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Reactive Power and Compensation Solution Basics For Students


Reactive Power and Compensation Solutions Basics For Students (photo credit:

Why we dont like reactive power

The total power, the so-called apparent power, of a transmission network is composed of active and reactive power
(Figure 1). While the power consumers connected into supply transform the active power into active energy, the
reactive energy pertaining to the reactive power is not consumed. The reactive power at the consumer side is merely
used for building up a magnetic field, for example, for operating electric motors, pumps, or transformers.

Reactive power is generated when power is drawn from the supply network and then fed back into the
network with a time delay.

This way it oscillates between consumer and generator. This constitutes an additional load on the network and
requires greater dimensioning in order to take up the oscillating reactive power in addition to the active power made
available. As a consequence, less active power can be transported.

Figure 1 Composition of the total power of a transmission grid

Reactive power has zero average value because it pulsates up and down , averaging to zero. Reactive power is
measured as the maximum of the pulsating power over a cycle. It can be positive or negative, depending on whether
current peaks before or after voltage.

By convention, reactive power, like real power, is positive when it is supplied and negative when it is
consumed. Consuming reactive power lowers voltage magnitudes, while supplying reactive power
increases voltage magnitudes.

Solution with compensation //

With a reactive power compensation system with power capacitors directly connected to the low voltage network and
close to the power consumer, transmission facilities can be relieved as the reactive power is no longer supplied
from the network but provided by the capacitors (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Principle of reactive power compensation using low voltage power capacitors

Transmission losses and energy consumption are reduced and expensive expansions become unnecessary as the
same equipment can be used to transmit more active power owing to reactive power compensation.

Determination of capacitor power

A system with the installed active power P is to be compensated from a power factor cos 1 to a power factor cos
2. The capacitor power necessary for this compensation is calculated as follows:
Qc = P (tan 1 tan 2)
Compensation reduces the transmitted apparent power S (see Figure 3). Ohmic transmission losses decrease by
the square of the currents.

Figure 3 Power diagram for a non-compensated (1) and a compensated (2) installation

Reactive power estimate

For industrial plants that are still in a configuring stage, it can be assumed by approximation that the reactive power
consumers are primarily AC induction motors working with an average power factor cos 0.7. For compensation
to cos = 0.9, a capacitor power of approximately 50 % of the active power is required:
Qc = 0.5 P
In infrastructural projects (offices, schools, etc.), the following applies:
Qc = 0.1 to 0.2 P

Calculation of the reactive power

(Based on the electricity bill)
For installations which are already running, the required capacitor power can be determined by measuring. If active
and reactive work meters are available, the demand of capacitor power can be taken from the monthly electricity bill.
tan = reactive work / active work
For identical meter operating times in the measurement of reactive and active work //
tan = reactive power Q / active power P with
tan = (1 cos 2 ) / cos
The compensation power Q c matching the active power P can be calculated for a desired value of cos 2.
Qc = Q 1 Q 2 = P F
In this case F = tan 1 tan 2

To simplify the calculation of Q c, Table 1 states the conversion factors F when a measured cos 1 is to be
compensated in order to attain a power factor cos 2 in operation.

Table 1 Conversion factors F for phase angle adjustments

3 main types of compensation //

Capacitors can be used for single, group, and central compensation. These types of compensation will be

introduced in the following //

Single compensation
In single compensation, the capacitors are directly connected to the terminals of the individual power consumers
and switched on together with them via a common switching device. Here, the capacitor power must be precisely
adjusted to the respective consumers. Single compensation is frequently used for induction motors (Figure 4).

Single compensation is economically favourable for:

Large individual power consumers
Constant power demand
Long ON times
Here, load is taken off the feeder lines to the power consumers. A continuous
adjustment of the capacitor power to its reactive power demand is not possible, however.

Group compensation
With group compensation, each compensation device is assigned to a consumer
group. Such a consumer group may consist of motors or discharge lamps, for example,
which are connected into supply together through a contactor or switch. In this case,
special switching devices for connecting the capacitors are not required either (Figure 5).

Figure 4 Single

Group compensation has the same advantages and disadvantages

as single compensation.

Central compensation
Reactive power control units are used for central compensation , which
are directly assigned to a switchgear unit, distribution board, or sub-distribution
board and centrally installed there. Control units contain switchable capacitor
branch circuits and a controller which acquires the reactive power present at
the feed-in location.

Figure 5 Group compensation

Figure 6 Central compensation

If it deviates from the set-point, the controller switches the capacitors on or off step by step via

The capacitor power is chosen in such a way that the entire installation reaches the desired cos (Figure 6).
Central compensation is recommended in case of:
Many small power consumers connected into supply
Different power demands and varying ON times of the power consumers
References //
Planning of Electric Power Distribution by SIEMENS
Principles for Efficient and Reliable Reactive Power Supply and Consumption by Federal Energy Regulatory

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