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Soal Tes TOEFL

1. Captain Henry,_____________ crept slowly through the underbrush.
A. being remote from the enemy,
B. attempting to not encounter the enemy,
C. trying to avoid the enemy,
D. not involving himself in the enemy,
2. Tommy was one ____________________
A. of the happy childs of his class
B. of the happiest child in the class
C. child who was the happiest of all the class
D. of the happiest children in the class
3._____________ he began to make friends more easily.
A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that
B. After entering the new school,
C. When he had been entering the new school,
D. Upon entering into the new school,
4. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because _____________
A. it grows very carelessly
B. or it`s growth without attention
C. it grows well with little care
D. it doesn`t care much to grow
5. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty ___________
A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system
B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system
C. how we want to learn more about the solar system
D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system
6. Many of the current international problems we are now facing _______________
A. linguistic incompetencies
B. are the result of misunderstandings
C. are because of not understanding themselves
D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other
7. Mr.Roberts is a noted chemist_____________
A. as well as an effective teacher
B. and too a very efficient teacher
C. but he teaches very good in addition
D. however he teaches very good also
8. Public television stations are different from commercial stations __________________
A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows
B. for money and program types
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter
9. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality _______________________ A. for a larger profit margin
B. in place of to earn more money
C. to gain more quantities of money
D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit

10. Automobile production in the United States ____________

A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years
B. has been rather erratic recently
C. has been erratically lately
D. are going up and down all the time
11. A major problem in the construction of new buildings _______________
A. is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected
B. is they have eliminated windows and still don't have good air conditioning
C. is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don't work good
D. is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce
efficient air conditioning systems
12.John said that no other car could go ______________
A. so fast like his car
B. as fast like his car
C. as fast like the car of him
D. as fast as his car
13. Her grades have improved, but only ________________
A. in a small amount
B. very slightly
C. minimum
D. some
14. While attempting to reach his home before the storm,_______________
A. the bicycle of John broke down
B. it happened that John's bike broke down
C. the storm caught John
D. John had an accident on his bicycle
15. The changes in this city have occurred _________________
A. with swiftness
B. rapidly
C. fastly
D. in rapid ways

Kunci dan Pembahasan Jawaban

1. C
Pembahasan Jawaban: sangat mudah dipahami dari pendekatan makna
2. D
Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns (children)
3. B
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that --> it mengarah ke mana?
B. After entering the new school,
C. When he had been entering the new school, --> penggunaan tense yg tidak tepat
D. Upon entering into the new school, --> enter + noun
4. C
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. it grows very carelessly --> carelessly hanya digunakan untuk animal dan people
B. or it`s growth without attention --> it's ---> its
C. it grows well with little care
D. it doesn`t care much to grow --> kata care megacu ke 'perasaan' yang seharusnya tidak ditujukan

ke tumbuhan marijuana
5. B
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system --> our wanting (masuk di materi
B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system
C. how we want to learn more about the solar system --> jika ini digunakan maka kalimat tidak
lengkap / tanpa verb utama
D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system -->
terlalu bertele-tele
6. B
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. linguistic incompetencies --> kalimat yg fragmen
B. are the result of misunderstandings
C. are because of not understanding themselves --> themselves mengarah ke mana?
D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other --> makna tidak sesuai
7. A
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. as well as an effective teacher
B. and too a very efficient teacher --> too mestinya also
C. but he teaches very good in addition --> teaches well
D. however he teaches very good also --> teaches well
8. C
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows --> salah pemilihan kata
B. for money and program types ---> salah pemilihan kata
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter --> different from
9. A
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. for a larger profit margin
B. in place of to earn more money --> of + noun
C. to gain more quantities of money --> salah makna / kalimat tidak membahas quantities of money
D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit --> bigger umum digunakan dalam situasi informal
10. B
Pembahasan Jawaban:
10. Automobile production in the United States ____________
A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years --> have (plural)
B. has been rather erratic recently
C. has been erratically lately --> been verb (linking verb) + adverb
D. are going up and down all the time --> are (plural)
11. A
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected
B. is they have eliminated windows and still don't have good air conditioning --> they mengarah ke?
C. is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don't work good --> work well
D. is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to
produce efficient air conditioning systems --> capable + of + verb-ing
12. D
Pembahasan Jawaban: equal comparison --> as ... as

13. B
Pembahasan Jawaban: improved + adverb (very slightly)
14. D
Pembahasan Jawaban: Reduction in adverbial clause --> while John was attempting to reach his
home before the storm, John had an accident on his bicycle
Prinsip: clause yang bisa di reduksi hanyalah klausa yang mempunyai subjek sama
15. B
Pembahasan Jawaban: have occurred + adverb (rapidly)

1. Andy Warhol was in the Pop Art movement who was known for his multi-image silkscreen paintings.
(A) that one of a leading figure
(B) a leading figure
(C) leading figures
(D) who leads figures
Pembahasan Jawaban: Andy Warhol merupakan seorang figur terkenal (a leading figure).
Tips: Di soal kita bisa identifikasi ada 2 clause:
1. Andy Warhol was in the Pop Art movement
2. who was known for his multi-image silk-screen paintings.
Clauseke dua kita lihat sudah lengkap (terdiri dari subjek dan kata kerja) jadi sudah tidak ada
Clause pertama kita lihat terdapat subjek dan kata kerja yang belum lengkap. Dari pilihan
yang ada ada dua kemungkinan jawaban yang benar sesuai structure: jawaban B dan
jawaban C. Leading berfungsi sebagai kata sifat bukan kata kerja jadi sangat jelas
jawabannya ialah B. Soal ini juga mudah dijawab dengan menggunakan sistem pemaknaan.
2. Even with vast research, there is still a great deal that is known about the workings of
the human brain.
(A) neither
(B) none
(C) no
(D) not
Pembahasan Jawaban: not + verb.
3. the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, many sociologists
believe there is a distinct national character.
(A) In spite of
(B) Despite
(C) Even though
(D) Whether
Pembahasan Jawaban: yang kita butuhkan ialah connector kalimat (pilihan jawaban C).
Tips: Di soal terdapat dua clause:
1. ___ the United States consists of many different immigrant groups,
2. many sociologists believe there is a distinct national character.
Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang lengkap (terdiri dari subject dan verb). Jadi yang kita
butuhkan hanyalah konektor untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause di ata.
Prinsip: Jika dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkannya: jika 3
clause maka kita butuh 2 connector dan begitu seterusnya.
Dari pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan D dan C yang merupakan connector. Sementara pilhan A
dan B merupakan preposition. Dari segi makna sangat jelas pilihan jawabannya ialah C.

4. Typically in meadows or damp woods and bloom in the spring.

(A) wild violets grow
(B) wild violets growth
(C) growing wild violets
(D) the growth of wild violets
Prinsip: Setiap kalimat mesti mempunyai minimal 1 kombinasi subject danverb.
Pembahasan Jawaban: Di soal di atas tidak terdapata subject dan verb. Jadi kita butuhkan
subject dan verb. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan jawaban A yang
mempunyai subject (wild violets) dan verb (grows).
5. The art works of Madlyn-Ann Woolwich are characterized by strong, dark colors and fine
attention to patterns of light the viewers eye.
(A) that attract
(B) when attracted
(C) which attraction
(D) attract to
Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause
6. A grass-eating, river-dwelling mammal, the hippopotamus to the pig.
(A) being related
(B) is related
(C) relate
(D) relating
Pembahasan Jawaban: Soal di atas kehilangan verb. Jadi kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi
kalimat. Hanya pilihan jawaban B dan C yang berisikan verb.Relate + to (relate merupakan
transitive verb yang membutuhkan object jadi tidak boleh ada to menghalangi). Yang cocok
ialah related + to (related tomerupakan phrase yang sangat umum digunakan).
7. Woodrow Wilson as governor of New Jersey before he was elected President of the
United States in 1912.
(A) to have served
(B) who has served
(C) serving
(D) served
Pembahasan Jawaban: Dari soal di atas kita bisa identifikasi terdapat dua clause dan 1
connector (before).
1. Woodrow Wilson as governor of New Jersey
2. he was elected President of the United States in 1912.
Kita lihat bahwa clause 1 kehilangan verb, jadi kita butuh verb dan di pilihan jawaban hanya
pilihan D yang menyediakan verb (utama).
8. fish in Great Salt Lake, but its waters do contain small brine shrimp.
(A) Why no
(B) No
(C) Not only
(D) There are no
Prinsip: Jika dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkannya: jika 3
clause maka kita butuh 2 connector dan begitu seterusnya
9. An etude is a short musical composition written especially a particular technique.
(A) enable students practicing
(B) enables students practicing
(C) enable students to practice
(D) to enable students to practice
Pembahasa Jawaban: subject dan verb sudah terdapat pada soal jadi kita hanya butuh
pelengkap (complement) tidak butuh lagi verb (utama). Di pilihan A, B, dan C terdapat verb

(utama). To infinitive (to enable) merupakan contoh sebuah complement.

10. Seldom games been of practical use in playing real games.
(A) theories of mathematics
(B) theorized as mathematics
(C) has the mathematical theory of
(D) the mathematical theory has
Pembahasan Jawaban: Inversion (pembalikan). Subject + Verb ---> Verb + Subject. Seldom
(negative expression) merupakan sala satu karakteristik dari bentuk inversion.
11. The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, derives its name from a Native American word
bubbling springs.
(A) meant
(B) meaning
(C) that it meant
(D) whose meaning
Pembahasan Jawaban: present participle
12. Jet propulsion involves of air and fuel, which forms a powerful exhaust.
(A) a mixture of ignited
(B) to ignite a mixture
(C) a mixture of igniting
(D) the ignition of a mixture
Pembahasan Jawaban: involves + object (noun). Untuk lebih mudah perhatikan kata of <-noun + of.
13. Salt is manufactured in quantities that exceed those of most other commercial
(A) of all not
(B) not if all are
(C) are not all
(D) if not all
Pembahasan Jawaban: Soal ini mempunyai dua klausa yang telah dilebur menjadi 1.
1. Salt is manufactured in quantities that exceed those of most other commercial chemicals.
2. Salt is manufactured in quantities that exceed all of most other commercial chemicals.
Soal ini juga dengan mudah bisa dijawab dengan menggunakan pendekatan makna /
14. The United States consists of fifty states, - has its own government.
(A) each of which
(B) each they
(C) they each
(D) each of
Pembahasan Jawban: Adjetive clause --> each of which yang menjelaskan states.
15. Though smaller than our solar system, a quasar, which looks like an ordinary star, emits
more light galaxy.
(A) than an entire
(B) entirely as
(C) that the entire
(D) entirely than
Pembahasan Jawaban: comparison degree ----> dapat diketahui dari frasa more light.

1. The ancestors of the horse lived ..... and were about half a meter tall.
(A) years ago 60 million
(B) 60 million years ago
(C) ago 60 million years
(D) million years ago 60
2. The museum on Ellis Island, a former immigration station, contains documents and
four centuries of United States immigration.
(A) related them
(B) related
(C) related that
(D) be related
3. _________, particularly the oxides of sulfur, greatly increases the rate at which rust forms.
(A) The presence of air pollutants
(B) Air pollutants are present
(C) Because the presence of air pollutants
(D) Air pollutants whose presence
4. The Sun, the Moon, and Earth have magnetic fields, and _________ evidence that the stellar that
extend through vast regions galaxies have fields of space.
(A) which is
(B) is
(C) because
(D) There is
5. The confederation school poets of nineteenth-century Canada were primarily nature poets,
_________ a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life.
(A) and producing
(B) who they produced
(C) producing
(D) whose production of
6. Since prehistoric people first applied natural pigments to cave walls, ______ have painted to
express themselves.
(A) when artists
(B) artists
(C) artists who
(D) that artists
7. About 42 million bushels of oats are used annually ______ manufacture of breakfast foods in the
United States.
(A) the
(B) is the
(C) in the
(D) to
8. Any acid can, in principle, neutralize any base, although ______ between some of the more
reactive compounds.
(A) side reactions can occur
(B) the occurrence of side reactions can
(C) can side reactions occur
(D) side reactions that can occur
9. Just over two-thirds of Earths surface is covered by water, ...... more than 98 percent of this water
is contained in the oceans.
(A) with
(B) which
(C) and
(D) resulting
10. Pleasing to look at and touch, beads come in shapes, colors, and materials handle and to

sort them.
(A) that almost compel one
(B) one compels
(C) that compel almost
(D) one is almost compelled
11. In 1978 the united States National Air and Space Administration selected Sally Ride.......the first
woman astronaut.
(A) who being
(B) to be
(C) and being
(D) was
12. Adhesions are ....... formed within the body in response to inflammation or injury.
(A) that thin bands of scar tissue
(B) they thin bands of scar tissue when
(C) thin bands of scar tissue
(D) thin bands of scar tissue able to
13. The planet Neptune is about 30 times ...... from the Sun as Earth is.
(A) far
(B) as far
(C) more far
(D) far that
14. Not until the 1850's ...... a few public-spirited citizens and state legislatures seek to rescue historic
buildings in the United States from destruction or alteration.
(A) both
(B) came
(C) did
(D) when
15. ...... 200 bones forming the framework, or skeleton, of the human body.
(A) Being over
(B) There are over
(C) Where over
(D) Over

Pembahasan Jawaban
Number 1: (B) 60 million years ago
-----------> the simple one: 3 years ago.
Number 2: (B) related
-----------> artifacts related to four centuries of United States immigration.
-----------> REDUCTION IN ADJECTIVE CLAUSE: artifacts (THAT ARE) related to four centuries of
United States immigration.
Number 3: (A) The presence of air pollutants
------------> MISSING SUBJECT
Number 4: (D) there is
------------> 3 CLAUSES
The Sun, the Moon, and Earth have magnetic fields.
There is evidence that the stellar have fields of space.
The stellar that extend through vast regions galaxies (Dependent clause: adjective clause).
Number 5: (C) producing
------------> nature poets, producing a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life.
------------> nature poets, who produced a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life
6. (B) artists

---> The sentence needs A SUBJECT

7. (C) in the
--> SUBJECT: About 42 million bushels of oats
--> VERB: are used
--> ADVERB: annually
--> ADVERB: in the manufacture of breakfast foods in the United States.
8. (A) side reactions can occur
--> The sentence requires a SUBJECT + VERB
Number 9: (C) and
----------> 2 clauses NEEDS a connector.
Number 10: (A) that almost compel one
Number 11: (B) to be
----------> INFINITIVE VS Gerund
Number 12: (C) thin bands of scar tissue
Number 13: (B) as far
------------> as + adjective/adverb + as
Number 14: (C) did
------------> Inversion
Number 15: (B) There are over
------------> The sentence requires a SUBJECT + VERB

1.The musical comedy Oklahoma did much to expand the potential of the musical stage, and it
encouraged others to attempt......
(a)original themes
(b)to original themes
(c)that were original themes
(d)how original themes
Pembahasan Jawaban: attempt (T) + Noun
--> Attempt (transitive verb)
--> Attempt + to infinitive
pilihan B salah karena to original themes bukan to infinitive.
2.Despite its fishlike form, the whale is......and will drown if submerged too long.
(a)an animal breathes air that
(b)an animal that breathes air
(c)an animal breathes air
(d)that an animal breathes air
Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause
3.The saguaro ,found in desert regions in the southwestern United States ,......cactus in the world.

(a)is the largest

(b)the largest
(c)that is the largest
(d)the largest that is a
Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative Degree
4. It is said that United Stales literature ____________ individuality and identity in the twentieth
century, after long imitation of European models.
(a)was achieved
(c)to achieve
Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject + Verb (Sentences with Multiple Clause -Noun Clause)
5. Lucy Stone, ____________ first feminists in the United States, helped organize the American
Woman Suffrage Association in 1869.
(a)the one
(b)who was the
(d)one of the
Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns / Appositive
6. _______, including climate, mineral content, and the permanency of surface water, wetlands may
be mossy ,grassy , scrubby, or wooded.
(a)Depending on many factors
(b)Many factors depending on
(c)Factors depending on many
(d)On many factors depending
Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with one clause -Subject + Verb
Yang menjadi subject adalah gerund dan verb adalah may be
(7) Duke Ellington's orchestra, _______ his own often complex compositions, made many innovations
in jazz.
(a)he played
(c)that it played
(d)was playing
Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Participle (Adjective) / Reduction in Adjective Clause
(8) The term "ice age" refers to any of several periods of time when glaciers covered considerably
more of Earth's surface _______.
(a)as is today
(b)than today is
(c)than they do today

(d)that today
Pembahasan Jawaban: Comparative degree
(9)From colonial times ,United States property owners agreed to tax themselves on the
theory......directly from services that the government could provide.
(a)property owners benefited so that
(b)why property owners benefited
(c)that if property owners benefited
(d)that property owners benefited
Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause
(10)Helium is not flammable and, next to hydrogen, is......
(a)known the lightest gas
(b)lightest the known gas
(c)the lightest gas known

(d)the known gas lightest

Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative & Past participle
(11)Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed......from 20 to 30 years.
(b)to live
(c)they live
(d)their living
Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with multiple clause / verb + to invinitive
(12)Portland, ......, is located primarily on two hilly peninsulas overlooking Casco Bay and its many
(a)which Maine's largest city
(b)Maine's largest city where
(c)is Maine's largest city
(d)Maine's largest city
Pembahasan Jawaban: Appositive
13.......widely used in the chemical industry, sodium carbonate is principally consumed by the glass
(d)Except for
Pembahasan Jawaban: Reduction in adverbial clause
14.Cells, first identified by the early microscopists, began to be considered ...... in the nineteenth
(a)them as microcosm of living organisms
(b)the microcosm of living organisms
(c)the microcosm of living organisms to be
(d)as which ,the microcosm of living organisms
Pembahasan Jawaban: Consider + noun + noun/adjective
Contoh lain:
I consider you an excellent student. --> an excellent student (noun)
I consider you intelligent. --> intelligent (adjective)
15.Like Jupiter, Saturn is a large, gaseous planet composed......of hydrogen and helium.
(a)it is mostly
(d)both are almost
Pembahasan Jawaban: composed + mostly of

Questions 1 15 are incomplete sentence. Beneath each sentence you will see four words of
phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the
sentence. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the

oval cannot be seen.


I understand that the governor is considering a new proposal ______________

What would eliminate unnecessary writing in government
Who wants to cut down on the amount of writing in government
That would eliminate unnecessary paperwork in government
To cause that the amount of papers written in government offices will be reduced


The doctor told his receptionist that he would return ________________

As early as it would be possible
At the earliest that it could be possible
As soon as possible
At the nearest early possibility


George belongs to the _____________________

Class of the upper middle
Upper middle class
Class from the center up
High medium class


A good student must know ___________________________

To study hard
To be a good student
How to student effectively
The way of efficiency in study


Jane changed her major from French to business,_________________

With hopes to be able easier to locate employment
Hoping she can easier get a job
With the hope for being able to find better a job
Hoping to find a job more easily


He has received several scholarships _____________________

Not only because of his artistic but his academic ability
For both his academic ability as well as his artistic
Because of his academic and artistic ability
As resulting of his ability in the art and the academic


Harvey will wash the clothes, ________________

Iron the shirt, prepare the meal dusting the furniture
Running the shirt preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture
Iron the shirt, prepare the meal, and dusting the furniture
To iron the shirt, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture


_________________ that new information to anyone else but the sergeant.

They asked him not to give
They asked him to dont give
They asked him no give
They asked him to no give


_________________ he would have signed his name in the corner.

If he painted that picture
If he paints that picture
If he had painted that picture
If he would have painted that picture

10. The doctor insisted that his patient ______________

That he not work too hard for three months
Take it easy for three months
Taking it easy inside of the three months
To take some vacations for three months
11. The manager was angry because somebody ______________
Had allowed the photographers to enter the building
Had let photographers to enter into the building
Permitting the photographers enter the building
The photographers let into the building without the proper documentations
12. Richard was asked to withdraw from graduate school because ____________
They believed he was not really able to complete research
He was deemed incapable of completing his research
It was decided that he was not capable to complete the research
His ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted
13. The committee members resented __________
The president that he did not tell them about the meeting
The president not to inform them of the meeting
The presidents not informing them of the meeting
That the president had failed informing themselves that there was going to be a meeting
14. _____________ did Arthur realize that there was danger.
Upon entering the store
When he entered the store
After he had entered the store
Only after entering the store
15. The rabbit scurried away in fright __________________
When it heard the movement in the bushes
The movement among the bushes having been heard
After it was hearing moving inside of the bushes
When he has heard that something moved in the bush

Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 5)

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A

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