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research paper notes + highlights, print + electronic turn in

oral presentation on research paper - ppt with images and quotes
final show up at 9, not 8
three categories of dance
dances that please dancer, social dancing
dances that please the gods/ess, religious dancing
dances for the pleasure of onlookers, theatrical dancing *
clear distinction between watchers and doers because so specialized
see the profession, the trainer
cant just jump on stage and join in

deborah jowitt describes 4 ingredients that have contributed to evolution of western

theatrical dancing
social dancing
party entertainments
street performances
court spectacles
dance in ancient greece (1100-600 bce)
first evidence on pottery, frescos, literature
important to daily life, cycles of seasons, religions
orcheisthai - to dance
broader def - denoted any rhythmic movement e.g. juggling, movement of
plants, can relate to nature
cheironomia - a language of rhythmic body movement
different instruments e.g. drums
lots of war like, militaristic dancing
mousik - art of the muses
believed it was divinely inspired
includes dances
source material when looking at greek dances
7 categories
description of muses, animals
plato, aristotle
treatises or metrics on rhythms
lines or notation that dancers danced to
greek songs written for dance

argument that no one knows what ancient greek music sounds like either
tangible objects that survived through antiquity that depicted dancing
e.g. statues, jewelry, carvings, paintings
problems with archaeological evidences - limitations because its of artist
rendition - could be artists interpretation
problems with perspective, never a frontal face in this period
actual evidence of prizes given to dancers
e.g. jugs inscribed that said prize for best dancer
list of professional dancers, teachers and salary
technical word and expressions to describe dancing
comparative materials by studying dances of modern dances and inferring
about ancient
bronze age (homer)
whirling and snake dances
dancing to death because of offending gods
animal dances because connected to environment, hunted for food and
clothing so very aware of their movement, with costumes
dance and theatre
examples of dance in ancient greece
ritual and religious dances
fire and chariot dances
wedding and funeral dances
line dances
ball throwing dances
dance mania
animal dances
dance and drama in greece
dionysus - god of fertility and wine
dithyramb - song and dance performance in the gods spring festival
en-theous-iasmos - having the god within
'city dionysia' - the greater dionysia festival, establish 535bce
chorus - singer/dancers
corp de ballet
orchestra - 'the dancing place'
apollo - patron of music, poetry, philosophy, and formal dancing

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