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1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a paradox of progress?

a. We have more choices than ever in the modern age, but more choice often involves lower
satisfaction with our choices.
b. Modern technology helps us be more connected to each other, and this raises our level of
social support.

2. Jaime is looking for a self-help book to assist her in having more success in romantic
relationships. She finds one and it seems clearly written, does not seem to "over-promise" on
change, and is research based. It is focused primarily on romantic relationships, and has detailed
descriptions of how to change her problem behaviors. Should Jaime buy this book?
A: Probably, but she should check the credentials of the author.
3. Kendall is convinced of his own importance. He seems to require a lot of flattery, and feels
like he deserves better than everyone else. His co-workers cannot trust him, as he will often paint
them in a negative light in order to boost his own appearance to the supervisor. Kendall has
which personality trait?
A: Narcissism
4. Why are mental processes more difficult to study than behavior?
A: Mental processes are not directly observable
5. Which of the following terms is MOST closely related to the term "adjustment" as used by
your text?
A: adaptation
6. Amanda strongly believes that to know something is true, you have to have observations to
support that belief. Amanda is probably a proponent of
a. empiricism.
7.Hakira wants to understand if sleep deprivation causes memory deficits. What sort of research
should she do?
a. naturalistic observation.
b. experimental.
8.Sanjay is doing an experiment in which some participants study using mnemonics, and other
participants study using rote memorization. He then compares the two groups' performance on a
test over the material they studied. The performance on the test is the ________ variable in this

A: Dependent

9. Mariah has done a study and found a correlation between the amount of cardiovascular
exercise a person gets and their level of depression. The more cardiovascular exercise, the lower
the level of depression. The correlation is very strong. Which of the following correlations did
Mariah find?
a. -.10
b. -.60
10. Chancy is studying children playing the playground, watching for aggressive behavior. He
codes when it occurs, the race and gender of the perpetrator, and the age of both the perpetrator
and victim. He sits and observes in a place where he is not easily seen by the children so that he
won't influence their behavior in any way. Chancy is conducting
a. an experiment.
b. a naturalistic observation.

11. For what research question would it make the most sense to perform a case study?
a. Which therapy is most suited to treating depression?

12. During election season, Karyn's phone rings. When she answers, she is asked a series of
questions about her intention to vote in the upcoming election, what issues are most important to
her, and so forth. She is asked to provide her answers on rating scales. Lots of others are getting
this same phone call. Karyn is participating in which type of research method?
a. naturalistic observation
b. correlational
c. survey

13. Russell is participating in a research study where he rates how satisfied he is with his life
overall. Russell is probably in a study focused on
a. subjective well-being.

14. Which person below is most likely to be happy?

a. Daniel, who likes people but doesn't have many friends.
b. Jancy, who is very satisfied with her marriage
15. Who is LEAST likely to be happy?
a. Curt, who is out of work.

1. Jameson is describing his roommate at college when he talks to his folks on the phone. "Well, he is
really laid back. About everything. It doesn't matter if we are talking about schoolwork, cleaning the
room, or working out. This guy just really doesn't work too hard at it." Jameson's description of his
roommate emphasizes the importance of ________ in personality.
A: Consistency
2. Eron is disciplined and organized. He is always on time for meetings, and he always gets his work
done on time. His colleagues know they can count on him to do what he says he will do. Eron is
probably high on which Big Five factor?
A: Conscientiousness
3. Three-year-old Cohen is throwing a fit at the grocery stores. "I want candy! I want candy! I want
candy now!!!!" he screams at his mother. He kicks the cart and waves his hands angrily. According to
psychodynamic perspectives on personality, which part of Cohen's personality is responsible for his
behavior at the store?
A: Id

4. You are probably not currently thinking about your middle name, but if your teacher asked you for
it, then it would be easy to retrieve. When you are not thinking of your middle name, it is at that
________ level of awareness.
A: Preconscious
5. Even though David is really attracted to Betty, he acts like he hates her. David is showing the
defense mechanism of.
A:Reaction Formation

6. When someone comes to the door, your family dog automatically starts barking and jumping. Your
family installs a doorbell, and at first the dog doesn't realize this bell signals the arrival of guests and
does not react to its sound. After a while, though, the dog begins barking and jumping to the sound of
the doorbell alone. In this example, once the dog learns to bark and jump in response to the doorbell,
the doorbell is the
A: Conditioned Stimulus
7. Lindy has a headache, so she takes an Advil. The headache goes away. Now Lindy is more likely to
take Advil the next time she had a headache. Lindy has experienced
A: Negative Reinforcement
8. Kirk wants very much to quit smoking. He would feel healthier and he wouldn't smell like smoke
all the time. There are a lot of good reasons to quit. However, he is not at all certain he can quit. In
this situation, Kirk's uncertainty illustrates
A: low self-efficacy
9. Kelvey is describing himself in his online profile for a dating service. He types, "I'm handsome,
assertive, and outgoing." According to the humanistic perspective, Kelvey is describing
A: Self-Concept
10. Marcel has enough to eat and a safe place to live. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what
need fulfillment will Marcel be focused on next?
A: Belongingness and love
11. Because research in the humanistic perspective on psychology is often conducted in uncontrolled
clinical settings, there is little experimental research to support it. Which weakness of the humanistic
perspective does this criticism relate most closely to?
A. Inadequate evidence
12. Krika is trying to understand the degree to which extraversion is genetic versus environmental.
She has a large group of identical twins and fraternal twins and measures them all on how
extraverted they are. She then compares the degree of similarity between the identical twin sets to
the fraternal sets. Krika is conducting a(n)
A: Twin Study

13. Evolutionary theorists know the behaviors that are typical for humans, and then work backwards
to explain how adaptive pressures in human history could have brought those to be. This
characteristic of evolutionary theory is most closely related to which of the following criticisms?
A: Hindsight bias
14. Nadya gets bored very easily. She like excitement and loves to ride scary rollercosters and rides at
amusement parks. Nadya is probably high on which personality trait?
A: Sensation seeking

15. Which conclusion about the relevance of the Big Five cross-culturally is MOST accurate?
A: Big five personality trait structure seems universal.

1. Ashayla is about to race her first triathlon ever. She decides that the event is not stressful. Ashayla
has just completed a(n) ________ appraisal.
A: Primary
2. Jade lives in a poor neighborhood that has a lot of crime. Her home has not been broken into, but
both of her neighbors have, and the police are often coming to the neighborhood to break up violent
conflicts. Because of this, Jade has to plan her day to avoid times crime is likely and keep safe. Jade's
living conditions illustrate
A: Ambient Stress
3. Hyueon recently came to the United States from South Korea for college. In addition to all the

stress of schoolwork, she is trying to understand the social norms in her new country. Hyueon is
probably experiencing the stress of
A: Acculturation
4. Jun is an unhappy marriage and has been for over a decade. Although he is miserable in the
marriage, he has no plans to divorce his wife. Jun's unhappy marriage is an example of a(n)
A: Chronic Stressor
5. Amira has choice between two possible colleges. One has a great program in her intended major.
The other has a lot of extracurricular activities that she would like to participate in. She would love to
attend both colleges, but needs to decide on one. Amira is experiencing a(n) ________ conflict.
A: Approach Approach
6. Mark's parents really want him to go into the ministry and become a pastor. Mark does not really
want to pursue this career path. Which source of stress is Mark experiencing?
A: Pressure

7. Hanna is doing an extremely complex gymnastics routine at a competition. She will perform best if
her level of arousal is
A: Low
8. McKenna is taking a jog after dark. She thinks she hears someone following her and her heart
begins to pound as her eyes dilate and her body prepares to react to this emergency. The ________
nervous system is responsible for mobilizing her body for action.
A: Sympathetic

9. Jean has been taking 19 hours this semester, works full time, and is a single mother. By the end of
the semester, she has developed the flu and is in the hospital. In which stage of the General
Adaptation Syndrome is Jean?
A: Exhaustion
10. Dave and Tracy have just had a very premature baby. The baby is still in the hospital and is in
critical condition. Tracy talks to her friends so that she can reduce the stress she feels about this
situation. Dave works out and does yoga to reduce the stress he feels from the situational stress. Both
Dave and Tracy are engaged in
A: Coping
11. Ronnie has just returned from a second tour of duty in Afghanistan. He suffers from flashbacks
from some of the combat experiences he has had, is plagued by guilt over buddies who did not
survive the tour, and drinks excessively to forget all this. Ronnie probably suffers from
12. Edie has a very stressful job - she is an ER nurse. Often at night, she goes home still worrying
about some of her patients. She has developed an ulcer from all of her worrying. Given that her ulcer
is caused by her stress, some might argue that Edie has
A: Psychosomatic Disease
13. Lance is in the hospital with a serious disease. His neighbor makes sure his lawn is mowed. His
friends from church make sure his kids are fed. His pals from work stop by and visit him. Lance is
experiencing the stress moderator known as
A: Social Support
14. Grayson has a GPA of 1.3 at the end of his first semester of college. Rather than moping around
and complaining, he sees the second semester as a challenge through which he can "redeem" himself
in his parents' and professors' eyes. He makes a list of changes he can make that will support an
improved GPA, and alters his schedule so that he can implement these changes. He is excited to
show everyone what he can do. This information suggests that Grayson has which characteristic
which should moderate his stress?
A: Hardiness

15. Elza is always down on himself. When things go wrong at work, he thinks it is because he isn't
good at what he does. When things go wrong for Marie at work, she thinks it is because she had a bad
day and that probably the next day will be better. Elza has a(n) ________ explanatory style and
Marie has a(n) ________ explanatory style.
A: Pessimistic; Optimistic

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