Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3


Seven churches
Throne of God
Introduction to seals
First six seals
Great multitude
Seventh seal
Introduction to trumpets
First six trumpets
Little book
Two witnesses
Seventh trumpet
Beasts Sea/Land
Lamb/144,000 & New Song
Three Angels
Introduction to bowls
Seven bowls/plagues
Woman and Beast
Fall of Babylon
Christ versus beast
Satan and 1,000 yrs
New heaven and earth

Here is an outline for the book of Revelation. I will attempt to explain the timeline.
On your page titled Chronology of End Time Events in the Apocalypse.
This is a recording of future events given to John on the island of Patmos before he
was released. He died about 100 AD. We have the first few chapters of the book of
Rev. that John tells of what the book is: It is one vision after the other given to John
on the isl of Patmos for future events. Vs 19. So we know this is not a history book
but future to John and for the most part still future to us.
The 7 churches in Rev 2-3 are 7 literal cities with churches and a message to each
one. It applies to them then at the time of John but also thru out the ages and they
are listed on each church such as the church of Sardis Rev 3:1-6 applies to that
church then at the time of John but also to the yrs 1517 to 1904. It is a message to
that time period when Martin Luther split out of the Roman Catholic Church system
and the Pro-test-ant church was born. A protest against the RC. Then the church at
Philadelphia is from 1904 to the Rapture (we do not know the date yet as it is still
future) Next we read about that church and see what applies to us as a church
today. But we over lap with the church of Laodecia and need to take heed to that
message and warning and rebuke as well.
In chapter 4 & 5 are visions of what it is like in heaven with elders worshipping God
and we must remember it is all symbolic . And it is where the Lamb opens up the
seals like a Roman Mortgage Scroll. Just meaning ancient Romans had Last Will and

Testaments like we do called a Will. Their Mortgage Scroll was a scroll all rolled up
(not a book) and each portion has a seal to open which is a wax blob and a ring to
make a mark of whos scroll it belonged to via the ring imprint in the wax. Kind of
like our signature is enough.
Chapter 6 -8 is going to begin what we call the Great Tribulation so now we will look
at the timeline where we see them all laid out to clearly see. Seals 1-4 come in the
picture here with a horse and rider and they have a color and it is all explained in
the lesson. Then that is the end of the horses with riders and it goes on to Seal 5
where people are killed and then go to heaven and the Lord wipes away the tears of
all they endured. Many were killed for their faith as they stood before the Lord and
when they were killed they are instantly before the Lord and tears wiped from their
With the Seals mentioned are 3 Woes full of even more terrible things and they are
in Chapters 9 11.
What is next is the Rapture of the church in chapter 12. First of all we need to note
that Rev 12 is starting the whole Revelation of End Times all over again. It is like a
reboot button on a computer. Not all in the body of Christ but those who are
overcomers or what is called the Man-child Saints. They are taken out see your
chart with the timeline. With the Rapture done ushers in great and terrible times in
a period of 7 yrs. But it is divided in half thus 2 -- 3.5 yr periods of time in which
terrible things are poured out on the earth and see the Seals 1-7 (see charts). At the
end in the 5th Seal is another arrow going up. That is the Martyred Tribulation Saints
and the 2 Witnesses that go up to Heaven at that time. At the end of the 6 th Seal the
144,000 which are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel are to be dealt with in
the Second Half of the 7 yr Tribulation. Again it is not a literal number but it is
typilogical. So now for 3.5 yrs Israel will be dealt with severely with Seal 7 and
within the seal are 7 Trumpets or Vials that are poured out and in Vial 5-7 are Woes
1-3. They are happening at the same time. But see at Vial 6 and Woe 2 the 144,000
are now taken out to heaven.
Next a huge battle takes place in a valley called Armageddon. It is all the
neighboring countries that hate Israel come to do battle with them once and for all.
But God has something else in mind.
On the chart see the arrow coming down? It is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to
the earth to settle the Battle going on outside of Jerusalem at the place I mentioned
called Armageddon. And when He comes and sets His feet on the Mt. of Olives just
outside of Jerusalem, the 1,000 year reign is set up called the Millennium.
In the Millennium all sorts of things go on including Satan is Bound. See that with
the arrow from Armageddon? At that time the Anti Christ and False Prophet are cast
into the Lake of Fire.

Then the rest takes place to the End of Time, where time ends as we know it. Did
you know God is not subject to time as we are? He is not limited to time, gravety we are on earth.
Remember the book is divided into 2 sections. Chapters 1-11 a heavenly view of the
terrible times and Chapters 12-22. Chapters 12-22 are more descriptive of what is
going on and it is from a earthly view. Lets see chpt 1-11 is like from Gods
perspective or view from the heavenlies. But chpt 12-22 are God telling us what is
up ahead but it is from a earthly view of what is going on on the earth but in the
future time of this tribulation to reach the Gentiles (non Jews) and the second 3.5
yrs of tribulation are yrs when God is talking to the nation of Israel.
His whole pt is for all to bow and humble themselves before God.
This is a tough book but if you understand it is future events, and everything is
pointing to something typologically such as mountains usually mean a mass of
people. The noise of thunder means Gods power. Right hand means power or a
position of power.

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