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Notes Unit 11 The

Development Of The
Transatlantic Economy
1. Olmec
a. 1200 400 B.C.E
b. In The Carribean
c. A Unified Empie
d. Trades Heavily In Obsidian And Jade
e. City States
f. Art
i. Big Heads
ii. Pyramids
g. Writing
2. Teotihuacan 100 B.C.E. 7500 C.E.
i. In What Is Today Mexico
b. Location
i. Mountainous Region
ii. Near Lake Texcoco
c. Economy
i. Selling Obsidian
ii. Agriculture Chinapas
d. Decline
i. 500 CE Bad Event
3. Mayans
a. 300 900 C.E.
b. Location
i. Yucatan Peninsula
c. City-States
i. Tikal
ii. Chichen Itza
d. Economy
i. Farming Society
ii. Skilled Artisans In Cities
iii. Involved In Trade
e. Technology
i. Mathematics
ii. Calendar
4. Toltec
a. 900-1200
b. Tula Obsidian Mines
c. Military

5. Aztec
a. 1100 1500 CE
b. Strong Military
c. City State -> Empire
d. Social Structure
i. King
ii. Nobility
iii. Commoners
iv. Slaves
e. Religion
i. Huitzilopochtli
ii. Quetzalcoatl
f. Decline
i. Cortez Shows Up in 1519
1. Weapons
2. Horse
3. Germs
4. Military
6. Inca
a. Location
i. South America
ii. Andes Mountains
b. Technology
i. Roads
ii. Bridges
iii. No Wheel
iv. Messengers
c. Empire
i. Mita System
ii. Conquered People
d. Civil War
i. Spanish Army Conquer
7. European Conquest
a. Why?
i. Interested In Asia
ii. Make $$$
iii. Gain Power
iv. Religion
b. Portugal
i. Prince Henry The Navigator
1. Bartholomew
2. Vasco De Gama
a. Goes To India
c. Spain
i. Columbus
ii. Conquistadores




1. Pizzaro
2. Cortes
iii. Why and How Did They Win?
1. Guns
2. Armor
3. Alliances
4. Disease
5. Christianity
6. Luck
i. Treaty Of Tordesillas
ii. Line Of Demarctation
i. Goals
1. Accumulate Gold +Silver
2. Export > Import
ii. How?
1. Make Colonies
2. Be More Self Sufficient
3. Use Your Own Merchants
4. Regulate Trade Carefully
iii. Effects
1. Very Idealistic -> Difficult To Follow
2. Long Term Inflation Problem
i. Not New
ii. What Is Different?
1. Continent to Continent
2. Massive Scale
3. Harsh Treatment
4. Racial Element
iii. Effects On Africa
1. Political Instability
2. Violence
3. Less Emphasis On Art
4. Depopulation
Society In Latin America
i. Plantations
1. Produce Raw Materials
ii. Social Structure
1. Peninsulares
a. Born On The Iberian Peninsula
2. Creoles
a. Of European Descent
b. Born In The Americas
3. Mestizos


a. European/Native American
a. European/African
African Slaves
Native Americans
Document 1
a. Who?
i. Portuguese
b. When?
i. 1486
c. European Attitudes
i. We Want Your Pepper
ii. Were going to send you presents.
iii. Were going to convert you to
d. Beninese Attitudes
i. Curious
ii. We Want To Learn About You
e. Other Points
i. Beninese Ambassador -> Kingdom

Of Portugal
8. Document 2
a. Who?
i. Portuguese
b. When?
i. 1516
c. European Attitudes
i. We Still Like Trading With You
ii. Really, You Should Be Catholic
d. Beninese Attitude
i. Sure, well trade if you show up
ii. Well test out Catholicism

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