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Motor Bee

Motor Control for the PC

Installation and Users Manual
(Including Motor-Way Software)

Available exclusively from

PC Control Ltd.
2009 Copyright PC Control Ltd.

1 Introduction
2 Hardware Installation
3 Motor-Way Application Software
3.1 Overview
3.2 Manual operation
3.3 Automatic operation
4 Connecting Devices to Motor-Bee
4.1 Connecting Motors
4.2 Connecting a Servo
4.3 Connecting Digital Outputs
4.4 Connecting Digital Inputs
5 Connector Pinouts
6 Writing Your Own Software to Use Motor-Bee
6.1 Programming Motor-Bee in Visual Basic
6.2 Programming Motor-Bee in Visual C++
7 Minimum PC System Requirements


The Motor-BEE is a versatile USB adaptor, which allows the PC user to
explore the world of real time control and automation. It is a tool, which is attractive
to both the novice and experienced user.

For the absolute beginner it can be used straight from the box as a flexible
controller for a wide range of motion projects. The beginner can take advantage of the
ease of connectivity of USB, making connection to the PC simple. Screw terminals
mean that external devices to be controlled can be attached without any need for
soldering. The included Motor-Way application software allows the beginner to
drive and evaluate motors and servos quickly and easily using the manual speed
/direction/position controls. Once a manual system is proven to wor=k correctly it is
a simple step to automate this using the sequence programming facilities of MotorWay to quickly create control sequences without any need for prior programming
knowledge or PLC techniques.
For the intermediate/advanced user a DLL is provided to allow the
programmer to construct their own software applications to take advantage of the
Motor-BEE hardware without having to know the details of USB communication
protocols etc..

Hardware Installation
Simply connect the Motor-BEE to any available USB port (This will require a
standard USB cable). Windows operating system will automatically detect and install
the appropriate device drivers. The Motor-BEE is regarded by Windows as a
standard HID (Human Interface Device) which makes it very easy to install as the
drivers for these are already part of windows.



Motor-Way Application Software

When the Motor-Way application is started, click on the Run menu option
to initiate the control dialog box (shown below). The first time MotorWay is run the
customary disclaimer agreement will ask for your agreement. Click I Agree to
never see it again and to start MotorWay.
Motor-Way allows the user to directly control the speed and direction of
attached motors, the absolute position of a servo and the state of 4 general purpose
digital outputs. It also provides a status monitor of 6 digital inputs. Two distinct
modes of operation are available, namely Manual and Automatic. In manual mode
each of the attached motors and/or servo can be directly controlled by using the
available sliders (for speed and position) and tick boxes for on/off control. In
automatic mode these configurations of speed and position can be combined into a
series of steps which have a duration and sequence order. This allows a series of
pre-programmed motions to take place performing the required automation.

3.2 Manual Operation

Once your external motors/servo
are attached to MotorBee you can check
correct operation by driving each of them
manually. Manual mode is selected using
the drop down menu box on the screen.
You should then select the configuration
of your attached motors using the
Twin/Single options on each pair
of outputs. I.e. outputs 1 and 2 on the
MotorBee corrspond to the two leftmost vertical slider controls on the screen. If you
have one motor attached to these outputs, to be used for bi-directional control then
choose the Single option from the drop down menu located between the two slider
controls. This will confirm the choice of a single motor with forward and reverse
control by the displayed motor image for that pair of outputs. If, on the other hand,
you have a separate motor attached to each of outputs 1 and 2 and therefore only
require forward direction control on each, then select the Twin option for the same
drop down menu. This will also confirm selection with suitable motor images. These
choices should also be made in a similar manner for outputs 3 and 4 according to your
configuration of attached motors. It should be noted that even if you forget to select
single and connect a single motor between a pair of ouputs, then your system will
still work correctly as long as you only have one output of the pair on at any one time.
This is , in fact, all that the choice of single ensures happens.
There is no need to make any configuration choices for the servo control, as
there is only one servo output of the standard type.
Once these configuration choices have been
made you can directly drive your motors/servo.
Where you have Twin selected, the motors
attached can be turned on/off using the tick box at
the foot of the corresponding slider control. The
slider control provides speed control of that motor.
Using the mouse pointer you can alter this setting,
very simply, by left click and drag the slider up
or down. It is graduated in a range of 1-250. This
corresponds to a speed of 0 to 100% of the motors
maximum speed; (for those who are more curious,
it actually corresponds to the mark to space ratio of
the applied pulse width modulation signal which is
the technique used to control the speed of the motors. i.e. a value of 50 gives a mark
to space ratio of 50 high to 200 low). The current position of the slider (and therefore
the corresponding speed) is also shown numerically at the foot of the slider.
Where a single motor is connected to a pair of outputs and the single option
is selected for that pair, you will have the additional option of direction control.
Simply click the forward or reverse selector to change direction. Note that when
direction is changed the corresponding slider for that direction now controls the
speed. This allows individual control of speed in both directions. The speed control
not appropriate to that direction is greyed out. (i.e. non-functional), to make this
The 4 digital
outputs on the MotorBee

may be toggled on and off by clicking on the tick boxes in the digital outputs
section. While these are being written to the MotorBee the 6 digital inputs are also
read and updated in the Digital Inputs section. For testing you can also choose to
update the digital inputs continuously by ticking the scan tick box. It is not
recommended to keep scanning inputs while you are running a control sequence in
automatic mode(discussed later).

Although the digital inputs are not directly used by Motor-Way software they
can play an important role in any control system created by your own software (eg
you may use an input to determine when some motion has reached a limit of travel or
have external switch controls to start and stop sequences etc). For this reason they
are included on the main MotorWay screen to help your evaluation of this aspect of
the MotorBee hardware.
The servo control system is designed to
control the vast majority of standard servos available
on the domestic, hobbyist and light industrial market.
It provides a standard control signal output which ,
when connected to servo, causes the servo to move to
that absolute position. The slider control on the right
side of the screen performs this control. As users
familiar with servos will know, the control signal
used to specify the absolute position required is a
pulse whose width varies between 1 and 2
milliseconds in duration. This pulse is repeated every
20ms. A pulse of width 1.5ms corresponds to a
servo position of exactly midway in its range of
travel. This also corresponds to a slider position half
way up in Motor-Way. Again the range of the slider
is 1 to 255 so midway is 128. As the slider is moved
away from this position the servo will move to its
new position in response. Although the vast majority
of servos adopt the 1.5ms standard for midway, the
figures used for either extremity of travel is less well defined. In some servos the
extreme left position is specified by 1.25ms and the extreme right by 1.75ms. In
others these are represented by 1.0ms and 2.0ms respectively. It is for this reason that
no judgement has been made in Motor-Way as to the absolute position of the attached
servo, or its range of travel, when moving the slider. All that can be said is that the
control signal will vary from 1.0ms to 2.0ms over the full range of slider movement.
As a general rule of thumb a typical servo will turn through 180 degrees over its full
range of travel and since our slider has a range of 1 to 255 with perhaps the middle
80% of travel within the servo range, you can assume a rough correspondence of 1
degree of servo movement for each slider change of 1. ( 128 corresponding to the 90
degrees position)
When you choose your servo for this application you should avoid driving it
beyond its recommended range of travel. This can sometimes cause the servo to
overheat and may cause damage. In practice, though, they are usually quite tolerant of
short durations beyond their specified limits.

3.3 Automatic Operation

In manual mode above we have seen how each of the controls can be used to
turn motors on and off and vary their speed and direction and also how to position a
servo. This combination of on/off speeds and positions we call a configuration. To
make automation more useful we need to be able to program a set of these
configurations by specifying their duration and the order in which they occur. This is
the function of automatic mode.

This mode provides the user with a means to edit, save, restore and run a
sequence of configurations that will be used to directly control the devices attached
to the Motor-Bee adaptor board. This is known as Directed Sequencer Control. The
sequence is made up of up to 10000 individual configurations or steps. The number
of the current step being edited is always shown in the Step box. Each step has all
of the following elements
- A duration (from 0.1sec up to 99hours)
- A speed for each of the 4 motors
- A direction for each motor (when only 2 motors used)
- On/Off for each motor
- Position of the servo (to approx 1 degree resolution)
- A pattern of outputs (on or off for each of the 4 digital outputs)
- The number of the next step to be executed
To specify a step simply set the motor speeds, directions etc using the same
controls already described in Manual mode. Then specify a duration and Next
Step in the automatic mode area of the screen.
The duration is specified in Hours, Minutes, Seconds and milliseconds. The
overall resolution of the time interval is 0.1 seconds. This provides a realistic level of
control for devices in the real world of automation and robotics.
Choosing a value of 0 for the Next Step causes straight sequential execution of
steps. Choosing any other value will cause the sequence execution order to Jump to
that step. The most common use of this facility is to specify the next step of the last in
the sequence to be the first. This will produce a constantly looping control sequence.
Once you are happy with the configuration of the step it may be added to the
current sequence by pressing the ADD button. In doing this you will notice that the
Total Steps box will increase by 1 and the current step box will indicate the number
of the last step in the current sequence. You can continue adding steps until your
sequence is ready (up to 10,000 steps). When you are ready, you can then Run the
sequence by pressing the RUN button. This will cause each step to be executed in
turn starting with step 1. If the Mimic box is ticked (discussed later) you will see
all of the controls change to reflect the setting stored in that step while they are being
applied to the external devices. You can STOP the sequence at any time by pressing
the STOP button. You should note that stopping a sequence will leave all external
devices running according to the setting applied during the step in which the stop was
pressed. However, if, necessary, you can then always go back to manual mode and
turn off any motors left running etc Pressing the RUN button again will re-start

execution at step1 of the programmed sequence. Note that the last step in a sequence
will always cause the sequence to stop even if the next box is set to another location
(eg to loop back). To avoid this add a dummy step after the one in which you wish to
loop back.
To view the steps already programmed into the sequence, use the arrow buttons
adjacent to the STEP box. Once a step is displayed it can be edited very simply by
making the desired alterations to the slider controls etc followed by pressing the
REPLACE button.
To insert a step into the programmed sequence simply press the INSERT
button. This will cause all steps equal to, or higher numbered than the current one to
be incremented by 1 and the step number displayed to be replaced with the one just
configured. Similarly pressing the DELETE button removes the current step from
the sequence and renumbers all higher steps by 1.
Once you have created a sequence of programmed steps as described above, you
can save your sequence using the SAVE button. This will allow you to store the file
according to your name choice and destination directory. This can subsequently be
restored by pressing the RESTORE button and choosing the appropriate saved file.
As a convenience, there is a Quick Save and Quick Restore function
denoted by the QS and QR buttons respectively. These will simply save (or
restore) the current sequence to a file called c:\quicksave.mtb. When using
QuickSave any previous contents of the file will be overwritten without prompting.
Mimic Control. When the Mimic box is ticked, the slider controls will animate
according to the current step being executed. This is useful for testing and evaluating
your control system. However, you should consider turning off this facility if you are
using a very fast changing sequence (eg 100ms steps) or your PC is relatively slow.
The overhead in updating the display may affect the accuracy of timing, especially on
some older PCs. With the mimic turned off the sequence will still operate when
RUN is pressed but you will not see the changes on the screen, only on your
attached motors etc


Connecting Devices to Motor-Bee

There are three separate connecting areas on the MotorBee. The screw
terminals TL1 and the two 10 way headers PL2 and PL3. The screw terminals are
used for connecting DC motors, PL2 is used for connecting the digital inputs and PL3
for connecting a servo and the digital outputs. It is not necessary for all outputs to be
connected. If you simply want to drive a single motor then that is all you need to

Connecting Motors
MotorBee can drive up to 4 DC motors with independent on/off and speed
control for each. The motor outputs on screw terminals TL1 are labelled OP1 OP4.
Connecting a DC motor requires its positive terminal connecting to an output (eg
OP1) and its negative terminal connecting to a ground (GND). To allow dc motors of
different voltage ratings to be used, a separate motor supply terminal is provided
(Vm+). If, for example, you are using 6v DC motors you would connect the positive
terminal of the 6v supply to terminal TL1 (Vm+) and the negative supply to any of
the GND terminals on TL1.
WARNING: Never connect an external motor supply of less than 5v. This will cause
reverse biasing of the main L293D driver chip on the MotorBee which can damage
one or more components on the board. If using very small motors labelled as
requiring less than 5v (eg 3v) it is still recommended to use a minimum 5v supply and
use the power regulation of the MotorBee to restrict the power delivered to the small

If you would like to drive a DC motor in both directions then it should be

connected between two output terminals. For example connect the positive motor
terminal to OP1 and the negative motor terminal to OP2. The supply pin Vm+ and a
GND should still be connected to an external supply as described above.

Care should be taken in the choice of DC motors to be attached. It is especially

important to check the power requirements. i.e. voltage and current. The most
important specifications to remember is to limit the motor supply voltage below 24v
maximum, limit the continuous current per motor to 600mA (1.2A peak) and the
power dissipation to 4 watts. The full specifications for the motor driver IC (L293D),
used on the MotorBee, can be found in its data sheet provided on the installation CD.
If in any doubt check the temperature of the motor driver chip on the MotorBee (the
one with the heatsink attached). If it is too hot to comfortably touch then you are
probably supplying too much power.

Connecting a Servo
MotorBee can drive a standard servo from the PL3 connector. The power to
the servo is supplied externally to the MotorBee so there is no power limitation
considerations in this case. The control signal specifying the required position of the
servo is supplied on pin 6 of PL3 with the corresponding GND on any of the even
numbered pins. A 10 ribbon cable socket or equivalent should be used to make the
connection. According to your choice of servo it will require an external voltage
supply. This is not connected through MotorBee but the GND on PL3 and the GND
on the servo supply should be connected together. This GND may be called 0v or
perhaps even V- or even Negative Terminal on the servo power supply.

Since servo positioning is sensitive to electrical noise spikes, care should be

taken when connecting and running motors and servo at the same time. A common
sign of electrical interference is a slight twitching of the servo after it has moved to
its specified position. If this happens you should make sure your GND connections
are secure and also fit a suitable capacitor across the terminals of any motors
connected. On some of the low power motors we have found a 47uF capacitor solves
any such problems. (always ensure the voltage rating of the capacitor is suitable for
the application)


Connecting Digital Outputs

PL3 is also used for connecting the 4 digital outputs available on MotorBee.
Pins 1,3,7 and 9 are used for outputs 1 4 respectively.

The outputs are standard digital logic providing 5 volts when on and 0 volts
when off. They are not designed for driving heavy current devices and have absolute
limits of 25mA sink or source. One most common use for these outputs is driving
indicator LEDs. If this is your intention always use the high efficiency ones which
give maximum brightness for minimum current. (NB: a resistor is also required in the
LED circuit). They are also commonly used to drive relays via suitable interface
devices such as the ubiquitous ULN2003 transistor array.

Connecting Digital Inputs

MotorBee has 6 digital inputs. These are connected to PL2 via a standard 10
way header requiring a 10 way ribbon cable socket or equivalent for connection. The
voltage input range for these inputs is 0 5v DC.
As a convenience to help
minimise your external circuitry a 5v DC supply is provided on this header. This is
intended to make it simple to connect external switches. It should be noted that this 5v
supply is derived from the USB connection and must only be used for very light loads
i.e. less than 50mA maximum.

Typically these inputs are used to add limit switches to automated devices so
that the motor being controlled activates the limit switch when, for example, the
moving device has reached the end of its range of travel. This would allow the
control software to turn off (or perhaps reverse) the motor at the correct point. Some
applications have used these for light sensor inputs for similar reasons.

Connector Pinouts
Motor Connections: Pinout of the Screw Terminals(TL1)
Signal description
Vm+ Positive Motor Supply


Digital Inputs: Pinout of 10 way header, PL2

Signal description
Input 6
Input 5
Input 4
Input 3
+5v (27R current limit) 50mA max
Input 2
Input 1

Servo and Digital Outputs: Pinout of 10 way header, PL3

Signal description
Output 1
Output 2
Servo Signal
Output 3
Output 4


Writing your own software for Motor-Bee

To use Motor-Bee straight from the box does not require any programming
other than entering the step details into Motor-Way. However, if you prefer to design
your own software then the following information will be of use.
Provided with Motor-Bee is a DLL (dynamic link library) called mtb.dll.
This encapsulates the functions used by Motor-Way in communicating with MotorBee across the USB interface into a few simple functions easily understood and used
in custom software. Although the DLL was written in C it can be used (called) by
programs written in a number of popular languages including BASIC (visual BASIC
Programming Motor-Bee in Visual Basic
Although Motor-Bee comes with it's own software (Motor-Way) to allow the
beginner to start using it in home automation projects very quickly, it also comes with
a DLL interface to allow the intermediate and advanced user to write their own
programs for it. The DLL provides a general purpose interface that greatly simplifies
the task of writing programs for a USB device. It can be tricky manipulating the USB
comms into sending and receiving messages to and from a device which can easily be
plugged and unplugged at any time. The DLL eliminates all of these headaches by
simplifying the task into three library functions.
InitMotoBee( ), SetMotors ( ) and Digital_IO( )
InitMotoBee() is called somewhere near the start of your program and takes care of all
of the USB comms initialisation and prepares the Motor-Bee for receiving messages.
SetMotors() can be called at any time during your program to configure the speed and
direction of the motors and the position of the servo.
Digital_IO() can also be called at any time to both set the digital outputs and read the
digital inputs.

InitMotoBee Function
This function has no parameters and returns a boolean value of TRUE if the
call was successful , FALSE otherwise. It should be called prior to the use of any
other function listed below. Its main role is to initialise scan the USB devices attached
to the computer, identify the MotorBee and set up a comms channel to it. This is all
transparent to the callers program which simply makes the call somewhere near the
start of the program.
SetMotors Function

ByVal op1 As Integer,

ByVal speed1 As Integer,
ByVal op2 As Integer,
ByVal speed2 As Integer,
ByVal op3 As Integer,
ByVal speed3 As Integer,
ByVal op4As Integer,
ByVal speed4 As Integer,
ByVal servo As Integer

The SetMotors function has 9 parameters which are all integers passed by value.
op1 op4 correspond to the on/off state of the 4 motors. 1 is on, 0 is off.
speed1 speed4 correspond to the speed of each motor. This has a range of 0
to 254 and corresponds to 0 to 100% of maximum speed at the applied
When using a motor in bi-directional mode it will be connected to two of the
outputs (eg OP1 and OP2). To operate the motor in the forward direction OP1
should be "On" and set to the desired speed. OP2 also needs to be set "Off" (its
speed does not matter). To operate the motor in reverse direction OP1 should
be "Off" (speed does not matter) and OP2 "On" with the desired speed.
servo corresponds to the position of the servo device. This has a range of 0 to
255 with 128 corresponding to the neutral or midway position.
Digital_IO Function

ByRef inputs As Integer,

ByVal outputs As Integer)
As Boolean

The Digital_IO function has two parameters. The inputs parameter is passed
by reference so that the results of reading the digital inputs on the MotorBee board
can be returned in this variable. For example, if the 6 digital inputs were in the
following state
1 on, 2-off, 3-off, 4-on, 5 off, 6 off
the value retuned in inputs would be 9.
i.e. 00001001 in binary. From this you can see that input 1 corresponds to bit0, input
2 is bit 1, etc

The output parameter is passed by value and corresponds to the on/off state of
the 4 digital outputs. Specifically bit 0 corresponds to digital output 1, bit 1 to output2
etc.. As an example the following call would set outputs 1 and 2 on , 3 and 4 off.
Digital_IO ( inputs, 3)
since 3 in binary is 00000011
The only other thing that a VB program must do is to declare the functions
that it is going to use within the DLL and the name of the DLL itself. This must be
done at the start of your program or at least before any references to the three
functions are made. The following is a program excerpt showing how this is done...
Declare Function InitMotoBee Lib "mtb.dll" () As Boolean
Declare Function SetMotors Lib "mtb.dll" (ByVal on1 As Integer,
ByVal speed1 As Integer,
ByVal on2 As Integer,
ByVal speed2 As Integer,
ByVal on3 As Integer,
ByVal speed3 As Integer,
ByVal on4 As Integer,
ByVal speed4 As Integer,
ByVal servo As Integer)
As Boolean
Declare Function Digital_IO Lib "mtb.dll" (ByRef inputs As Integer,
ByVal outputs As Integer)
As Boolean

The first declaration states that the function InitMotoBee has no parameters, is
found in mtb.dll and returns a boolean value. The second states that SetMotors has 9
integer parameters passed by value rather than reference, is found in mtb.dll and also
returns a boolean value. The third state that Digital_IO has two integer parameters;
one passed by reference, one by value, is found in mtb.dll and, again, returns a
boolean value. It should be noted that the
Lib "mtb.dll"
lets the program know where to find the mtb.dll file.
When written like this it assumes, since there is no path information, that the mtb.dll
file can be found in the windows system directory ( c:\windows\system32 ) If you like
you can copy the file mtb.dll on the installation disk to the system32 directory and the
above statement will work perfectly. Alternatively you can copy the file to some other
location and give that location in the declaration as in the example below...
Declare Function InitMotoBee Lib "c:\mylibrary\mtb.dll" () As Boolean
To speed up your development of software for the Motor-Bee a complete working
example is included on the installation CD. It is called VBmotor and creates a very
simple form based program that has individual buttons for various functions such as
initialising the Motor-Bee and setting configurations for motor speeds etc. The
main (and only) screen is shown below. This has been written using Microsoft Visual
Studio .net and the files on the CD contain the full workspace (solution) details, to
allow you to immediately open and start editing or running this application.

Even if you don't have Visual Studio, the source code is virtually self explanatory
with the most relevant sections being in "Form1.vb" which can even be opened in a
simple text editor such as notepad.


Programming Motor-Bee in Visual C++

Ignoring some of the formalities in the construction of a Visual C++ program
for the windows environment the techniques in using mtb.dll consists of four main
Loading the DLL into memory
Before any functions within the DLL can be used it is necessary to instruct
windows to load it into memory. This is done by calling the LoadLibrary() function.

HINSTANCE BeeHandle; // declaration of variable to hold the handle to the dll

BeeHandle = LoadLibrary(mtb.dll);
// load the dll into memory and return handle
The declaration of the variable BeeHandle used to store the handle to a DLL ,
uses a built in type definition which is called HINSTANCE in this particular C
compiler, but you should use the appropriate one defined in your own compiler for
this purpose.
The LoadLibrary() function return a handle to the DLL if the load is
successful otherwise NULL. Ideally your own program should check for a NULL
returned and give an error message. Make sure the function parameter is the full
pathlist to where you copied the bee.dll file from the installation CD.
Get the addresses of the functions within the DLL
Using the DLL handle returned above you can now obtain pointers to the
functions within the DLL. Using the following


InitMotoBee = (Type InitMotoBee)GetProcAddress( BeeHandle, " InitMotoBee");
SetMotors =(Type Digital_IO)GetProcAddress(BeeHandle, " SetMotors");
Digital_IO =(Type Digital_IO)GetProcAddress(BeeHandle, " Digital_IO ");

The TypeInitMotobee, TypeSetMotors and TypeDigital_IO type definitions

are contained in the header file mt.h which is supplied on the installation CD, and
defines the correct type of function pointer to reference the DLL function. mt.h should
be included in your own source file eg.
#include mt.h
The call to GetProcAddress() returns a pointer to this function if found within
the DLL otherwise NULL. Once the functions pointers have been obtained in this
way the internal functions within the DLL are simply accessed like ordinary function
calls e.g.
InitMotoBee ();
SetMotors(1, 123, 0, 0, 1, 80, 1, 50, 128);
Digital_IO(&inputs, 0x06);

Initialising The DLL

Once the addresses of the DLL functions are obtained as above the remainng
functions required to use them are very simple. The first step is to initialise the DLL
int status;
status = InitMotoBee();
Your program should check to see if a value of zero has been returned by
InitMotoBee (). Any other value indicates an error. E.g. Motor-Bee not connected

Using the Functions

The usage of the SetMotors() and Digital_IO() functions are identical to that
described in the programming with VB section above.
Although this only gives a glimpse of the possibilities of writing your own
programs, it should be apparent that the use of the DLL functions greatly simplifies
this process. It frees the programmer from the task of getting to know the fine details
of programming USB interface communications and lets him concentrate on the main
function of controlling motors and servos.


Minimum PC System Requirements

Motor-Bee and Motor-Way software do not require a high spec PC for
correct operation, but the following system is suggested as a sensible minimum
500MHz Pentium
10MB free space required
Screen Resolution
1024x768 (256 colours)
One free USB socket (1.0 or 2.0)
Operating System
Windows 2000, XP or Vista

WARNING: The Motor-Bee adaptor should not be connected directly to

mains voltages under any circumstances.

Terms of Use for all Goods Supplied

Supplier shall mean PC Control Ltd.
Buyer shall mean the person, company or any other body that purchases or agrees to purchase Goods.
Goods shall mean all goods and services which the Buyer agrees to buy from the Supplier including
replacements for defective Goods, hardware, documentation and software products licensed for use by
the Buyer.
Use of the Goods in any way by the Buyer constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
1. The Goods are intended to be part of the buyers own design of apparatus and not a finished
product in their own right.
2. The Goods supplied are not to be used in any design where there is a risk, however small,
either directly or indirectly, of death or personal injury.
3. The Buyer will be responsible for ensuring the fitness for purpose of the Goods for the
Buyers application.
4. To the extent permitted by law, the Supplier accepts no liability whatsoever or howsoever
arising in respect of loss, damage or expense arising from errors in information or advice
provided whether or not due to the Suppliers negligence or that of its employees, agents or
sub-contractors save for any loss or damage arising from death or personal injury.
5. To the extent permitted by law, the Supplier shall not be liable to the Buyer by reason of any
representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any
duty at common law, or under the express terms of any Contract with the Buyer, for any
indirect, special or unforeseen loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs,
expenses or other claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of
the Supplier, its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with
the supply of the Goods or their use or resale by the Buyer.
6. The entire liability of the Supplier under or in connection with the Contract with the Buyer
shall not exceed the price of the Goods except as expressly provided in these terms and
7. These terms are an important part of the full terms and conditions of business as published on
the website at which also apply.

If you cannot agree to the terms and conditions of use of the MotorBee then you should return the
MotorBee to the supplier within 7 days of receipt to receive a refund. Your use of the board or the
associated software in any way whatsoever will be regarded as an acceptance of these terms and

All copyright PC Control Ltd. 2009

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