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Henry VIII

Henry was born in 1491 and was in the

Tudor family. Henry was very religious and
went to church 5 times a day. All he wanted
when he was married was to have a son to
be king after him. I will be telling you about
When Henry was young his father died and
left him in charge. He was very young at the
time. He became king in 1509. In that same
year he met his sister in law who was
Catherine of Argon. When he was young he
had lots of hobbies. Here are some. He
loved jousting, writing poetry, sports,
hunting and loved entertainment and food.
When Henry started growing older he
started getting rid of wives and beheaded
them or divorced them. He started getting
fatter too. Once his brother Arther and his
father died henry took all the money and

spent it on food and ships and spent most of

his life showing off. He also went to France
to eat food and to show off while his queen
looked after the country.
Henry married Catherine of argon in 1511
and she gave birth to a girl Mary. Then he
got married to Anne Boleyn in 1533 but she
gave birth to Elizabeth so he beheaded her.
Then married Jane Seymour in 1536 and she
gave henry a son Edward but later on she
died. So henry married Catherine Howard in
1540 but she went to meet and old friend so
henry beheaded her and her friend too.
Then married Catherine Parr in 1543 but
later on in 1547 henry
died and left Catherine
Parr to the throne.

Done by:
Sumayyah Boodi
I did a biography on king
Henry VIII

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