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1. Background
Prosecutors of the Republic of Indonesia as public prosecutor 1 And authorizes another based
on the regulation2 that is may perform the repressive the suspect of corruption (TPK).3
TPK in Indonesia difficult eradicated while the government in this case law enforcement
officials had tried4 to because TPK is getting up all fronts the national and state life and can
destroy the national and state life, hinder development goals, can threaten national and
international stability, weaken institutions and democratic values and justice.5
TPK could be classified as a crime remarkable (extra ordinary crime) so that the effort to
eradicate done by means of fabulous anyway (extra ordinary instrument).6
No matter how difficult the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia are still working to
uncover eradicate TPK in Indonesia because of obligations in order to enforce the law, the rule of
law and justice as well as a minimum to reduce TPK in Indonesia and is expected to be a
deterrent effect and deterrent power.
2. Formulation of the Problem
According to the above description, therefore the core problem of this research, which could
be detailed as followed:

1 Article 1 subsection (1) Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 38 Tahun 20tentang
Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia, page 3
2 Article 30 subsection (1) letter D Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 tentang Kejaksaan Republik
3 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 Tentang
Pemberantasan TPK
4 Bambang Poernomo, 1983, Potensi Kejahatan Korupsi di Indonesia, PT. Bina Aksara, Jogjakarta page
5 Saldi Isra, Eddy OS Hiariej, 2009, Perspektif Hukum Pemberantas Korupsi di Indonesia (Written
special for books korupsi mengorupsi Indonesia, PT. Gramedia Jakarta, page 553-554
6 Flusi Daniel, 1981, Korupsi, Konsep Tindak Pidana dan Pemberantasannya, PT. Raja Grafindo
Persada, Jakarta, page vi

a. How can the effectiveness of the performance of duties attorney office of the
republic of indonesia in corruption eradication index based on achievement
b. How prospect arrangement improve the ability attorney general s office of the
republic of indonesia in corruption eradication in future?
3. Research Methodology
The research is research normative empirical, approach done approach in the act, types of
data on in this research using primary and secondary data to technique the collection of primary
data done by means of through interviews.To research if data using the qualitative study to
produce data descriptive of data (may be oral to religious study, social, culture, philosophy),
notes that deals with meaning, value as understanding
B. Results and Analysis
1. The Effectiveness Of The Performance Of Duties Attorney Office of The Republic
of Indonesia In Corruption Eradication Index Based On Achievement Investigation
a. Performance results investigator prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia for a period
of 11 (eleven) years from 2004 to 2014 as many as 14 127 cases reveal TPK, annual
average as much as 1284.3 in the given case falls within the criteria votes "quite
effective", said to be "effective" reach target of as many as 1,457 cases per year;
b. Barriers in exposing the crime scene
1) Legislation
a) If the offender TPK from executive (the governor, regent, mayor) and of the
legislature (the house of representatives, DPRD 1, DPRD II) prior to
repressive acts must first be can be written permission from president and
home affairs minister in the name of the president of indonesia as stipulated
in the regulation of the Constitutional Court. But as stipulated in section 384
verse 11 UU No 9 Tahun 2015 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah;
b) cannot be applied a death penalty to an offender TPK as stipulated in section
2 paragraph (2) UU No 31 Tahun 1999 jo UU No 20 Tahun 2001. For in this
law not loaded terms in a certain state and not loaded also who authorities
set criteria for the a certain state has requirements.
2) Internal Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
a) A source of human resources (SDM) isnt optimal;

b) The application of science has not yet fully consequently State Defense;
(1) national awareness;
(2) soul devotion and high fighting spirit;
(3) Soul sacrificing private for a corps the state and the people;
(4) The feeling of good and proud to the corps
(5) Understand about security and protective
(6) The loyalty that high
c) Prosecutor investigators, the Commission still double duty;
d) The ability prosecutor investigators is still limited;
e) A shortage of numbers of workers investigators TPK;
f) Infrastructure and facilities inadequate;
g) The employees welfare inadequate;
h) Prosecutor investigators tpk on duty somewhere/region too long;
i) Divert sector security
j) Lack of applied the prestige of the prosecutor investigators who performed
3) External prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
a) The offender TPK generally public officials;
b) The community has not been bold report should they find a TPK;
c) The offender TPK escape
d) Performers examined TPK did not attend due to illness
e) The offender TPK ignore moral ethics
2. Arrangement Prosecutors Improve The Ability Of The Republic of Indonesia In
Efforts To Eradicate TPK In The Future
There are several factors that keeps at fix:
a. Legislation
1) Eliminate barriers to investigating prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia in
taking repressive measures against the perpetrators of TPK conducted by
executive and legislative officials, as stipulated in the Constitutional Court
decision number 73/PO4-IX/2011 and the perpetrator TPK by civilian personnel
as stipulated in article 384 paragraph (1) enactment law number 9 in 2015 on
pemerintahann Regions.
2) The design of capital punishment against perpetrators of TPK as stipulated in
article 2, paragraph (2) the UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 Jo UU No 20 Tahun 2001 can
be applied in order to be entered into the Law consist of TPK
a) requirements in certain circumstances;
b) Mentioned who officials establishing that the condition of a certain state it
b. Internal Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
1) Build human resources to teach investigators understand:
(a) Technical and administrative investigator;

(b) Other legislation

2) Applying science to defend the country with a view to investigating prosecutors


understand / have:
(a) national awareness;
(b) soul devotion and high fighting spirit;
(c) Soul sacrificing private for a corps the state and the people;
(d) The feeling of good and proud to the corps;
(e) Understand about security and protective;
(f) Boldness in confronting the challenge in on duty;
(g) The loyalty that high.
Eliminate double duty TPK investigator;
Improve the integrity of moral ethics TPK investigators prosecutor;
Increase of infrastructures;
Improving employee welfare;
Giving awards to achievers investigating prosecutors and sanction prosecutors

who do despicable.
c. External prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
1) The perpetrator was declared a suspect soon after the trial court conducted;
2) Give courage to the public to report any allegations of corruption;
3) The form of an integrated team with the Department of Health in an effort to
combat corruption;
4) Increase moral integrity.
C. Closing
1. Conclusion
a. The results of the performance of investigator Attorney of the Republic of
Indonesia for a period of 11 (eleven) years from 2004 to 2014 as many as 14 127 on
average per year as much as 1284.3 / year, is not yet to reach the set targets each
year as many as 1457 cases of results performance achieved during this period in
the criteria rated "fairly effective" is said to be effective if it reaches the target of
1,457 cases per year
b. To improve the ability of the Republic of Indonesia Attorney investigators
anticipate Corruption in Indonesia in the future there are several factors that must
be addressed and improved, namely:
1) Legislation
a) If the offender TPK from executive (the governor, regent, mayor) and of
the legislature (the house of representatives, DPRD 1, DPRD II) prior to
repressive acts must first be can be written permission from president and
home affairs minister in the name of the president of indonesia as stipulated

in the regulation of the Constitutional Court. But as stipulated in section

384 verse 11 UU No 9 Tahun 2015 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah;
b) cannot be applied a death penalty to an offender TPK as stipulated in
section 2 paragraph (2) UU No 31 Tahun 1999 jo UU No 20 Tahun 2001.
For in this law not loaded "terms in a certain state and not loaded also who
authorities set criteria for the a certain state has requirements".
2) Internal Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
a) Build human resources to teach investigators understand:
(1) Technical and administrative investigator;
(2) Other legislation
b) Applying science to defend the country with a view to investigating


prosecutors understand / have:

(1) national awareness;
(2) soul devotion and high fighting spirit;
(3) Soul sacrificing private for a corps the state and the people;
(4) The feeling of good and proud to the corps;
(5) Understand about security and protective;
(6) Boldness in confronting the challenge in on duty;
(7) The loyalty that high
Eliminate double duty TPK investigator;
Improve the integrity of moral ethics TPK investigators prosecutor;
Increase of infrastructures;
Improving employee welfare;
Giving awards to achievers investigating prosecutors and sanction

prosecutors who do despicable.

3) External Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
a) The perpetrator was arrested immediately if it has been named as a suspect;
b) Improving the courage to society to report if there Corruption;
c) the establishment of an integrated team with the Health Department in the
effort to eradicate corruption;
d) Increase moral integrity
2. Advice
To improve the ability of Indonesia Investigators Prosecutors in corruption eradication in
the future there are several factors that must be improved and increased :
a. Improvement of the legislation
1) Eliminate barriers to investigating prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia in
taking repressive measures against the perpetrators of TPK conducted by
executive and legislative officials, as stipulated in the Constitutional Court
decision number 73/PO4-IX/2011 and the perpetrator TPK by civilian personnel

as stipulated in article 384 paragraph (1) enactment law number 9 in 2015 on

pemerintahann Regions.
2) The design of capital punishment against perpetrators of TPK as stipulated in
article 2, paragraph (2) the UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 Jo UU No 20 Tahun 2001 can
be applied in order to be entered into the Law consist of TPK
b. Internal Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
1) Build human resources;
2) provide training state defense;
3) Eliminate double duty TPK investigator;
4) Provides a time limit investigating prosecutor on duty at a place / area;
5) Increase moral integrity;
6) Improving employee welfare;
7) Giving awards to achievers investigating prosecutors and sanction prosecutors
who do despicable.
c. External Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
1) The perpetrator was arrested immediately if it has been named as a suspect;
2) Improving the courage to society to report if there Corruption;
3) the establishment of an integrated team with the Health Department in the effort
to eradicate corruption;
4) Increase moral integrity.

Daniel, Elwi, 1981, Kompas, Konsep Tindak Pidana dan Pemberantasannya, PT. Raja Grafindo
Persada, Jakarta.

Isra Saldi, Eddy OS Hiariej, 2009, Perspektif Hukum Pemberantasan Korupsi di Indonesia
(Ditulis Khusus Untuk Buku Korupsi Mengorupsi Indonesia), PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.
Kaelan H. MS, 2012, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Interdisipliner bidang sosial, budaya, filsafat,
seni, agama dan humaniora, Penerbit Paradigma, Yogyakarta.
Poernomo Bambang, 1983, Potensi Kejahatan Korupsi di Indonesia, PT. Bina Aksara, Jogjakarta.
Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang
Pemberantasan TPK.
Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 tentang Kejaksaan RI.
Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 38 Tahun 2010 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja
Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia.

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