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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche

me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
1. Introduction ................................................................
.. 2 2. Scope ..................................................................
.............. 2 3. Definitions.................................................
..................... 2 4. Responsibilities.....................................
....................... 2 5. Methodology .......................................
.......................... 3 5.1 5.2 5.3 Clearing and Grubbing..................
.................... 3 Removal of Existing Structures ..........................
........................................................................... 4 To
psoil ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... 5
6. Risk Assessment .............................................................
............................................................................. 5
7. Health and Safety Requirements...............................................
............................................................ 6 8. Environmental
Requirements ...................................................................
............................................. 7 9. Quality Control Requirements
............................... 8 10. 11. Resource Allocations .................
............................ 8 Document References .............................
.............. 9
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
Site Clearance
1. Introduction
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the Site clearance, Grubbing and Top
soil removal in respect to Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrig
ation and Water Supply Scheme CONVEYOR 800 Project. The detailed guide will prov
ide the clear steps undertaken to complete the process of the site clearance act
ivities in a safe, systematic and efficient manner in compliance to the statutor
y and environmental requirements.
2. Scope
The procedure will include the removal and disposal of all plants, equipment, co
mponents, materials, waste, existing structures and topsoil stripping and gradin
g, prior to the initiation of the earthworks and structural works within the bou
ndary of the construction of the Qelia Canal, including the 80 m long connection
to the Yohmor Tunnel, the Intake Structure, the Intermediate Regulator, the Can
al End Structure, vehicle and pedestrian bridges, maintenance roads, siphons and
earth embankment reservoirs. The above works may also be alternatively applicab
le to areas outside the site of work mentioned above (Borrow pits and Disposal a
3. Definitions
The following words will be explained in the Definition Manual:
Canopy (overhang of trees) Flume pipe (to be installed in small watercourses to
allow free flow under the running track) Regional Directorate of Forest Affairs
All other terms used in the development of this procedure are defined in Item Sp
4. Responsibilities
The Construction Manager within whose scope of works the site clearance are taki
ng place shall be responsible for ensuring that the site clearance activities ar
e carried out in accordance with this procedure. Page 2 of 9

Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
The site manager is responsible for induction, briefing and advising of all pers
onnel and site visitors.
5. Methodology
5.1 Clearing and Grubbing
The process of clearing and grubbing is the removal of all trees, bushes, vegeta
tion, rubbish and any other relevant obstruction within the line of work.
1. Establish the survey markers to indicate the working area for the site cleara
nce. 2. Produce a record of conditions that includes a photographic survey to be
agreed by the Engineer, Landowners and any relevant authorities prior to commen
cement. 3. Takeout a topographic survey on land that may be affected by ROW oper
ations and serve as a basis for final reinstatement. 4. Inspect Measure and Agre
e with the Engineer and the Forest Authority (Regional Directorate of Forest Aff
airs) where trees require to be felled. 5. Identify and Mark clearly all the tre
es to be felled prior to commencement of the operation. 6. Remove all the marked
trees, bushes, vegetation, stumps and roots to their full depth, while ensuring
that the following precautions are implanted:
Minimizing the felling of trees a
nd loss of topsoil. Agree with the Engineer for any individual trees which have
to be retained within the ROW. Avoid unnecessary damage to the trees, crops, tru
nks and canopy by machines or other disturbances. Do not totally remove the vege
tation over the slop, to avoid the potential risk of soil erosion on the slope.
7. Construct temporary roads when needed, to provide better access to vehicles a
nd equipment. 8. Remove unusable and hazardous materials accordingly to the foll
Test any hazardous waste or material discovered and report to the Enginee
r before undertaking any action. Remove or Dispose off-site all materials which
are not considered of value by the Engineer. Remove any loose boarders or materi
als located outside the ROW that may impose danger to the constructions.
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
Separate and Load all materials to locations shown on drawings or approved by th
e Engineer. Obtain the written arrangement for the disposal locations outside th
e ROW from the owner or governmental authorities.
9. Backfill and Compact the cavities of the surrounding ground. 10. Maintain the
surface in a clean, tidy and stable condition allowing it to fall water and to
prevent ponding.
Removal of Existing Structures
The procedure involves the safe removal of all existing structures such as walls
, fences, drainage, water pipes and cables while ensuring that alternatives are
found to resume their existing functions.
1. Inspect Measure and Report to the Engineer for major structures, underground
structures, manholes, wells and similar items to be removed. No action will be t
aken until the Engineer provides his instruction for disposal. 2. Backfill and C
ompact voids lift after removal with suitable material and compacted density sim
ilar to that in the surrounding ground. Fill with aggregate or sand in case of c
ompaction is impractical, unless another treatment is shown on the drawings or i
nstructed by the Engineer. Backfilling procedure is carried out in the Backfilli
ng Method Statement. 3. Avoid unnecessary damage to fences, walls, hedges and pr
operty on or adjacent to the ROW. The places where a section of an existing fenc
e is removed shall be supported to maintain the tension in the fence wire. 4. Fl
ume existing drainage ditches and small watercourses across the running track to
provide access to construction at crossed area and prevent water flow interrupt
ion. The temporary drainage management plan will be submitted separately conside
ring the following precautions:
Complete the diversion before the original drain
is cut minimizing the interruptions to its operation. Ensure that the free flow
of water through the flume pipes is maintained throughout the project and that
discharging location is suitable and agreed by the Engineer. Make sure that fill
material used to make up the grade level of the flume pipe does not spill into
the watercourse and blocks the channel.

5. Ensure the following steps are undertaken where cables and underground servic
es are detected:
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
Use cable detector and/or hand excavation (Trial Holes) where the presence of a
cable is suspected. Inform the Engineer immediately of the presence of any telep
hone or electricity cables that require moving and contact the relevant authorit
y to arrange the work accordingly. Mark clearly any underground services indicat
ing the service details and depth. Do not precede with site clearance operations
at electric pole or below overhead cable until the cables and poles have been a

1. Establish survey markers to identify the working area in which the removal of
topsoil is required. 2. Strip the topsoil to subsoil level or as instructed by
the Engineer. 3. Use tracked equipment such as bulldozer. 4. Dispose and Stockpi
le the topsoil separately from subsoil or other excavated material for subsequen
t re-use in covering the required areas. Ensure that sufficient material for thi
s purpose is preserved. 5. Place the topsoil in piles at locations shown on draw
ings or approved by the Engineer. Storing of topsoil shall be prohibited in the
following areas:
Under overhead electrical cables. Areas where structures are to
be erected or materials are to be stored. Within 5 meters of a watercourse or d
itch. Within flood plains, unless gaps in possible water pounding areas are left
in the stockpile to allow water to pass through.
6. Spread the topsoil over the required areas in a uniform pattern, followed by
compaction and leave it with a neat and tidy appearance. 7. Grade sufficient por
tions of the ROW that are necessary to assist with subsequent construction opera
tions after completion of clearing works and topsoil striping.
6. Risk Assessment
Works shall be carried out in line with the issued Health and Safety, Control, M
onitoring and Inspection Plan. Risk Assessment sheet of each activity shall be p
repared by our specialist before commencing any activity.
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
7. Health and Safety Requirements
The occurrence of site accidents should be kept to a minimal. Health, Safety and
Environment Plan will be provided at site to ensure smooth running of works in
safe manner, taking into consideration the following precautions:
1. Ensure that all safety precautions and recommendations outlined in the Risk A
ssessments have been applied. 2. Make sure that:
All personnel including Third P
arties are safety inducted prior to site entry. Workers are trained and competen
t in their duties. Operators are qualified, hold license for machine operation a
nd trained in the maintenance of machinery. All tools and equipment are in safe
and good conditions.
3. Provide Frist Aide Facility on working Site in case of minor injury treatment
. 4. Arrange for all personnel the pertinent Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
including safety helmet, safety boots (Boots up to the knees are required when
clearing shrubs and trees, to avoid snake bites), ear / eye protectors, dust mas
k, gloves and reflective vest (When working in vicinity of the road or nearby th
e excavator or other heavy machines). 5. Place warning signs, barricades, lighti
ngs or fences at relevant locations such as:
Critical excavations Pedestrian cro
ssings Main roads where traffic flow is disturbed by work - Use signalmen wearin
g high visibly clothes to arrange traffic. Demolition areas - Produce structural
engineer assessment to ensure a safe demolition process.
6. Arrange with the owners of third party services like telephone lines, cables,
pipelines or other types of utilities, to make secure the use and operation of
the utilities. Consider all cables as Live unless otherwise indicated, and adopt a
safe system of work when such cables cannot be terminated. 7. Contact Authoriti
es to determine the presence of any explosive or unexploded bombs, or upon findi
ng any suspected danger. 8. Investigate fall prevention method to identify the p
resence of any abandoned wells or drainage systems to prevent personals from fal
ling in it. 9. Ensure safe access to the Canal ROW and maintain the permanent an
d temporary access roads in a good condition during construction activities. 10.
Prevent sliding of materials along the slope.
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
11. Check, Cover and Secure all materials debris prior to its movement outside t
he site.
8. Environmental Requirements
ROW Clearing, Topsoil Stripping and Grading shall be carried out in accordance w
ith requirements as described in the Contractor's Environmental Management and M
onitoring Plan, taking into consideration the following precautions.
Site Disturbance:
1. Ensure that the site is kept in a tidy condition at all times and that all th
e waste generated by the works is cleared from the site. 2. Do not burn combusti
ble material arising from clearance on site without the written consent of the E
ngineer; otherwise it shall be disposed of as spoil. 3. Switch off all vehicle e
ngines when not in use to minimize combustion emissions. 4. Collect and Dispose
used chemicals and engine oils in appropriate containers, prohibiting its discha
rge to land or surface waters. 5. Store all removable items which are to be pres
erved on site in a safe location and manner appropriate to their nature. 6. Prot
ect all trees, shrubs, walls, buildings and other items that are to be preserved
from injury or damage. 7. Nesting birds are not to be disturbed as far as pract
icable. 8. Install all required drainage measures to prevent erosion and washout
caused by surface water during times of inclement weather conditions.
Disturbance beyond the ROW:
1. Minimize disruption caused by clearing along the Canal route that passes thro
ugh built up areas. 2. Prevent trespassing beyond the ROW for any personnel or e
quipment. 3. Avoid or Minimize the land damage caused by the operation of vehicl
es. 4. Protect all Ecological areas or Archaeological sites from any damage. 5.
Report any complain by the public to the Community Relation Manager.
Public Roads Disturbance:
1. Carry out appropriate survey prior to construction activities on roads that w
ill be used to access the ROW, following notifications and approvals received by
community relations.
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
2. There shall be no unauthorized creation of access routes to otherwise inacces
sible areas. 3. Reinstate any damage caused by construction traffic to roads. 4.
Form shallow areas near entrance/exit at public roads for vehicles wheel washin
g before leaving the site. 5. Minimize the project footprint at the ROW and any
access roads.
Water Pollution:
1. Identify any watercourses surface or field drains that maybe affected by the
work. 2. Do not strip soil up to tile edges at any watercourse, stream or draina
ge. 3. Do not discharge or allow water contaminated with silt to enter a waterco
urse or drain. 4. Consider surface water path once vegetation is cleared.
Noise and Dust:
1. Check with residents or occupied premises that they are aware of the risk. 2.
Keep noise to the lowest possible amounts and wear ear protection when necessar
y. 3. Use selective water sprays or other pertinent controls to minimize dust cr
eated during demolition and loading activities causing hazardous to surrounding
vicinity and works. 4. Put eye goggles and dust mask to avoid eye wound and dust
9. Quality Control Requirements
Document the conformance of site construction through inspections, examinations
and tests which serve as a reference to the Quality Control, Monitoring and Insp
ection Plan.
Resource Allocations
Man Power: Site Engineer: Supervisor: Flagman: Operators: 01 01 01 05
Equipment/Machinery Required: Bulldozer: 01
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Hydro Agricultural Development of South Lebanon Irrigation and Water Supply Sche
me Conveyor 800
Crawler loader: Excavator: Dump Trucks: 01 01 02
Water Resources & Development Co.S.a.r.l
Construction Method - Site Clearance
The major equipment used in for site clearance works include, but are not limite
d to the above.
Document References
All site clearance works on the project shall be executed as per the following s
ections of the technical Specification - Volume 2.2:
Section 1.2 - Site Clearance and Topsoil Section - Stripping of Topsoil,
Clearing and Grubbing
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