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In Matthew 21:33-43, the landowner was trying to collect from the tenants who
were living off his vineyard. He sent two batches of servants to collect but the
tenants murdered them. The landowner thought that his son would not be
murdered, but the son was.
We are tenants. We were sent here by God to cultivate and nourish the earth.
However, He does not just mean that we plant and plant and nourish the earth
physically, but rather spiritually. We must plant the seeds of goodness for humanity
so that spiritually, mankind becomes enriched. However, as recorded by the Bible,
people were not planting or being good tenants. People were being selfish,
adulterous, greedy, and etc. and people had been lost spiritually. God did send
prophets, however, they were like the servants; they were killed or persecuted
because of heresy. And He tried to send His Son, Jesus, however Jesus, like the
prophets, was persecuted as well.
Jesus then asks his listeners what the order will do to these laborers, and the
listeners quickly answer that he will punish them severely and then turn the land
over to others.
The land here is the Kingdom of God. People who persecuted prophets and Jesus
and/or lived a life of evil and sin will probably be denied of the Kingdom of God,
meaning they will suffer. The Kingdom of God will be turned to those who deserve it
and who are willing to work for it.
In real life, there are those who do good things and who sin, only not as much as
killing, unlike in the gospel. But still, those who do good will be rewarded Heaven
while those who dont do good would be denied of It. Who would you rather be?

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