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20 June the birthday of excitement Your greatest challenge is avoiding extremes of emotion The way

forward is to understand that the only way for you to find any real sense of fulfillment is to temper
your reactions with a heavy dose of self-discipline. Youre drawn to people born on April 21 to May 21
Opposites attract here, as you can learn much from each other, creating a fulfilling and happy union.
Luck maker Stop exaggerating! Exaggerating only makes you feel more out of your depth and sends
other people the wrong signals. Lucky people understand the importance of describing situations as
they are and not dramatizing them. People born on June 20 are affectionate and spontaneous with
everyone they meet, because expressing their emotions comes naturally to them. Indifference is
something they simply dont understand since, above all else, these people love and thrive on
excitement. Life is never dull when these popular people are around since everything elicits a
passionate reaction from them. They are dramatic, charismatic, outgoing charmers who love to talk and
adore being the center of attention. Excellent communication skills and an innovative mind crammed
with insights make them vibrant, witty conversationalists. However, because they love excitement, they
can sometimes provoke an argument for the sake of it. They can also be a little too needy of praise and
if they dont get the reinforcement they crave, they may respond with attention-seeking or irrational
behavior. It is important for them to surround themselves with warm-hearted but level-headed people
who can give them the balance they need. Until the age of thirty there is an emphasis on home, family
and emotional security, and they should take advantage of opportunities to find a sense of inner
balance. After the age of thirty-one, however, they will become more creative and confident,
developing the assertiveness to be more adventurous. If they can get a grip on their passionate
responses to situations and their ability to churn up strong emotions in others, these are the years
when they can really come into their own. Although people born on this day can sometimes create
fireworks unnecessarily, more often than not they are a positive force. The atmosphere seems lighter
when they are around because they help bring out the repressed emotions of others. Excitement and
passion seem to follow them wherever they go and they also have considerable intuitive powers,
helping them to enchant, persuade and influence others. If they can find a worthy cause and ensure
that they occasionally check in with their reason as well as their emotions they can transform their
creative and exciting dreams into reality. On the dark side Insecure, irrational, hypersensitive At your
best Dynamic, exciting, rousing Love Make time for love People born on June 20 are often so popular
that they simply havent got time for that special someone. However, once they do fall in love they find
the experience incredibly fulfilling and so they should always remain open to the possibility of love.
They are drawn toward intelligent and level-headed individuals who can help calm and balance them.
Health Cool, calm and collected People born on this day tend to attract people and situations into their
lives that are stressful and demanding; they need to find out why this is the case. Getting in touch with
their own feelings and increasing their depth of self-understanding will help them attract more positive
energy. They would benefit enormously from mind-control therapies such as meditation, yoga and
counseling. They would also benefit from more quiet time alone thinking, reading or simply being in the
moment. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure that they structure fixed meal and snack
times intotheir day as this will help ground them. The same applies for their exercise routine; it should
be timetabled into their weekly diary. Sticking to regular going-to-bed and rising times is also
recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage
them to be more cool, calm and collected. Career Born investigative journalist People born on this day
have the ability to think on their feet and sense the potential drama or opportunity in a situation; this
will make them excellent problem solvers, investigative journalists, politicians, teachers, and
researchers. Their easy charm and organizational skills will also help them succeed in people-orientated
careers, whether in business or the public sector. Creative outlets are likely to be through the media,
theater or music. Destiny To encourage others to be more open and receptive The life path of people
born on this day is to learn to temper their restlessness and thirst for stimulation with a streak of
realism and self-discipline. Once this is achieved, their destiny is to draw people to them with their
sympathetic nature, encouraging others to be more open and receptive themselves. Powder Though I
dont need a crisis to feel alive June 20 Signs & symbols Sun signs: Gemini/Cancer Ruling planets:
Mercury, the communicator/Moon, the intuitive Symbols: The Twins/The Crab Birth date ruler: Moon, the
intuitive Tarot card: Judgment (responsibility)

There may be magic in the eyes and hands of this character, but is it the black sort or the white?
Sometimes June 20 is irrational and emotional and in both sexes there's an underlying instability which
most grow out of in adolescence. But if they are mishandled in childhood - not loved enough - the
crackle in the air around June 20 becomes as dangerous as a faulty electric cable. They wear
charisma like a tailor-made cloak. No man or woman can resist the magnetic force field and nobody can
feel neutral about this person. At work they may seduce their way to the top. Both sexes use flattering
trickery to get on, happily doing Christmas shopping for a boss, much better and more imaginatively
than he would. Both sexes will also enhance the personal diary of anybody who can help them get on,
procuring treasured theatre tickets, delivering and fetching clothes from the dry cleaners. If they could
sit on the lavatory for their boss, you know they would. At parties they flit from one to another, their
eyes constantly flickering towards the door in a desperate search for someone they are afraid to miss.
Yet all the while June 20 is the one with the magic and the sadness is that uncertainty, that old
instability of judgement, makes them unaware of it. Once master of these personal powers, however,
they make exciting leaders with a force field everybody wants to get inside. In this situation, the almost
visionary powers of this individual radiate. June 20 is ultra sensitive to emotion and extremely
empathetic. Sometimes they use these qualities so well that they really do seem to create magic. Their
generous character traits usually mean they use these powers to do good. But a few are born without
concern for others, and this may emphasise the dark side of their star. These people can be destructive.
In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork. (Wilson Mizner) BODY This
individual is vulnerable to upset stomachs, making him or her nervous of travel or indeed, just going
out. Observe key hygiene rules in the kitchen, to ensure that you are eating safely. Keep all work
surfaces scrupulously clean and wash all utensils and chopping boards after they have come into
contact with raw meat, poultry or eggs, to prevent cross-contamination. Wash hands before preparing
food. Wash all fruit and vegetables. Leave washing-up to drain. It's more hygienic than using a teatowel, although a dishwasher is best. Remember to defrost the fridge regularly and dont overload it or
leave the door open for long. MIND Sometimes the sense of unreality is so overwhelming it causes a
range of reactions from nerves to panic attacks. Try a few drops of Rescue Remedy in a glass of water.
Many people swear by the calming effect.

SUN GEMINI MOON TAURUS If I had learned education I would not have had time to learn anything else.
What do I care about the law? Haint I got the power? CORNELIUS VANDERBILT Let me say that the
true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. CHE GUEVARA Themes AIR/ EARTH Sensual yet
intellectual; flirtatious yet faithful; practical, applied intelligence; reasonably unreasonable; practical
communicator; artist; business and entrepreneurial flair; determined and loyal. Are you a fixed point or
the turning world? You love to be on the move, yet you love to be still. You are really with-it, yet deeply
conservative. You have the bright-eyed vitality of fresh-sprung spring, but do you belong in the town or
the country? Do you want to sit and savour the wine and stroll across the fields and hills, or must you
be nipping off, late again, for your next engagement? Do you want to build up your material security or
are you really interested in pursuing bright ideas, talking and developing your mind? Although you can
be impatient with your need for tranquillity, you can also rebel against your nervous haste and restless
quest for fresh stimulation by slipping into low gear. You are often an enigma to yourself. When you can
allow your natural understanding of the material world and your appreciation of the value of things to
work together with your clever mind and your need to communicate, you have all the makings of a
successful scientist, businessperson or indeed writer, poet, musician or painter. The important thing for
you is to be able to talk about and communicate your feelings and experiences, and to translate them
into permanent form. There is a need to be in touch with your sense perceptions and also to question
and explain them. You are at your most creative, and most content, when you are combining your
natural understanding of the sensual world with your quick-witted ingenuity. Things really come
together for you when you are planning, shopping for and cooking a meal, or when you are translating
perceptions into poems or paintings or music. You have a natural understanding both of the laws of
nature and of finance, and you know how money can be effectively accumulated and put to work. You
enjoy the operations of your five senses they tell you about the world you find so beautiful and
interesting. Like a child in a toy shop, you experiment with what you find, and your ingenuity always
helps you put your understanding to good use. You have a shrewd sense of the value of things and of

people, and a strong capacity for highly practical, factual evaluation of situations, and for coming to
objective judgments. Relationships
Your relationships are vital to your wellbeing. Friends and partners are your source of stability, security
and feedback. Despite your occasional wanderings, you can be deeply loyal and utterly dependable to
those who have earned your respect. Since you thrive on mental stimulation and live-wire dialogue,
however, you are quickly bored by overly stable, secure, reliable types. You have a high level of
sensuality and are constantly tempted by the idea of new relationships. This, combined with your need
for stability, means that you find it difficult to be either faithful or unfaithful. At one and the same time
you can be deeply possessive yet thoughtlessly fickle, wildly flirtatious yet lovingly loyal. As a stable,
thinking type you tend to be out of touch with your deeper feelings and intuitions. Consequently, you
may find wild, hysterical and unstable types fascinatingly attractive, and become involved with
partners who disturb you rather than comfort you, who are a challenge rather than the touchstone you
so much want. Your Greatest Strengths Deep common sense; capacity to turn ideas into realities and to
translate experience into words; practical flexibility; stability; intelligent support and generosity. Your
Greatest Weaknesses Tendency to get overly absorbed in your experiences; lack of sympathy for the
feelings of others; talking over and over the same ground; scepticism about and resistance to matters
spiritual. Images for Integration A country boy lives it up among the city bustle but goes back to the
farm at night A master chef gives a dinner party for her intellectual friends The cancan from
Offenbachs Orpheus in the Underworld.

Those born on this date are highly intuitive, with original ideas. You are charismatic and charming, and
an important part of your success is an ability to deal with people on a personal level. Having a warm
heart and being friendly and sociable, you are often popular and know how to enjoy yourself and keep
people entertained. This can help in your desire to be in the limelight, preferably in a leading position.
You may have to beware, however, of underachieving through not disciplining yourself and scattering
your energies in too many directions. The influence of Aquarius, your decanate ruler, suggests that you
want to explore new and innovative concepts. Your shrewd but restless mind gives you quick responses
and reactions and can easily assess people and situations. You may have to avoid being impatient or
stubborn, and you can have a tendency to not follow through with the responsibility needed to achieve
your outstanding promise. Usually ambitious, you are likely to be constantly thinking of schemes of how
to make money or advance in life. Your desire for creativity often means that you have a strong need
for freedom of expression. Since natural enthusiasm is one of your prime assets, the catch is that you
need to genuinely believe in an idea in order to throw yourself into a project and get results. Up to the
age of thirty, your progressed Sun is in the sign of Cancer and you may be particularly centered around
issues concerning emotional security, home, and family. At the age of thirty-one, when your progressed
Sun moves into Leo, you will become more creative and confident. This will endow you with the
assertiveness to be more adventurous and enhance your social skills. After sixty, when your progressed
Sun moves into Virgo, you are likely to become more practical, discriminating, and orderly. SUN: GEMINI
Betelgeuze; Polaris, also known as Al Rukkabah or the Pole Star; Menkalinan, also known as Shoulder of
the Rein- Holder
PRIMARY STAR Stars name: Betelgeuze Degree position: 2746-2842 Gemini between the years 1930
and 2000 Magnitude: Strength: ********** Orb: 230 Constellation: Alpha Ononis Applicable days: June
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Star qualities: Mars/Mercury Description: a variable orange-red star located on
the right shoulder of Orion PRIMARY STARS INFLUENCE Betelgeuze imparts an ability to judge, an
optimistic outlook, a quick mind, and a competitive nature. This star also bestows luck and success
through resolution and determination. You may receive honor for outstanding achievement and may
also gain material wealth. Linked to your Suns degree, this star shows a talent for philosophy and an
aptitude for metaphysical studies. Belelgeuze imparts success in sport and legal affairs as well as
generally carrying a good influence in all matters dealing with others. Although honor and wealth can
be achieved, they are not necessarily long-lasting, for there is an ever-present danger of sudden loss.

Positive: good judgment, problem solving, harmony of action and thought Negative: obstinate,
argumentative, antagonist See Appendix for additional fixed star readings. Your Secret Self Your desire
to understand people and what motivates them suggests that you judge yourself by your relationships
with others. In order to establish harmonious unions, you may have to keep a balance between great
warmth and cool detachment. Luckily, you have a generous nature and an inner desire for honesty. By
using this to acknowledge your own failings, you are able to learn from
every situation and move on. You like power, which, constructively channeled, can be a significant part
of your accomplishment. However, misuse of this power may manifest itself as manipulative tactics.
Besides a willingness to work hard if you are interested in a project, you can be determined and
dedicated. Your innate practicality and organizational skill, when combined with your talent for dealing
with people, enable you to attract assistance from others in fulfilling your plans. Work & Vocation Your
easy charm and organizational skills indicate that you have the potential to succeed in many peoplerelated activities, whether in the business world or in the public sector. You will probably be drawn to
areas involving communications and could consider education, personnel, public relations, and politics.
Publishing, writing, journalism, and research are also excellent channels for your fine mind. Creative
outlets are likely to be through the theater or music, or as a songwriter. If you are talented, people will
recognize your unique capabilities and help you reach the limelight. Famous people who share your
birthday include actress Nicole Kidman, actors Errol Flynn and Martin Landau, singers Cyndi Lauper and
Lionel Richie, Beach Boys member Brian Wilson, playwright Lillian Hellman, and writer Catherine
Cookson. Numerology With a number 20 birthday, you are intuitive, sensitive, adaptable, and
understanding, and often see yourself as a part of a larger group. Usually you enjoy cooperative
activities where you can interact, share experiences, or learn from others. Charming and gracious, you
develop diplomatic and social skills and can move in different social circles with ease. You may,
however, need to develop your confidence, overcome a tendency to be easily hurt by the actions and
criticism of others, and avoid being overly dependent. You are a master at creating a congenial and
harmonious atmosphere. The subinfluence of the number 6 month indicates that you need to acquire
practical skills and learn to keep a balance between idealism and a desire for material success. Avoid
being critical of yourself and others or making unreasonable demands. Determination and willpower are
essential keys to your success. Since you are often a perfectionist, counterbalance your failures with
your achievements. You need a plan of action and to persevere regardless of the difficulties. Positive:
good partnerships, gentle, tactful, receptive, intuitive, considerate, harmonious, agreeable, amicable,
ambassador of goodwill Negative: suspicious, lack of confidence, timid, oversensitive, emotional,
selfish, easily hurt, crafty Love & Relationships Sharing and communication are important to you. Your
desire to be in the company of people with power or authority suggests that a strong influence from
your father or an older man in your
youth left a strong mark on your views and beliefs. A need to know and understand about self-mastery
suggests that you admire those with a unique approach to life. Although you want to be independent, if
you come across exceptional people, you may be tempted to follow them. With your charm and natural
authoritative demeanor, you often attract people who believe in you. In close relationships you need to
keep light and positive and avoid becoming overly serious, bossy, or critical. A love of knowledge or
wisdom may bring you nearer to your ideal partner. YOUR SPECIAL SOMEONE Among people born on
the following dates, your ideals might be realized more easily. Love & friendship: Jan. 1, 9, 14, 28, 31,
Feb. 7, 12, 26, 29, Mar. 10, 24, 27, Apr. 8, 22, 25, May 6, 20, 23, June 4, 18, 21, July 2, 16, 19, 30, Aug.
14, 17, 28, 30, Sept. 12, 15, 26, 28, 30, Oct. 10, 13, 24, 26, 28, Nov. 8, 11, 22, 24, 26, Dec. 6, 9, 20, 22,
24 Beneficial: Jan. 26, Feb. 24, Mar. 22, Apr. 20, May 18, June 16, July 14, Aug. 12, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov.
6, Dec. 4 Fatal attractions: Dec. 19, 20, 21, 22 Challenging: Jan. 3, 25, Feb. 1, 23, Mar. 21, Apr. 19, May
17, June 15, July 13, Aug. 11, Sept. 9, Oct. 7, Nov. 5, Dec. 3 Soul mates: Jan. 3, 10, Feb. 1, 8, Mar. 6, Apr.
4, May 2

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