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Enhancing the application development process in all its phasesbuilding, scaling, shipping, deploying

and runningplays a vital role in today

s competitive IT industry by shortening the time between writing
code and running it. Moreover, the methodologies of DevOps and such container virtualization technologies as Docker make adopting microservice architecture style with reduced risk and complexity virtually effortless. It is significantly easier to achieve the state of continuous deployment, monitoring and
delivery using Docker.
Before we look into the steps of dockerizing web applications, let us quickly understand some of
s fundamentals.

Shipping an application into containers is popularly known as Dockerizing

. Dockerizing offers several
substantial benefits. Here are some ways Docker container technology proves beneficial in day-to-day
software development and testing:
Containers provide an isolated and secure

Containers can help eliminate a lot of

application platform for running an applica-

issues related to configuration, environment

tion. They also isolate applications from one

setup, application setup and more. Most of

another and the underlying infrastructure,

these issues tend to occur due to configu-

while providing an added layer of protec-

ration differences in development, testing

tion for the application.

and production environment stages, and

cause the deployment to fail.

Containers enhance the overall process of

developing, shipping, testing and deploying
the code in different environments, and
make the process very convenient for
various stakeholders. This convenience
creates self-service development and
testing environments, and enhances overall
productivity of software developers and test

Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

The diagram below represents a high level architecture of Docker, showing these key Docker building
Docker Client
Docker Images
Docker Daemon
Docker Containers
Docker Registry

Docker Host


Docker pull



Docker build

Docker Daemon



Docker Client





Docker Registry



Docker run



Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved



Here are some of the common commands one would come across while working with Docker images:

Used to build images using

the instructions from

Used to fetch the Docker

image from the Docker registries. In the example shown in
this white paper, the Docker
client interacts with Docker
registries via the Docker
daemon to pull the existing
CentOS image.

One of the biggest advantages of using Docker containers is the creation of self-service development
and test environments, along with the deployment of software packages. To realize this advantage,
one must first figure out distinct ways in which Docker containers representing multiple application
components (web servers, hosting web application and services, databases and so on) can be
Two approaches for orchestrating multiple containers to create self-service development and testing
environments are:
Docker containers with configuration management tools such as Ansible/Chef/Puppet
Docker compose tool to orchestrate Docker containers
In this white paper, we will demonstrate how to use Docker compose to orchestrate multiple containers for creating self-service development/test environments.
The application use case demonstrated in this paper is a Java-based web application that calls a
microservice to retrieve data from MongoDB. A traditional scenario would use dedicated software
development and testing environments that need to be configured as appropriate whenever new
releases are made. This white paper will demonstrate the following, Dockerized method:
A Java web application will run within a Docker container. This web application will invoke a Spring
Boot microservice.
The Spring Boot microservice will run within another container. This RESTful service preserves its data
in MongoDB.
The MongoDB will run within another container.
We will use Docker compose to orchestrate these containers. The outline below represents required
steps in dockerizing a RESTful web service built using a Spring Boot application.
Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

Build a Maven-based Spring Boot employee microservice RESTful application. The service will be
exposed over a certain URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). The service saves the data in MongoDB that
runs in another container. Build a WAR file of the above application and place it in a desired location,
specified in the Dockerfile.
To run the application in a Docker container, create a Dockerfile consisting of a set of instructions to
build the image. Once the Dockerfile is created, it could be used to build an image for this service.
Here is a sample Dockerfile representing the image of this service.
FROM java:8
ADD build/libs/ microservice-employee-service.jar app.jar
RUN bash -c 'touch /app.jar'
ENTRYPOINT ["java","", "","-jar","/app.jar"]
Note these important points about the Dockerfile above:

Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

,"" ,
]: execute our fat-jar (urandom is for Tomcat source of entropy)
"", this environment variable for connecting
to mongodb service which we are going to create using Docker-Compose and the data base name
is micros. for running Spring Boot application
A variable dev/./urandom added to reduce the tomcat start time /app.jar is our jar file to be run.

Docker File



Docker Host
Docker Daemon

Image A


Container A


Start, Stop, Restart


- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Docker Hub



Image A


Dockerfile consists of a set of instructions to build an image.

As represented in the diagram above, the build command is used to build an image A, per the
instruction provided in Dockerfile. Additionally, the image A can be pushed in Docker hub using the
push command.
The pushed image A can be fetched using the Docker pull command.
A container can be created from the run command. The above illustration depicts how the run
command was used to create container A from the image A.
Operations that can be performed on container A include start, stop and restart

Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

$ docker build
t <username>/
Specifying the <username>/<Repositoryname>

$ docker ps
$ docker ps -a

:<tagname> as employee and .to look for

Dockerfile in the current directory.

$ docker stop $(docker ps)

$ docker images
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a)
$ docker run
d name container_name

$ docker rmi $(docker images)

$ docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash

Dockerizing a Spring web application would simply mean starting a Spring web application within a
Docker container. One of the key benefits of this approach is that one could build an image once
and then start the Spring web application container as and when required for development and
training purposes. In cases where the Spring web application is part of a bigger enterprise application, it brings a lot of benefits in terms of self-service, on-demand development and testing setup,
thereby enhancing the overall productivity of software developers and test engineers.
In this white paper, we have shown how one can build a maven-based Spring web application that
runs on Tomcat. For this, one would be required to build a WAR file and place it in a desired location
(by default, webapps) under Tomcat installation.

FROM tomcat
ADD build/libs/ microservice-employee-web.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
CMD ["", "run"]

Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

Dockerizing MongoDB would mean starting a MongoDB within a Docker container. This is accomplished using one of the following methods:
Pulling a MongoDB image directly from the public Docker registry and running a container using
this image.
Building a custom MongoDB image using Dockerfile and then running a container using this
In most cases, the first method would suffice. The following commands represent the steps to dockerize MongoDB:
# Usage: docker pull <user-name>/<repository>
$ docker pull mongo
# Usage: docker build t <user-name>/<repository> <Dockerfile_location>
$ docker build
t mongo .
# dot .defines the Dockerfile in current directory location
# Usage: docker run - p <port mapping> --name <name for container> -d <user-name>/<repository>
$ docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo_container -d mongo_image

Using the Docker compose technique, one could easily start MongoDB within a container and also
link it with other containers. Take a look at the command below:
version: '2'
#Creating MongoDB container from mongo image
image: mongo
container_name: mongodb
- "27017"

Using Docker compose, one can orchestrate more than one container. The following can be defined
in a YAML file in relation with running multiple containers:
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Specify images,
Specify configurations,
Specify how containers will link,
Specify container dependencies
Specify all ports that needed to be exposed
To demonstrate the benefits of Docker compose, the example below specifies three containers,
namely employee, web app and MongoDB containers in a docker-compose.yml file.

Docker Compose file defines services which get started in an interactive mode using docker-compose upcommand. Based on the order the dependencies are declared under depends_onin the
docker-compose.yml file, the chosen service, starts first followed by others. In docker-compose file
shown below, the service creation order will be first MongoDB, followed by employee service and

To run all the containers at once interactively and also to find out in which order containers are being
created, use the below command and use d to start all the containers in the background:
$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose up d
To monitor log output of all the containers, make use of the following command:
$ docker-compose logs
In order to stop the running containers, one could use the command given below. Further, it should
be noted that the order of exiting the containers is in the reverse order of their creation.
Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

$ docker-compose stop

To remove all the containers

$ docker-compose rm --all

version: '2'
# Dockerized employee microservice container for exposing services
build: employee/
dockerfile: Employee_Dockerfile
container_name: employee
- "8181:8080"
- mongodb
#MongoDB container
image: mongo
container_name: mongodb
- "27017"
#Dockerized webapp container acting as external web client for consuming restful web services
build: webapp/
dockerfile: Webapp_Dockerfile
container_name: webapp
- "8989:8080"
- employee

Copyright 2016 Evoke Technologies. All rights reserved

example quoted above MongoDB and employee containers will be created first and subsequently
webapp is created.

Here MongoDB container is created by consuming the Mongo image published by another in Docker
hub and this will get exposed on port 27017. Navigate to the folder where docker-compose.yml file, all
the respective dockerfiles and JAR files of webapp and RESTful services application have been placed.

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