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Waiariki Bay of Plenty Polytechnic

New Zealand Diploma in Business

MGMT 6630 Leadership
Assessment 1- Leadership Perspectives
Student Number- 27007849
Submit by 26th of August 2016
Effective Leadership is providing the vision and motivation to a team so they
work together toward the same goal, and then understanding the talents and
temperaments of each individual and effectively motivating each person to
contribute individually their best toward achieving the group goal. Stan Kimer
Case 5 Matt Jones
Matt Jones main vision is to escape the administrative system the organisation
currently portrays and switch it to a more managerial orientated organisation.
Also he wants to create the organisation into one strong unit opposed to a
separated hierarchical structure. Setting clear direction, growing relationships
and promoting innovation are all key factors allowing Matt to have effective
leadership. Matt providing effective leadership has meant motivating staff,
involving them, and encouraging them to take on more responsibility and
recognising the already managerial potential within his subordinates. In order to
quit the separation between divisions, Matt has made his subordinates recognise
that if the organisation is not successful, then neither will there division, creating
an equal partnership amongst doctors and nurses and pushing towards a more
allied organisation.
Matt uses a Laissez-faire style of leadership, because there are many divisions
within the organisation and he lets them run themselves. He provides the tools
and resources and direction in which he wants the organisation to go. This style
can be particularly effective in situations where group members are actually
more knowledgeable than the groups leader, e.g. Surgeon, Nurses. Matts team
members are the experts in their particular areas and this style allows them to
demonstrate their knowledge and skill surrounding that particular subject.
Matt uses referent power, this is the ability to cultivate respect and lead by
example. Conducting staff forums and making them available so all subordinates
are able to attend is a great example, this shows he is thinking of everyone a
gains respect & trust by giving it. Depending on his personal characteristics
(humour, honesty and enthusiasm) rather than his CEO title gives him the ability
to get employees motivated and follow directions willingly, these are factors that
Matt is working towards in his new position, by encouraging the more managerial
roles to employees and stop the divide between divisions.
Case 6- Colin White
Colin White was hired for a role which he didnt have the particular expertise for
the required job. The project in which he was hired for faced multiple problems:

Schedules not being met in time

Re-writing sections from code from scratch
Colin showed effective leadership with his ability to negotiate, refocus his team
and rebuild confidence. Showing great leadership allowed the successful
outcome of the product, and a team with low morale was uplifted again. Colin
got his team working together again towards the goal and set their eyes towards
the vision.
Colin displays a strong participative leadership style, he explained to his group
what needs to be done and why, he had discussions and debates with his team
and made the final decision and jointly decided within his group. Colin by being
very open with his team has boosted their morale, made the right decisions and
resulted in the product being complete and highly valued.
Colin does not have expert power, which is clearly stipulated but he shows
informational power and referent power. Referent power is portrayed due to the
effort Colin put in to make sure his team was throughout the project and allowing
them to have input within meetings, by doing this it makes the team have
respect for him due to his abilities to do this. He also has some informational
power, gaining information through experts .
Case 8- John Terrill
John was hired to manage a Sales Engineering division within an organization
where the productivity was very low. To get straight to the source of the problem
he approached the employees, where he soon realized that the engineers where
spending a large amount of work time writing reports that were not even read.
By listening to his team he soon created a vision where engineers were free to
work with customers and join self-directed teams for product development. With
great leadership qualities such as courage, commitment, confidence and
determination John challenged the organization head quarters and allowed all
reports to pile within his office. This gained him respect within his team and also
proved why productivity was low (due to the heavy demand of reports that were
unnecessary) , he provided motivation within his team and showed great
leadership effectiveness.
John shows a participative leadership style because he consulted with his team
to target the problem of the low productivity. He also stipulates to his employees
that his job is to stay out of there way (trusting there doing the right job) and to
keep management of their back.
Having a participative style leadership will improve morale and will continue John
to be an effective leader.
John in some way has reward power, although it is not the power to increase pay,
it is the power to change the engineers way of work. By eliminating reports from
their workload and transferring it to him is a reward. Also John gained respect
from his workers very quickly by listening to their complaints and targeting the
problem which gave him referent power because his personal characteristics
gained his employees to follow instead of his title.

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