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The Lilliebridge Training Method

Before you start, remember, form and technique are everything! It is more important than the
weight you are lifting! Also, at all times make sure you have good spotters!

If you are planning on doing this training cycle to peak for a competition then week 10 will be
the week of the meet. Find the date of your meet for that weekend and back track from there so
you know where to start your training for week 1. Weeks 9 and 10 will be deload weeks on the
Squat/Deadlift to rest and recover for the meet and to ensure you are 100%. Week 9 for the bench
will also be a deload week and you will then rest until the meet day or the weekend of week 10.

If you aren't plannin on doing a meet at the end of this training cycle and are doing this to simply
just get stronger and up your gym lifts, then week 9 and 10 will be your max out weeks on the
squat and deadlift., with week's 1-8 being your main training weeks to peak and hit new PR's for
weeks 9 and 10. Same for the bench, your main training/peaking will be 1-8 weeks, and you
would try a new max on Week 9.

Once starting this training cycle you will not be squatting and deadlifting on separate days. You
will be squatting and deadlifting on the same day every week. So, you will be doing both in one
workout. One heaavy and one light and alternated each week until the very end. When you are on
your heavy squat/light deadlift day you will squat ehavy first then speed pulls after. On you
Heavy deadlift/Light squat day you will pull heavy first then squat after.

How to figure out your number from the percent listed for you to do

Elample for week 1, let's say your best squat is 600lbs. Take 600 X .87 (the percent for week 1)
That will equal 522lbs. So round down to 520lbs and do it for max reps on the squat. Lets say
your max deadlift is 650lbs. Take 650 x .50 (the percent for sppe dpulls on week one) which
equatls 325lbs. And do speed pulls as listed after squatting. For all the percent's listed, you take
your best number or PR for that lift, and multiply it by the percent but, always make sure you
multiply it with the decimal in front of the percent number. For example: .87 and not 87.

Training Days

The lilliebridge method can be used for as little as 2 days a week all the way up to 5 days a week.
It's up to you based on your workload and time. How we typically do our program is

Wednesday night we will bench after benching we will do our accessory work. On Saturdays we
will either squat heavy and deadlift light or, it can go the other way, deadlift heavy and squat
light. Sunday we will do all our accessory work that goes with squats and deadlifts. We usually
train 3 days out of the week. Rest/recovery is a major key to making gains

Another way you can use the program is bench on Tuesday, accessory work on Wednesday.
Squat/deadlift Saturday/accessory work on Sunday. You can use this program however you want.
You can pick and choose your days that work best for you, These days are not engraved in stone.

Heavy Squat week is highlighted in yellow and heavy deadlift week is highlighted in red. Heavy
bench is highlighted in yellow and lifght bench is highlighted in red. Accessory work for you
squat and deadlift is listed on page 12

Week 1: (Heavy Squat/Light Deadlift) Squat: Low rep warmups: up to 87% for max. Do it for
max reps. Deadlifts: Speed pulls with 50% of your max 3 Sets of 3 dead stop reps.

Weed 2: (Heavy Deadlift/Light Squat) Deadlfit: Low rep warm ups: up to 87% of max. Do it
for max dead stop reps. Squats: Paused squats with 50% of your max 3 Sets of 3 Reps.

Week 3: (Heavy squat/Light Deadlift) Squat: Low rep warm ups; up to 90% of max. Do it for
max reps: Deadlifts: Speed pulls with 55% of your max 3 sets of 3 dead stop reps.

Week 4: (Heavy Deadlift/Light Squat) Deadlift: Low rep warm ups; up to 90% of max. Do it
for max deadstop reps. Squats: Paused squats with 55% of your max for 3 sets of 3 reps.

Week 5: (Heavy Squat/Light Deadlift) Squat: Low rep warm ups; up to 92% of max. Do it for
max reps. Deadlifts: Speed pulls with 60% of your max 3 sets of 3 dead stop reps.

Week 6: (Heavy Deadlift/Light Squat) Deadlift: Low rep warm up s; up to 92% of max. Pull it
for a strong double dead stopped. Squats: paused squats with 60% of your max 3 sets of 3 reps.

Week 7: (Heavy squat/Light Deadlfit) Squat: Low rep warm ups; up to 95% of max. Do it for a
solid single rep. Deadlifts: Speed pulls with 65% of your max for 3 sets of 1 rep.

Week 8: (Heavy Deadlift/Light Squat) Deadlift: Low rep warm ups; up to 95% of max. Pull it
for a strong single. Squats: Paused squats with 65% of your max 3 sets of 1 Rep.

Week 9:

If you you're competeing next week Deload squats and deadlifts with around 50% of
your max just for a few reps on each to work on Form, speed, and technique as well as
rest and recover

If ou're not competing, this is your max out week on the squat! Hit a big PR!

Week 10:

If you're competing you will be resting this entire week until the meet on the
weekend; no lifting at all.

If you're not competing, this is yoru max out week on the deadlift! Hit a big PR!

Accessory work to do after each Squat and Deadlift training session:

Front squats go by how you feel if youwant to push it then do so but don't max out. If
you want to go light and hit some reps that's fine too. Get at least 4 to 6 sets in.

Bent rows with barbell: 4 sets of 15 reps

Upright rows (cable or barbell): 4 sets of 15 reps

Leg Extensions: 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Hamstring leg curls: 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Calf Raises (sanding or seated): 4 sets of 25 reps

Ab work Leg raises lying on a bench: 3 sets of 20-30 reps

Bench Training

If you are tarining for am eet do the singles PAUSED. If you are not tarining for a meet you
can do touch and go if you want. We always train our singles paused, so it's up to you!

Bench Press accessory work is located on page 15

Week 1: (Heavy) Low rep warm ups, up to 3 sets of singles 1st set (75%) 2nd set (80%) 3rd set

Week 2: (Light) Low rep warm ups; up to 68% of max. Do it for max reps.

Week 3: (Heavy) Low rep warm up s, up to 3 sets of singles 1st set (77%) 2nd set (85%) 3rd set

Week 4: (Light) Low rep warm ups; up to 70% of max. Do it for max reps.

Week 5: (Heavy) Low rep warm ups, up to 3 sets of singles 1st set (80%) 2nd set (87%) 3rd set

Week 6: (Light) Low rep warm ups; up to 72% of max. Do it for max reps

Week 7: (Heavy) Low rep warm ups, up to 3 sets of singles 1st set (83%) 2nd set (90%) 3rd set

Week 8: (Light) Low rep warm ups; up to 75% of max. Do it ofr max reps

Week 9:

If you are competeing next week you will be working up to your planned opener this week and
won't be benching or lifting again until the meet.

If you aren't competing, then this is your max out week! Hit a big PR!

Week 10:

If you are competing you are resting this entire week, no lifting at all.

Accessory work to do after each Bench workout:

Sling shot benching. Hit at least 3 to 4 sets on your heavy days do singles or doubles. Start off
about 20lbs to 30lbs higher (with the reactive sling shot blue) or 35lbs-45lbs with the (original

sling shot red) then what you did on your last top set of heavy bench for the day, and work up
from there, make nive even jumps.

You can also do board work if youchoose to over the sling shot. Use a 3 board or 2 board or both
and hit at least 3 to 4 sets of either doubles or singles. Do this on your heavy day and make sure
to make nive even jumps. Usually take your last heavy bench that you did for the day and use
that for your start of board work or you can add 20lbs to 25 lbs and start there and go up.

Incline bench go by how you feel if you want to push it then do so but don't max out, if you want
to go light and hit some reps that's fine too. Get at least 4 to 6 sets in.
Floor presses Get a t least 4 to 6 sets in.

Incline bench with dumbbells 5 sets of 15 reps

Pick flys (cabel or dumbbell): 5 sets of 15 reps

Tricep Pushdowns: 5 sets of 15 reps
Side dumbbell Lateral raises: 5 sets of 15 reps
Front Delt Cable raises: 5 Sets of 15 reps
Rear delt raises with Dumbbells: 5 sets of 15 reps
Ab Work Leg raises lying on a bench: 3 sets of 20-30 reps

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