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Global HR Implementation

Instructor Guide

Lesson 1:

Course Overview .........................................................2

Welcome ................................................................................................... 2
Course Objectives ...................................................................................... 3
Course Schedule ........................................................................................ 4
Course Approach ........................................................................................ 5
Additional Resources ................................................................................ 6
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................... 8
Demonstration Introduction: Exploring Oracle Fusion Applications Help .......... 9
Demonstration: Exploring Oracle Fusion Applications Help ........................... 10
Instructor Note: Oracle Fusion Applications Help ........................................ 12
Oracle Fusion Applications Overview ........................................................... 13
Lesson Objectives .................................................................................. 14
Oracle Fusion Applications Terminology Foundation .................................... 15
User Interface Shell................................................................................ 16
User Interface Shell Details ................................................................... 17
Dashboard ............................................................................................ 18
Dashboard Details................................................................................ 19
Navigation ............................................................................................ 20
Watchlist............................................................................................... 21
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) Overview .......................... 22
HCM Deployment Options ....................................................................... 23
HCM Overview ..................................................................................... 24
HCM Business Processes .........................................................................................25
HCM Foundation Overview .................................................................... 29
Workforce Directory Management - Overview ......................................... 30
Integration Solutions ..............................................................................................31
Fusion HR & Payroll Country Extensions and Languages .............................. 32
Instructor Note: Country Extension Plans ................................................ 33
Language Support ............................................................................... 34
Functional Setup Manager ......................................................................... 35
Overview .............................................................................................. 35
Job Roles with Functional Setups Duty ...................................................... 36
Implementation and HCM Application Administrator Job Role Details .......... 37
Functional Users .................................................................................... 38
Implementation Project .......................................................................... 39
Implementation Project Table Column Details .......................................... 40
Assigned Implementation Tasks ............................................................... 41
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................. 42
Demonstration: Creating an Implementation Project .................................. 43
Demonstration: Assigning Implementation Tasks ....................................... 44
Student Activity: Creating an Implementation Project and Assigning Tasks ... 45
Activities Introduction: Creating an Implementation Project and Assigning Tasks
........................................................................................................... 46
Activity 1: Creating an Implementation Project ........................................ 47
Activity 2: Assigning Implementation Tasks ............................................ 48
Accessing Implementation Projects and Tasks ........................................... 50

Lesson 2:

HCM Cloud Service Overview .....................................52

Objectives ...............................................................................................
Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service ...............................................................
Key Differences between Cloud Deployment and On-premise .........................
Oracle Cloud Security Practices and Policy Documents ..................................
Fusion Applications Cloud Service Options ...................................................
Oracle Cloud Change Management .............................................................
Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service Patching and Upgrades ..............................


Upgrades ..............................................................................................
Customer Benefits of Oracles Cloud Upgrade Solution ................................
Special Upgrade Considerations ...............................................................
Recommended Customer Upgrade Validation Procedures ............................
Oracle Cloud Environment Management ......................................................
Available Environments...........................................................................
Environment Management Services and Tools ...........................................
Content Migration Solutions.....................................................................
Test-to-Production Migration .................................................................
Production-to-Test Migration .................................................................
Setup Migration through FSM ..................................................................
HCM Setup Migration ............................................................................
Extensibility Migration ............................................................................
Oracle Cloud Backup Policies .....................................................................
Oracle Cloud Disaster Recovery Objectives ..................................................
Know How to Work with Oracle SaaS ..........................................................
There are no demonstrations or activities for this lesson ...............................
Lesson Highlights .....................................................................................

Lesson 3:


Define Geographies ...................................................81

Objectives ............................................................................................... 81
Geography Model Concepts ....................................................................... 82
Instructor Note: Best Practice .................................................................... 83
Address Validation .................................................................................... 84
Implementation Considerations .................................................................. 85
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................... 86
Demonstration: Creating an Address Format ............................................... 87
Geography Structure Tips .......................................................................... 90
Do I Enter Data or Import It? .................................................................... 91
The Manage Geographies Page .................................................................. 92
Sample Data and Procedures on Oracle Support ........................................... 94
Instructor Note: Source of the Geography Data ........................................... 95
File-Based Import Process Overview ........................................................... 96
Analyzing Attribute Mapping ...................................................................... 98
Import Steps ........................................................................................... 99
Instructor Note: Importing the Geography Structure for a Country ................ 101
Importing the Geography Structure for a Country ....................................... 102
Importing the Geography Hierarchy ........................................................... 104
Understanding the Geography Hierarchy Data Import File ............................ 105
Setting Up Validation ............................................................................... 106
Define Geographies: Review Questions ...................................................... 108
Review Question 1 ................................................................................ 108
Review Question 2 ................................................................................ 109
Review Question 3 ................................................................................ 110
Review Question 4 ................................................................................ 111
Review Question 5 ................................................................................ 112
Review Question 6 ................................................................................ 113
All Review Questions and Answers .......................................................... 114
There are no activities for this lesson ......................................................... 115
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 116
Lesson Highlight Details ......................................................................... 117

Lesson 4:

Define Enterprise Structures ...................................119

Objectives .............................................................................................. 119

The Enterprise Structure Configurator (ESC) ............................................... 120
ESC Overview ......................................................................................... 121
ESC Benefits ........................................................................................... 122
Instructor Note: Using the ESC ................................................................. 123
Establishing Enterprise Structures Using the ESC ........................................ 124


Overview ............................................................................................. 124

Enterprise Configuration Using ESC ......................................................... 125
Manage Enterprise ................................................................................ 126
Enterprise Structure Components............................................................ 127
Enterprise and Divisions......................................................................... 128
Creating Legal Entities Using the ESC ...................................................... 130
Instructor Note: Creating Legal Entities Using the ESC............................... 131
Instructor Note: Enterprise Configuration Using the ESC ............................ 132
Creating Business Units Using the ESC: Key Concepts ............................... 133
Instructor Note: Creating Business Units Using the ESC ............................. 135
Creating Reference Data Sets Using the ESC ............................................ 136
Common Set ........................................................................................ 137
Reviewing the Configuration ................................................................... 138
Viewing the Technical Summary Report ................................................... 139
Loading the Configuration and Rolling Back .............................................. 140
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 141
Student Activity: Establishing Enterprise Structures .................................. 142
Activity Introduction: Establishing Enterprise Structures .............................. 143
Activity Solution: Establishing Enterprise Structures .................................. 145
Establish Enterprise Structures using the ESC Review Questions ................... 151
Review Question 1 ................................................................................ 152
Review Question 2 ................................................................................ 153
Review Question 3 ................................................................................ 154
Questions and Answers .......................................................................... 155
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 156
Lesson Highlight Details ......................................................................... 157

Lesson 5:

Establish Job and Position Structures .....................159

Lesson Objectives ................................................................................... 159

Overview................................................................................................ 160
Job and Position Structures ...................................................................... 161
Determine Job and Position Usage ............................................................. 162
Instructor Note: Determine Position and Job Usage ..................................... 163
Define Additional Job and Position Attributes at Enterprise ........................... 164
Instructor Note: Define Additional Job and Position Attributes at Enterprise Level166
Define Contextual Attributes for Jobs and Positions ..................................... 167
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ................................................................ 168
Student Activity: Define the Job and Position Structures .............................. 169
Activity Introduction: Define the Job and Position Structures ........................ 170
Activity Solution: Defining the Job and Position Structures ......................... 171
Establishing Job and Position Structures Review Questions ........................... 174
Establishing Job and Position Structures Review Question 1........................ 175
Establishing Job and Position Structures Review Question 2........................ 176
Establishing Job and Position Structures Review Question 3........................ 177
Establishing Job and Position Structures All Questions and Answers............. 178
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 179

Lesson 6:

Define Enterprise HCM Information .........................181

Lesson Objectives ................................................................................... 181

Manage Enterprise HCM Information Task .................................................. 182
Employment Model .................................................................................. 183
Types of Employment Models ................................................................. 183
Two-Tier Employment Models ................................................................. 185
Two-Tier Employment Models Explained................................................... 186
Two-Tier Employment Model Examples .................................................... 187
Two-Tier Employment Model Examples .................................................... 188
Three-tier Employment Models ............................................................... 189
Three-Tier Employment Models Explained ................................................ 191
Three-Tier Employment Model Examples .................................................. 192


Using the Two-tier Employment Model ..................................................... 193

Using the Three-Tier Employment Model .................................................. 194
Changing the Employment Model ............................................................ 195
Employment Terms Override .................................................................. 196
Instructor Note: Best Practice ................................................................. 197
Work Day Information ............................................................................. 199
Person Number Generation ....................................................................... 200
Worker Number Generation ...................................................................... 202
Assignment Number Generation ................................................................ 204
Person- Name Languages ......................................................................... 205
Enterprise-Level User and Role-Provisioning Options.................................... 206
Setting Enterprise-Level Options ............................................................. 207
Instructor Note: User and Role Provisioning ............................................. 208
Instructor Note: Demo Timing .................................................................. 209
Demonstration: Managing Enterprise HCM Information ................................ 210
Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question 1 .............................. 213
Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question 2 .............................. 214
Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question 3 .............................. 215
Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question 4 .............................. 216
Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question 5 .............................. 217
Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question 6 .............................. 218
Defining Enterprise HCM Information All Questions and Answers ................... 219
There are no activities for this lesson ......................................................... 220
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 221

Lesson 7:

Define Legal Entities for HCM ..................................223

Lesson Objectives ................................................................................... 223

Legal Entities Overview ............................................................................ 224
Legal Entity Role ..................................................................................... 225
Legal Entity Considerations....................................................................... 226
Demonstration: Managing Legal Entity HCM Information .............................. 227
Legal Entity and its Relationship to Divisions............................................... 229
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ................................................................ 230
Student Activity: Defining a New Legal Entity ............................................. 231
Activity 1 Introduction: Defining a New Legal Entity .................................... 232
Activity: Defining a Legal Address ........................................................... 234
Activity: Defining a Legal Entity .............................................................. 236
Legal Entity and its Relationship to Worker Assignments and Legal Employer .. 238
Legal Entity and Payroll Reporting ............................................................. 239
Legal Entity and Legal Reporting Units ....................................................... 240
Legislative Data Groups Overview ............................................................. 241
Legal Reporting Units Overview ................................................................. 242
Legislative Data Groups ........................................................................... 243
Instructor Note: Legislative Data Groups .................................................... 245
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ................................................................ 246
Student Activity: Defining a New Legal Entity ............................................. 247
Activity 2 Introduction: View Legislative Data Group Associated with Legal Entity248
Activity 2: View Legislative Data Group Associated with Legal Entity............ 249
Define Legal Entities for HCM Review Question 1 ......................................... 250
Define Legal Entities for HCM Review Question 2 ......................................... 251
Define Legal Entities for HCM All Questions and Answers .............................. 252
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 253

Lesson 8:

Define Workforce Structures ...................................255

Objectives .............................................................................................. 255

Workforce Structures Task List.................................................................. 256
Instructor Note: Best Practice ................................................................... 257
Defining Locations ................................................................................... 258
Instructor Note: Results on Map.............................................................. 258


Locations ............................................................................................. 259

What is Set ID? .................................................................................... 260
Location Sets........................................................................................ 262
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 263
Student Activity: Creating a Location ....................................................... 264
Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Location .............................................. 265
Activity 1: Creating a Location .............................................................. 266
Defining HCM Organizations ..................................................................... 268
HCM Organizations ................................................................................ 268
Instructor Note: HCM Organizations ........................................................ 269
Multiple Classifications ........................................................................... 270
Review Enterprise Configuration ............................................................. 271
Trees and HCM Trees............................................................................. 272
Instructor Note: Trees ........................................................................... 273
Organization Trees and ESC ................................................................... 274
HCM Organizations Review Question 1 ..................................................... 275
HCM Organizations Review Question 2 ..................................................... 276
HCM Organizations Review Question 3 ..................................................... 277
HCM Organizations Review Questions and Answers ................................... 278
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 279
Student Activity: Creating a Division and Department................................ 280
Activities 2 -- 3 Introduction: Creating a Division and Department .............. 281
Activity 2: Creating a Division .............................................................. 282
Activity 3: Creating a Department ......................................................... 284
Actions and Action Reasons ...................................................................... 286
Overview ............................................................................................. 286
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 288
Student Activity: Creating an Action ........................................................ 289
Activity 4 Introduction: Creating an Action ............................................... 290
Activity 4: Creating an Action ............................................................... 291
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 293
Lesson Highlight Details ......................................................................... 294

Lesson 9:

Define Grades..........................................................296

Objectives .............................................................................................. 296

Grades Setup and Maintenance ................................................................. 297
Defining Grades ...................................................................................... 299
Grades ................................................................................................ 300
Grade Steps ......................................................................................... 301
Example of Grades with Steps ................................................................ 302
Example of Grades without Steps ............................................................ 303
Grades and Sets ................................................................................... 304
How Grades Work with Jobs and Positions ................................................ 305
How Grades Work with Assignments and Employment Terms ..................... 306
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 307
Student Activity: Creating a Grade .......................................................... 308
Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Grade ................................................. 309
Activity 1: Creating a Grade ................................................................. 310
Defining Grade Rates ............................................................................... 312
Grade Rate Values ................................................................................ 313
Lookups for Grade Rates ........................................................................ 314
Adding Rates to Grades ......................................................................... 315
Grade Rates Example 1 ......................................................................... 316
Grade Rates Example 2 ......................................................................... 317
How Grades, Rates, Sets, and Legislative Data Groups Work Together......... 318
Example of Grades with Rate Ranges....................................................... 319
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 320
Student Activity: Creating a Grade Rate ................................................... 321
Activity 2 Introduction: Creating a Grade Rate .......................................... 322

Activity 2: Creating a Grade Rate .......................................................... 323

Defining Grade Ladders ............................................................................ 325
Grade Ladders ...................................................................................... 326
Ladders with Grades .............................................................................. 327
Ladders with Steps ................................................................................ 328
Instructor Note: Demo Timing .................................................................. 329
Demonstration: Changing Profile Option Settings ........................................ 330
Review Question 1................................................................................... 332
Review Question 2................................................................................... 333
Review Question 3................................................................................... 334
All Questions and Answers ........................................................................ 335
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 336
Lesson Highlight Details ......................................................................... 337

Lesson 10:

Define Jobs.............................................................339

Objectives .............................................................................................. 340

Instructor Note: Jobs and Positions ........................................................... 341
Jobs Overview ........................................................................................ 343
Jobs Setup and Maintenance ..................................................................... 344
Lookups for Jobs ..................................................................................... 346
Basic Details ........................................................................................... 347
Benchmark and Progression Information .................................................... 348
Grades ................................................................................................... 349
Instructor Note: Jobs and Grades .............................................................. 350
Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................... 351
Job Families............................................................................................ 352
How Jobs and Positions Work with Profiles .................................................. 353
Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing ...................................................... 354
Demonstration: Creating a Job.................................................................. 355
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ................................................................ 357
Student Activity: Creating a Job ................................................................ 358
Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Job ....................................................... 359
Activity 1: Creating a Job ....................................................................... 360
Review Question 1................................................................................... 362
All Questions and Answers ........................................................................ 363
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 364
Lesson Highlight Details ......................................................................... 365

Lesson 11:

Define Positions .....................................................367

Objectives ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Positions Overview ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Positions Setup and Maintenance ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lookups for Positions ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Positions Example: Retail Industry ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Position Details .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Demonstration: Creating a Position .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Demonstration: Hiring an Employee to Test the SetupError! Bookmark not defined.
Position Trees ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Review Question 1.......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Review Question 2.......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
All Questions and Answers............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
There are no activities for this lesson ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lesson Highlights ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lesson Highlight Details ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Lesson 12:

Manage Workforce Lifecycle ...................................388

Objectives ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Manage Workforce Lifecycle Overview ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Manage Workforce Lifecycle .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Add Person .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Person Records ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Creating Person Records: Examples ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hiring an Employee ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Add Person Feature Highlights ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Add Person Review Question 1 ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Add Person Review Question 2 ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
All Add Person Review Questions and Answers . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Manage Employment Information ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Work Relationships....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assignments................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Terms ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Editing Employment Terms............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student Activity: Hiring an Employee ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 1 Introduction: Hiring an Employee ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 1: Hiring an Employee .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student Activity: Creating a Work Relationship Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 2 Introduction: Creating a Work RelationshipError! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 2: Creating a Work Relationship ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student Activity: Managing Employment ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 3 Introduction: Managing Employment Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 3: Managing Employment ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Manage Employment Information Review Question 1Error! Bookmark not defined.
Manage Employment Information Review Question 2Error! Bookmark not defined.
All Manage Employment Information Review Questions and AnswersError! Bookmark
not defined.
Instructor Note: Multiple Work Relationships ... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Areas of Responsibility .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Overview .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Setting Scope of Responsibility: Examples....... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Reassigning a Responsibility .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Areas of Responsibility and ApprovalsError! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student Activity: Assigning an Area of ResponsibilityError! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 4 Introduction: Assigning an Area of ResponsibilityError! Bookmark not
Activity 4: Assigning an Area of Responsibility Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Processes ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Transfers, Promotions, and Terminations ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Transfers and Temporary Assignments ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Global Transfers and Temporary Assignments Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student Activity: Transferring a Worker ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 5 Introduction: Transferring a WorkerError! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 5: Transferring a Worker................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Manage Direct Reports ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Demonstration: Promoting a Worker ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Terminations ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Instructor Note: Activity Timing ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Student Activity: Terminating a Work RelationshipError! Bookmark not defined.
Activity 5 Introduction: Terminating a Work RelationshipError! Bookmark not
Activity 6: Terminating a Work Relationship .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Mass Updates .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Manage Mass Updates ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.


Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Demonstration: Creating a Mass Transfer ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Processes Review Question 1 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Processes Review Question 2 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Processes Review Question 3 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Processes Review Question 4 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employment Processes Review Question 5 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
All Employment Processes Review Questions and AnswersError! Bookmark not
Lesson Highlights ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lesson Highlight Details ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Lesson 13:

Maintain Worker Directories ...................................467

Objectives .............................................................................................. 467

Person Gallery and Portrait ....................................................................... 468
Person Gallery Overview ........................................................................ 468
Person Search ...................................................................................... 469
Person Search .................................................................................... 469
Maintaining Person Keywords ............................................................... 470
Scheduling the Update Person Search Keywords Process ......................... 472
Running the Update Person Search Keywords Process ............................. 474
Person-Record Keyword Searches ......................................................... 475
Search Relevance Profile Options .......................................................... 476
Organization Chart .............................................................................. 478
Instructor Note: Demo Timing .............................................................. 479
Demonstration: Person Search ............................................................. 480
Line Manager Self-Service ...................................................................... 482
Worker Self-Service .............................................................................. 483
Portrait Cards ....................................................................................... 484
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 485
Student Activity: Line Manager Self-Service ............................................. 486
Activity 1 Introduction: Line Manager Self-Service .................................... 487
Activity 1: Line Manager Self-Service .................................................... 488
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 490
Student Activity: Worker Self-Service ...................................................... 491
Activity 2 Introduction: Worker Self-Service ............................................. 492
Activity 2: Worker Self-Service ............................................................. 493
Person Gallery and Portrait Review Question 1 .......................................... 495
Person Gallery and Portrait Review Question 2 .......................................... 496
All Person Gallery and Portrait Questions and Answers ............................... 497
Instructor Note: Best Practice ................................................................. 498
Simplified User Experience ....................................................................... 499
Simplified User Experience Overview ....................................................... 499
Simplified User Experience Features ...................................................... 500
Instructor Note: Fusion Pages .............................................................. 501
Directory and Person Search .................................................................. 502
Personal Information ............................................................................. 503
Line Manager Functions ......................................................................... 504
Notifications and Settings....................................................................... 505
Instructor Note: Fusion Pages................................................................. 506
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 507
Student Activity: Changing Your Personal Information ............................... 508
Activity 3 Introduction: Changing Your Personal Information ...................... 509
Instructor Note: Activity ...................................................................... 510
Activity 3: Changing Your Personal Information ...................................... 511
Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 512
Student Activity: Browsing the Directory .................................................. 513
Activity 4 Introduction: Browsing the Directory ......................................... 514
Activity 4: Browsing the Directory ......................................................... 515


Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 517

Student Activity: Managing the Team ...................................................... 518
Activity 5 Introduction: Managing the Team ............................................. 519
Activity 5: Managing the Team ............................................................. 520
Instructor Note: Activity ...................................................................... 521
Managing Gallery Portrait ......................................................................... 522
Manage Gallery Portrait Overview ........................................................... 523
Manage Gallery Portrait Tasks .............................................................. 524
Public-Portrait Settings .......................................................................... 526
Including Calendar Event Messages in Portraits......................................... 527
Including Custom Gallery Messages in Portraits ........................................ 528
Managing Gallery Portrait Review Question 1 ............................................ 529
Managing Gallery Portrait Review Question 2 ............................................ 530
All Managing Gallery Portrait Questions and Answers ................................. 531
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 532

Lesson 14:

Define Workforce Records ......................................534

Objectives .............................................................................................. 534

Define Workforce Records Task List ........................................................... 535
Defining Availability ................................................................................. 536
Availability Overview ............................................................................. 536
How Worker Availability Is Determined .................................................. 537
Primary Work Schedules ........................................................................ 538
Calendar Events .................................................................................... 540
Calendar Event Categories ..................................................................... 541
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................ 542
Demonstration: Managing Calendar Events .............................................. 543
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................ 545
Demonstration: Managing Work Schedules ............................................... 546
Define Availability Review Question 1 ...................................................... 548
Define Availability Review Question 2 ...................................................... 549
Define Availability Review Question 3 ...................................................... 550
Define Availability Review Question 4 ...................................................... 551
All Define Availability Review Questions and Answers ................................ 552
Defining Person Record Values .................................................................. 553
Define Person Record Values Overview .................................................... 554
Define Person Record Values ................................................................ 555
Person Types ........................................................................................ 556
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................ 557
Demonstration: Creating User Person Types ............................................. 558
Person Name Formats ........................................................................... 560
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................ 561
Demonstration: Creating Person Name Formats ........................................ 562
Person Name Styles .............................................................................. 564
Demonstration: Creating Person Name Styles ........................................... 566
Person Lookups .................................................................................... 568
Defining Employment Record Values .......................................................... 569
Define Employment Record Values Overview ............................................ 569
Define Employment Record Values ........................................................ 570
Instructor Note: Assignment Statuses ..................................................... 571
Assignment Statuses ............................................................................. 572
Instructor Note: Demo Timing ................................................................ 573
Demonstration: Creating an Assignment Status ........................................ 574
Employment Lookups ............................................................................ 576
Defining Documents ................................................................................ 577
Defining Documents Task List ................................................................. 577
Document Types and Categories ............................................................. 578
Defining Document Delivery Preferences .................................................. 579
Overriding Document Delivery Preferences ............................................... 580


Instructor Note: Activity Timing .............................................................. 582

Student Activity: Creating a Document Type ............................................ 583
Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Document Type ................................... 584
Activity 1: Creating a Document Type ................................................... 585
Defining Workforce Records Review Question 1 ........................................... 588
Defining Workforce Records Review Question 2 ........................................... 589
Defining Workforce Records Review Question 3 ........................................... 590
All Defining Workforce Records Review Questions and Answers ..................... 591
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................... 592
Lesson Highlight Details ......................................................................... 593

Lesson 15:

Appendix A .............................................................595

Getting Started with an Implementation..................................................... 595

Objectives ............................................................................................ 596
Overview of Getting Started ................................................................... 597
Initial Implementation Users .................................................................. 598
Initial Activities ..................................................................................... 599
Define Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs ................................................... 601
Instructor Note: Lesson Purpose ............................................................. 602
Objectives ............................................................................................ 603
Enterprise Scheduler Job........................................................................ 604
Manage Job Definitions .......................................................................... 605
Manage List of Values Sources ................................................................ 606
Example of Scheduler Job ...................................................................... 607
Reference Resources ............................................................................. 608
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................. 609
Lesson Highlight Details....................................................................... 610
Define Profile Options .............................................................................. 611
Profile Options ...................................................................................... 612
Profile Option Categories........................................................................ 613
Profile Option Levels and Values ............................................................. 614
Define Lookups ....................................................................................... 616
Key Concepts ....................................................................................... 617
Manage Lookups ................................................................................... 619
Define Legal Jurisdictions and Legal Authorities for HCM .............................. 620
Lesson Objectives ................................................................................. 620
Legal Jurisdictions Overview ................................................................... 621
Legal Authorities Overview ..................................................................... 622
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................. 623
Lesson Highlight Details....................................................................... 624
Defining Checklists .................................................................................. 625
Checklists Overview .............................................................................. 625
Checklist Components ......................................................................... 626
Define Checklists Task List ..................................................................... 627
Checklist Template Components ............................................................. 628
Checklist Template Allocation ................................................................. 629
Defining Checklists Review Question 1 ..................................................... 630
Defining Checklists Review Question 2 ..................................................... 631
Defining Checklists Review Question 3 ..................................................... 632
Defining Checklists Review Question 4 ..................................................... 633
All Defining Checklists Review Questions and Answers ............................... 634
Managing Workforce Predictions ................................................................ 635
Predictive Models Overview .................................................................... 635
Predictive Models ................................................................................ 636
Managing Model Attributes ..................................................................... 637
Calculating Predictions ........................................................................... 638
Viewing Workforce Predictions ................................................................ 640
Managing Workforce Predictions Review Question 1................................... 641
Managing Workforce Predictions Review Question 2................................... 642

Managing Workforce Predictions Review Question 3................................... 643

All Managing Workforce Predictions Review Questions and Answers ............. 644
There are no activities for this lesson ......................................................... 645

Lesson 16:

Appendix B .............................................................647

HCM Security Overview ............................................................................ 647

Instructor Note: Assumptions ................................................................. 647
Objectives ............................................................................................ 648
HCM Security Basics .............................................................................. 649
Role-Based Security Model ................................................................... 649
Instructor Note: Roles Assigned to Users ................................................................. 650
Predefined HCM Roles ......................................................................... 651
Role Inheritance ................................................................................. 652
Instructor Note: Duty Roles ................................................................................... 652
Data Role Inheritance ........................................................................................... 653
User Role Inheritance ........................................................................................... 654
Role Types ......................................................................................... 655
Role Inheritance Example .................................................................... 656
Instructor Note: Demo Timing .............................................................. 657
Demonstration: Fusion HCM Security in Action ....................................... 658
Security Profiles and Data Roles.............................................................. 662
Data Security Through Security Profiles ................................................. 662
Security Profiles Example ..................................................................... 663
HCM Security Profile Types .................................................................. 664
Predefined HCM Security Profiles .......................................................... 665
HCM Security Profiles Best Practices ...................................................... 666
Approaches to Assigning Security Profiles to HCM Roles ........................... 667
Creating Security Profiles ..................................................................... 668
Creating Data Roles ............................................................................ 670
User and Role Provisioning ..................................................................... 673
Provisioning Roles to Users: Overview ................................................... 673
Instructor Note: Roles Must Be Provisioned ............................................................. 674
Defining Role-Provisioning Rules ........................................................... 675
Role-Provisioning Options .................................................................... 676
Predefined Role-Provisioning Rules ........................................................ 677
Integration with New Hire Flow ............................................................. 678
Instructor Note: New Hire Process .......................................................................... 678
Integration with New Hire Flow .............................................................................. 679
New Hire Flow - Job Assignment............................................................................. 680
New Hire Flow - Role Requests ............................................................................... 681
Review Question 1 ................................................................................ 682
Review Question 1 ................................................................................ 683
Review Question 2 ................................................................................ 684
Review Question 3 ................................................................................ 685
Review Questions and Answers ............................................................... 686
References ........................................................................................... 687
There are no activities for this lesson....................................................... 688
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................. 689
Lesson Details .................................................................................... 690

Lesson 17:

Appendix C .............................................................692

Business Intelligence and Ad Hoc Reporting ................................................ 692

Lesson Objectives ................................................................................. 692
Overview of Oracle Fusion Reporting Tools for Oracle HCM Cloud Service ..... 693
OBIEE ............................................................................................... 694
OTBI ................................................................................................. 695
BI Publisher ....................................................................................... 696
OBIA ................................................................................................. 697
Comparison of Reporting Tools ............................................................. 698


Advantages and Disadvantages of OTBI ................................................. 699

Advantages and Disadvantages of BI Publisher ....................................... 700
Advantages and Disadvantages of OBIA ................................................ 701
Review Question 1 .............................................................................. 702
Review Question 2 .............................................................................. 703
Review Question 3 .............................................................................. 704
All Questions and Answers ................................................................... 705
Reports and Analytics Navigation ............................................................ 706
Dashboards .......................................................................................... 707
Instructor Note: Demo 1 Timing ........................................................... 708
Demonstration 1: Editing a Dashboard .................................................. 709
Adding Content to a Dashboard ............................................................ 711
Instructor Note: Demonstration 2 Timing ............................................... 712
Demonstration 2: Adding Content to a Dashboard.................................. 713
Demonstration 2: Adding Content to a Dashboard .................................................... 714
There are no activities for this lesson....................................................... 715
Lesson Highlights .................................................................................. 716
Lesson Resources ............................................................................... 717


Lesson 1: Course Overview

Global HR Implementation

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Lesson 1: Course Overview

Welcome to the Fusion Global HR Implementation course!
1. Instructor introduction
2. Student introductions
- Name
- Role (Functional Implementer/Technical Consultant)
- Company
- Experience with Oracle (HCM, EBS, PeopleSoft, JDE, etc..)
- Fusion experience

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Course Objectives
This course is designed to address the following implementation challenges.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

Identify the best practices that determine a successful implementation

Understand how to work in the Cloud
Test your setup by entering data and performing common Workforce Deployment
Set up common HCM components, including geographies, enterprise structures,
workforce structures, and enterprise scheduler jobs
Use ESC to define job and position structures
Extend and personalize the functionality
Define and manage workflow, approvals and notifications
Understand implementation best practices
Set up workforce records
Overview of import and export

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Course Schedule
Day 1
Course Overview
Cloud Operations
Define Geographies
Define Enterprise Structures
Day 2
Establish Job and Position Structures
Define Enterprise HCM Information
Define Legal Entities for HCM
Define Workforce Structures
Day 3
Define Grades
Define Jobs
Define Positions
Manage Workforce Lifecycle
Day 4
Maintain Worker Directories
Define Workforce Records
Overview of Import and Export
Day 5
Workflow, Approvals, and Notifications
Extend and Personalize HCM

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Course Approach
Each lesson in this course will begin with your instructor demonstrating and presenting
important concepts related to implementing Workforce Deployment. The lesson may
also include one or more of the following activities:
Complete an activity by performing a task in FSM

Discuss key decisions

Present tips and techniques
Review best practices and related use cases

Questions and answers are expected throughout the course.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Additional Resources
Related Resources:

Oracle Support Document 1471160.1 (Getting Started with Oracle Fusion

Applications: Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Cloud
Implementations) can be found at:
Fusion Application and Middleware guides on Oracle Fusion Applications
Documentation Library
( ( Especially Oracle Fusion Workforce Deployment
Implementation Guide and Oracle Fusion Applications Information Technology
Management, Implement Applications Guide.

Recommended Resources:

Bookmark this page! Oracle Fusion Applications Documentation Information

Center [ID 1382875.2]
Oracle Fusion Technology Library on OTN
Fusion Oracle Enterprise Repository (
Oracle Product Features (

Related Oracle University Courses:

This course provides a high-level overview of functionality that is reviewed in greater
detail in other Oracle University courses. Search

Oracle BI Publisher 11g R1: Fundamentals

Fusion Applications: Extend Applications with ADF
Fusion Applications: Security Fundamentals
Fusion Applications: Install and Configure Identity Management
Fusion Applications: Functional Setup Manager
Fusion Applications: Reporting for HCM
Fusion Applications: Security for HCM

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Lesson 1: Course Overview

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

Approximate Demonstration Timing: 20 minutes

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Demonstration Introduction: Exploring Oracle Fusion

Applications Help
Demonstration Background
You can access all user assistance documentation for Oracle Fusion Applications from
the application. User assistance includes:

Contextual assistance on applications pages, which you access by hovering over

an icon or field, or clicking in a field.
The Oracle Fusion Applications Help system, which contains several browsing
and search tools to assist you in finding relevant topics as well as functional and
implementation guides.

Think of these two approaches to user assistance as embedded learning tools.

Demonstration Scope
Using Oracle Fusion Applications Help, you can find more information about the setup
tasks covered in this course.

Go to the My Portrait page and review the contextual help.

Use the Search by Help Type navigator to find Human Resources Guide.
Use the Search by Functional Setup navigator and search for HCM Security to
find HCM Security Guide.
Use the Guides link to go to Documentation Library.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Demonstration: Exploring Oracle Fusion Applications

Go to the My Portrait page and review contextual help. Then, go to Oracle Fusion
Applications Help and review the broader user assistance tools available there.
Sign is as curtis.feitty.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome page.
1. Click the My Portrait tab.
2. Click the Show Help toggle icon (question mark) on the top right corner of the
page to show all help in the application, if it is not already clicked.
3. Click the Help icon next to the name Curtis Feitty.
The application displays the topics that are linked to the current page.
This type of help provides:
- Brief, contextual help for a page or region
- Links to help related to that page or region, including topics and recorded
Pointing to a link provides a brief summary of the topic.
Clicking one of the links opens the topic in Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
4. Click the Person Gallery and Portrait: Explained link.
A brief explanation about the topic appears below the topic.
5. Click Continue Reading.
The selected topic opens in a separate window.
6. Point to the underlined word assignment.
This type of help provides a definition of the term. You can review the current
topic, and if this topic doesn't answer your question, click More Help to search for


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

more topics.
7. Click the More Help link on the bottom of the window.
The Oracle Fusion Applications Help application opens displaying all of the
topics related to the task and page that you are on. In Oracle Fusion Applications
Help, you can read more about the setup tasks covered in this course.
There are several Search by... navigator panels.

8. Expand the Help Type search panel.

9. Clear Example and Help Topic checkboxes.
The list now displays only the FAQs and demos available for this page and task.
10. Click the Reset All link.
11. In Functional Setup navigation panel, click the Guides link.
All guides are displayed. You can also narrow your search using keywords.
Contextual page-level and Oracle Fusion Applications Help user assistance supports
your learning, and is never more than a few clicks away!

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Instructor Note: Oracle Fusion Applications Help

Optional activities within a lesson are indicated by the word (optional). If you skip these
lessons they will not impact subsequent lessons.
An optional lesson is available in the appendix that covers how to configure Oracle
Fusion Applications Help. This lesson covers how to add UPK links, enable and disable
ratings, and so on.
Additional reference material is provided in the appendix as a courtesy to students, but
will not be covered in class.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Oracle Fusion Applications Overview

Designed from the ground up, using the latest technology advances and incorporating
best practices gathered from thousands of customers, Oracle Fusion Applications are
completely open, service-enabled enterprise applications. Oracle Fusion Applications
also feature best-in-class user-interface designs and workflows that optimize usability
and deliver business value.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Understand and use basic user interface terminology

Identify the key processes and concepts of Fusion applications

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Oracle Fusion Applications Terminology Foundation

This section discusses the following terms and concepts within Oracle Fusion

User interface shell


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

User Interface Shell

Each page can be divided up into components. The instructor will refer to these areas
when navigating within a page.
This is an example of the main components in the Oracle Fusion interface:


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

User Interface Shell Details

Global Area

Spans the full width at the top of the user interface shell and is stable, consistent,
and persistent for all users
Contains controls that, in general, drive the contents of the other three areas
(sectional, local, and contextual)

Regional Area

Is in the left pane of the user interface shell

Has controls and content that, in general, drive the content of the local and
contextual areas

Local Area

Is in the center of the user interface shell

Is the main work area and typically contains the transaction form with the menus
and controls that enable users to be productive
Has controls and content that, in general, drive the contents of the contextual

Contextual Area

Is in the right pane of the user interface shell

In specific cases, the contextual area can also drive the contents of the local area
(causing a local-area reload)

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

This is an example of the Human Resources dashboard, which is a transaction


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Dashboard Details
Oracle Fusion dashboards provide the following:

Information summaries: view of the big picture as well as prioritization

Information monitoring: quick action and further exploration

The main dashboard within Oracle Fusion is the Welcome dashboard, or Fusion Home,
which is a collection of dashboards. In addition to Fusion Home, two other types are

Transaction dashboards: contain content that is core to one or more business

Business intelligence (BI) Dashboards: contain content that is complimentary to
one or more business processes

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

During an implementation, you will use the Functional Setup Manager (FSM) to access
implementation tasks. You can access the FSM using the following methods:

From the Administration menu, select Setup and Maintenance

From the Navigator menu, select the more... link, then Tools, and then Setup
and Maintenance

Within the Setup and Maintenance work area, use one of the following methods to
search for the implementation task you want to perform:


Enter the task name in the Name field in the Search: Tasks pane
Search for the task on the Assigned Implementation tasks tab
Search for the task on the All Tasks tab

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

The Watchlist is an Oracle Fusion component that is categorized by functional area and:

Provides a set of shortcuts to work areas based on items that a user wants to
Presents a list of pre-queried searches (saved searches or standard queries) of
items that the user needs to track.

Each item is made up of descriptive text followed by a count. Each item is also linked to
a page in a work area where the individual items of interest are listed.

Example of a watchlist

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM)

Review high-level introduction to Fusion HCM that was covered in the pre-requisite


HCM Overview
Fusion terminology
Integrations with other applications that you need to consider during
Activities in the Workforce Deployment business processes that can be
performed when the setup is complete.
Any "Big Picture" key concepts that must be considered before you begin.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

HCM Deployment Options

Oracle Fusion HCM

Standalone or with other Fusion families Full HCM

Oracle Fusion HCM Foundation

Minimal HCM functions delivered with other Fusion families (for example CRM,
Provided with non HCM implementations
Gives restricted access to required HCM features
Delivered primarily as a set of services

Oracle Fusion Workforce Directory Management

Used for standalone HCM products (for example Talent Review, Compensation
Used with Applications Unlimited Core HR (PSFT, EBS)

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

HCM Overview
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) covers the three primary business
processes of managing human capital.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

HCM Business Processes

Workforce Deployment:
The workforce deployment business process enables you to align resources and people
with business objectives, and enter and maintain information related to people,
employment, and work structures. It includes the following products:

Global Human Resources: Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources enables

organizations to maximize employee value, by aligning resources and people
with business objectives and enter and maintain information related to people,
employment and work structures. The process also includes localizations
including setup, processing, monitoring, internal and external integration touch
points, and reporting.

Global Payroll and Localizations: Oracle Fusion Global Payroll also includes
full service payroll offerings for core payroll and localizations. Payroll is not
covered in this boot camp.

Global Payroll Interface: Oracle Fusion Global Payroll Interface enables you to
capture personal payroll information, such as earnings and deductions, along
with other data from Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management, and send that
information to a third-party payroll provider. Payroll Interface is not covered in this
boot camp.

Workforce Predictions: Oracle Fusion Workforce Predictions uses indicators,

current and historical, to predict performance and attrition, determine corrective
action through "what if" scenario modeling, and provide the ability to implement
that corrective action.

Workforce Management: Oracle Fusion Workforce Management is a

terminology umbrella that encompasses the architecture, core components, and
applications that enable you to manage your workforce in a fully integrated way.
The applications include Oracle Fusion Time and Labor and Oracle Fusion
Absence Management.

Time and Labor : Oracle Fusion Time and Labor is a comprehensive, easy to
use, rules-based time recording and management application. Time and Labor
fully integrates with Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources, Oracle Fusion
Absence Management, Oracle Fusion Global Payroll, and Oracle Fusion Project
Costing and supports calendar-based time entry and a fully configurable time

Absence Management: Oracle Fusion Absence Management is a configurable

and flexible global solution that enables organizations to manage absences of
their workforce. The framework provides ability to define both complex and

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

diverse absence plans. It integrates with the Oracle Fusion Global Payroll and
Oracle Fusion Time and Labor products.
Workforce Development:
The workforce development business process (not covered in this boot camp) enables
you to evaluate and develop the workforce based on organizational goals and critical
skill gaps. It includes the following products:

Talent Review: Oracle Fusion Talent Review automates the manual and labor
intensive talent review board preparation phase and takes the talent discussion
to the next level through an interactive dashboard. You can easily see how your
talent ranks based on potential and performance, at both a macro and micro

Performance Management: Oracle Fusion Performance Management is

designed to support workers, managers, and business leaders with point-in-time
evaluation of worker performance. Organizations can configure the performance
process to match their business practice. An industry-leading user experience
enables workers and managers to easily see where they are and move smoothly
through the process.

Goal Management: Oracle Fusion Goal Management enables the setting and
tracking of goals across the various levels of the organization, supporting an
ongoing performance conversation throughout the year. Business leaders
communicate high level initiatives and managers and workers can collaborate to
set goals that align to the organization's direction. The product also supports
development plans for employees to track their personal growth and career

Succession Management: Oracle Fusion Succession Management product

provides a structured solution for creating and editing succession plans, either by
job/position or by incumbent, to mitigate risk and provide succession solutions for
critical jobs or people within the organization. The Succession Management
product also provides a structured solution for creating and editing talent pools;
organizing talent pools into common groups for assignment of goals, tracking,
and management.

Compensation Management:
The compensation management business process (not covered in this boot camp)
enables you to strategically plan, allocate, and communicate compensation. The
process also enables improved benefits support and analysis while reducing overall
costs. It includes the following products:


Compensation: Oracle Fusion Compensation empowers organizations to

attract, motivate and retain talent through strategically planning, allocating and

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

communicating compensation.

Incentive Compensation: Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation enables

effectively administering sales incentive programs. It empowers organizations
with a rich set of capabilities to streamline the rollout of new plan initiatives,
productivity tools to reduce incentive administrative costs, and relevant business
insight to drive sales performance.

Benefits: Oracle Fusion Benefits is a complete, configurable, and flexible global

solution that enables organizations to manage benefit plans and participants
benefit elections with dependent and beneficiary designation, while tracking
employee and employer costs.

Total Compensation Statement: Oracle Fusion Total Compensation empowers

employers to maintain and analyze a highly configurable statement that
communicates compensation, rewards, and benefits to workers. The statement
can include compensation often overlooked by workers, such as fringe benefits
or perks, company contributions towards health and welfare benefits, the value of
stock grants, and paid time off, in addition to traditional forms of pay such as
base pay and variable compensation.

HCM Common Architecture:

Fast Formula: Fast Formula enables you to review predefined formulas and
create new ones to validate or calculate data for benefits, human resources,
absences, or payroll.

Network at Work: Oracle Fusion Network at Work provides an industry leading

collaborative framework that allows workers to build their own internal social
network and connect with other domain experts and colleagues with similar

Profile Management: Profile management provides a framework for developing

and managing talent profiles that meet your industry or organizational
requirements. Profiles summarize the qualifications and skills of a person or a
workforce structure such as a job or position.

Workforce Directory Management: (not covered in this boot camp) enables

you to maintain a directory of employees, contingent workers, and nonworkers in
the enterprise. Using the directory as a start point, you can update personal and
employment information, and perform keyword and structured searches of the
directory. Line managers access information about their direct and indirect
reports in the line manager portraits of those workers and perform manager selfservice actions. Workers access their own information on the My Portrait tab of
the gallery and perform employee self-service actions. Administrators display
messages to portrait users in selected portraits.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

HCM Foundation Overview

Oracle Fusion HCM Foundation

Minimal HCM functions delivered with other Fusion families

Provided with non HCM implementations
Gives restricted access to required HCM features
Delivered primarily as a set of services

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Workforce Directory Management - Overview

Workforce Directory Management (WDM) is a superset of HCM Foundation, plus:

Hierarchy Viewer
Person Gallery
Person Portrait* (which includes: Contact Information, Employment, Personal and
Employment, Experience and Qualifications, Account Details, Compensation)
Data Exchange (HR to HR / FBL Interface)
It does not include transactional processes. They are performed in the Apps Unlimited
Core HR.
*If Talent is installed, then also includes:


Development and Growth

Career Planning
Network Connections
Network Activities
Activities and Interests

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Integration Solutions
The central component in an integrated HCM solution is Workforce Directory
Management (WDM). (For example, Compensation and Talent, but without Global HR).

Oracle Fusion HCM Integrated Features

Person Gallery
Person Portrait
Basic Setup UI
- Organization
- Locations
- Jobs/Job Families
- Security Profiles
- User Provisioning
Person Contextual Action
Talent Profile
HCM Batch Load
File Based Loader(FBL)
HCM Extract

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Fusion HR & Payroll Country Extensions and


Payroll available for US, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and China.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Instructor Note: Country Extension Plans

Instructor Note:
Payroll currently supported for US, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and China.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Language Support
Oracle Fusion HCM supports the following languages:


Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
French (European)
French (Canadian)
Portuguese (Brazilian)

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Functional Setup Manager

Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager is an application that provides an end-to-end
guided process for managing your functional implementation projects throughout the
entire implementation lifecycle.

Steps in the implementation cycle:

1. Analyze implementation requirements, design, setup, and plan the overall
implementation using Getting Started.
2. Configure applications to match your business requirements using Configure
3. Generate setup task lists using Manage Implementation Projects.
4. Enter setup data using Assigned Implementation Tasks.
5. Export and import setup data from one Oracle Fusion Applications instance to
another using Manage Configuration Packages.
6. Maintain setup over time by searching and performing tasks from All Tasks.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Job Roles with Functional Setups Duty

The delivered job roles with the Functional Setups Duty are:


Application Implementation Manager

Application Implementation Consultant
Human Capital Management Application Administrator
Product-specific job roles referred to as functional users

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Implementation and HCM Application Administrator Job Role

Application Implementation Manager
Users with this job role are typically responsible for managing overall implementation of
Oracle Fusion applications.
They have access to:

Getting Started
Configure Offerings
Manage Implementation Projects
Manage Configuration Packages

Application Implementation Consultant

This is a super user job role for Functional Setup Manager with access to all setup
functionality. Users with this role can fulfill all aspects of the implementation lifecycle.

Getting Started
Configure Offerings
Manage Implementation Projects
Assigned Implementation Tasks
Manage Configuration Packages
Export and Import
All Tasks

This role is usually granted sparingly to a limited number of individuals and is mostly
used during smaller projects such as conference room pilots.
Human Capital Management (HCM) Application Administrator
This job role has access to all of the HCM setup tasks. It is typically used when
implementing multiple applications within and across Oracle Fusion product families.
For example: HCM users with this job role set up common objects owned by HCM, such
as departments and jobs.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Functional Users
Functional users are the subject matter experts from the lines of business and are
responsible for managing the setup data of their specific functional areas.

Functional users have job roles that include Functional Setups Duty or the equivalent
product-specific setups duty.
You can assign Functional Setups Duty to other job roles according to your business
Functional users have access to these Setup and Maintenance work area tabs:


Assigned Implementation Tasks from where they can perform the tasks
assigned to them.
All Tasks where they can search and perform tasks to which they have access
to maintain setup over time.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Implementation Project
An implementation project is the list of setup tasks that are required for implementation
of specific offerings and related functional areas.

Create an implementation project by selecting one or more offerings and functional

Task lists are annotated by folders with their related tasks, or other task lists, displayed
below. An asterisk (*) indicates that a task or task list is required.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Implementation Project Table Column Details

The Implementation Project page includes the following table columns.
Go to Task
Opens a task page that is assigned to you.
Displays the current status of the task. The status of a task or task list can be:

Not Started
In Progress
Execution Frozen
Completed with errors

Predecessor Tasks
If any task list or task requires that another task be completed first, the other task is
listed as a predecessor task. The name of the predecessor task is displayed when the
mouse is over the number in that column. If there are multiple predecessor tasks, all
are listed.
Assigned To
Displays the user or role to which the task is assigned.
If there are notes associated to the task, a number is displayed. Clicking the number
displays the note window.
View Reports
Click the icon to see any of the reports available for the task list.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Assigned Implementation Tasks

Functional users with assigned setup tasks are responsible for performing those tasks
to enter appropriate setup data. When these users sign in to Functional Setup Manager,
they start on the Assigned Implementation Tasks tab of the Overview page.

Performing Tasks
Functional users click the Go to Task icon button for the task to open the task page
from which they enter and manage setup data.
When you complete and close the task, Functional Setup Manager returns you to the
list of assigned implementation tasks, where you can continue to perform other
assigned implementation tasks.
User permission is always validated.
The user's granted permission--at functional and data levels--is fully validated before the
user is allowed to enter setup data.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

Approximate Demonstration Timing: 30 minutes


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Demonstration: Creating an Implementation Project

Demonstration Scope
Go to the Manage Implementation Project page and create your
implementation project.
Remember: You must have the Application Implementation Manager
or Application Implementation Consultant role to create an implementation project.
Demonstration Steps
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area
1. In the Tasks pane, click Manage Implementation Projects to open the Manage
Implementation Projects page.
2. In the Search Results section, click the Create icon to open the Create
Implementation Project: Enter Basic Information page.
3. In the Name field, enter XX Workforce Deployment.
4. Press Tab.
Note that the project is automatically assigned to your user ID in the
Assigned To list.
5. Click Next to open the Create Implementation Project: Select Offerings to
Implement page.
6. In the Workforce Deployment row, select Include. Click Save and Open
Project to open the Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment
7. Expand the Workforce Deployment folder.
Discuss the key concepts for understanding implementation projects.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Demonstration: Assigning Implementation Tasks

Demonstration Scope
For the tasks in this implementation project to appear in your Assigned
Implementation Tasks tab, you assign the tasks to yourself. Then, go to
the Overview page and discuss the key concepts for accessing
implementation projects and tasks.
Demonstration Steps
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page

In the Task Lists and Tasks section, select the Workforce Deployment row.
Click Assign Tasks to open the Assign Tasks dialog box.
Click the Select and Add icon to open the Select and Add: Users dialog box.
In the User ID field, enter your assigned login name.
Click Search.
Click the row containing your login name.
Click Apply.
Click Done to return to the Assign Tasks dialog box.
Click Save and Close to return to the Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page.
10. Click Done to return to the Manage Implementation Projects page.
11. Click Done to return to the Overview page, All Tasks tab.
Discuss the key concepts for accessing implementation projects and tasks
while you navigate through the relevant tabs.
12. Click the Assigned Implementation Tasks tab.
13. In the Task List column header, click the Sort Ascending icon.
14. Click the Implementation Projects tab.
15. Click XX Workforce Deployment in the table.
The Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page is the main
page from which we will work through the tasks in this course, as our course
closely follows this flow, with some variation.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Student Activity: Creating an Implementation Project

and Assigning Tasks
Using your activity guide, do the activities specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Activities Introduction: Creating an Implementation

Project and Assigning Tasks
You are a member of the Workforce Deployment implementation team for InFusion
Corporation and were tasked with creating the implementation project and assigning
implementation tasks.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing XX with your initials
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or a
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create your project, using the default features and assign all of your implementation
project tasks to yourself.
Note: This is not how you would handle a real implementation (assigning all of the tasks
to yourself), but it is important for the activities that you perform throughout this course.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Activity 1: Creating an Implementation Project

In this activity, you create your Workforce Deployment implementation task.
Note: You must have the Application Implementation Manager or Application
Implementation Consultant role to create an implementation project.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in)
1. In the global area Navigator menu, click Setup and Maintenance under Tools.
Location: Setup and Maintenance work area, Overview page, All Tasks tab
2. In the Tasks pane, click Manage Implementation Projects.
Location: Manage Implementation Projects page
3. In the Search Results section, click the Create icon.
Location: Create Implementation Project: Enter Basic Information page
4. In the Name field, enter XX Workforce Deployment.
5. Press Tab.
6. Confirm that the project is automatically assigned to your user ID in the
Assigned To list.
7. Click Next.
Location: Create Implementation Project: Select Offerings to Implement
8. In the Workforce Deployment row, select Include.
9. Click Save and Open Project.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
At this point, you should have created and saved the XX Workforce Deployment
project, which was automatically assigned to your user ID.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Activity 2: Assigning Implementation Tasks

In this activity, you assign to yourself the tasks for your implementation project.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
1. In the Task Lists and Tasks section, select the Workforce Deployment row.
2. Click Assign Tasks.
Location: Assign Tasks dialog box
3. Click the Select and Add icon.
Location: Select and Add: Users dialog box
4. In the User ID field, enter your user ID.
5. Click Search.
6. Select the row containing your user ID.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click Done.
Location: Assign Tasks dialog box
9. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
10. Click Done.
Location: Manage Implementation Projects page
11. Click Done.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Location: Setup and Maintenance work area, Overview page

12. Click the Implementation Projects tab.
13. Click XX Workforce Deployment in the table.
At this point, you should have assigned to yourself all of the implementation tasks for
your project.

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Lesson 1: Course Overview

Accessing Implementation Projects and Tasks

Depending on your role, you see some or all of the following tabs on the Setup and
Maintenance work area, Overview page.
Overview Tabs
Implementation Projects
View and manage implementation project details.
Assigned Implementation Tasks
Address any tasks that are assigned to you.
All Tasks
Access one or more of the task lists and tasks for all of your offerings.

Implementation managers: Access all of the tasks within each implementation

Implementation consultant (functional user): Access only your assigned tasks.

Task Filters
You can filter assigned implementation tasks by:

Implementation project
Due date

Completing Assigned Tasks

All of the tasks assigned to the functional user (implementation consultant) are
accessible from a single page.

Click Go to Task to open the relevant page, regardless of the product that owns
the task.
After you finish performing a task and you click Done, you are returned to the
page from you which you initiated the task.
Example: You initiate many tasks in this course from the Implementation Project:
XX Benefits page, so this is the page to which you return when you click Done or
Cancel for the task.

Note: It is the responsibility of the user to update the task status.


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Lesson 1: Course Overview

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

This lesson introduces you to Oracle Cloud and Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud
In this lesson you will learn about:


Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service

Oracle Cloud (OC)
OC framework and common infrastructure
Customer Lifecycle with OC
Key differences between OC and on-premise deployments
OC security practices and policy documents overview
Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service patching practices
Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service upgrade practices
Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service environment management guidance
OC backup policies and disaster recovery objectives

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service

The Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service delivers a complete HCM solution which
includes the following:

Global HR
Benefits (included with a subscription to Global HR)
Workforce Predictions
Workforce Management
Time and Labor

Absence Management
Succession and Talent Review
Performance Management
Goal Management
Taleo Recruiting
Taleo Learn

This service helps drive better resource plans, employee alignment, and regulatory
compliance with integrated enterprise social networking tools, business intelligence, and
mobile data access.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Key Differences between Cloud Deployment and Onpremise


No access to database to run SQL or any other db commands

No access to JDev or the Skin Editor
Cannot perform Application Development Framework (ADF) customizations
No direct access to Enterprise Manager and Application Server
No ability to develop and deploy custom Java or PL/SQL code
No access to Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite - ability to develop or
deploy Custom Composite Applications
No access to Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA) and Data
warehousing; however, users can use Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) and
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) for reporting
Cloud customers will not be able to configure new Data Sources; however, they
can assign the BI Administrator role to selected users using APM.
Cloud customers are provisioned two environments (Test or Stage and
Production). Additional Test environments can be purchased.
For Public Cloud, services are available to the general public and offered on a
subscription basis, with no requirements to buy additional licenses or support.
For Private Cloud, services are offered for Oracle software and hardware and are
available internally, behind a firewall.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Cloud Security Practices and Policy

Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies

Oracle Cloud-SaaS Hosting and Delivery Policies

( (PDF)
Oracle Cloud-SaaS Enterprise Hosting and Delivery Policies
( (PDF)

Data Processing Service Agreement

Data Processing Agreement

( (PDF)

Oracle Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions

( (PDF)

All documents are available on

Select Oracle Cloud Services

Review cloud specific documents as listed.
Direct questions regarding cloud policies to the global business practices team
for guidance.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Fusion Applications Cloud Service Options

The following list, requested through My Oracle Support (MOS) as service requests
(SRs), is subject to change over Oracle Fusion releases.

For details about Fusion Cloud Service options and procedures, see MOS article


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Cloud Change Management

Regular Maintenance
Oracle Cloud Operations reserves the following regular maintenance windows targeted
to occur during the statistically lightest utilization period for that deployment region.

Mandatory monthly application patching cycle (For example, Patch Bundles)

cadence is Test environment first followed by production two weeks later
Optional weekly as-needed one-off patching
Optional weekly accumulated one-off patching
4-6 month application upgrade cycle
1 year tech stack and infrastructure upgrade cycle (For example, Exadata,
Exalogic, OS, firmware, switches, load balancers, firewalls, hypervisor, database)
Most maintenance is applied Friday evening through Saturday morning (for each
time zone)

For more information on HCM patch bundles, see MOS article # 1554838.1.
Planned Maintenance
Schedules for planned maintenance may be viewed on the Oracle Cloud Customer
Portal. Oracle will endeavor to provide customers with five business-day advance notice
if a different maintenance window is required. Maintenance extension alerts will also be
posted on the Customer Cloud Portal.
Emergency Maintenance
Oracle will apply emergency maintenance as required to maintain the operation,
security, and performance of the Oracle Cloud services. Emergency maintenance may
include, but is not limited to, the application of patches, configuration changes,
hardware repair, or other required activities.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud Service Patching and


Patch Bundles are applied monthly: 1st Friday on Test and 3rd Friday on
If necessary, technology stack fixes will be applied on the 2nd and 4th Friday of
the month

Oracle offers standard patching and release cycle for SaaS customers. First, patch
bundles are applied to Test environments on the 1st Friday of the month. Then on the
3rd Friday of the month, the same patch bundle is applied to Production instances.
There could be times (for a few weeks) when your Test instance and Production
instance will not be identical from a patch-level standpoint. Functional fixes are applied
during these patch windows.
Remember, though, that Oracle proactively patches. Sometimes the functional patch
window does not afford the opportunity to make non-functional fixes to the tech stack.
To avoid problems across the fleet, Oracle sometimes has to introduce patches to the
tech stack on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. We give notice, but the trade off
here is that you will have more reliable, stable environment, but may experience
additional planned outages. This is only done when technical patching cannot fit in the
functional patch windows shown on the slide.
In addition to the monthly patches, we may also have one-off weekly patches consisting
of fixes addressing your critical features, capabilities that impact your project timeline
drastically. We can work with you to identify the one-off patches you need to apply
based on your project needs and plan. If you choose to take up these aggregated oneoff patches, there will be downtime on Wednesday/Thursday to apply these patches in
your Staging environment.
Patching Guidance for Implementation Planning


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Plan Go-Lives 1 2 weeks after Monthly Patch Bundle is applied to Production

- Latest fixes applied before Go-Live
- Sync up Prod and Test

Production to Test (P2T) refresh requires same patch level in Prod and Test
- Perform P2T after Monthly Patch Bundle
- Schedule, plan for P2T well in advance

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview


Typically two upgrades are provided each year.

Cloud Fusion Applications release numbers are the same as on-premise.
A Cloud upgrade may include multiple releases.
For example, a Cloud upgrade applies to two releases at the same time. In this
case, customers would receive both releases as part of the upgrade.

Oracle communicates logistics and whats new before, during, and after the
upgrade in many forms.
Upgrading HCM Cloud customers occurs over several months.
Oracle accommodates customers schedules and implementation status when
scheduling an upgrade.

Upgrades are applied to Test environments first and, after customer validation, to
Production environments:
- Test environments are upgraded throughout the week.
- Production environments are upgraded during weekends


Customers must plan for and execute upgrade validation.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Customer Benefits of Oracles Cloud Upgrade


Provides return on customers investments in the HCM Cloud Service

Provides functional and technical enhancements and fixes
- Feature/function improvements
- Usability enhancements
- Technical updates


Re-establishes the baseline for future updates

Eliminates the conventional problem of being stuck with an obsolete software

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Special Upgrade Considerations

Production-to-Test (P2T) Content Migration
If requested, a copy of Production will be taken and placed on the Test environment first
to simulate future Production upgrade. This will add an estimated 24 hours to the
downtime in Test, depending on the volume of data. Any data in Test will be overwritten.
Customers in production should always migrate their Production environment to the
Test environment as part of the upgrade, unless they have recently done this migration
and are confident that the two environments are closely aligned.
Language Packs
If more than one language pack is currently installed, customers must provide
authorization to apply any additional language packs at the time of the upgrade. There
will be an additional 3-hour outage required for each language pack for both Test and
Coexistence through HR2HR (for customers subscribing prior to April 2013)
If requesting a P2T as part of customers' Test upgrade, customers will need to
coordinate a copy of their E-business Suite/People Soft (EBS/PS) database as well and
change necessary configurations in the source system before resuming HR2HR use in
Patching During the Upgrade Window
Prior to starting upgrades for the HCM Cloud Fleet, restrictions will be put in place to
limit patching, to ensure consistency across all customer environments that are being

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Recommended Customer Upgrade Validation

Develop Upgrade Validation Plan

Review testing plans and scripts originally prepared for the implementation
project to test the same scenarios in the newly upgraded environment.
Review any communications or training materials and guides for feature/function
changes due to the upgrade, to incorporate them into the customer's validation

Perform Post-upgrade Validation

Configuration: Review the setup for primary code values, such as Departments,
Locations, Jobs and confirm that all appear to be the same as they were prior to
the upgrade.
Employee Data: Create and run a few simple reports on employees showing
their personnel and assignment information prior to the upgrade. Then run the
same reports again after the upgrade to verify that the information appears the
same as prior to the upgrade.
Reports: Run a few regular reports and confirm they are working correctly.
Integrations: Run a test of each of the customer's integrations to confirm that
they are all working properly.
Security: Sign on to OIM and verify that you can query all of the customers
organizations. Create a new user and assign roles.
Batch processes: Run some typical batch processes to confirm that they are
working correctly.

Special Considerations

Single sign-on: Verify that you are still able to sign in successfully using
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) accounts.
E-mail notifications: If you previously had email notifications turned off in Test,
you can control this as part of the customers user account settings. Make sure
that you have selected the Suppress User Account and Email Notifications
option in the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task.
Multiple languages: Verify that each of the language packs is still available and
working properly.

Upgrade Problem Reporting


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Log a Service Request (SR) through My Oracle Support (MOS), providing as

much documentation as possible including pre-upgrade and post-upgrade
Oracle will provide problem reporting guidelines for each upgrade. For example,
SR naming conventions, problem categorization types to use.

Note: You can use the Oracle Product Features

( tool to compare
release features prior to an upgrade.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Cloud Environment Management

Cloud customers need to know the recommended approach to using the environments
provided to them.
Several factors contribute to recommending a strategy:

Cloud Service Level Objectives and Service Entitlements

Current Service capabilities
Customer project lifecycle: initial implementation versus subsequent
Customer size and complexity

The guidance will evolve as additional capabilities roll out.


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Available Environments
A standard Fusion HCM Cloud Service subscription provides two environments Production environment and Test environment.

Production Environment: The production environment is intended to support

the ongoing management of your Fusion HCM Cloud Service applications in
production. Content should not be created in the production environment prior to
going live unless absolutely necessary. Use should be restricted to only

Test or Stage Environment: The test or stage environment supports all nonproduction related activities for managing the HCM implementation lifecycle.
Focus should be on applying and testing implementation activities prior to putting
them into production. An exception to this is Conference Room Pilot(s).

Customers may purchase additional Test environments for other purposes (For
example, Payroll parallel runs, feature development, familiarization/training, and internal

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Environment Management Services and Tools


P2T Content Migration Utility: Copies Production data to Test

Setup migration through Functional Setup Manager (FSM)
Flexfield Metadata Migration through FSM
Page Composer UI Extensions Migration through Fusion Middleware (FMW)
and/or CSM (Customization Set Migration, new with Release 7)
BI/Reporting Migration through Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
(OTBI)/ Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP)
Refresh of Test environment: Provides the customer with a new Test
Data load Delete Scripts: Removes bad/incomplete data from tables during initial
implementation (through Oracle Support)

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Content Migration Solutions

During your implementation lifecycle, you will migrate content between the Production
and Test environments.
The Content Migration Solutions between Fusion HCM Cloud Service environments are
classified in terms of the direction from which content is migrated.

Test-to-Production (T2P) - Migrations occur for one type of content, such as

business intelligence or functional setup, at a time
Production-to-Test (P2T) - Typically migrates an entire production environment
to test and, in doing so, overlays the entire contents of the test environment

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Test-to-Production Migration
The Fusion HCM Cloud Service supports migration of several of the most common
customer configurations from the test environment to the production environment. The
typical use case for such configurations is performing your configurations in the test
environment, validating that you configured them correctly, and migrating them to the
production environment.
Test-to-Production Solutions for Common Configurations


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Production-to-Test Migration

Migrates database content from Production to Test

Overwrites Test environment which is unavailable for 1 day
Both environments must be at the same patch level
- Recommendation: Time the P2T right after monthly Production patch bundle
Service is on request
- Recommendation: Get on the P2T schedule well in advance
Production user definitions are migrated
- Typically, Production users should not access Test
- Test users must be recreated

Content Migrated
1. All transaction data and functional setup data in the Fusion Applications schema
2. File attachments (for example, agreements, orders) stored in Universal Content
Management (UCM)
3. Flexfield customizations
4. Metadata Services (MDS) customizations (for example, Oracle Composer
5. BI Web Catalog and Repository Definition (RPD)
6. Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) repository
7. WebCenter contents

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Setup Migration through FSM

Migrates setup from one environment to another

- Typical use case is migration from Test to Production

Migrates all setup for a Logical Business Object (LBO)

- Scope, an FSM concept, allows row-level migration but is not enabled for many

Target to Source migration rules:

- Setup from target will be inserted into source if it does not exist in the source
- Setup rows from target that exist in the source will be updated with changes
from the source
- General Rule: Effective Start Dates must be the same to be considered as a
For more information, see FSM Help: Manage Export and Import Processes.


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

HCM Setup Migration

The following table identifies the Logical Business Objects (LBOs) for which FSM
migration is supported with Release 7.

Also Supported:

FSM Migration for Common and Shared LBOs (for example, Common Look-ups,
Flexfield Definitions, Business Unit)
Comp Plan Migration via XML Export/Import function on the Comp Plan Setup UI

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Extensibility Migration
The following table identifies key enablers for migration extensibility configurations from
one environment to another.

For more information, see the white paper Managing Fusion HCM Cloud Service
Environments (MOS article # 1537461.1).


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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Cloud Backup Policies

Online backup of the database, code tree, and archive logs are performed by
Oracle for Production environments.
Backup is for Oracle's sole use in the event of a disaster.
Backup is made to disk daily and copied to tape twice a week.
Backup is maintained at an offsite storage facility for 5 weeks.
The offsite tape storage vendor (PCI certified for tape vault mgmt) takes the
tapes offsite on a daily basis.
Data stored in the backup tapes for the service is encrypted using strong
cryptography (AES-256 bit) and a True Random Number Generator (TRNG) for
the generation of strong keys.
Restoration of data from the stored backup tapes is tested twice annually.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Oracle Cloud Disaster Recovery Objectives


Oracle provides a service option for customers requiring faster recovery

responsiveness than that Oracle already provides to its Cloud customers through
its business continuity plan and service level objective of 99.5% uptime.
The enhanced service provides contractual confirmation of DR efforts recovery
point of no more than one hour and a faster recovery time objective (no more
than 12 hours).

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Know How to Work with Oracle SaaS

Understand key differences between On-premise, SaaS by other providers, and Oracle
Oracle SaaS offers several services and resources to help you perform successful
customer engagements.

First, understand how to work effectively with Oracle Support. They are the
primary team you should be contacting for any issues or guidance you might
need during implementation. There are few best practices to triage and escalate
the issues. Be aware of those and apply whenever situation arises.

Oracle Operations team is like the IT team performing technical operations on

your Cloud services. Be aware of how the team performs certain routine proactive tasks such as patching. Also know what specific cloud service-related
requests the Oracle Ops team will be performing on your behalf. Understand how
you, as an implementer need to request for these.

Oracle COE is available to assist and guide you during implementation.

Understand its function and leverage Oracle COE appropriately during or after
the implementation.

For more information on working effectively with Oracle Support, see Working
effectively with support : From initial setup of relationship through to complex issue
handling, document ID 166650.1 on My Oracle Support.

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

There are no demonstrations or activities for this



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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview

Lesson Highlights
Oracle Cloud (OC)
The Oracle Cloud is composed of 3 Service Models: Application Cloud Service (SaaS);
Platform Cloud Service (PaaS); and Infrastructure Cloud Service (IaaS). All Services
provided by OC are managed under a common infrastructure to support the entire
customer lifecycle for purchasing, using, and evaluating their Service.
HCM Cloud Service
The HCM Cloud Service is a complete suite of applications, Oracle Fusion and Taleo,
which collectively manage customers complete human resources and talent
management requirements.
HCM Cloud Service Maintenance
Oracle applies as-needed and recurring maintenance to customer environments on a
predictable, published cadence.
HCM Cloud Service Upgrades
Oracle performs upgrades to the customer environments as new service versions
become available. Typically two upgrades are provided each year. Oracle
communicates logistics and whats new before, during, and after the upgrade in many
forms. Upgrades are applied to Test environments first and, after customer validation, to
Production environments.
Oracle Cloud Environment Management
A standard Fusion HCM Cloud Service subscription provides two environments Production environment and Test environment. Customers may purchase additional
Test environments for other purposes (For example, Payroll parallel runs, feature
development, familiarization/training, and internal demos). The implementing customer
must define and adhere to a strategy for what work occurs in which environment and
how to migrate content from one environment to another. Oracle provides general
guidance on how to manage Cloud environments.
Content Migration Solutions
The Content Migration Solutions between Fusion HCM Cloud Service environments are
classified in terms of the direction from which content is migrated.

Test-to-Production (T2P) - Migrations occur for one type of content, such as

business intelligence or functional setup, at a time
Production-to-Test (P2T) - Typically migrates an entire production environment to
test and, in doing so, overlays the entire contents of the test environment

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Lesson 2: HCM Cloud Service Overview


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Lesson 3: Define Geographies

This lesson explains how to set up geography reference data using the tasks in
the Define Geographies task group.
By the end of the lesson, you should:

Understand basic geography reference data concepts

Know how to import geography reference data
Understand the functions of a file-based import
Understand how to set up address validation for your cloud application

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Geography Model Concepts

Here are a few concepts that will help you with your setup:


Geography: Any geographical region with a boundary around it, no matter what
its size, such as Kerala (a state), Russia (a country), San Francisco (a city),
Miami-Dade (a county), or Minato-ku (a ward in the city of Tokyo).
Geography Type: The name given to a type of geographical region, for example,
a country, state, province, county, or city.
Geography (or Country) Structure: Defines the structure of the data you are
creating for the country. It specifies the geography types that you must have for
your addresses and territories for that country and how they are organized.
Different countries use different geography types and different structures. In the
U.S. you must include cities and states. In Japan you must include prefectures,
municipalities, districts, and wards.
Geography Hierarchy or Country Hierarchy: The hierarchy of the geographies
for a country based on the geography structure.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Instructor Note: Best Practice

You can use this structure to explain the concept of Geographies in general:

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Address Validation

Address Validation
On the Web interface, you can enable the lists of values for selected fields to validate
address entry. For example, for the U.S., you can enable the lists of values for City,
State, and ZIP Code (postal code). Users can either select the value or enter the
correct value manually.
If you license the Oracle Fusion Data Quality Address Cleansing module, users can
validate the entire address, including the street address, by clicking the Verify Address
button on the Web interface. (The Verify Address button is the page icon with a check
mark under the address.)
Note: Real-time address validation has not been extended to include mobile devices or
Outlook. If you want to validate addresses entered in either of these, then you can do so
by processing the entered addresses in the address cleansing module.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Implementation Considerations

For data integrity reasons, you cannot add new geography structures or modify existing
ones after you import your geography hierarchy, so before importing you should
consider the following:

Make sure that you include in your geography structures all the possible
geography types your applications may need. Different applications might have
different needs. For example, you may want to base some sales territories on
counties even though you do not use counties in your addresses.
Geography reference information is shared by other applications so you must
consider the needs of these applications as well. For example, financial
applications may require you to include geography structures to satisfy local tax
laws. Even if you are not implementing financial applications today, you may do
so in the future.
You may want to review the seeded address styles for the countries you are
going to be importing and modify them as required. The address styles indicate
the required elements of a street address or a tax address. You can review the
address styles from the Setup and Maintenance Work area by searching for
and using the Manage Address Formats task.
The source and reliability of the geography data you are about to import.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 15 minutes


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Demonstration: Creating an Address Format

Demonstration Background
You want to create a new address style format for the country Thailand.
Demonstration Scope
Specify the postal address style format name and address style, create the format
variation layout, and assign the format to the country Thailand.

Demonstration Steps
Sign in either as hcm_impl or hcm_impl1.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area
1. In the Search region, in the Name field, enter Manage Address Formats.
2. Click Search.
3. In the Manage Address Formats task row, click the Go to Task icon.
Location: Manage Address Formats page
4. In the Search Results section, click the Create icon.
Location: Create Address Style Format page
5. In the Overview section, in the Code field, enter TH_POSTAL_ADDR.
6. In the Name field, enter Thailand Postal Address Format.
7. In the Address Style field, select Postal Address.
8. Click Save.
Creating the Format Variation Layout
1. Expand the Format Variation section, and from the Actions menu, select Add.
2. In the Variation Rank field, enter 1.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

3. In the Format Variation Layout section, click the Add icon.

4. In the Line field, enter 1.
5. In the Position field, enter 1.
6. In the Prompt field, enter Address Line 1.
7. In the Address Element field, select Address line 1.
8. Select Required.
9. Click the Add icon.
10. In the Line field, enter 2.
11. In the Position field, enter 2.
12. In the Prompt field, enter City.
13. In the Address Element field, select City.
14. Select Required.

15. Click the Expand icon on the City address row, then enter 1 in the Blank Lines
Before field.
You can create additional address lines as per your requirement.
16. Click Save.
17. Click Preview Layout to view how the address appears.
Location: Address Style Format Layout Preview dialog box.
18. Click OK.
Assigning a Locale
1. Click the Locale Assignment tab.
2. Click the Add icon.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

3. In the Country field, select Thailand.

4. Click Save and Close.
You have demonstrated how to create an address style format.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Geography Structure Tips


You can recreate a countrys geography hierarchy by importing geographies or

entering geography information in the Manage Geographies page.
Using the Manage Geography Structure page, you can add additional geography
types to the bottom of your country structure.
Provided you have not yet uploaded the geography hierarchy, you can also add
additional geography types in the middle of your structure. (To do so, you must
first delete all the geography types below the insertion point, insert the one you
missed, and then add the geography types you deleted.)
You can delete either an entire countrys geography hierarchy or part of a
countrys geography hierarchy. When you delete a parent geography, all of the
parents child geography records are also deleted.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Do I Enter Data or Import It?

To build the geography reference data for a country, you must have the following:

The structure
The geography data itself

You have the choice of using the user interface to enter the data directly, or you can
import the data from a file. Which method you use depends on the complexity and
volume of data, and your preference.
Typically, if you have a large volume of geographic data, then importing the data is the
most efficient way of creating your geographies. We will be importing both sets of data
from files.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

The Manage Geographies Page

The Manage Geographies page is where you see what information you need to define
for each country:
There are four columns, each giving you access to a specific setup page:

Address Cleansing Defined: This is where you enable the Verify Address
button for real-time address verification if you have licensed the Oracle Fusion
Data Quality Address Cleansing module.
Structure Defined: This gives you access to the page where you can create the
structure for each country if you are not importing it from a file.
Hierarchy Defined: Opens t he page where you can enter geography data if you
are not importing it.
Validation Defined: Opens the page where you specify which of the geography
types you are going to be using and how they will be validated both on the user
interface and during an import.

You get a check mark in a column when you complete that step for a particular country.
So after we do our import, we will see check marks for both the Structure Defined and


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Hierarchy Defined. You must define the structure before you can define the hierarchy
or set up the validation.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Sample Data and Procedures on Oracle Support

The example and data we are using today is based on support note 1341174.1, which
you can access on My Oracle Support ( The support note
includes sample data from 30 countries, which you can download and use.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Instructor Note: Source of the Geography Data

Students may want to know where do customers get the geography data from. There is
no plan to seed geography data in the Oracle Fusion Cloud since customers may want
to use geography data from different sources. Customers can purchase data from
various data vendors. Oracle provides some sample data for testing purposes, and the
instructions are available via the My Oracle Support Doc ID: 1341174.1. Oracle is
working with partners to provide geography data to customers in a future release. When
that feature is available, customers will have a choice to load Oracle provided data.
If you are using Fusion Payroll in US or China, there are additional configuration steps
that may be required for Geography data. Please refer to the implementation guides for
additional information.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

File-Based Import Process Overview

Here is how the import works:

1. You prepare a delimited-text (.csv) file or XML file with your data. (An XML-file is
not required for geography data.) You can use commas as delimiters.
2. You create an import activity, which walks you through a series of four steps.
3. In the Setup step, you enter information about your file.
4. In the Map Fields step, you map the columns in your file to the attributes in the
interface tables.
5. In the Schedule Import step, you specify if you want the activity to run
immediately or at a time you specify.
6. In the Review and Activate step, you click Activate to run the activity at the
scheduled time.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

7. Monitor the status of your import activity. If the activity completes with errors,
then you must correct your data, the attribute mapping, or both and run the
process again.
When the import activity completes with no errors, your data is loaded
automatically from the interface tables to the application tables.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Analyzing Attribute Mapping

When you prepare your import files, make sure you understand how the attributes in
your file map to the attributes in the application. To get a listing of attributes with their
description and validation, and to find out which attributes are required, consult the
interface table documentation which is available by searching help on the object that
you are importing.
You do not need to consult the interface table documentation for the geography
reference data that we are discussing in this course, because it includes few attributes,
and we list these for you.
We will discuss analyzing attributes in the next lesson because it is more important for
complex imports of customer data.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Import Steps
To import a simple data set, such as country structure or geography hierarchy:
1. Prepare a delimited-text (CSV) file with your data. You can use commas as
2. In the application, navigate to the All Tasks tab in the Setup and Maintenance
work area.
3. Search for the Manage File Import Activities task.
4. Click the Go To Task button.
5. On the Manage Import Activities page, click Create.
6. In the Create Import Activity: Set Up page:
- Enter a name for your import activity. You use this name to identify the import
in the future.
- In the Object field, select the object that you are importing. (For this lesson this
is going to be either Country Structure or Geography.)
- In the Source File region, select Desktop as the Upload Option, and select
the Header row included option. Check that the Data Type is correct for your
7. Click Next.
8. The Create Import Activity: Map Fields page displays the attributes in your file
with some sample data.
- For each of your attributes, select the object you are importing from the Object
list. (There is only one object for the geography structure and one for the
geography data.)
- Select the attribute you are mapping to.
9. Click Next.
10. In the Create Import Activity: Create Schedule page, specify when you want to
process your file. The default option is to launch the import immediately.
11. Click Next.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

12. In the Create Import Activity:Review and Activate page, click Activate to run
the import at the time you specified.
13. You can monitor the status of your import activity on the Manage Import
Activities page.
14. If the process completes with the status of Completed with errors, you can view
the errors by clicking on the status link. You must correct any errors either by
editing the file, the mapping, or both, and schedule the activity to run again.
An import activity with the status of Completed indicates that your data was
loaded into the application tables.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Instructor Note: Importing the Geography Structure

for a Country
Note: The following sample data did not work in some environments; The level Number
had to be changed to start from 0 instead of 1 (0,1,2,3) for it to work:

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Importing the Geography Structure for a Country

The country structure file must contain the following columns. The names in bold are the
attribute names used in the application.

CountryCode: A two-letter code identifying the country. You can view available
country codes (Territory Codes) using the Manage Territories task in the Setup
and Maintenance or Manage Geographies work areas.
Note: You cannot enter a country code not already available because country
codes are globally configured.

LevelNumber: The level of your geography type in the hierarchy. This is a digit,
with 1 indicating the top of the hierarchy.

GeographyType: Geography type.

Here is an example of a country structure for the country Aland Islands (AX) :

Note: Neither the header row names nor the data can include any spaces, but you can
use underscores.
You are provided with six geography types:


If you are creating additional geography types either in the interface or by importing
them in a file, then you must always use the uppercase versions of the geography type
names in your import file. (The application converts uppercase to initial capitals for
display and selection in the Manage Geography Structure page.)


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

You can obtain a list of all the geography types in your application by using the
Schedule Export Process task.
To download the list of available geography types in your environment:
1. Navigate to the All Tasks tab in the Overview page of the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
2. Search for the Schedule Export Process task.
3. Click the Go To Task button.
4. On the export Overview page, click Create.
5. Enter a name for the export.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Export Objects region of the Create Export Process Definition:
Configure Export Objects page, click Create.
8. Select Geography Type and click Done.
9. Click Next.
10. In the Create Export Process Definition: Create Schedule page, the export is
scheduled to run immediately by default.
11. Click Next.
12. In the Create Export Process Definition: Review page, click Activate.
13. Click Save and Close.
14. When the export process completes you can retrieve the file at the bottom of the
page in the History region.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Importing the Geography Hierarchy

Now that you have imported the structure of your geography data, you will import the
Each row of geography sample data includes the following information. (The names in
bold are the attributes names in the application.)

RecordTypeCode: Determines how the data in this row is imported. The valid
values are 0, 1, and 2. A value of 0 indicates a geography already exists in the
base table. A value of 1 indicates the intent to create a new geography. A value
of 2 indicates your intention to add an alternate name or code to an existing
geography. Further explanation of RecordTypeCode is not covered in this course
because it is part of advanced functionality.

PrimaryGeographyName: The name of the geography itself.

CountryCode: A two-letter code identifying the country. You can view available
country codes (Territory Codes) using the Manage Territories or the Manage
Geographies task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

LevelNumber: Geography level. This is a single digit indicating the level in the
structure you set up.
SourceId: An ID number for that geography.
ParentSourceID: The ID number of the parent geography. Note: The Source ID
and the Parent SourceID are not imported but are used by the import process to
determine the structure of the data in the file.
LanguageCode: Country language code. This is an optional field. You can view
the valid language codes from the Manage Languages task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Understanding the Geography Hierarchy Data Import

Here is a sample, geography hierarchy data file for the country Aland Islands (AX):

Row 1

This row provides information about the country Aland Islands, with the
CountryCode AX.
This country already exists in the application so the RecordTypeCode is 0.
The SourceId is a unique identifier.
There is no ParentSourceId because this is the top level in the country structure.
The LevelNumber of the country in the country structure is 1.

Row 2

Provides information about StateA.

The information in this row is new so it has a RecordTypeCode of 1.
The ParentSourceId refers to the SourceId of the first row.
The LevelNumber of this state is 2 in the country structure that you imported.

Row 3

Provides information about CityA.

The information in this row is new so it has a RecordTypeCode of 1.
The ParentSourceId refers to the SourceId of the second row.
The level of a city is 3 in the country structure that you imported.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Setting Up Validation

After your import is complete, you must turn on geography validation for each country
so your application can use the geography data you imported:
1. On the Manage Geographies page, click the Go To Task button for the country
that you imported.
The Manage Geography Validation page appears.
2. In the Geography Mapping and Validation region, select the Geography
Validation option for all the geography types you imported and want to use. This
step is a critical setup for Oracle CRM Applications because addresses that you
import will be validated against the geography data only if you make this
3. If you want to require users to use lists of values in the Web interface during
address entry at a particular geography type level, then select the Enable List of


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Values option. Enabling the list of values for Postal Code for the U.S. requires
users to make a selection from a list of ZIP codes. If you leave this option
deselected, then the user has the option of either selecting the ZIP code from the
list or typing it. Entering a state restricts what you can enter for the city and postal
4. If you want users to receive an error when they enter an incorrect address and
to prevent them from saving an invalid address, then select Error for the
Geography Validation Level for Country in the Geography Validation
Control region. The default is No Validation, which permits users to save an
incorrect address.
Note: T he real-time address validation works only in the Web interface, not in Outlook,
or in mobile devices such as iPhone or Blackberry. If you want to validate addresses
entered by means of these alternate interfaces, then you must license and use the data
cleansing module.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Define Geographies: Review Questions

Review Question 1
Which of the following do you define first?
1. Geography Hierarchy
2. Geography Structure
3. Geography Validation


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Review Question 2
You create a country structure for each country where you want to set up geography
reference data to accomplish one or more of the following:

Provide a template for customer address imports.

Specify what geographies you are importing.
Provide formats for addresses.
Specify how the geographies that you are importing are organized hierarchically.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Review Question 3
I can use file-based import not only to import geography reference data, but as a means
to import all legacy data from other applications into my cloud application.
1. True.
2. False.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Review Question 4
Which of the following do I need to understand before I decide what types of geography
reference data I need to import?
1. What geography structures, if any, are required by the sales territories that my
organization plans to set up.
2. How the marketing department plans to use geographies for lead segmentation.
3. If I plan to implement other applications that will use the geography reference
data and their needs.
4. The source and quality of the data I am importing.
5. All of the above.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Review Question 5
If I already imported the geography hierarchy for a country, can I add another
geography type in the middle of my structure?
1. Yes
2. No


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Review Question 6
If I imported the geography structure, but have not yet imported the geography
hierarchy, can I add a geography type in the middle of my structure?
1. No.
2. Yes.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

All Review Questions and Answers

Which of the following do you define first?
2. Geography Structure
You create or import a geography structure for each country where you do
business to accomplish one or more of the following:
2. (Specify what geographies you are importing.) and 4. ( Specify how the geographies
that you are importing are organized hierarchically. )
The geography structure is not a template for import and does not format addresses.
I can use file-based import not only to import geography reference data, but as a
means to import all legacy data from other applications into my cloud
1. True.
Which of the following do I need to understand before I decide what types of
geography reference data I need to import?
5. All of the above.
If I already imported the geography hierarchy for a country, can I add another
geography type in the middle of my structure?
If I imported the geography structure, but have not yet imported the geography
hierarchy, can I add a geography type in the middle of my structure?
2. Yes, you can do so from the Manage Geography Structure page. You must first
delete all the geography types below your insertion point, add your new geography type,
and then add the geography types you deleted below.


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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

There are no activities for this lesson

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson you should have learned:


How geography reference data is used in the Oracle Fusion CRM Cloud
The basic geography reference data concepts
How to import geography reference data and other simple data from a file
Understand how to set up address validation for your cloud application

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies

Lesson Highlight Details

Geography Reference Data
You set up geography reference data using the tasks in the Define Geographies task
group. Geography reference data includes:

Geography Type
Geography (or Country) Structure
Geography (or Country) Hierarchy

You create or import a geography structure for each country where you do business to
specify what geographies you are importing and how the geographies that you are
importing are organized hierarchically.
Basic Geography Reference Data Concepts
Geography reference information is shared by other applications so you must consider
the needs of these applications as well. Make sure that you include in your geography
structures all the possible geography types your applications may need. Review the
seeded address styles for the countries you are going to be importing and modify them
as required.
You can add additional geography types to the bottom of your country structure using
the Manage Geography Structure page. You can also add additional geography types
in the middle of your structure, provided you have not yet uploaded the geography
hierarchy. However, you cannot add new geography structures or modify existing ones
after you import your geography hierarchy.
Importing Geography Reference Data
You can use the user interface to enter the data directly, or you can import the data
from a file. Typically, if you have a large volume of geographic data, then importing the
data is the most efficient way of creating your geographies. You prepare a delimited-text
(.csv) file or XML file with your data and create an import activity, which walks you
through a series of four steps. When the import activity completes with no errors, your
data is loaded automatically from the interface tables to the application tables.
Setting up Address Validation
After your import is complete, you must turn on geography validation for each country
so your application can use the geography data you imported. On the Manage
Geography Validation page, use the Geography Validation option for all the
geography types you imported and want to use. This step is a critical setup for Oracle
CRM Applications because the addresses that you import will be validated against the
geography data only if you make this selection.

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Lesson 3: Define Geographies


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Establish the enterprise structure using the ESC

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

The Enterprise Structure Configurator (ESC)

This graphic illustrates the process to configure your enterprise using the Enterprise
Structures Configurator (ESC) .
After you define your enterprise, job and position structures, you can review them,
make any necessary changes, and then load the final configuration.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

ESC Overview
The ESC is an interview-based tool that guides you through the configuration of your
enterprise structures. Use the ESC as part of your set up to define the organization
structures and job and position structures of the enterprise.
How do I access the ESC?
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Establish Enterprise Structures
task under the Define Initial Configuration task list:

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

ESC Benefits
Using the ESC, you can:


Create all the organizational structures at one time.

Create multiple configurations to test multiple scenarios.

Review the enterprise configuration prior to loading it.

Rollback an enterprise configuration after loading it.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Instructor Note: Using the ESC

The students may want to know what happens if they do not use the ESC to configure
their enterprise structures. If you do not use the ESC, then you must set up your
enterprise structures using the individual tasks that correspond to each enterprise
component. This also means that you cannot set up multiple configurations and
compare different scenarios.
Students may want to know if they have locations already set up, can they see them in
the ESC. The answer to this question is No.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Establishing Enterprise Structures Using the ESC

In this section, you will learn how to:


Describe the organization components within an enterprise

Set up multiple enterprise configurations
Review the enterprise configuration
Load the enterprise configuration

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Enterprise Configuration Using ESC

This graphic displays all the components you set up in ESC and the order in which you
perform the tasks.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Manage Enterprise
The following screenshot is the Manage Enterprise page within the Establish Enterprise
Structures task in the Enterprise Structures Guided Flow. You can see the 7 train stops
that guide you through the high-level organizational setup:


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Enterprise Structure Components

This graphic is an example of an enterprise structure with two divisions operating in four
countries with a combination of sales and marketing departments.

Enterprise: For each configuration in ESC, you define the high-level structures
within the scope of an enterprise. It consists of legal entities under common
control and management.
Division: A division refers to a business or product oriented subdivision.
Divisions are used in HCM to define the management organization hierarchy,
using the generic organization hierarchy. This hierarchy can be used to create
organization based security profiles.
Legal Entity: Represents the legal employer and/or payroll statutory unit (PSU).
A legal employer is a legal entity that employs people. A PSU is a legal entity
responsible for the payment of its workers and can be used to report tax and
social insurance.
Legislative Data Group (LDG): (not shown in the graphic) LDGs are created
automatically in ESC, with one LDG created for each location country identified in
the interview. You can see them in the technical summary report. Use LDGs to
partition payroll data in large organizations with multiple legal entities.
Departments: A department is an organization to which you assign workers.

Note: The ESC does not create departments, you create departments using the
Manage Departments task.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Enterprise and Divisions

You use the guided flow within the Establish Enterprise Structures task to enter basic
information about your enterprise, such as the primary industry and the location of your
headquarters. You then create divisions, legal entities, business units, and reference
data sets.
When implementing Oracle Fusion Applications you operate within the context of an
enterprise that has already been created in the application for you. This is either a
predefined enterprise or an enterprise that has been created in the application by a
system administrator.
A division refers to a business oriented subdivision within an enterprise, in which each
division organizes itself differently to deliver products and services or address different
markets. A division can operate in one or more countries, and can be comprised of
many companies or parts of different companies that are represented by business units.
The following figure illustrates the structure of InFusion Corporation after adding a new
division and other relevant organizations. The new division exists within the current
enterprise structure, but you can manage the costs and reporting separately from the
InFusion Corporation.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Creating Legal Entities Using the ESC

In ESC you have three options to create your legal entities:

Create legal entities automatically: based on the countries in which divisions of

your business operate.
Upload legal entities from a spreadsheet: if you have a list of legal entities
already defined for your enterprise.
Create legal entities manually: add individual legal entities in the interview.

This graphic illustrates the InFusion Corporation with two divisions. The InFusion
Lighting division operates in the US and Japan, and the InFusion Security division
operates in the UK and India. Using the Map Divisions by Country page in the ESC, you
can create a legal entity for each country. Therefore the ESC creates four legal entities
for the InFusion Corporation:


InFusion Lighting Japan LE

InFusion Lighting US LE
InFusion Security UK LE
InFusion Security India LE

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Instructor Note: Creating Legal Entities Using the ESC

Note: The list of countries available (in the new window after you select to generate the
legal entities automatically) is based on the location information already entered in the
interview. You can also add additional countries.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Instructor Note: Enterprise Configuration Using the

Use the graphic to explain how the ESC guides you through each page to set up the
enterprise structures. The ESC is different from the individual tasks as it includes all the
relevant tasks together. As the ESC is based on best practices it enables you to
complete your configuration by thinking about how you run your business, where your
company operates and employs people, and how you manage your employees. You
can configure the enterprise to reflect your organization structure.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Creating Business Units Using the ESC: Key


Used throughout Fusion Applications for management reporting, processing of

transactions, and security of transactional data.
Can create business units manually or automatically.
Can automatically create business units at many different levels

Considerations for selecting how to create your business units and which level to

Do you use or ever plan to use Oracle Fusion Financials? If yes, then select the
legal entity level to ensure financial transactions are processed correctly.
Do you need business units at the functional level to represent, for example,
Sales, Consulting, or Product Development?
Do you need business units at the country level to represent the countries in
which you operate?

In the following diagram, InFusion decides to create business units using the country
and business function level. Therefore, they created the following business units:


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Instructor Note: Creating Business Units Using the

Include reference to curriculum on business units.
Considerations for business units:

Do you need business units at the functional level to represent sales, consulting,
or product development? Select the Business Function level.
Do you need business units at the country level to represent the countries in
which you operate? Select the Country level.

Note: Inform the students that if they choose to create their business units manually,
then the ESC does not automatically create the corresponding reference data sets.
They must also create the reference data sets manually.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Creating Reference Data Sets Using the ESC

The ESC uses the business unit information to create the required reference data sets.
For example, if you create the business units at the division level, then the ESC creates
one reference data set for each division. If you create business units automatically, then
the ESC automatically creates reference data sets as well. The reference data set
provides the business unit with information, which is used at the transaction level. The
application uses the business unit you associate to the person to determine certain setenabled information, such as grades, departments, jobs, and locations that are available
for the person.

Managing Business Unit Set Assignment

You can change the default reference data set, which is assigned to a business unit for
all reference data groups, such as grades, locations, departments, and jobs. You can
override the default reference data set for any reference data group. For example, in the
below screenshot, Fusion Security SET is the default reference data set for the India
Fusion Security business unit. You can override the set assignment so that grades are
assigned to the default Fusion Security SET, departments are assigned to another set,
and jobs are assigned to yet another set.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Common Set
The Common Set is a predefined set that enables you to share reference data across
business units.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Reviewing the Configuration

The last step in establishing the enterprise structures using the ESC, is reviewing the
resulting configuration. In the review results, you can view all the enterprise structures
that will be created, and the management reporting structure that will be created upon
loading the configuration.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Viewing the Technical Summary Report

In the Manage Enterprise Configuration page, click Review Results for your enterprise
configuration, to view and download the technical summary report:

The technical summary report lists the enterprise and job structures, displays the
management reporting structure, and in addition displays the following:

Legislative data groups (LDGs) - the application defines one legislative data
group for each country identified in the configuration.
Name of the legislative data group that will be assigned to the payroll statutory
unit generated for each legal entity.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Loading the Configuration and Rolling Back

You can load only one enterprise configuration. When you load a configuration, the
application creates the divisions, legal entities, business units, and so on. After you load
the configuration, you then use individual tasks to edit, add, and delete enterprise

Rolling Back a Configuration

The ESC provides the ability to roll back an enterprise configuration in the following


You can roll back an enterprise configuration manually after loading it, for
example, because you decide you do not want to use it. Clicking the Roll Back
Configuration button on the Manage Enterprise Configuration page rolls back
any enterprise structures that were created as a part of loading the configuration.

If an error occurs during the process of loading the configuration, then the
application automatically rolls back any enterprise structures that were created
before the error was encountered.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The activities in this section provide the students with information on how to define an
enterprise configuration. However, only one configuration can be loaded in the
environment. Each student can perform the tasks within the Define Initial Configuration
task list, except the Load Enterprise Configuration task.
Approximate Activity Timing: 30 minutes

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Student Activity: Establishing Enterprise Structures

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Activity Introduction: Establishing Enterprise

Use this activity to define the enterprise structures and their associated locations using
the Establishing Enterprise Structures task in the Enterprise Structures guided flow.
The InFusion Corporation is based in the United States and has two divisions: InFusion
Lighting and InFusion Security. It is an international company with business operations
in United States and United Kingdom.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor

You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or

comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

1. Define the enterprise and divisions using the following information:

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

2. Define the legal entities and business units using the following information:

3. Review and assign the reference data sets.

4. Save the enterprise configuration.
5. Review the enterprise configuration.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Activity Solution: Establishing Enterprise Structures

Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Initial Configuration.
1. In the Establish Enterprise Structures row, click the Go to Task icon.
2. On the Manage Enterprise Configuration page, click the Create icon.
Location: Create Enterprise Configuration dialog box
3. In the Name field, enter xx Enterprise Configuration.
4. Click OK.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Enterprise page
Use the Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Enterprise page to
enter basic information such as the primary industry and the location of your
5. Retain the value Vision Corporation in the Enterprise Name field.
6. In the Short Name field, enter XX Corp.
7. In the Primary Industry field, select Finance and Insurance.
8. In the Headquarters Country field, select United States.
9. In the Legal Information section, in the Legal Name field, enter xx InFusion
Corporation LE.
10. In the Legal Entity Identifier field, enter US0001.
11. In the Legal Entity Registration Number field, enter US0002.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

12. In the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field, enter US0003.
13. In the Legal Address field, click Create.
Location: Create Location dialog box
14. In the Name field, enter xx Location US HQ.
15. In the Address Line 1 field, enter Redwood Shores.
16. Click OK.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Enterprise page
17. In the Enterprise Configuration Requirements section, select Continue with
the interview to set up more legal entities.
InFusion Corporation is an international company with business operations
in United States and United Kingdom. You must define legal entities for the
countries in which InFusion Corporation operates.
18. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Divisions page
Create the two divisions in InFusion Corporation: InFusion Lighting and
InFusion Security. Each division operates in more than one country and
delivers different products and services.
19. Click the Add Row icon.
20. In the Name field, enter xx InFusion Lighting.
21. In the Country field, select United States.
22. In the Location field, select xx Location US HQ.
23. Click the Add Row icon.
24. In the Name field, enter xx InFusion Security.
25. In the Country field, select United Kingdom.


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

26. In the Location field, click Create to define the UK location for the xx InFusion
Security division.
Location: Create Location dialog box
27. In the Name field, enter xx Location UK HQ.
28. In the Address Line 1 field, enter Oracle Parkway.
29. In the City or Town field, enter Reading.
30. Click OK.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Divisions page
31. In the xx InFusion Security row, select xx Location UK HQ from the Location
32. Click Save.
33. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
34. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Legal Entities page
Create legal entities for the InFusion Lighting and InFusion Security
35. Click the Add Row icon.
36. In the Country field, select United States.
37. In the Name field, enter xx InFusion Lighting US LE.
38. In the Division field, select xx InFusion Lighting.
39. In the Legal Entity Identifier field, enter US0004.
40. In the Legal Entity Registration Number field, enter US0005.
41. In the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field, enter US0006.
42. In the Legal Address field, select xx Location US HQ.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

43. Click the Add Row icon.

44. Follow steps 36 through 42 using the following data, to create the legal entity for
InFusion Security, UK:
Country: United Kingdom
Name: xx InFusion Security UK LE
Division: xx InFusion Security
Legal Entity Identifier: UK0001
Legal Entity Registration Number: UK0002
Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number: UK0003
Legal Address: xx Location UK HQ
45. Click Save.
46. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
47. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Create Business Units page
48. Click Select All.
You select to automatically generate business units at the legal entity level
because InFusion Corporation requires business units at the country level to
represent the countries in which they operate.
49. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Business Units page
The ESC has created a business unit for each legal entity in xx InFusion
Corporation. You can use the Manage Business Units page to review the
business units, and define a location for each business unit.
50. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Reference Data Sets
The ESC has automatically created a reference data set for each business


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

51. Click Next.

Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Business Unit Set
Assignment page
Use the page to define the default reference data set for each business unit.
Note: The reference data set provides the business unit with information,
which is used at the transaction level.
52. For the xx InFusion Security UK LE BU, in the Default Reference Data Set
field, select xx InFusion Security UK LE SET.
53. For the xx InFusion Lighting US LE BU, in the Default Reference Data Set
field, select xx InFusion Lighting US LE SET.
54. For the xx InFusion Corporation LE BU, in the Default Reference Data Set
field, select Common Set.
55. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Manage Location Reference
Set page
Use the page to assign reference data sets to your locations.
56. For xx Location UK HQ, in the Reference Data Set field, select xx InFusion
Security UK LE SET.
57. For xx Location US HQ, in the Reference Data Set field, select xx InFusion
Lighting US LE SET.
58. Click Save.
59. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
60. Click Next.
Location: Establish Enterprise Structures: Review Results page
Use the page to review the enterprise structures created.
Note: The Management Reporting Structure tab enables you to view the

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

organization structures in a hierarchy.

61. Click the Management Reporting Structure tab.
62. Review the organization structures that you have created.
63. Click Submit.
Location: Manage Enterprise Configuration page
64. In the XX Enterprise Configuration row, click the Review Results icon to
download a technical summary of the enterprise configuration.
Location: Review Enterprise Configuration page
65. Click Download Technical Summary Report to view and download the PDF
report. Select the option to open or save the PDF report, and click OK.
66. Click Done.
Location: Manage Enterprise Configuration page
After you complete the task, navigate back to the task list within your
implementation project to mark the task as complete.
67. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
68. Click Done.
Location: Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Implementation
Projects page
At this point you should have defined and reviewed the high-level organization


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Establish Enterprise Structures using the ESC Review


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Review Question 1
You can create multiple configurations to compare different scenarios.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Review Question 2
Name three organization components that you can create using the ESC.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Review Question 3
You can roll back an enterprise configuration after you load the configuration.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Questions and Answers

1. You can create multiple configurations to compare different scenarios.
2. Name three organization components that you can create using the ESC.
Enterprise, division, legal entity, business unit, reference data set.
3. You can roll back an enterprise configuration after you load the configuration.

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned to:


Describe what ESC is and how to use it to configure your enterprise

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures

Lesson Highlight Details

Enterprise Structures Configurator
The Enterprise Structures Configurator (ESC), also known as the HCM Configuration
Workbench, is an interview-based tool that guides you through the configuration of your
enterprise structures. Use the ESC as part of your set up to define the organization
structures and job and position structures of the enterprise.
Establishing Enterprise Structures Using ESC
You use the guided flow within the Establish Enterprise Structures task to enter basic
information about your enterprise, such as the primary industry and the location of your
headquarters. You then create divisions, legal entities, business units, and reference
data sets.
Establishing Job and Position Structures Using ESC
You use a guided process to determine if you need positions as well as jobs in your
enterprise, s et up additional attributes and contextual attributes for jobs and positions.
The ESC uses the primary industry you selected in the Establish Enterprise Structures
task to suggest a recommended approach for using jobs or jobs and positions. You can
use the recommendation or answer a series of questions about how you manage
Defining Legal Jurisdictions, Legal Authorities, Legal Entities and Legal
Reporting Units for HCM
You are required to register your legal entities with legal authorities in the jurisdictions
where you conduct business, as required by local business requirements or other
relevant laws.

Define jurisdictions and related legal authorities to support multiple legal entity
registrations, which are used by Oracle Fusion Tax and Oracle Fusion Payroll.
Define a legal entity for each registered company or other entity recognized in
law for which you want to record assets, liabilities, expenses and income, pay
transaction taxes, or perform intercompany trading.
Create and register legal reporting units to support local reporting requirements.
When you first create a legal entity, the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configurator
automatically creates one legal reporting unit for that legal entity with a

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Lesson 4: Define Enterprise Structures


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Establish job and position structures

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

In this section, you will learn how to:


Determine if you need positions as well as jobs in your enterprise

Set up additional attributes for jobs and positions
Set up contextual attributes for jobs and positions

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Job and Position Structures

This graphic illustrates the process of establishing job and position structures using the
Enterprise Structures Configurator. You use a guided process to determine whether you
want to use jobs only, or jobs and positions.

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Determine Job and Position Usage

Implementing jobs or a combination of jobs and positions is a key implementation
decision. You make the decision based on the primary industry of your enterprise and
how you manage people.
The ESC uses the primary industry you selected in the Establish Enterprise Structures
task to suggest a recommended approach for using jobs or jobs and positions. You can
use the recommendation or answer a series of questions about how you manage
For example, if a person leaves your company, do you typically:

Rehire into the same role?

Use the head count and hire to a different job?
Create a different post?

The following screenshot displays the Determine Position Usage page within the
Establish Job and Position Structures task in the Enterprise Structures Guided Flow,
you can see the 4 train stops that guide you through the job and position setup:

Define Initial Configuration>Establish Job and Position Structures


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Instructor Note: Determine Position and Job Usage

Provide an introduction to Jobs and Positions, to distinguish between the two:
Job - is a set of roles or duties that your workers perform.
Position - is a specific instance of a job in a department for a business unit.
Use of jobs or jobs and positions varies by industry and customer requirements.
Enterprise Structures Configurator (ESC) helps you with the decision during the
Here are some examples of primary industries and the recommended workforce setup:
Retail Trade: Positions
Utilities: Positions
Educational Services: Positions
Public Transportation: Positions
Construction: Jobs
Management of Companies and Enterprises: Jobs
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation: Jobs
Finance and Insurance: Jobs

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Define Additional Job and Position Attributes at

You can define segments in the position and job flexfields to further identify jobs and
positions in the enterprise. For example, define attributes for a job to identify additional
details about the job, such as the nature of the work that is performed, or the relative
skill level required for the job. If these attributes apply to all jobs in the enterprise, then
set up enterprise-level job attributes. This graphic demonstrates how job type and job
level provide further details for the HR Application Specialist job.

Set up enterprise-level attributes to identify separate components of the position name.

For example, set up an attribute for position title and one for position number. This
graphic demonstrates how position title and number provide further details for the
manager position.


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Defining additional attributes at the enterprise level provides the flexibility to further
customize the job and position flexfields. Descriptive flexfields enable you to capture
additional information when you create jobs and positions.

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Instructor Note: Define Additional Job and Position

Attributes at Enterprise Level
The graphics demonstrate how you can further define jobs and positions across the
enterprise and provides the students with ideas of what type of information they can


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Define Contextual Attributes for Jobs and Positions

For jobs, you can define additional job structures for every reference data set defined in
ESC. Any attributes you set up at the reference data set level will appear alongside any
enterprise-level attributes.
For positions, you can define additional position structures for every business unit
defined in the ESC. Any attributes you set up at the business unit level will appear
alongside any enterprise-level attributes.

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 30 minutes



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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Student Activity: Define the Job and Position

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Activity Introduction: Define the Job and Position

The students will demonstrate their understanding of ESC by configuring jobs and
positions using the guided flow.
The recommended approach for InFusion Corporation is to use jobs. Define additional
job structures to capture information at the enterprise level.


Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor

You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or

comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
1. Select the XX Enterprise Configuration and configure jobs and positions.
2. Accept the recommendation and define additional structures for the job
descriptive flexfield at the enterprise level:


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Activity Solution: Defining the Job and Position

In this activity, you use ESC to define job structures.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Initial Configuration.
1. In the Establish Enterprise Structures row, click the Go to Task icon.
Location: Manage Enterprise Configuration page
2. Select the xx Enterprise Configuration row and click Configure Jobs and
Location: Establish Job and Position Structures: Determine Position
Usage page
3. In the Recommended Approach section, select I want to use this option.
4. Click Next.
Location: Establish Job and Position Structures: Define Enterprise Level
Attributes page
Use the Define Enterprise Level Attributes page to define attributes that
apply to all jobs in the enterprise. You can set up additional details about the job,
such as the nature of the work that is performed, or the relative skill level
required for the job.
5. On the Enterprise Level Job Attributes section toolbar, click the Add Row
6. In the Sequence field, enter 1.
7. In the Attribute Name field, enter Type.

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

8. In the Type field, select Text.

9. Click the Add Row icon.
10. In the Sequence field, enter 2.
11. In the Attribute Name field, enter Number.
12. In the Type field, select Number.
13. Click Next.
Location: Establish Job and Position Structures: Define Contextual
Attributes page
Use the Define Contextual Attributes page to define additional job and
position structures. You can define additional job structures for every reference
data set defined in ESC. For positions, you can define additional position
structures for every business unit defined in ESC. Any attributes that you set up
at reference data set and business unit levels appear alongside any enterpriselevel attributes.
14. Click Next.
Location: Establish Job and Position Structures: Review Definitions page
15. Review the created configuration.
16. Click Submit.
Location: Manage Enterprise Configuration page
17. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
18. The following task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define
Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Initial
19. In the Establish Enterprise Structures row, click the Status icon.
Location: Edit Status dialog box


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

20. In the Status field, select Completed.

21. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
22. Click Done.
In this activity, you learned how to configure jobs and positions in ESC.

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Establishing Job and Position Structures Review



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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Establishing Job and Position Structures Review

Question 1
The ESC always recommends to use positions in your workforce setup.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Establishing Job and Position Structures Review

Question 2
You can define additional information for every job and position in the enterprise.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Establishing Job and Position Structures Review

Question 3
After you load the configuration, you can modify the organization setup.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Establishing Job and Position Structures All

Questions and Answers
1. The ESC always recommends to use positions in your workforce setup.
The ESC recommends an approach to use jobs and/or positions based on the primary
industry and how you manage people.
2. You can define additional information for every job and position in the
3. After you load the configuration, you can modify the organization setup.
You can use the individual organization tasks to make any changes or additions to your


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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures

Lesson Highlights
You should have learned how to:

Establish job and position structures

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Lesson 5: Establish Job and Position Structures


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to access and change the
following settings:

Employment model
Work day information
Person, worker, and assignment number generation
Person languages

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Manage Enterprise HCM Information Task

Use the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task in the Setup and Maintenance work
area to configure the enterprise for HCM:


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Employment Model
Types of Employment Models
Two-Tier Employment Model

This model comprises two types of entities, which are work relationships and
assignments. When you configure the employment model for the enterprise or legal
employer (when you create or update the enterprise or legal employer), you can select
from three Two-tier-tier options:

Single Assignment
Single Assignment with Contract
Multiple Assignments

Three-Tier Employment Model

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

This model comprises three types of entities, which are work relationships, employment
terms, and assignments. Employment terms are a set of information about a
nonworker's or employee's job, position, pay, compensation, working hours, and work
location that all assignments associated with the employment terms inherit. Employment
terms are not available for contingent workers, and optional for nonworkers and
Employment terms occur in the Three-tier-tier employment model only. When you
configure the employment model for the enterprise or legal employer (when you create
or update the enterprise or legal employer), the following Three-tier-tier options are

Single Employment Terms with Single Assignment

Single Employment Terms with Multiple Assignments
Multiple Employment Terms with Single Assignment
Multiple Employment Terms with Multiple Assignments

Note: You can also include contract details in employment terms.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Two-Tier Employment Models

Single Assignment

Single Assignment with Contract

Multiple Assignments

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Two-Tier Employment Models Explained

Single Assignment
If you select Single Assignment, each work relationship of any type has one assignment
only. The assignment is created automatically when the work relationship is created.
Single Assignment with Contract
If you select Single Assignment with Contract, users can include contract information in
the single assignment. This approach enables those legislations that require contract
information in employment records to meet their obligations without having to use a
Three-tier-tier employment model. The assignment is created automatically when the
work relationship is created. Including contract information in the assignment is optional.
Multiple Assignments
If you select Multiple Assignments, each work relationship of any type can include one
or more assignments. One assignment is created automatically when the work
relationship is created. Additional assignments are optional and are created manually.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Two-Tier Employment Model Examples

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Two-Tier Employment Model Examples


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Three-tier Employment Models

Single Employment Terms
with Single Assignment

Single Employment Terms

with Multiple Assignments

Multiple Employment Terms with Single Assignment

Multiple Employment Terms with Multiple Assignments

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Three-Tier Employment Models Explained

Single Employment Terms with Single Assignment
Each work relationship contains one set of employment terms, and each set of
employment terms contains one assignment. Both the employment terms and the
assignment are created automatically.
Single Employment Terms with Multiple Assignments
Each work relationship contains one set of employment terms, and the employment
terms can contain one or more assignments. The employment terms and one
assignment are created automatically when the work relationship is created; additional
assignments are created manually. Additional assignments can belong to the
employment terms or exist outside them.
Multiple Employment Terms with Single Assignment
Each work relationship can contain one or more sets of employment terms, and each
set of employment terms can contain a single assignment. One set of employment
terms and the associated assignment are created automatically when the work
relationship is created; additional employment terms and assignments are created
manually. Additional assignments can belong to employment terms or exist outside
Multiple Employment Terms with Multiple Assignments
Each work relationship can contain one or more sets of employment terms, and each
set of employment terms can contain one or more assignments. One set of employment
terms and an associated assignment are created automatically when the work
relationship is created; additional employment terms and assignments are created
manually. Additional assignments can belong to employment terms or exist outside

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Three-Tier Employment Model Examples


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Using the Two-tier Employment Model

By default, every enterprise uses the Two-tier-tier single-assignment employment
model. You can select a different employment model for the enterprise or for individual
legal employers.

If you select any of the Two-tier-tier employment models at the enterprise level:

You can select a different employment model for individual legal employers.
Employment terms cannot be used in any work relationship in the enterprise,
unless you select a Three-tier-tier employment model for individual legal

If you select:

Single Assignment or Single Assignment with Contract, all work relationships in

the enterprise or legal employer are restricted to a single assignment.
Multiple Assignments, all work relationships in the enterprise or legal employer
can include one or more assignments; therefore, work relationships can include a
single assignment when appropriate.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Using the Three-Tier Employment Model

If you select any of the Three-tier-tier employment models at the enterprise level, you
can select a different employment model for individual legal employers.

If you select a Three-tier-tier employment model that supports:

A single assignment in a set of employment terms, then users cannot create

multiple assignments in a set of employment terms
Multiple assignments in a set of employment terms, then users can create one or
more assignments in a set of employment terms; therefore, employment terms
can include a single assignment when appropriate
A single set of employment terms in a work relationship, then users cannot
create multiple sets of employment terms in a work relationship
Multiple sets of employment terms in a work relationship, then users can create
one or more sets of employment terms in a work relationship; therefore, work
relationships can include a single set of employment terms when appropriate

Note: Employment terms are not valid for contingent workers. If you select Single
Employment Terms with Single Assignment, contingent workers have a single
assignment in each work relationship; otherwise, contingent workers can have multiple
assignments in each work relationship.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Changing the Employment Model

In general, you can change the employment model for the enterprise or legal employer
both during initial implementation and later. However, there are some restrictions on
switching to and from particular employment models.
The following table identifies whether you can switch from one two-tier employment
model to a different two-tier employment model:

Note: Yes, provided that no work relationships exist in the enterprise or legal employer.

You can switch from a two-tier employment model to a Three-tier-tier

employment model only if no work relationships exist in the enterprise or legal

You can switch from a Three-tier-tier employment model to a two-tier

employment model only if no work relationships exist in the enterprise or legal

You can switch from one Three-tier-tier employment model to any other Threetier-tier employment model at any time.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Employment Terms Override

If you use the Three-tier-tier employment model, assignments inherit most attribute
values from the associated employment terms. For example, if you set the assignment
category to full-time in the employment terms, then all assignments associated with
those employment terms are full-time by default. For the enterprise or legal employer,
you specify whether attribute values inherited from employment terms can be
overridden at the assignment level.
Preventing Override at the Assignment Level
If you prevent override at the assignment level, then users cannot update assignment
attribute values inherited from employment terms. This approach is recommended if you
want to enforce particular assignment attribute values. The restriction applies only to
attribute values that users specify on the employment terms, and they can specify as
many or as few attributes as required at that level. Any value that users omit from the
employment terms can be updated without restriction at the assignment level.
Allowing Override at the Assignment Level
If you allow override at the assignment level, then users can update assignment
attribute values inherited from employment terms. Using employment terms in this way
can be efficient, particularly if workers in your enterprise have multiple assignments in a
single set of employment terms: users enter attribute values once only in the
employment terms, but can update individual attributes as necessary at the assignment
Deferring the Decision to the Employment Terms
If you have no compelling reason either to allow or to prevent override at the
assignment level, you can defer the decision to each set of employment terms. That is,
whenever a user creates a set of employment terms, that user can decide whether to
allow or prevent override at the assignment level.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Instructor Note: Best Practice

You can discuss the following aspects as a best practice:
Repeat Types of Employment Models:

2 Tier - Multiple Assignment , Single Assignment, Single Contract Single

3 Tier - Single Employment Terms Single Assignment, Single Employment
Terms Multiple Assignments, Multiple Employment Terms Single Assignment,
Multiple Employment Terms Multiple Assignments

Changes Compared to PeopleSoft

Differences in terminology: Work Relationship vs Organizational Relationship,

Assignment vs Job, Legal Employer vs Company
Three tier employment model
Use of flexfields for extension purposes
Use of embedded analytics in guided flows
Save for Later functionality: A transaction can be saved for later use instead of
submitting it directly
Termination flow changes:

Termination date in Fusion is the last day in the company and not the first day
when the person is no more an employee (PSFT).

List of affected assignments included in the termination flow

Ability to hide and defer termination

Ability to enter a notification date

Changes Compared to EBS

Global person model

Three tier employment model
Process based vs data based: Guided processes, Automatic role provisioning
Use of embedded analytics in guided flows
Date effectivity with multiple changes per day
Actions and reasons
Termination: Ability to hide and defer termination, and enter
rehire recommendation

Decision Points

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Use of jobs, positions or both

Employment Model (2Tier vs 3Tier)
Extensibility: Additional attributes (descriptive flexfields), People Group Key
Flexfield, MDS customization (Show/Hide fields)

Key Setup Tasks and Data for Manage Employment


Manage Value Sets

Manage Person Types
Manage Work Terms and Assignment Lookups: Bargaining Unit Code
(BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE), Assignment Category (EMP_CAT), Worker
Manage Employment Contract Lookups: Contract Status CONTRACT_STATUS,
Manage Terminations Lookups: Rehire Reason (PER_PDS_REHIRE_REASON)
Manage Employment Descriptive Flexfields: Work Relationship Attributes
(PER_PPS_DF), Contract Attributes (PER_CONTRACT_DF), Assignment
Attributes (PER_ASG_DF), Assignment Supervisors
Attributes(PER_ASG_SUPERVISOR_DF), Assignment Work Measures
Manage Workforce Records Employment Profile Option Values
Manage Assignment Status

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Work Day Information

Work day information defines the standard working hours for each worker assignment in
the enterprise or legal employer.

Sources of Work Day Information

If a schedule has been assigned to the enterprise, legal employer, or department, work
day information is taken automatically from that schedule. Otherwise, you can enter
work day information for the enterprise, legal employer, and department.
Work day information can also be defined for positions. In any assignment, standard
working hours are inherited from one of the following entities in this order of preference:

Legal employer

How Work Day Information Is Used

For assignment budgeting purposes, Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is calculated
automatically by dividing the assignment working hours by the standard working hours,
which the assignment inherits from the position, department, legal employer, or
enterprise. If standard working hours are not available for any of these entities, then
FTE cannot be calculated. Although FTE can also be entered manually, automatic
calculation of FTE is efficient for FTE reporting and promotes consistency among the
various uses of FTE information.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Person Number Generation

You can select one of the following person number generation methods for your

Automatic prior to submission
Automatic upon final save
Formula (available in future releases)

The manual method of creating person numbers enables human resource (HR)
specialists and line managers to enter a person number when they create person
records. HR specialists can later correct the person numbers on the Manage Person
page. The automatic methods of generating person numbers use an enterprise number
sequence that starts from 1 by default; however, the initial number can be changed. The
person number increments by one for each new person record created.
The Automatic prior to submission method creates and displays person numbers when
users navigate from the Identification page to the Person Information page, when
adding person records. However, this method may create gaps in the sequence of
person numbers if the transaction is canceled after the person number is generated.
The Automatic prior to submission method is the default method of person number
The Automatic upon final save method creates person numbers only after the Add
Person transaction is approved. Users will not be able to see the person number on the
Person Information page when adding person records; however, they will see the
person number on the Manage Person page and elsewhere after the transaction is
approved. This method enables generation of person numbers without gaps in the
You can change the person number generation method from automatic prior to
submission to automatic upon final save and vice versa, any time. You can also change
the method to manual any time. However, once you have set the person number
generation method to manual and person records have been created, you cannot
change the method to automatic.
Initial Person Number
You can specify the initial person number for your enterprise when person numbers are
generated automatically. The application uses this number for the first person record
created with the automatic person number setting and increments the person number
by one for subsequent person records. The initial person number is 1 by default.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

The initial person number option enables you to retain the legacy person numbers for
the existing persons and automate the number generation for new persons, starting
from the last legacy person number plus one. You can change the initial person number
at any time.
Person Numbers for Contact Records
Person numbers for contacts are generated automatically through the Automatic prior to
submission method, irrespective of the enterprise settings. HR specialists can correct
the automatically generated person numbers for contacts on the Manage Person page.
If contacts are later hired as workers, they retain their original person numbers.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Worker Number Generation

Every person record in the enterprise has a person number. In addition, you can
optionally allocate worker numbers to employee and contingent worker work
Worker numbers can be generated either manually or automatically. If you select
manual generation, then you are recommended to define a numbering scheme to suit
local requirements. For example, determine whether uniqueness within the enterprise or
at the legal employer level is important, and define the numbering scheme accordingly.
If you select automatic worker-number generation, numbers can be allocated from
either an enterprise sequence or a legal employer sequence. If you use a legalemployer sequence, worker numbers are not guaranteed to be unique in the enterprise.
Also, they cannot be transferred outside the legal employer: if a worker leaves the
enterprise and later starts a new work relationship of the same type but with a different
legal employer, a new worker number is allocated to the work relationship.

Setting the Number-generation Method for a Legal Employer

All legal employers automatically inherit the enterprise number-generation method. You
can override the number-generation method at the legal employer level, as follows:

You can select manual worker-number generation for a legal employer at any
You can select automatic worker-number generation for a legal employer,
provided that no employee or contingent worker work relationships exist for that
legal employer.

Note: With the person number, you assign a unique identifier to a person. Therefore, if
the person has worked or may work for different legal employers, there is just one


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

With the worker number, you assign a unique identifier to the work relationship.
Therefore, if the person is working or has worked for different legal employers, there will
be different identifiers.
When a person is rehired, the person gets a new identifier with the worker number,
while the identifier with the person number still remains the same.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Assignment Number Generation

Assignments are identified by assignment numbers, which you can allocate either
manually or automatically. If you allocate numbers manually, they must be unique in the
The application creates numbers for automatic allocation by prefixing the person
number with the character E (for employee), C (for contingent worker), or N (for
nonworker). A person's second and subsequent assignments of the same type have a
suffix number. For example:


The person number in this example is 45678. The suffix-number sequence is global and
ensures that assignment numbers are unique in the enterprise. If the same person also
has assignments of other types, the number sequence for those assignments starts
from 1. For example:



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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Person- Name Languages

Each enterprise identifies a global-name language. Person names appear in this
language by default. Users can set preferences to select the language in which they see
the display-name versions of person names.

When you create a person record, you can enter a local name in a different language
from the global-name language. Names appear in this language for users whose HR:
Local or Global Name Format profile option value matches the local-name language.
For example, if the global-name language for the enterprise is American English and
you set the local-name language in a person record to Japanese, users whose HR:
Local or Global Name Format profile option is set to Japanese see the person's name in
Japanese. All other users (those who are viewing global-format names or whose HR:
Local or Global Name Format profile option is set to a value other than Japanese) see
the person's name in American English.
Note: If you enter no local name in a person record, the local name is the same as the
global name by default.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Enterprise-Level User and Role-Provisioning Options

Using the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task, you can also configure the
following enterprise-wide user and role-provisioning options:


User Creation
Send User Name and Password
User Account Role Provisioning
User Account Maintenance

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Setting Enterprise-Level Options

User and Role Provisioning Information

User Account Creation: Controls whether user accounts are created in OIM
when persons are added in Oracle Fusion HR. Defaults to Yes. You cannot
override this enterprise-level setting at the user level.

Send User Name and Password: Controls whether to send new users and their
managers an email notification when their Oracle Fusion account is accessible.
Defaults to Yes. Set to No to suppress notifications if, for example, you are
starting an implementation or doing a pilot program and do not want notifications
sent during this period. You can override this enterprise-level setting for
individual users on the Create User page (Manage Users task).
Note: You can request notifications later for all users who have not yet been
sent their user names and passwords. To do so, select
Navigator>Tools>Scheduled Processes and run the Send Initial User Name
and Password Email Notifications process.

User Account Role Provisioning: Controls whether to provision and

deprovision roles to users. Defaults to Yes. If set to No, no roles are assigned or
removed from OIM; provisioning requests are created and held in the LDAP
requests table, but marked with a suppressed status and not sent to OIM.

User Account Maintenance: Controls whether to send updated user account

data to OIM when changes are made to any of the following: name fields, person
type, work email, manager of primary assignment, work address and fax details
of primary assignment, and username. Defaults to Yes. If set to No, no updates
are sent to OIM.

Alternate Contact E-Mail Address: An enterprise-level e-mail address to which

user names and passwords are sent in addition to, or instead of, the user and the
users line manager. This is typically used for testing purposes.

Default User Name Format: The default name format to use for automatically
generated user names, if the User Account Creation option is set to Yes.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Instructor Note: User and Role Provisioning

Some (large) customers have their own custom role-provisioning systems that they
want to use to provision Fusion HCM roles to their users instead of using the HCM roleprovisioning pages.
If a customer turns off user account role provisioning, any roles that are requested for
users using HCM pages (such as Manage User Account) are stored as pending
requests but are not actioned.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 20 minutes

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Demonstration: Managing Enterprise HCM Information

Demonstration Background
As an implementation consultant, you manage the HCM Information for your enterprise.
Demonstration Scope
Go to the Manage Enterprise HCM Information work area and discuss the following key

Defining the work day information

Setting the global language for person names

Setting the worker number generation method

Setting the employment model

Setting the person number generation method

Demonstration Steps
Sign in is hcm_impl or hcm_impl1.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area
1. In the Search region, in the Name field, enter Manage Enterprise HCM
2. Click the Search button.
3. In the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task row, click the Go to Task
Location: Enterprise: Vision Corporation page
4. In the Edit menu, select Correct.
Location: Edit Enterprise: Vision Corporation page
Use the Edit Enterprise: Vision Corporation page to edit HCM- related
information for the enterprise.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

5. Use the Work Day Information section to define the standard working hours for
each worker assignment in the enterprise.
Note: You can also enter work day information at the legal employer,
department, and position level.
6. In the Enterprise Information section, use the Global Person Name Language
field to select the language in which person names appear.
Global names are in a format and language that can be understood
throughout a multinational enterprise.
7. Use the Worker Number Generation field to specify whether the application
generates a number for each worker.
Note: By default, worker numbers are not used. If you enable worker
numbers for the enterprise, then each employee and contingent worker work
relationship in the enterprise must have a worker number. The decision that you
make for the enterprise cannot be overridden at the legal employer level.

8. Use the Employment Model field to select either a 2Tier or 3Tier model for the
9. In the Allow Employment Terms Override at Assignment field, specify
whether to allow override or not.
10. Use the Person Number Generation Method field to select one of the following
person number generation methods for your enterprise:
1. Manual
2. Automatic Prior to Submission
3. Automatic Upon Final Save
4. Use the fields in the User and Role Provisioning Information section to define
how user accounts must be created and whether roles must be provisioned to
5. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
6. Click Yes.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Location: Confirmation dialog box

7. Click OK.
Location: : Enterprise: Vision Corporation page
8. Click Done.
You have demonstrated how to manage enterprise HCM information.


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question

You can configure the employment model for the enterprise or legal employer.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question

The three-tier employment model comprises which three types of entities?


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question

Name the configuration options available in the Two-tier-tier employment model ? (Hint:
There are three options)

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question

You can include contract details in employment terms.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question

Worker numbers can be generated either manually or automatically.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information Review Question

When you create a person record, you can enter a local name in a different language
from the global-name language.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Defining Enterprise HCM Information All Questions

and Answers
1. You can configure the employment model for the enterprise or legal employer.
2. The Three-tier-tier employment model comprises which three types of entities?
Work Relationships, Employment Terms, and Assignments
3. Name the configuration options available in the Two-tier-tier employment

Single Assignment
Single Assignment with Contract
Multiple Assignments

4. You can include contract details in employment terms.

5. Worker numbers can be generated either manually or automatically.
6. When you create a person record, you can enter a local name in a different
language from the global-name language.

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

There are no activities for this lesson


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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information

Lesson Highlights
You should have learned how to access and change the following settings:

Employment model
Work day information
Person, worker, and assignment number generation
Person languages

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Lesson 6: Define Enterprise HCM Information


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Define legal entities for HCM

Define legislative data groups

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entities Overview

Define a legal entity for each registered company or other entity recognized in law for
which you want to record assets, liabilities, expenses and income, pay transaction
taxes, or perform intercompany trading.

A legal entity has a separate legal identity and therefore conducts aspects of your
business for the following reasons:


Facilitating local compliance

Complying with corporate taxation within local jurisdictions
Preparing for acquisitions or disposals of parts of the enterprise
Isolating one area of the business from risks in another area. For example, your
enterprise develops property and also leases properties. You could operate the
property development business as a separate legal entity to limit risk to your
leasing business.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entity Role

Role of your Legal Entity
The contracting party on any transaction is always the legal entity.
Individual legal entities:

Own the assets of the enterprise

Record sales and pay taxes on those sales
Make purchases and incur expenses
Perform other transactions

Legal entities must comply with the regulations of jurisdictions in which they register. To
support local reporting require ments, legal reporting units are created and registered.
The following screenshot is the Legal Entity page for InFusion Corp USA1.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entity Considerations

Oracle Fusion Applications support the modeling of your legal entities. If you make
purchases from or sell to other legal entities, define these other legal entities in your
customer and supplier registers, which are part of the Oracle Fusion Trading
Community Architecture.
Legal entities can be identified as legal employers and therefore, are available for use in
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) applications.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Demonstration: Managing Legal Entity HCM

Demonstration Background
Review the HCM information for your legal entity.
Demonstration Scope
Review key fields in the HCM information for the InFusion Corp USA1 legal entity.
Demonstration Steps
Sign in is hcm_impl or hcm_impl1.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area
1. In the Search region, in the Name field, enter Manage Legal Entity HCM
2. Click the Search button.
3. In the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page
4. In the Legal Entity Name field, enter US1 Legal Entity.
5. Click Search.
6. In the Search Results region, click on the name US1 Legal Entity.
Location: Legal Entity: US1 Legal Entity page
7. Use the Work Day Information section to define the standard working hours for
each worker assignment in the legal entity.
Note: You can also enter work day information at the enterprise,
department, and position level.
8. In the Legal Employer Information section, use the Salary Level field to select
the level at which salary can be specified, for example Assigment or employment

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

9. Use the Worker Number Generation field to specify whether the application
generates a number for each worker.
Note: By default, worker numbers are not used. If you enable worker numbers
for the enterprise, then only you can specify worker numbers for the legal
10. In the Allow Employment Terms Override at Assignment field, specify
whether to allow override or not.
11. Use the People Group Flexfield Structure field to select the flexfield that
enables you to record people group information and assign people to specific
groups such as unions or working groups.
12. Use the Employment Model field to select either a 2-tier or 3-tier model for the
legal entity.
13. Click Done.
You have demonstrated how to manage legal entity HCM information.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entity and its Relationship to Divisions

The division is an area of management responsibility that can correspond to a

collection of legal entities.
You can aggregate the results for divisions by legal entity or by combining parts
of other legal entities.
Define date-effective hierarchies for the cost center or legal entity segment in the
chart of accounts to facilitate the aggregation and reporting by division.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 20 minutes



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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Student Activity: Defining a New Legal Entity

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Activity 1 Introduction: Defining a New Legal Entity

InFusion Corporation has acquired a new financial services division. You must create a
new legal entity with a new legal address.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor

You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or

comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create a legal address using the address line 1 information that corresponds to your
student number:
1. 1000 Broadway
2. 2000 Broadway
3. 3000 Broadway
4. 4000 Broadway
5. 5000 Broadway
6. 6000 Broadway
7. 7000 Broadway
8. 8000 Broadway
9. 9000 Broadway
10. 10000 Broadway
11. 11000 Broadway
12. 12000 Broadway


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Note: When you enter the zip code, the application populates the city and state for

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Activity: Defining a Legal Address

In this activity, you create a legal address
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Legal Jurisdictions and
1. In the Manage Legal Addresses task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Legal Addresses page
To create a legal entity successfully, you must first set up a legal address in the
Manage Legal Addresses page. You can then select the legal address in the
Manage Legal Entity page.
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click the Create icon button.
Location: Location Create dialog box
3. In the Address Line 1 field, enter Your.Assigned.Address.
4. In the Postal Code field, enter 30314 and press Tab.
5. Select the row containing Atalanta, Fulton, GA.
6. Click OK.
Location: Manage Legal Addresses page
7. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
8. In the Manage Legal Addresses task row, click the Status icon button.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Location: Edit Status dialog box

9. In the Status field, select Completed.
10. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you learned how to create a legal address.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Activity: Defining a Legal Entity

In this activity, you create a legal entity.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Legal Entities for Human
Capital Management.
1. In the Manage Legal Entity task row, Click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Legal Entities page
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click the Create icon button.
Location: Create Legal Entity page
3. In the Name field, enter XX InFusion Financial.
4. In the Legal Entity Identifier field, enter 12-12321.
Register your legal entity as a Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU) to pay and report
on payroll tax and insurance, and as a legal employer that employs people.
5. Select Payroll statutory unit.
6. Select Legal employer.
7. In the Registration Information section Legal Address field, select the legal
address that you created in the previous activity.
8. In the EIN or TIN field, enter 93654213X, replacing X with the number assigned
to you by your instructor.
9. In the Registration Number field, enter 1212321X, replacing X with the number
assigned to you by your instructor.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

10. Click Save and Close.

Location: Manage Legal Entities page
11. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
12. In the Manage Legal Entity task row, click the Status icon button.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
13. In the Status field, select Completed.
14. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you learned how to create a legal entity.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entity and its Relationship to Worker

Assignments and Legal Employer


Legal entities that employ people are called legal employers in the Oracle Fusion
Legal Entity Configurator.
You must enter legal employers on worker assignments in Oracle Fusion Human
Capital Management.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entity and Payroll Reporting

Your legal entities are required to pay payroll tax and social insurance such as social
security on your payroll.
You can register payroll statutory units (PSUs) to pay and report on payroll tax and
social insurance on behalf of many of your legal entities. For example, if you are a
multinational, multicompany enterprise, then you register a payroll statutory unit in each
country where you employ and pay people. You associate a legislative data group
(LDG) with a payroll statutory unit to provide the correct payroll information for workers.
As the legal employer, you might be required to pay payroll tax, not only at the national
level, but also at the local level.

You meet this obligation by establishing your legal entity as a place of work
within the jurisdiction of a local authority.
Set up legal reporting units to represent the part of your enterprise with a specific
legal reporting obligation.
You can also mark these legal reporting units as tax reporting units, if the legal
entity must pay taxes as a result of establishing a place of business within the

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Entity and Legal Reporting Units

Create and register legal reporting units to support local reporting requirements. When
you first create a legal entity, the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configurator automatically
creates one legal reporting unit for that legal entity with a registration.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legislative Data Groups Overview

Legislative data group:

Is a country specific data partition within an enterprise.

Supports the configuration of objects with a strong legislative context, such as
payroll, absence types, elements, rates of pay.
Does not span enterprises

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legal Reporting Units Overview

A legal reporting unit is the lowest level component of a legal structure that requires
registrations. You use it to group workers for the purpose of tax and social insurance
reporting or represent a part of your enterprise with a specific statutory or tax reporting
Define legal reporting units by:
Physical location, such as a sales office.
Logical unit, such as:

Groups of employees subject to different reporting requirements.

Human Capital Management (HCM) system where you use your legal reporting
units to model your tax reporting units. A tax reporting unit can be used to group
workers for the purpose of tax reporting.

Plan and define your legal reporting units at both the local and national levels if you
operate within the administrative boundaries of a jurisdiction that is more granular than
For example:


If the legal entity establishes operations requirements for each local area in a
country that requires reporting of employment and sales taxes locally as well as
If you need more than one legally registered location to meet this legal entity's
reporting requirements in each local area.
Legal entities in Europe operate across national boundaries, and require you to
set up legal reporting units for the purposes of local registration in each country.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Legislative Data Groups

Legislative data groups are a means of partitioning payroll and related data. At least one
legislative data group is required for each country where the enterprise operates. Each
legislative data group is associated with one or more payroll statutory units.
Note: For payroll purposes, it is recommended to have one legislative data group for
each country, since you define elements, formulas, and payroll definitions for a
legislative data group. If you have multiple legislative data groups for a country, you will
need to define the information again for each legislative data group.

Oracle Fusion Payroll is organized by legislative data groups.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Each legislative data group marks a legislation in which payroll is processed, and
is associated with a legislative code, currency and its own costing allocation key
flexfield structure.

Note: You assign the costing allocation key flexfield when you create a legislative data
group, though you can use the same costing key flexfield across different legislative
data groups. It is recommended that you assign a costing key flexfield when you create
a legislative data group, even if you are not using Financials, since you cannot edit the
flexfield value once the legislative data group is created.


A legislative data group is a boundary that can share the same setup and still
comply with the local laws.
A legislative data group can span many jurisdictions as long as they are within
one country, and contain many legal entities that act as payroll statutory units.
Each payroll statutory unit can belong to only one legislative data group.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Instructor Note: Legislative Data Groups

Students may question this statement At least one legislative data group is required for
each country where the enterprise operates. This statement can be interpreted in
multiple ways:
A legislative data group is typically required only if you are implementing Payroll, and a
separate LDG is required for each localization that Oracle provides. If you are not
implementing Payroll, you may choose to limit the number of legislative data groups.
For example, If you are implementing Talent and Compensation only, you need not
create a legislative data group for each country.
Some example scenarios:

Company A, an EBS company that implemented Compensation only: Since EBS

model has hard partitions they created 32 legislative data groups to match their
partitions. This resulted in high maintenance for them; for example, they had to
reenter their jobs information 32 times, which could have been avoided.
Company B, a Peoplesoft company that implemented Compensation and Talent:
They decided to implement legislative data group by regions to suit their
Company C, a Peoplesoft company that implemented Compensation only: They
just created one legislative data group.

All the above scenarios are correct. The difference is the amount of work required to
maintain the created legislative data groups.
You can add a legislative data group at any point in time. So, if in the future you decide
to implement Payroll, you can still add the required legislative data groups.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes



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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Student Activity: Defining a New Legal Entity

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Activity 2 Introduction: View Legislative Data Group

Associated with Legal Entity
You created a legal entity. You want to view the legislative data group associated with
the legal entity.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor

You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or

comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
View the legislative data group associated with the legal entity XX InFusion Financial
you created earlier.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Activity 2: View Legislative Data Group Associated

with Legal Entity
In this activity, you view the legislative data group associated with a legal entity.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Legal Entities for Human
Capital Management.
1. In the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page
2. Search for the legal entity XX Infusion Financial, which you created earlier.
3. Click XX Infusion Financial in the search results.
Location: Legal Entity: XX Infusion Financial page
4. Click the Payroll Statutory Unit tab.
5. In the Associated Legislative Data Group field, Group field, note that the legal
entity you created is automatically associated with the US Legislative Data
6. Click Done.
In this activity, you learned how to view the legislative data group associated with a
legal entity.

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Define Legal Entities for HCM Review Question 1

Your legal entities can be identified as legal employers and therefore, are available for
use in Human Capital Management (HCM) applications.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Define Legal Entities for HCM Review Question 2

You must enter legal employers on worker assignments in Oracle Fusion Human
Capital Management.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Define Legal Entities for HCM All Questions and

1. Your legal entities can be identified as legal employers and therefore, are
available for use in Human Capital Management (HCM) applications.

2. You must enter legal employers on worker assignments in Oracle Fusion HCM.


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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM

Lesson Highlights
You should have learned how to:

Define legal entities for HCM

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Lesson 7: Define Legal Entities for HCM


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Define locations
Define HCM Organizations
Define actions and reasons

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Workforce Structures Task List

Define Workforce Structures Task Lists and Tasks

To access the tasks under Workforce Structures, select your implementation project
using the Functional Setup Manager and navigate to:

Workforce Deployment > Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital
Management > Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management > Define
Workforce Structures


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Instructor Note: Best Practice

You can discuss the following aspects as a best practice:
Key Work Structures Features

No more Work Structure Key Flexfields (KFFs)

Identifier Attributes
- Code that is unique, not translatable and updateable, for example
- Name that is not unique, is translatable and updateable, for example,
Vice President
Change Management
Ability to make date effective changes
Ability to record why a change was made (Action Reason)
Ability to submit a change for approvals
Secured Data Objects

Changes Compared to PeopleSoft

Actions and reasons are also available for workforce structures; Action
information is usually defaulted.

Attachments possible on a work structure

Changes Compared to EBS

No workforce structures key flexfields (KFFs) now

Ability to record a change and describe it (Action and Action Reason)
Ability to enable approvals
Secured objects LOVs are filtered based on what applies to this UI and the
users security privileges
The attribute Status is used to set objects to Inactive instead of manually enddating. The status can be reverted to Active like any other date-effective update.
Inactive objects are not available in LOV searches

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Defining Locations
Instructor Note: Results on Map
Inform the students that the Results on Map feature is not working in the environment


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

A location identifies physical addresses of a workforce structure, such as a department
or a position.
You can also create locations to enter the addresses of external organizations that you
want to maintain, such as employment agencies or third-party benefit organizations.
The locations that you create exist as separate structures that you can use for reporting
purposes, and also in rules that determine employee eligibility for various types of
compensation and benefits.
You enter information about a location only once. Subsequently, when you set up other
workforce structures you select the location from a list.
Locations that you create are represented on a map for easier identification and access
as shown in the following figure:

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

What is Set ID?

Set ID is used to partition reference data into smaller sets called reference data
sets, which can then be assigned to different business units or organizations

The Set Enabled objects in HCM are:

- Departments
- Locations
- Jobs
- Grades

Business Units and Reference Objects


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Location Sets
The following figure shows how locations sets restrict access to users.

When you create a location, you must associate it with a set. Only those users who
have access to the set's business unit can access the location set and other associated
workforce structure sets, such as those that contain departments and jobs.
You can also associate the location to the common set so that users across your
enterprise can access the location irrespective of their business unit. When users
search for locations, they can see the locations that they have access to along with the
locations in the common set.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activity, at this
Approximate Activity Timing: 20 minutes

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Student Activity: Creating a Location

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Location

Activity Background
In view of its increasing operations, InFusion Corporation has recently bought additional
space close to its existing location in New York.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.

You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or

comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create a new location in New York.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activity 1: Creating a Location

In this activity, you create a new location in New York.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define
EnterpriseStructures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce
Structures - Define Organization Structures.
1. In the Manage Locations task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Locations page
2. On the Results in Table section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Location page
3. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/1951.
4. In the Location Information section Name field, enter XX New York.
5. In the Code field, enter XXNY.
6. In the Main Address section Address Line1 field, enter 521 Madison Ave.
7. In the Address Line2 field, enter Second Floor.
8. In the City field, enter New York.
9. Press Enter.
Location: Search and Select: City dialog box
10. Select New York, New York.
11. Click OK.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Location: Create Location page

12. In the ZIP Code field, enter 10022.
13. Press Enter.
Location: Search and Select: ZIP Code dialog box
14. Select 10022 (Manhattan).
15. Click OK.
Location: Create Location page
16. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
17. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
18. Click OK.
Location: Manage Locations page
19. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
20. In the Manage Locations task row, click the Status icon button.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
21. In the Status field, select Completed.
22. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you created the XX New York location.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Defining HCM Organizations

HCM Organizations
You can set up your enterprise structures using the individual organization tasks. For
example, if you are an international enterprise with multiple operating divisions, then
you need to define an enterprise, divisions, legal entities, tax reporting units, payroll
statutory units, reporting units, business units, departments and so on.

You set up organizations as part of your implementation to reflect your company's

organizational structure. An organization structure is required for your management,
legal, functional and financial reporting needs. An enterprise generally needs many
internal and external organizations for its operation. These include organizations such
as legal entities, divisions, and departments.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Instructor Note: HCM Organizations

If you are not using the Enterprise Structure guided flow to set up your enterprise
structures, then use the individual organization tasks.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Multiple Classifications
Organization classifications define the purpose of the organization, whether it's a
division, department or a legal entity.
Define an organization with one or more classifications to reflect your enterprise
For example, one organization might be both a cost center and a sales department.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Review Enterprise Configuration

The organization model includes 3 tightly integrated areas:

XLE (eXtended Legal Entity), owned by Financials, and to capture Financials

HCM Organizations (mainly for internal organizations)
TCA (Trading Community Architecture) to manage external organizations such
as a third-party provider (for example, child support monitoring)

If you define the enterprise configuration using the Enterprise Structures guided flow,
then you can review the organization components and make any changes or add
additional structures. You can create the following types of HCM organizations:

Legislative Data Groups
Business Units and Set IDs
Legal Employers
Professional Bodies
Reporting Establishments
Disability Organizations

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Trees and HCM Trees

You can use Oracle Fusion trees to graphically represent hierarchical data such as the
structure of your organization. You can view the hierarchical relationships among the
data entities and determine how they function in a business scenario. You can use trees


A tree helps you in:

Determining parent-child relationship between the entities

Setting better access control
Applying business rules at various stages

To set up a tree:
1. Create a tree using one of the seeded tree structures (for example, department
tree structure).
2. Create a tree version for the new tree structure.
3. Add new nodes (for example, departments) to build your hierarchy.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Instructor Note: Trees

When creating your initial node objects, you should include an effective date that is
early enough that it will encompass your longest serving employee. New nodes that are
added later will need a new effective date for when the new node should be valid. For
example if you create a new department with an effective date of Dec 31st 2004, then it
will only be valid from December 31st. Employees cannot be transferred (or hired) into
that department until it is Dec 31st (transfers can be future effective dated). Unlike EBS,
Fusion allows multiple effective-date updates on the same day.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Organization Trees and ESC

If you use the ESC to create your enterprise structures, then a default organization tree
is automatically created. You can modify the tree and create additional organization
If you do not use the ESC, then you can create organization trees based on the
predefined organization tree structure.
You can secure HCM data by using an organization tree to identify organizations in an
organization security profile.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

HCM Organizations Review Question 1

An organization can have one classification only.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

HCM Organizations Review Question 2

You assign workers to the department organization.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

HCM Organizations Review Question 3

Name three types of predefined trees.
Departments, organizations, positions, geographies.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

HCM Organizations Review Questions and Answers

1. An organization can have one classification only.
2. You assign workers to the department organization.
3. Name three types of predefined trees.
Departments, organizations, positions, geographies.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activity, at this
Approximate Activity Timing: 25 minutes

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Student Activity: Creating a Division and Department

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activities 2 -- 3 Introduction: Creating a Division and

InFusion Corporation has acquired a new financial services division.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create a new division and department to support the new acquisition.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activity 2: Creating a Division

In this activity, you create a new division.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce Structures - Define
Organization Structures.
1. In the Manage Divisions task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Divisions page
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Division: Description page
3. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/2013.
4. In the Name field, enter XX InFusion Financial Services US.
5. Click Next.
Location: Create Division: Division Details page
6. In the Reporting Name field, enter Financial Services US.
7. In the Manager field, select any manager.
8. Click Next.
Location: Create Division: Review page
9. Review the results and click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

10. Click Yes.

Location: Confirmation dialog box
11. Click OK.
Location: Manage Divisions page
12. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
13. In the Manage Divisions task row, click the Status icon button.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
14. In the Status field, select Completed.
15. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you created the XX InFusion Financial Services US division.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activity 3: Creating a Department

In this activity, you create a new department.
Sign in either as hcm_impl or hcm_impl1.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce Structures - Define
Organization Structures.
1. In the Manage Departments task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Departments page
2. In the Search Results section, click Create.
Location: Create Department: Description page
3. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/2013.
4. In the Name field, enter XX InFusion Financial Sales.
5. Click Next.
Location: Create Department: Department Details page
6. In the Reporting Name field, enter InFusion Financial.
7. In the Manager field, select any manager.
8. Click Next.
Location: Create Department: Review page
9. Review the results and click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

10. Click Yes.

Location: Confirmation dialog box
11. Click OK.
Location: Manage Departments page
12. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
13. In the Manage Departments task row, click the Status icon.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
14. In the Status field, select Completed.
15. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you created the XX InFusion Financial Sales department.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Actions and Action Reasons

Actions track changes to Human Capital Management (HCM) records, for example,
changes to employment and assignment records. When you create or update these
records, the action identifies the cause of the creation or change.
Actions and Action Reasons


Actions categorize the type of change. For example, each predefined termination
action is associated with a termination type (either voluntary or involuntary) to
help categorize the termination.
Actions determine the business flow. For example, you can select from a list of
employment-related actions, such as Assignment Change, Transfer, or
Termination. The action you select determines the path you take through the
employment flow.
You can optionally associate actions with reasons; the action and reason
information can be used for analysis and reporting purposes. For example,
predictions of voluntary termination are based on existing data from terminated
work relationships, and the action details help here. Here is a screenshot of a
worker's assignment history; the action details in the assignment history are
particularly useful:

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Action Types
Action type identifies the type of business process associated with the action and
determines what happens when you select an action. If you are creating a new action,
you must associate the action with any one of the predefined action types. For example,
the Hire an Employee action type is associated with the Hire action by default. You
could create an additional action Hire Part-time and associate it with the Hire an
Employee action type. This causes your action to appear in the actions list on the Hire
an Employee page. Users can then select the Hire Part-time action when hiring part
time employees, instead of the predefined Hire action.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 20 minutes



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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Student Activity: Creating an Action

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activity 4 Introduction: Creating an Action

Your organization requires a new action for hiring Part-time-time employees.


Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
1. Create an action XX Hire Part-time-time Employees and associate it with the Hire
an Employee action type.
2. Associate the action with a new action reason XX HIRE PARTTIME REASON.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Activity 4: Creating an Action

In this activity, you create an action XX Hire Part-time-time employees and associate it
with the Hire an Employee action type.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce Structures - Define
Organization Structures
1. In the Manage Actions row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Actions page
2. On the toolbar, click Add.
3. In the Action Code field, enter XX HIRE PARTTIME.
4. In the Action Name field, enter XX Hire Part-Time Employee.
5. In the Start Date field, enter 1/1/12.
6. In the Action Type field, select Hire an Employee.
There is a predefined Hire action that is associated with the Hire an Employee
action type. This selection associates your new action with the hire business
flow. This also causes your action to appear in the Actions list on the Hire an
Employee page.
7. Click Save.
8. On the Hire Part-Time Employee: Action Reasons section toolbar, click Add.
Location: Warning window
9. Click Yes.

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Location: Create Hire Part-Time Employee: Action Reasons window

10. In the Action Reason Code field, enter XX HIRE PARTTIME REASON.
11. In the Action Reason field, enter Hire Part-time-time employees.
12. In the Reason Start Date field, enter the current date.
13. Click OK.
Location: Manage Actions page
14. Click Save.
Location: Warning dialog box
15. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
16. Click OK.
Location: Manage Actions page
17. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
18. In the Manage Actions row, click the Status icon.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
19. In the Status field, select Completed.
20. In the Manage Action Reasons row, click the Status icon.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
21. In the Status field, select Completed.
22. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
At this point, you should have created an action and an action reason


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

Define locations
Define HCM organizations

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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

Lesson Highlight Details

Defining Locations
A location identifies physical addresses of a workforce structure, such as a department
or a job. You can also create locations to enter the addresses of external organizations
that you want to maintain, such as employment agencies, tax authorities, and insurance
or benefits carriers.
When you create a location, you must associate it with a set. Only those users who
have access to the set's business unit can access the location set and other associated
workforce structure sets, such as those that contain departments and jobs.
Defining HCM Organizations
You set up organizations as part of your implementation to reflect your company's
organizational structure. An organization structure is required for your management,
legal, functional and financial reporting needs. An enterprise generally needs many
internal and external organizations for its operation. These include organizations such
as legal entities, divisions, and departments.
You can define an organization with one or more classifications to reflect your
enterprise structure and use Oracle Fusion trees to graphically represent hierarchical
data such as the structure of your organization.


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Lesson 8: Define Workforce Structures

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Lesson 9: Define Grades

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Define grades
Define grade rates
Define grade ladders

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grades Setup and Maintenance

Initial setup for this activity is performed using Functional Setup Manager
- Workforce Deployment Offering: Define Enterprise Structures/Define
Workforce Structures

Ongoing maintenance is performed from the Workforce Structures work


Define Grade Tasks


Setup tasks in FSM under Define Grades:

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Manage Assignment Grade Lookups

Manage Grade Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Grades
Manage Grade Rates
Manage Grade Ladders

The ongoing maintenance tasks are:


Manage Grades
Manage Grade Rates

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Lesson 9: Define Grades

Defining Grades
This section describes:

Grade steps
Grades and sets
How grades work with jobs and positions
How grades work with assignments and employment terms

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Create grades to record the level of compensation for workers. You can create grades
for multiple pay components, such as salary, bonus, and overtime rates. You can define
one or more grades that are applicable for jobs and positions. This list of valid grades,
combined with the settings for two profile options, enables you to restrict the grades that
can be selected when you set up assignments or employment terms for a worker.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grade Steps
Grade steps are distinct increments of progression within a grade. You can set up
grades with or without grade steps.
The following figure illustrates the difference between grades with and without steps.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Example of Grades with Steps

The grade structure for annual salary amounts for administrative workers in InFusion
Corporation includes five grades, and each grade includes five steps. When workers
move from one grade to another in this ladder, they do not always start at step 1 of a
grade. Their next step is based on their previous salary plus two steps. For example, a
worker could move from Step 3 in Grade 1 to Step 2 in Grade 2.
The following table lists the three grades, steps, and the rates associated with them for
administrative workers at InFusion Corporation.

To set up a grade structure to reflect this table, perform the following tasks:
1. Set up three different grades and add three steps for each grade.
2. Set up a grade ladder using the Grades with Steps type, and select all three
3. Set up step rates for annual salary amounts using the rates in the preceding


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Example of Grades without Steps

The grade structure for annual salary amounts for level 3 managers at InFusion
Corporation includes grades without steps. The grade rates are fixed amounts.
The following table lists the grades and associated rates for level 3 managers at
InFusion Corporation.

To set up your grade structure to reflect this table, perform the following tasks:
1. Set up eight separate grades.
2. For each grade, enter the rates from the preceding table.
3. Set up a grade ladder with the Grades type and add all eight grades to the

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grades and Sets

You assign each grade to a set. If you assign a grade to the common set, then the
grade is available for use in all business units. To limit a grade to a single business unit,
you can assign it to a set that is specific to that business unit.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

How Grades Work with Jobs and Positions

You can define one or more grades that are applicable for each job and position. This
list of valid grades, combined with the settings for two profile options, enables you to
restrict the grades that can be selected when you set up assignments or employment
terms for a worker.
If you use positions, then the grades that you assign to jobs are the default grades for
the positions that you associate with each job. You can use the default grades for the
position, remove ones that don't apply, or add new ones

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

How Grades Work with Assignments and Employment

When you set up assignments or employment terms, you can select the applicable
grade for the job or position. Two profile options determine the grades that are available
for selection. The first profile option is PER_ENFORCE_VALID_GRADES. If you set
this site-level profile option to Yes, then users can select a grade only from the list that
you defined for the job or position.

If users select both a job and a position for the assignment or employment terms,
then they can select grades that are valid for the position only.
If valid grades are defined for neither the job nor the position, then users can
select from all grades

If you set this profile option to No, which is the default value, then users can select from
all grades.
The second profile option is PER_DEFAULT_GRADE_FROM_JOB_POSITION. If you
set this site-level profile option to Yes, and there is only one valid grade for a job or
position, then that grade is used by default in the assignment or employment terms. In
addition, if an entry grade is defined for a position, then that grade is used by default
when the user creates a new set of employment terms or a new assignment.
If you set this profile option to No, which is the default value, then users can select from
all grades.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activity, at this
Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Student Activity: Creating a Grade

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Grade

You have set up grades for all of your divisions except the Financial Services division.
The job functions performed in this division are different from that of your other
divisions, so you require new grades that are more suitable.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your student
number, as indicated by your instructor

You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or

comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create a new grade for the Sales Executive job as well as the associated grade rates.

Set: Common Set

Name: XX_Sales Executive
Steps? No steps are needed
Legislative Data Group (for rates): US LDG
Rate Name: XX_Annual Salary Rate_Sales Execs
Rate Type: Salary
Frequency: Annually
Currency: USD
Specific amount or range? Range

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Activity 1: Creating a Grade

In this activity, you create a new grade.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce Structures - Define
Alternate navigation: In the global area Navigator menu under Workforce
Management, select Workforce Structures.
1. In the Manage Grades task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Grades page
Use the Manage Grades page to search for existing grades.
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Grade: Grade Details page
3. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/2013.
4. In the Name field, enter XX Sales Executive.
5. In the Code field, enter XX_SALESEXEC.
6. Click Next.
Location: Create Grade: Grade Steps page
7. Since this grade does not contain steps, click Next.
Location: Create Grade: Grade Rates page
8. Since this grade does not contain rates, click Next.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Location: Create Grade: Review page

9. Review the details before submitting the grade.
10. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
11. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
12. Click OK.
Location: Manage Grades page
13. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
14. In the Manage Grades task row, click the Status icon button.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
15. In the Status field, select Completed.
16. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you have created the XX Sales Executive grade.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Defining Grade Rates

This section describes:


Grade rate values

Lookup types for grade rates
Examples of grade rates How grades, rates, sets, and legislative data groups
work together
How grades and rates work with Oracle Fusion Compensation and Payroll

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grade Rate Values

Grade rate values are the compensation amounts associated with each grade. Grade
rate values can be either a fixed amount or a range of values, and you can set up rates
for different types of pay, such as salary, overtime, and bonuses.
Grade rates for some jobs or positions might include an hourly salary rate and an
overtime rate. Grade rates for other jobs or positions might contain a salary rate type
with a range of amounts and a bonus rate type with a fixed amount. Grade rates
typically serve only as a guideline to validate that the salary you propose during the
compensation process for a worker on a certain grade is appropriate for that grade.
However, in MEA they can drive the rate paid for many allowances in payroll. Grade
rates are optional.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Lookups for Grade Rates

Lookup types are lists of values in applications. One lookup type is available for grade
rates, and the customization level is extensible.
The GRADE_PAY_RATE_TYPE lookup type identifies the compensation components
for which you want to set up grade rates. The predefined values are salary, bonus, and
You should review these predefined values, and add additional rate types to suit your
business needs.
Note: When you add customized lookups, prefix them with unique identifiers to
differentiate them from predefined lookups.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Adding Rates to Grades

For grades that were created without steps, two options for adding rates are available:

Add the rates at the same time as when you add the grade using the Manage
Grades task
Add the rates separately using the Manage Grade Rates task

For grades that were created with steps, you must first add the grade to a grade ladder,
and then add the rates for each step in the Manage Grade Ladders task.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grade Rates Example 1

This figure illustrates a grade that has two rate types associated with it. One is a salary
rate type that has a range of values, and the other is a bonus rate type with a fixed


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grade Rates Example 2

This figure illustrates a different grade that has two rate types associated with it. One is
a salary rate type that has a fixed amount, and the other is an overtime rate type that
also has a fixed amount.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

How Grades, Rates, Sets, and Legislative Data Groups

Work Together
You assign grades to sets, and you assign grade rates to legislative data groups.
While grades may be common across different areas of your enterprise, grade rates
vary among the countries in which you employ people. For example, if your enterprise
has engineer jobs in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, you can set
up grades for a set that is shared between the countries, but set up different grade rates
for each country in the applicable currency.
You can use the Manage Grade Rates task to add more legislative data groups and
associated grade rates for an existing grade.
The following figure illustrates how you can use sets to share grades across multiple
business units and then change the grade rates for each legislative data group.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Example of Grades with Rate Ranges

The grade structure for annual salary amounts for senior executives at InFusion
Corporation includes grades with no steps, and the rates are set up using ranges.
The following table lists the rate range for senior executives at InFusion Corporation.

To set up a grade structure to reflect this table, perform the following tasks:
1. Create a single grade.
2. Create a grade rate and enter the minimum and maximum amounts from the
preceding table for the grade rate range.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activity, at this
Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes


Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Lesson 9: Define Grades

Student Activity: Creating a Grade Rate

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Activity 2 Introduction: Creating a Grade Rate

You now need to create a bonus rate for the Sales Executive grade. You award sales
executives a bonus annually, and the amount is a range.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your student
number, as indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create a bonus rate for the XX Sales Executive grade that you created in the previous


Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Lesson 9: Define Grades

Activity 2: Creating a Grade Rate

In this activity, you create a new grade rate.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce Structures - Define
1. In the Manage Grade Rates task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Grade Rates page
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Select Legislative Data Group dialog box
3. In the Legislative Data Group field, search for and select US LDG.
4. Click OK.
Location: Create Grade Rate page
5. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/2013.
6. In the Name field, enter XX Annual Salary Rate Sales Execs.
7. In the Rate Type field, select Salary.
8. In the Grade Rate Values section, click the Add Row icon button.
9. In the Grade field, enter XX.
10. Select XX Sales Executive XX_SALESEXEC Common Set COMMON
Common Set.
11. In the Minimum field, enter 45000.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

12. In the Maximum field, enter 65000.

13. Click in the Midpoint field.
The application calculates the midpoint value for you.
14. Click Review.
15. Review the details of the grade rate before submitting.
16. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
17. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
18. Click OK.
Location: Manage Grade Rates page
19. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
20. In the Manage Grade Rates task row, click the Status icon button.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
21. In the Status field, select Completed.
22. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you have created the XX Annual Salary Rate Sales Execs grade rate.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Defining Grade Ladders

This section describes:

Grade ladders
Ladders with grades
Ladders with steps

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Grade Ladders
Create grade ladders to group grades or grades with steps in the sequence in which
your workers typically progress. Grade ladders describe the grades or the grades with
steps to which a worker is eligible to progress. For grades with steps, grade ladders
also provide the compensation values associated with each step.
You can set up separate grade ladders for different types of jobs or positions in your
enterprise. For example, you may create three grade ladders for your enterprise: one for
technical grades, another for management grades, and a third for administrative grades.
Two types of grade ladders are available:

Ladders with grades

Ladders with steps

You cannot create a grade ladder with a combination of both grades and grades with


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Ladders with Grades

You create ladders with grades by building a hierarchy of grades that were created
without steps. When you set up this type of ladder, only grades without steps are
available to add to the ladder. You do not define any grade rates when you set up a
ladder with grades; the rates for the grades within the ladder are inherited from the rates
that were added when you set up the grades. To add or edit rates for grades, you must
use the Manage Grade Rates task.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Ladders with Steps

You create ladders with grade steps using grades that were created with steps. When
you set up this type of ladder, only grades with steps are available to add to the ladder.
You define step rates and the values for each step when you set up the ladder, and the
rates are unique to each ladder. You cannot share step rates between grade ladders.

Example of Grades with Hourly Amounts

The grade structure for line workers at InFusion Corporation includes grades with steps,
and the rates are hourly amounts.
The following table lists the hourly rates for line workers at InFusion Corporation.

To set up your grade structure to reflect this table, perform the following tasks:
1. Create five grades, each with three steps.
2. Set up a grade ladder using the Grades with Steps type, and select all five
3. Set up step rates for hourly amounts using the rates in the table.


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The classroom environment is configured with these profile options set to N for (No):
This means that when you hire an employee, you can select from any grades in the
Common Set when setting up the assignment.
If you want students to be able to see how setting these options to Yes enforces valid
grades that have been set up for the job when they perform the activity, use the steps in
the instructor demo to show how to first enable the profile options to be updated, and
then show how to update the profile options from N to Y (Yes).
Demo Timing: 10 minutes

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Demonstration: Changing Profile Option Settings

As the Human Resources (HR) specialist, you must maintain the profile
Demonstration Scope
Change the settings for the PER_ENFORCE_VALID_GRADES and

Demonstration Steps
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area
1. In the Search section Name field, enter Manage Profile Options.
2. Click the Search icon.
3. In the Manage Profile Options row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Profile Options page
4. In the Profile Option Code field, enter PER.
5. Click Search.
Note: The application loads the Profile Option Levels region with the profile
option that you have selected.
7. In the PER_ENFORCE_VALID_GRADES : Profile Option Levels region, click
the Updateable option for the Site, Product, and User levels.
8. Click Save and Close.
Location: All Tasks tab, Search page


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

9. In the Search section Name field, enter Manage Administrator Profile Values.
10. Click Search.
11. In the Manage Administrator Profile Values row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Administrator Profile Values page
12. In the Profile Option Code field, enter PER.
13. Click the Search button.
14. Select the PER_ENFORCE_VALID_GRADES row header.
Note: The application loads the Profile Values region with the profile option
that you have selected.
15. In the PER_ENFORCE_VALID_GRADES: Profile Values region, Profile Value
field, enter Y.
16. Click Save and Close.
17. Repeat the above steps for the

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Review Question 1
Which of the following determines what rate types are available?
1. A profile option
2. A lookup type
3. The legislative data group for which you are setting up the grade rate


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Review Question 2
A grade ladder can contain both grades and grades with steps.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Review Question 3
Which profile options must you set to enforce grades at the assignment level?


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

All Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following determines what rate types are available?
A. lookup type (GRADE_PAY_RATE_TYPE)

2. A grade ladder can contain both grades and grades with steps. (True / False)
A. False

3. Which profile options must you set to enforce grades at the assignment level?


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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned how to:


Define grades, grade rates, and grade ladders

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Lesson 9: Define Grades

Lesson Highlight Details

Defining Grades, Grade Rates, and Grade Ladders
You can set up grades with or without steps. For each grade, you can define multiple
types of grade rates, such as salary, bonus, and hourly rates.
Grade ladders can include either grades or grades with steps. For grades with steps,
you define the rates when you include the grades in a grade ladder.

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Lesson 9: Define Grades


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


Lesson 10: Define Jobs

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Define jobs and job families

Understand Job Details and Lookups
Understand Benchmark and Progression Information
Understand Evaluation Criteria
Understand how Jobs and Position work with Profiles

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Instructor Note: Jobs and Positions

Before teaching the Jobs and Positions lessons, provide an introduction to Jobs and
Positions, to distinguish between the two.
Job - is a set of roles or duties that your workers perform.
Position - is a specific instance of a job in a department for a business unit.
Use of jobs or jobs and positions varies by industry and customer requirements.
Enterprise Structures Configurator (ESC) helps you with the decision during the
Jobs and Positions
Jobs are typically used without positions by service industries where flexibility and
organizational change are key features.
Typically use jobs: If a worker leaves, in most cases the headcount is used for other
be any job, probably even different department and salary purposes (could).
Typically use positions: If a worker leaves, in most cases a successor is hired into the
same job and department, may be even the same grade.

Comparison can be launched from search results

Integration with profiles
Positions: Embedded analytics displayed in the header region of an existing
position to see at first sight the FTE of the position compared to the FTE of the
Positions: Powerful incumbent details feature to see the incumbent(s) history
Ability to define at the job and position which grades are valid for this job/position
Valid grades entered at the job get defaulted to the position
Profile option to enforce the valid grades in the assignment: The user can choose
for that assignment only a grade that is in the list of valid grades of the selected
Profile option to default the grade from job/position to assignment
Defaulting from position takes precedence. If no position is selected, grade is
defaulted from job

Advantages of using positions

Less maintenance work, because when selecting a position during hiring,

attributes are defaulted in.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs


Vacancies can easily be tracked and reported on If you only use jobs,
vacancies are not visible.
Incumbent history at the position makes it easy to track who was in this position
at any time (even if the position is currently vacant).

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Jobs Overview
Jobs are typically used without positions by service industries where flexibility and
organizational change are key features.
The following screenshot is the Create Job page within the Manage Job task. You can
see the five train stops that guide you through the job creation.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Jobs Setup and Maintenance

Initial setup for this activity is performed using Functional Setup Manager
- Workforce Deployment Offering: Define Enterprise Structures/Define
Workforce Structures
Ongoing maintenance is performed from the Workforce Structures work

Define Jobs and Positions Tasks


Setup tasks in FSM under Define Jobs and Positions:


Manage Job Lookups

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Manage Job Families

Manage Job
Manage Position Lookups
Manage Positions
Manage Position Trees

The ongoing maintenance tasks for Jobs are:

Manage Jobs
Manage Job Families

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Lookups for Jobs

Lookups are lists of values in applications. Several lookup types are available for jobs
that have user customization levels. You should review these lookups, and update them
as appropriate to suit enterprise requirements. The lookup types for jobs are:


EVAL_SYSTEM: Identifies the evaluation system used for the job or position
EVAL_SYSTEM_MEAS: Measurement unit for the evaluation criteria
JOB_FUNCTION_CODE: Description of the primary function of a job (used for
grouping and reporting jobs of like functions)
MANAGER_LEVEL: Description of the seniority of a manager

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Basic Details
You define the following basic information for jobs:

Effective start date

Job set

A job code must be unique within a set. Therefore, you can create a job with the code
DEV01 in the US set and another job with the same code in the UK set. However, if you
create a job with the code DEV01 in the Common set, then you cannot create a job with
the same code in any other set.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Benchmark and Progression Information

You can identify a job as being a benchmark job. A benchmark job represents other
jobs in reports and salary surveys. You can also select the benchmark for jobs.
Benchmark details are for informational purposes only.
A progression job is the next job in a career ladder. Progression jobs enable you to
create a hierarchy of jobs and are used to provide the list of values for the Job field in
the Promote Worker and Transfer Worker tasks. The list of values includes the next
three jobs in the progression job hierarchy.
For example, assume that you create a job called Junior Developer and select
Developer as the progression job. In the Developer job, you select Senior Developer as
the progression job. When you promote a junior developer, the list of values for the new
job will include Developer and Senior Developer.


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

You can specify the grades that are valid for a job. If you are using positions, then the
grades that you specify for the job become the default grades for the position.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Instructor Note: Jobs and Grades

Remind students of the two profile options that determine the grades that are available
for selection when you set up assignments or employment terms:
PER_ENFORCE_VALID_GRADES: If you set this site-level profile option to Yes, then
users can select a grade only from the list that you defined for the job or position.

If users select both a job and a position for the assignment or employment terms,
then they can select grades that are valid for the position only.
If valid grades are defined for neither the job nor the position, then users can
select from all grades

If you set this profile option to No, which is the default value, then users can select from
all grades.
PER_DEFAULT_GRADE_FROM_JOB_POSITION: If you set this site-level profile
option to Yes, and there is only one valid grade for a job or position, then that grade is
used by default in the assignment or employment terms. In addition, if an entry grade is
defined for a position, then that grade is used by default when the user creates a new
set of employment terms or a new assignment.
If you set this profile option to No, which is the default value, then users can select from
all grades.


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Evaluation Criteria
You can define evaluation criteria for a job, including the evaluation system, a date, and
the unit of measure for the system. One predefined evaluation system is available, and
that is the Hay system.
An additional value of Custom is included in the list of values for the Evaluation System
field, but you must add your own criteria and values for this system.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Job Families
A job family is a group of jobs that have different but related functions, qualifications,
and titles. They are beneficial for reporting. Examples include:

Finance and Accounting

You set up the job families and then enter a job family when defining a job.


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

How Jobs and Positions Work with Profiles

You can associate jobs and positions with model profiles that are created in Oracle
Fusion Profile Management. A model profile is a collection of the work requirements and
required skills and qualifications of a workforce structure, such as a job or position.
This association enables you to define the work requirements and the required
competencies, degrees, and other skills for the job or position. This association also
enables you to compare profiles and use the best-fit analysis for tasks such as finding
the worker best-suited for a job or for helping workers identify their next career moves.
The following figure compares the information that is contained in a job profile with that
contained in a job:

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Demonstration: Creating a Job

Demonstration Background
As a Human Resources (HR) specialist, you can create a job.
Demonstration Scope
Create a job and associate a grade.
Demonstration Steps
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.

Start Here
Setup and Maintenance
1. In the Search region Name field, enter Manage Job.
2. Click the Search icon.
3. In the Manage Job task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Jobs page
4. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Job: Basic Details page
5. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/2013.
6. In the Name field, enter XX Sales Executive.
7. In the Code field, enter XX_SALESEXEC.
8. Click Next.
Location: Create Job: Job Details page
9. In the Full Time or Part Time field, select Full time.
10. In the Regular or Temporary section, select Regular.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

11. In the Job Family field, search for and select Sales.
12. In the Valid Grades section toolbar, click Add Row.
13. In the Grade field, enter XX.
14. Select XX Sales Executive XX_SALESEXEC Common Set COMMON
Common Set.
15. Click Next.
Location: Create Job: Evaluation Criteria page
16. Since this job does not include evaluation criteria, click Next.
Location: Create Job: Profiles page
17. Since this job does not include a profile, click Next.
Location: Create Job: Review page
18. Review the details before submitting the job.
19. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
20. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
21. Click OK.
Location: Manage Jobs page
At this point, you should have created the XX Sales Executive job.


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activity, at this
Approximate Activity Timing: 5 minutes

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Student Activity: Creating a Job

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Job

You have created a grade and grade rates for the Sales Executive position.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your student
number, as indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Create a job.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Activity 1: Creating a Job

In this activity, you create a new job.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common
Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management - Define Enterprise
Structures for Human Capital Management - Define Workforce Structures - Define
Jobs and Positions
1. In the Manage Job task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Jobs page
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Job: Basic Details page
3. In the Effective Start Date field, enter 1/1/2013.
4. In the Name field, enter XX Sales Executive.
5. In the Code field, enter XX_SALESEXEC.
6. Click Next.
Location: Create Job: Job Details page
7. In the Full Time or Part Time field, select Full time.
8. In the Regular or Temporary section, select Regular.
9. In the Job Family field, search for and select Sales.
10. In the Valid Grades section toolbar, click Add Row.
11. In the Grade field, enter XX.


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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

12. Select XX Sales Executive XX_SALESEXEC Common Set COMMON

Common Set.
13. Click Next.
Location: Create Job: Evaluation Criteria page
14. Since this job does not include evaluation criteria, click Next.
Location: Create Job: Profiles page
15. Since this job does not include a profile, click Next.
Location: Create Job: Review page
16. Review the details before submitting the job.
17. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
18. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
19. Click OK.
Location: Manage Jobs page
20. Click Done.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
21. In the Manage Job task row, click the Status icon button.
Location: Edit Status dialog box
22. In the Status field, select Completed.
23. Click Save and Close.
Location: Implementation Project: XX Workforce Deployment page
In this activity, you created the XX Sales Executive job.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Review Question 1
Which of the following would you associate with a job or a position to specify the
required competencies, degrees, and languages for the job or position?



Employment terms
Model profile

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

All Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following would you associate with a job or a position to specify
the required competencies, degrees, and languages for the job or position?

A. Model profile

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned how to:


Define jobs and job families

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs

Lesson Highlight Details

Defining Jobs and Job Families
Jobs are used without positions in industries where flexibility and organizational change
are key features.
You assign jobs to a set, and the job code must be unique within a set.

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Lesson 10: Define Jobs


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Lesson 11: Define Positions

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Define positions and position trees

Understand lookups
Understand position details

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Positions Overview
A position is an instance of a job in a specific department and optional in a location.
Positions are typically used by industries that have the following characteristics:

Approval rules and budgeting are detailed

Head counts must be maintained
Turnover rates are high and the successor is usually hired into the same job and

The following screenshot is the Create Position page within the Manage Position task.
You can see the five train stops that guide you through the position creation.

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Positions Setup and Maintenance

Initial setup for this activity is performed using Functional Setup Manager
- Workforce Deployment Offering: Define Enterprise Structures/Define
Workforce Structures
Ongoing maintenance is performed from the Workforce Structures work

Define Jobs and Positions Tasks


Setup tasks in FSM under Define Jobs and Positions:

Manage Job Lookups

Manage Job Families
Manage Job
Manage Position Lookups
Manage Positions
Manage Position Trees

The ongoing maintenance tasks for Positions are:


Manage Positions
Manage Position Trees

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Lookups for Positions

Lookups are lists of values in applications. Several lookup types are available for
positions that have user, extensible, and system customization levels. You should
review these lookups, and update them as appropriate to suit enterprise requirements.
The lookup types for positions are:

SECURITY_CLEARANCE: Classifies if security clearance is needed (system)

EVAL_SYSTEM: Identifies the evaluation system used for the job or position
EVAL_SYSTEM_MEAS: Measurement unit for the evaluation criteria (user)
BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE: Identifies a legally organized group of people
which have the right to negotiate on all aspects of terms and conditions with
employers or employer federations (extensible)
PROBATION_PERIOD: Specifies the unit of measurement for the probation
period of a position (user)

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Positions Example: Retail Industry

The following scenario illustrates the use of positions:
ABC Corporation has high turnover. It loses approximately 5% of their cashiers monthly.
The job of cashier includes three positions: front line cashier, service desk cashier, and
layaway cashier. Each job is cross-trained to take over another cashier position. When
one cashier leaves from any of the positions, another existing cashier from the front line,
service desk, or layaway can assist where needed. But to ensure short lines and
customer satisfaction, ABC must replace each cashier lost to turnover.
Because turnover is high in retail, positions are recommended for this industry. If
customers are using positions, it is easy to track the open headcount because the
position is a separate entity that continues to exist in the system even if the person's
assignment has been terminated. The position exists even when there are no holders.
This is important if the person who leaves the company is a manager or supervisor with
direct reports. All direct reports continue reporting to the position even if it is empty. You
do not need to reassign these employees to another manager or supervisor; the
replacement manager is assigned to the existing position.
Another advantage to using positions is that when you hire a new worker, many of the
attributes are provided as default values from the position. This speeds up the hiring
The following figure illustrates the retail position setup:


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Position Details
Key concepts regarding positions:


At the position, you can see the current vacant Full Time Equivalent (FTE), the
name of the incumbent(s), and also the history of incumbents.
You add a position to a specific department and location.
You can associate evaluation criteria and a profile with positions.
Many of the existing fields at the job also exist at the position, and the application
populates the Valid Grades region with the grades that you set up for the job on
which you are basing the position.

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Activity Timing: 20 minutes

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Student Activity: Hiring an Employee to Test the Setup

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Activity Introduction: Hiring an Employee to Test the

The workforce structures setup is complete. Hire an employee to test the workforce
structures setup.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.

Activity Scope
Hire a new employee XX Susan Smith using the workforce structures data you setup

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Activity: Hiring an Employee to Test the Setup

In this activity, you hire a new employee.
Sign in as mitch.blum.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in)
5. In the global area Navigator menu, select New Person.
Location: New Person work area
6. In the Tasks pane, click Hire an Employee.
Location: Hire an Employee: Identification page
Use the Identification page to enter details for the new employee, such
as the legal employer, date of hire, name details, as well as national identifiers,
such as the employee's social security number.
7. Click in the Hire Date field. Select the date 1/1/2013.
8. In the Legal Employer field, select XX InFusion Financial that you created
9. In the Last Name field, enter Smith.
10. In the First Name field, enter XX Susan.
11. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Person Information page
Use the Person Information page to enter personal details such as
address and e-mail.
12. In the Address1 field, enter XX Main Street.
13. In the Zip Code field, enter 10022.
14. Press Tab and select the row containing Manhattan
Note: On the basis of the ZIP code that you enter, values for the city,


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

state, and county automatically appear.

15. On the E-Mail Details section toolbar, click the Add Row icon button.
16. Select the Work E-Mail type.
17. In the E-Mail field, enter
18. In the Ethnicity field, select White.
19. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Employment page
Use the Employment page to record details such as employment terms,
assignments, and managers.
20. In the Business Unit field, select US1 Business Unit.
21. In the Job field, select XX_Sales Executive, which you created earlier.
Note: The application populates the Grade field with the valid grade that
you set up for the Sales Executive position.
22. In the Department field, select XX_InFusion Financial_Sales, which you
created earlier.
23. In the Location field, select XX_New York, which you created earlier.
24. Click Next.
Location: Hire Employee: Roles page
Use the Roles page to assign roles to the new employee. In this
example, you retain the predefined Employee role that is already assigned to the
25. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Review page
26. Review all the information that you entered so far.

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

27. Click Submit.

Location: Warning dialog box
28. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
29. Click OK.
Location: New Person work area

At this point, you should have hired an employee XX Susan Smith.


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Position Trees
Using the predefined tree structure for a position tree, you can create a position tree
with a tree version. If you need to make changes to the tree, you can create a new
version. Only one version can be active at a time. If you need multiple position trees, for
example, for reporting purposes, then you can create multiple trees. You can have only
one top-level node for a position tree.
You can use position trees for the following purpose:

Secure access to positions by identifying a position hierarchy in a position

security profile. For example, you can create a position security profile that
includes all positions in a position hierarchy below a specified top position. You
can also include the position security profile in a person security profile to secure
access to person records. In this case, the person security profile includes the
person records of the people who occupy the positions in the position security

The following figure illustrates a position hierarchy that you can establish using a
position tree:

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Review Question 1
Which of the following is a user lookup type for positions?


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Review Question 2
You can associate evaluation criteria and a profile with positions.
33. True
34. False

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

All Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following is a user lookup type for positions?

2. You can associate evaluation criteria and a profile with positions.
A. True.


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

Define positions and position trees

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Lesson 11: Define Positions

Lesson Highlight Details

Defining Positions
Positions are used in industries with high turnover, detailed approvals, and where head
counts must be maintained.
You can associate jobs and positions with a profile to specify the required or desired
competencies, degrees, languages, and so on for the job or position.


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Lesson 11: Define Positions

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Add a person and manage personal information

Manage employment information
Terminate, transfer, and promote workers
Manage mass updates
Manage direct reports

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Manage Workforce Lifecycle Overview

The Manage Workforce Lifecycle business process covers all stages of a worker's
association with the enterprise, from creation of the person record through termination
of work relationships.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Manage Workforce Lifecycle

The business activities of the Manage Workforce Lifecycle process are performed by
human resource (HR) specialists and line managers.

Add Person
HR specialists and line managers create new person records for employees,
contingent workers, nonworkers, and pending workers. The Add Person tasks
include creating the new person's first work relationship with the enterprise.
Create Employment
HR specialists create and manage work relationships, employment terms, and
assignments for the workers to whom they have security access.
Change Employment
HR specialists and Line managers can edit work location, working hours,
managers, and other employment details.
Promote Worker
HR specialists promote workers to whom they have security access. Line
managers promote their direct and indirect reports.
Transfer Worker
HR specialists permanently transfer or create temporary assignments for
workers to whom they have security access. Line managers permanently transfer
their direct and indirect reports. Permanent transfers and temporary assignments
can be within the worker's current legal employer or to a different legal employer.
Terminate Worker
HR specialists terminate the work relationships of workers to whom they have
security access. Line managers terminate the work relationships of their direct
and indirect reports.

HR specialists access Add Person tasks from the New Person work area. They access
all other Manage Workforce Lifecycle tasks from the Person Management work area.
Line manager tasks are accessible from gallery search results, worker portraits, and the
Manager Resources Dashboard.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Add Person
Person Records
All workers, nonworkers, and contacts have a single person record in the enterprise,
which is identified by a person number. You cannot create the person record in isolation
because a person record requires one of the following:

A current, past, or future work relationship with a legal employer

A current, past, or future contact relationship with a person who has a work
relationship with a legal employer

Global Person Model

Person exists once in an enterprise with a unique identifier

Legislative specific name format definitions
Legislative-related information can coexist as different levels
Some global information can be displayed according to different legislative
Person Relationships: Person-to-person and Person-to-organization

Person Types

Enable identification of different groups of people in an organization

Define the type of relationship a person has with an organization
Establish management and processing rules

Person Records Compared with Work Relationships

Person records hold information that is personal, such as name, date of birth, and
disability information, or that may apply to more than one work relationship, such as
national ID. By contrast, work relationships hold employment information, such as job,
payroll, and working hours. A person's worker type (for example, employee) derives
from the person's work relationship; it is not part of the person record.
You create a person record either when you add the person as a contact (for example,
as an emergency contact) in another person's record or when you create the person's
first work relationship in the enterprise. For example, you create a person record by:

Hiring an employee
Adding a contingent worker
Adding a nonworker
Adding a pending worker. A pending worker is a person who will be hired or will
start a contingent worker placement and for whom you create a person record

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

that is effective before the hire or start date. When the new hire or placement is
finalized, you convert the new worker to the proposed worker type.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Creating Person Records: Examples

Adding a Person
Alex Morozov is starting a contingent worker placement with a legal employer in the
enterprise. Alex has never:

Been an employee, contingent worker, or nonworker in any legal employer in the

Been an emergency contact, dependent, or beneficiary of another employee,
contingent worker, or nonworker anywhere in the enterprise

Therefore, Alex does not have a person record. To create both his person record and
his first work relationship, you add him as a contingent worker.
Rehiring an Employee
Sonia Jalla starts her employment with the enterprise in France next month. Sonia was
employed by the enterprise in the United States for several years, but resigned 3 years
ago. Because Sonia was employed by the enterprise before, she already has a person
record. When you attempt to hire Sonia, the application finds her existing person record.
When you confirm that the existing person record is Sonia's, you continue the rehire
process by creating an employee work relationship with Sonia's new legal employer in
Hiring a Nonworker
Arturo Ruiz has a nonworker work relationship with a legal employer. Arturo recently
applied for employment with the same legal employer. He will continue as a volunteer
for this legal employer even after he has been hired. When you attempt to hire Arturo,
the application finds his person record. When you confirm that the person record is
Arturo's, you continue the hiring process by creating an employee work relationship with
the legal employer. Arturo will then have both nonworker and employee work
relationships with the same legal employer.
Hiring a Contact
Mary is married to Joe Wood, who is a contingent worker elsewhere in the enterprise.
Joe has identified Mary as an emergency contact; therefore, Mary already has a person
record. When you attempt to hire Mary Wood, if there is enough information in her
contact record to identify her, the application finds her existing person record. You
continue the hiring process by creating an employee work relationship with her new
legal employer. Otherwise, the hiring process creates both a person record and a work
relationship for Mary.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Hiring an Employee


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Add Person Feature Highlights

Dedicated Add Person work area

Duplicate Search Matching Person Records
Streamlined person entry
Seamless Integration with
- Payroll
- Compensation
- Roles provisioning
- Approval Management
- Notifications
Subscription-based events to notify related modules for post-hire processes (e.g.
on-boarding, payroll, benefits, asset management)

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Add Person Review Question 1

Where is a person's worker type derived from?


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Add Person Review Question 2

You create a person record when you:
A. Add the person as a contact in another person's record.
B. Create the person's first work relationship in the enterprise.
C. Both A and B

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

All Add Person Review Questions and Answers

1. Where is a person's worker type derived from?
A person's worker type (for example, employee) derives from the person's work
relationship; it is not part of the person record.
2. You create a person record when you:
C, you create a person record either when you add the person as a contact (for
example, as an emergency contact) in another person's record or when you create the
person's first work relationship in the enterprise


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Manage Employment Information

Work Relationships
A work relationship is a relationship between a person and a legal employer. When you
create a person record, you also create that person's first work relationship. Once a
person record exists, you can create additional work relationships with the same or
different legal employers.

Work Relationship Types

Work relationships are of three types: employee, contingent worker, and nonworker.
The worker type that you select when creating the work relationship determines the
relationship type.
Work Relationships for Nonworkers
To be classified as a nonworker, a person must have a nonworker work relationship
with a legal employer. Having a work relationship does not mean that a person is
working for a legal employer; it means only that there is an association between the
person and the legal employer that is defined by the work relationship.
Primary Work Relationship
A worker or nonworker must have one, and only one, primary work relationship. All
other work relationships are nonprimary. A person's first work relationship is the primary
relationship, by default.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

An assignment is a set of information about a person's role in a legal employer. It
includes the person's job, position, pay, compensation, managers, working hours, and
Primary Assignment
When you need information about a person from a single assignment, the person's
overall primary assignment supplies it.
You must identify one assignment as the primary assignment in each work relationship.
When a person has multiple work relationships, the overall primary assignment is the
primary assignment in the primary work relationship. In this example, assignment C is
the overall primary assignment because it is the primary assignment in the primary work

Assignment Numbers
Assignments are identified by assignment numbers, which you can allocate either
manually or automatically. If you allocate numbers manually, they must be unique in the
The application creates numbers for automatic allocation by prefixing the person
number with the character E (for employee), C (for contingent worker), or N (for
nonworker). A person's second and subsequent assignments of the same type have a
suffix number (E45678, E45678-2, for example).


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Terms
A set of employment terms is essentially a controlling assignment. All assignments that
belong to a set of employment terms automatically inherit any values that you specify on
the employment terms. Employment terms are available in employee and nonworker
work relationships only; they are not available in contingent worker relationships.
Specifying Assignment Values in Employment Terms
Consider the attribute values of assignments A, B, and C. The job values are the same
in all assignments because they are inherited from the employment terms. The location
and working as a manager values can be different in each assignment because they are
not inherited from the employment terms in this example.

You always enter values for the work measures, managers, and extra information
attributes individually in each assignment, even if they have been enabled in
employment terms at your enterprise or legal employer. Values for these attributes are
never inherited by the associated assignments.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Editing Employment Terms

If you edit a value in employment terms when override at the assignment level is
allowed, each associated assignment inherits the changed value from the employment
terms only if the two values were the same before the change. If the two values were
different before the change, the assignment does not inherit the changed value from the
employment terms, as shown in the following example.

If override at the assignment level is not allowed, you edit the employment terms
instead and all associated assignments automatically inherit the changed values.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

As the instructor, you must also perform the activities Hiring an Employee and Creating
a Work Relationship because you will use the person created in this activity, in the later
The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activities, at
this point.
Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Student Activity: Hiring an Employee

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 1 Introduction: Hiring an Employee

As a manager, you hire new people in the organization.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.

Activity Scope
Hire a new employee XX Andrew Robinson.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 1: Hiring an Employee

In this activity, you hire an employee.
Sign in as mitch.blum
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in).
35. In the global area Navigator menu, select New Person under Workforce
Location: New Person work area
36. In the Tasks pane, click Hire an Employee.
Location: Hire an Employee: Identification page
Use the Identification page to enter details for the new employee, such as
the legal employer, date of hire, name details, as well as national identifiers, such
as the employee's social security number.
37. Click in the Hire Date field. Select the date October 1, 2012.
38. In the Hire Action list, select Hire.
39. In the Legal Employer field, select US2 Legal Entity.
40. In the Last Name field, enter Robinson.
41. In the First Name field, enter XX Andrew.
42. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Person Information page
Use the Person Information page to enter personal details such as address
and e-mail.
43. In the Address Line1 field, enter XX 1721 Park Avenue.
44. In the Zip Code field, enter 76621.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

45. Press Tab.

Note: On the basis of the ZIP code that you enter, values for the city, state,
and county automatically appear.
46. On the E-Mail Details section toolbar, click the Add Row icon.
47. In the Type list, select Work E-Mail
48. In the E-Mail field, enter
49. In the Legislative Information section, in the Ethnicity field, select White.
50. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Employment Information page
Use the Employment Information page to record details such as
employment terms, assignments, and managers.
51. In the Employment Terms tab Business Unit field, search for and select US1
Business Unit.
Important:The Employment Terms tab appears because the selected legal
employer uses a three tier employment model.
52. In the Department field, search for and select Human Resources US.
53. Click the Assignment tab.
Note: The department is automatically populated from the employment terms.
54. In the Job field, search for and select Human Resources Administrator.
55. In the Grade field, search for and select Prof03.
56. In the Manager Details section Name field, select Swift, Linda.
57. In the Salary Information section Salary Basis field, select US1 Annual Salary.
58. In the Salary Amount field, enter 65000.
59. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Roles page

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Use the Roles page to assign roles to the new employee. In this example,
you retain the predefined Employee role that is already assigned to the
60. Click Next.
Location: Hire an Employee: Review page
61. Review all the information that you entered so far.
62. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
63. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
64. Click OK.
Location: New Person work area
At this point, you should have hired an employee XX Andrew Robinson.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Student Activity: Creating a Work Relationship

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 2 Introduction: Creating a Work Relationship

The person you previously hired as an employee, XX Andrew Robinson, also works as
a contingent worker in a different legal employer.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.

Activity Scope
Create an additional contingent worker work relationship for XX Andrew Robinson in the
US2 legal entity.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 2: Creating a Work Relationship

In this activity, you approve create a contingent worker work relationship.
Sign in as Jessica.Mullen.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in).
65. In the global area Navigator menu, select Person Management.
Location: Search Person page
66. In the Search section Name field, enter XX Andrew Robinson.
67. Click Search.
68. In the Search Results section, click Robinson, XX Andrew.
69. In the Tasks pane, click Create Work Relationship under Personal and
Location: Create Work Relationship: Identification page
Use the Identification page to enter details such as the legal employer,
personal details, and national identifiers, such as the employee's social security
70. In the Action field, select Add Contingent Work Relationship.
71. In the Legal Employer field, select US2 Legal Entity.
72. Click Next.
Location: Create Work Relationship: Person Information page
Use the Person Information page to provide address details, and other
modes of communication. In this example, there are no changes to the personal
73. Click Next.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Location: Create Work Relationship: Employment Information page

Use the Employment Information page to record details such as service
dates and payroll relationship details.
74. In the Assignment section, Business Unit field, search for and select US1
Business Unit.
75. In the Job section, Job field, search for and select Human Resources
76. In the Grade field, search for and select Prof03.
77. Click Next.
Location: Create Work Relationship: Roles page
Use the Roles page to assign roles to the new employee. In this example,
you retain the predefined role that is already assigned to the worker.
78. Click Next.
Location: Create Work Relationship: Review page
79. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
80. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
81. Click OK.
Location: Person Management work area
At this point, you should have created an additional contingent work relationship for the
existing employee XX Andrew Robinson.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes



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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Student Activity: Managing Employment

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 3 Introduction: Managing Employment

Employee XX Andrew Robinson has a new work location.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.

Activity Scope
Update the location in XX Andrew Robinson's employee assignment.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 3: Managing Employment

In this activity, you change an employee's work location.
Sign in as linda.swift.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in).
82. In the global Navigator menu, select Person Management.
Location: Search Person page
83. In the Search section, Name field, enter XX Andrew Robinson.
84. Click Search.
Note: XX Andrew Robinson appears twice in the search results because
this person has two assignments, employee and contingent worker.
85. In the Search Results section, select the employee assignment Robinson, XX
86. In the Tasks pane, click Manage Employment under Personal and
Location: Manage Employment page
Use the Manage Employment page to update aspects of a worker's
employment, such as assignments, transfers, promotions, job changes, and work
location changes.
87. In the Edit button menu, select Update.
Location: Update Employment window
Use the Update Employment window to enter an effective date, action,
and action reason for the update.
88. Click in the Effective Start Date field. Select the date November 1, 2012.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

89. In the Action field, select Location Change.

90. Click OK.
Location: Edit Employment: Location Change page
91. Click the Assignment: Human Resources Administrator tab.
92. In the Job Details region, in the Location field, select Los Angeles.
93. Click Review.
Location: Edit Employment: Review page
94. Review the changes you made so far.
95. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
96. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
97. Click OK.
Location: Person Management work area
98. Click Done.
At this point, you should have changed the employee XX Andrew Robinson's work


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Manage Employment Information Review Question 1

What is a work relationship?

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Manage Employment Information Review Question 2

Employment terms are available in all types of work relationships.
99. True


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

All Manage Employment Information Review

Questions and Answers
1. What is a work relationship?
A work relationship is a relationship between a person and a legal employer.

2. Employment terms are available in all types of work relationships. (True / False)
False. Employment terms are available in employee and nonworker work relationships
only; they are not available in contingent worker relationships.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Multiple Work Relationships

Students may want to know why they should create a second work relationship. A
second work relationship is necessary when:


A second employment record (assignment) is needed in a different legal

A different worker type is needed such as a Contingent Worker or a Nonworker

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Areas of Responsibility

If you have a requirement to identify who is responsible for a group of people,

then you would define a persons area of eesponsibility. For example, you can
assign people in a specific organization hierarchy to a Human Resource (HR)

You can view the responsible person in the Work Contact list of those people.
You can also assign responsibilities for use in checklists when you create a
checklist template.

Notifications for sensitive transactions can also have areas of responsibility

assigned, which would identify additional recipients of notifications. For example,
future-dated terminations could be identified as a sensitive transaction and would
remain hidden from everyone until an appropriate time. Any actions would be
handled by routing the notification to someone with an HR Representative

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Setting Scope of Responsibility: Examples

There are several ways that you can set the scope of a responsibility. The following
examples illustrate these options.
Example 1: Setting Scope of Responsibility Based on Assignment Information
InFusion Corporation has offices in the US and UK. Elaine Barnes is the Human
Resources (HR) representative for workers based in the UK. You have assigned Elaine
the HR Representative responsibility for full time regular workers. You must now define
the scope of the responsibility to identify the people for whom Elaine has the HR
Representative responsibility. To define the scope, complete the fields as shown in this

Example 2: Setting Scope of Responsibility Based on Name

Linda Smith is the benefits representative for a group of workers in InFusion US. She
holds the responsibility for workers within an alphabetical range (A to L). You have
assigned Terry the Benefits Representative responsibility. To define the scope of the
responsibility, complete the fields as shown in this table.

Example 3: Setting Scope of Responsibility Based on Payroll Information

Lindsay Allen is the payroll representative for the external training staff in InFusion
Corporation, US. You have assigned Lindsay the Payroll Representative responsibility;
you must now define the scope of the responsibility. Complete the fields as shown in
this table.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Reassigning a Responsibility
If you reassign a responsibility:


The responsibility is immediately visible in the relevant assignment record of the

person to whom it is reassigned.

The From Date of the responsibility is the current date, and there is no To Date.
In the assignment record of the person from whom the responsibility is being
removed, the current date is added to the To Date field only if there is currently
no To Date. Otherwise, the existing To Date remains unaltered.

The scope of the responsibility remains the same.

The change is visible in the Work Contacts list of affected people when the
records are next viewed.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Areas of Responsibility and

The Areas of Responsibility functionality is typically used in conjunction with security
and approvals. It is recommended that you set up areas of responsibility completely (for
the entire population) since a partial setup could conflict with the security and approvals

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes



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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Student Activity: Assigning an Area of Responsibility

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 4 Introduction: Assigning an Area of

You must add an area of responsibility to a person.


Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Add Union Representative as an area of responsibility to XX Andrew Robinson.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 4: Assigning an Area of Responsibility

In this activity, you add an area of responsibility to a person.
Sign in as linda.swift
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab.

In the Navigator menu, select Person Management.

Location: Search Person page


In the Search section Name field, enter XX Andrew Robinson.


Click Search.

Note: XX Andrew Robinson appears twice in the search results because this
person has two assignments, employee and contingent worker.

Select the employee assignment record.


Click Robinson, XX Andrew.

Location: Person Management work area

The Person Management work area enables you to manage all stages of a
worker's association with the enterprise, from creating employment through
termination of work relationships.
Close the Manage Person tab since keeping this tab open prevents you
from initiating a global transfer action.
In the Tasks pane, click Manage Areas of Responsibility under
Personal and Employment.
Location: Manage Areas of Responsibility page

Click Create in the Assigned Areas of Responsibility area.

Location: Create Area of Responsibility page

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle


In the Responsibility Name field, enter XX Andrew Robinson.


In the Responsibility Type list, select Union representative.


In the From Date field, enter 5/27/13.

In the Scope of Responsibility section, in the Legal Employer field,
select US2 Legal Entity.

Click Submit.
Location: Warning window


Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation window


Click OK.

At this point, you should have added an area of responsibility to a person.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Processes

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Transfers, Promotions, and Terminations

Transfers and Temporary Assignments
A transfer is the movement of a person within the same legal employer (a change of
location from Pleasanton to San Francisco in the US, for example).
When you transfer a person within the same legal employer the work relationship
remains unchanged. You make any necessary changes in the current assignment. If the
worker being transferred has other active assignments in the current work relationship,
they are terminated and their status is changed to Inactive- Payroll Eligible by default. If
you use employment terms, you can either transfer within the same employment terms
or create new employment terms. The existing set of employment terms and
assignments in the current work relationship are terminated if you create new ones, and
their status is set to Inactive- Payroll Eligible by default. You can override the default by
deselecting the assignments that you do not want to terminate.

Temporary Assignment
A temporary assignment is a transfer for a limited term (temporary secondment to
another department in the absence of a department head, for example). You end a
temporary assignment by initiating the End Temporary Assignment action and
specifying a return date. The temporary assignment is terminated and the original
assignments are reinstated automatically on the return date.
When you create a temporary assignment for a person in the same legal employer the
work relationship remains unchanged. If you use employment terms, you can either
create a temporary assignment with the same employment terms or create new
employment terms. The existing set of employment terms are suspended if you create
new ones. The existing assignments in the current work relationship are suspended and
their status is changed to Suspended-Payroll Eligible by default. You can override the
default by deselecting the assignments that you do not want to suspend; these
assignments retain their original statuses. The suspended objects become active again
when you end the temporary assignment.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Global Transfers and Temporary Assignments

Global Transfer
A global transfer is the transfer of a person to another legal employer (transfer of an
employee from a UK subsidiary to a US subsidiary, for example).
When you transfer a person to another legal employer, the source work relationship is
terminated automatically using the default values. You create a new work relationship in
the destination legal employer. The existing set of employment terms and assignments
in the source work relationship are terminated and their status is set to Inactive- Payroll
Eligible by default. You can override the default by deselecting the assignments that you
do not want to terminate; these assignments retain their original statuses and the work
relationship is not terminated. You can deselect all assignments except the primary
assignment and the current assignment.
Global Temporary Assignment
A global temporary assignment is the temporary transfer of a person to another legal
employer (US employee sent on a temporary secondment to the UK, for example). You
end a global temporary assignment by initiating the End Global Temporary Assignment
action and specifying a return date. The global temporary assignment is terminated and
the assignments in the source legal employer are reinstated automatically on the return
When you create a global temporary assignment, the existing set of employment terms
and assignments in the source work relationship are suspended, and you create new
objects in the destination legal employer. The status of the assignments in the source
work relationship is set to Suspended-Payroll Eligible by default. You can override the
default by deselecting the assignments that you do not want to suspend; these
assignments retain their original statuses. The suspended objects become active again
when you end the temporary assignment.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Student Activity: Transferring a Worker

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 5 Introduction: Transferring a Worker

As a Human Resources (HR) specialist, you are responsible for transferring employees.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.

Activity Scope

Search for the person XX Susan Smith.

Create a global transfer for the employee XX Susan Smith to facilitate movement
of the employee to a different legal employer.
Create a new work relationship in the destination legal employer.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 5: Transferring a Worker

In this activity, you transfer an employee.
Sign in as linda.swift
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab.

In the Navigator menu, select Person Management.

Location: Search Person page


In the Search section Name field, enter XX Susan Smith.


Click Search.


Click Smith, XX Susan.

Location: Person Management work area

The Person Management work area enables you to manage all
stages of a worker's association with the enterprise, from creating employment
through termination of work relationships.
Close the Manage Person tab since keeping this tab open prevents you
from initiating a global transfer action.
In the Tasks pane, under Personal and Employment, click Manage
Location: Manage Employment page

In the Edit menu, select Update.

Location: Update Employment dialog box

Use the Update Employment window to enter an effective date,
action, and any action related details.


In the Effective Date field, select December 1, 2012.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle


In the Action field, select Global Transfer.

In the Destination Legal Employer field, search for and select US1
Legal Entity.

Click OK.
Location: Select Assignment Status window
Use this window to define the status of the existing assignments.


Click OK to retain the default assignment status.

Location: Global Transfer: Identification page

You must create a new work relationship for the person in the
destination legal employer since this is a global transfer.

Since there is no change in the identification information, click Next.

Location: Global Transfer: Person Information page


Since there is no change in the person information, click Next.

Location: Global Transfer: Employment Information page


In the Business Unit field, search for and select USA1 Business Unit.

Note: The US1 Legal Entity legal employer does not use employment
terms, so you do not see the Employment Terms tab.

In the Job field, search for and select Human Resources Administrator.


In the Grade field, search for and select Prof02.

In the Salary Information section Salary Basis field, select US1 Annual

In the Salary Amount field, enter 55000.


Click Next.
Location: Global Transfer: Roles page

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Note: Retain the predefined employee already assigned to the person.


Click Next.
Location: Global Transfer: Review page


Review the information that you entered so far.


Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box


Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box


Click OK.
Location: Manage Employment page

At this point, you should have created a global transfer and a new work relationship for
the employee, XX Susan Smith.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 10 minutes

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Manage Direct Reports

You can reassign existing line reports to new managers, as of the same effective date.
When you reassign direct reports, changes occur at the assignment level for each
Reassigning Direct Reports
You can reassign all or selected direct reports to new managers. However, if the current
manager is being terminated, you must reassign all the reports. You can select the
same new manager for all the reports or a different new manager for each report. For
example, John Smith has been transferred to another department and his line reports
need to be reassigned. John has four line reports and you want to reassign them to new
line managers. You can reassign three of his reports to the same new line manager and
the fourth report to a different line manager. Some of John's existing reports may still be
reporting to him in his new department.
If a majority of directs are being reassigned to the same new manager, you can select
this manager as the proposed manager by default for all the reports, and later reassign
selected directs to different managers.
When reassigning reports, you cannot change the manager type. For example, if the
direct is a line report for the current manager, you can reassign the direct only as a line
report to a new manager, but not as a direct of other type, such as a project report or a
The Manage Direct Reports task does not assign new roles to managers during the
reassign process. You must manage the assignment of roles through the role mapping
functionality. For persons who did not have reports before the reassign process, you
must assign manager roles.
Areas of Responsibility
Areas of responsibility associated with the manager's role are not affected by the
Manage Direct Reports task. For example, if a line manager also has an area of
responsibility as an HR representative, the HR reports cannot be managed from this


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Demonstration: Promoting a Worker

Demonstration Background
As a line manager, you manage your workers' promotions.
Demonstration Scope
Promote the worker Edward Malone.
Demonstration Steps
Sign in as mitch.blum.
Start Here
Home work area, Manager Resources tab
In the organization chart, in the Mitch Blum card, click the Show (plus)
icon in the bottom of the card (if not already).

In the organization chart, in the Edward Malone card, click Actions.


Select Personal and Employment > Promote.

Location: Promote Edward Malone: Employment Details page


Leave the Promotion action selected.


In the Promotion Reason field, select Internal Recruitment.


In the Job field, search for and select Human Resources Administrator.


In the Grade field, search for and select Prof03.


Click Next.
Location: Promote Edward Malone: Compensation Details page


In the New Salary field, enter 60000.


Click Next.
Location: Promote Edward Malone: Roles page


There is no change in roles so, click Next.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Location: Promote Edward Malone: Review page


Review the information you entered so far.


Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box


Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box


Click OK.

At this point, you should have promoted the employee Edward Malone.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

When workers or nonworkers leave the enterprise, you terminate their work
When you terminate a work relationship, any employment terms and assignments
associated with the work relationship are ended automatically. The status of the work
relationship and the associated employment terms and assignments are changed to
inactive on the day following the termination date. The period of service, both legal
employer and enterprise, ends on the termination date. The person becomes an exemployee or ex-contingent worker for that legal employer. The person's user access
and roles are revoked by default after the termination date. You can choose to revoke
user access earlier, as soon as the termination is approved. (This could mean revoking
user access before the termination date.)
Reversing Terminations
When you reverse a termination, any work relationships, assignments, and employment
terms previously ended are restored with the statuses prior to the termination. If the
termination caused reassignment of a primary work relationship or assignment, then the
reversal of the termination restores their primary statuses as they were before the
You can reverse a termination at any time provided the same legal employer has not
rehired the employee (or started a new placement for a contingent worker). This is
because a person cannot have multiple employee or contingent worker relationships
with the same legal employer at the same time. For example, consider that an
employee was terminated on April 15, and the same legal employer rehired the
employee on May 1. You want to reverse the termination on May 15, but you cannot do
so because this causes the employee to have two concurrent work relationships with
the same legal employer.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activities, at
this point.
Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Student Activity: Terminating a Work Relationship

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 5 Introduction: Terminating a Work Relationship

You must terminate the contingent worker work relationship of the worker XX Andrew
Robinson, which you had created earlier.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.

Activity Scope
Use the following information to help you complete the activity:

Termination Action: Resignation

Termination Date: current date
Hide Termination: No
Recommended for Rehire: Yes
Processing Option: Immediate

Note: Use default values unless otherwise indicated.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Activity 6: Terminating a Work Relationship

In this activity, you terminate a person's work relationship.
Sign in as linda.swift

Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab.

In the global area Navigator menu, select Person Management.

Location: Search Person page
Searching for the Person


In the Search section Name field, enter XX Andrew Robinson.


Click Search.

Note: XX Andrew Robinson appears twice in the search results because

this person has two assignments, employee and contingent worker.
In the Search Results section, click Robinson, XX Andrew name, where
the User Person Type field has the value Contingent Worker.
Location: Person Management work area
The Person Management work area enables you to manage all stages of
a worker's association with the enterprise, from creating employment through
termination of work relationships.
Terminating the Work Relationship
Close the Manage Person tab since keeping this tab open prevents you
from initiating the Terminate action.
In the Tasks pane, click Manage Work Relationship under Personal
and Employment.
Location: Manage Work Relationship: XX Andrew Robinson page

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Use the Manage Work Relationship page to edit or terminate a work


On the toolbar, in the Actions menu, select Terminate

In the Termination Action field, select Resignation.


Retain the current date in the Termination Date field.


Retain No as the selection for Hide Termination.


Retain Yes as the selection for Recommended for Rehire.


Click Review.
Location: Review Terminate Work Relationship XX Andrew Robinson


Review the information entered so far.


Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box

You want to process the termination immediately so retain Immediate as
the selection for Processing Options.

Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box


Click OK.
Location: Manage Work Relationship: XX Andrew Robinson page


Click Done.

At this point, you should have terminated XX Andrew Robinson's contingent worker
work relationship.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Mass Updates
Manage Mass Updates
You may need to update multiple records at one time, for example, transfer all workers
in a department together as part of a company reorganization. Mass update enables
you to update multiple records using a single update request.
Mass Assignment Change
Create a mass assignment change to update multiple worker assignments at once. The
action categorizes the type of assignment change. For a mass assignment change, you
can select from a list of employment-related actions such Assignment Change,
Transfer, or Promotion.
Mass Assignment Change Using Spreadsheet
You can download your data from the Verification page into a spreadsheet if there are
too many rows and if it is easier to make the changes in a spreadsheet format. Before
you can do this, you must have installed the desktop client Oracle ADF 11g Desktop
Integration and enabled the Trust Center setting Trust access to the VBA project object
in Microsoft Excel. You could make the changes offline, check in the data, and verify the
changes from within the spreadsheet. Using personalization, you can add additional
attributes on the Changes page; however, these attributes are hidden when you
download the data into a spreadsheet. To display the hidden attributes in the
spreadsheet, use the Unhide feature in Microsoft Excel. You can check in and verify the
data in the spreadsheet multiple times to accommodate revisions. After the final check
in, you must navigate to the Review page of the mass assignment change (in the
application) to submit the changes.
Assignments With Future Changes
You can either include or exclude assignments with future changes in the mass update.
If you include assignments with future changes, you must manually adjust those records
whose effective date of change is later than the mass update date, to resolve any
conflicts. For those assignments with changes existing on the same date of the mass
assignment change, the mass update is applied as the last change and previous
assignment changes are retained.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Instructor Note: Demonstration Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Demonstration: Creating a Mass Transfer

Demonstration Background
As part of the company reorganization, all workers in the US Support business unit must
be transferred to the US1 business unit. The transfer involves a change in department
and work location.
Demonstration Scope
Create a mass assignment change XX Mass Transfer. The following points summarizes
key decisions for this mass transfer:

The new department name is Global Support Centers and location name is
Redwood City.

Do not include assignments with future changes. Transfer these assignments

separately and not using the mass update.

Include assignments associated with employment terms.

Demonstration Steps
Sign is as either hcm_impl or hcm_impl1.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab.

In the global area Navigator menu, select Mass Updates.

Location: Mass Updates work area, Manage Mass Updates page


In the Search Results region, click Create.

Location: Create Mass Assignment Change: Basic Details page


In the Name field, enter XX Mass Transfer.


In the Action field, select Transfer.


Retain the current date in the Effective Date field.

You do not want to include assignments with future changes. In the
Assignments with Future Changes field, select Show errors and exclude

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle


Click Next.
Location:Create Mass Assignment Change: Population page


Click Select and Add.

Location: Select and Add: Person window


Click Advanced.
Location: Advanced Search window


In the Department field, search for and select Sales US.


Click Search.


Select all the rows in the search results (using CTRL+ A) and click OK.
Location: Create Mass Assignment Change: Population page


Click Next.
Location:Create Mass Assignment Change: Changes page


In the Business Unit field, search for and select US1 Business Unit.


In the Department field, search for and select Sales Central US.


In the Location field, search for and select Redwood City.


Click Next.
Location: Create Mass Assignment Change: Verification page

Select all rows and click Verify Changes. There are no errors or
Note: The Verify Changes button takes some time to get enabled.

Click Next.
Location: Create Mass Assignment Change: Review page


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle


The current and proposed values appear fine. Click Submit.

Location: Warning dialog box


Click Yes.

Location: Processing dialog boxAt this point, you should have created a
mass transfer.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Processes Review Question 1

What is the difference between a transfer and a global transfer?


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Processes Review Question 2

A temporary secondment to another department in the absence of a department head,
is an example of a
A. Transfer
B. Temporary Assignment
C. Global Transfer
D. Global Temporary Assignment

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Processes Review Question 3

You can always reverse a termination.



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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Processes Review Question 4

You can either include or exclude assignments with future changes in the mass update.


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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Employment Processes Review Question 5

When reassigning reports, you can change the manager type.



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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

All Employment Processes Review Questions and

1. What is the difference between a transfer and a global transfer?
A transfer is the movement of a person within the same legal employer. A global
transfer is a transfer to a different legal employer.
2. A temporary movement to another department in the absence of a department
head, is an example of
temporary assignment
3. You can always reverse a termination. (True / False)
False. You can reverse a termination at any time provided the same legal employer has
not rehired the employee (or started a new placement for a contingent worker). This is
because a person cannot have multiple employee or contingent worker relationships
with the same legal employer at the same time.
4. You can either include or exclude assignments with future changes in the mass
update. (True / False)
5. When reassigning reports, you can change the manager type. (True / False)
False. When reassigning reports, you cannot change the manager type. For example, if
the direct is a line report for the current manager, you can reassign the direct only as a
line report to a new manager, but not as a direct of other type, such as a project report
or a mentee.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Lesson Highlights
By the end of this lesson, you should have learned how to:


Add person
Manage Employment
Change Employment
Promote, transfer, and terminate, transfer workers
Manage mass updates
Manage direct reports

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle

Lesson Highlight Details

Add Person
HR specialists and line managers create new person records for employees, contingent
workers, nonworkers, and pending workers. The Add Person tasks include creating the
new person's first work relationship with the enterprise.
Manage Employment
HR specialists create and manage work relationships, employment terms, and
assignments for the workers to whom they have security access.
Change Employment
HR specialists and Line managers can edit work location, working hours, managers,
and other employment details.
Transfer, Promote, and Terminate Workers
HR specialists promote workers to whom they have security access. Line managers
promote their direct and indirect reports. HR specialists permanently transfer or create
temporary assignments for workers to whom they have security access. Line managers
permanently transfer their direct and indirect reports. Permanent transfers and
temporary assignments can be within the worker's current legal employer or to a
different legal employer. HR specialists terminate the work relationships of workers to
whom they have security access. Line managers terminate the work relationships of
their direct and indirect reports.
Manage Mass Updates
HR specialists and line managers can update multiple records using a single update
request. They can create a mass transfer to transfer multiple workers at once, within the
same legal employer, and make a mass assignment change using a spreadsheet.
Manage Direct Reports
HR specialists and line managers can reassign the existing direct reports of a manager
to new managers, when the manager is transferred or teminated. When direct reports
are reassigned, the effective date is the same for all the direct reports, and changes
occur at the assignment level for each direct.

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Lesson 12: Manage Workforce Lifecycle


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

View the gallery portrait

Access the simplified user interface
Maintain the worker directory
Manage the gallery portrait

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Person Gallery and Portrait

Person Gallery Overview

The Person Gallery is a collection of portraits that incorporates three primary functions:

Person search
Worker self-service
Line Manager self-service

A portrait comprises personal and employment information about a person; the type and
quantity of information in the portrait depend on the security access of the person
viewing the portrait.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Person Search
Person Search
The Person Gallery is equivalent to a corporate directory; users can search for any
worker in the enterprise. Search is controlled by the Public Person security profile. Any
user can see the public data of people who have been designated as public during
security implementation. For human resource specialists and line managers, more
detailed access is usually available to the records of subordinates or other people for
whom the user is responsible.

From the search results, the user can:

Navigate to a person's portrait.

View a graphical organization chart of a person.
Initiate actions, such as change an address or transfer a worker. The available
actions depend on the security privileges of the user. For example, a line
manager can transfer a subordinate, but the transfer action is not available to a
worker's peers.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Maintaining Person Keywords

Several attributes of person, employment, and profile records are used as personsearch keywords.

How Person Keywords Are Maintained

Keyword values are copied automatically from the originating records to the
PER_KEYWORDS table, where they are indexed to improve search performance.
Whenever the value of a keyword attribute changes (for example, if a person acquires a
language skill or a new job), an event is raised. In response, services run a process to
update the relevant attributes for the person in the PER_KEYWORDS table; therefore,
most changes are made in PER_KEYWORDS immediately and automatically.

Update Person Search Keywords Process

Although most changes to the PER_KEYWORDS table are made automatically, you
need to run the Update Person Search Keywords process regularly because the
automatic process does not apply future-dated changes to the PER_KEYWORDS table.
Running the Update Person Search Keywords process also ensures that all changes
are copied to the PER_KEYWORDS table, despite any temporary failures of the
automatic process.
You can run the Update Person Search Keywords process manually or schedule it to
run at regular intervals. The likely volume and frequency of changes to person records
in your enterprise will determine how often you run the Update Person Search
Keywords process:


If the volume and frequency are high, you need to schedule the process to run

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

If the volume and frequency are low, running the process once a month is

When you run the Update Person Search Keywords process, the whole
PER_KEYWORDS table is refreshed; therefore, you are recommended to run the
process at times of low activity to avoid performance problems.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Scheduling the Update Person Search Keywords Process

Use the Schedule Person Keyword Crawler task in the Setup and Maintenance work
area to schedule the Update Person Search Keywords process.
Scheduling the Process
The process is based on a job, which is the executable that determines what options
are available to you and what the process can do. You can submit the same process
using different parameters and other settings:

The default schedule for a process is to run as soon as possible. If you select the
advanced mode in the Process Details dialog box, you can specify the exact dates and
times to run the process, or set the process to run at a specified interval within a date
range. If available, you can also select a saved schedule that your administrator has

If you select the advanced mode in the Process Details dialog box, you can set more
output options.You can define one or more output documents, and specify the name,
layout, and format of each output document. You can optionally select delivery
destinations for the output document, for example to send the output to a particular
recipient through e-mail. For more details on the process output, see the help topic
Process Output: highlights.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

You can select to receive an e-mail when the process ends, and also indicate which
users are notified if the process ends with a specified status.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Running the Update Person Search Keywords Process

Use the Run Person Keyword Crawler task in the Setup and Maintenance work area
to run the Update Person Search Keywords process. After you submit the process, you
can monitor it using the Scheduled Processes work area (Navigator - Tools - Scheduled

Note: You can also schedule and run processes from the Scheduled Processes work
area. Most predefined processes are accessible from their own work areas or from the
Setup and Maintenance work area. Use the Scheduled Processes work area (Navigator
- Tools - Scheduled Processes) to schedule and run other generic processes that are
not accessible from their own work areas.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Person-Record Keyword Searches

The application searches for keyword values in these attributes of a person's records:
department, job name and code, position name and code, person name, primary e-mail,
primary phone, work location, competencies, language skills, licenses and certifications,
school education, awards and honors, affiliations, areas of interest, and areas of

Access to Restricted Information

Access to information about a person's competencies, language skills, licenses and

certifications, school education, awards and honors, and affiliations is restricted to a
person's line managers. Restricted information is not searched and is never included in
search results when the searcher is not a line manager. However, if the match is found
in public information, such as areas of expertise, it appears in the search results for any

Keyword Indexing
Keywords are indexed values, which means that they are copied from person records
and organized in the PER_KEYWORDS keywords table for fast retrieval. Most changes
to person records are copied as they occur to ensure that there is no difference
between the source and indexed values. However, depending on when the Update
Person Search Keywords process was last run, some recent changes to person records
may not appear in search results.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Search Relevance Profile Options

The search relevance profile options control how the strength of the relationship
between the searcher and the search result is calculated. The strength of the
relationship between the person performing a gallery search and each person whose
assignment appears in the search results can determine the order of the results: the
stronger the relationship, the closer to the top of the results an assignment appears. To
configure the profile options, use the Manage Person Search Relevance Profile Option
Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Weighting Profile Options

Using the weighting profile options, you can change the weighting applied to the
relevant factors. For example, the HR: Social Network Weight profile option specifies
the weighting applied to the relationship strength value for the social network factor. The
default value of each weighting profile option is 0.5. To increase the relevance of a
factor relative to other factors, you increase its weighting; to decrease its relevance, you
reduce its weighting. See the help topic Search Relevance Profile Options: Explained
for the complete list of weighting profile options.
Other Profile Options


HR: Selection History Timeout: The number of times the searcher selects a
person's assignment from the search results during a specified period, which is 7
days by default, is recorded automatically. You can specify this period for the
enterprise on the HR: Selection History Timeout profile option

HR: Maximum Hierarchy Proximity: When the searcher's primary assignment

is in the same organization, position, or manager hierarchy as a person's
assignment, the strength of the relationship depends on their proximity to each
other in the hierarchy. The maximum number of hierarchy boundaries to include
in the calculation is 4 by default. You can set this value for the enterprise on the

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

HR: Maximum Hierarchy Proximity profile option.

HR: Relationship Priority Factor: The searcher can specify a rating for a
search result, and each rating is associated with a multiplying factor. On this
profile option, you can specify the highest possible multiplying factor that can be
applied to a search result. By default, the multiplying factor is 2. If you increase
its value, you increase the significance of the searcher's own ratings relative to
other factors.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Organization Chart
From the person search, you can navigate to a person's organization chart; You can
view your own organization chart in the Organization Chart tab in the Person Gallery.
The organization chart displays the selected person and the persons manager and
peers initially; You can change the number of subordinate levels to be displayed, and
select different viewing and grouping criteria. Use the matrix chart to display other
manager types in addition to the Line Manager, in the organization chart.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstration at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 5 minutes

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Demonstration: Person Search

You want to change the marital status of an employee.
Demonstration Scope
Search for the person Andrew Moore in the person gallery and change the person's
marital status.
Demonstration Steps
Sign in as curtis.feitty.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab
1. In the global area Navigator menu, select Person Gallery.
Location: Search Person page
2. In the Keywords field, enter Andrew Moore.
3. Click the Search button.
4. In the Search Results section, click Moore, Andrew.
Location: Andrew Moore portrait page.
You are in Andrew Moore's portrait; you can initiate any (available) actions
for the person from here. The available actions depend on the security privileges.
For example, you have more detailed access if you are designated as the
person's human resources administrator.
5. Scroll down to the Actions pane in the regional area.
6. Click Change Marital Status.
Location: Change Marital Status page
The effective start date is the current date by default.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

7. In the Marital Status field, select Married.

8. Click Submit.
Location: Warning dialog box
9. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
10. Click OK.
At this point, you should have changed the marital status of an employee.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Line Manager Self-Service

The organization chart presents line managers with a hierarchical view of people in their
organizations. When line managers view the portraits of their direct and indirect reports,
they see more detailed information than is available in the public version of a worker's
portrait and can perform actions that are not available in the public portrait.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Worker Self-Service
A worker's own portrait, the My Portrait tab in the person gallery, contains the most
detailed collection of information about the worker. It is also the launch point for the
worker's self-service actions, such as maintaining talent profiles (competencies,
languages, for example), creating and updating contact details, and participating in
social connections.

Note: You can configure maps in the location setup.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Portrait Cards
There are 16 Portrait Cards on which you can perform the following actions:

Activities and Interests: View and manage web page bookmarks.

Availability: View and manage your calendar, paid time off accrual, and absence
Benefits: View benefits such as life and wellness insurance.
Career Planning: View and manage career preferences, review career
suggestions based on the best fit analysis, and review careers that you have
expressed interest in or that others have suggested for you. Managers can view
and update talent ratings for direct reports: Performance, Potential, Risk of Loss,
Advancement Readiness.
Compensation: View salary and compa-ratio details.
Contact Information: View and update information about how to contact you,
work location details, and manager and peer contacts.
Current and Completed Tasks: View and act on workforce tasks.
Development and Growth: Compare your competencies with the required
competencies of a job and view and add performance and development goals.
Employment: View employment details such as assignment status, HR
manager, length of employment.
Experience and Qualifications: View and update skills and qualifications, view
performance ratings of last three years and goal completion rate, and maintain
personal work requirements.
Kudos: View and manage positive feedback you have received or given.
Payroll: View pay information and manage payment methods to define the way
of making a payment to a particular bank account.
Personal and Employment: Maintain personal and official document
User Account Details: View current assigned roles and requests.

Portrait Carousal View

Note: All portrait cards may not be visible to all users. Hiding portrait cards or actions is
done through the creation of custom duties and roles, which is discussed in detail in the
Define Security for HCM lesson.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

The course was designed for you to facilitate learners doing the specified activities, at
this point.
Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Student Activity: Line Manager Self-Service

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 1 Introduction: Line Manager Self-Service

XX Andrew Robinson has acquired the Project Management Professional certification.


Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
As XX Andrew Robinson's line manager, you must update his qualifications.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 1: Line Manager Self-Service

In this activity, you update the qualifications of your worker.
Sign in as linda.swift.

Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in).
1. In the global area Navigator menu, select Profiles under Career.
Location: Search: Profiles page
2. Click Advanced Search.
3. In the Advanced Search section, enter Robinson XX Andrew in the Name
field, and click Search.
4. In the Results section, click Robinson, XX Andrew.
Location: Edit Profile: Robinson, XX Andrew page
5. Click the Profile Details tab.
6. In the Content Type field, select Licenses and Certifications.
7. Click Add.
Location: Select and Add: Licenses and Certifications dialog
8. Search for and select Project Management Professional Certification.
9. Click OK.
Location: Edit Profile: Robinson, XX Andrew page
10. Select the Renewal Required check box.
11. In the Issue Date field, enter the current date.
12. Click Save and Close.
Location: Search: Profiles page


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

At this point, you should have updated the qualifications of the worker XX Andrew

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes



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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Student Activity: Worker Self-Service

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 2 Introduction: Worker Self-Service

Proof is required for extended absences.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Sign in to your portrait and submit your medical report as a proof of your absence.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 2: Worker Self-Service

In this activity, you submit your medical report by accessing your portrait.
Sign in as linda.swift.
Start Here
Home work area, Welcome tab (default view after sign in).
1. In the global area Navigator menu, select Person Gallery.
Location: Person Gallery work area
2. Click the My Portrait tab.
The My Portrait page displays information about you and enables you to
initiate various actions.
3. Go to and click the Personal Information portrait card (using the right arrow).
Location: Personal Information section
4. Scroll down to the Documents of Record section toolbar, and click Create.
Location: Create Document Record dialog box
5. In the Type field, select Medical Reports.
6. In the Document Code field, enter DC0001.
7. In the Document Name field, enter Absence Medical Report.
8. In the From Date field, enter todays date.
9. In the Issuing Authority field, enter Dr. Kate Williams.
10. In the bottom left corner, click the Manage Attachments icon.
Location: Attachments dialog box
11. In the Type field, select Text.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

12. In the File Name or URL field, enter the text Test medical report.
Note:You are entering sample text for the purpose of completing this activity.
You would typically attach a scanned copy of a medical report or enter a file URL
if the report is available online.
13. In the Description field, enter Medical Report Summary.
14. Click OK.
Location: Create Document Record dialog box
15. Click OK.
At this point, you should have submitted your medical report by logging in to your


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Person Gallery and Portrait Review Question 1

The available actions in a person's portrait depend on the security privilege of the user.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Person Gallery and Portrait Review Question 2

The person gallery is a collection of portraits.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

All Person Gallery and Portrait Questions and

1. The available actions in a person's portrait depend on the security privilege of
the user. (True / False)
2. The person gallery is a collection of portraits. (True / False)

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Best Practice

You can repeat the following features about the person gallery:
Person Gallery


Is a launch pad for critical employee and manager processes

Supports both light weight and heavy weight processes supported
Supports following types of person search
- Keyword
- Structured
Provides a link to the interactive organization chart
Provides a link to the Portrait page
Processes and data are controlled by functional and data security
Portrait settings control data sharing
Facilitates integration with collaboration tools
- Private Tag
- Presence
- Private Notes

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Simplified User Experience

Simplified User Experience Overview
A simplified user interface (UI) is available in addition to the Fusion Desktop UI, which
operates on many devices (such as tablets, iPads, and others), and facilitates easy
access to simple common tasks. The simplified UI has reduced features and is focused
on the most common tasks. The data and data model are the same as in Fusion, but
the presentation has changed.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Simplified User Experience Features

Note: The More Details icon usually takes you to the Fusion pages to perform detailed
tasks; you can return back to the simplified user interface any time by clicking the Home


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Fusion Pages

Note: Fusion pages should always be referred to as the professional user interface or
full Fusion pages. Do not use terms such as the complex version.
Students may want to know if they have to use separate URLs to access Fusion and the
simplified user interface. This is true for release 7 for SaaS customers.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Directory and Person Search

In the Directory page, you can:


View the organization chart, which is based on the line manager hierarchy
defined in the person's assignment.
Search for and select persons in the search results, to view their public portraits.
The Advanced Search button takes you to the Fusion Person Gallery advanced
search. The search is based on the same PER_KEYWORDS table that is used in
the person gallery search
View your portrait either by selecting yourself in the organization chart or search
for and select yourself in the search results.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Personal Information
In the Personal Information page, you can:

View and update contact and biographical information, personal contacts, and
documents of record
View your benefit plans, benefits cost, dependents and beneficiaries, and
navigate to the Fusion pages for additional details
View your payslips and manage payment methods
View you salary and compensation, and navigate to the Fusion pages for
additional details

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Line Manager Functions

Users having the Line Manager role can see the following additional icons:


My Team - Managers can view the portraits of their direct and indirect reports,
initiate actions for their workers, access reports, analytics, and other related links
that take them to the Fusion pages.
Team Compensation - Managers can view the salary and compensation details
of their wokers, view analytics, and navigate to the Fusion pages to perform
further actions.
Team Talent - Managers can view the performance and goals information of their
workers, view related analytics, and navigate to the Fusion pages linked from

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Notifications and Settings

In the Notifications page, you can view your notifications and take actions on them:

Users having the Human Resources (HR) Specialist role can access the Settings page
to modify the appearance settings and create announcments.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Fusion Pages

Note: Fusion pages should always be referred to as the professional user interface or
full Fusion pages. Do not use terms such as the complex version.
Students may want to know if they have to use separate URLs to access Fusion and the
simplified user interface. This is true for release 7 for SaaS customers.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Student Activity: Changing Your Personal Information

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 3 Introduction: Changing Your Personal

You want to add your parent as an emergency contact.


Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Add XX John Robinson as an emergency contact and provide their details.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity

Note: There is an issue in this activity currently. In the last step, when you click Save
and Close, an error appears (Java null pointer exception); However, the contact is
created. Inform the students about the error.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 3: Changing Your Personal Information

In this activity, you add an emergency contact.
Sign in to the simplified user interface as linda.swift.
Start Here
Simplified User Interface, Personal Information work area
1. In the My Details page, click Edit.
Location: Edit My Details: Contact Information page
2. Click the Contacts icon.
Location: Edit My Details: Contacts page
3. In the Contacts section, click the Add icon.
4. In the Title field, select Mr.
5. In the First Name field, enter XX John.
6. In the Last Name field, enter Robinson.
7. Select the Emergency Contact check box.
8. In the Relationship field, select Parent.
9. In the Phone Numbers section, click the Add icon.
10. Select the Primary check box.
11. In the Type field, select Home Mobile Phone.
12. In the Number field, select the country code for United States.
13. In the Area Code field, enter 714.
14. In the Phone field, enter 3027137.
15. Click Save and Close.
At this point, you should have added XX John Robinson as an emergency contact.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes



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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Student Activity: Browsing the Directory

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 4 Introduction: Browsing the Directory

You want to view the contact details of the worker Lisa Jones

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Search for the worker Lisa Jones in the directory and view her contact and employment


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 4: Browsing the Directory

In this activity, you search for the worker Lisa Jones.
Sign in to the simplified user interface as jessica.mullen.
Start Here
Simplified User Interface, Directory work area

1. In the Directory page, click the Search Person task icon (on the right).
2. Enter Lisa Jones, and click the Search icon.
3. In the search results, click the name Jones, Lisa.
Location: Lisa Jones page
4. Click the View in Organization Chart icon.
Location: Directory page
5. On the left pane, click the Show Control Panel icon.
6. Click the View icon in the control panel.
7. Select Employment.
This displays the employment details for all the persons in the organization
chart. You can view the employment details in Lisa Jones's portrait page also.
8. Click Lisa Jones.
Location: Lisa Jones page
9. Click More Details.
Location: Person Gallery work area, Lisa Jones page
You can view detailed information and perform actions for the worker in the
Fusion person gallery.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

10. Click the Home icon in the global area to go back to the simplified user interface.
At this point, you should have viewed the worker Lisa Jones's portrait.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Student Activity: Managing the Team

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 5 Introduction: Managing the Team

As a line manager, you want to access your team page and view the absence records
of one of your workers

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope
Access your team page and view the absence records of your worker Harold Chow.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Activity 5: Managing the Team

In this activity, you access your team page and view the absence records of your
Sign in to the simplified user interface as jessica.mullen.
Start Here
Simplified User Interface, My Team work area, My Team page

1. Click the Reports and Analytics icon.

2. Click Headcount to view your team headcount based on the employment
3. Click Workforce Mobility to view your team mobility.
4. In the Show list, select Graph to view the data in a graphical format.
5. Click the My Team page to close the graph and return to the My Team page
6. In the Mitch Blum card, click the More icon to view the worker's assignment
7. Click the List icon on the top right corner of the page to switch to the list view.
8. In the Sort By field, select Job to sort your workers by job name.
9. In the Mitch Blum row, click the Directs icon to drill down to his direct reports.
10. In the Harold Chow row, click the Actions list.
11. Select Manage Absence Records under the Absences menu item.
Location: Person Gallery work area, Accrual Balances section
12. Click the Home icon in the global area to go back to the simplified user interface.
At this point, you should have accessed your team page and viewed the absence
information of your workers.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Instructor Note: Activity

Note: There is an issue in step 6 (In the Mitch Blum card, click the More icon to view
the worker's assignment details) in the activity currently. The More icon is not working.
Inform the students about this.

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Managing Gallery Portrait


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Manage Gallery Portrait Overview

Managing the gallery portrait includes:

Configuring the public portrait

Managing the portrait cards display
Managing gallery administration messages

You can access the Manage Gallery Portrait task list from the Functional Setup
Manager using the navigation path:
Workforce Deployment > Define Common HCM Configuration > Define Workforce
Records > Manage Gallery Portrait

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Manage Gallery Portrait Tasks

Configuring the public portrait
You can specify, for the enterprise, which portrait users can see some types of portrait
information by default. You can also specify whether users can change the settings in
their own portraits.

Managing the Portrait Cards Display

The Manage Portrait Display task is provided as a debugging tool for Oracle
Development to identify and resolve issues in the portrait cards. Customers should use
this task at the direction of Oracle Development only, and not use it to hide portrait
cards. Hiding cards or actions in the portrait is done through the creation of custom
duties and roles, which is discussed in detail in the Define Security for HCM lesson.

Managing Gallery Administration Messages

Calendar events identify dates, such as public holidays, on which the standard work
patterns of a workforce are likely to be disrupted. Calendar event messages appear in
the portraits of people affected by a calendar event. Custom gallery messages alert
portrait users to events other than calendar events that could affect worker availability.
The message appears in relevant portraits for the period that you specify.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Public-Portrait Settings
You can specify, for the enterprise, which portrait users can see some types of portrait
information by default. For example, you could allow all portrait users to see the social
network portrait card but only a person's managers to see the person's skills and
qualifications information. The portrait user's role determines the actions that the user
can take in a person's portrait.

You can share each type of portrait information by default with:

My Managers
Anyone above the worker in the manager hierarchy can see the specified
portrait information.
The worker's social connections can see the specified portrait information.
Anyone who can view the portrait can see the specified portrait information.

Allowing User Control of Portrait Settings

If you allow user control of any setting, then workers can update the setting from their
own portraits. For example, if you allow user control of the skills and qualifications entry,
then a person can prevent portrait users from seeing that information, regardless of your
default setting. To ensure that some portrait users, such as a person's managers,
always have access to particular information, do not allow user control of the portrait
setting for that information.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Including Calendar Event Messages in Portraits

Calendar events identify dates, such as public holidays, on which the standard work
patterns of a workforce are likely to be disrupted. When you select a calendar event
category, such as Public holiday, a message for each calendar event in that category
appears in relevant portraits for the duration of the event. How relevant portraits are
identified depends on whether you use work schedules:

If you use work schedules, relevant portraits belong to people who have a
primary schedule or schedule assignment that includes the calendar event as an
If you do not use work schedules, relevant portraits belong to people who are in
the locations or organizations associated with the calendar event.

For example, St. Stephen's Day is a public holiday in Germany but not in France or
India. If you select the public-holiday event category, this message would appear on St.
Stephen's Day in the portraits of workers in your German locations. The message
does not appear:

For workers in the German locations whose primary schedule or schedule

assignment does not include this calendar event as an exception
For workers in the French or Indian locations

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Including Custom Gallery Messages in Portraits

Custom gallery messages alert portrait users to events other than calendar events that
could affect worker availability. For example, assume that your sales team has
relocated for two weeks while building works are completed. You want the following
message to appear in the portraits of the sales team for that period:
The sales team is currently working from building 370. Use mail stop 209. Phones are

When you create the message, you select the target department (sales) and the target
location (building 350). The message appears in the portraits of all workers who have at
least one active assignment in the sales department in building 350 during the specified
period. At the end of that period, the message disappears from portraits; however, you
can edit any component of the message at any time. For example, if the building work
takes longer than expected, or if it resumes later in the year, you can edit the message.
If the message applies to a hierarchy of departments, you select the target organization
hierarchy and, if appropriate, the top organization when creating the message. The
target organization hierarchy always identifies a department hierarchy. The priority
value, which is unique for the specified period, determines where the message appears
relative to other custom messages in the same portrait.


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Managing Gallery Portrait Review Question 1

Worker can update the portrait settings from their portraits.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Managing Gallery Portrait Review Question 2

What determines where the message appears relative to other custom messages in the
same portrait?


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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

All Managing Gallery Portrait Questions and Answers

1. Worker can update the portrait settings from their portraits. (True / False)
True. If you allow user control of any setting, then workers can update the setting from
their own portraits.
2. What determines where the message appears relative to other custom
messages in the same portrait?
Priority factor

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

Lesson Highlights


Person gallery and portrait

Simplified user interface
Maintain the worker directory
Manage the gallery portrait

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Lesson 13: Maintain Worker Directories

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Define availability
Define person record values
Define employment record values
Define documents

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Workforce Records Task List

Define Workforce Records Tasks Lists and Tasks

To access the tasks under Define Workforce Records, select your implementation
project using the Function Setup Manager and navigate to:
Workforce Deployment > Define Common HCM Configuration > Define Workforce

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Availability
Availability Overview

The following aspects determine a worker's availability:


Absences recorded during that period

Work schedule
Calendar events, such as public holidays

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

How Worker Availability Is Determined

To determine availability, the application searches for primary work schedules

assigned to the worker at different workforce structure levels.
Work schedules assigned to lower workforce structure levels take precedence
over those defined at higher levels.
If no primary schedule was assigned to any of the workforce structures, then the
worker availability is based on absences, calendar events, if created for the
worker's location or department, and standard working hours defined for the
worker's primary assignment.
If no calendar events were created, then the application determines availability
only on the basis of the standard working hours and absences.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Primary Work Schedules

You can create multiple work schedules for workers. However, you must select a
primary schedule that the application uses to determine the worker's availability.
The application searches for primary work schedules that were assigned to these
workforce structure levels in the following order:

Primary assignment of the worker

Legal Employer

To determine availability, work schedules that were assigned to lower workforce

structure levels take precedence over those defined at higher levels, as shown in the
following figure.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Calendar Events
A calendar event indicates a period that signifies an event, such as a public holiday or a
training course. You include a calendar event as an exception in a work schedule so
that the application considers that event when determining the worker's availability.
When you create a calendar event, you determine which set of workers the event must
apply to.
You can do this in the following ways:

Use an organizational hierarchy to select organizations to which the event must

apply to
Use a geographical hierarchy to select geographical locations to which the event
must apply to

When you use a geographic or organizational hierarchy for calendar event coverage,
you can select which nodes in the hierarchy to include in or exclude from the coverage.
The following diagram shows an example for doing this.

In the above figure, the calendar event coverage includes all employees, except the
ones in the Support department.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Calendar Event Categories

A calendar event category enables you to group related calendar events. For example,
you may want to group all public holidays with the predefined Public Holiday calendar
event category.
When you include the calendar event category as an exception in a work schedule, all
calendar events in that category are automatically included.
In addition to the predefined Public Holiday event category, you can create your own
calendar event categories by adding values to the Calendar Event Category lookup

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstrations at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 10 minutes
Note: If the Public Holiday category is not visible in the list, navigate to the Manage
Availability Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, and extend the
end date for the Public Holiday lookup value.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Demonstration: Managing Calendar Events

Demonstration Background
As a Human Resources (HR) specialist, you create and manage calendar events.
Demonstration Scope
Create a calendar event for the public holiday May Day.
Demonstration Steps
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Availability.
1. In the Manage Calendar Events row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Calendar Events page
2. In the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Calendar Event page
3. Click in the Name field. Enter XX May Day.
4. Click in the Short Code field. Enter XXM.
5. Click in the Category field. Select Public holiday.
As you learned earlier in this lesson, a calendar event category identifies a
group of related calendar events.
6. Click in the Start Date field. Select the current date.
7. Click in the End Date field. Select 1st December 2020.
8. In the Coverage section, click in the Hierarchy Type field. Select Organization.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

As you learned earlier in the lesson, you use an organizational hierarchy to

select organizations to which the calendar event must apply to.
9. Click in the Hierarchy field. Select Project Organization Hierarchy.
10. In the Coverage Source section, select the Vision Corporation row.
11. Click the Include button.
12. Click the Expand icon next to Vision Corporation to view the entire coverage.
13. Click Submit.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
14. Click OK.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

Approximate Demonstration Timing: 5 minutes


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Demonstration: Managing Work Schedules

Demonstration Background
As a Human Resources (HR) specialist, you create and manage work schedules.

Demonstration Scope
Go to the Manage Work Schedules page and open an existing work schedule to learn
about its settings.
Demonstration Steps
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Availability.
1. In the Manage Work Schedules row, Click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Work Schedules page
2. In the Category field, select Work.
Note: We are searching for work schedules that belong to the Work category.
3. Click Search.
4. In the Search Results section, click Regular Work Day Schedule.
Notice that this work schedule belongs to the Time type, which indicates that
the schedule is composed of Time work patterns. Time patterns always have
time shifts that have a start time and end time. In this work schedule, the length
of the Standard Working Week - Office work pattern is seven days. This work
schedule starts from January 1, 2001 to January 1, 2020. The work pattern in the
Patterns region repeats itself during this period. As you learned earlier in this
lesson, a work schedule exception is an event that impacts the normal working
pattern in a work schedule. Notice that the Public Holiday calendar event
category is added as an exception to this work schedule. This means all calendar
events that belong to the selected category are automatically added as


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

exceptions. Eligibility profiles allow you to restrict the number of work schedules
that appear when a manager wants to select a schedule to assign to workers.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Availability Review Question 1

To determine worker availability, you must associate a work schedule with a worker.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Availability Review Question 2

When determining availability, work schedules that were assigned to higher workforce
structure levels take precedence over those defined at lower levels.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Availability Review Question 3

You want to create a calendar event to all workers in Japan. Which hierarchy type
would you choose?
A. Organizational hierarchy
B. Divisional hierarchy
C. Geographical hierarchy


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Availability Review Question 4

Which values are predefined for calendar event category?

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

All Define Availability Review Questions and Answers

To determine worker availability, you must associate a work schedule with a
A. False. If no work schedule is found, availability for a specific period is based on
calendar events, standard working hours, and absences recorded.
When determining availability, work schedules that were assigned to higher
workforce structure levels take precedence over those defined at lower levels.
False. Work schedules assigned to lower workforce structure levels take precedence
over those defined at higher levels. For example, a work schedule defined at the
assignment level takes precedence over the one defined at the department level.
You want to create a calendar event to all workers in Japan. Which hierarchy type
would you choose?
A. Organizational hierarchy
B. Divisional hierarchy
C. Geographical hierarchy
A. The answer is C. You use a geographical hierarchy to select geographical locations
you want the calendar event to apply to.

Which values are predefined for calendar event category?

A. The Public Holiday calendar event category is predefined.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Person Record Values

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Person Record Values Overview

Defining person records values primarily includes:

Managing person types

Managing person name formats

Managing person name styles

Managing person lookups

To access the Define Person Record Values task list, use the navigation path,
Workforce Deployment > Define Common HCM Configuration > Define Workforce
Records > Define Person Record Values:


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Person Record Values

Managing Person Types
You can use person types to maintain information for a group of people in your
enterprise. Person types include:

System Person Types: Predefined person types that the application uses to
identify a group of people. You cannot change, delete, or create additional
system person types.
User Person Types: Contained in the system person type and can be
configured as per your enterprise requirements. There is no limit to the number of
user person types that you can add to a system person type. For example, if your
enterprise refers to its employees as associates instead of employees, you
change the Employee user person type to Associate.

Managing Person Name Formats

Oracle Fusion HCM provides predefined person name format types that you can
Each person name format type contains a sequence of name components that
represents different parts of a person's name, for example, first name, last name, and
punctuation marks. You can change the sequence of, remove, or include additional
name components according to your requirements. Oracle Fusion HCM includes local
and global formats for each format type.
Managing Person Name Styles
Person name styles define the person name components for a country, for example,
first name, last name, title, previous last name, known as, and so on. For countries that
do not have a predefined person name style, the universal name style applies by
default. If there are specific requirements for a country, you can create a new name
Managing Person Lookups
This task enables you to manage all person related lookups.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Person Types
The following figure illustrates the system person types and the list of user person types
defined for the selected system person type, Employee. You can add new user person

Manage Person Types Task


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstrations at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 5 minutes

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Demonstration: Creating User Person Types

Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Demonstration Background
As an Human Resources (HR) specialist, you manage person types.
Demonstration Scope
Create an Associate user person type for the Employee system person type.
Demonstration Steps
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Person Record Values

1. In the Manage Person Types task row, click Go to Task.

Location: Manage Person Types page
Use the Manage Person Types page to review the system person types, and
modify existing user person types as well as create new ones.
In this demonstration, we create a new user person type for the system person
type, Employee.
2. From the System Person Type list, select Employee to view the associated
user person types.
3. On the toolbar, click the Add icon button.
4. In the Assignment Person Type field, enter Associate.
5. Click Save and Close.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
6. Click OK.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Location: Setup and Maintenance work area You have successfully created a
user person type for a system person type.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Person Name Formats

The following figure illustrates name components along with punctuation marks that
make up a name format.

To ensure that the required name changes reflect correctly, you must schedule the
Apply Name Formats to Person Names process to run regularly.
To schedule this process, follow these steps: From the Navigator menu, select Tools >
Scheduled Processes. Select Schedule New Process. Search for the Apply Name
Formats to Person Names process and click Submit.
The following table describes the predefined format types that you can configure.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstrations at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 10 minutes

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Demonstration: Creating Person Name Formats

Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Demonstration Background
As an Human Resources (HR) specialist, you manage person name formats.
Demonstration Scope
Create a new person name format using the name components.
Demonstration Steps
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Person Record Values

1. In the Manage Person Name Formats task row, click the Go to Task icon.
Location: Manage Name Formats page
Use the Manage Name Formats page to review existing name format types
and create name formats.
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Name Format page
Use the Create Name Format page to create a name format using name
components. In this example, we create a name format for the format type, Full
3. In the Country field, enter India.
4. In the Format Type field, select Full name
5. In the Available Name Components field, select Title.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

6. Click the Move to Other List icon button to move the selected item to the
Selected Name Components field.
7. Repeat the previous two steps to move . (Period), Space, First Name, Space,
and Last Name to the Selected Name Components field.
8. Select the last dotted line in the Selected Name Components field, and click the
Remove Selected Items icon button to move the selected item to the Available
Name Components field.
9. In the Preview Name Format section Component Example column replace
Title with Mr.
10. Replace First_Name with John.
11. Replace Last_Name with Smith.
12. Press Tab to exit the field and generate the formatted name.
13. Preview the formatted name to verify that the name format matches your entry.
14. Click Save and Close.
Location: Confirmation dialog box
15. Click OK.
Location: Manage Name Formats page
You have successfully created a person name format.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Person Name Styles

When you create a person record, you select a legal employer, which sets the
legislative context for the record. For example, if the legal employer is a Canadian legal
entity, the legislative context is Canada and the Canadian name style is used.
You can select the following while creating or editing a person name style:

Name components that appear on the person record

Order in which the name components appear

Display name for the components

Required and optional name components (Last Name is a required component

for all legislations.)

You can edit predefined name styles by creating additional components, selecting
mandatory components, changing the order of components, and selecting LOVs for the
components. However, you cannot delete predefined name styles and predefined
components, and make mandatory components optional. You can delete only those
components that were added to a predefined name style.
You can create, edit, and delete custom name styles and its components any time. If a
custom name style is deleted after person names have been created using that style,
the universal name style applies by default.
The following figure shows the person name style for Canada.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Demonstration: Creating Person Name Styles

Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Demonstration Background
As an implementation specialist, you manage person name styles.
Demonstration Scope
Create a new person name style for Mexico.
Demonstration Steps
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Person Record Values

1. In the Manage Person Name Styles task row, click the Go to Task icon.
Location: Manage Person Name Styles page
Use the Manage Person Name Styles page to review existing person name
styles and create new name styles for countries that do not have a name style.
2. On the Name Styles section toolbar, click the Create icon.
3. In the Country field, select Mexico.
4. Click Save.
5. Click OK on the confirmation message.
Location: Manage Person Name Styles page
6. On the Mexico: Details section toolbar, click the Create icon.
7. In the Display Sequence field, enter 4.
8. In the Name Component field, select Last Name.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

9. In the Display Name field, enter Last Name.

10. Follow steps 6 to 9 using the following data:

11. Click Save and Close.

12. Click OK on the confirmation message.
Location: Manage Person Name Styles page
You have successfully created a person name style for Mexico.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Person Lookups
The following table describes common lookups that are person-related and have user or
extensible customization levels. Review these lookups and update them as appropriate
to suit enterprise requirements.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Employment Record Values

Define Employment Record Values Overview
Defining employment Record values primarily includes:

Managing assignment statuses

Managing lookups

To access the Define Employment Record Values task list, use the navigation path,
Workforce Deployment > Define Common HCM Configuration > Define Workforce
Records > Define Employment Record Values:

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Define Employment Record Values

Manage Assignment Statuses
The predefined assignment status values indicate whether an assignment is active,
inactive, or suspended and whether the assignment is eligible for payroll processing. If
you have defined assignment status values in your source application, you need to map
them to equivalent values in Oracle Fusion. To support this task, in Oracle Fusion you

Rename the user status values associated with the predefined assignment status
Create new assignment status values

Manage Lookups
This task enables you to manage all employment related lookups.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Assignment Statuses

For the Assignment Statuses topic, display the FSM task page Manage Assignment
Statuses on-screen while covering the key concepts to facilitate faster learner
comprehension. You will want to display the topic, for example where the Assignment
Statuses table summarizes the current settings, and then return to the FSM task page.
For the Creating User-Defined Assignment Statuses demo, explain that if you are
defining multiple user statuses corresponding to a HR status, you must designate any
one user status as the default status. The default assignment status is attached to an
assignment unless you specify a default user status. For example, when you create an
assignment, its status is set automatically to the default assignment status
corresponding to the HR status Active unless you have specified a default user status
corresponding to Active.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Assignment Statuses
Each assignment contains an assignment status. The HR status and payroll status
values are linked to the assignment status and are set automatically when the
assignment status changes. For example, when you create an assignment, its status is
set automatically to Active - payroll eligible. The same action sets the HR status to
Active and the payroll status to Process. You can define your own user names for the
predefined assignment statuses.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

The course was designed for you to perform the specified demonstrations at this point.
Approximate Demonstration Timing: 5 minutes

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Demonstration: Creating an Assignment Status

Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Demonstration Background
As a Human Resources (HR) specialist, you create and maintain assignment statuses,
which determine whether an assignment is eligible for payroll processing, active,
inactive, or temporarily suspended.
Demonstration Scope
Create a user assignment status named Temporary Assignment.
Demonstration Steps
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Employment Record Values
1. In the Manage Assignment Status row, click the Go to Task icon.
Location: Manage Assignment Statuses page
2. Click the New icon.
3. Click in the User Status field. Enter XXTemporary Assignment.
4. Click in the Assignment Status Code field. Enter XXTEMP_ASSIGNMENT.
Note: Enter a unique code since this value uniquely identifies the assignment
5. Click in the HR Status field. Select Active.
6. Click in the Pay Status field. Select Process.
7. Leave the No option selected in the Default field.
8. Click the Save button.
Location: Warning dialog box


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

9. Click OK in the dialog box.

Location: Manage Assignment Statuses page
10. Click Done.
You have successfully created an assignment status.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Employment Lookups
The following table lists common lookups that are employment-related and have user or
extensible customization levels. Review these lookups, and update them as appropriate
to suit enterprise requirements.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Documents
Defining Documents Task List
Defining Documents Task List and Tasks

To access the Define Documents task list, select your implementation project from the
Functional Setup Manager and navigate to:
Workforce Deployment > Define Common HCM Configuration > Define Workforce
Records > Define Documents

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Document Types and Categories

Persons create document records to store information about documents such as work
permits, and visas, and upload electronic versions of the documents as attachments.
Document types categorize documents and control the document properties. A
document type exists for a combination of document category and subcategory.

Document Types: Provide a set of options to control what document

information to retain, who can access the documents, whether the documents require
approval, and whether the documents are subject to expiry. Using the document type
security profile, you can restrict which users or roles can access particular documents.
The document type security profile is covered in detail in the Security Profiles topic.

Document Categories and Subcategories: Document categories

(for example, absence) provide a high level grouping of documents. Document
subcategories (for example, general or medical) provide further grouping of document
categories. Document types (for example, leave approval or medical report) provide a
lower level categorization of documents. Use the DOCUMENT_CATEGORY lookup
type to define new document categories and subcategories.

Document Statuses: Enable you to identify and track document

records requiring approval. You define approval statuses as values for the lookup type
DOCUMENT_STATUS. Note that these statuses are for information purposes only; they
do not control the document approval process.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Document Delivery Preferences

You typically define delivery preferences for documents that are delivered periodically
from employers to workers, for example, payslips, or year end tax statements. You set
these preferences using the Manage Document Types task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area. You can specify default delivery preferences and override the
default preferences for individual legal-employer or payroll-statutory-unit hierarchies.

Note: You can specify delivery preferences for approved document types only. If you
are creating your own document type, you must first submit it and then edit the created
document type to enable document delivery preferences.
Delivery Preferences
You can specify default delivery methods for a document type, whether paper or online,
and specify whether worker consent is required for delivering documents online-only. If
you set consent as required and initial consent as not granted, then the paper delivery
method is automatically selected and disabled; the option is automatically deselected
(while still disabled) when you set initial consent granted to Yes. You can enable
persons to override the delivery preferences for their documents, in their portraits. The
document delivery preferences report lists the delivery preferences and any default
overrides, including person level overrides.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Overriding Document Delivery Preferences

You set default delivery preferences on the document type and override the preferences
on associated work structures. You can override default delivery preferences at various
levels for a payroll statutory unit (for payroll documents) or legal employer (for other
document categories). These levels are arranged in a hierarchy. For example, delivery
preferences set for a location override those set for a department and delivery
preferences set for a department override those set for a legal employer and so on. The
document type is at the highest level in the hierarchy; the default delivery preferences
you specify for a document type apply to all documents, if you do not override them at
lower levels.

Person Level Overrides

Persons can override the delivery preferences for their documents, using the Personal
Information card in their portraits. The delivery preferences that persons specify in their
portraits override delivery preferences specified elsewhere for the document type.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Instructor Note: Activity Timing

Approximate Activity Timing: 10 minutes



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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Student Activity: Creating a Document Type

Using your activity guide, do the activity specified in the title of this page.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Activity 1 Introduction: Creating a Document Type

Create a Payslip document type for InFusion Corporation and enable delivery
preferences for the document type. The Payslip document is delivered online to workers
except in InFusion Corp UK where it is delivered on paper. However, for workers in
London the payslip document is delivered both online and on paper. Persons can
override the default delivery preferences for their indiviudal documents.

Use the bold text for the object names, replacing the XX with your initials, as
indicated by your instructor.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or
comparable training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this

Activity Scope


Create a Payslip document type and submit it.

Edit the created Payslip document type and enable delivery preferences for the
document type.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Activity 1: Creating a Document Type

In this activity, you create a document type and enable delivery preferences for the
document type.
Sign in as hcm_implX, replacing X with the number assigned to you by your instructor.
Start Here
Setup and Maintenance work area, Implementation Project: XX Workforce
Deployment page
These task lists are expanded: Workforce Deployment - Define Common HCM
Configuration - Define Workforce Records - Define Documents
Creating a Document Type
1. In the Manage Document Types task row, click Go to Task.
Location: Manage Document Types page
Use the Manage Document Types page to manage existing document types
and create new ones.
2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Create.
Location: Create Document Type page
3. In the Type field, enter XXPayslip.
4. In the Category field, select Payroll.
5. Retain All Countries as the selection for the Country field.
6. Retain No as the selection for the Approval field.
7. In the Attributes section, select Required for all the attributes.
8. Click Submit.
Location: Confirmation dialog box

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

9. Click Yes.
Location: Manage Document Types page

Enabling Document Delivery Preferences

1. Enter XXPayslip in the Type field.
2. Click Search.
3. In the Search Results region, click the document type name.
Location: Edit Document Type XXPayslip page
4. Select Yes for the Enable Document Delivery Preferences field.
5. Retain Payroll as the selection for the Override Hierarchy field.
6. In the Document Delivery Defaults section, Delivery Method field, select
Online and deselect Paper.
7. In the Online Delivery Consent Required field, select Yes.
8. Since worker consent is already available, retain Yes as the selection for the
Initial Consent Granted field.
9. Retain Yes as the selection for the Allow Peron Level Overrides field.
10. In the Document Delivery Default Overrides section, select United Kingdom
for the Payroll Statutory Unit Country field.
11. Select UK Legal Entity for the Payroll Statutory Unit field.
12. Select Paper and deselect Online.
13. Since worker consent is already available, retain Yes as the selection for the
Initial Consent Granted field.
14. To override the delivery preference for the London location, click Create.
15. In the Level field, select Location.
16. In the Name field, select London.


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

17. The Paper option is already selected. Select Online.

18. Click Submit.
Location: Warning window
19. Click Yes.
Location: Confirmation window
20. Click Ok.
Location: Manage Document Types page
At this point, you should have created a document type and enabled document delivery

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Workforce Records Review Question 1

You can create additional system person types.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Workforce Records Review Question 2

Which two statuses are linked to the assignment status?

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Defining Workforce Records Review Question 3

When date-effective values are copied to the PER_KEYWORDS table, their history is
also copied.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

All Defining Workforce Records Review Questions

and Answers
You can create additional system person types.
Which two statuses are linked to the assignment status?
HR Status and Payroll Status
When date-effective values are copied to the PER_KEYWORDS table, their history
is also copied.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Lesson Highlights


Define availability
Define person and employment records
Define documents

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records

Lesson Highlight Details

Define Availability

To determine availability, the application searches for primary work schedules

assigned to the worker at different workforce structure levels.
Work schedules assigned to lower workforce structure levels take precedence
over those defined at higher levels.
If no primary schedule was assigned to any of the workforce structures, then the
worker availability is based on absences, calendar events, if created for the
worker's location or department, and standard working hours defined for the
worker's primary assignment.
If no calendar events were created, then the application determines availability
only on the basis of the standard working hours and absences.

Define Person Record Values

Managing Person Types: You can use person types to maintain information for a
group of people in your enterprise. Person types include s ystem person types
and user person types
Managing Person Name Formats:Oracle Fusion HCM provides predefined
person name format types that you can configure
Managing Person Lookups: This task enables you to manage all person related

Define Employment Record Values

Manage Assignment Statuses: The predefined assignment status values indicate

whether an assignment is active, inactive, or suspended and whether the
assignment is eligible for payroll processing. If you have defined assignment
status values in your source application, you need to map them to equivalent
values in Oracle Fusion.
Manage Lookups: This task enables you to manage all employment related

Define Documents

Persons create document records to store information about documents such as

work permits, and visas, and upload electronic versions of the documents as
Document types categorize documents and control the document properties. A
document type exists for a combination of document category and subcategory.

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Lesson 14: Define Workforce Records


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Lesson 15: Appendix A

Getting Started with an Implementation

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

After completing this lesson, you should be able to anticipate actions required before
beginning an implementation by understanding what is involved in:

Setting up implementation users

- Preparing the Oracle Fusion Applications super user for user management and
- Preparing the IT Security Manager job role for user and role management
Defining implementation users

This lesson does not cover:


Generating a functional setup task list before implementing users

Defining users after setting up basic enterprise structure

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Overview of Getting Started

This lesson introduces the initial activities in an Oracle Fusion Applications

Preparing Oracle Fusion Applications for:

- User management
- Configuration
- Role management
Synchronizing users and roles in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) with Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM)
Creating implementation users

NOTE: These steps are performed after installation and provisioning, and before setting
up enterprise structures and implementing projects. Between preparing users and
synchronizing users and roles from LDAP, your enterprise needs to configure offerings
and set up task lists. Between synchronizing users and roles from LDAP and setting up
enterprise structures, your enterprise needs to create initial implementation users.

In Oracle Fusion Applications, you manage users and security through Oracle Fusion
Human Capital Management (HCM) user management flows, which are included in
each of the offering task lists. However, the HCM task flows require that enterprise
structures have been set up, and yet to add users who can set up enterprise structures
you need to have set up HCM. Therefore, you need to create one or more initial
implementation users who have the access needed for.

Implementation project management

Initial enterprise structures management

User management

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Initial Implementation Users

In Oracle Fusion Applications, you manage users and security through Oracle Fusion
Human Capital Management (HCM) user management flows, which are included in
each of the offering task lists. However, the HCM task flows require that enterprise
structures have been set up, and yet to add users who can set up enterprise structures
you need to have set up HCM. Therefore, you need to create one or more initial
implementation users who have the access needed for.


Implementation project management

Initial enterprise structures management

User management

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Initial Activities
For a standard, full implementation of Oracle Fusion Applications, the initial activities
are as follows:

1. The Oracle Identity Management System Administrator user prepares the Oracle
Fusion Applications super user for user management and configuration tasks.
2. The Oracle Identity Management System Administrator user provisions the IT
Security Manager job role with roles for user and role management.
3. The Oracle Fusion Applications super user synchronizes LDAP users with HCM
user management so that users can be provisioned with roles through HCM.
4. The Oracle Fusion Applications super user signs in to Oracle Fusion Applications
and performs the Create Implementation Users task to create one or more IT
security manager and administrator users provisioned with security
administrative entitlement.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

5. The newly created IT Security Manager user signs in to Oracle Fusion

Applications and performs the Create Implementation Users task to create
implementation project managers.
6. The newly created IT Security Manager user signs in to Oracle Fusion
Applications and performs the Create Implementation Users task to create users
for enterprise structure setup, and creates a data role for HCM setup and
provisions that role to the enterprise structure setup users.
The procedures named in this lesson for getting started are presented in Getting Started
with Oracle Fusion Applications: Common Implementation. You can find this document
(ID: 1387777.1) on My Oracle Support,


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Define Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs

This section describes the tasks under the task list Define Extensions for
Workforce Deployment > Define Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs for Workforce

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Instructor Note: Lesson Purpose

The purpose of teaching this lesson at this point is to make students understand what
are custom jobs and processes, since we talk about scheduling and running processes
in the subsquent lessons.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Describe what enterprise scheduler job definitions are.

Identify the purpose of list of values sources.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Enterprise Scheduler Job

An Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job is an executable that users can run to process
data, for example to validate invoices or create journal entries. Some jobs also provide
report output, for example tax reports used for reporting to tax authorities.
Related concepts include:


Process or Scheduled Process

Job Definition

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Manage Job Definitions

Process or Scheduled Process: A unique submission or run of a job. For

example, users can run a process for a specific job to post journal batches for
one accounting period, and submit another process for a different accounting
period. Each run of the same job has a unique process ID.
Job Definition: The metadata for the job that allows it to be run, for example the
job type, location of the executable, and parameters available to users.
Parameters: Filters that users can set when they submit a process, for example,
a date range for document creation date. The process then includes only records
with a creation date within the specified range.

Predefined jobs are used in various Oracle Fusion applications. Your technical
administrators can create custom jobs and job definitions based on Java, PL/SQL, or
any other supported technology.
You can optionally update aspects of these custom jobs, including:

Editing job display names, for example to use terms that are more familiar to
your users.
Editing parameter display names, using the Prompt field.
Using the Tooltip Text field to add parameter help text that appears when users
focus on the parameter. For example, you can provide restrictions or
considerations specific to your company's needs.

To edit custom job definitions, access the Manage Job Definitions page from either:

The Setup and Maintenance work area. You must select the task that contains
the name of the Java EE application to which the job definition belongs. For
example, use the Manage Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs for Payables and
Related Applications task for Oracle Fusion Expenses job definitions.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Manage List of Values Sources

A list of values source:

Determines where a list of values comes from and what the specific values are.
Are used for job parameters so that users can select a value for the parameter.

Your technical administrator can create lists of values sources, for example, one for
country names to be used for a Country parameter in a job definition. When users
schedule a process based on this job, they can select a country as a value for this
The Manage List of Values Sources page is accessed using the same Manage
Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs tasks.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Example of Scheduler Job

Maintaining Person Keywords
Several attributes of person, employment, and profile records are used as personsearch keywords. Keyword values are copied automatically from the originating records
to the PER_KEYWORDS table, where they are indexed to improve search
Whenever the value of a keyword attribute changes (for example, if a person acquires a
language skill or a different phone number), an event is raised. In response, services
run a process to update the relevant attributes for the person in the PER_KEYWORDS
table; therefore, most changes are made in PER_KEYWORDS immediately and
When you create a new person record, keyword values for that person are copied
automatically to the PER_KEYWORDS table.
Although most changes to the PER_KEYWORDS table are made automatically, you
need to run the Update Person Search Keywords process regularly because the
automatic process does not apply future-dated changes to the PER_KEYWORDS table.
Running the Update Person Search Keywords process also ensures that all changes
are copied to the PER_KEYWORDS table, despite any temporary failures of the
automatic process.
Scheduling the Update Person Search Keywords Process
You can run the Update Person Search Keywords process manually or schedule it to
run at regular intervals (for example, weekly at a specified time).
The likely volume and frequency of changes to person records in your enterprise will
determine how often you run the Update Person Search Keywords process:

If the volume and frequency are high, you need to schedule the process to run
If the volume and frequency are low, running the process once a month is

When you run the Update Person Search Keywords process, the whole
PER_KEYWORDS table is refreshed; therefore, you are recommended to run the
process at times of low activity to avoid performance problems.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Reference Resources
Related Resources:


Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide

Oracle Fusion Applications Common Implementation Guide

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned to:

Describe what enterprise scheduler job definitions are.

Identify the purpose of list of values sources.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Lesson Highlight Details

Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions
An Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job is an executable that users can run to process
data, for example to validate invoices or create journal entries.
Related concepts include:

Process or Scheduled Process: A unique submission or run of a job.

Job Definition: The metadata for the job that allows it to be run.
Parameters: Filters that users can set when they submit a process.

Predefined jobs are used in various Oracle Fusion applications. Your technical
administrators can create custom jobs and job definitions based on Java, PL/SQL, or
any other supported technology.
List of Values Sources
A list of values source:

Determines where a list of values comes from and what the specific values are.
Is used for job parameters so that users can select a value for the parameter.

Your technical administrator can create lists of values sources, for example, one for
country names to be used for a Country parameter in a job definition.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Define Profile Options

In this section, you will learn key concepts about:

Profile Options
Profile Option Categories
Profile Option Levels and Values
Common Profile Options to Set Up

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Profile Options
Profile options are global configuration settings that users can modify to change the way
an application works. For example, settings such as user preferences and application
configuration parameters can be modified as per the user's requirements.
You can use profile options to modify:

The look and behavior of the application's user interface

User preferences such as settings used for social networking
The business logic of the application
Log settings and processing options that determine how and where information is

A profile option is made up of the following:

Application and module
Hierarchy level

You can modify any of these constituents of the existing profile options, but system
administrators must have enabled the profile option for modification.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Profile Option Categories

Profile options are grouped into categories depending upon the functional area in which
the profile options are used. For example, in Oracle Fusion Receivables, the
Transactions profile option category groups the profile options related to Receivables
transactions processing, such as Require Adjustment Reason, Invoices with
Unconfirmed Receipts, Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos, and so on.
Profile option categories facilitate searching and defining data security.
A profile option can be grouped into more than one category.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Profile Option Levels and Values

Profile Option Levels
In an application, the display and availability of profile options depends upon the
hierarchy level at which it is enabled. The different hierarchy levels are:
1. Site level - the lowest level of hierarchy that unless superceded by any other
level provides accessibility to all the users of the application, across the
deployment site. In a multi-tenant environment, Site is scoped per tenant.
2. Product level - the next level in the hierarchy that applies to the selected product
family (product offering within Oracle Fusion, such as Financials) and its specific
users. For the same user, the profile option at this level supercedes any site level
profile option setting.
3. User level - the highest level in the hierarchy that applies to the specific user or
user role and supercedes any product or site level setting that was earlier
associated with the user.
Profile options defined at higher levels override the profile options at the lower level.

Profile Option Values

Profile values determine application behavior that you want at the selected level.
Context such as user session or accessed product determines which profile option
value is associated with the profile option name.
The following example of the profile option FND_LANGUAGE shows how the profile
values determine the default language of the application at various levels.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Define Lookups
In this section, you will learn key concepts about:


Lookups, their constituents, and their types

Managing lookups

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Key Concepts
Lookups are containers for the list items that appear in an application. Users select one
of the items from such lists to enter a value on the application UI.
Lookups consist of:

Lookup Type - A lookup type is a static list of values users use to make entries
in the application. This is the name of the field that appears on the setup UI and
not on the application UI where you make the selection.
Lookup Code - An internal application code for each lookup that is not visible to
Meaning - The actual UI term associated with the lookup code. It is the item that
appears in the list on the application UI against the specific field name, and can
be selected by the users to indicate their choice.
Tag - The description or a label associated with that lookup.
Enabled (status) - Determines the availability of the meaning (the value or the
item) within the selection list for that lookup type. If you do not enable it, the value
does not appear in the selection list at runtime.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

As per the settings shown in the table, the users would see the following values in the
list on the application UI to determine the Ticket Class:


There are three different categories of lookups:

Standard Lookups - These are the simplest form of lookup types consisting of
lookup codes and their meanings.
Common Lookups - These are predefined lookups and are available for internal
system administrative use and are used by more than one application.
Set-enabled Lookups - These lookups contain lookup codes that are part of a
reference data. You can use sets to enable different values in that lookup for
different sets of users. At runtime, a selected attribute determines which setenabled lookup will be visible to the users. For example, the attribute east-coast
or west-coast in the determinant 'location' determines whether it is the 'eastcoast' or the 'west-coast' location, depending upon the selected lookup.

Lookup codes and their meanings are valid between a specified date range. If a date
range is not specified, the lookup codes and meanings have indefinite validity from the
time they are created.


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Manage Lookups
Standard, common, and set-enabled lookups are defined in the Standard, Common,
and Set-enabled views, respectively. Applications development may define lookups in
an application view to restrict the UI pages where they may appear.
In lookups management tasks, lookups may be associated with a module and striped by
application taxonomy to provide a criterion for narrowing a search or limiting the number
of lookups accessed by a product specific task such as Manage Purchasing Lookups.

Enabling Lookups
You can create new lookup types and also add new lookup codes and meanings to the
existing lookup types, depending upon the access permissions granted to you. But for
the lookups and lookup values to appear as values in the lists, they need to be enabled.
To enable a lookup type, you need to enable at least one of its lookup codes and that
code must be in a valid date range.
You can access this task from the Setup and Maintenance menu.

Customizing Lookups
Oracle applications contain certain predefined system lookups that are locked for
editing. You can only customize the lookups that are left open for extensibility. Even if a
lookup is available for customization, the customization levels may vary depending upon
the access restrictions. For example, you may modify the meanings of certain
predefined lookup codes but may not have the permission to create new lookup codes.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Define Legal Jurisdictions and Legal Authorities for

Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Define legal jurisdictions and legal authorities for HCM

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Legal Jurisdictions Overview

Jurisdiction is where a particular piece of legislation applies, perhaps group of countries,
country, state, county, or parish. French Labor Law, Singapore Transactions Tax Law,
and US Income Tax Laws are examples of particular legislation that apply to legal
entities operating in different countries' jurisdictions. You can create legal jurisdictions in
addition to the predefined ones.
Types of jurisdictions are:

Identifying Jurisdiction
Income Tax Jurisdiction
Transaction Tax Jurisdiction

Identifying Jurisdiction
An identifying jurisdiction is the first jurisdiction you must register with to be allowed to
do business in a country. For each legal entity, select an identifying jurisdiction. If there
is more than one jurisdiction that a legal entity needs to register with to commence
business, select one as the identifying jurisdiction. Typically the identifying jurisdiction is
the one you use to uniquely identify your legal entity.
Income tax jurisdictions and transaction tax jurisdictions do not represent the same
jurisdiction. Although in some countries, the two jurisdictions are defined at the same
geopolitical level, such as a country, and share the same legal authority, they are two
distinct jurisdictions.
Income Tax Jurisdiction
Income tax jurisdictions impose taxes on your financial income generated by all your
entities within their jurisdiction. Create income tax jurisdictions to properly report and
remit income taxes to the legal authority.
Transaction Tax Jurisdiction

Tax jurisdictions and their respective rates are provided with transactions from the
suppliers, and require periodic maintenance. Create transaction tax jurisdictions through
Oracle Fusion Tax in a separate business flow, because of the specific needs and
complexities of various taxes. Use transaction tax jurisdiction for legal reporting of sales
tax and value added tax.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Legal Authorities Overview

A legal authority is a government or legal body that is charged with powers to make
laws, levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for a given
jurisdiction. There are predefined legal authorities in the application, you can create
your own in addition.


The Internal Revenue Service is responsible for collecting taxes and the
interpretation and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code of the United
Legal authority information is printed on your tax reports to meet some countries
requirements, such as India and Brazil.
Legal authorities are defined in the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configurator.
Tax authorities are a subset of legal authorities and are defined using the same
setup flow.
Legal authorities are not mandatory in Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management (HCM), but are recommended and are generally referenced on
statutory reports.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Lesson Highlights
You should have learned how to:

Define legal jurisdictions, legal authorities, and legislative data groups for

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Lesson Highlight Details

Legal Jurisdictions and Legal Authorities
Jurisdiction is where a particular piece of legislation applies, perhaps group of countries,
country, state, county, or parish. French Labor Law, Singapore Transactions Tax Law,
and US Income Tax Laws are examples of particular legislation that apply to legal
entities operating in different countries' jurisdictions. You can create legal jurisdictions in
addition to the predefined ones.
A legal authority is a government or legal body that is charged with powers to make
laws, levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for a given
jurisdiction. There are predefined legal authorities in the application, you can create
your own in addition.
Legislative Data Groups
Legislative data group:


Is a country specific data partition within an enterprise.

Supports the configuration of objects with a strong legislative context, such as
payroll, absence types, elements, rates of pay.
Does not span enterprises.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Defining Checklists
Checklists Overview
Use checklists for actions that require the completion of standard tasks, such as
creating users or reassigning resources. For example, employee hire and termination
actions typically require a number of people to complete standard tasks. You create and
maintain tasks within a checklist template. You can create checklist templates that can
be allocated to persons either automatically or manually.
The figure shows the primary components of a checklist:

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Checklist Components
Checklist Templates
You create and maintain tasks within a checklist template. Human Resources (HR)
specialists typically create checklist templates and make them available for allocation to
all users. Managers can allocate checklist templates to workers and edit the checklist
and task attributes within the allocated checklists. Managers can also create checklists
and save them as templates, if required.
Allocated Checklists
A checklist template upon allocation to a worker, is referred to as an allocated checklist.
The allocated checklist contains the tasks relevant to the person to whom the checklist
is allocated. For example, tasks associated with eligibility profiles are allocated only to
those persons who meet the eligibility criteria. Task performers are assigned during
checklist allocation. The completion dates for the tasks in the allocated checklist are
calculated based on the task duration specified in the checklist template.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Define Checklists Task List

Define ChecklistsTask List and Tasks

To access the Define Checklists task list, select your implementation project from the
Functional Setup Manager and navigate to:
Workforce Deployment > Define Common HCM Configuration > Define Workforce
Business Processes and Events > Define Checklists

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Checklist Template Components

Action: Link an action (Hire or terminate, for example) to a checklist template to

allocate the checklist to persons automatically when they experience the action.
Task: You create tasks within a checklist template, however, managers can also create
and maintain tasks within allocated checklists.
Areas of Responsibility: Select the task performers' areas of responsibility when you
create a checklist template. During checklist allocation, the persons with the selected
responsibilities are automatically assigned as performers for the tasks.
Eligibility Profile: If you link an eligibility profile to a task, the task appears in the
allocated checklist of a worker only if the worker matches the eligibility criteria defined in
the eligibility profile.


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Checklist Template Allocation

An allocated checklist is a specific instance of the checklist template; it contains the

tasks relevant to the person to whom the checklist is allocated (either manually or
automatically). During allocation, performers are assigned to the tasks based on the
responsibility types specified in the checklist template and notified of the assignment.
Task owner, generally synonymous with a manager, is the person responsible for
ensuring task completion. Only task owners and performers can view and update
checklist tasks. You can, however, designate workers as owners or performers if you
want workers to track the progress of their tasks or perform the task actions.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Defining Checklists Review Question 1

An allocated checklist contains all the tasks from the checklist template.
1. True
2. False


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Defining Checklists Review Question 2

To allocate a checklist to persons automatically, what must you link the checklist
template to?

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Defining Checklists Review Question 3

Where can managers create and maintain tasks?


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Defining Checklists Review Question 4

Workers can view and update checklist tasks allocated to them.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

All Defining Checklists Review Questions and

An allocated checklist contains all the tasks from the checklist template.
To allocate a checklist to persons automatically, what must you link the checklist
template to?
Where can managers create and maintain tasks?
Allocated Checklists
Workers can view and update checklist tasks allocated to them.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Managing Workforce Predictions

Predictive Models Overview
Using the Manage HCM Predictive Models task, you can define and manage predictive
models. Predefined models are available for the prediction of worker performance and
voluntary termination:

Note: Workforce Predictions is not included within Global Human Resources, it is a

separate product and requires a separate license.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Predictive Models
How are workforce predictions useful?
People are often the enterprise's greatest asset, and their loss can be expensive on
many fronts. System predictions can make you aware of potential issues and their likely
causes so that you can address them. For example, if an employee whose performance
is predicted to be high is also identified as likely to leave voluntarily, you can consider
changes to relevant factors, such as grade or location, to reduce the risk.
What is the accuracy of the predictive models?
The predictive models for both voluntary termination and performance are built using a
subset (approximately 70%) of the available historical data. Oracle Data Mining (ODM)
tests the accuracy of the models by making voluntary-termination and performance
predictions for the remaining held-aside data (the 30% not used in building the
predictive models). ODM then compares its predictions with actual outcomes.
For performance predictions, the percentage accuracy of the predictive model is a
measure of how closely the predicted values match the actual values. For voluntarytermination predictions, the accuracy is derived from the percentage of correct
predictions made for all employees (both those who leave the enterprise and those who
How are the prediction calculated?
To calculate predictions, the process Collect Data and Perform Data Mining for
Predictive Analytics is invoked, which rebuilds the selected predictive models and
makes predictions based on scores derived during the build process.


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Managing Model Attributes

Voluntary-termination and performance predictions are based on specific attributes from
a worker's personal, employment, absence, compensation, and talent management
information, most of which are held at the assignment level:

For the complete list of attributes and their descriptions, see the help topic Predictive
Attributes: Explained
Managing Model Attributes
You can create new attributes based on fast formula functions, to include in the
predefined predictive models. You can edit or delete any predictive attribute that you
create; you cannot edit or delete predefined predictive attributes. You can also control
which predefined and locally created predictive attributes appear in what-if analyses.
Note: In cloud environments, you cannot create formula functions; therefore, you may
not be able to create predictive attributes.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Calculating Predictions
Predictions of voluntary termination are based on existing data from all work
relationships. The process that collects relevant data and generates the predictions is
Collect Data and Perform Data Mining for Predictive Analytics, which uses Oracle Data
Mining (ODM) and also predicts performance:

Note: The screenshot uses the old process name Process Worker Prediction Data
The process has no default schedule. You are recommended to run the process weekly
if the volume of relevant transactions in your enterprise (such as hires, terminations,
and promotions) is high; otherwise, run the process at least monthly. Schedule the
process at a time of low system activity to avoid performance impacts. You can perform


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

data collection either for the enterprise or for a specified manager assignment; however,
the data-mining stage of the process is always performed on all of the latest available
data. For detailed information about how voluntary termination is predicted, see the help
topic Voluntary Termination: How It is Predicted.

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Viewing Workforce Predictions

In the Manager Resources Dashboard, line managers can view predictions of high
performance and voluntary termination for their direct and indirect reports, and perform
what-if analyses. Predictions are also displayed for a person in the promotion process.
Performance and Voluntary Termination Predictions - Graph View

Performance and Voluntary Termination Predictions - Tabular View


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Managing Workforce Predictions Review Question 1

Predefined models are available for the prediction of _______________ and

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Managing Workforce Predictions Review Question 2

Who can view the workforce predictions and where?


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Lesson 15: Appendix A

Managing Workforce Predictions Review Question 3

You can edit predefined predictive attributes.
1. True
2. False

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Lesson 15: Appendix A

All Managing Workforce Predictions Review

Questions and Answers
Predefined models are available for the prediction of _______________ and
worker performance and voluntary termination
Who can view the workforce predictions and where?
In the Manager Resources Dashboard, line managers can view predictions of high
performance and voluntary termination for their direct and indirect reports, and perform
what-if analyses. Predictions are also displayed for a person in the promotion process.
You can edit predefined predictive attributes.


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There are no activities for this lesson

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Lesson 15: Appendix A


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Lesson 16: Appendix B

HCM Security Overview
Instructor Note: Assumptions
This lesson introduces students to Oracle Fusion HCM security concepts and
functionality. It describes the process of creating data roles and security profiles, and
explains how roles are assigned to users. If students are interested in these more indepth topics, they should attend the two-day Oracle Fusion HCM Security course.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Describe the key features of Oracle Fusion Applications security

Differentiate the types of roles used in Oracle Fusion Applications security
Identify key components of the Security Reference Implementation
Describe how to create security profiles and assign them to data roles
Describe how user accounts are created and roles are provisioned to

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

HCM Security Basics

Role-Based Security Model
Oracle Fusion Applications use a role-based access control security model. Users are
assigned roles through which they gain access to functions and data within the
In the figure below, Julie Brown has three roles:

When she signs on to Oracle Fusion Applications, all of these roles are active
concurrently. The functions and data she can access are determined by the
combination of roles to which she is assigned. As an employee, Julie has access to
employee functions and data, and as a line manager, she has access to line-manager
functions and data.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Instructor Note: Roles Assigned to Users

Contrast the Oracle Fusion Applications approach, where users have multiple roles
active simultaneously, with the EBS approach, where users select a responsibility and
operate within that responsibility only. Use the Security Component Terminology
Comparison slide later in this section to show how role types and other security
components in Oracle Fusion correspond to features in EBS and PeopleSoft.
If questions about security occur in other lessons (such as how to prevent a user from
doing something or how to enable a user to do something), the answer is always the
same: the roles provisioned to the user determine what the user can (and cannot) do.


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Predefined HCM Roles

The following is a partial list of the roles that are predefined and delivered with Oracle
Fusion HCM:

Benefits Administrator
Benefits Manager
Benefits Specialist
Compensation Administrator
Compensation Analyst
Compensation Manager
Compensation Specialist
Contingent Worker
Human Capital Management Application Administrator
Human Resource Analyst
Human Resource Manager
Human Resource Specialist
Human Resource VP
Line Manager
Payroll Administrator
Payroll Manager

These predefined roles are included in the Security Reference Implementation. You
can review details of the HCM security implementation in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Human Capital Management Security Reference Manual. The Oracle Fusion
Applications Common Security Reference Manual covers roles that are common across
Oracle Fusion Applications, such as the Application Implementation Consultant and IT
Security Manager roles.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Role Inheritance
Instructor Note: Duty Roles
Although this lesson does not cover creation of custom job or duty roles, it does
describe how duty roles fit into the role hierarchy. Predefined job and abstract roles are
associated with a predefined set of duty roles, which control the actions that the role can


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Data Role Inheritance

Role inheritance is a key concept in the Oracle Fusion HCM security model. In the
figure below, Human Resource Specialist Vision Corporation and Human Resource
Specialist Vision Services are data roles that inherit the Human Resource Specialist
job role. This gives them access to the tasks that an HR Specialist needs to perform.
The security profiles that are assigned to the data roles provide the data access.

Note that the two data roles have different security profiles, granting access to different
sets of data.

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User Role Inheritance

When individual users are assigned to data roles, they inherit the data and function
security associated with those roles.


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Role Types
Oracle Fusion Applications uses four types of roles for security management:

Data Roles are a combination of a worker's job and the data instances that users
with the role need to access. For example, the HCM data role Payroll
Administrator Payroll US combines a job (Payroll Administrator) with a data
scope (Payroll US). Data roles are not delivered as part of the reference
implementation. They are defined by customers and are assigned directly to

Abstract Roles represent a worker's role in the enterprise, independently of the

job the worker is hired to do. Three abstract roles are delivered with Oracle
Fusion HCM: Employee, Line Manager, and Contingent Worker. You can also
create custom abstract roles. You assign abstract roles directly to users.

Job roles align with the job a worker is hired to perform. Examples of predefined
job roles are Human Resource Analyst and Payroll Manager. You can create
custom job roles. Typically, you include job roles in data roles, and assign those
data roles to users. (The IT Security Manager and Application Implementation
Consultant job roles are exceptions, because they are not considered HCM job
roles and don't restrict data using security profiles.)

Duty roles align with the individual duties that users perform as part of their job.
They grant access to work areas, dashboards, task flows, application pages,
reports, batch programs, and so on. They may carry both function and data
security grants. Duty roles are inherited by job and abstract roles, and can also
be inherited by other duty roles. Duty roles are delivered as part of the reference
implementation, and can be used as building blocks when creating your own job
and abstract roles. You do not assign duty roles directly to users.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Role Inheritance Example

In reality, abstract and job roles inherit many duty roles. The following figure shows a
simplified example:

In this example, the duty roles give the user access to all the tasks and functions that an
HR specialist needs to perform plus all the tasks, unrelated to a specific job, that every
employee needs to perform.
Most security profiles are defined by customers and assigned to data roles and abstract
roles. (A small set of predefined security profiles is delivered as part of the security
reference implementation.)
The HCM security model supports several different types of security profiles, each used
to control access to a different type of data.


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Instructor Note: Demo Timing

Approximate Demonstration Timing: 7 minutes

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Demonstration: Fusion HCM Security in Action

Demonstration Background
As an Oracle Fusion Applications user, you access functions and data through the roles
that have been assigned to you.
Demonstration Scope
Explore the functions and data available for viewing by different users based on their
assigned roles.
Demonstration Scope
Start Here
Oracle Fusion Applications Sign On screen
Demonstrate Function Security
1. Log in as Curtis.Feitty, using the password provided to you by the instructor.
2. In the menu bar at the top of the page, click Navigator.

Function security is used to secure the Navigator menu. Each menu entry
corresponds to a work area or dashboard, and each of these is secured with a
function security privilege. The function security privileges that are granted to the


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

user (through his or her roles) control the menu entries that the user can see.
3. Select Workforce Structures under Workforce Management.

Function security also secures the task pane (displayed on the left side of
the page) for a work area. Each of the task pane entries corresponds to a task
flow, which is secured with a function security privilege. The function security
privileges that are granted to the user (through his or her roles) control the task
pane entries that the user can see.
4. Select My Information > My Account from the Navigator.
Location: Manage User Account page
5. Scroll down to the Current Roles section.
Curtis is assigned a great many roles, which is useful for testing (and for
training courses like this). He has functional manager roles, as well as IT Security
Manager. In the real world, few users would have this many different and

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

powerful roles.
6. Click Sign Out at the top of the page, and then sign back in as jessica.mullen.
7. Click the Navigator menu again.
Jessica is an HR Analyst with fewer privileges than Curtis. Jessica does
not have access to the Workforce Structures function, so it does not appear on
her menu.
8. Select My Information > My Account from the Navigator, and then scroll down
to the Current Roles section to view Jessica's assigned roles.
9. Sign out.
You have demonstrated how to view menu options and tasks managed by function
Demonstrate Data Security
1. Log in as Jack.Fisher.
This user has employee and line manager roles. He also has several direct
2. In the menu bar at the top of the page, click Navigator and select Person
3. Select the My Portrait tab.
When you look at your own portrait, you can see your benefit enrollments,
compensation data, and so on. The actions that are available in the Actions
menu are controlled using data security. The actions you can perform include
things like Change Marital Status, but do not include actions like Promote.
4. Select the Organization Chart tab to show the management reporting hierarchy.
5. Click the name of Jack's manager, Linda Swift.
When an employee views their manager's portrait, only publicly available
information appears. No actions are available. Data security controls access to
data that you can view for other people. A public person security profile controls


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

which people a user can search for in Person Gallery. Once a user has selected
a person, data security controls the Person Gallery cards that can be seen for
that person and also what actions can be performed against them.
6. Select the Organization Chart tab again.
7. Hover your mouse over the point at the bottom of Jack's box on the chart, and
then click the + sign to show Jack's direct reports.
8. Click Mark Winterling's name.
In the Actions section, you can see the functions available to Jack. He can
promote, terminate, manage the salary and compensation, and view absence
balances for Mark.
9. Sign out and sign back in as Curtis.Feitty.
10. Navigate to the Person Gallery, and search for Linda Swift. (Enter Linda's
name in the Keywords field, click Search, and then click Swift, Linda in the
Search Results.)
When viewing Linda in the Person Gallery, Curtis can see more cards and has
more actions than Jack. This is because Curtis has the HR Specialist - View All
role, which allows him a greater level of access.
You have demonstrated how to view application pages managed by data security and
noted the differences that result from provisioned data restrictions.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Security Profiles and Data Roles

Data Security Through Security Profiles
Most Oracle Fusion HCM data is secured by means of HCM security profiles. A security
profile identifies a set of data of a single type, such as persons or organizations. For
example, you could create security profiles to identify:

All workers in department HCM US

The legal employer InFusion Corp USA1
Business units USA1 and USA2

Customers assign security profiles to:

Data roles. Data roles always inherit job roles. The job roles provide the function
security access, while the security profiles assigned to the data role provide
access to the data required to perform the duties of the job.

Abstract roles. Three abstract roles are delivered with HCM: employee, line
manager, and contingent worker. You assign security profiles to predefined
abstract roles, such as employee, to grant access to HCM business objects, such
as the worker's own person record. You can also assign security profiles to the
custom abstract roles that you create.
Note: In Cloud environments, security profiles are preassigned to the Employee,
Line Manager, and Contingent Worker abstract roles.


Job roles. Assigning security profiles directly to job roles is less common, since
users with the same job often access different sets of data.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Security Profiles Example

Security profiles are assigned to roles that are directly assigned to users.
In the following example, Tim Thompson and Patricia Smith are both human resource
specialists, Tim in US Marketing and Patricia in US Sales. Each has a data role that
inherits the job role Human Resource Specialist and the duty roles appropriate to that
job role. Therefore, Tim and Patricia can perform the same functions and see the same
entries in the Navigator, work area Tasks panes, and menus. However, each user
accesses different sets of data, which are identified in separate sets of security profiles.

Note: If Tim and Patricia could access the same sets of data, you would assign the
same data role to both users.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

HCM Security Profile Types

You can create HCM security profiles for the following HCM business objects:

Person (managed)
Person (public)
Legislative Data Group
Document Type
Payroll Flow
Workforce Business Process

Two uses for the person security profile exist because many users need to access two
distinct sets of people from each of their roles: people whom they manage and people
whose public contact details they need to access (for example, in a worker directory).


The Person (managed) profile controls which people you can perform actions

The Person (public) profile controls which people you can search for in the
Person Gallery. This profile is also used to secure some person LOVs. For
example, the Change Manager page and New Hire flows display a person LOV
that is secured using the public person security profile, rather than the person
security profile. This is because the person who is selecting the manager for a
worker might not have view access for that manager through their person
security profile.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Predefined HCM Security Profiles

The following HCM security profiles are predefined:

You cannot:

Edit or delete the predefined security profiles.

Create a custom security profile that provides access to all objects; you must use
the appropriate predefined View All security profile instead.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

HCM Security Profiles Best Practices

The following recommendations apply to all types of HCM security profiles:


HCM security profiles are reusable and modular. Once you create a security
profile, you can assign it to multiple data roles.

You can reference organization, position, payroll, and other security profiles in a
person security profile. For example, you might define an organization security
profile that allows access to a particular business unit. You can then reference
the organization security profile in a person security profile to provide access to
people who are assigned to that business unit.

Use the predefined security profiles wherever appropriate.

Define a naming scheme that identifies clearly the set of business objects in the
security profile's data instance set, such as HCM US Departments or US
Marketing Positions. Security profile names must be unique in the enterprise for
the security profile type.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Approaches to Assigning Security Profiles to HCM Roles

Consider these approaches when assigning security profiles to HCM roles:

Give employees access to their own records, the person records of their
emergency contacts, beneficiaries, and dependents, and all public-person
records. Assign relevant HCM security profiles directly to the employee abstract

Give managers access to the person records of direct and indirect reports.
Assign relevant HCM security profiles directly to the line manager abstract role.

For individual job roles, determine whether all users with that job role access the
same HCM business object instances. In this scenario, you do not need to create
a data role; you can simply assign the security profiles to the job role.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Creating Security Profiles

You create a security profile using one of the following tasks:

Manage Country Security Profile

Manage Document Type Security Profile
Manage Legislative Data Group Security Profile
Manage Organization Security Profile
Manage Payroll Flow Security Profile
Manage Payroll Security Profile
Manage Person Security Profile
Manage Position Security Profile
Manage Workforce Business Process Security Profile

The following screen is used to create a person security profile:

Manage Person Security Profile > Manage Person Security Profiles page > Create
Person Security Profile


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Once you have defined the security profile, you assign it to a data role using the
Manage Data Role and Security Profiles task.
Note: You do not need to create a security profile in advance; you can create one when
you create the data role as you will see in the next slide.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Creating Data Roles

Use the Manage Data Role and Security Profiles task to create and manage data
roles and assign security profiles to them.
When you create a new data role, you must first select the job role (or abstract role) on
which the data role is based:

Manage Data Role and Security Profiles > Manage Data Role and Security Profiles
page > Create Data Role > Create Data Role: Select Role page
Click Next to define the security criteria for the data role. In the sample screen below,
existing security profiles were selected for all criteria except Person. A new person
security profile will be created as part of the data role creation process.


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Manage Data Role and Security Profiles > Manage Data Role and Security Profiles
page > Create Data Role > Create Data Role: Select Role page > Create Data Role:
Select Criteria page
When you click Next, you see a series of pages, one for each security profile assigned
to the data role. When you get to the Person page, you can define criteria for the new
person security profile:

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Manage Data Role and Security Profiles > Manage Data Role and Security Profiles
page > Create Data Role > Create Data Role: Select Role page > Create Data Role:
Select Criteria page > Assign Security Profiles to Role: Person Security Profile page
Note: You can also use the Manage Data Role and Security Profiles task to assign
security profiles to existing data roles.


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

User and Role Provisioning

Provisioning Roles to Users: Overview
Role provisioning is built into Oracle Fusion HR flows. You can initiate the provisioning
and revoking of roles from within the following flows:

Hire an Employee
Promote Worker
Transfer Worker

Users can self-request new roles if role mapping rules have been defined (as described
on the next page) and the user meets the specified criteria. Line managers and HR
specialists can request new roles for the people they manage and revoke existing roles
from people they manage.
Note: By default, users have no access to functions and data. To enable users to
access functions and data, you must provision roles to them.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Instructor Note: Roles Must Be Provisioned

You cannot emphasize this point too strongly: roles, even standard roles such as
Employee and Line Manager, must be provisioned to users. Hiring a person as an
employee is not the same as provisioning the Employee role to the worker; they are
separate tasks. However, often (as in this training environment) Employee and Line
Manager roles are automatically provisioned, and default role mapping rules are
provided in Cloud HCM pods.


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Defining Role-Provisioning Rules

Role-provisioning rules determine the roles that a user should have based on their HR
assignments. Also referred to as role mappings, role-provisioning rules define an
association between a set of conditions (typically assignment attribute values) and one
or more job, abstract, and data roles.
Use the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task in the Setup and Maintenance
work area to create and manage role-provisioning rules.

Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules > Manage Role Mappings page > Create Role
Mapping page
Note: You cannot assign a role to a user unless a role-provisioning rule exits for that
role and the conditions defined in the rule are met.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Role-Provisioning Options
When defining role-provisioning rules on the Create Role Mapping page, you have
several provisioning options:

Auto Provision. Provisions roles automatically to all eligible users when at least
one of their assignments is either created or updated and satisfies the rolemapping conditions.
An automatically provisioned role is deprovisioned automatically when the
users assignments cease to satisfy the role-mapping conditions.

Requestable. Enables users, such as line managers and human resource

specialists, to provision roles manually to other users. Users retain roles that are
provisioned to them manually until either all their work relationships are
terminated or the roles are deprovisioned manually.
Note: The criteria defined in the Conditions section must be satisfied by the
user who is provisioning the role to other users, not by the users who are
receiving the role.

Self-Requestable. Enables users to request roles for themselves. Users retain

roles that they request for themselves manually until either all their work
relationships are terminated or the roles are deprovisioned manually.

Apply Auto Provisioning. Provisions roles to users immediately, rather than

waiting until the role is provisioned automatically or requested manually.
When you click this button, all assignments and role mappings in the enterprise
are reviewed and any necessary provisioning and deprovisioning of roles occurs
immediately. You can also perform auto provisioning from an individual user's
account, in which case only that users assignments are reviewed and any
necessary provisioning and deprovisioning of roles for that user occur


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Predefined Role-Provisioning Rules

The following role-provisioning rules are predefined for HCM Cloud environments:

Employee. Automatically provisions the Employee role

Contingent Worker. Automatically provisions the Contingent Worker role

Line Manager. Automatically provisions the Line Manager role

Requestable Roles. Defines all predefined View All data roles as Requestable
(manually provisioned)

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Integration with New Hire Flow

Instructor Note: New Hire Process
You can demo the Hire an Employee flow to show how roles are assigned during the
new hire process. However, this process requires you to provide data in a large number
of fields in order to progress through the entire flow. It may be faster (and perfectly
adequate) to display and discuss the screens that follow, rather than doing a


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Integration with New Hire Flow

The following screens illustrate how role provisioning is integrated into the New Hire
To meet the conditions defined in the role mapping example on the Defining Role
Provisioning Rules page, an employee would need to work for InFusion Corp USA1
and be assigned the job of HR010.HR Specialist. You specify the employee's legal
employer on the Identification page of the Hire an Employee flow, as shown in this

Manager Resources > New Person > Hire an Employee > Identification page

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

New Hire Flow - Job Assignment

You specify the employee's job on the Employment Information page of the Hire an
Employee flow, as shown in this figure:

Manager Resources > New Person > Hire an Employee > Identification page > Person
Information page > Employment Information page


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

New Hire Flow - Role Requests

The Roles page of the flow shows the roles that will be automatically provisioned to the
employee based on the selected job, along with the Employee abstract role:

Manager Resources > New Person > Hire an Employee > Identification page > Person
Information page > Employment Information page
To manually provision additional roles to the user, click Add Role and select the role
you want to give to this user.
You can use the Manage Users task to add or remove roles from an existing user.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Review Question 1
You can identify a set of person records in a person security profile by:


Legislative data group

Custom criteria
Person type
All of the above

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Review Question 1
Roles can be provisioned to users:

By other users
On user request
All of the above

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Review Question 2
All roles in a role mapping must have the same provisioning option.
1. True
2. False


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Review Question 3
Which of the following roles can be provisioned to users directly?

Duty roles
Abstract roles
Job roles
Data roles

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Review Questions and Answers

You can identify a set of person records in a person security profile by:
5. All of the above (legislative data group, custom criteria, person type, and payroll)
Roles can be provisioned to users:
4. All of the above (automatically, by other users, and on user request)
All roles in a role mapping must have the same provisioning option.
2. False
Which of the following roles can be provisioned to users directly?
2, 3, and 4:
2. Abstract roles
3. Job roles
4 Data roles


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Security Reference Implementation

For descriptions of all the predefined data that is included in the security
reference implementation for HCM, see the Oracle Fusion Applications
Human Capital Management Security Reference Manual.

For descriptions of predefined data that is common across Oracle Fusion

Applications, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security
Reference Manual.

To view the manuals:

1. Access the main Oracle Fusion Application Documentation page at:
2. Under Oracle Fusion Applications Documentation, click on the link for your
Oracle Fusion Applications release.
3. On the Oracle Fusion Applications Documentation page, click the Human
Capital Management tab.
4. Under Administration Guides, click the PDF or HTML link for the manual you
want to view.

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you learned about:

HCM Security Basics

Creating and Managing Security Profiles and Data Roles
Provisioning Roles to Users

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Lesson 16: Appendix B

Lesson Details
Security Basics
Security in Oracle Fusion Applications is role-based, where roles control who can do
what on which data. Oracle Fusion Applications defines four types of roles:

Abstract roles
Data roles
Job roles
Duty roles

Creating Security Profiles and Data Roles

Most Oracle Fusion HCM data is secured by means of HCM security profiles. A security
profile identifies a set of data of a single type, for example, you could create security
profiles to identify all workers in department HCM US. HCM security profiles are an
Oracle Fusion HCM feature; they are not used by other Oracle Fusion Applications.
Provisioning Roles to Users
Abstract and data roles must be provisioned to users so that they can access the
functions and data that enable them to perform their jobs. The process of assigning
roles to users is known as role provisioning. When you hire a worker, a user account is
(typically) created automatically. Roles can be provisioned automatically or manually.


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Lesson 16: Appendix B

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Lesson 17: Appendix C

Business Intelligence and Ad Hoc Reporting
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:


Identify and compare the business intelligence and reporting tools that are
available to Oracle HCM Cloud Service customers
Identify how to access reports and analytics
Describe dashboards
Edit dashboards

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Overview of Oracle Fusion Reporting Tools for Oracle

HCM Cloud Service
Oracle Business Intelligence offers a complete, integrated solution that generates and
delivers analyses for Oracle Fusion Applications.
The Oracle Business Intelligence platform is an enterprise-class platform for all modes
of analysis and information delivery, including dashboards, ad hoc analysis, online
analytical processing (OLAP), predictive analytics, and enterprise reporting. You can
access information through multiple channels, such as web-based user interfaces,
industry standard portals, mobile devices, and the Microsoft Office Suite of applications.
You can push information to users through notifications, or embed it within business
process workflows. Oracle Business Intelligence simplifies systems deployment and
management through integrated systems management capabilities.
Oracle Business Intelligence products integrated with Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI)
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher)
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA)

Throughout this lesson, analyses will refer to queries that you create in OTBI, and
reports will refer to BI Publisher queries.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) is a comprehensive set of
enterprise business intelligence tools and infrastructure that includes:

Scalable and efficient query and analysis server

Ad hoc query and analysis tool
Tools to allow users to create and manage interactive dashboards
Tools to allow users to create and manage proactive intelligence and alerts
Enterprise reporting engine (integration with BI Publisher)

Oracle Business Intelligence Answers enables you to create and maintain OTBI and
OBIA analyses.


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) is:

A business intelligence semantic layer that is built using OBIEE

Based on Fusion data structures
Allows users to run seeded sample reports and to create their own reporting
solutions using OBIEE or BI Composer

Constructed analyses are executed in real time against the transactional schema, which
is supported by a layer of view objects.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

BI Publisher
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) is an enterprise reporting solution
for authoring, managing, and delivering reports from multiple data sources in multiple
formats through multiple channels.
BI Publisher can be used as an alternative reporting solution to OTBI.
The following data sources are available:


SQL Query
MDX Query
Oracle BI Analysis
View Object
Web Service
LDAP Query
XML File
Microsoft Excel File
CSV File
Oracle Endeca Query

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications is a complete, prebuilt solution that delivers
role-based intelligence. Oracle Business Intelligence Applications can analyze the
history and trends of transactional data.
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications reporting uses Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse, a unified data repository for all customer-centric data, used to support the
analytical requirements of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications supplies the warehouse database schema and the logic that
extracts data from the Oracle Fusion Applications transactional database and loads it to
the warehouse. Oracle Fusion Applications end users interact with the information in
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse using Oracle BI Enterprise Edition components
(such as Answers and Dashboards).
OBIA is an additional license.
Note: OBIA is not available to Cloud customers, but is included here for
comparison purposes.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Comparison of Reporting Tools

The following figure compares the reporting tools available to Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud
Service customers:

Note: Extracts are covered in a separate lesson, but are included here for comparison


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Advantages and Disadvantages of OTBI

The following figure illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of OTBI:

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Advantages and Disadvantages of BI Publisher

The following figure illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of BI Publisher:

Note: The ability to query unsecured Fusion tables can also be seen as an advantage.
When developing a BI Publisher report, you can choose whether or not to retrieve data
that is subject to data security restrictions. You do this by using (or ignoring) the secure
list views, which are covered in the BI Publisher topic.
Sometimes a report developer will want to bypass data security, but you should limit
who has access to do this.


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Advantages and Disadvantages of OBIA

The following figure illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of OBIA:

Note: OBIA does secure access to HCM data, but it doesn't use security profiles.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Review Question 1
Which tool is not available to Cloud customers?


BI Publisher

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Review Question 2
Which of the following is not one of the pros of OTBI?

Creating head count and salary trend reports
Provides real-time data results
Leverages Fusion security

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Review Question 3
True or False: Using BI Publisher, it is possible to query over unsecured tables within


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

All Questions and Answers

Which tool is not available to Cloud customers? (2. OBIA)

BI Publisher

Which of the following is not one of the pros of OTBI? (2. Creating head count and
salary trend reports)

Creating head count and salary trend reports
Provides real-time data results
Leverages Fusion security

True or False: Using BI Publisher, it is possible to query over unsecured tables

within Fusion. (True)

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Reports and Analytics Navigation

You can access the Oracle Fusion reporting tools from:


Fusion dashboards and work areas (Human Resources dashboard, Performance

Management work area, and Goal Management work area)
Navigator menu>Tools>Reports and Analytics

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Dashboards provide personalized views of corporate and external information. A
dashboard consists of one or more pages, and appears as a tab. Pages can display
anything that you can access or open with a web browser, including the following:

The results of analyses: The results of an analysis is the output returned from the
Oracle BI Server that matches the analysis criteria. It can be shown in various
views, such as a table, graph, and gauge. Users can examine and analyze
results, print as PDF or HTML, save as PDF, or export them to a spreadsheet.
Alerts from agents
Action links and action link menus
Views of folders in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
Links to web sites
Links to documents
Embedded content (such as web pages or documents)

When you open a dashboard, the content of the dashboard is displayed in one or more
dashboard pages. Dashboard pages are identified by tabs across the top of the
dashboard. A toolbar at the top right contains buttons that let you:

Edit the dashboard, if you have the appropriate permissions and privileges.
Display various options for working with a "Dashboard page", such as printing the
current page.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Instructor Note: Demo 1 Timing

Approximate Demonstration Timing: 5 minutes


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Demonstration 1: Editing a Dashboard

Demonstration Background
This is a demonstration of how to edit an existing dashboard
Demonstration Scope
This demonstration covers how you can review the existing dashboards and edit
Demonstration Steps
Sign in as curtis.feitty.
In the global area Navigator menu under Tools, select Reports and Analytics.
Location: Reports and Analytics work area

1. In the global header, click the Browse Catalog icon button.

2. Expand Shared Folders.
Location: BI Catalog
3. Expand the Fusion Tap folder.
4. Click Expand under Dashboards.
5. Locate the Hiring Dashboard on the right side of the page, and click Open to
review the dashboard.
6. In the upper-right corner, expand the Page Options icon button to open the
7. Click Edit Dashboard.
Location: Hiring Dashboard
8. Point out that this dashboard has one column, and then one section with two
items of embedded content.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

9. Hover over the upper right-hand corner and show how you can edit either the
section or a specific analysis.
10. Click the Properties button for the Hires by Country analysis.
11. Click the Edit Analysis icon button.
12. Click the Edit View icon button for the Table analysis.
13. Click the Table View Properties icon button.
14. In the Table Properties window, review the options for editing the table.
15. Change the Paging Controls option to Top.
16. Click OK.
17. Point out the paging control options are now at the top of the page.
18. Click Done.
19. Click the Return to Hiring Dashboard link.


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Adding Content to a Dashboard

You can add the following content to dashboards:

Dashboard objects, including objects that let you lay out the content, such as
columns and sections, as well as objects such as text, folders, action links, and
so on.
Objects that you or someone else has saved to the Oracle BI Presentation
Catalog and for which you have the appropriate permissions, such as analyses,
prompts, and so on.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Instructor Note: Demonstration 2 Timing

Approximate Demonstration Timing: 5 minutes


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Demonstration 2: Adding Content to a Dashboard

You are the HR Specialist, and you want to add the Assignment Headcount by
Department analysis to the Welcome page so that it's easily accessible.
You must have access to Oracle Fusion Application InFusion database or comparable
training or test instance at your site, on which to complete this practice.
Activity Scope
You will add the Assignment Headcount by Department analysis to the Welcome page.

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Demonstration 2: Adding Content to a Dashboard

In this activity, your instructor will add the Absences by Department analysis to the
Human Resources dashboard.
Sign in: Curtis.Feitty
Start Here:
Welcome page
1. Click the Human Resources tab.
2. In the upper-right corner, click Personalization.
3. Select Edit Current Page.
4. Above the Visa and Work Permit Expiration region, click Add Content.
5. Click Reports and Analytics.
Location: Add Content window
6. Click BIPresentationServer.
7. Click Shared Folders.
8. Click the Human Capital Management folder.
9. Scroll down and click the Workforce Management folder.
10. Click Transactional Analysis Samples.
11. Next to Assignment Headcount by Department, click Add.
12. Click Close.
13. Review the report. It may take a few minutes to load the data.


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

There are no activities for this lesson

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Lesson Highlights
In this lesson, you should have learned how to:


Identify and compare the business intelligence and reporting tools that are
available to Oracle HCM Cloud Service customers
Identify how to access reports and analytics
Describe dashboards
Edit dashboards

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Lesson Resources
For more information about topics in this lesson, see the following resources:
Oracle University course: Fusion Applications: BI and Ad hoc Reporting for HCM
Overview of Business Intelligence and Reporting Components: MOS Support Note ID
Documentation for Business Intelligence and Reporting: MOS Support Note ID
Oracle Fusion Applications Concepts Guide: Chapter - Oracle Fusion Middleware
Components: Section - Oracle Business Intelligence
Oracle Fusion Applications Common User Guide: Chapter - Processes, Reports,
Analytics (Business Intelligence Objects: Highlights; Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher: Highlights)
Oracle Fusion Applications Common User Guide: Chapter - Processes, Reports,
Analytics: Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained
Oracle Transactional BI site:
Deep Dives (click on Business Intelligence):|rad=dd|pt=Deep%20
Oracle Learning Library
Creating OTBI Reports with BI Composer and Analyses for Fusion HCM,P24_PREV_
OBIEE, BI Composer, and Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Documentation and Tutorials:
Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise

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Lesson 17: Appendix C

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise
BI Composer
Guidelines for creating cross subject area reports in Oracle Transactional BI (OTBI) [ID
BI Publisher
Overview, Documentation, Downloads, Community Information: External OTN BI
Publisher page:
BIP Publisher online help:
Oracle Learning Library:
Creating BI Publisher Reports with OTBI Subject Areas as Data Source,P24_PREV_


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Lesson 17: Appendix C

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