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So I learned tonight that one of my 15yo son's best friends thinks I'm "anti-vax

" because of a "debunked doctor". Since this friend doesn't have Facebook and co
uldn't possibly know my thoughts on the topic as I've never discussed it with hi
m, I can only assume he heard this from his parents.
So for those concerned about my sanity but haven't asked here's a little informa
tion ;)
I had to google both Jenny McCarthy and Andrew Wakefield WELL after we decided t
o stop vaccinating our children. Why? Because I had no idea who they were. I did
n't hear about vaccine risks from them, I had to research the information MY DOC
TOR DIDN'T KNOW after MY CHILDREN were injured.
Our research revolved around the manufacturers inserts:
Vaccine Ingredients:
FDA Material Safety Data Sheets:
EPA Guidelines:
US National Library of Medicine:
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reportig System:
National Vaccine Compensation Program Data (because you can't sue manufacturers
in case you're curious):
CDC Disease Surveillance:
The Holy Bible:
I pretty much ignored Andrew Wakefield from then on. I didn't need to utilize hi
s paper, I had all the data I needed so why even try to discuss something people
have so much trouble being rational about? Just show them all the other informa
tion and skip the drama.
Until Vaxxed came out.
Vaxxed tells the story of Dr. William Thompson, a head researcher STILL employed
at the CDC who has come forward admitting they manipulated and destroyed data o
n the landmark MMR study.
This was HUGE news 2 years ago to those who paid attention. Unfortunately pharma
funded news stations played possum so no one else knew. THIS movie was such a b
ig deal I helped host it here. I help people rent it, buy it and discuss it. I g
o to the capitol to talk to legislators about it. If I'm going to do all that I
needed to finally settle the issue of what DID actually happen with Dr. Wakefiel
d since he was invited to help produce the film. This fraudulent study by the CD
C was in fact done to rebut HIS case study that turned the medical world upside

down. It was rather poetic that when the CDC was caught with it's pants down he
was there to... um... watch and record it ;)
So. What did I learn?
That the case study was fascinating.... but concluded rather anticlimactic:
"We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and
the syndrome described."
Wait....what? I thought Wakefield said the MMR caused autism? Nope. The paper di
d no such thing.
"AJ Wakefield, SH Murch, A Anthony, J Linnell, DM Casson, M Malik, M Berelowitz,
AP Dhillon, MA Thomson, P Harvey, A Valentine, SE Davies, JA Walker-Smith"
Who's that? Oh just the 13 doctors who wrote the paper together. I thought it wa
s all Wakefield's fault? Hmmm. 13 doctors who were the heads of their fields all
collaborated and no one hears about them. Interesting. That has scapegoat writt
en all over it.
Retracted in 2010- Which was 12 years after it was published.
Only 2 doctors lost their licenses: Wakefield & Walker-Smith. Walker-Smith's leg
al representation was paid for by his medical malpractice insurance and he won h
is license back:
Wakefield's insurance would not cover his representation and as he had lost his
job and license and was now a medical pariah....was not in a position to fight f
or his as well.
Here's the story straight from the horses mouth so to speak: http://vaxxedthemov
I just love Del Bigtree's style though in this informative interview on his look
into Wakefield:
Said paper's observations have been duplicated in numerous studies- the gut/brai
n connection is a household term now:
The Journal of Pediatrics November 1999; 135(5):559-63
The Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 138(3): 366-372
Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003; 23(6): 504-517
Journal of Neuroimmunology 2005
Brain, Behavior and Immunity 1993; 7: 97-103
Pediatric Neurology 2003; 28(4): 1-3
Neuropsychobiology 2005; 51:77-85
The Journal of Pediatrics May 2005;146(5):605-10
Autism Insights 2009; 1: 1-11
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology February 2009; 23(2): 95-98
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 2009:21(3): 148-161
Journal of Child Neurology June 29, 2009; 000:1-6
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders March 2009;39(3):405-13
Medical Hypotheses August 1998;51:133-144 .
Journal of Child Neurology July 2000; ;15(7):429-35
1972;2:883 884 .

Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia January-March 1971;1:48-62

Journal of Pediatrics March 2001;138:366-372 .
Molecular Psychiatry 2002;7:375-382 .
American Journal of Gastroenterolgy April 2004;598-605 .
Journal of Clinical Immunology November 2003;23:504-517 .
Neuroimmunology April 2006;173(1-2):126-34 .
Neuropsychopharmacol Biol. Psychiatry December 30 2006;30:1472-1477.
Clinical Infectious Diseases September 1 2002;35(Suppl 1):S6-S16
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2004;70(11):6459-6465
Journal of Medical Microbiology October 2005;54:987-991
The study that "debunked" him? SEE VAXXED lol. It utterly overturns the alleged
proof he was wrong. The CDC's own findings actually supported his conclusion the
topic should be studied more. I have the movie and can get it to anyone who wan
ts to see it.
BUT if you want to be a terrible cynic and refuse to watch, you can read the doc
uments yourself. They are in 2 zip files:
The host site is CBS reporter Ben Swann's who did a shorter report on the issue
earlier this year:
Original complaint letter to the CDC:
Second complaint letter:
Dr. Thompson's press release through a top whistleblower attorney- he still supp
orts vaccines but admits the recordings are him and he regrets actions on that s
The CDC's response:
Additionally, the makers of this film have met with Rep Jason Chaffetz who is th
e head of the government oversight comittee. He and his staff has seen this movi
e AND spoken with Dr. Thompson. He is taking it seriously. There is now an inves
tigation now taking place at the congressional level.
In addition to the #cdcwhistleblower, the US Government has actually already adm
itted in the past that vaccines can cause autism.
"For over 25 years, the federal government has publicly denied a vaccine-autism
link, while at the same time its Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has
been awarding damages for vaccine injury to children with brain damage, seizures
and autism. A new investigation found that a substantial number of children com
pensated for vaccine injury also have autism and that such cases have existed si
nce 1989, the year after the VICP was formed."
Here is the actual peer reviewed study referenced in the above press release: ht

Hannah Poling's case compensated for vaccine induced autism is perhaps the most
A 10 minute video of the government discussing the link:
Last but not least, it's about WAY more than just the MMR. There are hundreds of
other papers that show a relationship between vaccine ingredients and autism sy
mptoms. Try reading up on a few of them here if you like:
While our decision to stop vaccinating had nothing to do with Wakefield, we now
can say with confidence we are on the same team. We can now say THANK YOU to him
from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for doing the right thing in the face
of intimidation and slander and never backing down in defense of our children. T
hank you Polly Tommey, Jonathan Tommey, Bella Tommey, Del Bigtree, Sheila Lewis
Ealey , Joshua Coleman, Patrick Layton and anyone one else I may have missed.
So if you hear me talk about these people? It's not a fan club obsession. They a
re recognizing families and children that have been ignored for too long. They a
re friends doing good work and I will continue to share about it. Our kids are i
njured because we never knew there was anything to research. I'm going to do my
best to make sure no one around me fails to know they have options and support i
f they want it. And I will keep fighting for my rights- and your rights, whether
you want them or not.

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