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A. Background
In everyday life people often faced with an urgent
need , the need gratification and even sometimes
because of the desire or urge to maintain the status
themselves . In general, every human needs to be met ,
-although not all, -in a state that does not require
pressure from inside or others . Against the urgent need
pemenuhanya and should be rapidly implemented
without the usual frequent mature thinking that can harm
the environment or other human beings,
Things like that will cause a negative effect that is
not balanced with the atmosphere of a life well worth it.
To return to the atmosphere and the life that is well worth
it in need of a liability of offenders who commit until there
is an imbalance . And accountability that must be
implemented by non Preferably culprit form of delegation
of society so that can be felt also suffering or losses .
Human life can never be separated from the
intersection or interaction between the members .
Because after all humans are social creatures who need
other humans. It is a basic human nature to bertidak
selfish . Therefore, when the continuous nature of the
left , then there is the lack of uniform that causes
destruction. Therefore, human beings need rules that
govern the rights and obligations of the other shuttle . In
order to realize a safe life and sejahterah . In accordance
with the advice of national purpose Criminal Code
" To prevent inhibition or insurmountable barrier
arrival of society aspired by the Indonesian nation ,
namely the determination of the deeds which of
abstinence and should not be done , as well as whether
the threatened punishment to those who violate the
prohibitions it .. "

The law is a fundamental rule in public life with the

law that the creation of peace tranquility in society . The
creation of harmony in the social order of society can not
be separated by the governing law. In law known as
criminal acts .
Crime is an act which is detrimental to society . So
it is proper we did not do tersebut.Bila we want to avoid
something , then we must first know what it is. So that in
the future we are not wrong in choosing an action . It is
deemed important for us to pick-up the title " Definition ,
Elements and norms of criminal acts
Crime is a term that contains a basic understanding
of the science of criminal law , as that term is formed with
consciousness in giving certain characteristics in the
event of criminal law
Criminal act had understanding abstract from the
concrete events in the field of criminal law , so that the
criminal act must be given a meaning that is scientific
and clearly determined to be able to separate with the
terms used in everyday community life .
Sometimes the term in the sense of the law has
become a term in public life , or vice versa terms used in
people's lives everyday can be a term in a legal sense ,
for example the term experiment , deliberately , and so
forth . Before explaining the significance of the term
crime as a legal sense , it first spread about the use of
the term criminal acts ragam.Untuk various criminal acts
know more , we will discuss in this paper .
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the definition of criminal acts ?
2. What are the elements of the crime ?
3. What are the norms in crime ?
C. Objectives

1. To know the definition of criminal acts .

2. To determine the elements of the crime .
3. To determine the norms in crime .
A. Deeds Criminal
Crime often referred to by terms such as crime, criminal
events , and delict . Defined as a criminal act is an act or
series of actions that may be subject to criminal penalties
Criminal acts have an abstract understanding of
concrete events in the report of the criminal law , so that
a criminal act must be given a meaning that is scientific
and is determined to be more easily understood by the
public . It can also be said that a criminal act is the act by
a rule of law is prohibited and punishable , provided that
in the meantime to keep in mind that the prohibition is
addressed to the person causing the incident . A ban was
intended to act where a situation or incident caused by
the behavior itself. While the criminal threat is addressed
to people who do that.
Criminal action is prohibited by a rule of law that is
accompanied by threats or sanctions in the form of a
specific criminal . What is meant by the act , namely the
behavior and the incident posed by criminal
kelakuan.perbutan refers to the nature of his action .
Although the word " acts " shorter than the word "
deed " but the word " acts " does not show an abstract
such as deeds , but simply stated the act of concrete , as
well as events with the difference that the follow is
behavior , behavior , gestures or one's physical attitude .
Therefore acts as a word is not so well known , then the
law to use the term criminal offense both in the articles

themselves , as well as in his explanation is almost

always used also said deed. Example : Act no. 7 of 1953
on general elections ( article 127 , 129 and others .
B. Elements of Criminal Acts
1. Elements of a criminal act according to some
Which is included in a criminal act is perbutaan ,
forbidden ( by law ) , criminal threats ( for breaking the
rules ) . Human actions be violated is the rule of law .
According R.Tresna there are elements of criminal acts
perbutaan / circuit
deeds , contrary to legislation , held punitive measures .
2. Formulation of criminal offenses in the Act
Book II Criminal Code , concerning the formulation
contains specific criminal acts that enter in batches
kejahtan and books III belongs to the category of
violations. There are elements that are always mentioned
in every article that is behavior / perbutan . Although
there pngecualian in Article 351 of the persecution .
Elements mistake and against the law are sometimes
included . Absolutely not listed on the ability of
responsible . In addition, many other elements include
both around the object of crime and perbutaan
specifically to certain formula
C. Norms in crime
An act catergories as a violation there are two views ,
namely by pendaoat first that the act that declares an act
considered wrong if it has to the correct ban legislation ,
this opinion is called the formal establishment while the
opinion that both Yag called the establishment of a
material that acts that mencooki legislation is against the
law for those who called the law not only laws written law
codified laws because there are also norms of unwritten
yanga da society.

criminal act is prohibited by a rule of law which bans
accompanied by threats ( sanctions ) in the form of a
specific criminal , for anyone who violates the ban. There
are other terms used in criminal law , which is " a criminal
act " . This term , because of the emergence of the Justice
Ministry , is often used in law Constitution

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