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Pupil Premium

Information for Parents

September 2016
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools to help children from low income families
achieve their very best. Fagley Primary School will only receive this additional money to spend on
children if parents or guardians who are eligible apply for it.
Who is eligible?
The school is awarded the additional funding for children who meet any of the following criteria:
have a parent serving in the armed forces;
are currently entitled to free school meals
have been entitled to free school meals within the last 6 years;
are looked after
are covered by a guardianship order
are covered by a residency order
have been adopted from care.
If you have any question then please speak to Mrs Burnsall (Deputy Head).

PE Kits

Pupil Premium funding allows school to provide each child with

Pupil Premium funding allows

a key worker. Children use their key workers as their point of

school to provide every child

with a school PE kit. This
allows equality throughout
PE lessons. PE kits allow
children to look smart in PE
lessons and when representing the school in
competitions and festivals.

contact throughout the school day. Key workers work with the
children to support children in all classes focusing on:
homework, uniform, attendance, health and wellbeing, parent
engagement and participation in afterschool activities.
Family Links believes every child and parent deserves the best
chance in life at home and at school. The 10 week programme
enables parents to become more effective, caring and
confident in raising their children and it helps those children
to become more emotionally resilient and socially responsible.
The dynamic approach tackles the root causes of social
problems through the Nurturing Programme, which challenges
intergenerational dysfunction.

Pupil Premium funding allows school to reduce the total amount payable by
parents for school trips. School trips should be viewed as a powerful and
positive teaching tool that help enhance the social, personal and emotional
development of all learners. Extra stimulation in new environments can be
particularly beneficial to all pupils and can help teach life skills and improve independence.
Hands-on learning activities outside the classroom lead to better achievement, standards,
motivation, personal development and behaviour. Children and young people are able to enjoy
and achieve in new engaging ways.

Trips the Pupil Premium funding has helped support this year:
Nell Bank, St. Georges Hall, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Jodrell
Bank, Bradford City Football Club, Positive Lifestyle Centre,
Cliffe Castle, Eden Camp, Industrial Museum, Worth Valley
Railway, York, Bradford College and Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Pupil Premium funding allows school to provide a breakfast club every

1. It provides their growing

2. It fuels them with the

bodies with the nutrients

energy they need to get

they need, after a long

them through the day.

night of fasting during


4. It gives them the energy

to enjoy physical activities

3. It helps them concentrate in school.

with their friends.

At Fagley Primary school we offer a variety of

afterschool clubs 5 days a week. The clubs are
well attended by children of all ages. Our aim is
that every child will attend at least one club. If
you are interested in your child attending any of
the clubs available then please speak to their class teacher.
Pupil Premium funding allows


Year Group


school to provide access to



Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:00 5:00pm


Year 1 - 6

3:15 4:15pm

educational resources for


Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:15 4:15pm


Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:15 4:15pm

year school has purchased Bug


Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:00 5:00pm

Club, Mathletics and Purple

Learning Through Play

Year 1 & 2

3:15 4:15pm



Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:15 4:00pm



Year 1 6

3:15 4:15pm

them to continue their earning


Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:00 5:00pm



Year 4, 5 & 6

3:00 4:00pm

at home. If your child does not

Sports Hall Athletics

Year 4, 5 & 6

4:00 5:00pm

know their username or


Year 1 6

3:15 4:15pm


Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:00 - 3:45pm

password please speak to their

Film Club

Year 2 6

3:15 4:15pm


Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

3:00 5:00pm




children to use at home. This

Children have log ins to allow

class teacher.

Speech and Language TherapistEarly intervention has a positive effect on the students speech and
language development, which is evident from the reduced number of older children needing support in school.
Working in Fagley Primary School has allowed me to also support families, who may not have been able to attend
community appointments. by building on the established parental links in school. - Harriet (Speech and Language
Parents of children with SLCN have attended meetings, training sessions and therapy sessions. By building on
Parents confidence and knowledge around Speech & Language development this has enabled them to better
support their childs speech and language development.

Inclusion Manager Parents play a vital role in the work that I do and I am always free to speak to parents
if they have any concerns regarding their child/children and need support. Carol Blythe
Every child at Fagley Primary School has the opportunity to express their worries and concerns with all adults
working in school if they wish to do so.
Each classroom is equipped with worry boxes and feelings displays and each child is allocated a Key Worker, who
is identified on a feelings chart on the classroom wall.
The needs of the child is paramount and for a child to attain they need to attend school every day and be
emotionally well. It is my responsibility in school along with all other members of staff to achieve this outcome.
I look forward to meeting all parents in school at some time and would like to say a big hello to all our new
parents I havent yet met.
Each morning I am in the school grounds to welcome the children into school. I stay on the playground until 9am,
so if you need to speak to me, feel free to catch me, or call in for a chat.

At Fagley Primary we believe all children should have a broad and balanced
curriculum. Pupil Premium funding allows school to provide a teacher three
days a week for life skills interventions. Children have weekly cooking sessions
in the schools food technology room. Cooking with children in school promotes the
lifetime skill of healthy cooking starting at a young age.
Introducing healthy cooking in Fagley Primary has many benefits:

Children may try new and healthy foods

A kitchen is a learning lab for children that can involve all of their senses. While kneading,
tossing, pouring, smelling, cutting, and feeling foods they have fun and learn key skills.

Children learn lifetime skills through practising basic maths skills such as counting,
weighing, measuring, tracking time; they also gain social skills by working together and
communicating in the kitchen.

Teaching cooking to children is an opportunity to teach nutrition education such as planning

meals and make smarter food choices.

Cooking can aid children in acceptance of responsibility. Each child has a task to complete
to contribute to the meal preparation and cleanup.

Cooking in schools can build positive memories that promote future healthy, enjoyable
cooking elsewhere.

Forest School at Fagley Primary aims to engage children with the outdoors fostering a love,
respect, understanding and responsibility for our environment. It promotes the development of
social interaction, emotional intelligence, self-esteem and an independent, intrinsically motivated,
self-confident approach to learning.
The children pursue paths of learning that interest and challenge them. They set their own goals
and work towards them at their own pace, reflecting on their progression and deciding on their
next steps for learning. Achievements are acknowledged and celebrated, whilst a culture is
fostered in which is accepted that sometimes things go wrong (and when they do, the group work
together to find solutions). Showing respect for the environment, each other and ourselves is at
the heart of the Forest School ethos. The children learn how to express and vocalise their needs
and feelings and demonstrate empathy for one another. The high adult to child ratio during
sessions allows the children to be supported in their decision making and beneficial risk taking.

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