of the (wmiys pro Icrty, by I;md or seii, and to authorizc conipcnsation for the sanic; mi
O i l motion by Mr. Sparrow,
red, That they conc~irtheuoin.
Bed, rh:it the Secrc?t:~ryinforni the House of Representatives


The Seiiatc resumed, as i i i Coininittce of tho Whole, the conuideratiori of the hill (13. R. 100) to continue in the service, for the war, all
tlic troops now i n the Provision:tl Arniy of the Confederate States.
Ilte question being on rigr&ig to t,hc ~mctidriientproposed hy MP.
TItiytlps to the first amendment, reportocl froni I h o C~oinmitteco n Military AWairs, viz:
Xtrilre out in thc third line tlic word fifty-five id itrscrt fifty,

Mr. IIaynes (by leave) withclrcw the stlnle.

1 he reported ameiidrnents having heen then a g t ~ Lo,
d tho hill was
i q ~ o r t c dto the Senate and the amenchcnts werc concurred in.
O?*clrrcd,Ihilt the amendments be engrossed and the bill read B
th i rd ti me.
The said bill was react the third time as amcnded.
Iiesolved, That it pass wi Lh mlendments.
O ~ ~ c i ~Tbat
c d , the Secretary request tho concurrence of the Ilouse
of Rept*cswitstivw i n the xmendments.
r ,






[Feb. 12 1664.

A 111esh:xge from the Houso of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

7rcsrdeiit: Thc IIOUSC
of Representatives have agreed to the amendments of
the Senate to the bill (13. It. 113) to suspend the privilege of t h e writ of habeas corpus
in certain c a m .

A h - . Scmnies, from t hc Coinmittec on Finance, to whom was referred

the bill (11. 1C. 98) to l e ~ additional
taxes for the common defense
and support of the Governnicnt, rcportcd it with amendments.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned.
On the question t o agrce to the following reported amendment, vix:
Strike out five, section 1, line 11, and insert two and a half,
On motion by Mu. Dortch, to nincnd thc anicndrnent by striking out
two and a half and inserting two,
It mas determined in th e affirmative.
Tho amendnient as mended was then agreed to.
On thc question to agree to thc following reported amendment, viz:
Sti.jke out bten,section 1, line 15, and irisrrt fi\7e,
It mas determined in the aftirinntire.
On thc qucstion to agree to the following reported amendment, via:
Strike out, in section I, lines 16, Iti, 17, 18, 19, and 20, the words


That from this tax on thtx value of property e m p l o y d in agriculture, shall be deducted
t h e value of the t a x in kind, derived therefrom, as assessed under the law imposing
it, arid delivered to thr (ioverdment; but this deduction dial1 not rcducc the tax on
the value of the pioperty belov two per cent,

and insert in lieu thereof

That from this tax on the ralue of property shall be deducted the value of the tax in
kind derived therefrom as assemed under the law irnpoqing it and delivered t o t h e
Government, and also the tax on income derived from said property, and Tvhich may
be paid to the G o w m n e n t , and also the tax of one per cent imposed on moneys ancl
credits by the tax act, approved tmenty-fourth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-three,

It was determined in the affirmativc.

On thc quePtion to agree to thc following reported antendnient,, viz:
Strike out of thc second secstion the first mid second clauses, as
I. On the valiic of wheat, flour, corn, ricc, sugar, inolasse? or sirup, salt, bacon,
pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, n oolen,
cotton or mixed cloths, cotton yarns, hats, shoes, boots, wagons, Iiarness, coal, iron,
spirituous liquors, steel or nails, hrld or owned by any other than the producer,
raiser, grower, or manufacturer, and not being necessary and i n t e n t l d for famiIy use
or consumption, daring the year eighteen hundred and Pixty-four, twenty per cent:
Iroiicled, That this tax shall riot apply to property acquired ancl held in the due
courqe of a registered business, and for sale therein.
11. On the value of all cotton, except fifteen pounds of giuned cotton for cach
inernber of a family, tobacco arid naval stores, held or owned b y any other than the
producer or grower, twenty per rent: but when held and owned by the producer or
grower, ten per cent,

On inotioii by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the words proposed to he

stricken out by striking out (twenty per cent in the first clause and
inserting ten per cent,
It was determined in the affirmativc.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amcnd the words proposed to be
stricken out by inserting after grower, in the second clause, or
It was deterniined in the afirmative.



[Feb. 12,1864.

The Sen& proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence

thcrcwith, it was
That the Senate advise and consent io their appointment,
;tgrceably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
mere referred the nominations of Charles TV. Field, to be major-gencral; 0 . Latrobe, to be assistant adjutant general, with the rank o l
intijor; 13. A. Terrttt and 13. I). Turner, to be assistant adjutantsgeneral, with the rank of Captain; \\'illiam Terry, I. c!. Pate, Williani
\V. Ward, Abraham Fulkerson, J5r. ,J. Winn, ft. &I. Saffell, A. R.
Lanliford, G. F. Baucum, and W.P. White, to be colonels; Robert
Whitc, J . L. AlcAllister, C. &I. Andrew, R. A. Alston, John A.
Aiken, James 'r. T;l'eaver, M. It. 1 1 4 cJohn I?. Smith, I?. A. Ashford,
W. W. Wood, atid A. Watkins, to be lientenant-colonels; C. M.
Andrews, Richard McC:Lttn, W. 11. Ihlkerson, Alf. A. Singeltary,
James A. Long, IT. 13. Turner, W. Watliins, ,J. C. I-lntto, W.11. Wylly,
W.11'. 13ilIop11, It. 13. Snodgrass, .J. IY. McGce, and T. 12. Howard, to
1~ majors; W.W.1'ao.t atid I). A. Outlaw, to lw Captains; H. Temple,
to be first lieutenant;b'f. ?J. 7AlcI<:iig, ,J. TY. tJ:dwon, J . 12. Downing,
and George \Y.Alorris, to bc sccond lieutenants; 1. 31. St. John, to
be lieutenant-coloiel; 12ichard llorton and Isaac ltcad, to bc nlitjors;
F. I. Smith, H. 11. Temple, T. ,I. E'innir, M'illianl Gsbhett, ,John
Ellicott, and ,J:mics F. rJones, to be captains; K. C. Morton, J. H.
Matlhcws, H. F. llcardon, B. A. Sto\-:dl, J. M'. I'carce, R. L. Sprigg,
Edward Harrison, It. A. IIig,gabon, J . 'friplett Smith, and lJohn It.
Hale, tlo be first licatenants in the Niter:ind Mining Corps; GeoIge M.
IIelm and Abner S. Gaincs, to be c:tptains in the Engineer Corps;
George W. Chytoii, Itr. A. Oheiic.h:iiti, arid 1%.&I. Nelson, to be second
lieutenants in the l i e p l a y Army, Corps of Rrtillory; W. Q. I-Iullihen,
to be second 1iwtcn:int in thc 12egitlar Army, Corps of Cavalry;
Anderson Watliins, 11. 31. (;ainhlc, E. T. Frecnlnn, H. T. Rcauregard,
11. E'. Danoy, 11. S. Kinncy, and A. R. Roteler, jr., t o 1)e second licutenants in the licpilar Army, Gorp of Infantyv, r e p i
reconiniend:~tionthat, all of Said tiominations l)o cwifirrnc
T h e Senatc procwdctl to considcr said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it waq
d , 'rhxt the Senate :idvise and couhcnt to their appointment,
:qreeat)ly to the notnination of tlw President.
'L'hr follon ing nicsages wcrc rcwived from the I'rcsident of the Confedcrak States, Iiy Mr. Harrison, his Secr~Cary:
RI('IIMOXJ>, f i ~ b T U n T l /12, 1864.
75, tlrc Se7rctfe.
Agret-ably to the recommcndation of the Sc~c*r.ot:wv
of t h e S a v y , I hereby nominate
the pcrsoii n a n d upoii the aiincxed list to the olliccx dcsipiiated, to take rank from
the 26th of JIarch, 1861.


6 , 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to rccommend the follon iiig iioinination for appointment in
the Navy, and respectfull! (:ill your attention to the :tiinrxed report in the case:

William D. Harrison, of Tirginia, l o rank froiii tlir: 26th of March, 1861.

I am, respectfully, your obedieiit m-vaiit,
8. It. nlALI,OBY,
Sewelary of the Navy.




F P Leavenworth, of Arkansas, report to Chief of Ordnance for duty in TransMississippi Department, to rank from May 2, 1863.
I a m , sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellency JEFFERSON

President, etc.

Secretary of War.

The message was rend.

Ordered, That it bc icfcrred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Richmond, Fekruarg 11, 18G4.

To t h Smote
of the Confederaf~Stotps:
Agreeably to the rcconimcndation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively
Xo. 30.1
Richmond, ,J(trn.lrary26, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to rccomincnd the iollo.i~iiignominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confedcratp States of America:

Thoiiiaq W Oliver, of Alabama, to take rank from January I , 1864.

Thomas XcGuire, of Louisiana, to take rank from August 15, 1863.
J. S. M. Davitlson, of Florida, to take tank froin 1)eceinber 4, 1863.
F. A. Rector, of Arkansas, to takc rank froin January 8, 1864.
William J. I3ratlley, of Kmtucaky, to take rank from November 16, 1863.
IV. D. Thomaqon, of Alabama, to take rank from April 1, 1863.
Thomas Johns, of Texas, to take rank from May 2, 1863.

Assistant qunrternLusters-captazns.
William D. IleAin, of Mississippi, to take rank from September 1, 18G2.
13. M. Mcilhany, of Virgini:t, to takc rank from December 25, 1863.
H. K. Washbuin, of (ieoigia, to take rank from December 24, 1863.
Thoinas D. Spindle, of Tennessee, to take rank from Decenibcr 12, 1862.
Eustace Gibson, of Virginia, to take rank froin January 1, 1864.
J. Moore, of Mississippi, to take rank from Dcceniber 7, 18GY.
W.K. Pointlextcr, of Tcnnewcr, to take rank from Dcxeniber 11, 1863.
W. 1. Davis, of Mississippi, to tnlrcrank from October 17, 1862.
C. C. S\jope, of Alabania, to take ranlr from December 7.5, 1802
John W.Moore, of MisLissippi, to take rank from Scpteiiiber 11, 1862.
C. I,. Cliesnutt, of North Carolina, to take mnlr from Janriary 4, 1484.
S. It. Anderson, of TenncLwe, t o take i m k froin June 1, 1863
James IIendtmon, of South Carolina, to takr rank froin January 27, 1864.
W. A. Farisn, of Gtwrgia, to take rank from Dccenibey 3, 1863.
W.F. Rurge, of Georgia, to takc raiik from December 3, 1863.
W. Nicholas Peay, of Arkansas, to take rank from January 19, 1864.
W. Alston ITayne, of Sontli Carolina, to take rank from January 20, 1864.
G. 1\1. Miller, of I,c~iii5iana,to take rank from Septeniher 5 , 1862.
I am, sir, rcspectfnllp, your obedient swvaiit,
Secretaril of War.
To Iiis I?scellc~ncyJI
Ires? dcnl, rtc.

The niessagc, was read.

Ordcpeu, That it he referred to the Committee on Milititry Affairs.

Richmond, ~ ( h i ~ i r11,
i / 1864.

To the Senntp of t l u Confedprate Sktrs:

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretarj of War, I nominate Ihornas J.
Noble, of Virginia, to be quarterinarter, with t h e rank of major, i n the Provisional
Army of the Confederate States of America.


Feb. 13, 1864.1


SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Thoillas J. Noble,
ginin, to be quartermaster, with the rank of major, in the Irouisional Army
Confederate States of hnirrica, to date froin Noveiiiber 4, 1S6P.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To Ilis ICscellency JUWERSOS


President, etc.

The nicsst~gemas read.

OrtJwetJ, lh:it it he rcferrod to the Coinmitteo on Militnry Affairs.
Mr. S I J : I ~ ~ froin
O W , the Conmittco on Militnry ARairs, submitted
tllc following rcsolution for consider.<It1011:
~ : ~ , d t dThat
in tho opinion of thc Srnatc, when an army, post, or garrison is
~ n r r c n d c r c ~itl , is iiiexpeilient to confirinthe ofliccrs wlio w r parties
to tho surrender
without un inucetigntion by court-iuartial, or court of inquiry being first had.

flftcr d c h t c ,
0 1 1 nlotion 1)J Nr. illex-well,
Tho Senate resolved into open legislative session.

13, 1864.

Mr. Maswoll (by leave) introduccd

A bill (s. 2%) i l l rclation to t i d i n g with tho enemy;
~vliicliwis rc:td tlic first and .scc~oniltiriics : i d wfcrrcd to the Comniittce on tlic ,Jtdiciwy.
Mr. Johnson of Georgin (fty leare) introtluccd
A joint msolntion (S.31) o f th:Lnks to Coniinandcr ,John Taylor
Wood : ~ n dthe oftiwrs and imn undcr his co~n~nund
for daring and
bri1li:utt conduct;
which \vas wnd the first mid second tirncs and considcrcd as in Coinmittcc, o f the Whole; nrrd no atncndmcnt bciiig pi*oposed, it was
rcportetl to tl1c ScniLtc.
0 1 d w e d , That it bo engrossed and read :L lhird time.
Ihc said resolution was read the third tinic.
Rtaolwi?, That it, p : ~ and
, tliat tho titlc thcrcof be as nforcsaid.
Ordt w d , Tliat the Sccrctary request thc, concurroncc of tho House
of lloprcsentatives thercin.
Mr. Dortch (by 1c:i.r~~)
A joint rcisolution (S. 3 )of thidis to the Fifteenth, Twenty-sevonth,
and Thirtieth regiments of North C:wolin:i troops for thcir patriotic
devotion i n reenlisting for the ~ a r ;
which was read the first rind second tinics and considcred ns in Committcc of the Whole; and no amentlmcnt 11ei1igproposed, i t W ~ S
reported to the Senrktc.
Otdmed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
Tho said resolution was re:Ld the third time.
Rffidved, That it p s s , arid that tho title thoreof be as aforesaid.
Or&el.&, That the Secretary request the concurrcncc of the XIOUSS
of ltepresentcztivcs therein.
The Yresidcnl pro ternpore laid before the Senatc tho memorial of
Dahney 13. Maury, praying that the pension of his mother, Mrs. Eliza




Maury, nias bc continued; which vas referred to the Committee on

Yaval Aflairs.
hxr. Srriimcs, froni the Committee on Finance, to whom were referred
the amendment$ of the House of Representatives to t h e amendments
of the Senate to the bill (IT. It. 90) to maltc additional appropriations
for the support of thc Gorernnient of the Confederate btates of
America for thc fiscal pear ending *June 30, 1864, reported them with
amen dni e ii t s.
Tho Senate proceeded to consider t h e amendments of the House of
Representatives to their airiendtncnts to the hill (13. R. 90) last nicm
tioned; and the simcridments reported from the Coxnrnittee on Finance
having been agrccd to,
R e d v e d , That the Srnato ~ g r r cto the amendments of the House
of 12cprrsentativc.s to their aniendmt~ntsto said bill, with amendments.
Odcred, That the Secretary req w s t thc concurrence of the House
of Rcpresentati\ i n the :imcndnicnts.
Alr. S p r r o n - , froin tlic Coinniittcc on 31ilit:wy Affairs. to whom
was tliv bill (TI. It. 114) to I)imvido for increasing the price of
the ration.: f o r sick : ~ i i dwounilccl wldicrs in hospitds, reported it with
a n :rnlclldlncnt.
The Kcnatc procc~~lctl,
a s in Colnniittcc! of the Whole, to the consideration of the I)ill last nientionccl; :rnd thc reported nmendnicnt having
been agrecd to, the bill i v a b reported to the Sen& and the amendment
was concurred in.
O ~ d c r ~ iThat
? , the aniendnient be engrossed and the bill read a third
lhc said bill :is amended waq read the third time.
Btso!(>cd,T h a t it paw with an ammdment.
On motion I)y Mr. Sparrow,
The title was aniendcd lo read: An act to increabe the commutation value of hospital rations.
O m h d , That the Secretary rcquest the corwurrence of the House
of Eepi*csent :I t ives [ t h c rc i 1I 1.
On motion by 1111.. S )arro\$
O r d w d , That thc &oinrnittc.c o n Military Affairs be discharged
from the fnrtlwr cniisidcration of thc following xubjects:
Mcmorial of It. IV. Gibbes, XI. D., pi*csidcnt of tho Press Association o f the Confrdcratc Stztm of hinerica, praying a change in tae
present cscniption 1:iw so far :is relatcs to them.
A r ~ s o l u t i o i inquiriiig
into tho expediency of organizing and
strengthening the Trans-Mississippi Department by the appointment
of an assistant Secretary of Wnr, with proper quartcrma.;ter, comniiwtry, and oi*dn:unc~2nd other lmrcaus, as a, means of giving
efficiency to tho defense of the States and Territories west of the
Mississippi River.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
were referred the following bills:
S. 145. A hill to provide rntions for tho officers of the Army during
the war; and
S. 148. A bill relating to exchanged or paroled Confederate prisoners, who may have been, or may hereafter be, captured by the enemy
west of the Mississippi 12iver;
reported them severally, with the recorninendation that they ought
not t o pass.

P+lL 1.1, 1861 I

Bfr. Hill, froin thc Committee on the

rtlflerred the hill (W. It. 119) t
pesentatives in the Congress
from the State of Arkansas, reported it without aincndine
the Scn:ttc procctdcd, as in Coirimittcc, of the Whole,
sideration of the bill last uicntioned; and no nnlcndnlent
p s ~ t l it
, \\as rcportcd to the 8en:ite.
O h ~ d That
it p z h s to a third reading
rhe said bill wns read the third time.

Z?r,wlwcJ, Tlrat, it, pass.

( ) t ~ & i ~ r t i Ihnt
the Secretary inforiii the F l o ~ eof Rcpresonhtilres
on notion by M u . Ilill,
0 p d e w t 7 , Ih:Lt thc, Coniniittce on the Judiciary be dischayed from
the furthcr coirsidcrtitioti of t h nicriiorinl of Margaret, I. $tockwell,
pr:tyj tig tho p ~ ~ ofg a c1:iw relieving tho propert37 of her husband,
cJaniesA. Stoclr\r7ell.\\rho has d
tcd from the Aimiy of the Confedcr:rto States, froin th(. opcratio
the confiscation laws.
;\I r. I3alier, fi-0111 the Coin~iiittceoji Clninib, to whoin t m s referred
the joint rcsolutiou (I. K. 29) for thc relief of Maj. Ilciiq~It. Hooper,
rep0 rtcd i t \v i Lhon t ~ n i c n d i tuint .
MP.Ilurnctt, from the Coniirii ttce on C1:1inis, to whoni were raferred
the followiug hill :~iidjoint rcsolution:
13. It. 111. A bill for the relief of Livingston Miins; and
I-I. B. 20. Joitit resolution for the relief of Maj. W. I?. Haines;
reportcd thcni scrcrdly, without aiim~dnient.
O n iiiotiorr 1)y MY.Scinnics,
tic Scni~tc~
resoIvcd into sccrct Itgislntivc session.
rIhc tloors Iiaving bccn opcncd.
I h e ollowing nicss:~geW:LS received from thc IIoiisc of Representar 7

ltepreseiitatircs have passed a bill and joint resoluwhich they request tlic concurrence of the Senate:
11 arid organize two hureaus in connection with the
imissippi Dcpartmeiit, one of which is to be
1 tho other as thc bureau of the comptroller

11. It. 42. Joint rosolntion of tlianks to the Thirty-nint h Mississippi Regiment;
13. H. -1.5. Joint rcsolution of thanlcq to the Ninth Alabama Regiment;
11. It. 46. Joint resolution of thanks t o the Fifteenth and Twenty-seventh regiinc~iitsof Korth Carolina troops, Cookrs brigitcte; and
1%.It. 47. Joint revolution of thiiiiks to the enlisted men of Douglas (Texas)
e Iieprcscntativcs having signed stmdry enrollcd bills
The Speaker of tlic l h ~ s of
and enrollcd joint resolutions, 1 am directed to bring them to the 8cnate for the
signature of their lresiden t.

Mr. Dortch, from tho corninittee, reported that they hive exanlined
and found truly enidled bills and joint resolutions of the following
titles :
11. M. 95. An act for the mlief of taxpayers in certain cases;
H. 1%.
102. i i n act t o amend an a d entitled An act to organize
military courts to attend the Army of the Confederate States i n the
field, and to dofine the powers of said C O U ~ ~ S ;
H. M. 108. An act to cstahlish certain post routcs thereiv named;
13. R. 30. Joint resolution of thrinks to the officers and men of
McOlutigs battery.



[Peb. 13,1861.

H. 1%.
31. Joint resolution of thanks t o t h e Tenth Mississippi Regiment; and
1-1. It. 83. Joint resolution to declare the nicaning of an act allowing,hospital accomiiioclations t o sick and wounded officers.
l h e President pro tein3ore having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint rcsolutioiis ast reported t o have been examined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of tho Senate and by him forthwith
presentrd to thc Presidciit of the Confedcrate States for his approval.
The Senate resumed, :ib in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (1. Et. 107) to increase the efficiency of the Army by
the ernplo~mcnto l free n cy p cs and slavcs in certain capacities; and
On iiiotion by Air. ,lohiison of Arkansas,
OrcZmd, That it bc transfcrrcd to the Secret Legislative Calendar.
A message froiri the Presitierit of thc Confederate States, by Mr.
R. N. Harrison, his Sccretnry:

,VT. I t ~ s i d ~ d :Thc Pic~sitlcwtof t h e Confederate States, on the 10th instant,

approved and signcd an act (S 159) to authorize the appointment of an agent of the
ary, to carry on the postal
Iost-Oflic~c I)epxtiriciit, tuitl wc*h
ned the following acts and



lititled hact to establish a roliiriteer navy,

8. 208. ,111art to pro\ i d c roinpenwtion for officers 11ho may heretofore hare perfoiiiirvi btaff dutv under orticia ot their supcwx ofticers;
S.215. Ail R( t to atireiicl an x(
im the appointment of an agent of the
Treasury Ikpartnicnt c i t ot the.
, approved January 27, 1864; and

Zedekiah McDaniel, of ICentucky, and

tnry inform the House of Representatives

Mr. Wigfa11 (by lenvc) introduced
A bill (S. 229) to amend t ~ i act
i entitled An act to establish the judicial
courts of t h c Confcdcratc Statesol America, a proved March 16, 1861;
which was retut tho first : ~ u dsecond times anc considered as in Committee of the Mholc; arid
The hour of half pt 3 o c . 1 0 ~ 8 1 , lmviiig :writred,
The Senatc took :i 1rceq4 tuitil i oc.locli 1). 111.


I O(L0CK 1. 31.

The following ni nge w:iq 1-rccivcd f r o r n the President of the Confedente State<, hy Air. I<. N. lI:wYison, his Secrctiiry:
Itri i r v ~ ~ i \A
) , , I;i.bnctwi/ 12, 186.$.
Yo tltr ASmitte of Ihc Confeetlrrcttt~,Vntcu
tl nltinio, I herewith transmit for your informaIriwspoirwto F o w ieqoliitioii of
~ T of
V the lreamry rehtive to the assessiiient
tioii a (.omiirniii(.~~tion
frotir thc, S
and collection of tauci n d e r the. irt api)ro\ed May 1, 18G3.

The message F L B ~rtnd.

O d p w d , 1h:it it I)c referred to tlic (oniniittec on Firinrice.
T h e following meswgc w:is iweivetl f i v n i the Iiwident of thc Confederate Stxates, by Mr. It. Iu. 11:irrison, liis Sccwtary:
Rrcmiohn, V A . , liebruary 12, 1864.

To thr ,Crncrlr nnrl TTmrsr of Crpwwntnliiw.

I licrewith tranctnit for your infor:natioii a c.oniiiinriictltioii froin the Secretary of
War, covering copies of several additional reports ot (kiicral Bcanrepard, coilnectetl with the defense of Charleston.

Feb. 13, lS64.1




H. R. 47. Joint resolution of thanks to the enlisted men of Douglas

(Texas) battery ;
and no amendment being proposed, they were severally reported to
the Senate.
(+&red, That they pass to a third readin
The said resolutions were severally read t e third time.
Resolved, That they pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Hill, from t h e Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 220) to expedit,e the payment of the claims of
deceased soldiers, reported it with the recomnieridation that it ought


to enate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of
Representatives to their amendnient to the bill (I-.R. 112) to authorize the fresidcnt to establish additional military courts; and
Resolved, That they concur therein.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the EIOUSC
of Itepresentatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the :iinendmrnt of the House of
Representativcs to the bill (S. 210) to aid any State in communicating
with and perfecting records concerning its troops; and
Iie$olved, That they concur therein.
Orvimvd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the Houst; of
Representatives to the bill (S. 174) l o authorize the issue of certain
bonds f o r payment to the Alabama and Florida Railroad Company, of
the State of Florida; arid
ResoZwd, That they concur therein.
Or.dcred, That the Secretittry inform the lIouse of Representatives
Mr. Semmes,.f rom the Conimittee on Finance, to whom was referred,
at the last session, the hill (S. 93) to provide tobacco for the Army,
reported it, without amendment.
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the hill last mentioned;
R e d v e d , That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordmvl, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Iteprehcntatiws therein.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 150) to limit and detine the term of office of t h e
Secretary or principal offic~rof each of the Executive Departments,
estalolishcd hy the several acts entitled An atat to orgtanizo the Department of State, An act to esta1)lish the Imtsury Department, An
act to establish the War Department, An act to establish the Navy
Department, An act to estddish t h e Post-Oflice Department, An
act to organize and estahlish an cxecutive department, to be known
as the Ilrpartnicnt of .Justice, all of which acts were approved February 21, 1861; and
On rriotion hy Mr. Johnson of Arlransas,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to and
made the special order for Monday next at half past 11 oclock.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whcle, the considera-

Frb. 13, 1864.1

tion of the bill (S. 187)deciarin

Confederate States, and who
bcyond the control and jurisd
subjecting tlieir psoperty to confiscation; and
On motion by Mr. Clark,
O?dmd, That the further consideixtion thereof be p
Monday ncst.
A incssage from tho House
Jh. Pwsjdmt: The House of Rep
Senate of the following titles:
S 31. Joint resolution of thanks to Commander John Taylor Wood and the officers
id Inen uridcr his ronmnntl for dxring and brilliant wnduct,; and
S. 32. Joint resolution of tharllrs to the Piftcentti, Twenty-seventh, and Thirtieth
regiments of Xorth Carolina troops for their patriotic dcvotion in ret~ilistingfor
the War.
. h d they hare passed joint resolutions of t h o follo~irigtitles; in wliicli they
request the eonrnrrence of the Senate:
11. R. 48. Joint resolution of hanks to the soldiers froiii the State of Alabama who
hare rc~enliuteclfor the war;
1%.K. 49. Joint rwolution of thanks to thc officers and inen of the Seventh and
elftli rcgiments of Virginia troops; and
I f . It. 50. Jointj rcsolntion of thanks to thc Gfficers and i n w of Loniaxrr brigafie.
The Sjwalwr of tlic Irouse of Iteprescntativcs liaviiig signed sundry cwrolled bills
and enrolled joint resolutions, I am directed to bring tlieiu to the Senatc for the
Rignatuit, of their President.

ihc Scnatc procecded to considcr the motion sitbniitted by MY.

Scriirnes on the 4th instant,, to reconsidcr the votc?on gassing tho bill
(S.1%)creating tho o%ce of ensign in the Army of t c Confedorate
Statcs; and
On niotion by Mr. Johnson of Arltaiisas, the Snnate rosolvod into
sccrct Iegislativc session for thc furthCr consiclcrntion tliorcof.
lhc doors having hccii opened,
The Senate resumcd thc considcration of the said niotion; and
On the questioii to agree thereto,
It was determined i n thr negative.
The Senate procccded, as in Connnittce of the Whole, to thc consi(1cr:Ltion of tlic bill (S. 193) to abolish the oflicc of third lieutenant of
infantry in thc A m y of tho Confcdcratc States; and
On motion 1 ) l~l r . Hayncs,
Orc$c~ed,That the further consideration thereof be postponed
On motion by hlr. Seinnios,
Ihc, Senatc, resolved into secrtt Irgidativo scssion.
Ihc doom huving bccn opcncd,
The Yellate procc~dcd,as i n Committee of tho Whole, to the con
sitlcriition of thc till (H. It. 106) to :tllow cornrnissioned officers of
thc Army rations snd tilo privihgc of 1 ~ 1 r ~ h a s iclothing
$row the
C~u:ti.tcrrnastcrs Thpartment.
The wportcd nmcndnicnts having been agrccd to,
On iilotion by h 1 ~ .err, further to amend tho bill by inserting tho
following independent section :
-. That this act shall expire on the first day of January, in the year eighteen
hondred and sixty-five,

It was determined in the negative.

further ,zmpn&nent being prop0 , the bill was soported to tha
Senate a n d tho aniendtnents \v(:r~c:oncurred in,



Ojderad, That the airieridmcnts he engrossed and the bill read a

hhircl tinic.
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
17, That it pass with amendnicnts.
Oqdei,( (2, That the Secretary recinest the concurrence of the House
of licprcscntatives in thc aniendments.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to thc consideration of the bill (13. B. 111) for the relief of Livingston hfims;
and n o nniondinent being proposcd, it was reported to the Senate.
09de7*ed, Th:it it pass to a third rending.
Thc said bill was rcad the third time.
BesoLmd, That it pass.
0~(2mzi',That the Sccrrtary infoixi thc Wouse of Reprcsentatives
The Scnste proceeded to consider their niiicndincnt, disagreed to by
thq IIouse of ltcprescntativcs, to tlic bill (11. It. 82) to grant special
copyright to W.J. I'Earclce wid S. I. (foctzel for Hardec's ltifle and
Infantry Tactics; and
On inotion by Mr. Phclan,
l&woLr*cd,That the Senate rcccde fi*oiii thci r arriendnicnt to the
wid hill., 'I'hat the Sccrctaq inform thc I h s e of Elepresentatives
Thc Senate rcsuimcd, as in Coininittee of the q7hole, the consideration o f the bill (S. 192) to regulate thc allowance of traveling
expenses of officers of tlic Navy nnd otlicrs traveling under orders.
On the question to agrcv l o Ihc following amendment proposed to
the bill by Mr. Sirnms, viz: Strike out all alter the enacting clause
and insert:
That officers of the Kavy and otlieis tia\cling undcr ortlers of thp Navy Departshall be allowed tlic p2i1iic pa) as that allowed officers :mi othcr persons traveling under orders of llie War l k p m h i e n t ,

I t was determined i n thp affirmative.

No further amcndment being proposed, tlic bill was reported to the
Senale arid tlic anicndinent was concured in.
Otdewd, That the bill be engi-ossed and rcad a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Reuolwd, That it pass. and that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary rcquwt the concurrcrice of the House
of Roprcscntativcs therein.
Thc Senate qroccrded, as i n Coruniittco of tlic Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution (1-1. K. 29) for the relief of Maj. Henry
It. Iloopcr; and no micndmcnt heing proposed, it was reported t o the
Ordwed, That it pass to a third rcading.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The followino. joint rcsoliitions were serei,ally read the first and
second times an$ considered as in Committee of the Whole:
H. B. 48. Joint resolution of thanks to the soldiers from the State
of AIabama who have reenlisted for the war;



Those who voted in tlic 1iey:ttivc are,

rs. Baltcr, Clark, I Iill, .Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, AIitchel, and Wigfali.
T h t said ainciidiiicnt being again under consideration,
On t hc qucbtion t o agrce thereto,
After debatc,
Mi-. Capcrton dcniandcd the question; which was seconded, and
Tho question bcing thcn put on agreeing to the amendment proposed
by Mr. Hill, ii:, micnded,
It was deleriiiined in thc ncgative.
On the qaestion to ngrcc to the following reported amendment, viz:
Strike out tivc per ccnt, section 2, line 22, and insert two and a
half pcr cent,
On iiiotioii by Mr. Seriirnes, to amend the amendment by striking
out two and a half * and inserting (t\vo,
It was detcrininrd in the affirniativr.
T h amcndnicnt :IS anicndcd \V:LY then agrccd to.
On the qucstion to ngrcc to thc following wported amendment, uiz:
Strike out f i \ c per (scrit, section :i,
line 3 , and insert .two and a
lidf per wnt,
On motion 115 Vr. Sciiiines, to amend thc anicncl~xicnt by striking
out (two and a half ant1 inserting two,
It was dctcrniincd ill the afirniative.
The amcndnient ah atnonded wts then agreed to.
On tho qucstion to agrce to the iollowing reported amendment, viz:
Strike out five per cent, section 3, line 7, and insert two and a
half per cent,
On motioii by Mr. Seninies, to amend the amendment by striking
out (two and a half . and inscrting ~ w o ,
It was dctcrniincd in the affirmative.
The arricndnietit :LS amcndcd was thcn agrccd to.
On motion hy Mr. Phelan, to aniond the hill by strilcing o u t the
words t o be assessed and collected in kind, scction 3, line 4,
I t was dcterniincd in tfic afirniativc.
On the qiiebtion to agrcc to the following rcported aniendment, viz:
Strike out fivc pcr cent," scctiori 3 , line 12, anti insert two and R
half per cent,
On motion by M r . Sciiimcs, to amond the m en d me n t by striking
out (two and :I half atid inserting two,
It was detcrrriiricd in the afiraintivc.
Tlic :~nicndnicnt:is ttrnended I+ as tlicn agrecd to.
On thc question t o :tgrce to the following reported aincndincnt, viz:
At tlic end of thc third section insort tlic words
to be tleductc4 from the face of said Trc~asurynotes when presented for payment,
or in payincnt of public dues, or for funding; and said tax shall attach to said Treasury notes wherever circulated,

Mr. Scinrnes (on bclialf of the Committee on Finance, by leave)

withdrew thc amendment.
On motion 1))- M r . Semmes, to amend the bill by striking out of the
third section the words
the amount of a11 bolvent creclibs and of all bank bills and all other paper used aa
currcncy, exclusive of Confederate Treasury notes, five per cent; and on all Treasury

Feh. 1s. 1,%4 1


t1ot+ d ) o \ e the tlenoniinalion of fivc dollars, except interest-beari

t\writy-tirc pcr cent,

%lid inserting:

It w s dcteriiiincd in the ~iffirnmtive.

On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the bill by inserting, at the end
of thc third section, t>licfollowing clnnsc:
In th? amount of each purchase of real esktt, slnvca, cotton, tobacco,

I)rancIy, wine, gold, foreign euchange, and forcign currenry, urrhnsed

eighteen IitiiicIred and sixty-two, tfiere E1iall bc Lvied and
a tax of firc per cwit in adtlition to all other taxw levied
perty, and upon the income :ml profits thereof: &o~;dcd,
levied upon rcal estutd purchased for a home or residence
aird nsrd and occwpied by the purchaser a;q sach,

On motion by Nr. Orr, to amend the proposed nmendnient by adding thewto tliv following proviso:
w , 1Iiat there shall b exempt from the k x all pnrchwes under

I t w:w detmrninrd in the affirniative.

niotioii by Mr. llrown, to :uiiertd the, proposod aroeidment by
:idding thernt,o tho following fidditioniil proviso:
011, That tlie tax din11 not 110 c-ollwtcd on real (>statepurchased
i n good Iaitlr as a pcrnianeiit investtncnt, and v ith no view t o spwnltttion; tlie fact
to hr iIscertrLiiictl hy tlir affidavit, of the party malting purchase,

It W ~ L Sdcttirinincd in thc tlffirmativc.

On tlio question t o agree to the nriiendnicnt proposed by Mr. IIill,

8s iLinCiidd,

T t was dctormincd in the ncgativc.

On the question to iigrce to the following rcportcd mcndnic,nt, viz:
Strike out fivc per ccnt, section 5 , line 4,and inscrt two and n
half per ccnt,
On niotion by Mr. Kemmcs, to nmcnd the amendirient by striking
out tt\ o R n c i t i h a l f :tnd inserting. two,
It was ctntermined in thc dfirmativc.
The aninndinent as arncndcd W:LS tlirn agreed to.
On the question to agree to the following reported amendmcnt, viz:
Sti*ilmout of tlie sevcnth section thc words
That in valcukiting the tau of fivc per ccwt 011 the valiic, of property employed in
:igric.rtltuic, thr rctliictiori of t h r w Iwr cent tlit~reofshall he suiiponded till the value
of the tax in kind for eighteen hundred and sixty-four shall bc assessed and mcerlainetl,

m d inhcrt
Ihat the eollertion of thc tax of two and a half per cent on the value of property
ctrrplovetl in agricvlture shall be siixpentlctl until the value of the tax in kind for the
year 6ightct.n ~iun(ireciand sixty-four RIIRII be assessed anti ascertained,

On iiiotion 1)y Pulr. Semrues, to amend the smendrnent 1)y striking

out two and it half ) a n d insertitty two,
It mas determined in thc affirmative.





Thc :tmc\ndinent ttb > u n e n d dwas then agreed to.

thc question t o agree to the following reported amendment, vie:
Insert tlic folloiving independent sections:


Sw. -. That tlicre shall be levied and collected on bagging and rope held on
the first of January, ciglitccri hundred and sixty-four, a tax of one dollar per yard
on bagging and one dollar per pound oc rope: Provided, That this tax shall not
apply to bagging and rope held by the planter for his own use, and not for sale.
SEC.-. That there shall be leried and collected on all leather tanned, for sale
or 011 shares, held on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, a
tax of twenty-five per cent, to be paid in kind,

It was determined in the negative.

Tile residue of the amendments reported from the Committee on
Finance were then agreed to.
On motion by hlr. Sparrow, to amend the bill hy inserting at, the
end of the first section the words
Except in ease where land, slmes, cotton, or tobacco hare been purchased since the
first day of January, ciglrteen hundred and sixty-two, in which case the said land,
slaves, cotton, and tobacco so sold shall be assessed at the price paid for the same
by the owner,

Tt wtts determined in the a6rmative.

On iiiotiori by 1111. Phelan, to ainend the bill by striking out of the
first section the third clause, as follows:
111 The valuc of propcrty taxed under this section shall bc assessed 011 the basis
of the iiiarket value of the same, or similar property in the neighborhood where
assessed in t h e year eighteen hundred and sixty, except in case where land, slaves,
cotton, or tobacco h a v ~heen purchased since the fint day of January, eighteen hun-

dred and sixty-two, iii which case the said land, slaves, cotton, and tobacco so sold
shall be assessed a t the price paid for the same by the owner,

It was determined in the negative,


__ __





_ _ . _ _

On motion by Mr. Ihclan,

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the afliriuative are,
ilfcssrs. Clay, .Johnson of Arkansaj, .Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel,
and Phelan.
Chose who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. ISakcr, Ikown, Caperton, Dortcli, IIaynes, IIcnry, Hill,
Hunter, .J ernison, Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Oldham, Orr, Bcade,
and Sparrow.
On motion by hlr. On., t o ninend the bill by striking o u t for twelve
months preceding the passage of this act, section 6, lines 22 and 23,
It was determined in the aflirmative.
On niotion b j 7 Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, to reconsider the vote on
agreeing to thc following reported amendment, riz: Insert the following independent scction :
SEC.-. That the taxes for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four shall be paid
in exchequer notes onl) : J T o ? ~That
~ , the taxes due under the tax art of twentyfourth April, eighteen hillidred and sixty-three, prior to the passage of this act, may
be paid in Treasury notes,

Xt was determined in the ncgative, 1( Nays
_ . _ . _ _16
_.On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Feb. 13.1864.1





The message was read.

&-&reti, That it he referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
L4message froni the IIouse of Represenbtives, by Mr. Dalton:
~ f iPresirZmt:
The House of Representatives disagree to the amendmenb of the
senate to t h e bill (H. R. 100) to continue in t h e service, for the war, all the troops
now in the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States.

The Senate resumed, as in Cornmittee of the Whole, the consideration of the Fill (H. R. 107) to increase the efficiency of the Army by
the employment of free negroea and slaws in certain capacities.
On motion by Mr. Ililitchel, to amend the hill by inserting after
(War, section 1,line 12, o r the cornmanding general of the TransNississippi Department,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Mitchel, to amend the bill by inserting after
War, section 1, line 18, o r the commanding general of the Transhlississippi Department,
It was deteririincd in thc iifkirnytive.
On motion by Rlr. qlciiiison, to :uncnci the hill by striking out the
wordy such wagcs a;5 may t)c agmd upon with said owners for their
use and service, srction 2, lines 8, 9, and 10, and inserting eleven
dollars per niontli e:tcli,
It was deterniinccl i n thc negative.
On motion by Mi*.Huntcu, t o amend thc bill by striking out the
third section thereof,
It was determined in t h e ncg.A tiv-e.
On motion by Nr. Mitchel, t o tliiiend the bill by inserting at, t h e end
of the third section the words
Care being taken to allow in each caw a credit for all slaves ~ h have
o been already
impressed and who are still in service, or ha\-e died or been lost while i n service,

Mr. Maxvcll deinarided the question; which was seconded, and

The question being then put on agreeing to the amendment proposed
by Mr. Mitchel,
It WAR detcrmiricd in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Ilill, to reconsider the vote on agreeing to the
amendment proposed by Mlr. Mitchel,
Mr. Rlaxwell demanded the question; which was seconded, and
The questtion k i n g then put on agreeing to the motion to reconsider,
It was determinod in thc 5~6rniati.i-e.
The ainendmcnt propoxd by Mr. Mitchel being again under consideration,
On motion by A h . Yhelan, to amend the same by inserting after
slaves who the word may, and by inserting after impressed
the words under this act,
Mr. Maxwell denlanded the question; which was seconded, and
The question being t h e n put on agreeing to the amendment proposed
by Mr. Yliclan to the amendment proposed by Mr. Mitchel,
It was determined i n the affirintttivc.
On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Mitchel,
as amended.
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by hfr. eJemison.t o nincnd the bill by inserting a t the end
of the third section:
And all impremn&ita uritler this act shall be taken in equal ratio from all owners
in the same locality, city, county, or district,

Frh. 18. 1864.1

nniiicd in tho affrrmative.

atmcnd nieiit 1 i t I
S(h1l:ktc and the nnicndiiicnts w
(,t.&rcd, Thttt tho tLiiiciicluie
t iiiic.
The said bill ns nmeitded was read t,he third time.
Z2~mliwi,Thttt it pass mith amendments.
O I & ~That the Secretary request tho cor~curiwmof the
of 1icprcacnttLtiw s i n the ninendiiieiits,
The Senate proreeded to coiisidrr their :wneridnicnts, dimgreed
by t,hc IIouse of Representatives, to tho bill (11. It. 100) to coutin
iti the service, for the war, nll the ti-oops now in tho Provisional Arniy
of tlie Confcclcr:itc States; and
n by Mr. Sp~trrow,
That tlic Senate insist on tlicir smcnclnients, tlisitgrocd to
c of Nel.est.itt,ntirt.s, to the mid bill, arid ask H coiifcrence
on thc disagreeing votes of thc two I-lonsw t,liewon.
On motion by Mr. Spari-ow,
O ~ d ~ - w Th:tt
t l , tlie coniniittee of confcrenco oil (hpart of the Seiiate
Ire ;q>pintcd by the Presiclcnt pro tcwpurc; and
Mr. $p:ii-row, hlr. \Vigfall, :itid MI.. Johnson of (korgiti were
O d m d , l11:~t the Sccrot:wy inioini tho I h s c t of Boi.~~t~~ti.c.c
On niotion 1)sMr. lleiiry,
lhc Sonate resolved into executive session.
The ScnrLte 1i:lviiig bccii again rc~holvc~l
into secret legislative session,
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Athiisas;, that, tha bill (S. 195)
cwmting the of3c.c of ensim i n tlic Army of tho Confederate States be
tlnnsterrcci to tlw Secret Lgislat ivc ~ i l l c n d i w ,
I t WNS tlctc.rntinrd in tlie negative.
On ittotion 1j.y Mr. Phelnn,
Ihc Sciiato resolved into open legislative session.
1he Qoii:tt(?h:iviiig h e n tkgitiri resolved into wcret legislative session,
A iiiesaiigc f i-oni the House of lteprescnhtives, by MI*. IAtiniar,tlraii(:lerli :

1 7

of Hoprrscwtrtt,iW H clinagrcw to tlw mnendmc~ntsof tlw

) !o I ( T ~ ndditioiml t a w s f o ~
the coininon ttrfennsc! and

The Scniitc pi.ot:eedecl to consider tliei r :~mendments,disagreed to

1q t l i c Ilousc of Krprcsentwtives, t o the I i l I (11. lt. !M)to levy ctdditionnl taxes for Llie common defense I L support
ol the (iovcmniciit;

On motion by Mr. Semmes,

f i r x o l v d , I1i:Lt thc Senate insist on their amenctmcnts, disagrecd to

1)y thc Ilousc of l~eprcstiritati\.es,to the mid bill, m d d i u c~ot?el~e i i ( ~0?1 1 tho disrqyeeing votcs of the two I I o u s ~thereon.
On iiiotiori k>yMr. Stmines,
O/+&)ell, Thtit Mr. Hunter be cliairini/n of the cwiimittce of confercnce 011 the p j * t of the Senate, and that the other iiiernbers be

appoirited hy the Ircsidcnt pro tcnipore; arid

Mr. Semines :md Mr. 01.1w?re rqpointed.
Order&, That the Secrettry inform the llouse ol lieprcsentatives



[Feb. 13, 1864

A messagc from the House o f Representatives, by Mr. Lamar, their

Mr. Presideilk Thc House of Representatives insist on their disagreement to the
ainenclrnents of the Senate, t o t h e bill (13. R. 100) to continue in the service, for the
war, all t h e troops now in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, insisted
on by the Senate, agree to t h e conference asked by the Senate on the disagreeing
votes of t h e two Houses thereon, and have appointed Mr. Chilton, Mr. Holeombe,
and Mr. Swan managers a t said conference on their part.
The House of Representatives insist on their digagreement to the amendments of
the Senate to the bill ( I T . R. 98) to levy additional taxes for the coinmon defense
and support of the Government, insiilted on by the Senate, agree to the conference
asked by t h e Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two IIonses thereon, and have
appointed b1r. Baldwin, Mr. Lyon, Mr. Conrad, Mr. Boyce, and Mr. Lewis managers
at said conference on their part.

On motion by Mr. Brown,

The Senate resolved i n to executive session.

T h e following messagcs werc received f roni the President of the

Confederate States, Iry M r . H:tn.isoir, his Secretary:
T)sr~wiraw,Ilichnzo~itl,l+6rtu1r?/ -, 1864.
To the

Senate qf llte Confeilrric(e Stutes:

Au.reeablv to tlie iec.oiiiiiieiiiiatioii oi the Secretary of War. I nominatt. 13. B. Smith.
of Kentucgy, to be assistant adjutant-general, xiti1 the r k k of captain, i n the Pro:
visional Army of the Confederate States of America.

hWimoncl, &'bruury 12, 1864.

SIR.I have the honor to recommend the nomination of E. R. Smith, of Kentucky,

to be assistarit adjutant-general, with the rank of captain, i n the Provisional Army
of the Confederate States of America, to date from October 31, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
,S'eecl.etur?y o j Wcir.
To His 1Sxcellency JEFFERSON
President, rlc.

The message mas read.

Ordered, That it bc referred to the Comniittw on Military Affairs.
~ I C I T M O N I > ,\'A,, 1"rhIlCCrlJ12, 1864.
To the Semite of the Confederate Stutes:
Agreeably to the reconmiendation of the Postmaster-General, 1 hereby noininate
the persons named upon the annexed list to the offices designated.

Iliciimoml, I"Pfmmi.y18, 1764.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following p~rsonsf o r appointnient as
postmasters, by and with the advice a n d consent of the Senate:
Sidney 14;. McMillan, of Marion Court-House, S. C.
E. R. Ives, of Lake City, Fla.
Patrick A. Chalkley, of Proctor's Creek, Va.
Very respectfully, your obetlient m v a n t ,
T'osttuustet - Getierul.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Poet-Offices and


Fcb. IS, I S M ]




[Beb. 15, 1864.


Pol. Allen Thoiiias, of Louisiana, l o take rank from February 4,1864.

dzcls-de-cnmnp-$r,~t lieutenants.
J. J. Wharton, of Virginia, to take rank from Rovember 1, 1863.
Theodore S. Garnett, of Virginia, to take rank from January 27, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellency JEAFSRSON

PresidPnt, etc.

Sewetcwy of War.

The message was read.

O-m?ercd, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Brown, from the Coinmittee on B a l d Affairs, to whom was
referred the nomination of William D. Harrison, to be surgeon in the
Navj, reported, with the recommendation that said nomination be
con rmed.
The Senate proceeded to considel. 4:ticl report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resolved, ThRt the Senate advise aiici coiiserit to his appointitleiit,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
On motion by Mr. Clark,
The Senate resolircd into open legislative sesiion.

Olldh SESSIOh.

Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas (by leave) introduced

A joint resolution (S.33) of thanks to Licut. Gen. E. Kirby Smith,
for the battle of Richmond, Ky., and to his lieutenants bo specially
coinmended by him, and to all the officers and soldiers of his coinniand
in that hnttle;
which mas rend the first arid second tiines and considered as i n Coniniittee of tlie Whole; and no arnenclment hcing proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
O d w e d , That it he engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution w:ts read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O 7 d e 7 4 That the Secretary request the eonciirrence of t3heHonse
of Representatives therein.
On motion I)y Mr. Baker,
OTched, That the Coinmittee on Claims he discharged from the further consideration of the petition of Alexander M. Moffett, praying
tlie passage of an act, refunding cert,sin moneys cxpended by him on
behalf of the Government.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the conside1:ition of the bill (S. 150) to limit and define the terin of office of the
Secretary or principal officer of each of the Xxecutiw Departmenth,
established by the several acts entitled An act t o organize thc
Department of State, An act to establish the Treasury Department,
An act to establish the War Department, An act to establish the
Navy Department, An act to establish the Post-OWce Department,
AD act to organize and establish an executive department, to be




311..nortch, f roni tlic c-ommittee, rcported that they had examined

slid found tixlj enrollecl hills iLnt1 joint resolutionsof the followingtitles:
S. 12:). An act mdting allo\vanc~sto officers of the Navy of t h e
ConfcdtrrLte States, under ccrtairi cii*ctunutances,and to amend an act
eiititlcd b L r lact
n to provide for thr organization of the Navy, approved
March 16, 1861;
S.29. ,Joint resolution of thank, to thc troops reenlisting for the
I V : ~ from the State of Georgia;
S. 30. J o i n t resolution of thanks to certain Virginia regiments who
1 i : ~ v reenlisted
for the nhr;
11. It. 118. An act to mthorim the purehabe and publication of a
digest of the laws of the Conlrdel.stt. Skitcs;
11. I%. 35. ,Joint resolution of thanks to Virgiiria troops stationed tLt
Urewrys Blul-Y;
13. B. 36. ,Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and inen of the
Twenty-vighth and Thirtecntli regitnrnts of Korth Carolina troops;
3. It. 37. .Joint resolution of thanlib to the officers and inen of the
Third Georgia ltcgimcnt;
11. X. 38. Joiirt rrsolntion of thanks to the of3icei.s arid inen of the
Twciity-\econd Jirgh ia liegiment;
I. B. 40. ,I oint resolution of thunks to thc Sixteenth Missihsippi
IZegiment; aiicl
11. It. 41. Joint rwolution of lhaiiks to the Forty-sixth atid Fiftyfifth regiments of Venn cc, Volunteers at Alobilc.
The President pro t poic having- signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have heen examined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of the Seiinte mid by him forthwith
prchcnted to the lrcsidcnt of the Confederate States for his approval.
Mr. Hill, from tlic coinmitkre of conference on the disagreeing votes
of the two Houscs on t h e bill (11. R. 75) to amend an act to regulate
impressments, approwd March 26, 1863, and to repeal an act amendatory thereof, approvcd April 27, 1863, reported:
That having mrt, and fully and freely conferred in relation to t h e said disagreeing
votes, they have agreed to rccomineiid, and do hereby rccoinniend, 1o their rcspect i \ e llnuses as follows, to wit:
lliat the IIouse of Reprexntatives do concur in the aiiienclment of thr Senate iii
to wit: Strike out tlie first section of the bill.
Reprexrntatives do co11cur 111 the amendment of the Senate in
, to wit: I n line 4, sectioii 4, strike out all alter the -\\ortl
iinprwsitient, clown to mitt iiicIu(litig tlie word away, jii line 6.
That the Senate recetlr iroiii thcir aiiiendirieiit in the folloning wortls, to wit:
Strike out sertion eight.

The Senate procecdcd to ronsider the report; and

On inotion by Mr. Hill?
B e d 7 w Z , That tlie Sena tc conciir tlicrein.
Ordwed, That the Secretary inlorni the Ilouse of Represciitatives
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Vhole, to the consideration of tlie bill (S.212) to amend the act? of April 1, 1862, and
September 23, 18G2.
On motion by Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs,
to amend the hill by inserting at the end of the second section the
following proviso:
Irovided, That thc said storekcepers shall be appointed from persons who are disqualitied for active service hy rcasoii of wouncls received in the military service, or
disease contracted whilst in the h r m y , or from pervoiis over forty-five years oi age,

Fell. 15. ISM.]




[Feb. 15,1864.

13. R. 114. An act to incrcasc tho commutation r a l n e of hospital

13. B. 119. An act to provide for lioldirig clwtions for Beprcsentatireg in the Congress of the Confederate States of America from the
State of hrhansas;
H. 11. 29. Joint resolution for the relief of Maj. Henry 12. Hooper;
11. B. 39. Joint resolution of thanks to Harts battery, E1:tmpton
Legion, Sonth Carolina Volunteers;
11. It. 48. Joi nt resolution of thanks to the soldiers from the State
of Alabama who hare reenlisted for thc mar;
11. IEt. 49. ?Joint resolution of than1;s to the offic
seventh and Twelfth regiments of Virginia troops
11. R. 50. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers :~ndmen of Lomaxs brigade.
The President pro tempore having signed thc enrolled bills and enrolled joint resolutions last reported to hatre been examined, they were
delivered to the Secretary of tlic Senate mid by him fortliwith presented to the Prcsidcnt of thc Confed~ratcStatcs for hi\ approval.
On motion bv MY. 1)oYtc.h.
The Senate resolved into secret legislatk
The doors EIIL\ iiig been opened,
The Senate proceeded, as in Conlmittre of the hole, to the coilsiderittion of the bill (11. X. 105) to provide an inmlid corl); and n o
amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
Ordmed, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resohed, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Represent atives
The following messago was received from the Yresitleiit of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Brcn\rosl),v \., MI,YlitIT!/ 1 7 , 1864.
To the Sknate and Hottse qf Rqx-esentatiies.

1 herewith auhxriit for yam. consideration a commnnicatioii from the Secretary of

War, covering an mtinlate for air additional apl~ropriatioi~
reijuiretf b y the JYar
Departiiient .
J:F 1S~F:liSOW1),LVI S.

The message was read.

Ordmx.l, That it be referred to the Conmiittee on Einmce.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Sccretnry:
17 .t., TMmmy 1 i.1%4.
To the Senate nr~dHoiise of Representatives:
I herewith transillit for your inforInatioii coiiiiniiiiications froin the Secretary of
War, rovering copies of several adilitional reports oi inilitary opci utions.

The message was read.

OrdLq*ed, That it be l.efcrred t o the Committee on Military Affairs.
The Senate yrocecded, as in Corrliiiittce of the Whole, to the consideration o f t h e hill (S. 217) t o amend the sevei-a1 acts in regard to
military courts, and to create courts for divisions of cav:tlry; and no
anlendmetit heing proposed, i t was reported to t hr Seiiate.
Ordered, That it be engrossed and read ii third time.
The said bill was read the third time.


7 50


[Feb. 16, 1864.

A bill (S. 231) to attach the county of Noxubee, i n the State of

Mississippi, to thr. southern judicial division of said State;
which as read the first and second times and considered as in Committee o f the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it mas
reported t o the Senate.
Odered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill wan read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Orde?*ed,That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 205) to amend an act entitled An act to
punish drunkenness in the Army, approved April 21, 1862; and no
amendment being proposed, it mas reported to the Senate.
O d e r e d , That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read th c third time.
BesoLvcd, That i t p ? and that the title thereof ho as aforesaid.
Ordenxi, That the
aretary request the concurrence of the House
of,ives therein.
A niessagc from the Housc of Rcprcsentativcs, b y J1r. Lamar, their
Clerk :
illr. Prrsidrnt: The IIouse of Representatiws liave agreed to tlic report of the coniniittec of conference OII tlic disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the hill
(H. R. 75) to ainentl an act to regulate impressments, approved March 26, 1863,
and to repeal an act ainenctatory thcreof, approved April 27, 1863.

The Senate proceeded, i15 in Coniniittce of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.148)relating to exchanged o r paroled Confederate prisoners, who may havo been, or may hereafter, be captured by
the enemy west of thc Mississip i River; and no amendment being
proposed, it was reported to the enate.
On the question,
Shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time?
- ._
_ _ _ . . _4_ _
It was deterniiucd in the negative, l e a s _ . _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l1
On motion by Mr. Mitchel,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-tifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirinatirc, are,
Messrs. Clark, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, and
Those who voted in t hc ncgativc are,
l\ilessrs. Burnett, Capcrton, Clay, IIaynes, IIenry, Hill, Jemison,
Maxwell, Oldham, Phelan, and Reacte.
So the bill was rejected.
The following message was received from the Pi.esident of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. K. Harrison, his Secretary:


Rrcmiom, Ta., l+brtin+y 15, 1864.

To the Smccte cf the Confedrrnte Stctfes.
In response to your resolution of Deccniber 24, 1563, I herewith transmit for your
information a communication from the Secretary of War, Qubmitting copies of the
vharges and specifications, and of the accompanying papers, i n the case of Maj H C.
Guerin, coiiimissary of subsistence.

The message mas read.

On motion by Mr. Clay,



[Feb 15,1861.

Richmond, February 18, 1864.
SIR I have t h e honoi to rccomnicntl tlic nnmimtion of Stanhope Popcy, of 32iwiysippi, to he amistant adjutant-gene,sl, J\ it11 ranlr of captain, in t h e Provisional Army
of the Confederate States of Arnerica, to date from January 23, 7863
I ani, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
SkrPtury qf War.
To His 1':xcellency JIFFI.:R~OZ

The message was read.

Omkvd, That it be rcfcrrcd to the Committec: on Military ARairs.
I ) rm ~
A ~ r x E i w ,Richmond, February 15, 1864.
To the Senate oj the Coi~eclercifeStcites:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate 6. S. IIarris,
of Alabama, to be assistant adjutant-general, M ith the rank of captain, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Aiiierica.

, IZ~tlinioiid,I;%brunry13, 2864
SIR: 1 hare tlic honor to r ~ ~ ( o m n i r nthe
d norniriaticrn ot S.S.Harris, of Alalmina,
to be ahsibtant atljiitarif-gciirral, 11it11 lank o f t aptain, in the Provisional Army of the
Confederate Statrs ot i\merica, to tlntc from Felxuary 6, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, j our obedient scrmnt,
,SeeLrttcir?yqf Tl'nr.

To His Excc~llency.I W


I Z ~ ~ ~ ~ N \~ \ ~ 12,
\ T

Prcsidenl, d c

The inessagc was read.

Orderled, Thnt i t lie referred to the Coiiiiiiittee 011 Military ,IfMrs.
1: J h w A i m m v r , Rid~rnond,Pehrzctrrij 15, 1x64.
T i f l i p Aninic o j tlic Coiifederc
Agreeably to thv recommentlation ot tiit Secretary of \\Tar, I noiniiiate tlir offic
on the acconipanynig list to the rank afixed to their naincs, respectively.

JEFFERSOK 1 1 ~ ~ 1 6 , .
WAR D C P ~ I Y ~ V Hiclmond,
j j, 1864.
Na. 48.1
SIR: I ha\^ the honor to recommend the follo\v iiig nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
ilascslcciit mniin wctries-eupttr

L. F. Choice, of Georgia, to take rank from January 7, 1864.

.ilex I)ansoii, of Cieorgia, to take talk f r o i n January 7, J8ti4
Williaui Ci. Nood, jr., of South Carolina, to take lank from January 14, 1864.
S. TV Wliitiiig, of Nississ~ppi,to take rank from September 20, 1868.
W. 11. Murrell, of Missouri, to take rank from October 6, 1863
J. 1,. Iiutlson, of Mississippi, to take rank from February 4, l8bl
Archibald Roy, of Virginia, to talrc rank from February 9, 1864
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary ?f War
To His Excellenry J

The message was read.

Ordrnx& That it be r
To the Senute

rred to tlic Coinrnittce on Military Affairs.

, Riclimond, I"rhi timy I.?, 1864.

6f the Conjederale A5'intes:

Agreeably to the recoininendation ot the bccretary of War, I nominate t h t officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.




[Feh. 16,1864.

(iydpred, That t h e residue of the noininations he referred to t h e

Coininittee 011 Military Affairs.
On motion 1))- MI*.
The Senate resolved into open session.


A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

XT.Pwsident: Thc I-Iouse of Fepresentatives have passed bills and a joint resolution
of the Senate of the following titles:
S.199. An act to amend a n act entitled An act to organize military courts to attend
the Army of the Confederate States in t h e field, and to define t h e powers of said
courts, approved October 9, 1862;
8. 200. ill1 act to confer additional powers upon courts-martial and military courts;
S. 203. An act l o airleiid the sixty-fifth article of war;
S.218. An act to amend t h e act entitled An act to provide and organize engineer
troops to serve (iurinv the \jar, approved 20th March, 1863; and
S. 33. Joint resol&on of thanks to Lieut. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, for the battle of
Itichinond, ICY., aild to his lieutenants so specially commended by hini, and to all
the officers and soldiers of liis command i n that battle.
They h a l e pwsed the 1)ill of the Senate (S. 164) to repeal an act regulating t h e
giantiiig of furloughs and dibchalges i n hospitals, a p p o \ e d May 1, 1863, with ammdments, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.
And they ha\ e pamed bills and joint resolutions of the following titles; in which
they request the concurrence of t h e Senate:
IT. It. 127. An act to authorize the Postmaster-General to settle the account&o f
mail contractors in cases whcrc thcy h a w been prevented from executing their contracts by incursions of the public enemy;
13. R. 128. An act to authorize the promotion of officers, noncommissioncd officer-,
and privates for distinguished skill or d o r ;
I 1E. 129. An act to repeal an act to organize bands of partisan rangers, approred
April 21, 1862, and for other purposes;
11. R. 130. A n act to authorize the organization of anxiliary bureaus of t h e War
Department west of the Mississippi River;
H. It. 131. A n act to authorize the appointment of two additional clerks for the
Navy Department;
H. It. 132. An act to authorize the increase of conipensation to route and special
agents of t h e Post-Office Ilepartment;
H. It. 133. A n act to organize a corpu of scouts and signal guards to facilitate coniniunication with the Trans-MifisisPippiDepartment;
11. R. 51. Joint resolution of thanks to t h e Surry Light Artillery;
11. R. 52. Joint resolution construing an Rct to increase the compensation of certain
civil officers and employees in the Presidents office and in t h e executive and legislatire departments a t Itichinoiid for a hinited period, approved January 30, 1864;
13. R. 53. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of McUowans brigade,
consisting of Orrs Rifles, the First, Tivelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth regiments
of South Carolina Tolunteers;
H. R. 54. Joint revolution of thanks to the Pee Dee Artillery of South Carolina
Tolunteers; and
11. R. 56. Joint resolution of thanlrb to the officers and meti of loagues Artilleiy
Battalion for ieerilistiug duiiiig the war.

Mr. Maxwell p r c s e n t c d the c r e d e n t i a l s of the Hon. James 111. Baker,

elected a S e n a t o r by the genor:il asdcinbly of the State of .Florida for
the term of six years from the 18th day of February, 1864: which
wei-e read.
Mi-. Clark submitted the following inotioii for consideration:
Ordered, TlitLt the rotc hy which the Senate rejected the bill (Y. 148)
relating to exchanged or paroled Confederate prisoners, who niay hare
been, or inay hereafter be, captured by the enemy west of the Mississippi E v e r , he reconsidered.



[Feb. 16,1864.

Yhc following bills were severally read the first and second times
alld referred to the Coiiirriittee on Military Aflairs:
11. R. 128. An act to authorize the proniotion of officers, nonconiillissioned officers, and privates for distinguished skill or valor;
JI. 13. 129. An act to rcpeal an act to organize bands of partisan
rangers, approved April 21, 1862, and for other pnrposes;
H. lt. 130. An act to authorize the organization of auxiliary bureaus
of the War Department west of the Mississippi River; and
H. B. 133. An act to organize a corps of scouts and signal guards to
facilitate communication with the Trans-Mississippi Department.
The bill (H. R. 131) to authorize the ap ointment o f two additional
clerks for the Navy Department was rea if the first and second times
and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
The following joint resolutions were severally read the first and
second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole:
11. R. 51. Joint resolution of thanks to the Surry Light Artillery;
13. It. 52. Joint resoliition construing an act to increase the compensation of certain civil officers and employees i i i the Presidents
office and in the executive and legislative dcpartments at Richmond
for a limited period, approred January 30, 1864;
H. It. 53. ,Joint resolution of thanks to the ofliocrs and men of
McGomans brigade, consisting of Orrs Rifles, First, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth regiment.: of South Carolina Volunteers;
H. R. 54. Joint resolution of thanks to the Pee Dee Artillery of
South Carolina Volunteers; and
11. It. 55. Joint resolution of thanks to the oEcers and men of
longues Artillery Battalion f u r recnlisting during the war;
and no arncndinent being proposed, they were severally reported to
the Senate.
Ow?ered, That they pass to u third reading.
The said resolutions TVCIC, scvertilly read thc third time.
Resolesd, T h a t they 1)ass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform tho I l o u ~of Representatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the aincndnients of the Iloiise of
Representatives to thc bill (S. 164) to rcpeal an act regulating the
granting of furloughs and discharges in hospitals, approved May 1,
1863; and
BesoZvd, That they concur therein.
Ordered, That the Sccretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate resuined, as i n Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 146) to authorize the creditors of the Government
to receive their dim3 i n eight per cent Confederate bonds, and for
other purposes; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Clrdmed, That the f nrthei. consideration thereof be postponed indefinitely.
Ihe Sciiate procccdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 185) for the relief of CRpt. Williani W. Paiiw,
assistant quartermaster of the First Gcorgia Regulars; arid
On motion by Mr. Haynes,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed indefinitely.




[Feb. 16,1864.

S.174. An act to authorize the $sue of certain bonds for the pasnlent to the Florida a t i d Alabama Railroad Company, of the State of
S. %1().All atst to aid aiiy State i n coniii~unicatingwith and perfecti n g records concerning its troops;
H. R. 20. ,Joint resolution for the relief of Maj. W. F. Haines;
13. R. 45. Joint resolution of thanks to the Ninth AlabamaRegiment;
14. Ti. 46. Joint resolntlion of thanks to the Fifteenth and Jwentyseventh regiments of North Carolina troops, Cookes hrigade; and
11. It. 47. Joint resolution of thanks to the enlisted men of Douglas
(Texas) battery.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills and enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have been examined, they were
delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and by hini forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House of
Representatives to the aniendiiicrits of the Senate to the aniendrnents
of the House of Representatives to the amendments of the Senate to
the bill (3. M. 00) to niiike additional appropriations for the support
of the Governnient of the Confederate States o l America for the fiscal
year ending ,June 30, 1864; and
IZcsofwd, That they concur therein.
Ordwed, That the Secretary inform the ITouse of IZeprewentatires
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States. by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
T L , FrbruarIy 1.5,1864.
To the Senate of the Confederate Statex
In response to your resolution of the 12th instant, I herewith transmit a coniniunication from t h e Secretary of War, conyeying the information asked for relative to
Gen. A. R. Lawton and ( h i . J. 1%.Gordon.
The terms of the inquiry to w1iic.h tliip reply ia made suggest tlie propriety of
informing t h e Senate that other general officerb, who ha\ e betxii wuuiitled in battle
and separated from their commands, have been regal dcd as ha\ iiig a coiitiiiuing
right to receive the presvribed pay and allowances of their grade, notn ithstanding
the appointment, of othcrs to supply the v a n t created by their indefinite absence.
For example, the rccbcnt noininations of brigadier-generals \\ho had been selected
to command the brigadcv of Gen. W. 11. F. Lcc, of Virginia, and of Gen. I>. W.
Adams, of Louisiana, were not intended to vacate the comniisPions or to suspend
the pay of those gallant officers, but to use the authority to appoint supernunierary
generals for one of the purposes for nhic+i it Tvaq underqtood to have been given.

The message was read.

Ordmed, That it he referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The hour of half past 3 oclock having arrived,
The Senate took a recess until 7 oclocli y. m.

7 OCLOCK P. nr.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doom having been opened,
The following niessage W P L S receimd from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
MY. Prr.virZenf: The House oi Representatives have passed bills and joint resolutions
of the following titles; irr which they request t h e concurrence of the Senate:
H. R. 134. A n act to repeal certain portions of the act of May 21, 1861, relative
to prisonem ol war;



[Feb. 16,1864.

The joint resolution (11. 12. 57) explanatory of the act entitled An
act to lay taxes for the coiiiimn defciise and carry on the Govern-

Illtllt, a p p 1 . 0 ~ dthe 24th day of April, 1863, was read the first and
second tinies aiid referred to the Committee on Finance.
On rriotioii by Mr. Semnies,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military ABairs, to whom was
referred the bill (13. R. 133) to organize a corps of scouts and signal
guards to facilitate couirii unication with tho Tr-tlns-MississippiDepartment, reported it with the recommendation that it ought not t o pass.
Thc Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill last mentioned; and
On motion by Mr. Mitchel,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed
A message f rorn the House of Representatives, by ah.Dalton:
MT. Pwsident: The House o f liepresentatires

ha7 e

passed t h e bill of the , eiiatr

(S.222) relating to the appointinent of :t general and lieutenant-ge~ieral~.

The Speaker of the llousc of Jlrpresentatives having signed sundry enrolled bills
and enrolled joint resoliifons, I ani tlirected to bring them to the Senate for the
signature of their President.

On motion by MI.. Hunter,

The Senate rcsolred into executirc
The doors baring been opened,
On motion by i i r . Mitchel,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Semmes, from the committee of conference on the part of the

Senate on tlie disagreeing votm of the t w o Houses on the bill (H. R.
98) to tax, fund, anti limit the currency, reported:
That they haire l i d the same under consideration, and have agreed to recoinniriitl

as folloks:

That the Senate recede from its amendments, and that the House bill be aiiieriiletl
by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting as Collox s:
That the holders o f all Treasury notes above the tienoinination of fire dollars not
bearing interest, shall he allo.cved until the first day of April, eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, east of the Nississippi River, and until t h e firbt day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-tour, west of the Mississippi River, to fund the same; and, until the
periods, and a t the i)laces stated, the liolders of all such Treasury notes shall be
a l l o w d to funtl the smile i n regiutertvl bonds, payable twenty years after their date,
bearing interest a t the rate of four pel cent per annuni payable o n the first day of
January and July of eadi year.
SBC.2. The Secretary of t h e Treasury is hereby authorized to issue t h e bonds
required for the funding provided for in the preceding section, and niitil t h e bonds
can be piepaled, he may issue certificatcs to answer the purpose. Such bonds and
certificates shall be receivable without interest in payment of all Governnient tlnrs
payable in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, except export and import
SEC. 3 That all Treasury notes of the denomination of one hundred dollars, not
bearing iutcrest, n hich shall not be presented for funding under t h e provisions of the
first section of this act, shall
I and after the first day of April, eighteen hmidred
and sixty-four, past of t h e ill
sippi River, and the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, west of the Mississippi Rii er, cease to be receivable i n paynient
of public dues, and mid notcr if not so presented a t that time, shall, i n addition to
the tax of thirty-three and one-third cents imposed in the fourth section of this act,
be subject to a tax of ten per rent per iiiontli until so presented, which taxes shall
attach to said notes wherever circulated, and shall be deducted from the face of said


lli. ISSL]


t c x of

sixty-six and




SEC.10. That if any bank of deposit shall give its depositors t h e bonds authorion ol tlris act in exchange for their deposits, and specify the
conictltctint tire niark or token, to be agreed upon with t h e Secsmie on the 1x
tlwii tlio mitl depogitor shall be cntitled to receive the amount
riry 1 i o k b bearing 110 interest and outstanding a t the passage
of this avt. P! ot ~ t l (1,
c The said bonds are presented before t h e privilege of funding
idid notes at par bhall cease, av herein prescribed.
SEC. 11 That all Treasnry notes heretofore imued, of t h e denomination of five
tlollais, shall continue t q bc receivable i n payment of public dues, as provided by
la\%,and funtlt~blcat par under the provisions of this art, until t h e first of July,
eighteen hnndred an(1sixty-four, east, and until the first October, eighteen liundred
and sixty-four, T\ eat of tlie Mississippi River, but aftcr that time they shall be subjwtcd to a tax of thirty-three and one-third cent7 011 every dollar promised on the
face thereof, said tax to attach to said notes wherever circulated, and said notes to
be fundable and exchangeable for new Treasury notes, as herein provided, subject
to the deduction of said tax.
Sm.12 That any State holding Treasury notes received before the times herein
fixed for taxing wit1 noteq, shall be allone$ until t h e first day of January, eighteen
hundred and sixty-fire, to fund the mine i n six per cent bonds of the Confederate
t payable semiannuallv. But
fixed for taxing the &me, as
ished by the amount oi said
the tax and those not so subhe certificate of the gorernor

SEC.1 3 lliat Treitsnry noteu heretofore issued, bearing interest a t the rate of
seven clollitrs and tliirty cents 011 the limitired tlollais per ~ i i n u n i shall
no longer be
receircd i n payirient of public dues, I)nt shall be clecwictl mitl considered bonds of t h e
Confederatc States, payal)le tiro yenis after a ratification oi a treaty of peace n ith the
United States, bearittg tlie rate of interest specified on their faces, payable on the first
January in each and every year.
REG. 14. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, i n case
the exigencies of the tie\ sriinient diooltl require it, to pay the demand of any public
creditor whose debt may be contracted after t h e paesage of this act, willing to receive
the same, i n a ceitificate of indebtedness, t o be issued by said Secretary in such form
as h e mag tfev11i pioper, payable t-o years after the ratification of a treaty of peace
with the United States, bearing interect a t the rate of six per cent per annum, payable
semiannually, and transferable only by spe~ialindorsement under regulations to he
prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and said certificates shall be exempt
from taxation in principal and interest.
SEC.15. The Srcretary of the Treasury is authorized to increave the number of
dcpositories so a8 to incct t h e requirements of this act, and with that vieiv to employ
such of t h e banks of the sei era1 States as be ~iittytlrein expedient.
SEC.16. The Secretary of the Treasury shall forthwith advertise this act in such
newspapers published in the several States and by suoh other ineans as shall secure
immediate publicity, a i d the Secretary of tVar and the Secretary of the Nary shall
eavh cause it to be ]inhliihetl in general orders for the inforniation of the Army and
17. The forty-second section of the act for the assessinent and collection of
taxes, approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, is hereby repealed.
SEC.18. Tht. Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required, upon
the application of the hold^ of any call certificates-whit-h by t h e first section of t h e
act to provide for the funding and further issue oi Treasury notes, approved March
twenty-third, eightcen liundred and sixty-three, was required to be thereafter deemed
to be a bond-to issue to such holder a bond therefor upon t h e terms provided by
said act.
of the bill be amended so as to read as follows: An act to
and to authorize a new issue of notes and bon(1s.

The Senate proceeded to csnsider the report of the coniinittee of

conference 011 the di5ngrecing votes of the two Houses on the bill
(H. R. 9%)to tax, f u n d , and limit the currency; arid
On the yucrtion t o coiicur therein,
- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- It was determined in the aFtinuntivt, ( Says
_ . _ _ _ _
On motion by Mr. Jemison,


Feb. 16, 18M.1

The yeas :tiid n a y being desired by one-fifth of the S O I I Rpr~ ~ S

Thosc who voted in tht :iffirmatiye aw,
Messrn. Ilrtke~,IluVlEtt, Caperton, hitch, I l a p e s , H
J-Iunter, RIaxwcll, Oldh:Lm, Orr, Ehela~i, Sexmiw, and Spa
Those ttilio voted in the negative arc,
Messrs. Cl:~rk,Clay , J omison. Johnson of (;;.eon&, Johnson of
sollyi, Mitchel, and Reade.
So it way
Senate coiicuv in said report i d that t21icbill BB
O i d w e d , That the S~cretaryin form tho IJouso of Itepresentativtw
Mr. Scmiiics, from the coininittco,of co~ifcrence011 tho part of tlw
Senutc on tfic disagreeing votcs of t l i c t,wo I-louscs 0 1 1 the bill (1. 13.
98) to levy additionnl taxes for the corntiioii tlefcnse and support of tho
Governme11t, rcport ed :
That tlwy hnve had thc sanie uncter con~idrr:~tioii,
a i d have agreed to recoininend
That the Senate recede iroin its first amc~ndnient.
That thv Senatu recwlc
ieiidiiimit, ant1 tliiit in section 1, ImaprapIi
1, of the IIonre bill be R
tic wort1 ~ e n t , hi the olevctnth I i i i ~ ,to
the word l7*ol~idc~tl,
?hat the Senate rec~vlc:froiii its tliirtl wientlment, and tliat the IXoiise bill be
aruendetl by striking out all aftw the wort1 U~veriiiiient,ill tlic ~iineteentt~
of paragraph I, section 1, to tlic ciid of tho p:tragrapli, and inserting: i l+or>itied,
That no crrdit shall lw allowtd b c y i i d live prr rent.
That the Senatesfotirth niwndtriciit bo aru~wiiedby striking out thra word aold
and inserting in licu tlicwof ~ ) ) t i r t l i ~ ~ smid
r ~ I ,by inserting k)c+mi thc word paid
the word actually, slid tlrnt tlr~isnilitxiled the ~ r t uinendiuait
b t h agrcctl to.
That the Stmites filth anieritirncnt bo aglscd to.
That the Senate recctde from its sixth an~endo~ent,
:intl t h t pragral~liaI I1 tiiiil 1V
of tlie secoii(1section be Ciititled scctiou 2.
That the Scnatc rcwdc froni its seventh anlcnilirwllt.
That the Senate recwlo froin its eighth ttinciidrrient.
11 aiiiendiriciit 1x1 agreed to.
Eroiii its tcntli aiiienihnent.
froiii its clcveiith amcndinmt, antl that the Iloiirte bill be
amended bv striking out all of paragraph 11, scction 3, after tho word exduaive,
in ttie tvc c%IltIiIinc, a n c ~inserting: o f not~intercst-~,cari~~g
Confederate Trertmry
notes, and not etnployrcl in n rcgistwerl InIsiiiess, thc iiicoine derived froin which IS
taxed fim per cent.
That the Senate recede from its t
111 anieiitlmelit, antl that sec*tion4 of the
House bill be amt~ndcdan follow, to
1. In paragraph I, strib( out all :tfl
Jmunry,, i n the twenty-fourth lint,
insert cightem hundrccl ~ i i t nixty-three,
antl the fir& of January, c.ightcen ltuilc
and Hirty-five, ten Iicr (wit i n addition to ttie tax on m c h profits BH inconic 111
the act to lay faxes for the c*o~n~non
tlcf(~nseand carry on Ihc (io\v~ninentof the
( ! o i i f w L w t c Stxates, appro\wl April twenty;fonrth? eightc~nhun(lrcc1md sixtv-tlirec.
in the thirtieth lint, $nd insert
2. P u paragraph 11, rtriltc out : i l l after tli~~rc~iii,
tmi per cent in dtlitioti to tlie tau o i i H W ~ Iprofits aa inconic u d c r tlia nc.1 atOr~.mid.
3. 111 paragraph 111, line 32, strikc. out t~iglit,(wiliunelrrtl arid Hixty-two.
4. Strike out, parugrapti 1 V.
That the Senate rctcctlt. froni i k tliirtccnili aiiieiitiiu~~nt,
aiid tliat the ITounc bill be
by striking out srction 5.
That the LjentLte rtwdc from its fourteenth ainentlinent.
That the Senate rcccdt: froni it:, lifteentlr arnriitlnwtlt.
That the Senate rc.cwle Irorri it.9 nixtt!(.nth arnendilreiil.
That tthe Menatos hevmteenth ;iirieritlinent be agreetl to.
That the Senates ciglitreiitli arnerduient be agree ), and that the House bill be
tion (J: frooide4 That the
aiiientlrtl b y d d i n g at the end of paragraph 11 I ,
above exen~ptionsshall not apply to a n y pewon w110se pro Xrty, f!XcluRiVe Of hOuHehold furniture, shall be assessed at R value exceeding one t iouCUmd dollars.



[Feb 16 1864.

That the Senate recede from its nineteenth amendment, and that the House bill be
amended by striking out tlie fourth paragiaph of section 6 and inserting in lieu
thffeof :
IV. That where property has beeri injured or destroyed by tlie enemy, or the
o a n e r thereof has been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of
the means of cultirating t h e same by reason of the presence or proximity of the
enemy, t h e assessment on such property may be reduced in proportioil to the damage
sustained by the owner, or the tax assessed thcreon may be reduced in the same
ratio by t h e district collector on satisfactory evidence subniitted to him by the owner
or assessor.
That t h e Senate recede from tlie twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, tweellty
third, and twenty-fourth amendments, and that t h e House bill be arilentled b y striking out the seventh section and inserting i n lieu thereof as follows, to wit:
SEC. 7. That the taxes on property laid for the year eighteen hundred and sixtyfour shall be assessed as on t h e day of the passage of this act, and be due and collected
on the first day of aune next, or as soon after as practicable, allowing a n extension of
ninety days west of the Mississippi River. The additional taxes on incomes o r profits
for t h e year eighteen hundred and sixty-three levied by this act, shall be assessed
and collected forthwith, and t h e taxes on incomes or profits for t h e year eighteen
hundred and sixty-four shall be assessed and collected according to the provisions of
the tax and assessment acts of eighteen huridred and sixty-three.
That t h e Senate recwle from its twenty-fifth anirwiinent, and that the House bill
be amended by adding at tlie end of the eighth s
mated rent, hire, or interest on pro erty or credits
assessed or taxed as income under t i c tax act of eig
That t h e Senate recetle frotir its twenty-sixth amei~clnient.
That t h e following be adrlctl as a n Independent srction, t o wit.
~ E c-.
. That the tax imposeit by this act on bonds ot the Confederate States
, when held by
heretofore issued shall 111 no case exceed t h e interest on the ~ a n i eand
or for minors or lunatics shall he exempt from the t a r in all cases where the interest
on the same shall not exceed one tliou6and dollars.

Thc Senate proceeded to consider the said report; and

On the question to concur therein,
It was determined in thc agrmativc,
- - - ---..._._
_ _ _
4 _
On motion by Mr. Jemison,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in thc affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Burnctt, Caperton, Clay, Dortch, Ihgnes, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, dohnson of Arkansas, Maxwell, Orr, kticlsn, Yemines,
and Sparrow.
Those who voted in the negative arc,
Measrs. Jemison, Johnhon of Missouri, Oldham, and 12eade.
So it was
BRsdued, That the Senate coiicur in said i*epoi*tand that the tjill be
amended accordingly.
Orclmed, That the Secretary inform thc Ilousc of Ecprcsentatiyes
Mr. Phelan (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 233) to exempt from taxation all money or other funds
held by the association for the relief of maimed soldiers;
which was read the first and second times and considtlred as in Committee of the Whole; and 110 airiendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordmed, That it be engrossed and read R third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Orr (by leave) introduced

1 :::--------




[Feb.16, 1864.

(SEC.5. That all white male resitlenL~of t h e Confederate States between the ages
oC severiteerl alrd eiphtren and f o r t j -five at id fifty yea13 sliall enroll themselves at
such tiines and placw and nndw ~ ~regulations
as the Presitlent may prescribe, the
time alloved not being lew than thirty days for those eabt and sixty (la)s for those
\vest of t h e Mississippi ltirer, antl any person who shall fail so to enloll Iiirmelf
without a reasonablc excuse therefor, to be judged of by t h e President, shall be
p l a t ~ di n scrvice in the field for the war i n t h e same manner as though he werc
between t h e ages of eighteen and forty-five: Provided, That t h e persons mentioncd
in this section shall constitute a rescrvc for State defense and detail duty, and shall
not he required to perform service out of t h e State in which they reside.
SEC.6 . That all persons required by the fifth section of this act to enroll themselves may, within thirty days after t h e passage hereof, east of theNiPsissippi River,
and within sixty days if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions, or regiments and elect their own officers-said organizations to conform to the existing law, and having so organized, to tender their services
as volunteers during t h e n-ar to the President, and if such organization shall furnish
proper muster rolls, as now reqiiired, and deposit a copy thereof \qith the enrolling
officer of their district (which shall lor equivalent to enrollment), they may be
accepted as minute men for the benice in such State; lout i n no event, to be takenout
of it. Those 11ho do not t;o \ oluntec+ arid organize shall enroll themselves as hefore
prorideti, antl may hy tlie Jresitl(b~itbe rcquirccl to assemble a t places of rendezrous
and be fornied into companies, k~attalions,and regiments, under regulations to be
prescrihcd Iiy hini, and sliall have the right to elect their company antl reginrental
officers, antl all troop? o r g a n i d under this act for State defenPe shall be entitled
while in actual s c r ~
ice to t h e s:tine pay antl allowances as troops i n the field.
SEC.7. That any person \I h o shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous, a\
required by the anthority ot tlie liesitlent, Mithotit a sufficient excuse, to be judged
of by him, &all be hablc to hc placed i n scrvice i n the field for t h e n ar as if he were
between t h e ages of e b b t e r n and forty-five years.
REC. 8. That hereaher t h e duties of provost and hospital guards and clerks, of
clerks, guards, agents, employees, or laborers i n the Commissarys and Quartermasterb Departments, in the Ordnance Department, and clerks and employees of na.iy
agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment acts and all similar duties, shall be
performed by persons I\ ho are within the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, and
who, by t h e report of a board of army surgeonb, shall be reported as unable to perform
active service in the field, but capal-~le
of perforrriing some of t h e above-namedduties,
specifying Jvliich, and when t1io.e persons shall have been assigried to those duties
a6 far as practicable the Iiesident shall detail or assign to their perfotmance huch
bodies of troops or intlividnals, reqnired to be enrolled under tlic fifth section of t h i ~
act, as may be needcd for tlic discharge of such duties: Iro?,derl, That perhon:: between t h e ages of seventeon and eighteen shall not be assigned to these duties: 170iidrtl furiher, That nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent
the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or personfi of scientific skill to perform indirprnsahle duties i l ~
t h e departments or bureaus herein mentioned.
(SIX.9. That any quartermaster or assistant quarterniacter, commissary or m i s t a n t
commissary (other than thore serving n i t h regiments or brigades in the field), or
officer i n t h e Ordnanre Biiwaii, or navy agent, or provost-marshal, or officer i n the
conscript service, who shall hercxafter eniploy, or rrtain in his employment, any person
in any of their snit1 departments or bimaris, or in any of the duties mentioned in the
eighth section of thiq act, i n violation of the provisions hercof, shall, on conviction
thereof, by a court-niartial or inilitary court, be cashiered; and it shall he t h e dnty
of ariy department or district conimandcr, upon proof by the oath of any crcdihle
permn, that aiiy such officer has \ iolatetl this provision, immediately to remove siiclt
officer froin duty; and said caoinnianifer &ha11take prompt ~ n e i ~ m rto
e s have hini t r i e d
for such offense, and any cornniander, as aforesaid, failing to perform the duties
enjoined by this section, shall, upon being duly convicted thereof, be dismissed from
the service.
SEC.10. That all Iavs granting exemptions from militar senice be, and the
same are hereby, repealed, and hereafter none shall be exernptezexcept the follon inp:
I. All who shall lw held unfit tor inrlitary service, iuiclcr rnlcs to he prescribed
by tlie Sccretary of War.
11. The Vice-President of the Confederate States, the mtnij3ers antl officeis of
Congress aiitl of the several State legislatures, and snc~hother Cjonfderate and State
officersa? tlie Iresideiit or t h e gorernorh of the respectike States may certify to be
necessary for the proper adrninistration of the Confederate or State governments, as
the case mav be
111. Evkry minister of religion authoiiAed l o preach, according to the rules of his





exelnpted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one for each mile of such road
in actual use for nnlitary transportation, and said exempts shall be reported by name
and description, nitti tlie nanics of any who may haye left the elnploynient of Faid
company, or who may ceaFe to be indispensable to tlie efficient operation of its road,
at least onve a nionth, to the Secretary of IVar, or such officer as h e may designate
for that purpose: And provided further, That such presiclent or superintendent shall,
in each snch monthly report, certify on oath that no person liable to military service has been employed b y his company since the passage of this act, in any position in which i t >+.aspracticable to employ one not liable to military service, and
capable of performing efficiently t h e duties of such position. And i n cases where
railroads have fallen into t h e hands of the enemy, and a portion 01 the rolling stock
of such roads is being used on other roads not i n the enemys hands, the president
and superintendent of said first-named roads shall be exempt.
VI. T h a t nothing herein contained shall be construed ;19 repealing t h e act
approved April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, entitled An act to
exempt contractors for carrying tkic mails of the Confederate States and the drivers
of post coaches and hacks from military service: Promided, That the exemptions
granted under this wt shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually
engaged i n their respective pursuits or octqations.
Sm. 11. That the President be, and h e is hereby, authorized to grant details,
niitler general rules and regnlations to be issued by the War Department, either froni
pwsons hrtveen forty-fiye and fifty years of ape, or from the arniy in the field, i n
all cases when, in his jtidg~itcnt,jnsticc, equity, aiid necessity require such details,
and h e may rwoke such ortlers of details wliencver he thinks proper: Prooided,
That the po\i (\r lierein granted to the President to make details and exemptions
shall not be construed to authorim the escniption or detail of any contractor for
furnishing supplies of any kind to the Government, by reason of said contracts,
unless the lieat1 or secrctarv of the department making such contract shall certify
that the personal services of said contractor are indispenFable to t h e execution of the
contract: Iro?~idedj~crtlier, That when any such contractor shall fail diligently and
faithfully to proceed iyith the execution of such contract, his exemption or detail
sh$l cease.
SEC.12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military wrvic-e, no members composing the same shall be appointed
from the county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such

The Senate proceeded to consider the report; and

On the question to concur therein,
Ycas .._........ . _ . _12
It was deterniined i n tlie affirmatiro, \ Nays
- ._
_ _ . _ . . -9_ _ _
On motion by MY.Oldham,
The yeas and nays being desired by onc-fifth of the Seiiators present,
Those who votcd i n the afErmative six,
Messrs. Brown, Caperton, Clay, Zlayncs, Hnnry, Hill, Hunter,
,Jeniison, Ihelaii, Semincs, Sparrow, and $Trigfall.
Those who votrd in tile negative are,
Messrs. Hakcr, Burnett, Clark, Dortch, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Oldhami, Orr, arid Ruadc.
On motion by M r . Johnson of Arkansas, that the last-mentioned
vote he reconsidered,
I t was determined in the affirmative, Nays
eas- -.- .
-- -- .
- l80
. _ ....
_ _
- -_.
On motion by M r . Scnimes,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
s. Baker, Burnett, Clark, Dortch, Hnynes, Hill, Hunter,
1, Jolinson of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Joliiism of Missouri, itlaxwell, Mi tchel, Oldham, Orr, Phelan, Reade, and Semmes.
The report being again under coiisideration,
On the question to concur therein,
It was determined in the affirmative.


Fcb. 16, 1F61.1

So it was

Be.Yoz,tvd, Lhat the sen

be ainc nd ed accordingIy .

Or.dv*ed, Phit the Secretary inform the IlouSe of

A niesstigc from thc 11

Mr.Ca erton, ironi tho coniriiittec, rcportetl that they litid cstimined
itnd foun truly CIlrollcd
A bill (11. It. 107) to incrciise the cftioioncy of the hrniy by tho
er~tployrrieritof free ncgroes :tiid slaves in c d i n cy)ticitiw.
The 1re;ident pro t e n i p r c having signtd the cni~)lledbill lant
rcportcd to ~ I I L V Ob t m oxttiiiined, it was dolivercd to tho Sncrettwy of
thc Senate and by him forthwith )resented to the President of the
Confcder:ite H ~ tns
R for his npprorsl:
Mu. Pholan (by leavc) introduced
A bill (S. 236) supplemental to :ui act entitlccl bAniict to orpniee
forces to serve during the ww;
which was read the first and s ~ d o n dtinics iuid consiclcrcd RS in Coinniittcc of the Whole; and no niiiciidiiiciit bcing proposod, it was
reportctl to the Scntlte.
Oiy?wc~l,Ihttt it I)c cngi*osscd:~ndi*cacl:L third tinic.
The sxid bill wiis rcid thr, thiid t f i n r c L .
Riisolwd, Th:d it, piiss, :ind that tho tit I c t h e i w f hn :is :iforcrJaid.
(,)pd, i~cci, Th:it tlic Sccrct:try rcqucsi tho (~oncitrrwccof t he Ilonsc

incsstbgr: f roin tho 1lonse of Beprcsvntatives, 1)y M 1. L)rd tori:

dlr. pr.esitlp)r/: LlicIToiisc~of Iiepresc~iitativcsi-ravo:igrwd to t lie rc!port of the coinmittee of cvnfcrcwcr on tile disagrering votw of the two kIouscs on tho I i l l (S. 158)
to organize forws to s ~ r v during
the war.

motion hy Mr. S p t ~ r o w ,
Lhe Scnnto resolved into esecutive session.
rileSotl:1te 1i:hving h t . n again rcsoIvcc1 into scorct legislative session,
rhe following mossage w i ~ sreceived fi*oin the House of Representatives, hy Mr. Dalton:


Thca Ifonsc. of Reprcwntativc~sIIILVC psse(l ttiu bill of tho Senate

tablish a I)nrcaii of foreign suppliw, with aincnclinents; in which they
r q w x t t l i c conciirrence of the Senate.

XIr. Sernnies, from the Conimittec? on Finance, to whom was referred

Ihc bpi11 (11. It. 117) to niriend tho act for tho :Lsscssrnent and oolloction
of ksxex, approved &y 1, 1863, reported it without arnendnient.
The Senate )roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of thc >illlast incntioned; and 110 amendment belng proposed,
it was reported to the Senate.
Ordc)+ed,That it pass to a third reading.
The wid bill W i i S read the third time.

Be.sohved, That it pass.






[Feb. 16, 1864.

Ordered, That, the Secretary inform the House of Representatives

The Senate proceeded to consider t h e amendments of the House of
Representatives to the bill (S. 209) to establish a bureau of foreign
supplies; and
On motion of Mr. Clay,
&solved. That the Senate disa pee to the amendments of the House
of Representatives to mid bill an ask a conference on the disagreeing
votes of the two Houses thereon.
On motion of Mr. Clay,
Oydered, That the committee of conference on the of the
Senate be appointed hy the President pro tempore; and
Mr. Orr? Mr. Maxwell, and Mr. Caperton were appointed.
Oydered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate resumed, as in Comniittee of the Whole, the considwation of the bill (S. 227) to authorize t h e transfcr of a certain appropriation; and no arncndnient bcing proposed, it was reported to the
O7derecl, That it, bc, engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
li'es.s.olvsd, That it pas", and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Sccrctary request t h concurrence of the House
of Bepresentativcs thcrein.
The Senate proaecded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (11. B. 110) to authorize the shipment of cotton and
tobacco by the Treabury Department; and
On motion hy Mr. CIRJ-,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed
On motion by Mr. Haynes,
O d e r e d , That the injunction of secrecy be removed from thc proceedings of the Senate on the following bills:
11. It. 92. An act to tax, f ~ n d iktrd
liniit the currency;
1%.It. 98. An act to 1cv.v additional taxes for the Coinnion defense
and support of the Governnicnt; :iiid
s. 158. AIIact to oiganizc forccs to bewe during the war.
On motion
Mr. Scmmes, and by unanimous consent,
Ordewd, That 500 copies of the bill (H. It. 92) to tax, fund, and
Iiniit the currency, of the bill (11. R. 98) to levy additional taxas for
thc common defense and support of the Government, and of the hill
(S. 158) to organize forces t o serve during the mar, be printed for the
use of -the Senate.
O n motion by Mr. Mitchel,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.


The following messages were received from the President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. Harrison, his Secretary:

~ i c k m o n d Febri6cr1-y
16, 18G4.

To the Senate of the Confederate States:

Agreeably to the recommendation of t h e Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.

Feb. 16, 1864.1

so. 2.1

SIR:T Iixvr t l w lionor to recomiiicnd the follor%?ingnortli
in the Irorisioiial Briny of the Confederate States of America
6 . Hates, of T ~ s a sto
, he coloneI Thirteenth TexwRegiment ( itis l)attaliol
berii increasrd to 21 regiinrnt ), to rank froiii March 8, 1863.
Bnxter Siiiitli, of TtwiitXsscc,to be coloncl I<iphth Trllllessec Cavalry Regirlle
( f o r l i d of anattaclicd coiripmics), to r m k from Noretnber 2.1, 1 8 6 ~ .
-1. E. Cttrter, of ~ ~ ~ n n wto
w cha
, colonel First Teutlesuee Cavalry Regiment (his
battalion having hccn incwwed to a reginrent,),to rank frotrl Jnrte $), 1Hfj:1.
it. 17. Rndlcr, of ( kwgia, to be cdonel Thirty-sewnth (teorgin 1tegillIc.nt (formed
b y c~~iiisolidatioii
of the rhird and Scventecntli Georgia battnliora), to rai~kfro111 &fay
6 , 1863.

J t i t i n J)u t imwi t , ol Snn t,li ( h r t J i n:t, to be colonel 1 6 f t h Bout 11 Carol ilia (>sval
Ilegilntnt, to rank frotii Jnly 28, I S M .
ii. I). Moore, of ilort I r Uirolina, to be coloncl Sixty-sisfll North C:uolina ltr iinent
(forineil lty conpoli~litti~,ii
of tirv l<igiitii anct mlirtcclltir Noitli Caroliwt lmtt&ons),
to riink froill A L I ~ I I3 S
, 186:;.
dolrri T. Cos, of, to lw colonel Twclfth Confetlerntc C::~vaIry Regimertt

J O I ~ IW.
~ A . S:tnfor(i, of /iIa\mnr;i, to i w coionri Sixtieth iilabaina Regiment (his
battalion having lw(y imwasetl lo a regiincnt), to rmlc from November %6, 1863.
M l i n g Ilall, jr., of Alrihx a, t o hc rnlonel Fifty-ninth Alahania Regiment (his
battalion having bc~cninr-rea. d to a repitirent), to 1a111< from Novmnher 26, 1863.
Williani illiller, ut lilorida. to
c*olonel First Ploritla Itgimcint, to rank from
August 16, 1862.


Maj. E. V. IVhite, of Virginia, to I)e lit~irtt~irarit-c~olo~~~~l

Thirly-liftli Virginirt Rattalion (his hsttalion having Iwen inc~t~isetl
to & cornpanics), in m n k froin Febrnary
4, 1863.
Maj. V. A . Witcher, of Virginin, to bc Iic~n~~risnt-colo~icl
Thirty-lourEli Virginia
Battalion (his battalion having been incrcaacd to six coinpaniex), to rank from May
2, 1863.
Capt. N. I,. Hutchins, of (icorgia, to be lieutenant-colonrl Thirrl icorgia, 13atblioti
Sharpshooters, to rank froni J u n e 10, ISM.
A . \V. TwreiI, of Tcxay, to I)e Iit.iitciiant-colonti1cavalry battillion formed of unattached coinpaiiies fIYJJl1 Arizona and New Mexico, t o rank h m +June8, 186%
J. fif. Bell, of Arkansas, to be Iieutenaiit-colo~~~l
Scwnd Cherokrc fiegi~nc~nt,,
rank froin June 6, 1863.
Capt. R. B. Snowden, of Tennessee, to be Iiootcnarit-c.~)loiirlTwenty-fifth Tennwsee Itegiment, the oflicers for proiriotiori found to I)c incoin etent, and there being
no competent matcrial in the reginlent to select from, to r a n i from July 8, 1863.



peb. 16,1864.

Maj. I. F. Harrison, of Louisiana, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifteenth Louisiana

Battalion (his battalion having been increased to six companies), to rank from July
8, 1863.
\V. T. Robins, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fortieth Virginia Battalion
(formed by the addition of four companies to Wrens battalion), to rank from July
15, 1863.
J. T. Smith, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-seventh Georgia Regiment (formed by the consolidation of the Third and Seventeenth battalions), to rank
from May 6, 18@&
\V. M . Elliott, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-fifth Virginia Battalion
(his battalion having been increased to eight companies), to rang from July 20,1863.
J. H. Wethercutt, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-sixth North
Carolina Regiment (formed by the consolidation of t h e Eighth and Thirteenth battalions), to rank from August 3, 1863.
T. A. McDonell, of Florida, to be lieutenant-colonel First Florida Regiment, to
rank from August 15, 1862.
Capt. 8. 81. Hyanis, jr., of Missouri, to he lieutenant-colonel Second Missouri Cavalry Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from
hlav 4, 18G3.
J: IV. Inzer, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifty-eighth Alabama Regiment (foriiied by a battalion bcing increased), to rank from J u l y 25, 1863.
T. W. Brebard, of Florida, to be lieutrnant-colonel Second Florida Battalion (his
battalion having been increased to six companies), to rank from June 24, 1863.
J. F. McClellan, of Florida, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Florida Battalion
(foinied of unattached companies), to rank from May 2, 1863.
1. F. Anderson, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighth Tennessee Cavalry
Regiment, to rank from May 2, 1863.
A. M. Waddell, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-first North
Carolina Regiment Cavalry, to fill an original vacancy, t o rank from August 18, 1863.
Maj. Ridgely Brown, of Maryland, to be lieutenant-colonel of the First Maryland Battalion Cavalry (his battalion having been increased to six companies), to
rank from August 20, 1863.
John M. Martin, of Florida, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixth Florida Battalion
(formed of unattached companies), to rank from September 5, 1863.
1. C. Davis, of RZixsissippi, to be lieutenant-colonel First Mississippi and Tennessee Battalion, to rank froin Se teinber 12, 1863.
J. E. Davant, of Georgia, to Re lieutenant-colonel Thirty-eighth Georgia Regiment,
the officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from September 18,
Capt. T. J. Myers, of Florida, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry Regiment (fornied of unattached companies), to rank lrom September 24, 1863.
A. S. Hamilton, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-sjxtii Georgia Regiment (fornietl by the consolidation of the Eighth and Thirteenth battalions), to rank
from October 8, 1863.
Julius A. Blake, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-seventh South
Carolina Regiiiient (Iorined by the consolidation of tlie First Infantry and First
Sharpbhooters batlalions) , to rank from October 2, 1863.
8. H. Max tin, of Arkansas, to be lieutenant-colonel First Chickasaw Regiment
(Indians) (raised by authority from War Department), to rank from September 25,
C. Bfclaurin, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Mississippi Cavalry
Regiment (formed by thc consolidation of Hughes and Stockdales battalions), to
rank from September 17, 1863.
John D. 8ZcLenuan, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifty-ninth Alabama Regiment (battalion increased to a regiment), to rank from November 25, 1863.
D. S. Troy, of Slabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixtieth Alabama Regiment (battalion increased to a regiment), to rank from Novemher 25, 1863.
F. L. Child?, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Second North Carolina
Battalion, T r o o p Imal Defense, to rank froin October 31, 1863.
IVilliani J,. Duff, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Nineteenth Mississippi
Rattalion Cavalry (being raised by authority from War Department), to mnk from
September 10, 1863.

Capt. J. E. Robertson, of Virginia, to be major Twentieth Virginia Battalion, the
officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from May 9, 1863.
N. R. Cary, of Virginia, t o be major Nineteenth Virginia BattaIion, the officers
entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from May 23, 1863.

Feb. 16,1864.1


J. R. Ihvis, of Tennessee, to be major Eiglit41iTennes

milk from Koveiiiber 24, 1862.
Alexander II . Clialmers, of Mississippi, to be inajor battalion
rank from J u n e 1, 1863.
1'. Hainmock, of Arkansas, to be majo
May 2, 1863.
. I>. Caswell, of Georgia, to be major Fourth Georgia Battalion Sharpshoo
rank from May 4, 1863.
C. G. Wright, of So*th Caroliiia, to be major $' t sixth North Carolilia
lnent (fornied by the consolidation of the Eighth ak?&irt,twitli liattalions), to ran
f r o m August 3, 1RG3.
c;. A. Hall, of Florida, to be major Fiiyt Florida Reginicwt, to rmlr from ,August
15, 18fiz'
1. I. 'I'kiorutai, of Alabama, to be major Fifty-eighth .ilttbamn ltegiltzetit (fornied
by a battalion being increased), to rank froiri July 25, 18W3.
.rotm E.1. ( i c ~ x ,of Ik%ia, to be major I'onrtli ~ioridaUnttaIiwi (foriiied of ntrt~ttachrd
companies), l o rank Ironi h l a y 2, 186%
Prank hlaricy, of Ttwnessee, to be iiiajor T\veut,y-fonrth 'l'eniiexsee I~attaliouSharpshooters, to raiik frotii August 15, 1 8 M
W.H. 13ledsoe, of Tctinassec, to be major ICiglilli Teiinesw Cawlry Itrgiment, to
rank from hlay 2, IXfi3.
It. hloore, of North Carolina, to be major Ir'orty-tirst North Owoliiia Regiment, to
till mi origiiial v a c - a ~ i c ~ ) ' to
, raiik froin August 18, 1863.
1'. 13. Hird, of liloricia, to be major Sixth Fluricla Rattalion [ fortiied of iinattwlied
coolpanicis), t o rank froin September 5, 1863.
R. 11. Partridge, of l k i d a , to be major IUteeiith Coilfederate Cavalry Regiment
(foriiirxl of niiitttaclietl coiiipaiiies), to rank froiii Prptember 24, 1863.
J. W. NisLwt, o f (kwrpin, to be major Twcnty-sixth Geoi*gia Hattalion (formed of
uiiattiwhed coiiipiiiw), to rank from Octolitv 8, 1863.
Jon. Abney, o f Sontli Cnroliiia, to be niajor 1'w,?iity-Ne\rrtitli Suiilli Chruliria Regiment ( fortrietl by t l i v c~onsolidationof the First Infwtry t i t i d Pirst Sliarpshooters
battalions), t o r:mk fro111 O(8tober 2, 1863.
A. 13. lIays, of Arkansns, to be iiiitjor k'irnt Cliickasaw 1kfinirnt, (Iiidiuiis) (rairced
by authority Iroiii War Ikpartiiient ), to milk Eroni Septe,iibcr 25, 18ti3.
T.It. Stocktl:rlt., of Misni&ppi, to I w tiiajor I'oiirtli Misnissippi ( h w l r y Koginirnt
(fornitd by connolidat,ion of Hughes' imd Stocktlale'n I)atlalioiin), l o ra11li from Bepteiiiber 17, 1863.
C. W.l l u g i ~ l ~of,Al:tbama,
to be major IWty-tiiiitli AlaImits Ilcginirnt (fortued
by B battalion bciiig inerewed), to rank froin Novcw~1)c~r
25, It(G3.
nia, to be major Sistietli A1al)atii:i Ilc$nicwt (fornied I)y n
I ) , t o rank froiti Novetnber 25, Idci3.
Samncl W. Uavtttcl, ot Georgia, to be ina~orFirst Georgia (h\%lry Rc#iiiient, to
fill an origiiial ntcanvy, to rank from May 2, 1863.
W. B. Jotitis, of (;corgia, to be lrlaJor Sixtieth Georgia Regimmt, to l i l l a11origiriui
vacancy, to lank frotii Angust 17, 1863.
Cieorge W. Srott, of Florida, to be niyor Fifth Florida 13:rltalion (forimtl of unattaclietl rornpaiiie~),to rank from August 26, 15M.
M. P. Taylor, ot Sol9rli Caiolina, to bc iiiapr Secoiitl North Carolina Rattaliit1i,
Troops Local Iklt~tisc.,to iarik froni October 31, 1863.

J . A. Maxwell, of Georgia, to be captain Maxwwll's battery, to rnuk froru I'ebruary 1. 1863.

Williarll M. Crtlmley, of Georgia, 10 I)c cq'tain, Third (;eorgis htlaliorr Stiitrpdiooters, to rank from Juuc 6, 1863.
( i . M c M i l l a ~ o~f , Georgia, to be captain, TIiirtl Cic?orgiaUuttaliou rciliarl)ziliciofers, l o
r m k froin J une 5, 1863.
W. K. Sitrinions, ot (ieorgia, to be captain, Third Georgia J3attalion Sliaqwhooters,
to r:tnk froin Julie 5, 186.3.
J . F. filartin, of Cicorgia, to he captain, Third (ieorgia Battalion SliarI)sllooters, to
rank from Jnne 5, 1863.
Jotln \V. JCing, of Cieorgia, to be captain, Tliirtl Georgia I4atlaliori Sharpsliootem,
to rank frorii June 5, 18F3.
a. C. M'inder, of North Carolina, to be captain Cornpan,y i\, Sccolid IiegirnenC
1Sngiiieer Troops, to ratik from Augtlfjt 6, 188%
N. N. Cober, of Georgia, to he captain, Third (ktwrgia Battalion Slinrpsliooters, to
rank from June 6, 1863.



[Feb. 16,lBCul.

B. M.Turner, of Georgia, to he captain Coinpany C, Fourth Georgia Battalion

Sharpshooters, to rank from X a y 5, 1863.
W. bl. Carter, of Gcorgia, to be captain Company R, Fourth Georgia Battalion
Sharpshooters, to rank from May 4, 1863.
Ftrst lielctmcl/lts.
James H. Williams, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant, Third Georgia Battalion
Sliarpshooters, to rank froni June 5, 1863.
S. H. Ware, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant, Third Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters,
to rank from June 5, 1863.
11. R. Montgomery, of Georgia, to be first lientenant, Third Georgia Battalion
Sliarpsliooters, to rank froin June 5, 1863.
T. L. Ardis, of Georgia, to he first,lieutenant, Third Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters,
to rank from J u n e 5, 1863.
J. 12hett Miles, of Sonth Carolina, to be first lieutenant, 7\illian1s Battery Light
Artillery, to rank froni May 2, 1863.
J. A. I-Iuger, of South Carolina, to be fir& lieutenant, Maxn-ells battery, to rank
froni Fehruary 1, 1563.
F. T. Hawkes, of North Carolina, to be first lieutenant Company 9,Second Kegiwent Engineer Troops, to rank from August 6, 1863.
William Scott, of Pioricla, t o be f i r s t lieutenant Bryaiis Conipany Flontla Volunteers (Indians), to rank from Octoher 13, 1863.
J. Towers, of (;corgia, to Iw lirst lieutellant, Fourth (+orgia I9attalion Sliarpshooters,
to rank froni I r a \ - 5 , I863.
S. 11. Jac~lcson,of (ieorgia, l o be firet lieutenant, Vonrtlt ( ieorgia Battalion Sharpshooters, to rank froiii May 4, 1863.
T . R. Slaughter, ot Georgia, to be fiwt !ientenant, Third Georgia Battalioil Sharpshooters, to rank froni Junc. 5, 1863.
~ k ~ ~l i ic ~~i t t/ ulr c c t n ~ s .

C . B. Ricl-iardson, of Georgia, to br second lieutenant, hlaxwells hattery, to rank

from May 20, 1863.

G. C. Conner, of Georgia, to be rerontl lieiitrnant, Georgia Regiment (enlisted
men), to rank from Map 23, 1863
D. J. Smith, oE Georgia, to be second lieutenant, First Georgia Regiinent (enlisted
men), to rank from $Jay 21, 1863.
E. B. Rliddleton, of Sonth Carolina, to be second lieutenaiit, First Regiment South
Carolina Artillmy, to rank from May 14, 1863.
Thomas S. Wayne, of Georgia, to be second lientenant, 16mt Georgia Battalion
Sharpshooters, to rank from May 3 , 1863.
C. L. Schlatter, of (korgia, to be second lieutenant, First (korgia Battalion Sharpshooters, to rank from %lay2, 1863.
C;. P. Rutlcr, of (;eorgia, to be second lieutenant Company 2, Second Georgia Uattaliori Sharpshooters, to rank from May 23, 1863.
J. 13. (+riffin,of Georgia, t o be second lieutenant Company A, Second (ieorgia Battalion Sliarpbhooters,to rank from $Pay %, 1863.
Alf. Xoore, of Georgia, to be Perond lieutenant Company A, Secoriil Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters, to ranli from May 2, 1863.
John 13. lGliott, of (itwrgizL, to lw second lientenant, 3Iitxxrells battery, to rank
from May 23, 1869.
\Ir. F. Golcock, of South Carolina, to be secoiid lientenant, First Regiment South
Carolina Artillery, to rank from Jiuir 2, 186iy.
It. Soutter, of Georgia, to be second lientenant, Fir,it (;eorgia Regiment (enlisted
nien), to rank froin Jiiiie 6, ISGX
C S. Iatillo. o f Georcin. l o be
ontl lieutenant. First (ieoreia Battalion Sharil-

11.T. Igleliart, of Virginia, to h second licntenant, Thirtieth Tirgiiiia Battalion

Sliarpshooters, to rank from 3lay 21, 1863.
17. C. I,acas. of Soiith (arolinsl, to be second licwtmant. Vifteentli South Carolina
Battalion Artillery, to rank from June 1, 1863.
1. Dessau, of Georgia, to be eecond lieutenant, First Georgia Regiment (enlisted
inen), to rank from June 1, 7863.
13. 11. De Saimure, of South Carolina, to I E secoiitl lielitenant, Fimt Regiment
South Carolina Artillery, to rank froni June 8, 1863
T. D. &inn, of Georgia, to lie second lientenant, Third (ieorgia Battalion Sharpshooters, to rank from June -5, 1863.



(Feb. 16, 1864.

The message was read.

Oydeyed, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Richmond, Pebruwry 16, 1864.
To the Senate o j the Con&derute Statea:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of TVar, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Pebruary 25, 1864.
No. 49.1
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nomination2 for appointmerit in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

i t djutunts--rst


A. C. Anderson, of Yirginia, to be adjutant Sixty-third Virginia Regiment, vice

Lieutenant Hull, promoted, to rank froin January 10, 1864.
Robert S.Morgan, of Vir&inia, to be adjutant Fifth Lirgiiiia Cavalry Regiment,
vice Lieutenant Eriiniett, promoted, to rank from September 28, 1863.
Joshua 1,. Moo1el of Mississippi, to be adjutant Fortieth Misbimippi Regiment, vice
Lieutenant McDonald, iesigned, to rank from J anuary 29, 1864.
John P. Conyerh, of Georgia, to he adjutant Forty-fiwt Georgia Regiment, 7 ice
Lieuteriant Ellis, killed, to r m k from January 1 3 , 1864.
John R. Pcopltv, of Tcnnc c, to bc adjutant Fifty-second Tcnnesvec Regiment,
to rank from January 6, 1861.
W.B. Scott, o f Georgia, to be adjutant Eighth Cavalry Battalion Georgia State
Chiard, t o rank frotii Septeniber 30, 1863.
A. C;. Brrington, of 1 irginia, to be adjutant Forty-second Virginia Regiment, to
rank froiii January 18, 1864.
I am, sir, respec+fully, your obedient servant,
Secreta?y of Wctr.
To His Excellenry JEBFI:HHON
Prwidenl, d c .

The message was read.

( l ~ d w ~ That
d , it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Richmorkd, IrbiW.u?!l 16,1864.

To the Senute OJ the Conjtdercite IVtutes:

Agreeably to the reconiiiiendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Joseph H.
Stewart, of Maryland, to be second lic~~itennnt
of infantry in the Army of the Confederate States of dnwrica.
Riclinioud, lebmury 19, 1864.
SIR: I liare the honor to rccoiimwnd t h e nomination of JoQepli 11 Stewart, of
Maryland, to l)e secontl lieiitenant of itiiantry in the Army of t h e Confederate Statec
of Anierim, t o rank froin (late of confirination.
I ani, sir, rcspwtfully, yonr obedient servant,
ScSeoetrr,.y qf TTiw.
To ITis Excellency J

Od,iwl, T h a t it br refcrred to the Committee




Ftbruury 16, 1864.

70 the iCrnate of t h e Cti~~deruie

Agreeably to the recomiiiendation of the Secretary of \Tar, I noniinnte h.It. Icing,
of Georgia, to IF tilaster arniorer i n t h e Army of t h e Confederate States of America.



[Feb. 16,1864.

West, George F. Whitfield, Samuel J. TVinn, D. N. Moody, R. D.

Lilley, John G. Kasey, James M. Williams, Benjamin Blorris, G. B.
Raucurr1, Luke IT. Finlay, J. 13. McGaughy, W. A. Rorer, John R.
Winston, \V. 0. Fleming, 0. 13. Cookc, M. D. 13al1, R. hf. Sands,
Bo. A. Caskic, D. H. Lee Martz, John T. ?Jones,F. A. IZej~nolds,J. D.
Weeden, Oscar White, Charles 1,. Haynes, Ed. Croft, J. H. &Rae,
John J?. Wolfe, John 1. Kennedy, T. 0. Stone, David Pierson, H. L.
Andrews, D. G. Cowand, ,J. S. K. McCutchcn, W. 1%.Sillers, Thonias
M. Carter, James W. moss, William L. Wingfield, J. D. W.120~9,Gus.
A. Goodinan, Charles B. Christian, J. P. Bane, Jos. It. Cabell,
A. G. OBricn, T. n. C X & ~ I ~ , James T. Smith, James W. Beck,
L. McCollum, B. S. King, P. V. Green, Charles Guillet, Ed. Berkeley,
Charles S. Pey ton, FIT.E. Green, B. R. Hart, d. K. McDowell, Stephen
Cooper, M. T. Porter, 71. C. Clifton, ,J. M. Jo1inson, L. M. Ramsaur,
,J. I). Wilson, E. H. Bacon, P. F. Hunley, R. H. A4bercrombie,
S. .Jones, Benjamin I?. Sawyer, T. W. Elynt, d. 13. Cording, John B.
Herring, James Ncllignn, to be; \I7,
S. Baxinger,
Ito. 0. Reynolds, ,J. FIT. Carter, V. 11. Willitinison, C. W. Heiskell,
,I. A. Stewart, K. 11. FVhiteley, A. A . Ilill, A. E. Ashford, John L.
Kiiott, 2,. I,. Nohs, W. C. Fielding, A. M(~Leniore,C. 1%.Clarke,
11. H. Ansley, C. N. Ltzwson, 11. 31. I)unwody, Thornas ,I.
Wooten, 1. F. Culver, S. 11. McCarver, ,J. 11. Dunklin, J. ,J.
Pierce, E. 13. Withers, TI. Lee llussell, 1). 13. Miller, Thomas E.
Screren, A. Harman, ,J. G. Lowe, J o h n P. Fitzgerald, ,J. hl. White,
A. Proskaner, J . W. Clark, Jas. C. Davis, J . S. ,Jones, ,J. L.
White, T. W. Thoinpson, Edwin A . Nash, J. 7. Carson, II. Hendrick,
R. De Trerille, A. 1). Kelly, J. Y. Emrich, G. W. Taylor, D. W.
Anderson, G. F.*Norton, W. 0. Pegram, John N. Carpenter,
John Siins, J . C:. Gordon, F. S. Bass, F. I. Wood, T. Mc0. Smith,
James D. Truss, F. A. Ashford, P. Sheffield, W. 11. Chatfield, H.
Hanipton, B. Dcshn, A. Watkins, E. T. Stackhouse, John 11. Pate,
R. N.Powell, 1. G. Coffman, Thonias A. Strcct, R. 0. \\right, Y. I?.
Frazer, 5. W. Draughon, H. H. Harper, D. P. Grahain, ,J. S.
Bichards, E.S. ChiIley, fIenrjr Q. Lewis, C. 1%.Irving, M. F. Carter,
8. Palmer, 1%.S. Harcn, lhilip Gee, H. Bradford. W. L. Goldsniitli,
M. G. Bass, M. P. Spcssard, T. I. Watkins, B. L. L)yei*, C. T.
Crittentlen, 13. S. Proffjtt, C. M. Vlinltler, P. 1. Fitzhugh, W. 13.
Clement, Ci. 11. Donald, ?Jas. P. Eagle, J. ,J. Gooding, lrey I?.
Lewis, *J. C. I-folines, ,John C. Key, 13enjaniin NoImes, tJ. R. IIuhbarcl,
J. D. Howard, E. E. Rookter, E. A. Howel1,W. N. Berkeley, B. Taylor,
T. Smith, 11. T. Toulmin, R. J . Williams, ,J. Duncan, R. N. Hull, J. H.
Sikes, M. It. ZIall, D. 13. Smith, W. T. Holland, G. S.Laswell, S. C.
Cooper, Williain Lester, I?. L. Twitty, 12. Bandolpli, B. W. Phipps,
W. F. Slatm, J . A. Lash, S. Itufin, W. J . IXearin, G. C. Freeman,
E. 1. McL)onald, W. Marks, William Stinton, G. 31. Ferneyhough,
L. CJ. Dohsieux, C. 11. Ford, B.C. Smith, C. W. Mabry, C. E. Cormier,
W. P Cooper, to bemajor.:; F. D. Blake, 11. R. Lesesne, A. S. Gail
lard, 11. I). T ~ y n i a nto
, be captains; W. 11. Johnson, E. S. Ficklin -,
lredell ,Joncq, J. 1). Anthony, J . 1%.DuBose, W. A. Willixms, T. P. .
Ryan, K. Bruce, 0. La Rorcle, J. S.Heyward, H. A. Crane, to be first
lieutenants, reported, with the reeorniiiendation that all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it wag

Besol?:cd. That the Senate advise and consent,

agreeably to the nomination of the President-,
Mr. Cluy, From the Committee on Military
referred the nomination of F. M. Green, to be
The Senate proceeded to consider said iiotniriutioli; and

On motion by Mr. Semmes,

Resolved, Thst the nomination of I?. R1. Green, to be colonel

Eleventh MissiRsippi lie itnent, be reject,ed for the roason that in the
opinion of the Sen:Lte n . B. Lowry is tlic senior rtiid rankiiig officer.
Mr. Clay, Srotii the Committee on Militmy Aflnira, to ~ h 0 1 i iwm
referred the iioiiiinution of R. J3, Imvry, to he lieutenant-colonel,

ecdcd to consider


nomination; : ~ n d

, Tkat the Sent& advise wid conbent to his ttppointmont,

agreeably to tlie noiii iriation of the President,
On niolion I ) J ~ Mr. Yhelan,
That the Senate resunie the consideration of the resolutioo submitted
by hiin on the 27th January relative to the report of the Coninlittee
on Military Affairs respecting eeltitin noniintttions sent to the Sciiate
by the President on the 8th Janiiws, 1864,
Mr. Maswell doxnt~nddt h question; .tvhich WBS sccondud, and
The question being put,
Will the Senate rcsutne tile consideration of stkid rcsolntion 1
I t N U S detci*iiiintvfi l l tho i iwtive.
~ ~
The Senate resutiiccl the consideration of tlir: noinintition of It. H.
Chilton, to f)c I ) r i ~ ~ i d i c r - ~ c n rrtnd

Rlr. Sparrow detnaiidcd thc q ut.stioti ; which W:LSh o ~ o n d e d ,and

The queestiou hing put,
Will the Senittc adri\c. :idcwiscxit to this noinin;itiori1
YelLS-. _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ 11
I t WRY drtc~rini~letl
i r i the tdIiriiuttivc,
Nays _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _6 _ .
On motion b y MY.Clay,
r ,
l h e yeas and nays being desired Iy one-fifth of tho Senators present,
Those who voted tn the atlirinative I L ~ ,
M BSP rs. l3a I< e r , C;qwr to n, Do r tch , I lay nc s, lien ry , W i 11, h nter,
.Johnson o f C;coi.giu, On., Serrirriw, and Yptlri*o\v.
lliose who voted in tho negative are,
Messrs. Clark, Clay, Jenlison, Johnsan o f Missouri, Mitchel, and
Old hain.
so it W B S
ResoZz)c?d, That the Sonate advisc ntid consent to the appointnlFnt of
K. I i . Chilton, t o b(b hrig.:idiei--~enP1.~~1,
tigreeubly to the nomination of
tlit: lresident.
Mr. Sprrow, from the C~ornniittc~e
on M ilitury hflairs, to whotn
W C : J * ~ referred thc nominntionu of 1. C. Venable and 11, 1. Cochran, to
be captains, Thoinas ( i . I3arrott, to be second lie~jtcna~rt,
urtillory officew, for ordnanw duty; Stmdiopt?Iouey rind S.S. Ijarris, to be assistant adjutants-genowl, with 1,he rrtnk of captain; w. 7. Welcker, to be
ca tain, Corps of Artillery, Regular Army; Frank A. Itcynolds nnd
,Jo n 13. Uenys, to he sccond lioutenanth. Cor1)s of Cavalry, Ilegular
Army; Thomas IZoyd Edelin, J . D. M~Ei~rla~~tl,
to I Jfirst
~ lieutonants of

7 80


[Feb. 16, 1864.

infantry, Regular Army; and Williani T. Rlackistone, to be second

lieutenant of infantry, Regular Army; 0. J. Semmes, William E. Earle,
Henry C. Scmple, C. W. squires, to be majors of artillery; C. C.
Greene and F. Y. Leavenworth, to be captains, artillery officers, for
ordnance duty; Daniel T. Chandler, to be assistant adjutant-general,
with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; E. R. Smith, to be assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of captain; W. H. Sellers and E. H. Cunningharn, to be assistant adjutants-general, with the rank of lieutenant
colonel; J . V. Gallinixrd, to be captain, Corps of Engineers, Regular
A m y , reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations
be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to considor said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resoived, That the Senate advise and consent, to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
MY. Oldham, from the Coniniittee on Post-Oflices and Post-Roads,
to whom were referred the nominations of Sidney E. McMillan, to be
postmaster a t Marion Court IIouw, S. C. ; 1;. B. I w s , to be postmaster
a t Lake City, Fla., and Patrick A. Chalkley, to be postniastcr at Yroctorr Creek, Va., reported, with the recoinnienclation that all of said
nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Cornmittee on Military Affairs, to whoni
were referred the noininations of Matt W. Ransoni, A. 31. Scales,
L. S. Baker, Robert D. Johnston, and W. W. Kirkland, to be brigadiergenerals, reported, with the recornmendation that all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it mas
Besohed, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committer on Military Aflairs, to whom
was referred the nomination of J. W. Frazer, to be brigadier-general,
reported, with the recommendation that said nomination be rejectcd.
On motion by nfr. Clark, that said nomination be continued until the
next session of the Senate,
It was determined in the negative.
The Senate proceeded to consider said nomination; and
After debate,
On the question,
Will the Senate advise and consent to the appointment of eJ. W.
Frazer, to be brigadier-general?
I t was determined in the negativr, 1 Yeas.
Nays _ _ - .. - - - _ - - - _ .. _ _ 0
- 18
On motion by Mr. Haynes,
The yeas and nays hcing desired by one-fifth o f the Senators present,
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, Caperton, Clark, Clay, Dortch, Haynes, Henry,
Hill, Hunter, Jemibon, Johnson of Georgin, .Johnson of Arkansas,
Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Oldham, ON, Semrnes, and Sparrow.
So it was

Feh. 17, 1864.1

Iiesohed, That the Senate do not ad

nlent of J. IT7. Frazer, to be brigadier
On niotion by Mr. Mitchel, that the i
froin the proceedinw in the case of J.
It TVBS doterrnine8 in the
On motion by Mr. Johnso
thc nomination of J. W. F
I t was determined in the
Nays - - .- - - - - . -. - - - - On niotion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
Tho ycns and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Thosc who voted in the affirmative are,
Mossrs. Clark, Clay, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of A rkansas,
iVitchcI, Orr, and Sernnies.
Those who voted in tho negative are,
Mcsxrs. Baker, Caperton, Ihtynes, Henry, Hill, tJe~nison,Oldbani,
:Lnd Splrrow.
So tho Senate refused to reconsider.
On inotion by Mr. Semmes,
lhc Yenatc resolved into secret legislative session.


Thr IIousr of 1irprt.sentativrs have c~mcnrredin t h e ainendmonts of the Senate to

the followinp hills and joint rcmlntion:
1\11 act (u allow colnmissionetl officers oI t h e h n y raticins and the privIia5ing clothin:. from tlic Qii:it termasters Departnlent;
11. It. 123. A n act to fix the (~onipc~npatio~~
for the 1nil)licatioti in thr public gazettes
of thc acts of (ongwss; and
IT. K. 42. .Joint rcsolnticm of t h m k s to t h Tliirly-~~intl~
Mississippi itegiment.
(1 a b i l l (F1 It 132) to anthorizc the increase of couipsnsation
n t q of tlic Post-Oflire Departimnf ; in which they reqtle8t the
concwrence o f the Senate.

MY.Sparrow. froin tho ConiInittea on Military AffLtirs, to whom w0re

wfcrred the following bills:
It. 128. An act to authorize tho proniot,ion of .ofhers,, noncomioned officers, and privates for diatinguishcd sltrll 01- valor;
. It. 12:). An act to repeal an act to ovrltuiao hands of partisan
rangcrs, approved April 21, 1862, and for ot 1cr prposes; and
13. B. 130. Arl act to authorize tlie organization yf auxiliary lturectus
of tho War I)opartment west of tho Alississippi Iliver ;
reported them sovcrally without urnendmcnt.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coiiimittec of tho Whole, to the con-




sideration of the said bills; and no amendment being proposed, they

were severalli- reported to the Senate.
Ordered, phat khey pass to a third reading.
The said bills were severally read the third time.
Ra&w.d, That they pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the I-Iousc of Representatives
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were
referred the following oint resolutions:
H. R. 25. ,Joint reso ution of thanks to Lieutenant-General Longstreet and the officers and men of his command;
H. B. 36. Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. N. B. Forrest and the
officers and men of his corriniand; arid
H. R. 41. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. J. E. 13. Stuart
and the officers and incn under his command;
reported them severally, without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coininittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said resolutions; arid no aniendrnent being proposed,
they were severally reported to the Senate.
OrdeTed, That they pew to a third reading.
The said resolutions were severally read the third time.
Resulwd, That they pms.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Clay, froin the joint select committee appointed to investigate
the managcrnent of the Xavy Department under its present head, submitted a report (No. 20); which W a s ordered to be printed.
The bill (H. I<. 132) to authorize the increase of compensation to
route and special agents of the Post-Office Department was read the
first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole.
On motion by Mr. Oldham, to amend the bill by striking out the
following woids: Procidec?, The agent is over forty-five years of
age, or otherwise not liable to military du,
It was determined in the affirmatire.
On motion by Mr. Dortch, to amend the bill by striking out ten,
line 11, and inserting twenty,
It was determined in the afirrnative.
hTo further aniendiiient being proposed, the bill mas reported to
the Senate and the amendments mere concurred in.
Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a
third time.
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
ResoCued, That it pass with amendments.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of ltepresentatives in the amendments.
Mr. Seinmes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
the joint resolution (11. B. 57) explanatory of the act entitled An act
to lay taxes for the common defense and carry on the Government,
approved the 24th day of April, 1863, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said resolution; and having been amended on the
motion of Mr. Semines, by striking out of the enacting clause the
words do resolve and inserting before The Cong?*ess the words

Feb. 17, 1864.1

I 2 ~ d tly?
~ ~itf was reported to
concurred in.
O t d e i ~ ? ,That the amendment be engro
ii third time.
The said resolution ab amended mas read the
12c~oZcetrT, Ihst it pass with an amendment,
OP&IW/, That the Secretary request the ~ 0 1
of lieprcseiitativcs i n the amendment.
A h . Senimes, fro111the Committee on Finance, to whonl was 10
tho bill (11. It. 1%)to establish and organj~etwo
in connection with the agency of the Treasury for thc Trans-Mississippi Dcpnrtnicnt, one of which is to be known as the burcau of the, rtuditor n11d
thc other RS thc burcan of the comptroller for the Trans-Missjssippi
Ih1)artnieiit, reported it without anicndment.
llic Setrate p o ~ c e d e dRS
, in Coiriinittec of the V I I ~ oto
~ ~the
, coilsideration of tho said hill; and no amendment being proposed, it was
icimrtcd to the Senate.
Ordcwd, Ihat it p:~ssto a third reading.
lhc said bill was reid tho third time.
12(:soZwd, Iliat it pass.
That thc Secretary inform tho I-Iouxe of ltepresantatives
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Ihc Henatc, resolved into secret legislative session.
Ihc doors having been opened,
1110 following message ~ v a sreceived from the I-Iouss of Represent&t i v w , by Mr. Ihlton:
The Ilonse of Represcntativi.8 h a w by nnaninions (sonsent agrcrd
111 rrsolntion (11. 12. 42) of thanks to thc Thirty-ninth Missiwippi
Iiygiirwiit, \z h i c . l i IIRV passed both Ilonsex o f (hngwss, hy striking ont Ihirtyiiiritli and inserting Thirty-seventh; in \I hicli thcy usk the vonouironve of the

The Sonate proceeded to consider ttic anicndriieriL of tho TTotisn of

IZc rcscntntivcs to thc joint resolution (11. 11. 42) last, mcntioned; and
niotion by 311.. Brown, and by iinanimoux eonsont,
Beso/wed, That they concur therein.
Ordered, That thc Sccrctary inform thc IIou,rc! of Reprcwnl :I( ives
the reo f.
A message from the lrcsidant of tho Confederate k h t ( ? h , by JM~,
13. N. Ilarrison, his Secretary:


nstant, the President of the Confederate

the issue of certain bond8 for paynien t
State of Florida;
officers of the Nav of the C;onfedr:!ate SWes,
nntler certain c.ircumstances,and to amenct an act entitledrliln act to provrdc for ttie
organization of the Navy, approved March 18, JSfil; and
S. .210. A l l act to aid any State in coinrriunicatin~aithand porfccting recwrds ~011ccrning i t 8 troops.

~ i i d
liloritia Railroad Company, of the
ti. 17%). A11 act lnaking allouanctv to

That the Secretary inforin the House of Iteprflsentstives
A message from the House of Representatives, by MY. Dalton:

Jfi. pres{de& The I~OUSC.

of Represenbtivc.8 liave pa88ed joint WfKhtions of the
follo\&ig titles; in which they request the concurrence $.the Senate:
H. 58. Joint resolution recoiimien(1ing a day of hiimiliation, fmting, and prayer;



[Feb. 17,1864.

H. R. 59. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of Poseys old brigade,
cornposed of the Twelfth, Sixteenth, Kineteenth, and Forty-eighth Mississippi
regiments ;
H. R. 60. Joint resolution of thanks t o the officers and inen of the Fourth Virginia Infantry; and
11. R. 61. Joint resolution of thanks to the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment
for I eenli&ig unanimously for t h e war.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed sundry enrolled bills
and enrolled joint resolutions, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for t h e signatiirc of their President.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

Ur. President. ThcHouse of Representativeshave, unreconsitleratiori, refused lo pass

t h e bill of t h e IIouse (11. R. 94) entitled An act to p ~ o xide for nuunded and disabled officers, soldiers, and seamen a n asylum to be called The Veteran Soldiers
Home, returned to the House of Representatives by the Prebident of the Confederate
States, with his objections thereto, two-thirds of the members of the House not
yoting in favor thcrcof.

Mr. Caperton, froni the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled billh and joint resolutions of the following
titles :
S. 168. An act to organize lorccs to serve during the war;
S. 164. An act to amend an act rcgulating the granting of furloughs and discharges in hobpitals, approved &Jay l, 1863;
8. 199. An rict t o aniend an act cntitled An act to organize military
courts to attend thc hymy of the Confederate States in the field, and
to define the powers of said coiirts, approved October 9, 1862;
S. 200. A n act to confer additional powers upon courts-martial and
military courts;
S. 203. An act to amend the sixty-fifth article of war;
S. 218. An act to amend the act entitled An act to provide and
organize engineer troops to serve during the war, approved 20th
March, 1863;
S. 222. An act relating to the appointment of a general and lieutenan t-generals ;
S. 33. J o i n t resolution of thanks t o Lieut. Gen. E. Kirby SniiLh,
for the battle of ltichmond, Ky., and to his lieiitenants so specially
commended by him, and to all the officers and soldiers of his command
i n that hattle;
H. R. 105. An act to provide an invalid corps;
11. It. 106. An act to allow coinrnissioried officersof the Army rations
and the privilege of purchasing clothing from the Quartermasters
H. R. 120. An act to authorize tlic impressment of meat for the use
of thc Army under certain circumstances;
H. R. 122. An act to fix the coinpcnsation for the publication in the
public gazettes of the acts of Congress;
H. R. 123. An act to authorize the payrncnt of mileage and salary
to members-elect of the Second Congress of the Confederate States;
H. R. 125. An act t o authorize the promotion of officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates for distinguished skill o r valor;
1. R. 129. An act to repeal an act to organize bands of partisan
rangers, approved April 21, 1862, and for other purposes;
1. R. 134. An act to repeal certain portions of the act of May 21,
1861, relative to prisoners of war;
H. R. 25. .Joint resolution of thanks to Lieutenant-General Longstreet and the ofliioers and men of his command;

Fch. 17, 1864.1

11. R. 42. Joint resolution

sippi IZeginicnt;
13. 11. 51. Joint rosolutiort
11. R. 58. Joint resolutio
pcnsnt)ion of cert:iin civil o
ofli(%earid in the executive
for it liiiiitcd period, approv
11. K. 53. Joint rcsolntio

nth, :md Fonrtcvnth

11. 11. 54. ,Joint rcsolutio

Sonth Cnrolinn Volunteers:
11. W. 55. tJoiiitJremlution of thttnks to the offic~rslllld llloIl of
Yoagiics Artillery l3:tttalioii for I*cenlistingduring the war.
Ihc lrcsidcnt) pro tcrnporc h:iving signed thc enrolled hills ttnd
crirollcd joi t i t rcsolations last rcportcd to have beon extlnlinod, they
wcrc dclivcrcti to the Sccrctrwy of the Senate and by hini forthwitti
pwheiitd to the Prcaidcnt of the Confederiita Stittcjs for his nppi*oval.
1 hc following message was vcceivcd from tho President of the Confedmite States, hy Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secrcbry:
%A*, Fchm(zr!y17, MGd.
To thr ,%wntc, ql tlir Co)~frclcmtr87ntes:
111 respotire to yonr l r d o t i o r i of the 12th ultimo, I herewith tmismit a roiniiinriic~~tion
from the Swrctary of Wzr, coiivevirig thc inforiliation a&ed for relntivo
to the rt,tnriiu of the compnny cominanders o i the Army for t ~ i oclotiiing transferrcct
t o tlirrii for issue and distribution.

I ho message was read.

it be r e f e r i d to thc Corninittee oii Finance.
Tho following message was rcwivd froiii the lrcsidont of tho Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Hariisori, hi\ Sccrctary:


ILicrivovr), VA., Fchitryt/ 17, 2864.

To h,
Senatc and Voicse of R ~ I ~ Y S P U ~ U
I Iic.rcv\ itli sni)iiiit for yoor consideratioti x c.otniunnic~ntionfroiii the
tlic Navy, covering a 1 1 cdiinate for m i :dtlitional approliriistion requircd I
xlqiroveci on tlie 16th iristant.
r ,

1 ho mossage W R read.
referred to tho Commitlce o i l kinnncc.
r ,
I lie following iiicii;:tgc was rccciued frotti tho Prosidant of tho Confederate States, by 311113.
.. N. Iiarrison, his Seci-etnry:
R I C K M O ~VA.,
I ) , Ei.bruary 17, 1864.
7b ilic ,Sen& a7Ld I l o i w of Keprc~ent
11 R c:c~rnrriut~ic.atioii
from tlic S w r e t w of
1 Ilpre\i itki snl)mit lor yonr c*onciid
\v:tr, (.overing at1 estimate for an additioiial appropriation rcqnircd l)y the Btlrcau of
Iritliari Affairs.

Thc message wits read.

Oydeyc(i, That it he referred to the Committee on Finnnoc.
The followi1tg joirit resolutions were severally read the first and
qecond times rind considered as i n Cornmittec of the Whole:
11. 1%.58. Joint rerolution recommending a day of hurniliatiotl, fasting, and prayer;





[Feb. 17,1864.

H. ft. 59. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of Poseys
old brigade, composed of the Twelfth, Sixteenth, Nineteenth, and
Forty-eighth Mississippi regiments;
H. 12. 60. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of the
Fourth Virginia Infantry; and
H. B. 61. Joint resolution of thanks to the Eighteenth North Carolina I-tegimcnt for reenlisting unanimously f o r the war;
and no amendment being proposed, they were severally reported to
the Senate.
Oydered, That they pass to a third reading.
The said resolutions were severally read the third time.
R e d v e d , That they pass.
Ordgred, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr, Orr,
Ordered, That the message of the President, transmitting copies of
the charges and specifications in the case of Maj. H. C. Guerin,
together with the accompanying docunients, be printed or the use of
the Senate.
The Senate proceeded, a3 in Committee of the PV hole, to the considerntion of the bill (S.214) to repeal a n act cntitled An act to authorize
the President to confer temporary rank and command, for service with
volunteer troops, on officers of the Confederate Army, appyoved May
21, 1861; aiid
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordemd, That the further consideration thereof he postponed until
The hour of half past 3 oclock httving arrived,
The Senate took a recess until 7 oclock p. m.


On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors hxb ing been opened,
The following message was received froin the House of Representatives, by N r . Dalton:
Mr. President: The House of Representatives have pwsed t h e bill of the Senate
(S. 226) to provide for retiring offirers of t h e Army, with amendments; in which
they request the concuireiice of the Senate.
And they have passed a bill and joint resolution of the following titles; in which
they request the concurrcnce of the Penate.
H. 12. 137. An act supplemental to the act entitled An act to make additional
appropriations for t h e support of the Government of the Confederate States of
America for the fiscal year cnding June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four;
H. R. 62. Joint resolution in reference t o t h e adoption and publication of an
address to the people of t h e Confederate States.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed a n enrolled bill and
two enrolled joint resolutions, I am directed to bring thcrn to the Senate for the signature of their President.

Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
H. R. SO. An att to make additional appropriations for the support
of the Gorernincnt of t h e Confederate States of America for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1864;

Feb. 17,1864.1

H. R. 92. An act to seduce thec

of notes and bonds; and
H. R. 98. An act, t o le
and support of the Governme
The President pro tenipor
reported to have been exiirnin
of the Senate and by him for
CoiAderate States for 11
'L'hc bill (H. H. 137)
ni:Llic :tdditional sppropr
the C'onfeder:ite btates
thirtioth, eightcen hiui
sccoiid tinips and cotisidcred as iri Cominittco of tho Whole; and no
anitiidnient }wing proposed, it IVRS rcported to tho Senate.
Ordewtl, That it p:irjs to a third Iwding.
'l'he said hill wis read thc third tinie.
I 2 ~ o l w d ,T h a t it pass.
(irdmd, 'l'htLt tho Secretary inform the IIouso of Heprcsentatives
The joint rcsolntion (H. R. 62) in reference to the adoption and publication of an addmss to the people of the Confederate States was read
thc first :md sccond times and considored as in Committee of the Whole;
a d no amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
O?~deiwJ,That it pass to a third reding.
~ the third time.
The stid resolution w : road
Ec,diwd, Thrit it pass.
( i t d e w ? , That the Sccretarp in forin the House of Ttepresentatives
t hcrc.of.
RI 1'. Scinnics, from the joint select conmiittoe :Lppointcd to prepare
an addrcss to the couiitry on Itehalf of Congress, sut)tnit,td :L rcport
(No. 21); which \ v i L S - r C i d .
Mr. I h r t c h , from the conimitlce, reported that they hat1 examined
2nd found truly enrolled a bill and joint resolutions of the following
ti ties:

11. It. 1?8. An act toauthoriec t,he organization of mixiliary bureaus

of the \Val* Department west of the I\lississippi River;
H. R. 34. Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. N. 13. Forrest and t h e
officers and nicn of his coinilland; and
El. R. 41. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. ?J, E. B. Stuart
and the officers and men under his command.
The President ro tempore havin signoil the enrolled bill and
eni-olled joint reso utions last rrporte to haw been examined, the
were &livered to the Secretary of the Senato arid. by hini forthwit
presented to the President of the Corifcderatc States for his approval.
Mr. Orr (by have) introduced
A joint ~.eso]ution(S. 34) of thanks to the officers and soldiers of the
First Regiment of Cavalry, South Carolina Volunteers;
which was read the first and second tinlev and considered as in Comniittee of the Whole; and no amendment bemg proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
&&red, That it, be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Resolued, That it pass, and that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
Ordei*ed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the IIuusso
of Representatives therein.



[Feb. 17, 1864.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McDonald:

ilfr. President: The IIouse of Representatives have passed bills of the Senate of the
following titles:
8. 93. An act to provide tobacco for the Army;
S. 195. An act creating the office of ensign in t h e Army of t h e Confederate States;
S. 213. An act to amend an act entitled An act to provide and organize engineer
troops to serve during the war, approved March 20, 1863.
They have passed a bill of the Senate (S. 206) to amend a n act entitled An act to
punish drunkenness in the Army, approved April 21, 1862, with a n amendment; i n
which they request the concurrence of the Senate.
They have disagreed to t h e first amendment of t h e Senate to the bill (I. R. 132)
to authorize the increase of compensation to route and special agents of the PostOffice Department, and have agreed to the second amendment of thesenate to t h e
said bill.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed sundry
enrolled bills, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their

The Senate proceeded to consider their amendment, disagreed to by

the House of Iiepresentatives, to the bill (H. R. 132) to authorize the
increase of compensation to route and special agents of the Post-Office
De artment; and
8 n motion by Mr. Oldham,
BesoZved, That the Senate recede from tneir said amendment.
Ordeyed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House of
Representatives to the bill (S. 226) to provide for retiring officers of
the Army; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Resolved, That they concur therein.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform t h e House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of
Representatives to the bill (S. 205) to amend an act entitled An act
to punish drunkenness in the Army, approved April 21,1862; and
Besolved, That theg coriciir therein.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (13. R. 131)to authorize the appointment of two additional clerks for the Navy Department, reported i t without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t h e said hill; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordeyed, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read t h e third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ordeyed, That the Secretary inform t,he House of Representatives
Mr. Phelan, from the joint committee on public printing, who were
instructed to inquire and determine what compensation should be paid

Feb 17,1864.1

the Pnblic Printer for printing ordored by C0ng.r

resolution, approved tJanuary 5, 1864, reported:

ed er cent on the price aboi

For eacX page of the laws passed

a single copy; to include ronipositi

The Senate proceeded to consider the said report: and

The report wns agreed to.
Mr. Dortch, froin the conimittee, re )ortc.d t4at t1it.y 11w.l csitmined
and found truly enrolled hills of the fo lowing titles:
H. 230. Au act to :tniend an act entitlcd An act to turreiid 811 act
entitled An act to estctblish :i volunteer 11:tvy, : ~ p p r o ~ e~dl e w n t h
Fel~runry,eightcell hiindred :ind sixty-four;
8. 212. An act to ainend thci acts of April 1, 18(iB, and Heptenibei*
23, 1862;
Y. 231. An act to attach the cauuty of Nox~xbec,in the State of
Mississippi, to tho southern judicial division of stid Htfit,e; and
S. 232. An Itct in relittion to thc qualification of 8t:ttc collectors.
The President pro tempore hnving signed 1be enrolled bills last
reported to have bccn exiuiiined, thoy were ctelivcrcd to the Secretary
of the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his :tpprovttl.
On iiiotiori by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into c.secutivo session.
The doors having been opened,
The following messagc, \ v m rcwivcd from the P r e d o n t of tho Confederate States, by MI.. 1%. N . lItwrison, his S;lcbrc.htiy:

MT.I?.esident: The President of tlic Confr~dcr:lteStxtibn hah, to-dxty, npprovcd arid

signed the following acts rind j o i n t rcwllrition:
S. IN.A n act to alnenti an act rcgulaling tlie gr:tiiting of fiirlouglis n t d disc4rargrs in hospitals, approved May 1, 1863;
8. 199. An act to alnentf an act entitled An act to or w i i z t ? niilihry court8 to
attend the Army of the Confedercite States in tltr fit4d, an(?to clrliiie tlie powetll of
said courk, approved 0utol)chr 9, 1862;
S. 203. An act to arnenti the Hixty-fifth nrticlo of war;
S. 218. An act to ainenri tire act entitlecl An act. to provitlc find orgaiiiw ttngineer
troops to aerve during the war, approved 20111 iYJnrcbh,386:3;
S. 222. AILact relating to the appointment of a general and Iiuute~iant-generals;

S. 33. Joint rmolution of tluinks to 1,ieut. Gcn. E.Kirby K l n i t h , for the I)altltt of
Richniond, l i y . , and to his lieritcwantn 80 hpccially c~omrn~~e~idcvl
by hiin, arld to all
t l r r ofiic*ersnucl solditw of Iris c~oirimantli n that. battle.

Oh&~d, That,the Secrthry i nforni thc F h i s a of lteliresentatives

A messago from the JIouse of Itcprcsentnths, by Mr. Dulton:
~ f rfi&dcni:
Tilt? 13orise of Ikprcwmbrtivca Iiaw p w w d bills arid joint resoliitionfi
of t l l e following t itlcs; in wliic41 ttwy r w ~ i i v ~
t lti c cwiwnrr(wv of the Senrzte:

11. 1%.138. ~ t atst

to provi(Ie for tiit, more prfec-t d i s c i p l i i ~m t l niibordiiiation of
the cavalry service;
EI. R. 139. A n act to provide c~c~nr~~cnxation
for iionc~ornniixnionetlofficem and HOIdiem on detailed servic-e;
13. H.63. Joirit resolution of ttiarika to tlie ofiicem nrid menof the Fifty-fifth North
Carolina troops; and



[Feb 37,1864.

H. R. 64. Joint resolution of thanks to the Second, Eleventh, and Forty-second

Mississippi regiments.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives having higiied sundry enrolled bills,
I am directed to bring them to the Senate for t h e signature of their President.

Mr.Caperton, from the committee, reported that they have examined

and found truly enrolled bills and joint resolutions of the following
S, 93. An act to provide tobacco for the Army;
S. 19.5. An act creating the office of ensign in the Army of the Confederate States;
1. R. 125. An act to establish and organize two bureaus in connection with the agency of the Treasury for the Trans-Miusissippi Department, one of which is to be known as the bureau of the auditor and
the other as the burem of the comptroller for the Trans-Mississippi
H. R. 132. An act to authorize t h e increase of cornpensation to route
and special agents of the Post-Office Department;
H. R. 42. Joint resolution of thanks to the Thirty-seventh Mississippi
Regiment; and
H. R. 62. Joint resolution in reference to the adoption and publication of an address to the people of the Confederate States.
The ?resident pro teinpore having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have been examined, the '
were delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwit
presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
The bill (H. R. 138) to provide for the more perfect discipline and
subordination of the cavalry service was read the first and second times
and considered as in Committee of the R7hole; and no amendment
being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
O ~ d e ~ ~ eThat
c l , it pass to a third reading.
The said hill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ordcred, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The bill (H. R. 139) to provide compensation for noncomrnissioned
officers and soldiers on detailed service was read the first and second
times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following joint resolutions were severally read the first and
second times and considcrcd as in Committee of the \%'hole:
H. R. 63. Joint resolution of thanks to the of5cers and nieii of the
Fifty-fifth North Carolina troops;
14. R. 64. Joint resolution of thanks to the Second, Eleventh, and
Forty-second Mississippi regiments;
and no amendment being proposed, they wore severally reported to
the Senate.
Ordmed, That they pass to a third reading.
The said resollitions were severally read the third time.
Resolved, That they pass.
OrdHed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
Ordewd, That t h e Senate take a recess until 9 o'clock this nioruing.

Feb. 17,1864.1

~ f i .Prrsidcwf: The Iresiden t oC the Confederate Shks 1

t h t Iir fins, this day, approved rtirct signe
joi tit resol ntioiis:
11. ft. Yo. Aii act to make additional appropriations for the support
merit of tlir Coniederate States of Ainerica for the fiscal year endiiig
11. 12. lay. An w t to antlioriee the impressiuent of Ineat for the 11s
tlnt1e.r certittii circwiishnces;

11. R. 1%. .In art to authorize the protriotion ol oflicoiw, norrcoinmisnioiiccl onireru,
Ixivates fur (list ingwirhctl skill or railor;
11. N. 106. . h i w t to i ~ l l o wconiiuissionctl officcw of tlra h n y rations and the
pririlegc 01piirchsin:: clothing froiri the ~~nartrrnrwters
11. It. 134. Ari :wt t o repeal ccrtaiii portions of the t ~ tof, May 21, 1861,
prisonerrl of war;
11. It. 31. .Joint r w h t i o i i of thanks to Gen. N. B. Forrest und tlic o
iirtn oi liis cotnnia~ict;
11. It. 41 .Joint rtwliition of thanks to Maj. Gen. J. 15. 13. Stuart and the oflirers
:tiid ] t i e n nnclt~rliis c~omni:ind;
tition of thanks to !lit
M imissippi Jteginient;
lntion coiivtriiiiig an
tire corn eiisatioii of
tl cwployws i l l tlie 1
: i r i t ~ iii tic. t.xeciitive
: i n t l Irgiultitivc t1ep:irtriientr~at R i c * l ~ n i o i i dfor u I i i i i i tetl prio(1, itpproveci ,Janoary

the Surry 1,iglit Artillery;

i o tiw O I I ~ W Srin(~iricii (Jf Mc~owansh i , h ~ftl11, Tlii r trrr i t l l , rtnd Enur tcenl 11 r g i -

I f . 1:. 51. Joint resolutioii of tlianks to the Jtv: 1)re Artillery of South Carolina
11. It. 55. Join1 rtasolution nf tlianlcs to tlic ofKwrs :ind n i w of longucs Artillery
Ilattaliou for reenlisting tliiring the war.
Tliat 011 tlie 13th instant lit: iipprovotl and tiigncd
11. 1t. 30. Joint resolution of thaiiks to tlw oflirei
T J . It. 31. Joint re~oliitioiiof tlisnks to tlic Tenth
11. It. 38. Joint rcsolntion to derlare the menni
~ C C O I Itiiodations
to sick :m(l wounded officers.
Bird thiit oil the 1,Xh instant he %p]ir~vedand signed the following joint le8oIntiorrs:
11. H. 35. Joint rclmlutiori of t,hanks to Virginia troops stalioncd at Urewi*ysBloff;
? I R. 36. .Joint rcwdirtion ~ J Etliariks to the oflire1.s and ~ n e nof t l ~ rTwciity-eighth
and Ihirteentli reginirvits of North Carolina troops;
11: It. 87. Joint resolution of thanlrs to the oflicers arid nien of the Third Georgia

11. It. 3X: Joint resolution CJf tlianlta to the ofircrs and 1tit:11 of the Twunty-second
Virginia Flcgiiiwnt;
JJ. 1%.39. Joint rrsolution of thanks to Ifarts imttery, IIartrptori I,rg.ion, South
t :aroI i I ia V o lu I i teers;
11. 3t. 40. .roint resolutioa of tlranks to the S i x t ~ n t hhIii?simiJp Rci
11. It. 4.1, Jojnt resolutioii of thanks to tlkc Iorty-sixth atid l i l f t y - f i l l l f ; l : f ~ ~ ~Of~ e l , ~
Tomicaee Volunteem at Mobile;
II. It. 48. Joint resoliltion of thanks to tho Holtliora frrirn the Stixte of Alahama
who have reenlisted for the w : ~ ;
H. lt. 48. Joint rcsol~itiorrof thanks to the oflicerx and rneri of ffre St.verlth arid
Twelftil regirnetrts of \irgiiiia troops; :IMI
H, Ii,50, Joint rceoltitiori of thanks to the offkerf! and men of bmaxs tJrigde,

7 92


[Feb.17, 1864.

Thr Spraker of the House of Representatives having signed sundry enrolled bills
and enrolled joint resolutions, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the
signature of their President.

Mr. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills and joint resolutions of the following
H. R, 131. An act to authorize the appointment of two additional
clerks for the Navy Department;
H. 1%.137. An act supplemental to the act entitled An act to
make additional appropriations for the support of the Government of
the Confederate States of America for the fiscal year ending J u n e
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four;
1. R. 56. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of the
Thirty-seventh Eegiment of North Carolina troops; and
H. 1L 57. Joint resolution explanatory of the act entitled An act
to lay taxes or the coinmon defense and carry on t h e Government,
approved the 21th day of April, 1863.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolutions last reported to haw been examined, the
were delivcred to the Sccretary of the Senatc and by him forthwid
presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Johnson o f Arkansas,
Or&&, That lhe standiiig committees of the Senate be discharged
from the further consideration of all subjects referred to them and not
reported on.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
illr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed sundry
enrolbd bills, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their

Mu. Dortch, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
Y. 205. An act to amend anact entitled An act to punish drunkenness in the Army, approved April 21, 1862;
S. 213. An act to amend an act entitled An act to provide and
organize engineer troops to serve during the war, approved March
20, 1363; and
S. 226. An act to provide for retiring officers of the Army.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills last
reported to have heen exaniined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate Stittes for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs,
O7deel.ed, That the official reports of military coinmanderg communicated by the President of the Confederate States t o the Senate during
the present session, o r a t any previous session, he laid upon the table,
and that the Secretary of the Senate be instructed to make an alphabetical list of all such reports.
Mr. Sparrow, from the (:ommittre on Military Affairs, to whom mas
referred the bill (I. R. 121) to provide for the payment o f horses
killed, captured, lost, or perinanently disabled i n the Confederate States
service, reported it with the recoiiimendatioii that it ought not to pass.
Mr. Maxwell submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That a committee be appointed, to join such committee as may be
appointed on the part of the House of Represrntatires, to wait upon the President

7 94


[Feb. 17,1864.

That 011 t h e 15th instant he approved and signed the following acts:
1. It. 114. A n act to iiicrea~ethc coinmiitation value of hospital rations;
11. R. 118. An act to authorize the purchase and publication of a digest of the laws
uf t h e (onfedelate State<; t ~ n t l
11. It. 119. A n act to provide for holding elections for Representatives in the Congre;-s of the Confederate States of America from t h e State of Arkansas.
Ant1 that h e lins today approved and signed t h e following acts and joint resolutions:
H. R. 75. An act to amend a n act to regulate impressmentu, approved. Narch 26,
1863, and to repeal an act anieticlatory thereof, approved April 27, 1863;
13. R. 82. An act to grant a special copyright to TV. S. Hardee and 8. 11. Goetzel
for Hardees Rifle and Infantry Tnctics;
13. R. 92. An act to reduce the currency arid to authorize a new issue of notes and
11 It. 98. An act to levy additional taxes for t h e common defense and support of
the Government;
1. R. 107. An act to increase t h e efficiency of t h e Army by the employment of
free negroes and slaves in certaiii capacities;
H. E. 109. An act to increase the compensation of certain officers of the Treasury;
H. R. 111. An act for the relief of Livingston IIims;
H. R. 112. An act to authorize the President to establish additional military courts;
H. R. 115. An act to aniend a n act entitled A n act to lay taxes for the common
defense and carry on the (hieminent of the Confederate States, approved April
24, 1863;
11. Ii. 117. An act to amend the atat for the assrssment and c~ollrctionof taxes,
approred May 1, 1803;
. R. 124. A i l act to amend an act entitled A n act to organize the Teriitory of

ti. I<. I X ~ A
. ~ act
I tu establish and organize two bureaus in connection withthe
agency of the Treasury for t h e Tran
isaissippi Department, one of which is to be
known as the bureau of the auditor arid the other as the bureau of the comptroller
for the Trans-Mississippi L)epartment,
H. R. 131. A n act to authorize the appointment of two additional clerks for the
Navy Depar tmeiit,
11. R. 132. An act to authorize the increase of compensation to route and special
agents of t h e Post-Office Department;
1%. R. 137. An act supplemental to the act entitled An act to make additional
appropriations for the support of the Government of the Confederate States of America
for the fiscal year ending Jnne thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four;
H. R. 20. Joint resolution for the relief of Maj. W. F. I-IaineQ;
1-1. R. 25. Joint rcsolution of thanks to Lieutenant-General Longstreet and t h e
offirers and men of his comniand;
H. R. 29. Joint resolution for the relief of Maj. Henry R. Iiooper;
H. R. 45. Joint resolution of thank? to t h e Ninth Alabama Regiment;
H. R. 46. Joint resolution of thanks to the Fifteenth and Twentv-seventh regiments of Korth Carolinn troops, Cookes brigade;
H. It 47. Joint repolution of thanks to the enlisted men of 1)ouglas (Texas) battery;
H. R 56. Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and nien of the Thirty-seventh
Regimmt of North Carolina troops;
IT. R. 57. .Joint resolution explanatory of the actlentitled An act to lay taxes for
the coinnion defense and carry on the Government, approved the 24th day of April,
1863; and
11. R. 62. Joint re5olution in reference to the adoption and publication of an address
to the people of the Confederate States.

Mr. Henry submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Besolved, That the thanks of t h e Senate are hereby tendered to the Honorable
R. M. T. Hunter, President pro teinpore of the Senate, for the dignity, impartiality,
and ability with which he has presided over the deliberations of the Senate during
the present Congress


Mr. Hunter addressed t h e Senate as follows:

I t is with 110 ordinary emotion that I rise to return yo11 my thanks for
the honor you have done me, a n d to offer you m y parting salutation. I should be
insensible indeed if I could be indifferent to any inark of respect or regard from those
with whom I have worked so long i n frieiidly association, and to whom I am bound
by the ties of a common a n d a holy cause.

Feb. 17,1864.1

The session which

in our history; and
whole energies of 011
with no sparing ha1
necessary to niainta

:uid support it, not, only now, but for as long a period as may be iieccssary to achieve
onr independence. Rnoiigh has already been done by the people of the Confederate
States to cl~arac~teriee
the contest on t2heirpart as being amongst the lnost glorious of
those TV hich are conimemorated on the page of history. \Vhen has the world beheld
a nobler spectavle than that of a whole people springing to arms in defense of their
liberties, and maintaining the war for three long years hy levies en masse-the living
pressing forward with iinflinching will and nnfaltering devotion to take the places ot
the dead who fell \+liere they held the front ranks of battle? Woman fogetc, her
feebleness in the excitement of the struggle, and manhood gathers fresh strength
under the inspiration of the cause as tlie struggle waxes fiercer, until the whole border, for thousands of miles, resounds with the din of arms and the shout of the
battle cry.
I t is in the face of such a spectacle m this that tht. mighty nations of the e:irth have
folded their arin8, in silent indifference, and refused utterance to that word of recognition wliich a t one time might have given peace to others without i1ijur.y to thanselves, and thus saved a continent from a war which will be ever memorable i n
Iii,qtory for its miseries, its atrocities, and destriwtiveness. Their stntesinen have
boabtetl of a cold neutrality i n a conteRt wlien there was cverytliing on the one side
to c 4 i b t liuiiian syinpathy and respect, and everything on the other to excite roprobation and detestation; and yet, if we had hlleii, as they seeiii most erroneously to
have supposed a t the coniinencenient of our strtiggje, \+hata wail of huinanity wonld
hare ascended to heaven to demand judgment aganst them froiii Ilini who rules the
destinies of nations, for having permitted the suffering which the mere expression of
public opinion at one time might have saved.
But wlieii we have achieved the victory ancl won our inctopcntlcncc, it will be a
proud thing t o know that we shall owe them only to God and ourselves, and that we
are under no obligation to any other nation for alliance and assistance. The liberty
which is bought by the blood of heroes ancl martyr8 is always the most jealoudy ancl
faithfully preserved, and the teachings of even one year of such a war ~9 this, in
regard to the conduct of public affairs, may be more valuable to a people than the
experience of a whole centnry of peace.
Senators, you are about to return to your homes. Be it yours to cheer the hearts
of the people and to strengthen the arm of our defense. If you speak to the farmer
antl producer, remind them of their heroic defenclem in tlie field, who etand as a livirlg wall betTveen them and the unspeakable woe antl o pressions of such a stlbjugiition as that wit11 which we have beell threatened. Z'elfthem i t is their dUty to f e d
a ~ l dclothe the gallant inen who protect thern, and to see to it that they discl~arge
tllpir d11ties writh no niggard heart or stinted hand. If yo11 speak i n the cntrlps, tell
the soldier that the eyes of the country and the world are iixed upon Iiim; remind
I I I r n of the Inighty interests which are sbked upon the issues of the w t r ; and t r d
nay you say to hiln that victory, in such a contest, will briiig to him a falrle w h i d
shall be imperishable
tinle itself, and above all which adorns the ftOlIlan o r the
If it be your own heart with which yon coiiirnune, see if there be
G r e c i a ~nair1e.
cl1erisIied in i t any elnotion of lln~iolyambition or any aclfisli aspiration which interferes with the singleness of yonr iursuit of the one great object; and if there be,
pluck i t out a!ld cayt it from you. bor, after discharging the dritics whicli we owe to
God, there should be one hope, one interest, and one desire; and all 8honl(l 1x3 c0ncentrated on that great and holy canse upon which wu have staked not Only fortl!r1e,
family, and home, but periJona1liberty and national independence.



[Feb. 17,1864.

And now, Senators, imploring, as I do, t h e divine blessing upon you

cause, and wishing that we may all meet here in May next to miss n
and find no place made vacant by death, but with renewed hopes and refrwhed
energies t o discharge our duties to the country, I offer to each a n d all of you the right
hand of friendship and of fellowship, and bid you a n affectionate farewell.

Mr. Hill, from the committee appointed on the part of the Senate,
jointly with the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to wait on the President of the Confederate States and notify
him that, unless he may have further cornmunjcation to make, the two
Houses, having coinpleted the budiness before them, are ready to
close the present session by an adjournment, reported that they had
performed the duty assigned them; and that the President replied
that he had no further communication to make.
The President pro tempore declared the Senate to be adjourned
sine die.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. Pre&dent: The President of the Confederatc States has notified the House of

*Representatives that on t h e 15th instant h e approved and signed the following acts:
H. R. 101. An act making additional appropriation of secret service money; and
H. R. 113. An act to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain
The House of Representnfives have passed the bill of the Senate (S. 235) supplemental to a n act entitled An act to organize forces to serve during t h e war.

Mr. Semmes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred

the bill (H. R. 103) to authorize the issue of certain cotton certificates,
reported it with amendments.
The Senate roceedcd, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t e said bill; and the reported amendments having been
agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments were
concurred in.
O d e r e d , That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Resohed, That it pass with amendments.
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
The title was amended so as to read: An act to ratify the issue of
certain cotton certificates.
O d e w d , That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the amendments.
Mr. Semmes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
the bill (H. It. 116) to authorize a further foreign loan, reported it
without amendrnent.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and no ainendnient being proposed, it was
reported to the Senat,e.
Ode?*ed,That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ovdwed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Semmes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred

Feb. 17,1861.1


the bill (H. R. 115) to amend an act entitled An act

the common defense and carry on the Govcrninent of
States, approvcd April 24, 1s6:3, reported it with amen
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to t
eration of the said bill; and the reported aniendiiients h
agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate arid the ame
were concurred in.
Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a t
The said hill as amended was read the third tirnc.
Resohved, That it pass with amendnicnts.
O r d m d , That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of 1tepresent:itivcs i n the amenduients.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ord(vBed, That the iiiessage o f the President of the Confederate
Statca of thc 15th of Februiary last, tralisniitting copios of the charges
and specifications, and of tlie accompanying papcrs, in the case of
Maj. H. C. Guwin, commissary of subsistence, be transferred to the
Open Legislative Calendar.
On inotiori by Mr. Sparrow,
Tho Senate rcsolvcd into execntive session.
The Senate having again resolved into secret le islative session,
The following mcssnge \VBS received from the ouse of Representatives, by MF. Dalton:

X r . Presided: The Speaker of the House of Bcpreseritatives having signed two

cmrolled bills, I am directed to bring them to the Soriate for the signature of their
Iresiden t.

Mr. Caperton, from the Committee, re ortcd that they had examined
and found trnly enrolled bills of the fol owing titles:
13. It. 1t 7. An act to aincnd the act for the assscsmient and collection o f taxes, i11,pro~cd.h h y 1, 1863; :md
S. 194. An :tct to organize hodies for tho capture and destruction
of the enemys property, by land or sea, and to authorize compensation
for tho same.
The President, pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills last
reported to have I)ccn exmnined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and 1)s him forthwith presentcd to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
Mr. H a p s (by I(~:i~-e)
A bill (b. 237) to i.rloase persons from the endties im osed for the
nonde1iver.y of tho tax i n kind, and to rctduuc?t IC aniount t ereof under
certain eit.c.uinst:iiic,t.s;
which MW read the first and mcond t h c s and (eonsidered as in Cornof thr? ~ \ h ~ iwid
~ ; no nntendment being proposed, it was
rclported to tho SCn:ito.
Ordered, Tliztt it bc engrossed and reittl it third tirnc.
The said bill wtb wad t,hc third tintc.
Rksohed, That) it ~ R S S ,and that the title thereof be &s aforesaid,
Ordmed, That t,hc Secretary reqiicst the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by 311. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The Senate having again resolved into secret legislative session,


[Feb.17, 1884.


The following message was received from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
Mr. Presiclenf: The House of Representatives have pastred a bill (H. R. 136) to
amend the tax law of the present session of Congress; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.
And they have disagreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 103)
to authorize the issue of certain cotton certificates.
The House of Representatives insist upon their amendments to the bill of the Senate (8. 209) to establish a bureau of foreign supplies, agree to the conference asked
by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and have appointed
Mr. Perkins, Mr. Lyon, and Mr. Machen managers at the same on their part.

The bill (H. R. 136) to amend the tax law of the present session of
Congress was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
Ordered, That it lie upon the table.
The Senate proceeded to consider their amendments, disagreed to by
the House of Representatives, to the bill (H. B. 103) to authorize the
issue of certain cotton certificates; and
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Resoluecl, That the Senate adhere to their amendments to the said
Oydered, That, the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
The Senate resolved into open le islative session.
The Senate having again resolvef into secret le islative session,
The following message was received from the ouse of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

iMr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an

enrolled bill, I am directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature of their

Mr. Caperton, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled
A bill (H. R. 115) to amend a n act entitled An act to lay taxes for
the cuiiimon defense and carry on the Ooverninent of thc confederate
States, approved April 24, 1863.
The President pro tempore having x i ned the enrolled hill last
reported to have been examined, it was deTivered to t,he Secretary of
the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordered, That the injunction of secrecy be removed from the bill
(S. 52) passed a t the last session, to fix the rank of officers in the military and naval service of the Confederate States holding commissions
under the Provisional Government when reappointed to offices of the
same grade under the Permanent Government.
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Ordered, That the injunction of secrecy be removed from the passage of the bill (H. R. 115) to amend an act entitled A n act to lay
tstxes for the common defense and carry on the Government of the
Confederate States, approved April 24, 1863.

Feb. 17, 1864.1

A message from the House

Mr. President: Thc Speaker o
cnrolled bills, I am directed to

Mr. Dortch, from the co

and f o l d truly enrolled hi
11. R. 116. A n act to aut
S. 235. An act suppleiiie
forces to serve during the war.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills last
rcportcd t o 11a.r-ebeen esnmined, they were deliverod to the Secretar~r
of the Senate a i d by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his approval.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
dent: The House of Representatives have appointed Mr. Graham and Mr.

managers on their art, at the conference on the disagreeillg votes of the

o n the bill (S. 209f to establish a bureau of foreign supplies, in the place
of hfr. Perkins ant1 illr. Lyon
The House of Weprescntativrs ha& passed bills of the Senate of the following
S. 227. An act to authorize the transfer of a certain appropriation; and
S. 237. A n act to release persons from the penalties h p o s e d for the nondelivery
of the tax i n kind, and to reduce thc amount thereof under certain circumstances.

Mr. llllaxivell, from the committee of conferertce on the art of the

Senate on the disagreeing rotcs of the two Mouses on the ill (S. 209)
1o establish a bureau of foreign supplies, reported

That they have agreed to rrcommt.ntl ant1 do it.conmend to their respective

I Ionscs as Eollows:

rlint the I-Iouserecede from its amendments to said hill.

That, insteadof the amendntcnt proposed b y t l i v 1 lonsr to the seventh section of said
l)iLl, the followingis reconimendcd: Strikeout all iifterthowords lieutenant-colonel,
in the seventh section, arid insert as follows, t o w i t . i i i d suc-h inferior officers
$13 may be assigncd to that duty, with suc*liageiits and clerks as tllc President may
tlccin necessary, whoso compensation phxll be fised by the Sccwtary of War.

Lhc Senate roceedcd to consider the mid ivport; atid

2Zcso/~~?,Tfat they concur therein, :tnd that the bill be amended
wcordingly .
Opde~ed,That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
O)*trmecl, That the injunction of secrecy be removed from the pas~ a g of
c thc hill (S. 237) to release persons from the penalties imposed
lor the nondclivery of the tax in kind, and to reduce the amount
thereof under certain circurnstanccs.
On niotion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orde7&, That, the Committee on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of the message of the President of
tllc Confedernte States relative to Gen. A. It. Lawton and Gen. J . R.
A mpssagt: froin the President of the Confederate states, by Mr.
3. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
president: rile Iresideiit of the (>onfederate Statm h s , to-day, approved and
signed an act (s. 194)
organize bodies for the capttirc and destrtlrtloll 01 the
enemys propertg,by lalld or sea, and to authorize compensation for the s m e .


That the secretary inform the House of lbpresentatives



[Feb.17, 1864.

A message froin the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

MP. President: Tho House of Representatives have agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill (S. 209)
to estahlish a bureau of foreign supplies.
The President of the Confederate States has potified the House of Representatives
that he has this day approved and signed a n act ( H . R. 116) to authorize a further
foreign loan.

On motion hy Mr. Semmes,

The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

The following messages werc received from t h e President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. 3. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Va., FeGruay lY, 2864.
To the h a t e qf the Conjederate httntes:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of Y a r , I hereby nominate
P. W. Gray, of Texas, to he a niember of t h e military court, Iieutcnant-General
Ilolnies corps, with rank of colonel of cavalry i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.

~ ~ C \ l l ) l O l l dfikh77LCW?/
17, 1864.
SIK:I have the honor to reconirnend the nomination of 1. \V. Gray, of Texas, to
be nierriber of military court, Lieutenant-General Holmes corps, with rank of
colonel of cavalry in the Provisional Army of the CorifederaLe States of America, to
date from confinnation.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.

The message was read.

Odeered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Kictimond, Iebruary 17, 2864.
To the Senate of the Co~federateStates:
Agreeahly t,o t,hc recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Riclinzond, February 16, 18G4.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States 01 America:

Lieut. Col. D. N. Moody, of Mississippi, to be colonel Twenty-first Mississippi
Iieginient, vice COI. W. 1,. Braridon, resigned, to rank from October 28, 1863.
Lieut. Col. James S. Gholstoii, of Georgia, to he coloriel Sixteenth Georgia Regiment, vice Colonel momas, killed, to rank from November 29, 1863.
Lieut. Col. C. C. Sanders, of Georgia, to be colonel Twenty-fourth Georgia Regiment, vice Colonel l\lcMillan, resigned, to rank from January 9, 1864.
Licut. Col. C. R. Fontaine, of Virginia, to be colonel Fifty-seventh Virginia Regiment, vice Colonel Magruder, killed, to rank from July 5, 1863.

Maj. John Sirns, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-first klimissippi

Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Moody, promoted, to rank from October 28,1863.
Maj. J. Hamilton, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Phillips (Georgia) Legion,
vice Lieutenant-Colonel Barclav, resigned, to rank from December 31, 1863.
Maj. John P. Fitzgerald, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-third Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Walton, killed, to rank from Novem.ber 27,



[Feb. 17,1864.

\J'il]i>ill1 I,. IJ11n1pkin, of tieor gia, to take 1%ilkI rom Peptemlxr SO, 1863.
.Jatrlcs13eaty, 01 South Caroliiia, to take lank froin January 78, 1884.
Nic,lioliis On h i p , o f Mar? l ~ i i d .to take rank from Deceniber 3, 1863.
J. \\'. ITilliam*, of Pout11 Carolina, to take rank from January 15, 1864.
A . R. EngliLh, ( ~licutuc
By, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
Jaliies 11. 1 L j an, of Sort11 C'arolina, to take rank front January 6, 1864.
Jos. I).l'onell, of Sortli Caiolina, to tukc rank froin neccinbcr 30, 1863.
T. 11. Kol)inwn, Of S o r t h C'nrolina, to takc rank from January 18, 1864.
A. <+.Evnii., of Tcwii, to takc rank froni Deceilil)er 22, 18G3.
I am, bir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary o j Wur.

The message was wad.

Or.deiwZ, That it ba rcfe

d to the Committee on Miliixr~Affairs.

VJ: ~ ) I X ' ~ ~ l < T > I l C \ T

17, 1864.

.\greeably to thv i(.c.c)iiriiiciitlationof the Sccwtary of War, I noniinate the officers

on the accompanying liit to the rank affixed to their name?, respectively.
So. 464.1
/2iclrinond, /.i bruaq 12, 1864.
SIR.1 liare tlie honor t o recoil1
g iioniinations for appointment
in the Provisional h n j of the Confederate States 01 America:
(Juarli rtia~isli,r-it~(!/ni,.

W. C. Scott, of Yirgiiiia, to take rank from January 20, 1864.

.J. I,. Dunham, of b'lorida
akr rank from lkceinlier :;l, I 863.
blarshall Lake, of \-irgiiiia, to take rank from ,January 7 , 1x64.
S \Ir. Jlorgan, of Tennetsee, t o take rank frc~nr &Iay 2, 1563.

Secrefniy of 17;7r.
To I l k Ex( cllcncy .JIIFFI:R\OP\'

President, E ~ C .

'I'hc message was read.

Oidewd, That it be rrfei-red to the Committee on Jiilitary Affairs.
TITI? L)EPARTMES'T, ~~ich?llO7,d,
~ e b T 7 l f l l " y17, 7868.
7'0 the ,Srlzafe of ilie C'o?gederrrleSfutes:
Agreeably to the, rc.coriinienclation of the, Srcrctary of War, I nniiiinate the officers
on the arconipanying list to the runlr affivetl t o their nanies, rcywc.tirelj
~ E P A R T \ I E V T , Ricliinond, T)ecernbw 8, 186 7.
SIR: I h a w the honor to retorninend the followiiig nominations for appointment
in the Provipional 4rmy of the Confederate States of America:

Sergt. W. A . Pegram, of T'irginia, to be captain Company F, Twenty-first Virginia
Regiment, the oificers entitlrd to proiiiotion found incompetent, to rank from May
20, 1863.
Maynard Gill, of Xirsiseippi, to b v captain Compmy E, Thirty-fiwt Mississippi
Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from May
2, 1863.

Peb 17,1864 ]

Second Lieut. L. W. Farmer, of Georgia, to be capta

@or@ Reginlent, the lirst lieutenant fourtd incom
fro1113 l i ~ y2, 1863.
Joliii F.Tonipkins, of Viiginia, to be captain Company 8,T
Battalion, the officers entitled to promotion waivlng their
enibcr 13, 1862.
S. A. Ilxgland, of Arkansas, to be captain Company F, Twenty-sixth
Iiegimtnt, the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank
L'B, IS(i3.

ourn, of l%ginia, to be captain Company I, Fifty-fimt ViBinia Regiment,

entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from &lay28 1863.
Preston, of Virginia, to be captain Company B, Forty-eighth Virginia Regofficers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rallk from blay 26,



ite, of Arlcansas, to be captain Company E, Fifth Arkansas lieginlent,

ciititled to promotion waiving their claitns, to rank fro111 June 5, 1863.
\ I ~ r r y ol
, Virginia, to be captain Company F, fifty-first Virgiuia liegithe officers ciititled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank froxu May 29,

11. 't'. Coffee, of lfississippi, to be captain Company A, Forty-eigbtli &Iississippi
lhyiiiwnt, the officers entitled to proniotion waiving their claims, to rank from June
9, 1so:(.
11. W.Abernathy, of Korth Carolina, to be captain Coinpally A, Thirty-fourth
Sort11 Carolina Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to
r m k frolil June 6, 1863.
.Jai~ic's1,. Clark, of Virginia, to be captain Company F, Twelfth Virgiiiia Cavalry
Ilcginicnt, the officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from June
16, I 8 ( X


~ ) e \ v + O l J , of l'lorida, to be cai)tain Company ci, First I'lorida Cavalry Iicginieiit,

iiiat(Sria1i n tlre regiment fit for proinotion, to rank froin August 6, 1863.
1. Hhke, 'of Noritlit, to he cxptnin Conipany X, Pirat Florida Cavkalry Itcgirnent,
no niatrrinl in the reginrent lit for promotion to rank from August 6, 1863.
.J. AI. Bootinan, oC Florida, to be captain donii)any E, First I4'lorida Cavalry Rcgiilrc,nt, no iiiateri:aI in the rcginicnt fit for promol~on,to rank from August 6, 186:s.
1) 15. Jl:iwwell, of Florida, to he captain Company D, First Florida Cavalry Beginient, no inaterial i i i the regiment -tit for promotion, to rank from August 6, 1863.
W. 11. MvAEcc, of Georgia, to be captain C o n i p i y N, Thirtyeighth C%eorgiaRegiiiiclnt, the ofliccrs elititled to promotion waiving their claime, to rank froin May 21,


c. N.'i'hitrinotid, of Missouri, to bc captain Conipany I?, Rcc*ondMissouri Itegiiiient, the ollicern tdt1c.d to promotion waiving their claims, to rank froin July 20,
or Virginia, to be captain Conq~anyG, Fifty-xixth Virginia Regiontitled to promotion fonnd incompetent, to rank from October 16,
, to I)(>captain Company 1, Twenty-second North
'P. Sln(lc, of North Csrc
(;:~ro]iii:tJic.giinent, t l w offic
entitlcct to promotion found irwompetent, to rank
frotti O c ~ t o l ~ c27,
~ r t8M.
I<. )I, (:lagtun, of North Carolina, to 1)e cxptain Company K , SisLictli North CarnI i r i t t Kcginreilt, t l ~ e
first licutenant follllt~incwnpctent and tllc othar officerti entitled
lo prorriotion \vaivinK their claiins, t o rank froni .June 17, 1863.
C;. P.Robinson, ot Gcorgia, to I)c captain Coinjmy K , Thirty-eighth Georgia
Heginlent, t11c elltitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from August 18, 1863.
Joseph 11. 1111T'ont, of Florida, to be captain Company TI, First Florida Cavalry
Itcgiinent, ttle officers ontitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from
August 27, 1863.
1,ovp E. (iilhert, of i\lalrania, to 1 ) mptain
Company F, Twenty-eighth Alabama
Rcqinrcn I, t h r officers entitled to proinotion waiving their claims, to take rank from
Septcniber 17, 1863.



[Feb. 17,1864.

,J. F. Tucker, of Florida, to be c q t a i n Bryan's Company Florida Volunteers, t h e

offi(;ersentitled to promotion declining to appear before an examining board, to rank
from Octo1)c.r 11, 186:3..
J . A. Shaw, of Florida, to be captain Company A, Eighth Florida Regiment, the
officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from May 24, 1863.

First lieutenants.
T. A. Gatch, of Virginia, to be first lieutenant Company 1, Sixth Virginia Regim m t , t h e officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from May 2,
S. A. Willcoxon, of Alabama, to be first lieutenant Company B, Sixth dlabarria
Kcgiment, tlie ofiicers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from May
20, 1863.
C. S. Fintllay, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant Conipany G, Thirty-second Georgia
Regiment, t h e officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from June
4, 1863.
Robert I,. Blair, of Tennessee, to be first lieutenant Company G, Nineteenth Tennessee Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from
May 30, 1863.
R. G. Redwood, of Alabama, to be first lieutenant Company X, Forty-tliird Alabaina Regiment. the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from
June 23, 1863.
RI. E. Brock, of Florida, to be first lieutenant Company B, First Florida CavJry
Regiment, no material in the regimcnt fit for promotion, to rank from August 6,
F. 1'. Fleming, u l Floritla, to be first lieutenant Company D, First Florida Cavalry
Regiment, no iiiiiterial in t h e regiment fit for promotion, to rank from August 6,

12. F. Ha1 t, of Florida, to be first iicutciinnt Company E, First Florida Ca-ralry

Reginwnt, no material in t h e regiment fit for promotion, to rank from August 6,
Iiirhartl K. Taylor, of Florida, to be first lieutenant Company G, First Florida Caralry Regiment, no material in the regiment fit for promotion, to rank from Aogust 6,

John W.S a ~ hof, Florida, to be first lieutenant Company I, First Florida Cavalry
Reginlent, n o inaterial in t h e regiment fit for promotion, to rank from August 6,
F. T. Rirc., of Tennessee, to be first lieutonant Company I<,Ninth Tennessee Rrgimeut, the officers cntitlcd to proniotion found incompetent, to rank froin ,111giist 4,
E 1. Holton, of hrlransas, to he first lieutenant Company D, Eighth Arkansas
Regiment, t h e officers cntitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from diigwt
16, 1863.
James Reid, of Louisiana, to be first lieutenant Company D, Fourth Loniuiana
Regiment, t h e officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, t o rank from ]lay 2,
L. S. Warren, of Mississippi, to be first lieutenant Company H, Eighth Rlississippi
Regiment, the>officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from August
28, 1863.
E. J. Williams, of Kortli Carolina, to Ire first lieutenant Company I, Thirtyfirat
Korth Carolina Regiment, tlie officers cntitled to promotion wairing their claims, to
rank from October 9, 1863.
F,. J. Bonen, of Eorth Carolina, to be first lieutenant Coiripany K, Thirty-first
Eorth Carolina Regiment, t h e officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to
rank from October%, 1863.
6. N. Turner, of North Carolina, to lie first lieutenant Company F, Fifteenth
North Carolina Regiment, t h e officers entitled to promotion n-ai\-ing their claims, to
rank from Koremlyer 9, 1863.
E. A. Williams, of Virginia, to tie first lieutenant Company G, Fourteenth Virginia
Regiment. the oflicela entitled to Dromotion waiving their chime, to rank from
No.rWlbei 10, 1863.
Second 1ieutenunts.
John F. Toulmin, of Alabama, to be second lieutenant Company B, Twenty-first
Alabama Regiment, the company failed (at three elections) to elect a competent
officc~,to rank from May 21, 1863.
0. 8. Cohen, of Georgia, to be second lieutenant Compaiiv G, Thirty-second Georgia
Regiment, t h e officer elected found incompetent, to rank i'rom June 4, 1863.

Feb. 17,1664.1

11. 1;. ! I o r ~ i e ,of Florida, to be second licutci!ant Conipany (1, J'irst I'lorida Caviili

y Itqpiicnt, iio iiiaterial in the coinpan to select from, to raiik


Mtty 2, 1805.

t :cLorge W.IMI, uf Floridit, to be second'lieiitcnnnt coinpaiiy I, PirFt,Florida Cavd r y Rcgitiiciit, no niatcrial in the coinpanyto sclect froin, to rank froiii May 2, 1863.
ida, to be sccoiid licutcnniit Company 11, Firat Florida Cnvrtlry
i n the co~rrpanyto scAlcct froin, to rriiik froin J3a 2, 1869.

nth Cxwliiia, t o lw sccond lieutenaiit ltutlcdge ~ ~ ~ n i i liifle

uadron, to rank frotn Angnut 15, 1W%.
gini:i, to be second lieutenant, Conipany C, Sisticth Virsitiia
Itcgiiiicwt, :tlil)oirited by tlie coloiiel and ratified by t ho conilmiy, to rank froin S q i i c . i i i l ) c ~1, lM2.
.Iohn Id. J3ios\vell, of Virginia, to be Sc~coiictlieutenant. Coml)aiip l), Xixtictli Virgitiin Regimctit, appoiiitcd by tlie c~olo~iel
m i t l ratified by the c o ~ n p a n y ,to rank
i'roiix August 27, 1862.
N. (+.Itobinsoii, of Virginia, to 1)c arcond lientcnarit Company I, Sixtieth Virginia
Itclgiinent, appointed by the colonel aiitl ratified by tht? conipany, to ritnlr trotn
Aiigiist 25, 18G2.
IInratio l):xvis, of Sorth Carolina, to be eecond lioiitcrtnirt Moor&# Battcry Light
Artillcrv, to r w B froiii August 20, 1863.
A . n.' 13ariiett, of i\lissoiiri, to bc scacontl lieutenant Company A, P'irnt Missouri
1Zpgilnent, 110 Inaterinl ill the c*oiiq)ariyi o select froin, to rank from Novvrribek 16,
I x0:i
&\.c'. hl:isscnl)wg, of Sortlr C2troliiiitJ to be second liciiteiiaiil, Ootnpiiny I), ]?if(v(s11111Sort11 Chrolina Ttcgiiiient, t l i c oficcr c~lrcte(1fonntl iiicoinpetc~nt,to rank
froin Scptciiilivr 2, 1SM.
\\'ilii:ltii l<no\, of AliJ)ani:~,to l)c>wcotid liea(ctiant Firfit A1:tl)anin I3a:tulion Artil-

h ~ ( w n t lieutciiaiil
Company K , Tliirtiotll MiRt l w c~)iiil):tnyfailetl i o rlecot a cnlnpc~tetttoffiver,


October 31, 1863.


[Feb. 17,1864.


11.T. TIutchinson, of &Jut11 Carolina, to be second lieutenant Company I, Fourth

South Carolina Regiment, t h e officer elected found incompetent, to rank from
November 5, 1863.
G. d. Foote, of Missouri, to he second lieutenant Company K, First Misyouri Itegiment, no material in the company to select from, to rank from November 13, 1863.
p. \ I T . Collins, of Misouri, to be second lieutenant Company 11, First Missouri
Regiment, no material in the company to select from, to rank from November 13,1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretmy of Il'cLr.
To His Kxcellency ,JEIWERSOX
Preszdent, etc.

The message was read.

Ordered, That i t be referred to the Committee on MilitarF Affairr.
Richmond, Fcbritctry 17, 1864.
To thp Scnatp of t h p Conftdercite Aules:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate ttie oficers
on the awoinpanping list to t h e rank affixed to their names, respectively,
, Kicloiiond, FcbiiLtcrq 17, lSG4.
ng noininat ions for appointment
SIR. I have the honor to recoi
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate State5 of Akn~erica:

B. I,. Hodge, of Louisiana, pre5itiiiig judge; G. 31. Bryan, of Teuas, member; M.R
Cullen, of Missouri, member; -1.\v. .Johnson, of Arkariia?, judge-advocate; to rank
from date of confirmation.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To Ifis Excellenci JEFRERSOX
I> i v ~ s ,
B w i d p n l , ptc.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Coininittee on Military Affairs.
E x e c u ~ i vDEPARTI\IENT,


I(;, 186 f .

To tke Senate of ihe Confederate Slates:

Agreeably to the reconiiiientlatioii of the Secretary of War, I nonrinate F. R.
Lubbock, of Teuau, to be assktant atljiitant-pc.rieral, I\ it11 thil rank of lieutenantc~lonel,in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
\VAR Il)EPART.\IENT,1 2 i C h ) J Z O ) l d , fl'bJ'"!/ 16, 1866.
Srn: I have the lionor to recommend the noinination of F R Luhboc.l:, late g o r ernor of Texas, to 1)e acsistaiit atljutant-general, with t h e rank o f lieutenRnt-c.olonel,
in the Provisional airiiiy of ttie Confetlerate States of Anierim, i n repnrt to Ma] (;en
J H. Magruder, to rank froiii "nveinl,rr 5, 1S63.
I am, sir, respectfully, yonr obedient servant,
,YN rclo r-y of Ilicr.
To His Excellency JEIWERWY
President, clc.

The message was read.

O d ~ e d That
it bc rcferred to the Committee on AiilihrJ- ,Iffairs.
12rcH\ro\1,, VA., I;;.hrita,.y 17, l S 6 A
To tlie Senate of tlie Confederate Stata:
I herewith transmit for your inforination, i i i executive session, a coniinunication
frcm the Postmaster-General relative to tlie removal of certain perqons from otRccs
in his Department.



IF&. X i , IXEI.

Tkle Scn:Ltc procccdccl to consicier said r ~ p o r t ;and i n concurrence

R e ~ ~ l v e dThat
the Senate advihe and coiisent to their appointment,
ag-rera}j]yto the iioniiiiatioii of the Prwident.
Mr. S p * r o w ,from the Coniniittec on Military Affairs, to whont were
referred the nominations of It. Hansolti, to be major-general; ,J. Patton
A ndorson, to be major-general; Allen Thomas, to he brigadier-general;
,J. ,J. Wharton and Theo. S. Garnett, to 1~ aids-de-camp, with rank of
first lieutenant; E. 1,. Moore, to be assistant adjutant-general, with the
rank of major; A. C. Sorrel, R. S. Ahercrombie, John B. Ely? E. H.
Gregory, Clifton IYalker, and Fred. R. Hlalic, to be assistant adptantsgeneral, with the i m l i of captaiii; Williarii 13. Reese, iZ. Todhuntcr, and
,James T. Rrownc, to be assistant adj~xtants-general,with tho rank of
captain, reported, with tho recommendation that all of sttid nominations
drd to consider said report; and i n concurrence

Besolwd, That tho St~uatc~

aclviw mid caonsent to their xppointinent,
agrcea1)ly to tlic noniination o f tlic Yimidcnt.
The following message was ivwiwd froni the lrc~sidentof the Confederate Stitteh, by ,111.. II:trrison, his Secretary :
I t l c a \ ~ o u r ) ,~ ~ h r i r ~17,
? c 1864.
1%ihe S w a f u :

Ayrecably to the rec.oin~i~eiitlatioiiof the Secretary of tlie Treasury, I hereby

iioiiiiiiate Robert Hov ard (ianililc, to l)r collector of taxes lor the State 01 Florida


The message was read.

The Senate proceeded to consider thc nomination of Mobert Ilowaid
(;anihle, to 1~ collector of taxes for the State of Florida; and
12e.solv~d,That the Senate advise and consent to his appointnient,
xgreeably to the noniination of tile Prehident.
MI.. Sparrow, from the Coniinittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the nomination of 1-1. Ileth, to he niajor-general, reported,
with thc recoiiiiiienclation that said nornination bo confirmed.
L1-i~Senate proceeded to consider s:Licl report: and
After debate,
On tlic question,
JViIl Lhc: Seiintr adviw mid c o n w i t to tlir nppointnieiit of 13. Hcth,
to 1~ major-general !
Yeas _ . . . . . _ - _..
-.. 13
It was ilctorniiiicd in the :iRirm:iti\-c, .1 Kay5
.. . . ..
. .. 10
On motion by Mr. Om,
The yeas and n a y b bcirig desired by one-fifth of the Sentitors prwxit,
Those who voted in t h e affirmative arc,
Ncssrs. ISiirnett, Caperton, Clay, Iltiynea, Icnry, Ilill, Iliuiter,
cJohnsoii of Georgia, AIaxn-elI, P h c h , Sciiiine*, Siiiini5, and Sparrow.
Thosc who voted i n the ncgativc arc,
Rlessrs. ISaker, Rrown, Clarh, dohnson of i2rkanhas. dohiison of
Missouri, hlitchel, Oldham, Orr, Reade, and \ligfall.
So it WLS
d, That the Swiatc i d v i s c aiid coiisent to the :ippointnient
of 11. I Ieth, t o I F niajor-pncral, agreeably to tlic nomination o f the
hlr. Sparrow, from the Comniittec on Military Afl:Lir\,to ~vliotiiw:is



[Feh. 17,1864.

T. \V. Coles, 8. It. Chisman, ,J. Liyingston, 6. G. Michrteloffsky,

11. S.liouth, E. hIc;LI:~hon,8. 3. Power, C. S Wallach, S. Hillyer,
C. ,kIc(jiyerri, and fS. C. White, to l)c quartermasters, with the rank
of major; T. 0 . liohertson, 7 V . J . Lynharii, jr., TV. 11. Armstrong,
N. V. Nooro, C. 14. I3alin~on, S. Y.,Caldwell, E. G. Rocke, Joseph
Bronn, FV. 1. M.Ashlcy, I). -4. Pt~rkcr,F. C. Malain, John Frizzell, Jnnies Clayton, 13. C. I l e n r , ~ ,,J. K. Mordecai, 1. 1. Ilichriiond, W. A. \Iilhurn, J . C. GrtLharn, ,J. 31. Pickens, Y. 13;. lieirolf,
Eugene I3ohcn, ,J. Clayton, 7.I I. 13i*anie,7V. 13. h i r c e , 111. 13. Jones,
,J. 13. King, (;. C. Schnstian, cJ. M. Wilson, .J. It. Miller, ,John J.
Whitc, 111. A. Stubbs, 1). Behen, jr., ,J. M. Bliss, J. R. Ihssert,
Ilaniel rJones, S.T. Cockc, 7. 1. Lockhart, T. V. Diuliins, ,James S.
O d ~ n,J., hi. Iowell, George 1. Erwin, It. IY. Mayrant, T. 31. Fulton,
W. 0. Ilagerty, li. 13. Munford, E. C. Green, 0. 1. Jlwres, ,fohn
Bhguire, El. ,J. Onttis, 1). IJotspcich, I. 1;. Bell, G . Elgin, 8. 7.
Fagan, N. M o o r ~ s ,J. A. l:~rbroiigli, Charles ,J. TYhite, .J:mes Fita
.Jmies, Williani ,J. AI:iloiie, IT. ibntlurant. ,J. 1). Tulloss, E. P.1carson, (;c~oi*g~
11;. Pricae, 71. G. Iooiricr, S. S. TVdkcr, (2. IZewc, jr., 1;. I?.
lcatbocly, ,J. IY. TYallt~ce, ( i . IT. C;i*cgory, T. IT. Willi~inis,,J. 1..
I!. 11. Cook, ,J. 13. Sullh-an, \\r. 1). IZacon, 31. F. GouZ ~ L ~ C ,J.
S , SIiltcnbcrgcr,
F. E r 4 i n ~ TY.
, I<. JYcawr, .I. 1.Wright,
S. C. iaintci., Icrrc.h Schlcy, ,J. S. fli~iiiilt~ii,
IS. S. Janiw, J . I,.
Keith, (:. A. loplnitz, 1. TVolf, It. 11. Cook, A l h i o n XTartin, \IT. TI-.
DOSS,13. E. Etheridgc, Cli:~rl~>s
c. Sinis, S. IJ. RraceJ-, <J. 11. Ycndcr,
John (i.Clark, IT. Ti:. 13ridgc, 72. 11. Stilcs, E. H. Darnrtt, B. 6.
Willis, Frank Iotts, K. C. O ~ l ~ o u r n II.
c , Viiiley, J . 13. Ritchcy, J. S .
Westl)rooli, 13. ,J. Ilaniiltoli, C. Ilciflore, S.11. Kwritt, B. P. Hunter,
W. 1. (hlightly, l. IIuntclr, jr., 11. >I. IIarney, 11. C. Robarcls,
Thonia:; A. I)odwii, Chr. FI..
Kriill. C11a1.1~~
S. D:Lvis, George E.
Macon, *J. 1. Dickinson, John 13. Thonial;, 7Villiani 11. Rog(lrs, C. F.
Benniss, C. G. Yaleslie, J. 1. Ford, 17. TI-. Vaught, E:. L\IcIntosh,
N. S. Adaim, J . A. Gra.yson, 13. IIxrrcy, tJohri 1). 13rooIcs, ,John Jl.
B~irr,1). L. Cohen, (horgc IT. Tlioims, J o h n W. F:iii,ct, J\. Stephens.
,Janics 13. 17Thitc,,J. G. MicT31r0y7 Alcxantlcr 31. lhrlc, \t. X i . IIyei.,
Marlin V. 112oo1.0, A. G. Sinitli, J. 1. tJolinson, C. ?hoiiias, ,J. IAXW
IIooi, iY. 1. Aiiderboii, S. N. 3 h y , C. C. II:uiimock, ,John S. Claghorn, Clap lticc, JY. E.l~ranklnntl,(1. 1,. Ihonipson, F. A. Henr>-.
,J. T. Williainr, \Y.M.Sinrpson, I. 1,. Aircy, J . 1. P h i l l i p , Elia.: L.
Riveus, W illis 6. Stone, 13. 11. Stcwart, It. C. Simh, G. 1. Ilankin,
V. L. Hopson, 11. TI. Ilivcs, Mr. C. Jorchi, N. A. Sttiart, ltilliaiii J .
l\hitc>,,J. M. Bicholwn, ,Janic.: I<. Sugg, A. T. ltoane, IT. I?. C)wns,
,J. S. Korthinpton, iZ. IIohd:iy, ,I. TV. I3:1lfo11r, ,John I)ol)hin, *J.
McLaughlin, T. 11.. Robitison, ,J. A. Anclcrson, 11. 13. Davisori, to I)c
a d s t a n t ~ i i ~ i r t ( ~ r i i i : with
t ~ t ( , the
~ ~ , 1 x 1 ~of1 ~ratptaiii; George TYjI1i:ini
Brent. to i ) e :issistniit :idjut:iiit-genci~:~l,
with the. ranlc of caloncl: 7. 1:.
Roy, G. AI. Sorrel, Archer Anderhon,
kits AI. Jack, G. St. I,e
Grcnfcll, and A. S. Pcndlcton, t o he x
nt adj~it~iit.;-gciieral,
the rank of licntonant-coloncl; I. S x p
i. 11. A. TYliiting* Grcenc
Eeyton, 11. B. ;SIcClellan, A. 12. Venahle, George A. (3all:igIi~r,22.

Vaiider Horst, TVillizm 11. Palmer, 11. E. Huger, L. 11. IIuttt. J. A.

Engelhard, 11. H. Harrison, It. 11. Finncy, I\, C. Ifnll, 11. K.
Douglas, 13. C. Jenkins, Thoinas 12owl:~ntl,Thomas 1. Branch, ,John
C. Thompson, R. A. Rateher, ,J. 1. ITilson, G. Anclrems, J. TI.
Pegram, William Elliott, G. C. Brown, J. P. Johnson, 13. Robill-



The Sellate 1~occ(dcclto consider said report; :md in concurrence

therewith, it was
ZLeso/?*pd,Lliut the Senate advise tilid consent to their al)poiiitruent,
agreeably to the nomination of the Iresidetit.
XIr. Sparron-, from the Coiniiiittr:o on Xilitary Afkairs, to whom
was referred thc noiiiiriation of A. 11. IJawtoii, to he QuartermasterGeneral, reported, with t h e reconinicndation that said noiiiinxtkm be
The Senate proceeded to considt~i*said report; and
After dobate,
On motion by 311.. Orr,
/2etsoZvcd, That tho Scirate advise and cwnsent to the appointment of
A. B. Lawton, to be Quarterrriabt,rr-Crnei-~~l,
to take rank from the date
of confirmation.
On motion by Xlr. Wigfall, th:it thc vote on confiritling the nomination of A. 12. Lawton, to bc (2uartcl.mastrr-(=PnPml, hc, rcconsidwed,
I t was determined i n th(. ncgtitivc.
Mr. Spnr1*ow, froni the (otniiiittct o i i Alilitary Affairs, to i.ihoni
were rcferrccl the noniiiiations of K.11. I h r r i s , to be brigadier-geiicral;
James 13. IVBitc, E. 11. 3icI):ini(~l,k<dn.:nxl Q. Thornton, TTilliani 13.
rJackson, ,Joel V. Flood, to he aid+tlc-camy, with t h e m n l c of first
lientenant; Htvpheii I). Lcc, t o 1 ) niajor-general;
.Joseph 11. Stewart,
to be second lieutrnaiit of inl:uilrj- i n the Ilegidar Ariiiy; A. C. Rnderson, Bobert S.Morgan, clodinn 11. N o o i ~ c ,.John F. Conjcrs, John It.
Peoples, 1%.
13. Scott, :ind ,I. (;. iIi*i-ington,to bc, adjutants, v i t h the
rank of first lieutcnnnt: 7. 1% IIutchison, 11. ,J. \Zedge, stlid 11. 31.
Dnnn, to he coniiiiiss:~i.i~h,
\\ ith the rmlc of major; Thomas A. Long,
to be assistant coinrriissar~,with tlic r:~nI<of captain; G. 31. Bryan,
M. R. Cullcn, to be i~i(~niI)crs
of military court, Irans-Nissis4p1~i
Department, and A. 11.Johncron, to he jntlg;c-aclvocatc of the snmc;
J. P. Thompson, to hc major, :~ndW. 31. Nagenis, to he first licutcnant, under act approved OcLo1)er 11. 1862; A. W. King, t o be imster
armorer in the Itegular Army. w p o r t d , with thc racommcnclation that
all of said nominations lw c~nfirrned.
The Senate proceeded to consider sxid report; nnd i n concurrence
therewith, it was
Rcsolwd, That the Scnatr: advise: arid conscnt to their appointmentJ,
agreeably to the nouiination of thc President.
Mr. Sparrow, from th r (hininittcc on Military Affairs, to whom
mere referred the noniinntions o f
71T. Loring, to ltc inajor-gc.nern1:
Henry A. Wise, (;ideon J . Pillow, I>. IZugglcs, 1Villiani Mahonc, It. E.
Colston, 13. R. Johnson, J . 1. And~r.;oii,, J o t i l l I(. ;Iackson, J . It. Chalmers, rind J . B. I ~ c r ~ ~ h :to
i ~hc
v , l ) ~ ~ i ~ i ~ d i c ~ ~ -reported,
~ ~ ~t hc
recoi nn iondsltion th:Lt till of said no in ilia t i o n s he con 1i rnied.
The Scnate proceeded to conrider wid wport ; and i n eonciiiwnce
therewith, it was
Besolzed, Thal the Senatc Rdvihc and coiiscnt to their appointment,
agreeably t,o tho nomiintion of tlic lrcsidcnt.
MY. Spirrow, f r ~ ) t n tlie Coimiittrc o n Military ABaii~s,to nrhom
mere referred the noniin:itions ol VTi1li:ini i J . Hunter, to be colonel
First Chickasaw lteginicwt (Irtdi:inh), and S. 1-1. Jlartin, to be licutenantcolonel Fi r s t Chicltas;:bwlttgiinent (Indians); T. ,J. P ~ ~ i i iand
a ~13.
i hl.
Anderson, to be colonels. J , 7. Chii*nal,to be lieixtenant-colonel, 12ich.
Guines, t o be major,V. C. Cooke, E. Eastman, and S. A. Doran, t o be



Blnioud, Andrew J.,

I., 510, 638.
Alston, Edwvard, 116, 280.
Alston, d. J., 256, 280, 591.
Alston, J o h I,., 167, 239.
,\Iston, I$..A . , 686, 721.
Alstoii, Theodosius, 169, 2.11.
Alanp, .Joseph F., 538,635.
Ameriean Te1egr:iph Company, 90, 122,241,278,291,
318, 319, 339.
Aniarine, d . 1. W., 473.
A n w u n i , dolin I,;wrence, 611, 658.
Antlorson, A. C., 776, 812.
Antlerson, Archer, 5Y6, 810.
Anderson, B., 186.
Anderson, B. ii~., 257, 335, 8r2.
Anderson, C., 598, 811.
Anderson, C. D., 205, 211, 590, 713.
Anderson, C. W., 551, 680.
Anderson, D. W., 471, 778.
Anderson, 8:. W., 183, S35.
Anderson, Edward C., 340. 106.
An(lerson, F . , 538,. 638.
Anderson, F. A., 169, 211.
Antlerson, F. M., 611, 680.
Anderson, G. T., 135, 330 111.
Aiiderson, 0. W., 1st U
Anderson, G . W., 13tfi
Bndersoii, (:curse C., 366.
Anderson, (:cor;.e K.,39%
Anderson, J. A., 664, 810.
bnclcrson, J . B., A . C. S., 114,
Anilerson, d . I<., 1st T.a. Art., 1
.inilerson, J. I,., 40.5.
Antlcrson, d. Iatton, 72.5, 743, 803, 812.
Anderson, J. W., 207, 238.
bnilerson, John C., 504, 561.
Anderson, John G . , 544, 639.
.\nderson, P. F., i72, 807.
Anderson, lliillp W., 611, 658.
Anderson, 11. It., Xaj. Gni., 410.
Anderson, 11. H., Zsl (;a. S. S., 369.
Anderson, II. W., 664.
Anderson, S. It., 726, 811.
Antlerson, 1. I,., 5t2, 639.
,\ntlerson, W. A., 256, 280.
Antlerson, W. It., 113, 279.
Anilcrson, W. I)., 663, 810.
Anderson, \Y:iIker, 482, 647.
Antlerson, \VIlllnni A . , 168, 170, 240, 241.
I\ndrcm, C. N., 685, (i86, 71.1.
Antlrews, G., 596, 810.
Andrew, Henry F., 167, 239.
Andrew, Hezekiali I,., IIS, 180, 469, 609, 778.
AlXdrewS, John P., 473, 562, 657.
Andrews, 11. Snowdcii, 207, 238.
A I I S I ~ ~n.
, H., 470,778.
Anthony, E. L., 198, 241.
Anthony, J. D., 474, 775.
Anthony, 0. P., 467, 470, 775.
Appleby, ill. T., 471.
Appolntnreiits. See Xonkinulio?is niid Coiifirs~ntions; a n d Oficers.
Cherokee Nation, 623, 571, 5i2, 602, 620.

Claim ol North Carolina, i4. See also Xo:orth
(larolitia Twops.
Delay i n passage of hill, 631.
Ironclad war vessels, 234, 275, 276, 255, 313, 329,
333, 361, 387, 424.
Xode of administration for agent8 abroad, 72,
83, 84.
ecret service, 625, 691, 751, 796.
upport of t h e Goveriiment, 50-52, 56, 57, 64,
3K3, %i, 370-352, 413, 422, 577, 666, 677, Gi8,
716, 728, 757,758, 786, 737, 791, 792, 794.
To carry into effect ccrtain acts, 30, 31,42,47,57.
Transfer of, 508, 712, 720, 721, 770, 799.

Archer, I(. I]., 660.

Arclis, T. L., 774, 807.
Arizona Territory.
Organization of, i0, 731, 757, 794.
Electioii of Iicpresentativcs to Congress, 715,717,
729, 748, 794.

Senators iii First Confcilcrttte Congress, 19,?0, 30,

,I%, G81.

Brledge, (ieorge H., 4F2, .192.

Arniesy, T. U., 20S, 281.
Armfield, 11. F., 205.
brniistend, C. U . , 509.
Armifitcad, $1. H., 590, 713.
Armistend, \V. K., 36G, 412.
Arms, .\miniinition, etr. See Xt~?iilio?isr,/ llar.
hrmstrong, Eneas, 5i5.
Amistrong, Prank C., 31, 105, 1S6, 3S4.
Arnistrong, J . W., 115, 280.
~ 4 r i n s t r o n ~\V., i f . , 115, 280.
Arnistron;., W. )I., F61, X10.
.irnistrong, \ViIIiani J . , 169, 2i1.

Condition of, revicwcd by President Davis, 446448.

Details from, for civil 11
Efficiency, 119, 327, 328,
Emyloymcnt 01 negroes ns teamsters, riurses,
Ctc., ,416, 1.17: 49G, 653, 581, g55, 677, 719, 730,
740, 7.41, 769, 794.
Ensigns, 599. G04, 668, 652, i33, i i l , 788, 790, i03.
Establishmeiit aiid organization, (ii,71, 225.
Exemptions from service. See Xzlitary Serriec.
General shff:
Armies i n t h e field, 120. 141. 19J, 215, 921, 222,
3 j IT, at4,
n378, i l $ , 4.17, 615, 6C7, 668, 715, 7:i,
I<stablishinent nrid orgwnizatioii, 90, 112, 145,
176, 193, 78, 355, 384, 4.17.
liivalid Corps, I f i , 584,ti55,6~i5,748,7~1,iYl.
Lieutenants ( t h i r d ) of infuntry, 591, i05,;33.
Medical Dcpnrtment, 163, 177.
Xilitary coiirts. See C o w f s ,JfUitary.
Xominations and coiifirmations, 33, 34, 43, 59,
60, 68, 96, 104, 105, 107-110, 1&119. 135-139,
149-1~2,155,169-1F3,106-173, 175, 180, 183-1%,
197-201, ?04-20$, 212-215, 218, 234, 235,239-245,
234-258, 279-282, 285-2889, 330, 04-336,3.!W347,
3.51, 361-369,37G, 388412,42,r%4-431.,463-475, 490,
491,500-506, 509: 522, 5%,52>614, W ,650,561,

Awry, A. C., 410.

hgrt%, \Ylllluui, 805.

Habroek, S i l u e j E., 169,
nabcock, Ivllllsni IIcnry, 611, 66s.
Bacon, A n ~ i l s to., 615.
Ilnwir, E. II., Jr., 470,473, 778.
E. H., 664.
131t~oi1,llcnry S., 833, G96.
Ilncon, Jctiiii R., 303.
Ilaron, w. l)., 661,810.



Baldnin, ,John B. (Virginia).

Representittire in First Confederate Congre9s.

Coiifereiico cumniitteex, 721, 742.
Baldwhi, Bobvrt S., 536, 637.
B:ilrlvvin. Jlotrert T.: 413, 1 2 i , 488.
B2lld\>iIl, I T . F., ,111.
Balfour, d. K. 664, 810.
Bd1, I). W., 117, 173.
Ball, E., 464, 467, 777.
Ball, ( i . 8 . : 7i3,807.
Ball, 0 . c., 665, 811.
Ball, II. D., 46S, 454,778.
I%allard,IT. S.. 3%.
I{allruger, 11. It., 187, 214.
Ralteell, Frauk, 206, 215.
R a a ~ ,Jolrn P., 213, 28.1, 469, 473, 778.
Uauister, Nonro, 167, 239.

Baok of Louigiana.
Coin taken from, 23.
Iswe of Confederate States bonds to, $2, 7).

Ranks, IT!Iliaui I., hT3, 639.

Umiierman. ('. T.. 31:

Harawell, Robert IF. -Continued.

Yea and nay votes-Continued.
110,143,144, 148,153,156,158,165,176,177,179,
1R1,1BP, 1Y&196,210, 212,231,232,237,238,244,
253,2.54, 280, 261,265-271: 274,276,289,290, 300,
301,30:1,307, 308, 312, 314, 319,322,324,327,328,
334,337, 339, 840,355,359, 360,371,373,379,380.
Barr, James, 4GF, 777.
Ilarrett, J . IY., 775, 807.
Ilarrett, Tkontaa G . , 676, 779.

h r r e t t , IY. W., 428.

Emrier, Paul b., 013, 639.
Barrou, Samuel, jr., 9G, 105.
Rarron, Willlani J . , 843, 639.
Barron, Filllam B., 541, (i34.
Barrun, Pope, 632, 619.
llarry, Arthur I<., 526, 637.
Barry, John D., 464, 777.
Ikrry, John I\'. 645, 661.
Rartltehnesu, 6. s., 161, 238.
lhrtlioloniew, J . , 407.
Ilart,lett, T. B., 540, 638.
i:arton, D. W., 542, Cj9.
Ihrtoii, Howard T., 199, 212.

Barton, T. S., 894.

fhwlnger, a.S., 470, 778.

Barbre, J. 11.. 160. 23

Barbonr, PI. 13.. 1 1 7 ~l i 3 .
Ilarboar, 1'. I>., (Xi.
Barclxy, E. Sandy, 218, 234, 800.
Barclay, Joliii W., 401.
Uarclay, W. P., 185.
Barker, 6. I., 139, li0.
Barker, T. dl., 596, 811.

Ikskett, Thomas J.. 543, 639.

Iiass, F. S.. 471, 778.
Itass, J. Ilciiry, 538, F38.

Conference committee, 745.

Barksdale, I'. , 393.
Ilarksdale, J. A., 648, 880.
Barkodale, J o h a A . , 208, 334.
Barksdalc, .John L., 576, 588.
Barks(l:ile, Ite~~dolpli,
200, 242.
Barksdalc, Sterling 1,. , 1 9 i .
Bnrksdxle, W., 206.
Barksdalc, IT. L., 16S, 240.

ll:ittLs,I). E., $28, 887.

Bates, J., 5 i l . 807.

Bass: 31. (I., ,472, 778.

Kass, 31. T., 506, 561.
Iiahs, 'Fliomas H.,613, 628.

Uassert, J. W,,6F1, S10.

Iiassett, lleiirr W., 511, 63%
fhitc., James H., 135, 3

Kattlc, Cul1t.n A.. 1%. 211-1, Ej,5'31, SO9.

B:ittlt', James, 13
B;itllt~, Sxuiuel G., jr., 118, 150, 172, 180.
Ijatllt., W. fl., 167, 239.


Action of Congrers on reports, .li,'22, 32, 57, 106,

Barurtt, Jolin h., 812, 639.
Ilarnett, Xol:n H . , 61 $. (329
R:irnesall, Williani. jr.. 400.
Barney, .Joseph S., 356, 375, LYR.
B;irnnell, E. I f . , :mi
Barnwell. Robert, IT. (Sonth Carolina J.
Bills, resolutions. etc.. introduced hy, 18, 52,
61LG3, 79,90. 201, 329. 830. 354, 477, 478.

Conference, 287, 309. ::70.
357, 3.52, 357, 374, iOO.
Special, 6, 19, 20, 48.
Leave of absence, 482. 584. i 1 9 .
Senator i n First Confederiitc (
Yea and nay votes; 28,?9.:i2.3
76, 78, 82, 85, 87-S9,92-94,

120, I,%, 1.54, 286, 318, 325, 331, 332, 387, 418,
424, 484, 488, 499, 510, 524, 551, 593, 624, 6YO,
730, 74H, 792.
Battle's Brigad?.
l<auenI.l, ti. F.. I6S. 179, 685. 686, 721, 778,
Baug1111.!I 1:Ii;im i'. 10;.
Ikinlcy, J. Bron-n, 539, 636.
Banlcy, Wi1Ii:ini 1.. 611. 665.
S.. 167. "39.
iR;iytm, JO~II:
~ R S ~ P I JOs(~ph
. ,
d . . IW, 240.

h . ~ l i s d, o h ar.. 167. 239.

Boylor, k:. IT., 101.


L, 597.
Bcsnlsh, C. T., 665, $10.0..
I h o l t , Jams W., 411.
Iimson, U. U., I6X,290.
Uonson, Willlc~iii$I., 169, 240.
Ht'iithall, Tliumah W., 96, 105.
Ilelltlt'y, W. U., 661.
Benton, 1%.E., 397.
Uriitoe, Iurtlnier M., '96, 17i.
Driiton, R. J., 397.
Bcrkolcy, V., 528, Fhs?.
Ilcrkolry, Eduiund, 460, 473,778.
Unrknli~y,F. 11., 396.
Ilorkcley, L O W ~ S , 6.10,6%




Blair, IVilliam I:., 542, 639.

Blake, Benjamin C., 169,-241.
Blake, 3:. D., 341.
Blake, F. D., 2.56, 280, 474. 778.
Blake, Frederick lL, 207, 335, 753, 808.
Blake, I., 603.
Blake, J. A., 409.
Rlake, Julius d., 772, 807.
Blaiiding, O . , 187, 188, 214.
Illanford, I. H . , 369, 412, 467.
Blantoii, B. If., 137, 335.
Blaxom, J. H., 201, 242.
Bledsoe, 0. F., 565.
Uledsoe, W. S., 773. 807.
Blevins, A. C., 167, 239.
Bliss, J. X., 661, 810.

Blockade of Soutliern Ports.

Effectual byinteriiational law, 10, 11, 438.

Message of the Prcsidcnt, 9-11, 437, ,138.
Prohibition for running:, by individuals, 465.
Blocker, E. U., 169,241.
Blocker, .John E., 541, 639.
Blount,, J. G . , 401.
IHoxlraiir, W. I f . , 801.
Blue Spriugs, l'eiiu. Olwr;illons, Oc-tober, 1x63.
Action of Congress on reports, 690.
Board, F. II., 465, 46S, i i 7 .
Isoatright., John G., z3.4 6%.
BOae, B. G . , 115, 2SO.
Boar, Xentoir J . , 49, 83.
Boeoek, Tlrouras R. (Wrgirii>i).
Speaker of Housc 01 I<eprcscntatives, 229, 416,
Bogsii, Charles P., 170, 2.11.
BogSS, Josiah S . , 169,211.
Bogss, Robert, 138,335.
Boggs, W. I<., 137,330,
Bogle, J. P.,167, 239.
Bolien, Eugene, 661, 810.
Bolan, 1 . J., 534, 636.
Bolllng, H . , 598, 811.
Bolli~ig,Williani S . , 562, 574.
Rolton, Jnnies, 63 ;, 637.
Boiid, W. R., 366. 41':.
Iioeda of the Confederate Sttrlcs.
Authority to pay GoYcrrlment debts iu, 453, til.1,
615, 664, 756.
Caiicellation arid sulistitution, 613,515, 521, 52:i,
Exchange for state bonds, 52, 55.
Guaranty of States, 23, 66, 126.
Bank of Louisiaua, 32, 72.
Coupons legal tcnder, 4.
Eight per cent, 259, 272,
Funding of Treasury notes, 52, i3,74, ii, 84,
90, 760-762.
Payment to Alwhsnia and Florida Railroad
Company, 514, 521. G03, 607, 623, 624, 719,
732, 758, 783.
Six per cent coupon, 59.
Payment of interest on, i n cotton, 29.
Petition for issue of duplicates, 452.
Relative to, 189, 202, 337, 338, 318, 351, 352, 380,
Sale of, for Treasury notcs, 59.
Bondurant, H., 662, 810,

Bonduraut, J. W., 490,660.

Bondurant, T. L., 168, 240.
Banner, Lafayette, 543, f39.
Bookter, E. F., 473, 590, 713, 778.
Boon, Willfani C., 535, 637.
Boone, 0. C . , 753.
Boone, Yqulre, 342,376.

Booth, David IV., 168, 240.

Boot,Ji, Edwln G . , 413, 427.
Bootlt, George TY., 162, 235, EU7, 587.
Booth, John G., .W1, 639.
Booth, 11. T., 564.
Borclrert, ffeorge A., 485, 495.
Boroke, Heros yon.
Thanks of CongreM, 507, 514, 615, 634, 648.
Borders, JoJin X., 540, 638.
Boring, Xtcholas H., 53'3, 6%.
Borland, E., 528, 587.
Rorroum, Andrew J., FSi, G37.
Borum, Charles, 4.86, 495.
Bossioux, L. J., 474, 778.
Hostiek, J. L., 137, 335.
Bostiek, Thonias ti., 101, 646.
Bostniok, T. K., 16i,239.
Uoswoll, d. K., 258, 281.
Bosnell, John L., 805.
Uoswell, Lerr-IsA., 611, 658.
Roteler, A. It., Jr., 696, 724.
Bottles, J. L., 68R.
Botts, Benjanrin A., 10H.
Botts, Henry T., 136, 335.
Uotts, I,., 135.
Uoudlnot, K. E. ,i29.
Bouldia, B. C., 20i, 215.

Accounting of oRcers lor man
Deceased soldier*., 337, Y38, 370
Law of February 17, 1864: 7%.
Bourges, E., 503, 561.
Bourn, W. C., 803.
tiorrdoiu, .John W.,512. 639.
Uomdre, E. I]., l%, 215, ,474.

Bowen, E. J.. SO-1.

Bowen, J. S . , 10.5, 411.
Borrer, Hyroir B., 161, 235, PO3.
Bowers, ,James A.. 199, 242.
Korvle, Aiidrew, 169, 241, 535, 637.
Ruwie, d. A., 646.
Uonie, Thorims F., 5Y6, h l l .
Uovles, K. c., 96, 105, 413, 447.
Bonles, Bichard, 358,382, 548, 5 5 i .
Uonles, William >I., 1i5, 357, 388, 3R2,54R, 557.
Bowliup Breen, Ky.
Destruction of bridge, 82, 3-19, 37.4
Konnian, James If., 167, 215.
Rownian, Robert, 687, 697.
Bowyer, T. X., 863.
Boyco, C. >I., 646.
Royce, Her, 109,280.
Royce, 7Vi111ani IV. (South Carolina).
Representative in First Confrderate Congress.
Conference committees, 721, 7.12.
Boyd, James 1..
floyd, Rielrard, 201, 211.

Boykin, Bnmell, 407.


Ilrlcknll, \Y. E., 167, a39.

Srldgo, P. E., 002, 8
Srldgnr, J. I>., 1 5
Itrlilgvrator, J. C.,
DrlggR, George W.,
llriygs, J. B., 39.7.




J. T., 138, 336.

J. Welsman, 342, 343, 376.
J. Wileox, 563.
James B., 535, G37.
James T., 531. 619.
JOB.A'., 213, 234, 465, 468, 777.
Joseph, 661, 810.
N. d., 540, 638.
Marshall, 96,105, 462.
Pike, 462, 495.
Rldgely, 474, 772,807.
Robert Iu., 161, 235.
S. Moore, 539, 638.
Thomas 1,. U., 538, 637.
Thomas W., 363, 427.
V. X., 113,279.
W. I.,198, 242.
W. R., 465,468, 777.
W. IV., 161, 235.
William, 598,811,
Browne, James T., 801, 808.
Browne, P. F., 199,242.
Brumne, W. It., 875,588.
Brownfleld, B. J., 185,288.
Broyles, Juniur; J., 169, 240.
Bruce, A. A., 169,210.
Bruce, J. S., 168, 240.
Bruce, James, 401.
Bruce, lt., 474, 778.
Brunswlek and hlban). Ksilruad Company, 66, 71,
120, 202, 268, 291, 318.
Brusl6, Charles A . , 342, 351.
Bryan, A. M., 403.
Bryan, E. K., 162, 235.
Brynn, C. X., 806, 812.
Krgnn, George W., 169, 241.
Drynn, Cooclc!, 531, 809.
Bryan, J. H., 664.
Bryan, J. tt., jr., 664.
Bryan, James P., 535, 686.
Bryan, Jolin S., 642, 681
Bryan, K., 205, 214.
Bryan, W. H., 108, 280.
Bryan, W. Hunroe, MI, 6%.
Bryaut, Davit1 H., 543, 639.
Bryant, J. C. II., 138, 335, 598. 811.
Bryant, JW:III, 538, 698.
Bryant, IY. J., 664.
~ U c l l l t I l : l l l ,F. (g., 213, 234.
Bucliman, C;. J., 504, 561.
Nuchairan, Thomas, 610, 657.
Buck, Samuel D., 527, 5%.
Buck, Samuel I i . , 411, 597, 811.
Buck, Willlam d., 366.
Buekner, BenJanrin F., 109, 280.
Buekner, F r a n k I>., 563, 713.
Buckner, J. A., 410.
Buckuer, Jos. S., 515, 639.
Buckner, It. T., 428.
Buckner, S. B., 105, 395, 396.
Buckner, Tlronias It., 468, 471, 777.
Budd, A. Y., 168, 240.
Bumngtuu, Joliii C., 161, 2%.
Bufflnglon, Thornus C., IYS, 241.
Bumngtoa, T l ~ o n ~J.,
a s 167, 1 ~ 9239,
, 242.
Buford, A., 137, 330,411.
Buford, S., 541, 639.

Buhrman, P. A., 529, 687.

Buildings, Pul)iic.
Payment ofr e n t for QuartermasterDepartment,
299,300, 303,312, &52,357.
Tender of Virginia senatz chamber, 181.
Baiat, John S., '201,242, 610,657.
UuIger, 31. J., 135, 136, 176.
Bull, James ti., 665.
Bull, Willlam I., jr., 541,639.
Bullock, d. B., 116,172.
Bullock, IV. F., Jr., 597, 811.
Bulloek, Wallor K.. , 532, 619.
B u m , Henry G . , 1%5, 185, 205, 214.
Bunt., D., 775, WSI.
BurcB, E. T., 113, 279.
Hurdett, Ueorse B., 169, 240.
Bureau of Foreign Supplies.
Establishment, 557, 593, W, fiOl, 630,679,680,691,
769, 770, 798-800.
Bureau of Polytechnics.
Establishment, 605, 654,747.
Barge, W. F., 726, 811.
Burgess, 11. B., 528, 587.
Burgwyn, 11. K., 186, 590.
Burk, Ed. d., 743.
Burke, 8 . C., 564.
Burke, Soinervill, 535, 637.
Burke, T. A., 660, 809.
Burks, C. D., 114, 280.
I h ~ r k s ,RSchard I
Burnes, It. d., 664.
Burnet, W. E., 207, 238.
Burnrtt, H e m 1 C. (Kentucky).
Rills, resolutions, elc., introduced by, 73, 89,106,
222, 223, 420-422, 424, 4x8, k55, 656,574, 881.
Claims, 20, 332, 699, 729.
Conference, 459.
Military Affairs, 20, 97, 272, YO2, 3 3 , 751.
Special, 19, 420, 421.
Leave of absence, 4.1, 493.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 8%.
senator in First Conledcrate Congress, 5, 433.
Ycii a n d nay votcs. 32,36,62,67, 73,75, X2,89,87-SY,
!1"-04,98,100,131-134,110, lG,144,148,1&3,lXi,
,166,176, li7,210,212, 216, 222, 227, 231. 232,
7,238,263,2&4,260,261,265-2268,274, 175, 294,
299-501,303-30.i, 30i, 308,311, 313,314, 322,3'%4,
327, YS
' , 33i, 39,310,366,371, 373,3i9,%O, 41n,
419,515,518,519, 514, 546,647, 519, 55:%%6, 568,
669,568,554-574,580, ,682,604, 681, tZL,C,57, CX3,
674,67.5,679,883,692, 69.3, 899, 701, 702, 704, 707,
709-712,716,719,749,750, ic3-it5, i68.SOB.
Burns, Sinion P., .ip6, 547.
Burnside, dmbrose E., 7, 436.
Burr, dolin K,FGY, 810.
Burrouglis, B. N., 113, 280.
Burton, B. P., 404.
Burton, Charles H.. 539, 638.
Burton, E. BI., 336, 399, 5%.
Lturton, George W., 532, 636.
Burton, Henry I'., 170, 241.
Burtwell, J. K. B., YGG, 412, 491, 680.
Burwell, A., 5 9 i , S11.
Rnrwell, .I. B., 109,280.
Bnsby, James J., 111, PS0.
Rush, Louis, 411.


cll1lloun, 0. P.. 4%.

Citllioun, K. It., 185.
cl~llloun,'(Vllllntn n., 38%.
Ctrll, 6. IV., 369,
Cirllnwirny, J. J., 168, 210.
ellllowey, w. u., 101, 335.
Ciilrcrt, Batthew, (ill,G5.8.
Calvurt, S. J., 115, ?SO.
Ctilvcrt, IY. 11., 612, 629.



Carntliers, C. K., 536,637.

Cltrnile, J. E., 116, I
Yea a n d nay votes-Continued.
194-196,210,212,216, 225, 2'27, 231,237,238, 244, Cxrwile, T. W., 529,585.
C'arj', S. It., 772, 807.
253, 251, 260, 261,266,266,2C8-250,271,275,289,
290,294, 299-301, 305-30.3, 307, 308,312-314,319, Carp, It. Milton, F63.
322,324, 328, 334, :13i,339,3.10,35.5,35,9,360,371,
Cacikie. Roltert A., 468, 473, 778.
373,379,380,118,419,49i499,509,51.5, 516, 518, Casseday, Williaiii 1'. ,544, 639.
519,544,516, 537, 5.19, t553-.5.56
Cassell, C. E.,562,574.
574, 680,$82, 586,604,
C ; t s w i , ,r. D., 773, 807.
661,6.53,666,6Fi, 6i4,659,
683,692,693, 699,701, Catehings, T. Alfred, 539, 638.
iOZ,704,707,709--712,716,719,723,5&5,738,739, Cdlett, Ceorpe C., 534,636.
749, 750,763-7(i5, 768,779-781, 80%.
Capital of the Confederaex. See Seof of UorernEfficiency, 699,789, 790.
ment, etc.
Cavenagh, W. C . , 198, 244.
Carglll, W. X., 402.
C:iwootl, Charles H., 530.
Carletou, George E., 638,638.
Cazenove, K. G . , 665.
Carlin, Boobert F., 536,637.
Cearnal, d. T., ,257, 335,812.
Carlton, Robert C., 589, 619.
Cecil, (L s., 398.
Carmichael, A. R., 401.
Cenas, Hllarp, 483,495.
Carmlchael, D., 40G.
Censux of 1860.
Carmiehael, George F., Xi,238.
Payment of persoiis employed, 2'24, 458,488,578,
Carmieh:wI, J o h ~ i ,li0,211.
G:mnoneiie, E. A., 805.
Census of the Coufederat.r St;
Cariies, \VillI:ini W., 488, 495.
Provision for, 413-445.
Cnrotliers, James S., 589, 619.
Center, George, 401.
Carpenter, J., 205.
ChaRers, Eclrmrd, 610,6 3 .
Carpenter, J. S., 613.
Clialkley, Patrick A , , 5". 780.
Carpenter, John S . , 471, 778.
Chalmers, Alexander 11., 773, 807.
Carr, C. E., 400.
Chalmers, If. C., 201,242.
Carr, 8eorge W.Lafapette, 510, 638.
Chalmers, I+. JI., 398.
(:;irrawlty, D. l.,
113, 279.
Chaliacrs, .J. It., 725, 812.
Carrigan, R. A., 361, 427.
Chanibcrlaine, W. W., 597, 811.
Carrington, C. W., 201, 242.
Chambcrs. .I.
It., 598, 511.
Crtrrington, Isaac. H.,428.
('liaml,rrs, 11. d . , 396.
Carrington, Paul S., 533, 636.
Chambers, S., 110, 280.
Carrington, IF. C., 138, 335.
(:linnib~rs,S. IL., 541, 630.
Carroll, Itohert C . , 170,241.
(!haniblln, .John W., 541.639.
Carruth, E. B., 644, 811.
-7. it., 551, 628.
Carson, J. T., 171, 778.
Cli;iinhliss, Jackson, 534,636.
Carson, Lewis 1). ,169, 241.
Ciiancelior, C. W., 200, 232.
Carswell, Reuben W., 686.
Chanrellor, X:iint% M., 40i.
Carter, B. F., 469.
Clia;id:t~r. 1):tiiitI T., 5:N. 760.
Carter, Benjrmlii P., 113, 279.
Ch:tndIrr, E. H., ii6,807.
Cmter, C. Shirley, 201, 2.12.
(!h:indler, d . I.., 597, 871.
Carter, I). U., 544, 640.
.I. T.. 6t0, 638.
Carter, U:tvid >I., 368,427, 570, 714.
(:haplains, Army.
Carter, i l . , 529, 587.
Appointmciit for battalions, Mi,512.
Carter, J. A., 168,240.
Forage for horses, 5 i 1 , 572, 558, 60'2,620, 633, 654.
Carter, J. E.,iil,80i.
Carter, J. L., 16i,239.
See also Jfissionawki, etc.
Carter, J. V.,h5th Ga., 4i0,578.
Chapninn, J. W., 646.
Carter, J. W., 13th M s s . , 466.
CI~:rpi~iaii,S:iniuel F., 589, 619.
Carter, Jos. P., 613, 639.
Cliwles, W. T., 505, 561.
Carter, Louts D., 170,241.
Charleston, S. C.
Carter, R. H., 208,281.
Port. of entry:
Carter, 11. K., 200, 2.12.
Inspectors, 128.
Carter, 11. W., 464, 467, 777.
Removal of appraiser, 595.
Carter, Theodore, 404.
(:harleston, S. C. Defessr. Auqust-I)errmber,
Carter, Thoinns II., 207, 2:X.
Carter, Thomas X., 4Gi, 469, 472, 778.
Action of Congresq on reports, ;Yo.
Carter, W'.:P., 472,778.
Message of the President,. 435.
Carter, W. G . , 168, 240.
l'hariks of Congress to General Beauregard,634,
Carter, W. N., i74,807.
( 5 5 , 678, 698.
Carter, W. It., 187,214.
('harlrstori Hurbor, S. C .
Carter, William A., 405.
htterugt to destroy 1:. 5. S.S e v Ironsides, OeCartwight,, Samuel A., 362,427.
tobcr 5, ld(i3, 4ti3.
Capert,on, Allen T.-Continued.


Authenticating of those agninut

Slntcs, not otherwise pnmi8eA



Committee on the Jndiefsrg-Continued.

Reports bF-Continued.
pressmcnts, %,50,496,755; mode of publishing the laws, 65;sequestration of estates, 71,
84; judicial courts, 71, 315, 755; relief of the
Brunsa.ick and Albany Kailroact Company,
51: allorving Comptroller of the Treasury
privilege of advice of A ttorney-General, 71;
rank of officeru, 80, 85; marshal of the disment, 312; admitting machinery free of
trict of Louisiana, 83; organizing military
duty, 349; copies of acts of Congress for use
eoiirt8, 90, 681; bond3 of quartermastenand
commissaries, 97; aiding committees in investigations, 141, 2i3; repealing naturalization l i i m , 153,273; depriving negroes of the
right5 of prisoners of war, 155; fees of district attorneys. 224, 315; milcage oi clistrict
amount of fnndcd debt, Treasury notes, ctc.,
attorneys, 294; copyrights, 273, .%6; exeeil599; issuing certificates for interest on loan.
tion o f deeds by niarihais, 230; custody of
614; creditors of the Government to rcreiw
persoil? otfending against the Confederate
duesin bonds, 614; oraiinizinal'reasnry Sate
Bureau, 616; redeemiug Trc:isury notes, Gl6;
Statca, 290; compensation of attorneys of
the Confc~lerateStates, 515: apprehending
iugitjve.5 from juslice, 315; printing, dlstrihlirion. err., of the law$, and clerk fortheDepartment of JuGtirc, 316; acquisitioii by the
GosmimeiiL ol certain propert:-, 316; marl a r k s of district judges, 316,
Conimittee on Flag :init Seal.
or leasing real estate, 316;
Appointcd, 21.
puiiinliilig forger>-and counterfeiting, 325;
Uwigns and models rcrcrrcd to, 17,19,44,315.
nicniorials, 587,729; elections for representinstriictions to, 65.
:%ti\-es,381, 54G, 72'3; inrestigation o I accounts, 38G; prohibiting dealing i n 17uit.ed
Kcport Of. 326.
Comntittec on Fort.ign AtTsfrs.
States paper currency, 116, 512; a?senibling
of Congress, 460; estimates, 4.30; protecting
members of Congress from aniioyance %Then
trareling, 4S1: ascwncnts, -197; filling ra1n.itriiuLions to, 130, 1.12.
cancies of Delegates lo Congress, 49% auditReports by:
ing and payment of certain rlaims, 612, 602;
?.lode of paying ministers or agents abroad,
mode of alltlienticating claims for money,
31; maritime lam, 1-11;foreign affairs, 132;
611; prcrenting s~~ecoiation.
etc., 514: susparole of prisoners, 177; envoys and miriiapen?icin r,f writ of 11;ibea~corpii~,546, 6i3;
tern to foreign courts, ISO, 348, 4
rclicf of ecrtxin person-. 557; appointment
zation of Dcpartmcnt of Sttttc,
oi imprwsmerit offlcere of Georgia, 55i;term
sen-icc money. 691.
of o 3 k of i!x Secretary of each of the ExCoitiitrittcr on Inditia .ithim.
ecntiw Dcpnrtmenrs, 5Appointed, 20.
coniitu of iliwirrertn
ferred to, 24: .4i,217,29d, 457,45s, 523.
etc., ,566: niicn enemi
of c l a i m of (leccsis
timarcs. 5;; Bnreeau of Irirlian Aff:iir, 2j9:
milcngr a n d . d a r y to members-elect of
elections in certain IiiAiaii nittiinis, :?u2;
'2.1; trading with the enemy, 755.
paying intcrest on ftmd dnr Chci.ol:w In- :'oniniitteeon xllit3ry Affairs.
diana, 38"; q)propriations for Cherokrc s : ~ . Apyointcd, 20.
tion, 571.
Bilk, etc., reierred to, 17. 22, 21, '25,2T, 28, 38,42,
(!ommitter on tlic .Tudieiary.
,14, 4F, 4T,52.63, 65-68, 70.72, 77,84, 86. Yo, 112,
Appointed. 20.
119,120,i2Z,1'26.1G,152, 151, 155, 183,lii,IX0,
etc., xicrrcri to, 17, 24, 35, 37, 4i,50, $2,
133,is9. 193,"8,21';:231,233, "3, x 5 , 289.264,
Commit,toe on Finance-Continued.
Itcports hy-Continiied.
United States currency for sale or exthanno
ill Ricliln~~lld,
192; forging Trcrisiirp note<,


,<557,5hP. 573, s4,

717,71S, 727,731,7
Instructions to, 30, 37, 10, 42, 63, 65, SO, Ti;, x~,
111,155, 236, 272, 453, 657.
Reports by:
Report of Superintmdcnt of Public I'rinting,
court for inwstigating
gmnting stbats upon floor oi Congress, 44; retaliation, 51, 15Y, 159, 484; im-

1tcports by:
Nwiorials, petit.ions, and claims, 2i, 71, 331,
:W, 41.1; placing liozpitals under military



Committee on Saval ARnirh-~!nntiniI~!~t.

( ' I I Ipens:it

inn-Con tinned.

. \ r ~ i i y ,111, ?l!J, 263, 264, 315, 373, 3x0, 381, 47i,

5i5, 630, t 5 d , 668. 669. 681, 706,730, 789,790.
1, 101, W S ; i ~ m s riit2tiiin
218, 221, 293, 294, 302,
tnksto (.:;lp. 1 ~ . s , ~ l l l n ~ l.\ttc
i. 56.5, 5 i 1 , 603,604, 629%
:ttlrl C:IY;K, 12.5; esfablishirrgVoliintecr
1.11, x?,578; eqtialixing grade of off1
.\uditor (Secondj of t h e Treasury, i 0 , 331.
iilc N a r y , 161; rmrganizin:: Xedical
164; ritnk and p%yof lieutonarit.: scrriiiz as

ordnance officers, 164; reorganiziktion of lilt?

to enli,stcd men, 173:

Navy, 171: clothing

Uestrucrion of enemy's property, 5039, 630, 669,

hlarine Corps, 22.1; creating 'revision.
Motle of paying to oE~cersin foreign parts, 120,


necrs, 324: auditing accountso1 I,. Xorchant

& Co., 3'25; relief oE certain persons, *51i:
niemorial of Virginia Volutitcer Y a r y Company, 5 i 9 : tranqfcr of appropriation, 721.
Coniniittee 0 1 1 Patelits.
Appoinlecl, 20.
Rills, ctc., rcierrcd lo, 20, 34, 40, RO", 567, 601;.

Xa\-y, 60, 77, 172, 2003, 268, 316, 824, 325, 369, 370,
S i 7 . :3%.5.

I'aynimt aiithorizeil to member.

S~rcoiiilCongrris, 3'20. 7.31, 7 % ~

eiitsgl.RiiLod(iiiPiIiRIhF". 3;: appeals

mi Commissioner ol J'ritenls.

('imn111 tee 011 Post,-Ollircs iiiitl Post-Hoaila.

.\ppniittcd, 20, 3iT, . I X .
I%i:ls, cLc., referred 10, 17, 31. 7.1, 85, 90, 9 i , 102,
IOti, 164, li8,294, 29&298,5Xi, 45'1, 215, 6 i Z , i % .
InstrricLions to, 183.
Reports by:
Free p1~~1ag-o
of newspapers to soidicrs,
320: !Torkin!: telegraph lines, 122; conf
tiqg American Telegrapb Coinpmiy st
1 2 : prepayment of postttjie. 115; claiius for
pwtal services, 1.53; rates of, 193, 320,
rcforms in postal scrvicc. 194: lrnnsmitforeign nmil, 18-1; eseniptions froni
tar? service, 209; compensation of ronte
cxpress mails, ? X ; r c m o ~ ~ of
n l ccrtxin poskmasters, 3'39; appointment of Aasistsnt
1'ortni:rster-General and clerks, 455: appnintnicnt of Tliirn Auditor of the Treasury, 455:

eitablishing post routes, i05.

o t i Printinq.
.ippointed, 20.
Bills, ctc., referred to. 19, 29, 30, 133, 2662, 2iD,
313, 316, 452, 456, 467, 717, 731. iS9.
Instructions to, 89.
Reports by, 35, 243, 26:3, 312, 31i,452, i 4 9 , 751, 788.
('onimittec 011 Public IJallds.
Appoirrtecl, 20.
Coninlittee on Territories.
Appointed, 20.
Conimittees, Stanning.
Appointment. 19, 20, 23, 27, 63,65.
Armorer at Bichmond Arsenal, 824,332,601,603,

i l i . 5 i . 79.1.

c'on;illy, J . 11.. 168, 2-10,

(:onfrdrrilto Bonds. See 1 4 0 ~ 8 etc.

Conf?drrato 'Troops.
.Ievcptance of certain ora:tni%ations,245, 288,
2!tR, 3MJ, 31 9.
.\id to Hi~tesi l k Imieuting records, fi:B3,
678, 679,
.>' ,A, 732, i i S , 78!3.

('onsolidatiun a n d dislnindment of organizntions. 4i7, 4.53.

C ~ m t i t i uservice
for the war, 625, 6 6 , fiv), 721,

Improper eiiiplofuieitt proliibi ted, 824, 332.

OrgmFzation of forces to s e r w dnring v-ar:
ii nf Congress 0x1 bill. 457. 459. 478. 4Eo,510, .51.5. 51'&519, 522, 591. M6. 27,550.
5.56, .55S-560. 56;. $68. 572-574, 56u7W3,
5F7, 632. 634, 6%. 691, 720, 751, iG5-7i0, 784,
i03, i96, i9B.
Test of act as approved. 7t5-768.
Partisan rangers. 7M. 756, i S 1 . 7N. 791.
Pay WhcJI not legally mustered, 111, 2% %i,
384. ,417.
I'royision for raising, in Keirtock>- and JIiFsouri, 33i, 314.
Relief for irregainr troops. 267, 273. 283, 31;.
ReserTes for State defense, 766.
Army to the S a r y , 243, 2%. 3[i9, 9i-L. 3F5, 4li.
Companies to organizations irom their own
State, 76.5.


Courts, Xilitary-Continued.

Cortlrll, E. F., 80.5.

Cording, J . B., 470. 778.
Core, Jesse U., 533. 636.
Uorkrrn, J. B., 80.5.
Cormfer, C. E., 45.1, 558.
(lorrie, Saniurl .J., 1 3 i , 335.
Corse, 31. D., 137, 330, 411.'
Cortes, llen6 B., 775, 807.
Cost))-, C. V., 660, 808.
Cosby, George B . , 3.4, 334.
Costiu, E:llison I,., 410.
Cottiran, H. 1). ,438.
Agents f o r purchase, 3.5, 44.
Certificates, issue of, 479, 648, 796, 798.
Esport of:
Across the Rio Grande, 257, 329, 333.
Prohibition of, except through Confederate

Organization of, for armies in the field, 85

141, 226, 22i, 233, 312,31:3,372,384,417,606,
647, 648, 681, G82,706-708,718,729,754,784,7x3,
Action of Eecrctary of t h e Savy, 23, 29,202,216218, 232.
Additional powers conferred, 606, 615, 707, 754,
784, 795.

Cow:m, James B., 534, 636.

G., 469, 472, 778.

Coward, b., 184, 280.
Conardln, Johu L., 160, 235.
Cowherd, Colby, 201, 212.
Coir-ley, S. A., 206, 215.
Cox, C. G . , 168, 240.
Cox, F. C., 105,335, 598, 811.
Cox, U. Thomas, 697, 811.
Cox, George, 109, 280.
Cos, Ilenrr S . , 168, 239.
Cox, J. J., 470.
Cox, John H., 160, 235.
Cox, Jolin T., 771, 807.
Cox, Joseph J., 405.
C O S , R. >I., 341, 351.
COX, W. It., 213, 234.
Coxwoll, George W., 169, 211.
Crreraft, George A., 536, 637.
Craft, J. F., 664.
Crafts, GeorSe J., 428.
Craig, Joseph M., 540, 63%
Crain, Jotin Iiicliard, 610, 657.
Craia, Walter 0.: 348, 375.
Cr:ine, I~euf:~iniii
II., 801.
Cr:iiw, G. W.,40'2.
Crane. If. .4., 4i5, iirj.
Cranton. If., 409.
Crat,on, 31. D., 201.
Cravens, William >I., 130, li0.
Crawford, A., 40s.
Crawford, J. F., 169, 240.
Crairford, James J . , 5-13. 639.
Crawford. Jolin, 660, 809.
Crawford, Jolin D . , 5.11, 639.
Crawford, R., 564.
(!ranford, W. l',, 801.
Creasmaii, W. B., -165,473. X i .
Credille, tl'illiaui H., 541, 639.
C'renshaw, 0. A , . 198, 262.
Cresap, C. d. P., 576.
(lreir-4, Leonidas, 538, 638.
Crimes and Punlshnieuts.
$bsence f r o m t h e Army, 606, 654.
COWlmd, 1).

Iiiterest on hondv payable in, 29.

Limitation of production, 16.
Blachincry for manufacturing, 3 9 , 338, 349,372,
Sccd of, i n Englaiid, 4%.
Possession by Coiifederate States, 37, 64, 72,146,
151, 179, 264.
Sale or hypollieoation, 2ti0, 2 i 9 , 330, 424.
Shipment bb- Treasurj-Department, 684, 691,570.
Couclinian, W. H., 611, 680.
Conghenour, W. C. ,b97, 811.
Coalson, I'. I)., li0, 2-11.
I'iinisliment, for, 263, 264, 225, 339, 380, 416.
Cutiiiterfeit Sot,(%.

Courtney, W. W., 529,588.
Court. of Ciaim8.
Establishment, 24, 35, 179, 181-183, 191, 1'32,194186.
Cuurts, Judicial.
Action i n regard tosequestration, GO, 99,101,10F.
Est&blishmciit,37, jC5.
66,7l, 176,2'23,226, i30, i15.

I h .

Iudian Territories, 293. 294. 31

ippi districts, i50, 581,
ziition of Supreme. Se
Pay, mileage, etc., of district attornr,!-s, FA, 218,
224, 276, Zi, 313, 380, 417.
Regulation of salaries of jiidgw. 6ki5, 5 i 1 , 601.
Texas, western district, 372, 381, 414, 419.
Virginia, salaries of judges, 302,316, 557,551,603,
B'29, 634, 6-18,
Courts, Xilitary.
Additional powers conferred, 608, 613, 7 0 i , 751,

See also
Custody of criminals, la,290,372, 3%, 417.

Drunkennessiii theAirmy,6l5,689,7M, 788, i92,793.

False swearing before committees. 112, 141, 142,
2-14, 260. 261, 2 3 . 284, 295.
Forgery and counterfeiting. 263, 264$ 325, 339,
380, 1116.
Forgiiig Treasury I I O L C S , wrtificiites, etc.. 189,

is1, 793.

Assignment of judgesirom onecourt to another,

620, 622, 666, (is&

A n t h o r i t y for ulditional, 6 5 i , 6 3 , 689. 707, 720,
732, 7 5 i , 794.
Cavalr? divisions. t i i T , 5-18, i-19.
Detail of field oflicws as members, @LO, 6 2 , t i i A , '
Khipping n i soldiers. W-66~111, 225, 26s. 519.
Critteiiden. ('. 'I.
.i i 8 .
Jurisdiction, 453.
Crittenden, James L. l & 2%.
Officers appointed, 363, 364, 570, 800, 606.
i Crittonden, 11. F., 167, Ail, 777.


Sale of notes, etc., in
511, Si, 603, 606, W22, 67

Uurrry, ti. W., 109,24'2.

Ciirrry, J. Iiuury, 543,63

(:urr>, n. J., Blil.

Carry, Jabcu, L. N. (Alriharnn).




Dnrant, P. E., 772,807.

Davcwport, I t . X . , GFO, 809.
D;ircs, ~ ; r t i l i a i l l410.
D~ividsoii,A . S.. 511, 639.
D;iviilson, l f . IS., 531, 809.
Davidsoa, 11. (j., 198, 211.
Davidsnii, JI. t i . , 4F8.
Davltisuii, -1. E. A., 168. 239.
nl,,i(lriolt, .J. s. >I., W G , 811.
Daviilsoii, J a m e s T., 167, 230.
Dnvidsor,, Thcodo~oF., 532, 61'3.
Daridson, W. J., 201, 242.
Daviilson, Williaiii, 405.
Davies, JJ. S . , 503, 561.
Daviw, H. D., 505, 661.
Davis, Clr:irlrn M., 138,335.
DSSIS, Charles s., 663, 810.
Dai'iS, E. W., 664.
Dnvis, George (Sorth Carolina).
511, 525, $Pi.
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced IJJ-, i!l, 80, 86,

Claims, '10,
64,81, 120, 1;73, 171: 259,292,304,317,
325, :%4, 488, :i13.
Conierencc, 379.
Finance, 20.
Special, 19, 420.
Resignation RS Senator, ,549, 605, 669.
Senator i n First Contcdernte Congress, 6, 433.
Ilea anti nay votes, 2S, 20, 32, 36, 51,59,62,67, 'is,
75,76,78, SL,E.5, 87-89, 92-94, 98-100, 128, 13113.1,140,143,1.14,1.18,153, 156, 165, 176, 17i, l i 9 ,
181,19L,194-196,210, 212, 231, 282,211,2,.)3,25k,
260,261,266-?TJI 2i$,273,290, 291,29'
305,30i,308,31.1,31.1, 319, XL', 3!!i7,32
340,355,359,3!;0~3 i l , 3 i S , 3iY, Y80,418,410,4!Ji499.
Davis, (ieorge IT., 400.
D ~ V I Rir.,
, ~29,587.
Davis, II. t:., 1st X i s . and Tcmz. Rattin., 772, 80;.
Ihvis, H. C., lJth ,S, C., 475, 690.
Davis, Hor:itio, SO5.
I)svls, .I. I t . , 6.16.
Da5ix, .I. s.,I l i , 250.
l h i v i s , J . R . , 773, So;.
Ihvis, .J:IIIICS C . , 471, i i 8 .
Davis, .I;iiiics I.., 169, 211.
Davis, .:&~mon.
Address to soldicrs:
Distribution of, t o i h c Army, 715, 717,751, i5'3.
Ariproi-als,42,.i7,57, F~,i2,90,100,111,191,193,101,
216, 259,260; 264,2SG, 317, 319, 329,331 333,33i,
35i,360,3RR, 386, 41Ml8, 420-425, 3W,50i,517,
821,KI,54R,5.18, .%l,
GO;, (i20, G l i , AS2,685,690,
6l)1,698,'i30,7.15,757, i83, 782, 791,S9:X. i!) t, i9G,
Nessages, i.21,28, 1i-1,I i S , '4:l5, 493, 583, 027,669,
739, i58.
Komiiiations. Scc ~ ~ o ~ n i l i a l i ocrntl
n s C(;iij?rmuliot1s.
Staff, 33, 59, 60.
Vetoes, ? 2 i , 415, 507.
Davis, .John U., 641, 680.
Davis, Joh1t I., 533, 636.
Davis, John IV., 690, 713.

I)avis, .Joseph R., 33.

Ikivls, S. A , , 168, 239.
Ikivh, h . X., ,166, 470, 777.
Davis, Hol)ert, 543, 639.
Ihivis, Ilobert El., 162, 235.
I)aYlH, fhIIIJel I$., 365, 412.
Davis, T. A., 167, 239.
Davis, T. I*., 805.
Davis, W. G. 8L3 157, 330, 411, 464.
D;i)is, IT. J., 59i,811.
D;lvis, IT. x.,160, 235.
I)avis, W. 1'. 726, ell.
I)avis, W. Smlth, ,590,713.
Davlson, W. I%.,WJ, 810.
Davitte, Samuel W., 773, mi.
D ~ W S O IAlex.
I)nwson, c., 113, 260.
Daiwon, E. dl., 3.10, 3.51.
Uawson, E. J., 406.
I)%wson,0. O., 369, 412.
Damson, George, 503, 561.
J .I S
~., 466.
Darrsoa, John I!'., 608, 609, 713.
Day, G. W., Wi, 587.
I h y , IT. ( A , lOX, 280.
Day, Wl1li:ini Ileiijsiinla, 610, 657.
Deacon, Willlaiii E . , 485, 495.
Deuderlck, James ti., 609, 713.
Deaderiek, \V. V., 139,355.
Dean, W. T., 187.
Deriiie, Tltonins )I., 565,
I)c Aragoti, 11. T., 169, 241, 535, 637.
Deas, 11. A., 113,2i9.
I)e:in, %. C., 105, 137, 330, 466.
Drsvellport, >I., 169, 2'10.
Ikaver, W. El., 467.
Do Brce, John, jr., ?G, 40, 5.4, 211,413,427.
De Urulil, S. C., 505, 561.
Debts of the Confederwj.
Aggregate xinonnt. 599, 61.5.
Coupons of bonds payal;Ie in cotton, 29.
Creditors m a y rtceivc dues in eight per cent
bonds, 153, 611. 61.5; 663, i56.
Gnnranty Ironi States, 15, 23.
Interest on the fifteen million loan, 605, 614, (i,'%Z,

;OF, i45.

Llcswgc of the President, 4U-416.

Deceased Soidiers.
Pn)-nndallon.anccsdrit~.3 i i , 33,3i0, 3P5, ,i18,49tj,
6iR, i 3 2 , i45, i 5 5 , 765,
l)edinaii, dames H.,466, 469, ii7.
lCxeciition of, by marshds, 276,277, 290,304,319.
Dr Gr:iffriirlcd, E:dwin I?., 640, 63s.
Do drmctt, It., RdF, 637.
I)o l,agiiel, J . , 2S2.
Uelnny, \V. T., 201, 242.

Dell, George W., 8 E .

Ueloach, Alfrrd 13.. 6%. 637.
Dclony, J . F., 16i, 238.
Dolony, U
'. G., 1%. 1%. 214, 469.
I)e Imnic, T. ?I., 775, 807.
Dement, John .I., 199. 242.

I)lxos, J. li., 39
i ~ l s i i i i ,Josoyb E
., 537



Dutiley, T. E., 645.

Dudley, T. U . ? jr., 115, 280.
fluff, IYi1li;itu L., 772, 807.
Durneltl, c. B., 206, 334.
DUEUS, JRIUWh., 26, 40, 54.
Dufry, 1. B., 213.
DrtRy, H. J., 213, 234.
I)uggiili, B. F., 167, 2R8.
I)nggirrs, (ieorjie ( i . , 812, 658.

I)unlup, John, 137, 3%.

Ibunlop, Richard S., 539, 638.
I)onn, 8 . W., 661.
I)unn, Alesander, 544, 640.
Dunn, Andren., 532, 619.
h n n , 0. 11. It., 402.
Ilunn, dames, 198, 242.
Dunn, dofiii A., 538, 638.
Dunn, I t i c h a r d J,., MI, 639.
Dnnn, \V. N., 612, 8l2.
Dunu, Wllliam JI., 405.
I)uiinlron, Henry, 110, 280.
Dunovant, John, 464, 771, 807.
Dunsun, H. F., 113, 279.
I)unwody, IIenry H.,470, 778, 801.
I)upcirc, St. L . , 366, 412.
Dupont, Charles E., 551, 638.
Du Pont., Joseph f l . , 803.
Du Pont, Wilfred, 169, 240.
Dupree, James IS., 169, 241.
L. c., 1.52, 170.
Dupuy, John .J., 532, 619.
Durel, llerre, fK19, 657.
Durh;tm, C. A., 392.
Durisoe, IS. P., 529,587.
Duties. See Customs Duties.
Duv:il, 1%.T., 402, 403.
I)uvsl, Santuel A., 533, 636.
Durall, Benjamin F.. 169, 241.
Duxhury, IS. C . , 563.
h i g l r t , Charles S . , 562, 574.
31., 598, 811.
Dye, Henry, 170, 241.
I)yer, Beverly I,., 332, 472, 608, 609, 713, 778.
f)yer, ( i . Is., 395.
D)-c?r, S;inruel >I., 469.
I)yson, Thomas J . , 161, 235.
Eads, J~err$tminF., 541,639.
E;igIe, J:inrt.s F., 473, 778.
EakIn, (2. S., 604.
E:irk, Alesmcler X., GC3,810.
liarle, I. I I . , 395.

r. II., 3-11, 3s:.

Dakc, T. I,., 576.
Duianeg, J. H . , I Y i , 241.
Dul;1ny, 1:. I I . , 543. 639.
Dunionteii, V . , XI, 807.
Ihnantty, W. F., 163, 236, 316, 376.
Dunliitr, Junres, 31.
I)UIIC~II,C, A., 406.
Dimcan, C. It., 139, 25%
Duniwr, J . , 473, i78.
I)sncan, 11. P., 410.
D u n e m , Holwrt, 169, 9.11

Karly, Jul~iild . , 31, 104, 334, 395, 396.

I<arly, 0. It., IF;, 238.
E:irlj-, ftobert I).? ,597. 811.
Eiirnest, Fells If., 109, 280.
Errout, W. 1,. , 514. 640.
Earp, C. it., 463. 7 i i .
Eastm:in, E., 25i, 33.5, x12.
Eastoris, John C., 407.
Erhnls, d., 347.
Erliols, It. d . , 660, 8@9.

Douglass, \V. C., 565.

Douthit, Samuel J., 714, 723.
I)onell, J. H . , 645.
Doivltug, Riclt:ird W.
Tliaiiks of Coiigrcss, 1 7 , -178, 634, 655, 6 i 8 , 6!18.
I)omrer, IS. S., 474.
Doivuieg, .J. B . , 637, 724.

Dozier, L. Frank, 117, 173.

Draft. Scc Conscription.
Dritkr, J. II., 464.
l)r;tke, \SllIIam G., 537, 637.
Drmc, J . W., 590, 713.
Drane, Walter It., 594, 636.
Dr;ii)er, Xichulas W., 611, 658.
Drn~rghon,James W., 472, 778.
Drayton, J. E., 137, 3%.

Draytnn, T. F., 725.

I h w r y , Clay, 403.
Drerry, I~:rnniettA., 610, 658.
I h v v r y , K. 1%., ,538, 6%.
Drunimoiid, I. W., 511, F39.
Drunkennes8 l a the Arniy.

l)a Hose, J . H.. 47.1, 7%.

Dueat, L. L., 52Y,58i.
I)ur;iyet, Frllx, 109, 333, 743.
Drrcie, D.
109, 280.
Duckanrtli, W. It., 466. 777.
Dudley, B. W., 532, 619.
Dudley, John (J., 531, 636.






T. F., 53.1, 636.

Dunrail, W. A., 471.

Duirc:in, Wiilisnt, 53%.638.
f)ungan, I). H . , 536, 637.
Dungan, 11. If., 213, 234, 465, 468, 777.
Dunhatit, J. I,., SD.
Dunkley, (ihiirles J m , 169, 2-10.
Dunklln, J . li., 471, ii8.
f)Ulll:lll, 1). It., 504, 561.
J)unlevy, A. F.. 611.
Dunlop, A., 199, 242.
Dulllop; Alphus, 536, 637.
Dunlop, J. J . , 161, 235.

Ector, Johit T., 135,335.

Ector. Wiley B., 402.
Edelin. Thontas Boyd, 659, 675, 68S, 779.
Edperton, E. C . , i75, SO7.
Edinondson, d . K.. 201, 214.
Edntondson, \Yllllani H . , 541. 639.
Edtauuds. Sieholas C., 28, 40, 54,211, 413, 427.
Edmunds. llohcrt H . . 16X, 239.
Ednllllldsoll, 1%. b., 34, 334.
Edmuitdsout Jesse IY., 160, 235.
Etiwards, A. C., 608, 713.
Edwards, C1i:irles. 501, 560.
Edwards, Jauies F., 430.


Fagan, J. F., 411.
Fagmi, S. T., 662, 810.
P:iiri, Ilirarn, 111, 280.
Faiii. 11. C . , 6X
F:cirfzs, 11. C., .1%.
Fairly, doliu S., trillt619.
t?afsnn, Juliii \V., W2, 1;Xl.
I?;IIHOII, \Vflllnni Id., .W%%l.
, , 596, 811.

~ a ~ c o i r r 'r.
r , A., 471.
F;illikrairt, It., 775, 80;.
I:anrhro, Janre?c V., a!i,687.
Pitilt, George
49, 83.
Fariss, W. A . , 726, 811.
Varl:iiid, %. S., 646.
Parlcy, 11. s., 256, "0,474.
l k r l e y , J;IIUW, 664.
Fairleg, S . l l . , ,528, 5%.
Fiirmcr, 1,. I\., 803.
Fitriiier, WIU. W., 97, 194.
t i . G . , l W , "RY.


Farraiitl, E b w . , 461,
Ftlstliig :nid I'rayer.
Appoiiitmcnt of day, 7x3, 785,786.
k~'aulkiicr, Clrarlc~sd . , 409.
Faulkiier, X. H., 109, 3 5 .
Faulkuer, S. C., 184.
Fanst, Joliri W., G63, 810.
Fearii, T. C., 661.
Fesrn, Wtilker.
. of icg-ation at Mexico, 519
retary of Ilussian rommis+in, 172, 1S1.

Fentherstoll, I,. 466.

F r ~ i i e y ,tVi1li:iur d., 608, GO9, 713.

District attorney., 218, 224, 276, 277, 315,380, 417.

P'elld, E. JI., 136, 136, 175.
Feiiil, Ji#iiin A . , 53Y, 638.
Fellcl, .lullall c . , 612. 65%.
l ~ t ~ i L ~ l <1%.
m ,\\., 206, 331.
Feldrr, I<. .J., :>!I&

F C I I I I CJolru,
~ ~ ~ ,hi;, 5s.
Vcinier, Johii S., 536. 5 3 , 637.
Feutress, 1):ivId W., 169, 2-11.
Fergiisoe, d. D., 596, Sll.

Fergusoii, \T. J . , 139, 2218.

G. X., 474, 778.
Ferriuid, G. W., 114, 280.
Ferrell, Fraiik X., 537, 63:.
Ferrell, 11. II., 169, 241.
&'errell, Jauies O., 117, 173.
Flckiili, J . E., 6.44, 811.
FIckliiig, E. S., 474, 778.
Fleltl,'Cliarles W., 894, 524.
Yieltl, G . , 342.
Plekl, lleiiry S., 110, 280.
Flelder, J. x., 187, 205, 214, 215, 467.

Fleldlue, 1%'- C . , 470, 778.

Figpat, J . H . H., ,527, ,587.
E'lqurex, llriiry S., Ffl3, 561.
Tiadlay, ('. S., $01.
t'lridlry, V. S., 5W. ,561.
t ' i n p r , S. X., 664.
k'luks, Joseph Il., 401.
Flnlay, Luke W., 4w(, 472. 7%.
Flnley. H., c62, 810.
F l n l q , J. J., 231, 809.
k'lulry, \lillfani P., .:&, C&.
Flllrlry, It. N., 5%, 810.
Fliinle. T. J . , NHJ, 524.
Flre Conipanlrs.
Etiiciency arid iiwiiiliie+-q,619, iO5.
klsii, J . S., lf&,240.
Flsli, Janrrd Strrl, I i O . 241, GI0, &i,
Fish, 0. H., 613.

Flslrrr, d . 1.. 399.

Flshc'r, l'liunia\ f.? G14, 813.
Flslier. T t i o ~ i ti.,
- ~ ~ 200, "2.
E'ite, .Juries L . , 534, 6%.
E'ltr, .IOlIll A.. 213. ,224, 4w. 167, 4 i i .
E'ltzgernlcl, John P.. 471, 7%. KK).-01.
Vitzgeraltl, Peter F., 541, F;!y.
E'ltzgeral61, Wiiliam P., 151, 175, 697.
Fitehugli, E. (~.,
59i. 011.
Fitzhugli, S. K., GCCJ, WM.
E'itehugJi, 1'. If., 4 i 3 , i78.

k'ltepatriet, E. XJ, l"i.


Fltzpatrlck, tY. 8.. 61

Fltzwilson, G . H . . c;C;,
E'lau aud Seal of the I'oufPrfersfe States.
Ucsigns:mrl iuu~lt~l.;
propmeil. 17, 19, 41. &, 315.
E s h hl ish 111

Flake, James JeRersou. 610.G57.

Flaunpan, J. I.,59i. $11.
Flaeagln, Harris, 4%.

Flaiitt. John D.. 406.

Fleiriliis. C . S., G-13, 660.
Fleiniiig, I). C., 256, "M.
Fleming, F. Y., ml.
Flenilrir, Jotiu Robert. 611, G S .
Fleniliie, 3. S., 53& 6116.
F l e i l l i l l ~ .w. 0.. 4&& 472, 778.
Vletrlwr. A . S.? Wh.
Fletrlier, John S., G10. 657.
Fletcher, it. J.. 343. 376.
Flint, A. R., 5%. 635.
Flipylii, J . R., 614, G3.
Flood, Joel IT.. 695, x1".
Florida, Steamer.
P q m e n t for, t o hlabama. 2 s . 300,303, 312, 33i,

Legidatire proreedings 46. 4i7,W.h
Seliators in First Confederate Congress. 5. 6 ,
452,455, 754.
Yiorlda Railroad. See Akibarnuand Horida Railload.

Florlde Troopfi.
l'liniik.: of Congrrss for reenlistinent, 672, 689,



Ylouriioy, .I. II., 6i.l. SI1.

Flouriioj , 1'. V., IGa, 7iS.
Flonc'rrw, D. \Y.. 395.
Flonpra, A. F., Y W
Flowers, Snaiuel 1s.. 10h. 210.

Floycl, s. J . , 110, "SO.

Pleycl, Hlch. Y., :%is.

Pas, Aiidrew S., 538,B l .

Pox, Dnvfcl It., 636, 837,



Fulkersori, l v . I l . , ?2$.
lJiillcnvidi:r, 11. W., 524, Xi.
I s l l e r , Kdward IV., 43, 51, 462.
Fuller, J. F., 116, 172.
IUltOll, J . I%.,C.lfi.
Fuiton, T. BE., 661, 810.
Funk, J. 1. S., 206, 211.
Punsten, 0. It., 4C6, 468, 577, 588, 777.
Enqnu, .James: O., 52.5.
I.irqua, W. M., 167. 239.
Arrest of soldiers on, 230, 318.
Sick uiid \rronndrd soldiers, 42, 56, GO, 312, 323,
371, 385, 421, 482, 494, 754, 756, 784, 7x9.
Suspension, 60, 164. 165.
Transportation for troops, 46, 47, 50, Gl, 53, 55,
57, 68, 74.
Furlow, Charles T., ,551, GYO.
Fiirniss, Edwrrrd, 168, 210.
Furnlss, Juliii 1. 1F9, 2-10.
GmJett, 3YIlllan1, 500, 724.
~ ~ t d m
, x., EX, 240.
(:age, Janles Ii., 510, 638.
Gage, K. s., 39-1.
Gaillnrd, A. S., 6, 280, 474, 778.
Gaiiliird, 1. C., 771, X O i .
Gaillard, Thoinas, 505, 561.
Uainrs, Abner S., 694, 724.
(iaincs, E. l., 109, 335.
liaines, d:imes Id., 597, 811.
Uaines, Joliii X . , 167, 239.
Uiiines, L. J., 504, 5C1.
aaiees, a. m., jr., 400.
(itlines, It. v., 664.
(iainrs, Itlchard, 25i, 335, 812.
aainrsvllle, F I X .
Port of entry, 320, 327.
(inither, 1Yilllani W., 201, 242.
Gale, Frank, 539, G38.
Gale, \Villinni D., 531, 619.
Uailaglier, George A . , 596, 810.
GnlIriwuy, T. S., 771, 807.
Unllelier, J. X., 396.
Uailiniard, J. V., 68i,780.
Dalloiwy, A. H . , 660, 809.
Oalloway, s. I>., a4,G39.
(ialt, G. d. I)., 201, 2-12.
U n l t , James U., 200, 242.
Bait, John If., 645.
Uslt, Wllliain, 162, 235.
lialt,, IYillianr H . , 537,63i.
Ualveston, T e x . Recapture, J;UL 1, 1863.
Message of the President, 7 .
Thanks to G e n e r d hIsgroder, 76. 77, 80, 101,712.
(:iinible, Carey H., 198,241.
UsniMa, 1,. M., 696. 724.
Unmble, Robert Howard, 808.
Umihle, Willi:ini U., 170, 241.
Uanlbrell, .lanies H., 576.
Gnmiaway, C. C., 6 3 i , 637.
Gantt, P. H., 368, 369,412.
(lnrilnw, V., 136, 411.
Gardner, James, 52i, 587.
Gardner, Josejih N., 461, 495.
Uardner, B. B., 167, 238.

Gardrier, \YilIirin~H.,.725.
(iarland, Augustus H. (Arkan=%).
Itcpreseiitativr: i n Yirsl CoiifedwaleCongress.
Colifercii 1.c coinnii 1tecs, 173, 361.
Garland, 11. A . , 213. 234.
Garnett, A. S., GG5.
Garnet,t, Cliarles L., 201, 242, 542, 639.
Garnett, d. J., 207, 238.
Garnett, John >I., 428.
Carnett, Bluseoe It. 11. (Virginia).
He~ireseiitativein First Conledcrate Congres.
Comrni ttees:
Conference, 2%.
Special, 434.
Death of, 793.
(::trnrtt, Ol,:idialr V., 610, 63i.
Uarnet.t, 11. H., 411.
Uarnett, Theoilore S., 544, 808.
Gtirnett, Thomas X., 212, 213, %%, 465.
Garrett, J. L., 453.
Garrett, W. I{. , 110. 280.
Garrison, %. IS., 393.
(iartrell, Luciiis J. (Georgia).
Representative in First Cotifrderate Congress.

SI,ecial, 793.
Gary, 171. W., 185, 214.
bary, 111on1:1s
P., 169, 241.
Gassawsy, S. b., 159, 234.
Gast,on, J. B., 199, 242.
Gaston, J . XcF., 198, 242.
Gaston, J. P., Ili, 153.
CiastoII, 1. C., 576, 568.
Ciatcll, T. A . , s04.
( i a t l b , John, 40G.
(iattmall, %orris, 514, 723.
(iilyle, B. I%.,464.
(iaylr, l ~ l e l ~ a rIf.,
d 4W, 495.
(icddings, W. II., I 6 i , 200, 239. 242.
Gee, 1%.If.. 472.
(ice, John TI., 773, 807.
( i r e , S. 11., 598. 811.
Geiger, Fraekliii .J., 010. 625.
Geiger, Grorge It., 137, 333.
Geiierd Stal?. Sec Arinu of fhr Co?ifederateStates.
Gentry, \Viiliniii >I., 197, 211.
George, F., 4 G i .
Oeorgr, Janlw I f . , 664.
George. James Z., 613, 680.
George, S. J., 213, 3-1.
George, It. U., 1 0 i , 138, 280, 335.
1,cgislativc proeeediiigs, 46. 47, 315, 351, 495, 523,
545, 557.
Senators in First Confedelntc Congress 3. 19
433, 453.
Georgia Troops.
nr71ts: 3d, WF.717, 746, 791.
grcss for reenlistment, FYI, 715,
717, 746, 75i,i91.
Gercllna. .John, 169, 240.
Urrnian, 0. H., 168, 2-10.
Gettysbirrg. Pa. Battle, J u l y 1-3, 1803, 435.
(;ctzweller, .Joseph, Y39, 63%.
Gewin, to~rliatniiT.. G18, 628.
Glient, Henry C., 542, 639.



Greenwood, Thomas B., 610, 657.

(treer, E., 347, 397.
G'reer, John S., 663, 713.
Gregg, George G . , 398.
Gregg, J . , 185,397.
Griiliaai, Joliii A., 167, 239.
Grcgorio, I. XI%., 55, 637.
Graham, JT. D. (Tcxos).
Gregory, E. H., 104, 335,753, 808.
Representative ill First Confederate Congress. Gregory, F. K., I @ , 240.
Conference committee, 799.
Gregory, U . H., 662, 810.
Uraiiiger, Isaac B . , 614, 6'29.
Gregory, John C., 5%3, 638.
Gregory, doliii X., 563.
Gregory, Joliii T., 503, 561.
Brcaory, Saniucl S., 463,495.
(ireigg, A. R., .W;, M1.
Greiifell, fi. St. I,rgt.r, 596, 810.
Griint, James O . , 485, 495.
Gresham, Cliarlen, 539, 638.
Grant, Williaiii T., 169, 240.
QresJtam, James F., 114,280.
Urattaii. Cii:irles, 563.
Gresliam, S. S., 646.
Gritttan, (1. G., 411.
Gribble, K. U . , 665.
(iravatt, .Jolni J . , 533, 636.
(trice, W. I,., 186. 187, 214.
Graves, A. I,., 538, 63i.
Urler, James V., 504, 561.
Graves, B. Y., 369.
(trifflii, H. d., l l i , 1'73.
(:raves, C. W., 505, 5G1.
Grlfflii, Hamiltoit, 533, 636.
Graves, George W., 534, 636.
Urifflu, J. B., Z d Ga. S. S., ii4,807.
Graves, Henry I,., 25, 30, 487,4Y5.
UriWn, J. B., liunipton (5: C!) I ~ y i o i i185.
(Jraves, It. E., 393.
Griffln, J. F., 256, 280.
Graves, W. W., -113, 427.
GrlIXs, J. C., 398.
Graves, IVilliani I,., 537, 6'37.
GriWth, George K., 167, 239.
Gray, 8:. F., 462, 491, 690.
Griffltli, J. S., 608.
Gray, George C., lCi, 198, 239, 241.
Grlggs, \Villiam W., 413, 427.
Gray, J . W., I M , 235.
GrigSby, A. J., 204.
(irlgsl#y, Alexander S., 167, 239.
(irigsby, E. I,., 525, M i .
Gray, P. W., 800.
(iriniball, \V. H., 591, 713.
Gray, W. G . , 39".
Griiiliell, K. J L , 597, 811.
Graybill, ('.B., 646, 811.
(iriusteaa, Johii J., 168, 2YY.
Graybill, 'cuiiy, 186,214.
Grissmore, 8 . P., 406.
(~?ayso~i,J. A., 663, 810.
Griscoiii, George L., 102, 235.
Great Britain.
Grissiru, Jaiiirs X., 139, 258.
Conduct toward Cuiifederate States, 43G-441.
(irow, J. E., 596, 811.
Negotiations with, 8, 1'2, 174, 180.
Groves, J. A., 200, 242.
(:reen, A. W., 16'2, 235.
(iroves, Jaiiira d., 636, 637.
Hreeii, BeujaniIii, 160, 235.
(iroves, W. I,., 157,215.
Green, Hcujiiniiii T., 167, 239.
Grnber, Jnliri P., 614, 6'29.
Urren, Bciiiiett W., 26, 40, 64.
Qrymm, \V. S., 200, 242.
Urr(~ii,('tiarles W., 110, 280.
GUC, 1'. Wick., 576, 588.
Ureeii, D. C . , 504, 561.
Uueriu. H . C., 4S7, 750, 786, 79i.
(Jreeii, E. C., 662, 810.
Gurrrxut. Edward O., 411.
Green, F. I . , - 4 6 5 , 466, 779.
G u i p a r d . J . U.. 108: 280.
(:wni, llciiry K . , 198, 241.
Gnlld, dmies, jr., %
Guillrt, ('liarles. 46!>, 578.

D. P., 472, 778.

H., 168, 240.

If. C., 570, i15.
1a;iac W., 5 5 , W i .
Gralrani, J. C., 661, S10.

Green, Jaiiiea ('., 169, 240.

Green, doliii W., 108, 335.
Green, 31. E., 397, 411.
Greeii, 1'. Y., 469, 473, i78.
Ureeii, Tlioni:is, 5:lU, G l X .
Green, W. P., 469, 473, 778.
(:reen, \Villi:tiii, 167, '259.
Green, William I>., 541, 638.
Greene, C. C., 725, 780.
Ureeiie, .James XcC., 533, 636.
Greene, James W., 542, 639.
Greeiie, Kobert S., 542, 639.
Greeiie, Solonioii P., 543, C39.
Ureeiie, W. A., 167, 238.
Greenwood, J. F., 117,173.

Duillrt, F:iiiile I>., 206, 331.

~ ~ n l i i i1i'.
, n., ii4,AOi,

Bulick, Jolin W., 532, I;%.

(iull<By, E. S., 472, 5iS.
Gnuboats. See T'esscls o j Trar.
Gunu, Willisiii H.. 169, 240.
Guiincls, G . I.,471.
(hater, Johii L a m o n , jio, 6%.
Guytoti, dbnrr J.. 539, 638.
Gurley, n. K.. 597,811.

Gustine, 1'. , 390.

Gwatlimey, 1'. B . , 109, 280, 801.
Gwlu, Robert 1).,544,639.
Gwyn, H. (A, 502, 560.
Gwyini, T. P., 697.
Gwynn, U. B., 575,807.

Iliamnruck, P., 775,
Naiiiiuuud. E:. S., 676. T&3.
llelemoad, .'1 ,.'b 011, 811).
IIniiiiiioiitI, Wlllliiiu X., 410
Ilaniiier, W. W., LW, 24%
Ilumpttiu, V. V., 137, 3%.
IINlllgtoll, 11.. 472, 778.


P.. I S . s35.



N:irper, L:iura, 89,153, 244, 245.

llarper, R. G., GB4.
llarper, It. W., 89, 163, 241, 245, 466.
Jl:ir[wr, Wilson, GO!). 713.
Ilarrc~ll,J. W . , 329, 687.
ll:irrrll, IUrliartl A:, 539, 638.
Harrirk, .John b., 406.
Harris, A. H., 669, 655.
Harris, Alexander, 167. 239.
Harris, CIIarir!s Ilooks, 610, 657.
Ilarris, ('h;irlen S., 802.
Harris, U. U., 258, 281, 562, 874.
Harris, E. T., 105, 396.

Privilege of Senate floor, 47G.

Harris, d . L., 167, 239.
Harris, .J. W. S.
Third Anditor of the Treasury, 595, 602.
Harris, .Jeytlia T.,
Harris, .Joltn 1,. , 3

K. S . , 502,560.
It. KI,108, 280.
K. T., 501, 560.

Harrow, John W., ,540, 638.

Hart, b., 188, 2%.
Hart, blexauder, 199, 242.
IIart, Ilenfaniln K., 469, 4i3, 5'8, 713, 778.
Hart, Edward li., 168, 240.
Hart, IIenry C., F G .
Hart, Julia E:. l5Y, 234.
Hart, K. F., 804.
Hart, %olliiis T., 63Y, 658.
Mart, Slmeon, 402.
Hartridge, A. I,., 362, 363.
Hartridge, Julian (Georgia).
Representative in First Confederate Congress.
Confercnee, 716.
Special, 548.
Hart% Battery (South Carolina Troops; Washiiigton Artillery), 515, 718, 748, 791.
Kartsfleltl, A. X., 7ic5,80i.
Harvey, E., 683, 810.
Karvey, .Joseph W., 169,'240.
ilarvry, 1,. Clay, R?1, (iB9.
Rarvry, Reubell F., t;O%
liarvie, C'. I., F59, 6%.
Harvii., \V. O., 645.
ilarwell, It. I.,551, FXO.

Robert 1,. , 543, 639.

S., 626, 547.
S. N., 752, i r

Harrison, Uurtou S.
Secretary to the President, 7, 21,22, 21,
35,39,42,43,46,4i, 49,57,68,7!, 74,81,
9G, 99, 104, 106, 107, 113, 120-122, 126
l48,154,155,159,lG6,172,17l,li8, ISO,1113, 191,
lY3,194,19i,204,212, 217, 227, 229, 284, %if;,2 M ,
269,281,286,287, 317-320; 329, 330, 332, 333, 336,
340,318,358,353,356,3:i9-363, 3i5,38.5, 3S8,393,
394,399,101,405,408,409, 412, 41b31i, 420, 422425,42i, 42Y,435, 4584ti3, 478, 4iY, 483,181,486,
488,490,491,493,497, 499401,507, SOY-511, 517,
619,523-526,529, F30, 545,
G09,612,F13,618,624, 627, 624, 634, (i35, 640,647,
658, GBY, 675, G 8 2 , G85, GYO, 691,694, i 0 6 , iP2, i14,
720,524,730, 559, i.42, i 4 S , %0, 751, 757, i68,770,


F. E., 464, 4tii, 777.

Grorpo T., 584, 636.
It. H.. 59F, 810.
I. F., i 7 2 , 807.
doliri C., YG, 105, 413, 427.
JosrpIi, 635, G3i.
dulien, i i l , 8Oi.
Xoaes K., 611, 658.

P., 115, 2.50.

Riclinrd S., 3 5
S. It., 394.
T., 18G, 21.1.
l'lrouias I,., 485, 495.
Y. W., 167, 23Y.
Wtilrer, 410.
\VIlliain U., 167, 239.
IVlllirnr U., 91, 139, 794, 744.

Hasker, Charles H . , 356, 3 i

Hastlngs, L. W., G18, (83.
Hatch, Dauiel B., ,501, 560.
Hatcher, K. A., 396, 397, 596, 810.
Hatteras, U. S. S. Capture, .Jan. 11, 1863,85,126.
Haven, W. S., 472, 7%.
I;iwes, Rirliard.
Privilege of Senate floor, 476.
Nawkes, F. T., 774, 80i.
Haivkins, 1). It., 113. 279.
Hawkins, E. A.? 104. 335, 5Yi, 811.
Hnivkius, H., 4fi4, 777.
Hawkins, T., 40%.
Iiaivkins, \\. A., 204.
Harrkius, W i 1 1 i : I ~ ~If.,
536, 637.
II;iwtliorri, F r m k , 167, 236.
1'. 396.
Huydun, J. A., 562, 574.
Hayes, J. S., 394.
Haymaker, J. H., 208, 281.
Hayniond, A. V., 644, 811.
IIayne, \!', Alstoti, i 2 6 , 811.
fIaynes, Ciiarles L., 468, 778.
Haynes, J. >I., 169, 941.
Haynes, Jos~pliE., 150, 1i0.
Hayurs, L. B., I%, 215.
tfayne's, Landoir C'. ('Tennessee).
Hills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, :3i,49, 77,
79, 81, 3'9, 86, 93, 109, 128, 129, 131,153,210,218,
222, 926, 286, 270, 'Bd,305,319,320,350, 460,572,
5 i 3 , SM, G73, G80.711,516,79i.
Cnmmit trrs:
Conference, li3, 189.
Judiciary, 20. 513.
Patents. 20.
Post-Oflicesand Post-Roads, 20.
Printing, 20. 35.



Hrst,or, Tliomas A., 407.
IIrtlr~I I . , 530, ROX.
lienetson, It. E. IS., I N , 280.
HclTil,t, 1). It., 1fi9, 2.10.
JtriTIlt, .James W., 469.
IIenlt(, Tlionixs >I., 408, 425.
Itenson, J)arId C'., 169, 241.
Itcyward, d. S., 474, 778.
Jlryward, T. J., 775, 807.
Hlatt, John A. U., 503, 361.
Jllckoy, A. (!.,502, ,560.
Itlcks, Janion 1.,
Hicks, John It., 168, 239, 529, 638.
Ilirks, Bohert J., 198, 211.
Hlett., W. It., 529, 5x7.
Hlggasoii, J. YV., 109, 280.
IIlggasoii, R. A., 500, 724.
H I g g i i l b ~ t h ~K~. ~(J.?
l , 199, 2.12.
ftigginbotliani, J. C., 213, 234, 46-2, 777.
HlgglliS, Pdnarct, 36?, 412, 531, 809.
Jtiggliis, George, 108, SO.
Iflghtower, d. W.,775, 807.
Iliglry, If. A., 398.
HIgley, J. f f . , 465, 469, i77.
Hill, A. b., 4 i 0 , 778.
Hill, A. P., 410, 550, 5i4.
ItIII, Albert P., 365. 127.
Hill, Ikitjainiii Ii. (Georgia).
Altercation with Senator Yan


C e w h R., 462, 495.

It. H., 110,280.

B. J., 108,280.

1:olJrrt M., 168, 239.

Is. V. I)., 201,242.
T. C., W, 636.
TIiomafiT., 670, i14.
Ifillhouae, W. C., 6.15.

Ilflliard, V. W., 199, 2.12.

Jlilllarcl, Henry W., 135, 610, 513.
Hilllard, I,., 664.
H i l l ~ a r d ,M. P., ,540, 638.
Illllyer, S., 661, 810.
llfltoti, Ilohert. 1s. (Florida).
Representative in First Confederate Congress.
Conference committee, 745.
Illndmnn, Thomas C., 558.
Hlnes, It. I'., 200, 24".
Illnecr, James EdwIn, 611,658.
IIlnes, J a r s W., 534, 636.
Illiirs, Peter E., 199, 242.
Hlnes, R. K., 664.
Hliikle, James 1%. 169,240.
Illnson, W. U.? 805.
Ilintoii, D. A., 577,F5.38.
Hiirtoii, John R., 170, 241.
Hitt, Birginlus U., 542, 639.
Ilobart, J. II., 598, 811.
tlobbs, Jamex H., 342.
Hobday, d., 114,280, 663,610.
Dills, resolutions, ctc.. iiilrorli
55, 7.5, 76, 79, XI, Xi, 93, 98,
Ilohgood, Samuel P., 533,636.
179, 1S2, 19'2, 196, 211, 2.51,515, 518,551, 555, Ilohson, E. L., 513, 376.
Iiohaon, 0. A., 168, 240.
,566, 568, 57'2, 594, 607,631, 681, 693,707, 718,
lioekcnl~ull,J. 39.5.
723, 737.
Ilodge, Bnibrose I Y . , ,536, 637.
Ilodgc., R. I,., 806.
Conference, 2x1, 19.5, 459, 700. 746.
Jiodge, George I:. , ,531, 809.
20, 28, 35, 41, 6.5, 71, 80, 84, S9, 90,
IlodgesPE. O., 543, 639.
Ilirdges, d. ti., 465.'
Ifodges, dolin F., 405.
ltodges, John J., 604, 686, 713.
llofniaii, Alfred, 206, 531.
Printing, 20.
Jioffiusn,John It., %Il, M Y .
tc., presented hy, li. 46, 10.5, Iloffninii. Tliomss W., "-1. 561.
Iloge, Fraircls I,., 461, 4%, 495.
Hoke, Robert F., 34. 334, 347.
Tea and n a y votes. 28. 29, 32. 36,51,59, 67,i3,7.5! Itolbrook, John E., 536, 637.
78, RY: 85, s7-89, 9'7--9.1, 98--100, l", 131-13.1,
JIolComh, ISaHC C'. 463, 495.
110, 1.13, 144, 1.48, 153, 156, 158, 1G.5, 176, Iii, Holconibe, E. L., 644,811.
Itolrombe, J. T. lt., 317, 376.
159, 181, 192, 191-196, 210, 212, 225, 227, 232,
232, 237, 238, 2-14, 263, 251, 260, 261, 265, 266,
lIolromBe, James >I., IG7, 239.
268-271, 289, 290, 300, 301, 303-305, 307, 308, Ilolcombe, J:inirs P. (Yirginia).
513, 31.1, 319, 324, 328, 497439,
liepresentatire in First Confederate Congress.
9, ,546, 547, 519, 553-556,
Conference, 13. 2S1, 720, 7-12.
0, ,586, fiOi, 621, 6'22, 651,
679, 692, 693, 699, 701, 702. 707, 700-712. 716,
Special, 4'20.
719, 723, 735, 736, 738, 739, 749, 750, 763-765, Jtoicombc, W. K., 501. 560.
768, i79-iS1,808.
liolden, Randolph, 611, 65s.
Bill, I). Warwg, 340, 410.
IIolden, 11. F., 664.
Hill, Greeiie T., 5'77.
Ifolladay, F. D., 88.3.
Hill, .T. I%.,428.
Holland, Blrd, 159. 234.
Hill, .J. I%.F., 169,2.10.
11111, J. R., 200, 242.
II111, J. T., 635, 637.
Holland, IT. T., 4i3,i X
H111, J. Walter, 167, '239.
Holliday, f. W. 1..209, 214.
W.,535, 637.
lf<J1lidar,T. C'. 9 597, 811.
Hill, Jessee, 637,637.
liollifleltl, H. S., 533, 636.



Hughes, Archlhald, 393.

Hughes, J . W., 529, 588.
Hughes, J a r n t : ~\V., 537, DS7.
Hughes, John, 660, 809.
i~u#ies, 'IYfLllamIt., 637, 637.
HuKhs, J. X., 4G6, 777.
Iluguenin, S., 408, 426.
I r l l ~ u l ~(;~. \V.,
773, 807.
Hull, D. I)., 77G.
m i l , F. M., 614, 629.
Hull, K. X., 473, 778.
Itullehen, \V. F., ,598, 811.
Iiullihrn, W. g., 696, 724.
Iluline, 1. S., 466, 469, 777. .
Iiunihle, .J. K., 168, 233.
Hunihle, T. C., 4i2.
IJunie, Y. C., 762, 235.
liunies, 7Y. Y. C., 531, 618.
Humphreys, B. O . , 530, 618.
Humphreys, .J. D., 150,172.
Hundley, It. A., 618, F28.
Hunley, 1'. F., 470, 474, 778.
Hunt,, B. F., 467.
Hunt, C . , 188.
Hunt, Isaac F., 46T, 577
Hunt,, J. T., i75, 807.
Hunt, I,. H . , 596, 610.
Hunt, Leander G . , 5.12, 639.
Ilunt, Robert, P., 635, 637.
Hunt., T. H., 464.
Hunt, T. K.,397.
Hunter, Alexander, 535, 637.
Hunter, C. 1.,201, 242.
Hunter, De WiCt C., 526.
Huut,er, Fredcrlc, 535, 637.
Himter, Green H., 168, 239.
Runt,rr, H. H., 5Q, F37.
Ilunter, Henry J., 168, 240.
Ilunter, Janiea, 532, 619.
Hunter, R. P., 662, 810.

Hunter, Robert X. T. (Virginia).

Address to the Senate, 791-796.
Rills, resolutions, etc., iiitroduced by, 18, 29, fi2,
267, 350, 354, 355, 567, 633, 740.

Conference, 370, 721, 741.
Finance, 20, 41, 245.
Foreign Affairs, 20, 65.
ers, etc.. presented by, 377.
President pro tempore of the Senate, 5,229, 356,
416, 433. 508.
Senator in First Confederate Congress, 5,433.
Thanks of the Senate, 794.
Yea ttnd nay votes, 28, 29, 32, 36, 59, 62, R i , 73.
75, 76, 78, 82, 85, 67-89, 92-94, 98-100, 126,131134,140,143,148,153,156, 158, 165, 176, 177.1.79.
181,192,194-196,210,212, 231, 232, 237, 238,244,
253,254,260,261,26.5-271,274, 275, 289, 290,294,
299-301,30~2-305,307,308,312, 311, 319, 3"2,324,
328,334,337,339,340,355,359, 360, 371, 3i3.379,
380,418,419,197199,509,515,516, 518, 519,514,
546,547,549, 953-556, 558,559, 568, 572,5i3. 580,
582,586,621,622,637,636, 651, 653, 656, 667,674,
679,683,692,693, 699, iOl,702, 704, 707, i09-7P2.
716,519,723,735,738,739,763-765, 768, 779,780,

lunter, Robert W., 596, 811.

Iunter, Ssniual, A . 23. C'.. 640, 663.
lunt,er, Samuel, A. (1. M., 392.
Iunter, T., Ir., 663, 810.
foster, \Villlstm I,. , 771, 812.
Iunber, William W., 461, 495.
Ionton, Eppx, 466, 531, 809.
Iuuton, G . W., 168, 240.
fiiot,, J,. I-., 198, 241.
lurd, S. lt., ,512, 639.
lurst, W. Reiil, 537.637.
Iurt, Robert R., 505, 561.
iustis, Janies F., 200, 242.
Juston, O . , 205, 214.
luston, James, 53-5, 637.
lnt.chings, James W., 167, 238.
Iutchius, A. J . , 213, 234, 368, 412, 46.5, 646.
Iutehins, S. I d . , 771, 807.
Iutchinsoe, J. J., 114, S O .
lutehiuson, J. \V.3 531, 618.
lutdilnson, I. T., 806.
Jutchinson, K. It., 596.811.
lutehison, J. II., 615.
lutrhison, T. R., 612. 812.
lutsoii, Thomas W.,168, 239.
lutto, d. C., 686, i2-1.
lutton, H. X., 161, 23.5.
Iyams, S. >I., jr.. i72, 807.
Ifer, Albert, 610, 6Y3.
iyrr, Lewls, 4oti
iyrr, \Y. K . , 663. 810.
fycr, \Vlllmr F., 168, 239.
fynian, .Joseph Il., 135, 17.5, 464, 467, 777.
:'Anson, Kirliard TY., 559, 638.
glehart, 0. S.? 4xs,495.
.glehart, W. T., 774, 807.
:nibaden, Jolin A. It., 504. ,561,
Imboden, John D., 285, '288, 317, 396.
I'rohibition of luxuries, -157. 557,593, 694, 600,617.
625, M4,681.
Agents to a A j i i s t and pay claimr, 496.
Board of cummiswioiiers, 190.
Lan. of Narch 26. 1863,189-191.
Neat for thehrmy anthorized ,720, 731,i5.i,784,791.
Officers of, 545.557,558.
Protection of rights of citizens. 453. 459, 4%.
Protests xgaimt, 20, 21, 72, 12'2.
Regulations, 37. 38, 47, 50, 56, 72, 90.102-105, 112,
122-334,1$2-14.5, 147, 148,173, lS'&l91. 194,209,
216,243,263, 320,3Yi, 328,33S. 352.359,369,3T7,
3$.5.450,487, 488,496,586, 591,592, 690, 700.716,
746, i50, 757,794.
Slares, 155, 191.
lnnbnett, William M . , 169, 240.

Indian Affalrs, Bureau of.

Commissioner (Scott), 69.
Establishment, 217. Si9, 293, 300, 318.
See also Conniittee on Indian dfa^eirs.
Indian Srrtinns.
Election of delegates to Confederate States Congress, 293, 294, 302. 372, 413. 420, 489, 497, 5P2,
Fidelity to t.reaties, 1.5.
Payment, to Cherokees, 294,382,416: 419,42!2,53,
571, 572, W2, 620.

,Jolilisoii, Hersrltel T.-Continued.

Yes and nay votes-Con t i n i w t .
.->19,514,,546, 547, 549, 5533, ,580, ,%, G"1, (i22,624, 627,
fL57, G f i i , li74,679, 683, 692,

, 707,709-712, 716,719, 736.

738,739,763,X%, 779-iSl-, 808.
Joimson, d. .'k 467.

Jolrirson, dnines I:., 501, 560.

Johntion, James I,., 2ti, 39, 54.
Johnsun, JamefiJf., 4i0, 590, 778.
dolinson, James V., 543, 639.
dolinsoii, JeIY. 470.
Jolinsoii, Jesse IV., 610, 657.
doIiusoii, John, 562, 574.
Johnson, Joliii E., 831, 619.
Johnson, Julius, 537, C37.
Johnson, Xonroe I.,
Johnson, .
'A T., 505, 6G1.
.Johnson, Ilieliartl P., 199. 242.

Johnson, Roliert~\\'. (Arkansas).

Bills, resolutions, etc., introdiiecd by, 45, 48, 49,
79, 2G0, 262, 265,274. 279,2X!!.
326. 422,453,
454, 509, 51.1, 517. 659, FS3, 688, C'J3,702,715, 744.


8",92-94,08,110,113,144, 148,1.53,156,158,165,
176,179,192,260, 261, Bi5-268, 274,275,289,290,
294,300,301,303-305, 307, 308, 312,314,322, H24,
328,337,339,355,959. 360, 3i1, 3 3 , 359, 3x0, 418,
419,497-499,500,515,516, 518, 519,344,572-574,
680,582,586, 621,622, 6'4,667, 674, Fi5,683,692,
693,699,i02,70.1,707, 709-712, 716, 719,723,735,
736,758,739,739, 750, 764, i65,768,7110, 781,808.

Johiison, S:ininel P., 531,636.

SI1:1s, 167, 239.
dohiison, T. C., 213.
Jolrnson, F. ti., GF5.
JOIIUSOII, IV. I?., 487.
dolinson, W. If.. A. C. S., 646.
.Johnson. W. H . , I d S. ('. Avt., 4i4, 778.
.~oltiisori, IV. P., 361, 427, 570, 714.
Johnson, W. V., 615, 811.
dolinson, IValdo P. (3Iissouri).
Rills, resolntions, etc., introduced hy, 567, 683.
Coinmitlec 011 Claims, 513, 682.
a v e of : I t J S ( W C C ! , 499, 719.
onfederate Congress. I87.

S. 509, 515 . 916, ,519,546, %7,549,

9,568, 5 i 3 , 57.1, 6S0, 582, 586,604,
VLI, 624, F27,63E, 651,656, 657, 667, 674,675,679.
6P3,692,683,501, 702,704,707, 709-712, 716,723,
735,736,73S, 739,749,750, 763, 761, 768, 779, 780,


Johnston, .t., 186, 187, 2 1 4 ,

Johnston, E., 597, 811.
.JoBnston, Esbert R., 201, 242, 536, 637.
dohiiston, F. X., 663.
dolniston, .:6 B.. 396.
dohnston, (jeorge D., 466, 777.

Johnston, If. El., 366, 412.

dohn&nn, .J. A., 395.
Johnston, J. C., 345, 412, 426, 523.
dohiiston, .I. F., 532, 619.
.Johnston, d. X., 645.
Johnston, d. Stoddard, 367, 412.
Johnston, Jamex D., 588, 713.
dohimton, .James X., 199, 242.
Johnston, James W., 597, 811.
Juhnston, .John W., 491, 680.
Johnston, .John Y., 135.
Johnston, Joseph E.
Appointment, 96, 334.
Xentioned, 206, 409, 410, ,524.
Jolinston, Robert U., 531, 780.
Jolinston, T. U., 110, 280.
Johnston, T. II., 531, 618.
Jolinston, IVilliam, 108, 336, 5'22, 525, 662.
Johnston, IYIIliam H., 5%. 637.
Jolly, J. J., 467, 777.
Jolly, IV. U., 403.
Jones, A. C., 465, 468.
Joi~es,A. J., 470.
Jones, Alfred, $37, 635.
Jones, B. P., CG4.
Jones, Buslirud, 771, 807.
Jones, C., 466.
Jones, C. A., 168, 2.10.
Jones, C. F., Jr., 513, 639.
Jones, C. II., 108, 335, ,407.
Jones, C. Lucian, ,185, 495.
Jonc.s, C. s. I)., 597, 811.
Jones, C:ttesLy ap B., 356, 375, 485.
Jones, I). H., 368.
Jones, I). W.. 4i2.
Jones, Daniel, 661, 810.
Jones, Uavld A., 894.
Jones, Ebenezer, lGS,239.
Jones, G. L., 201, 2 4 2
Jones, George H . , 608: 713.
Joiies, George X., 407.
Jones, George T., 107. 280.
loiies, H . P., 207, 238.
Jones, I!. S., l G i , 238.
Jones, Harvey E., 411.
Jones, Heirr). I,.. 613, 62%
Jones, Iredell. 474, i78.
Joneh, J . Curtis. 2W, 242, 535, 637.
Jones, J . II., 404.
Jones, J . It., 410.
Jones, J . S., 471, 778.
Jones, James F., 500,724.
loses, John A . , 50'2, 560.
lones, dolm tl., 163, 2
ioiies, John V., I%, 2
Iones, Jolui ( i . , 115, 2
Ioncs, John X., A . I). C.. $32, 619.
r o m , John x.. N V ? ~G. C W , ,%io. 609.
loncs, John S., $32, 619.
lone^, John T.. 187. 214, 4&8. 590, 7%
Iones, John IV., ..I. Q . Jf., tii5.

lorics. d o s ~ p l ~168.
. 239.
lones, L a f q r t t r d . . 169, 24-10.

lonrs. L m i a H., 188, 240.

IoliCS, Lot M., 604,561.

578 , 693.

Kcller, \Wllnm li., ,502

Kelly, A. I)., (71, 7r
Kelly, Edncarrl 11.. I
KPIIv. tleiiru II.. 361. 427.
rteii;, ,I. 11.; mi,ciw, xon.
Kelly, Joseph, 626, 5.17.
Knrumerlln, S. M., 7'76,807.
Keinpw, C. it., I!)& 24%
Keiiiprr, JL, 207. 2%.



Kinratinon, A. K., 518, 6%.

Kinchley, Tiioninri .I., 5 3 , 63%
King, A. K., 169, 241.
Kitit;, A. \V., ilssf. Slo'g., 168, 239.
King, A . \V., lfasfer Armorer, 77% iii, 512.
King, R. S., 460, 77%.
Kin?, C. I]., 6.15, fill.
King, C:harles I<., 661.
K i t i s , G. 1.,168, 210.
King, George R., 561.
King, George Stanley, 169, 211.
King, J. B., 661, 810.
King, d . Ploycl, 490, 680.
Klng, J . G., 256, 280.
Klnp, .I. If., 464, 777.
King, 3. W., 537, 637.
King, Joel G . , 462, 49.5.
King, John, 367, 412.
King, John W., 773, 807.
King, Lewis R., bG, 639.
King, NcHlll:in, 256, 280, 591, 713.
King, S. H., 391.
King, I'iiieent O., 610, 657.
King, w. d., 396.
Kingsbury, T. I)., 3W.
Kinney, C. J., ll", 279.
Kiniiey, tl. S., G96, 721.
Kiniiey, Thomas If.. 168, 240.
Kirby, George L., 535, 637.
Kirby, J. L. S., 183,335.
Kirk, Philip S., 611, 658.
Iilrker, \YillIalu H., 428.
Kirklrnd, Jolui It., 169, 240.
Klrkland, N. F., 170, 2-11.

Kirkpatrick, I f . I,., 527, 587.

Kirtland, Thum:is T., 303, 308, 317, 362, 385.
Klsling, \\'. U., 603, 560.
Kittroll, Ihnjamin F.. li0, 211.
Kittrell, I . B., 61F.
Kleinsehmldt, Carl If. it., 539, 638.
Kloni:in, \Ulllniii C., 169, 240.
Knott, Johii I,., 470, 7%
Knott, It. F., 591.
Knoirlton, K., 511, 639.
Kilos, William, 806.
Koonce, P. P., 151, 170.
Krull, Chr. Pr., 663, 810.
Kunkel, Xathsniei P . , 205, 281.
Kursheedt, E. .I., 501, 561.
Kuykenti;ill, Bobort, 695, 71,i.
Appointment of snperintendent, 324, 336.
L:I Borde, O . , 4i4. 778.
I m y , Urnrg, 5'28, 587.
Lacy, John 81cC.. 613, 630.
Latld, Williani N . , 95, 105.
Laird, J. W., 64'2, 681.
Lake, J. W., 167, 2 3 .
I,xko, #l:irsh;ili, 80'1.
l a k e , 'I'huinas I I . , .1OL
l.:iniw, Aiiicrt It.
Clerk of IIonse of Rcprest,iitati\-e\, 3.ii, :)2:3. 721,
741, i42, 750.
Nentioncd, 0, 56, 5 i , 134,8 4 ,
Lamar, G . B., 138, 335,

h m : i r , G. I).. 53i, 619.

Lsmar, George W., 114, 2 ~ 0 .
Lani;ir, J . N., 1x6.
I,ani:ir, 1,. X., 20.5, 363, 427.
Lamar, Lurius 8. C.
trninissioner to Russia, 172, 1.51.
nvoy to Busqiit, 174, 180.
La~nar,S. JI., 201, 242.
Lamar, Thomas 0.
Mentioned, 342.
Thanks of Congress, 655, 698, 6%.
Lami), d . C., 686.
Lanib, Itohert W., 405.
Lamlidin, \\-illiam W., 167, 169, 239, 210, 538, 657.
LaniBert, Edgar A., 4fi2, 495.
Lampley, H. I)., 466, 470, 777.
Land, A. L., 403.
r m t d , Henry G., 169,240, 462,495.
tiandis, A . I,., 402.
Lane, E. H . , 139, 288.
L:tiie, I f . , 609.
Iiarre, li. B., UI. 280.
Lane, J. l ~ a t i d o l ~ i h186,
, 214, 468, 590, 713.
titine, Janies I f . , 187, 331.
I~iiiie,John, 207, 238.
liairc, Oscar, 138,33.5.
Lane, Thornas I%.,536, 6 3 i .
Lanq, Ihirid, 368, 369, 412.
Ltitiqdoii, Nirharil Y., 139, 288.
Imigdon. S:iniuel H., 535, 637.
Lniigley, F. 11. 468, 171, 777.
LaiigiTorthy, 0. P., 200, 242, 534,636.
Lanier, J. A . . 167, 239.
l,ankford, A. ti., 685, 724.
Lspsilpy, .I. W., .72i. 587.
L:irnte, dame6 IS., 344, 376, 813.
Lash, 3 . A . , 473, i i 8 .
Lassalle, .A. E.. 060.
L:lS\TCll, (i. S., 473, 7%.
I,atii:ini, 11. ( ; . 3 167. 239.
Latllalll. W.? 563.
Latiimp, C. A . , 84.1.
I k t m c r , d . W., 208, 238.
Lalrohr, O . , iilP. i'd.
Laii4ord;ilc, R. \V., 169. 2-10.
Laodcrdnle, J. A . , 108, 280.
Imiderdnlc, J. >I., 365, 412.
1,aiighter. N l l l i a m Il., ,505. 561.
Laurence, A. A., 169. 230.
Larender, \Yrlpht H . , ,739, 638.
Cam, E. X., 411.
Law, George \Y., 8W, 71s.

Law, John, 577

I m v , \v. P., IflS, 280.
La\vrcnrc, Frederick, 40, 51. 69.
I>;ii>she,JA H., 109, 280.
Laws of the Confederate States.
Digest of:
JIilitarj- and naval, 140, 145, 232. 263. 304,318,
Pnrrhase an6 pnblication. 71.5, 717. 7i6, 794.
I'rinting of n r t c , c t r > . . ( i f tlic P m r i a i o n d GOTeriinicnt, 262, :?I?.
I'tihlicntion. J1', 6.5, $9, 111, 140.403. 276, 2 i 7 , 291,
304, 30S, 316, 318, 790, 731. 749, 781, 7M.
1mv8oii. C. S., 470,778.
Lawson, Jaiues W., 406,




Bnckstl, R i ~ ~ k a rI,.,
d 485.
3l;Lck:ly, A. I,., 536, 637.
llc I i :i ~ .,111:nrj-C., 632, 619.
J I r K c m , JMivard, 2G, 40, .%i.
InXeitltrr, A. S., 513, 639.
XcKelvrf, 1. ii., 167, 198, ,238, 211.
BeKondrse, U . , 660, 809.
BcKennie, H., 542, 629.
HeKen&, D., 110,280.
Iaekey, John F., 541, 639.
IfaKie, T. Jefferson, 511, 638.
?leKini, W. Ihrnean, 206, 334.
JeHinley, Cliarlrs A., 769, 210.
IcHllltley, w. I]., 405.
IlcKiss:ick, dames W., 5.12, 639.
XcKittrirk, A. A., 51y,639.
NeHleroy, J . $I., 116, 172.
BeKnew, 1Yiilterforer It., 108, 240.
XcKoy, T. H., 64.5.
NeLain, E., 46.5.
PcI,ane, John F., 1G9, 210.
nmalle, w. r., 1~3,
XcT,:~uclllin, X. Brit., 205, 214.
.\LcL:~uglllitl,D. I,., 167, 239.
IIcLaugiilill, J . , 664,810.
JrLaurin, C., 772, 807.
IcLars, Lafnyette, 410.
l a c l a y , H. I>., 429.
3lrLe:in, .John li., 167, 239.
leI,e:m, John T., 539, 638.
laeleail, 12. d., 410.
>li:l,eniore, Amos, 470, 778, 801.
leLennati, Joliti I). T i ! ! , 807.
BcLeod, I). 3IrD., 471,
&Lure, E. C., 471.
IClallotl, E., 6G1, 610.
Mclithon, F. S. S., 534, 636.
;?Ic3fnhon, Thomas W., 807.
3lcMnhon, W. J . , il~sf.Artig., 542,639.
BIcMahoti, W. .J., Q1712. S a l ~ .394.
JIeMannen, 1,. De W6t, 338, 038.
iUeJI.mns, .J. I.., 404.
l c l l c k e n , M. R., 6W.
le?rliilnn, CI., 773, SO?.
Mc~Iillnti,.!oilti P., 364, 427.
Ilc~Iilian,Robert, SOO.
IcHillan, Sidney E., i4.2, 780.

~ l c I u l l e n u.,
Hnetniirdo, (1. i!.,665.
.1Iai:nitrrclo, H. C., 6C5.
.!lcNurrati, K. M., 1 6 , 240.
XeStrIr, I.:vandrr, 137, 1%. 330, 411.
3IcS;iniw. d. Y., 6i2, 810.
XlleSeil, .John, 13, 450.
JlrSrill, b., 686.
IllcSeill. d:inies, 114,280.
l c S ( . i i i , \Yilli;nii S., 101,235.
Racoa, (:rorg(>16.. DG3. 810.
M:it%n, J. >I., fi!)i, 811.
mcotl, T. I,., iic1.
Bacon, Tlicinias I>., 137.335.
%nPhHil, Georpc W., $Jl, 619.
X(!lheeters, \Y. A . , 1 6 i , 238.
YlIk!t.tCrS, \Yll:i*ls ]I., lG7, 239.
lcPl?ersoii. d o l i t t J . , 39,54.
Hcllsdy, J , A.. 645.
l c B a e , Diuidridge, 13i, 330, 347.

IfcKxe, d. B., 169, 7%

.llclitii!, .Jeltn, X i , 5%.
Mcitee, d. F.? 199, 2-12,
acIk,.tlolds, Jose~lllT.,
IIeSw;iln, Eldridq! T., 169, 241.
HcVoy, Alexander, 613, 628.
HcWlilie, Wiiliwn, 138,535.
Naddin, J. W., IM, 2.10.
Ifadding, J . BI., 108,280.
Neftltt, John X., 266, 375, 185.
N:igeiiis, Arthur d., 345,356.
Wtgenls, Wllliam H., 206,2.3,334,335,812.
If;igevney, Jllclisel, jr., 60%
Jfaglll, IYiiIiani, 169, 2.11.
Il:igrsder, E. .I., 369, 412.
Jlagruder, .Jolin Ilanlhend.
Appointment, 725.
Yentionerl, 396, 409, 806.
Thankg of Congress, 76, 77, 80, 101, 112.
Hagruder, John Howie, 800.
Iagruder, L. W., 565.
l a r e l r e , John, 662, 810.
JIalioiie, Williani, 725, 812.
Xail Service.
Exemption oi contractors irom military d n t p ,
1 3 , 20!1. 215, 237, 2.59,:2;.?, 27-1. 284, 317.
Exprcss mails. 298. 321. K i . :?Sl. 113, 4%.
Furcigii mail. 189, 191.
Pay ol route and special agents, 97, 219. 271,291,
318, i,54, 755. 781, 782. 788. i90;794.
Keiorins, 9i,191.
Routes, 31, 385, 116, 419, 422. XI,672. 705, 729.
.\cross the Mississippi River, 163, 231. 274,291.
Reception of bids for, 220,221, 230, 231; 245,285.
Jajor, d. P., 530. 809.
%ajar,John U., 411.
IIalxin, Y. C., 6C1, 810.
Xallrtt, J. \I-.? 563.
Ballett, P . , 345.
Hallory, C. A.. 661.
Xallory, C. K., 60, 77.
Xaliorg, Charles K.. $28.
Xallory, F., 464.
Iixllorg, 1,. T.. 1F3. 2Q3.
3liillor~-,Steplien 11.
Recrctnq- of the S&VJ.,
2.5, 26,40, 43, 69. 94-Y6, 99,
107, 119,121,1-19, 1x3, 197, 217, 218, 229,234,258,
i,413,461--1G3,48.5-48i, 551,569,
f i i 5 , 5 S s 595,
GIG, 695,695, i 2 4 ,
l:ilonc, li. A., 7-13.
Inlone, Ilcnrf 1%., 337, 637.
Inlotit-, Kiliinnt J . , 662, 810.
Xatiq-, liratik, 753, SOi.
>f:1ney, G., 317.
JIxtiey. Janies D.. 395.
Natiry, S:inturl Rroim, 609.655.
N:itigelue, Jatnes B.. 2 2 . 639.
latlphani, T. W., 212, 213, 234.
Banlp:lult, A. .ll.$ 400. 464.
.)(anigault. EiIw:iril. 491. 680.
alanlganlt, t i . H., Iris. 6, 215, 280, 576, 55s.
Ianluve, C. b . , 6Ai.
latilove, T. B., 1s;. 188, 21-1.
~l:ltlly,Ntctt. E., 1, 560.
Jlann, Alfred T., 633, 654.



%iixwell, Augustus F:.-.Continnerl.

Engrossment a n d Enrollment, 20, 41, 42, 67,
84,177, 238, 239,372, 413, 417, 420, 121, 424, 489,
517, $22, 59.1, 602.
Foreign Affairs, 20.
Naval Affairs, 20, 60, 61, 317.
Pateiitx, 20, 35, 46, 317, 620.
Special, 549, 793.
Petitions, papers, etc., presenterl by, 44, 243, 320,

Senator i n First Confcdcratc Congrcss, 5, 4.53.

Tea a n d nay votes, 28, 29, 32, 3G, 59, 62, G i , 73,
76,78, 8'2, 85,85-89,92-91, 98, 100, 128, 131-13.i,
140, 113, 144, 148, 163, 156, 158, 165,176, 177,
180, 181, lY2, 19I-196, 210, 212, 217, 225, 231,
232, 237, 238, 214, 283, 254, 260, 261, 265, 267271, 274, 275, 29-1, 298-301, 303-305, 307, 308,
312-314, 322,324, 328. 334,337, 339,340,355,S9.
360, 371, 373, 3 7 ~ 3x0,
418, 419, 497-499, hn9,
51.5, 516, ,518, 544. 546, 5 4 , 549, .553-,55li. ,559,
568, 580, 5S", 686, 604. 621, 622, 624, F27, 631;.
tiW. 6-51, 653, 686, G G i . 674, 679, 683. W 2 , 693,
699, 701, 702, 704, 709-712, 716, 719, $23, ?A>,
738, 739, 749, 750, 7ti*3-565, 768, 808.
%axwell, D. A., 167, 239.
Jlasaall, D. E . , X03.
Baswell, G. T., 464, 4G7, 777.
Xaxwell, .J. A., 773, 807.
3hxwel1, .J. Cliappell, 540, 638.
Xaxwell, T. H., 108, 280.
g a y , A. J., 464.
Bay, dames II., 135, 136, li6, 205, 214.
X:iy, Luther C., 206, 21.5.
May, S. Jl., 663, 810.
N:iyes, Williani 1.,
538, 637.
Xagfield, K., 612, 658.
Maynard, G. F., 613, 628.
Xaynard, John C., 402.
Wayo, J. 11. F., 394.
Nayo, I,. U., 167, 238.
Mayo, M:rrion I,., 540, 638.
Xayo, Tlieo. P., 167, 239.
Xagr:uit, R. W., 661, 810.
leade, H. B., 96, 105, 18%
>Ieadors, Jolin C., 644, 811.
Bleadovrs, Benj;iniiii I<'., 612, G8.
Xeadows, J. C., 114, 280.
Meaglier, Tliomas W., 167, 238.
Xeaus, I.:dw;ird J., 462, 495.
%enax, X. C., 114, 280.
l e a u s , Tlieopliilus 11., 168, 240.
%enns, Tlionias A., 200, 262.
Mesus, W~nddyT. 236, 280.
Xerres, 0. P., 113. 280, 032. 810.
Xenres, Williani It., 53'2. 619.
3Ieeh:inic Arts. See ; I l m f f n c t ? i r e s .
Neclianics. See Artisans, etc.
JlIrdienl Departnicnt.
Efficiency and reorgaxiization, 155, 163. 208,
275,277-259, 379.
Investigation of, 46, 4i. 70.
Teniporary rank for ofticers i n Sorgeon-Gem
eral's Biirean, 208, 219.
Reorganization, 17, 27,37, 164.

Neck, Jumes T., 541,638.

Iireker, Samuel F., 540, 6%.
tieiere, Julius E., 276, 311? 314.
Meiere, W. S., 199, 'M.
Eellea, George Frost, 611, f68.
%eltun, C. D., 397.
Helton, U. M'., 138, 288.
Eelton, Joku T., .%4, 63%
Belvin, Henry H., B8a-t. Surg., Army, 168, 240.
Eelviu, Henry K., Assf. Swg., A\-uzy, 347, 375, 418,
'IIrmminger, ('hri&~pl~erU.
Secretary of the Treasnry, 197, 777.
Ilemminger, H. W., 410.
Memminger, Tltomas R., 200, W.2.
Henees, TIiomnx (Tennessee).
Representative i n First Confederate Congress.
Conference committee, 476.
IIengPr, Bruce, 187,188,214.
Bereer, If. W., 310, 347,362, 411, 72.5.
tfercer, John C., $34, 636.
Hercliaat~,I,. & Co., 299, 325, 374.
Meredith, Samuel, 167, 239.
Kerlllat, d. C. >I., 199, 242.
Ilc~riwetbcr,Charles J. F., 611, 658.
Ileriwtlier, .J. S., 169, 240.
Ifcriwet~lier.,Xinor, M2. 574.
tlerrlek, 'CY. (L, 398.
Iferrill, doliii C., 168, 239.
Iferrinion, Janics H . , Cfl2, 560.
lfcrritt, 1). R . , 5 C 689.
Ifcrrltt, Jolm lt., 149, 170.
'Ileex, T. It., 169, 240.
Envoy to (Preston), 516, 519.
Negotialions with, 193,494, 508,511,513, 515,516.
Political conditinii, 441.
llicliiielolt~ky,J. G . , GGO, 810.
Ificliie, Juaius, 536, 635.
I i r k l e r , W. h . , 5?Y, 587.
IIicks, ThO~llasIt., 534,636.
E. 1 5 . ? 7%. 807.
Biddletoii, .J. I., 405.
IIlcldlt~ton,.I. 11.. 551, 680.
Iidilleton, doliu, 188, 21.-).
RIikeIl, Tliomas P., '257, 280.
l i l b y , willillnl x., 110, 2so.
Xiles, 3. Illiett, 774+Wi.
Miles, William Porclirr (South Carolina).
Represcntntirc i n First Confedercite Congress.
Conference committee, 745.
Hilitary Courts. See Cowfs, Militury.
flllitarg Service.
Age subject to. 446, 456, itis.
Aliens, 455.
Continuance for thn \Tar, of all troop3 now i n
the Prori3ionnl Aimy. 625, 656, 680.721, 740742.

Discharge of civil officers from, 70, 74, 157, 1%.

216, 219,232, 220.
Evasion of, crcaxtes alien enemies, 520, 571,.603,
607, 615, FIG, 620, 733. 747.
Action to amend previous law, 15,18,19,22,
24, 25, 30, 31, 44, 4.5, 66, G i , 73, $M
94, 99, 100, 261, 2i.1, 29.5-301, 304-308, 3i0, 31,
413, 421, 431, 4.55, 459, 475.

Ilitclirll, \V. JL, 467, 777.
Xitrlirll, W. S., 199. 942.
Xlitcfieil, William J.. ,536, 637.
J l i t t a ~ ,IT. 1.,80.5.
J I O ~J.~c.,
, moo, 21".
lIobley, Saniuc.1 U., 510, 638.
lohley, Williani X., .541, 639.
Xotlett Alexander X., 1113,741.
Xotlrtt, Charles .J., 609, 713.
Xotktt, George I(. 63.5, 637.
Botlett, .J. ( J . 9 646.
Monaglian, W., 186, 214.
l o n e u r e , .J. (!., 597, 811.
Xonnionier, Jolin N. It., 535, 637
Xonroe, George W., ,340, 638.
Ilonroe, Thomas, 4'9, 430.
Xontaigne, Ilaynionil, 590.
Xontgomery, A., 531, 619.
Xontgomery, F. F., 403.
Xontgomerp, .J. T., 184, 1 8 i , 281.
Xontgomerg, R., 665.
Xontgoniery, W. K., i74, 805.
Jlontgonierg, W. T., 35,6%.
Xood, \Yilliam G., Jr., 732.
Xoodie, d., 168, 240.
looils, I). S., 465, 471, 7i8, 800.
Xoody, TY. I,., 388.
l o o d y , T. $I., 46.1, 467, 777.
Xoore, A. .I., 638, 638.
Jloore, A. ('., 464.
Xoore, A. D., 771, 805.
Xoore, A. )I., 117, l i 3 .
Noore, Alfred, 771, 807.
Hoore, .!I F., 608.
Ilonre, 1lrnjaniin W. 168, 239.
Jlf~ire, C. F., 661.
Xoore, Clinrlefi B., 391.
Ioore, E. I,., 343, 376, 7.53, 808.
Xoorr, Edwin R., 589, 619.
Xoore, Erasinus I). , ,539, 638.
Ifnore, George H., 169, 440.
Xoore, J., 726, 811.
Xoore, J. B., 428.
X o o r ~ ,.J. C., lli, I1X. 282, 289.
Xoore, .I. F., 198, 2.11.
Xoorc. tJ:iines A., 635, W.
Xoorr, danirs O . , 26, 39. 51.
Hoore, J:inirs W., 162, 235.
Xoore, Jolin B . , 6.42, 680.
Xoore, Jolin E., 36.1, 4'Li.
IIoore, dotin I,. 169, 240.
Xoore, .Jolui W 726, Sll.
Jlnore, Joiuis i'x 168, 239.
Xoore, doslina J Aiiti,
~ Sl2,
l o o r e , %artin 1.. GBI, 66
Xoorc. 3l:iuriec A., 611, li
Xoore, 1'. T., 361, .I?i.
Xoore, It., 773, R O i .
Xoorr, It. R., 201. 212.
Moore, Ilnlrrrt ti., 199, 242.
Xoore, Iloi.'cr, 114, L%.
Xoore, Smrurl d . ('., 410.
l o o r e , T. O . , 645,
l o o r e , 'P. d., 116, 17%.
Boore, Tliomns, 108, 280.
itloore, Tlioiuun I.. 185, 495.
Noorr, 17. I?., 405.


Xorris, I V . J.. 56". 574.

Morris, \Vlilinni, 169. 241.

Jlorrison. P. JI., 187. 214, 4i0.

JIorrisoii, 11. R., 151, 175.



lunishmcnt if takcn in nrms, X9, 155, 367.
lrmtmenl o f , b y Ciiiori forces, 450, 451.
Seill, CI. F., 165.
Srlll, d:inies F., 363, 127, 4 4 .
Seill, 6. S., I i E , 239.
~ C r f l h O l l , (,. ,I., 118, 260.
Sellisan, .Janies, ,170, 474, 778.
sc~lsoll,A., 185.
Selsoii, A . d., 40, 51.
Selson, drrcireiv X., 608, 609, 713.
Selsnn, John i.,
170, 241.
Srlson, .John H., 407.

Sclson, dohn H., 389.

Selsun, R. $I., 696, 724.
XeIson, S. W., 162, 236.
Srlson, W. C., 565.
ncblson, Wiltiam. 207, 238.
Selson, \YIllIani S . , 34.5, 412.
Setiiereutt, J. I., 772, 807.
Seufville, Edsard F., 121, 139.
Scvitt, Sapoleon I$., 611, 658.
Sea, d . II., 596, 811.
Seivhrry, S. II., 803.
SeWCII, J . 1). S., 502, 5i;O.
Scivcll, \Yilliaer H.. 544, 639.
Sew Irunsiees, T. S. S. Attempt to destroy, Oct.
5 , 1863, 4G3.
Seirnttin, C. S., 31G, 3i6.
Seivman, llenry b.. 401.
S I ~ Y I I I17.
~ IU.,
I , 501. 561.
Xcivsoni, Lcnis I,., 539, 638.
newsome, T. \V., 541, 539.
Action of reporters, 100,154, 157.
Lltws published in, 111.
hIailed free lo soldiers, 31, 112.
nerton, Henjnniln H., 162, %35.
Xewton, Edwlii D., 551, 636.
Senton, Jsnies X., 205.
Newton, James IT., 136, 175.
Noiyton, Johii B., 633, 636.
Niehol, Drtidford, 564.
Siclrolas, Sidney S., 197.
Sicholls, Franels T.. 101, 135, 136, 330.
Sirlrols, T. W., 169, 240.
Sleiiols, \Yllli:im C. , 536, 637.
Sichols, IYilliani I,., lfi9, 240.

Xicoll, dofin C . , 460.

Xieoll, Thomas A., 162, 2X5.
Sleollassen, George 1.,513. 639.
Kishet, J . IT., 773, 807.
niskiet, R. H., 186, 187, 214.
Slier and JIiniiig J%ureau.
Appointment of oficers, 500. 72.1.
Authority as to appointnicnt ol officers, 3 i i , .W,
421, 422.


h. I . , ItiR.

Soel, Clayton J . , 49, 8%

Soel, Henry I{., 200.

Yoel, W. T., 114, 280.

x.3 470.
Noland, K. \V. S., 612.
Solen, 13. JJ., 470, 778.
Xomlnatlens and Conflrmatlona.
Civil, 22. 23,33, 4.5, 49, .io, 69, 83,140,166,1i0,172,
181, 193, 197, 214, 218, 235, 288, 298, 301, 336,
375, 399, 460, 491, 511, 516, 519, 5%5, ,569, 588,
595, 602, 618, F28, 687, 697, 714, 723, 742, 777,
780, 808, 809.
Legality of action, 236.
Military, 23, 34, 4X, 59, 60, 68, 96. 104, 105, 107BOlHII,

110, 113-119, 135-139,14%1.i2, 1.55,1.59-163,166173, 175, 180, 186188, 197-201, 204-208, 2122J5, 218, 234, 235, 238-243, 2.54-258, 279-282,
287-%9,330, 334336, 340-347, 551,361369, 376,
388412, 425-431,463475,490,491.500-j06,jo9,
622, 523, 525-544, 547, &XI, ,551, 5G07%5, 569,

570, 57&577,587-591, 595-598,608-fi14,618,619.

627-629,636-646,65:3,654, 657465, 674476,680,
681,68M%, 694497, 713-715, 724727,742-744,

751-753, 770-781,800-813.
K a r y and Marine Corps, 25, 26, 30. 33. 39, 40, 43,
54, 69, 9496, !B, 105,107.1l9,121,139,148,749,
174, 180, 183, 197, 211, 217, 218, 229, 230, 234,
258, 267, 2i6. 311, 312, 314, 317, 3.18, 356, 357,
375, 413, 425, 461463, 484-487, 49.5, 551, 569,
575, 588, 595, 646, 696, 697, 713, 714, 724, 744.
Yornian, C. R., 533, 636.
Yornian, .Jason F., 170, 241.
Vorman, John, 168, 240.
Forris, W. H., 364, 427.
Corris, Kllliam, 185, 288.
Vorth,A. C., 510, 638.
Corth, Edward, ,255. 280.
Forth Carolina.
Legislatire proceedings, 70.
Xilitary operations, 17, 22, 32.
Senaturs in First Confederltle Coilgrass, 6,6,433,
467, 605.

Forth Carolina Troops.

Infantry-Regiments: 13tl1, 715, i l i , 746, 791 ;
16th, 72i,729, 731, 733, 747, 757, 758, i04;
18th, is+,786: ?ith, 727, 729, 731. 733, 717,
~ D I 758,
794; tXth, i l 5 , 717, 746. i 9 1 ; 30th,
727, 733, 717, 757; 3ith, 5 9 , 792, 794; .iBth,
789, 790.

Payment from time of enlistment, 74, 155, 164,

357,356, 386, 417.
Thanks of Congress for reenlistment, 635, 655,
672, 6S3, 6W, 695, 715, 717, 72i. 72S. 731-733,
746, 747, 557-759, i84, 7X6, ifis-792, 794.
(orthington, J. S., 643, 810.
iorton, G. F., 471, 75%
Corton, J. J., 205, 21.1.
iorton, S. L., ?08, 2S1.

Corton, Sa~uiiclE., 405.

Forivoocl, J. W., $28. Si.
orlrood. IT. s., -101.
Cowlin, Willlanr S., 539, 638.
Goyes, A. R . , 645.
Suckols. J. I.? 342. 344, 376.
Cll~ent.It. d . . .1.
Fo:.c~nt, W. J,., 597. 811.
~ n n n : l l l y ,K. A., 614. 629.
luttall. J. H . , 207, 242.
h k m a n , Bobert H., 611, 6%.



O r r , Jofilah C., 33.

Oldham, \\Illlamson S.-Continoed.
Orriek, Johnsnn, 108, 280.
senator i n First Coiiferlcrate Congrws, 37, 433.
Orrs Blilex (Soiith Carolina Troops; 1st RiEes),
Yea nnd n:~yvoleh,62, 73, 75, 78, h i . YL-9.1, %, 100
I?&, 131-1:31, 110, ID, 114, l ~ l ~ , l . ~ i ~ ~ , 1 ~ ~ , l 6 . ~ , Tl iX6, is,78.5, 791.
Osliuurne, 11. C., 662, 810.
155, ISO, 181, 192, 1!14, 19.3, 210,217.2%,227, 281
OutLw, I). A., 6%5,724.
W i .238, 21 1.2.~~:1,254,
2G0, XI,265,2(ii-2il, 2 i 4
Outten, .I. S., 169, 210.
275,289, 230, 294, ROO, 301, 303-305,3ll,312,014
Owen, Angustus, tW5, W1.
319, 314, 228, 3 3 , 337, 339, 3
Oivert, B. F., 110, 280.
Otvcn, George Alexander, 611, &%.
Owen, Samuel S., rW5, X,l.
6, 657,667, 67 1,655,679, EYK, 693,
Owen, Thomas il., 186, 187, 214.
I, 705, i 0 9 - i I 2 , i l 6 , 719, i32, i 3 S .
$49, 750, i63-765, i6Y, ii0-581,808.
Owen, C. ti., 167, 239.
OLe:wy, ltich:ird, ,538, 138.
Owen, W . O., 198, 242.
Olven, \ ~ i l ~ l m Xiller,
491, 6Ro.
Oliver, Ch;trles LI., 356, Ri6.
Oliver, 11. F., 169, 241.
Owens, tl. T . , 663, 810.
Owens, d . 4., 465.
Ollrer, d. ]I., 135.
Olrrns, J a m e s O., rX5, 561.
Oliver, James IY., 169, 210.
Owciia, J o h n Allen, 611, 6%.
Oliver, L. H . , 394.
Owens, It. d., Ifif,, 470, 777.
Oliver, Thornas W., TF, 811.
Oirings, SIcIioI:ts, %$m.
Oliver, I Y . II., 168, 240.
Pace, J. JI., m,M I .
Ollvaroa, Esldro J., 16J,241.
Page, Icytnii S . , 411.
Olliphant, S. It., 169, 240.
P a m , K. w., 6%. a $ .
OHeel, H. F., $28,587.
Iaille, John F. P.. 610. F3;.
OSeal, E. A., 467.
Paillr, W~illianlW., %5, Gfjfj, 7.56.
ONeal, George H., 40, 61.
OXeal, Seaborn It., 5~11.633.
P a i n t e r , S. C.. 662. XIO.
Paleske, C. ti., f68, AiIJ.
Opie, Thomas, 201, 2.12.
Ordnance DeiJartinent.
Palfrey, E. A., 368. .IW.
Artillery oficcrs for orrlnance duty, %3-,5%,
P a l f r q , W., 188, 215.
hIk!ii, Montrose d., 198, 241.
676, 72.5, 526.
Raiik arid pay of chief o f bureau, 268, 303,313,
Palmer. F. G . , 135.
331, 332, 336.
Palnier, J. T., 168, 279.
Palmer, Jinirs J., 169, 241.
Orear, Ueurgo W., $29, 58i.
Orgaiii, George C., 4 8.
Orme, 1,eruis H., 610, G57.
Orr, James L. (Sorrth Corolino).
Palnier. 0. S., 110.
Bills, rcsolntions, ctc.,iittrocloced ~ J Y ,83
P a l m e r , S., $72, ii8.
52, 60, 66, i 0 , 86, 8G90. 96, 151, 15t5, I
Palmer. Thomas J., 169. 241.
195, 196, 217, 230, 283, 285, 29S, 371, 4
Paltiier, Thomas N., 200, 242.
479, 487, 498: ,51,5, 346, 584, 594, 616, 633, 691,
Palmer, \\illlam H.. ,596, 810.
718, 731, 533, i 3 7 , 538, 761, 787.
Pailrhea, d . S.. 1O5.
Comini ttces:
Panilill, J. Is., .42%
Commerce, 4 i 9 .
Parduo. L. 5.. b01.
larhani. Robert Jos.. 611. 6.58.
Conferenre, 721, 741, 7 i 0 .
P:irlsh, d . ti., 4m.
Foreign hffnirz, 20. 83, 141, 177, 160, 181, 262,
Piirk, W. T.. l i . 27.
348, 494, 588, 691.
Special, 37, 283, ,%!665.
Parker, B. F., ;%, <MI.
X., 347, 375, 413, 427.
Leave of tihseiiee, 18.
P a r k e r , C. K., 188, 21%
Petitions, papers, etc., presented ti>;, 31, 70, 128.
218, 4.52, 468, 477. 4x3. 689.
P a r k e r , It. A.. 661, 810.
Senator i n First Crinfcderotc Congress. 19, 133.
P a r k e r , I)anleI, 201, 222.
Yea and n a y votas, ZR, 29, 32, 36, 59, 61. 63, 73,
Parker, E. K., tX-1.
75, i R , 82, $5, 87-89, 92-91, Q S , 100, 128, 131Parker. Frnarls I,., $34, 636.
731, 140, 1-13, 141, 153, 136, 15P, 16.5, 176. 177,
Isrker, (;corer I).. 160. 235.
Parker. 14. It., 167, 39.
Parker, John T.. 543, 63%
Parker, Rirliard H., 611. 66s.
Parker, S~IIIIIPI.169. 210.
Parkcr, Theodore. 2 4 , 610, 6-10. 6%.
Parker, K.A.. 564.
h r k r r - W. C.. 5!W. 71:;.

779-iS1, 808.

Orr, John, 162, 235,

s., 503,,831
I~t-eblch, H. R. J , , 534, 636.
Ieebluh, W. Il., 4136, 469, 777.
Pred, P. N., 529, 5b:
Ice Dre Artlllnry (South Carolinlr Troops), 7M,
766. i83, 791
Icel, A. I,., 5@2,560
Prcl, It. It., 198, 241.
I e ~ p l ~ lienry
X., 540, 6%.
lcrrurn, .I. W., 5!N, SIO.
Icyrani, John, 157, 890,5 8 , 351.
Peqram, Julin C., RY7,411.
iqmmi, H. P., 614, ciL19.
lrrrrani, W. A., 80%
Irgrarii. W. E., 199,212
Ivgrwii, \V. O., 471, 77s
Irgrrrin, \\ .I.. 207. 2Yh.
Icpulh, t. v.. 312.
lelrw. I). It., IW, 211.
Ielrcr, W. E., 661,b10.
It~lliiiin,dtiiiii, 207, 238.
Iclot, James M., 643, (i.39.
IClOti JOhn Crenb, 611, b58.
Pnlzor. Aiithouy P., lGS, 239.
Ioiubarton, .loliii C., 3b2, SB4, 409, 410, 624.
Ientlnr, I)., Ni5.
Iciitlor, .I. M., tibl, 810
Icwlor, W. 0.. 10.1
leiitllc~ton,A. S., 410, 596, 810
Iriidleton, E., 138. 176.
Icndleton, ISrlrni~irtlS., 538,G38.
Ientllrtoir, H., Olil.
Bmlrk, ilobt~rlP., 545, f h l .
IOrrn, I). It., 1&5, lhb. 211.
d t l l l l l IC.. 31, JJI.
Icaii, \V. II., 541, G3Y
Iocble*, It.

F., 401.
A i d f o r Inmrlicis rcwiovcd by militaryauthorily,
2 I,;, ,323
Contiuutincr o f Ilniled Sttttcu, iL7, 728
Iroplr6, JOhll It., 776, 812.
Prrcy, Ilnbert, 168, 210
Psrey, \YIlllani A., 111.

Iunirllmcnt for, bclnre rommittees, 112,141,142,
24I, 260, 204, 173. 284, 295.

icrklnu, John, jr. (Coni.;irinn).

R t q m w i t a t i v r 111 Firct Corilcdcmtc Congreu,
Coiiferriicc, ?OX, 7!l9
Spcclal, 420.
Ptrklux, 1.. J., 136,173.
Piw~nncau,W. II., 2M, 280.
Pcrrln, A., 212, 21J, 284. lfi5, 531, 5W.
lwrln, E. It., 200, 242.
P t ~ r l a ,d . H., 204, 205, 214, 464
lrwrlu, .I. YY., 404
ltwy, I%t*nJarnln
Id., 505, 661.
[wry, E. A., 465.
Iwry, 11. il., 598,811
Irrry, W. F., 543,:I76
Prrryvllle, Ky. IIattlo, Ovt. 8, lHUP, loti.
1,. Id., 405.
Irrtlr, M., 613, 6528.
Iaters, \VYllil&m L., :fir),661



Phipps, J . I.,664.
I'hipps. It. w.. 478, 778.
I'hul, F. yon, 104, 335.
I'ickcns, J. Ji., 6fi1, 810.
Pickem, Samuel B., 464, 590, 777.
I'iekett, A. C., 526, 647.
Yiekett, A. H . , 1B3, 2..5,597, 811.
Piekett, Charles, 410.
Peyton, 1). S., ,328. .%i.
Piekett, George E., 410.
I'eyton, Ilobert 2. Y. (Missouri).
Ptckett, John Eusxeli, 610, 657.
1'1 ed mont Hai Iroad
Claimu, 20.
Constroction, 171.
Commerce, 20.
Pierce, Uunklin, 611, 658.
Conference, 333.
Post-Officesand Post-Roads, 20.'
Pierre, X. .J., 471, 778.
Death oC, 454, 47.5, 479-481, 487.
Pierre, Joaeph. 26.
Senator in First Confederate Congress, 47.
Pleree, Lovie, Jr., 502. 560.
Yea and nay votes, 51, 59, 62, 73, 7.5, 78,87, 88,92Pierce, Thomas W., 563.
94, 98, 100, 128, 131-134, 143, 114, 148,153, 156, Piersou, A. J., 168, 240.
158, 176,177, 179,181,192, 194-196,216,225,231,
I'ierson, David, 187, 215, 469, 472, 77%
232, 237,238,214,253, 2.54,260,261,26.5,266,268Plke, W. L., 576, 588.
271,274.275,290,294,300,301,30~305.312,314,Pillow, Glideon J., 725, 812.
319,324, 328, 334, 337,310,355, 359,360,'371,373, Pilots.
379, 418, 419.
Employment, 45, 51, 230, 236, 260.
Peyton, Wliliam X., 137, 385.
Impre,sment, 45.
Pdager, H . W., 428.
Pim, Lewis T., 198. 242.
Pfohl, W. d . , tiW, 713.
Pinckney, B. G . , 113, 258.
Phelan, dxrnes (Mississippi).
Pinckuey, C. C., .%3.
Absent without leave, 719.
Piitcknry, Charles, 167, 239.
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by. 26, 28, 30, Piadall, P. J., 325, 547.
33, 3R, 37, 48, 49, 82, 59, 61, 6'2, 8'2, 87, 88, 121, Pinner, I.:llrert, 167, 239.
Piuson, Narnet, 169, 240.
I'itnlan, Rohert K., 608, 713.
Pittnran, W. B.. 396.
633,619,678, 683,692, 736, 538,i10.749, 764. 769. Pitts, J. S.. 537, 637.
Pitzer, 8 . I,., 104, 335.
Confcrence, 261, 439,458.
l'iussant lienrj', 1.51, 170.
Indian Affnirn, 20.
Player. S. 'T.. 187, 213. 464, 463,777.
Judiciary. 20. 512. 566, 571. 602. 6'20. i>5.
Pleasants. J . h.. 198. 2.l'.
Printing, 20, 243, 26& 312, 317, 7-19, T51, i88.
Plunket, James D.. 5 G , 639.
Special, 37, 64.
Powge, Tiionias, 135.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 496.
Poi~yur,IVlliiam T.. 208, 238.
Senator in First Confederate Congress, 6 , 4%.
Poague'h .irtiiierj- Hattellon.
Yea and nay votes, 28, 29, 3i336, jl, 59. 6 2 , 67,
Thanks ol C v i y r e i u for reenlistment, 754, 75g(
7 8 , 82, 85, 87-89, 92-91,98,128. 1Y1-131,140,143,
785. 791.
144,153,1.56,ljs, 165,176, 177, li9,1Q2,194-196,
E o c o t a l i p , S. C. Battle, Oet. 22, 1862.
212, 22,5, 227, 231,232, '237. 235,244, 253, 251,260,
Thanks Io Gen. 5T. S . Walker, i 6 . 77.
261,265-271,274,275, 289, 290, 294,300,301.304, Poellnitz, C. A.. 66'2, 810.
l'etersburg, Va.
Impressment of private property, 20, 72, i:3, 122.
Pettua, E. W., 466, 631, 809.
Yeyton, C., 167, 239.
Peyt,on, Cliaries S., 469, 473, 778.

497-499, 509,515,516,518,519, 544,546, 547,549,

553-556, 568. 572-3i4,580, 582, 586, 604, 621, 622,
624, 627, 636, 650, 651, ( S S , 656,667, 674, 679, 683.
692,693, 701. 702, 707, T09-712,716,7RR.738,?J9,
749, 750, 763-765, i68,808.
PhllipS, P., 506, 561.
Philips, Z. A . , 802.
Phillips, (4. C . , 168, 239.
Phillips, d. J., 466, iii.
Phillips, J. P., 663, 810.
Phillips, James. 526. 547.



- .



V I D 1 'I*..


UUJ, 1 1 L .

i'l~illlps, John L., -Ymu,46'1, 495.

Phillips, N. I)., 169, 240.
Phillips, W. S., 404.
Phlnizg, Charles H., i l l .
Phipps, F. L., 343, 3i6.

Pointer, X., 366, 412.

Points, Leouidas, 561.
Polignac, Caniillus J., 105, 137. 334.
Polk, Leoiiidas: 120. 331, 364, 109,429.
Polk, Luciuo E., 105, 137. 330.
Polk, X. T., J'L9.
P o l k , Rufus J.. 105, 385.
Polk? Trusten. $63, 42i.
Pollitrd. 0. T., jr., 605.
Poilard. Edward, 170, 2441, 612, Gjs.
Pollitrd. H. 31.. 397.
1 """VI\.

I. U..




Pollock. Williani W., 9.1. 139. 485, 49.5.

Pond, Thomas (2.. 6$?, t i X l .
Ponder, Killis X.. 326. 5 i i .
Pool. 31. I. 18i.
Poole, I). H., 596,811.





Irlw, \Yilliam P., 504, 561.

Pride, John S., 169, 241, 536, 637.
Princess iioyal, Briciih Ship. 286, 293.
Pringle, d . R.. 256,280.
Iringle, >I. d., 428.
Prioleau, W. It., 536, 6 3 .
Prisoners of War.
Captured west of the M i
750, 754.
Exchange of, 447-419, ,584, 690, 701, 703.
Negroes deprived of rights and immunities Of,
89, 155.
Paroles disregarded, 142. 177. 3 2 , 448, 449.
Plots to release, from Richmond, 670.
Kepeal of certain law, 758, i59, 784, 791.
Action of Congrem, 51, 99, 104, 106, 112, 158,
159,203,204,210-212,233,319, 3:3, 360, 361,386.
Plan proyosed by the President. 13, 30, 33.
Resolutions approved 3Ia)- 1, 1863, 386, 387.
Treatment, 324, 331, 360. 449, 4.55.
Pritehard, Ishmael, 250, 292.
Pritehsrd, 3. K . I.., 664.
Pritohett, Edward H., 533, 636.
Privateers and Privateerln~.
Action of foreign nations, 9, 136.
Capture and destruction of enemys property.
by land or sea, ,599. 630, GG9, 701, 721, 795,
599. See also Sawy, Ihkunteel-.
Declaration of Congress of Paris. 10.
Principles actuating the Confederael-, 9, 10.
Private Property.
Destruction for pnblic safpty, 16, 35, 47.5, 411.1,
494, 497.
Impressment<. Sre Impres.smrnl.~.
Transportation for. obtained b y false pretense,
84, 86, 236, 284, %58, 378, 3%. 413, 420.
Prizes and Prize Goods.
Debarred from foreign ports. 9, 436.
Distribution of, i n the Sav>-,262.
Valuation, 27, 64, 331,370, 378, 389.
Proctor, G. X., 645,811.
Proctor, James T., 149,150.

Produce Loan.
Agents, 35, 44.
rromtt, B. s., 473, 778.
Proskaner, d., 471, 7%.
Prosser, Lawrence H., 539, 638.
Provlfiional drncy of the Confederate States.
Additional force to serve during mar, 336, 3 3 i .
Cavalry, 699, 789, iW.
Chaplains, 219.
Continuance for thewar, of a11 troopsin service.
625,656, 680, 721, 740-742.
Rank of certain officers, 331, 332, 336.
Storekeepers, 324,33,381, 413, 418.
Temporary rank for oficers of Confederate
States Army, 655, 689, 5%.
Provisional Navy. See A7flt~y,Protlisional.
Impressment of, needless, 453, 459. 496.
Meat for the Army. See Impressments.
Prices, 443.
Production, 16,140, 163, 164,209, 237, 284.

lrnclen. K. H.. 470.

[TycJr, K. d.3 410.
Iuhllc Defense.
Irorision for, 44. S i , 9% See also Tuxes.
iuhlir Irinting.
Provirion for payment. 520. 719: 745. 757.
liates. 5li, 78% i89.
YLeIative to. 30, 210,243; 26i, 2i3,2&5,312, 372,331,
417, 4.54, 458, 459, 476, 187, 488, 512, 517,759.
PublIe Property.
ACconnting of cammissaarie* and q u a r t e r m w
ters. 155.
Acquisition of. 3008. 316.
Purrhase or lease Of real csrate. W2, 316, 357,
%%, 370, 3M, 41i>420.
Pugh, Jameli L. ialatiamaj.
Representative i n First Confederate Congres.
Coiifererice committee, 2 i 4 .
Pngh, J o h n E., 537. 635.
Pugh, WIlliani A., ,502,:XI. 614, 6%.
Pumphrey. 3 . S.. 536.637.
Punishments. See Crirncs an? Pu&hments.
Purcell. James. 611. G58.
Purdic, T. .I.,
Purdom. dames A . I.., 166, 239.
Purdf, daeolr C., 132. 170.
Purefoy, J. Howard, ,535,6:;.
Purnell, Georee \Y., 540, 639.
Purwley, B. T . , 169. 0.
Purvfauee, dames. 167, 23s.
Purvis, John T., 4W..
Purrear, Henry S.. 640, 654.
Putney. S., 662.
Pjatt. Eleazar A . ? 170, 241.
eye, Jewe 8.. .5@2, .SO.
Pples, L. G., 465, 777.
PpIes, Xewton C.. 513. 639.
Ppnchou, Lewis C, 333, 636.
kuaite, A. G., 107,280.
Znarles, Charles, 589, 619.
auarles, William d.. 466. 531. 61P.
Znartermaster Department.
Abolishment of snpernumcrar? o f f i c e ,189,224,
283. 322, 332, 4li.
Bonds of quartermasters. 65, 9i. 153-155.
Complaints a p a i n s , 46, f i .
Detection. 362. W.
Prevention. b4. &6,236,2&4,356,3i8,3t%,
Increase. 2i3, 274. 203. 322. 33;.
List of officem requested, 43. li.5.
Rent for building, 299, 300, 303,312, 3 2 , 357.
Temporary rank for oscers. 208,219.
I n q u i v as to appointment and service, 456,483,
604, 621, 62,
627. 6%.
Quigley, A. J., 188, 215.
Qnlllian, R. d., 207. 215.
pulnep, W. 8.. 1 O i . So,
puinn, Xirajah P., 167. 239.
Qoltman, F. H.. 664.
Kadclllle, T. \Y.. 4 O i . *W2,613. 628. 6 7 .
Kagan, W. B., 532. 619.
Rapland, A. E., 542. 639.
Rapland, S. A., 803.
Ragland, W. B., 404.
Ragsdnle, C. H.. 116. 172.




Itereley, 7Y. W., 591,

Apprehension of fugitives from ji?n:ice. 293.294,
315, 352, 357.
Reynolds, A. \V., ,531, 809.
Beynolds, D. JI., 466, 470. 7 i 5 .
Reynolds, Frank A., 466, 687, i X , 77%
Reynolds, H. A., 470.
Reynolds, J. D., 168,240.
Reynolds, James C., '77.5, 80i.
Reynolds, Pryor, 401.
Keynolds, R. O . , 450, 778.
Reynolds, \\'. D., 615, 811.
Reynolds, W. I\'., 342, 343, 376.
Khea, \V. H., 392.
Kheatorm, Tenn. Op~rationii, S*erptemher-Octoher, ISfiR.
Action of Congress on reports, 690.
Rhett, A. B., 362, 412.
Hhett, Alfred, 18.5, 186, 2114.
lthett, C. H., 665.
&Lett, dulius Ji., 256, 280.
Ilice, Clay, 663, 810.
Rice, Evan, 136, l i 5 , 467, 470, 777.
Bico, P. T., 804.
Kice, John H., 168, 240.
Itice, Jlargaret A , 432.
Kice, W. G . , 413, iii.
Rice, Z. A., 188,215.
Hich, L. L., 212.
Itich, W. I Y . , 465, 5 i i .
Richards, J. S., 474 i78.
Bichards, W. B., 138, 335.
Richardson, A. J., 801.
Kichardson, F . R., ii4,807.
Kictiardson, Charles 'I., 540, 638.
Richardson, U. C., 646.
Richardson, E. ti., 613, 813.
Richardson, 11. B., 253,281.
Kichardson, J. I). 660, 8139.
Richardson, .J. U . , 395.
Kiehardson, J. :I., A. A. G., 598, 811.
Kieharclson, J. X., LOd Tb,,609, 713.
Richardson, J. S., 151, 170.
Hichardson, James f . , 5<%, 638.
Iticbardson, John S., 168, 240.
Kichardson, loses, 639, 636.
Mehardson, S. D., $35, 637.
Richardson, R. E., 536, 637.
Richardson, R. V., 531, 618, 629, 697.
Richardson, Rlehsrd, 6ib>513.
Richardson, Richard C., 611, 6%.
Richardson, Robert B., G11, 659.
Richardson, S. H., 646, 811.
Kichardson, T. E., 206, 215.
Riehardson, T. C . , 5%. C X .
Richardson, IVilIiam P., 168. 240.
Richardson, Wilson G . , 26, 40,:d.
Hieherson, F. B., 167, B 9 .
Richmond, C. It., 138, 335.

Civil employf:rs of the Gr,vrmment, 524.

FF- detdiled
clerk*, 145,



Kaiiai for legislatire and executive office= at,

&1, 510, ii2. C3?,WJ, C34, 6 $ 7 , i r e , 7%. T s j ,
Richmond and IPdnrllie Kaiiroad. 151.
Kiehmond (Va. j Arsenal.
Clerical force. 151, 224.
Pas- aud alloa-tinces of macter armorer, %x,3 2 ,
601, 60.5, 634.
Richmond Enquirer. j.54, 1.X. 157.

Kider. H.,.'E 1i;Y~

Kidgeiy, Randolph, 532. 619.
Kidgely, T. G., 4%. 49.5.
Hidley, R . , jr., 331. 61
Rigg, Willtxm C.. <?A,

R i g ~ s Thomas,
161. 2%.
Riley, A. C., 212. 213, 3 4 ,
Kiley, John F., MG.
Riley. J o n a t h m G . , 2N. %I.
Hinqgold Gap, Ga. Enyagenient. SOT. 27, 1868.
Thanks to General Clcburne. 620, 665.
Kio Craude Kircr.
Commerce across. 277. 329. 333.
K i m , J . H., 343. 3i6.
Kiplcy. Rosaell S.
Appointment. 725.
Mentioned, 3-10, 3%.
Kitehey: J . II., t w . hi@.
Kitter, H. I'.. lG, 2.39.
Kisrr and Harhor Defenses.

. I l l . 1Y3,209.E7-?29.?31,37,
Rirers, Eiias L., IM.t.10.
Rirers, Jonatiian, Xi. 2i4. 4M.
&ires. Alfred L., 256, 281, :&2. 5i.1.
K i m , (2. \\-.3 4WJ.
Kires, H. W.. 6 1 3 .b10.
Rizey, Samuel R., 1G. 259.
Kuarh, E. J.. 199, 211.
Koarh. Erwin A., (41, i&O.
Koane, A. T., 663. 010.
Koane, J. 6.. -111.
Roaur. Thomas W,. 3;.
Robards, G . t Y . * 127. 239.
Robards, H . C. Gcj3. 810.
Robbhs, E. t'., XA.
Kohrrt. A. J., 117,l;Y.
Roberts. A. W.. $05.
Roberts. I'. X., 3%.
Roberts, Dearing J., 557. 637.

Ihgers, Willlun~W., (i(i3,810.
Ilosald, C. A., fW.
Ko~dot.,St,. JUICS, 206, 33.1.
llooke. Thomas, 315.
Iloul, Irvlnp., Hh5, 561.
llorcrr, W. A., 4(M,.17". 778.
Itoso, AItwindrr, 128, 335.
Bow, W. S., 116,172.
lLoserr,lns, vy I I1 lain s., 485.
Itoss, Prankllu C., 643, 680.
IltISS, (3. \v., (i09.
Iloss, Ilorare E., W 4 ,
IlUSS, J . U. If., 4(;!1, 452, 808, 778.
Iloss, I,.
551, (iN.
Iloss. 1'. P., 609,it;\.



s. N., 1M.

Ilnrvr, Strplien I)., 6.10, 03n,

lliinlend, l'liomas, 6!w. R10.
l l i ~ ~ l R.
~ y I'.,
, 562, 57.1.
lloy, Arrlillinlcl, 55'2.
Iloy, It. I,.,FiiO, ROII.
Iloy, c. s., 16S, 240.
l h y , (liistnvus ti., 1G9,241.
I ~ C I Y rr.
, u., 5116,


Ifog1111, Edward Miinlny, 611, GS.

Itiiyatou, BI. It., 5%i,811.
Ikiyst~on, Itolwrt T., 200, 242.
IlO).Hl,O1l, 1'. L., 4(iB, 468, 777.
Ilutldell, John Ilcnry, 611, @Xi.
Itadlulll, IlcnJitn1111F., 842, 639.
Iletllc~r,A. F., i71, 807.
ll11do1p11,Julin It., 184, 281.
m r , s.
463, 777.
iit1mt1, I;.
ti., 6.14, $11.
Illlnln, s., 171, 77x.
Itlrfnn, Tl~~inins,
Jr., 136. :W, 427.
Ilupplcs, I)., 725, 812.
Itupclrs, I.:dvsarcl S., 5W.


IllIr;Sl~ll, I).

It., 464,

Ilnssnll, .lolie W., 170. 241.

Ilusscll, S. I)., W O , 167. 214. 465, 469, 777.
Itusscll, \I.Idv, 171, 778.

I\'cgtitiatioriswith, 12, 152, 171, 180, 161, 27n, 269.

?YO, s20, 34x.

llusl, A. 1'. >I., S(i4, 427.

ItutlicrIartl, John It., 4G2, 4!1b.
Ituttierfortl, J o l i t i C., 411.
Ilultiorliird, It. If., 170, 241.
Ilutllvc~ll,.lllllll It., '1%. 451.
I l u t l s n ~ l ,R. I I . , 167, 23!).
I l u t l c ~ t l g ~A~. , Bl., 3BA, 412.
!lIItlNlKt', 1'. A., 805.
Ilyrln, .llIlll(.k II., SOL.
Ilyiin, T. 1'. XI., 474, 778.

Sabal, F;mlle T., 200, 232.

SaEell, It. *I., 6x2, 724.
St. Clair, John q., ,398.
St. .John, 1sa:re 31.

Supcrinteriderit oi X i w r


Schoolrr, d a m e s K., 40%

Schultze, Andrew F., 542, 639.
Scott, A. U.? 4v2.
Scott, A . F . , 471.
Jlining l%iirenii, Srott, 6. B., 64.5.
Scott, George W., 753,807.
SCCJtl, d . D.3 591, 713.
Scott, d. P., 673, 714.
Scott, d. T., A. Q. X., 403.
Scott, J. I.,
Adst. Sury., 169, 240.
Scott, Jolin U . , 138, 3%.
Scott, John Orlando, 5:B, mi.
Scott, John T., 410, 412, 4%.
Scott, X. P., 198, 242.
Scott, I'reeton B., 199, 242, 533, 636.

m0, 7'24.
Salaries. Sce C~1nye?isulio7i.
Sale, John H . , 570, 714.
Sale, vy. H., 116, 280.
Salmon, E. Y., 167, 239.
Snlycr, L. H. S . , 1%5,136, 175.
Surnplc, J . A . , 63, 71. 84, 111.
Sample, John, F3, 71, 84, 111.
Sampson, G . W., 115,280.
Snmuels, A. U., 343, 376.
Snrnuels, William It., 208, 2x1.
Seott, s. s.
Commissioner ofIndian Affairs, 69.
Sanders, C. C., 800.
Sanders, David W., 138, 33.5, 596, 811.
Scott, T. D., 257, 280.
Scott, T. W., 614, 811.
Smders, J. C. C., 342, 3 i i L
+cott, 17. U., 576, 812.
Randrars, I,. J., 540, 698.
S:inders, R. W., 401.
Smtlers, William H., 201, 2J2, ,535, 637.
Sandford, d . I,., 396.
Sjmdford, T. S., 4i3.
+icramlile. H. X., 16%.230.
S;inds, 11. fl., 187, 215, 468, 452, 578.
Screren, d . H.. A I ; ~ .
Sanford, Henry, 407.
Screven, Jnhn, 470.
Sanford, John W. l., i71. 807.
irreven: Thoniaa E., 471, 7i8.
Sanford, T., 481.
Saltford, T. I,., 116, i i 2 .
Scruggs, W. H., 402.
Sxnford, Thomas Y., 139, 28%
Scull, W. J., 539, 6%.
Satehwell, S. S., 198, 241.
Scurry. Thomas J., 138,'2%.
Satellite, U. S. S. Capture of, lug. 23, 1863,461. +wrry3 V;. R . , 2%.
' Seabrook, Benry. 563.
~ a u n d e r s ,Janies O., 541, 639.
Saunders, L. 1,. , Xi, 239.
Saundrrs, It. C., GGO, 665.
S&nnders, Samuel R . , 60Y. i13.
Saunders, W. L . , 467, iii.
j Establishment. 304. 308. 339.353. 351, 3 0 ,
Saunders, Walton, 201, 242.
Saunders, William J . , 410.
Sannders, Williani T., 168, 239.
Ssvagr, Ednarcl, 197, 205.
Savage, Henry, 1 9 i .
Savage, J. H., 191h Ala.. 472.
S H V + g O , J. It., 26th Terzlz., 464.
Sjnv:rge, Lot K.,167, 239.
Sears. J . 17.. 1119. 242, 610. 6.57.
Savage, Thomas B., 543. 639.
Seat of Oovernnieiit of the Confederate States.
Sawrie, W. S., 504, 561.
K e m o ~ a lof. 2 : X 2 3 .
SanyPr, Benjauiin F . , 470, -171. 3 8 .
Srawvell. Jos. H.. 801.
Sawyer, n'llliwsi T., 53-1. 63ti.
Sesy, N. 1..3, .%.
Sayers, Williani B., IF!,23.5.
SeB:istian. G . r., 681. 810.
Sayre, Calvin L., 486, ,487, 493.
I'. 540, 6%.
Scales, A. X., 464, YJ0, 780.
Scales, Dabncy 1.,
46::. 495.
SWIeS, J. I., 465, 7 7 T .
Seanlan, E., 392.
Schell, Elbert C., 539. 638,
Schell, Henry L , 533, G3ti.
Sclienck, S . W., 409, 426.
Sdierck, Isaac, 113, 335.
Sehlatter, C. I,., 771. 807.
Schlatter, Charles I,., 66, 51, BO.
Schlcicher, f;iistarr, ,iG2, 574.
Srlileg-, Charles ('., 199, 21'.
Sellley, Tcneh, ti62, 810.



Schley, 17. C., 530.


Slmprcon, Wlliiam. ,342, 3.51.
Sims. ('.I,.. 161, 25.5.
Slms, (;hark%C., 6G2, 810.
Sirnrr, F. W., 613. 619. 6211.
Sinis, John, 451, ' i i k , 800.
Sims, .John R., 241, 639.
Sims, R. C., f&3, 810.
Sims, B. R., 396.
Sinelair, Arthur, Jr., 462, 495.
SInelaIr, George T., 461, 495.
Singeltary, blf. A., C f i , 724.
Singletary, H. I+-.$465, 46H.
Singleton, d. W.? 53.5, 637.
Singleton, J o h n C., 3Y1.
Singleton, R. B., Zii, 280.
Singleton, Spiers, 200, 242.
Singleton, TVilliam, 533, f36.
Bitgreaves, A. J.! 474.
Sitman, C. X., 169, 240.
Sizmore, B. H., 169, 240.
Skidmore. Thomas H., 403.
Skinker, Charles It., 25.5: 2x1.
Skinner, F. G., 464. 46% T i .
Skinner, dames H.; 466. 469. 7 7 7 .
Skinner, Thomas L.. 462, 495.
Skippington, John. fJ3. 628.
Slack, A. L., 255, 280.
Sladr, T. T., 803.
Slater, Samuel A., X i , 239.
Slaton, W. F., 473. ii8.
Slauphter. J. E., 411.
Slaughter, )I. N., 18-1,2.8281.
Slaugiltm, P. P., 46.5, 469,777.
Slaughter. T. B., f i 4 . 807.
laughter, Thomas G.. 168, 240.
laughter, IV. X., 464.
Emancipation proclamation, 13,14, 3526.
Impressment. 16.5, 191.
Scproes taken in arms sold as: 89,155.
Payment for. losr i n Confederate State3 ierrice,

Si~ields,Thomas P., .%9, 638.

Sliiluii, Tenn. Rattle, April 6-i3 1462.
Action of Senate OII rel"JrtG. 120, 331.
Shine, Thomas d . , J(X, 235.
Shingler, W. P., 18.5. 21
Shingleur, .James .L, 1
Shoher, C. E., 469.
Shell, Edrrard II., 169, 241.
Shorter, Henry R., 532, 619.
Shorter, J. S . , 642, 681.
Shorter, H. C., 392
Shouk, J., 644.
Shoup, Francis A . , 235, 281, 282.
Shrewsbury, .Joel, 40.5.
Shriver, Uanlel >I.$ 205, 214, 468, 472, fiX6.
Shumate, Thomas, 392.
Siblea., H. H., 725.
Sibley, .John T., 392.
Sick and Wounded.
Care i n hospitals, 70,354,359,382,363,41R,420,422.
Furloughs, 42, 56, 60, 322, 323. 371, 3%, 421, 482,
494. 754, 756, 584, 589.
Officers, 309, 313, 326, 372, 386, 700, 705, 730, 791.
Rations in hospitals, 700,778, 745, 748, 794.
Siebert, F., 393.
Sigouriiey, b., 743.
Sikes, J. H., 473, 7%.
Sillers, W. W., 469, 4i3, i i 6 .
Silliman, Calvin 5., 542, 639.
Silliman, Killianr C., 169, 241.
Simington, T. S., 46i.
Simkins? 1;. d . , 257, 280, 591, 713.
Simkins, J . C., 467.
Simkins, J. J., $34, 6%.
Simmonds, James H., 541, 639.
Simmons, J a m e s Iladisoii, 611. 658.
Simmons, Jos. Sanford, 611. 658.
Simmons, I<. I., 39.5.
Simmons, T. J., 186, 214.
Simmons, W. E., 773, 80i.
Simms, J o h n D., 276, 311, 314.
Simms, William E. (Kentucky).
Abseiit i r i t h o u t Icave, 719.
Ells, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 20. 21, 4 i .
51. 91, 131, lS3, 220, 222, 261, 264-266, 324. 36'2,
434, 467, 600, 605, 708.
Accounts, 20.
Indinn Affairs, 20.
S:tval Affairs, 20.
Special, 326, 3 2 , 434, 657.
Senator i n First Confederate Congress. 18. 433,
Yea and n a y rotes,X. 67. 73. 78, 82. %, S7-89,9994, 98, 100, 128, 13-B-1, 140, 113, 114, 148, 13s.
15%165,l;B. 177.194,195.210, 2Y2. 225, 2%. 2-14.

Slaybiick, A. \V.$ -111.

Sliflell, d o l l l l .

Enrnq t v France. li4, 10'0.

Slimn. A. 31.. 611. 6'29.
Sloau, Fielding P.. .i3Y, 6%.

Sloan, H. F.. 116. 172.

Slover, A. P.. 115. 279.
Small, J. C.. :a+.
Small, John h.. 139. ,288.
Smfdes, Ives. 151. 1i0.
Smrdes, 13'. C.. 531. 619.

2.54, 261,26.i267,289.301.303-:i0j,
30i, 308,31?359.3il. 3?3,37Y. 350.


716, 723, 735. 608.

Simons, J a m e s B.. li0. 241.

Simons, K. L., 646.
Simons, S., 395.
Simpson, 0. F., 664.

a.X., 663, sio.

Sniltlk, A. d . , Q. X . , 6&1.
niltli, Alexander I... 611, $11.

Smitlt, Barter, i71, MI:,



Sparks, Benjaniin IF., 169, 240.

Sparks, Jesse K., 137, 33.5.
Sparrow, Edir:ird (Louisiana).
Bills, resolntions, etc., introduced hy, 18. 29, 81. Stanard, J. R.. 5G2. 57%.
35, 42. .53, 59. 62. 63, 6.5, 76. 5% 79, 88, 111, 140, I Stannrd, F. B., ,563.
155, 157, 1.58, 175, 181, 1x1. 189, 203, 201, 222, I Stsndinq Committech.
Stsnflish, Auxtltl R., 130.
262, 267, 268, 2i0, 308, 484, 547, 550, 556, .538560, 567, 672, .Em, ,580, 581, 599, 606, 636, 650. ' Stanley, T. E., 11.5, 280.
Stanton, lfeerj-T., 410.
666-668, 711, 722, 723, 738.
Stsplra, Wallcr It. (Tirgiriiaj.
Kepresentatiw i n Pirst Confederate Corggrec~.
Conference, 264, 295. 691, 741, 765.
C o n f e r ~ ~ committee.
DIilitary Affairs, 20, 21-29, 31, 32, 39, 43-45. 47,
50, 56, 59, GO, 67, 71, 54. 80, 90, 105. 111, 112, Stapletoe, T. B.. 114. 2 ~ .
119, 122, 125, 141, 145, 152, 164, li0, 172, 17.5, Stark. 1,. K.. .%.3. 561.
176, 180, 208, 214, 21.5, 218, 219, 224, 234, 236,
Starke, M w i n D.. 21.
238, 277, 279, 281-283, 288, 289, 1. 298, 303, Starr, Edwia I>., %Hi, X I .
315, 525, 32G, 330-332, 334-336,
, 456, 459, Stnrry, .John D., l6i, 23%
2, 623, $17, ' Sttite Departnient.
460, 480, 482, 483, 488, 511-513,
Sominations a n d confirmations. 172, 141, 519,
560, 565, 666, 574, 678, 584, 587, G04, 606, 61.5, i
369, 5%.
618, P22, 628, 630, 636, 6%. G.3, 656, G.ji, 685,
Organization, 230, 221, 262, 292.
666, 675, Gi7. 680, G81. 689, 691. 699, 701, 705,
Secretary. See J h i j m i n i n . J 0 , l u h 1
713, 714, 7lG, 724, 528, ?GO, 7 i 7 , 779. 780-78'2,
792, 799,807-509, 812, 813.
Records of troop<. fi33. 678. f3,720. i52. i M . 753.
Special, 3i, 48.
Staunton. Joho C . . 16'3. 210.
T.e;ive of absenre, 496.
Stearlis, A. H . , 513, 639.
petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 6% 70, X:%
9 i , .57.
Stehliins, Charles H.. 2%. 215.
derate Congre-s. 6. 433.
Steedman, S. D., 160, '255.
29. 3'2, 36, 51, 39, 62 67, 73, Steel, David, 169, 2i0.
131- Strele, A. I,.. 406.
l i 6 . Steele, Holmes, SS,686.
5127. Steen. A. I.:..
231, 232, 237, 238, 244, 258, 2.X, 260, 261, 265Steiner, Fraiik. 1%; 335.
$05, , Stennis, A. T., X J ~561.
499. ' Stephens, d.. 406. 663, $10.
Stephens, Alexander H.
5R8, 559, 568, 572-554, 580, 542, 386. 60i, 621,
622, 624, 627, 636, 650, 651. 65% 656, 667, 6 i 4 ,
659, 683, 692, 693, GY9. 701. 702, i04, 7 0 i . 709i 1 2 . 7lG, 719, 723, i35. iH8. 739, 763-iG5, i63, Stephens, W. Greeii. 536, fi38.
5i9-581, 80s.
Stephenson. Janies 8.. 539. 63%.
Mpeeulatioii, Hoarding, mct &ntortion.
Strphenson, Jos. I,., 541~6:s.
Prevention, 457, 514, 59'2.

Spcer, Daniel S . . 39'2. '104.

Spencer, Aug. J., 543, 639.
Speiirer, J. X., 119,170.
Spencer, Juliaii X.. 25, 39, 54.
Spencer, William T., 5-13. 699.
Spessard, 31. P., 472, i i 8 .
Spiecr, John D., 168. 240.
Spillman, Jolin Wesley, 611, 658.
Spindle, Thomas I)., i26, 811.
Xpinks. John C., 511, 639.
Spotswood, C h r l e s F. J1., 25, 39, 51, 69, 483.
Spratley, J. IV., 403.
Spratt, L. W., 363,
Sprig%, R. I,., 500, 724.
Springer, H. F., 6fil.
Spruill, l'liunias W., 168. 2-10,

Spurlock, T. Jelfwson, :d2, 639.

Sinwrier, U . I).. 408, 425, 665.

Squires, C. W., F56, 780.
Stackhouse, E. T., 472, 608, i18, i78.
Stacy, Robert Q., 169, 2-10.
St,uEord, Janic.s B.. 404.
Ptlford, 1,. A., $31, 608, 61s.
Stainhack, E. I,., 402.

Stewas. 1'. F., 1x3.

Sterrart. It. F.. Fti3. 510.

Sterrart. C. S.. 468.

stiles, a. II., W, sin.
Stlasou. J. Brynut, 3%. 63%
Stit,Ii, J. H., 474.
Stoukley, \Villlaul S., 347, $75, 413.455.
Stoektlnle, T. 11.. 773. $07.
Storkdell, Ilugli, 610, G T .
Stocknittit, S. U., 393.
Stocks, J . (J., 466.
Stocktau, E. C., 96, 105.
Storktou, K. T., 467, 472, 777.
Storkirell, Jnitlrs d., SlS, 72%
stnckiwll, l a r g a r e t J., ilS, 729.
Stodtltrrd, Albert, F32,619.
StudtlarQ, Jolin J . , 847, 376.
Stone, llsnrr, 96,105. 413, 427, 485.

St.onr, Surdtar t i . , 578. 713,

Stour, T. O . , 469, 472, 771;.
St,,U,., (YI11IR s., 108, SO, <xi,
JJiIitnry, 82.1, $36, BSI, 413,418,568.
Storey, Joliii (, 513, Fa!).
Stout, Joluu H., 665.
Storall, 11. d., 500,734.
Storall, J o s t ~ p hII.. 59.1. 6RG.


1. IS., 201, 242.

truchan, .J. It., 1!H, 252.

Straltli, J. A.. 200,.242.

Slrnnge, F., I l i i , 17?.
Striiuge. .I. l., .llU, Wi, b I I .
Str;itou, Wlllliim, 474, iiX.
Straalirlclgc~,(itwrge K., I X , 170.
Strcrb, Tlioinns A , , 472, 7%.
S t r l l ~ b l l n ,Wcltoii
Ollvrr, MO, (i57.
Strlliblins, 11. N c K . , 510, W.
Strlcklaiid, C. If., 775, 807.
Strldc, (Yllllusi Jt., 167, 2 3 .
Strliigcr, Sheldon, 168,2:U.
trlugfellow, 31. S., ba8, .587.
troag, 1YlIllum A., 8QL.
Strotlirr, 11. S., 165, 239.
Stuart, I)uvld A., 343, 37Ii.
Stunrt, 11. JI., 775. 807.
Stuart, Jnnws E. It.
Mentioned, 206.
Thttnks of Congress. 715, 717, 782, 787, 791.
Stuart, John D., 168, 240.
Stunrt, S. A., 663, 810.
Stuurt, 0. E., 151. 170.
Stuart, 8. T., 612.
Stunrt, Tliunias H., 838, 638.
Stuart, \Y. D., 465.
Stirbbs, C. B., 646.
8tUbbH, 11. A.,,661, 810.
Stubba, Wllllntu U., 135.
Sturges, J. H., 186.
Sub(-r, F. Ii., 108, 356.
Sublett, Aklrr M., 168, 239.
Rubaleteoce. See Provisions.
Substltutes. See Jfilitwj/ Scrwiee.
Suddurtli, John It., 389.
Sugg, James B., 663,810.

c. D., 3%
Sulllfm, J. B., 8112,$10.
Summer, A. U., (145.
Suiauer, G. J., W.
Suaiter, Fort, S. C.
Reenforcement, in 1.861. 8.
Xuprrmo Court.
Organizlition, 20, 32, 36, 38, 42, 44-48, 50, 69,X7
a,68, 102,106,I l 6 , ICA, 172, 174, 176, 175.
Surrg Artlllery (Virginr,iTrcxip.i), iR4,7Xi786, i91.
SutReld, I$. M., 656,637.
Svraii, Wllllnni ti. (Tcir~ics!ee).
Represen titlive I n F i N Confederate Congress.
~ I l ~ ~ ~ T U U ,

Conlrrencc, iL0, 7 1 .

W. IV.,

815, 112.

knaesou, Edwurtl, 199, i!V%

Yiieet, Oobrrt P., W, 65.s.
S\Tlllk, Burrel Il., 366.
Ywope, C. t., 726, 811.
Syclelrstrlckrr, 0. P.. 506, 661.
Uykeh, A. J . , 160, 235.
Sykes, E. T., 391.
Sykeu, J .
I.168, 240.
S ) kes, T. B., 3%.
SJkCS, W. I d . , 470.
Sjkes, \Ylllluui J,, 394.
iynilngton, W. S., 1J8, 336.
Syniuus, Ileitrj H., %&,2115.
Synious, JoLn J., 162, 2%.
iZynlHli6kl, I., 596, $10.
Tulib, (icorgr EL, lh5, 2hb
Tubti, doliu Iroswr, 2:!!l, 300, 3 1 i , 882, 385.
Tuber, Albcrt R., 10% 241
Tuber, Viiurlrh Ilciirg, LOO, 242, 610, d57.

Tnlbcrl, John I)., 149, 170.

Tiilbott, Allnn, 804, 661.
Tulbult, Cliurles Is., G37, BY7
Trllaforro, P. C., It%, ?A1
Tnllufrrre, C. T., Im,21)
Tnllaferro, E. T., l W 8 242.
Tnllafnrro, 11. B., 114. 280.
Tnllufcrro, T. J., I b X . 239.
Talliiferro, V. H., 4%, 469, i77.
Tulley, N. It., 3G3, 127.
~ u ~ ~ N l Jnmes
l l l , A,, 50, 110.
Tunkewle), It. M., 5W, 713.
Tnpp, W. D., GG1.
Tappuu, A., 396.
Tuppuu, Jnmcs C., 101,137, 165, 880.
TurlB. See CLlalornd Dalze8.
Tnrletoti, It., 118,180.
l u t e , J!., 187.
Tute, IluFh W., 541, 639.
Tute, W. ill., 645.
Tuttnall, John B. F., 186, 276, 311, 314.
Tntum, John, 109, W .
Ayxcmnient and collection, 2.(6,277,322, &58,385.
420, 477, 478, 610, 720, 780, 769, 704,797.
Lonixiana, 699, 624.
Qualilicatlona ol State, 514, 757,781, 789, 593.
Refund to, for countcrfeil notes received, 617.



Common defense a n d support of the Government, 203, 203, 288, 245-254, 2130-262, 264-272,
285,309-311,332,333,487, 513,578, 6 l i , 620,634,
648, 708,713,522,725, i85-739,741,742,759, 760,
753. 764,769,770, 782,783, 787, 792, 794, 797,798.
Currency. See (!u.rrenrvof t h r CwnJederateStates.
Dirrct, as special war measure, 455.
Excess refunded to Alabama, 56, 77, 80, 84, 100.
Messages of the President, 14, 15, 442-446.
Relief for taxpayers, 605,698,699,715,729,764,793.
Tax in kind:
Amendment of law as to this years product
of swect potatoes, 482, 483, 490, 492, 507.
Collection of, upon tobacco, 578, 620, 634, 648.
Collectors, 57i, 558, 584.
Commutation of certain articles, 489, 492, 507.
Relief for taxpayers. 477,492, 514, 545, 797, 799.
Schedule of prices, 458, 49i.
Treasury notes, bonds, etc. See Currency o f t h e
Confederate Slates.
Tayloe, E. P., 118, 180.
Tayloe, E. T., 641, 680.
Tayloe, George E., 312, 343, 376.
Taylor, Brelifhald, 534, (36.
Taylor, B., 473, 778.
Taylor, B. I!.., 664.
Taylor, Benjamin F., 207, 335.
Tsylor, Benjamin K.. 167, 239.
Taylor, Chsrles S., 613.
Taylor, 1). B., 138,33.5.
Taylor, E., 661.
Taylor, P. L., 135.
Taylor, G. TV., 471, 778.
Taylor, George, 392.
Taylor, George E., 664.
Taylor, IS:UIC
S., 536, 6 3 i .
Taylor, Janies Thuus. 609. 657.
Taylor, John, 532, 619.
Taylor. L. B., 188.
Taylor, 31. F., 408, i i 3 . 807.
Taylor, R. H., 198, 242.
Taylor, R. Kidder, 199.242.
Ta)-lor, It. X., 187, 214.
Taylor, Richard, 485. 495.
Taylor, Ilieharcl K., SO1.
Taylor, T. T., 597, 811.
Taylor, Thomas, 532, 619.
Taylor, 1V. A. S., 50,331.
Taylor, Walter E L , 490, 574.
Taylor, William, 611, 811.
Teagire, Thomas J., 612, 658.
Tebault, George, 610, 657.
Confiscation of stock of alien enemies, 102, 244,
277, 258, 291, 318, 319, 389.
Control and management. 90, 122.
InEluded i n postal system, 122, 244,275,291, 292,
Telfair, David A., 463, 495.
Temple, It., 697, 724.
Temple, R. H., 500. 724.
Terripleton, James A., 168. 240.
Election of members of Congress, pi;ovisiorl for,
372, 354, 381, 41.4, 421-123.
Senatorsin First Confederate Congress, (i, 19,455.

1 Tennessee, Army of.

Thanks of Congress for reenlistment of troops,

646, 647, 63.5, 683, 690.


Tennessee Troops.
artillery, Light-natteries:
;IfeClungx, 681, 682,
729, 791.
Iiifantr~-Reginae?,t.s: 46th, 55th, 715, 715, 746,
Thanks of Congress for reenlistment, 619. 631,
666, 681, 682, 715, 717, 729. 746, 791.
Tennille, 1.A., ,598, 811.
Terrell, A. W., 751, 807.
Terrell, Arthur B., 537, 637.
Terrell, Edward T., 611, 658.
Terrell, J o h n J., 169, 240.
Terrell, L. R., 411.
Terrell, R. A., 404.
Terrett, B. A., 642, 695, 713, 724.
Terrill, James B., 466, 469, 777.
Terrill, Robert B., 534, 636.
Terry, D. S., Jr., 532, 619.
Terry, T. 31.. 186. 214.
Terry. IYilliani, 685, 724.
Tew, C. V., 212.
Diptrict coiirid, 372, 881, 414, 419.
Enginecr of coast defenses, 320, 332.
Legislative proceedings, 224.
Progress of t h e war, 435, 436.
Senatorsin Piral Coilfederate Congress, 6,37,433.
Taxes collected, 443.
Texts Troops.
Artillery, Light-Ilafteries; Doqglas, 729. 732,
i.58, 791.

Thanks of Congress for reenlistment, 729, 732,

758, 704.
Thatcher, B . F., 113.
Tlredford, Wlllirtm, 686.
Thorn, James E., 714, 723.
Thorn, Reuben T., 2i6, 311, 314.
Thoni, 1Villlam 1.. 199, 242.
Thomas, Allen, 714, 908.
Thomas, B. ( j . , 395.
Thomas, C., 663, 810.
Thonias, C. Weslef, 113, 427.
Thonias, Charles B., 363. 42i.
Thomas, Columbus A., 167. ?39.
Tholti:ts, E. I)., 137, 186, 330.
Thoinas, George W., A. Q
Thomas, (ieorgc W., Adst.
Thomas, Kanson, 532, 619.
Thomns, Henry P., 800.
Thoinas, J. D., 402.
Thomas, J. (i.,536. 637.
Tlioims, J. Q . . 645, 811.
Thomas, J. Whit, 389.
Thon~as,James I)., 117. 173.
Thorntis, John H., 663, S10.
Fhonias, JOS. r,., 65.1.
Thomas, X. S., 198, 212.
Thonias, I{. S., S08.




Thomas, 1Y. ti.. 110, %FU.

rhomas, w. H. H . , 3.5, 547.
rhonias, w i i i i a n ~ti., 401.
Thonras, K y a t t V., 411.
Ilromason, W. D., T21i, 811.

Thoniassnn, John X., 168, 240.

Thompson, A. C. C., 168, 240.
Thompson, 8 . P., 402.
Thompson, A. W.,198, 241.
Thompson, C. L., 663, 810.
Thompson, C. V., 577, 588.
Thompson, 1). B., 115, 280.
Thompson, 1). L., 645.
Thompson, G . S., 108, B0.
Thompson, I. Davis, 540, 638.
Thomp8on, J. D. F., 149, 170.
Thompson, J. I'., 267, 336,812.
Thompson, J . W., 1158,199, 239,242.
Thompson, Jesse E., 540, 638.
Thompson, John C., 596,810,
Thompson, Jos. S., 403.
Thompson, L. M., 40, 54, 485.
Thompson, A
'. J., 169, 240.
Thompson, T. B., 138,335.
Thompson, T . C. 168, 239.
Thompson, Taz., 398.
Thompson, Thomiis W., 471, 608, G09, 713, 778.
Thompson, V. O., 542, 639.
Thompson, \V. A . , 646.
Thompson, lYilliam J., 168, 2-10.
Thornson, Ignatius U., 558, 638.
Thomson, John H., 536, 637.
Thomson, Sumn, 697, 714.
Thomson, Thomas S., 536, 637.
Thorprn, H. C., 664.
Tllorlilgt~Jn.J w k , 135, li5.
l'horiibnrSh, A., l i 0 , 241.
TliornhllL, U . W., 200, 2 12.


L'lrarlc ('., 310, 635.

lldward Q . , 635. SlL

George Fr:incls, ri12, F58.
H. I.: 773, 80i.
Thornton, litrtin V . , 541, G9.
Thornton, WiIHnnr W.. 612.
Thrnstm, S. D., 205, 211.
l'hrsstnn, Susan YY., 49. 83, 80;.
Thurman, W. T., 614, 629.
Thnrnioiid, C. N. li.. 803.
Tlrnrmond, I\'. , 564.
ThTFCatt, 0. T., 589, 619.
Tlddy, Jmies, 805.
Tilden, Sobert A., 401.
Tillmaa. It., 342.
Tllton, X. O . , 660, 809.
Timberlake, d. C.. 388.
Timinons, H., 608, 713.
Timnrs, Charles W., 5-10, 638.
Tindnll, 8. Jl., 169. 240.
Tinsley, Iioward, 40i.
Tiptoii, Joseph S . , 113,$27.
Colle<;tion of t h e tiix in kitid, 5%. @20,631, 648.
Ratioils for the Arm)., 191. 203. 210. 22% *18L,73%
i68, 790, 793.
fjllipmciit by Treasury lkpnrtmcllt, 6x4, 691, 770.
Tolrin, John Jenkins, 610, W.
Torlinrrn, C., 38, 414.
Todd, Charles H., 16'3,240.
Todd, J. A. S., 168,239.
Todd, Juines A . , 167, 238.

Toonibs, Robert (Georgia).

Senator i n First Confederate Congress, 19.
Toomer, F. A., 537, 637.
Toonier, Slreldon, 110, 280.
Toomer, W. U., 6@, 810.
Topi), H. E., 590.
N. T., 473,690, 713, 778.
Toulniin, John P., 801.
Towers, J., 771, 807.
rowers, Jolia R., 205, 214, 368.
rowm, II., 469.
Townsend, YY. P., 213, 363, 427.

l'rwhuo, lt. P., 3.12.

m c y , E. D., 411.
l'rwcy, I'hll., 205.
L'rniir iind Inlereourar.
Illcgirl, with forcign countrien, 351,457.
Regohtion of foreign,458.
W i t h the encuiy, 7 2 i , 756.
Trufton, 1.. W., 401.
Trainiiicll, T. It., 407.
T ~ ~ L I I s ~ H I s s I w~ s~~ p~ Il ~k ~~ I~ l l l O l ~ ~ .
Action o l thc Presi&mt in appoirit.ou?nt d
officers,547, 5.18, 588, 6%4, 598, 629,

Appointment of nssistnnta with Ctrbiiict RIIthority:

Post-OlIicc D ~ ~ M ~ ~ I I449,
I ~ 476,
I I ! ,479,
, 58.1, rix5,
620, 621, 631, 699, 7:W.
Treasury Ikpartmetlt, 449. 454, Rl3, 515, 521,
585, 62.1, 647, 663, 681, 706,72'9-731, ?a!$,790,794.
Wtir Deprrrtinent, 453, 728,754,7R6,781. 787,791.
CommutricntioIi with:
Obstruotcd, 149, 548.
Orgtinizatioii of corps or hcouls, 7.-14, 766, 76U.
lisportritio~iol cotton ircsoss tlic Rio Grande,
277, 329, 3Y3.
> h i : scrviec. Scc Xi%'isai],pi It
hlilitury conrt, 800.
strength itnd I o c x t i o i i oi ti.oiips, %7, 268.
Timc eslciidcti lirr tnse? 764.
rrilrlr-;llishlssippl 1)islrirt.
Artioli ofCongress o n n~iliiiirywportu, 568.

'413, 420.
'lyoql3 0 1 1 frlrlo\lgh, 46, 47, 60, hl, $3,

Tr;ipier, .I. II., 725.

I'ravls, EL F., 3%.
Tr;kylor, F. >I., 541, (;:3!1.
,I. Clrrenee, 587, ( 3 7 .

M,57, 6%



Treasury Depnrtmeut.
Agent and bureaus for the Trans-Xiusissippi,
449,454, 513, 515, 521, ,585, 624,647, 6F8, 681.
706, 729-731, 783, 790, 794.
Assistants to the Register authorized, 18,21,6i,
A s i s t m t treasurers and depositaries, 66,70,101.

Tnrker, St. G . , 187.

Tuelter, lVilliam I)., 536, 637.
Tuelrer, lVilliam li., 166,240
Tuft, J. If., 199, 242.
Tulloss, J. D., 662,810.
Tunstall, T. J., 406.
Turchin, John B., 450.
Turner, B. D., 895,724.
Clericel force, 35,38,219,'BY, 338, 349, 3 9 , 359, Turner, B. I.,
774, 8w.
360, 370,384,417,420,689.
Turner, E. P., 597, 811.
Comptroller (Cruger), 588,595.
Turner, George, fr., 597,811.
Legaladvice of Attorney-General, 37, 71,2'23,225. Turner, George P., 276,311,314,486.
I\Tominittions and confimiations, 197,58% 695, Turner, H. B., 680,72.1.
GO", 777. 808,809.
Turner, J. X., 804.
Organization of Treasury Note Bureau, 600,616, T i m e r , Joe, 628, 585.
6 3 , G69, 6%.
Turner, It. It., 403.
Secretary. See J%fenmingcr,Chrisfophrr G.
Turner, Rich. W.,136, 136,155,205,214.
Shipment of cotton and tobacco, 681, GS1, 770.
Turner, Robert J., 543,639.
Trritsurg Sote Bureau.
Turner, Samuel F.,533,636.
Chief appointed (Jamison), 7i7, 809.
Turner, Thomas, Asst. Surg., 53i, 637.
Clericit1 force, F39.
Turner, Thomas, S wg ., 167,239.
Orgaiiization of, 600, 616, 632,669,690, 691.
Turner, Thomas H., 169,241.
'Treasury Notes.
Tsrnm, Thomas J., 541, 639.
Aggregate amount outstanding, 599,615.
Tamer, Y. E., 110,280.
qounterfcits. See Couiateyjeeit Notes.
Turner, W. J., 369.
Form of fiftycentnotes, 201,230,231,337,332,359.Turner, William R., 527.587.
Issue of, 29,41,42,5q-59,61-63, 134,144,17E,179, Turner, William X., 115, 280.
1A9,191,194,202,322-524,337,338, 351,352,361, Turner, Willlam Mason, 413,427.
374.376, 380,386,416,423,492,585,61G.
Turney, Mlller, 614,629.
Legal tender, 455,692,
Turpln, J., i75, 805.
Means for funding, 15, 52,57-59,78, 74,77, 84,90, Turpln, Walter O . , 562,574.
191,194,322-324.361,374,375,38(i, 423, 492,585, Tiit,t, John S., 506, 561.
616. S w also Cuwerhey, etc.: Beduction ox.
Tivitty, Y. L., 473, 778.
Messages of the President, 15, 442446.
Twym:m, H. D.,474,475,778.
Postage rates, 298, 320$321, 377,413,422.
Tgdtngs, Charles B., 544,639.
Punishment for forging, 189,202.
Tyler, Grafton, 1!&170.
Redemption of, 600,G16, (;SO, 708.
'ryier, Tasewell, 534. 6'36.
Repeal of certain act, 463,492, 493,600, 617, 6:i.L. Tyree, Edarrd P., 401.
IJnit,rd Stat,es.
'Taxes upon. See C u m x c y oJ /he Ciiiifedcrute
Citizens residing within limits of Confederate
States, 872, 383, 414,417.
Contimiimce of pensions received froni. 727,
Obligations of the Confederacy, 441, 442.
Trediwll, Adam, 26, 40.
Notes and bond.:
Treseott, George FA, 554,636.
Sale, exohmge, ctc., prohibited. 180.192, 123,
Trerllian, John.G., 534,63F.
%W2,384, 416, 45.5,49fi, 512,887, 608, 606,622,
Trezersnt, George S., 169, 241.
678, 698.
Trerevsnt,, J. T., 563.
Position as to maritime law, 10.
Trerevsat, John 1'. , 113,279.
Prohibition of tmde with, 457.
Tribble, Gaorge Waahhgton, 612,658.
Upsharr, Jtimps It., 400.
Trlce, 1'. Smith, 540,638.
Upshaw, T. E., 5%, 513.
Trlgg, Daniel, 465, 495.
Upshaw, W. T., 167,238.
Trlmblc, Isaac It., 34,206, 207, 334.
Urquhart, Durid, 367, 412.
Trlppe, And. C., 565.
Ussery, B. W., 199,242.
Troup, J. R., 597,811.
Ut,terbnek, R. E., 473.
Trousdale, I,., 396.
Vacancies In Omre.
Tront, 8:. S., 149,170.
Field and company officers, 495,651, 666.
Trout, T. U., 645.
Marshal of Louisiana, 83.
Troutman, A. It., 428.
VaIdm, Joseph C., 170,241.
Troy. D. S., W2, E07.
Van Benthuysen, A. C., 27,311,314.
Truss, James D., 472,778.
Van Benthuysen, W., 666.
Tucker, B. st. Qeorge, 201, 242.
Vanre, J. K., 665.
Tucker, David H., 200,242.
Vance, Hnbert B., 166, 334, 46,s.
Tucker, J. F., 804.
Vnnce, Thomas d., 538, 638.
Tucker, John R., 461.495.
Vnn de GrafI, John S., 149, 174.
Tucker, John S., 5G4.
Bandorlord, 0. P., 564.
Tucker, Leri I.,485.
tauder Itorst, A., 596,810.


Viiillach, C. S., fit;

Walt, illartln, 40
Walter, E. W., 1'2%.
Walterli, Jos. M., 110, 2%.
Waithall, 1%.A., 347. 3 i L
IYalthall, E. f'.
Appuintmeiit, 166, X34.
Mentiowd, 345, 391.
Walthall, tY. T., 367.
Walton, I). I)., ,504, 561.
Walton, J. II., 345.
Walton, K. Y . , 199, 242.
W'alton, Sirnoon T., 800.
Walworth, Douglas, 411.
Walworth, E., 5 9 i . 811.
Wang, U . W'., 44. 61.376.
Waplrs, I Y . D . , 614. 629.

A4ddressto thc country eimccrninp. See .Jw'nt

?.esoltction ipostj.
'irticles of,amended, 615. X i , 751. 7tiL 78%
Condurt of, 7, 12, 414, 450. 4.51.
Existence of, recognized, 27. i;l,3:31, 370,3iX, 3%.
Joint resolution, ,566. 5Gi, 579, 606. 620.
Special nieasrtres for prwecution of, 45.5, 482.
4x9, 552.

W:irbrirg, Edward, .?%, 547.

Ward, A. N., 399.
Ward, E . B., 205, 21.5.

Ward, \Y. 5 . , 136.

Ward. William Thomas, 612. 658.
Ward, Williani W.. 685, f96. 2.1.
War Department.
Assistant Secretary ,Camp))ell!. ltiij, 298,?9% 301.
Auxilinry bureaus ior the Traiie-lIis.;issippj~45".
728. 754, 736, 781, i87, 791.
Clerical force, 5 i .
Complaints against, 46, 47.
Xominations and confiriiiarioiis (civil), 22, '13.
G9, 1G6, 286, 298, 301.
Secretary (Seddorii. 22, 2-3.
Wardlaw, A. U.. 395.
Wardlaw, S. W., 503.561.
Ware, E. B., 403.
Ware, James, l6i, 239.
Warc, S. I%., i i 4 , X U i .
Were, IYllliain J d . , :%ti, S i G .
l\;trfte~d,E., 60s. I~XI.

Warley, Felix, 151, l i o .

Warmuth, Henry J . . 169. 241. $36, 63:.
Warm?, William, I l i i . 238.
W'nrnock, ILobert d.. 639, G::S.
Wnrren, A., F13, 6%.
Warren, E. A., 346. 3715, 6&5, %I.


Wigg, \Y. H., 61T,.

Wiggins, danrrli I%.,169. 240.
Wilbourn, C. C., 771, 807.
Wiiburn, dohn C., ,512. C:%.
Wilburn, 1Y. A . , 661, NfJ.
Wilcor, C. E., 104. YJ0. $1'.
\Yilcox, John A. (l'cxu-I.
Repreaentativc iir First Conicd?rate <hq#!'r;:.
Death of, 68'3.
WllCOX, I. D., 618.
IVlley, Oscar, 167, 239.
Wilkemon, Thomas 1.. 16'3, 24i.

\Viikes, W. H.. 46.

Wilkinxon, George I%.$:{IS.427, ,570.

illco cox on, S. .A.. S01.
tl'illiarns, A. E . , 187, 2S9.
Willixms, B. 9..GC!). KN.

Willirms, F. Jf., 118. 150.

\Villimis, U. A . ? 410.
Ylillinms, 0. n'. >I.. 608.
\\'iIli:m~s, H. J., 136, 205, 214.
Willianis, If. \Yasirini.toiz. j39, 638.
TVilliants, Henry I,., 612, W.
Williants, Ira, 610, 657.
\VilhRiS, J. B., 539. ti88.
\Yilliams, d . I*., W3. 641.
Williams, J. Shelliy, 563. .&Z,570.
Wilii:inis, J. T.. 6F3,8?0.
Wiilinms, J. 11.. 802.
\Viilisnts, d m i e s . IVL, 233.
Williams, Janies I t . , :XS, 5151,i74, 807.
'M'illlnnis, Janic.ti 31.. 465, 578.
\Vlliixms, Johii A., 562. 574.
IYillianis, John S., 410, 690.
Willianrs, John W., F44, 811.
Willidins, Kelly, 1 6 3 , 236.
\Yilliams, 1,. IS., 461.
\\'illi:ims, N. E., 16% 2%.
Willinnis, 11. C., 891.
\Yillianis, H. .J., 4i3, 758.
Williams, Robert H., 161, 235.
Williams, S., 465.
'(Yillixms, Sxnirrel K., 5-12, 639.
IVilliains, T. H., fie2, 810.
Wiilianrs, T. 1. U., 5%. 637.
\Villiams, Thomas, 257, 280.
\Villiams, Thomas H., 610. 657.
Wiliiains. W. A., 4 i 4 , i78.
\Yillianis, W. B., 616.
IYSllixins, \Y. F., 109, 280.
IVillianis, \Y. (2., Asst. PUIYJ.,s o , 638.



l:ltc% I':IIII ('., 536, 637.

Y:ttc'q:, Y. W . , lht), 240
Yea :tad \ a y Vote\, 28, 29, 32, 36, 51, 63, 62, 67, 73, 75,
78 XL, 85, b7-80, 92-94, X, %, 100, 128,131-133,
140 148,141 lffi,li3,158,154,165,176, 177,179

Youmans, 0. I., 528, 587.

koung, H . Y., 201, 242.
Young, J. \ I . . 661
loung, Jaiucs D., 541, 638
You~ig,Jos. A., 755, 805
Young, L. (J., 598,811
i , 238,244,273, 254,260,?61,265, 266, 468-250,
Young, P. M. B., 188 214, 466, 531, 809.
Young, P. W., 200, 'M2
312,314, 319,3?2,3'23,327,32X.:334,3?7,339,310, Young, R. B., 186, 187, 214
35~5,359,360,371,353,359,380.418,419,497-499, Young, R. J . , 543, 639
509, 516,516,518,519,544,646 547,519,553-556, \'OUUg, IltLWIfllg*, 534, 636.
568,559,568, 552, iT3,580,582,580,604,621, GZL, Youiig, 6. C., 170, 241.
624,627, 636,650, b i l , 653, 856, 667, 674, 679,683, Young, Sanford F., 535. b37.
692. 6'33, 099, 701-703, 707, 709-712, 716, 719 723, Young, Thoinas J . , 167, 239.
735,538,749, 750, 763-7h5, 765,779-783, 808
Young, IJptou Ill., 531, 680.
Ye:ttiiialt, Cii:irlr\ E., 350, 375
Young, W. P., 466, 777.
Yc:itui:Lii, 1'. T., 409
Yourcc, Joiiii R . , 503, 561.
Yeraw, J:unc> It., 532, 619
Zable, David, 186, 187, 214.
I 1ilrstr:i. Ureqor), 346, 356
Zaehry, C. T., 185, 214.
I UllSC, ( F., b0U
Zachrj, John M., 113, 280.
lark, I'. id.,III,,172.
Zinken, L. van, 469
lurk, Z., 1st)

ti' c: '05

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