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Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

5.0 Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude


Principles of Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

Dimension is a measure of a physical quantity while unit is a way to assign a number

Table5.1: Primary dimensions and their SI Units.
Electric Current
Amount of Light
Amount of Matter


SI Unit
kg (kilogram)
m (meter)
s (second)
K (Kelvin)
A (ampere)
cd (candela)
mol (mole)

In future study on Fluid Mechanics, there are two important principles to be learned:
(1) dimensional homogeneity and (2) non-dimensionalization of equations.
5.1.1 Dimensional Homogeneity
All the equations used, must comply with the law of dimensional homogeneity, in which
every addictive term in an equation must have the same dimension.
This can be illustrated through the example of hydrostatic force, FR in a submerged
plane. Refer back Equation (12) from Fluid Statics:
= ( + )
where is the atmospheric pressure, is the density of fluid, is the gravitational
constant, is the vertical distance to the point where the average pressure will act on
while A is the area of submerged plane. The unit of every term will be:
= [] = []
= [][2 ] =

= [

[ 2 ]

[2 ] = [] = [] 2
[ ]
[ ]

] [ 2 ] [][2 ] = [] 2

[ ]

Therefore, the equation which is applied to determine the hydrostatic force, satisfies the
law of dimensional homogeneity. One can say it is dimensionally homogeneous as well.

Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

5.1.2 Non-dimensionalization of Equations

If one divided the equation or term, using a collection of variables and constants to
cancel out the dimension to make it to be dimensionless, the process is named the nondimensionalization of equations.
Therefore, the terms that one encounter in Fluid Mechanics, can be (a) dimensional
parameter, or (b) non-dimensional or dimensionless parameter. The most obvious
examples for dimensional parameter is the weight of mercury (unit is Newton) while
dimensionless parameter is the specific gravity of mercury (no unit, since the unit of
mercury density has been cancelled by the density of water).
In the incoming study of Fluid Mechanics, especially in intermediate and advanced
level, the complication of equations will be a hindrance for analytical analysis, such as
the energy equation as mentioned in Equation (3.2) from Mass Conservation and
General Energy Equation. Many variables or parameters are involved.
Simplification is recommended so that the number of parameters can be reduced. The
simplification can be done through non-dimensionalization, in which the reduction of
number of parameters is done with the cost of introducing non-dimensional term(s).
This will increase our insights into the relationship between key parameters.
To demonstrate the process of non-dimensionalization,we will consider a simple case
where the object is falling in vacuum. One dimensional case is used. The mathematical
description is as follows (derivation omitted):

= 0 + 0 2 2


in which z is the vertical distance at instantaneous time t, z0 is the initial vertical location,
w0 is the initial vertical speed while g is the gravitational constant. It can be seen more
clearly by referring to Figure 5.1 as follows.

Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

Figure 5.1. Object falling in vacuum. (Taken from: engel, Y., &Cimbala, J. (2014). Fluid
mechanics: Fundamentals and applications (3rd ed.). McGraw-HillHigher Education.)

The procedure to non-dimensionalize the equation is suggested into three steps as



Identifying primary dimensions of all parameters

{z} = {L}
{z0} = {L}
{w0} = {L/t}
{t} = {t}
{g} = {L/t2}
Setting non-dimensional parameters
To non-dimensionalize, the equation need to be divided using a constant which
has the dimension {L}.


= check the dimension using the listing in step I: ({})




( {} {}{})

Substituting the non-dimensional parameters, followed by simplification of




1 2

2 0
1 2

= 1 + 2

1 0 2

2 0 2

= 1 + 2 ( 0 )2

= 1+


Let 02 be a constant, denoted by C. There is a famous constant, Froude number,


Fr, named after William Froude (1810-1879) upon his discovery, can physically
be defined as the ratio between inertia force and gravitational force:
2 2
2 =

. . .
whereL is the distance of the particle from ground, and in this case L = z0.
Therefore the Froude number is:


Substitute (3) into (2), the non-dimensional version for Equation (5.1) is:

= 1 + 2 2 2


Do notice in Equation (5.4), there are only two variables, z* and t*. We can see
more clearly the relationship between height and time. It can be solved more
easily compared with what we can see in Equation (5.1).

Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

(1) Using the definition of Froude number, =

, try to non-dimensionalize the

equation as follows.
(2) Refer back to Equation (1) the Mass Conservation and General Energy Equation.
The equation is one of the equations applied to study the fluid flow cross a plate with
the length L with the inlet flow speed V. Following the dimensionless variables, nondimensionalize the equation.

= ; = ; = ; =

Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude


The Buckingham Pi Theorem

Despite the steps and formulated in section above, in Fluid Mechanics there are one
formal procedure in developing the non-dimensional equation. This has been devised
byEdgar Buckingham (1867 1940) which is more systematic way to nondimensionalize the equation. The way is the famous Method of Repeating Variable
andBuckingham Pi Theorem. The description is as follows.

Step 1: List all the parameters. Identify the total number of parameters, n as well in the
equation. Please note that, they cannot be repeating or hidden within each other.
From Equation (1), z is a function of t, w0, z0 and g. The total number of parameters in
the equation is 5. Mathematically, we will represent the statement using the following
= (, 0 , 0 , )

Step 2: List all the primary parameters.

{z} = {L}
{z0} = {L}
{w0} = {L/t}
{t} = {t}
{g} = {L/t2}
The primary parameters in the equation is length, L and time, t.

Step 3:Guess of reduction, j, in which at the first guess, j equals to the number of
primary dimension. The remains are named as the number of Pi, denoted as k. Such a
rule is called Buckingham Pi Theorem.

Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

Step 4: Choose the j repeating parameters.
Repeating parameters = w0 and z0.
Step 5: Generation of Pi, .
The dimensional equation shall be multiplied with w0 and z0 (it could be different order)
so that the equation can be non-dimensionalized.
= 0 + 0 2
1 = z (w0)a1 (z0)b1
[L]1 [L/t]a1 [L]b1 = [L]0 [t]0
To cancel the dimension,
1+a1+b1 = 0
-a1 = 0
Solve simultaneously,
a1 = 0
b1 = -1
Then 1 = zz0-1= z/z0

2 = t (w0)a2 (z0)b2
[t]1 [L/t]a2 [L]b2 = [L]0 [t]0
To cancel the dimension,
a2+b2 = 0
1-a2 = 0
Solve simultaneously,
a2 = 1
b2 = -1
Then 2 = t w01z0-1= tw0/z0

3 = g (w0)a3 (z0)b3
[L/t2 ]1 [L/t]a3 [L]b3 =
[L]0 [t]0
To cancel the
1+a3+b3 = 0
-2-a3 = 0
Solve simultaneously,
a3 = -2
b2 = 1
Then 2 = g w0-2z01=
Step 6: Ensure the dimensionless condition of Pi. Re-write the new equation.
= 0 + 0 2

0 1 0 0 2
= 1+1

2 0 2 0
Since =

and =


= 1 +

And from Equation (3), =

1 0 2

2 0 2

, therefore

= 1 +

1 2

2 2

Thus we may see that z* is a function of t* and Fr. It can be mathematically expressed
as follows.
z* = f (t*, Fr)

Fluid Mechanics: Dimensionless Analysis and Similitude

Do note that we only use the cancelation of unit to obtain the non-dimensionalize
equation (step II). Although it is simple, fast and effective, yet when we deal with
complex equations which involve many variables, Step 5 in Buckingham Pi Theorem
appears to be a better tool to deal with.

Lift coefficient can be physically defined as the ratio between lift force and
dynamics force. It is a function of lift force (FL), density (), velocity (v) and area (A).
Mathematically expression will be:
= ( , , , )
Using Method of Repeating Variable and Buckingham Pi Theorem,
generate the equation for lift force.
An airfoil with area 200m2 recorded a lift coefficient of 1.0. What is the
left force generated, when the airfoil is subjected to an incoming air speed 30
Reynolds number is the ratio between the flow inertia effect and viscous effect.
It is a function of density, velocity, length and viscosity. Mathematically,
= (, , , )
Using Method of Repeating Variable and Buckingham Pi Theorem, prove that:

Weber number (We) represents the ratio of disruptive hydrodynamics forces to
the stabilizing surface tension force. It is an important dimensionless parameter applied
during the analysis of thin film flows, which examines the ratio between inertia force
and surface tension force acting on a fluid element.
Using The Buckingham Pi Theorem, generate the formula for We. We is a function of
fluid density (), fluid velocity (v), characteristic length (l) and
surface tension (s),
which can be mathematically written as:
= (, , , )
Froude number (Fr) is an important dimensionless parameter used in open
channel flow. Give the physical and mathematical definition of Fr. Prove that Fr is

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