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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

October 16, 2016

Our Vision
To challenge and encourage everyone in our
congregation to know and follow Christ by:
Growing as disciples through Christs
Connecting with one another in Christian
Serving Christ by serving others
Praising God as we worship Christ

Sunday Services and Studies

Traditional 8:30 am
Contemporary 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Discipleship Groups 9:45 am

Pastors Corner
I want to thank all of those who have made commitments to the ministry of Jane Lahai
and the June Hartranft Memorial Primary School for Girls in Moyamba, Sierra Leone. I
introduced Jane to the congregation last Sunday, and Jane met with about 30 members
of our congregation over buffet lunch on Saturday. We will have the video of her talk up
on our website in coming weeks, in case youd like to know more. Any designated
contribution to the Hartranft School may be made by check or cash or by debit card, credit
card, or bank account EFT on our website. In all cases, please make sure Hartranft
School is noted clearly on your contribution.
Our Finance Team met recently, and will meet again on Monday, October 17, to discuss and finalize the
budget for 2017, which will then be given to the November meeting of the Steering Team for final approval.
The Finance Team recognizes that giving and expenses fluctuate throughout the year. September was an
especially difficult month, as property taxes were paid on both parsonages, and there were three pay
periods in the month instead of the normal two because of how the days fell in the month. It was also an
unusually low month income-wise, and as a result, our deficit grew to almost $54,000, the gap between
expenses and income this year through the end of September. While October to December is always our
best quarter for income, this is still a very large gap to overcome, and I invite all of us to think and pray
about how we might make a sacrificial gift on behalf of our vital ministries. Ill let our stewardship chair,
Robin Braun, express his thoughts to all of us:
Christ is using ESUMC to change lives through our ministries, which depend on human and financial
resources. Over the summer we saw a drop in income, which is not unusual, but this year it was
substantial. If you are behind on your planned giving, please catch up. If you would consider increasing
your 2016 weekly contribution or a one-time gift to the church, now would be a good time.
(Continued on page 2)

(Continued from page 1)

In addition, our focus on programs has caused us to neglect funding our

Capital Reserve for unexpected repairs. The Finance Team has plans to
start funding Capital Reserve next year. To do that without affecting our
successful programs we will need an increase in financial giving.
The Bible says we should each give as we are able. Proportional giving
is a response to that instruction. If we each increase the % of our income
we give annually, we can help fund the work of the church while we grow
personally. People who PLAN giving their FIRST FRUITS give more,
save more, and spend less. God takes a rightful priority over spending,
and that reflects spiritual growth. Please prayerfully consider your
planned giving for 2017.
Thank you, Robin, for reminding us of our faith commitment as members
of the Body of Christ! If you did not receive a Changing Lives
Commitment booklet last Sunday, please pick one up this coming
Sunday and prayerfully consider all of the gifts God has given you and
your family, to be used for His glory. A deep felt thanks to all of you who
are already giving sacrificially to our ministries!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Jim

Read the Bible in a Year

With the Presidential election next month, there is a

scripture from Pauls letter to the church at Philippi that I
believe our whole country needs to hear. Only conduct
yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ,
and then, whether I come and see you or only hear
about you in my absence, I will know that you will stand firm in one spirit,
contending as one person for the faith of the gospel and not being frightened in
any way by those who oppose you. For them, this is evidence of their
destruction, but for you it is evidence of your salvation. (Philippians 1:27-28)
This illustration serves well to put our scripture into prospective. Dr. Roberts
writes about a fourth grade class where the teacher introduced a game called
"Balloon Stomp." A balloon was tied to one leg of each child with the object of
the game being to pop everyone elses balloon while protecting your own. The
last person with an intact balloon won. So the game was over rather quickly.
Only one balloon was still inflated and, of course, its owner became the most
disliked kid in the room.
But then a second group was introduced to the same game; only this time it
was a class of children with mental challenges. They too were each given a
balloon along with the same instructions. But in a unique way they saw the game
differently. Instead of fighting against each other they got the idea they were to
work together to help one another pop the balloons. So they formed a balloon
stomp line. One little girl knelt down and held her balloon carefully in place,
while a little boy stomped on it. Then he knelt down and held his balloon for her
to stomp. On and on this went, each child helping the other in the Great Balloon
Stomp. And when the very last balloon was popped, everybody cheered.
Everybody won!
(Robert C. Roberts, An Essay in Aid of Moral Psychology, Cambridge University,
Now here is a question for us: Which game in life do we want to play? When
were under pressure, when our interests are threatened, when someone
pushes our buttons, or when we want to win, which game will we lean toward?
Because the way we respond will determine how we live our lives as Christians.
The children in the second Balloon Stomp game understood far better how to
stand firm in one spirit. They chose to play in a way truly worthy of the gospel
of Christ. Let us all follow their example!
So my friends be encouraged and read on.
Pastor Bob

How Stephen Ministry

Equips Laypeople

Stephen Ministers learn to identify and

nurture their God-given spiritual gifts;
using them in meaningful ministry. Do
YOU need a Stephen Minister to walk
with you in your time of need?
For more info visit our web page
Or callPeggy Strack
(570) 421-3280 Ext 1023

Help Us!

Jim, Sharon
Ana Price, Sonia Lopez, Bob Rosenberger and Peggy Strack have been
faithfully providing daily visitation coverage to Pocono Medical Center for
church members who have been hospitalized. We now have a second hospital in Monroe County as St. Lukes
has recently opened their facility on
Route 611. We will not be able to go
to both hospitals to check their rosters. If you or a member of your family
is admitted to ANY hospital, please
Members of ESUMC who are no
longer able to attend church always
appreciate hearing from you. Cards
may be sent to:

Nancy Strauser
Mrs. Bushs Personal Care
P.O. Box 327
Kunkletown, PA 18058

Hearing Assistance
Devices are Here!
ESUMC now owns several hearing
assistance devices which can be worn to
improve your ability to hear our worship
services. Please contact an usher to pick
up your hearing assistance device and
return to an usher after use.
Healthcare Equipment available:
Canes, crutches, walkers, adult potty
chairs, shower stools, Depends and more!

We are in need of a counter.

Two counters meet Monday mornings

from about 9-11 a.m., and work with the
Financial Secretary to count the gifts.
Job Requirements: Honest , good with
basic math skills, ability to maintain
privacy and confidentiality, and able to
commit to this job on a weekly basis.
If interested, contact the office at (570)
421-3280, ext. 1025.

Volunteers Needed For

Family Promise

Folks are needed for the following:

Friday & Saturday10/21 & 10/22
Overnight chaperones
8:30 p.m.- 6:00 a.m.
Dollar Challenge for
October is shoebox size
items for Operation
Christmas Child. Items
include: toys, small stuffed
animals, socks, hair accessories,
toiletries -no liquids or military type toys
(action figures are OK). As usual
everything can be found at Dollar Tree.
November Dollar Challenge will be
Christmas stocking stuffers for adults in
nursing homes and shut-ins.

Read the Bible in a Year

287Jeremiah 29:24-32, Jeremiah 30,
Jeremiah 31:1-14, 2 Thessalonians 2,
Psalm 119:33-40
288Jeremiah 31:15-40, Jeremiah 32:1-25,
2 Thessalonians 3, Proverbs 25:1-10
289Jeremiah 32:26-44, Jeremiah 33,
Jeremiah 34, 1 Timothy 1, Psalm 119:41-48
290Jeremiah 35, Jeremiah 36, Jeremiah 37,
1 Timothy 2, Psalm 119:49-56
291Jeremiah 38, Jeremiah 39,
Jeremiah 40:1-6, 1 Timothy 3,
Psalm 119:57-64
292Jeremiah 40:7-16, Jeremiah 41,
Jeremiah 42, 1 Timothy 4, Proverbs 25:11-20
293Jeremiah 43, Jeremiah 44, Jeremiah 45,
1 Timothy 5, 1 Timothy 6:1-2,
Psalm 119:65-72
294Jeremiah 46, Jeremiah 47,
1 Timothy 6:3-21, Psalm 119:73-80
295Jeremiah 48, Jeremiah 49:1-6,
2 Timothy 1, Psalm 119:81-88
296Jeremiah 49:7-39, Jeremiah 50:1-10,
2 Timothy 2, Proverbs 25:21-28,
Proverbs 26:1-2
297Jeremiah 50:11-46, Jeremiah 51:1-14,
2 Timothy 3, Psalm 119:89-96
298Jeremiah 51:15-64, 2 Timothy 4,
Psalm 119:97-104
299Jeremiah 52, Titus 1,
Psalm 119:105-112

Estate Planning Presentation: Is Your House In Order?

While a subject we understandably like to avoid, we all need to

consider what will happen to us when we die or become physically or
mentally incapacitated. The Bible speaks in terms of getting our
houses in order. 2 Kings 20:1.
Having a proper estate plan is important for several good
reasons. We do a disservice to our loved ones if we have not
properly prepared for our incapacity or death. Leaving a mess for
family to clean up is certainly not a good estate plan. Moreover, we
are called to be stewards of all that God has given us. A proper
estate plan is the final act of stewardship with respect to our
The Stewardship Team has invited Attorney Jeff Durney to come
and speak about the contents of a good estate plan. He will talk not
only about Wills, but also Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxies
and Living Wills. He will provide an overview of the important
decisions each of us needs to make and why these documents are
so important even for people who may only have a modest estate.
He will also answer questions you may have concerning how to
select an executor, the use of trusts to protect assets, custody of
minor children and how to provide for the church in your Will.
Please join us on November 6th at 12 Noon for the presentation.

Its soup weathertime to check for labels and box tops.

The labels are Campbell Soup Company

products and Box Tops 4 Education has

coupons on some of your favorite products!

See pictures above for exact coupons
requested. Please cut soup labels down the
front, so as not to tear the coupon.
The labels go to the Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky, a very depressed
section of that state.
It would help if labels and box tops were placed in an envelope or plastic bag before
placing in collection box. Thank you for helping this mission. Erma Powell.

Stewardship notes.
In Jesus's parable of the talents and three servants, the third servant,
the foolish one, took the bag of gold his master had given him and
buried it. He was afraid to take the risk of investing it. Aren't we very
much like that? God has given us many gifts, including our spiritual gifts
and our talents, and yet we may not eagerly invest them in His work. Is
it the fear of the unknown - doing something new? Stepping our of our
comfort zone? Fear of failure? Or higher priorities?
I was scared to death when I started volunteering with the youth
program, and now I love it. I know people who were intimidated by the
thought of going on a mission trip - until they went the first time. No
experience necessary.
Please look at the "opportunities to Serve" booklet and consider
stepping out of your comfort zone. Use what God has given you for His
work. - Robin Braun

Four members of ESUMC

volunteered at the Feed My

Starving Children food pack.
165 people packed 213 boxes
or 46,000 meals in two hours.


Contact Us

HIKING The traditional October Hike on the

Appalachain Trail, near Blairstown, NJ. will be held on
Sunday, Oct. 30. Meet in the Church parking lot at
12:30 p.m.. We will leave at 12:45, sharp. Ray Moeller
will fill in for the usual hike coordinator, in the event his
plantar faciitis will not allow him to hike. For additional
information, call Bob at 570 223-7076.
Class cancelled on Thursday October 27th due to
an appointment in the New York City.
Nov 12-Thank Offering Meeting-10AM in Bridal Lounge- bring your thank
banks or a thank offering. Call Linda Drake for more info (570) 856-9395

SWAT (Serving with a Team ) will meet on Monday,

October 24th, in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. to Noon. We

will work on various projects to help keep our church well

Family Promise
We will welcome our family promise guests October 16, 2016 @ ESUMC .
I look forward to a great
For questions or more information,
please contact Jenn via email or cell .
Jenn Dunne (570) 369-3695
Chimes meet every Tuesday, 5-5:30.
Youth Bells meet every Tuesday 5:306:15.
Adult Bells meet every Tuesday 6:307:30.
For more info, call Chris Perfetti (610)
Recovery Meetings Available in The Community Room of Office
Building Basement
NA: Monday through Saturday 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Just for Today

Wednesday 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Womens Group)

AA: Thursday & Saturday 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Keep It Simple

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Church Office
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri
Jim Todd
Ext. 1014
Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
Ext. 1015
Maria Ragonese
Ext. 1010
Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
Ext. 1023
Youth Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013
Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Sue Mertz
Ext. 1015
Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
Ext. 1025
William Mack
Ext. 1018
SextonJude Porter
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
Joe Dorsch
Technology Support
Michael Corey
Ext. 1012

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