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Tuskegee Institute





Abel, Lionel. "The Existence of Jews and Existentialism." Politics, vol. 6, no. i, 1949,
37-4~ .
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Abel lionel. "Arguments. Situating Sartre, with a reply by Stuart Hampshire.'"

Partisan Review, vol. 33, Winter I966, I52-I6o. (On SBuations)

Abel, ,Lionel. "Sartre vs. L~vi-Strauss." The Commonweal, vol. 84, no. I3, June I7,
I966, 364-368.
Abosch, Heinz. "Jean-Paul Sartre und die Politik." Bl&ter fiir deutsche und international Politik, vol. 6, 1964, 64-70.
Abraham, Pierre. "`La iibert~ .et ses chemins." Europe, vol. 28, no. 5 i, Feb. I95o, 54-6I.
Abrams, Fred. "Sartre, Unamuno and the 'hole theory'." Romance Notes (U. of North
Carolina), vol. 5, no. I, Autumn I963, 6-12.
Aimel, Georges. "La d4composition du 'sartrisme'." Ecrits de Paris, Feb. I962, 42-55 .
A1Mres, Ren~-Marill. Jean-Paul Sartre (Classiques du X X e si}cle, 11). Paris : Editions
Universitaires, xst. ed. 1953; 7th ed. I965. English Trans. Wade Baskin, Jean-Paul
Sarr : Philosopher without Faith, New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., I961, I59P.
A1Mres, Ren~-Marill. "Autentiddad y libertad en Jean-Paul Sartre." Sur (Buenos
Aires), no. 162, April I948, 86-1oi.
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Jan. 1953, I36-I4o.
Alexander, Ian "v~-. "La philosophie .existentialiste en France. Ses sources et ses probl~mes fondamentaux." French Studies, vol. i, no. 2, Spring I947, 95-114.
Alexander, Ian W. "Jean-Paul Sartre and Existentialist Philosophy." The Cambridge
Journal, vol. 50, no. 12, Sept. I948, 721-738.
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1961, 15o-158.
Allers, Rudolf. "Bemerkungen i~ber das Weltbild in anankastischen Syndromen und in


OF J E A N - P A U L


der Philosophie yon Jean-Paul Sartre." Jahrbuch ]iir Psychologic und Psychotherapie,
I958 , vol. 6, 203-208.
Alqui~, Ferdinand. "L'Etre el le n~ant." C~hiers du Sud, vol. 23, no. 273 , 1945,
648-662; and no. 274, 8o7-816.
Ames, Van Meter. "Fetichism in the Existentialism of Sartre." JournM o] Philosophy,
vol. 195o , 4o7-4ii.
Ames, Van Meter. "Reply to Mr. Natanson." ]ournal of Philosophy, vol. 48, 1951,
99-Ioz. (re : Fetichism in the Existentialism of S~rtre.)
Ames, Van Meter. "Existentialism and the Arts." Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, vol. 9, March 1956. 252-256.
Ames, Van Meter. "Mead and Sartre on Man." Jom'nM of Philosophy, vol. 53, 1956,
2o5-2i 9.
Ames, Van Meter. "Back to the Walt." Chicago Review, vo]. 13, no. z, 196o, I28-I43.
Adereth, Maxwell. Commitment in Modern French Literature, Politics and Society in
Peguy. Aragon and Sartre. New York: Schocken, 1967, 234P.
Andersch, Alfred. Europ;iische Avantgarde. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag der Frankfurter Hefte, 1949. I67p.
Andersch, Alfred. Die Blindheit des Kunstwerks und andere Aufs;itze. Frankfurt am
Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 1965. 144PAnderson, A.B. "The Political Implications of Jean-Paul Sartre's concepts of Freedom
and Responsibility." Unp. Doctoral dissertation, Ciaremont Graduate School and
University Center, 1966, 215p. Dissertation Abstracts, rot. 28, no. io, April 1968,
p. 42 I8A.
Anderson, D. "Phonies and Salauds," pp. 49-64, in The Tragic Protest : a Christian
Study of Some Modern Literature. ,London : John Knox Press, t97 o. "~fan at absolute
zero," pp. 27-48, in Ibid.
Anderson, Thomas C. "Is a Sartrean Ethics Possible ?" Philosophy Today, vol. 14,
Summer i97o, 116-14 o.
Anon. "Review of L'Imaginaire." Revue de MStaphysique et de Morale, vol. 41,
194 o, 417-418.
Anon. "Review of L'Etre et le ndant." Revue de Mdtaphysique et de Morale, voi. 49,
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no. 58, Nov.-Dee. 1969, 43-66.
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Antunes, M. "'Sartre e o marxismo." Broteria (,Lisbon), vol. 75, 1962, 54o-55o.
Anzieu, Didier. "Sur la m&hode dialectique dans l'6tude des groupes restreints."
( A p r o p o s de la Critique de la raison dialectique) Etudes Philosophiques, vol. 17,
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Anzieu, Didier. "s
1967, 127-132.

moment de l'apocalypse." La Nef, vol. 24, no. 31, July-Oct.




Arean, Carlos-Antonio. "Sartre." Arbor (Madrid), voi. 6o, no. 229, Jan. I965, 49-62.
Arendt, Hannah. "L'existentialisme franc ais vu de New York." Deucalion, ii, Paris :
Eontaine, 1947, 247-252.
Arendt, Hannah. "Reflexionen {Sber die Gewalt." Merkur, vol. 24, I97o, 1-24.
Armieri, Salvatore. "L'esistenzialismo fra Marcel e Sartre." Cenobio, vol. 7, I958,
427-43 I.
Arnaud, Pierre. "Aftermath - - A Young Philosopher's View." Yale French Studies,
no. i6, Winter I955-56, io6-iio.
Arnou, R. "L'existentialisme ~ la mani~re de Kierkegaard: Kierkegaard et J.-P.
Sartre." Gregorianum, vol. 27, I946.
Aron, Raymond. "Remarques sur les rapports entre l'existentialisme et le marxism.e,"
in L'homme, le monde, Phistoire. Rep. in Marxismes imaginaires, pp. 27-6*. Paris:
Gallimard, i97o.
Aron, Raymond. Marxism and the Existentialists. New York : Harper, I969Aron, Raymond. "Jean-Paul Sartre et le marxisme." France Litt&aire, Oct. 29- Nov. 4,
I964, pp. i, 6. English trans J. Weightman, "Sartre's marxism." Encounter, voI. 24
June I965, 34-39.
Aronson, Alan Ronald. "Art and Freedom in Jean-Paul Sartre." Unp. doctoral dissertation, Brandeis Univ., i968 , I67p. Dissertation Abstrc, cts, vol. 29, no. 8, I969,
p. 2747-A.
Arregue de Dell'Oca, Cristino. "La praxis sartreanea como interiorizaci6n de reciprocidad." Cuadernos Urug, Filos., I968, vol. 5, I7-59.
Astruc, Alexandre. "Signification d e Sartre." Domaine Fran;ais (Gen&ve), I953,
413-425 .
AtweI1, John E. "Existence Precedes Essence." Man and World, vol. 2, Nov. I969,
58o-59 I.
Audry, Colette. Pour ou contre l'existentialisme. (Sartre, Jeanson, PouiIlon, Pontalis,
Benda, Vailland, Mounier.) Paris: Editions Atlas, i948. (Pp. I8z-i9o: "Sartre
rSpond ~ ses d4tracteurs.")
Audry, Colette. "Connaissance de Sartre." Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaudlean-Louis Barrault, voi. 3, no. I3, Oct. I955, 3-I26.
Audry, Colette. lean-Paul Sartre et la realit~ humaine. Paris : Seghers, I966. (Collection "Philosophes de tous Ies temps," 23) ~92p.
Aury, Dominique. "Qu'est-ce que i'existentialisme ? Bilan d'une offensive." Les
Lettres Fran~aises, no. 83, Nov. I945; and no. 84, Dec. I945.
Ayer, A.J. '~
V. Jean-Paul Sartre." Horizon, vol. i2, no. 67,
July I945, i2-26; and no. 68, Aug. I945, I o i - i i o .
Ayer, A.J. "Sartre's Analysis of Man's Relationship." Horizon, vol. i2, i945.
Ayer, A.J. '~
I967, I-I2.

ot~ Existentialism." Modern Languages, vol. 48, no. i, March



OF J E A N - P A U L


Ayer, A.J. "Some Aspects of Existentialism," pp. 5-13, in The Rationalist Annual ]or
the Year ~948. London: Watts & Co., I948.
Ayraud, Pierre. "R6flexions sur L'Etre et le ndant." T~moignages, Aug. I946, zi3-229.

Bach, Max and Bach, Huguette ,L. "The Moral Problem of Political Responsibility :
Brecht, Frisch, Sartre." Books Abroad, vol. 37, Autumn 1963, 378-384.
Bailey, Roland. What is Existentialism ? The creed of commitment and action.
London: S.P.C.K., I95O, 2op.
Bajnovic, ,Luka. "Sartre, Escritor Comprometido." Nuestro Tiempo, vol. 22, 1965,
Bakker, Reinout. "Sartre.'" Wijsg. Persp, Maatsch. Wet., vol. 4, 1963-64, 67-81.
Baladi, Naguib. ",La Structure de l'Image d'Apr~s Jean-Paul Sartre." Valeurs (Alexandrie), vol. 3, no. i, April 1945, 45-65.
Balliu, J. "De Autofinaliteit der Vrijheid bij Sartre." Dialoog, vol. 6, 1965-66, 32-43;
and Ibid., vol. 6, 1965-66, 273-293.
Balzer, Carmen. "El Problema del Ateismo en Sartre." Sapientia, vol. 21, 1966, i7-26.
Bambrough, Andr6. "Principia Metaphysica." Philosophy, vol. 39, no. i48 , April
1964, 97-1o9.
Barnes, Hazel E. "Jean-Paul Sartre and the Haunted Self." Western Humanities
Review, vol. I0, 1956 , II9-128.
Barnes, Hazel E. The Literature o/ Possibility : A Study in 1-tumanhtic Existentialism.
Lincoln : Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1959.
Barnes, Hazel E. "Jean-Paul Sartre and the Outside World." Chicago Review, vol. 15,
no. 1, Summer 1961, lO7-112.
Barnes, Hazel E. "Humanistic Existentialism and Contemporary Psychoanalysis," pp.
149-16o, in Kern, Edith, ed. Sartre : A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 196a.
Barnes, Hazel E. "Modes of Aesthetic Consciousness in Fiction." Bucknell Review,
vol. 12, no. i, March 1964, 82-93.
Barnes, Hazel E. "Adler and Sartre: A Comment." Journal of Individual Psychology,
vol. 2t, no. 2, Nov. 1965.
Barnes, Hazel E. An existentialist Ethics. New York : Knopf, 1967.
Barnes, Hazel E. "Transcendence toward What : Is the Universe ,Like Us." Religious
Humanism, vol. 4, Winter 197o5 11-14.
Barrett, William. "Talent and Career of Jean-Paul Sartre." Partisan Review, vol. I3,
no. 2, Spring i946 , 237-246.
Barrett, William. What is Existentialism ? New York : Partisan Review, i947. 63p.
Partisan Review series, no. 2.
Barrett, William. "A Study in Existential Philosophy," pp. 237-z67 in Irrational Man.
New York: Doubleday & Co. I958.




Bataille, Georges. "De l'existentialisme au primat de i'&onomie." Critique, I948,

Bataille, Georges. "R6fl.exions sur la question juive." Critique, vol. 2, no. r2, Winter
z949, 37-4o,
Bataille, Georges. "Jean-Paul Sartre et l'Impossible R6volte de Jean Gen%t." Critique,
no. 65, Oct. z952, 8z9-832. and no. 66, Nov. z952, 846-96I.
Bauer, George Howard. "Art and the Artist in the Creative Works and Critical
Essays of Jean-Paul Sartre." unp. Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, z967,
283 p. Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 28, no. 6, Dec. I967, p. 2236-A.
Bauer, George Howard, Sartre and the Artist. Chicago : University of Chicago Press,
I969. I92p.
Bauters, Paul. lean-Paul Swrtre. (Ontmoetingen, 5 I) Bruges : Desd4e de Brouwer,
I964. 72p.
Bauzyte, G. "Asmenybes ~Laisves Problema Sartre Dramaturgijoje." Literatura, vol.
io, z967, 99-iz3.
Beatty, Joseph. "Forgiveness." American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 7, July i97o ,
Beaufret, Jean. " A P r o p o s de l'Existentialisme." Confluenaes, vol. i, no. 2, March
I945, I93-I99; Ibid., no. 3, April i945, 3o7-314; Ibid., no. 4, May I945, 415-522;
Ibid., no. 5, June-July i945, 53z-538; Ibid., no. 6, August z943, 637-642; Ibid., no. 7,
Sept. z945, 764-771.
Beaufret, Jean. "Martin Heidegger et le Probi~me de la V&it6." Fontaine, vol. i i ,
no. 63, Nov. i947, 758-785.
Beaufret, Jean. "Vers une critique marxiste de l'existentialisme." La Rew~e Socialiste,
no. 2, I949.
Beauvoir, Simone de. "~Litt6rature et m6taphysique." Les Temps Modernes, vol. ~,
no. 7, April i946 , i153-1163.
Beauvoir, Simone de. "Merleau-Ponty et le pseudo-sartrisme." Les Temps Modernes,
vol. io, i955, 2o72-2122. Rep. in PriviZ~ges, Paris : Ga!limard, I955, Pp. 203-272.
Beauvoir, Simone de. M~moires d'une ]eune lille bien rang~e. Paris : Gallimard, I958.
Eng. trans. James Kirkup. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter. Cleveland, New York:
World Pub. Co. I959.
Beauvoir, Simone de. La force de l'Age. Paris: Gallimard, I96o. Eng. trans. Peter
Green. The Prime of Life. Cle~eeland : World Pub. Co. I962.
Beauvoir, Simone de. La forche des choses. Paris : Gallimard, i963. Eng. trans. Peter
Green. Forces of Circumstance. Cleveland: World Pub. Co., I964.
Becket, G.T. "Gentile and Jew." Commentary, vol. 5, Jur~e i948 , 522-53i.
Behar, Jack, "Jean-Paul Sartre : The Great Awakening." The Centennial Review, vol.
I4, no. 4, Fail 1967, 549-564.
Beigbeder, Marc. L'homme Sartre, essai de d~voilement pr~-existentiel. Paris. Bordas,
I947 , 2o5p. (Contains early writings of Sartre not available elsewhere.)





Beigbeder, Marc. "ThS~tre philosophique ? i i . Sartre." Esprit, Dec. I949, vol. I7,
924-942 .
Beigbeder, Marc. "Ce qui a pu Ie faire", pp. 3o2-313, in Les philosophes francais

d'au]ourd'hui par eux-m~mes. Aulobiographie de la philosophie fran;aise contemporaine. Textes recueillis et present& par G~rard Deledalle et Denis Huisman. Paris :
C.D.U., I963. 4o2p'.
Bell, David R. "Marx, Sartre and Marxism." Listener, vol. 69, May 23, I963, 867-868.
Bellafiore, Luigi. "I1 problema de Dio in Sartre e nel tomismn." Sapientia Aquinatis,
voi. I, 89-Io4.
Bellezza, A. "Bilancio d'el .esistenzialismo in I946 in Italia." DItalia Che Scrive,
Nov. I946.
Belli, Angela. "Jean-Paul Sartre: Les Mouches,'" pp. 7o-97, in Ancient Greek Myths
and Modern Drama. A Study in Continuity. New Y o r k : New York Univ. Press;
London: Univ. of London Press, x968. 2oip.
Benda, Julien. Trcrdilion de l'existentialisme ou tes philosophes de la vie. Paris, i947.
Benda, Julien. ",L'existentia!isme ? C'est la forme moderne d'une position philosophique 6ternelle,'" pp. Io7-I26, in Pour et contre l'existentialisme, grand d~bat. Paris :
Editions Atlas, I948.
Benda, Julien. " 'Black' Literature and the New Philosophy." The National Review,
vol. I 2 7 , no. 763, Sept. I946, 2 4 9 - 2 5 2 .
Bdnez~, G. et Claude Cu~not. Qu'est-ce que l'existentialisme

? Paris, i947.

Bensimon, Marc. "D'un mythe ~t I'autre: essai sur Les Mots de J.-P. Sartre." Revue
des Sciences Humaines, vol. 30, no. II9, 415-43 o.
Bentley, Eric. "Jean-Paul Sartre, Dramatist: The Thinker as Playwright." Kenyon
Review, vol. 8, no. i, Winter I946, 66-79. Rep. in The Playwright as Thinker. New
York : Reynal & Hitchcock, I946, pp. 232-246.
Bentley, Eric. The Theatre of Commitment and Other Essays on Drama in Our
Society. London: Methuen & Co. ~Ltd., I968. 24Ip.
Bentley, Eric. "Satire's Struggle fo~ Existenz." Kenyon Review, vol: io, I948, 328-334.
Rep. in Kern, Edith, ed. Saetre : A Collection of Critical, Essays. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J. : Prentice-Halt, i962 , 73-79.
Berdiaeff, N. "Sartre et le destin de l'existentialisme," pp. i29-z4o , in An seuil de la
nouvelle ~poque, Neuchatel : Delachaux et Niestl$, i947. Eng. trans. N.A. 13erdiaev,
Towards a New Epoch, Landon : B!es, I949.
Berger, Gaston. "'The Different Trends of Contemporary French Philosophy." Philosophy and Phenomenologica! Research, voi. 7, no. i, Sept. I946, > i i .
13erger, Gaston. "'Existentialism and Literature in Action.'" Two lectures on present-day
problems in France. The University of Buffalo Studies, voL i8, no. 4, I948.
13ergeron, Andr& "L'autoposition du moi par !a conscience morale." Dialogue, vol. 3,
no. i, June *964, 1-24.
Bertman, Martin A. "Existenz Polities : Camus and Sartre." Agora, Fall I969, 23-32.




Bertrand, R. "Notes sur l'essence et i'existence." Revue de M~taphysique el de Norale,

Vol. 5z, I946, I93-z99.
Bespdoff, Rachel. "R~flexions sur l'esprit de la trag6die." Deucalion, z z. Paris, Cahiers
de Philosophie, i947, i69-i93.
Bess~de, Robert. "Les rapports de la litt4rature et de l'histoir,e de ia pens&." Annales

de la Facult6 des Lettres de l'Univ, d'aix-Marseille, vol. 44, 1968, 67-79.

Biemel, Waiter. "Das Wesen der Dialektik bei Hegel und Sartre." Tijdschrift voor
Filosofie, vol. 2o, I958, 269-3oo.
Biemel, Walter. "Sartre : interpretaci,6n del cuerpo." Convivium, no. 2z, x966, 65-76.
Biemel, Walter. Jean-Paul Satire in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Dargestellt
yon Walter Biemel. (Rowohlts Monographien, 87.) Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt,
I967, I84p.
Bierling, R.F. Her existentialisme.

Den Haag, i947.

Birault, Henri. "Pour ou contre I'ontologie: r6flexions sur l'histoire de la pens&

existentielle." Critique, vol. i6, no. z53, Feb. z96o, I39-z57.
Bisson, L.A. Review of R. Campbell. Jean-Paul Sartre ou une litt&ature philosophique.
French Studies, vol. ~, z947, 70-76.
Bjelke, Johann F. "Noen refleksjoner over Sartres Transcendence o/ the Ego." Exil,
nordisk tidsskrift for eksistentialistisk debar, vol. 3, I968-69, 78-83.
Blackham, H.J. Six Existentialist Thinkers, ~London : The Macmillan Co., i95z.
Blair, R.G. "Imagination and Freedom in Spinoza and Sartre." Jr. Brit. Soc. Phenomenology, voI. z, May I97o, I3-i6.
Blakeley, Thomas J. "Sartre's critique de la raison dialeetique and the opacity of
Marxism~Leninism." Studies in Soviet Thought, vol. 8, June-Sept I968, I22-I35.
Blanchard, P. "L'existendalisme ath4e et le monde." Chronique Sociale de Prance,
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Bianchet, Andr& "Comment Jean-Paul Sartre se repr~sente Le Diable et le bon Dieu,"
pp. 253-266 , in ka litt&ature et le spirituel, Paris : Aubier, i959.
Blancher, Andr6. "La vie iitt&aire. La querelle Sartre-Camas." Etudes, vol. 275,
no. i i , Nov. i952 , 238-246. Rep. in La litt&ature et le spirituel, pp. 269-279 ,
Paris : Aubier, i959.
Blanchot, Maurice. "La passion de l'indiff4rence." La Nouvelle N.R.F., 6e ann&, no.
67, July I958, 93-IOI.
Bliltgen, Sister M.J. "No Exit : the Sartrean Idea of Hell." Renascence, voI. x9, I967,
Bloch-Michel, Jean. "Sartre fanciullo e la Beauvoir adulta." Tempo Presente, vol. 8,
no. i2, Dec. I963, 34-39Blondel, Maudce. "The Inconsistency of Jean-Paul Satire's Logic." The Thomist,
vol. *o, no. 4, Oct. I947, 393-397.
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Boas, George. "Sartre," in Dominant Themes of Modern Philosophy, pp. 646-652.

New York: Ronald Press, i957.
Bobbin, Roberto. The Philosophy of Decadentism. A Study in Existentialism. New
York : The Macmillan Co., I948.

I.M. Europliische Philosophie der Gegenwart.




PP. z74-r77.
Bochenski, I.M. "Jean-Paul Sartre." Philos. Jahrbuch, I948, vol. 58, 282"283.
Bodart, Roger. "L'humanisme de Jean-Paul Sartre; ou, la vie avort~e," in Dialogues
europ~ens [de Montaigne ~ Sartre]. Bruxelles : Edit. des Artistes, i95o. I75P.
Boisdeffre, Pierre de. "T~moignages en marge d'une enqu~te." Libert~ de l'Esprit,
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Boisdeffre, Pierre de. "Jean-Paul Sartre ou l'impossible libertY," pp. I85-258, vol. 2,
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Boisdeffre, Pierre de. ",La fin d'une amiti$. Sartre contre Camus." La Revue
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Paris: Editions Universitaires, i954~ pp. 249-259.
Boisdeffre, Pierre de. "Sartre et le communisme," pp. 219-248 in Des vivants et des
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Zeitschrift fiir Phil. Forschung, vol. 2, I948, 231-243.
Bollnow, Otto F. FranzSsischer Existentialismus. Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, I965.
Bondy, Francois. "Jean-Paul Sartre and Politics." Journal of Contemporary History,
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Bondy, Francois. "Jean-Paul Sartre et la r6volution." Preuves, no. 202, i967, 57-58.
Bonnel, Pierre. ".Luk~ics contre Sartre." Critique, Aug. I948, vol. 4, no. 27, 698-7o7 9
Bonnet, Henri. De Malherbe ~ Sartre, essai sur les progr~s de la conscience esth~tique.
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Bonomi, Andrea. "~La polemica contre Sartre." (Merleau-Ponty) Aut Au6 no. 66,
I96I, 562-567.
Bonomi, Andrea. "Un filosofo e la polifica." Aut Aut, no. 82, i965, 40-57.
Boorsch, Jean. "Sartre's View of Cartesian ,Liberty.'" Ya!e French Studies, voi. i, no. i,
Spring-Summer I948, 9o-96.
Borrajo, Mogin, O.P. "Moral Perspectives in the Existentialism of Sartre." Pkilipp.
Sacra, i968 , vol. 3, 531-57 o.
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dans l'oeuvre litt~raire de Jean-Paul Sartre. Paris : Libr. A.G. Nizet, I968. 253P.




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Borrello, Oreste. "Ontologia e fenomenologia estetica di Jean-Paul Sartre." Aut Aut,
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Phil. Rundschau, vol. 14, Oct. i967, 241-257.
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Butts, R.E. "Does Intentionality Imply Being ? A Paralogism in Sartre's Ontology."
Kantstudien, vol. 52, I96O-6I, 426-432. (An abstract appears in the Journal of
Philosophy, voi. 55, z958, PP- 9 n - 9 z a ) .
Caes, P. "De Descartes ~ Sartre." Synthases, vol. 7, no. 78, Nov. I952, 33-42.
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Campbell, Robert. Jean-Paul Sartre ou une littdrature philosophique.
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Camus, Albert. "On Jean-Paul Sartre's La Nausde," pp. x99-2oa in Lyrical and Critical
Essays, New York : Knopf, i968; "On Sartre's Le Mar ~nd othef stories," p.p. 2o3-2o6,
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Canfield, John V. and Don F. Gustavson. "Self-deception." Analysis, vol. 23, no. 2,
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vol. 2x, July-Sept. x967, 441-457.
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Hochland, Ja,lina. "A Theme in Sartre's Literary Work." ]r. Brit. Soc. Phenomenology, vol. i, May 197 o, 93"99.
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Hofer, Hans. Existenz und Nihilismus bei Nietzsche und drei Verwandten Denkern.
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Hoffmann, Frederick J. "Existentialist Living and Dying," pp. 424-452 in The Mortal
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Holthusen, Hans Egon. "Meaning and Destiny in European Literature." Chicago
Review, vol. I4, no. 4, Spring i96I, x-x9.
Holz, Hans Heinz. lean-Paul Sartre: Darstellung und Kritik seiner Philosophie.
Meiseneim am Glan: Westkulturverlag, Auto Hain, I95I. t39P.
Holz, Hans Heinz. Der Frauzosische Existentialismus. Theorie und Aktualitiit.
Miinich : Sepyer, r958.
Holz, Hans Heinz. "Sartres Kritik der Dialecktischen Vernunft." Merkur, no. 6, I96I.
Hook, Sydney. "Reflections on the Jewish Question." Partisan Review, vol. i6, no. 5,
May r949, 463-48z.
Hopkins, J. "Theological Language and the Nature of Man in Jean-Paul Sartre's
Philosophy." Harvard Theol. Rev., vol. 6i, Jan. I968, z7-38.




Horst, Karl August. "Sartre oder die Kunst im Vakuum." Merkur, vol. 6, I952,
Horst, Karl August. "Anmerkungen zu Jean-Paul Sartre : Les Mots/' Merkur, voI. i8,
no. 7, I964, 671-678.
Houbart, Jacques. Un pgre ddnaturL
Paris: Julliard, I964. 224p.

Essai critique sur la philosophie de Sartre.

Hubner, Kurt. "'Fichte, Sartre und der Nihilismus." Zeits, Philos. Forsch., vol. IO,
x956, 29-43.
Huertas-Jourda, D. "The Place of Les Mots in Sartre's Philosophy." Review o[
Metaphysics, vol. 2i, June i968 , 724-744.
Hughes, Stuart H. The Obstructed Path; French Social Thought in the Years of
Desperation, ~93o-~96o. New York : Harper & Row, I968. 3o4p.
Hyppolite, Jean. "Du bergsonisme/~ l'existentialisme." Mercure de France, no. Io3I,
July I949, 4o3-416.
Hyppolite, J.ean. "La libert~ chez Jean-Paul Sartre." Mercure de France, vol. 312,
I95I, 396-413 .
Iriarte, Joaquin. "Sartre o la filosofia del absurdo." Razon y Fe, vol. 49, no. I4O,
July-Dec. I949, I49-~67. Rep. as "Sartre oder die PhiIosophie des Absurden/' in
Schweiz. Rundschau, vol. 5o, I95O, 534-544.
Iriarte, Joaquin. "La gran filosofia nunca ha sldo atea (a proposito del sartrismo)."
Razon Y Fe, vol. I45, no. 653, June I95U, 565-574.
Is~re, Jean. "Ambiguit4 de l'esth&ique de Sartre." French Review, vol. 21, no. 5,
March i948 , 357-36o.
Iturrioz, J. "A los veinticinco anos de existencialismo." Razon y Fe, ano 50, tomo
I42, July-Dec. I95o, 230-25o.
Izard, Georges. Pp. I4o-I96 and 223-23o , in L'Homme est rdvolutionnaire. Paris:
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Jameson, Frederic R. Sartre. The Origins of a Style. New Haven : Yale Univ. Press,
I9(~I. 228p.
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vol. i, no. 3, June I957, 41-48.
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Jeanson, Francis. Le probleme moral el la pens& de Sartre. Paris : Edit. du Myrte,
x947, 3Sip. 2nd ed. Paris : Edit. du Seuil, I965, 352P.
Jeanson, Francis. "Le th~fltre de Sartre ou les hommes en proie ~ l'homme." Livres
de France, vol. IT, no. i, Jan. I966.
Jeanson, Francis. "Pessimisme et optimisme dans la pens~e de Sartre." Revue Gdn&ale
Beige, no. io, Oct. i966 , 6>72.
Jeanson, Francis. Sartre (textes). (Coll. Les &rivains devant Dieu, 9.) Paris : Descl&
de Brouwer, I966. x42p.
John, Robert L. "Jean-Paul Sartres atheistisches Buhnencredo." Maske und Kothurn
(Graz-Wien), vol. 2, i956, 292-30o.
johnson, Howard A. "On Sartre and Kierkegaard." The American-Scandinavian
Review, Sept. r947, 22o-225,
Johnstone, Lesley. "The Uncertain Oracle." Prairie Schooner, vol. 39', *965, 340-356.
Jolivet, R~gis. Pp. i44-23o in Les doctrines existentialistes de Kierkegaard a lean-Paul
Sartre. Abbaye de Saint Wandrille : Edit. de Fontenelle, I948. 375P.
Jolivet, R6gis. "Jean-Paul Sartre et le matSrialisme." Giornale di Metafisica,


Jolivet, R~gis. Le problame de la mort chez Heidegger et Sartre. Abbaye de Saint

Wandrille: Edit. de Fontenelle, ~95o.
Jolivet, R~gis. "Liberdade e valor en Sartre." Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, I95O,
Jolivet, RSgis. "El dialogo entre Jean-Paul Sartre et Alberto Camus." Sapientia, vol. 9,
I954, Ixg-x23.
Jolivet, R~gis. "Le probl+me de la libert6 selon Jean-Paul Sartre." Humanitas (Tucuman), vol. u, no. 4, I954, 2o5-2o8.
Jolivet, REgis. Sartre ou la thSologie de l'absurde. Paris: Arth~me Fayard, *965.
i68p. Eng. trans. Wesley C. Piersol. New York : Newman Press, x968.
Jolivet, Jean. "Chronique philosophique." Recherches et Ddbats, no. 43, June I963,
Josa, Solange Claude and Jacques Depl~grou. "Les Mots." Esprit, no. 4, I964, 654-664.
Juin, Hubert. Jean-Paul Sartre ou la condition humaine. Bruxelles : Editions de la
Bo6tie, i946.
Kaelin, Eugene F. An Existentialist Aesthetic : The Theories of Sartre and MerleauPonty. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, *962. 47Ip.
Kael~n, Eugene F. "Three Stages on Sartre's Way : An Essay in Contemporary French
Philosophy," in George L. Kline, ed. European Philosophy Today. Chicago:
Quadrangle paperback original, I965.
Kaelin, Eugene F. "Merleau-Ponty: Fundamental Ontologist." Mand and World,
vol. 3, Fall I97O, Io2-IrS.

F R A N ( ~ O I S H.


Kahn, E. "Sartre, the Philosopher and Writer." Contemporary Review, vol. I96, no
I126, Nov. i959, 243-245.
Kahn, ~Ludwig W. "Freedom: An Existentialist and an Idealist View.'" Pub. Mod.
Lang. Assoc., vol. 64, no. I, March i, I949, 5"*4.
Kaiser, Joachim. "Jean-Paul Sartres Autobiographie." Universitas, XX, I965, 361-365.
Kanapa, Jean. L'existentialisme n'est pas un humanisme. Paris : Edit. Sociales, I947,
Kanapa, Jean. "Sartre, les communistes et la paix." La Nouvelle Critique, vol. 4, No.
39, Sept. - Oct. I952, 23-42. Eng. trans. Masses and Mainstream, vol. 5, no. i2, Dec.
I952, 9-2I.
Kanapa, Jean. "Un 'nouveau revisionisme' ~ l'usage des intellectuels." L'Humanit4
Feb. 22, i954 .
Kanters, Robert. "Le proc~s de la sinc&it$ d'apr~s Jank~levitch et Sartre." Les Lettres,
no. I, I947.
Kanters, Robert. "Moi, dis-je, et c'est ass.ez." Revue de Paris, vol. 7I, Feb. I964,
Karol, K.S. "Sartre Views the New China." New Statesman, vol. 54, Dec. 3, I955,
Kaufmarm, Walter. Existentialism [rom Dostoevsky to Satire. New York : Meridian
Books, i956.
Kaufman, Walter. "Existentialism and Death." Chicago Review, vol. I3, no. 2,
Summer i959, 75-93.
Kaufmann, Walter. "Nietzsche between Homer and Sartre. Five Treatments of the
Orestes Story." Rev. Int. Philos., vol. I8, I964, no. 67, 50-73.
Kecskemeti, Paul. "Existentialism: A New Trend in Philosophy." Modern Review,
vol. i, no. i, March i947, 34-5I. Rep. in !New Directions, vol. io, I948, 29o-318.
Kemp, Peter. "Die g~ttliche Krankheit im Sein. Anmerkungen zum Versfiindnis yon
Jean-Paul Sartres Buch Das Sein und das Nichts." Neue Zeits. ]. syst. Theol. und
Rel. - Phil. Berlin, vol. 6, no. 3, I964, 36o-375.
Kerkhoff, Manfred. "La controversia de los universales en la filosofia de Sartre."

Dialogos, vol. 2, no. 4, I965, I45-1t65.

Kern, Edith. "Abandon Hope, all Ye..." Yale French Studies, no. 30, 1962-I963, 56-62.
Kern, Edith, ed. Sartre : A Collection o[ Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs : PrenticeHall, I962, I79 p.
Kern, Edith. "The Self and the Other; a Dilemma of Existential Fiction." Comp, Lit.
Studies, vol. 5, no. 3, Sept. i968 , 329-337.
King-Farlow, John. "The Sartrean Analysis of Sexuality." Jr. o/Existentialism, vol. 2,
no. 7, Winter i962 , 29i-3o2.
King-Farlow, John, and Coby, Arthur. "Creation and Human Freedom : Pico's Answer
to Sartre." Darshana Intern., vol. 2, no. 2, April x962, 22-28. (On Critique de la

raison dialectique.)


OF J E A N - P A U L


King-Farlow, John. "Self-deceivers and Sartrian Seducers." Analysis, vol. 23, no. 6,
June 1963, 131-136.
Kingston, F. Temple. "Freedom and Being Free." Anglican Theol. Review, vol. 38,
no. 2, 1956, 153-16o.
Kingston, F. Temple. "An Introduction to Existentialist Thought." The DMhousie
Review, vol. 40, no. 2, Summer 196o, 181-188.
Kingston, F. Temple. French Existentialism : A Christian Critique. Toronto: Univ.
of Toronto Press, 1961.
Klein, Maxine. "Philosopher-Dramatists." Drama Survey, vol. 6, Spring 1968. 278-287.
Kleppner, Amy M. "Philosophy and the Literary Medium. The Existentialist Predicament." Jr. of Aesthetic and Art Criticism, vol. 23, no. 2, Winter 1964, 2o7-217.
Kline, George L. "The Existentialist Rediscovery of Hegel and Marx," pp. 113-138 in
Phenomenology and Existentialism, Lee, E. and Mandlebaum, M., eds., Baltimore:
The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1967.
Knight, Everett W. "The Politics of Existentialism." Twentieth Century, voI. 65,
Aug. 1954, 142-153.
Knight, Everett W. Literature Considered as Philosophy. Macmillan, 1958, pp. 189-218.
Knight, Everett W. The Objective Society. New York : George Braziller, 1959.
Knittermeyer, Heinrich. Pp. 366-400 in Die Philosophie der Existenz yon der Renaissance his zur Gegenwart. Wien : Humbolt Verlag, 1952. 5o4 p.
Kohky, Dario Valcarcel. "Aun y todavia y siempre sobre el existencialismo." Escorial,
tomo XX, no. 61, Sept. 1949, 195-2o9.
Kolnai, Aurel. "Existence and Ethics, II." pp. 27-50 in The Aristotelian Society.
Supplementary vol. XXXVII, 1963. Pub. for the AristoteEan Soc. by Harrison &
Sons, Ltd., 1963, 216 p.
Kopeczi, Bela. "Apropos des rues esth6tiques de Sartre." Acta Litteraria Academiae
Scientiarum Hungarieae (Budapest), vol. 9, 1967, 243-26o.
Kopper, Joachim. "Die Dialektik in franzosischen Denken der Gegenwart." Zeits. /.
Philos. Forschung, vol. II, 1957, 142-164.
Kopper, Joachim. Die Dialektik der Gemeinschaft. Frankfurt, 196o.
Kopper, Joachim. "Sartres Kritik der Dialektischen Vernunft." Kantstudien, vol. 53,
196i-r962 , 351-375. (On Critique de la raison dialectique.)
Kopper, Joachim. "Die Obereignung des Lebens an das Selbstbewusstsein.'"
studien, vol. 55, 1964, 466-487. (On Les Mots.)


Krieger, L. "History and Existentialism in Sartre." Pp. 239-266 in The Critical Spirit.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.
Krosigk, Frederich yon. Philosophie und politische Aktion bei Sartre. Munchen : Beck,
1969, 19o p.
Kruithof, J. "Sartre en her marxisme." Dialoog, voi. I, 196o-1961, 41-6o.

vol. 6,



Helmut. "Existentialism - - Christian versus Aa~tichristian." Theology Today,

Oct. I949, 311-323.
Helmut. Encounter with Nothingness, an Essay on Existentialism. Chicago:
Regnery, I949. 149 p.

Kvale, Steinar, and Grenness, Carl Erik. "Skinner and Sartre: Toward a Radical
Phenomenology of Behavior ?" Rev. of Exist. Psychol. and Psychiatry, vol. 7, 1967,

Kwant, Remy C. " marxisme van Sartre." Tijdschrift voor Filoso/ie, vol. 22,
I96o, 617-676. (On Critique de la raison dialeclique)
Kwant, Remy C. "De verhouding tussen existentialisme en marxisme volgens de leer
van Jean-Paul Sartre." Alg. Nederl. Tijdsch. Wijsb. Psychol., vol. 54, I961"1902,
Kwant, Remy C. "l[ marxismo di Sartre." Augustianum, vol. 1, r961. 94-H 9.
Lacroix, Jean. Marxisme, existentialisme,
France, 1949, 6th ed. 1966. r23 p.

personalisme. Paris: Presses Univ. de

Lacroix, Jean. L'gchec. 2nd rev. ed. Paris : Presses Univ. de France, I965, i i 6 p.
Ladri~re, Jean. "Notes sur l'existentialisme." Les Cahiers du Nord. serie XXII,
Cahiers 84 to 86, I949, 40-76.
Lafarge, Ren~. La philosophie de Sartre. Toulouse: Privat, I967. Eng. trans. Marina
Smyt-Kok. Jean-Paul Sartre : His Philosophy. Notre Dame. Ind. : Univ. of Notre
Dame Press, i97 o. I98 p.
Lagache, Daniel. "L'Imaginalion de Jean-Paul Sartre." Bulletin de la Eac. des Lettres
de Strasbour& vol. i9, no. 8, June 1941 , 3o9-325.
Lain Entralgo, Pedro. "Sartre y la desperanza." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, vol. 30,
no. 85, Jan. 1957, 7-23.
Laing, R.D. and Cooper, D.G. Reason and Violence : a Decade of Sartre's Philosophy.
(With a foreword by Sartre.) London : Tavistock Pub., 1964. 184 p.
Lamana, Manuel. "Jean-Paul Sartre. El existencialismo y la literatura." La Torre,
VOI. 7, no. 27, July-Sept. 1959, 33-48-

Landgrebe, Ludwig. "Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre." Revue de Mdtaphysique

et de

Morale, 69e ann&, no. 4, Oct.-Dec. I964, 365-38o.

Langan, T. "Existentialism and Phenomenology in France," pp. 374-4o8 in Gilson, E.
et al., Recent Philosophy, Hegel to the Present. New York : Random House, 1964.
Langlois, Jean. "Introduction ~t l'univers philosophique de Sartre." Sciences Eecl&iastiques, vol. 9, 1959, 383-4o7.
Lapassade, Georges. "Sartre et Rousseau." Etudes Philosophiques, voi. 17, 1962,
5ri-517 . (On Critique de la raison dialeetique.)

Lapointe, Francois H. "Psicologia fenomenologica de Husserl y Sartre." Rev. Latinoamericana de Psicolog~a, vol. 2, no. 3, ][97o, 377-385.
Lapointe, Roger. "Revue du transphCnom&ne sartrien vu par A. Shalom." (A. Shalom,
"Remarques sur l'ontologie de Sartre.") Dialogue, vol. 6, I967, 576-582.


OF J E A N - P A U L


Laporte, Paul M. "Painting, Dialectics and Existentialism." Texas Quart., vol. 5,

no. 4, Winter i962 , 200-224.
Lapouge, Gilles. "Sartre contre Lacan, bataille perdue, mais..." Le Figaro Litt~raire,
no. lO8O, Dec. 29, I966. p. 4.
Larrabee, Harold A. "ExistentiaIism Is Not Humanism.'" The Humanist, vol. 8, no. z,
I948, 7-xI.
Larroyo, Francisco. El existencialismo, sus [uentes y direcciones. Mexico: Editorial
Stylo, I951. 227 p.
Larson, Curtus W.R. "Kierkegaard and Sartre." The Personalist, vol. 35, no. 2,
Spring I954, I28-I35.
Larson, Gerald J. "Classical Samkhya and the Phenomenological Ontology of Sartre."
Phil. East & West, vo[. I9, Jan. I969, 45-58Las Vergnas, Raymond. L'~ffaire Sartre. Paris : Haumont, I946. 8i p.
Las Vergnas, Raymond. "La morale de l'6crivain." Hommes et Mondes, no. 6, Jan.
1947, I23-13I.
Lauer, Quentin. "Four Phenomenologists." Thought, vol. 32, 1958, I83-2o4.
Laufer, Roger. "Sartre as Literary Critic." Mean]in, vol. 18, 1959, 427-434 .
,Laurent, Jacques. Paul (Bourget) et lean-Paul (Sartre). Paris: Grasset, 195I.
Lauth, Reinhardt. "Versuche einer existentialistischen Werdehre in der franz~Ssischen
Philosophie der Gegenwart : Sartre und Polin." Zeits. Phil. Fa~vchung, vol. 1o, 1959,
Lavelle, Louis. "Dissociation de l'essence et de l'existence." Revue de M~taphysique et
de Morale, vol. 52, 1947, 2Ol-227.
Le Blond, J.M. "Histoire et libert6 s.elon Sartre." Etudes, July-Aug. 196o, 62-76.
.Leahy, Louis. "Rdflexions sur la libert4." Dialogue, vol. 2, no. i, June 1963, 42-57 9
Lee, Edward, and Maldelbaum, Maurice, eds. Phenomenotogy and Existentialism.
James M. Edie, pp. i39-i78. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, I967.
Lefebvre, Henri. "Les dilemmes de la dialectique." M~ditations, no. 2, i96i , 79-IO5.
Lefebvre, Henri. "Existentialisme et marxisme. R6ponse ~ une raise au point." Action,
no. 4o, June 8, I945.
Lefebvre, Henri. L'existentialisme.

Paris : Sagittaire, 1956. 26o p.

Lefebvre, Henri. "Le marxisme et la pens4e francaise." Les Temps Modernes, JulyAug. 1957.
Lefebvre, ,Luc J. "L'existentialisme est-il une philosophie ?" Paris : Editions Alsatia,
I946. I27 p.
Lefort, Claude. "Le marxisme et Sartre." Les Temps Modernes, vol, 8, no. 89, April
1953, 1541-157 ~.
Lefort, Claud.e. "De la r6ponse ~ la question." Les Temps Modernes, vol. io, I9541955, 157-184.




,Le Grix, Francois. "Spectacle d'un temps : le diable et le bon Dieu de Sartre, ou : la
preuve par l'absurdeY Ecrits de Paris, no. 81, July I951, IO3-115.
Leites, Nathan. "Trends in Moral Temper." American Imago, 1948 , 3-37. (On The
Lenoble. R. "JLibert~ cart~sienne ou libert~ sartrienne," pp. 3o2-324 in Descartes.
(Cahiers de Royaumont, PhiIosophie, no. i i . ) Paris : Edition cle Minuit, i957.
Zentin, Andr& "Sartre, le marxisme et la science." La Pens&, vol. 9, Oct.-Nov.-Dec.
194&, II2-115.
Lessing,, Arthur. "Man is free. A critical study of the conception of human freedom
in the philosophies of Heidegger and Sartre." Doctoral dissertation, Tulane Univ.
1966. Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 28, p. I47o-A.
Lessing, Arthur. "Marxist Existentialism." Review of Metaphysics,
I967, 461-482.

vol. 2o, March

,Levi, Albert William. "The Meaning of Existentialism for Contemporary International

Relations: The Marxist Existentialism of Sartre." Ethics, vol. 72, no. 4, July 1962,
Lewis, G. "La libert$ d'indiff~rence ou l'acte gratuity Travaux et Documents, vol. 4,
Dec. I945, 1-8.
Lewis, H.D. "Philosophical Surveys, X. The Philosophy o[ Religion
part 1i." The Phil. Quart., vol. 4, no. 16, July 1956, 262-274.


Lewis, John. "Marxism and Its Critics." The Marxist Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 4, Oct.
I955, 2o3-216.
Lichtheim, G. "Sartr.e, Marxism and History." History and Theory (The Hague),
vol. 3, I963-I964, 222-246.
Lichtheim, G. "Philosopher in Revolt," pp. 282-288 in The Concept of Ideology, and
Other Essays. New York: Random House, 1967. "Sartre, Marxism, and History,"
pP. 289-345 in Ibid.
Lilar, Suzanne. Apropos de Sartre et de l'amour. Paris : Grasset, 1967, 277 p.
Lochmann, Jan. M. "Stationen auf dem Wege zur Freiheit. Freiheit bei Sartre und
bei Dietrich Bonhoeffer." Die Zeichen der Zeit, vol. r6, 1962, I3o-I38.
Logstrup, KE. "Sartres og Kierkegaards Skildring of den daemoniske indesluttethed."
Vindrhsen, vol. 13, no. i, 28-42.
Lopez, Ibor, Juan J. El descubrimiento de la intimidad y otros ensayos. Madrid, 1952.
Lopez, Salgado C. "El projimo en el existencialismo de Sartre." Estudios Teol. &
Filos., vol. 4, 1962, 59-69.
Loranquin, Albert. "L'existentialisme en faillite." Bulletin des Letters,
March 15, 1964, 97-1Ol.

no. 256 ,

Lotti, L. "Esistenzialismo ed esistenzialisme sartriano come presupposti ideologici del

romanzo italiano del dopoguerra." L'Italia Franciscana. Revista di Cultura (Roma),
vol. 41, no. 3, 1966, 179-186.




Louis, Chanoine Michel. Humanisme et religion. I. L'exp~rience a t M e : Nietzsche,

Sartre, Malraux. Paris: Aum6nerie Catholique du LycSe Jeanson de Sailly, s.d.
[I965 ?], 6i p.
Lowith, Karl. "Schopfung und Existenz." Merkur, vol. 9, no. 85, March I955, 224-239.
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