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Year 12 Biology

Term 2 Reproduction unit

Theory & processes
Types of Asexual reproduction and examples of life that utilise these types
Mitosis know phase names and what takes place during each phase.
Meiosis know phase names and what takes place during each phase

Ensure you understand associated terminology with cell division

Sister chromatid

Tetrad formation

Crossing over

Spindle fibres

Create a comparison chart between mitosis and meiosis to ensure you

understand the differences between the two processes.
Strategies in the animal world

Fertilisation (internal vs external)

Gestation / development of young (internal vs external or viviparous,
oviparous, oviviparous)
R and K strategies (number of babies in a clutch, gestational length,
sexual maturity, parental care)

Assisted reproductive Technology understand the basic process involved in

cloning of plants and animals and Stem cell use and IVF in humans.
Anatomy & Physiology
Male be able to label a diagram with structure names, understand the function
of these structures

Understand where, when and how sperm are produced through


Female be able to label a diagram with names and understand the function of
these structures

Understand where, when and how ova are produced through oogenesis
Understand the workings of the menstrual cycle, know the role of each
hormone and where they are released from
Understand what happens at fertilisation and where it takes place and
processes that happen after fertilisation has occurred to ensure a
successful pregnancy happens
Understand contraception and how it works

Plants be able to label a diagram of a flower with structure names and

understand the function of these structures

Understand methods of seed dispersal (video on weebly)

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