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College of Education


Learning Target (I can statement): I can answer specific questions about the story that was read in class.
Criteria for Success: (Name the strategy they will use/you will model): Reading to understand using the Stop, Think, React strategy.
Type of Lesson: (Whole Class Read Aloud, Whole Class Shared Reading, Small Strategy Group Lesson) Whole Class Read Aloud (Small group)
Standards w/Assessments Named-Write standard out and label it correctly!


Specific Standard

(can be

Reading Standards for


Key ideas and Details

Craft & Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Range of Reading & Level of Text
Reading Standards for

Key ideas and Details

Craft & Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Range of Reading & Level of Text
Reading Standards:
Foundational Skills

Print Concepts

Phonological Awareness
Writing Standards

Text Types & Purposes

RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate

understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as
the basis for the answers.

questions to
check for
during/after the

Production & Distribution of Writing

Research to Build and Present
Range of Writing
Speaking & Listening

Comprehension & Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas

Materials and Resources Needed: Ready, Freddy! Apple Orchard Race by: Abby Klein, Lexile Level: 510L which falls under the 2-3 grade level.
Paper, writing utensil

A. The Lesson 50 min.

Introduction (5 min.)- (Think about the connection on pages 87-89 in your text)
Getting attention

1, 2, 3 eyes on me, 1, 2 eyes on you

Relating to past experience and/or knowledge

Have you ever read a book and then thought at the end, I had no idea what
really happened in that book? That is an example of reading without
comprehending/understanding. Sometimes we just want to finish reading fast,
or even are distracted while we are reading, so we do not really focus on the
words we are reading and the meaning behind them.

Creating a need to know

Reading is a life-skill that we need. That is why we need to learn how to read to

Sharing objective, in general terms

Today we are going to learn how to read to understand using the Stop, Think,
and React method.

1. Methods (core of the lesson) (40 min.)

Before Reading
(Think about the
teaching phase on
pages 89-91 in your

During Reading-

In order to be good readers, we need to understand what we are reading. Have you ever heard of
the Stop, Think, and React method? This is a different way to go about reading, when we need to
really understand what we are reading. We are going to read the first two chapters of Ready Freddy!
Apple Orchard Race by Abby Klein using this method. At the end of every other page, we are going
to Stop! So what are we going to do at the end of every other page? STOP! Thats right! When we
have stopped reading, we are going to think about what we have read. So, in other words we are
going to think about we have understood in the story and what is happening. Now, when we have
thought through what is happening, we are going to react to the story. What do we think is
interesting? What did we know already? What did we learn? What do we think is going to happen
next? Alright, does everyone have their paper and pencils ready? I will read the book and we will do
the first chapter of Stop, Think, and React together. Then you are going to try to do it on your own
after I have read to the end the second page.
Chapter One Page 10: STOP! Now everyone think about what we just read. What are some reactions
you had to what is happening? What do we think might be the special day Freddy is so excited

List specific questions

and pages you might
ask them
(Think about the active
involvement phase from
your 91 -94 in your
text book)

After ReadingWhat might students


about? Write down your reaction

Chapter One Page 12: STOP! Now everyone think about what we just read. What are some reactions
you had to what is happening? Why can Freddy not clean up the bathroom? What does he need a
red shirt?
Chapter One Page 14: STOP! Now everyone think about what we just read. What are some reactions
you had to what is happening? Why does Freddys dad say he looks like a monkey? How does
Freddys mom try to help Freddy find his shirt?
Chapter One Page 16: STOP! Now everyone think about what we just read. What are some reactions
you had to what is happening? Why do you think Freddy almost left with his slippers still on?

Now, the students start to share how they reacted to different parts of the story. They talk about
what they may have questions about or how they reacted the way they did to the story. I guide this
discussion, but the students will discuss what they found out and understood about the book.

(Think about the link

pgs 94-96 in your text
Student Worktime:
Time Frame:_____

The students then continue to use the Stop, Think, and React method and work on writing down
their reactions while I read chapter 2 to them with a discussion about the reaction to follow.

Describe what students

will be doing to
practice what you have
taught. This should be
very closely connected
to the after reading

2. Closure What did the students learn from this lesson? Think about the follow-up pgs 96-99 in your text book (5 min.

What happened in the first three chapters of this story? What were some of your reactions? Why do you think you reacted that
way? How did this type of reading help you better understand the story?

Reflection-To Be Filled Out After Teaching:

A. Assessment-Did your students understand the lesson? What was you evidence? Remember-Compare to your Criteria for Success.

1)What went well with the lesson? The book was a hit. The kids loved it. They also really did well with their writing. At the end when I read their
reactions, they all made sense and had some great points. I thought their reflections held a lot of meaning and they did not just write something
down to write something down. The did really well with the Criteria for Success strategy because they would even remind me to stop at the end of
pages and would make really good points when they were thinking and reacting.
2) Did your students meet the instructional objectives? What was your evidence? Yes, they did meet the objective. They answered the questions that
I asked and I think part of that because with the reading strategy I used, they had to really think and work hard to understand while they were
3) After analysis of success and student errors, what new insights do you have about the students you taught? These students are really wellbehaved. They listened well and were really trying to focus on what they are doing. The small class atmosphere really helps me give them the
attention they really want and yet still focus on the class as a whole.

B. Next Steps-Based on your assessments what do you need to work on next meeting? (Think of this through the lens of if you were going to teach these students
1) What did you learn from this lesson, which will affect the next lesson? I think I have to work on my time management. We had a decent about of
extra time, so we just kept on reading some more chapters and working on the Stop Think and Reflect.
2) If you were to teach this group of students tomorrow, what may you need to work on? I would work on having the students using the same
method with an informative text. It is a lot easier to comprehend a narrative than informational text.
3) What could you improve upon the next time, as a teacher? I could improve upon my time management skills and also work on trying to make the
read aloud exciting and engaging, while not losing focus of what we are trying to work on.

C. Back Pocket Idea (How might you modify this lesson on the fly if it is not going well for you).
I would have the students choose their own book and use the same method.
I might have to students reflect on what they read and how they reacted by writing a summary, but possibly using technology to do it.

D. Resources: What resources did you use which would be of interest to the classroom teacher?
I used the Stop, Think, and React method, because I think it is a great idea for checking for comprehension while the students are
reading and helping them see that they need to work on comprehending the story.

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