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Milosevic Creative Communications

Public Relations & Lobbying Agency

think public.


Milosevic Creative Communications is a Public

The ideal clients who can get the most from our

Relations & Lobbying Agency. We are providing

services are from various segments of economy:

professional public relations, lobbying, strategic

investment funds, real estate developers, financial

planning and marketing services which assist

services, healthcare, IT and FMCG companies. For


all of them, Milosevic Creative Communications is





preparing and executing a comprehensive and

communications goals in Serbia.

professional guidelines for their communications

Since recently, the agency has become an

strategies in Serbia.

associate partner of one of the worlds largest

public affairs and media relations companies,

Who do you need to see? How should you present

UPSTREAM which is a part of a worldwide legal

your plans in Serbia? Who can be your ally or

company DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary.

opponent? What media you want to work with and

how to promote your interests? How can you

For our clients we are creating a certain business,

evaluate your position in political or business

political and general public opinion environment so

circles? What strategy to choose and how to

that they save their time and resources, reduce

implement it?






understanding of the local business and political

All these questions are answered in a quick and a

situation, anticipate possible critical issues and

confidential way by a group of highly experienced

create and deliver a straight-to-the-point message

and influential consultants working with Milosevic

to both general public and decision makers.

Creative Communications.

Our services are implemented through the following
1. Workshop - in order to be in a position to

3. Creative Communications - in Serbia there is an inflation

recommend a communications strategy, we need to

of information. There are almost 6 national and 90 local TV

completely understand our client. During the first step,

stations, more than 100 daily newspapesr and periodic

we usually carry out a workshop that gives us all the

magazines and up to 1000 radio stations! Combined with the

necessary inputs from the client: what are his plans,

internet, gossips and various political, syndicate and



professionals bulletins, it is no mistake to say that there are too

competitors, bussines history etc. We also collect most



many information out there. In such environment, we have to

of the important informations about the clients

be double creative once, when we are creating a

selected business goals: we produce the complete

message for client; second, when we are finding the way do

map of all potential participants in the future business.

deliver it. Our ability to create such a message that gets

This map is later on constantly being updated and

through and makes an impact became our trade mark.

expanded as the case evolves.

4. Evaluation and Follow up - At each step of the way, we are
2. The Communications Strategy - based on all the

analyzing the media coverage and public opinion surveys in

inputs, we propose a communications strategy. It

order to recognize the effects the information had achieved.

represents a detailed road map of steps and actions in

We are constantly monitoring the communications efforts

a designated time line. The road map tells us what do

done by the competition and potential opponents to our

we need to say, when to say it, to whom to say it, and

clients case in order to be in a position to anticipate their

what vessel should we use to get the message through

future steps and prepare a pro-active response.

to the targeted audience(s).

Detailed list of services

Milosevic Creative Communications offers the following services:

Strategic advises / Political advises / Lobbying the appropriate decisions of state and
local self-government / Events organisation / Sponshorship PR / Investor relations /
Adress book of media, editors and journalists / Media relations strategy / Crisis
situtations protocol and media plan / Public appearances training / Writing and
distribution of press releases / Preparation of PR texts / Organization and execution of
press conferences / Design and production of the accompanying press conference
material (ID cards, background, pyramids with names of the participants, corporate
gifts etc.) / Instructions for the conference participants / Lobbying present journalists for
positive coverage / Media monitoring and analysis / Press and media clipping / Annual
reports concept, design and writting / Company Profile (catalogue of the company) /
Product Card (catalogue and price-list of products) / Salesman training / VIP cocktails
and similar events / Professional seminars / Fair activities / Direct mail campaign /
Company bulletin (newsletter) / Employees relations / Employees professional education
/ Public opinion survey (outsorced) / Events for the employees / Ceremonies / Media
campaigns such as Opinion Leader, Success Story etc.

Fees policy
Milosevic Creative Communications has a transparent
open-book policy of fees and prices for services:
r it covers the agency
profit and fees of all in-house and
outsourced staff needed for the case.
Exactly what profile and how many
consultants is going to work on the case






workshop and communications strategy

are completed.
cover the
case-related costs of the agency and its






contracted case.
3. Budget Should the case provide any
advertising, events, printed material, tv or




media clipping etc., it will be proposed to

the client in the Budget section.
we are always looking
forward to share the risk of the job
together with our client. To prove our total
commitment to the case, we expect our
clients to propose a success fee which is
payable after the successful completion
of the job.

Professional and ethics code

Milosevic Creative Communications is a proud member of Serbian
Public Relations Society. All our services are provided in accordance
with the following code:
Professional ethics code of
Serbian Public Relations Society
Doing his job, a member has the obligation to stick to the

In a relation towards a colleague/ other members

principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

A member of the Society should not enter into the unfair

Athens Code, and Code of this society. He will respect

competition againts his colleagues, PR professionals.

freedom of speech and freedom of press which provide

He shouldnt act or speak in the way which can cause

ones right to receive and give information.

damage to the reputation or business of some of his

A member also has the obligation to act in the harmony with

colleagues, professionals. The exception is the case when he

the public interests and not to disturb dignity and integrity of

wants to inform, in this way, the competent body about any

a person.

violation or a doubt of violation of this code or a local act.

Every member has a general duty to act honestly toward his

former and present clients or employers.

In a relation toward clients

A member tries to keep the independency toward the client.
A member should not represent conflict or conflicting
interests of different clients without a permission of those
who are concerned, given after the presentation of the
facts, and should not be in the situation in which his
interests are in conflict with his obligations towards a
client, without informing completely all those who are
concerned about that kind of his interests. PR professional,
whose interests could be in conflict with his clients or
employers interests should inform them about it as soon
as possible.
In offering services to a client or an employer, a member
will not take a fee, a percentage in money or any other
valuable prize for his services from any other but his client
or employer, except with their full agreement, given after
getting acquainted with all the facts.

Code Violation

Confidential information
Every member will keep confidential information and
private rights of present, former and potential clients or
Everything he finds doing his job, and which is or could be
confidential, a member must treat as it is, he must keep
those information and not speak about them to the third
person. The exceptions are the information that could be
requested from the competent juridicial organs in the
proper law procedure.
If a member obtains from a third person information with a
clear mark that the origin of the source must stay a secret

If taking some activities from the field of public relations

could mean the serious violation of the professional
behavioure or could be in the contradiction with the
principles of this code, the PR professional must inform
immediately his client about that and do whatever he
can to enforce this Code. If a client or an employer still
insists on conducting his intentions, the PR professional
must stick to the Code, without taking care of the














for a client, he must respect that demand.

reputation of the profession. The PR professional has the

Spreading false information

1. help the general public to understand this Code

duty not only to respect this code, but also:

A member should not intentionally spread any false

information in the communication process, and he has
the obligation to undertake all the measures to prevent
use of those information in communication.
Doing his job, a member has the obligation to verify, if it is

2. to inform the competent discipline body about every

violation or a doubt of a violation of the Code, that he
finds out
3. to take all the measures he can for realizing the
decisions of these bodies and the sanctions


The court of honor discerns and sanctions unfair

Every attempt of deceiving the public representatives is

notification of the other member, PR professional or








announcement of his employer or client.

forbidden. News should be on the disposition without any
payment or secret fee for their use or announcement.

behavior and Code violation, on the basis of


when the violation is clearly visible in public (for

example, through media).

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 87, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro

Tel/fax. +381 11 380 72 20, 240 47 03,

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