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Since 1980, video games had become a must for entertainment industry to

capture peoples attraction. One of the marvelous technology invention video games
helped to entertain people and release stress. Nowadays, the people let video games
act as one of the important part in their life. According to the research, over 7% of
respondents play video games about four to six hours during weekdays, while about
13.4% in weekend (Shanthi, 2013). Since the video games are very attractive to the
people, will they addict to video games? Addiction on video games means that video
games interrupt peoples life by their relationship between families or couples and
tougher to achieve their goals such as scoring flying colors during exam or get a job
with better treatment, (CRC Health Group, n.d). According to research done by Gentile
(1999), approximately 8.5% of children from all over the world were addicted to video
game. Hence, addiction to video games will cause loss of productivity on their works
and studies.
Games lead people addicted to it for spending more time on games In order to
break the highest record while neglecting their health. Video games are damaging to
people who do not have self-control while playing games. According to a research group
led by Morrison (2016) shows that higher video games usage resulted in shorter sleep
duration leading to health problems such as high blood pressure and high triglycerides.
For example, a man played online games over fifteen hours and died because of heart
disease (The Star News, 2013). Aside from health problems, addicted to games will
affects gamers sleeping rate because of too obsessed on their games, panicking they
would be overwhelmed while they were sleeping. Usually, the gamers who addicted will
play games without leaving the game machine even eating or drinking. As another
example, an 18 years old Taiwan teenager played video games for 40 hour
continuously, passed away in a cyber cafe (Mail Online, 2016),. Thus, addiction on
video games will cause the gamers to care less about their health.
Without good health management and lack of sleep, this affects their efficiency
and concentration on works and academics. Pietrangelo (2014) claimed that lack of
sleep will cause brain to wear out. When the brain failed to function properly, sleepiness
definitely occurred and caused a second delay to our body. Therefore, it interrupted our
ability to learn new things on both studies and work. Hence, short-term and long-term
memory will definitely been impacted in negative way. Sleep deprivation will also affect
the though and verbal skill logically. Theobald (2013) claimed that when they have less
concentration on their studies and works, it is tougher to achieve the high expectation
they targeted. Insufficient sleep will cause a fail performance on their studies and works.
In a nutshell, sleep deprivation will cause low focus on studies and work.
In addition, as they lack of focusing ability during the working and study time may
slows down student in the process of absorbing new knowledge or completing daily
tasks. Less focus will directly affects their performance; caused them to be scolded by
their lecturer and supervisor and cause they become low self-confidence. According to
the experiment conducted by Foroughi and his group members (2014), the result shows

that the quality of work under disturbance become lower compared to work in normal
condition. The people with low concentration cannot finish their works on time. They will
delay their work and leading to accumulation of works. As they cannot complete their
tasks on schedule, their productivity become lower and affect the performance of
company. Lack of focus also resulted in the academic result of students. The students
who do not have sufficient concentration on their studies make them unable to keep up
with the progress of study in class. As a result, their grades will fall. Hence, lack of focus
in works and studies will leads to low productivity in the fields.
As a conclusion, addiction of video games will leads to many negative direct
impacts to gamers daily routine, works and studies as causing loss of productivity. All
of us have twenty four hours per day, lack of direction may be forgiven but not lack of
time because that is your problem on arrangement, (Zig Ziglar, 2012). In fact, to avoid
getting poor result in study and obtain lower productivity, do not get addicted on video

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adolescents: video game addiction, sleep curtailment and
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3. Pietrangelo Ann (2016). Effects of sleep deprivation on the
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4. Theobald Mikel (2013).Depression, memory Loss, and
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