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Biology Daily Calendar

Week 6
Mon 10/3

Achieve 3000: Lionfish, Go Home!

Tue 10/4

Powerpoint: variety of cell types

Video: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
Review: Eukaryotes vs prokaryotes Venn diagram (see video)
Homework: Labeling Plant Cells Worksheet

Wed 10/5

Homework due
Focus: Cell membranes
Properties of water (hydrophilic/polar) and lipids (hydrophobic/nonpolar)
Demo: opposites repel
Phospholipid structure and properties; amphipathic
How phospholipid bilayers form
Fluid Mosaic Model for the cell membrane: semi-permeable, dynamic

Thu 10/6

Types of membrane transport

- passive diffusion
- facilitated diffusion
- active transport
Lab: Passive diffusion
What is osmosis?

Fri 10/7

Egg Osmosis Lab

Week 1
Thu 9/1
Fri 9/2

Week 2
Tue 9/6

Syllabus: Introduction to course - Expectations, Grading policies, etc.

Lab Safety/Safety Contract
Notebook homework: List and describe the characteristics of living
Due: Safety Contracts
Nature walk and talk (bring notebooks):
Living vs Nonliving
Collect leaves for identification using dichotomous key (in pairs)

Wed 9/7

Identify leaves using online dichotomous key (work in pairs)

Video: Characteristics of living things

Thu 9/8

Lab: Mathematics in Nature -The Fibonacci series and the

Golden ratio
Fri 9/9

Due: Mathematics in Nature lab, Tree Identification lab, Safety

contract, Safety quiz

Week 3
Mon 9/12

Achieve 3000: Building a New Sunflower

Tue 9/13

Characteristics of Life: Discuss

Lab - Is Yeast Alive
Part A: seed agar plates with yeast
Lab - Is Yeast Alive
Part B: Growth, Metabolism and Cellular Structure of yeast

Wed 9/14

Thu 9/15

Part B (cont): Growth and Development of yeast - budding

Fri 9/16

Part C: Metabolism of yeast Catabolism of glucose to form CO2

as a wasteproduct.
Complete lab writeup with claim/evidence/reasoning.
What is the evidence that yeast have characteristics of life?
How does the evidence support the conclusions?

Week 4
Mon 9/19

Quiz: Microscope parts and use.

Achieve 3000: Shaping the Forests Future

Tue 9/20

Announce test Friday on Characteristics of Life: focus on cell organization,

growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism.
Others heredity (DNA), regulation (homeostasis), and responsiveness.
Should recognize what is a characteristic of life and what is not
(ex. movement and breathing are not). Must be able to explain.
Classwork/homework - Annotate article: Biodiversity (with accompanying
Start teacher-student conferences: Notebook check; Teacher feedback
on performance with suggestions for improvement. Student feedback
and academic differentiation.

Wed 9/21

Biodiversity of Pond Water: Examine water samples for protozoa and algae
and small crustacea. Illustrate observations. Attempt to identify
specimens using picture chart and internet resources.

Thu 9/22

Formative assessment: Characteristics of Life. Review and self-grade.

Fri 9/23

Test: Characteristics of Life

Week 5
Mon 9/26

Achieve 3000: Giants of California

Tue 9/27

Introduction to parts of the cell and their functions

Cell Factory Model
Cell Analogy activity: color posters

Wed 9/28

Complete posters

Thu 9/29

Complete posters
Pep Rally Hour 7

Fri 9/30

Poster presentations

Week 6
Mon 10/3

Achieve 3000: Lionfish, Go Home!

Tue 10/4

Powerpoint: variety of cell types

Video: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
Review: Eukaryotes vs prokaryotes Venn diagram (see video)
Homework: Labeling Plant Cells Worksheet

Wed 10/5

Homework due
Focus: Cell membranes
Properties of water (hydrophilic/polar) and lipids (hydrophobic/nonpolar)
Demo: opposites repel
Phospholipid structure and properties; amphipathic
How phospholipid bilayers form
Fluid Mosaic Model for the cell membrane: semi-permeable, dynamic

Thu 10/6

Types of membrane transport

- passive diffusion
- facilitated diffusion
- active transport
Lab: Passive diffusion
What is osmosis?

Fri 10/7

Egg Osmosis Lab

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