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PROPOSED TENTATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this 10" day of October 2016 by and between the duly authorized representatives of the Chicago Teachers Union, Local 1 ("the UNION") and the Board of Education of the City of Chicago ("the BOARD"), and shall be effective upon ratification by the UNION's membership and the BOARD. 1. Amendments and Modifications to the 2012-15 Collective Bargaining Agreement_The terms set forth in this agreement are modifications and amendments to the 2012-15 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties and shall be incorporated in a successor collective bargaining agreement between the BOARD and UNION. 2. Term. The term of the successor agreement shall be July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2019. All dates from the predecessor agreement shall be adjusted to reflect the new contract term. 3. Pension Pick Up. a. Teachers and PSRPs hired on or after January 1, 2017 will not receive pension pick-up. b. Salary schedules for teachers and PSRPs hired on or after January 1, 2017 shall be created which shall phase-in increases to base salary over current base salary of 3.5% effective January and an additional 3.5% effective July 1, 2017. ¢. The following language of Article 36-4.3 shall be stricken: “This pension pick-up will not constitute a continuing element of compensation or benefit beyond Fiscal Year 2015 or 2016 should this Agreement be extended for 2016." ollo lt “hse d. All bargaining unit employees hired on or before December 31, 2016 shall maintain the pension pick-up without change per the predecessor agreement. 4. Wages and Salaries. a. Cost of Living Adjustments to the Teacher and PSRP Salary Schedule. Salary schedules will receive a cost of living adjustment in the following percentages on July 1* of the corresponding fiscal year: OR 0% None m1 0% Effective July 1 2016, teachers and PSRPs shall be restored to the appropriate step and Tne reflecting their years of service and education (back pay to 7/1/16), 2018 2% Yes 2019 2.5% Yes b. Article 36-44 and 49-3. The following language contained in Articles 36- 44 and 49-3 shall be stricken: “All terms and conditions of employment for future years including without limitations, salaries, benefits and pension pick up, of subject of negotiation for those years.” 5, Insurance. a. Plan Design. Effective January 1, 2017, the Board shall implement plan design changes to its health care program as per the January 29" offer, including implementation of option 4 on formulary and the reduction to three healthcare plans (HMO based on low-cost model from prior agreement; PPO [ale based on high-cost model from prior agreement; and HSA). (¢ b. Employee Contributions. Subject to subparagraph c, contributions shall per the Attachment A effective January 1, 2017 and shall increase per the attached on January 1, 2019 (08 percent of salary). c. LMCC program. The LMCC shall meet to discuss alternatives to the contribution increase through savings, and if any savings are achieved, the 0.8 percent contribution increase will be offset to the same extent. d. Wellness premium differential. The Wellness program differential shall be eliminated effective January 1, 2017 6. Layoff of Teachers. Appendix H of the collective bargaining agreement shall be amended as follows: Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement, all tenured teachers, except those whose last summative rating was unsatisfactory cremerging-farating-eL210te2503, upon layoff for any reason on ofl after the end of the last school year shall be placed into a temporary vacancy that exists on the 20" day for a period of ten school months without loss of salary or benefits. Ifno vacancy exists for which a teacher is qualified, the teacher shall be placed into the Reassigned Teacher Pool for five-f5) school months andthen-GADRE V2 until the end of the-school-year. RV (0) YW 7. Layoff of PSRPs. Appendix | of the collective bargaining agreement pertaining to interim assignments shall be amended to allow that PSRPs rated developing or better shall be placed in positions for which they qualify that are vacant on the 20° day until the end of the semester. 8, Payout of Sick Leave, An employee who qualifies for a payout pursuant to this Article based upon his/her age and/or years of service and who is laid off shall be afforded a period of twelve (12) months from the date of his/her layoff, or last day in the Reassigned Teacher Pool (whichever is later) to a resignation or retirement in order to qualify a payout. Soeoi SEMEN 8 9. Su inrolled K to 2 Classes. Article 28-4 shall be replaced as follows: Effectivechool year 2016-18 and each school year thereaftera Rb w teacher assistant or instructor assistant will be assigned to kindergarten to 6 My

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