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This is a project to write a surreal novel starting on Sunday 9th

October 2016. I am writing up my dreams when I wake up. The
following list shows the number of words in the various
Short story

over 40,000 words

17,500 to 40,000 words
7,500 to 17,500 words
under 7,500 words
under 43


I have worked out that on average I write 177 words per dream that I
have. So I have included the minimum number of dreams that I need to
write up for each of the classifications.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 8th, 9th October 2016
(1) At One With The Show
Andrew Moore was setting up a computer like those of the 1990's
where there are add ons. He just kept adding on in this room, it was
like lego and the computer was sprawled out across the floor of this
large room. I asked Andy, "Are people not going to trip over all
those computer extentions?" "No, no, no, no." said Andy confidently.
He was very sure about that. We were all smiling at Andy and the
general consensus was that, "He's a geek." Later we all found
ourselves outside and there was Andy riding a horse. He was winding
this lass up. Being cheeky to her and generally being a twat. She
was very grumpy looking in her face. Her mouth had a sad curve to it
as she too was riding a horse. There was no reaction from her. She
was stalwart and very military in her steeliness, her name was
Elisabeth. It was a good show. There was the military on horseback.
There were art works there. Huge objects of welded metal and we were
all having a good laugh and light hearted banter, but then quietly
to myself as I looked round, I thought to myself 'Why have I not got
a girlfriend? If he can get a girlfriend and she has got a boyfriend
and she is very nice.' It was in contrast to the show. It was a
quietness tucked away that was feeling a loneliness within the
Sunday night, Monday morning, 9th, 10th October 2016
(2) She is
I can see DH. I am walking over a bridge and she is just stood there
on the bridge. I am ogling her as I am walking past her on the
bridge. I am admiring her beauty. She has always been a beautiful
lass. The best looking lass in the school and even now decades later
she is still looking good. She is just standing there looking down
at herself as she rearranges her top over her jeans that fit neatly
over her shapely thighs. Her lovely long brown hair is hanging down
over her gorgeous face and even as I am walking past her I have to
turn back to look at her some more. She is still looking at herself
and I am thinking 'She died of cancer so how can she still be

Monday night, Tuesday morning, 10th, 11th October 2016

(3) A Visit To A Mental Hospital
I am at a place where there are cars parked everywhere. I am looking
for a parking space. I have found a space but there is faded yellow
markings on the ground saying keep clear. I have found another
space, but I am blocking someone in here. So I am still looking for
a space.
I am in a documentary. I can hear a mans commentary saying "This is
a mental hospital for underdeveloped and severe challeging behaviour
there is massive underfunding. The funds have been cut by one
hundred and fifty million pounds." I understand that it is the
politician Ian Duncan Smith who is responsible for this travesty.
The camera is sweeping across the ground where there are hundreds of
crying babies laid on their backs. Their undeveloped heads are like
spots. I am thinking 'Who would come into a life like this, what
sort of soul?' I am listening to the commentary and I am startled to
hear him say, "There is a new species with three brains and two
frontal lobes in each brain." The camera is zooming in and I can see
a baby with a head and it is looking around very alert with a
serious expression of intelligent understanding. At the top of its
head are three small brains externally visable and each of these
brains are in two parts. I understand that this is a new species of
baby. I am trying to empathize with this baby. It is all very
strange. My imagination is in a scary new place.
2nd dream
(4) This Is Rubbish
It is bin day. The day that the bin men come round with their big
lorry to empty the bins. So I get the bin out for the lady across
the road, except it is not a normal bin, It is metal and it is on
wheels, but it resembles more like a wheelbarrow and instead of
putting the wheely bin out on the side of the road for the bin men
to empty it. I have brought it back to my garden. It is a very rural
setting and my next door neighbour is up, he is doing some gardening
and we say good morning to each other. I am stood there thinking
'How am I going to get this bin back to the lady across the road,
because I should not have taken it?' I am looking across the road
and I can see that she is up and there is someone at her front door
and they are talking. 'How am I going to explain to the lady why I
have taken her bin?'
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 11th, 12th October 2016
(5) The Merry Dance Of The Wheelchairs
1st dream
We are in the forest and the earth has been disturbed. We are
marking everything that we do into the ground, every which way that
the wheelchair and client goes and it is colour coded; red, yellow
and blue. I am very confident that I know how to do this marking
down into the ground and colour coding and I am watching someone
else doing the marking and colour coding for a wheelchair and
client, but it is not quite right. She is taking her time and the
colours are more black and white, but I know how to do it and the
earth has been disturbed. We are in the forest.

(6) Freeing Myself From A Criminal Act

2nd dream
Gez and myself have broken into the Coop shop. We are doing some
work in there as we make our way cautiously through the front of the
shop where all the products are out on display. I am thinking, 'I
will need an iron bar to get through into the back of the shop.'
All that I can find is a big bastard file. I know that it is a
bastard file because I was an apprentice and this is a type of file.
It is much coarser than the second cut file. So I am putting the
bastard file to use, more as a crowbar than as a file. Gez has some
things that he wants to do in there and I just want to get out of
that place. I am suprized when I see someone else come into the back
of the shop. Me and Gez are carrying on doing what we are doing and
I am thinking, 'He thinks that we are contractors.' So then a couple
more of these people are also in the back of the shop and nothing is
said between us. I do not feel comfortable in the back of this shop.
One of the people is opening up to the outside and the light comes
in. I do not want to be too obvious but I am just walking out into
that sunshine and wow does that feel good. I am just walking off
leaving Gez in there and I am walking around the block of this city
scape, just glad to be free.
(7) Things Happen In Threes
3rd dream
I am playing a computer game and as I am using the game controller
my hand gesture is impolite. No matter what I do I cannot help but
make impolite hand gestures as I use my game controller.
I walk in and out of my caravan, the steps are broken. There are
foot prints that have been taken previously, that have approached
the broken steps at an angle to avoid the rubble and I do the same.
I go nowhere and I come back from nothing.
I am discussing time lines with my sister: "If you don't have an
experience, then all those time lines associated with that
experience are not accessible to you." I explain to my sister.
"Yes I believe that." She concludes in agreement. I have pencil
drawn a picture. I ask my sister if she likes it. We discuss the
starkness of the light against the dark and the contrast between
them and then to my horror she is penciling in the light shades, but
I am cool.

Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 12th, 13th October 2016

(8) What Is My Dream?
1st dream
I was in among the crystals of quartz. I wondered about these
crystals because they had grown up around me. My intuition had been
fired up by these crystals and all questions had been answered by my
intuition. Except all the answers have been forgotten and I am just
left here wondering: What is my dream?
(9) The Waiting Room
2nd dream
I am in a waiting room. It is an old fashioned victorian waiting
room. There is a bloke who walks through uttering something and I

call him a silly bugger, quietly so that he does not hear me and he
disappears behind a glass panel. There is someone else in the
waiting room with me, but I am not sure who that is? Suddenly there
is a continious ring. like a glass has been tapped and someone is
running a wet finger around the rim of the glass. A big friendly
Alsatian dog jumps on me. The glass ringing is in his big ear. I am
in a waiting room and I am not waiting for anything. I am waiting
because that's what you do in a waiting room.
(10) She Is Priceless
3rd dream
There are naked dolls in a pot. The dolls have bending joints at
their knees and elbows. I ask the shop assistant, "How much is this
doll?" The shop assistant is an elderly lady. She gets out a book
and she is looking through it for the price of the doll. She says,
"This doll is ... " and then she pauses. I look to see her with the
order book and her finger is on the price of the doll, but she has
hesitated and she is wondering what price to tell me, I am getting
impatient and beguining to have second thoughts about buying the
Thursday night, Friday morning, 12th, 13th October 2016
(11) Condescending Clarkson
I am on a hot sunny beach with family and friends. I wander off. I
suddenly find myself in a wheelchair manouvering around in a
multistorey carpark. The rain is pouring down, I am wet through and
I am pissed off. Next thing I know the sun comes out, I am dry and I
have a fancy new deep blue car parked up. The sun is out and I am
with Jeremy Clarkson. In A Clarkson condescending way he is joking.
He has one arm around me and he is talking about me to another man.
This is not a comfortable position for me to be in.
(12) Talk, Talk.
All is quiet as I dream about what I dream about. I then wake up to
chattering outside my bedroom window.
Friday night, Saturday morning, 13th, 14th October 2016
(13) Categorization
I have packaged up many books. They are all tied up in bundles of
books piled up high so that they all correspond with each other.
With the string that I wrapped around all four sides of each stack
of books I tie up into a knot and I have many stacks of books all
tied up on the ground all around me.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 13th, 14th October 2016
(14) "Aaaagh! The Ping Pong."
We were playing ping pong over a swimming pool. I could fold or
unfold the ping pong. I would fire the ping pong or I could fold it
up and hide it, it was like a hot potato and it could not be handled
for long. I was playing ping pong with the lad and with shock,
horror, I would make him jump, "Aaaagh! The ping pong!" I would
bellow and he would jump. Even though we had played over a swimming
pool, the ping pong never went in the water. The lad would walk
around to my side of the swimming pool and I would fold up the ping

pong and hide it and then it was well hidden for a long time.
(15) Let It Go, Let It Go.
I am in this pub and I have got my old Amiga 500 computer set up on
a table in the pub. There are some young lads in the pub. I say to
one of the lads, "Do you want to have a go on the computer? It's an
old computer though." This lad it keen to have a go on an old Amiga
500. I'm thinking that the screen resolution is going to be crap. I
start setting up the computer on the table for him and another lad
called Cooky has the joy stick/pad. Cooky is an abused alky with a
few emotional problems and Cooky is not letting go of joy stick/pad.
So I am getting annoyed and I punch him hard. I give him a dead arm
and still he is not letting go. So I set about giving him some pain
so that he will let go of the joy stick/pad and as I am biting him I
am thinking, 'this is not working and that this is not the way to
treat someone.' Cooky by this time is raging. Cooky is growling his
words out, as he is protesting the abuse that I am dishing out to
him and as I do so I conclude that I need to use a different
aproach. An aproach that is more 'loving', because this is not
working, because he is not letting go.
(16) Working From A Paternity Drive.
I am a medic and I am at the medical centre with all the other
medics. I have only just got back to the medical centre from
injecting an animal. It was a cat or a dog or a lion, or something
like that? So the other medics are looking on the paternity drive to
find that they need to go out to give the animal that I have just
injected another injection. I have done a right side injection and
now they say that he needs a left side injection. I think to myself,
'good luck with that one, I've done my injection.' I hear one of the
medics say, "Yeah, well we can soon give it an injection." and
another medic says, "Yes, but poor thing, it's only just had an
injection." So the medics ask, "Where do we have to go?" Ihear the
reply, "Number ten, the party house. You know, the house around the
corner at the top." Then there was a realization: "Oh you mean
number eleven, the animal house. Well that's what we call it." So
they go off to this house and as they do so I think to myself: 'I'm
going to have a look at this paterity drive.' So I see this screen
with sulls and cross bones and it;s set out like the computer game
'Space Invaders.' All blocky, black and white graphics where the
space invaders are human skull and cross bones. I find this very
Sunday night, Monnday morning, 16th, 17th October 2016
(17) It Was A Crush
I was at the pictures and meeting up with various people there,
there was David, Annmarie and others. I had gone to the pictures
with David and we were meeting one of Davids friends at the pictures
and sure enough as David was looking out for his friend. He spotted
his friend. So his friend came over and joined us. It was then that
I spotted Annmarie. It was a chance meeting and I asked her what she
had come to view at the pictures. I was there to see Dr Who and
Annmarie and her friend were there to watch another movie. Annmarie
spoke very cheerfully. She was exuding happiness and she had a
permanent smile on her face. I had a plastic bag with cobs in it and
someone wanted a plastic bag. So I found a spare clear plastic bag
which I gave him and then he ripped the clear plastic bag up for
some reason? I thought 'Well he can't have this other plastic bag of

mine if he needs it because I am using it.' We were all tightly

packed together in a row, shoulder to shoulder squeezed tightly
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 17th, 18th October 2016
(18) Overkill.
It was just endless firepower. Justice was being served out by
machine guns. There was a man in the city streets who was targeted.
He got blasted for about two minutes with heavy gun fire until there
was nothing left and then from nowhere a machine gun was
obliterating the source of the previous gunfire. The city is on
lockdown. There is rubble on the ground. Even brickwork buildings
are crumbling. REALLY! Is this what watching TV has turned into?
(19) It's Only a dream.
I was in the chefs kitchen and I looked up to see that we were
underwater. The ceiling was glass and an Alligator/crocodile had
just dived into the crystal clear water above me and I watched it as
it swam closer to the glass ceiling above me and then it veered off
out of view. It was then that I was really overwhelmed by being
under this glass ceiling with an ocean of water above me. 'What if
it leaks?' I thought 'this is not my part of the world. I guess that
we are in Florida.' "Hey mate!" I called out to another chef in the
kitchen, "Where are we?" Expecting him to say Florida. He just
frowned at me and gave me an arkward stare. His response was a
little unnerving. So I set about doing some cooking. I think, 'ahh
there's a nice container to put my beans in. It was a plastic oblong
shape. So I chuck my beans into it and in no time the plastic oblong
shape is spilling over the beans. I think, 'Shit!' Instead of
getting beans all over the table I pick the oblong plastic up to
empty some of the beans into the sink, but then even more beans come
spilling over. I then realise that the oblong plastic folded up flat
and that is why the beans were spilling out. I think, 'quick, tidy
up before Paula sees this!' As I clean out the oblong plastic I
notice that it has got paperwork in it, all slimed up with bean
juice. I think, 'fucking hell, she's gonna kill me!' Then I had a
second thought 'no wait, I'm only dreaming.'
(20) Love The Lady.
I am doing a run around lots of people who are going about their
ways. So as I am running I make my way; over a pub roof top, through
car parks, around people and I lose direction. I am up to a brick
wall. I turn around, but I can't work out which way to run and I see
Paul Witney. We get chatting and Chris Smith is shouting across to
me, "I thought that you was doing a run?" By this time I am busy
chatting in this nice pub atmosphere. I am with these women and as I
am chatting to them, I tell them, "I would love to learn to play a
musical instrument." This becomes so emotional for me. The women are
all concerned asking, "Why, have you never learned to play a musical
instrument?" I am nearly crying now and holding back my emotions, I
find it hard to tell them, "I've never really been given a chance."
These ladies are genuinely so concerned for me. One of the ladies
says that she will teach me to play and I say, "Thank you,
thank you, thank you." With such appreciation that I put my arms
around her. I kiss her on her lips and give her such a big hug.

(21) Oh Behave!
There were people outside and we were all milling around. I notice
one woman at the door of a little wooden shed and people are looking
around this garden shop, it is all outside. I hear this man say,
"Oi lady! fiddling around in there." I look around and wonder which
lady is he talking to? Is it the lady at the shed, or one of the
ladies who are near the loud mans voice? Later I find myself in a
classroom sat at a desk by a window and there are two teachers at
this class sharing the teachers' desk. One of the teachers is Angela
Nall. (She's a dame you know.) I don't know who the other teacher
is, but they are both posh women and I am fascinated to hear them
bicker at each other in a very snooty teacherly way. I watch their
postures and their poise. Their words are difficult to hear as they
disagree with each other in a whispering fashion. Then I hear Angela
Nall snap back at the other teacher in a contradictory way. "Little
be little you do." There was a reference to psychology that I was
getting from these two teachers as I wached their performance
intently. Unknowingly to them, their demonstrations and
demon-strations were an administration for me, as to how not to
(22) What Preperation?
I was reading the back of this paperback book. It was describing
preperation. The writing was superimposed onto a light oval
background. I cannot consciously remember what it said now as I have
been to sleep. [see Ovoids in NON DREAM VERSES]
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 18th, 19th October 2016
(23) Let Us Be Clear Now [counterpart to non dream verse (8)]
It is because the Earth is going through some changes now that the
biblical stories available now are different somehow. It is because
of those changes that the people on Earth are now feeling it. Just
for this period of change those biblical stories are now adapted and
so now please, make the most of these adapted bible stories.
(non dream verse (8))
Because so many timelines are converging in this great time of
change on Earth, those stories that have been edited out of the
bible in one timeline are present in another timeline and so this
converging of timelines gives a complete biblical text. There are
many more apostles and the bible is as big as a library. There are
stories of aliens. There are biblical stories written by women. All
these stories that the catholic church discarded in about 500 A.D.
Who was Jesus? There must have been many people who may have been
called Jesus and yet there seems to be no idea of any other Jesus
than the Jesus who died on the cross. It has been suggested that
the story of Jesus is based on Yeshua who was born in 5 A.D. on
21st September. After more than 2000 years it is suggested here that
many facts are incorrect about Jesus due to the catholic church in
Roman times who have doctored the facts. A good example is christmas
which was a pagan celebration which was christianised by the Romans.
The details are scarce here, for the main point here is that it is
impossible after 2000 years of meddling with the facts to know
exactly what is true.

(24) Jaundiced Racists

I am in a hospital and someone has colour coded it. It has been
colour coded to make it more interesting. There are white buildings
and yellow buildings. I wonder if the powers that be can code it
between Japanese and Chinese people or is that too difficult? I get
the feeling that this colour coding has similarly been done before
and yet when I think back, I do not remember any colour coding
exactly like this.
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 19th, 20th October 2016
(25) Spirits Found
I am in a shop. I am looking for ghosts in this shop, to identify
them. The ghosts are creepy. They are lost souls. I see a ghost
without a head, but I don't mind because I am more concerned about
identifying them, than being spooked by them. I am walking around
this shop with my wire basket. I am showing my sister all about
identifying ghosts and I keep going back to this same old shop ghost
hunting until I am completely done with ghost hunting in this shop.
So then I continue my ghostly search on the slab pavements of the
homeless city streets outside.
(26) "Get Over Your Self!"
I go round to this party. All the table is used. There are no places
to sit around the table with everyone else. So I find a seat with a
seperate table. I am not keen to be at a table on my own at first,
but I notice that other people are still arriving at the party, so I
am okay with it then and so as other people are still coming in, Big
Bob has got a deck chair and he is having problems with it as he is
very large and extremely over weight. So as he sits down onto his
deck chair he is also underneath the deck chair too and he sits on
himself? I am just witnessing this, as Bob is both sat on the deck
chair and also on the ground underneath it. I do not look at Bob sat
on the deck chair, I just know that he is, but I watch Bob
underneath the deck chair roll over on the ground and free himself
from under himself. It is not strange to me that Bob is in two
places at the same time, because that is something that Bob is
likely to do. I am just concerned to see if Bob can get free from
(27) Freaky Car!
I am walking home. It is a long walk home. I cross a road and get to
a path on the other side and as I am walking down this path I see a
car coming towards me. I am wondering, 'is that car on the road or
on the path?' I can not make it out at first and then I see that it
is on the path and it is coming towards me. Next I am wondering, 'is
that a full size car or a miniture car?' I decide that it is a
miniture car and by this time it has nearly reached me so I walk to
the side and the miniture redirects itself towards me, as if it
wants to run me over. So as it reaches me I jump on its roof. It is
a silver four wheel drive car with a black soft top on and as I am
standing on the black soft top roof of this miniture silver four
wheel drive car moving along and there is a slightly robotic voice
saying, "stop!" Everytime I push my foot down into the black soft
top roof, the robotic voice says, "stop!" So I am repeatedly
pushing my foot down and this creepy robotic voice is saying, "stop!
Stop! Stop! Stop!" So then we come to a full stop.

Thursday night, Friday morning, 20th, 21th October 2016

(28) In Touch With Gaia
I am getting through the overgrowth. I am shown in astral how to
admonish your groups who will soon be ready to rise. (? I knew what
that meant in the moment when I first heard it.) As the Earth gets
ever closer to ascension. We the people of Earth find ourselves very
close to Earth.
(29) Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valor
I am with this nice young lass and she is wanting to sell some
belongings on the internet auction sale. Her belongings are reported
to be worth 280.00 and a reserve price of 200.00 is suggested, but
that is up to her and whatever she wants to do. I do not know what
these belongings are. I am guessing jewelry, but she does not say
and I do not ask.
(30) Retail
I was in this shop. I ended up buying a little TV. The serving
assistant got me to take off my jacket. The serving assistants were
all ladies in a row. It looked like they all had phones, but on
second inspection, I think that they were all electronic gadgets
that they used to sell the shops products. I am quite comfotable
with these female shop assistants. I feel that I am at home with
these ladies. Maybe because I am homeless and that I have nowhere
else to go anyway. These ladies are lovely, but they do seem a bit
disinterested. I don't think that it is me per se. It is just that
they are in work mode and that they have their rediculous jobs to
do. I feel blessed to be jobless. I really feel for these ladies in
their laborious jobs doing their mundane tasks. I am with some other
lads and there is some 'pillocking around' as we say around here in
our own local vernacular. We were laughing and joking with each
other. For some reason society deems that this jovial attitude is
unacceptable and so by societies standards we proudly display our
unacceptably jovial behaviour. I was finding it difficult to get
these ladies attention, but eventually I got my words in to place
my order which one of the retail assistants nonchalantly processed.
I thought that she was lovely. I felt as though I could really
connect with her and we had fun chatting, then she said, "Take your
jacket off." I said "Why?" I was wondering 'why is she asking me
this?' She reiterated "Take your jacket off." 'Okay' I thought,
hesitantly I take off my jacket. "That's better." she said in a kind
voice and looking at me with a little wry smile. I was wondering,
'does she think that my jacket is scruffy? ... Cheeky cow!' I end up
getting a tiny TV off her. I still think that she is a lovely lass.
she is a bit subtle. She is a bit cheeky too.
Friday night, Saturday morning, 21th, 22th October 2016
(31) Dummy Diversion
We are on motorbikes. I am concerned about the intelligence services
following me as I am riding around. I avoid a scandle by taking
charge of events. I place this dummy on a motorcycle and this dummy
is riding the motorcycle. I am being followed a lot of the time. I
think that someone is onto me, but I just seem to get away with

(32) Dishes
There are empty plates and I am looking at these empty plates.
(32) Who Does She Think She Is?
Johnathan has blown it again. He owes money. He says that he will
pay me back my money. He will put the money that he owes me in the
box. My push bike has a little box on the handlebars. This box has a
sliding top to open up where folded notes can be placed. I give him
a pep talk. I try to find the silver lining. I say, "Well now that
you have not got a job anymore you can get free money through
unemployment benefit." Johnathan is not too impressed by this pep
talk as he is still skulking around and then he decides to go out
and so I find myself on my own ...
... Later I find myself on a beach and Johnathan is team captin. We
are both being admonished for doing our own thing. We are being
scolded for wandering off too far, as we have managed to get right
to the edge of the beach and so our chastiser instructively tells us
in a demeaning manner, "Well you can be the yellow team then!"
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 22nd, 23rd October 2016
(33) Base Seven
There are many people who are like us, base seven. As we are shown
by example, we learn through base seven. [see non dream verse (8)]
(34) Snap!
There is a group of us, family and friends. We are organising this
informal get together so that we can play games. Our clothes are
very important to us in these games that we play and it is our
clothes that determine so much about the games that we play. My
parents are here. It is all chatter and socially we are in
discussion, but the actual game is never played. We all go for a
smoke and I am in the smoking zone with others. It is in one corner
of the room in the house which is so noticably carpeted. The carpet
also seems very important for some reason. This black man comes up
to me. He is asking for something, but I am not sure if he wants a
cigerette or a light. So in this confusion we both produce a
cigerette and in a flash of realisation, I swap my cigerette for a
lighter and give the man a light.
(35) So Where Is My Car?
I move the curtain and I look outside the front window into my empty
driveway. 'So where is my car? Did I park it somwhere else?' I am
thinking hard now. 'Is it parked down the street? No!' I take a
closer look it is dark outside and difficult to see but, there are
roadworks outside in the road in front of our drive way. The road
has been dug up! 'So where is my car?'
(36) The Chattering Class
I was around this lads house. I didn't know him and his mates very
well. I was sat on the settee in the lounge on my own, when one of
his mates came huffing and puffing into the lounge also. He had
placed some guitars against the wall, they were all in their cases.
There must have been about five guitars all in their cases resting
up against this lounge wall. One of them was my guitar and case, so
I said, "There's alot of guitars there, are we going to start a

band?" The lad was still struggling to breath and he said "No, we
are just keeping them here." He explained, still struggling to
breath, "I've been biking." As he unzipped his coat, he plonked
himself down in a comfy chair. I said, "Ah right, you have brought
them around here to keep them safe." He nodded in agreement. I got
the impression that the lad whose house I was at was having problems
with his girlfriend. I looked outside the window and it was raining.
The lad whose house it was, was also outside sat with some of his
other friends and they were chatting too.
Sunday night, Monday morning, 23rd, 24th October 2016
(37) Quite
I am a care worker in this building and head nurse is saying,
"conditions change and that is why I do not always hand over all of
the details." She is concerned whether she is doing the right thing
here and I reassure her not knowing if she is doing the right thing
either. It is all a bit vague. I am still quite new here and so I
still do not know quite what to do here?
(38) The Inspection.
I am at the job club. There is a lady who is taking the job club,
who is informatively instructing us at this job club. So after the
lady has headed the job club and she has finished informing and
instructing us all. I end up working with three women. So this is
the collective that I am working with. We are all working on our
various projects. My project is a light aircraft and I am there with
my socket wrench and I am racheting up the nuts and bolts of this
white light aircraft. I am not too sure about this light aircraft
and all the work that I am doing on it, but I am having a good chat
with the three women. I am explaining to them that I really must be
getting on with this job because I really do not want to be in this
job club any longer than I need to be. I tell them that it is not
because I do not want to be chatting with you lovely ladies but it
is because I would really like to get out of this job club A.S.A.P.
as soon as possible. Whilst I am chatting to the ladies, I am
tightening up the propeller. The propeller is a foot which is on the
end of a leg acting as a propeller shaft that in turn runs along the
side of this light aircraft. I have my concerns about the mechanics
of this propeller foot and leg shaft, only because I have tightened
the foot up so tight that the ankle joint will not bend. I am
thinking that when the propeller shaft is turning, the foot will
kick the fuselage at the front of the aircraft.
Although I am still not sure about this propeller foot and leg
shaft, I have now finished my work on this light aircraft. I say to
the ladies that I am done and there is an agreement that they will
have to be there when my work is being inspected. They have
generously agreed to stay there at the job club whilst my light
aircraft is being inspected. I am very grateful to these three
ladies for putting themselves out for me like this.
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 24th, 25th October 2016
(39) A Vista So Vast.
This being/entity is looking at me and liking me. In turn I am
likeing beings who are not me. My impression is that, 'This world is

so vast!'
(40) Maybe Not.
I am in this joinary workshop and I am looking around the workshop
for a plane. I have got some doors to plane. I can not find a plane
anywhere. Another work colleague tells me, "there's that one, but
it's a bit different." I say, "Yes, but I don't know how to use that
plane. I don't want to bust a door." The lad smiles and says, "No,
you don't want to bust a door." I end up sitting at this work bench
with some other joiners and one of them says to me. "I was going to
get you to look at designing some swirls on a video box, but you
didn't know what I was getting on about." I am not someone who knows
about video games. I am not a gamer. So I turn my hands over into a
don't know position, as I twist my mouth into a, 'can't help you
there mate' position.' These joiners are all young lads, much
younger than me and full of energy. I start to question myself. 'Do
I really want to be doing all this joinary?'
(41) Pump Up The Scooter.
My vehicle is out of action with a flat tyre. So I am walking home
when one of te neighbours comes past me on a manual scooter. Every
so often he pumps down onto the handlebars of his scooter. His
scooter accelerates off and then gradually slows down, before
pumping the handlebars and accelerating off again. I ask him, "Is
the scooter better than a push bike?" Hopeing that he does not think
that I want a lift on his scooter. Enthusiastically he says, "Yeah."
As he wobbles along the causeway in a pneumatic sort of way.
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 25th, 26th October 2016
(42) 70's Family Fun.
My sister is laid out on the settee and she lashes out and hits me.
I lash out and hit my sister back. Wen I do it spells out sex
pistols. Then as my sister is sat on the arm of the settee she
winds up my dad. I watch my dad angrily threaten to hit my sister.
(43) The Bondage Of Thought.
Whatever I think about is a link that is joined to other same
thoughts which creates a chain. There is infinitly endless chains in
my mind which I escape in a space through thoughtlessness.
(44) You Are Not Your Thoughts
I am being blanked off by Roger Hales. There is something that he
does not like about me and I can feel that he is off with me. There
is a lack of acknowledgment there somewhere. I challenge the success
of his ideas and the channeling of his consciousness and thoughts.
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 26th, 27th October 2016
(45) Milk Please.
I'm in a shop that sells stuff. I'm looking for a fridge. There is a
fridge in this shop somewhere. This shop is so big.
I met up with my sister. Earlier we were catching up and we
discovered that we had both become more spiritual. I thought, 'have
I got some things to say to you,' but she had to go off, she had
things to do.

I sold something that was like a nylon material. I think that it

might have been waterproof. The man who I sold this nylony material
to came back and was talking about the colour of the material
because his friend is colourblind and he had had a five pound bet
with him. I said, "I'm colourblind." This bloke is turning the
material inside out and having a real good look and I'm thinking,
'It looks a blue to me, but I'm colourblind so it could be green for
all I know?'
So I am in the middle of this massive shop and I find the fridge.
There are a couple of people stood there chatting also. All I want
is some milk.
(46) Fossil Tracks.
I am recalling the muddy train tracks of the first part of the
jurassic period. Before trains had evolved this network of
tracklines and sleepers that spanned the puddles in the mud and the
rocky shorelines, becomes fossilized in my mind.
(47) Chunky Beam.
There has been a leak and there is a puddle on the floor which I
resolve by fixing the door. This is a standard sized door with a
square window in the top half. Just underneath this square window I
fix a thick bit of timber across the sill of the window. There is
now a bulging beam across the middle portion of the door and so the
door now gives a solid sound as I knock the beam with my knuckles in
order to test my handiwork.
Thursday night, Friday morning, 27th, 28th October 2016
(48) Pennies Make Pounds.
I was in a holiday flat and I was waiting for my sister. I didn't
know where my mum was? My grandma had been there for a while. I
remember thinking what a great grandma she is. My dad had also been
there earlier too. I was looking at the bed which had all bits on it
and I was thinking that I will have to get a hoover to hoover the
bed when my sister arrived. I said to my sister, "How much is it to
hire the hoover here?" And she replied, "It's a penny." I said, "I
was thinking that too, but a penny is not a lot and they would not
make any money on that." My sister laughed and looked at me with her
mouth open, tilting her head slightly, as if to say 'silly me' then
she gave me a big hug. Her reaction made me laugh too. I decided to
get the hoover after we had been out and so then we both went out.
(49) A Female Perspective.
This girl is writing and the structure of her writing is tied up
into her hair. Her hair is dark with a pony tail high up onto the
top of her head. Carefully she is crafting and brushing her words as
she bunches up her work and then ties it up into paragraphs, laying
it all out into her hair. She has beautiful layers. She is pretty
you see.
Friday night, Saturday morning, 28th, 29th October 2016
(50) Things To Do, Entities To See.
I am exploring the effects of consciousness on various races of
being, just to see exactly what it feels like and what it is that
they can actually do: Pleiadian, Essassani, Sirian and Aucturian.

(51) Time Is The Essence.

I was measuring out the daytime and the night time with some
measuring spoons and a teaspoon. I wasn't sure as to what the effect
of doing this would be at first and then I realised that there would
be more daylight in the morning.
(52) The Joke In The Class.
I am in class but I can't find my work. I am searching through my
folders. There are scraps of paper here and there, but no real work
and I am not feeling this class. I really cannot be bothered to
write an essay. I feel left behind. The tutor is coming round and he
is looking at peoples work and I am rumaging through my bag and
there is nothing. The tutor pulls the chair along and I think,
'that's my chair!' I swizzle the chair back and just as quickly I
find another chair for the tutor. So just as the tutor is looking at
someone elses work, the tutor is concerntrating as he goes through
someone elses work on the same table as me. This is just before he
goes off without any acknowledgment that I am there. So now the
class is tutorless and a camp lad in the class says, "You know, no
one talks about salt and pepper moon pig." I totally agree with him
knowing that he is not serious.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 29th, 30th October 2016
(53) Just Am.
Hello, I am 'Just Am.' I am the entity who lives inside your mind. I
am thousands of years old. I am here to meet and to greet you now.
My memory belongs on Earth. It is an extention of your mind and you
will find that you know so much more now. You see I search for the
knowledge of why I am here and I see that 'I just am.'
(54) Well Swallow Me Up!
This woman, who is obsessed, was on the news. The report just said
that she gave flowers by the hundreds and there was a lorry full of
flowers being shown on the television. It said that she had an in
depth knowledge of flowers and that she knew the names of all the
flowers in latin. She would give these flowers to people that she
was obsessed with. I was just reading about her in a newspaper
whilst sat down on the ottoman. The ottoman gave way and I fell
through it.
(55) A Welcome Distraction.
This lass is paying for us to go on holiday. She is Scandanavian. I
don't believe that it will happen, but it has brought us all closer
together and we are all talking about it as we are walking along the
footpath, down the road. I am keeping myself quietly to myself as I
am thinking, 'she must have a lot of money.' There is a lot of
girlie talk going on with her now and I am suddenly feeling out of
place, but I look up and see a sexy girl way on up ahead. Her white
chubby legs sticking out of the top of her blue wellington boots.
This keeps me going as I am thinking to myself, 'I wonder if she
knows how chubby she looks?'
Sunday night, Monday morning, 30th, 31st October 2016
(56) Crazy Driver.
I was involved in a car incident. This car incident had an axe and a

hammer and various other tools involved in it. I was just hiding all
these tools away in my car. Mainly in the pages of a book that would
not shut properly. My mum and dad were in the car and we were all
parked up after this incident and there were other cars parked up.
After some time of waiting it became possible to move. So I reversed
the car and to my surprise I ended up in a ditch in one of my mum
and dads neighbours gardens. There was an "Awe!" from the occupants
of the car as we realised what had just happened. We were in the
gardens of the Batkins house and so the Batkins and the family next
door to them, the Wards, kindly moved some cars for us and we revved
up and drove the car with force smashing over this fence and then
onto the freeway.
(57) Inexplicable.
I can hear the autistic lad from down the road noisily creating a
fuss and I am looking out of my window and I can see another lad
across the road with learning disabilities sat on the front lawn.
He is sat on a square cloth with his carer and I watch the lad with
learning disabilities become animated. It is like he is suddenly
moving twice as fast as usual. He looks around with his fast jerky
movements as if he is undecided with panic what to do next. So I
watch from inside my house, out of my kitchen window how he jumps up
and runs up onto the house roof in fright. So he is on top of this
slanted house roof and his carer is fast to follow him up onto the
roof. On this slanted roof is a ladder laid on the tiles and I watch
the two of them perform their asyncronous gymnastics of terror and
then he flips over and falls and the carer tumbles with him out of
control onto the grassy lawn below in front of this house. I am out
of my house rushing across to the scene to give them my help.
I am across the road and I ask the carer, "Are you okay?" She seems
preoccupied. She is sat at a table and I explain to her why I am
there. We get talking and there are other people there too. Dave
Elliott is there and we get chatting about who lives in which house
and where. It is all very confusing because I live in many different
houses. So I am not even going to try to explain to them which house
and where I live.
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 31st October, 1st November 2016
(58) Medieval Rural England.
I find that I am in a place that is very rural and very medieval. I
am concerned that the people will be hostile to me and not
understand me. This place is very much like clumber park. There is
so much greenary, but there is so much that I cannot remember.
(59) Bashar's Big Board Of Dentures.
I am with a lad called Mark Mc Hugh and some lass who I do not know,
walking through the streets. We are all chatting, but I am missing
the cues because of my age. I am lamenting about this to them, in a
joking way, as we walk through the streets. We come across this
house surrounded by high brick walls. There is a ladder that we
climb up. As we all stand at the top of this ladder, resting up
against this high brick wall, there is a big board that Mark takes
hold of. The board reminds me of a 'for sale' sign and it has a
picture of teeth on it. They are the bottom row of teeth with a
transparent cover over it, with which Mark is picking up and then
placing it back down over the background picture of teeth. He does
this constantly. I think that the transparent cover has a picture of

teeth on it also. It might be the top set of teeth? It is something

to do with an Essassani alien from the future called Bashar.
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 1st, 2nd November 2016
(60) The Memorylessness Of A Knowing.
As I am at one with 'all that is' I feel that I had an interaction
and I recognise this not through a memory but through a knowing. It
is difficult to place myself as to where I have been, because I am
suddenly not there anymore and the knowing has gone.
(61) The Strange Man And A descent.
I am walking the streets and there is this lad waiting to cross the
road. He has a card board box over his head. I am thinking that he
is dressed up in fancy dress, but then he starts running down the
road like he is running away from something. I can hear a baby
crying. I am thinking, 'has he got a baby with him?' Then I realise
that it is the lad with the box over his head who is crying like a
baby. I end up free wheeling down hill through the village streets
looking out for traffic to avoid so that I do not have to slow down,
but the streets are empty and as I am free wheeling rapidly I lose
my direction and I do not know which way to go.
(62) My recollection.
There is this lass who I recognise from school. She introduces
herself to me and she says that she is leaving. I didn't even know
that she was working here!
Later, I am talking to someone and she says, "Did you know Marie?" I
cannot think who Marie is. Then she says, "She is leaving and there
is a collection for her."
"Oh yes! I know who she is." So then I start to go through my
pockets to look for a pound coin to put into the collection box.
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 2nd, 3rd November 2016
(63) Nine, Zero, Two, Zero, Cuddly Toy.
There are two people wrapping up presents. Each present has a
number. It takes two people to wrap up each present. The presents
are in a bin of plastic bags and each person is stood opposite sides
of the bin. So as these items are being wrapped up in a plastic bag,
a number is called out for each item; three, one, two, five, teddy
bear. One, zero, eight, two, something new and in some inexplicable
way there is a reference to drug taking , but I don't know how?
(64) The Booze Bottle Brothers.
I am in the pub, 'The Bell And Ad,' it is in Scotland. Gez's family
are here. There are many speeches. My mum and dad are here also. I
am looking at some strange ornaments. They look like big round drunk
men with strange hats on. They resemble short fat bottles of booze
with screw top hats and label clothes. I look through a cupboard of
booze and this big loud lady asks me with a suspicious look on her
face, "What are you doing?" I smile at her and tell her, "I don't
even drink." She looks at me with a frown, as if to say 'hmmm,' as
she walks away I delve deep into the drawer of drink.

Thursday night, Friday morning, 3rd, 4th November 2016

(65) Crystal Consciousness.
I am aware of this crystal that has twelve sides. It is a crystal
that is dodecahedral in shape. It has twelve pentagonal sides.
(66) A Passionate Piece Of Work.
We are throwing each other around and I am passionately shouting, "I
love you!" You see she has a dark side and I have no fear for her. I
am working on her. I keep shouting, "I love you!" And I keep
throwing her around and she is love and I am love. There are people
watching us and I never let up violently expressing my love for this
girl. She is dressed in blue as I throw her around and I shout out,
"I love you!"
I say, "watch this." I set it up. I make the white arms of this girl
lash out. I make the white arms of this girl swing out. swing out
and hit my face so hard and she is alarmed and she is ashamed and
she is so sorry. "You See?" I say to the people, "You See?" I say so
passionately, "You See!"
(67) Dispel Your Doubts.
I am disappointed but what did I expect? I ask a great guitarist
(Mark Knopfler), "If you do not play your guitar for a week, do you
forget how to play some of your songs?" He is not forthcoming about
this. I should have known. I explain that it took me three years of
constantly playing my guitar everyday in order to be able to
remember how to play my songs and then in a few weeks of not playing
my guitar I forget nearly everything. I cannot play any of my songs
now, completely in their entirety.
This great guitarist who I respect very much is a tutor in a class.
He is becoming unsettled by the pupils in the class. I guess that my
inquiry is not helpful. I can see that in his capacity as a teacher
he is uncomfortable with the rowdiness of the class. I can see that
in his capacity as a teacher he is compelled to act and so in order
to stop this class from being rowdy it is jokingly suggested that we
need a spell. Someone else then conversely suggests, "No, we need a
Friday night, Saturday morning, 4th, 5th November 2016
(68) From The Oblivion.
Through my forest of dreams and then up onto the astral plane. I
find it incoherent and memoryless, because as I awake I wonder where
I have been. Where have I been? This is the second time, the second
time tonight that I have done this trip. My eyes are bleary and I
have not got the foggiest.
(69) Never Been.
I am up at the desk to tell them that my money has not gone into the
bank, then I realise that it is before my pay date and that I am
getting ahead of myself. I am thinking that it is a good job that I
didn't get served at the desk and as the other people there at the
desk are being dealt with and their issues, I sneak off as though I
have never been.
(70) Heading Home For The Weekend.
I am driving this van back home from work. It is Friday evening and

the traffic is hectic. I am waiting at a junction to turn. After a

while there is a gap in the traffic and I observantly make my way
forward turning right across the lanes, down through the city street
and I suddenly notice a massive articulated lorry taking up most of
the road coming from the opposite direction towards me and I move my
van over close to a city wall and I squeeze between this artic lorry
which is an extra wide load. The vehicle has flashing hazzard
lights. I think that I can hear the lorry driver shouting at me
cursing me from his cab, but miraculously I manage to drive my van
on through this gap.
I am still travelling, but I am on foot now. I am making my way
along a long city wall. I come up to a drop at the end of this long
city wall and I notice the insects on the stone slab ground. They
are long black and wriggly with pincers at both ends, like earwigs
but longer. I watch in amasement: 'That earwig has just jumped off
the stone wall.' With intension it had hurled itself off. I watch
the long body wriggle in freefall, which makes me laugh. I make out
a path to descend the city wall, but I am aware that I have still
got a long way to go before I am home.
(71) Made Unwelcome.
I am staying at someones house and their lad turns out to be Psycho.
One of the adults ask, "Is anyone going to help Andrew?" I don't
really want to but I pursuade myself to volunteer. Andrew is
Psycho's brother. When we go out I meet up with Psycho. Psycho is
grabbing me and insulting me. We are twisting each others arms and
he is continuall insulting me. I ask him, "What have you got against
me?" Psycho is talking gibberish. "I have not got a clue what you
are saying." I tell him as we continue to twist each others arms. I
am so disappointed by Psycho's attitude. I could easily overpower
him. I do not want to do that. I resist that temptation and I am
seriously considering my next move because it is clear that I will
not be staying here for much longer.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 5th, 6th November 2016
(72) Suspicions.
I had walked past a crime scene earlier. The earth was dug up and I
never even noticed. I only found out that there was a crime scene
because I was walking back the same way as I had come and the route
was blocked off. I asked this lad why it is blocked off and he told
me that a seven year old had been murdered there. I was shocked. I
was stunned.
I feel that there is more to this murder and I am suspicious of the
man who told me about this murder, but I am the one who has been at
the crime scene before it was discovered. I am the one who has
walked through those trees and I imagine that it is my footprints
that must be there!
(73) Egos And Motives.
We share out the money between the three of us and although we all
have a thick wad of notes each, I can't help but feel that I have
been short changed. I am in this car with the thick wad of notes in
my top pocket. We are the tories. There is the prime minister, Boris
Johnson and myself. The prime minister is in the back of the car
with me, Boris Johnson is the driver in the front of the car. He is
turned around towards us as we are getting a briefing from the prime

minister. All I want to do is to get out of this car and to get on

with my job, but the prime minister just goes on and on and on
preping us up with his talk, then all of a sudden the prime minister
concludes with, "fucking love this attention!"
(74) Words Fail Me.
There is a lass with attitude, Kristy is her name and I follow her
because I like her attitude. It is difficult to say in what way that
she has an attitude, but it does include her shinny white smile.
There are no words to describe in what way that I follow her and the
longer I think about this, the more it is slipping away from me.
this is not linear at all and I have not found a translation at all
and so I am unable to put her attitude into words.
Sunday night, Monday morning, 6th, 7th November 2016
(75) A Devil Unknowable ...
I am close to nature. I am in the forest when I find myself looking
at crystals and their prices. I find some crystals that are extremly
rare and I buy those, before going back home through my parents
house and then into my own house. "Thank you." I say as I am so
grateful and I realise that, 'a devil unknowable is better than the
devil you know.'
(76) Metric Or Imperial?
There is an aircraft door open. The door opens from the top down and
forms steps. I am stood on the steps of the aircraft door with some
girls. I try to put myself into place but it is arkward. We have
been told which room our group will be in. It is a small group and
one of the managers says that we will be joined by some other people
So we have all congregated together for our group activity in this
room. We are really making a joke out of this group activity. I am
practicing to restrain. Collin is also there and we practice our
moves on each other, we have some banter in front of everyone.
Collin turns around to everyone else and says about me, "He's
talking about feet and inches and everything!" And he is laughing as
he is saying this. So I say, "Well let's talk in meters then, if
that would be better!"
(77) Top Secret Mission.
There are three of us and we have travelled in the back of a lorry
to get to an undisclosed destination. There is Ivan Teller, myself
and someone else who is unknown to me. We are there so that Ivan can
meet some beings. Ivan gets briefed on what to say to the beings by
our unknown travel companion. As Ivan is going to head off to the
beings someone jokes by saying, "Recite some Morressey to them."
This makes me laugh and I say, "Yes that will cheer them up." I see
Ivan smile as he walks off.
Ivan arrives back and he surprises me by giving me a chocolate bar,
I am thinking, 'does he not want a chocolate bar? Maybe he is on a
diet.' I am very grateful for this chocolate surprise and even I'm
surprised at how grateful I am. So I think to myself, 'calm down
lad.' I throw the chocolate bar to a safe place in the back of the
lorry before we all climb back into it, for our return journey home.

Monday night, Tuesday morning, 7th, 8th November 2016

(78) Slices Of Time.
I am walking along with some beings and I am in a strange place, but
I keep walking through my awareness which is aided by the ascension
of the Earth at this moment. This is not the only walk that I can
remember as there is a great deal of both spiritual and extra
terrestrial help for me at this time, to be more aware and so my
memory has become so much sharper.
(79) Stand-offish.
I have been talking to Chris East. We are all due to meet up for a
school reunion. Nigel Smith is driving the car. I am inside the car
and Chris East is outside the car and we are talking. We have been
working on some equations; quadratic, cubic and solving some
mathematical problems. It is not easy for me to talk to Chris,
because he is floating around in arkward places. On roof tops and I
have got my head out of the car window talking to him, but we manage
to have a conversation on the journey to our school reunion. We get
close to the venue and Chris East is nowhere to be seen and then he
suddenly jumps into the driving seat of the car and starts driving
the car, immediately after Nigel Smith jumps into the back of the
car with me as the front and back doors slam in succession
respectively. I think to myself, 'That was close! Chris nearly drove
off without Nigel!' The streets are very busy now. The venue is in
London somewhere and I see Paul Frecklington. The streets are dark
and wet and crowded with people. Although I have travelled up in the
car, I don't think that I will be attending this school reunion.
(80) Trew Newz. (a political update.)
Frank Skinner the comedian becomes a politician. He has his
constituancy, his district that he serves and he is very O.C.D.
(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) about this. There is a jigsaw and
all the jigsaw pieces are shaped into the shapes of constituancies
to form a map of England when placed together, but the jigsaw pieces
or afloat on water in the bath and the comedian is struggling to put
these floating jigsaw constituancies together. I am watching as the
comedian struggles to place his own jigsaw constituancy pieces in
place as it just keeps floating away. With O.C.D. precision he is
determined to place his floating jigsaw constituancy piece. With so
much concerntration it appears that the focus of this task has
transformed the comedian Frank Skinner, because he has now morphed
into the comedian Russell Brand.
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 8th, 9th November 2016
(81) Cheeky Miss Cup Cake.
There are two types of fruit. There are the natural fruits and then
there are fruits with bad attitude. These fruits have been used to
cook with. At first I only eat with natural fruit. It is often
cooked and prepared in cakes, but then there becomes a shortage of
natural fruits and I get some cake that is made from bad attitude
fruit. It is a squidgy peach cake. Two sweet squidgy peaches are
joined together in a cup. I take the sticky sweet and juicy peaches
of cake out of its cup and I taste just how good the bad attitude
peaches both are in this cake and they are so nice and they are so
naughty that I swear. I savour the flavour as it goes to my head. I
eat it all up and it's such a pleasure in bed.

(82) This Is Out Of Order.

I get into trouble with the police. I blame it on the ginger haired
lass. There are a few other people involved also. I cannot remember
much about the incident, but it is the ginger haired lass that ropes
me into this incident and then the police make an example of me
because I give them some cheek. This whole episode takes months to
deal with us, with the court and everything and it is still not done
with yet! I don't even remember the incident. I get done for
disorder, but I would not have been there if it was not for the
ginger haired lass. I think that maybe they are making an example of
me for pleading not guilty.
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 9th, 10th November 2016
(83) Too Much Confusion.
We have visitors. Andy Moore arrives at the gate at the bottom of
the garden and makes his way in. There are also visit at the front.
I hear two women talking and then I notice Paula chatting with two
women. Paula told me earlier that she has a form that she wants me
to fill in. For some reason, it is in a wallet on the table. I am
wondering, 'is this Andy's wallet?' Andy is not there anymore. For
some reason he has had to go. I need my glasses to look at Paula's
form, but my glasses are not there. I notice someone elses glasses
on the table, so I decide to use them and WOW! They are strong
lenses in these glasses. I think that maybe they are long distance
glasses, because they do not help me to read this form of Paula's.
This is when I hear the two women chatting with Paula at the front
of the house. I do not know who they are?
(84) When A Random Act Becomes Repetitious.
I am going on my travels. I get all spiritual, but I do not want to
tell anyone in case they think that I am crazy. I just walk off on
my travels on my own and I make sure that I keep walking so that the
people who I know do not catch up with me. As I am out on my travels
I watch how the addiction in someone is taking them over. I see
their compulsion and so this compulsion becomes my behaviour too as
I find myself to be an addict also. The need for a fix is so over
whelming that it drives me into behavioral patterns and activities
that I need to keep repeating. I need to collect something. I have a
dire desire to collect something.
(85) The Office Of Sound.
It is explained to a group of us that the corridors were designed to
be a donut shape so that sound can resonate well in these old
buildings. This may be good for listerning to music being performed
and while choirs sing, but in certain parts of these buildings you
can be innundated with all the unwanted sounds throughout the
building, creating an acoustic confusion with the mingling of all
the echoes generated throughout the building.
Thursday night, Friday morning, 10th, 11th November 2016
(86) Destination Unknown.
I am travelling and I get delayed. I am chatting to someone, an
unknown lady and it is getting late. I tell the lady my destination
which is unknown. So then my push bike and I are continuing on our

(87) A Rough Crossing.

This has reoccured to me before, it is of a ferry and someone is
clinging onto the back of the ferry. I am at the stern of the ferry
looking down over the rail. I see the water below and this person is
holding on tight, high up on the stern. They are in close proximity
to me. I am concerned that they may fall off. This person may or may
not be me? Sometimes it is me and sometimes it is not me. This time
I am talking to this person who is clinging on in the sea spray and
I ask him, "How long are you holding on for, an hour?" He
confidently tells me with the wind blowing in his hair, whilst
laughing he shouts over the noise, "I've already been holding on for
an hour. So I've done that!" I am concerned that this person will
fall off the back of this ferry. They disappear, then aftr a while
they reappear still clinging on to the back of the ferry.
Friday night, Saturday morning, 11th, 12th November 2016
(88) Sounds Of The Underground Artists.
This is a covert opperation. I am sat at a table with some girls. I
liaise with these girls who have some music for me on vinyl. This
vinyl is in various bright colours. I can see red, I can see blue
vinyl. This is music from some young lads that I am following. I ask
the girls, "Do these lads know that I am following them?" As a
chorus they reply, "yes." "Are these lads in this room?" And again
as a chorus the girls reply, "yes." We are in a large hall full of
young people and although I can feel the young lads watching me, I
do not know who they are. I look around all the young people in this
room and I am thinking, 'maybe it's the blonde haired lad, or maybe
it's the lad with the skateboard?' I just don't know.
(89) I'm Not On J.S.A (job seekers allowance),
I'm On U.C. (universal credit).
I used to work in the garden with the lads. It is a boring job and I
am so glad that I left that job. It's to help the people with
challenging behaviour. There is a lad who lives there, who loses it
sometimes. I walk past and I see some people who I used to work
with, but we don't have much to say to each other. We have all moved
on. I walk around these streets with this lad who tells me the best
jobs to do, but I am still glad that I'm not working. So I find
myself on the bus going home and I am having a chat with a couple of
others and we each exchange our cards. I notice out of the window as
we drive past a queue of other workers waiting for a bus to take
them home. I ask one of the lads on the bus, "Where are you from?"
The other lad says, "I told you, South Sea." "Oh yeah." I suddenly
remember and I am immediatly asked, "How far away are you?" I reply,
"About one hundred and fifty miles." And they say, "not too far
then." "No not far." I conclude.
(90) The Fringe, A Festival Of Fun.
I am travelling on a bus. There is a big bloke with blonde hair. He
is holding a young child on his shoulders. As the bus is slowing
down at the bus stop he descends down the staircase of the bus and
jumps the last few steps and lands on some sludgy snow in the
stairwell. I am following on behind and I think, 'I am not going to
do that.' And so I carefully make my way down the steps and off the
bus. As I am catching up with the big bloke with blonde hair, I am
having some banter with him. I say to him, "Are you still here?" He
says, "Get back home, twat!" "Fuck off!" I reply.

We are at a showground and there is a lot of people around at this

show. There is a chair in a pamphlet that when it opens up it turns
into a cross dressing man. I was talking to this woman and I said,
"Did you see the chair open up?" "Yes." She said with a shocked
reaction and she recalls her experience when she suddenly realises
that the chair is really a cross dressing man!
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 12th, 13th November 2016
(91) My Wrecklessness Is Your Problem.
I fell off my motorbike and got a hole in my jeans in the left knee.
I am having a heart to heart discussing about this with someone.
They are appreciative of what happened to me and pleased that I told
them, but it is a problem to them. They are checking things out they
say, "You said that you came off and made a hole in your left knee."
For some reason they are wearing these jeans of mine with a hole in
the knee. First they check the right knee and then the left knee of
the jeans to verify my claim. I think to myself, 'I know I'm right.'
And then they say to me, "Yes you are right, it is the left knee."
For some reason it is their problem and so I walk off and leave them
to deal with it.
(92) When Things Go Wierd.
I am talking to my dad about football. He is sat down at a table and
I am across the way in a railway station. I am talking about
football which I usually know nothing about, but I feel at this
moment that I have something to share with him about the game. So as
we are talking across to each other so that everyone can hear our
conversation, I surprise myself with my confidence on this topic. So
I am sat on this chair in this train station when I am surrounded by
a large number of football supporters. Bearing in mind that I know
nothing about football some bloke joins in a conversation with me
about the game. I tell him, "I've got a confession to make. I know
absolutly nothing about football." It was hard for me to admit this,
but I feel better for being honest to the man. I am sat there
looking through a glass partition and I can see a train in the
distance down the tracks, wobbling from side to side slightly with
speed when suddenly it thunders through the train station without
stopping, each rattling carriage pulsates the station as they pass
through with such speed and force that I am shocked.
"Why are there little vehicles following this train?" I find myself
voicing my sudden awareness that there is an unruly convoy of small
cars and trucks driving over and along the railway lines following
the train that has just passed through. This is very surreal. They
have no hope of catching up with the train. What are they doing?
this has just got wierd and then there is a little vehicle crash and
now it has just got wierder!
Sunday night, Monday morning, 13th, 14th November 2016
(93) Perplexing Me With Milk.
Myself and Sam Fox are delivering milk from a shop to a field. Chris
Burke is selling the milk in the shop, which is an outdoor shop. I
have given Chris the money for the milk and he is now giving me the
milk to deliver it, one bottle each time, into the empty field.
There is a settee in the way which I have to negotiate by climbing
around it everytime I deliver a bottle of milk into the empty field.

Sam Fox is helping me to deliver the milk also. I am discussing with

Chris and wondering, will we have enough bottles of milk? I don't
know. I am perplexed.
(94) Checkmate.
I am on the shop floor joining in with the tasks of the day getting
the stock put away into the stores and generally making myself look
busy. The queen is also working on the shop floor with us so we are
all really making an effort to get our jobs done, but I cannot help
but take time out to watch Philip Duffy who is energetically getting
the stock of shoes which are all in their boxes down a hatch and
into the basement below. Philip is fireing the boxes. He is throwing
the boxes. He is pushing and shoving in all manner of ways to
energetically get these boxes of shoes down into the basement below.
Then the boxes get stuck in the hatch and another woman joins in and
she is jumping on the boxes when she starts to fall through the
hatch. The shoe boxes are eating her up and she is in shock that she
is sinking when the queen intervienes to get the woman out of the
hatch, but the woman becomes still. She is now up to her waist and
she dares not to move. She is terrified. She has the look of terror
on her face and I am laughing to myself at the spectacle as the
woman is shocked at her situation and the queen knows not what to
do, as precariously the woman is in limbo. She is in balance with
the boxes of shoes in the hatch, too afraid to move for fear of
falling through the hatch down into the basement below.
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 14th, 15th November 2016
(95) A Lesson In Magnetism.
There is a group of us all stood outside this rubble of a building
looking into where our instructors are instructing us. There are
copper coins, but they are not real copper coins because we
magnetize the coins together. I make a right angled triangle of
coins magnetized together and then I inspect it by unpicking the
coins one by one. There is a little French lad in front of me and an
instructor is picking on him. This French lad cannot do right for
doing wrong with this instructor, 'old man Cripsy.' It is with
uncomfortable amusement to me that the instructor threatens the
French lad. He repremands him with his sharpe tongue and then the
old man Cripsy walks around behind the French lad who becomes more
and more intimidated the closer that the instructor gets to him. I
witness the old man Cripsy's frown and glare of displeasure focused
on the little French lad, repulsing him like a magnetic detraction.
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 15th, 16th November 2016
(96) Questioning The Peas. (jumbled begining).
We all have to leave home, we all have to leave school. At the same
time our dad Dave is cooking for us because the energy is going to
ask you to use your energy and move that log out of the way.
A lad asks the Peas, "What sounds do you use to call the Peas?" The
Peas are quick to get back at him because they have not had anything
to eat yet and they are admiting to feeling hungry.
Another question is, "What sounds do you use to pronounce things in
your world?" "All of them and more." Is the quick answer to that and
so I then clarify, "You mean the vowels and consonants that we use

in our language, you also use in your language?" "Yes that is

correct." The Peas affirm that they confirm that this is true.
(97) All At Sea.
I am at a crazy little naval base with Mick Brenan. There is rubbsh
strewn across the floor and so many people hanging out. I am just
wandering around this crazy scene. I follow Mick for a while and we
have a chat and he says with all his heart, "I love this little
base." To me it is just craziness. A jumble of rubble and
activities. There is a video camera up in the ceiling on a big thick
pipe that I notice as I stumble along in the jumble on the ground.
Mick goes through a doorway. The door slams shut behind him and I am
waiting at the door in the chaos of the people. I know that the door
will open again, but that could be anytime and so I am waiting by
the door to open to make my exit.
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 16th, 17th November 2016
(98) My Arm Goes To Sleep.
There is a dodecahedron of cats arranged in pentagons and these cats
are meowing in their polygons of illness. I kindly stroke their
numbness away as we wake each other up.
(99) This Is a Public Space.
This man comes over to me. Whilst reaching out to grab me,
condescendingly he says, "Come on,You're not allowed in here."
instinctively I know that he has no authority over me and so I bite
him on his arm. The arm that is reaching out to grab me.
Thursday night, Friday morning, 17th, 18th November 2016
(100) What Am I Doing?
I enter into this huge cafe. Half of the cafe is shut off. There are
a few of us who enter into this cafe and we are all looking around
to sit away from each other at these small seperate square tables.
There is a discussion going on about the cost of food and the way
that the tables are all set out. There are issues. Something to do
with a pregnancy and no one is eating. So I just sit there at my
table and look around.
Friday night, Saturday morning, 18th, 19th November 2016
(101) Fauna And Flora.
I am riding around showing off on my push bike. I am with some other
people and we are going to this house. I am ahead going around in
circles and figure eights, in and out of the puddles on the path and
the roadside. The others are slow to follow on foot, as we get to
our destination. We all sit around a table that is outside in the
garden of this house. The table has a white cloth on it and it
gently sways in the breeze on each of the four corners of the cloth
which hang down over each side of the table. I do a wheely up to the
table and I get my front tyre up to the table and I get my front
tyre on top of the table and I make a small muddy wet mark on the
white table cloth. "Oops!" I say, regretting my manouver on my push
bike, but no one says anything to me about this and we all find
ourselves around this table inspecting objects that we have found in
nature and we are identifying them. Someone knows what they are

talking about. Me, I am just looking and learning. I have not got a
clue, as I listen to them cleverly identifying these objects.
Saturday night, Sunday morning, 19th, 20th November 2016
(102) It's All About Time.
I am singing at Sam Smith's birthday party. This is in a pub
somewhere. I am just trying to find a good moment to sing my songs.
I have sung a few songs already. I see Sam walk past me and I say,
"I am sorry if I am butchering these songs." He says, "Well, a lot
of us have had heart attacks and things." So now I am trying to find
a good moment to sing my own song, 'Life Goes,' but the lights have
now come on and people are talking loudly and I do not feel
confident to sing that song at the moment although, I am really
wanting to keep on singing. I feel I must choose my moment.
(103) It's Just An Illusion.
I am performing magic to Andy Moore and he is impressed that I make
a clear plastic ball disappear. I put a black cloth over the plastic
ball and then when I lift the black cloth up, to Andy's surprize,
the clear plastic ball is not there. With incredulity Andy finds
himself asking me, "How did you do that?" I am smiling because I can
see where I have displaced the plastic ball and I am looking at Andy
who is looking hard for the plastic ball which, although it is out
of his sight, it is hidden right in front of him.
Sunday night, Monday morning, 20th, 21st November 2016
(104) Our Changing Earth.
I watch the people. I can see how the people have changed around me,
as I interact with them and I know for sure that our Earth is
changing, because I can see the corner of the people who have
I am looking at a geometry. There is a point in front of me to the
right. There is a horizontal line that runs from this point and
infintely to the left. There is another line running from the same
point which is also infinitely long and this makes an acute angle
with the horizontal line. The point is the vertex of this acute
angle. There is an arc centred at the vertex point and this arc
joins the two lines as a symbol of an acute angle. This angle is
the corner of people who have changed. This angle is getting larger
and one day it will become obtuse.
(105) Check This Out!
I am at the checkout and no one is talking to me. I shout out loud,
"Why is no one talking to me!" I slam the tin of baked beans onto
the conveyer belt and then another slam! And another slam! Finally
the fourth tin of baked beans onto the conveyer belt with a slam! I
am aware of this shop assistant who is fussing around behind me.
They are emptying out groceries from a card board box and he says,
"I love working here, I do." This time it is me who is silent. I am
looking at him in disbelief, but I have nothing to say.
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 21st, 22nd November 2016
(106) To Be Treated Like A Brick.

I find myself talking to Rob Stanner. He is asking me to do him a

favour, to look after a brick. So I agree to look after this brick,
but no, now he wants me to carry this brick for his sister. I really
do not want to be doing that. The brick is hot. I am expected to
carry this hot brick for Rob Stanner's sister, because Rob has just
left me here with that task. Why have I got myself into this
(107) A Questionable Clinic.
I recognise this nurse, but does she recognise me? She looks nice. I
am riding around in this wheelchair, 'but who is pushing me? Some
lass, I dunno?' It is all very casual. I am not ill. I don't even
know why I am in a wheelchair. There is a rock star Marilyn Manson
look alike in this hospital and he asks me to do a political sign. I
am lying down in a bed now and that unknown lass who was pushing me
in the wheelchair says, "He wants you to do a political sign." I
acknowledge her but I do not know what sign to do and so I do not do
a political sign. Next thing Marilyn Manson, the look alike is
doing, like a horror stage act. He has got someones arm and he is
cutting it up like logs of wood, then splicing the wood. There is no
blood just wooden arm splices stacked up like logs. 'That's a neat
trick.' I think to myself. The man whose arm has been spliced into
wood is very relaxed about the whole thing. 'What sort of hospital
is this?' I ask myself. 'It is very theatrical. Maybe we are in
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 22nd, 23rd November 2016
(108) An Arrival Through An Attic.
I find a gold coin. It is only a small round coin and it has got a
hole in the top of it, but it is valuable, it is made from real
gold. I get back to Paula's big old house and I am talking to her
through a gap in the ceiling, "I'm back! I've got a coin for you.
I'll bring it with me." I decide not to drop her a coin through a
gap in the ceiling and so I am making my way down from the ceiling.
For some reason I have to get down at a point which is labelled and
numbered one hundred and twenty. Which is a bit arkward because it
is cramped there and there is a plant in the way. So after I get
down from the ceiling, I reach into my pocket and I see that I have
three coins. I do not give her the gold coin that I found but one of
the other coins.
(109) Wow We!
There is this sexy woman who does porn. She is Elizibeth Greenwood's
mum. She is wearing latex and I am with her. She says to me, "You
know, I don't think that you've had sex before. Let's do something."
So I put my dick into her mouth and it feels real nice. I eventually
end up penetrating her virgina. So now we have finished. She is
called Wendy Oralean Williams and she says to me, "There's someone
walking around outside!" I look outside through the back window and
I see my mum approaching the house from the back garden. "There's
people everywhere!" Says Wendy Will. I look outside the front window
and my dad is approaching from the front garden and I think to
myself, 'Wow! We are so lucky that we did not get caught having sex.
I feel so relieved right now.'
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 23rd, 24th November 2016

(110) The M Position.

I am talking to someone and I am here to persuade them to repack
this material. It is white material with a yellow and blue design on
it, but it has been packed like a concertina, in zig zags within a
clear plastic bag. It has been claimed that it is anti semitic to
pack meterial in this way and so I am offering my services to repack
the material so that it is packed flat and not in zig zags. I am
finally successful and I also persuade them to reposition some seats
within cars. The seats must be in an M position. I am squeezed
tightly in this car so that this chap and myself can reposition the
seats in the M position. It has to be done in three stages as there
are two rows of three seats in this car. I am squashed up tight in
this car but we manage to get each of the three rows of seats into
the M position.
(111) A Doorway Of Memory.
I have to squeeze through this doorway everytime that I want to go
in. It is double doors except that only one of the doors is open.
The other door is shut and it is white with horizontal latts that
are angled at forty five degrees. So that it is not possible to see
through the latts if you are tall, but if you are short you can. The
gap that I go through is only small and I have to duck my head down
if I want to go through. So it is a good job that I am thin and
agile. My mum asks me, "Where have you been?" I question what she
has just asked me, "Who have I seen?" "No." My mum reiterates the
question, "Where have you been?" "Oh!" I reply, "I've just been to
Asda." Asda is a large white supermarket just across the road from
the house where I am at. I remember vaugely having been on a long
journey, this was some time ago and it was in two layers. I am
reminded by walking through the doorway because it is the same
feeling I get of two layers. Ducking my head down is the top layer
and bending my knees is the bottom layer as I squeeze through the
Thursday night, Friday morning, 24th, 25th November 2016
(112) A Dodgy Chip Shop.
I am at this chip shop and I ask for my meal. I ask the man serving
at the desk, "Fish and chips ..." I hesitate. The man is waiting for
my reply with bated breath. "... err and mushy peas." "Yes." says
the man serving, answering me immediately, "It is three items for a
pound." He goes on to inform me, which reassures me that I am
getting a good deal here. The meal goes straight into my stomache.
In this chip shop there is no time to eat. Later I find myself
checking my stomache for lumps and I find a big lump like a long
handle in my stomache as I feel from the outside pressing down. I
can feel the handle sticking up under my skin and there I am
thinking to myself, 'maybe it is a white plastic fork?'
(113) As I Watch And Wait.
I am stood at a bus stop waiting and I am watching this orange car
that is being driven around. It is a big old yanky car. I see it
coming distantly from the suburbs, from the top of a hill. The
driver is doing a wheely in this big old orange Yanky car from the
top of the hill down the road, down the hill towards me. As the car
gets closer there is a child playing at the side of the road. I
wonder, 'has the driver seen this child?' Yes and so the big orange
Yanky car drives past avoiding the child, then past me, on up the
road into Mansfield Town and I watch the big old orange Yanky car go

through the traffic lights at the cross roads in the distance way on
up the road.
I am stood at a bus stop in a shopping mall with solid shiny marble
floor. There are backdrop sounds of faint echoing chatter and the
echoed chompings of shoes on the solid tiled floor and I am watching
the people milling around. I am watching intently. I see Dean Parker
and I see Karen Dalton and I see their grown up children with them.
I see the unmistakable resemblance of these young adults to their
parents and the contrasts that the aging process does to the parents
who are still looking good, but who are a little less fresh faced. A
little less agile than how they used to be.
Friday night, Saturday morning, 25th, 26th November 2016
(114) Passers By.
There is a stand off. Rubber bullets at dawn. Andy Moore, Paul
Whitney and myself are having some banter at the top of the stairs
on the landing. I am explaining that my gun is better because it
uses rubber bullets. My big argument here is that when I shoot
someone my bullet bounces back and so I can get my bullet back. I am
quite proud of myself for thinking that one up. My sister Maz and
Annmarie who is a friend from across the road arrive through the
front door and into the hallway at the bottom of the stairs. Andy
Paul and myself we all walk down the stairs respectively. I hear
Paul and Annmarie say hello to each other. I note the fact that they
say hello to each other because it is the first time that they have
met each other. Maz and Annmarie go from the hallway and into the
lounge now and we three are all heading outside through the front
(115) The Video Control And The Space Invasion.
My sister Maz and her boyfriend Evo are out in the garden with me.
This bloke who is in charge is telling us what to do. We manage to
move a tree out of alignment and now it has a branch that sticks out
into the road. There is a car coming and Maz grabs the branch to
snap it off just before the car its the branch. This bloke says,
"Yes and you can just have a look at that plant?" Maz says, "Yes,
those leaves don't look good. I'll give them a spray."
We meet up with Heidi and we are having a chat with her and she
tells us that she has narrated a video. So I am watching this video
which is a bit freaky and Heidi's monologue in this video is very
ditsy. She has an Essex accent and she makes so many mistakes
talking over this video that it is distracting to watch. There are
all these freaky people in this video. The main character is the
Queen, but there are others too who are up to nine feet tall. They
are all dressed up in harlequin clothes and they are all controlling
me with their actions as I am watching them. My resistance to them
is futile. I can feel my arms unable to move even my emotions became
empty and flat. The only thing I can do is to sneer at them like a
cat as they overwhelm me, as they come at me, in my face and invade
my space.
(116) Rerememberence.
I am sat there and I go into a reremembering mode. So I feel my
emotions of times when I was more empty. Where times were more cold
and bare. I reremember a place where we were not all there. So now I
am grateful that now we are more aware.

Saturday night, Sunday morning, 26th, 27th November 2016

(117) My Musical Dream To Be Free.
I play my guitar in my sleep and the bed tries to swallow me up. So
I bare my teeth. I push with my feet. Head first I am ready to bite.
As the bed tries to swallow me up, with chills in my spine and with
symbols abound, flashing around. I can see my way out of this fix.
Flashing symbols with thin black lines and zeros all in a row, rows
after rows.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oI find that I become more awake. So I make my way through from my
musical dream, to finally find my way free ...
(118) A Bad Signal.
I am in this huge warehouse building and I wonder, 'where has Maz
wandered off to?' I am walking around this building and then I see
her sat down in a corner. She is truggling to breath. She has a
watch buckled up tight around her neck and a dog collar also. So I
take these off quickly and she has a bulge in her neck which sticks
out front and back like a long object has wedged sideways. I press
the two protrusions in her neck and they go down so that her neck is
now back to normal. In earnest I ask Maz, "Have you taken any
drugs?" "Yes." is her clear answer. So I search for a phone, but
there isn,t one. "Excuse me!" I see a lady, "Can I borrow your
phone? Maz has tried to take her own life." The woman says, "She
looks okay." I tell the woman, "It's not for us to know. I'm not
taking any chances." The woman takes my point and agrees with me and
so I am on her phone and people are telling me our exact location
for me to tell the emergency services, but I am not getting through
to the emergency services on this phone!
(119) I Conclude.
Margaret Boldham must have been older than my dad then. This is my
sudden realisation. This is my conclusion from a thought pattern
that escapes me. She was our neighbour who died some years ago.
Sunday night, Monday morning, 27th, 28th November 2016
(120) Exploding Into Our Hearts.
The radiators exploded. I kind of thought that they might. I could
not tell anyone because they would have told me that I was crazy. We
have three dimplex radiators. It was not clear at first what had
happened, but then people become more aware. I am concerned about my
old mother and father who are confused about what has happened.
(121) I Cannot Tell Myself.
I am looking into the future of this timeline that I am at right now
and yet there is nothing that I can explain about it. Just that I
can see the rest of my family in this timeline. There is more to

this than I am telling myself. Maybe because its multidimentionality

does not translate into the linearity of this himan experience that
I am in?
(122) Flagstone Train Station.
I have two planks of wood. The timber is about two by three and six
feet long. I also have a small piece which is also two by three, but
only about six inches long. These planks are a pain to carry around.
I am in town and I have these shoes on which have tassles on like
a sporran over the top of my shoes. well this one comes off as I am
walking around which feels embarrassing. These fancy tasseled shoe
laces are collectors items and I value them. So I pick up the
tasseled shoe lace which has fallen off and I put it in my pocket. I
make a decision. Jeremy Clarkson is with me and I tell him, "I'll
meet you at the train station. What time is it?" I am hoping that it
is not too late because I am going to need a taxi to take me with
these planks of wood. I want to get a taxi before tea time rush hour
otherwise I might not be able to get one. So Jeremy says, "It's two
O'Clock and it's not just any old train station, it is Flagstone
train station. Did I ever tell you about a story of Flagstone?" I
remember a little roundabout near the train Station and there is a
statue near there, but I did not know that it was Flagstone. I think
that Flagstone was an explorer? I guess that I am going to find out!
Monday night, Tuesday morning, 28th, 29th November 2016
(123) Looking For The Solution.
B = (A-x)/y + z. I am going through tests. Doctors say that it is
a miracle that I am still alive. To myself I thank the prime creater
that I am still alive. I feel special that the doctors don't know
how I have survived. I take this as a sign that I am in this life
with a mission to do and that I am not meant to be taken out just
yet. I still don't know if I had an accident or if I just had some
kind of stroke or seisure. I have been out for a walk and now I have
some maths problems to do. The nurse said, "I have got some times
tables for you to do." But these problems are more than just times
If person A is x years old and was y times older than person B, z
years ago, then how old is person B now?
(124) Behind The Scenes.
I am at this show. I watch the sun low in the sky sitting on the
horizon and it has a shadow sun which is next to it which is not
quite so bright. I look around and there are many planets low in the
sky sitting on the horizon. I can see Jupiter and Mars and many
other planets that I do nt recognise. Then I am at this show and
there are footballs, all maner of footballs. One man is being
instructed to hit a football with a claw hammer. I am looking around
at all the footballs on show and then I go into a train carriage.
There is this cool bloke sat opposite to me and I am vaguely aware
of some issue. "We'll sort it." Before I really ever find out what
the issue is and then he shouts to someone that he has seen through
the train carriage window. They board the carriage and I do not know
what they are talking about?
Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, 29th, 30th November 2016

(125) Music Is My Passion.

I am in my bedroom and it is going to be decorated. There are
musical instruments in my bedroom with deeply varnished wood on
cellos and violins. I throw a new string onto the table and it
springs open from the circle that it was wound into. I am aware of
Alison from the shiny show and she says, "Well it's clear what you
are into." And she laughs.
(126) Fun At The Park.
Iam at this funland park with this lass. I hold onto a bar on a ride
and I spin round. I can adjust the height and I go up high on this
ride. There is water beneath me and I can jump off this ride into
the water, but I decide not to get wet just yet and so I spin down
from this ride onto grassland. I am so pleased to have been on this
ride as I chat to this lass we decide to jump off this ride and into
the water the next time that we go on. This will be later in the day
because in the meantime we have somewhere else to go.
Wednesday night, Thursday morning, 30th November 1st December 2016
(127) Neither Borrower Nor Lender Be.
Apparently, he got himself into debt. It was five hundred pounds,
but it is two thousand pounds now. Debbie Swain is going to have a
word with him. She said, "I'm not having this! He was supposed to be
getting jis debt down." It's all hush hush, no one is supposed to
know about this.
(128) From The Rooms Of A House.
I am looking at work and I am meditating. I am writing books too.
All of these things I am playing around with in the rooms of this
house. In the rooms of this house I go to and I ponder and I work
things out in my mind. I am soul searching just to see what I can
find from a deep place within me.
Thursday night, Friday morning, 1st 2nd December 2016
(129) Perversions Of Time.
I am out with Mark Mc Hugh and this lass. We are messing about or as
they say in the U.S. goofing around. I say, "Oo I'm in love with
electronics. I love cookers and all the electrical appliances." As I
start to kiss the twelve inch dial of a white kitchen clock and put
my arms around it. This lass says, "No, I don't think that you are
quite there yet." Unconvincedof the authenticity of the actions of
such a perversion. She smiles at the absurdity of me being attracted
to electronic equipment.
Deep Dreams Dave
Primrose Amelia Walter-Kendlebottom (Prim)
The Murkaba Kid
Big Bob
Lucid Dream
Astral Dream
No One

(1) You Are Just A Person
I know that you are reading about me. Even a character in a book has
a spirit. Most characters in books are aware of their readers and I
am no different. I know who you are, where you live and everything
about you. I can even tell you some stories about the author of this
book, my maker Adi Cox. He is English. He was born in Lincoln,
Lincolnshire. He lives near Sherwood forest in Nottinghamshire now.
The area famed by the legand of Robin Hood. I am more than just a
character in a book, but you are just a person. I read your energy,
but you cannot read my energy, because you are just a person.
(2) Nothing Really
The zero perspective is a place that does not exist. It is full of
no ones. There are no spirits who reside there. A no one is not part
of all that is. A no one, is not.
(3) Lucid
Lucid is a non corpreal spirit of consciously aware dreaming. She is
the spirit of lucid dreaming. She spectates in spirit, in dream
life. Even in a dream she is formless as she is witnessing Astral as
he is trapped in his never ending lucid dreaming. She offers him no
help and she is so transparent as to not to appear to be anywhere.
Astral thinks that he is without a girlfriend, but he always has
Lucid, although he does not know it. She is always there, not being
any help to him at all. Besides this Astral does prefer corpreal
women. Nothing against Lucid, but she is lacking in a very important
component when it comes to fulfilling the female role of a sexual
relationship. Astral is thinking that a physical body is a must for
a physical relationship. Lucid is well aware of Astrals thoughts and
so she gives him a wet dream.
(4) Let Us Be Clear Now [counterpart to dream verse (23)]
Because so many timelines are converging in this great time of
change on Earth, those stories that have been edited out of the
bible in one timeline are present in another timeline and so this
converging of timelines gives a complete biblical text. There are
many more apostles and the bible is as big as a library. There are
stories of aliens. There are biblical stories written by women. All
these stories that the catholic church discarded in about 500 A.D.
Who was Jesus? There must have been many people who may have been
called Jesus and yet there seems to be no idea of any other Jesus
than the Jesus who died on the cross. It has been suggested that
the story of Jesus is based on Yeshua who was born in 5 A.D. on
21st September. After more than 2000 years it is suggested here that
many facts are incorrect about Jesus due to the catholic church in
Roman times who have doctored the facts. A good example is christmas
which was a pagan celebration which was christianised by the Romans.
The details are scarce here, for the main point here is that it is
impossible after 2000 years of meddling with the facts to know
exactly what is true.

(5) Dark Numbers And The Ovaloids.

The Dark Number.
Dark numbers are dark because they are so big that they are
unknowable. Just where dark numbers start is unclear as there is a
twilight zone and no clear distinction. Dark numbers are represented
here by tetral numbers, or tet for short.
Examples of dark numbers with different bases:
Bases And Dark Numbers.
At what point in each base do tetral numbers become dark?
Base 2
2 tet 0 = null
2 tet 1 = 2
2 tet 2 = 2^2 = 4
2 tet 3 = 2^2^2 = 16
2 tet 4 = 2^2^2^2 = 256
2 tet 5 = 2^2^2^2^2 = 65536
2 tet 6 = 2^2^2^2^2^2 = 4294967296
2 tet 7 = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2 = 18446744073709551616
2 tet 8 = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456
2 tet 9 = 2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 = 1157920892373161954235709850086879078
2 tet 10 = dark number
Base 3
3 tet 0 = null
3 tet 1 = 3
3 tet 2 = 3^3 = 27
3 tet 3 = 3^3^3 = 19683
3 tet 4 = 3^3^3^3 = 7625597484987
3 tet 5 = 3^3^3^3^3 = 443426488243037769948249630619149892803
3 tet 6 = 3^3^3^3^3^3 = 871896424859609582029110705858607716969640724
3 tet 7 = 3^3^3^3^3^3^3 = dark number
Base 4
4 tet 0 = null
4 tet 1 = 4
4 tet 2 = 4^4 = 256
4 tet 3 = 4^4^4 = 4294967296
4 tet 4 = 4^4^4^4 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456
4 tet 5 = 4^4^4^4^4 = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820
4 tet 6 = 4^4^4^4^4^4 = dark number
Base 5
5 tet 0 = null
5 tet 1 = 5
5 tet 2 = 5^5 = 3125
5 tet 3 = 5^5^5 = 298023223876953125
5 tet 4 = 5^5^5^5 = 2350988701644575015937473074444491355637331113544
5 tet 5 = 5^5^5^5^5 = dark number

Base 6
6 tet 0 = null
6 tet 1 = 6
6 tet 2 = 6^6 = 46656
6 tet 3 = 6^6^6 = 10314424798490535546171949056
6 tet 4 = 6^6^6^6 = 1204120867648235108202090056857283403336732693457
6 tet 5 = 6^6^6^6^6 = dark number
Base 7
7 tet 0 = null
7 tet 1 = 7
7 tet 2 = 7^7 = 823543
7 tet 3 = 7^7^7 = 256923577521058878088611477224235621321607
7 tet 4 = 7^7^7^7 = 7389715606740350813199256196401079748862351081141
7 tet 5 = 7^7^7^7^7 = dark number
Base 8
8 tet 0
8 tet 1
8 tet 2
8 tet 3
8 tet 4


8^8 = 16777216
8^8^8 = 627710173538668076383578942320766641610235544446403

= 8^8^8^8 = dark number

Base 9
9 tet 0 = null
9 tet 1 = 9
9 tet 2 = 9^9 = 387420489
9 tet 3 = 9^9^9 = 196627050475552913618075908526912116283103450944214
9 tet 4 = 9^9^9^9 = dark number
Base 10
10 tet 0 = null
10 tet 1 = 10
10 tet 2 = 10^10 = 10000000000 = 1 with ten zeros (ten billion)
numbers start getting a bit dark here
10 tet 3 = 10^10^10 = one with one hundred zeros
10 tet 4 = 10^10^10^10 = one with one thousand zeros
10 tet 5 = 10^10^10^10^10 = one with ten thousand zeros
10 tet 6 = 10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with one hundred thousand zeros
10 tet 7 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with one million zeros
10 tet 8 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with ten million zeros
10 tet 9 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with one hundred million
10 tet 7 = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 = one with one billion


0 = null
1 = 1
2 = 2^2 = 4 = 100 base 2

3 tet 3 = 3^3^3 = 19683 = 100000000 base 3

4 tet 4 = 4^4^4^4 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 = 1 with
4294967295 zeros in base 4
5 tet 5 = 5^5^5^5^5 = dark number in base 10 and which equals a 1
with 298023223876953124 zeros after it in base 5.
The Ovaloids:
(x1/y1)^z1 + (x2/y2)^z2 + (x3/y3)^z3 + ... + (xn/yn)^zn = A
An ovaloid is defined here by the formula above, where x1, x2, ...
and xn are the dimensions of an n dimensional cartesian coordinate
system. z1, z2, ... and zn are power values greater than one. y1,
y2, ... and yn are fractions that add up to the value of A. y1, y2,
... and yn are also rooted values that correspond with z1, z2, ...
and zn so that yn is a fraction to the power of one divided by zn.
An example in three dimensional space is the super ellipse:
(x1/[1/6]^[1/3])^3 + (x2/[1/3]^[1/5])^5 + (x3/[1/2]^[1/2])^2 = 1
| H tet x3
| /
| /
| /
H tet 0 |/
-------------------------------------> H tet x2
/ |
/ |
/ |
H tet x1
Above is a three dimensional coordinate system using H tet numbers.
H tet numbers are numbers based on hexadecimal ten tetral to an




16^16 = 18446744073709551616 dec or 1000000000000000 H
16^16^16 = dark number
16^16^ ... ^16 n times.

Hexadecimal is contravertial because the prefix hex is Greek and the

suffix decimal is latin. Awe! I hear you cry, but yes, this is true.
Sexadecimal is the correct term for base sixteen, but I don't hear
anyone using that term so I will not be using it here either.
A Very Large Mathematical Object:
This super ellipsoid is the biggest blimp ever!
(x1/[A/6]^[1/5])^5 + (x2/[A/3]^[1/5])^5 + (x3/[A/2]^[1/5])^5 = A
Where A = (H tet H)^5

(6) Sucker!
This is a true story. I was walking through the woods and there was
a lad surprised to see me walk past him. He had a lass knelt in
front of him. she seemed embarrassed that I had walked past, as she
put both of her hands in front of her face. I carried on walking and
I had a few thoughts. 'I don't think that she was proposing to him,
although twenty sixteen is a leap year. There might have been a ring
involved in there somewhere, but I don't think that she was holding
his hand though.'
(7) Volume Of A Regular Right Simplex In n Dimensions.
If a regular right simplex has n edges of size x, then the volume is
x divided by n factorial. The two dimensional example is a right
angled triangle where the adjacent and opposite sides both have
length x. So we get: V = x/2! which is essentially half base times
V = x/(n!)

Volume V where n = 1





(8) Base 7.
The name for base 7 is heptary. So looking at some fractions as
heptary numbers, which is the equivolent of converting fractions
into decimal numbers in base ten, using long division.
2|1. 00
3|1. 00
4|1. 000

5|1. 00000
6|1. 00
--------------------------------------------------------------------0. 1
10|1. 00
--------------------------------------------------------------------(9i) Where Did I Go?
I wake up in the night and suddenly there is a 'ding' in my head,
but no dreams have been recollected. It is 01:15. I went to bed
after drinking a full mug of water at 21:30. I must have needed to
toilet before now, but there is no recollection, this is curious. It
was not until the 'ding' in my head that I suddenly realised that no
dreams have been remembered. I have heard this 'ding' sound in my
head several times before. Sometimes it is more of a 'boing' and at
other times it may be a 'click' and at times I have laughed to
myself and thought, 'What the fuck was that?' It is like a sudden
jolt of consciousness. This is very strange indeed. Where have I
(9ii) The Long Way Round.
Previously, in the morning I had been out to the shop and I was
walking back down by the river. I suddenly had a dizzy feeling in my
head and veered slightly towards the hedge on my left, before
recovering almost as quickly. I was a little shocked by this, 'what
caused that?' I thought. I was thinking about the practicalities of
whittling wood at the time. Previously I had spoken to Helen a work
friend from a few years ago and I had felt a bit disorientated
before my dizzy spell. I carried on walking after my dizzy spell
before I got to the foot bridge to cross the river, when I paused to
regain my composure, something that I would never normally need to
do. As I walked over the foot bridge I was surprised to see two
swans on the river. Why had I not seen these swans before? I had
been walking beside the river and they would have been right next to
me. After about another ten minutes of further walking I remember
thinking to myself, I feel alright now. When I got back home with
the shopping I was surprised to see that it was half past twelve. I
remember thinking that it should have been about half past eleven.
Paula stated to me, "You took your time." and I replied, "I know, I
went the long way round."

(10) Multi Set Theory And Imaginary Numbers.

--------------------------------------Addition And Multiplication.
---------------------------p is a positive integer, a natural number which equals plus one.
n is a negative integer number which equals minus one.
Example of some sets would be:
[nnn]=3, [npp]=[p]=-1, [pnpn]=[]=0,
The algebra here is commutative and associative which means that the
order of opperations for addition and multiplication respectively
does not matter. Here are some examples:
[pnnp]+[npnp]=[], [pnnp]x[npnp]=[pnpnnpnpnpnppnpn]=[]=0,
Zero Times Minus One Equals Zero.
--------------------------------In multiset theory in order for zero times minus one to equal zero
In the above example p times p needs to equal n.
The Introduction Of Imaginary Numbers.
-------------------------------------The implication of the result above is that there is no way of
expressing the square root of minus one wth p and n and so we will
need to introduce other symbols to express positive and negative
imaginary numbers and then consequently we will also get complex
m is a positive imaginary integer which equals i.
q is a negative imaginary integer which equals minus i.
A Venn Diagram.
--------------Four sets p,q,m and n intersecting. The union of p and n gives all
integers both positive and negative. The union of q and m gives all
imaginary integers both positive and negative. The union of p,q,m
and n gives all complex integers both positive and negative.
The intersection of p,q,m and n gives [pqmn]=[]=0.
(11) A Novel Approach.
From poetry to prose, where the concise and the succinct becomes
protracted and verbose. It is the need to elaborate that I transform
from the poetic to become novel in my approach.

(12) Reading The Road Ahead.

If it was up to me then I would drive on the left hand side of the
road, but it seems to me that most people are wanting to drive on
the right hand side of the road. Sometimes we just have to go with
the flow. We are coming up to a roundabout and it is important that
we do not crash into each other. If it was up to me I would go clock
wise around the roundabout, because that is what driving on the left
hand side of the road infers. I have reluctantly changed my mind,
because it is vitally important that I align myself with the
concensus of opinions out there and so by reading the road ahead it
looks like I will need to drive on the right hand side of the road.
This infers that I will need to go around the roundabout anti clock
wise. This is to ensure a synchronicity, so that we can keep on
moving successfully. It is most important that we take the right
exit at the roundabout up ahead. So now which exit do we take at the
(13) Land Tax?
Swathes of the public are cramped up onto the size of a postage
stamp that they must pay for. This stamp is stuck onto an envelope
that is owned by a paltry number of free range gentry who run all
over this area. The area that they have addressed to themselves, but
the letter inside is a public notice, sighned sealed and delivered
by the people and it is a warning.

Authors notes:
"This is a rediculous book full of gratuitous imagination."
"We are all joined at the dream. I dream my dream for all of you and
in return you dream your dreams for me."
Random Verses In Astral.
(3) A Visit To A Mental Hospital
(9) The Waiting Room
(14) "Aaaagh! The Ping Pong."
(16) Working From A Paternity Drive.
(24) Jaundiced Racists
(26) "Get Over Your Self!"
(27) Freaky Car!
(30) Retail
(38) The Inspection.
(41) Pump Up The Scooter.
(49) A Female Perspective.
(53) Just Am.
(54) Well Swallow Me Up!
(60) The Memorylessness Of A Knowing.
(64) The Booze Bottle Brothers.
(66) A Passionate Piece Of Work.


Heading Home For The Weekend.

Egos And Motives.
Cheeky Miss Cup Cake.
The Office Of Sound.
When Things Go Wierd.

Lovely Ladies.
(49) A Female Perspective.
(54) Well Swallow Me Up!
(81) Cheeky Miss Cup Cake.
(66) A Passionate Piece Of Work.
Traffic Of The Little people.
(27) Freaky Car!
(38) The Inspection.
(92) When Things Go Wierd.
(64) The Booze Bottle Brothers.

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