Sie sind auf Seite 1von 31

R d ~ & + d b o ~ ~ u d 4 s 4m.

a 5m i ( t S k J ;



F r d s a & t f W + h t ~ ~ & ~ B ~ m p .
i a ~ F r P l s c i e e P , # d b ~ ~ ~ E a d ~ ~ +
dmc thp. BlkCtlmm maim


~ ~ ~ ~ d T e m m a n d ~ . p p h d t a

~ c a m ) w l r p t u p i n u t Lwem~ahoebndght.

c h e c i t y ~ ~ d h e h e a t a o d r c r h e h e ~ f
d e m & m r n f n s d b y h b .

As 504 Ear. on Ocoober 13, 1989, San F

h was
~ & P k k c n & r 1 5 m n & ~ ~ l a m a h d *

~ ~ m f b F ~ t h ~ t t ~ S a t l ~ & d
~ ~ u g h d ~ld ei d n o t r c r a r b g c w a d ~ i s
t h e a a F r a t r a y ~ u ~ h ~ ~ a n d ~ A
~ o f o f t h e B a y B ~ ~ . J 1906,ragingh
~ a s i n
~ f d b y b r u h ~ ~ f a t k r c ~ ~ t x o f S P r n
~ , o r a B ~ b a r d w f i g l l c ~ o f b ~ m w
hdpd &@ah
rhem. Very mm
d i n d r Q w ~ r h E ~ Q f d x
At 530 RM. on M a d 2?,1%4, tarpthm Ahdm wos
that had Bor thret minutes.
the 1#6 San P m c b d q
, Im of life and p m p q
was & t i d y low beam of*t
and p
~ 1
a W d r afthchkhg, and damage
m a i d m t,dy rn$300m&n (in 1 %4 dclllarsr). Tkc
~ r ~ f b l t ~ a n a m o E m o ~ t t r a n 1 m i l luarekiiaion
tnau.(350,000rqrniln).A naian of the
5 0 b y 2 0 0 k i l o ~ ( 3 Q bL
1 3 m c t m ~ 4 O f & c ) , a n d a a i m i a r ~ o f l a nsank
d 1 to2
ni(3 tb 6 fed). H o r h n d movement w a b'lighr, In


coliapd onto the [lower mry, m

g 16 p p k @m 74,i

drwrm,mppitigawok r w & 3 m ~ o f ~ (
fi%kt 6rw &our 100 homa buntadat a S y h w naobiluhom

by had m-c
wwbd wirh tbc d q +
dmmx 100 p p l e h o d in A h s h and a few p p b


d r v r w a a a d ~ f a r ~ ~ Q ~ a a d n o r t h r t r l ~ m im
~ r,aa,snd
n ~tau o f t b o d ofpr9pk h d no mtc:r, U t y
mrpmd over the Pacific O w .
jzmwy 17, 19*, at 4:31 A.M., the N o r t h r i b eotrh~udc~qunlreoccuPssdcatlytn&cma~~cm
q u a I r e ~ r h t S m k d V ~ j u e t ~ o f, h hk K
~ i a g h o k y , m wtyhwcommm~wmonthccd
I ~ , ~ b i br4Oaeco&Tbeq&abwt
o ,
h p d tkmvq%Damage a u d d $10 bdim.
W h i a State Uniwtiity, N o n W p , dmagud at drsrroyad
dl 53 CSUN buhhp, md h u s l y h a p i 300 ocher
dook Nmrreus frcmay
caltapd {including
some that had pmbualy eohpd in a n w b y 1971 q d ) ,
dosing four hmmm and men orher highways Eor m ~ ~ l r h s ,
Thc two uppw mrim of the Northridge M


rock lmah suddenly,

be vurtid,

essrhguake. Tm m;lsarcsr of
a fiault, The movement may
7.3).T h e main on rbe
cxpetldcd by ,moving the rock

into new poultl0ns and by atating h i c

Recently mme modifications h m been suggcstcd fbr
thc aequmte of w t n t s &OWJI
7.2, The dwic
i m p k that existing
kulm arc stroil%;a very hr t
atm muat act to k a k m
dong a fault, T h e new idea is
h a t Eaulrs arc weak, and only
need a s d I a m to a w e
rupture and an earthquake.
Tt evidence for the new idis su&w,
but not yct can-



cluaivc, w we curmdy


wo rnodeb for fiult behavior.

-I&weak-fault d c l
serious problem for earthquake pdcrion, as you wi 1 ace
l a m in thc cbapm.
Tht britde behnior of b d i q rock is c h i m ~ w h i only
of rocb near the &I h,
Roclcs at dcpth arc mabjrm m
inaascd tempttoturc and prssrw, which m d m d w e k
t l e m , Dacp rodrs dcf$rm p h i t i d y (&
instead of b d n g (&rihd
v i o r ) t h a ,them is a limit to
the depth where faults can occur,
Most archquakes are d a t e d with m m m t on hdm,
but in some &q
tk mnncction with fhulting may be md t ta d h h . Your seccnt Mfomia q h , indudiclg the
1994 Northridge quske, d on buried h fib,
some d which were unknown and none of d i & inwalved



~ ~ ~ o f r a w a I n r I ~ 1979,1CeMo,
e s W ,
Photo by UnIv, d Cdwado: murfeay NatWet Q B a p W Data Cwrter,



tiom, l i k e s ~ r u n d w a v c s m w i q t r h r o u g h a k ~ ~
s&dc wave that t r a d *.&
d ' s & away h n l

epicenter, b w a t c r w a v w i ~ o ufwm
t apcbble thrc
inro a p m d Rock &
with seismic mil
waves dim outwith d q & k w & &
just as water m


P ~ i s a c u m p ~ f a r b ~ w a v e i n w h i & m
vitrarates -and
fbr&p&iw tht direction ofwave prop

dma 15,00Q&perhour),aPwwcisdx6m (m*

~ ~ t 2 m 5 ~ p t r ~ d A n S ~ w i

r c r d r l l j b ~ ~ t o t t i c ~ m o f w e p m
h e d i s p b e n t . Most d q &
in tbe man U M
t h a t i s , ~ ~ t 8 ~ ~ t h c w a v
arc a h not assacaatadwith d o t displat#mmr.E d Botb P waves and S mvcspass mily through solid rc
q w h a h oc~urduring mplasivc volcanic eruptions and as
wave can also p a s through a fluid {gas or liquid), bur
mapa fodly N
s unhrpund m a p a chambers prior to
wnnot. Wc discussed the importan= of this Facl
m y eruptions; these q&
may not be associated with fault
A n o t h c t ' ~ a 1 ~ 6 ~ h a s ~ ~ d y ~ f b i ~ e a r t h &(100 to 670 1310metm Mow thc &I,
ofwhich rn found on mid, d m h g plats sMhg dawn into
dat mantle. Although the downgoii p b are colder than the
p d , ~ w a ~ e s ~ ~ ~ r o p c r r y ~ r t
m r m d h g rock the high tcmpcmmc and p
m at depth
bsu&m #ramp m d w more ground rnwcm
s w g a m to some geologists that dx rock in die @a should
Wm p h d d l y mthe Jlan b&g
in the bride m c r of
i m p o m t h d s of surfiace w a w arc Lovt w a w and Raylr
~&mdu.The~aueofclqq&isminw,named after thc p p h y s i c h who d k w a e d than.
d mdbmacions widin the downgoing rock as p m r e dfnv;8wrrrnesarem#r&S~~#ithathaveaove~id1
~ ~ l n i n c d i n t o a ~ b m I n b ~ t s hplacement.
a w
The ground moves side to side in a h o h ~
s h m rfiese rsanstbmuons oocur d e n l y , fwmltg; lensplane that is
m the direction tfte wave is tm
&& Ws of the n m , denset m i n d dong -.
ing or propagating (figutc 7.50. Like S wavw, Lwew a w
~ a h e r t f i e p ~ o c n r ~ s o n a h r g c d t o p r o d u a enot
~ mad &rough liquids and would not be Mt on a bod]
qualces is unknm. S i sqgMioa9 br the awe uf k p
wm,Beaure of the horizontal movement, LDve mB
qualm include the dchydmion o f w a m ~ serpentine
n ~
to knock buildings ofFthcir fbundarions.
and the m d w , afwpmttnt inw &ssp,BOtb h e
behave like rolling man waves. Eta+@
war suddedy on small fbmm in lab mpcrimmt8.
waves c
aw Ehc ground to awve in an elUptid path a~
wave passes (@re 7.5D).
R q k g h waves wnd ta be i n a d
ro buildinp became they produce more gro~
mwemeat and take longtr to p.
The point witbin rhe d where seismic warn origiaate is
d e d JI* h m (orhptmw)of the a d q u a b lfiguff 7.4).
This is &e center of the carchquace, the point of initial b d age and mawnetit on a fauIt. Rupture begins at dx focus and
then spreads rapidly dong the 6dt plane. The piat on rhc
The invention ofimmments&t could acauately rtcdrds
mic waves was an jmpor~vlrscientific admmce. They m a
Two types of &mic waves ate generarcd during eambthe amount of ground motion and can be used ra h d
are seismic waves that trawl through the
and sizc ofan d q h
s interior, spreadhg o u d from rhe h in ail k - l o ~ o n depth,


C Lwe w a w




,I, , , ,I ;

" ' I

I . ,

The instrument wed to detect seismic warn irr a seismorne

--The principle of the s&marncccr i~ to keep a havy emm m as motionlm as p d b 1 ~ r p e n d i a git by

A &mameter by iwlf cannot reeord ehc motion that it

rncasum. A danqmph is a mrding dcvicx that produces a
pwmmcnt rccord of mtf~motion detected by a seismometer,
in the form of a wiggly h e h w n on a moving swip of
paper (fip
7.7). The paper m r d ofdvibmcion is called
A nuwork of seismograph scarions b d n & d dl over
the world to record and study w t h q d a (and nuclew
bomb nrplasioasl. W~thin mimuteti h e r an m

A At&

A simple selsmogmph for detectingv w t rock
~ motion. The pen mr&the ground motion on the s d s ~ r a r n
spring m h e s 1
and compmws wfth up and d w n mwemenl of the
Fmme and recwdirrg drum maw with the ground. Inertia of the weight k#pe P
and me n e d h nlativeiy motionless.





( A ) A sehmgraph for h o ~ t &n.
Modern sdsmqraphe
record earth motion on moving strips of paper.The mass k
suspended by a wire from the column and wings tike a pendulum

ground m s horizontally. A pen

to the mws
records the motton on a rnwlng strip of paper. (8)A seismogram
of a 1967 ewlhquslse in Taiwan magnitude 6.2,mckd In
8abtw, California, 6,300 miles away. nrst a M s of P, S, and
swhm waves are shown.

Courlesy UnWIty d CaHfornie,8erkdey

occurs, distant seismographs begin to pick up seismic waves.

A large e a r c b q k an be detected 4 seismographs all over

the world.

B c c ~ u sthe
t d i f h n t typei ofacismic waves u a d at Maent speeds, thcy arrive at seismograph stations in a d h i t e

o r d firirtthePway~s,

k e ~ T b ~ ~ ~ n t ~ a n b e d i g t i n g 4 i s h e
rhe sekmgam. By d y z h g b~~,
can learn a gmt dEal abwa an d q & ,
iaduding its lmtion and she.

A Stuth near focrro

! W h w focus anhquekcr ate most common; they a t e 0 4

#bt 85% of total,quake cmw r d d lntcnztcdiate (12
and drcp (3%) focus q a k -aterarer bcmusc most
b w p l d y when 4 or debrmd; they ad
W f e to store and suddenly r e f m e e ~ r g yas bride st&&
,rocks do.

htohdourk muEbdhkindaf+

h i ~ ~ ~ d ~ d d ~ t ; t a e h ~ j w I
afnn d
s mpiema.-b

an ear#qwb.lM $Istamf m d of three staWm
(Darwr, St,Johns, and LW)IsdeterrnInedfrOrnseismogmms
and the lmvd-timecurves shown In itgun 73. ach d i m m is
u d f w b rdtusof a d r d e w t h e M ~ 1 . m
emhqlm is just offshore ot Vmeouver, Btmb C o l u ~w, b r t

WMdmmhadon c9n o h be mldc very *idly* even

A s ~ e s r t a t i m ~ ~ o t r t p o h

oenm of rhe ci& king the amtion and im dhthe chance
to &c q
7.10). The scienrists at the station know
tbar the q&
dS O ~ C Z 0x1
T that W e , but &om
k idomation recodEd tlxy are nor .able to d &arc, With
on from other stations, Ii-er, they can, pinpoint
& location o f h quake. E bor more d a m have determind the distance t~ a dn$e quake, a tide is drawn hs &
sation. If this h done on a map, the intersdon of the
Andy= ofscismo&rouns can also iodiuw at w&t deprh
bd die s&ee the q& o&.
m edlqdw

t h - c d 8 a&,


m . m u r h d e e p , The durn dqth m f k w - c h e dkrmct b a w m ~ .d

b qkm-hr mdq&
is &ur

~ ~ d ~ R o m m ~ ~ n g ~ r n 1 t
mmtihd MercPUr d e (table 7-11; higher numbers indiue
Alhugh intensitia are widely rcpaned ar tarcbq*
l ~ ~ a d ohughour
rhc mdd, usinginrdnsity as a mmsure
d q w h ~ 9 c t 9 a g t b aamber
ofdrawbacb. Bmw
ap g n d y k u x -wit& dbwc;c from a q W s e p i - 4
a r e a t Iacations report d
h inrmitics for the mej
d q &
(figure 7.11). Moreover, dnmpe to bvildings an&
other smmum dcpmds @y an the type of p I o g i c mat+
d o n , fIauscs b d t on d i d m& m d I yure dwqd
I= than IIOWr awn hose sediment, such as ddb md,
or bay Hi. Brick and moue h o w usw& mr&r much gmtd{
d m a p thm w d e n b,
which are somewhat k i b 1
Damage escitmws are dm subjwtiw people may
damage repom d o e or uncudously. Inredty q
anbedram f a r a ~ e m n h q & t o g h ~ f ~ t h e a p p
damage ovu a wide @on (fiw7,111. But such maps GUW
nor be dmm fbr uninhabited arms (the open ocan, k
r ~in~sm
~ am
),so~nota dl quaka mn lx asipd i a r d a . The o w
s v Li
i & advantage
t h E of i n w i t y ratings is that no i a s m o am
W t t h q ht b a t o ~ ~ r e ~ o g m p h s w e ~ e
The m n d m d d of mcasuring the size of a quakt is m:
ddau the a m a t af c n q y r e I d by the quake. This,
merhodis 4 9 done by measuring the Wt (amplitude) OF
a n e o f t h e ~ o n a ~ ~ T h c ~ t h e q u
mbrc dw growd vibmta and tbe hqp the wiggle, After

of &ugaph and hx the dimnce from rbe quake, $ci-

k t i s t s c a n a s s i g n a a u m b e r d d t b e ~ m d kh i s a m
sase of the map released during the edqudcc,
For the paat
magnitude has been r e p o d
on the W SG& a nunurid d c of mapi&.
Rkhm d e is open ended, rneadq thm axe no w d q u a b

f l a m 7*1t
Zones of dbrsnt IntmsNy from the 1EBB Charleston, South
Catrd'kta, mrthquake,fhemap illustrates the general decrease in
isltenwwJth hm1ng dhmca froin lhe epbnter, d a b Ihe
U.S.GedwW S u w

large or too small to fit iton ttic scale. he bgkz numbers

Iacga d q u a k q . Vcrg s d earthquh mn have
negative mapimEfEB, but these arc seldom q r t d The
l a f g c ~Richter magnitude m m a u d m Far is 8.4. Smallw
e w t h q d are
~ ~much mom common thaa largr ona:

Number PerYmr
2 Just f&
4.5 Damp%cd
7 *Majora

More than lOO,QOO

p newsworthy A fmthousand
16 w 18

8 uGmtn
8.6 Maximum r m r d d

1 or 2

Tbcn are mrd m e b d s of d n g magnitude, howRichter scale appfied o+ to shllow dqualm in southern Calihmia. D i b t seismic m v a (body
M m r k ) can k measured ro make the d e mom useful over
I a q p arcas, so 4 &ent
mgnirudc6 arc scrmetima
reportad fbr a single q&. A further c~mp0cationis that
magnitudes d
h m ~Q~
tend ra be i m m a t c
(muallytoo low) &ow magnitude7,
A new d o d ofdddq magnitude h v o k rbt urae of
h e scjgmic -em
of a quak, wbich is d e w m i d Etom the
wer. The o r @ d

d?9& d tbf 1MC


m tryhgm W out E h e m t m l *o f~a
t quake can be c o n b i q . T
able 7.2 h Rkhm mapid m add moment rnagnhuh for many d q &
of inmR i c h magnitudes arc the most popularly q u o d
Becausc the Richter gcrrle b logarithmic, rbe &Eemce
between rwo consecutive whole numbers on the d c means


1811-1 2




~ew~~a;~i&#ih r tTajon, 3.
Lone AfW,Wif,

San Fmchm, N,w.

Wa&?mtVal& M
tong M,
s. Wlrd
Kern &Wy, S. CWlt






85-1- -.

I * .@








7.3 2
#ions of dama@rrg ea&q&

(msrgn'hde 4.5 and greater) In the United Satm and southern C~nada,1668-1989 In the east,

&I989 in thew&.
Geobgleal Survey,

a stismogqh iz urmaUy q u i d to measure

is measure b m y advahtagesover inmiry as
c a r t h q d suwrgth. A worldwide network OF
graph stations now
dammining mapine mam; and the press reports magnitlfdm For a l l
of iatsrcsr to rhe United Sam, E r e n d y , a sinde number can be mi& to a single &quake1
mity varies for a sir+ Earrhquke, depending on
t and kina of local dam-.
Magniwdcs a n be

and usually (but nat alwaps] iav01ve 6rupture of the

ground. M g d u in &Ira orxur d
y bclow ehe Aleutian Mands where the Pacific plate is mwwghg with aad
king s u b d u d under the NoKh h c r h phte.
Earthquakes east of the Rocky Mountains are mare rare,
and am gcntrdy smaller and d v r than earthqualm in the
weswn U n i d Sram. They arc not associated with surface
rupture, T h e quakes may'besrmrriag on the d q l y buried,
rdativdy inactive hula of old dimgmplrsfc b o ~ d t i c and
fiile8 rifi (arr+~l,
b t b of which arc described in

e is no proprry ro a f k .

chapter 4.

d Size of Earrhquakes
of d dmlagbg d q d m
rrcd in the United Stam through 1989 ( s d
have been ornitred). Note

,Id;zho,MOnmna, wdl-

Afthough large quPkes art ~lttremelyrare in the! ad and

United States, when t h y do accur they can be very
dmnctivc and widely MG bcwuc the c a d s a w r is older,
coola, and more bride in the east than in h e wcst and seismic
wava travel more &~iendy. The Saint Lawrence River Valley
dong &c C m a d h border has had s
d irttmsiry IX wd X
most m t l y in 1944. Plym~uth,W
had an h&ty E q d e in 1638, and a quake of inrcasiv
VlII din 1775 ll~arCambridge, M d w m . In
1929 in A t t k New York, an earthquakc of intensity IX
knucked ovtr 2% &mnq9. A series ofqdcw [htensiyXn

M;ap of seismic risk for Canada and the U n M Btaes.The riak is sttam as the expected maximum horizontal m e h a t i o n of the ground
an eadhquab, 8 h 0 as
~ a pemnt of g W . D a m g usually
W n s at 10% ot pvity; mcekmdons of ~ X Yof%gravity have been
In mm IoWms. k d m t i o n shown has only a I-1n-f 0 c h a m of bing mwded In a w
r pwkd. Maximum m e h t h

(in M b d a ) is 8046 of mlty.

U.8. Geological Survey and Carsadian

H m d a Program.

char ocnvred n a New Madrid Missouri, in the winter of

1811-1812 were the mom widdy M t d q &
to o~curin
N o d Amcriw in rewl.ded history The
k n d d ow
chimneys as far away as Richmond, Virginia,a d rang church
bells in h n , 1,100 miles v,
The 1886 quake in Chdeston, South Camha, (
)$) wasfdt tbqghoutaImosthalftheUnited Smm (figurt 7.1 1)
and W sky M e ; it was sharply fdt in New Yoxk Cirj.
~ q ~ h i t A t k a n s a e a n d ~ H u n p h1982,and

in 1983 aquakeof5.1 magnifisderodredNmsYorKsAdbndacI

Mouneaias. A 5 . 0 - M t u d e quake near l a w m c d e , Illinois
was Mt from Kansas to S o d G d h a to O n 6 0 h 1987. Ir
1988 a 6.O-magnitude q& north ofQuebec City was fdt as E
away as Inchma and Wasbhgmn, D.C,

GaoIagks have mapped regions of seismic risk in du

United Stacts (&re 7,131 pr-y
an the sumption h a
luge d q d w wiU csur in the Euntre in p k s where rhe]
have din the past.

icles, ( D )Collapse of the upper portion of Anaheim

Northridge quake, 1994.
W C.Mendenhall, U.S. GeologicalSu*; photo 8 0 Rdando

hit by fhILing &is

from b d d h p . Becaw p r o p building

ean w t l y rcduw the d t i n g ~ building

c a b
d m be both strict and strictly enforcad in d q u a k e prom aras. As we have seen, the location of buildings also
n d s to be conmrlld buildings built on soh &ent
damaged more than building on hard rock

Fiw is a parricularly rcrinus prublcm just after an earthquakc hccausc of broken g;ls and water mains and fallen dm
rrical wires (%re 7.15 ) . Although fire was the cause of mosr
of the damage to Sm Frandsco in 1906, chan cs in building
constru~tionand improved Prc-fighting metho have d u d
(but not eliminated) rhe tire dangr to modcrn cities. The
stubborn Marina dimicr fires in San Francisco in 1989 arcest
to modern dangers of broken gas and water mains.

Figure 7.1 8
Almost 100 homes burned at a Sytmar moblle.homs park
following the Northrldge earthquake, southern Callfornla, 1994.
Phoro Q Ken I.ubadLos Angolcs Tlmos Syndicat13

h d l i & s can be triggered by the r h d q of the ground

(fiaure 7.16). Thc 1959 Madison &yon landslide in Montana was u i a e d by a nearby quake of magnitude 7.7, Landslides- and subsidencc causd exrensivc damage in d o w n r m
and suburban Anchorage during the 1964 Alaskan quake
(mqpitudt 8.6). The 1 970 Peruvian earthquake (maglitude
7.75) set off thou~andriuf Iurlslidrs in the steep Andes Maunrains, burying more than 17,000 peoplc (scc box 13.1). In
1920 itl China over 100,000 prclplr living in hollowed-out
cavcs in cliffs of lacss (described in cllaprer 8) werc killcd when
a quake cullapsed h e cliffi.
A s p e d type of ground failure mused by earthquakes is
liqtrtfattion. This occurs when ;Iwater-saturated soil or sedinlcnr turns From a solid to a liquid a.5 a rcsult uf ruthquakt
shitking. Liquefaetian may occur several nlinures aftcr an
earthquake, uuqing buildinp to sink and t~ndcrgroundranks
KO fluat: aa: otm-solid sedirnenr flows likr water (figure 7,168).
tiquefacrion was responsible for much of the damag in rhc
I983 Lorna Priau q&,
and conrribl~rcdto rhc darnage in
dl2 1906 San Francisco, rhc 1364 Alaska, and h e 1995 Kobc,
japan, cluakca.

Plgurv 7.18
( A ) Landslide in PacHlc Rllsades triggered by the Northrldge
earthquae, 1994. ( B ) Llquefactlon of soit by a 1964 quake In
MYgata, Japan, caused earthquake-rmsiatant apartment bulldlngs
to topple over Intact.
Phulo A @ Al Seib/l oa Angolos Tlmos Syndicate, pholo 8 hy Nat10nFil
Gttnphyslcal Data Contor

F@m 7.47
w w of ground displacement caused by m u a h .
(A) t3Meen-t
cscarp (cliff)fMmed by vertical ground m h h ,
ground mar Olema, CabAlaiska, 1964. (8)T w h g of
1m6.(c]Fm p m dby ground movement, Wlattn
County, bmm, 1959. (D)Compression of wnmte fw,

sm Rwnando Wey,C&k,

+ h m m t qf tkb b d EU+
may be the
along a ME.
Rocla rn move d a l l y ,
t ofa fault rising while h s e on the otha side
a h mme h o r i z o d y , thnbose on one side of a
g past &OHon tbc ather sick. D ' i n d m m e n t
both v d c d and horizonfa components a n aha occur

Phato A by US. G-lcal
Survey; photo 8 by (3. K, Gilbert, U S
w M Survey; photo C by I. d. Wnd.U.S. Gdwical SUWW

dwbg a single q&,

Such movement cm &CY huge areas,
although the displacement in a sin#c earthquake d d o m
d 8 met^ (25 fcet). Thc m of a Lulr an the d 8
y a p p w as a low
d e d a scutp, or as n dosed
tear in the ground (figure 7.17). In rn instanm d
opea during a q& (but not to rhe exrent ahat Hollywood

w f i o Ocean

1,W KYomm!y


' I .



F I m 7-19
Uplift of the sea floor mimd wtth Uw A W m earthquake, 7964, m a r the town of Latouehe.The tram of the Uanning Bay fautt run
diagamliy thrwgh the oenter of the phobg~apR.Theb b k of mck an the right has h e n displaced upward as much as 5 meters (1 6 fee
sea Id.
The large, t i g h t c o area
~ to the right d the fault is &ached reef rock that was once sea b r hut is now
Photo by George Plafb, U S. Gea4ogal Survey

d q u h (mgnimdc 8') chat disturb the sm 0094but 1
t &om mbmuhc W l i d c s br volcanic q h s h
q& (figure 7.191, d the water over the moving area L li

a hd
A Before-

setsuplong, low^ thatspreadverprapidiywer the oc
kc.AIargewind-vted wave mayhave a d ~ n g dofi

kilomctem per hour (55 mila hourl.Thc waw high[ w
it bmtm an
may be &.Q
m 3 metem (2 m lofi
aithough in rhe middle of hwriana the waves can t~ rx

C Water rushes Int~&premn and o w m w t M s ,


wwele+af180kilomma (100 mh),andmaybemovia
725 kilomctas pa hour (450 & hour). In dccp wata
wareheightmay beonlgO.6to2mcoers{2~oG~~,but1
shore thetsunami may@
up ro heightg of15 ro 30 w
ta 100 ~ ) . T h i s g m t ~ ~ i n ~ h e i & ~
Generation d tsunamb by a aubmarb ewihqwb (rod!and
water displssmenta are not d m to W e ) .



'mami damqp In Alaskan ~larlhquake,1064 carried a iiehing boat Inland in Rwunecltton Bay et Sewad. (8)A man wlvagms
ram #B rulrwt Of thls hwsm In 5l8iumu,July 20,In the nm&rrorthwml of P w a , New Qdm,Rwtscua workers bellmw that
Ie wen wept to their deaths when thrm glmt tidal w a w atruck july I f , 1998, md mastated seven maat4 towns,

.The rmmcndous

Mosr whualtpn arc roncmtratcd in n m w geographic Mrs

(figure 7 . U ) ,although soma c a r t h q u h havc occurred in
most regions on earth, The boundarie of plotra in thc platetmonic theory arc defined by these earthquake bdts (figure
7,228,Thc most i m p mnocnmtion of earthqurkes by
fPT h iCl h e dmm-ppd6cbelt, which encircles the rim of the
P d c Ocwn, Within rhit belt occur appmlrimately 80% of
f the intrrme&att+
the dccpfom quakes (fig-

major concentration mrthquakcs is

bstt, whi& runs through the
the Mideast and






the circum-Wc

r t h q u h occur in two

.One is along the sum-

( A ) World d4trbtlon of erslrthquah reooover e dx-year psrlod with loeat depth8 k-n
0 and 700 Wbmeten. (8)The majot p l m
of Hha world in thm theory of plate Wonlcs. Compare the locations d plate bounMw with
l o d o n s shown In Mure 7.22A.
Dwbte Ifnett show div#'g@ plate bwmriariwr, dngle llnes show transformhundarles. Heavy llnm with Mangles show cwrverglng
boundaries;eriangke poht dawn subdudon zone.
A W d M tmm Bwwangl and D o r m , B u l M n d S ~ c w n d ~ ~ c e ~ S o e ~1869,
~ o fBAmmo~d,~ l W f m
W, Hamilton, US, Geo@leal Sunray



M a p + d h n o ~ m l ~ ~ f w t h e ~ m e ~ m o f
m h . Eauh solution hae a dlfhimt huh orlentatlon. If tho fault
orlan!a#on & knwn, the coneots~lutlonmn be chosen. Th@star
mwks W epbnter, d rock motlon h s t w n by the arrows.
(such as the Abutbn i~Iand8).

many locations m u n d n g a q&.

Each seismograph
tiun mn d wbethcr the &st rock motion recorded &ere w
push or a pull (figwc 7.26). If the rock m d r
d the
tion (a push), h n th pen dnwing the nchogmm
dc&cted up. If the h
t motion h away fmm the sution
pull), then the pen is deflected down.

mum 7SsMo$jrarnr&owing how Am! horizontal motbrrs of mdm along

a fault are determined. (A)If ths firid motton I8 a push (from the
epicenter to the a t e l a m Btaflon), Dhe wkrnogam trace Is
d e W M upward. (8)It It lr a pull (away from the Wflon), t
ddleaIon Is downward.

Benioff wnc9 slope ttn& a mntincnr at tl c u r d line of

islands called am i d ~ arc
d (figure 7,25).Andaidc volaoes
may hrm the h d s of the isIand a ~ ar
, they may be hund
new the edge of a continent that overlies a BeniofF mnc.
Most of the Jrcum-Pacific belt is made up of Benioff
mnes &d
in thia manner with oceanic trenches and
andairic volcmow. Parts OF rbe Medicerranwl-Mayan
hctt r c p m t Iknioff wms, too, notably in the eastern
Mediterranean Sen md in the Eost India. ~ n r i a l l ydl thr:
world's intermediate- and decp-fbm earrhqtdw occur in
Bedoff zonm.

0y atudyiq ~reismapmrden
w m ELflI which way & m
Rock motion la h & e d by

entation is not known, As

k p in mfnd rhar there ue

E a x t h q k and Phte Teaonics

, One ofthu pd

a m o f h t m m t ofplaae twonica~
its abiliy to explain the distribution o mrthqusrb and t i
rock marion a~socioredwith b.

Asdt&uibdbridy inchapter 1, tbeeonceprut' htcm

ha he mhl,m&cc is divided into a
PLW. PI- arc rigid slaba of rock, tho-&
of 1Jlomm
wide and 70 to 125 (or more) kilometen thick, that mnlr
tonics is

on a k

t Cdt,

d Jemg rhat Wt,




across the earth's surfice. Bemuse rhe piam indu& continmi


RR valley on m i d a m d o ridge;a




ocmbmneh: a w m n t b a W
ttriangk point dam the subdudon z-l

b y at divergent boundary and Ward m n i c

Divergent plate wndaries. (A) On the ocean Amr. (8)On a
contln~rrt.Each is marked by a rift valley and shallwv-focus
earthquakes (shown as slam). Depth of rtft valleys Is extxaggmted.
(figure 7.23). The N i m plate mom c a s d away h m the
mest of rhc mid-oceanic ridge and toward the subduction lofic
at the trench, where tht plate p l q a d m into the mantlc.
The plate's warern boundary is lbcarcd at the crest of the East
Risc, and its eastern b o d u y is at: the bottom ofthe
Peru-Chile Trcnch.

E a r t h q b at P b Boundaries
As you have leamod chert arc thra ypcs of'phc boundaries,
rfizmpt hvmkrics where plates move away from each other,

kdrdcE where plate move horizontally pasr mcb

other, and m n w m hto8eticr where plats move t

each orher. Each type of bmund;has a &mcwistic p a a m
of &quake distribution and rock motion.
One example d t h e relation of rbe rtrrec t y p of bowdark
to each other is shown in fi$ure 7,28, Note how the motion at

themodon o f h e ptare (showabythe laqy arrows),

At a divergent boundaty, whew plates m w e away from a&

ather, earthquaka arc shallow and d d w a m w band
A divtrgcnr b u n + on the pea h r is mafkOd by the mat
of the rnid-madc ridge and the m i
rhat is often (but
not always) found on the ridge cmz ( f i p 7.2W. Tfte
c z r t h q h arc t
d dong the sides of the rife valley ersd
b e n d its floor. The rock motion that is d c d d from &stmotion mclita show that the Mts here are n o r d fida
p a d 4 to rhe rift d e y . CWs is ise most likely solution of the

plourv 7.30
lhn&rrn bundarle~(A) N m bPnd QT s ~ ~ o w - f m u t ~
ewthquahm &own as a t m along sh@e faM.(8)Eirorad band of
WUquakes a l o q a ayatsm of paralkl hub.

shldlc& Kmp in minduu ym 4thb section that

o t l ~ - t h cmore fiUy wlution.)
gypma mat ion of the
(A) A eomrgent boundary m & r Mby the colIidon of two
h r m o t h b comcc, it Implies that dw r* a t is underpiw h o r h t d memian, which b m d y wing h e sa contlnem. A wry broad ma of ahdlow-fauu~#arthquakw
h o r o p e ~ ~ h m ~ ~ r h e r i f t ~ d ~ occurrr
t h ealong
d a- wmplex system of faults, (8)A convergent
boundary dth m a n ftoor subductlng under a cuntlnent,
Earthquakes occur near th0 top of the wbdudng plate due to
A divergrnt t m m d q widrin a #-<is
W I y aha
tendon, undwthruatlng, and oompr&sbn.
marked by a rift
h I I a w - ~A,
ond n a d
fa& (+
7.29B.The Wan Rik Va;fqu in mrem A f k
Ifipm7.228)stern to be such a bowby, HNRtiaonwl enenaion hcrt may be twing mam Mia d d y apm, -ring
thr fi d o y e , aomc of which con* h.


what two p h move past & 0 t h ~dong rt tm&m

b o d q the
am shalltm F a - m o h d m
indiarc mike-srip motion on huh&ld ro dx boundtfug.
Thc cardqu#kes m y k
in la narrtrw band dong oac
fouit I&wiz*?*3[lA), or d q map fotm b m u h zone if plate
niarion 16 d m up
movement don8 a $pttm bf paralf.d
fiultg (fip
7.304. sh n Andrea &nlt in California (figu r e 7 . W moybcm aampIe a f a ~ ~ u t ~ f v ~ ~ n p l a
boudary, bur maap &a&ts W m that the bwod zone of
Adcityalo t k e B a a i n m d R m p f i t u l t s 1 n t h e ~
~ d n Sd~ ~ C S & W 7.12)hh t 8 rgnrrn ofUP b a h


lmmsry h a

>no? p qa&p B 01 Xpwuodxa m a p put ;nym ayl

m u U O W U Z ~art qmb * ( E ~ L~ L Jm] p ~ b~ w u mro
m m A m s u o y p ~a y m
~ s q a
a q d %!
-mpqns B uo rpd?p ypa ~ b g u 30
wuopnqysrp 3~

3 0 0 k t l o m c t ~ f s ~ ~ a r c f e w q u a k c sw
~ 345000
tern, but manyquha h m 450 to 670 lcil
o n a a ~ p h e & o d d ~ i r s w t c r i u*" d e p t b s
300 kiIomcm pwhPprr d n g q&
if the dehydration k

1 u d b ~ i Y f n + ~ t o & ~ g I n c l l ~ 1 ~ 4 0 0
k p r h w &mrs @ at 450 ta 6m kilornttcn,
d h p c s ro p c m d b st 670 Mornerers. Thsc
mriom watt &y,
ond h m m noisily, in the
I a b a q Thm h &te
dour whthey w c m t e
q d m in
p h , The divine-sfinel: and s p i n e l - p d r c
4- s#m to matk the bwer bowrdnriw d quakc



A deimndtng plate may bar Into segments, @ m ewith atsrrpar

sukiwth angles than othsnr.

Subduction Angle
The h o r h t d a d mid dimibution of mhquakes can
be wed to determine the angle of aukluccion of a dawngok g plarr. Subewion @a wry considably from trench
to M&, b
y plat= stnrt subducting at a gentle angle,
which becomes much stecpu with depth (figure f -33). At a
fkw ~ c n c h c ain the open Paci&ic,subduaicln begins (and
continues) at almurt a v c d d angle, Subduction angle is
probably controlled by plate &mity and by the ratc OF plate
Some plam crumpIc in#, hI&m they dacend, usually ar
depths below 200 kilomcrem O k plates rrpr hta s c p c n t s
during sdxldbn (6pm7,34), pahap as w rcsult of G t y
w i a d w within a dwdiqg PI* The hi&m n k c m o f
a $&marine lrlliarrie
or lamu is buqmt, rind rubdutrs
ac a pelt aryde. 'l'hia, no
ocetanic crust w l w in a h e r
plate mpant, which subducrs at r mcp angle, Faldjng and
tearing of 4 &ending p k may a h be required p d cally to dw subductinn of a r u d ri#d phce to successively
paat depth. The p k form with n d i m of cumcure
qd to that af thr d s ,&s
and during diubdurrian it
sinke to rcgiom of pmgemivdy malb d i w *
In summary, d q d c a are v q clad d d ro p h
tecroaics, Mom plate ~QURWE~
w d&
by rhe disuibution of m ~ a k w and
, phrc motion cpn be d e d d by the
first motionti of the q d w . AnaIysi d b t motions can &
help determine the
and orirnwion o f stresses: that act on
plrta, mch as tension and m m p d n . Qunke disrtribution
with depth indim* thc! an e of subducrion and bas h
that somu plates ctw$c
Frction angle and m n break up aa
they b d . A kw q w h , such as rhw rhar ocntt in chc

mntw of p h , a m o r wily bc r e l a d TO plate modon.

Paople who Eve in eorrhqhdprone regions are plagued by

unscient i c predictions ofimpenhg crrrhqdia by populw
writem and self-pmclhed prophets, S e v d techniqw arc
being qlored for r c i t ~ j F c 4foreasring a coming earthq k One group of methods inwIva monitoring fight

changa that occur in rock next to a fault b&re the d,

b& and mmw these methods assume large amounts
strain a r ~ lstored in rock &re
it b&
(figure 7.2).
Just as a bcnr stick m y d
e and pop before it b d l
with a Iaud snap, a rock may give warning signals that it fi;
about to b d B&
a I q e quake, d c w b may opal
within the rock, musing small ucmors, or mimstrkmf, t~
?'he p m p ' c x of aCIc rvck next to thc &ult may h~
& a n d by h e opening of such
Cbanp in tbc roc&
magnetism, e l e m i d reaiwivity, or seismic docicy may gi-1
some warning of an hpmding qwkc.
'ng of tiny ma& dmp the rock's porosity, ;rpj
in w& often rise or fill before q k , me cracks:
pmvide pathways for the dwe of &active d n n p a from
mcks (radon is r product ofradioactive deay of uranium and'
ather dcrnena). An i - e
i m &n d o # f i a t w&hmap
be a pdude to an Earti! wake, A very I r r d method of pdict-~
ing quaka is M rime t e i n k k m c
rr in Y c h n c National Par Img-nm
tucorch o the time Letween eruptions h v c shown that W
c h a p in a q d a r way Wre a large 1-1 earthquakc, probably bemuse of poxwiity & m p within thc sur-





munding d~
In some m rhc sn&c 4th c a d tih a d c h e ~k e
hftdighdy Wurc an ~JlquPkc,S c i c n h usc highly srnsit
tive inauurnenrs TO masure rhia increasing wain, in h o p 05
pdichgq w h .
Chinese seiantipts claim a
d pmii&tions by watching
a n i m l b c h u i d ~ r s abwmc skittish and snakcs Itaw rheir
holcs sh~rtlyb e h e a q&
U n i d S t a m scientists are conducting a few pilot propins a 1 0 4 these Pnes, but m y am
ofthr C h i w claims.
Japanese m d Russian ~ I + P were the fint tu predict
wrrfiquakar succaafuily, and Chinlrse geologiscs have made
some very accurate predictions. In 1975 a 7.3-magnitude
earthquake near HJcheng; in northeasern China was pre-

quakca hnve not dfor a long k.T h e

M y thought ra be the most likely sites for fueute dq&,
so many of &em nrc being a d i d l y d i e d (mb
By studying h e sehmic history of Ma,*la*
in th,c
Uniped S m m ore mmcdmcrs &k to forcast e m h t p k don
some qmne of some hula In 1988 the U.S
S u m y &mat4 a 5.0 percent ehaaoc of r niagniA7 qualce
dong:rhe w
t of& Soa Admu fPult near Santa
1989 the nqdtudc-7 h
a Prim qwke o c c u d on rhb
very rwcdon. Sinai the mhdqy art new and tn some aw
only p d y &
d some arrors will undoubdy bc
Pfsun 7au
A s p l a t e A s M d w d f ~ m l l p u n z J e r p t a t e & ~ o ~ ~ ~ r dh ae . b y bulm arc not maeimd or studied himaridly
b m w c of lark ofmoncy and pemnnd, m we will never have
mgular sequence h
nme to four. The endre ssquersrxt may
n some +om, Far large
a wPmitlg of impn
+at w.
u h w w near a c h u ta such s &c SPn A-ndms, howevrr, cattbquakrddrsigmylcsscnrhc danger ofan
eanhqu&'s occming without warning,
&ted Eve hours hfow tt happmod, Atcrtcd by rr scrics of
*hocks, authoritia m t dabout tt million pm ie from
homo; mwy d e . t ourdoor
mwiw in tpc opcn
bwnq m .W r h c buildinpz in Hich were dcscroycd, Controlling the d d n g ofepnhqunh, b m i n u i r g ider.for
k kt:
future. The porential For death and nrmucdon in
with m a y entire villap, but ody rr
hundred liws
ncat kultar i~m
dm thc p h n d
lost, In grim canmast, huwwcrJ the China program
might be dMimbfe. I f p knew the a c t rime
at which an &qualee
was to w u r , ey could try to p m w
rhdr bdongings snd temporarily c ~ e u a c crbt ma, much as
people da when a B u r h e mning Is given.
One method ofearthquake control w &mmd by accident den water wdcf high pwas pumpad down Into
the ground, The water vig@ d q u b rafeasbd a&n
cbnr had k e n acmnuhting in h rofks. The p
m of the
of thWE m e d l d
water may dm thE amm balding the rock wPIla of a Eadc
At the aame time, the warn um rrct aa r lubricant,
dowing the rocks tu mow, &us caw@ e w d q h . Such


d tilt

is dm a d by mountain building,
d wctting and drying of the knd). Aa a d h
ad funding Eor quakc prodiction we ammdy

and in an oil 6dd in Colado when watw w s l ~f b d unkund. W:&out e c , d strain would build up und a
~YPIY.occurmi. W& h e wsm reducing h c hinion,
can be r c l d in smaller, timed quak~.(Duwer g&
d Richter n& m @ d c 4.3.)
Cad3 guch P metbd of q& h
be usud on the danp u s portions of the San A n d m SjJd P&apI but only


uninhabited w t b ofthe bdt. The m
c of such n progtam
might p m ro bt p f o h r ' b ~ ,and the liability problem
would I
x mormams. Sti& it is &ring to comider thar in ttre
futm the danger of uakes along m e faults might he greatly
herid byeontm rckaueofmain.
Lt: is impmiant to r a k e thar such eqwknena
d that Is W y here. The dvpnmgc i s in riming At
rdwc of the ncrain. The wm k nut c m the quakc; it
would occur wmewmc myof a quakt


the mpltwtie of Jamkvw;rva nn a kmagntm, is r n d an the Rkbw I&.

Mamcat ,t h u d m i by M

chan R i c k mqpirudes,
wuwt Fram h d ThE mom noti&
rft"aeur d cartfrq&
mgmuad motbn and dirrpismear
w/nvcr (P mmp and
(which b c m y b u ~ c h Md
p h b y iujw
ar MI pcqpIel, fiFE, tandal'i and mw~ir.
cao mdnw to
m n d u &c cht main &&

Ma The

hit w&


of LhC wart$'# asrrlq*.

F!q& a h
ow#an the hidhmwl-uwMt,
h ~ d * ~ d d @ , a n d h
6 a i o nwrttr wk WIGUIW,
m of* m huahd-.
a d *h--1# amQ&ted
with mdroiric d c m w , m x d c t d ,
arid the +a c64erttimnsarhhd~fies.
h wnqipt.of+ ~ t c m ~



tiow h w i e ~ a w p k a t t h E ib
r ds,
Plpte baundprio am gmotally d e h d bp

1. What arc wmc arguments in h r of

lrnd against predi&g: +&?
W h would happm in your
communiry if a pradictiotr wre made
today that within r monrh a &c
earrhqunkc wodd occur nePrbyZ

2, Most d q h accurst p h
bindarias whcrcplaw itmawith
mch a h How migfir oatthquukes be
cauxd in the interior of z rigid ptarc!
3. How can you pwpm for an wtctrqruke
in ynur own h e ?

4. Suppow you want wr &dbr

wstttquaka bigsM a buyinga new;
horn How crrn you check the reg!od,
&aolagy for d q d c dmgm?Thc
dbuildin8 sim?The home iweR

I Eunlnrin~Resources
Bolr, B. A, 1999. &dqwk&.4th
ed. New Yo& T H.Freeman.
T.Y. 1990. CaIiffiMd g u P $ E to &a big one?N a t i ~ dGm#
dond Amb 3, no. 3 : 5 a 3 .

C, 1989.


26011): 48-55.

9, 1971. Pmhional Paper 733-

rsyU.S. GcotQ$d S u m 1990, i%&u

&&idW o n a t Paper
1515. qn4nc wrjon: htfp:llp&.u5p.pvl

California Starc University, Los Angdes
Y t L f f i r t b p a k e . Cmtc and analyze an



S ~
d h d d & .



, 1993. M t y o f
th UiriidState~,1568-1989 (MUM.
PmMond &per 1527.

E.B., R J. FKK*Or, and l? H.

1993. T;bc -'pi&

h i w list of worldwide Internet sit=
for i n f o d o n h u c d c p k e ~ ,

Snrwy Emthqwkr
I@mmhtl. Gives information on rcdvC;.g
pmpamina, ]at& quakc ~ m r a t i o n ,
b r i d dq&,
and how
w amdid. Also a good starring plaot 6 r
links to 0rhtrdquakr:sftwr.



Q d o m about -t

.Srimtific Amcricm 260(6):


Seismognphic information pagc maintained
by U. CrBerkdey thar has many links to
othcr earthquake sites (partidady in
California), 3-D earthquake movie,
Nortbridge earthquakc rupnrre movia, and
infomtion on earthquake

U S . Geological Survey, 1990. ?h

nmt B&
(Tkhmagahc-1'i pampht is
avail& free from
345 Middlefieid bud, Menla Park, CA
9 4 2 5 or on & I n b r at:

1995. W

reant arthquakcs, &quakc

U.S. Geological S w , 1971. Thr Saff

R m @ & ~ + w h g ~and linh ut other cardquakc sitw.

earthquakes minmincd by the U.S.

G d o g i d Survey.

N &m~d
sitr conrains i n f o d o n about

Gcnual information about the oize of an
earthquake. Discussion of Richter and
eMuollid raks.
hrrp:l/pu bs.usgs,govIpub1'~11tion?~itc~l
General infomarion about plare teaonics.



S u m q web PB&l: &k

infomarion b u r the d w a m h g July I?,
1998 a
d %PW N f i ~ ' G h a


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