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English II Pertanian UGM

Bahasa Inggris II
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
Applicative English -- Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan secara langsung :
* Conversation
* Written/reading comprehension purposes
* Other purposes (tests, such as TOEFL, GRE etc.)
This class will focus on written/comprehension applicative English; including :
- Textbooks reading strategy
- Journals reading and introduction to writings : abstracts etc.
- Job ads, job applications, interviews for jobs
- Business letters and other applications (schools; scholarships)
-Technical guidance and instruction manuals : comprehension
Conversation will not be discussed
Textbooks and Other College Reading books
Look through your library ! Do you need books because
The books are required readings
The books are recommended to you
The books are by famous authors
The books are on the topics that youre interested at
The books is easy to read
Learn how to use the library. Is it an open system or a close system ? Do you know how
to browse, choose, lend and check out a book ?
Read and interprete the title. Are they the books you really need ? Look at the criteria
above !
Browse through the book (this is only possible in an open system library). What part
you should read first ? Right, table of contents
Read table of contents thoroughly. Look at the topics and the systematics written by
the authors. Do you understand them well ? Do you have only uncertain idea what the
book is all about ? Reading table of contents should give you a clear idea on how the
book is about, whether it is a well-written book or unsystematic one. If you dont
understand its language or style, dont be afraid to ask others or consult your
Read the foreword, so you have the idea why the book is written, what the author
expect you to get from the book, how you should read the book, are there other
reading materials you should use beside the book.

English II Pertanian UGM

Start chapter by chapter, and you may choose chapter that interest you most. Some
textbooks arrange the topics very carefully (and systematically), so you have to start
from the first chapter because the chapters are interrelated. But there are textbooks
which give you greater freedom to move from chapter to chapter
If you need to read on specific subjects, but you dont find the topic in the table of
content, you can look for it in the index, usually located at the end of the pages. It may
an author, subject, title, scientific name index or even a glossary.
An ideal textbook should contain :
An introduction on the subject
An easy-to-understand text
Suggested readings
To be really good in reading textbooks, you should practice, practice and practice.
Read all subjects and try to find those which provide easiest way to understnd them.
Do not rely only on Indonesian - English Dictionary or Kamus Inggris - Indonesia.
Learn to use monolingual dictionary (i.e. Merriam Webster, American Heritage,
Oxford Learners or Collegiate etc.)
Examples of texts for comprehension
Chapter 1
An Overview
Economics is most often defined as the study of allocation of scarce resources among
competing ends. This definition stresses two important features of any society that will
concern us throughout this book. First, productive resource are scarcethey do not exist
in sufficient amounts to satisfy all human wants. This scarcity imposes a variety of
constraints both on the choices available to a society and on the opportunities open to its
members: No society can produce all the economic goods desired by all its members; no
individual can spend more than his or her income; no one can use more than 24 hours in
one day. Rather, choices must be made about how resources will be used, and that
necessity leads to the second feature of the definition of economics: the concern with
discovering how choices are made among competing ends. By examining the activities of
consumers, producers, suppliers of resources, governments, and voters and by focusing
on interactions among these agents, economists seek to understand how resources are
allocated. To illustrate some of the tools economists use to do this is the purpose of this
In this chapter we provide an introduction to these subjects. First, we discuss the
role of theoretical models in economics and analyze briefly how such models might be
verified by observation from the real world. As an extended example of a theoretical
model we then examine the historical development of the familiar supply-demand model
of price determination that is a major component of most sources in introductory
economics. Since a considerable portion of this book is devoted to elaborating upon that
basic model, the purpose of this initial analysis is to remind readers of its basic features
and to stress the process through which the model evolved. The final section of this
chapter outlines the remainder of the book and shows how the various parts fit together.

English II Pertanian UGM

(Walter Nicholson, 1978. Microeconomic Theory. Basic Principles and Extension.

Second Edition)
Chapter 6
Special Applications of the Cross-Section Approach
6.2.1. Nature and Uses
The essential difference between a store, or pantry, audit and consumer panel is that
in the former case the principal data are obtained not by questioning but by observation.
Thus, in the case of a grocery store audit, a sample of stores is visited periodically and
data are recorded on inventories on hand, either by observation or copying from store
records. Shipments of merchandise received since the last visit will also be recorded,
usually from purchase invoices. The combined data are then used for deriving sales
estimates by period and by type of store-size of store, location, chain or independent, etc.
Additional data may be sought at times from the store manager or owner for use in
conjuntion with these sales estimates. Thus, figures may be recorded on the amount of
display space accorded different brands of a certain product. The figures will then be used
afterward in an attempt to derive a relation between sales and display space.
Alternatively, store-audit reports may be tied to external data, such as changes in sales in
different areas as related to the extent of local unemployment.
The general principles of store auditing are illustrated in Figure 6.3, which shows the
type of data transcribed from store shelves and records, by the A. C. Nielsen Company,
the largest firm in this field. Each one of these cards contains an estimate of the sales of
an individual product, and brand, as well as other information pertinent to an evaluation
of the sales of that item.
A pantry audit differs from a store audit primarily because the data are recorded from
examination of the consumers pantry, rather than from examining store shelves. As a
result, sales estimates are not generally practicable. Rather, the usual objective in a pantry
audit is to find out what types of consumers buy certain products and certain brand, the
assumption being that the contents of the pantry accurately portray the consumers
Pantry audits generally are supplemented by direct questioning of the family shopper.
These questions will seek reasons and circumstances under which particular products
were purchased, in an attempt to relate these factors to purchasing habits. Other subjects
may be covered as well, depending on the objectives of the particular survey. In any case,
questions will be asked about products obtained without charge and about any unusual
contents of the pantry, e.g., a 50-pound bag of sugar in the pantry of a single person
living alone. (Robert Ferber & P.J. Verdoorn, 1967. Research Methods in Economic and
a. Do a content analysis of the texts above !
b. What category do those example texts belong ?

English II Pertanian UGM

- Journal Reading and Abstract Compositions

Journals are writing materials contain scientific reports, usually on specific subject or
discipline. There are journals such as Crop Science, Horticultural Science, Journal of
Agronomy, Journal of Economic Entomology, Environmental Entomology, Journal of
Soil Science, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic Agriculture etc. The names
suggest that those journals are specific on the subjects.
Most journals are published by their respective scientific-professional organization or
society. This fact makes those journals become as objective as possible, since there is
little vested interest from the publisher side. Manuscripts are reviewed by panel of judges
or referees, and these referees decide whether an article is worth to be published or not.
In biology and natural sciences (agricultural sciences included), the format for
manuscript is usually standard, and any writers should adhere to the rules of writing
issued by the journal. Although writers may develop certain style and format of their
own, whenever they write to certain journal, they must apply the journals standard of
format and style.
The standard format are as follows:
Author(s)s name
Authors affiliation (institutions, workplace)
Background of the research (foreword, introduction)
Material and methods
Results and discussion
Literature cited (references)
Abstract is an essence of the research, and is written in short, concise but explanatory
manner. Abstract contains no more than 300 words, excluding title, authors name and
affiliation and key-words. With those parts an abstract should be called a complete
The content of the abstract including the background/justification of the study,
methods and results. There is no conclusion, discussion or lengthy explanation of the
study. Abstracts are needed in all primary scientific writings : journal articles, scientific
meetings, academic research reports etc. The importance of abstract lies on the fact that it
is written in English, hence its international value.
Exercises :
a. Find a good journal article from any sources. Why do you think it is good ? Can you
understand what the author(s)s doing ? Did the explanation all clear to you ?
b. What kinds of quality needed in a journal article ? in a good article ? in an excellent
article ?
c. Try to write your own abstract, and submit it for your home assignment. Otherwise,
copy a different writing style of abstract !

English II Pertanian UGM


Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini and Masyhuri
Study Program Agricultural Economics, Graduate Division
Gadjah Mada University

This research tried to study some factors that would influence the demand of tea for
families in Central Java. After the factors were well-identified in this research, it would
be easy to make a graphic description, especialy for consumption growth and for
managing production effectively. It will be easier to predict tea, whether it is classified as
luxurious, normal or just an inferior goods.
The data that used in this research were from National Economic Social Survey
(SUSENAS) in 1990 for Central Java province by using household analysis unit with
Static Demand Model in Double Logarithmic function and Square Double Logarithmic.
Samples in this analysis were divided into three categories: villages area, town area, and
the mixed combination between villages and towns. Every category was divided into
four result invention strata, consist of 40 percent (low strata), 40 percent (middle strata),
20 percent came from high strata and the combination from three strata mentioned.
The result of analysis explained that tea is an inelastic normal goods for villages,
towns and the combination between them. The cross elasticity for demand refers that
coffee has became the substitute of tea for the middle strata in town or the combination
between villages and town. The grain coffee is the substitute for tea, in the high result
invention. Sugar is the tea complement for the low strata in town. Chocolate is the
given goods. The price fluctuation of chocolate will decrease the consumption of tea
for high strata in town or the combination between village and town.
The elasticity or result invention refers that "tea" is a normal goods for each strata of
for a whole strata in villages, town in Central Java witn the coefficient elasticity bigger
than zero but less than one. The calculating price by improving quality or making
differentiation of product can be used for consideration for improving consumption
demand, and receiving total product of tea.


M. Tufaila Hemon
Universitas Haluoleo, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi
Soeprapto Sukodarmodjo
Soil ScienceDepartment, Universitas Gadjah Mada

A study on the physical properties of red yellow podzolic soil in Kolaka District,
was aimed to find the soil physical properties which determined root growth of cocoa.
This study was conducted in cocoa estate of Kolaka District, the Province of South East
Sulawesi. Twenty four years old plants with root diameter less than 0.5 cm were treated.

English II Pertanian UGM

Observation and collection of roots were done vertically down to 90 cm in depth at the
interval of 30 cm, while laterally it was 150 cm distance from the tree with the interval of
30 cm. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from each depth class for
The results indicates that the highest density of root was between 30 - 60 cm distant
from the tree, and between of 0 - 30 cm in soil depth. Condition of soil physics which
decreased according to soil depth was sand, silt content, total porosity, drainage pores,
permeability and aggregate stability, and the increased ones were clay content, bulk
density, water holding pores aggregation percentage and mean weight diameter of dry
aggregates. The main determining factor for soil physical properties of root growth at the
depth of 0 - 30 cm was water holding pores, at the depth of 30-60 cm and 60 - 90 cm
were bulk density and at all zones was bulk density.
[Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp.] TO DROUGHT
Pudji Lestari
Institut Pertanian INTAN, Yogyakarta
Djoko Mulyanto
Study Program Agronomy, Graduate Division
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

The objective of this experiment was to find out an adaptive pigeonpea cultivar on
drought environmental condition and to decide its adaptation mechanism. It was
approached by studying the response pattern of each cultivar to drought. The experiment
was carried out in the Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada
University, from September 1993 to January 1994.
The experimental design was RCBD Factorial 3 x 4 with three replications. The first
factor was three pigeonpea cultivars (QPL 17, QPL 42, and Mega). The second factor was
four water supply intervals (once in 4 days, 8 days, 12 days and 16 days).
Results of the experiments showed that the adaption of each cultivar to drought varied.
QPL 42 cultivar was more adaptive than QPL 17 and Mega. The response of QPL 17,
QPL 42, and Mega cultivars to drought was showed by decreasing of plant growth and
yield. It was assumed that the adaption mechanism is avoidance and classified as water
savers group. Drought stress observed at once in 8 days water supply interval. The once
in 4 days interval was still enable the plant to produce high yield.
Questions :
a. Read those abstracts and analyze their contents ! Do you understand completely ? Are
there parts that you dont really understand ?
b. What are the differences between those abstracts ?
c. Try to write down the key words for each abstract !
- Job ads, job applications etc.

English II Pertanian UGM

Places to look for job informations :

* The Ministry of Human Resources (Depnaker)
* Friends, relatives
* The Office of Vice Dean for Student Affairs (PD III)
* Want ads in magazines/newspapers
Exercises :
A. Read carefully !
Wanted Immediately
College graduate, M/F, no more than 28 yrs, specializing in Agronomy Will be in charge
of a large plantation outside Java, management and accounting ability will be an assett.
Please write to HRD, PO Box 432 JKT, Jakarta 10001, ten days after this ad. Enclose
certificates, two pass- port size photographs and cv.
1. What position is available ?
2. If Erni, a girl of 24, is just graduated this semester, can she apply ?
3. How if an applicant doesn't know accounting ?
4. Where should the letter be adressed to ?
5. How many photographs are needed ?
6. If the ad is printed in April 12, when is the last time to send the letter ?
7. Will the job be in Java ?
8. What kind of letter the applicant should send ?
B. Application letter:
Rhona B. Pane
Jl. Pinang Baris 17
PO Box 432 JKT
Jakarta 10001
Medan April 14, 1999
Dear Sir/Madam,
I read your advertisement in Sinar Baru, and I like to apply for the position you offer.
Therefore I send you this letter along with my certificates, two photographs and my
curriculum vitae. My professor was also kind enough to write a recommendation, and I
enclosed the paper here.
I hope you haven't made any decision yet, and am waiting for your reply

English II Pertanian UGM

Yours sincerely,
Rhona Banerisa Pane
Fill in the blank & Answer Yes or No

The sender of the letter is _____________

Does the letter have enclosures ?
She lives in the city of ________________
Did Rhona read the ads in a magazine ?
The advertisement was published in ____________
Was there a street address of the office ?
Rhona also sends a letter of _______________
Is the recommendation written by her parents ?
The recommendation was written by her _____________
Does she hope for the best ?
The letter was written in _______________
The complete address of the sender is _____________________
The address of the office is _______________________
Rhona tells about herself in the _______________________

Things to be considered for a job interview :

1. Bring all your correspondences with the employer : letters, notes on telephone calls
(who calls you, when, about what)
2. Take along your qualification papers : diplomas. certificates, awards,
recommendations, any papers that show your achievements; ID cards,
3. Dress properly and neatly. Dont over or underdressed.
4. Know the right place for the interview : which street, which building, which room,
whom to contact.
5. Be punctual. Waiting in the lobby is better than coming in in a hurry. Never be late !
6. Knock the door, enter only when you are asked, sit only when you are asked.
7. Answer questions with confidence, even when you say, I dont know the answer
8. Show that you are willing to work hard, but that you should be appreciated accordingly
: state your salary and ask any benefits which come with the job
9. Leave clear address where you can be reached promptly and easily
10. Leave a good impression to the interviewers : behave yourself !
II. Business Letters
a. In commerce/commercial business, the letters must be formal and straight to the point.
State clearly what the purpose of the letter, refer to any previous correspondence as
complete dan detailed as you can. The forms of previous communication (letters,
facsimiles/faxes, e-mails, telexes, telephone calls etc.) should be noted : the date,
number if any, sender, topics, any actions/responses expected etc. Keep the letter as
concise as possible.
b. In other business such as inquiries about any matters (schools, scholarships,
membership in a club, publication subscriptions etc.), state the nature of the inquiries.

English II Pertanian UGM

Tell frankly about your background and purpose, until when the information is needed,
whom you should send further correspondences : their names, titles, complete and
rightly address.
Examples of commercial business letters:
Dear Sir :
Recently I heard a brief but complimentary reference made to Clingtite Letters. I
intend to buy a movie titling kit, but most of those I have seen are too cumbersome for
my needs. Since my local photographic dealer does not stock your product, I should like
the following information :
1. Can this equipment be used conveniently both indoors and outdoors?
2. To what substances will the letters adhere.
3. May I see samples of the letters?
4. Where can I purchase the kit?
I shall appreciate your answering these questions.
Very truly yours,
John Doe
Dear friend:
Thank you for your inquiry on CLINGTITE LETTERS. We are pleased to send you
samples of our letter with our handy booklet Titling Can Be Easy.
CLINGTITE LETTERS stick on contact with glass, steel, plastic, metal and all other
non-porous surfaces. Imagine the speed abd easy in titling right on location while
shooting your movies. You eliminate all need for splicing in titles at a later date. Our
booklet is packed full of ideas and suggestions.
CLINGTITE LETTERS are carried by leading dealers and cost $2.95. A set consists
of two 8 X 10 titling boards and over 150 letters, numerals, symbols and animated
characters. If your local dealer is out of stock and you wish to purchase a kit immediately,
follow our buy by mail instructions below.
Well-made titles add interest and continuity to your slides and movies and
CLINGTITE LETTERS made your job easier.
Sincerely yours,
Sales Promotion Manager

Contoh lain:
Dear Sir:
I have enclosed a check for $ 18.50 for the following items:
1 Croton stainless steel aquarium, 5 gallon size , No.X27
1 Croton fluorescent light fixture for use with five gallon aquarium
1 Three pound bag of washed sand


English II Pertanian UGM


1 Argus thermostat, No.M4

1 X-Cel Tank thermometer, No. 2
1 Superba Air Pump, No. 522

$ 18.50

Please ship these items, without substitution, by parcel post. If there are any shortages
or changes in price, please let me know before shipping the order.
Sincerely yours,

Dear Sir:
Thank you for your order of June 12.
Shipments have been slightly delayed, but your order will be sent to you as soon as
possible. If you have not received it within two weeks, please notify us.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Very truly yours,

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