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Plastic is widely used in our day to day life.

Starting from a pen to a polythene bag in which we

carry fruits and books are forms of plastic. Though convenient in our day to day use, it has
posed an alarming threat to the environment.
Non biodegradable:
Plastic is non-biodegradable and do not decay by biological actions of microbes. They remain in
the same state as we throw them. So, dumps or garbages are created making our cities and
soil polluted
Harmful Chemical:
To destroy plastics, we can either recycle or burn them. If we burn plastic, they emit harmful
chemical gases like carbon dioxide (CO,), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (NO), methane
(CH4), sulphur dioxides (SO2), etc. These gases pollute our environment, though in negligible
content, they add to green house effect and endanger our environment.
Ocean Pollution:
The wastes of plastic bags, bottles, etc. are drawn to a sea or an ocean by rivers and they are
deposited in them. They pollute and disturb the eco-system of the sea or the ocean.
Ecosystem Imbalance:
Due to wide scale use of plastic, water, soil and air pollutions are caused. These polluted
components of environment lead to imbalance of various ecosystem of the Earth. Only solution
to this plastic hazard is to take preventive measures and for that,
a. To reduce use of plastic wherever possible, use recyclable bags and things
b. To recycle the used plastic, Not to throw used plastic here and there
e. To collect the used plastic by the Government and then to recycle them
f. Only recyclable plastics should be allowed to use

Plastic Pollution
Plastic is now a regular material that is being used on a daily basis. Plastic is everywhere either
in the form of food containers, financial transactions (Debit/Credit cards, plastic money),
storage, baggage, stationary items, electronic and electrical products and every foreseeable
item that a human being can think of. Plastic as a product is now like a regular feature of
manufacturing, consumption, and service activities.
Plastic is made up of various chemical elements and therefore is regarded as a highly
contagious material that does not easily degrade in the natural environment after its usage or


Therefore plastic

management or



management involves

the techniques to be used to manage the plastic waste in an environment friendly way and
helping in the proper utilization of plastic material.
1. Littering of plastics in the form of plastic bags causes blocking of the cities,
municipalities sewerage systems leads to spreading of water borne diseases and
increasing the cost of sewage maintenance systems.
2. Soil fertility is also affected due to plastic material as it forms part of manure
remaining in the soil for years without natural degradation.
3. Death of animals due to suffocation, stomach and intestine related diseases is a
common feature mostly in developing economies due to improper disposal of plastic food
bags that are eaten by these animals.
4. Plastic waste is finding its way into the rivers, oceans and seas of the world due to
which the rich marine life is facing serious health hazards. Marine animals like fish, sea
birds, otters and other marine species are swallowing these plastic wastes as food items
that are leading to a premature death of these precious marine species.

5. Pollution of environment by industries manufacturing the plastic materials is another

serious issue that is facing the environmentalists and the governments globally. The laws

requiring these manufactures to install anti-pollution machinery at their premises is not

being strictly adhered to by these people.

Plastic Pollution
As the worlds population continues to grow, so does the amount of garbage that people
produce. On-the-go lifestyles require easily disposable products, such as soda cans or
bottles of water, but the accumulation of these products has led to increasing amounts of
plastic pollution around the world. As plastic is composed of major toxic pollutants, it has
the potential to cause great harm to the environment in the form of air, water and land
Littering of plastics in the form of plastic bags causes blocking of the cities, municipalities
sewerage systems leads to spreading of water borne diseases and increasing the cost of
sewage maintenance systems.
Soil fertility is also affected due to plastic material as it forms part of manure remaining in
the soil for years without natural degradation.
Death of animals due to suffocation, stomach and intestine related diseases is a common
feature mostly in developing economies due to improper disposal of plastic food bags that are
eaten by these animals.
Ocean Pollution:
The wastes of plastic bags, bottles, etc. are drawn to a sea or an ocean by rivers and they are
deposited in them. They pollute and disturb the eco-system of the sea or the ocean.
a. To reduce use of plastic wherever possible, use recyclable bags and things
b. To recycle the used plastic, Not to throw used plastic here and there

e. To collect the used plastic by the Government and then to recycle them
f. Only recyclable plastics should be allowed to use

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