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Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Warm Ups (Yogic Jogging) & Stretches ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Warm up 1 Gentle Jog/run in place for 1-2 minute ................................................................................................................... 2
Warm up 2 little forceful in-placing jogging, attempting to kick your butt using your heel, while moving arms (1-2 minutes)
....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Stretch 1: Side stretches (5-10 times each side) ........................................................................................................................... 2
Warm up 3 Twisting jumps (1 to 2 minutes) .............................................................................................................................. 2
Warm up 4 Jumping jacks (1 to 2 minutes) ................................................................................................................................ 3
Stretch 2: Forward Bent Triangle Stretch (1 to 2 minutes) ........................................................................................................... 3
Warm up 5 High knee jog (1 to 2 minutes) ................................................................................................................................ 3
Stretch 3 Extended Arms backward bend Stretch (10-15 times) ............................................................................................... 3
Pranayama & Asanas......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Bhastrika (Deep breathing in & out) 4 to 5 minutes .................................................................................................................. 3
Kapal Bhati (Engine Tuning) 5 to 10 minutes ............................................................................................................................. 3
Malasana - Squat Pose (Potty Asana ) ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Manduk Asana Frog pose (for healthy stomach & diabetes) 4 to 6 times .............................................................................. 4
Sarvangasana + Halasana (30 seconds to 5 minutes each, depending on your comfort level) .................................................... 4
Agnisaar pranayama (breathing exercise to stimulate digestive fire) 4 to 6 times ................................................................... 4
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) 5 to 7 times ......................................................................................................................... 5
Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath) 7 11 times ...................................................................................................................... 5
Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril breathing a.k.a Driver Tuning) 5 to 7 minutes ...................................................................... 5
Bhramari Pranayama (Humming bee sound) 3 times ................................................................................................................ 5
Udgeet Pranayama (OM Chanting) 3 times ............................................................................................................................... 6

A set of Vyayam Asana & Pranayama for daily practice.
Make full attempt to perform this practice with deep reverence & in peaceful contemplation.
As the practice ripens, mind becomes very still, very receptive & open to the LIGHT OF SPIRITUAL SELF within. Mind slowly
starts getting absorbed into the pure conscious divine nature which is filled with unlimited peace, happiness, intelligent action,
love, wisdom, compassion.
May the science of yoga continue to awaken deeper dimensions of SPIRITUAL-SELF.
Dedicated to all beings who have selflessly kept this science alive for welfare of humanity.

Warm Ups (Yogic Jogging) & Stretches

These jogging and stretch exercises will improve blood circulation, energize and vitalize the whole body

Warm up 1 Gentle Jog/run in place for 1-2 minute

Warm up 2 little forceful in-placing jogging, attempting to kick your butt using your heel,
while moving arms (1-2 minutes)

Stretch 1: Side stretches (5-10 times each side)

Warm up 3 Twisting jumps (1 to 2 minutes)

Warm up 4 Jumping jacks (1 to 2 minutes)

Stretch 2: Forward Bent Triangle Stretch (1 to 2 minutes)

Warm up 5 High knee jog (1 to 2 minutes)

Stretch 3 Extended Arms backward bend Stretch (10-15 times)

Pranayama & Asanas

Bhastrika (Deep breathing in & out) 4 to 5 minutes

Kapal Bhati (Engine Tuning) 5 to 10 minutes

Malasana - Squat Pose (Potty Asana )

Manduk Asana Frog pose (for healthy stomach & diabetes) 4 to 6 times

Sarvangasana + Halasana (30 seconds to 5 minutes each, depending on your comfort level)


Agnisaar pranayama (breathing exercise to stimulate digestive fire) 4 to 6 times

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) 5 to 7 times

Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath) 7 11 times

Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril breathing a.k.a Driver Tuning) 5 to 7 minutes

Bhramari Pranayama (Humming bee sound) 3 times

Udgeet Pranayama (OM Chanting) 3 times

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