Sie sind auf Seite 1von 12


1. give the brief definition of the following:

bouquet garni:
2. Name 5 types of cuts?
3. what is dry storage temperature
4. what is perishable foods storage temperature
5. what is compound butters
6. what is desired shape of turned vegetables
7. what is beurre maine
8. what is court boullion
9. what is poaching

10.what is boiling
11.what is braising
12.what is stewing
13.what is roasting
14.what is baking
15.what is frying
16.what is chinois
17.what is blanching
18.the correct name for a stewing pan is
19.what is beurre noisette
20.what is brurre noir
21.simmering takes place at a temperature of ____________
22.the ratio of butter and flour for a roux is _________
23.the ratio of butter and flour for beurre mania is _____________

24.what is steaming
25.what is larding
26.what is thickening agents few thickening agents used to thicken sauces
28.what is baine marie
29.what is gratinating
30.what is maitre dhotel
31.shape of an omelet
32.what is jus roti
33.what is barbequing
34.what is sauting
35.what is deglazing
36.what is crepe
37.what is meuniere

38.what is difference between larding and barding

39.what is fond de cuisine
40.what is skimming
41.what is consomm
42.what is petit
43.what is trimming
44.what is clarifying agent used in the consomm
45.what is liaison what temperature does a liaison thickens
47.what is stock 4 functions of sauces 5 basic sauces with 3 derivates of each 5 classification of soups and give 2 example of each 9 international soups and the state of origin
52.what is fumet de Poisson

53.what is paupiette
54.what is dame
55.what is goujons
56.what is bisque
57.what is fish farce
58.what is bouillabaisse
59.what is nori the cuts of fish
61. what are the points to be observed while selecting a fish and
shellfish many fillets does a flat fish will have ________ many fillets does a round fish will have ________
64.what is a fillet
65.the base ingredient for a fish veloute is
66.what is caviar much time required to boil the hard boiled egg

68.a gnocchi is
69.polenta is 5 leafy vegetables 5 root vegetables
72.what is al Dante 5 cheeses used in the kitchen the cuts of chicken the cuts of lamb the cuts of beef
77.what is a la
78.what is ala carte
79.what is anglaise
80.what is aspic

81.what is au four
82.what is au gratin
83.what is beating
84.what is beurre fondue
85.what is bouillon
86.what is broil
87.what is canap
88.what is cannelloni
89.what is chantilly cream
90.what is chateaubriand
91.what is clarification
92.what is coagulation
93.what is concassee
94.what is coulis

95.what is croquettes
96.what is demi glaze
97.what is duxelle
98.what is emulsion
99.what is entre
100. what is entremets
101. what is estoffade
102. what is espagnole
103. what is farce
104. what is Florentine
105. what is foiegras
106. what is fricassee
107. what is galantine
108. what is garnish
109. what is gelatin

110. what is gherkins

111. what is gluten
112. what is griddle
113. name 5 potato preparations in continental cuisine
114. name 5 chicken preparations in continental cuisine
115. name 5 lamb preparations in continental cuisine
116. name 5 fish preparations in continental cuisine
117. name 5 vegetable preparations in continental cuisine
118. name 5 international breads
119. name different types of sponges used in bakery
120. name different types of breads used in bakery
121. name different types of creams used in bakery
122. what is horsdoeuvres
123. what is medallion

124. what is mousse

125. what is panada
126. what is parmesan cheese
127. what is pimentos
128. what is Poisson
129. what is ragout
130. what is salamander
131. what is souffl
132. what is supreme
133. what is terrine
134. what is timbale
135. what is vol-au-vent
136. what is zest
137. what are leavening agents

138. name the French term for brown stock

139. what are the parts of salad
140. name 3 classical hordoeuvres
141. name 3 shellfish
142. name 5 dressings used in salad

143. give 2 example of poaching

144. what is gratinating
145. fish stock is also called as ____________________
146. executive chef is also called as ____________
147. chef tourant is __________
148. what is shredding
149. what is refining
150. what is skimming
151. what is rendering

152. what is folding

153. what is homogenization
154. what is beating
155. what is blending
156. what is kneading
157. what is the internal temperature required for roast meats
158. name 5 sausages
159. name 5 cheese and their origin
160. what is gherkin

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