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Achilles was a hero in Greek mythology and one of the

main characters that participated in the Trojan War. He

was also the protagonist of Homers epic, the Iliad. He was
the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, a

Adonis- In Greek mythology, Adonis was the god of

beauty and desire. Originally, he was a god worshipped in
the area of Phoenicia (modern day Lebanon), but was
later adopted by the Greeks.
Aeneas was a Trojan hero in Greek mythology, son of the
princeAnchises and the goddess Aphrodite. He is more
extensively mentioned in Roman mythology, and is seen
as an ancestor of Remus and Romulus, founders of
Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine, son of
the god Apolloand Coronis, the daughter of Phlegyas,
King of the Lapiths. He was married to Epione, the
goddess of soothing.
In Greek mythology, Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae or
Argos (different names of the same region), son of King Atreus
and Queen Aerope.

Ajax was a hero in Greek mythology, son of

King Telamon of Salamis and Periboea. He played a
pivotal role in the myth of the Trojan War.

Andromache was the wife of Hector, prince of Troy, in

Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Eetion who
ruled over the city of Cilician Thebe.
Andromeda was a princess in Greek mythology. She was
the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia,
who ruled in the region of Aethiopia, which consisted of
the Upper Nile region, along with areas south of the
Sahara desert.
The Argonauts were a number of heroes who
participated in the Argonautic Expedition, setting sail for
the mythical land of Colchis under the command of their
leader Jason, in order to find the legendary Golden
The ship that bore Jason to Colchis in quest of the
Golden Fleece. His shipmates were called the
Argonauts in consequence. The vessel was named
after its builder, the shipwright Argus. It had a
magical talking prow provided by the goddess
Athena, carved from a timber from Zeus's sacred
grove at Dodona. The Argo barely escaped being
smashed by the Clashing Rocks.
Ariadne (air-ee-AD-nee) The daughter of King
Minos whose help made it possible for Theseus to
slay the Minotaur and survive.

Atlas (AT-las) A Titan who supported the heavens

by means of a pillar on his shoulders. He divulged
the whereabouts of the Graeae to Perseus and was
temporarily relieved of his burden by Heracles.
Cassandra was the daughter of KingPriam and
Queen Hecuba, lords ofTroy, in Greek mythology. She
was also known as Alexandra.
centaurs (SEN-tawrz) Descendants of Centaurus,
half-horse and half-man. Fought with Lapiths at the
wedding feast of Peirithous and destroyed the
invulnerable Caeneus.
Cerberus (SUR-buh-rus) Hades' guard dog, related
to the Chimaera and the Hydra, whose drool was
used in Medea's attempt to poison Theseus.
Carried up from Hades by Hercules as one of the
hero's Labors.
Charon (CARE-on) Ferryman of the dead across the
River Styx, a bribe for whom in the mouth of
corpse persisted into modern times.
Chimaera (kye-MEE-ruh) Fire-breathing monster
combining lion, snake and goat, related to
Cerberus and the Hydra.
Chiron (KYE-ron) Kindly centaur, tutor of Jason and

Cronus (KROH-nus) Titan father of Zeus. His son

usurped him as ruler of the gods.
Cyclops (SYE-klops) One-eyed giant of the race
that built Olympus for the gods. Plural: Cyclopes.
Dionysus (dye-oh-NYE-sus) God of wine, son of
Zeus and Semele, rescuer of Ariadne after she had
been abandoned by Theseus.
Eos was a Titan goddess in Greek mythology, daughter of
the TitansHyperion and Theia. She was the goddess of
the dawn and had two siblings; Helios, god of the sun;
andSelene, goddess of the moon.
Eris was the Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord.
She was the daughter of Zeus and Hera; according to
other myths, she was the daughter of Nyx (dark night)
alone. Her opposite was Harmonia.
Europa was initially a Cretan moon goddess, who was
incorporated into the Greek mythology as a virgin
Phoenician princess. She was the daughter of the King
Agenor of Sidon and Europe was named after her.
Ganymede was a Trojan prince in Greek mythology,
known for his beauty. He was the son of the king Tros of
Dardania, after whom Troytook its name, and Callirrhoe.
The Gorgons were three monsters in Greek mythology,
daughters ofEchidna and Typhon, the mother and father

of all monsters respectively. Their names were Stheno,

Euryale, and the most famous of them, Medusa.
Hector was a prince of Troy in Greek mythology, son of
King Priam and
Queen Hecuba.
wasAndromache and they had a son, Scamandrius or
Hector was considered the greatest warrior of Troy, but
he did not approve of the war that had started between the
Greeks and the Trojans.
Helen or Helen of Troy was the daughter
of Zeus and Leda in Greek mythology, although her
putative father was Tyndareus. A twin sister
ofClytemnestra, she also had the twin
brothers Castor and Pollux, also known as the Dioscuri.
She was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the
known world.
The Lernaean Hydra was a monster in Greek mythology.
It had many heads and every time someone would cut off
one of them, two more heads would grow out of the
stump. It was one of the offspring
of Typhon and Echidna, the father and mother of
all monsters respectively. It lived in the lake Lerna in the
region of Argolid in the Peloponnese.

Hygieia was the goddess of good health, cleanliness and

hygiene in Greek mythology, daughter of the god of
medicine, Asclepius, and Epione.
Hymen, also called HYMENAIOS (Hymenaeus) was the
god of weddings or, more specifically, of the wedding hymn
sung by the bride's train as she was escorted to the house
of the groom.
Hyperion was one of the Titans, son ofUranus and Gaia.
He represented light, wisdom and watchfulness. He was
the father of the sun, the moon, and the dawn.
Jason was a hero in Greek mythology, the leader of the
Argonautic Expedition in the quest of retrieving
the Golden Fleece. He was the son of the king of Iolcus,
Aeson, but it is not certain who his mother was; various
names appear in different sources as his mother.
Leander was a young man from Abydos in Greek
mythology, who lived on the eastern shores of the
Hellespont. he fell in love with Hero, a priestess
of Aphrodite, who lived in a tower in Sestos, on the
western shores of the strait.
Medea was the daughter of KingAeetes of Colchis in
Greek mythology, and wife of the mythical hero Jason.

Medusa was a monster, one of theGorgon sisters and

daughter of Phorkys and Keto, the children
of Gaea(Earth) and Oceanus (Ocean). She had the face
of an ugly woman with snakes instead of hair; anyone who
looked into her eyes was immediately turned to stone. Her
sisters were Sthenno and Euryale, but Medusa was the
only mortal of the three.
Menelaus was a king of Sparta in Greek mythology, husband
of Helen. He was one of the main characters involved in
the Trojan War. His parents were Atreus and Aerope, while his
brother was Agamemnon who ruled over the city of Mycenae.
Mnemosyne was one of the Titans, daughter
of Uranus and Gaea, and goddess of memory. She was also
occassionally referred to as Mneme; however, this was the name
of another goddess. She was the oracular goddess of the
underground oracle of Trophonios in the region of Boeotia.
The Muses were the Greek goddesses of inspiration in literature,
science and the arts. They were the daughters
of Zeus andMnemosyne (the personification of memory), and
they were also considered water nymphs. Some scholars
believed that the Muses were primordial goddesses, daughters
of the Titans Uranus andGaea.
Narcissus was a hunter in Greek mythology, son of the river
godCephissus and the nymph Liriope. He was a very beautiful
young man, and many fell in love with him.
Oedipus was a king in Greek mythology, ruling over the city
ofThebes. He was the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta.

Not knowing, he married his mother and had four children with
her,Polynices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.
Orestes was the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra in
Greek mythology, who was hunted by the Erinyes after he killed
his mother.
Orpheus was a musician, poet and prophet in Greek mythology.
His parents were the king of Thrace Oeagrus and
the muse Calliope. He was considered the best musician and
poet of all, and he perfected the lyre. It was the god Apollo who
taught Orpheus how to play the lyre when he was an adolescent
Pallas Athena, goddess of Wisdom and Armed Resistance, was a
purely Greek divinity; that is to say, no other nation possessed a
corresponding conception. She was supposed, as already related,
to have issued from the head of Zeus himself, clad in armour from
head to foot.
Also, Athene
[uh-thee-nee] (Show IPA). Also called Pallas, Pallas
Athena. the virgin deity of the ancient Greeks worshiped
as the goddess of wisdom, fertility, the useful arts, and
prudent warfare. At her birth she sprang forth fully
armed from the head of her father, Zeus.
Pan was the god of the wild, hunting and companion of the
nymphs. He was depicted as being half human, while having the
legs and horns of a goat, just like a faun.

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