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And how do you know ubah hashemsh means sunset and

vtuhor means that one automatically turns tuhor - It may also

mean that when the sun arises, and what will vtuhor mean
(since if one have to wait for sunrise it means that he also have
to bring his kurbon, and isnt turning tuhor instantly at
sunrise), that the person have to purify himself by bringing the

Mishnah: From what time may one read krias shma for the
night? From the time that cohanim (those who became tumeh
and have to wait for the night fall after their tvilah) are going
to eat their trumah; until the end of the first ashmorah (the
night is split in several shifts, each called ashmorah),
according to R Eliezer.
The Chachomim are saying until chatzos (Mid-night).

Rabah Bar Rav Shila answered: if it means that one have to

purify himself, the posuk should have said vayituher, what
does vtuhor mean, that the new day itself is turning tuhor, as
people said in the west (Jerusalem), the sun set, and the new
day is purified.

Rabon Gamliel says until the rise of the amod hashachar

It happened once that R Gasmliels sons came from an event
and told him we havent said krias shma yet. He replied: if the
amod hashachar havent arisen you have to read krias shma.
And they told us even furthermore, that everything that the
Chachomim told us that it have to be done till chatzos, the
time is actually until dawn: The burning of the fats and bodyparts of the kurbunos (sacrifices) is the mitzvah until dawn,
and all the kurbunos that can be eaten for one day, is the
mitzvah until dawn. If so, why are the Chachomim saying that
they have to be done before chatzos? To prevent people from
an averah (that may happen when delaying until the last
minute, and then easily missing the deadline)!

They havent heard in the west of Rabba Bar Rav Shilas

explanation, and they asked does ubah hashemesh mean
sunset, and what does vtuheir mean, that the day is tuhor? Or
does it mean the sunrise, and what does vtuheir mean, that the
person have to purify himself? Later, they found the answer
from a breisa where it says that a hint for the time is tzeis
hakochuvim, so we learn that its sunset and vtuheir means
the day is instantly tuhor.
The tanah said: from the time that cohanim are entering to eat
their trumah: I will ask you a contradiction, from a breisa
where it says: from when can one read krias shma at night?
From when a poor person goes to eat his bread with salt until
the time that he stands up to finish his meal. The latter surely
differs from the mishna (setting time until when one can read
that differs from all opinions in the mishnah), but is the first
part also dissenting from the mishnah? No, the time of a poor
persons meal is the same of when a cohen may eat truma.

Gemarah: To what is the Tanah (who wrote the mishnah)

referring when hes asking from when does one read krias
shma (who told that one have to read in the first place)? And
furthermore, why is he teaching about the night krias shma
he should rather start with the morning krias shma?
Answer: The Tanah is referring to the posuk where it says
bshochbchu ubkimech (that one has to read krias shma
when going to bed and when waking up), and hes saying:
when is the time of krias shma when going to bed (following
the order of the posuk where night is first)? From when
cohanim are going to eat their trumah!

And I will ask you another contradiction, from a breisa: from

when may one start reading Krias shma of the night, from
when people are starting to eat their bread on Sabbath nights,
according to R Mayer, and the Chahumim are saying from
when cohanim may eat truma, and a hint is tzeis hakochuvim.
And although there is no clear proof (from a posuk), there is a
hint for this from the posuk that says that we are doing work
and keeping arrows and shields from dawn until the
emergence of stars, and another posuk says that the night
was for watch and the day for work (and according to the
former posuk the day ended at the emergence of the stars
tzeis hakochuvim). Why does he need a second posuk?
Because you could have argued that from sunset is night, but
they worked later into the night and started before the
morning, so hes showing you from the second posuk that they
only worked during the day.

Another possible answer (for talking about night first): He is

following the world creation where the posuk is saying and it
was night and it was the morning, the first day.
If so (night comes first), how do you explain a mishnah further
that says in the morning one says two bruchos before Krias
Shma and one after, and at night, two bruchos before an two
after. Why isnt it mentioning the night first?
The Tanah started with the night, and then learned about the
morning, and while being at the morning interpreted all the
things about the morning and then he interpreted about the

Now the Gemarah returns to what it wanted to ask before

interjecting with explaining the breisa:

The Tanah said that from when cohanim are going to eat
trumah: When are cohanim eating trumah, from tzeis
hakochuvin (when the stars appear on the dark sky), should he
say from tzeis hakochuvim?

One would think that a poor man eats on a regular night in the
same than that a regular person start the Sabbath meal. So, if
you would say that the poors meal time and when a cohen
eats trumah is also the same, than the Chachomim (who are
holding the trimu time) and R Mayer (whos saying Sabbath
meal) are saying the same thing? So you have to say that the
time of the poor (set in the earlier breisa) and of the cohen are

The tanah wants us also to teach that cohanim can eat trumah
from tzeis hakochuvim, and hes teaching us that the need to
bring a kurbon isnt preventing one from eating trumah, as we
learned in a breisa: the posuk says that ubah Hashems
vtuhor (and the sun will come and it will be pure), meaning
that only sunset is preventing from eating trumah, but bringing
a kurbon isnt preventing from eating trumah.

No, the poor and the cohen are the same time, but the time of
the poor and the regular person in week-days are not the same.
How can you say that the poor and the cohen are the same
time I will ask you from the breisa: from when may one start
to read krias shma at night? from when the Sabbath starts,
according to R Eliezar; R Yhoshua says from when purified
cohanim are going to eat their truma; R Mayer holds from
when cohanim are toveling (immersing) to eat their truma - R
Yehuda asked him: cohanim are toveling before day-end?; R
Chanina says from when the poor goes to eat his bread with
salt; R Achai, and some say R Acha, says from when most
people enter to party. And if you would say that the poor and
the cohen are the same time, R Chanina will be the same as
R Yhoshua. So you see from here that the poor is a different
time and the cohen is a different time. Right, we see it from
Which one of them (poor and cohen) is a later time. It makes
sense that the poor is later, because if the poor is earlier, than
R Chanina (who says the poor) is the same as R Eliezer (who
hold the time when Sabbath starts, which is earlier than the
cohen). And this is how we learn it.
The tanna said: R Yehuda said to R Mayer, the cohanim are
toveling before the day-end? R Yehuda correctly asked R
Mayer. And R Mayer will answer, you think that Im talking
of your bein Hashmushos (the period when its unknown if its
day or night), I refer to the bein hashmushos of R Yossi, who
said that bein hashmushos is like a blink of the eye, the day
leaves and the night enters, and its impossible to know when
it is (so one can tovel very close to the night).

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