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Transit Chart Report


This the moment to satisfy personal demands, whether big or small, which may have been put aside lately. The Sun stimulates the wish
to amuse ourselves, to experience love with intensity and in general to dedicate more time to relaxation. Our attention towards children
increases, or the wish to make ourselves heard is stronger than usual. To feel more secure in this period guarantees success in our
private and social lives and perhaps on some occasions we will be at the centre of the spotlight.
The fundamental need that provokes this transit of the Moon is tied somehow or other to our ambitions. It is about the wish to be socially
popular or recognised in a private field; we are, in any case, very motivated to show our talents. If we have felt unhappy at work, it may
now come to the surface: let's take advantage of it to take stock of the situation, making possible doubts or ambiguity clear. At times
there is more empathy and comprehension towards collaborators or employees.
The mind at this moment is used in particular for the sixth houses perfectionism. We use Mercury to develop small projects, both
regarding work and our daily life, knowing that no detail will be ignored. Our dialogue with colleagues or companions becomes more
vivacious and we are appreciated for some brilliant ideas. In this moment, we are led to think also about our physical wellbeing, perhaps
deciding to start a regime for a healthier life. A relaxing tisane can be the just remedy for possible moments of irritation.
Our relationships take advantage of the presence of Venus in the seventh house. Between us and others it gives positive energy and does
not exclude a certain harmony also with people that are not always pleasant. It is also a favourable moment for agreements, like those
that require a little more willingness to come to peaceful compromises. Since the planet of love rests on our sentimental sphere, it is
above all possible to make the most of this aspect to clear up possible misunderstandings with our partner. Under these beneficent
influences it can start a couples relationship.
Mars energy is used in this moment for some kind of acquisition. Generally in some way it regards money and our initiative is aimed at
improving our financial situation. At times, the transit emphasises the possessive side of our character and we fight to defend what
belongs to us, sometimes even when we are not in the right. Mars is an impulsive planet and also requires a certain control over
expenses. Starting up a business is not out of the question if the circumstances are right.
The sixth house is often underestimated; it is the house of work, of health, and therefore not often praised! In fact, what it describes is
the daily routine, the ordinary, "normal" life, and then certainly the body with its demands or ailments, the alarm that sounds each
morning to call us to our duties, a queue at the post office, the routine at work, and in short a thousand "little" things that we carry out
every day. The point is, our relationship with these things may not be very exciting but in practical terms forms the biggest part of our
life! That is why the sixth house should not be underestimated, and that is why the transit of Jupiter can turn out to be particularly
important, even without big events. Jupiter carries warmth, optimism, expansion in what we usually consider a routine. It can accompany
a more gratifying period at work, where we attain some results or get approvals; or more simply which make us feel satisfied with what
we do and how we do it. It is a protective passage for psychophysical well-being, during which convalescence, and recovery is facilitated,
and it is possible to find an effective therapy or a specialist who resolves our troubles. In general we feel better physically, or approach
alternative therapies, more conscious diets, and a relationship with nature and treat animals with more respect.
The ancients called the second astrological sector the house of property, with reference to material possessions and financial security.
This has created the wrong belief that the planet of the rings represents, here, always financial hardships; something that occurs rarely
and only when concurrent transits confirm this interpretation. It is instead true that in this period we are more attentive, scrupulous and
thrifty in the management of our properties and particularly of our assets. It can depend on a more pessimistic, realistic assessment of
the objective situation and future dynamics, and even a more accentuated sense of the duty. In some cases it is possible that we become
trustees, representatives or somehow responsible for family property, and that we take on this role very much seriously. In general, our
relationship with earnings and managed money becomes less bold, more detached but also more calculated. It may be, nevertheless, that
there is also an increase in finances, savings through patient and cautious management, or even the help of an authoritative person like
for example an official of a bank, a financier, anyone who works in this sector. The risks are taking an approach that is too rigid and
static, which can be counterproductive in professional or financial dynamics; or, if other factors confirm it, to real greed in the family
Uranus in the eleventh house brings dynamism, novelty in the social field and creative impulse. It often changes friendships, in order to

make us feel a desire for new stimuli and a little bit of intolerance towards the usual faces, the usual activities of our leisure time. Our
attention is particularly turned to groups, associations or environments of an anti-conformist nature, to the avant-garde, where we share
ideals or activities that range from social and humanitarian issues, to political or ideological issues, but that in any case, satisfy our sense
of participation and motivation. Also, at work we may be open to new acquaintances, join professional development courses, or involve
our colleagues in different initiatives. We have a strong energy for innovation and vision but less so when it comes to putting practice into
theory. This is not so bad if our task can be limited to programming and planning, while others concentrate on the execution phases; if
instead there is a need for comparison, in any case, of the feasibility of our ideas; it is appropriate not to open too many fronts and to
verify our opinion before changing it! This passage sometimes changes our relationship with children, and our roles as educators give way
to friendlier and more equal approaches with adolescents, more in tune with the youngest. It may be that there is a more unconventional
or experimental approach towards sexuality, or more open and confident relations with our partner.
Neptune is receding and indefinable in its metamorphosis symbology that in a simple house such as the third one it can end up catching
you off guard! In particular, this transformation "wave" will impact our social world and it is possible that we begin to go to different,
unusual environments, that we change our usual contacts or our way of communicating, of moving, of relating to others and even with
people who are dear to us: friends, brothers, colleagues. It is not easy to say in which way it will be expressed, because it depends on
the subject concerned, on his chart, on the possible concurrent transits.But it is less probable that something changes: if normally we are
solitary or sedentary types, we will perhaps become more sociable and will want to move and to meet people; vice versa we may live a
more introspective phase, our social life or superficial relationships will be disturbances, and we will shun meetings or involvement in
things that, until recently, made us feel comfortable. In our work and in our studies it may be that we begin to have a sense of
dissatisfaction, scarce motivation or simply that we become more absent-minded and unwilling: we want to change our direction but we
do not know which way to choose, so we try different alternatives while none convince us. It is in short a very confusing and chaotic
passage, but if lived with awareness, it could turn out to be very useful to redefine a more authentic scale of existential and social values.
Plutos passage in the first house emphasises creative capability aimed at personal affirmation. The legitimate need to manage our lives to
our own advantage nevertheless often avails itself of the Plutonian attributes, becoming a need to dominate, also in relation to others,
and in any case, giving the means to the end. So we become more strategic, manipulators, aiming not to show ourselves in a direct and
transparent way, preferring to hide our intentions somehow or other in order to manipulate the circumstances to our better advantage :
we can become more underhand and lie, or simply put on different clothes depending on our specific purpose, and more or less
consciously, we play different roles acting as characters. Mystery, charisma and the ability of persuasion increase in proportion: only the
chart as a whole or other collateral aspects (slowed down or stimulated) can say if we will become real stage animals or whether we will
see our authoritativeness simply heightened. In any case this transit sweeps away much shyness and amplifies the sense of identity, even
if this does not always correspond to the complete truth about us or how we behave. A certain something that is enigmatic and magnetic
will also make us more charming, which will certainly prove to be convenient in our sentimental or professional lives; the important thing
is that certainty corresponds to a real awareness, otherwise we might remain victims of our theatricalism, losing control over the
situations that we think instead of owning.
This aspect coincides with the birthday and represents for each individual the beginning of a new existential cycle. We leave one year
behind and it comes naturally in these days to think about the past and to make projects for the future. The Sun, which symbolically
represents the fulcrum of our vital energy, receives a remarkable impulse today that somehow must be focussed towards personal
recognition. It might be concerned with little projects, but is, however, aimed at rewarding our ego. During the day we will not miss the
opportunity to take little initiatives aimed to give a new hint to our personality. Even if our energies are not at the maximum levels,
because of adverse Mars, we will feel like we are the centre of the universe.
During this transit, that lasts about two days, we are under the influence of the irrational side of our character more than usual. Emotions
become more intense and the need for intimate and tender contact is emphasised. We feel a strong need to be wrapped up in the love of
those close to us, especially in the intimacy of our domestic environment. Our attention to ourselves becomes more marked, and we look
for pampering and care from our surroundings. A greater sensitivity lets us notice the subtlest nuances in the behaviour of those near us
but on the same time we risk being not very objective because we become too heavily involved in completely subjective sensations. In
this case we need a few moments of detachment to have a quite consideration of our own inner workings. Often our thoughts will dwell
on questions from the past.
The positive combination of the Moon and Mercury lets us express what we say with complete consciousness. It will not be difficult to
describe our emotional background with words and to communicate at deep levels with others, be they relatives or friends. During these
two days, which is the duration of the transit, exchanges, little business arrangements and short moving are favoured. If our body asks
for some more attention, we should reward it with a trip to the hairdressers or with a relaxing massage. It is also possible to evoke
events of the past or to receive news from faraway persons.


The harmonic transit of Moon to natal Mars lends us a good level of vital energy and gives sense to our behaviour. We will make light
work of our daily tasks since in these days we can be effective and dynamic. Since you are a resourceful sort, in this moment you might
find yourself leading a work team or a project. Also, in our personal relationships we are able to express our emotions with intensity but
without exaggeration. We keep total control also in front of possible little blips that could occur in these two days.
The positive effect of this transit is expressed through a stability of the mind that stays with us for the whole day. Our intellect and heart
working in unison make us more sympathetic and receptive to others needs. If there are no other troubling factors present, this is the
right moment to communicate our sentiments without risking a misunderstanding. A particular affinity with the feminine side of the
universe lets clear up any possible misunderstandings with female friends or family. Today, more than ever, we are able to handle daily
events by giving them the appropriate attention facing them with a certain emotional detachment. Also in our work or in education we
show ourselves to be intuitive and efficient.
The return of Mercury to its original position takes place roughly each month and signals a day of intense mental activity. Every use of the
mind is favoured, above all studying and research. Communication of any type is intensified like be they written, verbal, or using a
telephone. In any case we will be clear and direct in our own way of expressing ourselves. Thoughts and projects crowd our head but are
always aimed, with certain emotional detachment, towards practical and concrete objectives. Unless disturbed by dissonant interference,
we will move in the right direction, both on a physical and on a mental level.
This is the right day to come up with solid and ingenious projects. In our daily activities we appear confident and sure of what we do, also
in situations that lead us to be in the public eye. Our mind is witty and ready to seize possible opportunities that arise in every situation of
life. This lucidity of the mind probably helps us today to resolve those thorny questions that had been put to one side, to overcome
possible little unforeseen obstacles or to conclude negotiations that have been ongoing for some time. Also, studying reaps the rewards
of this transit, in examinations or tests.
With the help of other positive transits, the conjunction aspect of Venus might pave the way for a love story, or maybe to make us more
receptive to the influence of our feelings. Generally, a pleasant disposition towards the external world guarantees pleasant and tender
contact with others, both in the social and private fields. Today we are particularly attracted to all that is beautiful and makes life more
comfortable; it will be difficult to return home without having bought something, even if only some perfume or a treat. In terms of art,
Venus stimulates creative intelligence and therefore there is a possibility of showing a particular talent.
A moment of greater romance can represent the winning trick for a relationship, whether it is just starting or recovering. Today we will
have the right disposition to see things around us more clearly, and it regards people whom we love rather than the natural environment.
We will also feel better inserted in our social life and perfectly able to enter into empathic contact with others. The positive relationship
between Venus and Neptune emphasises our sensitivity towards art, music and poetry, above all favouring those who work in these
specific sectors. At a practical level, this transit attracts lucky events that are included almost by magic in our daily life. There is a nice
digression dedicated to a dream and to our fantasies that does not change our vision of reality too much.
The stressful contact between Venus and Pluto suggests every type of strategy to control those closest to us. Even if this is a very short
transit, it might cause problems in the future if we do not control our jealousy, complaints or emotional blackmail. It may be that we meet
someone new as a fatal attraction, but in this case caution is necessary, particularly if we wish to avoid embarrassing regrets, starting
from tomorrow. Our social relationships and the finance sector are subject to a small risk of manipulation and trickery on this day: for a
few hours it would be a good thing to put away any type of proposal that is not perfectly clear, as well as keeping out of the way of
intrusive people.
Mars' wild influence effects our emotions and, although frantic, should not spiral out of control. We feel more deeply involved in
relationships than usual, especially those with the opposite sex. It could be that, perhaps with the assistance of other favourable planets,
we find love at first sight. In general we tend to be energetic in our daily lives and show greater enthusiasm than usual. Mars' combative
aspect makes us determined with our ideas, defending them whilst remaining sufficiently open towards the demands of others.

This is a positive transit for all activities that need us to have a clear mind. We can show determination when discussing contracts or
being involved negotiations, whilst at the same time being objective with regard to others' opinions. Our mind is sharp which lets us sort
out daily problems of whatever size in no time at all. Communication with the external world is clear and there are no ambiguities in
conversation or in the exchange of points of view. Students can benefit from this time in showing their abilities and knowledge. Short
journeys receive a positive effect, especially those made for professional reasons.
This period puts our physical resources to the test when we think of new initiatives or the restarting of projects that have been on hold
for a long time. Our energy potential is at the maximum level and we must use it in something that benefits our personality: otherwise,
those same energies might work against us. Bizarrely, a sensation of tiredness might come from failing to use our minds or our talents
well. Physical activities and sports are a way to give our body the possibility to express its capability or to release possible excessive
energy. In general this transit is an encouragement to use the determination and enthusiasm we are provided with in our daily life.
The key word of this transit is rebellion: to everything that is imposed on us or regards conventions. We are pressed to behave in an
impulsive way, often without taking the possible consequences into account and mainly incurring the risk of working against our own
interests. It is possible that our intolerance comes from an accumulation of tension, frustration or compromises in the past; it would be
good to reflect on the cause of such discontent that perhaps has something to do with the situations that we face today. We become
impatient, which is not the best thing for us if we wish to be productive. Be careful when handling cutting tools or dangerous machinery,
avoid going too fast, especially in a car, even if we are very late.
Each planet completes a revolution around the Sun (a complete zodiacal orbit) in a time roughly proportionate to its distance from the
Sun itself. From an astrological point of view, it is not a real aspect but a "cycle" that, although is experienced at the same time by
everyone, becomes personal, in terms of meanings, at the moment in which that planet returns to its natal position in an individual chart,
having completed a complete circle of the Zodiac. Jupiter returns to this position about every 12 years and therefore we will see this cycle
several time in our lifetime, especially when in its expansion phase. In fact, the traditional idea of Jupiter's return often causes
excitement as if its "return" were like Santa coming on Christmas eve! OK, it's not the same, but in any event it brings a chance for
development, satisfaction, success..... as far as we manage to make the most of it. The first return (12 years) is often linked to puberty,
and therefore developing physical maturity, and all that this process signifies: psychological and social development and, of course,
becoming fertile. The second return (24 years) may refer to the move into the professional world, overcoming examinations or
competitions, or the beginning of an important relationship. The third (36 years) can signal a promotion, an opportunity to expand a
professional network or to increase your status and skills through advanced studying, specialising, and collaborative experiences. This
cycle continues; each time Jupiter returns to its starting position, we have the chance to become something else or something better.
But, as when Santa asks us to be good in return for him giving us presents, Jupiter, which is a planet linked to culture, philosophy and
religion, asks us to take advantage of its return to widen our view of life and to grow in terms of maturity and consciousness.
Each planet completes a revolution around the Sun (a complete zodiacal orbit) in a time roughly proportionate to its distance from the
Sun itself. From an astrological point of view, it is not a real aspect but a "cycle" that, although is experienced at the same time by
everyone, becomes personal, in terms of meanings, at the moment in which that planet returns to its natal position in an individual chart,
having completed a complete circle of the Zodiac. Saturn returns to this position about every 29 years; therefore, within an average
life-expectancy, we can hope to see up to three such returns. The first one, which happens between the ages of 28 and 30, often defines
the entry to adulthood through events of great importance for the growth: for example: those who graduate move into work, others get
married or become parents; in general it is a period in which one phase of life ends and another one begins, with the new one
characterised by different or greater responsibilities.The typical value of such an astrological (and existential) event, is that is requires us
to assess, which in turn, leads to us redefining the values we hold, our priorities and our expectations. The second cycle, between the
ages of 57 and 59, is equally emblematic and it expresses an analogous process, even if different both objectively and subjectively, being
that of leaving a life-style, values or motivations behind. Becoming grandparents or retiring is typical events in this period, and we have to
accept that for this third age we move into, the body and so many other things are no longer what they once were.The return or Saturn
is always a delicate and fundamental moment, in which we can realize that we are growing up or starting to feeling middle-aged: it
can be therefore quite difficult or sad according to the contemporary transits, the chart as a whole and, obviously, the degree of maturity
of the particular individual. But what it offers is always a new and more durable stability: both inside and out.
This is a delicate transit, which can also be exasperating psychophysically. Above all, it is our need for security that is put to the test,
therefore it is important to analyse the sides of our character or situations in our life where we feel insecure, to reassure ourselves and to
work on developing our immature attitudes, rather than reacting impulsively, and often thoughtlessly, by showing off strengths or
uniqueness with phrases like you dont know who I am. Especially when Uranus squares our Mars, we are attracted to risk; we try to
impress with wild, at times rash, actions; we become particularly competitive, impulsive, and provocative and often it looks like we are
looking for a fight, or for an excuse to break up with someone. At work we will battle against orders from superiors or all situations where

we feel our freedom and personal expression is frustrated. We will feel tired of obeying orders and we need to do what we want, how we
want! When Uranus opposes our Mars tension in relationships can be very high, as if we can't stand anything and anybody anymore. A
jealous partner will suddenly seem unreasonable to us, and we might therefore look for elsewhere to satisfy our need to make a name for
ourselves. It would be better to be honest and to reassess our needs and expectations. Even if this is difficult, we should remain flexible
and available to weaken the aggressive energy of this transit and to use it like a propeller, to push us away from bad situations and to
renew our life with conscious choices and not only use it as a chance to protest.
Uranus return to its natal position happens when we are about 84 years of age. It is considered the end of the existential cycle, even if
does not always corresponds to the end of the physical life. In any case, the view of the future is being modified, as is natural, and
therefore some people who have reached this age in good health make eccentric esteemed decisions tied to the enjoyment of the present
while it lasts, while others move their thoughts to their future after death.
This is the perfect transit for sentimental relationships. They will have a period of great romance and recovered empathy; those that have
just begun will be welcomed by an orchestra of violins and by a chorus of angels! Believe it or not, if we fall in love in this period we will
have the sensation of a meeting of souls, the certainty of having found our soulmate The beautiful aspect of this transit is that the
idealistic and dreamy aspects are analogous to other contacts between Neptune and Venus, but here the risk of illusions and consequent
disappointments is very much reduced. Even if the lover seems like a character from fantasy, we will still be able to see small things,
normality or defects, and we can respect and understand them, helping our partner (and ourselves) to improve without miracles but
simply by growing together. This is the most profound and durable enrichment of a transit of this kind, because we will understand that
love is a gift that we receive in proportion to what we give, and our empathy will be transmitted naturally to each relationship. We
become more sensitive, tender and sympathetic, able to see the good side in every person and the beautiful side in everything. Therefore
it can be also a transit of intense artistic inspiration. The sextile aspect has a more moderate impact, and often is manifests especially in
this sense: we approach art and music, we begin to write stories or poems, devote more to our image and adopt the attitude of dreamers
nevertheless we remain in touch with reality. It is a transit that rewards us also as far as friendships are concerned, which will be
based on feelings of solidarity and altruism, or on shared ideals.
This Transit does not happen almost in any case, except any times suddenly after the birth, in the case the planet is Retrograde and one
passes again or several times on his Native position.
It regards a transit that involves individual generations, which can last for three or four years and may be accompanied by shorter and
personalised transits. Therefore, it can also remain not very visible, become confused in its messages or manifestations, operating in a
sight way and in directions that are diverged depending on the astrological, and obviously human, context. In any case it regards a period
of transformation, in which we tend to first modify our image that we show others or with which we face life. An image tied to our
behaviour, to gestures, to acts or even the look that we adopt. Perhaps we dont even know how or why, but we become more seductive,
winning, and charismatic. And perhaps we rely on this a little In any case it is a supporting transit where we feel we are ready to leave
depressing or restrictive contexts, useless habits, work-related or affectionate connections that do not offer any more stimuli, motivation
or satisfaction to us.
This is a delicate transit for all relationships. Our way of referring to others becomes more compulsive and irrational, and at times a little
mean. We need to feel important, appreciated and wanted; we want to use our power of seduction ... the wish to obtain this fulfilment
can trigger unclear actions that are far from noble: exhausting wheeling and dealing, suspicious and provocative blackmail. Obviously, the
transit will be felt more strongly by a couple. The relationships that are born in this period have an irresistible attraction; how good they
are may vary but they're unlikely to be calm. Especially in the square aspects, we want to demonstrate something, and this can result in
us trying to dominate our partner, tormenting, teasing, domineering, causing jealousy, secretly following or trawling through our partner's
private life, in search of evidence of unfaithfulness! If our partner treats us this way, the transit forces us to question ourselves, the
honesty of our feelings, and our true desires that often point to wanting power. Women must take particular care of sexually transmitted
diseases and must take care of their sexual health. The opposition can be more manageable, provided that we strive to be transparent;
although this is not an easy thing to achieve. Strong relationships might enjoy an increase of erotic and passionate intensity; also in this
case, there might be tensions due to old problems resurfacing. An open dialogue would be very healthy, provided that we agree to look
inside ourselves and to admit to certain unpleasant aspects of our character.
The nature of the planets involved and the length of the transit can ensure the effects turn out to be imperceptible or scarcely visible in
the near future. That does not mean, however, that such effects do not exist or could not reveal themselves over time. What happens is
a kind of alliance between astuteness and imagination, between strategic abilities and creative skills, but the contexts in which it can be
expressed depend on the chart and other possible concurrent transits. Those who can benefit from this are those who undertake

intellectual, artistic, entrepreneurial, political or commercial activities. In our private lives: our behaviour can seem unusual but not
improvised, random or banally instinctive. On the contrary, our timing and adaptability can help us solve urgent or complicated situations,
to get us out of embarrassing situations, in certain cases even to act with more confident way with little white lies told for a good

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