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The IB CAS programme was undoubtedly the most challenging and varied
programme I have ever participated in. The amount of obstacles I had to
pass, challenges to undertake made it a life changing experience in fact.
Actually, thanks to it I got to experience activities I would have otherwise
never thought of taking up, especially when it comes to sports.
Id like to begin with reflection on my Action component of CAS
programme, as it was undoubtedly the most feared part. As I have never
actually participated in any kind of physical activity, be it in organized or
individual form, I really had to brain storm multiple times to finally stumble
upon an activity that I thought I might actually try and not die from
exhaustion on the very first session. I decided gym, which would allow
considerate flexibility of exercise choices, would be the best option to
begin with. This experience undoubtedly showed me my strengths or
rather areas for growth, as lets not lie I was pretty miserable when I first
started doing sports. Bowling came next, and not only was it an
opportunity to further improve physical condition- it looks much less
demanding that it actually is- it taught me healthy competition, which is
crucial not to get insane in current rat-raced world.
When it comes to the Creativity component, at first I was quite confused,
not to say outraged about the fact that I, extremely dedicated musician,
have to take yet another creative activity that would for sure not be just as
satisfying as good old music. How mistaken I was back then, thinking that
creativity has nothing more to offer for me. In fact, thanks to the CAS
programme I took initiative and discovered the width of creative sector
and I instantly got immersed in it. Id have never thought before that I
would attend modern dance classes and learn how to dance hip-hop,
whats more actually enjoy it. I really appreciated collaboration in creating
dance choreography, which I thought I was never capable of as such an
individualist. I also got to experience language lessons from which I
benefited so much. They also rose my awareness of the current issues in
the French speaking region, which is currently experiencing multiple

migration strains. It was fascinating to discover how much broader

horizons appear when we consider world from the perspective of just other
language. IB debating society combined the value of language acquisition
and global issues. I feel that my confidence was boosted during this
activity as being a speaker, which I have never been before, required me
to break free my earlier barriers and try and communicate my ideas most
efficiently during debates as now I wasnt only responsible for myself but
also for the group. As an old good musician I couldnt have not included
music component in my CAS programme. The singing lessons I attended
were however so much different from what I usually experience, as they
comprised of different styles than normally taught. I got surprised to
discover how broad this field actually is, which I didnt acknowledge
before. It also taught me appreciation towards other musical styles rather
than reluctance towards them, as I always considered them much easier
than what I was learning and it was actually not true.
Last but not least, the Service component of the CAS programme had
probably the greatest impact on me by efficiently communicating that in
fact I, as an entity, am able to influence the society I live in significantly
and that even the smallest actions count. Also that acting locally can have
an immense international impact and being passive is the worst attitude to
have. Through school volunteering I got a change to broaden my
perspective and to see how other people are struggling with something I
consider as a given. That drastically modified my approach to all I own,
both in terms of financial and intellectual assets. During teaching piano on
the other hand, I was happy to admit that my skills, which I acquired
during long and tedious pathway can now serve the community and
change it for better. I saw how much power lays in education and in
passing knowledge from hands to hands.
Overall, I am really grateful I could have experienced CAS programme as it
totally changed my outlook on surrounding world. I am sure that skills I
achieved through it will help me in the adult life that I am about to begin
and will make me a valuable member of international and national society.

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