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Office of Student Activities Berklee College of Music 1

Rules and Regulations Pursuant To Entertainment

Equipment Privileges

All entertainment equipment must be checked out by a valid

Berklee-issued student identification card, valid summer
program or City Music program identification card. No other
identification card shall be accepted.
Note: City Music programs are in session during the fall and
spring semesters. They are not valid on campus during
summer sessions.


The student cardholder is responsible for the maintenance and

upkeep of the entertainment equipment while it is checked out
under their Berklee-issued identification card. Any failure to
maintain the quality of the entertainment equipment and/or
follow the posted regulations pursuant to the equipments rental
will result in a maximum of two (2) and a minimum of one (1)
written warning(s) being issued to the student cardholder via
email. Upon a final infraction within a single program term, the
student cardholders entertainment privileges shall be revoked
for the remainder of the program term.
Note: The Entertainment Privilege Warning Sheet will be the
database whereupon infractions are to be recorded.

(a) The student cardholder must be present in the Student

Activities Center (as defined by the Office of Student
Activities, the Student Activities Lounge and surrounding
hallways and/or offices - not including the hallway leading
back to 921 where the BIRN is located - and the Loft) at
all times.
(b) Should the student cardholder wish to leave the
Student Activities Center, they must return the equipment
or exchange their identification card for another students
identification card (this student must be present in the
Office at the time of the exchange).
(c) Heretofore, identification cards shall be given to Office
staff and/or returned to students by Office staff only if the
student cardholder is present in the Student Activities
Center and hands the identification in person to Office

All entertainment equipment that is checked out must be

returned in a timely manner, specifically:
(a) No later than five (5) minutes before posted Office
hour closing time.
(b) In the event of early closure of the office - within five
(5) minutes after students have been given verbal
notification of closure by Office.


In the event that a student fails to follow the regulations defined

in this document, all Office staff present at that time are to take
note of the name and identification number of the student
cardholder, as well as the date and time of the infraction and
equipment checked out in the Entertainment Privilege Warning
Sheet document.


In the instance that a student cardholders entertainment

equipment privileges have been revoked, the student cardholder
may not check out entertainment equipment for the remainder
of the program term. In the instance that a student whose
privileges have been revoked is found to be using the equipment
that has been checked out under another student cardholder, a
verbal order to said student to cease and desist will be given by
Office staff. In the instance that the student continues to disobey
Office staff directions, further disciplinary measures will be

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