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Geopgraphy + politics - how geography influence politics

19th century
R. Kjellen
germany- the subject of severl wars
K. Ritter
Fr. Ratzel
-> only in very strong nations is a relation....
organisin fuction of the state
Ratzel- few concepts of natism - Lebestraum(the living space)
Anglo-Saxon areas
A. Matran
1780s - France- French maneuvers in North American Colonies
the two oceancs weren't enough to put wawy America from...
H. Mackinder
The Geographycal Pivat of History
POst-Columbian era
J. Hay
Brettonwoods -IMF, World Bank
GATT -General Agreements of Trade and Tariff
Frederic Jackson -The Significance of American History -> the mobility of the frontier
only through the state -Russia
the fear of invasion -not allowed to build new towns
W. Bullit

2nd course
- general school of geopolitics
- geopolitics became famous because of german...

- 10th century: Germany -empire

- 1871: after the French-Prussian War, Germany becme in a hegemonic position in Europe,
Bismark, it never attended to be unique, but balanced
- Herder became the intelectual faher of the german nationalism
- several wars, it was started because of foreign presence in Germany
- economic growth -> Germany came too late on the international stage
- Germany was well prepared to become a warrier country
- they were able to maintain the blochade
- K. Ritter: came with an improvement in the methodology of learning Geography -> Erdkunde
(political geography), special elationship between the land and people, the natural organic
territory of the state
- Fr. Ratzel, antropogeography , he improved this organic theory about the state and land,
Political Geography (1897)
- in German there was a lack of liberalism, the relationship between land and people....., only
those people who have enough political power, can reach the land
- USA - two oceans
- Mittelpunkte - sit of civilizations, a gift to help people buid up a great civilization, 3 fctors were
on the basis of the functio of the organic state: space, (- the configuration of national territory
Legensgebiete, reach teh living space: Lebensraum, the organic state needs living space), position
(antrogeographyc area Europe: latin mediterrean, german, slavic), borders- to be theorgans
- national state/ state nation (equal position)
- Locarno
- 1901: Ratzel: About the Laws of Spacial..... -> Domestic Stimulus( the sense of the space, the
scholl of the space); External Stimulus (less populated territories, countries and spaces)
- geo-space
- people without space
4th course
- Schogan
- Tokugawa: brought Japan in very severe period of isolation, forbid any foreign nthing to rich
Japanese people
- 1842: US military flit reach the most important harbour of Osaka -> made for Japan compulsory
to open to the foreign
- Meiji era
- leader: religous and spiritual -> powerful political leader
- Japan enters the Great powers
- chi ri - term for geography, it represents alos a permanent threat for Japan
- became very open to the foreign values (Meiji era)

- first modern law of education -> geography became the most studied discipline in the
- Y. Fukuzawa published a book: Geography - in which he decribed how could a nation become
powerful -> strng campaign launched
- 1895 - Geography tought only by specialist and university professors
- THe school of Sapporo: 3 scolars wer present: Uchimura, Nitabe and Shiga - all of them were
initially educated in the college of agriculture in Sapporo, later in the UK, coming come, they saw
the importance of Geography
- Shiga was more radical, he was the chief of several missions in China
- Kyoto and Tokyo: faculties of geography
- tennoism
- Japan has a historical mission, to expell from Asia anyncaucazian and white presence and
transform Asia into a great zone of co-prosperity, slogan: Asia for Asians
- 1933: Japan expelled from the League, because of its invasion against China
- Germany also left the League, and Italy was expelled
- 20s: several works of K. Haushofer were translated into Japanese -> Fujizawa
- accdepted the concept of living space
- Ozawa: he invented a very pragmatic strategy: Flying gease paradigm: emphasized the future
conquet of Japan could not be in the neighbourhood, imperialistic view -> it becae reality in WWII
- 4 Asian tigers (Malaizia, Hong- Kong, Singapour, Taiwan)- economic point of view: developed
and growing up becaus of Japan
- he did not indicate a clear direction
- Okawa: Jaan and the Way of Japanese - miliary statism, a real clash of civilizations
- Konoe
- Manifesto for Japanese Geopolitics: new order in Asia, concept of spehre of coprosperity,
rejected the scientific develoment of the space
- MITI (Minister of International Trade and Industrialization)
- after WWII, also because of US intervention

Anglo- saxon school of geopolitics:
- Henry- Thomas Buckle:HIstory of Civilization in England - the first source in the formation of
Anglo-saxon geopolitics, analyzed the geographical condition and the influence of climate upon
th people, he considered that a tempered climate........,comparatison between societes living in
tempered places and tropical places
- Cuba: accept totalitarian regime, because it is easier t live (work, heaat, etc.)
- E. C. Semple: merican History and its Geographical .. climate brought positive stimulus in the
development of US society

- F. J. Turner: The Significance of Frontier in AMerican History - to be the mobile frontier to west
- immigrants from Europe
- the new space became an accomplishment of the individuals, and these individuals became
organized in new states -. membership in the union
- 1924: E. Huntington:Civilization and , Mainsrings of Civilization - most favourable are is
situated where the average temperature is between 10-20 degrees
- Arnold Taynbee: A Study on History - development of human society: 2 categories: physical and
how they wrere able to use this space + nonphysichal (specific way of the development of
dfferent societies, extertnal pressure, hw they reacted
- Spain: problem: how it reacted to external pressure, no stimulus to develop, self-sufficiency ->
secondary position
- 2. the study of political geography
- J. Fiergrieve: Geography and World Power, the old paralalograms, the one who used first the
concept of heartland, geography and...
- I. Bowman (American): 1921 The New World: Problems in POlitical Geography, study of
location, people and their frontiers, US delegation on Paris Conference; political map of Europe
after WWI, European borders, appointed by Roosevelt in WWII in order to decolonialization, he
analyzed the consequences for thr US
- 3. ideological panflex
- 1845, irish imigrant: Manifest Destiny
- 1885: JOhn Fiske: Manifest DEstiny
- both: US offered the est conditions as social conditions, economic,.......
- Henry Luce: chief editor of Life magazine, 1940, article: The American Century - the next 100
years will be dominated by the US, because he said that nobody could challen ge US mood of life,
US has a duty to access...., through learning and traching others how to perform in these ways
- Joseph Knight
- hegemony of a soft-power
Founders of Anglo- Saxon geopolitics:
- Matran: born in a family with military tradition, father and grandfather professors on the
academy, he became a rofessor on Richmond Academy
- American Revolution
-The Influenc of HIstory on French Revolution, THe Influence of Sea power upon...., The INterest
of America..... - he argued and demonstrated that..., French contribution to the American
- Louisiana
- how a potential on the seas could decide everything
- fundamental importance of to be be a sea power, importance of technological progress - US
was not in its past well defended position, because ocean distances meant less, because of the
speed, to not consider the American coasts to be the first defense line, to cinsider the natural
frontier on the opposite coasts of the 2 oceans (helping them in the creation of their political
regimes), it will be in risk, it it could not build up its opposte frontieers, US had t build up fast

forces of intervention - task forces - the ability to be fast and sharp

- Problem of Asia
- Asia under collonialism
- Pan Mun Jon (39
- the Middle Est will be an area in teh future which will have a lot of influence of Europe and Asia
- Hower Lea:

- Valour of Ignorance (1908) - social darwinism and some values from German School of Politics
- natural laws concerning the aspects of a sea power, a sea power could be powerful ot only
through its own fleat, but
neighbour, by preventing that a continental power could
accomplish an
, fundamental interest of a sea power is to avoid the possibility that a
continentl power could get access to the free seas
- Containment strategy - Halford Mackinder: graduated in Oxford University - studied History, law, economy, biology ->
great interest n geography
- On the Scope and Methods in Geography - study and methodology, political geigrahybis not
possible without physicl geography
- he was part of a group of British young intelectuals; among the founders of London School of
Economics -> first director
- analyze of the new world: Eueopw an d Asia considered separate, but they are connected,
invasions from Asia
- continental invasion throug the sea destroyed the prit(?) civilization
- the continental power of ROme destroyed the maritine power of
- Indoeuropenization phenomena
- after 1492, gret geographic discoveries, the small maritine Europe gpt some benefits
- Europe became very well defended
- the Columbian era => very well defended position
- post Columbian era: the spread of technology
- one of the accomplishments
- the building up of the TRanss railroad ( 2 years -> 3 weeks)
- this in vulnerable position the sea powers
- north side of the Atlantic- Interier crestent na dfrom India the outer crestent
- at the end of 1919 published his 2nd major work: Democratic Ideals and Reality, A study in
post-war reconstruction - heart land
- the Black Sea was included under the influence of heart land territory
- emphasied the most important strategic of Europe

- " Who rules eastern Europe commands the heart land, who rules heart land command the
world ireland and who rules the worls irelands commands the world" (eastern EUrope important
- keep separate Germany and RUssia)
- he also saw who could oppose this heart land
- world prmitery (?)
- special relation between the two side of the north atlantic area
- Germnay has to be extrctted, it has to be transformed in a sea power
- 1943: invited by the - Foreign Affairs

- Alfred Machon (?)
- US became a geopolitical actor at the end of WWI
- US was able to change the world order
- intrduced new fundamental rules and values, self-determination of people, freedom of religion
and speech
- Bowman
- Italy was agaisnt thenprinciple of self-determination
- nation of states was transformed because of the freedom of religion and speech
- isolationist attitude of the US public opinion and mainly US elites
- the Congress rejected the

fot the League Nations

-" to isolate US by Europe"

- opening of the world war -> isolation
- neutrality laws
- at the endof the 30s in several academic circus was also developed a strong currrent 0f ...
- everything restarted relatiin to the german geopolitics
- 1942 were publish several books: H. Weingert; most of them designed to analyze the rules of
german geopolitics
- among these scholars we cn find a lot of Europe, they left Germnay because of the nazist
- Hans Weigert: now its obvious hat for an ordniary people...... The Twilight of Politics
- R. Strausz-Hupe: THe Struggle for Geopolitics and...
- Andrew Gyorgy: Geopoliitcs, the NEw gERMAN Science
- in 1944 Weingert and Steohansson: Compass of the World - fab est ab hoste doceli (=it's a duty
to learn from the other); they explained that the world is not plain, it is a globe -we have to learn
a very diffrent perspective, we have to... the seas between countries (like Mediterrian sea); Ice
ocean - new terminology: the northern passsage - shorten the wat from US to Euro-Asia

- norrthern passage: US went very close to Euroasia - one of their main contribuion to this
- N. Spykman: scholar first and professional in the study of international law
- F. J. Dunn
- the institute of internationl relations at the Yale university - teaching geopolitics; with this
experience they became for the president
- 1942: America's strategy in World Politics - became a real textbook for the US politicians balance of power; .... was bound to fail;" most .....because its relative permanence"
- sophisticated analyzes, a new map ...
- in the world coukd be identifies 4 areas f real power: north of AMerica (area of rel power
bacause of its developed power... Boston-> Detroit-> Chicagi -> Baltimore); the Rhine valley and
its subsidiarities; heart land - Russia; the far east shore -> new map
- rimland
- father of containmnet
- offshore irelands and cotinents: Middle East, South of Asia
- modification in the analyze concerning how could be prevented the heart land domination, who
controls teh rimland, rules Europsia and who rules Euroasia, controls the destinies of the world
- the Geography of Peace

- every ttransition has a stage
- J. Burnkam: interesting thinker and scolar, 1905-1987, from a catholic family, graduatd Harvard
university, became atheist; he also reached American socialist worker's party, and became very
active; leaves this party in 1939, because of the treaty of non-agression between Germany and ,
he became a well known scolar when in 1941 pblished his important work Managery , focused
in despription of power areas -> industrialization, he also described several strategic centres, on
the word map we can the the 2/3 of world power concentrated on the nothern hemisphere;
after WWII a new conflict will take place; OSS (Office of Strategic Sentences) - the first US
inteligence service - he was enrolled here as an analyst; book: The Machiavelist - he spoke about
the importance of the geopolitical knowledge; building up a new type of power: Superstates; he
continued his interest in geopolitcs in the next years and step by step he became strnger with his
anticommunism; Struggle from the ..., a long fight with this system; The Common Defeat of
Communism - communism is very weak; 1952: Containment or LIberalition - critical book to
Kennan, now the heart land is belonging only t the USSR, in several decades USSR will become
themost important power in Eurasia, he saw in the interior of Eurasia several bands, reporting t
the position of USSR; begin in Eastern Europe - vision became true when the communist systems
went down; received the presidential medal for freedom (most important decoration in US)
- geostrategy
- nuclear age noone from this earthglobe could be considered to be in a safe position
- trasformation of the perceptions concerning geography
- Sputnic
- several important modification is the strategic lines and regions

- just few months after the end of WWII, a report prepared in the intelligence service of the
Marine of the US -> war, Hans Weber; in the US navy was created a service for intelligence, in the
US navy- expertise of cathcing the information; report named the Postwar world situation, at the
end of this war several former great powers fro Europe will be very weak and in a state of eclipse,
the same situation will be in the far east with a defeated Japan and a weak China and this would
be for a huge accumulation of power not only in the classic heart land area, but also beyond
and this huge accumulation of power will be developed... - this actor woul intend to dominate
without any challenge the wole Eurasia; another conclusion: will be under a very strong
ideological infuence, which brings also some conceots and proposals, as aucracy and authory; the
largest surface wold become isolated from the rest of the worl; also some reccomendation: at the
end the word US souldn't leave Europe; urope would be situated at the fistr place - US has to
ptotect the freedom of western Europe; in the far east they recommended strategic perrimeter
and this started from Alaska, went down to the Alleutiness archipelago, Japan, archipelago in
Juku, THaivan, Asian Gibraltar: Singapore, Phillipnnesee, Australian and New Zealanad coasts
- US protect the western coast of Europe: Norway -> Marocco ->Brazil -> Capetown
- the relations among the north atlantic
- it was ignored by the decisional court of the US
- belt among Eurasia
- North ATlantic Treaty
- TRiangler Alliance ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, US)
- SEATO (South Asia
- CENTO ( Central North
- Kennan: confidential conferences in the strategic aparatus of defense; he was appointed as the
the chief of PPS (policy planning staff); his conception wasn't designed t be agressive; he was
against the military development of te containmet; born in 1902; Harvaed University; he was
appinted as diplomatic attacheur; chech and analyze the soviet life; three stages in Europe;; 192
appointed as US ambassador in Moscw -few months, in June to West Berli at a confrence with all
US diplomats, (only a difference of car)
- Volkogonov
- J.C.S.
- 1947: new report - drawn the maps of US; the power to control the roads; US has to defend its
alliance all over the world; hierarchy with the US interests as alliance an as strategic interests (1.
Britain, 2. Germany, 3. Japan, 4. Canada, 5. France, 6. Italy, 7. Australia, etc.); countries under
the treats of heartland communism (Germany wasn't officilly splitted in two)

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